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It has been accepted for inclusion in Columbia Chronicle by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Columbia College Chicago. \\ · I 'U 1'1'1'-. ra Spl·cial Suppkml'lll ' ·" ( I ) • f Caneun (boeat :Bar) Top Spring Break locations &>outh Padr!Z. T!ZXB£ ring th ~ b ~ e c h to your living room this ~pring l?r~ak character, a By Colleen DeBaise good life and that Collexe Prt.u Strvice beller than going to college. ''The Sure Thing" ( 1985) is another OK, so you're not going to the beach this spring ing-of-age nick about two ml!<m:ncrleo brealc. It's highly possible that you're not alone. lege students (John Cusack and pre­ Although millions of students will enjoy spring par­ Place" Daphne Zuniga) who fall in adises such as Daytona Beach and Cancun, others while on a cross-country road trip to will use their days off to work at part-time jobs, over spring brealc. "It tops everyone's list spend time with their families or go on a job hunt. great break movies," says one critic. Some students simply can't afford the price of a They' re back! Somehow, Frankie dream vacation; after all, the costs of airplane tick­ Annene made a comeback, albeit un:suct:C1>S-j ets, hotel rooms, food and well, beverages, can real­ ful, in I 987 with "Back to the ly rack up. But that doesn't mean there isn't "fun in still singing, and she's still wearing OO IIka-<I<J~ ! the sun" to be had. dresses, but this silly beach movie With a little help from your VCR and a well­ to be buried in the sand. stocked video store, the sand and sunny sk ies of the Call it coincidence, but the cult beach can come to you. Here's a list of "beach "Surf Nazis Must Die" also surfaced in I movies" -from Frankie and Annette to "Surf Nazis This low-budget Troma film plugs itself Must Die"-that takes the edge off a break when the words, ''The beaches have become your mind has gone south and you haven' t. fields, the waves arc a war zone ... " Widely considered the first-ever spring break eatures the usual beach movie essentials nick is "Where The Boys Are," which stars the man a twist: sand, sun, nuclear radiation. of the eternal tan, George Hamilton. This silly musi­ polka-dot dresses in this flick. cal, which hit the beach in 1960, is all about college You may be bleary-eyed, but there's girls searching for Mr. Right in Fort Lauderdale. more beach-related fare. The 1989 As one critiC put It, "th1s movie never pretends to two new beach movies, be anythmg other than what it is--a teen-age beach Bernie's,"with Andrew Mc'Carthy rnovie."Of course "From Here to Eternity" isn't Jonathan Silverman cavorting on the really a beach movie (in fact, it won an Academy with a stiff, and "Shag-The Movie," Award for be•t picture in 1953), but ttJere is that stars Phoebe Cates and others reveling famous beach .cene involving Burt Lancaster and surfing. It also led to numerous remakes and a sequel in fun of beachsidc beauty pageants and Deborah Kerr rolling passionately m the Hawauan sand. 1994, "The Endless Summer II ," which not only proved contests. Heavy stuff for the I 950s, and well worth a tnp to the the search for the perfect wave never ends. Enter the I 990s and even more chic beach movies, a v1deo store. Unfortunately for 1970s fans, beach movies seemed to "Beverly Hills 90210." Patrick Swayze stars with "Beach Party" (1963), w1th Frank1e Avalon and hit a dry spell in an era that favored platform shoes and Reeves as the ultimate surfer dude in "Point Break." Annette Fumcello, k1cked off a senes of n1cks that can disco over navel-covering bikinis and surfboard wax . it's his kurmn to find the perfect wove, dude. be•t be described as "qumtcncntJal beach movies," for lfowever, the classic "Jaws," which might not exactly That brings the list almost up-to-date, lack of a plot to \ummarm:. Others that followed arc: fit under the label "beach movie," was released in 1975. unothcr utypicul bench movie, Kevin "Mu.clc Beach Party" (1964), "Pajama Party" (1964), 'This Steven Spielberg nick features not only a ki ller shurk "Watcrworld," currently number one on the " Beach Blanket Bmgo" ( I 965), " Ifow to Stuff a Wild harassing a small New England beach town, but also that Releases" list. There may be no beach in this B1kim" ( 1965) and "Ghost m the lnv1•1 ble B1k1n1" ( 1966). famous "shark approaching" music. fact, the entire world is submerged), but there's still The title\ •ay It all The film "Malibu Bench" ( 1978) tukes a slightly more waves and hcnutiful people. It cost ncurly $200 mi llion Olher not-to-bc-m1ssed beach muv1c• from tim era risque spin on the 1960s beuch-blunket movies, nnd stars muke, but its only n lew dollars to rent 1oclude the cnt1re "G1dget" sen es, wh1ch \tartcd out in a dog trained to snutch the tops of girls' buthing suits. So ns you wnvc goodbye to your dussmutes. 1959 w1th Sandra Dec a• the title character making goo­ Brief nudity ensues, 11s docs fist-fighting, cur-rncing nnd despuir. Sunny skies, hcuchbulls nnd I!I'Clll oce11n grx> eye• at a •urfcr "G1dgct Goc• Hawauan" 1• consid­ pot-smoking in this empty-hcnded movie. nrc only n video shu-c uwuy. And if you don't huvc • ered the \eriC\' "p1cce de re\lslancc" and feature• a char­ But the I 980s Introduced o new breed of beach don't worry. ·n,cre's ulwuys "Bnywutch." a<.ter named "Mor,ndogg~e . " movies, starting with tough high school guy Mun Dillon ''Tile Bodle" Summer" (I 966) ha• ' orne h1stoncal slg­ playmg u cobono hoy in 'The Flamingo Kid" ( 1983). His mticance, 1f ym1 w11l , 1n that 11 popularized the sport or ( .\\.,,·l h HI, 19'JX Spl'd.ll Suppknwnt ~ Take a Spring Break, but don't get taken T:tle-. (wrn the Pull S1de: :-By "Mill'dy ·eharsfa-·-·" rou'llct:iilp with eight ilights . ii-i hotel "·~goi"ihis price ()n this.; and7exi>erienced S ~") 1 · 1n~ P>1 · e~k ~ "-. pent by jCollege Press Se~ice . ~ems like an amazing price that's too travels will tell you about" these kinds of go9d to be true, but it actually does things." f' o 1n~ studen t::. j Ruth BerkQ\Vitz and five of her exist," she said. " You have to remember The main piece of advice of Student" ;friends spent the cold winter o f thei( · that's a quad rate for four people, and it's & Budget Travel's Web master Lara jsophomore year at Washington ·. usually a downtown hotel ... and it will Friedman is: ·:D.on'ttrust everything you· By Alana Merritt-Mahaffey :University in St. Louis with warm be a one-star hotel with no extras what- sec on the Internet. Do some double- jthoughts of a spring break in South soever. They have been known to be checking and get confirmation in wri ting Wi th tans so dark their race is called into :Padre Island. unsafe." whenever possible." Friedman's site' question, UCA students have returned from a : Berkowitz spent the months after the Staying downtown in popular Spring (http://www.lib.umich.cdv/chdocs/trav­ sunny spring break. There arc about 8.500 jtrip arguing_wit h: a hotel manager who Break destinations such as Cancun, the cl/travel-guide.html) helps locate travel­ students attending UCA and about 8.498 went ;accused her group of breaking the Bahamas and Jamaica means you should related resources on the Internet. on some son of exciting spring break ;room's sleeper sofa. expect the hidden costs of cab rides to Always pay by credit card, advises· adventure to some far-off shoreline state. : "We called them several times and the beach, Carroll adds. Mark Kantrowitz of the Ai r Traveler's· :argued with them," Berkowitz said. Carroll and other travel agents say the Handbook. That way if you don't The two left stranded in Arkansas were ;"They were saying that we completely best way students can protect themselves receive the service·or the service wasn't myself and my hu sband. :destroyed the sofa", that we must have a g a i n s ·t what you ex pee ted, you can dispute the 'had a party and jumped up and down on l r a v c I I charge wi th the credit card-company. He: Oh sure, our spring break was fil led with ;the bed." Despite their efforts, the group also warns that students should be wary ·. adventure and excitement the Arkansas way.
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