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[email protected] www: Number 16, 2011 Monday, 6th June 2011 Week 7 Term 2 From the Principal’s Desk ……………. Thursday Welcome to Week 7 of Term 2. I will be on FACS leave. Athletics Carnival Friday Congratulations to Mr Angel on running Primary Girls’ Basketball in Narrandera. such a fine carnival last Friday. Mr Dehlsen will be in Wagga for ‘Reading Everything went off extremely well with to Learn’ training. the earliest finish to the carnival ever. School’s Learning Support Team Congratulations to Blue House on meeting. winning the Championship Trophy but Did you Know? watch out for Red House in the next few The longest word in William years as there are some talented sports Shakespeare’s plays: people coming through. “honorificabilitudinitatibus” in Love’s I must also say well done to Red House Labour’s Lost and the average caterpillar for getting so many points for cheering has 2,000 muscles in its body, the and helping out at the Carnival. average human has 700. What’s on this Week: Until next week, take care. Monday Peter Morse Good luck to the Primary Boys’ Touch team at Wagga and to the Year 7/8 Swan Student of the Month Shield Boys’ AFL team in Corowa today. Mr Radnidge and Mr Angel will be in charge of these teams. Year 11 and 12 half-yearly reports go out. Executive meeting after school.