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\\ · I 'U 1'1'1'-. ra Spl·cial Suppkml'lll ' ·" ( I ) • f Caneun (boeat :Bar) Top Spring Break locations

&>outh Padr!Z. T!ZXB£

ring th ~ b ~ e c h to your living room this ~pring l?r~ak character, a By Colleen DeBaise good life and that Collexe Prt.u Strvice beller than going to college. ''The Sure Thing" ( 1985) is another OK, so you're not going to the beach this spring ing-of-age nick about two ml!S-j ets, hotel rooms, food and well, beverages, can real­ ful, in I 987 with "Back to the ly rack up. But that doesn't mean there isn't "fun in still singing, and she's still wearing OO IIka- eye• at a •urfcr "G1dgct Goc• Hawauan" 1• consid­ pot-smoking in this empty-hcnded movie. nrc only n video shu-c uwuy. And if you don't huvc • ered the \eriC\' "p1cce de re\lslancc" and feature• a char­ But the I 980s Introduced o new breed of beach don't worry. ·n,cre's ulwuys "Bnywutch." a<.ter named "Mor,ndogg~e . " movies, starting with tough high school guy Mun Dillon ''Tile Bodle" Summer" (I 966) ha• ' orne h1stoncal slg­ playmg u cobono hoy in 'The Flamingo Kid" ( 1983). His mticance, 1f ym1 w11l , 1n that 11 popularized the sport or ( .\\.,,·l h HI, 19'JX Spl'd.ll Suppknwnt ~

Take a Spring Break, but don't get taken T:tle-. (wrn the Pull S1de: :-By "Mill'dy ·eharsfa-·-·" rou'llct:iilp with eight ilights . ii-i hotel "·~goi"ihis price ()n this.; and7exi>erienced S ~") 1 · 1n~ P>1 · e~k ~ "-. pent by jCollege Press Se~ice . ~ems like an amazing price that's too travels will tell you about" these kinds of go9d to be true, but it actually does things." f' o 1n~ studen t::. j Ruth BerkQ\Vitz and five of her exist," she said. " You have to remember The main piece of advice of Student" ;friends spent the cold winter o f thei( · that's a quad rate for four people, and it's & Budget Travel's Web master Lara jsophomore year at Washington ·. usually a downtown hotel ... and it will Friedman is: ·:D.on'ttrust everything you· By Alana Merritt-Mahaffey :University in St. Louis with warm be a one-star hotel with no extras what- sec on the Internet. Do some double- jthoughts of a spring break in South soever. They have been known to be checking and get confirmation in wri ting Wi th tans so dark their race is called into :Padre Island. unsafe." whenever possible." Friedman's site' question, UCA students have returned from a : Berkowitz spent the months after the Staying downtown in popular Spring (http://www.lib.umich.cdv/chdocs/trav­ sunny spring break. There arc about 8.500 jtrip arguing_wit h: a hotel manager who Break destinations such as Cancun, the cl/travel-guide.html) helps locate travel­ students attending UCA and about 8.498 went ;accused her group of breaking the Bahamas and Jamaica means you should related resources on the Internet. on some son of exciting spring break ;room's sleeper sofa. expect the hidden costs of cab rides to Always pay by credit card, advises· adventure to some far-off shoreline state. : "We called them several times and the beach, Carroll adds. Mark Kantrowitz of the Ai r Traveler's· :argued with them," Berkowitz said. Carroll and other travel agents say the Handbook. That way if you don't The two left stranded in Arkansas were ;"They were saying that we completely best way students can protect themselves receive the service·or the service wasn't myself and my hu sband. :destroyed the sofa", that we must have a g a i n s ·t what you ex pee ted, you can dispute the 'had a party and jumped up and down on l r a v c I I charge wi th the credit card-company. He: Oh sure, our spring break was fil led with ;the bed." Despite their efforts, the group also warns that students should be wary ·. adventure and excitement the Arkansas way. jnevcr got their $250 deposit back. of companies with no telephone num-• , We : Every spring. as school lets out for a . ber and no listing with Di rectory; basked under the sun in tall grass. Of ;week, students pack their bags looking I Assistance. , i course, we were doing yardwork at the time, :Cor a place to get away from it all. But ...o~~III••II...._ When consideri ng Spring : but no matter. ;too often scam artists are looking to get Break tour packages, ASTA rec-:· :away with students' hard-earned ' _...... ommends the fo llowing guide-· We spent the days browsing through street­ :money. Most commonly students fall ~ lines to ensure you are not being side shops (more commonly known as garage jvictim to travel scams by companies scammed: sales) :selling dream vacati ons at amazingly ...... _ Before paying, get all the: and took brunches on springtime patios jlow prices...... ~. details in _writing. including total; (more commonly known as the spider- infested ' "Students and seniors arc the most ...... ' cost. restncllons that apply. can- ' front porch). !targeted groups to be taken advantage . cell ation penalties, and the exact" :of," said Steve Loucks, the spokesperson ~ ' names of the airlines and hotels the; At night we took in a highly-rated show and jfor the American Society of Travel 'I package mcludes. You should never . sipped on good wine (okay. it was Agents (ASTA). "Students are wrongly have to pay up front JUSt to gct mfor-, Wclch'sgrape juice-on sale-and "Real Stories :perceived to be a little wet behind the mat10n a bout a travel ~ackagc . Purchase of the Highway Patrol".) We visited family :cars in terms of travel planning. . appropnate msurance m case you must; we'd not seen in ages (my brothers who can : "Usually what you fi nd is some scams ts I I \ cancel. . . . burp the Pledge of Allegiance in harmony.) I !unscrupulous tour operator who's going to book the . When you arc gcttmg an evaluatiOn ; played with the semester-long neglected dog. ;directly to students on campuses with all· tnp through reputable travel agenctcs. of the offer I rom a reputable traveL (The husband he ld her down and I picked ticks :sorts of flowery offers." Loucks said. Agents have the same access to Spring agent, among the questions you should' off her.) :"The bulk of those offe rs are not lcgiti­ Break tqur operators as the people who be asking arc: Docs the tour operator" !mate. What we tell p~:o ple is anytime advertise -packages in college newspa- belong to a consumer protection plan . All in all , it was a spri ng break not unlike :you see an offer that's too good to be. pers and on flashy posters. T he differ- that would protect your payment in the; other spring breaks of yore. Hassle-reduced. :true it usually is." ence is that most established travel agcn- case of the tour company closed? Has, Quiet. Nice. Uneventful. -akmm j Tammy, an' .Indiana University stu­ cics know which operators are legitimate the agency ever sent a client on a tour: :dent , says both a company offering a and trustwonhy; people targeting stu- with the company? Also, make sure you· jboat tour in Puerto Yallarta and the peo­ dents do not always know or care. arc informed of what additional taxes or• : pie she booked her package through mis­ And, when you book through a travel surcharges are involved, such as airport: jr epresented themselves. agent everything about the trip, incl ud- and pon taxes (when going on a cruise). ~pri ng I ;n•; ll\ an·iclt •nh : "We paid for a boat cruise separate ing the hotel room and flight, arc con- Also. ask what the customary or expect-. a ncl 111on· Jrom the package, and then when we firmed and you know exactly how much cd gratuities are on th e tour. : jwent to get the tickets there was another the trip will cost. One popular scam that If speaking with a local travel agent " :charge they hadn' t told us about," said surfaces about this ti me is a $ 199 per is not convenient, consult directly with' By Holly Kurtz :Tammy. not wishing to be identified by person cruise package departing out of ASTA's Consumer Affairs Department' Knight-Ridder New.

r n~:~o"" ·--·~ Spring Break goes l laughing -~~~r__ , : By Wide Aroa Communications ! via Kaplan Educational Centers Jamaica, Canun and· The Bahamas

, We all like a laugh. And you can't have a , Jamaica's motto is'"OIIt Of tnanif ?ne :: . laugh on a night out without having a bit of: By Scott Gold people," and there were many;' ln811Y7 ' a drink, can you? After all, what's the point Knight·Riddu Newspapers people at the sol; off with Mr or Miss Personality Bypass Mistaica, when police shot at consi,tent market,"' said O'!fel[ loses its appeal. singer Jimmy Buffett's sea- " Hamilton; , spokesman for lbei plane, misiaking it for a .. " Jamai~lll!·~bassy _in Waahillgtoo .. I Gelling so wrecked you can barely walk, cocaine operation. You \ • • · ..ThJS 1$ -8001Cthing .we do not never mind walk straight, means you're couldn' t blame them - • ". ·" • • take 1igb0y. They bave the nut putting yourself at risk of more than a sore hallucinogenic mush­ / . • • " of the place, just as !OIIg as c head the next day. rooms are considered • 1hey are not coJllmittin( omelet ingredients '• , - • murder onnaybeml' If you've. had too many, you're much here. more likely to have an accident on the way ~.' , , , There iJ no drinking: home - or when you get there. Around half · So this is where ;_-. ,- a:ge in Jamaica, UIQiber of all pedestrians aged 16-60 who are killed the boys are. _sigpificant . attr¥'i.lori in road accidents have more booze in their for SUJdedls, r- lllOIIt ,,0! blood stream than the legal drink-drive Spring Break, . , wiiom are not 2-1 ano. j(;.: (.(- limit. that venerable, •• cariiiOt dr;nk-leglilly ilt. beer- drenched ''' ..--. ' ~~)·~< --., $! the United S~sJ Still feeling good about getting trashed? slice of , According to the (J .S1 Americana, has · Em~y in ICi.ngstol!;' Think about it. gone internation- ;·£.::,· a New York student al. College stu­ died in Negril last .weeki 1: ~ '.,. <' v"' Around 40 per cent of household fires are dents have always of alcohof poisoning. linked with people who have been drinking have targeted off­ and alcohol is a factor in at least seven per­ shore sites for their cent of drownings. People who have sex weeklong bash. But after drinking are much less likely to use this year, for the first -···; ·.'·. .lil:;:;;:a) condoms - increasing the risk of getting a time, three of the top here, too,." said Pickled' sexually transmined disease four Spring Break desti- Parrot bar owner Mike Dobs, nations - Cancun, Jamaica - • " who is buildiJig a SIO miUi!llli.· Have another one... and the Bahamas - are out-· ' • 160-unit townhouse across the side the United States, accord- • street. "If you're looking for ganja, About I ,000 children aged und~r-15 are ing to executives of several trav- you've got more in your first hour on: admiued to hospital each year with acute el companies who cater to college the island than you 'can smoke in a alcohol poisoning. All need emergency students. weeL" treatmenl. You can also get a criminal on a record. In 1994, 57,900 people were found It is a noticeable shift in a lucrative beachfront While tourists are not seen as a threat;! guilty or cautioned for offences of drunken­ industry. Traditional U.S. hotspots, stage, including one Saturday titled: "I they are seen as prey. Life In SOllie areas ness. The peak age of offenders was 18. including several in Florida, now duke it am spring broke and I'll do anything for is an. elduwstive bustle - for cabs, dnigs,. out with not just their mainland counter­ money." hair braidings and sarongs which has· Hundreds of thousands of other offences, parts, but with unprecedented competi­ only been magnified by the influx of including criminal damage and violence, are tion overseas. By the end of March, as "Jerry, i'm so desperate for money, I young travelers. drink-related. If you get completely wasted many as I million students might have will jump rope naked," shouted Damian by bingeing on alcohol, you put a great spent their Spring Break overseas, Novak, as the crowd hooted and jeered. ''We've gotten offered mushrooms, strain on your liver and other parts of your including destinations in Mexico, the "I'm just dead broke. I think I drank too LSD, prostitution, cocaine, you pame il,~ body. It also makes you dehydrated. Bahamas and the Caribbean, according much." said Keith Bowers, a V'ugillia Tech to travel companies. University junior. If you' re into spon, heavy bouts of booz­ ''I'll give you $40 to keep your ing damages the red muscle fibres you need "It's a whole new world," said clothes on," Springer retorted. Though tourism is a $10 biUion-a­ for endurance, so you'll fi nd it hard to keep Charles Azoulay, presi~nt of Student year industry in the Carribean, it is not it up in more ways than one. Regularly Adventure Tours Inc. in Fort Lauderdale, Novak, a polite, well-spoken an economic salve, especially in coun­ drinking too much increases the risk of Fla. University of Wisconsin electrical engi­ tries such as Jamaica. Much of the damaging the white muscle fibres that are neering major with a 3.4 grade point money spent returns to owners an.d needed for sprinting and j umping. More of a The companies attribute the trend, in average, shed his clothes !lnyway. shareholders of U.S.-based airl~nes. step, stagger and fall than hop, step and part, to cheap travel packages in places hotels and restaurant chains, WidesiOad j ump. such as Mexico, where the peso has fall­ "I was drunk. in a bar and some lady poverty is left bebi.nd. en shBiply, low airfares caused by a boon came up and asked me if I would do it," If you do get really drunk, it's best to lay in charter flights and a robust U.S. econ­ Novak said "It's Spring Brealc. You :'More people. ~ money,~ said off alcohol altogether for the next two days omy that has generated new disposable can do these kinds of things." Jamaican. native and MontegQ_ Bay caq to give your body tissues time to recover. income. driver Steve!' Campbell. Forget the myths of coffee, more coffee and Springer's shows were arranged by a fry-up. The only cure for a heavy session Students are lured by the prospect of MTV. The station, some­ The hustle can turn violenL Several is time. an oversea Spring Break that can cost tl)ing of an electronic measuring stick of students have been auacJtC4 and ro.!>bod. less than $800, only $200 more than Spring Break hotspots, has been taping although no specific figure is aVailable. If you get drunk on a regular basis, it some comparable domestic travel pack­ shows from Spring Break sites since the may be wonh asking your GP for help. If ages. early 1980s, but has never strayed from "It's the new thiilg," said ~ter Cbue, you carry on drinking too much over the the continental U.S., spokeswoman a Jamaican who lives in an. abandolled years, there are all sorts of long-term risks to They seem to be reaching for the Mamie Malter said from New York. building in Montego Bay and carries a your health - to say nothing of your bank exotic, choosing drum jerk chicken over machete for protection. ''They wiU leave balance. Kentucky Fried, Appleton rum punches Thjs year, it plans to lilm in three off­ you your life. Not much more." over chear· smuggled beer, cliff diving shore sites Hawaii, Cancun. and Negri!, You' ll probabl y put on weight · if your over hote balcony diving. The nearby where the station wrapped up taping on In the past six months, Jamaica has odea of attracti ve i' a ' pare tyre around your marijuana crops and a laissez faire atti­ Saturday night. taken several steps to combat the tre'!(l. belly, then keep it up. Alcohol is high on tude toward drugs - technically illegal in caloric\ with no real food va lue. Your hloml Jamaica - also are a lure. No matter how channing Jamaica The U.S. government has pefl!lission pre\\Urc will aiMo go up, increasin g the might seem, gift-wrapped in blissful fun, to board any incoming boat from chance of having a heart attack anti some "I wns served marijuana tea this mnngo-tinted sunsets and u haze of mar­ Jamaica deemed - suspicious. The ki ntl\ of ' trokc. You ' ll also risk li ver tlam· mornin ~ , " said one Georgetown ijuana smoke, it is hardly paradise. Jamaican government has begun seizi11g age. Univcrstty student, who asked not to be houses, cars or hotels it thinks have been identi fied hecuuse of his choice ofhreuk­ Ninety miles south of Cuba, Jurnuica purchased with drug J110ney. Jt has begun Other mk\ fa~cd hy long-term. hea vy fast hcverugc. "I don'tthink that's on the embodies tl1e nux in the Spring Brenk bulldo1jng some of the worst blighted tl ro nk e" arc cancer, c' pccoall y cancc" of menu in Daytona Beach." market, by reaping the benefits of new areas. the 111outh and throal. II you drink heavily One resort, called Hedonism II. fea­ visitors while struggling under the grow­ and \ l u f!k c , yc1u ' rc I C)O IIIIIC\ ru orc li kely to ture' what it calls "nudes- versus-prudes" ing pains they bring. "You can't have people coming into dcvclfJP th ro:al Lam:cr titan people who volleyball matches. They do not huve tourist lli'Cas to rape and pillaac." Dobs dfm ' t Worucu :al \ tJ II ' . ~ havmg proh l c rr l'~ 1f those in Daytona Beach, either. Those same pains huve hec n pnssed suid. "Let it happen long enough, and the y want to he<.. oruc p rc g u:wt, w lulc IIICII llxpluincd Brian Mullins, u Bowling through n lineage of U.S. cities including there won't benny tourist orcas nt all." und women c...uu cJcvch,p p·.yd'" '-')41c.. al aud Green University junior: "There nrc no Fort Lnutlcrdnlc, stormed by 350,000 cmotumal prohlcrn,, ir~ c lud u o g dq"c'""" · rule~ here." students in 1985, its ponk us Spring Brenk's ground t.cru. Still a fledgling And th :ot '~ nothing to ll.ugh about. Spring Breuk dcstinution, no comporublc