Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part Two – the Celebration of the Christian Mystery
Credible Catholic CREDIBLE CATHOLIC Big Book - Volume 10 BAPTISM, CONFIRMATION , RECONCILIATION, ORDERS, AND THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Content by: Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. CCBB - Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Sacrament of the Sick, and Holy Orders Credible Catholic Big Book Volume Ten The Sacraments, Part 2 – Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Sacrament of the Sick, and Holy Orders Fr. Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D. As dictated to Joan Jacoby Edits and formatting by Joey Santoro © Magis Center 2017 1 CCBB - Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Sacrament of the Sick, and Holy Orders This Volume supports The Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part Two – The Celebration of the Christian Mystery NOTE: All teachings in the Credible Catholic materials conform to the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) and help to explain the information found therein. Father Spitzer has also included materials intended to counter the viral secular myths that are leading religious people of all faiths, especially millennials, to infer that God is no longer a credible belief. You will find credible documented evidence for God, our soul, the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Catholic Church, as well as spiritual and moral conversion throughout these volumes Part One from the CCC is titled, THE PROFESSION OF FAITH. The first 5 Volumes in the Credible Catholic Big Book and Credible Catholic Little Book fall into Part One. Part Two of the CCC is titled, THE CELEBRATION OF THE CHRISTIAN MYSTERY. This is covered in Volumes 6 through 12. Part Three of the CCC is LIFE IN CHRIST and information related to this topic will be found in Volumes 13 through 17.
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