Beelbangera Public School Newsletter 765765 Rankins Rankins Springs Springs Road, Road, Beelbangera Beelbangera NSW NSW 2680 2680 T 6963T 6963 5368 5368 F 6963F 6963 5506 5506 E beelbangerE beelbanger‐
[email protected]‐
[email protected] th Term 1 – Week 7 Positive Playground Targets – “Can you solve the problem? If not, see the teacher on duty” Monday 6 March 2017 Mr Beard has now taken up his new temporary position with the LMBR deployment team and I have settled into the big chair with lots of new exciting things going to take place over the next few terms. We will be auditioning and setting up our school musical in the next couple of weeks to be held towards the end of Term 3. Miss Matthews is training in the L3 Literacy Program, Mrs McIntyre will be travelling to Sydney to attend the Down Syndrome training conference and I will be heading to Albury after being selected as part of the High Impact Leadership Program; so lots of new learning for the staff to pass on to each other and the students. We would like to welcome Miss Brooke Rossetto who will be working with Mrs McRae for the next 3 weeks for her teaching practicum. She comes to us from Armidale University. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to come in and have a chat. Kristie Symonds Afternoon Dismissal Just a friendly reminder about the afternoon dismissal procedure. Students are escorted to their lines under the shelter ready for the 3:10pm dismissal.