The Effects of Adverse Weather Conditions on Transport

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The Effects of Adverse Weather Conditions on Transport House of Commons Transport Committee The effects of adverse weather conditions on transport Fourth Report of Session 2008–09 Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence Ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 20 May 2009 HC 328 Published on 29 May 2009 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £0.00 The Transport Committee The Transport Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy of the Department for Transport and its associated public bodies. Current membership Mrs Louise Ellman MP (Labour/Co-operative, Liverpool Riverside) (Chairman) Mr David Clelland MP (Labour, Tyne Bridge) Mr Philip Hollobone MP (Conservative, Kettering) Mr John Leech MP (Liberal Democrat, Manchester, Withington) Mr Eric Martlew MP (Labour, Carlisle) Mark Pritchard MP (Conservative, The Wrekin) Ms Angela C Smith MP (Labour, Sheffield, Hillsborough) Sir Peter Soulsby MP (Labour, Leicester South) Graham Stringer MP (Labour, Manchester Blackley) Mr David Wilshire MP (Conservative, Spelthorne) Sammy Wilson MP (Democratic Unionist, East Antrim) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at Committee staff The current staff of the Committee are Annette Toft (Clerk), Jyoti Chandola (Second Clerk), David Davies (Committee Specialist), Marek Kubala (Inquiry Manager), Alison Mara (Senior Committee Assistant), Jacqueline Cooksey (Committee Assistant), Stewart McIlvenna (Committee Support Assistant) and Hannah Pearce (Media Officer). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Transport Committee, House of Commons, 7 Millbank, London SW1P 3JA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 6263; the Committee’s email address is [email protected]. 1 Contents Report Page 1 Introduction 3 2 The events on 1–2 February 2009 3 The extent of travel disruption 3 Planning and preparation 4 Winter Maintenance 5 Salt stocks 5 Communication and co-ordination 6 The Highways Agency 6 Local authorities 6 Priority routes 8 London 8 Communication and Co-ordination 8 Priorities for gritting 9 Cancellation of bus service 9 Role of the Mayor of London 11 Scrutiny of the Mayor 12 3 Conclusion 13 Conclusions and recommendations 15 Formal Minutes 17 Witnesses 18 List of written evidence 18 List of Reports from the Committee during the current Parliament 19 3 1 Introduction 1. The beginning of 2009 saw a period of cold weather which, by recent standards, is exceptional for the UK. Snowfall and freezing temperatures caused disruption to travel, particularly in early February. The snowfall on 1 and 2 February was reportedly the heaviest since 1991.1 Heavy snowfall in London and the South East during the early hours of 2 February had a drastic impact on transport in the capital. Although services were slowly restored during the day, London had no bus service for most of the morning of the 2 February. Overground trains and London Underground services were also affected by delays and cancellations. Disruption to services also affected other areas of the country and continued for several days. 2. In response to the severe disruption caused by the snow in London, the London Assembly Transport Committee produced a report, Slipping Up?: Impact of the extreme weather on London transport, posing a series of questions, to which Transport for London (TfL) responded on 27 April 2009. On 12 March the Secretary of State for Transport gave a written statement to the House on the response to the severe weather. The Secretary of State highlighted the problems caused by the heavy snowfall. He announced that the UK Roads Liaison Group (UKRLG), a partnership of Central Government, devolved administrations, trunk road authorities and local authorities, would review the events of the beginning of February and make recommendations for improvements by July 2009. 3. We felt that the seriousness of the disruption caused by snow in early February particularly, but not exclusively, in the capital, warranted an inquiry by this Committee to look at the problems at a national level and to report earlier than the summer deadline of the UKRLG review. We wanted to look at why public transport had been disrupted and whether this disruption was handled better or worse by different authorities, whether planning and preparation by local authorities and the Highways Agency was sufficient, and whether co-ordination between the bodies involved in responding to the heavy snow was adequate. We heard from local government representatives, the Mayor of London, the Transport Commissioner for London, a representative from operators, the chair of the London Assembly Transport Committee and the Minister of State for Transport, Paul Clark MP. 2 The events on 1–2 February 2009 The extent of travel disruption 4. Although media coverage during the first week of February suggested that there was serious, wide-spread disruption throughout England, our witnesses challenged this view. David Sparks of the Local Government Association told BBC Radio 4 that a more proportionate reaction was needed.2 Matthew Lugg of the CSS3 told us that “There was 1 Councils justify their response to record snowfalls, Public Finance, 6 February 2009 2 8 February 2009, BBC Radio 4, Today programme 3 Formerly known as the County Surveyors’ Society 4 some disruption but I think in many authorities that was minimised by the service that was provided.”4 Talking about the UK as a whole, Councillor David Sparks of the Local Government Association told the Committee that there had not been “an unprecedented closure of public transport throughout the country”.5 Valerie Shawcross, Chair of the London Assembly Transport Committee challenged the suggestion that London had been more seriously affected by the snow than other parts of the country, as did Peter Hendy, the Transport Commissioner for London. He gave the example of Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire as areas where it had been impossible to run a bus service following the heavy snowfall.6 5. While some transport services were maintained, there is no doubt that the snowfall, particularly over London and South East England, was heavier than had been predicted by the Met Office. Our witnesses all agreed that the key factor in any disruption was the unforeseen severity of the snowfall. Even advanced and repeated salting could have had little chance of keeping roads clear when faced with snow fall of up to 24cm in south London.7 The report from the London Assembly Committee accepts “the fact of the salting/gritting regime being simply overwhelmed by the speed and weight of the snow and the fact that London was universally covered”.8 Planning and preparation 6. The first warning of the possibility of snow during the first week of February came on 21 January. Although no formal forecast was issued at that stage, between 21 and 28 January the Met Office alerted key contacts, such as the Cabinet Office, Network Rail and the Highways Agency, to the potential for snow. Met Office Public Weather Service Advisors began to contact the emergency services. On Thursday 29 January a Met Office National Severe Weather Warning Service Advisory Notice was issued for heavy snow, suggesting a 40–60% risk of disruption for eastern counties of England, valid for Monday 2 February. This was extended to cover other areas of the UK on Friday 30 January. An Early Warning for heavy snow with over 60% likelihood of disruption was issued on Saturday 31 January, suggesting snowfall of 10–20cm. A warning of extreme weather was issued for London and counties to the south for Monday 2 February. This type of warning is rare. 7. Evidence submitted to the London Assembly by the East London Bus Group states that all bus operators have major incident and emergency plans to deal with a variety of events, including severe weather conditions.9 For local authorities and London boroughs, winter maintenance plans include details of priority roads for gritting. Winter maintenance plans also include details of relevant policies and service agreements. 4 Q5 5 Q25 6 Q252l 7 Q141 8 Q147 9 Slipping up?: Impact of the extreme weather on London transport, London Assembly Transport Committee p 34 5 Winter Maintenance 8. Local authorities, the Highways Agency and Transport for London as well as bus and train operators all have plans in place to deal with winter weather such as snow and ice. Winter maintenance plans include arrangements for precautionary salting and removing snow and ice which has already formed. The plans also identify which roads and routes have priority status for snow and ice prevention and clearance. 9. The most common winter maintenance approach is salting or gritting, used either to prevent ice forming or to melt snow and ice which has already formed.10 Where snow cannot be removed with salt or grit it may be possible to use snow clearing equipment, such as snow shovels or snow ploughs, to clear roads. Nigel Barrett of the East London Bus Group told us that some gritters can be fitted with a plough to enable them to function as snow ploughs.11 However, Peter Hendy, the Transport Commissioner for London, cautioned that it was very difficult to use snow ploughs in built-up, urban areas due to the risk of causing damage to parked vehicles.12 10. As part of this inquiry we asked witnesses about resources for winter maintenance. We heard, repeatedly, that to invest in heavy clearing equipment such as snow ploughs would be a poor use of public money due to the infrequency of the occasions when they would be required.
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