www.TheNationalCouncil.org Raising Awareness of Behavioral Health & Community Treatment Resources Mental Health First Aid Act (S. 153/H.R. 274)

Mental Health First Aid is a public education program that helps parents, first responders, faith leaders, and other people identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Participants learn a 5-step action plan to reach out to a person in crisis and connect them to professional, peer, or other help.

The bipartisan Mental Health First Aid Act (S. 153/H.R. 274) authorizes $20 million in grants to fund Mental Health First Aid training programs around the country. Participants would be trained in:

>> Recognizing the signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses and substance use disorders >> De-escalating crisis situations safely >> Initiating timely referral to mental health and substance use treatment resources available in the community

Why do we need the Mental Health First Aid Act? REQUEST Each year, more than one in five Americans experiences a mental illness or substance use disorder. Yet, as a society, we remain largely unknowledgeable about the signs and symptoms, and don’t know how to help a person in need. Please cosponsor Our lack of awareness often prevents people who need treatment from getting appropriate care. While many the Mental Health Americans know how to administer First Aid and seek medical help should they come across a person having a heart attack, few are trained to provide similar help to someone experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. First Aid Act Mental Health First Aid has been shown to increase help-seeking and improve understanding of treatment. Studies have shown that Mental Health First Aid increases help provided to others, increases guidance (S. 153/H.R. 274) to professional help, and improves concordance with health professionals about treatment.

We can all benefit. This bipartisan bill would offer training programs to emergency services personnel, police officers, teachers/school administrators, primary care professionals, and others – with the goal of improving Americans’ mental health and helping people who may be at risk of suicide or self-harm. Youth Mental Health First Aid has just launched, providing an ideal forum to engage communities around mental illnesses among young people – and show neighbors, teachers, parents, and caring citizens how to help a teen or young adult who is in crisis. How is this bill different from the $15 million appropriation for Mental Health First Aid in 2014? The fiscal year 2014 budget included a $15 million appropriation for Mental Health First Aid. The National Council and our Hill Day partners are grateful to Congress for this support. The Mental Health First Aid Act will help solidify the future of this funding by providing statutory authorization clearly delineating Congressional intent regarding the scope of the program. www.TheNationalCouncil.org

Mental Health First Aid Act (S. 153) AK: Mark Begich (D) (Lead Sponsor) HI: Mazie K. Hirono (D) NH: Kelly A. Ayotte (R) CO: Mark Udall (D) IA: Chuck Grassley (R) NV: Dean Heller (R) CO: Michael F. Bennet (D) MI: Debbie A. Stabenow (D) NY: Charles E. Schumer (D) CT: Christopher S. Murphy (D) MO: Roy D. Blunt (R) OH: Robert J. Portman (R) CT: Richard Blumenthal (D) MT: Jon Tester (D) RI: Jack Reed (D) DE: Christopher Coons (D) ND: Heidi Heitkamp (D) FL: Marco Rubio (R) NH: Jeanne Shaheen (D)

Mental Health First Aid Act (H.R. 274) AK: Don Young (R-at large) IA: Tom Latham (R-3) NJ: Rush D. Holt (D-12) AZ: (D-2) (Lead Sponsor) IL: Cheri L. Bustos (D-17) NJ: Donald M. Payne (D-10) AZ: Raul M. Grijalva (D-3) IL: William L. Enyart (D-12) NM: Ben R. Lujan (D-3) AZ: (D-1) IL: Daniel W. Lipinski (D-3) NM: (D-1) AZ: Ed Pastor (D-7) IL: Mike Quigley (D-5) NY: Brian Higgins (D-26) AZ: (D-9) IL: Jan D. Schakowsky (D-9) NY: Daniel B. Maffei (D-24) CA: Julia Brownley (D-26) IN: Andre Carson (D-7) NY: Bill L. Owens (D-21) CA: Anna G. Eshoo (D-18) IN: Larry Bucshon (R-8) NY: Louise M. Slaughter (D-25) CA: Jared Huffman (D-2) KS: Lynn Jenkins (R-2) NY: Paul D. Tonko (D-20) CA: Alan S. Lowenthal (D-47) LA: Bill Cassidy (R-6) NY: Chris P. Gibson (R-19) CA: Grace F. Napolitano (D-32) MA: William R. Keating (D-9) OH: Marcia L. Fudge (D-11) CA: Gloria Negrete-McLeod (D-35) MA: Joseph P. Kennedy (D-4) OH: Marcy C. Kaptur (D-9) CA: Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-40) MA: Jim P. McGovern (D-2) OR: Earl Blumenauer (D-3) CO: Diana DeGette (D-1) MA: Niki S. Tsongas (D-3) OR: Suzanne Bonamici (D-1) CO: Ed G. Perlmutter (D-7) MD: John K. Delaney (D-6) OR: Peter A. DeFazio (D-4) CO: Jared Polis (D-2) MD: Chris Van Hollen (D-8) RI: David N. Cicilline (D-1) CT: Joe Courtney (D-2) ME: Michael H. Michaud (D-2) TX: Robert O’Rourke (D-16) CT: Elizabeth Esty (D-5) MI: John Conyers (D-13) VA: Gerald E. Connolly (D-11) FL: Kathy Castor (D-14) MI: Daniel Kildee (D-5) VA: Jim P. Moran (D-8) FL: Lois J. Frankel (D-22) MN: Keith Ellison (D-5) VA: Bobby C. Scott (D-3) FL: Alcee L. Hastings (D-20) MN: Tim Walz (D-1) WA: Derek Kilmer (D-6) IA: Bruce L. Braley (D-1) MO: William L. Clay (D-1) WI: Gwen S. Moore (D-4) IA: Dave W. Loebsack (D-2) NH: Ann M. Kuster (D-2)