Photo front: Niko Marolo during the program Evolutionary Problems (Inger Halvarsson)


Content Activity Report ...... 2

Contributors ...... 4

Research Programs ...... 5

Inverse Problems and Applications, spring - Scientific report 5

Organizing committee ...... 7

Participants spring ...... 9

Seminars ...... 13

Preprints ...... 15

Evolutionary problems, fall - Scientific report ...... 17

Organizing committee ...... 18

Participants fall ...... 20

Seminars ...... 25

Preprints ...... 27

Participants from and in the Nordic Countries ...... 30

Shorter programs ...... 31

Publications ...... 36

Library and historical archive ...... 38

Financial statement (ksek) ...... 39

The board of Institut Mittag-Leffler ...... 40

Administration ...... 40

Bilaga Versamhetsberättelse………………………41


Activity Report Institut Mittag-Leffler is an international research institute for mathematics with a Nordic basis. It was founded in 1916 by Professor Gösta Mittag-Leffler and his wife Signe, who donated their magnificent villa with its first-class library for the purpose of creating the Institute that bears their name.

The Institute is today an active international center for front-line research in the mathematical sciences, operating under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It enjoys the economic support of national funding agencies from all the Nordic countries, as well as of some private foundations.

The main activities at the Institute are the research programs, workshops, summer schools, Klein days for high school teachers and the publication of two research journals Acta Mathematica and Arxiv för Matematik.

The Institute conducts semester-long programs aimed at research in some area in pure or applied mathematics of current interest. Each research program is led by an organizing committee. Based on the recommendations of this committee the Institute invites senior and junior mathematicians to come and work together at the Institute. The senior participants are chosen among the internationally leading mathematicians in the given area. To the junior participants, typically recent Ph.D. students, we offer fellowships, open to everyone to apply for. Mathematicians from the Nordic countries are given a slight priority. We make, however, sure that scientific caliber and a good mixture of talents and backgrounds have top priority, to optimize the creative environment at the Institute.

Detailed reports and documentation on the 2013 programs can be found later in this report. See also our web pages at

An aspect of the programs that is emphasized is to provide good postdoctoral training to the junior participants. Special seminars and mini-courses are given specifically for them.

During summer 2013 the Institute organized five conferences. One of them was organized jointly with the European Mathematical Society. All the conferences were very successful and highly appreciated by the participants.

In addition to area-specific research programs, conferences and summer schools, the Institute has the RIP program (Research in Peace), which provides a stimulating environment for research in Mathematics either by individuals or small groups of scientists. For such a program we allocated 2013 two weeks during summer time.

Together with the National Centre for Mathematics Education (NCM) the Institute organizes “Kleindagarna” – training workshop for high school teachers in mathematics. This was already the third year meeting and starting from this year we received financial support from Brummer & Partners for its organization.

All together the Institute hosted 180 participants during the longer the programs.

The Institute publishes two journals, Acta Mathematica (founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882) and Arkiv för matematik (founded in 1903). Information about the journals is given later in this report, as well as on our web pages Acta Mathematica is generally considered to be one of the leading international mathematics research journals.


Institut Mittag-Leffler is an active participant in international scientific life. It participates in international networks of mathematics research institutes. For instance, we belong to ERCOM (European Research Centers on Mathematics), a network of European sister institutes. We also belong to EPDI (European Post-Doctoral Institute), a collaboration between 9 institutes for jointly awarding postdoctoral fellowships to Europe's most promising young mathematicians.

In order to consolidate Institute’s links with the community of Nordic mathematicians, the Institute in 2012 initiated a meeting of Head of the major mathematic departments of the Nordic countries. This meeting led to a fruitful exchange of experiences and views. For the Institute such a meeting provides direct links with our colleagues allowing to us deliver important information about our activities providing a feedback of needs that are important for mathematics in the Nordic countries. At the meeting in 2013, besides the heads of mathematic departments, we also had representatives from Nordic Research Councils. This led to some interesting ideas how we all promote Mathematics in Nordic countries.

During the autumn 2013 the Institute totally renovated 10 flats that were originally built in 1968. The quality of our guest accommodation was improved substantially. We were able to do it due to generous support from the Wallenberg foundation.

The staff of the Institute does a wonderful job. Visitors from abroad often express their admiration how such a many-facetted operation can be run, and run so well, by so few individuals.

Among our special guests this year were Sir John Kingman FRS (The Newton Institute), Gunther Uhlmann (University of Washington), and Israel Michael Sigal (Toronto)

Institut Mittag-Leffler extends its warm gratitude to all organizations and individuals who via grants and contributions of various kinds have made the work of the Institute possible during the year 2013.

Ari Laptev, Director


Contributors The Institute's activities are financed by income from the Mittag-Leffler Mathematical foundation, and by grants from research councils and foundations. The Institute is very grateful to the following organizations and individuals for contributions and support during 2013:

The Swedish Research Council, VR Academy of Finland Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation The Research Council of Norway Acta Mathematicas fond Axa Research Fund Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University Department of Mathematics, Linköping University Department of Enginerring Sciences and Mathematics, Luleå University of Technology Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University Fonden ”Till bröderna Jacob och Marcus Wallenbergs minne” Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stiftelsen G.S. Magnusons fond The Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord Fund.


Research Programs Inverse Problems and Applications, spring - Scientific report

A large number of real world problems lead to the mathematical problem of determining a coefficient in a differential equation from information about a family of its solutions. This group of problems is commonly called “inverse problems”. A well known example is the problem of inverse scattering (classical or quantum mechanical), which is concerned with determining a potential from a family of scattering data. The problem to produce a picture from a family of X-ray scans in a large number of directions, which was solved in the 1960-ies, belongs also to this group of problems. As is well known, this technique, now called Computerized Tomography, has been implemented in hospitals on a large scale for medical diagnostics. The great success of Computerized Tomography and the rapid development of computer technology has turned the interest of engineers and physicists into development of a large variety of new measurement techniques that lead to new kinds of inverse problems. A common feature of all those methods is that some kind of radiation is emitted in many different directions into the medium to be examined, and the intensity of the transmitted or reflected radiation is measured. Here are some examples:

• In geophysics tomographic methods are used both for fundamental investigation of the interior of the Earth and for oil and ore prospecting;

• Electrical Impedance imaging means that the electric current on the surface of a region is measured for a large number of applied voltages, and from those data one calculates the electric conductivity at each point in the region;

• Magnetic resonance imaging is a very powerful tool both for medical diagnostics and for chemical analysis;

• Design of nanoelectronic devices has motivated extensive research on inverse scattering problems for quantum graphs — Schrödinger equations on metric graphs;

• Electron tomography combines electron microscopy with tomography to make images of parts of protein molecules, which is crucial for instance for pharmaceutical research;

• Multislice tomography: in traditional Computerized Tomography the engineers want to collect data in new ways in order to improve images and minimize radiation dose, and this leads to new mathematical problems;

• New Hybrid Methods: for example Photoacoustic Tomography combines the high resolution of acoustic waves with the large contrast of optical waves.

Analysis of such problems brings together diverse areas of mathematics such as partial differential equations, complex analysis, differential geometry, harmonic analysis, integral geometry, microlocal analysis, numerical analysis, optimization, probability, scientific computing, statistics, etc. One of the attractive features of the field is the fruitful interaction between theory and application. Many important technological advances have been achieved that had not been possible without the development of new sophisticated mathematics. And conversely, challenging mathematical problems coming from the applications have stimulated important progress in fundamental mathematical research.


The program started with introductory lecture series given by leading researchers representing different areas:

• Rainer Kress: Inverse Obstacle Scattering;

• Yaroslav Kurylev: Gel’fand Inverse Spectral Problem and the Boundary Control Method;

• Gunther Uhlmann: Some inverse problems I would like to see solved.

These lectures were very much appreciated by the participants. We may just cite here Anders Melin:

I appreciated also the idea to have an introductory course. This was a good starting point that joined the participants who represented several distinct fields within inverse problems.

Progress was reported during the programme in most of the problem areas listed above. For instance, in the area of impedance imaging several groups of participants reported results on reconstructing an unknown function from very limited measured data, a problem that is often important in applications. Similar results were achieved in traditional tomography and geodesic ray tomography. In electron microscopy and Radar new tomographic algorithms were presented with increased capacity to distinguish real objects from artefacts even in situations with limited data. In the very popular area of cloaking, theories were advanced on how to construct meta- materials that are needed for efficient cloaking; one of the goals of these efforts is to construct a box that looks transparent from all sides, although something is hidden inside. On the opposite side, theorems were presented that describe the limits for what is possible in that direction.

Spectral theory of quantum graphs is another important research area that attracted much attention from the participants: new spectral estimates were obtained and spectral transition with respect to a coupling constant was observed. Several new results were derived when spectral properties of quantum graphs were compared to those of discrete graphs. In particular the behaviour of the spectral gap was analysed leading to explicit estimates. Solution of the inverse problem for quantum trees was accomplished, allowing now to take the final step towards understanding of the inverse problem for graphs with cycles.

Progress in the area of inverse scattering problems was related to the backscattering transform (local smoothing effects were studied) and effective reconstruction algorithms for non- overdetermined inverse scattering at fixed energy. Another interesting result is proving completeness of generalised transmission eigenfunctions (using a counterpart of the celebrated Mittag-Leffler’s theorem). The current program made also a major contribution towards the nowadays classical spectral theory of Schro¨dinger and Dirac operators proving new uniqueness results in Borg-Marchenko style.

External activities

To promote scientific contacts between participants and mathematicians at Stockholm University and KTH and to give participants an opportunity to visit the campuses of those institutions Mittag-Leffler seminars were one day held at Stockholm University (morning) and KTH (afternoon). This arrangement was very much appreciated by the participants. Participants often attended regular seminars at Stockholm University and KTH as well as the Stockholm Mathematics Center Colloquium. Gunther Uhlmann gave a colloquium with the title Cloaking: Science Meets Science Fiction. Mathematicians from Stockholm University and KTH regularly attended the Mittag-Leffler seminars during the programme.


A conference on Inverse problems and applications, organized in collaboration with Institute Mittag-Leffler, was held at Linköping University April 2 - 6, 2013. A large part of the participants in our program attended this conference.

General comments

Anders Melin:

The three weeks at the institute in January 2013 were a great experience for me. There were several interesting lectures about recent developments in various inverse problems, in particular impedance tomography. ... Being at the institute was then very helpful for me since there was much valuable information to find in the library, in particular in the basement or high up on some portable steps. I feel very grateful to the organizers as well as to the staff of the institute.

Organizing committee

Jan Boman Marten de Hoop Pavel Kurasov Yaroslav Kurylev Gunther Uhlmann

The Institute hosted 77 researchers, 14 women and 63 men, who together spent 120 man- months working at the Institute during 14 January – 15 May.

Women and men

Women Men


Matti Lassas working by the white board, Miko Salo in “Signe’s hall” and among others Jan Boman and Clifford Nolan listening to a talk.


Participants spring

First name Last name Affiliation Country

Joel Andersson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden

Sergei Avdonin University of Tennessee United States

Rami Band University of Bristol United Kingdom

Diana Barseghyan Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Czech Republic

Larisa Beilina Chalmers/University of Gothenburg Sweden

Mikhail Belishev Steklov Mathematical Institute Russian Federation

Ingrid Beltita IMAR Institute of Mathematics Romania "Simion Stoilow" of the Romanian Christer Bennewitz LundAd University Sweden

Elena Beretta University of Rome Italy

Eemeli Blåsten University of Helsinki Finland

Jan Boman Stockholm University Sweden

Eric Bonnetier Université Joseph Fourier France

Roberta Bosi University of Helsinki Finland

Malcolm Brown Cardiff University United Kingdom

Pedro Caro University of Helsinki Finland

Marten de Hoop Purdue University United States

David Dos Santos Ferreira Université de Lorraine France

Jonathan Eckhardt University of Vienna Austria

Pavel Exner Nuclear Physics Institute ASCR Czech Republic

Daniel Faraco Universitad Autonoma de Madrid Spain

Romina Gaburro University of Limerick Ireland

Andoni Garcia University of Helsinki Finland


First name Last name Affiliation Country

Allan Greenleaf University of Rochester United States

Cristian E. Gutiérrez Temple University United States

Sarah Hamilton University of Helsinki Finland

Mark Hubenthal University of Jyväskylä Finland

Alexei Iantchenko Malmö University Sweden

Hiroshi Isozaki University of Tsukuba Japan

Kim Knudsen DTU Mathematics, Technical Denmark University of Denmark Holger Kohr Saarland University Germany

Evgeny Korotyaev Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation

Vladimir Kozlov Linköping University Sweden

Rainer Kress Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Germany

Venky Krishnan Tata Institute of Fundamental India Research Katya Krupchyk University of Helsinki Finland

Pavel Kurasov Stockholm University Sweden

Yaroslav Kurylev University College London United Kingdom

Matti Lassas University of Helsinki Finland

Ulf Leonhardt University of St Andrews United Kingdom

Shitao Liu University of Helsinki Finland

Annemarie Luger Stockholm University Sweden

Peter Maass Universität Bremen Germany

Anders Melin -- Sweden

Yashar Memarian University College London United Kingdom

Graeme Milton University of Utah United States


First name Last name Affiliation Country

Delio Mugnolo University of Ulm Germany

Adrian Nachman University of Toronto Canada

Clifford Nolan University of Limerick Ireland

Marlena Nowaczyk AGH University of Science and Poland Technology Roman Novikov CNRS, Centre de Mathématiques France appliquées École Polytechnique Lauri Oksanen University of Washington United States

Boris Pavlov New Zealand Institute for Advanced New Zealand Study, Massey University Lassi Päivärinta University of Helsinki Finland

Lingyun Qiu Purdue University United States

Todd Quinto Tufts University United States

Luca Rondi University of Trieste Italy

Olga Rossi University of Ostrava Czech Republic

Alberto Ruiz Universitad Autonoma de Madrid Spain

Mikko Salo University of Jyväskylä Finland

Otmar Scherzer University of Vienna Austria

Valery Serov University of Oulu Finland

Vladimir Sharafutdinov Sobolev Institute of Mathematics Russian Federation

Uzy Smilansky Weizmann Institute of Science Israel

Jan-Olov Strömberg KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden

Anders Szepessy KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden

Gerald Teschl University of Vienna Austria

Françoise Truc Université Joseph Fourier France

Leo Tzou University of Helsinki Finland


First name Last name Affiliation Country

Gunther Uhlmann University of Washington United States

Bjørn Ursin NTNU - Norwegian University of Norway Science and Technology Alden Waters University of Jyväskylä Finland

Rudi Weikard The University of Alabama at United States Birmingham Michael Vogelius Rutgers, The State University of New United States Jersey Takao Yamaguchi University of Tsukuba Japan

Miren Zubeldia University of Helsinki Finland

Ozan Öktem Stockholm University Sweden



Rainer Kress Inverse Obstacle Scattering

Clifford Nolan Applications of Microlocal Analysis to Imaging

Diana Barseghyan Spectral estimates for Schrödinger operators with unusual semiclassical behavior Elena Beretta On the stability issue for some inverse boundary value problems

Ingrid Beltita Local smoothing results for the backscattering transform

Uzy Smilansky Can one COUNT the shape of a drum

Michael Vogelius Approximate cloaking

Yaroslav Kurylev Gel'fand Inverse Spectral Problem and the Boundary Control Method Alden Waters A parametrix construction for the wave equation with low regularity coefficients using a frame of gaussians Rami Band The Nodal Count {0, 1, 2, 3,...} Implies the Graph is a Tree

Mark Hubenthal Recovering a Radiative Source From Partial Data

Vladimir Kozlov Topological derivative of domain dependent functionals

Evgeny Korotyaev Global transformations keeping spectral data for Sturm-Liouville problems Jan-Erik Björk Mathematics by Carleman

Alexei Iantchenko Scattering resonances and Dirac systems

Vladimir Sharafutdinov The linearized problem of magneto-photoelasticity

Cristian E. Gutiérrez Refraction problems in geometric optics

Sergei Avdonin Inverse Problems for Differential Equations on Graphs

Roman Novikov New global stability estimates for the Gel'fand-Calderon inverse problem Vladimir Sharafutdinov Local audibility of a hyperbolic metric

Roberta Bosi Stability for the Gel'fand inverse problem


Boris Pavlov Resonance dynamics and local perturbation analysis

Jonathan Eckhardt The inverse spectral transform for the Camassa--Holm equation

Sarah Hamilton A Numerical Move Towards Nonlinear Inversion from Partial EIT Data in 2-D Graeme Milton Sharp inequalities that generalize the divergence theorem

Bjørn Ursin Signal and travel-time parameter estimation using singular value decomposition Adrian Nachman Current Density Impedance Imaging of an Anisotropic Conductivity in a Known Conformal Class Boris Pavlov Local dispersion analysis for periodic lattices

Hiroshi Isozaki Inverse scattering on perturbed lattices

Annemarie Luger Detecting the length of a Jordan chain

Gunther Uhlmann Some inverse problems I would like to see solved

Pavel Exner Strongly singular couplings supported by manifolds of codimension one and two Pavel Kurasov Inverse problems for quantum graphs

Rainer Kress A conformal mapping method in inverse obstacle scattering

Mikhail Belishev C*-algebras in dynamical inverse problems on manifolds

Lauri Oksanen Inverse problem for the Riemannian wave equation with Dirichlet data and Neumann data on disjoint sets Mikko Salo The anisotropic Calderón problem

Matti Lassas An inverse problem for the Einstein equation

Ulf Leonhardt Transformation optics, the story continues



01 Resonances for 1D massless Dirac operators Alexei Iantchenko, Evgeny Korotyaev

02 On an inverse problem for the Steklov spectrum]{On an inverse problem for the Steklov pectrum of a Riemannian surface Alexandre Jollivet, Vladimir Sharafutdinov

03 An inverse spectral problem for a star graph of Krein strings Jonathan Eckhardt

04 A coupling problem for entire functions and its application to the long-time asymptotics of integrable wave equations Jonathan Eckhardt, Gerald Teschl

05 Reconstructing the potential for the 1D Schrödinger equation from boundary measurements Sergei Avdonin, Victor Mikhaylov, Karim Ramdani

06 Singular Weyl-Titchmarsh-Kodaira theory for one-dimensional Dirac operators Rainer Brunnhuber, Jonathan Eckhardt, Aleksey Kostenko, Gerald Teschl

07 Inverse uniqueness results for one-dimensional weighted Dirac operators Jonathan Eckhardt, Aleksey Kostenko, Gerald Teschl

08 The Calderon problem in transversally anisotropic geometries David Dos Santos Ferreira, Yaroslav Kurylev, Matti Lassas, Mikko Salo

09 A reflection approach to the broken ray transform Joonas Ilmavirta

10 A collocation method for a hypersingular boundary integral equation via trigonometric differentiation Rainer Kress

11 Photoacoustic and thermoacoustic tomography with an uncertain wave speed Lauri Oksanen, Gunther Uhlmann

12 The Broken Ray Transform on the Square Mark Hubenthal

13 Partial Data Problems for the Hodge Laplacian Tzou Leo, Mikko Salo, Francis Chung

14 Completeness of generalized transmission eigenstates Eemeli Blåsten, Lassi Päivärinta

15 Inverse problems and invisibility cloaking for fem models and resistor networks Leo Tzou, Matti Lassas, Mikko Salo

16 Boundary reconstruction for the broken ray transform Joonas Ilmavirta

17 G-Convergence, Dirichlet to Neumann maps and invisibility Daniel Faraco, Yaroslava Kurylev, Alberto Ruiz


18 The Broken Ray Transform in n Dimensions with Flat Reflecting Boundary Mark Hubenthal

19 Homogeneous differential equations and the inverse problem of the calculus of variations Olga Rossi

20 $L^1$-estimates for the cubic term of the backscattering transform Ingrid Beltita, Anders Melin

21 Local Near Field Refractors and Reflectors Cristian Gutierrez, Federico Tournier

22 An isospectral problem for global conservative multi-peakon solutions of the Camassa-Holm equation Jonathan Eckhardt, Aleksey Kostenko

23 A regular version of Smilansky model Diana Barseghyan, Pavel Exner

24 On Reflectionless Equi-transmitting Matrices Pavel Kurasov, Rao Ogik, Amar Rauf


Evolutionary problems, fall - Scientific report

The fall 2013 program at Institut Mittag-Leffler focused on a large class of singular and degenerate nonlinear partial differential equations ranging from the total variation flow to the infinity Laplacian. Although these equations have a common structure, they are connected to many different applications such as the diffusion in highly non-homogeneous and anisotropic media, the motion of multi-phase fluids and flow through porous media.

The program was a continuation of long-term collaboration between scholars in Nordic countries and elsewhere. The core group of the invitees forms a cohesive group of researchers who have shared ideas for a long time and many of them have joint contributions. The group has organized a series of scientific scientific events during the last decade and the program at Institut Mittag-Leffler is part of this activity.

The aim of the program was to bring together the leading experts in the field, postdoctoral researchers and graduate students in order to make a collaborative effort to attack the major open problems in the field and, in addition, to establish new directions and connections. This program strengthened the international contacts and enabled to maintain expertise and activity in the Nordic school of mathematical analysis. A particularly successful part of the program was to bring in a number of short term visitors, who were partially supported by the Academy of Finland and Väisälä Foundation. This brought lot of activity not only to the daily life at the institute but also to the scientific part of the program. One of the main goals of the program was to have as many young participants as possible and also in this respect the program was a success. For many invitees it is very difficult to come for an extended visit, but short visits for one or two weeks are easier to arrange. The origanizers recommed enthusiastically that this practise will be continued at Institut Mittag-Leffler also in the future.

The weekly schedule consisted of seminars on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Usually there was one talk on Tuesdays and two talks on Thursdays. Two special afternoon sessions were organized to give the young postdoctoral vistors an opportunity to present their work. Seminars attracted attention also at the universities close to Stockholm. In particular, several participants came frequently from KTH and Uppsala University. A three day conference on Quasilinear PDEs and Game Theory was organized at Matematiska institutionen at Uppsala University by the end of the program. Over 120 people registered for the conference and most of them also showed up on the venue. The program consisted of 16 invited talks with a special focus on the interface between partial differential equations and the stochastic game theory. The speakers were Tonci Antunovic, Scott Armstrong, Matteo Bonforte, Amarjit Budhiraja, Yoshikazu Giga, Hitoshi Ishii, Vesa Julin, Petri Juutinen, Juan Manfredi, Masashi Misawa, Mikko Parviainen, Julio Rossi, Matthew Rudd, Yannick Sire, Charles Smart and Juan Luis Vazquez. Some of them also spent some time at the insitute around the conference.

The scientific contibutions of the program include following aspects.

Potential estimates for nonlinear partial differential equations by Tuomo Kuusi and Giuseppe Mingione.

Continuity estimates for two-phase Stefan problem were obtained by Paolo Baroni, Tuomo Kuusi and Jose Miguel Urbano.

Parabolic nonlinear capacity theory was developed further by Benny Avelin, Tuomo Kuusi, Peter Lindqvist and Mikko Parviainen.

Boundary regularity for degenerate and singular parabolic equations was investigated by Ander Björn, Jana Björn, Ugo Gianazza and Mikko Parviainen.


Lower semicontinuity results, Perron's method and potential estimates for the porous medium equation were considered by Benny Avelin, Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Ugo Gianazza, Juha Kinnunen, Peter Lindqvist, Teemu Lukkari and Vincenzo Vespri.

Regularity theory for nonlocal equations by Matteo Bonforte, Agnese di Castro, Tuomo Kuusi, Giuseppe Mingione, Giampiero Palatucci and Juan Luis Vazquez.

Several results on the calculus of variations on Euclidean and more general metric measure spaces were obtained by Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Verena Bögelein, Estibalitz Durand- Cartagena, Frank Duzaar, Yohei Fujishima, Jens Habermann, Heikki Hakkarainen, Toni Heikkinen, Jesus Jaramillo, Juha Kinnunen, Riikka Korte, Janne Korvenpää, Panu Lahti, Pekka Lehtelä, Xining Li, Paolo Marcellini, Mathias Masson, Nageswari Shanmugalingam and Heli Tuominen.

Tug-of-war, market manipulation and option pricing were studied by Kaj Nyström and Mikko Parviainen.

This list is not exhaustive and gives only a quick look at the scientific output of the program. Many other important contibutions were made and new research projects were initiated during the program and the overall impact will be seen in few years time. However, the organizers share the feeling that the program was successful and they are confident that especially the young participants were able to make new connections and openings during the program. The organizers hope that this will give opportunities to them later in their scientific careers.

Organizing committee

Frank Duzaar Juha Kinnunen Jan Kristensen Peter Lindqvist

Guiseppe Mingione Kaj Nyström


The Institute hosted 103 researchers, 15 women and 88 men, who together spent 120 man- months working at the Institute during 2 September – 13 December.

Women and men

Women Men

Ryan Hynd and Erik Lindgren giving talks to attentive listeners.


Participants fall

First name Last name Affiliation Country

Daniel Aalto University of Helsinki Finland

Tomasz Adamowicz IM PAN, Institute of Mathematics of the Poland Polish Academy of Sciences Karthik Adimurthi Louisiana State University United States

Hiroaki Aikawa Hokkaido University Japan

Murat Akman University of Kentucky United States

Tonci Antunovic University of California, UCLA United States

Scott N. Armstrong CEREMADE France

Benny Avelin Uppsala University Sweden

Agnid Banerjee Purdue University United States

Paolo Baroni Uppsala University Sweden

Jana Björn Linköping University Sweden

Anders Björn Linköping University Sweden

Matteo Bonforte Universitad Autonoma de Madrid Spain

Amarjit Budhiraja The University of North Carolina at Chapel United States Hill Verena Bögelein Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen- Germany Nürnberg Carsten Carstensen Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Germany

Andrea Cianchi Italy

Francesca Crispo Second University of Naples Italy

Agnese di Castro University of Parma Italy

Lars Diening LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Germany München Georg Dolzmann Universität Regensburg Germany

Estibalitz Durand Cartagena The National Distance Education Spain University, UNED


Frank Duzaar Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Germany Erlangen-Nürnberg Mats Ehrnström NTNU - Norwegian University of Science Norway and Technology Fausto Ferrari University of Bologna Italy

Alessio Figalli University of Texas at Austin United States

Bruno Franchi University of Bologna Italy

Yohei Fujishima Osaka University Japan

Nicola Garofalo University of Padova Italy

Ugo Gianazza Universita' degli Studi di Pavia Italy

Yoshikazu Giga School of Science/University of Tokyo Japan

Mi-Ho Giga University of Tokyo Japan

Jens Habermann Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen- Germany Nürnberg Heikki Hakkarainen University of Oulu Finland

Toni Heikkinen Aalto University Finland

Ryan Hynd University of Pennsylvania United States

Nikolai Høiland Ubostad NTNU - Norwegian University of Science Norway and Technology Lizaveta Ihnatsyeva University of Helsinki Finland

Hitoshi Ishii Waseda University Japan

Jesus Angel Jaramillo Aguado Complutense University of Madrid, UCM Spain

Vesa Julin University of Jyväskylä Finland

Petri Juutinen University of Jyväskylä Finland

Anna Kairema University of Helsinki Finland

Bernd Kawohl University of Cologne Germany

Juha Kinnunen Aalto University Finland

Riikka Korte University of Helsinki Finland


Janne Korvenpää Aalto University Finland

Jan Kristensen United Kingdom

Florian Krügel University of Cologne Germany

Takashi Kumagai Kyoto University Japan

Tuomo Kuusi Aalto University Finland

Panu Lahti Aalto University Finland

Visa Latvala University of Eastern Finland Finland

Philippe Laurencot Toulouse University France

Chiara Leone The University of Naples Federico II Italy

John Lewis University of Kentucky United States

Qifan Li NTNU - Norwegian University of Science Norway and Technology Xining Li University of Cincinatti United States

Naian Liao Vanderbilt University United States

Erik Lindgren NTNU - Norwegian University of Science Norway and Technology Peter Lindqvist NTNU - Norwegian University of Science Norway and Technology Qing Liu University of Pittsburgh United States

José G. Llorente Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Spain

Teemu Lukkari University of Jyväskyl Finland

Lukas Maly Linköping University Sweden

Juan J. Manfredi University of Pittsburgh United States

Paolo Marcellini University of Florence Italy

Niko Marola University of Helsinki Finland

José María Martell ICMAT, Institute of Mathematical Sciences Spain

Olli Martio University of Helsinki Finland


Giuseppe Mingione University of Parma Italy

Michele Miranda University of Ferrara Italy

Masashi Mizuno Nihon University Japan

Phuc Cong Nguyen Louisiana State University United States

Kaj Nyström Uppsala University Sweden

Giampiero Palatucci The International School for Advanced Italy Studies (SISSA) Fabio Paronetto University of Padova Italy

Mikko Parviainen University of Jyväskylä Finland

Carlos Perez Moreno University of Seville Spain

Sergio Polidoro University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy UNIMORE Diego Ricciotti University of Pittsburgh United States

Espen Robstad Jakobsen NTNU - Norwegian University of Science Norway and Technology Julio Rossi University of Alicante Spain

Matthew Rudd Sewanee: The University of the South United States

Olli Saari Aalto University Finland

Christoph Scheven University of Duisburg-Essen Germany

Armin Schikorra Max-Planck Institut Germany

Sebastian Schwarzacher LMU Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Germany München Nageswari Shanmugalingam University of Cincinatti United States

Juhana Siljander University of Oulu Finland

Yannick Sire Aix-Marseille University France

Charles K. Smart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States MIT Isaac Smith Fayetteville State University United States

Stephanie Somersille Dartmouth College United States


Bianca Stroffolini The University of Naples Federico II Italy

Heli Tuominen University of Jyväskylä Finland

Jose Miguel Urbano University of Coimbra Portugal

Juan Luis Vázquez Suárez Universitad Autonoma de Madrid Spain

Anna Verde The University of Naples Federico II Italy

Vincenzo Vespri University of Florence Italy

Yoshihiko Yamaura Nihon University Japan

Shulin Zhou Peking University China

Thomas Zürcher University of Jyväskylä Finland



Juan J. Manfredi On the horizontal mean curvature flow in the Heisenberg group

Bianca Stroffolini Results about parabolic Lipschitz approximations

Paolo Marcellini A variational approach for parabolic equations and systems with p,q-growth Masashi Misawa On regularity conditions of the p-harmonic map flows

Lars Diening Lipschitz truncation and applications to non-linear PDE

Bernd Kawohl An analyst's view at mathematical image processing

Jose Miguel Urbano A quantitative Hölder exponent for the non-homogeneous p-parabolic equation

Hiroaki Aikawa Intrinsic ultracontractivity and boundary Harnack principle - A unified approach with capacitary width Sergio Polidoro Geometric aspects in regularity theory for degenerate partial differential equations Nicola Garofalo Recent developments in lower-dimensional obstacle problems

John Lewis Hausdorff dimension and sigma finiteness of some p harmonic measure when p is at least n Takashi Kumagai On the precise Gaussian heat kernel lower bounds

Shulin Zhou Entropy and renormalized solutions for quasilinear elliptic (parabolic) equations with L^1 data Giuseppe Mingione An update on nonlinear potential theory

Vesa Julin On the regularity of critical and minimal sets of a free interface problem

Michele Miranda Wiener spaces; recent developments of geometric measure theory in infinite dimensional spaces Ugo Gianazza Analyticity of solutions to a singular diffusion equation

Vincenzo Vespri An alternative approach to the Hölder continuity of solutions to some elliptic equations Carlos Perez Moreno Singular integral operators, commutators and weights: some recent progress Teemu Lukkari Stability of solutions to nonlinear diffusion equations

Verena Bögelein Existence and regularity of evolutionary variational solutions via the calculus of variations


Mikko Parviainen Existence and uniqueness techniques to the tug-of-war with noise

Julio Rossi Optimal transport and limits as p goes to infinity in p-laplacian problems

José G. Llorente On the infinity-mean value property and unique continuation

Jana Björn Fine topology by means of potential theory on metric spaces

Nageswari The Dirichlet problem for a prime end boundary in the metric setting Shanmugalingam Murat Akman Hausdorff dimension of a measure arising from certain pde

Qing Liu A game-theoretic interpretation of convexity preserving for curve shortening flow Ryan Hynd Infinity ground states

Philippe Laurencot Extinction, positivity and decay for a singular diffusion equation with gradient absorbtion Niko Marola On three-spheres theorem for PDEs

Anders Björn Boundary regularity and barriers for elliptic and parabolic problems, and sharp capacitary estimates for annuli Bruno Franchi The role of beta amyloid in Alzheimer disease: a mathematical model

Juhana Siljander On the Harnack inequality for the time fractional heat diffusion

Lukas Maly Regularization of Newton-Sobolev functinos via weak boundedness of maximal operators Daniel Hansevi The obstacle problem for unbounded sets in the Euclidean and metric spaces Erik Lindgren A sharp approximation method for a two-phase obstacle type-problem

Estibalitz Durand Rectifiability of self-contracted curves in the Euclidean space Cartagena and applications Andrea Cianchi A global gradient estimate, in rearrangement form, for p-Laplacian type elliptic boundary value problems Tuomo Kuusi A Wiener criterion for the heat equation with Dini-continuous coefficients

Alessio Figalli Partial regularity for Monge-Ampere type equations

Olli Martio Remarks on the boundary behavior of Sobolev functions

Paolo Baroni Adams-type results for degenerate parabolic equations


Vladimir Maz'ya Differentiability of solutions to 2nd order elliptic equations with non-Dini coefficients via dynamic systems


01 Stability for parabolic quasiminimizers Yohei Fujishima, Jens Habermann, Juha Kinnunen, Mathias Masson

02 Guide to Nonlinear Potential Estimates Tuomo Kuusi, Giuseppe Mingione

03 Phragmen-Lindelöf theorem for infinity harmonic functions Seppo Granlund, Niko Marola

04 Boundary regularity for degenerate and singular parabolic equations Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Ugo Gianazza, Mikko Parviainen

05 The weak Cartan property for the p-fine topology on metric spaces Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Visa Latvala

06 Very weak solutions of degenerate parabolic systems with non-standard p(x,t)-growth Verena Bögelein, Qifan Li

07 Regularity of the local fractional maximal function Toni Heikkinen, Juha Kinnunen, Janne Korvenpää, Heli Tuominen

08 Lorentz estimates for obstacle parabolic problems Paolo Baroni

09 Radial eigenfunctions for the game-theoretic p-Laplacian on balls Bernd Kawohl, Stefan Krömer, Jannis Kurtz

10 Continuity estimates for porous medium type equations with measure data Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Ugo Gianazza

11 Borderline gradient continuity for nonlinear parabolic systems Tuomo Kuusi, Giuseppe Mingione

12 Existence of evolutionary variational solutions via the calculus of variations Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Paolo Marcellini

13 Regularity of the p-Poisson equation in the plane Erik Lindgren, Peter Lindqvist

14 The Mazurkiewicz distance and sets that are finitely connected at the boundary Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Nageswari Shanmugalingam

15 Geometric characterizations of p-Poincaré inequalities in the metric setting Estibalitz Durand-Cartagena, Jesus Jaramillo, Nageswari Shanmugalingam

16 Preservation of bounded geometry under sphericalization and flattening Xining Li, Nageswari Shanmugalingam

17 Sharp capacity estimates for annuli in weighted Rn and in metric spaces Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Juha Lehrbäck


18 Lower semicontinuity of weak supersolutions to the porous medium equation Benny Avelin, Teemu Lukkari

19 Short-time regularity for the H-surface-flow Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Christoph Scheven

21 A Priori Estimates for Fractional Nonlinear Degenerate Diffusion Equations on bounded domains Matteo Bonforte, Vázquez Juan Luis

22 Stability and continuity of functions of least gradients Heikki Hakkarainen, Riikka Korte, Panu Lahti, Nageswari Shanmugalingam

23 Quasilinear Riccati type equations with distributional data in Morrey space framework Tadele Mengesha, Nguyen Phuc

24 Tug-of-war, market manipulation and option pricing Kaj Nyström, Mikko Parviainen

25 Stability of degenerate parabolic Cauchy problems Teemu Lukkari, Mikko Parviainen

26 A quantitative modulus of continuity for the two-phase Stefan problem Tuomo Kuusi, Jose Miguel Urbano, Paolo Baroni

27 Perron's method for the porous medium equation Juha Kinnunen, Peter Lindqvist, Teemu Lukkari

28 Relaxation and integral representation for functionals of linear growth on metric measure spaces Heikki Hakkarainen, Juha Kinnunen, Panu Lahti, Pekka Lehtelä

29 Recent advances in nonlinear potential theory Giuseppe Mingione

30 Nonlocal Harnack inequalities Agnese Di Castro, Tuomo Kuusi, Giampiero Palatucci

31 Sharp boundedness and continuity results for the singular porous medium equation Verena Boegelein, Frank Duzaar, Ugo Gianazza

32 Convergence of the Allen-Cahn equation with Neumann boundary conditions Masashi Mizuno, Yoshihiro Tonegawa

33 The obstacle problem for the porous medium equation Verena Bögelein, Teemu Lukkari, Christoph Scheven

34 First eigenfunctions of the 1-Laplacian are viscosity solutions Bernd Kawohl, Friedemann Schuricht

35 More on the potential for the farthest-point distance function Bernd Kawohl, Carlo Nitsch, Guido Sweers

36 Very weak solutions of singular porous medium equations with measure data Verena Boegelein, Frank Duzaar, Ugo Gianazza


37 Characterizations of sets of finite perimeter using heat kernels in metric spaces Niko Marola, Michele Miranda Jr., Nageswari Shanmugalingam

38 A doubly nonlinear evolution for ground states of the $p$-Laplacian Ryan Hynd, Erik Lindgren

39 A sharp quantitative isoperimetric inequality in hyperbolic n-space Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Christoph Scheven

40 Shadows of infinities Tuomo Kuusi, Peter Lindqvist, Mikko Parviainen

41 The Cartan, Choquet and Kellogg properties for the fine topology on metric spaces Anders Björn, Jana Björn, Visa Latvala

42 A time dependent variational approach to image restoration Verena Bögelein, Frank Duzaar, Paolo Marcellini

43 Modica type gradient estimates for reaction-diffusion equations Agnid Banerjee, Nicola Garofalo


Participants from and in the Nordic Countries

14 January – 14 May 2 September – 13 December

First name Last name Country First name Last name Country Kim Knudsen Denmark Jan Kristensen Denmark Michael Vogelius Denmark Daniel Aalto Finland

Eemeli Blåsten Finland Heikki Hakkarainen Finland Roberta Bosi Finland Toni Heikkinen Finland Pedro Caro Finland Lizaveta Ihnatsyeva Finland Andoni Garcia Finland Vesa Julin Finland

Sarah Hamilton Finland Petri Juutinen Finland

Mark Hubenthal Finland Anna Kairema Finland Katya Krupchyk Finland Juha Kinnunen Finland Matti Lassas Finland Riikka Korte Finland Shitao Liu Finland Janne Korvenpää Finland Lauri Oksanen Finland Tuomo Kuusi Finland Lassi Päivärinta Finland Panu Lahti Finland Mikko Salo Finland Visa Latvala Finland

Valery Serov Finland Teemu Lukkari Finland Leo Tzou Finland Niko Marola Finland Alden Waters Finland Olli Martio Finland

Miren Zubeldia Finland Mikko Parviainen Finland Bjørn Ursin Norway Olli Saari Finland Joel Andersson Sweden Juhana Siljander Finland Larisa Beilina Sweden Heli Tuominen Finland Christer Bennewitz Sweden Thomas Zürcher Finland Jan Boman Sweden Mats Ehrnström Norway Alexei Iantchenko Sweden Nikolai Høiland Ubostad Norway

Vladimir Kozlov Sweden Qifan Li Norway Pavel Kurasov Sweden Erik Lindgren Norway Annemarie Luger Sweden Peter Lindqvist Norway

Anders Melin Sweden Espen Robstad Jakobsen Norway Jan-Olov Strömberg Sweden Benny Avelin Sweden Anders Szepessy Sweden Paolo Baroni Sweden

Ozan Öktem Sweden Anders Björn Sweden Jana Björn Sweden Lukas Maly Sweden

Kaj Nyström Sweden


Shorter programs During 2013 the Institute arranged four workshops and conferences, two summer schools and one RIP-program.

Concentration phenomena and compactness issues in nonlinear PDE, 20-24 May 2013

The goal of this workshop was to bring together a small group of researchers working on concentration phenomena in nonlinear partial differential equations and to discuss recent progress in this area. Particular topics include concentration in semi classical limits, pattern formation, and concentration on positive dimensional submanifolds for elliptic equations with supercritical nonlinearities.

Organization committee Mónica Clapp, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Andrzej Szulkin, Stockholm University Susanna Terracini, University of Torino.


First name Last name Affiliation Laura Abatangelo University of Milano-Bicocca Nils Ackermann Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Thomas Bartsch Justus Liebig University Giessen Vieri Benci University of Pisa Antonio Capella Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mónica Clapp Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Manuel del Pino Universidad de Santiago de Chile Pavel Drábek University of West Bohemia Maria J. Esteban CNRS - Centre national de la recherche scientifique Jorge Faya Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Massimo Grossi Sapienza University of Rome Wojciech Kryszewski Nicolaus Copernicus University Jean Mawhin Université Catholique de Louvain Monica Musso Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Filomena Pacella Sapienza University of Rome Angela Pistoia Sapienza University of Rome Wolfgang Reichel Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Bernhard Ruf University of Milan Alberto Saldaña Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Andrzej Szulkin Stockholm University Hugo Tavares University of Lisbon


Susanna Terracini University of Torino Tobias Weth Goethe University Frankfurt am Main Michel Willem Université Catholique de Louvain

Olav Kallenberg workshop 24 June - 28 June 2013

The workshop, which was arranged in honor of Olav Kallenberg, centered on themes which was important in his scientific work: Exchangeability, symmetries and invariance principles, Random measures, point processes and random sets, Superprocesses and random trees.

Organizing committee Peter Jagers, Chalmers/Göteborgs universitet Günter Last, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Torgny Lindvall, University of Gothenburg Hermann Thorisson, University of Iceland Anton Wakolbinger, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


First name Last name Affiliation Klaus Fleischmann Weierstrass Institute Tatyana Turova Lund University Olle Häggström Chalmers/University of Gothenburg Ilya Molchanov University of Bern Hermann Thorisson University of Iceland David Aldous University of California, Berkeley Giovanni Peccati University of Luxembourg Steven N. Evans University of California, Berkeley Fima C. Klebaner Monash University Peter Jagers Chalmers/Göteborgs universitet Olav Kallenberg Auburn University Jean-Francois Le Gall Université Paris-Sud Alexander Holroyd Microsoft Research Redmond Donald A. Dawson Carleton University Anton Wakolbinger Goethe University Frankfurt am Main John Kingman University of Bristol Andreas Greven Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Günter Last Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Torgny Lindvall University of Gothenburg Martina Zähle Friedrich Schiller University Jena Martin Jacobsen University of Copenhagen Klaus Krickeberg


Growth and Mahler measures in geometry and topology 01 July - 05 July 2013

The goal of the workshop is to bring together geometers, topologists and number theorists with the aim of exploring connections between low-dimensional geometry and topology and number theory. In the focus are topics such as growth of fundamental groups of low-dimensional space forms, cohomological torsion growth, entropy of surface automorphisms, geometry of Teichmüller space, Mahler measures of A-polynomials and volumes of hyperbolic knots and manifolds. Closely related are developments in quantum topology and quantum knot invariants.

Organizing committee Eriko Hironaka, Florida State University Ruth Kellerhals, Université de Fribourg-


First name Last name Affiliation Mikhael Belolipetsky IMPA Michelle Bucher KTH/University of Geneva Abhijit Champanerkar College of Staten Island, CUNY Pierre Dehornoy ENS de Lyon Vincent Emery Stanford University Eriko Hironaka Florida State University Ruth Kellerhals Université de Fribourg Yohei Komori Waseda University Thang Le Georgia Institute of Technology Christopher J. Leininger University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Wolfgang Lück Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics Werner Müller University of Bonn Kate Petersen Florida State University Jean Raimbault Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University Mehmet Sengün University of Warwick Peter B. Shalen University of Illinois at Chicago Daniel S. Silver University of South Alabama Christopher D. Sinclair University of Oregon Chris Smyth University of Edinburgh Susan Williams University of South Alabama


Kleindagarna 2013 14 June - 16 June 2013

"Kleindagarna" is a didactic conference, bringing together Swedish upper secondary school teachers and active researchers in mathematics. The conference is related to the international Klein project. In 2008 International Mathematical Union, IMU and International Commission on Mathematical Instruction, ICMI commissioned a project to revisit the intent of Felix Klein (1849-1925) when he wrote Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint one hundred years earlier.

For the third time the Swedish Committee for Education in Mathematics, SKM, together with The Swedish National Committee for Mathematics, Mattebron and the Institute organized “Kleindagarna” the Swedish part of this international project. 21 high school teachers and 8 university teachers participated.

Organizing committee Hoda Ashjari, Linköping University Samuel Bengmark, Chalmers/Göteborgs universitet Erika Stadler, Stockholm University.


First name Last name Affiliation Petter Norrthon Åva gymnasium Johan Svensson Lindholmens tekniska gymnasium Elizabeth Westerlund Kaplanskolan Emelie Reuterswärd Danderyds gymnasium Charlotte Sendrup Malmö Borgarskola Kent Björkbom Luleå gymnasieskola Henrik Petersson Hvitfeldska gymnasiet Kirsti Forstén Bernadottegymnasiet Michael Millard Göteborgs högre samskola Emma Johansson Bildningscentrum Facetten Axel Hambraeus Bladins gymnasium Johan Egerhall Nyströmska skolan Jennie Nilsson International IT College of Sweden Lena Aretorn Dragonskolan Håkan Deleskog Birger Sjöberggymnasiet Katarina Karlsson Nils Ericsonsgymnasiet Lorena Solvang Klara gymnasium Maria Waern Åva gymnasium Åsa Nordlander Sundsvalls gymnasium Håkan Edlund Katedralskolan


The Bellman function technique in harmonic analysis 08 July - 12 July 2013

The aim of the summer school was to present two mini-courses concerning the Bellman function technique. The course of Professor Vasily Vasyunin was intended for the listener not familiar with the subject. On a series of more or less elementary examples was explained what the Bellman function is, its main properties, what are the principal elements of the method, how to find the Bellman function for various problems. In the more advanced course Professor Alexander Volberg described some recently solved and unsolved problems mainly related to the theory of singular integral operators where the method was successfully applied or can be applied.

Organizing committee Håkan Hedenmalm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Alfonso Montes-Rodriguez, University of Sevilla Kristian Seip, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Vasily Vasyunin, Steklov Mathematical Institute Alexander Volberg, Michigan State University


First name Last name Affiliation Dmitriy Stolyarov Saint Petersburg State University Nikita Evseev Novosibirsk State University Alfonso Montes-Rodriguez University of Sevilla Christoph Neuner Stockholm University Clifford Gilmore University of Helsinki Pavel Zatitskiy Saint Petersburg State University Hayk Aleksanyan University of Edinburgh Alexander Logunov Saint Petersburg State University Nicholas Boros Olivet Nazarene University Håkan Hedenmalm KTH Royal Institute of Technology Antti Perälä University of Helsinki Nina Uraltseva Evgeniy Lokharu Linköping University Nikolaos Pattakos University of Birmingham Ole Fredrik Brevig NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Zouhair Mouayn Sultan Moulay Slimane University Andrei Stoica Lund University Gennady Uraltsev Scuola Normale Superiore Kristian Seip NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Alan Sola University of Cambridge Nikolai Osipov Steklov Mathematical Institute Vasily Vasyunin Steklov Mathematical Institute Aleksey Kostenko University of Vienna Leonid Slavin University of Cincinatti Tetiana Stulova V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Aron Wennman KTH Royal Institute of Technology


Publications Institut Mittag-Leffler publishes two research journals. Acta Mathematica was founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882, while Arkiv för matematik traces its roots back to a journal founded in 1903 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Since January 1, 2006, Springer is handling printing, subscriptions and distribution of both journals. Naturally, the Institute retains full ownership and full editorial control of the journals. All back volumes of both journals have been digitized by Springer and are available on the web for subscribers.

The way in which scientific journals are purchased has changed significantly over the past few years. The traditional model of subscribing to printed publications is increasingly being replaced by individually negotiated agreements for online access, including consortia, multi-site licenses, and site licenses, all referred to as “online deals”. Overall this will lead to a wider exposure, as well as increased visibility and usage.

Acta Mathematica 2 volumes/year: 4 issues, totally 800 pp during 2013 During 2013 the issues 210:1-2 and 211:1-2 have appeared with in total 18 articles.

The influx of manuscripts has been very good.

Through our agreement with Springer our subscribers have online access all the way back to the very first issue of Acta Mathematica, Vol 1, 1882.

Editorial Board Ari Laptev, Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Tobias Holck Colding, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Håkan Eliasson, Université Paris 7, France Jens Carsten Jantzen, University of Aarhus, Denmark Kurt Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Pekka Koskela, University of Jyväskylä, Finland John Rognes, University of Oslo, Norway

Technical Editors Anders Björn, Linköping University, Sweden Federico Incitti, Institut Mittag-Leffler

Editorial Assistant Marie-Louise Koskull, Institut Mittag-Leffler Margareta Wiberg Roland, Institut Mittag-Leffler Mikael Rågstedt, Institut Mittag-Leffler


Arkiv för matematik 1 volume/year (2 issues, totally 400 pp) The issues 51:1-2 have appeared during 2013 within total 19 articles.

The influx of manuscripts has been sufficient.

Through our agreement with Springer our subscribers have online access back to the very first issue of Arkiv för matematik.

Editorial Board Ari Laptev, Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Mats Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Nils Dencker, Lund University Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Volodymyr Mazorchuk, Uppsala University Peter Sjögren, Göteborg University, Sweden Jeffrey Steif, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden

Technical Editor Anders Björn, Linköping University, Sweden

Editorial Assistant Margareta Wiberg Roland, Institut Mittag-Leffler Jenny Wiklund, Institut Mittag-Leffler


Library and historical archive During 2013 Institut Mittag-Leffler still subscribed mainly to printed journals. In addition to these 110 journals, around 60 more are received in exchange for Acta Mathematica and Arkiv för matematik.

The extensive project of registering books, journals and documents at IML has continued through the year.

During 2013 the Institute started a project to scan all letters to and from Gösta Mittag-Leffler. The Archive Trust for Research in Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy in England helped us with this.

Our aim is to publish all material at our home page.

Documents and information from the IML archive are in great request. This includes the photographs collected by Gösta Mittag-Leffler. As an example, several photos in the recent, much appreciated biography of Anne Charlotte Leffler (Gösta Mittag-Leffler's sister) by Monica Lauritzen came from this collection.

Arthur, Gösta, Frits and Anne Charlotte, the four siblings Leffler. Photo taken at the end of the 1860s.

Many guests at IML during the year have got a glimpse of the history of mathematics from the rich archive for rare books.

The original manuscript which Henri Poincaré submitted in May 1888 for Oscar II's prize competition was recently found, and through a generous donation by Ulf R. Johansson, Malmö its new home is at Institut Mittag-Leffler. The Institute now hosts most of the existing documents and letters around the famous prize.


Financial statement (ksek)

Result 2013 Result 2012 Result 2011


Contribution from Nordic 1 161 1 319 1 854 countries

Contribution from Swedish 9 348 10 000 2 500 Research Council, VR

Grant income 1 360 2 467 2 228

Other income 952 357 455

Total External income 12 822 14 143 7 037

Journals net -390 368 303

From the Endowment 2 540 3 370

Total income 12 432 17 050 10 710


Grants, travels, social activities 2 524 3 414 2 337

Offices and Lodging 3 450 6 250 3 323

Library 740 1 398 1 365

Administration 5 419 5 718 3 685

Total Costs 12 133 17 050 10 710

+298 0


The board of Institut Mittag-Leffler Michael Benedicks, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Bo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology, CTH, Göteborg Anders Björner, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Chairman Nils Dencker, Lund University Tobias Ekholm, Uppsala University/Institut Mittag-Leffler Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Bjørn Jahren, University of Oslo, Vice Chairman Kurt Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Ari Laptev, Institut Mittag-Leffler Mikael Rørdam, University of Copenhagen Eero Saksman, University of Helsinki Ragnar Sigurdsson, University of Iceland, Reykjavik Anna-Karin Thornberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm

Administration Ari Laptev, Director, 60% Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Director 40% Margareta Wiberg Roland, Head of administration and economy, until July Annika Augustsson, Administrative coordinator and economist, from July Inger Halvarsson, Program Administrator Jenny Wiklund, Program Administrator/Editorial Assistant for Arkiv för Matematik Marie-Louise Koskull, Editorial Assistant, Acta Mathematica (until August) Mikael Rågstedt, Librarian, Editorial Assistant, Acta Mathematica (from September) Federico Incitti, Rome Technical editor of Acta Mathematica, 67% Alexander Koponen, Computer administrator 60% Graeme Pollock, Computer administrator 60% Fawzi Mourou, Caretaker

Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Director and Ari Laptev, Director of Institut Mittag-Leffler. Photo: Jenny Wiklund

40 Förvaltaren för Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse får härmed avge årsredovisning för räkenskapsåret 1 januari - 31 december 2013.


Ändamål Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelses ändamål är att inom de fyra nordiska länderna, Sverige, Danmark, Finland och Norge, och alldeles särskilt Sverige, för framtiden uppehålla och ytterligare utveckla den ställning, vilken den rena matematiken i dessa länder numera intager, samt att härvid även bereda aktning och rättvist uppskattande utom Nordens gränser för dessa länders insats inom tankelivets högsta område. Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse bedriver verksamhet bl.a. i form av tidskriftsutgivning varför alla uttag redovisas över resultaträkningen som kostnader för drift av stiftelsen.

Främjande av ändamålet Under året har 4 786 344 kronor använts ur fonden för att driva Institut Mittag-Leffler och utge tidskrifterna Acta Mathematica och Arkiv för Matematik. Eftersom Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiaska stiftelse bedriver verksamhet, och därmed är klassad som näringsdrivande, redovisas alla uttag som kostnader för drift av stiftelsen.

Nedan framgår stiftelsens egna kapitals förändring de fem senaste åren.

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

Ingående kapital 133 501 027 129 490 775 132 288 313 130 158 115 120 603 134 Beslutade stip. och anslag - - - - - Årets resultat 2 881 408 4 010 252 -2 797 538 2 130 198 9 554 981 Utgående kapital 136 382 435 133 501 027 129 490 775 132 288 313 130 158 115

Årlig förändring i % 2,16% 3,10% -2,11% 1,64% 7,92%

Stiftelsen har inte haft några anställda och inga löner och ersättningar har utbetalats under året.

Allmänt Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien är förvaltare för Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse, jämte ytterligare 95 stiftelser. Det ekonomiska ansvaret vilar därför på akademistyrelsen som enligt 12 § akademiens grundregler är ansvarig för vården av akademiens ekonomiska angelägenheter. Fördelningen av årets avkastning (räntor och utdelningar) och realisationsresultat har gjorts utifrån varje enskild stiftelses andel av det totala marknadsvärdet på stiftelsernas gemensamma tillgångar vid årets början. Varje enskild stiftelses andel av det totala egna kapitalet vid årets slut har legat till grund för fördelning av stiftelsernas totala gemensamma tillgångar. Det egna kapitalet för respektive stiftelse består av föregående års egna kapital som påförts årets resultat och reducerats med eventuella beslutade stipendier.

Kapitalförvaltning Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (KVA) förvaltar ett kapital om 1 257 mkr som avser anknutna stiftelser. Våren 2009 beslöt akademistyrelsen om en ny förvaltningsmodell för KVA och dess anknutna stiftelser (exklusive Stiftelsen Anna-Greta och Holger Crafoords fond). Den nya förvaltningsmodellen innebär en ny värdepappersfond (Akademifonden) där KVA och dess anknutna stiftelser är fondandelsägare. Fondens placeringar följer fastställt placeringsreglemente enligt fördelningen nedan:

Tillgångsslag Min Normal Max

Räntebärande värdepapper 10% 20% 30%

Aktier 40% 60% 80%

Alternativa placeringar 10% 20% 30%

Förändring eget kapital (tkr) Nedan framgår eget kapitals förändring de fem senaste åren.

2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Ingående kapital 1 094 483 1 068 374 1 094 851 1 081 200 1 000 310 Ny donation 4 471 4 500 412 902 - Lämnat driftsanslag -5 743 -7 162 -6 348 -6 185 -6 560 Besl. stip. och anslag -18 639 -23 195 -20 862 -19 813 -23 728 Årets res., kap.förv. 77 282 28 764 29 871 41 238 -33 445 Återf. Nedskr. aktier - 25 929 - - 148 671 Nedskrivning aktier - - -25 929 - - Res. övrig verksamhet -4 043 -2 727 -3 621 -2 491 -4 048 Utgående kapital 1 147 811 1 094 483 1 068 374 1 094 851 1 081 200

Årlig förändring i % 4,87% 2,44% -2,42% 1,26% 8,09%

Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelses andel uppgår till 11,88 %.

Portföljavkastning i jämförelse med valt index.

Avkastning 1) 3,89% 6,90% -1,10% 5,60% 15,90% Jämförelseindex 4,02% 8,10% 0,10% 5,80% 19,82%

1) 2013 avser endast 8 månader då omläggningen till Nordea skedde i maj 2013.

Marknadskommentar BNP-tillväxten var fortsatt låg i industriländerna under 2013, och både USA och Europa hade en lägre tillväxt än trenden på grund av bland annat finanspolitiska åtstramningar. Tillväxten för den svenska ekonomin var svag och hamnade också under trenden under 2013. Framförallt var tillväxten negativ inom både export och investeringar medan den privata konsumtionen klarade sig väl.

Stockholmsbörsen steg med 26 procent under 2013. Globala aktier mätt med MSCI World All Countries i svenska kronor steg med 22 procent, medan tillväxtmarknaderna sjönk med 3 procent i SEK.

Globalt levererade sektorerna sällanköpsvaror och hälsovård högst avkastning under 2013 med 38 respektive 35 procent i svenska kronor. Råvaror var däremot den klart sämsta globala sektorn med en avkastning om 2,6 procent. Avkastningen var relativt likvärdig för tillväxt- och värdebolag under 2013 medan småbolagen utvecklades betydligt bättre än de större bolagen. I Sverige gav finanssektorn i särklass högst avkastning under 2013, hela 49 procent, något som troligtvis beror på att svenska banker värderades som starkare än banker i södra Europa. Energi och råvaror hamnade däremot i den andra änden av skalan med en negativ avkastning om runt 16 procent.

Totalt sett var 2013 ett bra aktieår. Inom globala aktier hade det varit mest framgångsrikt att övervikta USA, undervikta tillväxtmarknaderna samt positionera sig i småbolag inom de defensiva sektorerna konsument och hälsovård. I Sverige hade det varit mest framgångsrikt att övervikta finanssektorn. Vad beträffar stiftelsens resultat och ställning i övrigt, hänvisas till efterföljande resultat- och balans- räkningar med tillhörande noter.

RESULTATRÄKNING 2013-01-01 2012-01-01- Not 2013-12-31 2012-12-31 Stiftelsen intäkter Räntor och utdelning 845 524 4 009 893 Hyror 0 8 440 Externa anslag till stiftelsen 2 714 726 11 417 827 Projektanslag 1 4 514 704 1 065 567 Övriga intäkter 527 624 510 884 Intäkter tidskrifter 934 360 1 542 669 9 536 937 18 555 280 Stiftelsen kostnader Driftskostnader för stiftelsen -7 084 720 -14 325 643 Projektkostnader 1 -4 514 704 -1 065 567 Kostnader tidskrifter -1 324 301 -1 154 928 Förvaltningskostnader -319 420 -493 092 Av- och nedskrivningar av materiella anläggningstillgångar 2 -554 033 -551 407 -13 797 177 -17 590 637

Förvaltningsresultat -4 260 240 964 643

Realisationsresultat 7 141 648 111 Återföring nedskrivning aktier - 3 045 498 7 141 648 3 045 609

Redovisat årsresultat 2 881 408 4 010 252

BALANSRÄKNING 2013-12-31 2012-12-31

Tillgångar Anläggningstillgångar Materiella anläggningstillgångar Byggnader och mark 3 505 353 520 290 Byggnadsinventarier 4 1 475 545 1 713 408 Inventarier, verktyg och installationer 5 83 844 335 379 Datorer 6 47 536 97 234 2 112 278 2 666 311 Finansiella anläggningstillgångar Akademifonden 7 - 136 581 263 Aktier och aktiefonder 7 78 962 655 - Räntebärande värdepapper 7 43 447 816 - Alternativa investeringar 7 14 129 968 - 136 540 439 136 581 263

Summa anläggningstillgångar 138 652 717 139 247 574

Omsättningstillgångar Övriga fordringar 7 632 525 1 249 606 Förutbet. kostnader och uppl. intäkter 729 411 385 946 8 361 936 1 635 552

Kassa och bank 416 744 129 378

Summa omsättningstillgångar 8 778 680 1 764 930

Summa tillgångar 147 431 397 141 012 504 Eget kapital och skulder

Eget kapital 8

Bundet eget kapital 140 483 400 133 257 200 7 226 200 Fritt eget kapital -4 100 965 243 827 -4 344 792 136 382 435 133 501 027 2 881 408 0 Summa Eget kapital 136 382 435 133 501 027 2 881 408

Kortfristiga skulder Leverantörsskulder 254 885 114 483 Uppl. kostnader och förutbet. intäkter 10 794 077 7 396 994 11 048 962 7 511 477

Summa skulder 11 048 962 7 511 477 0

Summa eget kapital och skulder 147 431 397 141 012 504


Ställda säkerheter Inga Inga

Ansvarsförbindelser Inga Inga


Allmänna redovisningsprinciper Årsredovisningen är upprättad enligt årsredovisningslagen och Bokföringsnämndens allmänna råd. Redovisningsprinciperna är oförändrade jämfört med föregående år.

Värderingsprinciper m.m. Tillgångar, avsättningar och skulder har värderats till anskaffningsvärden om inget annat anges nedan.

Fordringar Fordringar har efter individuell värdering upptagits till belopp varmed de beräknas inflyta.

Fordringar och skulder i utländsk valuta Fordringar och skulder i utländsk valuta har upptagits till det lägsta av anskaffnings- och balansdagens kurs.

Avskrivingsprinciper för anläggningstillgångar Följande avskrivningstider tillämpas

Materiella anläggningstillgångar Datorer 3 år Inventarier, verktyg och installationer 5 år Byggnadsinventarier 10 år Byggnader 40 år

Finansiella anläggningstillgångar Värdering av finansiella anläggningstillgångar sker kollektivt enligt portföljmetoden. Värderingen sker till anskaffningsvärde, vid bestående nedgång görs nedskrivning till marknadsvärde. Nedskrivningen återförs vid bestående uppgång.

Likvida placeringar Likvida placeringar värderas i enlighet med årsredovisningslagen till det lägsta av anskaffningsvärdet och det verkliga värdet.

Eget kapital Bundet eget kapital består dels av det ursprungliga donationskapitalet, dels av rearesultat som förs direkt mot bundet eget kapital. Utöver detta ingår även kapitaliseringar, årlig avsättning om 10 % på räntor och utdelningar. Fritt kapital avser den del av kapitalet som kan disponeras för utdelningar. Anslag Beviljade anslag redovisas direkt mot eget kapital. Anslagen skuldförs vid beslutstillfället. Om utfästelsen är beroende av framtida avkastning bokförs anslagen i den takt villkoren uppfylls. Kostnader för ändamålet redovisas i resultaträkningen.

Projektredovisning Externa anslag för projektverksamhet redovisas som intäkt i takt med upparbetade kostnader. Ej utnyttjade anslag redovisas som skuld.

Not 1 - Anslagsfinansierade projekt Erhållet Varav IB anslag utnyttjat Kostnad UB

975 542 9 579 166 4 514 703 -4 514 703 6 040 005

Utgående balans 6 040 005 kronor redovisas i posten Upplupna kostnader och förutbetalda intäkter.

Not 2 - Av- och nedskrivningar av materiella anläggningstillgångar 2013 2012

Byggnader och mark 14 937 14 937 Byggnadsinventarier 237 863 237 864 Inventarier, verktyg och installationer 251 535 251 789 Datorer 49 698 46 817 554 033 551 407

Not 3 - Byggnader och mark 2013 2011 Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början 597 464 597 464 Utgående anskaffningsvärde 597 464 597 464 Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början -77 174 -62 237 Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden -14 937 -14 937 Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan -92 111 -77 174

Bokfört värde 505 353 520 290

Not 4 - Byggnadsinventarier 2013 2012 Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början 2 378 629 2 160 445 Nyanskaffningar - 218 184 Utgående anskaffningsvärde 2 378 629 2 378 629 Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början -665 221 -427 357 Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden -237 863 -237 864 Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan -903 084 -665 221

Planenligt restvärde vid årets slut 1 475 545 1 713 408

Not 5 - Inventarier, verktyg och installationer 2013 2012 Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början 1 272 914 1 272 914 Utgående anskaffningsvärde 1 272 914 1 272 914 Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början -937 535 -685 746 Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden -251 535 -251 789 Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan -1 189 070 -937 535

Planenligt restvärde vid årets slut 83 844 335 379 Not 6 - Datorer 2013 2012 Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början 149 093 45 376 Nyanskaffningar - 103 717 Utgående anskaffningsvärde 149 093 149 093 Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början -51 859 -5 042 Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden -49 698 -46 817 Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan -101 557 -51 859

Planenligt restvärde vid årets slut 47 536 97 234

Not 7 - Finansiella Anläggningstillgångar (tkr) Bokförda värden och marknadsvärden på stiftelsernas totala placeringar inkl likvida medel vid respektive års utgång efter att kapital uttagits för löpande drift under året.

2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 Bokfört värde 1 120 739 1 100 845 1 127 203 1 113 213 1 001 684 1 150 317

Marknadsvärde 1 135 212 1 100 845 1 148 708 1 113 213 1 001 684 1 227 017

Årlig förändring % 3,12% -4,17% 3,19% 11,13% -18,36%

Sammanställning över tillgångarnas fördelning: 2012-12-31 2012-12-31

Aktier 47,9% 47,9% Sverige, aktier 17,0% 17,0% Globalt 30,9% 30,9%

Alternativa investeringar 10,0% 10,0%

Räntebärande 42,1% 42,1% Sverige, ränteplaceringar 42,0% 42,0% Likviditet 0,1% 0,1%

Totalt 100,0% 100,0%

Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelses andel uppgår till 11,88 %. -4 260 240 Not 8 - Eget kapital Bundet eget kapital Fritt Stiftelsekap. Övrigt eget kapital Belopp vid årets ingång 697 880 132 559 320 243 827 Årets resultat 2 881 408 2 881 408

Omföring till/från bundet eget kapital - avsättning enl. stadgarna 84 552 -84 552 -84 552 - nedskr./återföring av nedskr. 0 0 - realisationsvinst/förlust 7 141 648 -7 141 648 -7 141 648 Belopp vid årets utgång 697 880 139 785 520 -4 100 965

Summa eget kapital kapital 12-12-31 136 382 435 136 382 435 0

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