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BAPTISM (EMERGENCY) NURSING PROCEDURE (Infant/Child) HEALTH SERVICES CODE B.9 TITLE: BAPTISM (EMERGENCY) NURSING PROCEDURE (Infant/Child) CATEGORY: RN – General LPN – General RPN - General PURPOSE • Baptism of the seriously ill infant may provide parents with spiritual comfort. NURSING ALERT: • When an infant is seriously ill, the nurse should ask the parents if they wish to have the baby baptized. • Any baptized person may perform baptism (e.g. parent, grandparent, nurse). • The nurse may baptize the infant, if a member of the Clergy is unavailable. Appendix III provides the Baptismal Ritual and prayers that may be used. EQUIPMENT 1. Medicine cup with water 2. 3 mL syringe without needle 3. Baptismal Certificate (Appendix I) 4. Notice of Emergency Baptism (Appendix II) 5. Baptismal Ritual & Prayer (Appendix III) PROCEDURE 1. Contact Spiritual Care Department or Clergy as per request of parent(s). NOTE: Switchboard has a list of visiting Clergy for specific denominations if parents do not have their own priest/minister. 2. Explain circumstances of request to Clergy. 2.1 Inquire about time of arrival so the parents are able to be present or alternate person can perform the baptism if required. Page 1 of 6 Approval Date: June 12, 2008 HEALTH SERVICES CODE B.9 3. Gather necessary equipment. 4. Allow significant others (e.g. grandparents, godparents, aunt, uncle) to be present for baptism as per wishes of parent(s). 5. Provide family with privacy and try to minimize noise or disruptions during baptism. 6. Assist Clergy or person performing baptism as necessary. 7. Compete documentation: • name of person baptizing infant • complete Baptismal certificate and give to parents. Appendix I • complete Notice of Emergency Baptism Appendix II • send Notice of Emergency Baptism to Spiritual Care department where it will be forwarded to the appropriate denominational Chaplain for registration. NOTE: Baptismal certificates and Notice of Emergency Baptism are available from Spiritual Care. Written by : P. White, M. Snell, CDE, NICU Date: December 30, 1997 Revised by: M. Snell, CDE NICU Date: February 11, 2008 Approved by: Date: June 12, 2008 Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region Health Services Nursing Procedure Committee Page 2 of 6 Appendix I Page 3 of 6 Code B.9 Reviewed: February, 2008 Appendix II NOTICE OF EMERGENCY BAPTISM Name of Person to Be Baptised: _________________________ _________________________ (Last Name) (Given Name) Date of Birth: Date of Baptism: Father’s Name: Denomination: Address: Phone Number: Mother’s Maiden Name: Denomination: Address: Phone Number: Name of Person Officiating: Denomination: Address: Witness: Denomination: Address: Baptism to Be Registered at: Page 4 of 6 Code B.9 Reviewed: February, 2008 Appendix III Baptism Ritual Pouring water on the forehead in the form of a Cross, the nurse will say: “Baby (name) ___________, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Optional prayer) “Lord God, giver of Life this child has become a special friend of Jesus and a member of our Christian family. We now place him/her in your healing hands. Give strength and courage to his/her parents. Guide and assist the caregivers, that they may do what is best for this child.” And now we pray, in the words Jesus taught us: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; Thy kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, for now and forever. Amen Page 5 of 6 Code B.9 Reviewed: February, 2008 Appendix IV Page 6 of 6 Code B.9 Reviewed: February, 2008 .
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