NationSATURDAY AUGUST 22, 2015 WIDE WEEKLY No Child Will Be Left Behind!

Photo by Marius Modeste

The launch of the brand new $300,000 Children’s Park at Marchand last Sunday was a fitting start to a momentous week. It offered equal n opportunity to youth and students, children and parents across Castries East to access the park and its playing and IT facilities, to be used for Saint Lucia on Hurricane Danny Alert! - Pages 2 & 4 pleasure and/or learning. During the ceremony for the Taiwan-funded New Canaries School Bloc will be Ready for facility, Castries East MP and Deputy Prime Minister Philip J Pierre (with September - Page 3 Taiwan Ambassador James Chang and children above) promised that under the administration he is part of no child will ever be left behind in Students Doing Better and Better! - Pages 5 & 9 the national drive towards continuous education from cradle to grave (See Stories and Photos on Pages 3, 6 and 7). This week too, both Houses of the Saint Lucia at CARIFESTA 2015 in Haiti - Page 10 Saint Lucia Parliament met to debate the Report and Recommendations of the Constitutional Review Commission. Those two meetings too, were Taiwan Youth Ambassadors here, with Expo historic for many reasons (See Editorial on Page 2 and Report on Page 3). Coming! - Pages 3 &12 And still much more happened during the past seven days, including our young hotel and tourism top chefs doing us proud from Barbados to New Ministry Launching Debate York (Pages 3 and 11). As always, enjoy the following pages of updates on on New Land Policy - what the Government of Saint Lucia has been doing and saying, at home Page 12 and abroad, in the name of and to the benefit of, country and people. And remember not to forget you can also view NationwideTV on NTN and browse the Nationwide Website at

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Page 2 NationWIDE Saturday August 22, 2015

Watch Hurricane Danny! Editorial he National Emergency Management Organization T(NEMO) in coordination To Each His Own! with the Saint Lucia Meteorologi- cal Services continues to monitor his week’s two meetings in both were not the only ones with funda- the development and progress of Houses of the Saint Lucia Parlia- mental disagreement with many of Hurricane Danny. Tment on the Reports and Recom- the recommendations. As it turns out, mendations of the Constitutional Re- there were dissenters among the Com- According to the Meteorologi- view Commission (CRC) were historic missioners themselves, one arguing, cal Services, as at 11am Thursday, in several respects: it was the first such most vehemently, that the whole ex- the of Hurricane Danny was Review here since Independence, the ercise was counterproductive, if only located near 12.5 degrees north, longest undertaken in the Caribbean nothing short of farcical. (almost seven years), the most volumi- And then there were those politicians 44.8 degrees west or about 1,100 nous (nearly 350 pages containing 190 on each side of the House who argued miles /1,760 kilometers east of the Recommendations) and it was present- that the current Constitution has served . ed in the House of Assembly on exactly us well. Some argued that we haven’t Danny is moving toward the the First Anniversary of the death of had any constitutional crisis it couldn’t west northwest at about 12 mph the Commission’s Chairperson, the late handle during the last 36 years, others The center of Hurricane Danny is expected to pass over the Madam Justice Suzie d’Auvergne. cautioned against ‘change for change or 19 km/h and this general mo- Leeward Islands on Monday However, another milestone was in sake’, while still others warned against tion is expected for the next cou- both Houses agreeing to take the nec- a renewed or revised Constitution ple of days. Office for the closest shelters. Have priate. essary time to discuss the Report and promising ‘un-deliverables’. Maximum sustained winds are evacuation routes planned to the 6. Make Arrangements for Pets Recommendations and accepting the And still we haven’t heard all… The about 75 mph or 121 km/h and Prime Minister’s invitation to feel free Prime Minister and some other par- emergency shelters near you. and Livestock: Pets may not be al- to be free, frank and open in their re- liamentarians are yet to speak. Dr An- some additional strengthening is 2. Have a Hurricane Survival Kit. lowed into emergency shelters for marks. He advised each Member on the thony has himself strongly signaled forecast during the next 48 hours. 3. Protect your Windows: Per- health and space reasons. Government side that all restrictions that he has his own reservations On this forecast track, the center manent shutters are the best pro- 6. Develop an Emergency Com- had been raised and removed and the about several recommendations, but of Danny is expected to pass over principle of collective responsibility he didn’t seek to prejudice or influ- tection. A lower-cost approach is munication Plan: Make sure that had been shelved for the occasion to ence the feelings and/or expressions the Leeward Islands on Monday. to put up plywood panels. Use all family members know what allow each to speak his or her mind of others. He will sum-up after all oth- Consequently, NEMO urges res- ½-inch plywood (marine ply- to do. Teach family members how on any and/or all of the Recommenda- ers on both sides have spoken, which idents and visitors alike to closely wood is best) cut to fit each win- and when to turn off gas, elec- tions, or any aspect of the Report. Each is understandably looked forward to monitor the storm and to listen dow. Remember to label each tricity, and water. Teach children MP was given a Vote of Conscience on by all. to advisories from the Saint Lu- this important national issue that af- All in all, however, the entire pro- panel according to its respective how and when to call police or fects each and every citizen. Each MP cess is positive and progressive, as it cia Meteorological Services and window. Pre-drill holes every 18 the fire department, and which was given a Vote of Conscience on this afforded the community the opportu- NEMO. inches for screws. Do this long be- radio station to tune to for emer- important national issue that affects nity to help craft a Constitution that The public is also encouraged fore the storm. gency information. In case family each and every citizen. will guide it at the end of the process – to take the necessary steps to be 4. Trim back Branches from members are separated from one [It wasn’t the first time Dr Anthony an opportunity the British never gave prepared for any severe weather had lifted the burden of collective re- us before bequeathing that which we Trees: Trim branches away from another during a disaster (a real sponsibility from his Cabinet colleagues. got on Independence Day in 1979. which may be experienced. your home and cut all dead or possibility during the day when He did the same (in previous adminis- It’s up to the two Houses to decide Here are a few measures to help weak branches on any trees on adults are at work and children trations) when it came to discussion of which of the recommendations should prepare you for this hurricane your property. are at school), have a plan for get- the Gaming (Casino) and Abortion (Ter- or will be adopted, if all or any, which season: mination of Pregnancy) Acts.] will be changed and to what – which 5. Check your Home and Auto ting back together. The storm's The historicity of the occasion apart, is where the parliamentarians have to 1. Know your Emergency Shel- Insurance: Confirm that policies progress can be monitored on however, the parliamentary debates ensure that this exercise continues to ters: Contact the National Disaster are valid and coverage is appro- (thus far) have thrown-up some in- be a joint endeavor of both sides and teresting facts, including that every not presented or treated as a proposal MP who’s spoken on each side in both by one side to another. Houses had their own share of ex- The PM has offered sufficient rea- NEMO trained shelter managers long ahead of Hurricane pressed concerns. sons from other Caribbean jurisdic- Apparently having taken the PM’s tions to underline why this whole he National Emergency advice not to treat this like other House exercise cannot be allowed to ever Management Organization debates (where some in the Opposi- descend into a partisan political fray. (NEMO), this week hosted a tion see their ‘role’ as only having been To date, the group known as ‘Hon- T elected to always oppose), MPs spoke ourable Members of Her Majesty’s two-day training workshop to pro- their minds on the Recommendations. Loyal Opposition’ has not (in any vide designated shelter managers Some were cautious, others were sim- big way, at least) upset the bipartisan with the knowledge and skills nec- ply brutish. Some advised care, where applecart in either House. To each has essary to effectively manage emer- others expressed simple outright rejec- also been bequeathed the freedom gency shelters. tion. And in several cases, MPs from to speak his (or her) very own mind, Twenty-one persons from various different sides took similar positions which is what the nation – and the district disaster committees and re- for or against certain proposals. world – has been hearing. ligious organizations participated Instructively too, this Report and rec- Now for the hard (but not impos- ommendations, unlike others in the re- sible) part: choosing what will work in the workshop. gion, has been bereft of gubernatorial and what won’t, from 190 recommen- The course covered a number of or political control. No party had any dations garnered from 270 submis- relevant areas, including risk man- Saint Lucia enhances its local capacity for managing emergency advantage over the Madam Justice and sions, at home and abroad over seven agement, shelter selection, shelter shelters, following a training workshop for shelter managers. Her Commission during the period it years, one year after the Commission’s administration and operations, and worked, spanning three administra- illustrious chair departed this domain problem solving. efforts by NEMO to strengthen exist- Chairperson of the Vieux Fort South tions. As a result, most politicians in- leaving a major fruit of her life’s works. The participants also received in- ing community systems and struc- District Disaster Committee, Lindy stinctively disagree with those recom- The future of the Constitution that mendations that seek to radically alter will guide us all is now in the hands tures towards building resilient com- Eristhee, facilitated the workshop. formation about the National Shel- the governance landscape. of the men and women taking care of ter Policy and the Emergency Shel- munities throughout Saint Lucia," Financial support for the activity But equally noteworthy is the fact that the nation’s business in our two illus- ter Plan for Saint Lucia. NEMO Director Velda Joseph said. was provided by the United States politicians, civilians and legal minds trious Houses of Parliament. In addition, a shelter simulation She added that the training course Agency for International Develop- exercise was held at the conclusion will be replicated in other districts ment/Office of Foreign Disaster As- of the workshop to test the level across the island, thereby facili- sistance (USAID/OFDA). of knowledge gathered by partici- tating the organization of trained The workshop was held on August pants as well as to assess the appli- teams to manage the island's shel- 17 and 18 at the conference room of cation of techniques learned. ters when activated. the National Skills Development Saint Lucia National NEMO Director Velda Joseph, and “This initiative is part of ongoing Centre (NSDC) in Vieux Fort. Awards 2015 Call for submissions for Independence 2016 themes Take part and nominate someone The public is hereby invited to submit proposed themes and taglines for the observance of Saint Lucia’s 36th Anniversary of Independence. for a National Award. Criteria: The Theme should be a clarion call for Nation Building. It should reflect as far as possible Our Country’s successes, aspirations and the themes espoused within Details & Nomination Form at: the National; Anthem and Pledge. Eligibility: Open to ALL. Note the number of submissions per individual or groups are unlimited. Deadline: Friday 16th October, 2015. Deadline for the nominations is Submissions can be forwarded to the Cabinet Secretary via email: [email protected] Or mailed to: Cabinet Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister, 5th Floor Greaham Louisy Administrative Building, The Water- 30 NOVEMBER, 2015 front, Castries. Saturday August 22, 2015 NationWIDE Page 3 MAKING HISTORY! Constitutional Review Report and Recommendations Discussed in both Houses of Parliament! he voluminous Report first anniversary of the death of 190 Recommendations from 270 and Recommendations of the CRC’s Chairperson Madam received from saint Lucians at Tthe Constitutional Review Justice Suzie d’Auvergne. home and abroad. Commission (CRC) was present- The Report was then also pre- The House of Assembly first ed at two historic sittings of the sented and discussed in the Upper authorized the establishment of Saint Lucia Parliament this week. House (the Senate) on Thursday. the CRC in 2004, to examine Saint The report was presented in The two meetings allowed for Lucia’s constitution and report, in the Lower House (the House of open discussion by parliamen- writing, with recommendations Assembly) on Tuesday August tarians on the issues in the 350- and opinions for possible re- The 300-plus page report included over 100 recommendations. 18th, which coincided with the odd page report, which includes forms. (Continued on Back Page) The House will resume the review of the report on Aug. 25. ‘No child will be left behind!’ P for Castries East, do school work and explore the touching people’s lives came Deputy Prime Minis- new world of IT education. under my watch. Pavee has a Mter Philip J. Pierre, has “This is the essence of govern- Multipurpose Court that was promised that ‘No child will ment,” Mr Pierre said, as he en- said to have been impossible. be left behind’ in their pursuit couraged parents present and Now, Trou Rouge has the nicest of education, due to the poli- listening to “always send your chil- park in Saint Lucia,” the minis- cies being enacted by this ad- dren to school, regardless what.” ter said. ministration to encourage and He advised the young people But that was not all, he said, promote education for and present too, to understand that promising that “by the end of throughout the nation. “It is better to be educated and this year” work will start on Addressing the formal cer- unemployed than both unedu- “a new public facility for the emony launching the brand new cated and unemployed.” Marchand Boulevard.” Taiwan-funded Children’s Park According to the minister, “If The MP said his had been “a at Marchand, the four-term MP you are educated and unem- long journey with the people said from the introduction of the ployed you have a better chance since 1997”, which had actually system of Universal Secondary to find a job somewhere because begin in 1991 when he first set Taiwan Ambassador James Chang and Castries East MP, Deputy Education, every child is assured you have an education.” out to be the candidate. PM Philip J. Pierre invited the children and parents, youth and a place, so students can no long be The minister said his entire He noted there were many students, to all make use of the new park. graded as ‘failed’ simply because period of service to the constit- present who were with him there’s not enough school space. uency was marked by projects from back in those days and in work as Parliamentary repre- Prime Minister and the Tai- He said the new park and fa- aimed at making a difference some cases, those absent were sentative in context. wan Ambassador for their re- cilities offer equal opportunity for and giving constituents rea- represented by their children. “Let this be my philosophical spective roles in making the to the children of Trou Rouge as son to know and feel equal to Minister Pierre ended his statement to you on how I think new Marchand children’s park any other anywhere else in Saint any other anywhere else. speech calling on his constitu- about you,” he proposed. a reality. (More in Centre Pages Lucia, to go there with laptops to “The major social projects ents to put the new park and his The MP also thanked the 6 and 7) Ambassador Rambally hosted local ‘Taste New Canaries Infant school block completed of the Caribbean’ Winner in New Yor delegation of officials from the Ministry of In- Afrastructure, Port Services and Transport and the Ministry of Education, Human Resource Development and Labour has conducted an appraisal mission to assess the readiness of the new school block for the Canaries in- fant School. During the passage of the Christmas Eve Trough of 2013, the wooden structure more common- ly referred to as the Annex was de- stroyed. In its place, a new three- classroom block unit was built. The new block will be ready for students when school opens next Ambassador Ms. Menissa Rambally, welcomed Saint Lucian Sous This new block will contain two month -- and all, including teachers and principal, will feel better Chef Martha Hippolyte to the Permanent Mission of Saint Lucia to the classrooms and an IT resource protected from future floods. United Nations and the Consulate General of Saint Lucia in New York. room to accommodate a class of 25 children. standards of both Ministries. He noting that she and the students n August 13, Saint Lucia’s dients, including the Saint Lucian The new building was elevated further noted that the contractor now can feel safe from floods. Permanent Representa- biscuit “Lababad” as the cheese- by ten feet and the open floor has completed the building on She noted that the space is con- tive to the United Nations, cake crust and a local Apricot downstairs can be used for As- time and within budget. ducive and she and her teachers O semblies and other gatherings on Mr Gabriel also expressed satis- will make good use of the new Her Excellency Ambassador Ms. puree. Menissa Rambally, welcomed Saint Ambassador Rambally further the School compound. faction that when the new school space provided. The new school Lucian Sous Chef Martha Hip- noted that Chef Hippolyte’s cre- Acting Deputy Permanent Sec- year reopens in September, the block was constructed by Blue polyte to the Permanent Mission of ation should be promoted locally, retary in the Ministry of Infra- Students of Canaries would be Print Construction at a cost of just Saint Lucia to the United Nations regionally, and internationally, structure, Port Services and Trans- coming into new built classrooms. over $700,000. The official hand- and the Consulate General of Saint adding that she eagerly looks for- port Mr. Wenn Gabriel expressed The Principal of the Canaries ing over ceremony is slated to On August 13, Saint Lucia’s ward to hosting other inspiring satisfaction that the building has Infant School Ms. Simona Jn. Bap- take place before the reopening of Permanent Representative to and talented Saint Lucians who been completed to the desired tise expressed her satisfaction, school in September. the United Nations, Her Excel- excel in their various fields. lency Ambassador Ms. Menissa In her remarks, Chef Hippolyte Rambally, welcomed Saint Lucian said she was profoundly honored Sous Chef Martha Hippolyte to to present her winning cheese- 8th Annual Saint Lucia-Taiwan Partnership the Permanent Mission of Saint cake to the Saint Lucian ambas- Lucia to the United Nations and sador. Trade Exhibition set for November the Consulate General of Saint Chef Hippolyte noted that she Lucia in New York. was also pleased that Ambassa- he Ministry of Commerce, Chef Hippolyte earned a gold dor Rambally found her dish to Business Development, In- medal and was the overall winner be appealing and worthy of the vestment and Consumer in the Cheesecake Competition in international market. T Affairs in partnership with the the 2015 Taste of the Caribbean As a Sous Chef at Saint Lucia’s Embassy of the Republic of China competition held in Miami in June. Coconut Bay Resort for the past (Taiwan) will this year host the Congratulating Chef Hippolyte seven years, Hippolyte also in- 8th Annual Saint Lucia-Taiwan on her outstanding performance vented the Chairman’s Spiced Partnership Trade Exhibition at in the international competition, Watermelon—Fresh Watermelon Johnsons Centre Rodney Bay, Ambassador Rambally noted that Cubes marinated in Distilled from November 27 to 29, 2015. she was proud to celebrate this Chairman's Spice Rum. The exhibition is expected to latest milestone in the life of such The Taste of the Caribbean is present to the general public an artistic young Saint Lucian. an annual culinary competition and business community, a wide Chef Hippolyte presented Am- hosted by the Caribbean Hotel and range of quality goods and servic- A snapshot from last year's Saint Lucia-Taiwan Expo, which has bassador Rambally with her sig- Tourism Association focused on es from Saint Lucia and Taiwan. In become a popular annual event here over the past several years. nature ‘Bay Leaf Cheesecake’, discovering and developing hid- addition business organizations which she found to be quite pal- den talents in the region while giv- should realize trade opportunities ment, Investment and Consumer Trade Exhibition, to submit com- atable, especially with Chef Hip- ing chefs an opportunity to show- and develop strategic networks Affairs wishes to invite manu- pleted registration forms to the polyte’s infusion of indigenous case their culinary skills. (More To this end, the Ministry of facturers and service providers Ministry, on or before September flavors coupled with local ingre- Tasty Tourism News on Page 11) Commerce, Business Develop- interested in participating in the 11, 2015 Page 4 NationWIDE Saturday August 22, 2015 PM urges Nation to Be Alert! on. Dr. Kenny D. Anthony, miles per hour. 2015 Atlantic hurricane season, privilege of chairing a meeting Prime Minister and Min- Forecasters anticipate that the sys- and so far we have been blessed. of the National Emergency Man- Hister for Finance, Econom- tem could strengthen into a hurri- The approaching system could agement Advisory Committee ic Affairs, Planning and Social cane by Thursday, August 20, 2015. change that. (NEMAC), which includes Per- Security, has called on citizens to The National Hurricane Centre in “Danny, though a storm at the manent Secretaries of the relevant be on the alert as a weather system Miami, Florida, advises that the moment, is a salutary reminder Ministries, the Chief Engineer, approaches the Lesser Antilles. storm could make landfall in about that we must not be complacent. Fire and Police Chiefs, Saint Lucia Tropical Storm Danny is the seven days at its current speed. Rather, we must remain vigilant. Red Cross and the Saint Lucia Air fourth named weather system in The Prime Minister pointed out “We must remain vigilant not only and Sea Ports Authorities. the Atlantic Ocean for 2015. As of that in spite of a relatively placid for this system, but throughout the “God willing, they will not 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, August 18, hurricane season thus far, Saint season and beyond. Ensure that be needed, but the Committee 2015, the system was 1,595 miles Lucians must stay alert and pre- you monitor closely the develop- stands ready to respond should a east of Saint Lucia and the Wind- pared. Said Dr. Anthony, "We are ment of Tropical Storm Danny. disaster strike." The storm can be Prime Minister ward Islands, moving at about 12 nearly at the halfway point of the "Earlier this month, I had the monitored on Dr. Kenny Anthony SLTB says North American Tourism UNDP and OECS SocialInnov4Change Showcase was much appreciated launch call for local ideas by top tour operators n celebration of Interna- could be executed within a munity violence; and Promotion of tional Youth Day on August three month period. conflict resolution strategies. I12, SocialInnov4Change At the end of the workshop, the SocialInnov4Change is open to launched a call for local ideas. final ideas will be judged by a youth between the ages of 16 to 35 UNDP Barbados and the OECS panel of experts who will select and who are resident in Saint Lucia. has issued a Call for Proposal six ideas to be eligible for a grant Individuals, Community Groups, SocialINNOV4Change which of US$2,000. The focus will be on Youth led non-Governmental and is focused on bringing young project ideas that encourage posi- Community Based organizations people together to find solu- tive behaviours through: based in Saint Lucia are also eli- tions to social problems and The design of innovative cam- gible to submit their ideas. challenges within communi- paigns through any media that A copy of the registration of the ties in Saint Lucia. aims to reduce the use of violence institution with the relevant Gov- As a part of the project, an on- for conflict resolution amongst ernment department should be site judging will take place on young men and women; Creating submitted with the application, to the 5th of October 2015 where 12 original ways to utilize the cre- document that the organization ideas will be selected to be fur- ative arts, culture, technology and works on a not for profit basis. ther developed in the Social IN- sports to educate, reinforce positive Interested individuals and or- SLTB recognized the top tour operators and partners for their NOV4Change Innovation Lab behaviors and promote violence ganizations must complete and continued hard work and dedication in marketing Saint Lucia as tentatively scheduled for 13 to 15 prevention in communities; In- submit an Expression of Interest a vacation destination. October 2015. novative initiatives that target the Form (attached) on or before 25 This Innovation Lab will al- prevention of gender based, sexual September 2015 (23:59) proposing he Saint Lucia Tourist Tour Operator for Weddings low participating groups to and child violence; Campaigns and an initiative in one of the five (5) Board (SLTB) has report- and Honeymoons (a new award further develop their ideas projects that foster community focus areas to communications. Ted a successful third an- category for 2015); and booking. into effective solutions that relations and prevention of com- [email protected]. nual Saint Lucia-North America com - Fastest Growing Tour Showcase (held here July 30 Operator. - August 2), that culminated in “Saint Lucia salutes our tour Upgrade for New Dock Vieux Fort Road a rewards ceremony for the top operators and partners for their performing tour operators. continued hard work and dedi- The three-day event attract- cation, as they are largely re- ed more than 25 international sponsible for the record break- wholesale and tour operator ing tourism numbers the island representatives from the Unit- has been experiencing,” Louis ed States and Canada, and key Lewis, SLTB Director of Tour- tourism stakeholders from Saint ism said. Lucia that included the Saint “Showcase gives Saint Lucia Lucia Hotel and Tourism As- the opportunity to celebrate sociation, the Ministry of Tour- these combined successes and ism, tour operators, industry continue meaningful conversa- experts, and hoteliers. tions that enhance our overall Five leading tour operators product.” from the US and Canada were The Saint Lucia-North Ameri- recognized during the Show- ca Showcase is an annual mar- case for exceptional sales per- keting event hosted by the SLTB formance. to connect tour operators from Top awards went to Clas- US and Canadian markets with sic Vacations (Canada) - Most owners and executives of tour- Improved Sales Support From ism-related services from Saint Upgrading of road surfaces continues in the South with sidewalk renovations and upgrading of the New a Tour Operator; Air Canada Lucia. dock Road in Vieux Fort. It’s part of a major multi-million-dollar project embarked upon earlier this year Vacations - Top Producing Ca- Among its objectives is the to provide better roads for much of the South, especially in communities that have either been tradition- nadian Tour Operator; Expedia forging of new business part- ally neglected or have suffered the need for early repairs as a result of earl;ier sub-standard work. - Top Producing Online Tour nerships and building product Operator; Travel Impressions - knowledge among those who Top Producing Traditional Tour sell Saint Lucia through a des- Operator and Best Producing tination exploration experience. MP donates to needy Micoud family SLASPA assists Vieux Fort fire victims

Member of Parliament (MP) for Micoud North, Dr. Rigobert, recently made a do- nation of building supplies to Shanet Dorville, a mother of six -- one of several which the district representative has made in recent months to residents whose homes are severely compromised and are in need of repair. Dr. Rigobert says she is mind- ful of the fact that there are many in need of such assis- tance and continues her ef- SLASPA earlier this week provided assistance to victims of the large forts to solicit the assistance recent Vieux Fort Fire. Households with students will receive cheques of good corporate citizens to assist with educational supplies in preparation for the new school and government agencies in term, while other households received general supplies. The ceremony her quest to respond to the took place at the Vieux-Fort Town Council Office and Vieux Fort South many requests for help. MP, Prime Minister Dr. Kenny D Anthony, was in attendance. In photo, SLASPA official Sean Matthews is seen handing the help over to one of the grateful victims. Saturday August 22, 2015 NationWIDE Page 5 PPP improves male students’ exam performances at Ciceron Secondary

he Ciceron Secondary tions and they all followed the The immediate results of the School continues to per- exact format as the CSEC Paper online examinations conducted Tsevere in their vision as a 1 examinations. utilizing the NEO/EDU 2.0 Por- premiere ICT institution with the Students were given a stipulat- tal recognized the significant launching of more online exami- ed time frame to complete the ex- improvement in male students’ nations for this academic school aminations and all examinations success rate over female students. year via the schools Learning were invigilated by the respec- The table below illustrates viv- Management System (EDU2.0). tive subject area teachers along- idly that out of the five subject These online examinations side the schools ICT coordinator. areas sat, the male students re- were formally introduced in The utilization of the online corded higher percentage pass December last year where only facility/portal has also put into rates in three of the five areas. Form Three and Four Physical perspective the relevance of the Despite female students re- Education & Sports students sat ongoing government sponsored cording higher percentage pass their End of Term Paper 1 exam- OLPC initiative in the school en- rates in English and Social Stud- inations using the School Portal. vironment since such an exam ies, the margin was a very slim In keeping with its vision, type environment is dependent one -- 10% and 6% respectively. “The creation of a unique learn- on interfacing with a computer. Therefore, the above statistics ing environment for the total For its part the NTRC has been represent an avenue for consid- development of every student consistently encouraging relevant eration that in an online medium The majority of the students were excited about the through quality instruction, entities to tap into the Universal the possibility is that male stu- examinations and even those students who were apprehensive positive social interaction and Service Funds for the provision dents tend to perform averagely about examinations last year, were still keen to complete the shared leadership” the Ciceron of: Public Voice Telephony; Inter- better than female students. examinations online. Secondary School adopted a net Access; Telecommunication It is striking that the majority of learning platform and with the services to schools, hospitals, the students were excited about This ongoing initiative has information is currently being advent of increased bandwidth other similar institutions and the the examinations and even those also allowed teachers to dis- used to assist students in mak- obtained from a NTRC -LIME physically challenged; and other students who were apprehensive cover a plethora of information ing learning a more meaningful project through the USF (Uni- services by which people access about examinations last year, about their students and this experience. versal Service Fund), this initia- efficient, affordable and modern were still keen to complete the tive was made possible. telecommunications. examinations online. The increased bandwidth has As stated earlier, the Ciceron Sec- The Physical Education and Table 1: Showing Percentage Pass Ratesof Male Students in Comparison to Female allowed the school to adminis- ondary School responded to the Sports students were intro- Students in Paper 1 Examinations for the 2014 – 2015 End of Year Examinations. ter more online examinations in NTRC request for proposals and fi- duced to a new component as Subject Disciplines Male (%) Female (%) more subject areas to over 300 nalized the partnership, which has videos were incorporated with- Pass Rate Pass Rate plus students. blossomed into a full blown School in their examination. Social Studies 72 78 In June/July 2015, students sat and Community Network initiative. All the students articulated that Paper 1 examinations in Social Since the rollout of the networks, the introduction of videos into Office Administration 67 58 Studies, English Language, Of- the school has been able to engage the examination allowed them to Physical Education & Sport Form 4 75 65 fice Administration and Physi- most of its student population in understand the questions better cal Education& Sport. wholesome “paperless” examina- and this was proven when 100% Physical Education & Sport Form 3 85 78 The examinations consisted of tions, offsite tutoring and com- of the students answered all vid- English A 50 60 sixty (60) multiple choice ques- munity access to broadband. eo questions correctly. Leaders review proposed Early Childhood Development Curriculum framework for improved service delivery ECS education officials that is grounded in the develop- (ii) to report on regional and na- lum delivery and the piloting of ing undertaken in their respec- meet to address grow- mental needs of the young child tional progress within the ECD the guide; (d) report on country- tive countries. These reports Oing concerns among ed- and which is better suited at the sector. Specifically, participants specific progress on key ECD in- will highlight achievements, ucators and parents regarding regional and societal levels. The will seek to: (a) review and obtain dicators. challenges and opportunities the diverse curriculum being highly anticipated and interactive feedback on the adequacy of the The Curriculum Framework has within the respective OECS ter- taught at the most critical age sessions will be held from 18-21 proposed guide, handbook and been developed with an accompa- ritories. of children’s development. The August, at the Coco Palm Hotel, professional development plan nying handbook to support cur- ECD Leaders will be updated event brings together ECD Edu- Rodney Bay, St. Lucia, commenc- for the needs of the region; (b) riculum delivery and a strategic on several regional initiatives cation Officers/Directors and ing at 9:00 a.m daily. make recommendations for im- action plan for training and de- aimed at improving the quality Coordinators from the OECS, The aim of this meeting is two proving those documents; (c) plan velopment of practitioners. of experiences of all learners. Barbados and Turks and Caicos – fold (i) to obtain stakeholder the way forward for national con- In addition to validating the These include: OECS Education for the purpose of reviewing feedback in order to guide the sultations with ECD practitioners proposed curriculum framework, Initiatives, CARICOM’s Region- and validating a proposed cur- improvement of the curriculum, and the roll-out of a training of ECD Leaders will present and al Initiatives; and UNICEF’s riculum model and framework handbook and training plan and trainers’ programme for curricu- report on key ECD initiatives be- Child-Friendly Programme.

CLAS hiking to raise funds for Health Ministry’s ‘Pedi Gwes Sent Lisi’ weight student scholarships loss competition ready to hit the road! ith the registration to eat healthy. We want them to deadline of 20th August have a balanced diet not dieting Wnow past, the Ministry per say but to eat healthy so that of Health has sounded the final they could be at a healthy weight. appeal for persons be part of its “And so, during the competi- novel weigh loss competition tion we will be giving them some dubbed Pedi Gwes Sent Lisi. health tips, nutrition tips and also Chief Nutritionist at the Minis- different types of physical activ- try of Health, Lisa Hunte-Mitchel, ity that they can do to help them says the competition promises to lose weight and not only to lose to be an exciting way for partici- it but to maintain the weight.” pants to lose weight, while gain- Michel said. The health official Participants during the first climb – and looking forward to ing knowledge of how improve added that the Pedi Gwes com- the next one, in hot pursuit of this worthy cause… their general health by making petition isn’t simply about weight lifestyle changes. loss. he first of two hikes to Mount just ten minutes short of the av- “Pedi Gwes means to lose The ultimate goal is to reduce Gimie organized by Chil- erage 3-hour mark. After enjoy- weight and because we are a cre- chronic diseases and to created Tdren’s Literacy Action Support ing a simple lunch and the pan- ole nation we figured we wanted national awareness about how (CLAS) occurred this past Sunday, oramic view from the summit, to use a little bit of Kweyol in the and what we consume. She noted August 16th and another is due soon. the group headed down.The next title. So we figured Pedi Gwes an increase in national obesity The purpose of the hikes is stop would be the waterfalls. Sent Lisi meaning lose weight Chief Nutritionist levels with obesity being the cata- to raise funds for scholarship Again, no one was able to en- Saint Lucia.” Lisa Hunte-Mitchel lyst for many chronic diseases. award to underprivileged chil- joy the cool flowing waters more “The reason for having the com- “We really need to created this dren, who excel in the Common than our energetic youngsters! petition is because we realize we have no serious health conditions awareness in the nation that we Entrance Exam. The August 16th After most persons had a bath in have a high rate of chronic dis- can participated by registering have to take our health in our climb began with an excited the waterfalls, the group moved eases. Diabetes, Cancers that are at any of the Wellness Centres hands and we have to ensure that group of 13 from the mountain to the trailhead, and then to the related to unhealthy lifestyles, around the island. we eat well, that we drink wa- trailhead in Fond St. Jacques. pick-up point to head back to Cas- high blood pressure they are in- “Body Mass index really is a ra- ter that we eat more fruits, fresh The tour guide set the pace tries. After bussing through the creasing and because obesity is a tion of your height to the weight. fruits and vegetables, that we with three enthusiastic chil- throng participating in the Fond risk factor for all of those health It is an indicator of the amount of eat peas, we cut back on the un- dren aged 9, 10 and 11. Two- St. Jacques Carnival Street Jam, conditions we realize that we re- fat in your body.” The Chief Nu- healthy fats, the sweets, the salt and-a-half hours later, the the group headed to Castries. ally need something to spur Saint tritionist explained. because these are the food items children hit the summit of the CLAS would like to thank Lucia into living a healthy life- Michel also noted persons need that can increase our chances of 3117-foot mountain. those who made this first fund- style.” to move away from dieting par- getting sick.” The last two hikers in the raising hike a success. Mean- She added that the competition ticularly to lose weight but to cre- Michel also placed the reduction group arrived at the summit while, the second hike is sched- is open to persons between the ated life style changes in their eat- in alcohol consumption and put- twenty minutes later—that is, uled for Sunday, August 30th. ages of 18 – 60 with a Body Mass ing habits. ting an end to smoking in the list Index (BMI) of 28 or over and “We want to encourage people of lifestyle changes. Page 6 NationWIDE Saturday August 22, 2015 Saturday August 22, 2015 NationWIDE Page 7

Photo Lucius Doxerie Photo Lucius Doxerie Parks increase value of communities! Following are remarks by His Excellency James Chi-Ping Chang, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Saint Lucia, at the opening ceremony for the brand new Marchand Children’s Recreational Park on Sunday Photo Lucius Doxerie August 16, 2015

Marchand gets First Children’s Park in

onorable Philip J Pierre, Deputy Castries East Prime Minister and Parliamen- Htary Representative for Castries he Castries East constituency now has a new Children’s Park. Located in East, Residents, Distinguished Guests, Marchand, the new park was opened on Sunday and is the only such facility Members of the Media, Ladies and in the Castries East constituency. Gentlemen, Good Afternoon. T I am honored to be here at this open- It was built at a cost of over $300,000 through the Constituency Development Programme funded by Taiwan. ing ceremony for the Children’s Recre- The park is also equipped with WI-FI to encourage young people -- including ational Park. children -- to do research; and for parents to invest in spending more time with The construction of the recreational their children. park started in February 2015, under the Taiwanese Ambassador James Chang said his Government is pleased that as- Constituency Development Program’s joint cooperation of the Government of sistance it provided was making a significant contribution to the improvement of Saint Lucia and the Republic of China living standards and lives. (See speech on Page 7). (Taiwan). He also said he was particularly excited because the primary beneficiaries will It is, to my knowledge, that this recre- be children. ational park is the first for Marchand. Deputy Prime Minister and Parliamentary Representative for Castries East Phil- I am sure the residents are pleased to ip J. Pierre told residents that while a lot has happened to improve their lives, there have such a useful park. It is an essen- is still a lot more he wants to do for the constituency he has been representing for Photo Lucius Doxerie tial public service. It is of economic val- four consecutive terms. ue, provides health and environmental benefits and plays an important part in ones social life. Photo Lucius Doxerie Photo Lucius Doxerie Parks are vitally important to estab- lishing and maintaining the quality of life in a community, ensuring the health of families and youth and contribut- ing to the economic and environmental well-being of a community and a re- gion. I learnt that this park entails swings for the children to play, Wi-Fi for the students to get their homework done and also areas for adults to meet and greet. I strongly believe this park will be of good use to the members of the community. In the past three years, the Constitu- ency Development Program (CDP) has had 375 projects completed and created 5,800 jobs. And this year 105 other proj- ects will be undertaken to enhance the various communities in Saint Lucia. In closing, I would like to once again congratulate the residents on having such an impressive project right here in Marchand. I hope to see more projects under the Constituency Development Program strengthening the friendship and bring- ing the People of Saint Lucia and the Re- Photo Lucius Doxerie public of China (Taiwan) closer. I thank you. Page 8 NationWIDE Saturday August 22, 2015 The Diplomatic Courier

Venezuelan doctors continue Director General says OECS harmonization promoting Miracle Mission in will result in greater influence!

ECS Director General “Harmonization allows for the the Eastern Caribbean Dr. Didacus Jules says different nuances of a member OCaribbean states will state to thrive while still keep- be a force to be reckoned with, ing to the strategic intent of the once they have a common mind- collective," he explained. set. He has therefore cautioned "We need to recognize that in against thinking of harmoniza- every country there are nuanc- tion as universal, however. es, and countries must reserve "One reason why we get atten- their rights to have differences tion from the bigger countries is in the way in which they do simply because of the power of things. the Caribbean vote as a bloc. The “There must be that respect for more we work together, the better OECS Director General national differences but what is our interests are served," he said. Dr Didacus Jules says important is to work within a "An important philosophical point harmonization allows for the framework of collaboration that about regional integration is that different nuances of a member is very clear as to what its pur- people who have much discourse state to thrive while still pose is, as to what its strategic tend to speak about integration and keeping to the strategic intent intent is and what the outcomes harmonization as sameness. of the collective. we want to achieve are." Caribbean credit unions met here to strengthen supervision and regulation

he Caribbean Regional Tech- and prompt corrective actions, Credit Unions Supervisors is also nical Assistance Centre risk weighted capital adequacy a new body which was created in T(CARTAC) in collaboration and corporate governance. 2014 by regulators across the region. with the Financial Services Regu- "This effort of capacity building CACS has taken on the chal- latory Authority (FSRA) and the and strengthening is expected lenge of providing a forum for Caribbean Association of Credit to result in the development of exchange, communication and Unions Supervisors (CACS) hosted an indispensable skills set and collaboration on matters related a 4-day workshop here this week, enhance the regulatory toolkit to the supervision and regulation from Monday to Thursday, at the which would allow regulators to of credit unions. Royal by Rex Resorts. confront the many challenges of The workshop is part of The workshop was held un- an environment which continues CARTAC’s more than a decade der the theme: “Strengthening to evolve and is constantly chang- old mandate to provide techni- of Credit Union Supervision and ing," said Mr. Calixte Leon, Execu- cal assistance to build capacity in Regulation in the Caribbean” tive Director of the FSRA. various aspects of financial super- highlights the activity's focus. He added that that ultimately, the vision and regulation within the It brought together approxi- credit union sector should grow region. mately 50 officials, mainly Finan- stronger, be more efficient and be This mandate is being under cial Regulators from across the better placed to satisfy the needs the Financial Sector Supervision region, representing 16 countries: and aspirations of its members. program, being led by the Resi- The initiative continued until August 25th, 2005, when the , & Barbuda, Ba- In welcoming the workshop's par- dent Financial Sector Expert, Mr. hamas, Barbados, Belize, Domi- ticipants, Chairman of the FSRA, Courtney Christie-Veitch. Presidents of Cuba and Venezuela, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, nica, St Kitts & , Grenada, Mr. Vincent Hippolyte, expressed With technical assistance from signed the Sandino Commitment, in which the parties agreed that Guyana, Haiti, Saint Lucia, St. his pleasure at Saint Lucia's deci- CARTAC, credit union regula- surgical interventions would be performed to six million people Vincent & the Grenadines, Suri- sion to host the conference. tors in the region have made sig- with visual affections during a period of 10 years. nam, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & "We believe that it is timely, nificant progress in strengthening (Above:) Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Caicos Islands and Jamaica. since we have assumed our role their supervision and regulation Dr Ralph Gonsalves was one of the first OECS citizens to make The workshop focused atten- as the new regulator for credit framework, with at least 13 of 20 use of the equal opportunity offered by the ‘Operation Miracle’ tion on credit risk/loans reviews, unions since January, 2014." CARTAC members implementing eye care initiative. stress testing, risk management The Caribbean Association of Risk Based Supervision.

rom April 2015, screenings ophthalmic and surgical inter- for the Miracle Mission ventions will be carried out dur- FFoundation were initiated ing the next 5 weeks. It is expect- Saint Jude partners with AmeriCares in the Eastern Caribbean within ed to treat 347 patients through the framework of the coopera- this collaborative initiative. tion relations promoted by the Carlos Perez, Venezuelan Am- for more medical supplies ALBA-TCP with the support bassador to Antigua & Barbuda, of PDV Caribe (a subsidiary stated that a team of medical of- aint Jude Hospital (SJH) will of “Petróleos de Venezuela” in ficials is in charge of the proce- serve as the distribution charge of the operation of the dures, and that “in the next six Scentre for medical supplies PETROCARIBE Agreement). weeks, we will have six different earmarked for public health facili- The initiative started in Saint medical teams from Venezuela ties in Saint Lucia, through a new partnership agreement signed Vincent and the Grenadines, to complete the whole process of with the international aid organi- with a result of 1,178 people with surgeries in Antigua.” zation, AmeriCares. visual affections being treated. During the last quarter of 2015, AmeriCares is a non-profit di- In this sense, 252 patients un- the Miracle Mission plans to saster relief and humanitarian derwent surgical intervention in operate in , Grenada, aid organization which provides the last few weeks in Saint Vin- and Nevis, as in- immediate response to emergen- cent and the Grenadines. formed by the President of PDV cy medical needs and supports The surgeries were performed Caribe and Executive Secretary long-term health care initiatives by three (03) medical missions of the ALBA-TCP, Bernardo Al- in the United States and around composed of eight (08) special- varez Herrera. the world. ists. This was the first time that The Miracle Mission was The organization, based in AmeriCares will provide medical supplies, drugs and equipment the Miracle Mission performs launched on July 8th, 2004, be- Stamford, Connecticut, will pro- for distribution to public health facilities in Saint Lucia. surgical interventions in the ginning with a first trip of Ven- vide medical supplies, drugs and Eastern Caribbean. ezuelans to Cuba, who benefited equipment for public health facili- In addition, between July from surgical interventions for ties in Saint Lucia. The hospital sible through the support of the to partner with AmeriCares and and August of this year, 24 pa- cataracts. will receive, store and distribute Prime Minister’s office which fa- envisions that with this donation tients from Saint Vincent and The initiative continued un- these supplies to the island’s pub- cilitated an exemption from VAT it will be able to provide better lic health facilities, including thir- the Grenadines and 12 patients til August 25th, 2005, when the duties for their importation. healthcare to citizens who require ty-three health centers. AmeriCares has worked with additional assistance. from Antigua and Barbuda Presidents of Cuba and Ven- Saint Jude has, over the past WIA and Saint Jude Hospital to The hospital thanks AmeriCares travelled to our country to be ezuela, Fidel Castro and Hugo eighteen months, worked closely design a system of accountability for its generous donation, Women treated under the programme Chavez, signed the Sandino with Catherine Sealys, Petra Nel- and reporting for the expected in Action for bringing the two or- Miracle Mission achieving a sig- Commitment, in which the par- son, Laura Jn Pierre and Leola St. donation. A test shipment is ex- ganizations together and Prime nificant improvement of their ties agreed that surgical inter- Claire of Women in Action (WIA) pected to arrive on the island by Minister Dr. Kenny D. Anthony Visual capability. ventions would be performed to build a partnership and secure October, 2015. AmeriCares will for his assistance in facilitating On August 9th, 13 surgical in- to six million people with visual donations. provide and ship additional sup- the importation of these supplies terventions were carried out in affections during a period of 10 The shipment of the donated plies every 18 months. for the continued improvement of Antigua and Barbuda. Different years. medical supplies was made pos- Saint Jude Hospital is pleased Saint Lucia’s healthcare system. Saturday August 22, 2015 NationWIDE Page 9 Government spends $1.4M to help Parents and Guardians meet students’ education costs

he Ministry of Education, ondary school $500.” “Whether you like it or not, it Human Resource Devel- He reminded the gathered is a big benefit for all the people Topment and Labour is parents and guardians, “It is of Saint Lucia that all their chil- facilitating the education of stu- for your children. This has hap- dren can go to secondary school; dents through a series of one- pened every year for the past and I want to say that there are time bursary distributions to four years, and we hope to con- people who do not believe all assist parents and guardians of tinue, because [we know that] children should go to secondary students who have written the some parents just cannot af- school but that is their opinion. The government last week spent $1.4 million to give parents and Common Entrance exam with ford to send [their children to “The point is the more you guardians of every child who has entered secondary school $500 the purchase of text books and school.]” expose people to education, the to put towards educational supplies. Similar bursaries were school supplies. Dr. Lewis also reflected on the better their chances of getting to also distributed this week to parents and guardians of students Minister for Education, Dr. developments of the island’s ed- do the things they want to do.” entering primary and infant schools next month. Robert Lewis, noted the impact ucation sector. Last Wednesday, Minister for of the bursary. He pointed out, “Today, every Youth Development and Sports He told parents at an official child in this country can go to and Parliamentary Representa- Saint Lucia Social Development at the RC Boys Primary school ceremony in Ciceron, “The a secondary school, and that is tive for Dennery North Shawn Fund (SSDF). for parents of students from government is spending $1.4 a benefit and a big plus for the Edward also presented bursa- Meanwhile, from Monday to Districts One and Two attend- million [in total] to give every government and people of Saint ries to the people of Dennery Friday of this week, a similar ing primary and infant schools child who has entered sec- Lucia. North, through the help the of program was held in Castries within those two districts. PM underlines major benefits to all, of Choc-to-Gros Islet road expansion project

rime Minister and Minis- nience, there can be no doubt 70s, insufficient right of way ter for Finance, Economic that this expansion will yield width was acquired. And over PAffairs, Planning and So- tremendous benefits to commut- the decades, we have witnessed cial Security, Dr. Kenny D. An- ers and businesses.” development after development, thony says Saint Lucia’s most The Prime Minister further narrowing and constricting the significant road infrastructure posited that upgrading the road free land available for road wid- project will be a massive boost network will make it easier to ening.” to citizens and the corporate conduct business in the north- He continued: “Today, we are sector. ern corridor, improving the witnessing traffic volumes in The Prime Minister has point- speed and efficiency of goods excess of 24,000 vehicles per ed out that private sector inter- transfers, enabling customer ac- day, which in itself suggests that ests in the northern corridor cess, and increasing workforce even an upgrade to four lanes will profit from the planned ex- productivity. will not provide completely pansion of the Castries-Gros Is- He explained that the road free-flowing traffic conditions. let Highway, as part of the Choc network expansion will help “This investment, however, Bay-Gros Islet Road Improve- alleviate problems that have will reduce the perennial crawl- ment Project. been mounting for decades, and ing traffic and improve travel Under that project, the Gov- which have come to a head in times considerably for commut- ernment of Saint Lucia is mov- the present day. ers using this route.” ing ahead with plans to expand The Choc Bay-Gros Islet Road Improvement Project will double “We pay a heavy price for our Funding has been secured for the Castries-Gros Islet Highway the carrying capacity of the Castries-Gros Islet Highwa, and lack of foresight and vision. In the Choc Bay-Gros Islet Road by doubling its carrying capac- improve the speed and efficiency of goods transfers. nearly everything we do, we en- and Secondary Roads Improve- ity from Choc to Gros Islet. gage in partial, often half-baked ment Project through the OPEC A four-lane, dual carriageway with sidewalks and ten foot- largest investment in roads in- solutions. The instance of this Fund for International Develop- will be built from Sandals Hal- bridges and safe drop-off points frastructure to date,” said Dr. transport corridor is just one ment and the Kuwait Fund for cyon to the town of Gros Islet, for public transport. Anthony. such example. Arab Economic Development. with five new roundabout junc- “This investment is over “While there will of course be “In the first instance, when The project is expected to be tions, better pedestrian safety EC$150 million and will be the some disruption and inconve- the highway was built in the completed by the end of 2018. Petroleum prices gone down! Students taken closer to

djustments under the Science & Technology three-week pass through Amechanism have lead to he Ministry of Sustain- Science and Technology stream a reduction in the prices of all able Development, Energy, for further study. petroleum products, effective TScience and Technology This problem is not unique to Monday, August 17. through the Energy, Science and Saint Lucia as there appears to be A gallon of unleaded gasoline Technology Department has host- a regional and even global move will decrease by $0.14, a gallon ed a week-long summer camp at of students towards business and of diesel by $0.58 and a gallon of the Orchid Gardens Conference accounting subject areas. kerosene by $1.22. facility in Union, under the theme: In an effort to address this and The Government of Saint Lu- “Paving the Way for Sustainable other potential problems, the Na- cia continues to subsidize the Energy in Saint Lucia.” tional Science and Technology 20lb and 22lb LPG (liquid pe- The National Science and Tech- Summer Camp afforded students troleum gas) cylinders by $11.76 nology Summer Camp was fa- the opportunity to learn princi- and $12.65 per cylinder, respec- cilitated by Mr. and Mrs. Curtis ples of Science and Technology in Smith, founders of IT Kidz USA. an enjoyable, interactive and col- tively, and has allowed consum- IT Kidz USA has been in existence laborative manner. ers to access the full benefits of since 2005 and offers courses and Specific areas addressed reductions in the landed cost of camps in STEM fields (Science, throughout the duration of the all other fuel products. Technology Engineering and camp included renewable energy Prices will be re-adjusted on Mathematics), like Rocketry and sources and project development, Monday, September 7. These landed cost of these products Below is a schedule of the cur- Space, Environmental Science, with wind energy resource form- prices will be determined by the over the current review period. rent retail prices: Renewable Energy, Robotics Engi- ing the main area of focus. neering, and Video Game Design. Students were also exposed to Fuel Product Existing Price New Price Change Special invitations were ex- concepts of and receive instruc- tended to two students from ev- tion on areas such as measuring Unleaded Gasoline $13.50 per gallon $13.36 per gallon Decrease by $0.14 ery secondary school (both public wind, wind technologies, wind $2.98 per Litre $2.94 per Litre Decrease by $0.04 and private) on the island. The turbulence and careers in the Diesel $11.53 per gallon $10.95 per gallon Decrease by $0.58 students were nominated by the wind sector among others. $2.53 per Litre $2.41 per Litre Decrease by $0.12 various school principals. The tar- The students are also scheduled get group is third form students. to pay a site visit to the wind test Kerosene $8.27 per gallon $7.05per gallon Decrease by $1.22 In recent years, concerns have tower in Dennery. $1.82 per Litre $1.55 per Litre Decrease by $0.27 been raised about the low level of At the end of the camp, students interest shown in STEM subjects, were given the opportunity to LPG particularly among students of showcase their project ideas to 20 Pound $27.15 per cylinder $26.75 per cylinder Decrease by $0.39 secondary and tertiary levels in members of the public and pri- Saint Lucia. vate sector, in the form of an ex- 22 Pound $30.14 per cylinder $29.71 per cylinder Decrease by $0.44 In addition, teachers continue to hibition. 100 Pound $197.74 per cylinder $192.55 per cylinder Decrease by $5.20 voice concerns and even appre- The camp started Monday (Au- hension about the diminishing gust 17) and ended yesterday (Fri- Bulk $1.85 per pound $1.80 per pound Decrease number of students who select the day, August 21). Page 10 NationWIDE Saturday August 22, 2015 St. Lucia at CARIFESTA 2015 in Haiti Minister confirms Government soon to establish National delegation of 26 artistic performers is represent- Festivals Commission Aing the island at this pres- tigious Biannual Cultural event. The contingent to Haiti is led by Senator Dr. Kentry Jn. Pierre, the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Creative Industries. The local delegation comprises a mix of tested veterans of the stage, young theatre enthusiasts and talented dancers who have been involved with theatre and dance in a number of locally and regionally produced and per- formed productions. Saint Lucia’s representation in CARIFESTA XII covers theatre, dance, film and poetry reading. The Festivals Commission will ensure that all national events For theatre, a play entitled “An Kwi Douvan Jou” written by Mi- meet the same standards. chael Fontenelle will be featured and in dance a production en- he Ministry of Tourism, Minister Theophilus said the titled “Poetry in Motion” by the The Caribbean is a meeting place for people around the world, a Heritage and Creative Festivals Commission will en- Silver Shadow Performing Arts witness of the crossroad of nations, of different migrations by TIndustries is hoping to sure that each event will meet Academy led by Barry George, will or force, of life invented a thousand times, shaped through standardize all of Saint Lucia’s the same standard. plus four main entries in the film the fusion of different cultures. national festivals in 2016. He explained, “The Commis- category (including: Poetry is an According to the Minister for sion will have the mandate of Island, 21 Days, Tiny and Ground by will or force, of life invented a dance, cuisine, fashion, cinema, Tourism Lorne Theophilus, it ensuring that the executive pro- Zero. thousand times, shaped through visual arts, literature, music, the- will be an evolution of Saint Lu- duction of all national events is A part of the delegation’s peices the fusion of different cultures. ater, arts and crafts. cia’s national events. all done at the same level. being performed at CARIFESTA CARIFESTA celebrates diversity The local delegation left here on “In 2016 and beyond, we are “That enthusiasm and vigor XII will pay tribute to Derick Wal- and similarity; talent and brother- Thursday to arrive Haiti in time hoping that the Festivals Com- which goes into the production cott, especially in the area of poet- hood. It gives artists the opportu- for the highly anticipated open- mission will come on stream, of all the major events, will also ry reading, film and the theatrical nity to discuss, share experiences, ing ceremony yesterday in Port- and through its mandate, it will go into the smaller events as well dance production. learn from one another and share au-Prince, which featured Haitian CARIFSTA has fused all forms their knowledge and traditions. artists and groups such as Emeline have the responsibility of the so that we can use them as sig- of expression of Latin America All men and women are alike in Michel, James Germain, Erol Josué, executive production of all na- nificant parts of our marketing and the Caribbean since 1972 and their beauty. Bethova Obas, Jerrie Longchamp, tional events.” calendar and that way promote as a result has become a major Armed with this strong belief, Carole Demesmin, the Lynn Wil- At present, different enti- our destination and as usual, in- multicultural and international Haiti opens its doors to welcome liam Rouzier Dance School, Ballet ties undertake national events crease the number [of visitors].” event that increasingly attracts the Caribbean and the world. Bacoulou, Ayiti Choeur de femme such as the Saint Lucia Jazz and Mr Theophilus added that countries from other continents. CARIFESTA XII activities are ta- and Tabou Combo. Arts Festival, Saint Lucia Car- continuous growth of the des- The Caribbean is a meeting kin g place in five cities across the Among the foreign artists are nival, Independence activities, tination is needed to ensure the place for people around the island: Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Cap- the Barbadian Alison Hinds, Julia ‘Jounen Kweyol’ and the flower economic well-being of Saint world, a witness of the crossroad Haitian, Gonaives and Cayes. Varis, Dominica’s Ophelia Marie festivals. Lucia. of nations, of different migrations All disciplines will be featured: and Barbados’ Biggie. Lions Club planting 600 trees today Another successful he Micoud, Vieux Fort, and Soufriere Pitons Lions National Dental TClubs and the Hewanorra Plains Leo Club, along with Vol- unteer Saint Lucia (southern chapter), will be embarking on Thrust launched a tree planting exercise in the Bellvue, Vieux-Fort forest today. The exercise begins at 8am and the service clubs will attempt to plant a total of 600 trees. “Lions clubs from around the world have been committed to protecting the environment for several decades and we under- Service clubs on the island will collaborate to plant a total of 600 stand that every small effort trees this Saturday. makes a big difference,” says Elizabeth Norbert, President of planting event today, it conducts of other service projects. the Micoud Lions Club. a variety of service projects in- Lions clubs are groups of men Interested community mem- cluding book donations, health and women who identify needs bers are welcomed to join this screening and awareness pro- within the community and special environmental project. grams, food hamper donations work together to fulfill those In addition to the club’s tree to needy families, and a number needs. Summer dental campers and supervisors all enjoyed the week- long learning experience of a lifetime.

he Dental Unit of the Min- a specially invited guest at the Gros Islet polyclinic offers another istry of Health has ended closing ceremony stressed on Tanother of its national the importance of fostering a dental education thrust, this healthy society. time in the town of Vieux Fort "If we are not healthy, nothing helping hand! where it held the 5th Annual positive happens -- and dental n ambulance is normally ly were selected because they are pressed her gratitude and ap- Summer Dental Camp for chil- health is no exception. If you take associated with a medical residence of Gros Islet and they preciative for the donation of the dren of various age groups. your teeth for granted, they will Aemergency of some kind. utilize the services of the clinic." hampers. Participants of the week-long get jealous and they will retaliate." But, this time, the Social Com- Jules added that Ms George She recalled being a client of camp performed a range of skits The minister went on explain mittee of the Gros Islet Polyclinic regularly attended clinics at GIPC GIPC since its formal opening and presentations for their par- to the young participants the (GIPC) utilized the services of but due to illness has not been having been diagnosed with both ents and ministry officials pres- value of good dental health. their ambulance to bring much- able to continue. She is, however, diabetes and hypertension and al- ent at the closing ceremony to- "Sometimes you have cavities needed food supplies to a needy visited regularly by the commu- ways appreciated the level of care day (Saturday August 15th). that may spread bacteria to oth- client and resident of the Gros Is- nity health aides to ensure she and attention the staff at the Poly- Dental Assistant with the Min- er parts of your body and affect let community. makes a full recovery. clinic provided to her. istry of Health, Yasmin Burin, your organs, and all of a sud- Concluding, the Vice President "The Polyclinic is a good place and Staff of the GIPC contributed explained the main purpose of den you end-up at Victoria or food item with the Social Commit- said, "It is our hope that these a nice place. The people who work the camp was "To promote good St. Judes or Tapion with a major tee purchasing the remained to hampers will go a long way in there are very nice", George noted. create three huge hampers which meeting the needs of Ms. George President of the GIPC Social oral hygiene, encourage the illness, which really originated were presented on Friday August and her family... Committee Shivel Burnett-Fel- children to brush regularly and with a cavity. 14th to the worthy recipient. ”I would like to applaud the staff icien stated that the hampers were to help reduce dental caries." “And so, from a very tender Vice President of GIPC, Social of the (GIPC) for their generous con- filled with numerous products in- Burin also expressed her hope age I want my people to learn Committee, Earline Jules, stated, tribution towards this venture. The cluding, adult diapers, biscuits, to take the dental camp to other that overall health care is very "The Gros Islet Polyclinic and by Social Committee strives to exceed toothpaste, deodorant, disinfec- parts or the island to spread the important." extension the Social Committee is staff expectations while being a cata- tant, laundry detergent and the message of proper oral hygiene. The dental camp was held at proud to be in a position to give lyst for positive social change at the like. The Social Committee plans Minister for External Affairs, the Augier Combined School back to community that we serve. (GIPC) and in the wider community." to do more philanthropic activi- International Trade and Civil and attracted over 100 young Ms. Leon George and her fami- Ms. George for her part ex- ties like this one in the near future Aviation Alva Baptiste who was participants. Saturday August 22, 2015 NationWIDE Page 11 Fond Doux is one of’s top hotels t has been a year of indus- try accolades, awards, and Idesignations for Fond Doux Plantation & Resort – and we feel honored to add another award to our growing list. Fond Doux Plantation & Resort is proud to be among the first-ev- er recipients of’s Cer- tificate of Excellence, recogniz- ing our continued commitment to top quality hospitality. launched its Global Awards Program in May of 2015. A Certificate of Excellence is award- ed based on the 15 million reviews from users, where ho- tels and resorts need to maintain a 4.5 star average or better. over yet – there are a number of experience each guest enjoys contest is live on the resort’s web- One lucky winner will receive This year (2015) has proven to projects in the planning stages during their visits. site, a photo contest for the best a complimentary three night be a banner year for Fond Doux for the resort with the aim to In the meantime, the Fond restaurant photo and general all-inclusive stay for two, an- Plantation & Resort, and it’s not constantly improve upon on the Memories of Fond Doux photo property photo. nounced this coming October. Local chefs competing in Caribbean Junior Duelling Competition in Barbados

he Caribbean Junior Duel- Gold Medalist Chef Elijah Jules of Nicola is passionate about cook- ling Competition is here Jade Mountain. ing and competing. To her the sky Tagain, as Saint Lucia gears Upon Chef Elijah’s return from is the limit. up for tough culinary battles the ‘Taste of the Caribbean’ Com- Kurtney Gill is 17 years old, also against some of the region’s best petition in Miami, he devoted his a recent graduate of the Soufri- Junior Chefs. time training young aspiring Ju- ere Secondary School. Kurtney SLHTA’s Junior Culinary Team re- nior Chefs at a Secondary School dreams of becoming an owner of turned to Barbados on August 19th level through the SLHTA Chefs in a fine dining restaurant in New and remains there till to 24th for the Schools Programme. York. 2nd Annual Caribbean Junior Du- Nicola Esnard is 18 years old Kurtney plans to attend culi- elling Challenge and Conference. recent graduate of the Soufri- nary school in Panama in two The team representing St Lucia ere Comprehensive Secondary years time. Kurtney is passionate won the SLHTA Chefs in Schools School. She is an aspiring chef about of cooking. His mentor is Cook-Off Competition which was who dreams of become an Execu- his mother, who is a cook at Sugar held in Dennery. tive Chef and owner of a chain of Beach, A Viceroy Resort. Nicola Esnard and Kurtney Gill fine dining restaurants interna- Also accompanying them is Ap- of the Soufriere Comprehensive tionally. prenticeship Coordinator, Wendel Secondary School are the champi- Her ultimate goal is to compete George of the SLHTA and Food & ons of the competition for the 2nd in one of the Chopped Competi- Nutrition Teacher Nashaka Hen- year in a row. The students have tions abroad and to gain the cov- ry at the Soufriere Comprehen- been training with renowned eted title of Chopped Champion. sive Secondary School. Saint Lucians Kurtney Gill and Nicola Esnard. LUCELEC promoting youth entrepreneurial spirit!

wenty young Saint Lu- “Personal Vision” and “Overall veloped included car washing, fort, youth and education aimed at employers rather than employ- cians participated in the Strategy”. selling of home-made cakes, producing better leaders, particu- ees.” TGAMA Learning Institute Guided by presentations and sweets and ice lollies and all of larly in the field of business. “The more people we can en- youth entrepreneurship work- speeches from professionals in the groups generated profits from “We see this as contributing courage to think in that direc- shop sponsored by St Lucia Elec- various fields, participants also their businesses. to developing a mind-set where tion, the more likely potential tricity Services Limited (LUCE- developed and executed busi- LUCELEC Corporate Commu- young people will be seeking to solutions to problems like un- LEC). ness plans for their own start-ups nications Manager Roger Joseph develop their own businesses and employment will be found,” he The workshop covered a through which they applied the says the company committed to the provide employment for other explained. The training course range of topics including “The principles they learnt. training course because of its blend young people, rather than seek- was attended by young people Anatomy of an Entrepreneur”, The short-term businesses de- of themes relating to personal ef- ing to get a job somewhere; to be aged 14-18.

Ministry launches project to debate ICT fair deemed successful

proposed new National Land Policy inister for the Public Service, n 2014, the Ministry of broad-based support for and other encounters and Sustainable De- Physical Development, policy implementation. will be adapted for televi- M velopment, Energy, Science IHousing and Urban The OECS Commission is sion. and Technology, Sen. Hon. Renewal, with support again providing financial At this stage in our na- Dr. James Fletcher congrat- from the Organisation of assistance to this education tional development, Saint ulated CARCIP on the suc- Eastern Caribbean States and public awareness ini- Lucia needs to improve cess of the ICT fair. (OECS) Commission, con- tiative, which will involve the management of its Dr. Fletcher praised the ducted a series of studies inter alia, media events and land resources; to reduce collaborative efforts of and consultations that led working sessions with pro- vulnerability; to optimise the Caribbean Regional to the preparation of a re- fessional associations and the contribution of land Communication Infra- vised National Land Poli- other stakeholders. to socio-economic devel- cy for Saint Lucia. As part of the public opment, livelihoods and structure Programme This Policy recognises awareness activities, the cultural identity; and to (CARCIP) and the various that land is our main re- Ministry of Physical Devel- rationalise land use and stakeholders who facili- source for development; opment will utilize popular settlements. This is what a tated the event. The fair was a collaborative effort between industry that land issues are very theatre as one of the vehicles land policy should achieve. “It was an extremely well partners, the Government of Saint Lucia, and CARCIP. complex; and that the coun- of communication. In this regard, the Min- put together event. try must be guided by clear With the assistance of ex- istry of Physical Develop- “I have to thank all of the CARCIP, Christopher Rob- gasse," Roberts said. and progressive measures perienced theatre director ment looks forward to the officers in the Ministry of erts attributed the success "Without these partners, I when dealing with issues and cultural activist Kenne- engagement of the public, the Public Service, Infor- of the ICT fair to the work- don’t believe that it would pertaining to land and de- dy ‘Boots’ Samuel, a group to make the revised policy mation and Broadcasting ing relationship enjoyed by have been as successful as velopment. of actors – which includes a reality. who have made it possible, the public and private sec- it was and again this just With this proposed poli- four Ministry employees At the end of this process and also the participants, tors, and praised the much shows that the whole ICT cy in hand, the Ministry is -- is currently creating a (around December 2015), and contributors like Digi- needed efforts of the stake- industry is not one of iso- now launching an initia- theatre production that will the National Land Policy cel, Microsoft, and Google, holders. lation or insularity but it is tive to inform the public of illustrate some of the main will be formally submitted who’ve made this event “This activity has also collaborative." the provisions of the Poli- land issues and explain how to the Cabinet of Ministers commendable, because this been made possible The purpose of the fair cy; and to seek feedback a good land policy can be for consideration and ap- really gives us an opportu- through the collaborative was to increase the aware- and additional recommen- beneficial for Saint Lucia. proval. For additional in- nity to showcase to the gen- efforts and collaborative ness of ICT trends and the dations on the same. More Over the next few weeks, formation, please contact eral public what is possible generosity of a number Saint Lucia government’s importantly, the initiative this production will be fea- the office of the Permanent with ICT," Dr. Fletcher said. of partners such as LIME, efforts to facilitate a more is intended to generate tured at community events Secretary at (758) 468 4419. Project Coordinator for Flow, Digicel, and J.E. Ber- ICT enabled economy Page 12 NationWIDE Saturday August 22, 2015 St. Lucian acting as state witness as boyfriend pleads guilty to smuggling Cubans into USVI!

lain Rene Leichtnam, 71, pending sentencing, which is “Tragically, many have lost a French national, plead- scheduled for December 4, 2015. their lives while attempting this ed guilty on August 12 in “Those responsible for encour- illegal and treacherous trip. Hu- A aging and inducing immigrants man smugglers have a callous District Court here to 38 counts of an indictment charging him to enter the United States illegally disregard for the value of human with encouraging and inducing are placing personal profit ahead life and are only concerned about aliens to enter the United States of public safety and the lives of making a profit. ICE will continue in violation of law, United States the immigrants,” Sharpe said. to aggressively work with our “This conviction should warn Attorney Ronald W. Sharpe an- U.S. Department of Homeland Se- those involved in this dangerous nounced this afternoon. curity (DHS) partners to identify and illegal activity that it comes and arrest those involved in this According to the plea agree- with a high price.” illicit and dangerous activity,” he ment, U.S. Customs and Border Angel M. Melendez, special concluded. The case was investi- Protection (CBP) Office of Air and agent in charge of U.S. Immigra- Marine (OAM) and the United gated by ICE with the assistance tion and Customs Enforcement’s of CBP and the USCG. It is being States Coast Guard (USCG) inter- (ICE) Homeland Security Investi- cepted a sailing vessel Mazurka prosecuted by Assistant United gations (HSI) in and States Attorney Kim L. Chisholm. heading towards Coral Bay on the U.S. Virgin Islands, said the Security Leichtnam was her boy- woman told authorities she the East End of St. John, Virgin Is- agency will continue its diligent St. Lucian witness friend. They were both taken into thought they were headed to St. lands in the early morning hours work to quell the smuggling of The St. Lucia national was or- custody by the U.S. Coast Guard Martin, but she heard the Cubans of April 29, 2015. aliens onto U.S. soil. dered to be held in a federal de- on April 30 as Leichtman dropped on board saying “St. John” and CBP agents observed Leichtnam “ICE continues to be committed tention facility after she arrived off the Mazurka’s passengers. “St. Thomas,” according to the operating the vessel and identi- to putting an end to the practice in a boat on the East End of St. The woman told investigators documents. But when she asked fied 38 Cuban nationals and one of profiting from the illegal trans- John along with 38 Cuban mi- she and family members were Leichtnam what the extra people national of St. Lucia onboard. portation of aliens across our bor- grants. U.S. Magistrate Ruth Mill- socializing with Leichtnam on were doing on board he did not Leichtnam admitted that he ders and throughout our country. er ruled the woman, identified board the catamaran on April answer her, she told authorities. transported the Cuban nationals We will continue to vigorously as Kurcharma Mishkia St. Luce, 25. When Leichtnam left the next Investigators said St. Luce told to the United States for financial enforce the federal laws which 23, a material witness in the case morning to buy water in prepara- them she decided she would not gain knowing that the conduct punish the many manifestations against Leichtnam, 71. tion for a trip, another man ap- press the matter because she did was unlawful. Leichtnam was of the complex problem of smug- In court documents, St. Luce, peared along with Cubans and not want 38 angry Cubans on her remanded to the custody of the gling, trafficking and harboring a native of St. Lucia, told agents boarded them, St. Luce said. hands so she went along with the United States Marshals Service illegal aliens,” Melendez said. from the Department of Homeland When the boat left port the change of plans. National CSEC performance improves

he 2015 Caribbean Second- we must also continue working to dipped from last year, and three ary Education Certificate make education more relevant to of them had their lowest marks in T(CSEC) Examination results our developing citizens.” recent years. It is unfortunate that were released last Thursday. In Ten subjects had pass rates of at we were not able to build on the Saint Lucia, over 2000 candidates least 90 percent, and two, Addi- success we enjoyed last year in a from 24 secondary schools wrote tional Mathematics and Mechani- more consistent way across the examinations in 34 subject areas. cal Engineering Technology, had board. We must look at ways of Overall, performances contin- 100 percent pass rates in Saint doing better," Dr. Anthony said. ued to trend upward. General and Lucia. “But when you look at the per- Technical Proficiency passes were Seven schools enjoyed their best formances of the individual up 1.81 percent to 73.19 percent. overall scores since 2011; a fur- schools, several results stand out. Gains were made in 19 subjects, ther seven had their second-best “The uptick in grades being including English A and Mathe- performances for that period. St. turned in by students from newer matics. English results reflected a Joseph’s Convent had the best schools like Babonneau Second- 66.15 percent pass rate, and Math- performance overall, with pass ary, Grande Riviere Secondary, ematics 55.16 percent - the first rates of 98.82 percent, one of five Gros Islet Secondary and Marigot time in six years the pass rate has schools with students achieving Secondary is to be commended. exceeded 50 percent. Ten subjects had pass rates of at least 90 percent, and two had success in at least 90 percent of Corinth Secondary has also done Prime Minister Dr. Kenny D. An- their subjects. well under difficult circumstances. 100 percent pass rates in Saint Lucia. thony congratulated the success- Only two subjects had failing “We must nurture all of our ful students, and offered words of for that, we must commend our “There are gaps, however. There rates. Students continued to strug- schools and all of our students.” encouragement to those who did students, our dedicated and hard- are schools and students still in gle with Visual Arts, which had the In 2015, the Ministry of Educa- not attain passing grades. working teachers, and our schools. need of support in specific subject lowest pass rate at 34.02 percent, tion documented a reduction in “We have been seeing steady Clearly, there is work being done, areas. It is critical that we make and Human and Social Biology. the number of candidates writing progress in Mathematics and Eng- and we are seeing the fruit of that the necessary interventions to as- “It is disappointing that the the various examinations, a trend lish over the past five years, and labor in these results," he said. sist those who are struggling. But performances of several schools that has obtained since 2012. MAKING HISTORY! Constitutional Review Report and Recommendations Discussed in both Houses of Parliament! Continued from page 3 arose as a result of the constitution- dations include: al review. * The present Saint Lucia Con- The Commission completed it’s The report recommends that: stitution should be repatri- work almost seven years later in • The right to universal education ated and the constitutional 2011 and submitted it to the previ- up to secondary level should be monarchial system should be ous UWP administration, but it was included in the Bill of Rights in abolished and replaced with a never tabled in parliament. The the Constitution, but should be republican constitutional sys- Report was therefore first tabled in subject to available resources; tem. Parliament in 2013. • That the Fundamental Right to * Discrimination based on sexual Prime Minister Dr. Kenny D. Health, along the lines expressed orientation is unacceptable Anthony presented the report, in article (25) 1 of the Universal * Marriage should continue to be paying homage to Madame Justice Declaration of Human Rights, between man and woman d’Auvergne and her commitment to should be included in the Consti- * The Caribbean Court of Justice the constitutional review process, tution; and should replace the Privy Coun- which was a joint effort by both the • There should be the creation of a cil as Saint Lucia’s final appel- ruling government and opposition mixed model of government with late court and entrenched in a parties when initiated. a different executive branch, to new constitution. “Both political parties cooperated that which currently prevails. * Capital punishment should be fully in establishing the commis- • The only member of the executive retained. The House of Assembly in session sion and it is a point that is worth branch who will belong to both * No person should be appointed repeating because this was not a the Legislature and the Executive to the office of Prime Minister tended the discussions. However, the recommendations should be solo enterprise,” he said. will be the Prime Minister. for more than three consecu- the debate so far has turned up studied carefully to determine The Prime Minister described the • The Deputy Prime Minister will tive five-year terms quite some concern among parlia- which can and will work and report on constitutional reform as serve as a member of Cabinet * The system of elected local gov- mentarians in both Houses about which should be shelved or put on one of the most extensive in his ex- without ministerial authority ernment in Saint Lucia should several of the recommendations. the back burner. perience. except when deputizing for the be re-established MPs and Senators were severely Not all MPs spoke in the Lower “It is probably one of the most Prime Minister. To this end, he/ * Political parties should declare critical of proposals to change to House on Tuesday. The House will intensive consultations ever under- she will be appointed on the ba- their assets and liabilities how elected MPs become Cabinet therefore meet this coming Tuesday taken in Saint Lucia, even prior to, sis of his ability to command the * A Political Party and Elections Ministers and some even chal- (August 25th) as scheduled, but it and after independence. support of a majority of elected Campaign Finance Act should lenged the need for the review, ar- will postpone the substantive de- “I was a witness to the process members of Parliament and he/ be enacted which will provide guing that the current Constitution bate on the bills already before it that led to our constitution in 1979, she will appoint ministers. for a system of both public and has served Saint Lucia well. to September 2, so that the House and that process does not match the • If a minister is selected from private funding. Several parliamentarians on will meet two weeks in succession intensity of this review.” Parliament, he/she must subse- Given the voluminous nature of both sides also urged caution to consider the CRC Report and rec- Numerous recommendations quently resign Other recommen- the report, the Prime Minister ex- against undue haste, warning that ommendations.