LOGAN & HITCHENS PTY. LTD. AT WORK ... AT PLAY [ . AND COOLAMON Wholesale Grain and Chaff Merchants OR ON THE WAY- DEALERS FOR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTERS, TRACTORS, THERE'S NOTHING LIKE A COKE! TRUCKS, TILLAGE HARVESTING AND HAY HALING EQUIPMENT Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola Company by PHONES: BOTTLERS PTY. LTD., WAGGA "Coca-Cola" and "Coke" are registered trade marks of GANMAIN 42 COOLAMON 24 The Coca-Cola Company,


FO~ 1THE flROPRJETORS VICTORIAN PUBLISHING COMPANY WHEN YOU THINK F E. A. S. RICHTER ROGER .MILNE u AND SONS 17 Berry Street, Wagga R DOBNEY A VE., W AGGA N Roof Tile Supplier and I RIVERIN A & INTERSTATE Fixers T TRANSPORT SERVICE Agents for: u R For cartage of building material, Wunderlich Terra Cotta Wool, Produce and all types of E general loaing Tiles; Various Cement Tiles. THINK N E SB ITT S WAGGA YOU CALL - WE'LL HAUL (Locally Owned) PHONES: 8630 - 3081 Phone: 4549 Vol. 1. SUNDAY, 3rd SEPTEMBER, 1961. No. 20. L E I I GRIF·FITH TIMBERS PTY. LTD. E X SA, WMILLERS AND JOINERS -BONEGILLA ROAD, GRIFFITH I I II A E Cyprus Pine, Hardwood, Flbro and All Building Requirements G C PHONE 179. After Hours, 1335 (J. TAYLOR) u u ill E T I LEAGUE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE V DEMPSEY'S As this season is rapidly drawing to a close, I t E am most grateful at havmg the opportunity to PRE•· SEG. T111u••. DRAPERY express my appreciation to the many hundreds. of J, A, QUINN F. H. BRATTON H. W. Mc:KINNON people who have been most loyal and untiring GANMAIN this season of 1961--a most successful one. EDITORIAL ~ Clothing for Che whole Briefly, I would like to thank the respective -With the first semi-final over, it is time for congratulations and CODIDIIS• Family. Clubs of the League; their executive and particu­ serations. .. Congratulations to Firsts and Seconds on their larly their Ladies' Auxiliaries, whose efforts have very meritorious wins, which carry them into the Preliminary Final, and com• been outstanding. Also thanks to the Pr= mi~rations to Griffith on their elimination from both grades. PHONE 171. and Radio, whose efforts combined together have It was indeed a black day for Griffith, but when you come to sum it up, that helped to bring this League to one of the top little element of luck that is present in every football match let tm!lm down Leagues in country football. I would like to thank on the day. In the main game particularly the teams were very even, but the Police for their co-operation at all times. Griffith's poor kicking for goal was the deciding factor. The Wbittou Club are also to be commended on their handling of the A special tribute must be paid to my co· arrangements for 'the match. Considering that they bad less than a week to executive, Mr. Fred Bratton (secretary) and Mr. make their preparations, they overlooked nothing, and must be very pleased with Hee McKinnon (treasurer) for their loyal co-opera· their efforts. lion, and their outstanding services to the League Congratulations aJso to Viv Hathaway, of Griffith, on winning the covetetf l{ENNEDY & CO. in this, one of the biggest seasons on record. Gammage MedaJ for the second time; to Johnny Pursehouse, of Ard1ethan, on winning the Lanham Trophy for the second year in succes.§ion, an4 Len We have had the pleasure of visits from the to Geelong Football Club; the Ovens and Murray Sexton, Griffith's coacb, oo winning the goal-kicking. Stock & Station Agents, The second seJl)i-finaJs at , between Turvey Park and Leeton iu the League; participating in the Caltex Country Etc. Championships, and our usual fixture, the Farrer Firsts, and Narrandera and Leeton, in the Seconds, promise to be reaJ thrillers, League and Central Riverina League. as all four teams are playing outstanding footbalL Monthly Sheep Sales LEAGUE AWARDS AND 1960 WINNERS 2nd Tuesday each In conclusion, congr~tulatlons to the four final­ Month. ists; a special thanks to all patrons for their con­ tinuous support during the season, and sincerely Phone Grong Groog 23. trust the concluding games will meet with your full approval. J. A. QUINN, President.

IVERACH'S HOTEL COOLAMON COOLAMON '' PHONE 28 BILL MORGAN General Merchants (Prop.) M11. w. J. GA ■ IIACU K. MURPHY M11. s. G. LANHAM J. Puw■ SHOU•• LKAOUS a. a F. WtNNIER a11a XVIII B. a, F. W1NNSII Farm and Household Requirements Stopping place of all MAKE IT A RULE - STOP! "Aussie Rules" Fans ADVANCE AUSTRALIA HOTEL Clothing and Drapery WAGGA WAGGA Choi~ of or Melbourne ''THE RECOGNISED RULES HOUSE" Phone 13. Beers. LEN WARDLEY, Prop. PHONE: 3375 RICHARDS · LANHAM'S OF LEETON FRANK DRISCOLL LEETON DEPARTMENT I STORE EXCLUSIVE JEWELLERS LANHAM'S MOTORS HAIRDRESSER AND TOBACCONIST can supply all your Furniture for Exclusive Diamond Rings for Chrysler, Simca and Austin and Floor Covering Require- Phone for after hours appointment N.R.M.A. rnstrict Depot. Pb. 564 86 PINE A VE., LEETON ments. 568 or 645. Panel & Bodyworks. Ph. 369 or 645 ii Phone 452. ! PHONE 781

TURVEY TIDBITS LEETON LINGO NARRAN DERA NA'ITERINGS After jumping up and down the' Congratulations. to Whitton on the The boys rose to the occa~ion on S~d~y at premiership ladder throughout the way in which they handled the large Whitton to win and put us m the prelumnary Kelly's Butchery season we have achieved the just dis- crowd at the big ~ame last Sunday. final. tinction of top position. Everything was earned out in a work­ WHITTON manlike manner and the people were What a difference to see 18 "goers" in the We have not been defeated by any Blue and Gold once more! I doff my "lid" to all one team in the competition by more -really well cared and catered for. The crowd got their money's worth, as the you bo_ys, and am quite sure you will be in the for Service, Civility and than three goals, and then only due to grand final if you play as you did last Sunday. 'high graC:e Meat. shortage of players through injuries, big game was a typical semi-final, and which deprived us of even regular re­ was fought out under slogging condi­ The extra couple of weeks will be a help to Orders delivered. tions. Ike who, I believe, goes to Sydney this weekend serves. However, the short respite Phone 45 or, after from play has enabled our boys to Congratulations to Narrandera on for a final check on his shoulder. recuperate for the finals. We now have their fine effort in coming back, and To single out individual players is hard, but 1 hours, 58. a formidable line-up of top class, very commisserations to Griffith, as they thought the little tello_w played a mighty gam~, fit players, presenting our selectors have certainly given this League some while Bruce Rava, m his nght place, really burned with a hard task to name our team for good football throughout the season. up the opposition. today's game. Exceptional keenness has been Cedric, as usual, played well, but then they We face the semi-final with great shown at training, with big roll-ups at­ all did. confidence, having several factors in tending. Congratulations, lads, and keep the pressure up. our favour. Doug Gladman was unlucky to have It was good to see Uncle Ted in No. 13 after a Our capt~ and coach, Fred ("Ali") twisted his ankle and will be a doubt­ big spell from injury. Gallagher, 1s good for serious thought ful starter for the game next Sunday. SCOTT'S by our opponents. His ability is un­ We have no other injuries, and both To Griffith I say bad luck; you gave us a good Cosy Corner doubted in both the physical and teams should be near top strength. game, and I wish you better luck next season. tactical departments of Aussie Rules, I would like to thank the Women's Ardlethan . . . I must congratulate you on Newsagency, Refresh­ and he is a proven match-winner Auxiliary for their efforts throughout making the preliminary final for the first time. ments, Groceries and (third top goalkicker). the season, and to all the competition Well done! sellers and persons who assisted the Smallgoods. The players have complete faith in women. To Whitton Club . . . a job well done, which their leader and their own ability. They goes to show what a combined effort will do. WHITTON are trained to top fitness at the right We are looking forward to the btg game on Sunday and are keeping our Only one thing lacking-an extra rubbing-down Phone 28. time; relations throughout the Cl1Jb table. One is not enough. are completely harmonious, and they fingers crossed for fine weathe,-. If it are determined that this is their year. is fine we will see a record crowd at Bruce Water won the Oscar donated by Wal Matong that day. We expect a big Hay, and Bruce Rava the one donated by Si. Congratulations, "Nobby" Nolan following from Leeton and, no doubt, and John Wright, who each polled 10 Turvey Park supporters will be there votes for the Gammage Medal; also to in force. Noel Morrow and "Lulu" Cox, who figured in the votes. Congratulations to the Editor of KINLOCH BROTHERS FOR ALL the Aussie Ruler, as they sold very This is your year to win, lads, so well in this area. PTY. LIMITED TYRES, ACCESSORIES go out on the field and slay 'em! Your supporters arc right with you. Congratulations to Max Kruse on 31 - 35 PINE A VE., LEETON winning the second 2WG Star Award. GREASING, REP AIRS Congratulations, Narrartdera, on Max has certainly given us a great The Store for all your your hard-earned win. season. & PETROL Home Building see Requirements PETER BISHOP KERLIN'S ROYAL HOTEL - and SERVICE STATION will be pleased to welcome all "Rules" enthusiasts with a cool, Kitchenwar e, Cr ockery, sattsfying Tooths Ale. EDWARD STREET, WAGGA etc. PHONE 3781 r•'f"''T<' Pt The Recognised "Rules Will todays mat1:h be an excitin& finish? . , SLATIERY'S THEO'S House" A SURE WINNER ANY N ewsagency & Gift Store Coolamon Cafe DAY- Cards for every occasion AREA for ~bat after-the-game Snack. Have your garm~pts dry-cleaneC:• Also for your personal Football FISH, GRILLS, MILK BAR HOTEL and . pressed at Supplies. and SOFT DRINKS COOLAMON - PHONE 112. PHONE 121. GRIFFITH NAVIN'S That's where we'll meet after Spring Fresh "Perclean" Dry MEET THE PLAYERS ... the match! Cleaning . AUB FARRELL 34 & 396 BANNA AVE., LEETON - "THE DEMONS" Licensee. GRIFFITH FRANK FITZPATRICK (ruck and NIEL STOCKTON (~ck and f~ ­ '- PHONE 185. Phone 101. forward pocket): 29 years of age, 6ft. ward pocket): 22, 6ft. lm., 12.0. Ex­ .... 4½ins., 13 stone. High mark; long kick. tremely good in air; leading goal kicker for Demons. RON VIVIAN (centre wing): 19, 5ft. 8½ins., 12.0. Fast, aggressive player;; JOHN LEWIS (centre half-back): 23 , J brilliant ball bandier. 6ft. lin., 12.7. Solid defence; hign mark and clearing kick. DOUG GLADMAN (full forward): 19, 6ft. lin., 13½ stone. Good high DES LYONS (centre half forward): D U E TO CIJICUllll­ mark; will test any fullback. 23, 6ft. Jin., 15.1. Excellent high •TANCE• ■ 11:YOND OUII mark and accurate kick. CONTROL, NO ■ LOCK ED (BUTCH) GLADMAN (half­ BOB STOCKTON (ruck and back AYAll.ABLE. back bank): 22, 5ft. lOins., 12.4. Hard, pocket): 24, 6ft., 13½ st. Very con­ l"RANK FITZPATRICK, rugged player; good mark and kick. sistent; solid in defence and attack. LtONKL. PIITT•· LSSTON'• LES STOCKTON (ruck and back LKKToN' ■ JOHN BREED (half-back flank): COACH, pocket): 27, 6ft. Jin., 14.1. Hard and P11• ■ 1DKNT, 22, 5ft. 1 lins., 13 st. Brilliant in de­ ■AY ■ 1 forceful player; excellent mark and fence; good mark and kick. ■ AT■ I kick. GEORGE SCHLITZ (forward): 18, Firstly, my congratulations to Turvey I am very pleased with · the Leeton BERNIE SCOTI (centre wing or 6ft. Jin., 12 st. Great ability; high Park, Narrandera, Griffith and Ardl~­ boys in both First and Second XVIII. half forward flank): 22, 5ft. Bins., 12.0. mark and really good kick. tban In making the final four. In this Through the year, which is my first in Promoted from 2nds; has given good Leeton and the South West, I have KEVIN JONES (back pocket): 23 , year, which has been a topsy-turvy service. one with no one knowing the com­ received the fullest co-operation from 5ft. 1 lins., 12½ st. Fast big man; high the players and committee. Their ap­ JOHN FOLEY (half forward flank): mark and left foot kick. position of the final four until the last game very keen interest has ' been proach to the game is one of sincerit}' 16, 5ft. lOins.; 10.7. First year in S.W.; ALLAN POULSEN (half forward and sportsmanship. Thier will to win good prospects for future. show~ by all Clubs in the League. flank) : 17, 6ft., 11.6. Up from 2nd8; I feel the remaining finals are going was in very strong evidence in the ALLAN WATERS (rover and for­ good bands and accurate kick. to hold that same amount of interest. second half round, when they were ward pocket): 17, 5ft. 7ins., 10.1. This MAX McALIECE (rover and for­ defeated on only one occasion, by Naturally, I feel very proud of ~ur Narrandera at Leeton. Since then we boy is destined for big things in the ward): 22, 5ft. 6ins., 9.8. Very fast; boys in both teams. Due to the guid­ Australian game. always dangerous in forward line. came from eighth position on the ance of our coach, Frank Fitzpatrick, ladder to second, on percentage. DON (DUXIE) ALLEN (rover): · RON CLAYTON (chao~e rover and ably supported by \be itreatest bunch 26, 5ft. Sins., 12.0. Rated as one of half forward): 22, 5ft. 8ms., 10½ st. of . sportsmen •. to wear the Red and We have -bad many a hard struggle the best in the League. A realy good team man. B~e colours of the Leeton Cob. from the o_uposing te&JDS, but our de­ fence bas stood the. test. JOHN WALSH (centre): 19, 5ft. SID FELL (rover, centre wing or rnie re is if feeling· of complete har­ 9ins., 11 ½ st. High Class; very fast;; forward): 19, 5 ft. 6ins., 9 .11. ·Very me~ and u1;1ity in the camp. This has I expect another great struggle ·from good mark and kick. fast, elusive player. be'l!h,irought· about by the efforts of a Turv1'y Park on Sunday in the seniors, / h~rd. working computtee. and from Narrandei:a in the seconds, MAX KRUSE (fullback): 28, 6ft. but L feel confiden( our boys will THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK · 'I( ~in in both divisions today would 2ins., 14 st. Forceful; very solid in ho a just reward for their efforts. acquit themselves with honours. defence; brilliant high mark and good · If you take care of the future, you ..,. kick. will avoid lamenting the past. SQUIRES BROOKS SHOE SPECIALIST EAT AND DRINK TO YOUR DELIGHT AT "For the Best in Men's Wear" GRIFFITH AND LEETON FRED THOMPSON'S 118 BANNA A VE., The Leal ing Store for all classes LONDON HOTEL - ARDLETHAN of high grade Footwear for all GRIFFITH I I the family. WHERE ALL SPORTSMEN MEET PHONE 34. SMITH & BAILEY NULTY'S JOHN MATTERSON ROYAL HOTEL 52 PINE A VE., LEETON FARMERS HOME HOTEL 4 RAILWAY A VE., LEETON for daily Fresh Fruit and MATO~(. GRONG GRONG GENERAL CARRIERS Vegetables. will be pleased to meet you after welcomes all "Rules" Players You phone - we deliver. PHONE 652 or 81. the game. and supponers with a choice PHONE 434. GROG AT ITS BEST! of Resch's or Richmond Ale.

· SECOND X~ - 12.15 p.m. FIRST XVIII - 2.30 p.m. 'HT£ l'/9 FIELD UMPIRE ...... 'fl.(:.8.(/.£,EY...... FIELD UMPIRE ...... LEETON 2nd XVID UR.rr...... NARRANDERA 2nd l8 LEETON ('-----~~~~, TURVEY PARK 23. F. FOSTER ✓ Dale & Osmond I. K. OSMOND ./. .,,1-- The ✓ 24. J. KIDMAN 2. T. SHEATHER✓ 21.. RF. FNITVZIVPAIATRNICK✓v:. I WATTLE CAFE I. F. GALLAGHER fo) S 25. N. McDERMOTT QUALITY BUTCHERS 0 2. B. CONWAY ✓ 3. J. BEAN I ) 3. D. Gl,,t.,DllP,~ Delicious Meals, Late 3. Q . 8,',K,BR. 26. R. TOWERS 4. B. ROYAL , I 27. W. BREED (v-c) East St., Narrandera 45 .. EDL. GS,!:OCADKMTAONN "I Suppers. 4. N. MORROW (v-c) 5. A. SMITH 1 ., , Milk and Pure Fruit 5. G. NYE 28. D. PAINTER (c) 6. B. STAFFORD 29. G. HARVEY where satisfied custom­ 6. S. FELi! Drinks. 6. A. Gll-£f'lTEbL 7. K. JONES 7. M. :McALit!CI": Exclusive to The 7. R. LANGRIDGE / 30. G. BROWNE ers have, built our 8. R. HOBAN l 31. R. McGREGOR 8. J. FOLEY Wattle: 8. N. McLELLAN · £ business. 9. G. STEVENS,I" 9. A. WATERS . American Dairy Delife 9. R. NOLAN 4 32. L. CLARE ✓ 10. J. OSMOND ✓ 33. J. PILKINGTON Phone 152 or 173. 10. D. ALLEN ✓t/~ Ice Cream 10. C. HARRISON 11. N. BRIGHT 11. J. WALSH 70 PINE AVENUE 11. R. THOMPSON 34. B. COLLINS ✓ 13. B. PEARSON 35. T. WOOD .i" 12. B. SCOTT ✓ tEETON Phone 249. 12. W. PRIEST 14. J. McFARLANE~ 13. M. KRUSE 13. W. GALLAGHER 36. L. PILKINGT~r 15. T. MILLER ✓ ~ 37. V. HOWE / 14. N. STOCKTON 4 14. K. WHITLOCK I 16. D. SMITH 15. J. LEWIS ✓ 15. J. KEATING 38. B. McDERMOTT I 17. S. KOOTSOOM- 39. B. MULCAHY / 16. D. LYONS ' , 16. P. WILKINS / 1ci======71 BARIS I 17. B. STOCKTON I 17. R. SMALL / 46. T. HOGAN RIV ERIN A 18. K. BEAUMONT 18. J. BREED BARKERS 18. F. OR-/1\VFQIU) 19. G. JOHNSON 19. G. SCHLITZ THE 19. G. PEAKE AOTN. ~o:¥wn-E- . ELECTRIC CO. 23. B. LIBSCOMBE G. P. McCLOSKEY ! 20. K. JONES DRY CLEANING 20. L. COX 24. J. BLISS 21. A. PO..,...0::. ~N / 21. J. J.leloh\?IMR-A G. CLARKE 58 EAST STREET 25. R. HYDE P. DUNN NARRANDERA 22. R. CLA¥TO"!'i SPECIALISTS 22. J. WRIGHT I K. MANGLES- for all types of lf./tfl/Uj4&4 ~ 23. G. '.','OO:0LI.NQS DORF / Domestic and Industrial rn1-• ~... 90 PINE AVENUE 26. J. STAPLETON ✓ N,N&~c£ ,,- Installations __._ ,,__ LEETON · 32. J. MARTIN Riverina Coverage. Plus Depots 40. P. SCIIAQl;b PHONE 610. PHONE 88

1st Qr. 1st Qr. I 1st Qr. 1st Qr. .s I .a A~ I I -9 Is 49 I I $ ::9 / 6 I S6 / 2nd Qr. 2nd Qr. I 2nd Qr• 2nd Qr. ~ I .IJ: ! I s I t 3'1 I I /() I I 4'4= I s> I ss l 3rd Qr. 3rd Qr. 3rd Qr. ' 3rd Qr. I I "9 I,$ I I I .s ~$ I"' I/~ 1s I /n I I 1s 19 /17 I 4th Qr. 4th Qr. g 4th Qr. 4th Qr. .. I 7" I /-Z Is-a I I " I II $!) \.4s I/~ 1 ✓~~ 1 \1~ 1 ✓~ 1 ✓~2 1 TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL I z I /Z Iss I TOTAL I " I 11 lss I~$ I /6 1 ✓~~ 1 1/S l/~ 1 ✓~~ 1

K. E. KEOUGH & CO. - W AGGA W AGGA. Phone 9400 RICHARD'S DEPARTMENT STORE LICENSED PLUMBERS AND DRAINERS EAST STREET, NARRANDERA All types of MECHANICAL TRENCHING EXCAVATION Promptly .and Efficiently carried out. Caters for Town and Country Men and Women Invite your Tourist Friends to a palate-tickling FISH or TASTY GRILL LUNCHEON or SUPPER The most popular Cafe in Narrandera is DIXONS PTY. LTD. I• THE GOLDEN KEY EAST STREET, NARRANDERA C. LETTIE, Prop. PHONE 285. Joiners, Sawmillers, Br~ck and Fibrous Plaster Manufacturers imd for all GENERAL HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Agents for FORD and FORDSON. PHONE 110. MEET THE PLAYERS , , . TURVEY PARK "THE BULLDOGS" FRED GALLAGHER (full for- KERRY WHITLOCK (centre wing): ward): 30 years of age, 6ft., 14 stone 17, 5ft. Sins., 10.11. First season; 2lbs. Forty games with Turvey Park. Shows outstanding promise. BARRY CONWAY (ruckman): 21, JACK KEATING (utility player): 6ft. Sins., 16.7. Showing marked im­ 22, 5ft. 1 lins., 13.0. Now playing provement. fullback; safe. DON BAKER (utility player): 21, PETER WILKINS (ruckman): 28, 5ft. toins., 12.7. Player with de• Hs.u Buaoa FRIID GAI.LAANKR, 6ft. 3ins., 16.1. Tower of strength; TUllY&Y PARK•• termination. good high mark. Tu11v•Y PARK •• P ■ a ■ aD•NT, COACH, NOEL MORROW (centre): 22, 5ft. SAY81 Sins., 11.0. Good ball-getter; excellent BOB SMALL (centre half-back): 22, IIATS1 6ft., 13.5. Fast and spectacular. disposal. A full complement of fit players to Althou41h Leeton defeated us at our GEOFF NYE (back pocket): 23, FERGY CRAWFORD (ruck and pick from-trained to give 100 minutes last meeting, I am confident of suc­ 5ft. Sins., 12. 10. Specialist; depend­ back man): 18i 5ft. 11ins., 11.8. First of fast football; the will to win; de­ cess today. able; long kick. year with seniors; coming player. termination in every player; an out­ We will be a different side from the standing leader and coach . • . why GEOFF PEAKE (centre): 19, 5ft. one that they beat last time. I have ALAN · GRE TELL: 17, 5ft. 9ins., shouldn't I predict a Turvey Park win? never had them playing better, nor 11.0. Accurate kick; early leader in 10ins., 12.7. Forced his way up this goal-kicker; hampered by injuries. season. Fred Gallagher has, this year, have I had them fitter. moulded together a team that finished I know we will be giving away a lot RON LANGRIDGE (back man): 24, LOU COX (half forward): 24, 5ft. on top for the home and home games. of weight in most departments, but we 5ft.' I tins., 12.7. Plenty of determina­ 10ins., 12.4. Heady player; makes How many of our public and critics will counter that with speed and play­ tion. openings. thought this possible at the begining of on football. JOHN McNAMARA (rover): 18, the year? Not many, if gate takings are If enthusiasm counts, this will be NORM McLELLAN (forward): 26, any indication. 5ft. ?ins., 11. 7. Accurate kick; spec­ 5ft. ?ins., 10.9,. A rea . speedster. our year. We have been runners-up tacular mark. JOHN WRIGHT (rover): 17, 5ft. Fred made men out of "boys", :ind the last two seasons. We have no 6ins., 10.7. Outstanding. Good left the players are determined to give him stars, but rely on team-work; that is ROB NOLAN (rover): 19, 5ft. Sins., footer. his great wish-to lead a premiership why we have reached so far this 12.0. Excellent team player. winnig side. season. GORDON WOODLANDS (utilityj: This season has been a most frus­ A word to supporters: · I hope your CHARLES HARRISON (half-back): 26, 5ft. Bins., 13.0. Reliable; accurate trating one, as our Club has not haj 19, 5ft. 10ins., 13.0. Hard to pass. in front of goals. vocal chords are really tuned for the sufficient players to fill two teams. day, as the louder you cheer, the ROB THOMPSON (ruck and back JOHN STAPLETON (half-back or To those players who have stuck to better we play, so you see that you man): 23, 5ft. llins~ 12.7. Kicks with forward): 18, 5ft. 11ins., 11.7. Greatly the Club, my heartiest thanks. can also be a terrific help to us. either foot. improved . • WARWICK PRIEST (back man): JACK MARTIN: 29, 6ft., 14.0. Aft. 24, 6ft., 13.(); Higlr flyer; good kick. newcomer from Western Australia. MARSHALL ROYAL HOTEL BILL GALLAGHER (centre wing): • PETER ~HADEL (being groomed DRY CLEANERS 1~. 5ft. 6ins., 10.0. Fast; turns either for fullback): 18, 6ft. tin., 12.0. Good f~t: lc;ft footer. GANMAIN For Quality Cleaning Right in the heart of town Three Narrandera Depots; also Good Beer, Meals and at Grong Grong, , Carra­ C. R. AND P. I. HOWE Good Cheer thool and . Reliable Livestock Transporters and General Carriers. 4-Hours' Service a Speciality. Haroid Fr_ench, Prop. .. All work under personal super- .. NARRANDERA. PHONE 386. Phone 13. vision of Frank English (Prop.) .. PHONE 293. CHOY BROS. R. R. & N. M. Dawson's RELIANCE GARAGE AND GENERAL STORE STEVENS When visiting Narrandera, h l'IGINEERING WORKS l Grong Grong remember Grong Grong SERVICE STORE THE ROY AL MAIL Agents for: Sporting Requm:ments HOTEL Shell, Shearer Farm Machinery ~;.;;;f;;;;o;;;;r =Trophiea;;;;ll= y;;;;ou;;;;sr=;;;; a HSpeciality.;;;;o;;;;u;;;;se;;;;h;;;;o;;;;ld=;;;; a;;;;n;;;;d=-'. Hardware and Paint PHONE 21 or 38. PHONE 2. Specialists where all "Rules" Fans Il 1 congregate. GRIFFITH GEN ARDLETHAN ANECDOTES Victa Mower Sales and We don't keep Good Beer . Service we sell it! There were many disappointed Going into our first-ever South West Ii First Class Table people at Whitton last Sunday, when semi-final as underdogs, the Ardlethan I Comets, as they have been dubbed after GANMAIN HOW ARD HOPKINS the final siren ended our playing season (Prop.) for 1961. their last · quarter win, have put the township of Ardlethan higher than any Phone 27. PHONE 7. Congratulations to Narrandera and hill in the district. Ardlethan on their splendid efforts, Congratulations to you, boys, for and good luck to them m their remain- carrying in the true never-says-die tra­ ing games. ' dition and pulling the game out of th..: Western Riverina We had our chances of victory in fire with that last quarter of deter­ Sports Store both games, but on the day just didn't mined football that had every Ardle­ have what it takes. We confidently than supporter on the edge of his MAKE IT A DATE for all your Sporting expect to be amongst the leaders agam seat at Whitton until the final siren. Requirements next year and, who knows, we might After conducting Ardlethan Stars JIM LAIRD find someone who can kick goals . by through their most successful season PRELIMINARY FINAL will be pleased to meet then. for many a long day, and the Comets into the final three now, Les Romari you. Although disappointed by our total has announced that he will not be Sunday, 10th September, 1961 RANNA AVENUE eclipse at Whitton, we have had a coaching Ardlethan next year, and will GRIFFITH good year-both teams in the finals; be moving on at the season's end. Phone 399. the Gammage Medal and 2WG award, Les has ' left without any ill-feelings the leading goal-kicker and runner-up and the memory of many brilliant NARRANDERA v. for the Lanham Medal gives us plenty games turned in by him are still fresh to be pleased and proud about. in our memories. All players were in at Ardlethan Vic Hathaway clearly showed the favour of Les returning for another year but, for personal reasons, Les has Call in at the big crowd why he was the Gammage decided to move on, and Ardlethan are Medal winner, with a brilliant exhibi­ now in the market for a coach for the GRAND FINAL: 17th SEPT., 1961 TUCKER BOX tion that rated him the best afield. 1962 season. Close behind Vic was Bill Biron who, Les will stay on until what, we hope, Sweets, Cool Drinks, in the Ill.it few games, has played will be berth for our "Comets" in the AT NARRANDERA Groceries. probably the best football of his grand final and a go at the pennant. W. & R. FIELDER career, and we expect big things next Congratulations to Johnny Purse• (Props.) year from Bill and his "new look" house, who once again wil have his style of play. smiling face peering at us from the TOP END RANNA AVENUE Our Seconds didn't come up to ex­ inside cover of the "Ruler" as this pectations. Perhaps they were a year's Lanham Medalist. Also to little too tense, as they were particu­ Freddy Thompson, who polled so weu t. W. K. SIMPSON larly keen to do well for their en­ in the Gammage. CHEMIST, GRIFFITH THEY SAY ... thusiastic coach, Jib Eley. Perhaps Things are moving as we get under Agents for: Men,- like steel, are useless when one day Griffith will get over this way for our Ball next Friday, and the Kiddi Craft Toys, Hospital and they lose their temper. first semi-final hurdle with the Second preliminary final the same Sunday. So Medical Fund XVIII. it's all hands on deck. Washington & Soul Products. Football is a leveller* of men-they all come down to earth.

After the game - don't forget WEBSTER'S CORDIALS THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, WHITTON HIGH MARK OF QUALITY and replay the game with Good Beer and Service. QUARTER-TIME - HALF-TIME - ALL THE TIME Best wishes from JACK MYERS. Weh