Page 1 XOTES. Corded No Such Advantages, and Ha* No More
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JANUABY 18, 1903. o DAILY rBTOUNE. SUNDAY. 4. Adagio and Fugue for Btrlngs by Mozart. Neither ha« played in America be- THE ha* no more of these works been corded no such advantages, and Mr.Franko has received the score of the the morganatic coxnort fore. LORDS SPIRITUAL. recognized status than symphony from M. Gcvaert. of tho Bruaaels Con- of some Continental royalty. servatolre. addressed as "My Lord Arch- Her husband is Hall, Thursday evening, will rvntir.nrilfrom \>an*- one. • in the same man- At Mendelssohn on bishop and as "Your Grace." of Dezso Ncmes, an WEBER occur the first appearance dukes, but she remains plain "Mrs." ner as Hungarian violinist, assisted by a selected orches- Archbishop of Canterbury outranks all on this subject, it may be The the Davidson. And while tra. H. H. -Wetzler will be the conductor. TONE of crown, yet that it is only the Arch- dukes and the sr«»nt officers the a- well to point out programme: in his Canterbury York, and those his wife and children haw no share bishops of and t.t_.».. Mozart IS THE the Overture.. .. «rninenc«\ and Mrs. Davidson, although the wife twenty-four diocesans who have seats in Concerts, iiD 2;minor. no.-No. 2 TMenla«»Ki who Dezso Nemes. primate and the daughter of another— upper of the national legislature, and i::::^::-::::::*n£Z**TlBir- or one house ;. .l,\\mbr"-.|.» Archbishop Canterbury— who entitled to be c^oV^v;:::;:;::::::::::::::::::::"Canzo: -itta. IDEAL Tait of Parliament, are • Tt'lt'ii her was are lords of \u25a0• \u25a0 —-*'"-*- . father CBard by the helpmate of any successful No colonial prelates, no J«»rNemeV;accomp(acnmp:inieda *Tby Mmc >erne. is outranked addressed as "lord." DDezsft Nem#!« nled' m . happens knighted for mu- Scotland, nor Allegretto Scherzando. ISymphony No. H. t tradesman who to be Anglican bishops in Irelmd and in > "^: n every petty prefix - M»n<l«-l«sohnMwwi-sonn nicipal services and of colonial offi- yet any suffragans have any rJght to the Concerto,Coac«rto, EB minorminor..., grade of the Dezj") Rmit cial -who has received the lowest the of "lord." nnd it will be found that in all The posi- addressed, instance, who PIANO and St. George. for The Ottyle. and Juliette Sondheim. Order of St. Michael official communications Misses piano?, tion of the wives of the archbishops and bishops Archbishop of Cape Town during the make a specialty of compositions for' two to the appearance In a TONE. of the Church of England has always been an South African war by the King's secre- will make their first American recent Hall on Wednesday after- anorrmJous one since the days of the Reforma- other dignitaries in England the recital at Mendelssohn tary and by programme is us follows: tion. That they should have received no official noon. Tho word "lord" was not once used. D THE WEBER PIANO when was reorganized may that, although Variations COMPANY iTcofrnltion the Church In conclusion it be stated Concerto (B (tat major) *S5 basis, the reign of King appointed .::..•.\u25a0.".\u25a0. :raV.'a Them upon Its present in Dr. Davidson has already been Arch- 108 AYE., NEW VIII, to a survival of Edward, --« FIFTH YORK Henry must be ascribed bishop of Canterbury' hy King that is 85^.::::::::::::::::::::::::::pa!?.:::::::::::::::::::::::^^sp a prevailed on subject of 605 FULTON ST., the ideas which then the say. by the Crown, he is not yet de jure the R^r^. e.v:.;v--\v.v.v.v:::::::r ;;Pi f BROOKLYN Elizabeth, al- to varP^pnr; 9 !?.:::::::::::::::::::::::^^s the celibacy of the clergy. Queen sacerdotal head of the Church of England. Cer- Romance / ..' Henwlt members of the Church Si Otseau J 5 .. o^Sna though she hounded the tain ancient rites and customs— retained as a • Saintc«i«t Saens criminals, is recorded Tarantelle :^:.::. Catalogue Mailed Free on Request. of Rome as nevertheless safeguard against the appointment of an un- with the utmost scorn the fulfilled, musi- to have treated worthy person— have still to be and DEZSO NEM.ES. ADA CROSSLET. After performing at Mrs. George Gould's \u25a0wife of then Archbishop of Canterbury on contralto, who will give a recital here home, on January 22, Koclan the until the appointment of the crown is ratified Hungarian violinist. First appearance here on Australian cal at her New-York XHnsiciil. tho of paying: a visit to the primate on February 6. appear for the last time at the Metropolitan occasion by the election of Dr. Davidson by the Dean and Thursday evening next in an orchestral concert. will palace Lambeth, declaring that she House. York, on Sunday evening, Feb- at the of Chapter Canterbury, until the election has Opera New- to of BAUER, Studio. -ISdStlla™. did not know what to call her or how address Archbishop of York and •>«*. R«l" ruary 1. ERNEST upon been confirmed by the De Tavannes Mr. B<>gu* h«*r. and then turning her royal back her. Church, London, De Retz.. two other bishops at Bow in MVSICA XOTES. Maur*vnrt Mr. r»ufrl<-h« A free organ recital willbe given by W. R. Hid- Cl IOC DCIUCD <-'o«chln*. accompanying. although Mrs. Davidson was a particular Vannl nClmCn, *J0 And ceremony of enthronement on the De Cos*.* Mr. den, the Church of the Incarnation. Madlson- CLIOSI Studio. Came*!* Hill. Victoria, and enjoys and until the Incidental divertissement by th« corps de ballet. at favorite of the late Queen performed in the Thirty-tifth-st Wednesday evening, seat Ft. Augustine has been — Conductor. Mr. Flon. ave. and . on Violin Instruction, Musical very degree the friendship of both of Ar\JT"4 in a marked Canterbury. has no Operas Week of A. B. Dlckson, tenor soloist. FtllPfT• nUbH.IU, IrvingPla«-« Alexandra, in an Cathedral of Dr. DaVidson Calendar and the with the assistance director. TasMri. KingEdward and Queen yet more for Preparations for the promised revival of Verdi's 122 East WO St. Telephone 25UJ TOth. legal claim to the primacy. The election is official sense her position is not one whit lesst End the "King" "Un Ballo In Maschera" have for some time been At the Manhattan Theatre to-morrow afternoon or less a matter of form. For. according to of Performance*. Mabel that of the wife of Queen Eliza- progress at the Metropolitan Opera House. The and Mrs. Dolmetsch and Mi.«=s anomalous than has the right to throw Sun.lay— Metropolitan Opera House. S:3O p. m.. pop- in Mr. Arnold HAWLEY, place hers in the table of ancient law. the crown work, though great favorite, has for many give another concert of old music on C. B. primate. No Is ular opera concert. Mme. Sembrlch and others. once a Johnston will VOCAI, beth's existence, and, the chapter into prison ifitrefuses to accept the in this country. The willbe. the programme: TEACHER, which Ignores her Opera House. 7:30 m.. years been curiously neglected antique Instruments. This Near 33 nvj St. precedence, "Conge. d'Elire," Monday- Metropolitan p. Amelia, Studio. principle that the nomination, and the so-called Wagner's ''Siegfried*' for the first time this cast will include Mm<\ Emma Eames as to the ffcU of while it is an acknowledged ;: Extracts from IMayfor-l';, Introduction by virtue of which the sovereign directs the .season: Manhattan Theatre. p. m.. lecture an«l Mine. as Ulrica, Mme. Frltzl Mustek, Wt»: great officers of the crown and by Schumann-Heink the fourth edition. '' '' Vnon -«\lves of the elect, much more appro- concert of old music on old instruments De March] as Rlccardo and <a> A tune for th« bass " CLEMENTS, chapter to would be Dolnaetsch; il- Scheff as Oscar. Mr. %(..15. Alfti.KeYabosa.rer the State participate in the rank Arnold Daly's Theatre. 3 p. m.. (b» Almane for treble an.l ba*s Vf"i" Yh.'h"— dignitaries of Rheingold." by Campanari de Reszke vi01in... ,;-Anon help- priately named a "Mandat d'Elire." lustrated lecture on "Das Wal- Mr. as Renato. Edouard le) Four tune* for the trebl« ...... VOCAL. INSTRUCTION. 3 EAST 14TH-ST. husbands, Mr*. Davidson, like the ter accompanied by the lv The liiniros. of their Damrosch. will appear as Sam to the Tom of Mr. Journet. the Son*, IW1("" EX-ATTACHE. .lv::-... * archbishops bishops, is ac- Tuesday— Mendelssohn Hall. 3 p. song recital by Judge of Mr. (words by Robert Herrick>.r..~.T.-.lljnfy::-. f**?*!f-rd' 11 1*""1*""* Vocal Infraction. mate* of other and m.. Sylvano of Mr. Dufriche and the .lan- for two viols and r IDA O ABEMCTCIM Miss 8:15 p. m. concert of cham- Four tunes j>»'|^ Itin studio 2 w. 1200* \u25a0*; Bonn Metcalfe: will be the musical director. ,a) .hi Oirant. «-) hf InA D. AiiCno ber music by the Marines Quartette: Waldorf- Vanni. Mr. Mancinellt Almaln. r^H^\^^:'(V. 1650) being done, the early years of medi- concert of chamber music \u25a0'i-p! ar- all said and Astoria. S:3O p. m.. V <=on(r violin barrel. l»>^') 1ami! Thorough piano Instruction. by Friend, Bernard Sinshelmer and contralto, has mm '" obUcataM" «r«*B*'..Hmn» i'urc. 11 «\u25a0 . £» IfICCDU ' cal practice demand much fortitude in order to Alvlna Miss Ada Crossley. the Australian eomDanirnent Le< i JUnfl jU^Crn* German method, .", E. Xlßth St. MEN. Paul Kefer. from Liverpool for her first concert tour In UtEERS FOR pass safely through them. In the practice of Wednesday — p. sailed Metropolitan Opera House. S m.. Crossley's rank in England is In Singing (Stockaausen Method*: FTaao Italian opera. "Al'da"; Mendelssohn Hall. 3:30 this country.