Malaysia Singapore & Brunei
© Lonely Planet 338 Sabah Malaysia’s state of Sabah proves that there is a god, and we’re pretty sure that he’s some sort of mad scientist. Sabah was his giant test tube – the product of a harebrained hypothesis. You see, on the seventh day, god wasn’t taking his infamous rest, he was pondering the following: ‘what would happen if I took an island, covered it with impenetrable jungle, tossed in an ark’s worth of animals, and turned up the temperature to a sweltering 40°C?’ The result? A tropical Eden with prancing mega-fauna and plenty of fruit-bearing trees. SABAH SABAH This ‘land below the wind’, as it’s known, is home to great ginger apes that swing from vine-draped trees, blue-hued elephants that stamp along marshy river deltas and sun-kissed wanderers who slide along the silver sea in bamboo boats. Oh but there’s more: mighty Mt Kinabalu rises to the heavens, governing the steamy wonderland below with its impos- ing stone turrets. The muddy Sungai Kinabatangan roars through the jungle – a haven for fluorescent birds and cheeky macaques. And finally there’s Sipadan’s seductive coral reef, luring large pelagics with a languid, come-hither wave. In order to make the most of your days of rest, we strongly encourage you to plan ahead. Sabah’s jungles may be wild and untamed, but they’re covered in streamers of red tape. With a bit of patience and a lot of preplanning, you’ll breeze by the permit restrictions and booked beds.
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