Be Still Day 43

Spy Wednesday

BE STILL Take a moment to still yourself before Jesus. Take a few minutes to tell Him who He is. "Jesus you are ______."

Take another few moments to reflect on any good that has happened in the last 24 hours. Scripture tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17). Thank Him for those things.

What concerns are on your mind? How has the last 24 hours gone? Do you see ANY movement or change in the things you have prayed over the last week? If so, make note of it.

Prayer Dear Lord, I know if Judas could have heard better, he may never have betrayed You. Give me ears to hear your voice so that I may always remain in the center of your will. Quiet the noise in my heart and mind so I can hear from you today. Guide me today as one who loves You and seeks to love like you. Amen.

READ Matthew 26:14-16, John 13:18-30

FOCUS Focus Verse of the Day: John 13:26-27 – Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.

APPLICATION & REFLECTION Wednesday of Holy Week has long been called “Spy Wednesday”. As the conspiracy against Jesus progresses, a traitor from within takes action. Judas, one of the 12 disciples, has agreed to betray Jesus into the hands of Temple authorities for 30 pieces of silver. This is the day when the pu zzle pieces come together to ensure that Jesus, the Son of God is murdered.

Our theme for the season of Lent is called Be Still. I just have to believe that if Judas had quieted

Our theme for the season of Lent is called Be Still. I just have to believe that if Judas had quieted himself before taking action, he would have heard the voice of God telling him not to do what he was about to do. But his ears were not tuned in.

The other day I read an article in Guide Post about a major league player in the 90s:

Late in the 1993 season, when minor-leaguers are called up to the big leagues, an by the name of made his debut with the Expos. The second-place Expos were at home, battling the for the division lead, when Pride stepped to the plate with the home team down 7–4 and two men on base.

He wasted no time, ripping a on the first pitch that scored both runners. The capacity crowd of Olympic Stadium nearly brought the house down with their cheers for the young rookie. Time was called, and the Expos third base coach ran out to second base, but instead of congratulating Pride, the coach asked Pride to take off his helmet.

"What's wrong with my helmet?" wondered Pride. Then he understood that third base coach wanted him to tip his helmet to the fans and acknowledge their cheers. Pride obliged, only then realizing that the people were thundering their applause for him.

You see, Curtis Pride is deaf. He can't hear the crack of the bat or most of the other sounds that we associate with baseball. Only 5 percent of his hearing is intact due to his mother contracting rubella during her pregnancy,

Pride has to read lips and sense vibrations from loud noises. But he communicates quite well and has vowed never to allow his disability to slow him down. "My other senses are more sensitive," he says. "Smell, feel, and seeing are much sharper because of my [lack of] hearing."

After the game, a reporter asked Pride if he could hear the cheering, standing on second base. "Here," Pride said as he pointed to his heart. "I could hear it here."

How do you hear God speak? Maybe you’ve heard Him speak in an audible voice. I sure haven’t. But God does speak. Most of the time it’s in our “heart”. Heart refers to the seat or center of our intellect. We could also say we hear Him in our conscience. Regardless, if our mind and heart is cluttered with non-essential things, we stand the chance of missing the voice of God, as Judas did. Instead He heard the voice of Satan. And the rest is history – but thank God it wasn’t final.

WRITE Sometimes it’s helpful to just be honest about the things that keep us from hearing the voice of the Lord “in our heart”. Take a few minutes and jot down or just think of the things that have the potential of blocking out the voice of Jesus. In the silence and stillness, confess your distraction, repent and invite the Holy Spirit to remove anything that keep you from properly hearing the voice of truth – Jesus Christ.

Prayer Thank you God for this time that we could share together. May the stillness and peace of these moments carry over into the movement of my day. Quiet the noise in my heart and mind so I can hear from you today. Guide me today as one who loves You and seeks to love like you. In Jesus name, Amen