Christopher Bakken All Rights Reserved
after EECE chr istopher bakkenpoems by Truman State University Press New Odyssey Series Truman State University Press Kirksville, Missouri 63501 Copyright © 2001 Christopher Bakken All rights reserved. Published 2001 Printed by Thomson-Shore, Dexter, Michigan, USA Cover illustration: Brygos Painter (5th bce). Maenad (Bacchant), Attic Wine Cup, 490 bce. Staatliche Antikensammlung, Munich. Erich Lessing/Art Resource, N.Y. Cover design: Teresa Wheeler, Truman State University designer Body type Bembo 12/14 by Agfa Monotype Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bakken, Christopher, 1967– After Greece : poems / by Christopher Bakken p. cm. — (New odyssey series) ISBN 1-931112-00-2 (alk. paper) —ISBN 1-031112-01-0 (pbk.) PS3602.A59 A69 2001 811'.6—DC21 2001023530 Some of the poems herein first appeared in other publications: Boulevard: “The Shape of Seconds”; Descant: “Home Thoughts, From Abroad”; Fathoms: “The End of a Century, Hortiatis”; Gettysburg Review: “Traverse”; Gulf Coast” “Ravenna”; Modern Poetry in Translation: “Orthodoxy”; The Paris Review: “Dido,” “Daughter,” “Cliff Lullaby,” “Pro- teus,” “Philoctetes,” “A Concert of Ancient Music”; Parnassus: Poetry in Review: “Burn- ing the Turk”; Sewannee Theological Review: “Alexandroupoli”; Southwest Review: Te r r a Incognita”; Tampa Review: “Melisses”; Texas Review: “The Maenad of Perea,” “Santorini”; Western Humanities Review: “Dion,” “On Ruins,” “Finding the Stones.” No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any format by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval sys- tem, without permission in writing from the publisher. The paper in this publication meets or exceeds the minimum requirements of the American Nation al Standard—Permanence of paper for Printed Library materials ANSI Z39.48 (1984).
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