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Cia Special Collections Release in Full 2000 Information Bull.Etin It - MAZINVAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT- NWDCA ss rr OSS Document Fly Page Di§ T ReeOrd Group,: 1226 Rr,0 19071 28 1172 BOX :$00.r4 IG RK Doc1D 1315 DECLASS IF! EC AND R ELEASED BY CENTRAL IN TELL IGENCE AGENCY SOURCES MET HODS EXEMPT ION3B2B NAZI WAR CR IMES D ISCLOSURE ACT DATE 2000 2007 AI AZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE 2000 ACT CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE IN FULL 2000 Lt INFORMATION SERVICE :3EPAKCMENr ha INFORMATION BULLET IN "C" 1TROCffiES No. 42 INF OftWE ION :-1ECE IVED - JANUARY 19 44- NAZI WAR CRIMES DISCLOSURE ACT 2000 CIA SPECIAL COLLECTIONS RELEASE IN FULL 2000 INFORMATION BULL.ETIN IT . ATROCITIES No. 42 .•••••••• ••••••••• ■•••••••6601,4A AAllimman..•••••AAA,AAA MAMYWOO • INDEX TO CONTENTS GERMAN AnocrriEs . MAIN GREECE 1. 4 ExecutionsIMurders?Imprisonments, Arrests,I11-treatments l Acts of arson. PELOPONESE •4 ExecutionsIMurderslArrestslActs of arson. A THESSALY 8 - 6 Executions,MurderslArrestspActs of arson. - EPIRUS .7 . 8 Executions iMurders,Aets of arson. • CENTRAL MACEDONIA 8 - 9 Executions,Arrests?Plunders. - WESTERN MAGFDONIA 9 . Murders l Acts of arson. - WESTERN TPRACE 9 - Executions, • EUVOIA 9- Ill-treatments . - CRETE 9- 13 Executions?MurderszArrests1I11- . treatments, vio1ations 1 Acts of arson. - AEGEAN ISLANDS 13 - 14 Executions,Murders,Arrests ? Impri- sonments, Ill-treatments. ‘. DODECANESE . 15 - Executions ? lairders?Plunders, Exiles, Deportations. ITALIAN ATROCITIES 16 - 17 - MAIN GREECE 16 - Executions?MurderstArrestslIll. treatments. EUVOIA 16 - ArreststIll-treatthonts. - CRETE Murders. - AEGEAN ISLANDS . 17 . Eurders ? Arrests ? Ill-treatments. HOSTAGES Li.:1 ITALY 18 - 29 BULGARIAN ILTROCITIES 30 - - CENTRAL 1....1ACED0NIA 30 - Arrests. Information found in this bulletin gives only a sketchy picture of the scale of atrocities committed in Greece by the temporary invaders. IRi\L4T ION RECEIVED 11TG. J;.NUARY 1944 GERNAN ATROCITIES MAIN GBEECE EXECUTIONS The following were court martialled and.executed:- .•— On the 7/1/43 Aristidis Tsoulis - On the 28/1/43 Const. Papadopoulos • Angelos Karakatsanis. On the 6/2/43 Ilias Alevizakis,Avrilioe Varkados and Vassilios IoannidiS On the 12/7/43, Panayottis Pakoutsis,Andreas Sei- menakis,Mavroudis Baltas,Mihail-Stamatakie and Georgios Pavlatos. • - On the 28/8/43,Const.Rapantas,GeorgioS SOtiropou- -losiVas. Fasoulas t Grigorios Bouloutsis,Christos Ekmetzoglou l Ioannis Mermikidis and Panayottis Hrisanthakopoulos. 17 civilians detained in the Averoff prisons,4 gendarmes detained in the Syngrou prisons and 6 children were executed in KessatianiiAthens, on the 28/8/43 Mihail Makridis,Const.Kapousidis l Antonios Arvanitis, Dionisaies Grammeno8 and B. Theofilou were executed on the 9/10/43. -...Panayotoutos, merchant and Kilakos,Commisioner accused of illegaly selling olive oil were hanged towards the end of October in the America souarepAthens. • K.Douloumbassis,Dimitrios Uanos, Nicolas Panagocoulos were executed on the 16/10/43 The following were executed on the 2/11/43 in Athen0:— Eudokimos Klavdis,. Alex Kairis (mentioned in our Dull.C.38.. as arrested) Const.Makris4Theo.Kekeris,Loukas Tsoutsas,George Samaras, and Evang: Papadas . Theo, Ghavalas, Dim. Nidalis, Theo.Zeppos, Ioannis Kolivis, Vassilioth Midis, were executed. on the 6/11/43. Panaydttis Banachi l was executed on . the 24111/43 Spyr. Kassimatis, Vas.Tzavaras, Dim. Frangos, Ioannis Kolivis,ioannis Meltonis and Ioannis Monas wereexecuted on the 25/11/43. The following were executed on the 28/11/43:-. 1 Georgios Petrou 9. Dim. Polygiannakis 2 George Andriopoulos Ioannis Georgoussis 3 Dion. Ghonatas 11 Ioannis Markatos 4 Pan. Strangds 12 S. Aravantinos Stefanos Tsilivos 13. Ant. Ghiatras 6 Ioannis Doukas 14. George Gregoriadis lie. Kalavessicis -•• 15- George Samothrakis 8 Spyr. Kapatos 16 Ioannis Ghiftakis and two others. On the G/12/42t- Enml. Zervas, Gerassimos Kalitsis, Michael Laoudis, Stavros Grigoropoulos were executed on the 6/12/42.- A further 10 persons Were executed on the 12/12/42,.be- cause a german soldier had been wounded. In July 1943, in Alsos Pangratiou (Athens), la men were being taken to the execution ground, on their way there 1. one of them succeeded in escaping. The German ‘ guards immediately arres- ted a pedestrian whom they executed in Order to cemPlete the number of 10. The Athens Metrepolitan Bishop, protested to the German authorities for thiS, who nevertheless admitted the action taken by the guards as justified. 2 WADERS The Germans after the surrender of the Italian guard of Levadia on the 10/9/42v arrested all inhabitants aged 15 and on without any exception and shooting anybody attempting to resist or escape. Theyy, thus killed student Pele- kanos or Kalkoutas. Five peasants, sitting on the porch of Aghios Geor- gios church were attacked by a German patrol and Eiltiadis Eotirhenas, landowner) who Attempted to escape was killed. The other 4 locked up in ahouse together with the 80 year old owner,andkilled with grenades Kadi and Za•ora quarters of Levadia town were burnt to the ground. On the 14/9/43, 30 peasants from a village near Leva- dia were arrested as hostages and one of them was executed. In September 1943, German detachments attacked Villia village which they looted, burning many houses. Many innocent p easants were executed on the spot. The number of victims and names is not yet known. IMPRISONIMTS Darrister Haritona Papadimitriou was sentenced by the German Martial Court of Athens to 10 years imprisonment fbr spying.Together with a priest they were tor- tured so much that on the third day their hair turned white. Agi2ESP.. Emmanuel Priftis was arrested with 9 of his comrades at Liopossi (Attiki) • in June 1941 and were detained for 30 days in the Averoff prisons l Athens) for having cut Ger- man telephone wires. 7 persons were-arrested on the 11/12/41 for attempt- ing to escape to the E.E. Papagrigorakis leader of the group was beaten and tortured. Ers. Papadopoulos was arrested in Athens and sent to prison during 1943, because a wireless set was found in her house. Another 8 women are being heZd in the same prisons. The following were arrested in Athens in October 1943, 1) Vatikiotis head of a.department of the Eitistry of Foreign Affairs and his wife 2) Vas. Goumas, shipowner l released 20 days later. Hrs. Vatikiotis, iS detained in the womens isolation pri- sons. Some 200 civilians were arrested in the Galasti quarter of Athens in October 1943, because 4 German soldiers were found murdered. A few days later, they were released be- cause it was proved that the 4 Germans were killed during an engagement. 1-Ln-TI2ATLINTS In October 1941 a German patrol at Liopessi • (Attiki), ill-treated the 3 daughters of Hara- lambos Hounta, because a light was showing from their rooms at night. • • Lykidis and N. Korakia, tram driver were beaten mercilessly by 2 german soldiers in November 1941, in Athens, because they refused to take the germans to their base after all passengers had get off the tram. In December 1941, a German soldier kicked a Greek invalid in Pireaus, wounding him severely- because he tried to enter the tram through the door in which the German was standing. On the 28/12/41, )41dPireaus, a German 2nd/Lt. beat a young child because it plOilp a sweet which had been thrown before the germans feet. On the 3/2/43, at Perama (Pireaus)• a german soldier wounded a worker with a E.G. because he cut wood for his use. -3 - British prisoners being taken through Athens Onthe 12/10/43 were cheered by the population enthusiastically. The germans attacked the crowd and wounded many of them. A meeting of employees at the issuing Dank of Athens was disolved by the Germans. Of those present Ers. Hriatoforidou Eariati, Ziha Polyzakis,Piggiaris and Starnes were wounded and the following were arrested 1) Theo. Tourkovassilis, bank di- rector, released a few days later on . 2) Kalimeris 3) Pouskouris 4) Th. Papageorgiou 5) Fani Papageorgiou 6) Llavrakis 7) Idrs. liavrakis 0) Mrs. Sismanof 9) Kriton Eleftneriadis , I. Bournias, I. Ohemenakis and Era. IoannaValergha and Lada were searched. Th. Papageorgiou was tortured. AM OF ARSON Kastrion (Fthiotis) village was set on fire on the 24/4/43, .1:loshckaria was set on fire on the 3/4/43g- Eeraida on the 5/5/43, Pelasghia on the 25/4/43, Di- lofon on the 27/6/43, Androu on the 25/4/43, Glifa on the 6/3/43 Makri on the 2S/3/43, Palathohorio on the 29/4/43, Kallialea on the 27/6/43, Divri on the 25/4/43. - The villages of Dio Vouna (Fthiotis), Skarfia (Lokris) -.2matia and Livanates were partly burnt down. The following villages were burnt down in the Levadia areal- Zaghora,Etirion,Koukourapesfina l Stevelikon l Efaka,:lonas- tery Ossia Louka. The villages Zarikion and Zeli were completely destroyed. Kriemeri and Koudouni villages were burnt to the ground in the Etoloakarnania area. Roumouseika,Spolaika,Sykia,Flories, Roupaika,Agh.Trianta,Anixiatiko,Damanta,Varghiana,Polidresson, Kastelia,LiarghiolatalSernikakilBrallos,Agh.Constandinos,Kalos- kopi l Inohorion,Fghition (Doris)ikrohorio,Marathi and D.Stenora were partly burnt down. In the Pierria area Litohori village. • The following villages wore partly destroyed I- Leptokaria,Kato Eylia,Aghios Dimitrios,Kalipefki,Pyrghitos, Palyopyrgos,Augani. In September 1043, German detachments burnt the villages of Vraila and 1.Javrighianni (Liderikion area) to the ground in reprisal for the murder of German seldiers near the Skevo river. They arrested the women and children of these villages and in- terned them in the Rouf Concentration CeMD, Athens. 1.1atsouki village (Akarnania) was burnt to the ground during the same month. On the 7/10/43, Lilea village (Parnassos) was burnt down by german detachments in re prisal for Guerillas activities. 750 o. the inhabitants of the village escaped to the mountains. Only the old or unfit remained in the village and were all killed by the Germans.
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