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4 ' .1 ^sas 4' TIMES-REPUBLICAN, MABSHAU.TO*£N,, (OWA: .MAY 1.1*14.

tt\e practice games.' The former won ance at the funeral were Hugh Green, »!• . : - -% c&rao from the artny team in Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hill, of Albion. and made the Journey north with Har­ Buria) was In Albion cemetery. 96 OUT OF 100 DYSPEPTICS HAV1 ofMifi th* dieoanifort. because the add nett and Orady, who tried out with DANGEROUS ACIO IN THEIR mixes with the fresh food and turns it the local squad. Marion Townahip Itema. STOMACHS, WHICH MUST sour, making a lot more acid. The^ ,, Mrs. A. H. Hill has gone to Massena BE NEUTRALIZED IF add oondltion causae food fermaata JOLLY MINSTREL MAIDS. to help care for her mother, Mrs. Hill, GOOD HEALTH IS tlon, which irritates, distends and In* , who Is falling fast. TO BE MAIN­ flames tho tender stomach lining, M4 FRIGID WEATHER HANDICAPS Novelty Minstrel Performance to Begin Mrs. E. Powell and Mrs. J F. Stiles TAINED. It la not surprising that specialists say Engagement at Orpheum Tonight. If you held a teaspoonful of hydro­ acid stomachs are dangerous. TJUS de- . iPLAYERS AND BUT SEVEN and son, of Des Moines, are visiting at "The Jolly Minstrel Maids" will open the Howard Nicholson home. chloric arid In your mouth for only a cldedly dangerous and uncomfortable. ' condition can be overcome either by1 > INNINGS ARE PLAYED. an engagement of two nights and a Mr. and Mrs. L. l

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