Voting Rights Act: Bilingual Education, Expert Witness Fees, and Presley
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 356 656 FL 021 157 TITLE Voting Rights Act: Bilingual Education, Expert Witness Fees, and Presley. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights of the Committee to the Judiciary. House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, Second Session (April 1, 2, and 8, 1992). INSTITUTION Congress of the U.S., Washington, D.C. House Committee on the Judiciary. REPORT NO ISBN-0-16-040639-0 PUB DATE 93 NOTE 699p.; Serial No. 93. Portions contain small print. AVAILABLE FROMU.S. Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, Congressional Sales Office, Washington, DC 20402. PUB TYPE Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials (090) EDRS PRICE MF04/PC28 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Alaska Natives; American Indians; Asian Americans; *Bilingual Education; *English (Second Language); *Federal Legislation; Hearings; Hispanic Americans; *Language Role; Policy Formation; *Public Policy; *Voting Rights IDENTIFIERS Congress 102nd; *Voting Rights Act 1965 ABSTRACT Testimony concerning amendments to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 address:,s, specifically, the provisions for language assistance for Alaskan native, Asian-American, Hispanic, and Native American citizens in order that they be able to exercise effectively their right to vote. The proposed legislation would extend coverage of Section 203 of the amendments for an additional 15 years. Testimony includes the transcribed and written statements, and supporting documentation, of: legislators (Solomon P. Ortiz, Jose E. Serrano, Patsy T. Mink, Bill Emerson, Henry J. Hyde) and scholars, attorneys, and representatives of voting rights, language, and educational organizations (John A. Garcia, Jeannette Wolfley, Kevin J. Lanigan, P. George Tryfia', Faith Roessel, Margaret Fung, Josephine J. Wang, Philip Riggin, Andrew Hernandez, Yvonne Y. Lee, Luis C. Caban, Vanessa Dixon, Eugene W. Hickok, Jr., John R. Dunne, M. Faith Burton, Frank R. Parker, Abigail Thernstrom, Theodore M. Shaw, Joaquin G. Avila, and Timothy G. O'Rourke). Supporting materials submitted for the hearings are appended. (MSE) *********************************************************************** Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. *********************************************************************** U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Educational Research and Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION ti ry. CENTER IERIC) his document has been reproducedas received from the person or organizatron originating it Minor changes have been made toimprove I" reproduction Quality Points of view or opinlons stated inthisdoCu ment do not nccessanly representofficial .4 OERI position or policy mrnp:1.9:ripip ! tii VOTING RIGHTS ACT: BILINGUAL EDUCATION, EXPERT WITNESS FEES, AND PRESLEY HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS OF THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS SECOND SESSION APRIL 1, 2, AND 8, 1992 Serial No. 93 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 61-387 CC WASHINGTON : 1993 For sale by the U.S. Oovemment Printing Office Superintendent of Documents. Congressional Sale, Office. Washington. DC 20402 ISBN 0-16-040639-0 iI COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JACK BROOKS, Texas, Chairman DON EDWARDS, California HAMILTON FISH, JR., New York JOHN CONYERS, JR., Michigan CARLOS J. MC .-RHEAD, California ROMANO L. MAZZOLI, Kentucky HENRY J. HYDE, Illinois WILLIAM J. HUGHES, New Jersey F. JAMES SENSENBRENNER, JR., MIKE SYNAR, Oklahoma Wisconsin PATRICIA SCHROEDER, Colorado BILL McCOLLUM, Florida DAN GLICKMAN, Kansas GEORGE W. GEKAS, Pennsylvania BARNEY FRANK, Massachusetts HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina CHARLES E. SCHUMER, New York LAMAR S. SMITH, Texas EDWARD F. FEIGHAN, Ohio CRAIG T. JAMES, Florida HOWARD L. BERMAN, California TOM CAMPBELL, California RICK BOUCHER, Virginia STEVEN SCHIFF, New Mexico HARLEY 0. STAGGERS, JR., West Virginia JIM RAMSTAD, Minnesota JOHN BRYANT, Texas GEORGE ALLEN, Virginia MEL LEVINE, California GEORGE E. SANGMEISTER, Illinois CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Texas PETER HOAGLAND, Nebraska MICHAEL J. KOPETSKI, Oregon JACK REED, Rhode Island JONATHAN R. YAROWSKY, General Counsel ROBERT H. BRINK, Deputy General Counsel ALAN F. COFFEY, JR., Minority Chief Counsel SUBCOMMITTEE ON CIVIL AND CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS DON EDWARDS, California, Chairman JOHN CONYERS, JR., Michigan HENRY J. HYDE, Illinois PATRICIA SCHROEDER, Colorado HOWARD COBLE, North Carolina CRAIG A. WASHINGTON, Texas BILL McCOLLUM, Florida MICHAEL J. KOPETSKI, Oregon CATHERINE LEROY, Counsel IVY DAVIS-Fox, Assistant Counsel JAMES X. DEMPSEY, Assistant Counsel VIRGINIA SLOAN, Assistant Counsel MELODY C. BARNES, Assistant Counsel KATHRYN HAZEEM, Minority Counsel CONTENTS HEARINGS DATES Page April 1, 1992 1 April 2, 1992 309 April 8, 1992 373 OPENING STATEMENT Edwards, Hon. Don, a Representative in Congress fromthe State of California, and chairman, Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights 1 WITNESSES Avila, Joaquin G., voting rights attorney, Milpitas, CA 460 Caban, LuisC.,associate executive director, Midwest-Northeast Voter Registration Education Project, Inc. 330 Dixon, Vanessa, government relations officer, U.S. ENGLISH, Inc. 344 Dunne, John, Assistant Attorney General,CivilRightsDivision, U.S Department of Justice, accompanied by Gerald Jones, Counsel 374 Emerson, Hon.Bill,a Representative in Congress from the State of Missouri 30 Fung, Margaret, executive director, Asian American LegalDefense and Education Fund 284 Garcia, John A.,Ph.D., department of politicalscience, University of Arizona 48 Hernandez, Andrew, president, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project 312 Hickok, Dr. Eugene W., Jr., department of politicalscience, Dickinson College 349 Lanigan, Kevin J., Hogan & Hartson, attorney for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc. 107 Lee, Yvonne Y., national executive director, Chinese AmericanCitizens Alliance 322 Mink, Hon. Patsy T., a Representative in Congress from the Stateof Hawaii 25 O'Rourke, Timothy G., Center fur Public Service, University ofVirginia, Charlottesville, VA 478 Ortiz, Hon. Solomon P., a Representative in Congress from the Stateof Texas 2 Parker, Frank, director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers' Committeefor Civil Rights Under Law, Washington, DC 403 Roessel, Faith, director, Navajo Nation Washington office 269 Serrano, Hon. Jose E., a Representative in Congress from the State of New York 7 Shaw, Theodore, professor, University of Michigan Law School 441 Thernstrom, Prof. Abigail, Boston University 427 Tryfiates, P. George, executive director, English First 246 Wang, Josephine J., teacher, Gaithersburg, MD 29:` Wolfley, Jeanette, general counsel, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, FortHall Indian Reservation 57 LETTERS, STATEMENTS, ETC., SUBMITTED FOR THE HEARINGS Avila, Joaquin G., voting rights attorney, Milpitas, CA: Preparedstatement. ...464 (III) J IV Page Caban, LuisC.,associate executivedirector, Midwest-Northeast Voter Registration Education Project, Inc.: Prepared statement 333 Dixon, Vanessa, government relations officer, U.S. ENGLISH, Inc.: Adden- dum of testimony 346 Dunne, John, Assistant Attorney General,Civil Rights Division, U.S Department of Justice: Prepared statement 378 Supplemental information regarding section 203 of the Voting Rights Act 397 Emerson, Hon. Bill, a Representative in Congress from the State of Missocsri: Prepared statement 32 Fung, Margaret, executive director, Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund: Prepared statement 286 Garcia, John A., Ph.D., department of political science, University of Arizona: Prepared statement 50 Hernandez, Andrew, president, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project: Prepared statement with attachments 317 Hickok, Dr. Eugene W., Jr., department of political science, Dickinson College: Prepared statement 353 Hyde, Hon. Henry J., a Representative in Congress from the State of Illinois: Letter to Hon. Henry J. Hyde, from Philip Riggin, Director, National Legislative Commission, the American Legion, dated March 27, 1992 310 Prepared statement 34 Lanigan, Kevin J., Hogan & Hartson, attorney for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.: Prepared statement 110 Lee, Yvonne Y., national executive director, Chinese American Citizens Alliance: Prepared statement 326 Mink, Hon. Patsy T., a Representative in Congress from the State of Hawaii: Prepared statement 27 O'Rourke, Timothy G., Center for Public Service, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA: Prepared statement 481 Ortiz, Hon. Solomon P., a Representative in Congress from the State of Texas: Prepared statement 3 Parker, Frank, director, Voting Rights Project, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Washington, DC: Exhibit of Lawyers' Committee expert witnesses expenses in voting rights cases which were disallowed following the Supreme CourtsWest Virginiaa Hospitals decision 410 Newspaper editorial, "The Reach of the Voting Rights Act," the Washing- ton Post, p. A22, February 12, 1992 406 Newspaper editorial, "The Runaway Supreme Court," the New York Times, p. 16, February 2, 1992 407 Prepared statement 412 Roessel,Faith,director,NavajoNation Washingtonoffice:Prepared statement 272 Serrano, Hon. Jose E., a Representative in Congress from the State of New York: Prepared statement 10 Shaw, Theodore, professor, University of Michigan Law School: Prepared statement 444 Thernstrom, Prof. Abigail, Boston University: Prepared statement 429