6 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING JULY 26, 1914. Section Two REDSKINS APPEAB TODAY League Leading Gulls Capture weryhjotlj PICK OF THE CITY LEAGUE WILL Another Game From the Noogans BE ON HAND AND WILL GIVE Atlanta 3, 0. 7, 1. THE A30RIGINES A HARD TUS- Montgomery Birmingham Memphis iMi HONORABLE MENTION BY U. S. WAR DEPARTMENT At Atlanta-Mo- ntf R. E. At Birmingham $The rirrery . .0 2 0 Commended for Military excellence, efficiency and equipment. college SLE TO VICTORY, . ". la boused In famous old state capitol building, replete in mstoric associations Atlanta . J 12 0 Memphis knri equipped with steam heat, electric lights. Batteries Black and Gribbens; Birmingham inanlrationa. Military barracks, school u. s. kot and cold showers. Modern laboratories, library and equipment William:; and Dunn; umpires Kellum Cou'.ait and Y" . r Batteries .Schlei; . Winters i- - ' ' WM mrm-- officer In charge of military Instructions. I3aiiy drills in open air, The Nebraska Indians, a club com- ana i ten n: Hirer. Johnson and Tr ressor; r - i i - a r- 1' mtM. climate, salubrious, free from malaria. Faculty of boy training experts umpires to etudent dallv. Y. M. C. A. and literary so- - posed entirely of Bed Skins, will op- field and Kerin. rfm individual attention each pose the of the at New 0. eiottea. Outdoor athletics - and indoor gymnastlcs, encouraged under faculty pick City League Orleans 4, Nashville utMirvlsion with experienced coaches, football anri naacDaii cnampionsrui Maxent park today. At Nt-- Orleans K. H. E. Mobile 6, Chattanooga 3. jf J: teams last year. Fall term opens Sept 1st. Rates reasonable. Barrack capacity The Indians, from all reports, are Nashville 0 3 0 At Mobile '.. yf limited. For new Illustrated catalogue aaaress an exceptionally strong team and as : New Orleans 4 4 1 . . J - Chattanooga COL. O. R. HORTON. A.B., PRES. DWr MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. the locals are in excellent condition, j Batteries Poland and Gibson: Bag- Mobile the game should be worth going a j ley and Higgins; umpires Chestnut Batteries Boyd and firaham: Rob-- i I , ", JF "w"'.-v:feC- . long way to see. ; and lireitenstein. ertsor. and Browr ; umpire O'Toole. J,t&J Subscribe for The Journal. On account of the expense incurred ' ifSfinifC LEAGUE to bring this team to the city the; TWILIGHT price of admission will be 35c. The j BASEBAL RESULTS. game will be called at 3:30 promptly ' New York and Team Both and cars will through the city Chicago American League. direct to the park every ten minutes. Following is the leag standing: line-u- p. Club Lost. Pet. Chicago, 1; New York, 0; thirteen The Fatten National Percentage 10 3 .769 innings. Indians Bataga, catcher; Mallory, Norris 10. Moon. ss.: Ra- Chetro-Col- as 4 4: lb; White 2b; Hosek, 4-- 3-- 8 .636 Detroit, Philadelphia, Cincinnati 1, man CJihson and 6: 8; eleven in- - zor, 3b.; Wauseka, rf. : Black Hawk, Brooklyn and Kafora; Alagas 8 4 .6G6 Cleveland, Boston, At Brooklyn R. II. E. ewson and Meyers; umpires 6 6 .500 nings. cf.; Little Deer, If.; Chief, Cleghorn, 0 Louis-Washingto- Cincinnati 4 13 and Shop Boys St. n, Quigley. Burrow Pre3s 2 9 .1S2 rain. Hill, pitchers. Brooklyn 3 9 3 With Just about one more month Pensacola Lurton, Motta, catchers: Batteries Ames and . Clark; ilagon, Chicago Notional Griffin, Bell, Graham and Abr-n- ; to League. lb.; 2b.;; R. H. E. ; play, the Twilight race is getting ; Enseman and Fischer; umpires At Boston - Boston. 4; Chicago, 5. Wolfe, ss. Sanchez, 3b.; Baisden, 10 I . closer and closer. The Norris. Chero- ; Rittler and Hart. Chicago .5 3i mixed New York, 4; Pittsburg, 2. Smith. Angelo; Brent, cf. Mcintosh, Second - I - Colas, and Alaga teams are all St. 0. Lewis and gamf Boston it answers rc- up around first place, and either team Philadelphia. 3; Louis, Cornet, Bonifay. pitchers. Cincinnati 1 S 2 Batteries Vaughn and H.irgrave; ,1 every beverage Brooklyn, 3; Cincinnati, first 5 may pull away from thf rest at any OF THE CLUBS. Brooklyn . 11 0 Hess and Govvdy, umpires Bvron and time. till the ime. STANDING Batteries Schneider and Johnson. , The Norris are leading Brooklyn, Cincinnati, I; second Clark; quirement vim, vigor, refreshment, league, and by winning Tuesday's i; Leaoue. Pfeiffer and Miller; umpires Bigler Chero-Cola- s, ime. Southern 0. game from the they will I ot. and Hart. Philadelphia 3, St. Louis Clubs Won. Lost At H F it vv have a good chance for the cup. But, Federal Mobile 5K 42 .1.71 Philadelphia r ll ,.tV,1c..iiuiovjiiidiwo. Chero-Cola- s be- League. New York 4, St. Louis If the win. the race Baltimore 1; St. Louis. S. Now I'rlf.ins t 1 .."42 Pittsburg I tm tween the three top teams will be all S3 :. At New Vork H. E. I'hil idelphia Pittsburg. 2: Indianapolis, 1: first Birmingham Ml fi 0 the more closer. ..".:!". Pittsburg Latteries Pr roue game, thirteen innings. ' 'hattineoga ':' tr, Vow York .1 t anoor and Vx will M This Week's Schedule. 4!' . Kil'ifer; It t .533 Pittsburg, 6; Indianapolis. 6; second Atldnt.i Batteries ( "onsel - Kr.isPe. satisfy you. Monday, July 27. Burrow Press vs. game; 12 Nashville 4S .",0 .490 Adams, O'Toole, innings. . At fifeziff Alagas. Brooklyn, 6: Chicago, 5; first game. Memphis 40 a i .412 . hv full J1 28. Chero-Cola- s vs. lratml thf rfnuinr nimi. .JlS Tuesday. July Brooklyn, 0; Chicago, second Montgomery 3S 12 .:s0 Nicknames substitution. Norris. game. encourage Q!'fyi f Wednesday, July 29. Burrow Press Buffalo, 3; Kansas City, first National League. American Leaders Take vs. Shop Boys. Clubs Won. Lost. Pet. League game. THE COCA-COL- A COMPANY Thursday, July 30. Shop Boys vs. Buffalo. 3; Kansas City, second New Vorg "1 .H1 4 tfefi& .. Game From Detroit Ease j Alagas. same. Jhicago 51 i .5S0 With ATLANTA, GA. Friday, July 31. Burrow Press vs. St. 4: 41 ...44 XV Chero-Cola- s. jouis Southern Boston 40 45 .477 1, 0. Batteries-an- d -- League. Chicago New York Leonard, Coumbe, Collins V'iu seean f ' 1 5 Tomorrow's :;; 0. 33 46 .452 Cal-umpir- es it Gam. Atlanta. fw Z-- Montgomery, Philadelphia At R. H. E. H r T ' Chicago Carngc n; Greerg, age nan, Arrowthint im ii X J' if3 4S -- The Alagas are now tie with the Mobile, fi; Chattanooga, 3. Cincinnati 30 .44S New York .0 6 2 lamoro and Evans of Co-c- Cola. "C- Chero-Cola- s 4 .... O'Neill; S2InS"',- OMSi' for second place1. It will New Orleans. 4; Nashville, Pittsburg 3S .439 Chicago 1 4 2 and Egan. be up to the Burrow Press to say Birmingham, 7; Memphis, Batteries Warhop and Nunamaker; whether the Syrup Smashers stay in American League. Benz and Schalk; Hilder-inning- s. 10; Detroit 4. - umpires Philadelphia second place or drop to third place. South Atlantic League. Clus Won Lost. Pet. brand and Chill; 13 At Oetroi- - R. H Last Thursday the Norris Kids had Albany, '0; Savannah, 9. Philadelphia 55 32 .f32 Philadelphia 10 12 Haiti a hard time defeating the Ink Sling-er- s, Columous. 'i; Augusta, fi. Boston 49 40 .551 Boston 8, Cleveland 6. Detroit .4 7 2 MnwruAQ'iipiSaL so tomorrow the Alagas will have Jacksonville, 0; Charleston, 4; called Detroit 47 43 .522 At Cleveland R. H. E. Batteries Plank and Lapp: Hall, nun imu 47 42 .52S iiniii to show the old "pep" to come out in nth ot account of rain. St. Louis Boston 17 2 Cavet, Boehler and r . 41 Stanage; umpires hgmiSffHfSfs . tmp without a defeat. Mac n, 3; Columbia, 1. Washington 45 .523 Celveland . . .0 olyoughlin and Sheridan. a fir iii.t irrc.TrH The 43 43 .511 I.!! AM IMI.I.M. for 8.. Boys' League. Chicago l is the schedule of the New "York 35 50 .412 ytiri known 3 !:ist, ijafast. Alway Kclul Following Co. 625. 29 59 .330 UPPER HAND UF SC10 CV DRIiGGISTS EVERYWHERE Boys league: Suggs Taxi Phone Cleveland if this is the rase, the may of the committee as a Three-in-On- es big leagues centenary gift Monday, July 27. feel proud of the excellent young to the American people. vs. National Oats. pitchers. Tuesday, July 28. Three-in-On- es V. National Oats. After releasing Jiu-- Gossett, catch- Cessna today, 10, 3:00, 7:30 SECRET SOCIETIES Tuesday. 28. Chero-Col- a Jun er, to Frank Chance de- REBEL TROUBLE July Indianapolis, Pensacola Lodge, No 4, I. O. O. F. lors vs. Norris Juniors. clared that he will be contented with No. I. O. U V. 29. Chero-Col- a Pensacola Lodge i, Wednesday. July but three catchers this summer. Kasi meets every Thursday at 8:00 p in. Ir Juniors vs. Three-in-One- s. year Gossett, by the way, exhihited Rafford Hall, coiner Haylen and Thursday. July 30. Norris Juniors considerable class in throwing to utreets. Visitors cordially invited. vs. National Oats. bas?s. He has a sure-sh- ot for GIVMIGIIT PRESIDENT ZAMAR SAID TO HAVE Work in first degree. wh;p w. m. Friday, July 31. Chero-Col- a Jun second and seldom failed to get his uncus. lors vs. National Oats. man. It was for this reason that the BEEN VICTORIOUS IN BATTLE G. Lambrecht. N. n 31. vs. Secretary. Friday. July Norris Juniors Peerless Leader held onto him. This U. S. Three-4n-One- s. season, however, Gossett seemed to CONTINUES PREPARA- ORDER OF OWLS. Tomorrow the Three-in-On- es and have lost his arm and so Chance let COURT REVIEW TIONS TO INTERVENE. ..Order of are On imp him out. Pen- - National Oats opponents. It must be that Al Demaree, the went to the hospital. Upon his return Owls, be 1 Tuesday a double header will Giant twirler, is doing too much car- he seemed his old self, turning out a e o a played to make up for the postponed toon work this season. He has been triples and homers, but the day soon The Cleveland Naps hare fetched nest 1494 game last Thursday. very draw- came when another fast one jay KirKe from the Cleveland A. A.i BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. meets Bec-- making acceptable sport clipped team. he'll AMENDMENT TO TRADE COMMIS- 2.".. ings for the Chicago Tribune, but him on the dome. This was his third hoping strengthen their Washington, July Reports ond. and his work in box has fallen off. to the The hitting and perhaps replace Doc John reaching the state , v. iwa Taxi Co. Phone 625. the trip hospital. son. A. A. SION BILL INTRODUCED BY department early -- Suggs Last season Demaree was right up was worried. The youngster seemed His hitting in the was the today from diplomatic agents In Haiti mini at :;iimm jm in front with the best of the Nation- to be a habit of it and the talk of the league and his behavior this wore believed to indicate that the 7:30 o'clock HOT5! McCREARY DIRECTOR making far makes it see-- that he is deter- SENATOR POMERENO. OF OHIO. at w. O. HrtWTW OF FEDERAL RESERVE al league twirlers. Al had better wipe team couldn't afford to lose him so Haitien government finally has gained W. hall. his his board often. The roommate came to mined to continue in fast circles. Nap the upper hand of the revolutionists. N pens and put drawing kid's fans are satisfaction with J. MUTCBINS. 25. The away or his record this season will be the manager with a hunch. "Go around expressing Capture of Quartier Morin, Haiti, JAS. T. GEHELDS, President. Washington, July treasury his appearance as an American BY free-- today announced that J. a sad one. Doing two things well at to che hospital and have a look at the leaguer. ASSOCIATED PRESS. by the federal forces has the Secretary. department re- once more kia. anvnd-men- Hriitien from ac- C. MoCreary of Decatur, Ga., had is a little than most people Maybe he enjoys staying there. Connie- - Washington. July 2'. An t Capt district rebels, Mack is another col I ! ceived a of votes of the dis- can do. The manager 1id and upon entering priming to the trriLlf ominission I i to cording- to on official dispatch, from majority lege bay. Mike Kfagen. for ! t trict banks for director of the federal the ward saw C'ie youngster sitting pitching meet objections urged by reim kt; n Consul Livingston. Phillips of the state department, lie - in en- Worcester Academy, didn't iose a The d fe reserve in class B, At- If the whole Bos' on Bean outfit was tip bed and gazing in a most senators, was cd by revolutionists, ited at orrh-re- Mar- bank group2. for his alma mater Infoiiu today .1 navy today the gunboat lanta district as fast and speedy as the two young raptured way at the nurse attending ?ame throughout Senator Po'iierer.o democrat ef Ohio. made I.isr stand at, Quartier men him. was I ever nis whole season and so he will join Moriu. The is entirr-i- ietta at Sanchez, liominican republic, they have around second they "It the only way sot the Athletics in It vonid give corp. .rat ions found by territory no'v would be beating the life out of all a chance to see her," says the kid. The September. the commission guilty of unfair com- in the hands of President to proceed at once to San Pedro d' their adversaries. Evers and Maran-vill- e marager fixed It up so that nis heavy the riuht to The men. it is stated. Mnooris, where new disordtr.s have Wilier Manning, who coached the petition fourt review. It was are beyond doubt the cleverest, hitter could call on the young iady in amendment that in each case stated here that there would nativ-o- n Pennsylvania State college team, propose.) no chancre broken out with deaths of two fastesr and brainiest pair of infield her home. And from that point on the commission make a finding on be in the navy department's an A nicrioa e that Hasseloarher, the college pitch-s- t sufiar planta- vX ers in the gan-- today. As an infield 'lie youngster didn't have to sti'k his the testimony. preparations f..r the concentration of tion. The American 'astni! combination can't be beat. Mar- - nut in front of a fast ono that he er, is one of the b ever turned out intro- i.oi.ii marines within strikintr distance gunboat they might and both tne Philadelphia Athletics Senator Nelson, rornMi'.in, today was at Santo Domingo Oit, anville is a bit younger than Evers, see his love. duced an amendment to lift the appli- of Haitien coast and that the vessels a few hours away. but he isn't any They and the Pittsburg Pirates have made cation of the law to hav- now In those waters would remain only sprightier. him offers. Is but corporations . work together as did Tinker and Evers Ollie Chill, the small trfrip, has been Hasslbaehcr ing capital stock of one million dollars there lndefinlte-ly- in were there. criticized a N. Y. eighteen years of age, but h st?nds American Minister Sullivan on Mon- the days when the Cubs by scribe. It is six feet two inches and 175 or more. Woman's Duty to Herself. out that Chill has more weighs A con-tina- ed will confer with Presirlent Wilson - to h to pointet spunk pounds. general nft.iok upon the bill day Every woman owes it rst Convict in the Minnesota pen are than knowledge of the rules and that today by Senator Weeks, repub- on the policy be is to carry forward, keep in good health. No one tan getting a chance to enoy the nation while it is great stuff for an umpire lican. which has been perfected since his son.-t- l ly iif expi ( ted to tnainta al pastime. Ball teams have been or to have nerve, he can hardly get by on Hopes for prompt disposition of the call to Washtrtrto'i. The statement ci.i-erfu- l opposition when half A anti-tru- st is ganized from the baseball talent that alor.e. Chi;i at one time was an HAD HUNDRED administration's program that Mr. Sullivan to return to his Indigestion and constipation a re i v among tnem and the rest of the men accomplished bantam fighter. YEARS OF PEACE nt.d early adjournment of congress post is taken to indicate he had sat- of the rriost common ills to whi'h W o - make up the fans. Of course guards were renewr-- in tne senate as isfied the debarment as to his men are Mil-jee- and fort una t ' ly a re w mm m m mm m to'lay s'fe 1 are ever in attendance, although at Johnny Griffith, the Akron light- the result of republican senators hav- part in a situation in which the re-it- ;. easily cured. Mrs. If. ''. Getty, exciting moments they may almost weight, has had an offer to make a trip BY ASSOCIATED- PRESS. ing announced that they are as anx- nation of Collect or Walker W. Vick, dtan.'i. Pa., writes, "Last summer I m - - I forsret the reason for their beins: Dres- to Australia for the neat sum of S20.- -- 5. The first ious as he democrats to adjourn. To some tinr aeo. was an Incident. advised by a friend to Chamber- Sulgrave. Eng., July 1C. try Ient. The penitentiary officials declare 000. And Johnny will probably take it formal ceremony in honor of the one that end. the republicans, including Charles Johnson has been ap- lains 'J'.iHfts for indigfsi ion and con- the one game a week is showing up. The experience to be gained, not hundred years of peace between the Senator Pmoot and Minority Leader pointed to conserve the Dominican stipation. This medicine not only very goori results ana trie tnmg will to mention the sea air, will do the English speaking nations occurred hero G.iUinger declared they would help the finances nnd advice as to disburse- cured me of these disorders but :oid be continued. youngster a world of good. About the today v- hen Sulgrave Manor, home of democrat? to got the trust bills out of ment of funds. He will act inde- up n y w hoie system so that my health best they have holding forth at pres- the family of George Washington, pui -- the way speedily. They hope for pendently of the American collector has been letter than for y.ir- - Clyde Milan of the Senators has a ent in Australia is Young Shugrue. chason for $42,500 subscribed in Great not Inter than September of customs. taking thf m." I 'or sale by all d- - base-steal- er :):. rep a and he certainly He has nothing in the way of fight Britain, was handed over to members 1st. At the request of Acting Secretary tndv ) deserves it. but the same he that should alarm Griffith. He Kodaks. goods I- i' just . m. shouiil str a limb or he'll cease to is every bit as hard a hitter as John- - mhi.jh n j ll. LTrMMnagMBMBragjjw!aiiiiMM x b.ji.-- j ... i mitrm and Kodak supplies. We do develop- be the base-steali- ng king. Fritz ny, but not so fast. Griffith would ing and printing as well. M.usel, with Chance's Highlanders, benefit greatly by the trip and his has boon loading Milan tins season, friends and supporters hope that he'll Reynalds Music House having copped twenty-si- x steals at the go through with it. end of his sixty -- first game, which is more than Milan had done in sixty-si- x. Ossie Sehreckengost, the baseball And Maisel seems determined to furth- star who died the other day, never was er fa;;cr. his record. ( thoroughly himself after losing out in the big show. Many declare that he SAM CHARLES i .MiKp crirccK. Kr.g ranKeo as a nas was by all means the greatest catcher Shoes Half-Sole- d In 15 Minutes. iepn. won a Iignt in Indiana tne the game has ever had. However that Called For and Delivered. othor day. It was on a foul, however, may be. it is the fact that he was one "NUFF SED." and adds no particular glory to Mike's of the greatest. When Connie Mack record. His opponent was Kid Wig-ga- m let him go to the White Sox, Scnreok 511 South Palafox. and they fought at North Vernon. was then losing heart, and when the &ox turned him over to American As- In a game between Rome and Sel-m- a sociation he didn't try again. Once in the Georgia-Alabam- a league, a started on the slide he went speeding Splrtia batsman was by pitched ball and nothing could call him back. four consecutive times, which, is, so far as known, a record. Of course it was too bad that Willie Bitchie lost his title, but just the same indoois, The ir told in baseball circles there are others more of Roof story deserving pity. wjmm, wpAen, 1 The a of of a kid in southern Willie has scraped together enough l is the most important part of league who was a bear at the bat. He the wherewithal to keep him to a was green all right, but he could hit hale old age. He has been the game's Satisfies the house. Nothing has to anythirg. And then one day a large, craftiest financier. And he's going to agg "MM stand the - of Mother rough southpaw beaned him. They get mor? yet. He very wisely saw to buffeting- put the boy in a hospital and in two it that be gets a return date with Nature as the roof does. weeks he was back and hitting at the Welsh and there'll be a nice piece of flavor all its own. V same clip. But In less than a week change in that. Willie Ritchie would f Wfjp The roof is on trial all the he was beaned again and again he perhaps be happier if he was stili the champ, but even so there are other BOTTLES time. It ought to be given more unfortunate than he. more than other thought any A WOMAN'S APPEAL It has been noticed that the biggest 11 I of SOorieor, of house. "When To all knowing sufferers rheumatism. our hitters are detail the whether muscular or of the set names among heavy joints,In not shining with any particular efful- it a atiea, lumbagos, backache, patns the over THE ij, people give thought they kidneys or neuralgia pains, to write.' to gence this season. Running the Mg-gfcf- LABEL Select her for a home treatment which has re- list one finds that very few of the most Reynolds' Asphalt peatedly cured all of these tortures. She prominent sluggers are delivernig the e Slate For sale feels it her duty to send it to all suffer- goodo. Wagner and Lajoie are notable Shingles. by ers FREE. You cure yourself at home as of these two vets thousands will testify no change of cli- instances. Neither mate being necessary. This simple dis- is touching up the ball in his usual co. Lumber Co. covery banishes uric acid from the blood, manner. Tri3 Speaker has not been Lee loosens the stiffened joints, purities the doing iiis part by any means, nor has PENSACOLA. FLORIDA. 0 Manufacturers and Dealers In All Kinds blood, and brightens the eyes, giving Joe Jackson or . The reason ' of Building Material elasticity to the whole system. If the for is hard to find. The 310. above interests you. for proof address this rather Phone M. is current that newly devel- WM'il' Mrs. Summers, Box R. South Bend. opinion East Gregory Street. Ind. (Advertisement) oped pitching talent accounts for it--