Igh-Capacity, Rotary Mowing
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igh-capacity, rotary mowing. width, for excellent maneuverability in conveniently located controls, and restricted areas. the cushioned, shock-absorbing seat Designed for long hours of de- with backrest, minimize operator pendable service, this unit features a fatigue. 20-gallon fuel tank, enough for a full The HR-15. The long and the short day of mowing. And, the rugged of high-capacity mowing. From Jacob- 78-hp Perkins diesel and radiator are sen. For more information, or to mounted up front, out of the way of arrange a free demonstration, contact clippings and debris, your Jacobsen Distributor. Remember, , protected by a re- lease and finance plans are available. jP* movable screen, for Jacobsen Division clean, cool operation. of Textron Inc., Plus, creature com- Racine, Wl 53403. forts like power steering, Telex: 264428. Circle No 218 on Reader Inquiry Card Ground Cover Characteristics-Characteristics of each ground cover are listed in woody plants will naturally be in evi- common name category. Each number listed corresponds to a particular trait below. dence. Scientific name Common name Height Characteristics Improved landscapes Ground covers reduce maintenance while improving the landscape. Be- Aegopodium Goutweed 14" White flowers-June podograria sides replacing turfgrass, they can be used on steep slopes to prevent ero- Ajuga reptans Carpet bugle 3-6" Blue flowers-May sion and eliminate mowing. 1,4,5 colored foliage Small areas and wet locations where mowing is difficult, areas be- Arctostaphylos Bearberry 4" Red fall foliage neath shade trees, wooded areas, and uva-ursi 2,5,6,8,9,10 and berries spots with rock outcroppings are also suited to ground covers. Armeria maritima Thrift 6-12" Pink flowers-May Ground covers play a large role in 4,5,6,10 landscape design. Present day land- Asperu!a odorata Sweet woodruff 8" White flowers-May 1,3 Arenaria verna Moss sandwort 2" White flower-May Spacing depends on the 1,4,5,6 type of plant, its size, Au ri nia saxatilis Alyssum 6" Gold flowers-April and how quickly it will 9 spread. Calluna vulgaris Heather 10" Mixed flowers- summer Cerastium Snow-in-summer 6" White flowers-June scaping stresses simplicity. A few tomentosum 3,5,10 silver foliage carefully selected plants may be widely spaced to create an interesting Convallaria Lily-of-the-valley 6" White flowers-May landscape, tied together as a unit by majalis fragrant ground covers. The ground cover forms a green, horizontal mass that Cotoneaster Rock-spray coton. 36" Red fall berries horizontalis 6,8 serves as a base or platform to trees and shrubs. Cytisue species Broom 18" Yellow flowers-June Ground cover can tie together the 2,8,10 manicured and the informal, the ma- ture and the newly-planted, and the Epimedium species Epimedium 9" Pink & yellow flower various segments of the landscape. 1,7 May Since ground covers discourage foot traffic, they can be used to direct Erica carnea Heath 12" Pink & white flowers the flow of pedestrians in and out of 2,6,7 March buildings or through parking areas. Euonymus fortunei Wintercreeper 3" Colored foliage Some low-growing ground covers, 1,4,5,6,7,9 such as sandwort, thrift, pearlwort, and thyme will even grow well be- Festuca ovina Ornamental fescue 18" Blue foliage tween steppingstones, eliminating the 2 need for weeding. Hedera helix English ivy 3" Selection criteria 1,4,5,6,8,9 When choosing ground covers, there Hemerocallis Daylily 18" Varied flowers are several items to consider—light, species summer soil requirements, and desired main- tenance levels to name a few. Hosta species Hosta, funkia 12" Violet flowers-June Don't overlook foliage, for some 1,2,8,9 unique foliage are unusually colored and add certain highlights. These could include bronze or green-leaved ajuga, blue festuca, silver snow in summer, or 1. SHADE Plants for low light conditions. 6. EVERGREENS Most desirable as they purple wintercreeper. 2. DRY SOIL Plants for poor, dry soil. These supply a green cover over the ground the will generally become pests where growing entire year. Flowers-white candytuft, gold al- conditions are good, so use them with 7. HIGH MAINTENANCE These will require yssum, pink creeping phlox, and blue caution. extra care, such as trimming or pruning, so ajuga-add needed color to the landscape. 3. WET SOIL Plants that will tolerate wet be prepared. Boston creeper has brilliant fall conditions and poor drainage. 8. LOW MAINTENANCE Plants requiring 4. RAPID INCREASE When funds are slim, little attention. color, and cotoneaster has a fine dis- time is tight and space is large, use plants 9. FOR SLOPES Those with a heavy root play of berries. that will grow rapidly and cover the ground in systems that will hold soil in place. The accompanying table outlines short period of time. 10. FOR THE SEASHORE Plants that will the characteristics of the most popular 5. LOW GROWERS Plants for neatly tolerate salt air. trimmed areas close to buildings. of the ground covers. It may aid you in choosing plants Nothing is more effective and longer lasting than CHIPCO® RONSTAR* G herbicide. When you're up against tough competitors like crabgrass and goosegrass, play to win. Protect your golf turf with CHIPCO RONSTAR G herbicide. No other herbicide can match it for preemergent control. No other herbicide can give you such excellent control for a whole season with just one early application. No other herbicide is so tough on grassy weeds yet so safe on all major turf grasses—with no root minin1 g or inhibition. And it won't FOR SALE TO. P COMMERCIAL h;ar m nearby trees, ornamentals LAN DSC API SE/ECWVO, PREEMERG or ground cover either. of annual grasses anc vroorty Ornamenta In short, no other herbicide can ACTIVE INGREDIENT: match the winning form of Oxndlazon (2-fort-butyl-4. CHIPCO RONSTAR G. INERT INGREDIENTS Don't lose your grip on crabgrass or goosegrass this season. Get your hands on CHIPCO RONSTAR G herbicide. Rhone-POulenc Inc., Agrochem- ical Division, Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852. (ikVRHÛNE* POULENC CHIPCO RONSTAR Spread the word. CHIPCO* and RONSTAR* are registered trademarks of Rhdhe-toulenc inc. Ground Cover Characteristics-Characteristics of each ground cover are listed in based on their height, light require- common name category. Each number listed corresponds to a particular trait below. ments, soil preference, quick cover capabilities, maintenance, use, ever- Scientific name Common name Height Characteristics green characteristics, and special characteristics such as flowers, fruit Iberis Candytuft 12" White flowers-May or foliage. sempervirens 6,8 Planting Juniperus Sargent juniper 6-12" Even though you can plant ground chinensis 2,5,6,8,9 covers throughout the growing sea- sargenti son, early spring is the ideal time. Spring plantings will be well estab- Juniperus Shore juniper 6-12" lished by winter, which will help pro- confería 2,6,8,9,10 tect them from freezing and thawing. Juniperus Creeping juniper 6-12" Steep banks should be mulched with horizontalis 2,6,8,9,10 salt hay or straw until the ground Lamium species Lamium, Nettle 6" Yellow & pink flower 1,2,4,5 colored foliage Ground covers are Liriope spicata Liriope 8" Purple & white 1,4,6,8 flowers beneficial wherever a variegated foliage uniform, growing carpet Mesembryanthemum Ice plant 6" Varied flowers is needed without 2,4,5,9 spring & summer having to cope with the Lysimachia Moneywort 2" Yellow flowers-June nummularia 1,3,4,5 maintenance of Myosotis Forget-me-not 4" Blue flowers-May turfgrass. scorpioides 3,5 Pachysandra Pachysandra, spurge 6" Insignificant flower terminalis 1,4,5,7,9 cover is well established. Spacing depends on the type of Phlox subulata Creeping phlox 6" Pink flowers-May plant, its size, and how quickly it will 5,8 spread. One plant per square foot is a good Sagina subulata Pearlwort 4" White flowers- rule for herbaceous material with fur- 1,5,6 summer ther distance for larger woody plants. Closer spacing results in faster cover, Saponaria Soapwort 3" Pink flowers- ocymoides 1,2,5,8 summer but it is more costly. Small bulbs can be added when planting ground Sedum species Stonecrop 5" Varied-spring & covers for spring color in between. 3,4,5,7,9 summer Once established, a ground cover needs little maintenance. Keep well Thymus vulgaris & Thyme, Mother 2" Rose flowers-May weeded while growing, and weeding serpyllum of Thyme will not be needed in the future. 5,6 Watering and fertilizing require- ments of most ground covers are low. Tiarella Foamflower 8" White flowers-May Some plants may become aggressive cordifolia 1,2,4 and can be kept out of paths and Veronica Speedwell 4" Blue flowers- turfed areas with brick or metal edg- officinalis 1,4,5,8 summer ings. If they become overcrowed, they should be thinned out. Vinca minor Periwinkle, myrtle 3" Lavender flowers- When a quick, temporary ground 1,4,5,6,8,9 May cover is needed, select an annual flower. The most reliable are sweet alyssum, portulaca, annual vinca, lob- elia, annual candytuft, and annual 1. SHADE Plants for low light conditions. 6. EVERGREENS Most desirable as they phlox. 2. DRY SOIL Plants for poor, dry soil. These supply a green cover over the ground the will generally become pests where growing entire year. More information on ground covers conditions are good, so use them with 7. HIGH MAINTENANCE These will require is available free of charge from Bedding caution. extra care, such as trimming or pruning, so Plants Inc., a non-profit trade associa- 3.