Public Document Pack Public Relations Sub-Committee Date: THURSDAY, 7 JUNE 201 2 Time: 12.00noon Venue: COMMITTEE ROOMS, WES T WING, G UILDHALL Members: Mark Boleat (Chairman) Stuart Fraser (Deputy Chairman) Deputy Douglas Barrow Deputy Michael Cassidy Roger Chadwick Deputy Sir Michael Snyder James Tumbridge Enquiries: Angela Roach 020 7332 3685
[email protected] Lunch will be served for Members in the Guildhall Club at 1pm Chris Duffield Town Clerk and Chief Executive AGENDA 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS BY MEMB ERS OF PERSONAL OR P REJUDICIAL INTERESTS IN RESPECT OF ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING 3. TERMS OF REFERENCE To note the Sub-Committee’s terms of reference as follows:- To consider and report to the Grand Committee on all matters relating to the Corporation’s Public Relations/Public Affairs activities including any related plans, policies or strategies . 4. MINUTES To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 23 February 2012 (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 1 - 6) 5. COMMUNICATIONS STRAT EGY 2012 - 2015: UPDATE Report of the Director of Public Relations (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 7 - 26) 6. ADDITIONAL EVENTS AN D TOPICAL ISSUES PAP ERS Report of the Director of Public Relations (copy attached). For Decision (Pages 27 - 32) 7. QUESTIONS ON MATTERS RELATING TO THE WORK OF THE SUB - COMMITTEE 8. ANY OTHER BUSINESS THAT THE CH AIRMAN CONSIDERS URG ENT 2 Agenda Item 4 PUBLIC RELATIONS SUB-COMMITTEE 23 February 2012 Minutes of the meeting of the PUBLIC RELATIONS SUB-COMMITTEE held at Guildhall, EC2 on THURSDAY, 23 FEBRUARY 2012 at 12.00noon.