flumb. 12. 473



RRATUM.-In the Schedule to the Proclamation dated i Land set apart as Pm visional State Forest declared to be subject E the 3rd day of May, 1920, and published in the New I to the Land Act, 1924. Zealand Gazette, No. 44, page 1376, of the 5th day of the same __ month, taking land for the purposes of a road in Block I, Whakatane Survey District,. for the description of the area of [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. 1 acre 2 !oods 37 perches read" Section 28B, Lot 6B" in lieu A PROCLAMATION. of " SectIOn 28B, Lot 6A." N pursuance I1nd exercise of the powers and authorities (P.W.35/193.) I conferred upon me by section twenty of the Forests Act, 1921-22, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, acting on the Land set apart as Provisional State Forest declared to be subject recommendation of the Minister. of Lands, do hereby pro- . to the Land Act, 1924. claim and decla,re that the land described in the Schedule hereto, being part of Provisional State Forest Reserve 81, [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. set apart by Proclamation dated the fifth day of July, one A PROCLAMATION. thousand nine hundred and twenty, and gazette~ on. the . " eighth day o~ that month as amended by ;ProclamatIOn dated N pursuance and exerCIse o,f the powers and authOrItIeS the twenty-fifth day of January, one thousand nine hundred I conferred upon ~e by sectIOn t'Yenty of the Forests Act, I and twenty-nine, and gazetted on the thirty-first day of that 1921-22, I, General SI~ ~harles Fergusson, Ba-ronet.' Governor- month, is required for settlement purposes; and, in accord­ General of t~e DOIDllllon, o~ New Zealand, actIllg on the ance with the provisions of the said Act, such land shall, rec?mmendatIOn of the MIIDster of L~nds, ,do hereby pro- from and after the day of gazetting hereof, cease to be a claIm and, declare ,that the la~~ descrIbed III the Schedule provisional State forest, and shall become subject to the hereto, bemg portIOn of PrOVIsIOnal State Forest Res~rve provisions of the Land Act, 1924. No, 1689, set apart by Proclamation dated the twenty-mnth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen, and gazetted on the eighth day of May, one thousand nine hundred SCHEDULE. and nineteen, is required for settlement purposes; and, in , ", . accordance with the provisions of the said Act, such land I ALL that area III the Auckland Land DIstrICt contaIIDng by shall, from and after the day of gazetting hereof, cease to be a ad;'lleasurement ,170 acres ° roods 20 perches, more or less, provisional State forest, and shall become subject to the bemg part ProvHllonal State Forest 8! ,: Bounded generally provisions of the Land Act, 1924. towards the north-west by part PrOVISIOnal State Forest 81 and a public road, 370,6, 369·7, 475,0, 1302,5, 2634'1, 1164·5 SCHEDULE. and 274·4 links; towards the north-east generally by a public road, 465·4, 407·2, 563·2,262·9,3945·3,701·8, and 296·3 links; ALL that area in the Westland I.and District containing towards the south by a public road and Sections 7, 8, 9, Block 1,800 fl,cres, more or less, being all that portion of Provisional XIII, Waitoa Survey District, 4854,'1 links : Be all the afore­ State Forest Reserve 1689 intercepted between the eastern said linkages a little more or less. As the same is more and southern boundaries thereof and the left bank of the particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. X/92/44, Haast River, situated in Block I, Haast Pass Survey District. deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Survey, As the same is delineated on the plan marked L. and S. at Wellington, and thereon edged red. (Auckland plan 24852, X/98/45, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands blue.) and Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged green. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued' General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 25th day of under the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of February, 1929. February, 1929. THOMAS M. WILFORD, JOHN G. COBBE, For Minister of Landa. For Minister of Lands.


Land proclaimed as a Road in Block XI, Leaning Rock Hurvey SECOND SCHEDULE. District, Otayo Land District. ROAD OLOSED. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed: 1 rood 7 perches. A PROCLAMATION. Adjoining Sections 64 and 2 E.R. of 65; coloured green. N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by All situated in Block X, Oamaru Survey District. I section twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir All in the Otago Land District; . as the same are more Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor.General of the Do­ particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 20/431, minion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the deposited in the Head Office, Department of I.Jands and land in the Leaning Rock Survey District described in the Survey, at Wellington, under No. 2295, and thereon coloured Schedule hereto. as above mentioned. SCHEDULE. Given under the' hand of His Excellency the Governor­ ApPROXIMATE areas of the pieces of land proclaimed as a General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued road:- undei' the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of A. R. P. Portion of February, 1929. o 0 3 Section 5; coloured red. JOHN G. COBBE, o 2 7 5;" For Minister of Lands. o 1 28 4; coloured yellow. Situated in Block XI, Leaning Rock Survey District. GOD SAVE THE KING! In the Otago Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 16/1639, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands'and Procla£ming a Road~Une laid out through the Tarawera Block, Survey at Wellington, under No. 2297, and thereon coloured Hawke'8 Bay Land District, to bea Public Road. as above mentioned. . [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor·General. Given under the hand of-HisE.xcellency the Go vernor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued A PROCLAMATION. under the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of HEREAS the land described in the Schedul~ hereto February, 1929. W was, by an order of the Native Land Court made on JOHN G. COBBE, the twenty-fifth day of September, one thousand nine hundred For Minister of Lands. and twenty-eight, duly la~d off as a road-line, in pursuance of sections forty-nine and fifty of the Native Land Amendment GOD SAVE THE KING! Act, 1913: And whereas the said Court -is of the opinion that it is in the public interest that the said road-line should be proclaimed Land proclaimed as a Road in Block IX, Wendon Survey as a public road, and a notification to' that effect has been District. Southland Land District. forwarded to the Minister of Lands, in terms of section fifty. one of the said Act: [L.S.] _ CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. And whereas it is now expedient that the said road-Hne . A PROCLAMATION. should be proclaimed as a public road: N pursuance and exercise of the p.owers conferred by section Now, therefore, I, General Sir Char1es Fergusson, Baronet, I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Oha,rles Governor~General of the Dominion of New Zealand, in pur­ Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of suance and exercise of the powers conferred by sections New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a- road the land in forty-nine and fifty of the Native Land Amendment Act, Wendon Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. 1913, and, in so far as each of these sections is applicable, do hereby proclaim as a public road the road-line described in the Schedule hereto. . SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD. SCHEDULE. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a road: 0·9 perches. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as .a road: Portion of Section 15 E.R., situated in Block IX, Wendon 19 perches. Survey District. • • Portion of Tarawera Block, situated in Block III, Pohui In the Southland Land District; as the same is more Survey District. particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. In the Hawke's Bay Land District; as the same is more 9/2095, deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands particularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 7/604, and Survey, -at Wellington, under No. 2294, and thereon deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and coloured pink. Survey, at Wellington, under No. 2293, and thereon coloured pink. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor- . under the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued February, 1929. . under the Seal of that· Dominion, this 22nd day of THOMAS M. WILFORD, February, 1929. ' For Minister of Lands. THOMAS M. WILFORD, For Minister of Lands. GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING! Land proclaimed as a Road, and Road closed, in· Block X, Oamaru Survey District, Otago Land District. Road closed in Block I, Pouatu Survey District, Taranaki Land District. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ~ pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section A PROCLAMATION. I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred by section Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of I twelve of the Land Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as a road the land de- Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of . -scribed in the First Schedule hereto; and also do hereby -New Zealand, do hereby proclaim as closed the road in proclaim as closed the road described in the Second Schedule Pouatu Survey District described in the Schedule hereto. hereto.

FIRST SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. LAND PROCLAIMED AS A ROAD. I .' ROAD CLOSED. ApPROXIMATE area of the piece of land proclaimed as a IApPROXIMATE area of the piece of road closed: 31·9 perches. road: 3 roods 38 perches. Adjoining Section 7 and Crown ll);nd. Portion of Section 2 E.R. of 65; coloured red. Situated, in Block I, Pouatu Survey District. 'FEB.' 28.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE.

In the Tarana.ki Land District; as the same is more parti- \ the authority. of the Native L~nd Act, 1909, the Governor­ cularly delineated on the plan marked L. and S. 26/717, General may ISSUe a ProclamatIOn that such land has become deposited in the Head Office, Department of Lands and Crown land: Survey, at Wellington, under No. 2296, and thereon coloured And whereas the purchase of the Native land set out in green the Schedule hereto has been duly completed by or on behalf of . the Crown under the authority of the Native Land Aot, 1909, Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor- and its amendments: " General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued Now, therefore, in pursuance and exercise of the power under the Seal of that Dominion, this 22nd day of and authority so conferred upon me by section fourteen of the Febmary, 1929. Native Land Amendment Act, 1914, I, General Sir Charles JOHN G. COBBE, Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim that the Native land set For Minister of Lands. out in the Schedule hereto has beoome Crown land. GOD SAVE THE KING I SCHEDULE. OTOROHANGA H Block, being Sections 11, 12, 13, and 14, Proclaiming Native Land to have become Grown Land. Block XIII, and Section 3, Block XIV, Otorohanga Native Township: Approximate area, 7 acres 2 roods 30'8 perches. [L.S.] CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ A PROCLAMATION General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of that Dominion, this 15th day of HEREAS by section' fourteen of the Native Land Febmary, 1929. W Amendment Act, 1914, it is provided, inter alia, W. VEITCH, for Native Minister. that on being satisfied that the purchase of any Native land has been duly completed by or on behalf of the Crown under GOD SAVE THE KING!

Land taken for the Purposes of River-conservation Works generally and River-works in Block I, Ohristchurch Survey District, and Block XIII, Rangiora Survey District, Eyre Oounty.

CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works Act, 1928, and of every I other power and authority in anywise enabling me in this behalf, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of river-conservation works generally and river-works, and shall vest in the Waimakariri River Trust as from the date hereinafter mentioned; and I do also declare that this Proclamation shall take effect on and after the eighth day of March, one thousand nine hUndred and twenty-nine.


Approximate \ Areas of the Situated in Coloured on Pieces of Land Being Portion of Block Situated in Survey District of Plan. taken. I

A. R. P. • 23 3 5 Rural Section 4464 I Christchurch Blue. o 3 23 Rural Section 4464 I Christchurch Yellow. J I Christchurch JRural Section 9941 " XIII Rangiora 56 2 lO 1. LRural Section 52421. } Groen. Rural Section 9942 J XIII Rangiora 8 3 30 Accretion XIII Rangiora Green. _jC~nterb~y R.D.)~~O~1208.) In the Canterbury Land District; as the same are more particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 74699, deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at Wellington, and thereon coloured as above mentioned. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued unde~' the Seal of that Dominion, this 27th day of February, 1929. E. A. RANSOM, Minister of Public Works. (P.W. 48/95/6.) GOD SAVE THE KING!

Extending Prohibition of Alienation of certain Native Lands . period of six months the Order in Council dated the other than Alienation in favour of the Orown. I tenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty­ eight, and gazetted the twenty-second day of March, one CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, prohibiting all alienation of the Native lands specified in the Schedule hereto ORDER IN COUNCIL. other than alienation in favour of the Crown. At the Govel'nmentHouse at Wellington, this 19th day of Febmary, 1929. SCHEDULE. Present: " ·OPAHEKE SURVEY DISTRICT. HIs EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR-GENERAL IN COUNCIL. Approximate Area. N the recommendation of the Native Land Purchase I Block. A. R. P. O. Board, referred to in section three hundred and sixty- KOHEROA 39D No.1 40 0 0 three of the Native Land Act, 1909, and in exercise of the " ~~D No.2 30 0.0 81 3 12 power in this behalf conferred upon him by tha,t section, " 39 G •• 43 2 20 His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion'. of J New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and consent of the F. D. THOMSON, Executive COUncil thereof, doth hereby extend for a further Clerk of the Executive Council. 476 THE NEW ZEAI~AND GAZETTE .. [No. 12

Appointment of Apia as Port of Entry for certain Islands of Notifying Land in Auckland Land District for Sale by Public the Gook Group. Au,ction for Gash or on Deferred Payments.

CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. ORDER IN COUNCIL. N pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred upon At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 11th day of I me by section one hundred and thirty-two of the Land February, 1929. Act, 1924, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor­ Gene,ral of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint Present: Wednesday, the seventeenth day of April, one thousand nine THE RIGHT HONOURABLE SIR J. G. WARD, PRESIDING IN hundred and twenty-nine, as the time at which the lands COUNCIL. described in the Schedule hereto shall be sold by public N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities auction for cash or on deferred payments; and I do hereby I vested in him by the Customs Act, 1913, and the Samoa fix the prices at which the said lands shall be sold as those Customs Consolidation Order, 1923, and of all other powers mentioned in the said Schedule hereto. and authorities enabling him in this behalf, His Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, SCHEDULE. acting by and with the advice and consent of the Executive AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT.-FIRST-CLASS LAND. Council of the said Dominion, doth hereby revoke the Order in Council of the fourth Clay of December, one thousa,nd nine Taupo Gounty.-Reporoa Settlement.-Reporoa Suburhs. hundred and twenty-two, appointing the Port of Apia in SECl'l'ION 2, Block II: Area, 1 acre. Upset price, £30. Western Samoa as a port of entry for certain islands of the Section 5, Block II: Area, 1 acre. Upset price, £40. Cook Group therein named, and doth hereby declare that as Section 6, Block II: Area,. 2 acres; Upset price, £60. from the date of this Order in Council the said Port of Apia Section 9, Block II: Area, 2 acres. Upset price, £80. shall be a port of entry for the Islands of Pukapuka and Section 13, Block V: Area, 1 acre. Upset price, £40. Nassau in the said Cook Group. Section 2, Block IV: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £30. F. D. THOMSON, Practically level sections in the Reporoa Township, which Clerk of the Executive Council. is approximately twenty-five miles from. Rotorua, on the Rotorua-Taupo Road. The Native Regulations (Samoa). Amendment Order, 1929. Taupo Gounty.-Reporoa Township.-Reporoa Settlement. Section 6, Block I: Area, 1 rood l'S perches. Upset price, CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General.· £30. ORDER IN COUNCIL. Lot 1 of 14, Block II: Area, 3 roods 6'8 perches. Upset At the Government Buildings at Wellington, this 11th day of price, £30_ February, 1929. Lot 2 of 14, Block II: Area, 3 roods. Upset price £30. Present: Practically level sections in the Reporoa Township, which is situated approximately twenty-five miles from Rotorua, on THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Sm J. G. WARD, PRESIDING IN the Rotorua-Taupo Road. COUNCIL. IS Excellency the Governor-General of the Dominion Taupo Gounty.-Taupo Township. H _ of New Zealand, acting by and with the advice and Section 9, Block IX: . Area, 1 rood 4 perches. Upset consent of the Executive Council of that Dominion, and in price, £20. pursuance of the authority to make regulations for the peace, Taupo Township is situated on the banks of the Waikato order, and good government of Samoa conferred upon him River, and on the northern shore of Lake Taupo, distant by the Samoa Act; 1921, and of all other powers and authorities 227 miles from Auckland (by rail to Rotorua, thence by enabling him in that behalf, doth hereby make the following road), and 103 miles by road from Napier_ Sulphur springs, regulations. geysers, various mineral baths, Huka Falls, Aratiatia Rapids, &c., are among the attractions for the tourist. Trout-fishing -in the lake provides splendid sport. Ther~ are several good REGULATIONS. hotels in the town for the accommodation of visitors. 1. THESE regulations may be cited as " The Native Regula­ tions (Samoa) Amendment Order, 1929," and shall come into As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ force on the 25th day of February, 1929. General, this 22nd day of February, 1929. 2. These regulations shall be read with and be deemed to JOHN G. COBBE, for Minister of Lands. form part of the Native RegUlations (Samoa) Order, 1925 (hereinafter called" the principal regulations "). 3. The Administrator shall have power from time to time to appoint persons to be known as District Officers, who Notifying Lands in Auckland Land District for Sale by Public ' shall exercise the powers and perform the duties conferred upon Auction for Gash or on Deferred Payments. them by these regulations or otherwise. . 4. The Administrator may from time to time, by notice in writing under his hand published in the Savali, suspend for CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. any period the meetings of the District Council in any district N pursuance of the powers and authorities conferred upon as provided by the. principal regulations, and during such I me by section one hundred and thirty-two of the Land period the Administrator may himself exercise all the powers Act, 1924, I, Generai Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Governor­ and rights and perform the· duties of such District Council, General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby appoint or may delegate, either wholly or in part, the exercise of such Wednesday, the tenth day of April, one thousand nine powers and rights and the performance of such duties to the hundred and twenty-nine, as the time at which the lands Secretary for Native Affairs or any Resident Commissioner described in the Schedule hereto shall be sold by public or any District Officer. auction for cash or on deferred payments; and I hereby 5. The Administrator may from time to time in like manner fix the prices at which the said lands shall be sold a,s those suspend for any period the meetings of any Village Com­ mentioned in the said Schedule hereto. mittee, and during such period may himself exercise. all the powers and rights and perform the duties of such committee, FIRST SCHEDULE. or may delegate the same or any of them in like manner as provided in the last preceding clause. AUCKLAND LAND DISTRIC'!'.-FmST-CLASS LAND. 6. Clause 20 of the principal regulations is amended by Hauraki Plains Gounty.-Town of Pipiroa. striking out the words" preceding clause" and substituting SEClTION 3, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £15. for the same the words " two preceding clauses." Section 4, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £20. 7. The Administrator shall have power to confer upon the Section 5, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £15. Secretary for Native Affairs or any Resident Commissioner Section 6, Block V; Area, 1 rood. Upsrt price, £20. or any District Officer all the rights, powers, and duties of Section 7, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £15. any Native official under any ordinance or regulations, includ­ Section 8, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £20. ing the rights, powers, and duties of Faipule, Fa'amasino, Section 9, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £15. Pulefa'atoaga, and Pulenu'u, but not including those of any Section 10, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £20. Samoan Commissioners appointed under the Samoa Native Section 11, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £15. Land and Titles Commission Order. Section 12, Block V: Area, 1 rood_ Upset price, £20. F. D. THOMSON, Section 13, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £15. Clerk of the Executive Council. Section 14, Block V: Area, 1 rood. Upset price, £20. FEB. 28.J THE NEW ZEALA.ND GAZETTE. 477

The Town of Pipiroa is situate in Hauraki Plains, on the each member, specifying the business to be transacted at west bank of the Piako River, a few miles from the coast such special meeting; and no other business than that so and seven miles distance from Thames. Access, either by specified shall be transacted at such meeting. steamer or service car, from Auckland. 4. Any three members of the Board shall form a quorum. Sections 4,6,8, 10, 12, and 14 have a frontage to the main Any meeting may be adjourned from time to time. Auckland-Thames Road. The remaining sections front 5. All questions shall be determined by the majority of Hauraki Street. votes of the members of the Board present at the meeting. The land consists of partly drained alluvial clay deposit, 6. If at any meeting the Chairman is not present at the covered with raupo and native grasses. time appointed for holding the same, the members present shall choose one of their number to be Chairman for such meeting. Piako County.-Te Aroha Town8hip. 7. If, by resignation, death, incapacity, or otherwise, the Section 20, Block LXII: Area, I rood 9·4 perches. Upset seat of any member shall be or become vacant, or if any price, £800. member absents himself, without reasonable cause, from The section is situated about one mile from Te Aroha three consecutive meetings of the Board, the Governor­ Post-office and high school, and approximately 300 yards General shall have power to appoint any other person to be from the Hamilton-Thames Main Highway. Improvements a member of the Board in his stead. included in the capital value comprise rimu dwelling of five 8. The Board shall prepare and submit at an annual meet­ t'ooms, with pantry, bathroom and office, electric-light, ing to be held in the month of April in each year a report of hot and cold water, wash-house, and garage. All in excellent the proceedings of the Board for the previous year ending condition. on the thirty-first day of March, together with a statement of the receipts and expenditure of the Board for such year. Section 13, Block LXIV: Area, I rood 6 perches. Upset A copy of every such report and statement, certified by the price, £100. Chairman to be correct, shall be sent to the Minister in Charge. Loaded with £2 for fencing; to be paid in cash. of Scenery Preservation as soon as possible after each annual The section is situated at the northern end of Whittaker meeting. Street, about three-quarters of a mile from the Te Aroha 9. The Board shall control the said reserve in accordance Railway-station and school. Level section, unimproved; suit­ with the provisions of the said Act and of the regulations able fot a building-site. made thereunder.

SECOND SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. P A1m's PARK SCENIC RESERVE. Hauraki Plains County.-Waihou, Survey Di8trict. ALL that area in the North Auckland Le nd District, contain­ SECTION 23, Block II: Area, 2 acres. Upset price, £120. ing by admeasurement ~6 acres 2 roods, more or less, being Section is situated three miles from Ngatea, at the junction portion Allotment 14, Waipareira Parish. As the same is of the Horahia and Kopuarahi-Kerepeehi Roads, one mile more particularly delineated on plan marked L. and S. 4/363, from Horahia Wharf, and ten miles from Thames, by metalled deposited in the Head Office, Department of. Lands and roads. Survey, at Wellington, and thereon edged red. Level grassed section, with a clump of cabbage trees and kahikatea (approximately one-fifth of an acre). Soil excel­ As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor-General, lent alluvial clay deposit. this 22nd day of February, 1929. Special Condition8.-The shed and fencing on the section JOHN G. COBBE, are not included in the sale and t,he right to remove them is For Minister in Charge of Scenery Preserva.tion. reserved.

As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ Financial In8tr~LCtion8 and Allowance Regulation8 for the General, this 23rd day of February, 1929. New Zealand Military Force8 amended.-( Amendment8 25.} JOHN G. COBBE, for Minister of Lands. No.

CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General.. N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authority Ve8ting the Control of a Scenic Re8erve in the Parr's Park I conferred on me by the Defence Act, 1909, and its Scenic Board. amendments, I, General Sir Charles Fergusson, Baronet, Gove.rnor-General of. the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby amend in the manner and to the extent set forth CHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. in the Schedule hereto the Financial Instructions and N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Allowance Regulations for the New Zealand Military Forces, I conferred upon him by section thirteen of the Scenery publis)1ed in the ]Vew Zealand Gazette dated the sixth day of Preservation Act, 1908, His Excellency the Governor-GE:meral August, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five; and of the Dominion of New Zealand doth hereby vest the control I do hereby declare that the amendments hereby made shall of the reserve described in the Schedule hereto (being land take effect as from the date of publication thereof in the reserved under the said Act), for the period of three years Gazette. from the date hereof (unless previously altered or revoked under the said Act) in the undermentioned persons, namely,- SCHEDULE. The Commissioner of Crown Lands for the North Auckland Land District, ex officio, FINANCIAL INS.TRUCTIONS AND ALLOWANCE John Bertram Guy, REGULATIONS. Rowland Wood, Harry Arnold Robertson, and SECTION IV.-APPLICATIONS FOR EXEMPTION J!'ROM TRAINING George Taylor, ON GROUNDS OF MEDICAL UNFITN1!JSS. who are hereby constituted for that purpose a special Board I. PARAGRAPH 128, as published in the Gazette date 12th by the name of the Parr's Park Scenic Board (herein referred November, 1925, is hereby revoked. to as " the Board ';), in trust, for the preservation of scenery, and with the powers and subject to the conditions hereinafter SECTION VI.-REGIMENTAL FUNDS GRANT. contained, that is to say,- I. The first meeting of the Board shall be held on Monday, 2. Paragraph 165 (published in the Gazette dated 30th. the eighteenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred September, 1926): Delete sub-paragraph (2) .and substi­ and twenty-nine, at two o'clock p.m., in the North Auckland tute :- District Lands and Survey Office, Auckland; and thereafter II. (i) Engraving medals and trophies won by the unit the Board shall meet for the transaction of business on the or by men belonging to the unit. third Monday in each quarter at the time and place aforesaid, (ii) Printing and Stationery :- or at such other time or place as may from time to time be Unit orders (a). fixed by the Board. Camp notices. 2. The Commissioner of Crown Lands shall be the Chair­ Parade notices. man of the Board. He may join in the discussion, and shall Cards for Guidance of trainees (a). have an original as well as a casting vote. SyllabUS of training (a). 3. Special meetings may be convened by the Chairman, Printing of regimental stationery (limited provided that two days' notice of such meeting is given to to £2 per annum). 478 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. '12

(iii) Oare and preservation of stores, cleaning- IBaronet, Governor-General ~ of the Dominion of New Zea- materials. land, do hereby appoint , Sharpenin~ of tool~. . Walter Sneddon Robertson Urgent mlllor repaIrs to technICal stores .. (a). Urgent minor repairs to office furniture and to be a member of the Masseurs Registration Board under appliances .. .. (a). the aforesaid Act. ' Urgent minor repairs to equipment carried As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ out locally .. .. (a ).\ General, this 20th day of February; 1929. Oleaning harness and equipment.. .. (a). Oleaning materia! for web equipment. A. J. STALLWORTHY, Minister of Health. (iv) Advertising parades. (v) Purchasing military publications approved by Oommand. (vi) Insurance on trophies. Coroner appointed. (vii) Labour. cleaning stored rifles prior to armourer's inspection .. (a). . Department of Justice, Wellington, 23rd February, 1929. (viii) Washing nosebags after annual camp (a). IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased to (ix) Bureau charges. H appoint (x) Oharges for losses and deficiencies not the liability . of the unit or the individual (to be debited Thomas William Rhodes, Esquire, against next grant due). of Ooromandel, to be a Ooroner for the Dominion of New (xi) Entrance fees for teams for Imperial Ohallenge Zealand~ Shield. THOMAS. M. WILFORD, Minister of Justice. (xii) Purchase of pugarees and badges (secondary schools). . (xiii) Expenditure in connection with regimental colours (limited to £15 per annum). Inspector of Sea-fishing appointed. (a) Subject to Oommand approval. Marine Department, Wellington, 20th February, 1929. SECTION VIII.-RATIONS AND FORAGE. T is hereby notified that His Excellency the Governor­ 3. Paragraph 189 (published in the Gazette dated 17th I General has, in pursuance of the provisions 'of the December,1925). Add at end of Scale A:- Fisheries Act, 1908, and of the Official Appointments and "5Ibs. crushed oats may be dntwn in lieu' of 61bs. whole Documents Act, 1919, appointed oats. Rock salu may be drawn as required. Thomas Oannon, "Linseed cake, or carrots or other fresh fodder, may be Police Oonstable, of Whitianga, to be an Inspector of Sea­ drawn up to the value of underdrawals of the other items of fishing for the purposes of Part I of the first-mentioned Act. the scale, providing the total cost p0r horse per day does not exceed in :- s. d. JOHN G. OOBBE, Minister of Marine. (a) Northern Oommand 1 9 (b) OentralOommand 1 7 (c) SouthernOommand 1 5 Member of Maori Council appointed.

SECTION XL-MEDICAL EXAMINATION OF OANDIDATES FOR Native Department, APPOINTMENT TO OR ENLISTMENT IN THE N.Z. MILITARY Wellington, 20th February, 1929. FORCES. IS Excellency the Governor-General has been pleased 4. Paragraph 205 :- H...L. to appoint (i) Amend the heading to the paragraph to read as Te Awhitu Tahana follows :- to be a Member of the Maori Council for the Maori Council " Medical Examination of Candidates for Appoint­ District of Rongokako, vice Hector Manihera, resigned. ment to or Enlistment in the N.Z. Military Forces." (ii) After paragraph 205 add:- A; T. NGATA, Native Minister. "205A. An approved applicant in the case of a candidate for a Cadetship in the N.Z. Permanent Forces shall be one who has been approved by the G.O.C. (See also Appendix II, Regulations for the N.Z. Military Forces, 1927.)" Deputy Registrars of JJ1 arriages, &Ie., appointed. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ General, this 22nd day of February. 1929. Registrar-General's Office, Wellington, 26th February, 1929. THO~S M. WILFORD, Minister of Defence. T is hereby notified that the undermentioned persons have I been appointed to be the Deputies of the Registrars of Marriages and of Births and Deaths for the districts set respectively opposite their names, viz.:- ' Appointment of Officer for the Purposes of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1908.-(H. 2/121.} Name. District. Arthur Godfred Oarlquist Paparoa. OHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. Ethelbert Frank Oodyre Brunner.* Victor Reginald Sellwood Auckland (at Ellerslie).* N pursuance and exercise of the powers and authorities Henry Dalton Walker Orepuki. I conferred on me by section two of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1968, I, General Sir Oharles Fergusson, Baronet, * Births and deaths only. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby W. W. COOK, Registrar-General. appoint Olaude Oliver Rangecroft Oarrell an officer for the purposes of the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1908. As witness the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ ·General, this 20th day of February, 1929. Appointment in the Public Service. A. J. STALLWORTHY, Minister of Health. Office of the Public Service Oommissioner, Wellington, 23rd February, 1929. HE Public Service Oommissioner has made the following Member of Masseurs Registration Board appointed. T appointment in the Public Service:- Archie Bayly OHARLES FERGUSSON, Governor-General. to be an Inspector for the purposes of the Stock Act, 1908, N pursuance and exercise 0.f the powers and authorities and the Slaughtering and Inspection Act, 1908, as from the I conferred upon me by section three of the Masseurs 21st day of January, 1929. Registration Act, 1920, I, General Sir Oharles Fergusson, A. O~ TURNBULL, Secretary. FEB" 28.] THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 479

Appointments, Promotions, Resignations, and Transfers of THE NELSON-MARLBOROUGH MOUNTED RiFLES . . OjJicer8 of the N.Z. Military Forces. Noel Taylor to be 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 16th Septe~ber, 1928. . Defence Department, Wellington, 22nd February, 1929. THE NORTH AUCKLAND MOUNTED RIFLES. IS Excellency the Governor~General has been pleased Lieutenant H. Roberts is transferred to the Wellington East H to approve of the appointments, promotions, resigna­ Coast MOlmted Rifles. Dated 12th February, 1.929. tions, and transfers of the undermentioned officers of the N.Z. Military Forces :- CORPS Oli' N.Z. ENGINEERS. STAFF. Central Depot,. Lieutenant V. J. Innes, N.Z. Staff Corps, is appointed Staff 2nd Lieutenant A. C. Dickson to be Lieutenant. Dated 7th Officer i/c (te'mp.) No.2 Regimental District, dated 15th September, 1928. October, 1928, and temporarily relinquishes the appoint­ ment of Area Officer, No. 2A Area, dated 18th January, 1929. ' THE N.Z. INFANTRY. 2nd Lieutenant C. E. Weir, Royal New Zealand ArtilJery, The Auckland Regiment (Countess of Ranfurly's Own). having completed his training at the Royal Military' Captain M. McKechnie, 7th C Battalion, is transferred to the Academy, Woolwich, and his attachment to the Royal Reserve of Officels, Class I (b), R.D. 1. Dated 11th Artillety, returned to New Zealand on the 11th December, February, 1929. 1928, is promoted Lieutenant from that date, with seniority as from 1st September, 1927, and is appointed Assistant to The N01,th Auckland Regiment. the O.C., R.N.Z.A., Central Command, dated 19th January, Raymond James Lynch to be 2nd Lieutenant, and is posted 1929. 2nd Lieutenant C. Shuttleworth, N.Z. Staff Corps, having to the 3rd C Battalion. Dated 14th September, 1928. completed hi"! training at the Royal Military College, Sand­ hurst, and his attachDl6Jlt to the 2nd Battalion, The Norfolk The Waikato Regiment. Regiment, returned to New Zealand on the 11th December, R. J. Keys. 1928, is promoted Lieutenant from that date, with seniority C. L. Brett. as from 1st September, 1927, and i'l a,ppointed Assistant to J. C. Hepburn. the Staff Officer i/c. No. 11 Regimental District, Dunedin, E. V. Simpson. dated 19th January, 1929. G. C. Brough. 2nd Lieut.enant G. H. Heal, N.Z. Staff Corps, having com­ M.Henry. pleted his training at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst,' J. H. Searle. and his attachment to the 1st Bat.talion,The King's Own Scottish Borderers, returned to Now Zealand on the 11th The WelUngton West Coast Regiment. December, 1928, is promoted Lieutenant from that date, wit.h seniority as from 1st September, 1927, and is appointed The appointment of 2nd LieutE'nant (on probation) G. Arthur, Area Officer (temp.) No. 2A Area, Paeroa, dated 19th 1st C Battalion, lapses. Dated 16th February, 1929. January, 1929. 2nd Lieutenant L. R. W. Ormsby, 1st Battalion, resigns his Captain H. B. Burrell, N.Z. Ah' Force,is attached temporarily commission. Dated 19th February, 1929. to th(~ 'N.Z. Permanent Air Force as pilot at Wigram Aero­ drome, Sockburn. Dated 3rd ,January, 1929. The HaUJke\~ Bay Regiment. Lieutenant,-Colonel J. Hardie Neil, D.S.a., V.D., M.R.C.S., 2nd Lieutenant (on probation) V. A. D. Thomson, 1st C Bat­ Eng., N.Z. 'Medical Corps, relinquishes the appointment of talion, resigns his commission. Dated 16th February, 1929. Assistant Director of Medical Services, Northern Command, and js transferred to the Reserve of Officers. Dated 9th The Nelson, M arlbol'ough, and We8t Coast Regiment. February, 1929. Captain H. Salmon, 1st Battalion, is transferred to the R,eserve of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 9. Dated 13th February, 1929. QUEEN ALEXANmtA's (WELLINGTON WEST COAST) MOUNTED RIFLES. The Southland Regiment. The undel'mentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants :-- Captain G. F. Myers, 1st Batta,lion, is transferred to the James Montague Job Hartwell. Dated 15th September, Reserve of Officers, Class I (b), R.D. 12. Dated 6th Febru- 1928. ary, 1929. Lawten John Bell. Dated 15th September, 1928. THE N.Z. AIR FOR,CE. Edmund Lee Honeyfield. Dated 16th September, 1928. The notice published in the N.Z. Gazette No. 82 of 21st Novem­ ber, 1928, relating to the retirement of 2nd Lieutenant (on THE AUCKLAND MOUNTED RI,FLES. probation) H. L. Lucena, is hereby cancelled. Dated 21st February, 1929. ' Captain J. F. Potter to be Major. Dated 22nd February, 1929. N.Z. VETERINARY CORPS. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants. Dated 12th Lieutenant R. B. H. Murray, M.R.C.V.S., Eng. (Royal Army February, 1929:~ Veterinary Corps) (T.A.), is granted the local rank of Gordon Murrav Birdsall. Captain. Dated 13th September, 1928. William Wright Buttimore. Thomas William Shanks. N.Z. MEDICAL CORPS. Henry Norman Waddington. Athol Morrison. Lieutenant W. M. Brown, M.B., to be Captain. Dated 26th November, 1928. William Gordon Rich, M.B., Ch.B., D.M.R.E. (Camb.), to THE OTAG 0 MOUNTED RIFLES. be Lieutenant. Dated 29th January, 1929. Alan Steele Nicolson to be 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 13th September, 1928. N.Z. CHAPLAINS DEPARTMENT. S. S. Green, Chaplain, 3rd Class, is posed to the Retired List, THE MA1i1'AWA.TU Mom',TED RIFLES. with permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform. Dated 1st February, 1929. The undermentioned to be 2nd Lieutenants. Dated 14th September, 1928:- THOMAS M. WILFORD, Minister of Defence. Kenneth Simmonds. Atho~ William Viles. Result of Polls for Proposed Loans. THE WELLINGTON EAST COAST MOUNTED RIFLES. Wellington, 22nd February, 1929. Lieutenant H. Roberts, from the North Auckland Mounted HE following notice, received from the Mayor, R~ngiora Rifles, to be Lieutenant, with· seniority as from the 22nd Borough Council, is published in accordance Wlth the October, 1925. Dated 12th February, 1929. T prOvisions of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926. Albert Ian Speedy to be 2nd Lieutenant. Dated 14th Sep­ tember, 1928. JOSEPH WARD, Minister of Finanoe. 480 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No .. 12

RANGIORA BOROUGH COUNOIL. Nomce of Intention to take Land in Block VIII, Castlepoint PURSUANT to section 13 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, Survey District, for the Purposes of a Roa.d. 1926, I hereby give notice that on Thursday, the 14th day of February, 1929, a poll of the ratepayers of a special-rating OTICE is herel>Y given that it is proposed, under the area of the Borough of Rangiora was taken on each of the N provisions of the Public Works Act, 1928, to execute loans proposals set out hereunder, and the result of the voting a certain public work-to wit, the construction, of a road­ was as follows :- and for the purposes of such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto is required to be taken: And notice 1. Sewerage Loan of £28,300. For the proposal, 195; is hereby further given that the plan of the land so required against the proposal, 137; informal, 13. Majority to be taken is deposited in the post-office at Castlepoint, and is for, 58. _ there open for inspection; and that all persons affected by . 2. Waterworks Loan of £27,000. For the proposal, 121; the execution of the said public work or by the taking of the against the proposal, 208; informal, 16. Majority said land should, if they have any well"grounded objections against, 87. to the execution of the said public work or to the taking of I therefore declare that proposal number (l) was carried such land, set forth the same in writing, and send such writing, and that proposal (2) was rejected. within forty' days from the first publication of this notice, W. A. ROWSE, Mayor. to the Minister of Public Works at Wellington.

SCHEDULE. APPROXIMATE area of the piece of land required to be Result of Poll for Proposed Loan. taken: 2 roods 12 perches. Being portion of Section 796: Situated in Block VIII, Castlepoint Survey District (Wha­ Wellington, 25th February, 1929. reama R.D.). (S.O. 1706.) HE following notice, received from the Mayor, Hamilton In the Wellington Land District; as the same is more T Borough Council, is published in accordance with the 'particularly delineated on the plan marked P.W.D. 74219, provisions of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, '1926. deposited in the office of the Minister of Public Works at JOSEPH WARD, Minister of Finance. Wellington, and thereon coloured red. As witness my hand at Wellington, this 27th day of February, 1929. BOROUGH OF HAMILTON. E. A. RANSOM, Minister of Public Works. Waterworks £40,670 Loan Proposal. (P.W.41/683.) PURSUANT to the provisions of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1925, and amendments, I hereby give notice that at a poll of the ratepayers of the Borough of Hamilton, taken on the Fixing the A mount of Special Orchard-tax payable in the 19th day of February, 1929, on the proposal to borrow the sum Hawke's Bay Commercial Pruit-growing District.-(Notice of £40,670 for improvements to the water-supply of the borough .No. ,..4g. 2785.) as under ::--- N pursuance and exercise of the powers conferred upon me For the erection of a pumping station and intake, £ I by subsection (3) of section 4 of the Orchard-tax Act, including the cost of a crane and all necessary 1927, I, George William Forbes, Minister of Agriculture, hereby materials and labour 1,500 order and direct that, in addition to the general orchard-tax For the purchase and erection of plant to treat the payable under section 3 of the said Act, the occupier of every water for bacteria and s~diment, including mixing orchard within the Hawke's Bay' Commercial Fruit-growing and control house, mixing chamber, retention District shall in each year be liable to pay a special orchard-tax tank and sludge pump, and all necessary materials calculated at the rate of two shillings and sixpence (2s. 6d.) for and labour 2,250 every acre or part of an acre comprised in his orchard. Dated at Wellington, this 26th d;ty of February, 1929. For the purchase and erection of four Candy filters, including the cost of all necessary materials, GEO. W. FORBES, Minister of Agriculture, , labour, and the cost of rearranging the filters already in use 2 750 , Notice under the Shops and o.ffices Act, 1921-22, as to the For reticulation improvements covering all necessary . Statutory Closing-day in the Combined District of Otahuhu materials and labour involved in laying :-' and Papatoetoe. (a) 10-in. main from the Reservoir to the £ Frankton Tower I ,850 HEREAS t,he local authorities of. the Borough of (b) 9-in. main along Clarence Street, Bridge W Otahuhu and the Town District of Papatoetoe, com­ Street, and Victoria Street, from prising the Combined District of Otahuhu and Papatoetoe, Bridge Street to Hood Street 2,830 have failed to decide what working-day in the week shall be (c) 8-in. main along pltrt of Bridge Street the statutory closing-day for shops in their district: and part of Grey Street from Bridge Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers in this behalf Street to Clyde Street 1,050 conferred upon me by section 18 of .the Shops and Offices Act, (d) 8-in. main along TainuiStreet and Ward 1921-22, I, William Andrew Veitch, Minister of Labour, do Street .. 1,680 hereby appoint Saturday to be the statutory closing-day. for (e) 6-in. main along Queens' Avenue and shops in the said Combined District of Otahuhu and Killarney Road .. 760 Papatoetoe. Dated at Wellington, this 27th day of February, 1929. (f) 6-in. Main along Ulster Street and Hinemoa Street .. 700 W. A. VEITCH, Minister of Labour. «(I) For several minor items including extra hydrants and alarm signals 300 Notice under the Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22, as to the 9,170 Statutory Closing-day in the Combined District of Taumarunui For the' construction and connecting up with the and M anunui. water system of a high-level reservoir on Lot 2 of 22A, Town of Hamilton West, including the cost of all necessary labour and materials, pre- OTICE is hereby given that in exercise of the powers in . this behalf conferred upon me by the Shops and Offices < liminary engineering expenses, and the costs of N raising the loan .. 25,000 Act, 1921-22, and in terms of notice in writing duly received by me from the chairman of the conference of delegates of £40,670 all the local authorities of the Combined District of Tau­ marunui and Manunui, as constituted for the purpose of The number of votes recorded for the proposal was 709; that Act, and comprising the Borough of Taumarunui and the against the proposal was 579; informal, 9: Total number of Town District of Manunui, I, William Andrew Veitch, Minister voters, 1,297 .. of Labour, do hereby appoint Wednesday to be the statutory closing-day for shops in the said Combined. District of I therefore declare that the proposal was carried. Taumarunui and Manunui. Dated at Hamilton, this 21st day of February, 1929. Dated at Wellington, this 27th day of February, 1929. JOHN R. Fow, Mayor. I W. A. VEITCH, Minister of Labour. FEB. 28.J THE NEvV ZEALAND GAZETTE. 481

Notice as to Statutory Closing. days under the Shops and The Counties of­ Offices Act, 1921-22. NORTH ISLAND. First Column. Second Column. Akitio Wedne8day. HEREAS the local authorities of the respective separate Castlepoint .. Thur8day. W districts mentioned in the first column of the Schedule Clifton hereto have failed to decide what working-day in the week Dannevirke Wednesday." sha~l be the 8tatutory closing-day for shops in their respective Eden districts : ~ Eketahuna .. Thursday." N ow; therefore, in exercise of the powers in this behalf Eltham Featherston .. conferred upon me by section 18 of the Shops and Offices " Act, 1921-22, I, William Andrew Veitch, Mini8ter of Labour, Great Barrier Isla.nd .. 'Wednesday. do hereby appoint as the statutory closing-day for 8hops in Haura.ki Plains Saturday. each 8uch district on and from the 11th day of March, 1929, Hawke's Bay Wednesday. Hobson . the respective working-days set opposite their respective " names in the second column of the Schedule hereto. Hokianga Thursday. Horowhenua Wedne8day. Inglewood Thursday. Kaitieke SCHEDULE. Kawhia TH1;j Boroughs of- Munavl'atu Wednesday." NORTH ISLAND. Manukau Firllt Collimn. Second Column. " Foxton Wednesday. Mauriceville Thursday. Levin Ohinemuri Wednesday. Ohakune Thur8day." Ohura Raetihi Opotiki Waihi Saturday." Oroua Waipawa Wednesday. Otorohanga Whakatane Pahiatua Patangata Patea Saturday." SOUTH ISLAND. Piako Wedne8day. Alexandra Saturday. Pohangina Brunner Thursday. Taranaki Thursday." Cromwell Saturday. Taumarunui Wednesday. Hampden Taupo Hokitilra Wed;lesdaY. Tauranga Thur8day." Kumara Thames Richmond Satu;day. Uawa Wail"ato Wednesday." The Town Districts of- Waikohu Thursday. Waimarino NORTH ISLAND. Waipa Wednesday." Havelock North Wednesday. Waipawa Helensville .. Saturday. \V8,ipukurau Saturday." Hikurangi .. Thursday. Wairara.pa South Hunterville Wednesday. Wairoa Thu;~day. Kaponga Thursday. Waitemata Kawhia' Waitomo Kihikihi Wednesday." Waitotara Wed~esday. Kohukohu Wanganui Thursday. Manaia. Weber Mahurewa Saturday. Whakatane .. Wed~e8day. Norsewood Wednesday. Whangaroa Ohaupo Saturday. Woodville .. Ohura Wednesday. Onerahi Ormondville SOUTH ISLAND. " Patutahi Thursday. Akaroa Thursday. Raglan Wednesday. A8hburton Rangataua Thursday. A8hley Rawene . Wednesday. Awatere Satu~day. Taradale " Bruce Wednesday. Te Karaka Thursday. Buller Thursday. Turua Saturday. Collingwood Wednesday. Eyre Thur8day: SOUTH ISLAND. Fiord Wednesday. Clinton Wednesday. Geraldine Thursday. Edendale Grey Leeston Saturday. Ral8well Southbridge Kowai Satu~day. Wyndham .. Wed~esday. Levels Thursday. Malvern The Road Districts of- Murchison Satu~day. Akaroa-Wainui, Akaroa County Thursday. Oxford Wednesday. Anama, Ashburton County Paparua Thursday. AshbU"rton, Upper, Ashburton County Rangiora Coldstream, Ashburton County Selwyn Le Bon's Bay, Akaroa County Sounds We~esday. Longbeach, Ashburton County Springs .. , Ashburton County Saturday." Stewart Island Thur~day. Mount Wellington, Eden County T8,kaka Wednesday. One Tree Hill, Eden County .. Wednesday." Tawera Thursday. Orapiu,. Waiheke Island Thursday. Tuapeka Wednesday. Ostend, Waiheke I8land Waikouaiti .. Panmure Town8hip, Eden County Saturday." Wairewa Pigeon Bay, Akaroa County Thursday. Dated at Wellington this 27th day of February, 1929. South, Ashburton County Saturday. Taupo, Taupo County Wednesday. W. A. VEITCH, Wakanui, Ashburton County Thur8day. Minister of Labour. B 4t;2 TH.E N-EW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12

Notice as to Statutory Closing-days 7lnder the Shops and Offices The Counties of- - Act, 1921-22. First Column. Second Column. Coromandel Thursday. Egmont Wednesday. ,\"XT HEREAS the Mayors or Chairmen, as the case may Franklin Saturday. V V be, of the local authorities of the respective separate Hawera districts mentioned in the first column of the Schedule hereto Hutt Wed';'esday. have duly notified me that the days decided on as the statutory Kaira,nga closing-days in their respective districts, pursuant to the Kiwitea provisions of the Shops and Offices Act, 1921-22, are the days Makara Thur~day ... set opposite their respective names in the second column of Masterton Saturday. the said Schedule: . Matakaoa Thursday. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers in this behalf Matamata WednesdaJ conferred upon me by the said Act, I, William Andrew Veitch, Mongonui Minister of Labour, do hereby appoint that the said respective Otamatea Saturday. days shall be the statutory closing-days for shops in the said Raglan Wednesday. respective districts on and from the 11th day of March, 1929. Rangitikei Rodney Saturday. SCHEDVLE. Rotorua Wednesday. JHE Boroughs of- Stratford Thursday. Waiapu NORTH ISLAND. First Column. Second Column. Waimate West Wed~esday. Eastbourne Wednesday. Whangamomona Thursday. Paeroa Saturday. Whangarei Pahiatua Wednesday. Patea SOUTH ISLAND. Shannon Amuri Wednesday. Taihape Thur~day. Cheviot Thames Clutha Upper Hutt .. Wed~esday. Ellesmere Saturday. Woodville .. Heathcote Thursday. Inangahua Wednesday. Kaikoura SOUTH ISLAND. Lake Saturday. Arrowtown .. Wednesday. Mackenzie Thursday. Balclutha Saturday. Maniototo Saturday. Bluff Marlborough Gore Wed~esday. Mount Herbert Wed~esday. Lawrence Peninsula Mataura . Southland Motueka Saturday. Taieri Saturday. Naseby Vincent New Brighton We~esday. Waihemo Wed';'esday. Queenstown Waimairi Saturday. Riverton Waimate Thursday. Ross Waimea Saturday. Roxburgh Saturday. Waipara Wednesday. Sumner Wednesday. Waitaki Thursday. Tapanui Wallace Wednesday. Waikouaiti Sn.tu;day. Westland Waimate Thursday. Winton Wednesday. Dated at Wellington, this 27th day of February, 1929. W. A. VEITCH, Minister of Labour. The Town Districts of-

NORTH ISLAND. Bulls Wednesday. Howick Branr.h of Friendly Society registered. Huntlv Satu;day. Kaikohe Wednesday. Kaitaia Saturday. Friendly Societies Department, Kawakawa Thursday. • Wellington, 25th February, 1929. Mangaweka Wednesday. HE Lily of Devonport Rebekah Lodge, No. 61, situated Matamata Thursday. T at Devonport, is registered as a branch of the Independ­ Mercer Wednesday. ent Order of Odd Fellows of New Zealand Friendly Society, Normanby under the Friendly Societies Act, 1909, this 25th day of Opunake February, 1929. Otane Satu;day. R. WITHEFORD, Putaruru Wednesday. Registrar of Friendly Societies. Rongotea Thursday. Russell Saturday. Te Puke Wednesday. Tuakau Warkworth Satu;day. Result of ElecUon of Members of a River Board. Waverley Department of Internal Affairs, SOUTH ISLAND. Wellington, 26th February, 1928. Nightcaps .. Wednesday. HE follo:wing result of the election of members" of a Outram Saturday. ..T River Board has been received from the Returning Pleasant Point Thursday. Officer, and is published in accordance with the provisions Takaka Wednesday. Of the River Boards Amendment Act, 1913. G. P. NEWTON, Under-Secretary. The Road Districts of- Mount Roskil1, Eden County Saturday. , Ashburton County Kaipara River District-County of Waitemata. Okain's Bay, Akaroa County .. Fredrick John Burrell, David Thornton Hyland, 'fhe Counties of- John King, NORTH ISLAND_ George William McDonald, Bay of Islands Wednesdav .. Stanley Phillips. Cook Thursday.~ (LA. 19/43/30.) FEB. 28.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 483

Register oj Licenses issued under the Land Agents Act, 1921-22.

Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington, 27th February, 1929. EREWITH is published for general information, in accordance with the Land Agents Act, 1921-22, a supplementary list of persons H licensed to carryon business as land agents as on the 15th day of February, 1929. * W. A. VEITCH, for Minister of Internal Affairs.

REGISTER OF LICENSES ISSUED UNDER THE LAND AGENTS ACT, 1921-22. NOTE.-The Register is arranged alphabetically under the names of holders of licenses; but when an individual holds a license on behalf of a firm or registered company, the name of such firm or company, and not the name of the holder of the license, is placed in its alphabet.ical order. In the caSe of a firm or company the name of which consists of the Christian nartle or names (or initials) and surname or surnames of some person or persons, the index letter is the first letter of the first surname. ' Further, where an individual holder of a license trades under a particular name, the trade-name appears in its alphabetical order.

Name of Firm (if any) of I which Licensee is a :'\ ames of Partners of No. of I Name of Licensee. Member, or Registered llegiBtered Office. Court by whlcb TJicense. Firm. IDat, grunted. LI"n" I License granted. compf~:;;~~ fsl~:~d~ehalf I _._------I j I 40.91 Bell, Henry Leonard Kaitaia 31/8/28 Kaitaia. 8510. Buckley, Thomas Frederick Buckley Ltd. Short1s Buildings, Queen 18/1/29 Auckland. Street, Auckland 5754 Fisher, .J ohn .. King Street, Otautau 1/4/28 Otautau. 369 McKenzie, Richard Seddon R. S. McKenzie, Ltd. 207 Princes St., Dunedin 28/10./28 Dunedin. 850.9 Major, Edwin Charles .. Southern Cross Buildings, 5/12/28 Auckland. Chahcery St., Auckland *80.37 Morllock-Paine, Douglas D.LC. Chambers, Brandon 1/4/28 Wellington. Street, Wellington 7687 Rid d i ford, Donovan 10.6 Queen Street, Hastings 21jll/28 Hastings. Glennie 850.8 Timewell, Alfred Upton. 5 H.B. Buildings, Queen 16/11/2G Auckland. Street, Auckland 8349 Woodward, George Fred- 138 Dixon St., Wellington 25/1/29 Wellington. erick 7640. Wright, Craig John 232 Jackson St., Petone 19/12/28 Pet one. 6853 Young, Frank Mercey Street, Gore 10./12/28 Gore.

-----.~~- * Transferred from the estate of Timothy John Sullivan (deceased), 19th November, 1928. (LA. 18/6.)

Public Trust Office Act, 1908, and its Amendments.-Election to Administe'f Estates.

OTICE is hereby given that the Public Trustee has filed in the Supreme Court an election to administer in N respect of the several estates of the persons decea.sed whose names, residences, and occupations (so far as known) are hereunder set forth.

Date Date Te:;tate I Na.me. Occupation. Residence. Election or Stamp Office I of Death. filed. Intestattl. concerned. I

I Adams, Alice Married woman Karamu I 19/1/29 23/2/29 Testate Auckland. 2 Brockie, Andrew Shepherd .. Hakataramea 117/12/28 21/2/29 Christchurch.

3 Bryant, Herbert Seaman .. Auckland 1 4/1/29 21/2/29 Int~state N. Plymouth. 4 Gately, Alfred .. Rabbiter Bortons 124/12/28 20./2/29 Dunedin. 5 Gra.nt, Arthur Retired tailor Dunedin 3/2/29 21/2/29 Test~te 6 Hardie, Alice Maud Married wom8,n Wellington 30/4/0.0. 21/2/29 Intestate Wellington. 7 Henry, Clara Spinster .. Wanganui 29/1/29 23/2/29 8 Jewell, James Miner South Mal vern 28/3/89 20/2/29 Chri~tchurch . 9 Muir, Thomas Labourer Middlemarch I 7/1/29 20./2/29 Dunedin. 10 Murphy, Jeremiah Ohakune i 7/1/29 20/2/29 Wellington. II Orchard, John William Far~er Ohoka .. 18/1/29 23/2/29 Test~te Christchurch.

12 Payton, Florence Elizabeth Spinster Murchison 123/12/28 20./2/29 Intestate Blenheim. Olive Annie I 13 Prior, Sarah Married woman Wel1ington 1/9/25 21/2/29 Testrote Wellington. 14 Wheeler, Arthur Michael .. Cook Auckland 4/1/29 21/2/29 Intestate Auckland. 15 Whitehouse, Jacob Labourer Hyde .. 21/12/28 20./2/29 Testate Dunedin. Hi . Wills, Joseph Herbert Lower Hutt 2/8/28 23/2/29 Intestate Wellington.

Public Trust Office, Wellington, J. W. MACDONALD, Public Trustee. 25th February, 1929. 484 rrEE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. l~

S1lrVeyors' Regi8tration. *-,CAMPBELL, Owen Neil, Chief Surveyor, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Auckland. Department of Lands and Survey, *tCARROLL, John Joseph, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Wellington, 26th February~ 1929. Auckland_ OTICE is hereby given, in accordance with .the pro­ * i-CHAlVIBERS, Preston, lVLI.M.E. (President, Institute of .LN visions of subsection (2) of section 18 of the Surveyors Surveyors), 20 Epsom Avenue, Epsom, Auckland. Registmtion Act, 1928, that the following persons have been *tCHEAL, Alfred Waimate, P.O. Box 1, Te Kuiti. registered as surveyors under the said Act. tCrlEAL, Peter Edward, P.O. Box 126, Auckhmd. I~ands GEO. W. FORBES, Minister of ~ands. *tCLARK-WALKER, Alexander McGregor, c/o and Survey Dept., Kuala Lumpur, F.M.S. *tCLAPPERTON, James Duncan, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., An asterisk * signifies that the surveyor is a member of the Blenheim. New Zealand Institute of Surveyors; a dagger (t) that he *tCLAY, Nelson, Kerepeehi, Hauraki Plains. holds a land transfer license from -the Surveyor-General. *tCLIFFORD, Stanley Bruce, Cheviot. *tADAl\is, Alfgar Vivian, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., New *tCOOKE, Arthur Campbell, P.O. Box 46, Gisborne. Plymouth. *tCORBETT, -William Douglas c/o Borough Engineer's Office, tADAMs, Charles Edward, D.Sc., F.R.A.S. (Govt.. Astronomer, Napier. N.Z.), Dominion Observatory, Wellington. *tCox, Clifford Lomis, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Nelson. *tADAMs, Ernest Feltus, P.O. Box 5, Thames. *tCox, Trevor Wakeford, c/o Public Works Dept., Auckland. *tADAlVls, Harold Arthur, Land Transfer Draughtsman, c/o *tCRAIG, Archibald Wilson, Chief Draughtsman, Lands and Lands and Survey Dept., Dunedin. Survey Dept., Nelson. tADA..l\'Is, James Henry, P.O:Box 5, Thames. *tCIWMPTON-8MITH, Maurice, Secretary and Registrar, Survey *tALCOCK, Norman Forrest, Kaikohe. Board, Government Buildings, Wellington. *tANDERsoN, John Edward, c/o Borough Engineer's Office, tCROOKS, Robert George Bell, Box 65, Apia, Western Samoa. Thames. *tANDREWS, Thomas '!'ripp, Mahony's Buildings Shortland tD'ARCy-lRVINE, John Lowther, 50 Milton St., Nelson. *tDAVIS, James Leonard, P.O. Box 790, Christchurch. *tA!!~~~~~Tfil~'~!DaVid, Chief Surveyor, c/o 'LandS and I *tDAwsoN, John, 515 Dilworth Buildings, Queen St., Auck­ Survey Dept., New Plymonth. land. *tATKINSON, Hugh Ronald, Katikati, Bay of Plent,y. t DIBBLE, Samuel Trevor, Winstone Buildings, Queen St., Auckland. *tDICK, Russell Glads-tone, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tBAKER, James George Charles, P.O. Box 5, Otautau, via Auckland. In vercamill. 'rDoBsoN, Ernest Douglas, Redwood St., Blenheim. tBALLANTYNE, Garth Carsley, 4 Rarawa St., Mt. Eden, *tDoLAN, Owen John, Rangitikei St., Palmerston North. Auckland. *tDowSETT, Charles Finch,Waitara. *tBANKS, Robert Lindsay, clo Mackenzie County Office, tDRuMMoND, Ronald George, c/o Public Works Dept., Fairlie, South Canterbury. Kotemaori, Napier. *tBAR.KER, Ernest Christopher, Dominion Buildings, Cathedral *tDRURY, Ernest de Courcy, 63 Cathedral Square, Christ­ Squ3,re, Christchurch. church. *tBARLOW, Peter William George, Chief Draughtsman, *tDuNDAs, Henry Robert, 90 Esk St., Invercargill. Lands and Survey Dept., Napier. *tDYETT, Henry Lewis Percy, 22 Customhouse Quay, Welling­ tBARNETT, Charles Oldfield, c/o Chief Surveyor, Jesselton. ton. British North Borneo. *tBASIRE, Frederic Covell, c/o City Engineer's Dept., Wel­ lington. *tELLIS, Charles Gilmour Stead, Land Transfer Draughtsman, t BEAL, Latham Osborn, Dunedin. Lands and Survey Dept., New Plymouth. *tBEERE, Wynford Ormsby, Druids' Chambers, Woodward St., Wellington. t F AIRHALL, Stewart Linwood, Chief Draughtsman, Lands *tBINES, Arthur David, Waiohua Rd., Ellerslie, Auckland. and Survey Dept., Invercargill. *tBIRKMYER, James Bruce, Opotiki. *tFALKNER, Harold William; c/o City Engin':)er's Office, *tBLACK, William Prentice, C/o County Council Office, Wellington. Waimate, Canterbury. . *tFARNIE, Ernest Henry, Chief Surveyor, Lands and Survey *tBLAcJ{MAN, Thomas Roland, 28 Victoria St., Hamilton. Dept., Gisborne. *t BLAIKIE, George Armstrong, 20 Brandon St., Wellington. *tFARQuHAR, Harry Roy, B.N.Z. Buildings, Rangitikei St., *t BLAKE, Edward Vincent, 404-5 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Palmerston North. Queen St., Auckland. *tFENDALL, Harry Lawrence, Putaruru. t BLAKE, Vincent Ignatius, 404-5 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, *tFINCH, Robert Stanley, Commercial Chambers, Bank St., Queen St., Auckland. Whangarei. *tBOGLE, Archibald Hugh, Member of Survey Board, 10 .t FLET(:JHER, Alfred Manby, c/o District Office, Public Works Wicksteed Place, Wanganui. Dept., Wellingt-on. - *tBRENTON, Frederick Edward, 20 Brandon St., Wellington. tFLETcHER, John, c/o Lands and Su:~vey Dept., New *tBRIDGE, Arthur Hastings, c/o City Council Office, Christ­ Plymouth. church. *tFosTRR, Alfred Langham, Chancery Chambers, O'Connell *tBRIDGE, Charles Hastings, 10 Cathedral Square, Christ­ St., Auckland. church. *tFOSTER, Charles William, Levin. *tBRIDGES, George Arthur, Beswick St., Timaru. FRASER, Donald Hume, c/o Public Works Dept., Tuai, *tBRODRICK, Thomas Noel, O.B.E., 1.13.0., c/o Hanmer Waikaremoana. ' House, Hanmer, Canterbury. *tFRASER, Frederick George, 40 Cross St., Double Bay, *tBRooK, Thomas, Valuer-General, Member of Survey Board, Sydney, N.S.W. . . c/o Valuatiori Dept., Wellington. . *tFREEMAN, Frederick Willie, 89 Gloucester St., Christchurch. t BULL, Raymond Douglas, 7 Kimberley Rd., Auckland. *tFRY, Roland Evelyn, 55 Endeans Buildings, Queen St., *tBuLLARD, George Henry, Member of Survey Board, 11 Auckland. Hataitai Rd., Hataitai, Wellington. . *tl?URNLEY, Frank Rupert,Chief Draughtsman, Lands and Survey Dept .• North Auckland Office. *tGAINSFORD, Francis Albert, Arawa St., Rotorua. *tBURB,ELL, Martin Herbert Braithwaite, 307 Southern Croes *tGALBRAITH, Richard Seymour, Chief Surveyor, Lands and Buildings, Chancery St., Auckland. Survey Dept., Dunedin. t BURRELL, Vincent George Braithwaite, 404-5, N.Z. Insur- *tGANDAR, Maximilian, P.O. Box 1028, Wellington. ance Buildings, QUE'en St., Auckland. . tGARDINER, Norman Jacob, P.O. Box lO28, Wellington. *tBuRT, Thomas Ramsay, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tGARDNER, James Edmund, P.O,. Box 46; Gisborne. Gisborne. *tGILDERS, Digby Te Ohia, 89 Gloucester St., Christchurch. *tBYGRAVE, William Leonard, P.O. Box 241, Hamilton. *tGILMOUR, Robert Ernest, c/o Stellin Construction Co., t BYRNE, Francis Edmund, Otahuhu, Auckland. 113-115 Customhouse Quay, Wellington. *tGORDON, Charles Alexander, Land Transfer Draughtsman, Wellington. *tCAGNEY, Thomas, Chief Draughtsman, c/o Lands and *tGoss, Stephen Austen Rohan,' 86 Upland· Rd., Remuera, Survey Dept., Hokitika. Auckland.· *tCALLANDER, Alexander Robert, P.O. Box 17, Levin. *tGOULD, Henry John, Marton. *tCAMPBELL, John William, Commercial Union Buildings, *tGOULDING, Robert Thomson, Willow St., Tauranga. Hunter and Pitt Sts., Sydney, N.S.W. *tGOULTER, Redwood Felix, "Lake Timara," Blenheim. FEB. 28.~ THE NEvV ZEALAND GAZETTE. 485

*tGRAHAM, Kenneth Montrose, A.O.S.M., Chief Surveyor, tLOUGH, Royle Chalmers, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Lands and Survey Dept., Auckland. Auckland. *1'GRANT, Frank Douglas, c/o Tuapeka County Council, *tLowE, Henry James, 7 Kimberley Rd., Epsom, Auckland. Lawrence. . tLuFF, George Andrew Middlemiss, A.M.LC.E., P.O. Box 87, *1'GREENFIELD, Francis Edmund, Mahoe St., Te Awamutu. Feilding. *1'GREIG, David Masson, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tLYSONs, Edmund William Markham, 35 Devon St., New Dunedin. Plymouth. *1'GRIERSON, Charles Kirkpatrick, 201 Victoria Arcade, Queen St., Auckland. *tGRIFFITHS, William Ewart, 12 O'Connell St., Auckland. *1'MAcDoNALD, Norman Hursthouse, Apia, Western Samoa. tMAcDoNALD, Percy Blomfield, N.S.W. Chambers, Dee St., Invercargill. *1'HAASE, Arthur Carsten, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., 1'MACE, Frederick Edward Wallace, P.O. Box 212, Napier. New Plymouth. 1'MAcFARLANE, James Chirago, Hokitika. *1' HALsE, Edward Fenwick, Putaruru. *1'MAcKAY, John, Studholme St., Morrinsville. 1'HANIFY, Hugo Page, jun., 153 Featherston St., Wellington. *1'MAcKENZIE, Ronald Francis Wilson, M.C., P.O. Box 32, *'1 HANMER, George, Dominion Buildings, Christchurch. Wellington. *1'HANSON, Frederick. Melrose, c/o Public Works Dept., *1'MAcMORRAN, Robert Glen, Chief Drainage Engineer, Sydney St., Wellington. P.O. Box 1659, Auckland. *-rHARRIS, Harold Wilson, Engineer, Waimakariri River *1'MARCHANT, Edgar Allman, 83 Ridgway St., Wanganui. Trust, private bag, Christchurch. *1'MARTIN, George Ivan, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., State *1'HARRISON, Percy, 201 Victoria Arcade, Queen St., Auck­ Fire Buildings, Wellington. land. *1'MARTIN, Gerald Fitzgerald, 22 Customhouse Quay. *1'HARRISON, Stuart Stanley, c/o Public Works Dept., St. *1'MCCABE, Bernard Charles Alton, Chief Draughtsinan, Lands Heliers, Auckland. . and Survey Dept., New Plymouth. *tHAsKELL, John Victor, c/o Public Works Dept., Rotorua. 1'McFARLANE, Thomas, c/o Public Works Dept., Auckland. *tHAszARD, Keith Fitzgerald, c/o Town Hall Offices, Auckland. *tMcINTYRE, Geotge, 134 Hereford St., ChristchUTch. *-rHAszARD, Moore Fenwick, P.O. Box 61, Waihi. *1'McINTYRE, Joseph William, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tHoDGKINsQN, Alfred, Woodlands Rd., Glen Eden, Auck- New Plymouth. land. *tMcKAY, James, Box 55, Greymouth. *1' HooPER, Henry Claygate, Kaitaia. *1'McKINLAY, .John Matthew, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *1'HoRNER, Robert Brian, c/o Survey Dept., Singapore. North Auckland Office. *tHOSKING, Francis John, P.O. Box 60, DargaviUe. 1'McLAREN; Andrew Dishington, c/o Land Transfer Office, 1'HOSKING, James Dargaville, P.O. Box 60, Dargaville. Auckland. . *1'HoULT, Charles Michael, Nelson. *tMcMILLAN, Thomas Scott, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., tHOUNSELL, Alfred· Kingsford Bollen, 20 Brandon St., Kaitaia. Wellington. *-rHuDsoN, Harold Jack Mayhew, 2 Mt. Hobson Rd., Remuera, Auckland. *tMILLER, Montague Horatio, Chancery Chambers, O'Connell *1'HuFNAGEL-BETHAM, Georg Fritz Kurt, Box 93,. Apia, St., Auckland. Western Samoa. *tMILLWARD, Geotge Robert, Clyde St., Invercargill. -rHuNT, Leslie, Land Transfer Draughtsman, Land and *tMITCHELL, Henry Tai, Arawa St., Rotorua. Survey Dept;, Christchurch. *1'MORGAN, James Rice, Napier. *tHuNT, Lester George Ra,dcliffe, Bank St., Whangarei. 1'MORILLEAU, Eric Mowbray, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., 1'HUTCHINSON, Henry, Sunnyside Rd., Waari Hamlet, Auckland. Henderson, Auckland. *1'MORISON, Charles Henry, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Hokitika. tMORPETH, William Theodore, Chief Surveyor, Lands and, *1'INNIS , Robert Leslie, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Thorn­ Survey Dept., Hokitika. ton,Whakatane. *1'M08S, William Edmund Carew, 11 Labouchere Rd., South Perth, W.A. tMOTTRAM, Henry Ronald, c/o Lands and S~vey Dept., *1'JACKSON, Charles Herbert, Colwill Chambers, Swanson St., Christchurch. Auckland. *tMOUNTAIN, Thomas John, c/o Land Drainage Branch, *1'JAMES, Mark, Birdwood Avenue, New Plymouth. Kerepeehi, Auckland. *1'JENKINS, Donald, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Suva, Fiji. *tMOUNTFORT, Charles Adnam, Feilding. JOHNSTON, Thomas Arthur, B.E., A.M.I.C.E., Public Works *tMOWAT, Robert McGregor, P.O. Box 50, Wairoa, Hawke's Dept., Greymouth. Bay. 1'JOHNSTON, Walter Herbert, c/o Waihi Goldmining Co., tMuIR., Andrew Gray, B.Sc., c/o Public Works Dept., Waihi. Auckland. 1'JUDD, Philip Arthur, Commercial Chambers, Bank St., *tJ'VIUR110TT, William Henry, Hampden, Otago. Whangarei. 1'MURRAY, Andrew, c/o Waitemat.a County Council Office, Anckland. tMURRAY, James, RE., (;/0 Public Works Dept., Wanganui. *tKEDDELL, Geoffrey, St. Vincent, P.O. Box 280, Invercargill. *tMURRAY, John Stewart, P.O. Box 11, Hawera. tKENNEDY, Arthur Angus, P.O. Box 297, Napier. *t:MYNO'l'T, William Lambert, Cleavers Buildings, High St. *1'KENNY, Courtenay, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., New Aucklarld. Plymouth. *tKENNY, Thomas Willoughby, Paeroa,. *tKENSINGTON, Hubert Maturin, Saltburn Rd., Milford, *tNEILL, William Thomson, 40 Glen Rd., Kelburn, Wellington. Auckland. *tNELsoN, Stanley, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Suva, Fiji. 1'KENSINGTON, Norman Charles, Chief Surveyor, Lands and *tNELsoN, William George, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Survey Dept., Invercargill. District Office, Wellington. *tKING, Basil, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., North Auckland *tNEwTON, Arthut Wells, Ohoka rural delivery, via Kaiapoi, Office. Christchurch. *tNIGHTINGALE, Henry Spencer, Coates Building, Mackay St., Grcymouth. 1'LAING, William, P.O. Box 87, New Plymouth. . *tNoRMAN, Philip Vigot., Assistant Superintendent, Revenue *1'LAMBOURNE, James Ernest Kerr, Liverpool St., Dunedin. Surveys Ta,pah, Perak, Federated Malay States. 1'LANGBEIN, Fritz, c/o Public Works Dept., Christchurch. *tNuRsE, Charles Edward, Waipiro Ray. 1'LARKIN, John Patrick, c/o Dept. of Ports and Harbours, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, C.2. I *1'LAwN, Charles Arnold, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *1'Orbell, Stanley, 12 O'Connell St., Auckland. Gisborne. *1'O'Ryan, William, 9A Sarawira St., Newmarket, Auckland. *tLEDGER, Francis Innes, 'P.O. Box 96, Nelson. 1'OTWAY, Caesar, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Invercargill. *1'LEDGER, John Kirwood, Harrington Avenue, Pukekohe,' . Auckland. *1'LEEDs, Alfred ThUrlow, c/o City Engineer's Office, Nelson. *tPALMER, Alfred Henry, Devon St., New Plymouth.

1'LEWIS, Charles, Collingwood, Nelson. *tPAORA, Wiremu j c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Auckland. 1'LITTLE, Francis Stothart, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tPAR,KINSON, Gordon l'earson, 10 Cathedral Square, Christ- Dunedin. church. 486 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12

*tPARRY, John Asher, New Lynn, Auckland. *tSTRAWBRIDGE, John Samuel, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tPATERSON, Henry Louis, 168 Rattray St., Dunedin. State Fire Buildings, Wellington. *tPATERSON, Nathaniel, 163 Rattr2vY St., Dunedin. 1-BwARBRICK, Lewis Pieters, c/o County Council Chambers. Whakatane. ' *tPAvIT'r, Ernest Alfred, "Labuan," Claremont, Tasmania. *tPAYNE, Godfrey Farrant, P.O. Box 168, Wanganui. *tPAXTON, Marmaduke St. John, Putaruru. *tTAPPIN, George, P.O. Box 94, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay. PHILLIPPS, Thomas George, Lands and Survey Del)t., *tTHOMPSON, Hugh Montgomery, c/o Public Works Dept., Dunedin. Ohura.· *tTHOMPSON, .Joh~ ~aird, Under-Secretary for Lands, "'tPOFF, Leo John, Land Transfer Draughtsman, Lands and Government BUIldings, Wellington. Survey Dept., private bag, Auckland. *tTHOMPSON, Waldo Samuel, P.O. Box 1, Waipiro Bay. *tPRANGI~EY, Reginald George, Otahuhu, Auckland. *tTHOMSON, James Edward, Everybody's Buildings, Hamilton. tPRESTON, Thomas William, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., tTHOMSON, James Duncan, Chief Surveyor, Lands and lnvercargill. Survey Dept., Napier. *tPRIMIWSE, Henry Loftus, Chief Draughtsman, Lands and :tTILL, N orn:a~ John, 5P7 .~t. Eden Road, Auckland. Survey Dept., Gisborne. tTRAILL, \VIlliam, 129 GIllIeS Avenue, Epsom, Auckland. *tP G H' A h S .. *tTRESEDER John Henry 4 Arun St. Oamaru URCHAS, corge eIlI'y. rt. ur, outhern Cross BUIlding *tT 'c li D k' 12 P , . S '. Chancery St., Auckland. ' I RUEBRIDGE, 0 n ra e, anama ~,t., WE'llington. tTURNER, Charles Barker Ross, 13 Rewhiti Avenue, Takapuna, Auckland. 'h K' 1 R *tTURNER, Edward Phillips, F.R.G.S., Secretary, State tR. AMSAY, J 0 n elt 1, 48 emuera Rd., Auckland. Forest Serviee Wellinaton. *tRAND, Henry George, P.O. Box 21, Whakatane. I ' e> *tRAYWARD, Geoffrey Poynings, 29 Johnston St., Wellington.j tREA, Robert Cosbourne, P.O. Box 87, Nmy Plymouth. tURWIN, Thomas Arthur, c/o Public Works Dept., Stratf~rd. *UPTON, Frederick, 27 St. Albans Rd., Mt. Eden,.Anckland. *tREID, Henry William, P.O. Box 1, Paparoa, Auckland. tREID, Hugh Murray, P.O. Box 226, Dunedin. *tVAILE, John Rippon, 5 St. Aubyn St., Devonport, Auckland. *tREYNOLDS, Arthur William, A.M.P. Building, Perry St., tVIVIAN, John Alexander Huia, 13 Empire Buildings, Masterton. Swanson St., Auckland. *tREYNOLDS, Leslie, MaungatakeI'e, Whangarei. tV ON STURMER, Douglas, 2 Charlton Avenue, Mt. Eden, *tRICHARDSON, Harry McKellar White, D.S.O., M.C., P.O. Auckland. Box 141, Blenheim. *tRICHA~DSON, John Douglas, c/o City Engineer's Offioe, WellIngton. *tWALSHE, Harry Edward, Chief Draughtsman, Head Office, *tROBB, Andrew George, c/o Survey Office, Kuala Lumpur, Lands and Survey Dept., Government Buildings, Wel- Federated Malay States. lington. . *tROBERTS, Edward Fletcher, A.M.LC.E., A.M.I.M.E., HI *tWARD, Louis Wellington, P.O. Box 47, Dannevirke. Stuart St., Dunedin. tWARD, Percy, 5 Burrows Avenue, Parnell, Auckland. *tROBINSON, Cedric Keith,c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tWAItD, Thomas, A.M.LC.E., Druida' Chambers, Woodward In vercargill. St., Wellington. tROBINSON, Edward Lamerton, 516 King St., Dunedin. . t\:vATERS, Allan Francis, Chief Surv@yor, Lands and Survey *1'ROBINSON, Ernest Crellin, P.O. Box 169, Hastings. Department, Nelson. *tROBINSON, Wa1t.er Francis, F.R.G.S., School of Engineering, *tWATERS, Felix Herbert, Chief Surveyor, Lands and Survey Canterbury College, Christchurch. Department, Wellington. *tROCHFORT, Guy, P.O. Box 193, Napier. *tWATsoN,William, Chief Surveyor, Apia, Western Samoa. *tRODDICK, John, 106 Clifford St., Gisborne. *tWATTIE, Angus John, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Napier. *tROE, Thomas Strathallan, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., *tWEBB, Leonard Francis, Don St., lnvercargill. North Auckland Office. *tWEIR, Edward Owen, Chief Draughtsman, Lands and Snrvey *tROPIHA, Tipi Tainui, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Auck­ Dept., Dunedin. land. *tWHEELER, William John, 105 Ormond Rd., Gisborne. *tRoss, Hector McLennan, c/a Head Office, Lands and Survey' *tWHITESIDE, George Samuel, Whakatane. . Dept., Govt. Buildings, Wellington. tWICKS, Arthur ,Tohn, Chief Draughtsman, Lands and tRow, Leslie Franklin, P.O. Box 920, Wellington. Survey Dept., Christchurch. tWILKINSON, Percy Russell, Chief Draughtsman, Lands and Survey Dept., Blenheim. *tWILLIAMS, Frederick Joseph, 29 Bond St., Dunedin. *tSADD, Robert Thomas, 32 Eastber Crescent, Kew, Dunedin. *tWILSON, Andrew, 116 Victoria St., Hamilton. tS.AlVIPSON, Gerald William, c/o Public Works Dept., Tuai, Waikaremoan3,. tWILSON, Broderick Munro, 35 Devon St., New Plymouth. tWILSON, Donald Munro, Chief Draughtsman, Lands and *tSANDEL, Arthur, Wallace's Buildings, Taumarunui. Survey Dept., Auckland. tSANDERSON, Neville Rahiri, Takapuna, Auckland. tWILSON, Douglas Partridge, 116 Rossall St., Merivale, *tSANDFORD, John Arthur, 34 National Bank Building, Christchurch. Fort St., Auckland. *tWILSON, Ernest Gordon, Mersey St., Gore. *tSEDDON, Samuel Thomas, M.C., Member of Survey Board, *tWILsON, Hugh Munro., Government Life Buildings, Queen Druids Buildings, Woodward St., Wellington. St., Auckland. *tSHARPE, .James Hill, 4 Hornbrook St., Opawa, Christchurch. tWILSON, Vivian Whitta, 14 O'Connell St., Auckland. *tSHERRA'IT, Peter Stanley, 21 Moody's Avenue, Wh3,ngar ei. tWILSON, William, P.O. Box 52, Hokitika. tSIMCOCK, Russell Aubrey, c/o Manukau Count.y Council tWOOD, Foster Lionel, 20 Brandon St., Wellington. Office, Shortland St., Auckland. WOOD, John, A.M.l C.E., c/o Public Works Dept., Wel­ *tSLADDEN, Lewis Coster, Devon St., New Plymouth. *tSLATER, George, Christchurch. lington. *tWYLDE, Harry James, 40 North St., Palmerstoll North. *tSLYFIELD, Robert Gordon, Southern Cross Buildings, tWYNYARD, Robert Henry, c/o Lands and Survey Dept., Chancery St., Auckland. tSMITH, Cedric, P.O. Box 4, Stewart Island. . Auckland. *tYOUNG, Harben Robert, A.M:LC.E., Lyndhurst St., West­ tSMITH, Harold Welton, c/o Public Works Dept., lnvercargill. tSOLE, Thomas Gore, Brown St., New Plymouth. port. *tSPENCER, Harold Percy, 21 Swanson St., Auckland. tSTEPHENSON, Charles Barnett, c/o City Engineer's Office, All .surveyors who· are registered as licensed surveyors Dunedin. by the Surveyors' Board as at 31st December, 1928, are *tSTEVENS, Francis Alfred, P.O. Box 30, Tauranga. entitled to registration under section 7 of the Surveyors * tSTEVENS ON, John, Monro St., Blenheim, Registration Act, 1928, upon applicatiou to the Secretary *tSTEWART, Ernest Victor, c/o State Forest Service, Law­ of the Survey Board. court Buildings, Auckland. It is particularly requested that .any change of residence, *tSTEWART, William, Chief Surveyor, Lands and Survey Dept., or any inaccuracy in the list, whether by omission or other­ Christchurch. wise, be communicated without delay to the Secretary, Survey tSTODDART, Ernest Hua, P.O. Box 39, Dargavilleo Board, Government Buildings, Wellington. •


Supplementary Teachers' Regi8ter and S16pplementary Graded Li8t of Primary, Secondary, and Technical School Teacher8, 1929. Date of Certifi· Grading or Name. cate. Grading. Certificate or Education Department, Promotien. Wellington, 25th February, 1929. HE following list of teachers is issued under the authority of rn C ~ the Minister of Education in accordance with the require­ Hill, Erie David . . ., I P.205 1/2/29 ments of the Education Act. The list contains the names of- Hill, Walter Stanley, Ph.D.B.Agr. Tech. D I, 13/2/29 CVI (a) 'reachers added to the Teachers' Register: Hinton, John Clive Tech. D II, . 21/2/29 (0) Teachers already in the Teachers' Register- 01 ( 1) Now graded, but not previously graded; Holyoake, Claud Henry C P.202 1/2/29 (2) Whose grading has been altered as the result of Howell, Lindsay Owen D P.217 1/2/29 correction in marks or change in certificate; Innes, Reginald MUhro, B.A. Sec ..D 15/2/29 (3) Who are now graded under an additional division. Johnson, Archie Frederick, B..8c. B P.198 1/2/29 T. B. STRONG, Director of Education. Johnston, Enid Helen o P.207 1/2/29 ------Johnstone, Eileen Dora C P.211 1/2/29 _._----_._-, Kelly, Edna Leith C P.213 1/~/29 Date of Kernahan, Bertha Jane D P.214 1/2/29 Name. c::;!~- Gradillg. c~:~~i:!t~~r King, Rowland Thomas Mont- C Tech. D II, 21/2/29 Promotion. gomery C III I Lanigan, Thomas James, B.A ... B P.188 1/1/29 Linde, Tda Mavis B P.204 1/2/29 Adam, Thomas Sillence, M.A. Tech. D I, 24/1/29 Loeber, Pauline Stella" B.A. B Sec. D 19/2/29 CII Luke, Edna Beatrice .. D P.223 1/2/29 Alexander, Alick Roberts Tech. D II, 9/2/29 MacKenzie, Robert Henry Oraig, Sec. D 23/2/29 CIII I M.A. I Barling, Kenneth John, B.A. B Sec. D. 28/1/29 McLintock, Alexander Hare, M.A. B Tech. D I, 18/2/29 Barrell, Arthur Frederick, M.A. A Tec. D I, 18/2/29 CII CV I McMillan, Peter George, B.A. .. B Sec. D; 18/2/29 Black, Charlotte Elliott (Mrs.) .. D P.181 1 11/29 Tech. DI, Boivin, Victor George, A.M.l. Tech. D I, 7/2/29 CI Mech. E. CJ I McQuillan, Kathrine Maude B Sec. D 15/2/29 Booth, Lilian Isabella C P.210 1/2/29 Malcolm, Alexander Hamilton .. I B Sec. D 4/2/29 Brickell, Ellice Goulden, B.A. Tech. D I, 18/2/29 Marshall, Eliza Findlater Strachan, Sec. 0 24/1/29 CI B.Sc. in Home Science I Brown, Alice Mary B P.205 1/2/29 Millington, Winifred Maud .. Tech. D I, 13/2/29 Campbell, Olive Mary Sec. D 22/2/29 01 Castle, Una Doreen, M.A. Sec. D 23/2/29 Morrell, Doris I v.-v (Mrs.), B.A. B Sec. 0 24/1/29 Coull, Rita Ria,ch C P.205 1/2/29 I Nisbet, Jane Cartlidge .. C P.212 1/2/29 Couper, Ellen Geraldine, B.A. B Sec. C 24/1/29 N orrish, Erie Caleb Tech. D II, 22/2/29 Craddock, Oliver, B.A. Sec. D.; 7/2/29 CI Tech. D I, Okey, Douglas Taylor, B.A. B Sec. D. 23/1/29 CI O'Neill, Cecelia Sheila McKay .. D P.225 1/2/29 Daly, Anne .. D 1/2/29 o ' S u 11 i van, Marjorie Ellen D P.220 1/2/29 Dane, Hilda Ellen Isabel (Mrs.) Lie. 1/1/29 to Oatherine (Mrs.) 30/6/31 Paul, Francis Howard Beare, B.A. B Tech. D I, 24/1/29 Dane, William Maurice Lie. 1/1/29 to 01 30/6/31 Penney, Jane Anne Patricia C P.212 1/2/29 Dart, Gerald Francis John Sec. D 25/1/29 Poynton, Joseph William Sec. D 25/1/29 Day, Inez Waiata, M.A. Sec. D 22/2/29 Redmond, John Sec. D 5/2/29 Dewar, Alan Logan .. B Sec. D 31/1/29 Ridgen, Outhbert Leslie, M.A ... B Tech. D I, 25/1/29 Duff, Ros() Marjorie, B.A. Tec. D I, 7/2/29 CI CI Robbie, Jane Hannah C P.214 1/2/29 Duncan, Kenneth John Sec. D 28/1/29 I Rockstrow, And:r:ey Frederika Tech. D I, 7/2/29 Dunstan, Ethel neen .. C P.207 1/2/29 CI Ewan, Myrtle Florence C P.216 1/2/29 Searle, Muriel Tech. D II, 19/2/29 Fraser, Lilian Frances C P.167 1/1/29 C IV Fuller, Margaret Grace Tech. D I, 7/2/29 Shotlander, Lionel, M.A. B Sec. D 23/1/29 CI Sims, Margaret Louisa C P.198 1/1/29 Giddy, Elsie Stephenson C P.214 1/2/29 Suckling, Estelle Jessie D P.220 1/2/29 Gillespie, Frederick Douglas C P.208 1/2/29 Urquhart, Juanit.a, M.A. B Sec. D; 9/2/29 Gilmour, Vera C P.212 1/2/29 Tech. DI, Goodall, Ouida Myrtle Waramoana D 1/1/29 en Griffin, Lorna Rose Tech. D I, 18/2/29 Veitch, Henry Charles B Tech. D I, 23/2/29 01 OI Grubb, Alice Lillia,n, B.A. Sec. C; 31/1/29 Wakelin, Elsie May .. Sec. D; 15/2j29 Tech. DI, Tech.DI, o IV Cl Hall. Noel Hilton B P.207 1/2/29 ! Wall, Eunice Mary, B.Sc. Sec. D 29/1/29 Han~ahan, Adeline Bertha (Mrs.) D P.173 1/2/29 I Wills, Alicia Doreen .. . . B P.205 1/2/29 Hardie, Lois Agne'3 Duncombe B P.195 1/2/29 , I Wimflett, Arthur Regina,ld Ogilvie C -Tech. D I, 4/2/29 Heberlev, Flora B P.202 1/2/29 I 01 Heibner: A..rchibald John D P.216 1/2/29 'vVood, Margaret Grace, B.A. Sec. D; 7/2/29 Henderson, Elizabeth Mary Mac- C P.208 1/2/29 Tech. DI, donald CI Hickling, Henry Hubert C P.183 1/2/29 Wright, Grace Edith Meliora, B.A. B T0ch. D I, 22/2/29 Higginson, Audrey Mabel C P.203 1/2/29 on

--~~- _.- -.. ------.--'------~ ~ ~ 00

CUSTOMS DUTIES. BETUBN ::;howing the CUSTOMS and EXCISE DUTiES collected at the several Ports of NEW ZEALAND during the QUARTER ended 31st DECEMBER, 1928.

g TOTALS. ~ i g Correspond- ~ 'g ~~.~ ~--=- ~ ------1 ing 'Rates of ~;::I ~ ~ ~ r.:1 HEADS OF REVENUE. ~ 1 Duty. ~ t ~ 0:>0 ~ ~ .~~-§ o ~ ~ Quarter, :r§ Pi zS J ~ 'c;j ~ @ ~<'>''''' ~ .1 QUantltl". 1 Revenue. 1927. c3 :§,P-i ~ iii t I c.':i 1I1, E-I 0 A 1;:1 ~ ,__ ~ -,--E-I ~ ~c.':i & P-i ~ ~ l ~ ~ ~ 8 -~----~----~------I p:j £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ £ 1 I £ £ £ I £ £ 1 £ 1 £ trJ Spirits (beverages) per gal. 36s:,18s. 415 7336 3616 2251 7768 759731 12831 1438 2214 1703 2921 391 1 42634 2857 6 35770 6446 150,570 gal. 270,935 90,600 " other than beverages ' 36s. 6~~~~1 9 127 7 53 1,094 265 41 71 23'- 56 15! 621 93 1450 41 4,011 " 7,223 6,395 ,2: 1 Cigars and snuff per'ib. ]2s. 2586 70 121 .. 127 2,509 , 270 23 28 28 •• I 1638 19 1008 18 14,076 lb. 8,445 7,834 trJ 2177 628 1804 427 24470 1947 17539 4722 196,619 182,695 Cigarettes (a) 528071 3442 4147 1617 3297 69167.' 7215 1213 Tobacco, manufactured per lb. (b) 4967 200 200 100 275 4077 425 37 125 25 1632 210 1412 326 28,0211b. 14,011 19,256 .~ 2538 20682 3273 867 1273 527 1102 396 11765 1905 8573 3470 435,972 " 90,827 73,663 cut, n.e.i. 4s.2d. 28787 2080 2624 965 N " n.e.i 48. ,9416[ .. 541 790 269 479 6409 815 265 498 216 294 137 5675 858 4592 1561 164,072 ;, 32,815 33,504 " unmanufactured 2s. 204 9581 7322 171 ,063 " 17,107 13,512 trJ Wine, sparkling per "gal. 15s. 506 23 8 7 870 108 15 15 33 418 23 100 2,834 gal. 2,126 1,233 South African 9s.6d. 4 8 " '4 ~ " Australian lOs. 53, 8 105 20 3 6 2 20 3 7 460 " 229 181 > other kinds 6s. 1217 44 106 1646/ 181 6 19 9 1666 1 597 18,381 " 5,511 3,175 Z South African 3s.6d. 1061 .. 28 32 39 7 20 404 51 2 2 431 71 9313; 12,958 " 2,267 1,801 tj Australian .. 4s. 1730 .. 97 72 59 178 17671 408 23 39 33 1122~! 20 1127 119 3 1064 109 34,801 " 6,960 5,154 27 18 17 325 10 112 20,112 " 2,012 1,493 Al~, beer, &~. 2s. 756 .. 6 57 8 6161 29 7 241 ~. Tea- 11 34 108 70,556 lb. 602 645 General Tariff .. per lb. 2d.,4d 12~1 .. 1 303/ 19 N British Preferential Tariff 2d. 3 10 191 3 5 4,950 " 41 107 Qj Goods by Weight- 1 8 General Tariff 1650611 79 517 ., 187 9323 369 3 127 29 96 3103 115 1394 :~751 32,423 27,164 8 British Preferential Tariff 13018 174 770 15 453 11778! 475 47 393 99 176 24 3669 371 37 3926 1393) 36,728 41,491 1 trJ Goods ad valorem- I General Tariff 168100 .. 4358 353\ 4381 278863: 8487 327 1603 214 18601' 18 76134 3151 600 55703 8097 614,230 591,575 381 1943 1 British Preferential Tariff 175017,1 276 ' 3438' 88991 10191 5757 186332110764 1021 3631 974 3681 129 73130 13716 '2141 61542 11298 1 562,765 536,091 Other Dutie8- 1 .. General Tariff 18475 119 1137 237 23116[ 1573 2 9208 691 4008 604 174 5321 692! 64,7351 58,259 British Preferential Tariff 5083! 43 276 1 . 28·'1' 273 4986 156 9 125 13 83 4 1741 106 9 747 320; 14,0021 12,329 Primage 36048' 12 24 465 17811 88, 1095 36044' 1981 155 875 152 496,' 23, 13875 1334 251 11460 2273: 108,432 100,665 I 1 I 1

(a) 25s. 6d. per 1,000 of 2tlb. and under, and lOs. 6d. per lb. (b) Fine cut for cigarettes, lOs. per lb.

~ 0,

~, t-::.J RETURN showing the CUSTOMS a.nd EXCISE DUTIES collected at the several Ports of NEW ZEALAND during the QUARTER ended 31st DECEMBER, 1928-continued. CUSTOMS DUTIEs-contin'ued.

~ 1

• I· ....; TOTALS. 1 ~ . ....ci .,..; § b.O • I • ~ • >=i '51 Correspond. t;j HEADS OF REVENUE. Rates of 1l ci ~ ~..., 2 to ::l s-al ~ 5 5 0 • ...; i=l 21 ' ing to Duty. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ci ~ .S ~ ·~~.81 § 8. s :a ~ ~ ~ ;0 ~ 1 1 QUarter" "" PI f.; ,0 I"i S Q) I=l - ... w ~ c;> '. ..., h ...... , til S '" Q) I 1927 g 'Oil g.;S l:r ~ til 05 ~ ~ g~ 1 '* gs ~ ~ ~ .§ til § ~ Quantities. I Revenue. • tv

Corresponding quarter, 1927 .. 43,149 24,927 27,605 68,622 46,899 211 ,202


Year 1928 .. 166,751 96,924 102,202 251,852 _I1 192,450 810,179

Year 1927 .• 153,540 86,503 105,143 246,424 160,705 752,315 ~ 00 \lO (a) Minimum of lltd. per gallon, increasing by rsd. for every unit of specific gravity above 1047.

C"iiltoms Department., Wellington~ 19th February, 1929. GEO.~ CRAIG, Comptroller of Customs. 490 /THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12


Land in Canterbury Land District forfeited.

Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, 26th February, 1929. OTICE is hereby given that the leases of the undermentioned lands having been declared forfeited by resolution of the N~ Canterbury Land Board, the said lands· have thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924, and the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, 1915'.


I Lease or Tenure. License No. I Section. I Block. Survey District. Les~ee or Licensee. Reason for Forfeiture. \

S.T.L·/S. 32 1 XVI Pareora (Hadlow Settle- J. W. Browne I Non - compliance with ment) conditions of lease.

R.L. 113 5 VII Orari (Tripp Settlement) G. J. Brooker I Ditto. S.T.L./.S. 291 6 VII I i GEO. W. FORBES, Minister of Lands.

Lands in Taranaki Land District forfeited. Land in Oanterb1fry Land District forfeited.

Department of Lands and Survey, Lands and Survey Department, Wellington, 22nd February,'--l929. Wellington, . 18tj:l February, 1929. OTICE is hereby given that the lease of the under­ OTICE is hereby given that the leases of the under- N. mentioned land having been declared forfeited by N1. mentioned lands having been declared forfeited by resolution of the Canterhury Land Board, the said land has resolution of the Taranaki Land Board, the said lands have thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924, and the Discharged Soldiers Settlement Act, Land Act, 1924. 1915. . ,

SCHEDULE. SCHEDULE. TENURE: L.P. Lease No. 409. Sections 1 and 2, Block IV, SECTION 3, Avonhead Settlement No.2. Tenure: S.T.L./S. Omona Survey District. Lessee: J. E. Young. Reason for 255. Former lessee: A. C. Taylor. Reason for forfeiture: forfeiture: Non-compliance with conditions of lease. Breach of conditions of lease. Tenure: L.P. Lease No. 414. Section 2, Block V, Egmont GEO. W. FORBES, Minister of Lands. Survey District. Lessee: W. B. Card. Reason for forfeiture: Non-compliance with conditions of lease. Tenure: L.P. Lease No. 389. Section 1, Block V, Egmont Survey District. Lessee: W. B. Card. Reason for forfeiture: Non-compliance with conditions of lease. Reserve in Hawke's Bay Land District for Lease by Public THOMAS M. WILFORD, Tender. For l\finister of Lands. District Lands and Survey Office, Napier, 19th February, 1929. OTICE is hereby given that written tenders, marked on N the outside" Tender for Kumeroa Domain," will be Lands in Gisborne Land Dist1'ict forfeited. received at the above office up to 4 o'clock p.m. on Monday, 25th March, 1929, for a lease of the under mentioned reserve under the provisions of the Public Reserves and Domains Department of Lands and Survey,· Act, 1908, and amendments. Wellington, 22nd February, 1929. OTICE is hereby given that the leases of the under­ N mentioned lands having been declared forfeited by SCHEDULE. resolution of the Gisborne Land Board, the said lands have HAWKE'S BAY LAND DISTRICT. thereby reverted to the Crown under the provisions of the SECTION 1, Block V, Kumeroa Village (Kumeroa Domain), Land Act, 1924, and the pischarged Soldiers Settlement Woodville County: Area, 10 acres. Minimum rental, £21 Act, 1915, and amendments. per annum. Land of light stony nature; whole section has been laid down in grass, but pasture has run out, and land requires SCHEDULE. breaking up and regrassing. TENURE: R.L. Lease No. 129. Section 1, Block XII, Abstract of Terms and Conditions of Lease. Opotiki Survey District. Lessee : Walter Horton. Reason 1. Term of lease, seven years, without right of renewal, for forfeiture: non-compliance with conditions. and subject to termination by tw.elve. months' notice in the Tenure: L.P. Lease No. 2224. Section 6, Block III, event of the land being required by the Government. Waioeka Survey District. Lessee: Wildish, Fletcher, and 2. One half-year's rent at the rate offered, together with Gauntlett. Reason for forfeiture: Non-compliance with £1 Is. (lease fee), must be enclosed with. the tender. conditions. 3. No declaration i('l req1fired. Residence is not compulsory. Tenure: L.P. Lease No. 2227. Section 7, Block III, No compensation shall be :claimed by the lessee, nor shall any Waioeka Survey District. Lessee: Wildish, Fletcher, and be allowed by the Gbvernment, on account of any improve­ Gauntlett. Reason for forfeiture: Non-compliance with ments effected by tHe les~ee. conditions. 4. Possession will ;be given as from date of acceptance of JOHN G. COBBE, tender, from which date the rent will commende. For Minister of Lands. I 5. The rent shall be pa,yable half-yearly in advance. FEB. 28.J ·THE NEW ZEALAND .GAZETTE:. 491

6. The lessee shall have no right to sublet, transfer, or 2. The right is reserved to the Commissioner of Crown -otherWise dispose of the land comprised in the lease, exce~t Lands to withdraw this timber from sale either before or with the written consent of the Commissioner of Crown after the date for receipt of tenders. Lands first had and obtained. 3. The aforementioned quantities, qualities, and kinds as 7. The public shall at all times have access on foot to all to the said timber shall be taken as sufficiently accurate fo.r parts of the demised land not newly laid down in grass. the purpose of this sale, and no contract for purchase shall 8. The free right at any time to plant trees on the demised be voidable, nor shall the successful purchaser be entitled to land or to take possession of and fen(;e off any portion of any abatement in price, by reason of the said timber being the demised land for the purpose of forming a football or of less quantity, quality, and kind than as stated herein, or cricket ground or a ground for sports of any kind is reserved in any advertisement having reference to the said timber, to the lessor. nor shall any extra sum be claimed.by the Crown if the said 9. The lessee shall prevent the growth and spread of gorse, quantity of timber is found to be in excess of that stated broom, and sweetbriar on the land, and he shall with all herein. reasonable despatch remove, or cause to be removed, all 4. All timber, whether standing, felled, or in logs, shall gorse, sweetbriar, broom, ragwort, or other noxious weeds or remain the property of the Crown until all the instalments plants, as may be directed by the Commissioner of Crown are paid. Lands. 5. The quantities stated are standing measurements, and 10. The lessee shall destroy all rabbits on the land and he only those trees bearing t~e special distinguishing brand shall prevent their increase and spread to the satisfaction of shown are included in tbis sale. All trees branded F.R. or the Commissioner of Crown Lands. unbranded, being the undersized, defective, and isolated 11. The lessee to pay all rates, taxes, and other assessments trees, are excluded from this sale, and must not be felled that may become due or payable. or removed. 12. Notrees to be felled, destroyed, or removed without 6. Should any dispute arise as to the boundaries the decision the approval of the Governor-General in CounciL of the Commissioner of Crown Lands shall be final. 13. 'The lease shall be liable to forfeiture in case the lessee I 7. In the event of no tenders being received for this timber, shall fail to fulfil any of the conditions of the lease Within applications may be received and dealt with at any time thirty days after the date on which the same ought to have within six months thereafter (unless previously formally been fulfilled. withdrawn); providing, however, that the amount offered is The reserve is described for the general information of not less than the upset price stated herein. intending tenderers, who are recommended, nevertheless, to 8. Any breach of the foregoing conditions of sale will make a personal inspection, as the Department is not respon- I render the "on demand" promissory notes liable to be sible for the absolute accuracy of any description. I presented f?r immediate paymen~. . Full particulars may be obtained at this office. I 9. The hIghest or any tender will not necessarlly be accepted, 'I and this timber is submitted for sale subject to the final J. D. THOMSON, acceptance of any tender by the Minister of Lands. Commissioner of Crown Lands. I 10. The purchaser shall have the right to cut the timber for the period specified, but shall have no right to the use of I the land. Timber in North Auckland Land District for Sale by Public I 11. The timber shall be cut in a face, and the Crown reserves Tender. the right to follow up the mill-workings by felling and grassing such areas as from time to time become available, and of North Auckland District Lands and Survey Office, disposing of. tbe same. . Auckland, 28th February, 1929: 12 .. The lIcensee shall not allow any ~a~dust to find Its OTICE is hereby given that written tenders for the way mto any watercours~ of any descnpt:oll. . N-'- purchase of the undermentioned milling-timber will 13: Purchasers are notified that ext~nslOn of the tIme be received at the North Auckland District La.nds and Survey her~~ stated for the removal of the tImber must not be Office, Auckland, up to 4 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, 10th antlClpat~d. . April, 1929, under the provisions of the Land Act, 1924, and The hIghest or any tend~r not J?-e~essarIly accepted. the timber reO'ulations thereunder. Tenders to be addressed. ~ommlS~lOner of Crown Lands, '" North Auckland Land Dlstnct, Pnvate Bag, Auckland," and envelopes to be marked" Tender for Timber." SCHEDULE. Full particulars may be obtained from this office. NORTH AUOKLAND LAND DISTRIOT.-BAY OF ISLANDS COUNTZ. 0. N. CAMPBELL, Section 4, Block XV, Russell Survey District. Commissioner of Crown Lands. 25 Dry kauri trees 37,198 board feet. 25 Green kauri trees 30,498 56 Dry totara trees 23,203 STATE FOREST SERVICE NOTICE. 101 Green totara trees 46,309 244 Rimu trees ~62 ,448 Milling-timber for Sale by PubUc Tender. 43 Mil'O trees 17,057 State Forest Service, 494 Trees 416,713 Palmerston North, 26th February, 1929. OTICE is hereby given that written tenders for the Distinguishing brands: X. N. ..LN purchase <>f the undermentioned milling-timber will Upset price: £500. close at the office of the State Forest Service, Palmerston Time for removal: One year. North, at 4 o'clock p.m. on Monday, the 25th March, 1929.

Terms of Payment. SCHEDULE. The sum of one-half of the amount of the tender to be paid WELLINGTON CONSERVATION-REGION.-WELLINGTON LAND in cash within seven days after acceptance of tender, together DISTRICT. with £1 Is. (license fee); the balance payable six months ALL the milling-timber on tbat area containing approximately thereafter. 259 acres, known as Lot 9, Sta,te Forest No. 67, Blocks XI All instalment-payments shall bear interest at the rate of and XII, Manganui Survey District, situated close to Horopitu .5 per cent. per annum as from the date of acceptance. of and Pokako Railway-stations. tender, and with the interest added shall be secured by The total estimated quantity in cubic feet is 533,371, in "on demand " promissory notes endorsed by two approved board feet, 3,610,700, made up as follows:- .sureties, and such bills are to be completed and lodged with the Commissioner of Crown Lands within fourteen days Species. Cubic Feet. Board Feet. Kakikatea 14,794 101,400 after notifying the purchaser to complete. Matai 14,553 95,600 Tenders must be accompanied by a deposit of 5 per cent. Rimu 434,797 2,964,400 -on the amount of tender in cash, marked cheque, or post- 62,008 402,400 -office order; the balance to be paid, if tender accepted, in Miro Totara 7,219 46,900 terms as stated above. Totals 533,371 3,610,700 Oonditions of Sale. 1. Intending purchasers are expected to vk,it the locality Upset price: £5,235. .and to satisfy themselves in every particular on all matters Ground rent: £12 19s. per annum . relating to the sale. Time for removal of'timber: Three years and a half. .THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12

Terms of Payment. 5. A return, verified by affidavit, g)vmg the number of logs cut of each species and their contents must be made, A marked cheque for one-tenth of the price tendered, together with half-year's ground rent and £1 Is. (license fee) quarterly by the licensee on the last days of March, June, September, and December respectively in each year. A must accompany the tender, and the balance of the purchase­ return, similarly verified, must be made on the same dates· money be paid by eight equal quarterly instalments, the first of which shall be paid six months after the date of sale. showing the output of sawn timber of each species. These­ returns may be ascertained and verified by inspection of the In addition, the successful tenderer shall continue to pay books of the mill, or by such other means as the Conservator such ground rent half-yearly in advance during the currency may require, and for this purpose the accounts and books­ of the license. shall be open to the inspection of the Conservator, a Forest­ Terms and Conditions. Ranger, or other duly authorized officer. 6. Intending tenderers are expected to visit the locality 1. All instalment-payments shall be secured by an "on and to satisfy themselves in every particular on all matters­ demand" promissory notes made and endorsed to the satis­ relative to the sale. faction of the Commissjoner of State Forests, and interest. 7. Each tenderer must, state the total price that he is pre­ at the rate of 1 per cent. per annum in excess of current pared to pay for each species. The highest or any tender will' bank overdraft rates will be charged on all notes overdue not necessarily be accepted, and the timber described is sub­ from the date of maturity to the date of payment. mitted for sale subject to the final acceptance of the tender 2. The right to cut and remdve the timber wiJ] be sold in by the Commissioner of State Forests. accordance with the provisions of the Forests Act, 1921-22, 8. The right is reserved to the Commissioner of State­ the regulations in force thereunder, and tbe8e conditions. Forests to withdraw from sale any or all of the said timber­ 3. The aforementioned qualities, quantities, and kinds as to either before or after the closing date for receipt of tenders. the said timber shall be taken as sufficiently accurate for 9. If no tender is accepted for the timber herein mentioned the purposes of this sale, and no contract for the purchase it will remain open for application at the upset price until' shall be voidable, nor shall the successful purchaser be. en­ further notice. titled to any abatement in price, by reason of the said timber 10. Tenders should be on the special form obtaina'ble from being of less qua,ntity, quality, or kind as stated herein or in any office of the State Forest Service, and should be enclosed any advertisement having reference to tbe said timber. in envelopes addressed "Conservator of Forests, Palmefl~ton, 4. The attention of all tenderers is drawn to the fact that North," and endorsed" Tender for Timber." the local controlling body may require the successful tenderer to pay any ·claims or charges which may be made by that The conditions which will be inserted in the license to be body for the maintenance of the road over which the timber issued to the purchaser and further particulars mav be ob­ may be transported, and before a sawmill license is issued a tained on applicat.ion t.o the undersigned or to the Secretary­ letter indicating that satisfactorv 11rrangements have been of Forestry, Wellington. made in thisco~ection must be produced' to the undersigned. D. MACPHERSON, Conservator of Forests.


In Bankruptcy.-In the supre.me Court of New Zealand. ITe Kuiti, o_nThursday, the 28th day. of February, 1929, at· -- 10.30 o'clock a.m. :1 OTICE is hereby given that MIRrA1\'[ LEVINA B0.wKER, Dated at~Hamilton, this 20th day of February? 1929. N Restaurateuse, of Auckland, was this day adJudged I J. H. ROBERTSON, bankrupt; and I h~reby summon a meeting of creditors' Official Assignee. to be holden at my office on Monday, the 1Uh day of March, - 1929, at 11 o'clock a.m. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of February, 1929. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. OTICE is hereby given that GEORGE PETERSEN, of N Cambridge, Butcher, was this day adjudged bank­ rupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors toJbe­ In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme C01.wt of New Zealand. holden 3,t the Courthouse, Cambridge, on Tuesday, the 5th­ day of March, 1929, at 10 o'clock a.m. OTICE is hereby given that BERTRAM ELWIN BIRD, Dated at Hamilton, this 20th day of February, 1929. N.. Commercial Traveller, of Auckla.nd, was this day J. H. ROBERTSON, adjudged bankrupt; and 'I hereby summon a meeting of Official Assignee. creditors to be holden at my office on Tuesday, the 12th day of March, 1929, at 11 o'clock a.m. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of February, 1929. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. OTICE is hereby given that CHARLOTTE HELENA. N RETFORD, Draper, or New Plymouth, was this day adjUdged bankrupt; and 1 hereby summon a meeting of In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. creditors to be holden at my office on Monday, the 4th day­ of March, 1929, at 2.30 o'clock p.m. OTICE is hereby given that Al\iBROSE LEWIS, of Auok­ Dated at New Plymouth, this 23rd day of February, 1929.- lN land, Taxi-proprietor, trading as "The Diamond Taxi J. S. S. MEDLEY, Service" was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby Deputy Official Assignee. snmmon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Friday, the 8th day of March, 1929, at 11 o'clock a.m. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of February, 1929. In Bankruptcy. G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. OTICE is hereby given that WILLIAM ARTHUR CLINTON, __ N of Kakaramea, Farmer, was this ,day adjudged bank­ rupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be In Bankr·uptcy.-In the Supreme Oourt of New Zealand. holden at my office, 10 Regent Street, Hawera, on Wednesday,. the 27th day of February, 1929, at 2 o'clock p.m. OTICE is hereby given that MARION ELIZABETH CHEADLE, ROBERT S. SAGE, N Married Woman (possessed of separate estate), of Deputy Official Assignee. Auckland, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby Hawera, 19th February, 1929. snmmon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office on Thursday, f.he 7th day of March, 1929, at 11 o'clock a.m. Dated at Auckland, this 22nd day of February, 1929. In 'Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Court of New Zealand. ,G. N. MORRIS, Official Assignee. OTICE is hereby given that GASTAF LINDSTROM, of N Lower Hutt, Carpenter, was this day adjudged bank­ rupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be' In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Oourt of New Zealand. holden at my office on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1929.­ at 10.30 o'clock a.m. OTICE is hereby given that JOHN PHILLIPS, of Te Kuiti, Dated at Wellington, this 25th day of February, 1929. N Farmer, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby S. TANSLEY, summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at the Courthonse, Official Assignee., FEB. 28.J THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 493

In Bankruptcy. I that I will iesue-the provisional certificate of title as requested . . -- .. after fourteen days from the date of the Gazette containing OTICE IS hereby gwen that diVIdends are now payable tills notice. . N at ~y office on all prove~ and admitte~ claims in the Dated this. 27th day of February, 1929, at the Lands undermentlOned estates; promu!sory notes (If any) to be Registry Office,Wellington. produced for endorsement prior to.receiving dividends '- C . . . E. NALDER, District Land Registrar~ H arwoo,d H enry James Alfred Joseph, of AnatImo, Takaka, Farmer-First and final dividend of 5id. in the pound. Hawkins, Percy George, of Collingwood, Mail Contractor- PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue of Second and final dividend of 5!d. in the pound. A a provisional certificate of title, in favour of HENRI­ Newman, Charles Roderick, of Takaka, Motor Service ETTA COOPER STRACHAN, of Timaru, Milliner, for Lot 9, Proprietor (trading as "Emms Motor Service ")-First Block I, Plan 1103, 'rown of Oban Extension No.3, beiu!Y diVidend of 2s. 6d. in the pound. part of Section 10, Block I, Paterson District, being the land Olsen, Arthur Wilfred, of Collingwood, Hotelkeeper­ contained in Certificate of Title, Vol. 87, folio 149 and evidence Second and final dividend of Is. in the pound. having been lodged of the loss of the said certificate of title, Itobertson, William Haddow (deceased), late of Nelson, I hereby give notice that I shall issue a provisional certificate Fellmonger-First and final dividend of Is. 2td. in the of title .as requested, unless caveat be lodged forbidding the pound. • same WIth fourte~n days from the date of publication of this ltogers,. Marie Edith Robin (deceased), late of Stoke, notice in the Oazette. . . MarrIed Woman-First and final dividend of 5s. 3td. Dated at the Lands Registry Office, Invercargill, the 21st in the pound. day of February, 1929. F. MITCHELL, .1. A. FRASER, District Land Registrar. Nelson, 20th February, 1929. Official Assignee.

In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Oourt of New Zealand. ADVERTISEMENTS.

OTICE is hereby given that JULIA AGNES PEOPLES, of N 50 Shakespeare Road, Christchurch, Wife of John THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). Peoples, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my officf', INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three Government Departmental Buildings, Worcester Street K months from this date, the name of the undermentioned Christchurch, on Monday, the 4th day of March, 1929, at Ii company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck o'clock a.m. off the Register, and the company will be dissolved :- Dated at Christchurch, this 20th day of February, 1929. The Nonpareil Gold-mining Company (No Liability). A. W. WATTERS, 1920/119. Official Assignee. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 21st day of Feb­ ruary, 1929. In Bankruptcy.-In the Supreme Oourt of New Zealand. H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. OTICE is hereby given that ALBERT FREDERICK CROTON, N of 31 Radley Street, Woolston, Labourer, was this THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office, Government Depart­ INDLY take notice that, at the expiration of three mental Buildings, Worcester Street, Christchurch, on Tuesday, K months from this date, the name of the undermen­ the 5th day of March, 1929, at 11 o'dock a.m. tioned company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, Dated at Christchurch, this 20th day of February, 1929. be struck off the Register, and the company will be dissolved :- A. W. WATTERS, Great Tasman Forests, Limited. 1927/152. Official Assignee. Given under my hand at Auckland, this 25th day of Feb­ ruary, 1929. In Bankruptcy.-In the li{upreme Oourt of New Zealand .. H. B. WALTON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. OTICE i"! hereby given that CHARLES JAMES LAWRENCE, N jun., of 992 Colombo Street, Christchurch, Ex-Hotel­ THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (4). keeper, was this day adjudged bankrupt; and I hereby summon a meeting of creditors to be holden at my office, OTICE is hereby given that tlie name of the under­ Government Departmental Buildings, Worcester Street, N mentioned company has been struck off the Register, Christchurch, on Thursday, the 7th day of March, 1929, at and the company has been dissolved ;- 11 o'clock a.m. . Dated at Christchurch, thi~ 26th day Of February, 1929. George Agar and Company, Limited. 1924/76. A. W. WATTERS, Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 20th day of Official Assignee. February, 1929. J. MORRISON, Assistant Registrar of Companies. LAND TRANSFER ACT NOTICES. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). OTTCE is hereby given that the parcel of land herein­ N after described will be brought under the provisions of AKE notice that, at the expiration of three months the Land Transfer Act, 1915, unless eaveat be lodged for .. T from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned bidding the same on or before 30th March, 1929. company will, unless cause is shown to the contrary, be struck off the Register and the company dissolved :- 7772. THE GENERAL TRUST BOAHD OF THE DIOCESE OF AU()RLAND.-Lots 2,3, and 4 of Allotment 51 of the Parish of Miller and Burrows, Limited. 1925/70. Takapuna, conta.ining 2 roods 11'8 perches, fronting Church Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 20th day of Road 3,nd Falkner Road jn the Borough of Northcote. Occu­ February, 1929. pied by John Broady. Plan 21558. J. MORRISON, Diagram may be inspected at this office. Assistant Registrar of Companies. Dated this 23rd day of Febrnary, 1929, at the Lands Registry Offic(', A1;ckland. THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908, SECTION 266 (3). W. JOHNSTON, Distri0t Land R! gLtrar. AKE notice that, at the· expiration of three months T from the date hereof, the name of the undermentioned PPLICATION having been made to me for the issue company will, unless canse i"l shown to the contrary, be struck A of a provisional certificate of title in the name of off the Register, and the company dissolved:- NIS LUND, of Eketahuna, Settler, for 3 roods 24 perches, more or less, situate in the Provincial District of Wellington, The Waitnate Motor Garage, Limited. 10/42. being Town Section 88 on plan of the Township of Parkville, Given under my hand at Christchurch, this 25th day of Feb­ and being all the land in Certificate of Title, Vol. 68, folio 278, ruary, 1929. Wellington Registry, and evidence having been lodged of J. MORRISON, the loss of the Rltid certificate of title, I hereby give notice Assistant Registrar of Companies. D 494 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 1'2.

FRIENDLY SOCIETIE. S ACT, 1909.-ADVERTISEMENT I of the said Native reserve; thence along the soU:thern bound· OF CANCELLING. ary of Section 1 for a distance of 20 chains; thence due north, . --' crossing the Puketarata Road; thence following the Puke- OTICE is hereby given that the Registrar'of FriendlY ' tarataRoadtothe south-east corner of Section No, 9c; thence N Societies has, pursuant to Election 70 of the Friendly along the eastern and northern boundaries of the said Sec­ Societies Act, 1909, by writing under his hand dated this 1 tion No. 9c 2; thence a;long the northern boundary of No. 20th day of Febmary, 1929, cancelled the registry of St'19B 2; thence along the northern boundary of Section 3,

NOTICE OF CHANGE OF OFFICE. HE Partnership heretofore existing between the under­ T signed is hereby dissolved as from the 31st day of ;In the matter of the Companies Act, ] 908. ,Tanuary, 1929, and the business of Chemists, Pharmacists, and Druggists previously carried on under the name of OTICE is hereby given that the situation of the office of "Crawshaw and Foster" will henceforth be carried on by N KODA.K (AUSTRALASIA) PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, in the the undersigned LOUIS GORDON CRAWSHAW, :under his Qwn City of Wellington, has been changed to First Floor, Empire name, at 190 Symonds Street, Auckland. Buildings, Willeston Street, Wellington. Dated this 1st day of February, 1929. Dated the 19th day of February, 1929. L. G. CRAWSHAW. H. A. BEAUCHAMP, 210 GEORGE H. FOSTER. Attorney for- 194 KODAK (AUSTRALASIA) PROPRIETARY, LIMITED. THE LINKLATER SLUICING SYNDICATE, LTD.

IN LIQUIDATION. AKITIO COUNTY COUNCIL. OTICE is hereby given that a meeting of members RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. N of the LINKLATER SLUICING SYNDICATE, LTD. (in' liquidation), will be held at 63 Cathedral Square, Christchurch, N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in on Friday, 8th March, 1929, at 10.30 o'clock a.m., for the I that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the purpose of receiving the liquidation final report. Akitio County Council hereby resolves as follows ;- That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other FRED. G. DUNN, Liquidator. charges on a loan or loans to be raised under the provisions Christchurch, 20th February, 1929. 211 of the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, for providing funds for the renewal or reconstruction of bridges exceeding twenty (20) feet in span on roads under the jurisdiction of the Akitio PIAKO COUNTY COUNCIL. County Council, the said Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of three farthings in the pound (to be called a RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. bridge rate) upon the capital value, or its equivalent on the unimproved value, of all the rateable .property within the N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in County of Akitio, and that such rate shall be an annually I that behalf by the LOGal Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the recurring special rate during the currency of such loan or Piako County Council hereby resolves as follows ;- . loans, and be payable on the 14th day of August in each and That, for the purpose of providing the interest, sinking every year during the currency of such loan or loans, or until fund, and other ('harges on a loan of £800, authorized to be the said loan or loans are fully paid off. raised by the Piako County Council under the above­ mentioned Act for the purpose of metalling 56 chains of No.4 R. B. ROBERTSON, Chairman. Road in the Waitoa Riding of the Piako County, the said 208 A. R. CARLEY, County Clerk. Piako County Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of one penny and one-eighth of a penny in the pound upon the rateable unimproved value of all rateable property of the No.4 OTOROHANGA COUNTY COUNCIL. Road Special-rating Area of the Piako County, comprising all that area in the Land District of Auckland bounded com­ RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. mencing at a point in the north-western boundary of Section 80, Waitoa Estate,44 chains from No.7 Road, towards the Puketarata Road Special-rating Area. north-west by that boundary to the said road, and across N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in.' same to the north.-west boundary of Section 22, Balachraggan I that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Settlement, and by that boundary; thence towards the north­ Otorohanga County Council hereby resolves as follows ;__ east by the north-eastern boundaries of Sections 22, 23, 25, That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other 31, and 1 and 2, Balachraggan Settlement, to the No.4 Road, charges on a loan of £400, authorized ·to be raised by the and across same to a point 30 chains from t,he No.1 Road in Otorohanga County Council under the above-mentioned Act the north-western boundary of Section 48, Waitoa Estate, and for the reforming, culverting, and metalling one hundred and by direct line across Sections 48, 49, and 50, Waitoa Estate, twenty-three chains of Puketarata Road fronting Sections to a point 36 chains from the No.7 Road in the south-eastern 1, 2, 3, and 5, Block XIII, the Otorohanga County Council boundary of the said Section 50, and towards the south-east hereby makes and levies a special rate of seven-eighths of a by this south-eastern boundary, to and across the No.7 Road, penny in the pound on the rateable value of all rateable pro- and by the south-eastern boundary of Section 74, Waitoa perty in the Puketarata Special-rating Area as described in Estate, to a point therein 44 chains from such road; thence the Schedule hereto, and that such special rate shall be an towards the south-west by direct line to the point of com­ annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and mencement; and that such special rate shall be an annual­ shall be payable yearly in the 1st day of October in each and recurring rate during the ('urrency of such loan, and be payable every year during the currency of such loan, being a period of yearly on the 1st day of April in each and every year during the twenty-years, or until the loan is fully paid off. currency of such loan, being a period of twenty years or until the loan is fully paid off. THE SCHEDULE HEREINBEFORE MENTIONED. All that area in the Mangaorongo Survey District com­ I certify that the above resolution was duly passed at an mencing at the north-west corner of an education reserve, ordinary meeting of the Piako County Council held in Te Block XIII; thence south along the western boundaries of Aroha on Monday, the 18th day of February, 1929. the said education reserve and Puketarata No. lIB 2 to the 212 NEVILL J. RAY, County Clerk. Main Trunk Railway; thence following the railway southwards to a point half way between the north-west corner of Section 5, Block XIII, and its south-west corner; thence bisecting NEW ZEALAND FLAX INVESTMENTS, LTD. Sections 5 and 10 due east to the south-west corner of an __ education. reserve;. thence following the southern boundary I pURSUANT to Election 302 of the Companies Act, ] 908, of the saId educatIOn reserve to its junction with a Native notice is hereby given that . New Zealand Flax Invest­ r!:Jserve; thence along the western and .southern boundaries m(:;nts, Ltd., a company duly incorporated in New South FEB. 28.J rrI-IE NEW ZEALAND GAZ]jTTE. 495

Wales, intends to carryon business in New Zealand; and that of the capital value) of all rateable property in the Borough the office of the company is situated at No. 16 Empire Build­ of Levin; and that such special rate shall be an annual­ ings, Swanson Street, Auckland, N.Z. recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and be pay­ . Dated this 21st day of February, 1929. able yearly on the 15th day of February in each and every FITCHETT AND REES, year during the currency of such loan, being a period of Solicitors for the Company and for its twenty-six (26) years, or until the loan is fully paid off. 2] 3 Attorney, FRED T. EYRE. THOS. HOBSON, Mayor. 216 • H. L. JENKINS, Town Clerk.


NOTICE'OF REGISTRATION OF ORDER AND MINUTE. ARCHIBALD MURRAY SCOTT, Bachelor of Medicine, I , Bachelor of Surgery, University of New Zealand, 1928 ; OTICE is hereby given that on the 20th day of February, now residing in Invercargill, hereby give notice that I intend N 1929, the following certificate was given under the a pplying on the 20th March next to ha ve my name placed on hand and seal of the Assistant Registrar of Companies, the Medical Register of the Dominion of New Zealand; and Wellington :- tha.t I have deposit.ed the evidence of my qualification In the office of the Department of Health at Dunedin. CERTIFICATE UNDER SECTION 47 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1908. ARCHIBALD MURRAY SCOTT, Southland Hospital, Invercargill. I, W AI,TER HAROLD FLETCHER, Assistant Registrar of Com­ panies, hereby certify that a copy of an order of the Court, Dated at InvercargilJ, 20th February, 1929. 217 dated the fourth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and. twenty-nine (1929), confirming the reduction of capital of THE WAIRARAPA FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, BROWN BROS. WOOL COMPANY, LIMITED. LIMITED, from four hundred thousand pounds (£400,000) to three hundred thousand pounds (£300,000), and a· minute IN LIQ.UIDATION. showing the amount of the capital of the company (as altered) by the order, the number of shares into which the capital OTICE is hereby given that a meeting of shareholders is divided, and the amount of each share, was registered N held at Invercargill on 12th February, 1929, the follow­ by me on the 20th day of February, 1929. ing resolution was (}arried :-- Given under my hand at Wellington, thIS 20th day of " That it has been proved to this meeting that the company February, 1929. cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, and W. H. FLETCHER, that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly that Assistant Registrar of Companies. the company· be wound up voluntarily, and that FRANK Dated at Masterton, this 20th day of February, 1929. ARTHUR WEBB, of Invercargill, Accountant, be and is hereby ROBINSON, CUNNINGHAM, AND BECKINGSALE, appointed Liquidator for the purposes of such winding-up." Solicitors for the Wairarapa Farmers' Co-operative Associ- Creditors are hereby notified that they must ~end in their ation, Limited (and Reduced). 214 claims on or before the 23rd day of March, 1929. F. A. WEBB, Liquidator. P.O. Box 86, ;lnvercargill. URSUANT TO THE UNCLAIMED MONEYS ACT, 1908, Invercargill, 21st Februa,ry, 1929. 218 P the following unclaimed moneys in the GLAXO MANU­ FACTURING CO. (N.Z.), LTD., have been unclaimed for more than the statutory period of six years. DEVONPORT BOROUGH COUNCIL.

Name, Occupation, and Lalit Known Description of RESOLUTION MAKnra SPECIAL RATE. Unclaimed Ano"=t. .AddreBs. l\Ioney. I I N pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in it in ! that behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and £ s. d. I of all other powers (if any) it thereunto enabling, the Devon­ Doney, W., Farmer, Bunnythorpe, Unpre8ented 17 9 6 port Borough Council hereby resolves [L8 follows :- cheque Tha.t, for the purpose of providing for the payment of Gould, Farmer, Bunnythorpe Ditto 1 9 4 interest, sinking fund, and other charges on the Devonport Gould, Farmer, Bunnythorpe 0 9 4 Borough Destructor Loan (1929) of £1,400, authorized to be Koberstein, H., Farmer, Bunny- 0 7 6 raised by the Devonport Borough Council under the above­ thorpe mentiollf,d Act. for the purpose of meeting a portion of the Law, J;, Farmer, Bunnythorpe .. 0 1 6 Council's share of the cost of providing a refuse destructor, Manderson, W., Farmer, Bunny­ 0 4 3 the said Council hereby makes and levies a special rate of thorpe three sixty-fourths (3j64ths) of a penny in the pound sterling Nicoll, A. C., Farmer, Bunnythorpe 6 17 2 on the rateable value, on the basis of the unimproved value, 0 Scanlon Bros., Farmer, Bunny- 3 6 of all ratel1ble property in the whole of the Borough of Devon­ thorpe port, and that such special rate shall be an I1nnually recurring Smith, H., Farmer, Bunnythorpe 0 3 11 ra,tc during the CUl'rency of such loan, and be payable yearly Tennant, D., Farmer, Bunnythorpe 0 1 11 on the 1st day of March in each and every year during tbe Wilson, F. R., Farmer, Bunnythorpe 0 2 6 currency of such loan, being a period of fifteen (15) years, or 1 1 Young, J., Farmer, Bunnythorpe I 5 until the loan is fully paid off.

215 We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of il resolution of the Devonport Borough Council passed at ;1 meeting of the Council on the 20th day of Fehruary, 1929. LEVIN BOROUGH COUNCIL. ERNEST ALDRIDGE, Mayor. 219 A. E.· WILSON, Town Clerk. RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE.

N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that CRAIGHEAD BROS., LIMITED. I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Levin Borough Council hereby resolves as follows :- I~ VOLUNTARY LIQUIDATION. That, for the purpose of providing the interest and other charges on a loan of eight thousand one hundred and sixty In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the pounds (£8,160), authorized to be raised by the Levin Borough matter of CRAtGHEAD BROS., LIMITED. . Council under the above-mentioned Act, for the purposes of , erection of a municipal abattoir, complete with all requisite OTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the share­ plant and machinery, manager's residence, fencing and .1..N holders of the above-named company held at Welling· roading, and connection to the borough high-pressure water­ ton on t~ 18th day of February, 1929, the following resolut.ion supply, th~,said Levin Borough Council hereby makes and was passed as an extraordinary resolution, namely :- levies a special rate of fifteen sixty-thirds (l5j63rds.) of a "That it is proved to the satisfaction of the comp-wy penny in the pound upon the rateable value (on the basis that it cannot, by reason of its liabilities, continue its business, 496 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12

'and that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly Present number o.f shareholders: 30. that the company be wound up voluntarily, and that Mr. Number of men employed by oompany: Let on tribute. W. L. F01.tD, of the City of Wellmgton, Gentleman, be Quantity and value of gold produced during preoeding year: appointed Liquidator for the purpose of such winding-up." 42 oz. 2 dwt.; £161 15s. 5d. WILLIS AND NICHOLLS, rotal quantity and value produced since registration: 220 Solicitors for the Liquidator. 2,155 oz. 1 dwt. IS gr.; £9,025 lOs. 4d. Amount expended iIi connection with oarrying on operations during the preoeeding year: £89 13s. Sd. WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL. Total expenditure since registration: £9,852 17s. 2d. Total amount of dividends declared: Nil. NOTI(,E OF INTEN'l'ION TO TAKE LAND. Total amount of dividends paid: Nil. Total amount of unclaimed dividends: Nil. In the matter of the Municipal Corporations Act, 1920, and Amount of oash in bank: £15 19s. 4d. its amendments, and the Public Works Act, 1928. Amount of oash in hand: Nil. Amount of debts directly due to company: Nil. OTICE is hereby given that the Wellington City Council Amount of debts considered good: Nil. N proposes, nnder the provisions of the above-named Total amount of debts owing by company: £1,764 7s. 3d. Acts, and all other Acts and powers enabling it in that behalf, Amount of contingent liabilities of company (if any): Nil. to execute a certain publi~ work-namely, for recreation pur­ poses, off Campbell Street, Karori-and for the purposes of 1, Herbert Edward Wilson, Seoretary of the Skippers such public work the land described in the Schedule hereto Sluioing Company Ltd., . do solemnly and sincerely declare is required to be taken; and notice is hereby further given that this is a true and complete statement of the affairs that a plan of the land so required to be taken is deposited in of the said company as at 31st December, 1925; and the public office of the Town Clerk of the said Council, in the I make this solemn declaration oonscientiously believing the Town Hall, Cuba Street" in the said city, and is there open 'lame to be t,rue, and by virtue of the Justices of the Peace Act, for inspection (without fee) by all persons during ordinary office hours, and that all persons affected by the execution of 1927. HERBERT E. WILSON, Secretary. the said public work or the taking of such land should, if they have well-grounded objections to the execution of the said Declared at Dunedin tIns lSth day of February, 1929, public work or to the taking of the said land, set forth the before me-To D. B. Paterson, J.P. 223 same in writing, and send such writing, within forty days from the first publication of this notice, to the Wellington City Council, addressed to the Town Clerk at his said office. R. O. CLARK, LIMITED. SOHEDULE. IN LIQUIDATION. A. R. P. Being Part of 1 0 27·73 Subs. VI and VII of Section 36, Karori In the matter of the Companies Act, 1908, and in the matter District; coloured yellow .. of R. O. CLARK, LIMITED (in Voluntary Liquidation). o 0 37·07 Sub. VII of Section 36, Karori District; coloured blue. OTICE is hereby given that the above-named company o 1 27·70 Sub. VI of Section 36; coloured red. LN by resolution dated 15th February, 1929, went into o 0 4·93 Sub. VI of Section 36; coloured neutral. voluntary liquidation for the purpose of amalgamating, and o 0 14·32 Sub. VI of Section 36; coloured yellow. appointed Mr. T. S. MILLER, Public A<)countant, as Liquidator. Situate in the City of Wellington. All oreditors 'of the above-named company are requested to forward particulars of their claims to the undersigned on Dated at Wellington, this 21st day of February, 1929. or before 10th March, ] 929. 221 E. P.· NORMAN, Town Clerk. T. S. MILLER, Liquidator, 224 Box 1357, Auckland. ' NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. . THE THORNTON ART GLASS COMPANY, LTD. OTICE is hereby given that the Partnership heretofore N subsisting between the undersigned, carrying on IN LIQUIDATION. business as Seed, Plant, and Floral Merchants, at Oamaru, under the stvle or firm of "Robertson and Rushton," has In the matter if the Companies Act, 1908, and in the matter been dissolved by mutual consent as from 30th November, of THE THORNTON ART GLASS COMPANY, LIMITED (in 1926. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will Liquidation). . be received and paid respectively by John Robertson. Dated this 25th day of February, 1929. OTICE is hereby given that the final statutory ,meeting N of the shareholders of the above company will be held JNO. Y. RUSHTON. at the office of the undersigned, 22 Customhouse Quay, JOHN ROBERTSON. Wellington, on Monday, the 11th day of March, 1929, at Witness to the signatures of John Robertson and John 2 o'clock p.m., when the Liquidator's account of the winding­ Yuletide Rushton-Walter M. Richardson, Managing Law up of the company will be submitted. Clerk, Oamaru. 222 -----_._------STANLEY E. LAMBERT, F.P.A. (N.Z.), Liquidator. STATEMENT OF THE AFFAIRS OF A COMPANY. Wellington, 27th February, 1929. 225

Name of company: Skippers Sluicing Company, Ltd. When formed, and date of registration: 20th November, 1911. ELEPHANT HILL RIVER BOARD. Whether in active operation or not: In active operation (let on tribute). RESOLUTION STRIKING SPECIAL RATE. Where business is conducted, and name of Legal Manager: Dunedin; Herbert Edward Wilson. N pursuance and in exercise of the powers vested in it Nominal capital: £5,500. I in that behalf by. the River Boards Act, 1908, and the Amount of capital subscribed: £3,450. Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, and of all other powers (if Amount of capital actually paid up in cash: £345. any) it thereunto enabling, the Elephant Hill River Board Paid-up value of scrip given. to shareholders, and amount of hereby resolves as follows :- oash received for same (if any): Nil. That, for the purpose of providing for the payment of Paid-up value of sorip given to shareholders on whioh no oash interest, sinking fund, and other charges on the Elephant has been paid: £3,105. Hill River Board Loan of £2,700 (1929), authorized to be Number of shares into which capital is divided: 5,500. raised by the, Elephant Hill River Board under the above­ Number of shares allotted: 3,450. mentioned Acts for the purpose o~ the control of the Elephll-nt Amount paid up per share: £1. Hill River, the said Elephant Hill River Board hereby ma:kes Amount called up per share: £1. and levies the special differential rates of- Number and amount· of calls in arrears: Nil. On lands classified (A) the special rate of one penny and Number of shares forfeited: Nil. one halfpenny (lid.) in the pound sterling;' . Number of forfeited shares sold, and money rece~ved for On lands classified (B) the special rate of one penny same; Nil. farthing (lid.) in the pound sterling; Number of shareholders at time of registration of oom­ according to the classification as shown em the general classi­ pany: 28. fication list of the Board upon the total rateable value, on the FEB. 28.J T.RE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 497- basis of the unimproved vaolue, of all rateable property in I Manual No. S.-GEOMORPHOLOGY OF NEW ZEA· the Elephant Hill River District, and that such special I LAND. Part I: Cloth, £1 2s. 6d.; paper, 18s. differential rates shall be annual-recurring rates during the Manual No. 4.-THE MAORI AS HE WAS. By currency of such loan, and be payable yearly on the 1st day ELSDON BEST, F.N.Z.Inst. A brief account of Maori of September in each· and every year during the currency life, his customs, arts, institutions, and beliefs, in of such loan, being a period not exceeding thirty-six and pre - European days, with numerous illustrations. one-half years, or until the loan is fully paid off. Prices: Paper covers, 2s. 6d.; cloth, 4s. 6d. Postage, 4d. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution making special differential rates for the purpose hereinbefore men­ Manual No. 5.-WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND. tioned, was duly passed at a meeting of the Elephant Hill Part n: Introduced Birds and Fishes. Paper, 48. 6d. ; River Board held on the 13th day of February, 1929. cloth, 7s. Postage, 3d. 226 L. J. COLLINS, Clerk. Manual No. 6.-PLACE NAMES OF BANKS PENIN­ SULA. By J. C. ANDERSEN. Cloth, 13s. 6d. Postage,4d. In the Supreme Court of New Zealand, Manual No. 7.-BRACHIOPOD MORPHOLOGY. By Wellington District (Masterton Registry). the late DR. J. A. THOMSON. Cloth, 17s: Postage, 6d. In the matter of Part III of the Religious, Charitable, and THE NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND Educational Trusts Act, 1908; and in the matter of a TECHNOLOGY. Vols. I, II, III, and IV, 6s. per vol.; Trust called "THE EKETAHUNA COTTAGE HOSPITAL Vols. V, VI, VII, VIII, and IX, lOs. per vol. Postage TRUST." per vol.: Inland, 8d.; abroad, 6d. Vol. X now OTICE is hereby given that the scheme filed in this appearing. Six issues per annum. Annual subscrip. N Honourable Court on the 6th day of December, 1928, tion, lOs.; single copies, 2s. P08tage, 2d. Specimen for the disposal of portion of the funds of the above Trust for copy sent on application. a charitable purpose other than the purpose of the above Trust was, on the 1st day of February, 1929, approved by a Judge of this Honourable Court. DOMINION MUSEUM PUBLICATIONS. By the Court- Bulletin No.5. - MAORI STOREHOUSES AND 227 W. HARTE, Registrar. KINDRED STRUCTURES: Houses, Platforms, Racks, and Pits used for storing Food, &c. By ELSDON BEST. 1916. 108 pages, 46 illustrations. OTAGO ELECTRIC-POWER BOARD. Price, lOs. 6d. Postage, 8d. I RESOLUTION MAKING SPECIAL RATE. I Bulletin No. 6.-THE PA MAORI. Price 22s. 6d. Postage. 6d. N pursuance and exercise of the powers vested in it in that Bulletin No. 7.-THE MAORI CANOE. Price, 15s. I behalf by the Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1926, the Otago Postage, 8d. Electric-power Board hereby resolves as follows :- That, for the purpose of providing principal, interest, and Bulletin No. ·S.-GAMES, EXERCISES, AND PAS· other charges on the loan of £16,500, authorized to be raised TIMES OF THE MAORI. Price, 17s. 6d. Post­ by the Otago Electric-power Board under the above-mentioned age,8d. Act, for the reticulation, &c., of the Owaka Special Area, the Bulletin No. 9.-THE MAORI SYSTEM OF AGRICUL­ said Otago Electric-power Board hereby makes and levies a TURE. Price, 12s. 6d. Postage, Sd. special rate of lid. in the pound upon rateable value (being Bulletin No. 10. -MAORI MYTHOLOGY AND the capital value) of all rateable property of the Owaka . RELIGION. An account of the cosmogony, anthro­ Special Area, comprising part of the Clutha County Council I pogeny, mythology, religious beliefs, and practices of specially described in the Proclamation in New Zea,land Gazette, our Native folk. By ELSDON BEST. Price, lOs. 6d. 'dated 1st November, 1928, and that such special rate shall b~ Postage,8d. an annual-recurring rate during the currency of such loan, and shall be payable yearly on the 1st day of September in Dominion Museum Monographs: A New and Interesting each and every year during the currency of such loan, being a Series. By ELSDON BEST, F.N.Z.Inst., the well·known period of twenty years, or until the loan is fully paid off. I authority on Maori life, institutions, and customs. 228 W. B. GALLOWAY, Chairman. No. I.-SOME ASPECTS OF MAORI MYTH AND RELIGION. Price, Is. Postage, 2d. No. 2.-SPIRITUAL AND MENTAL CONCEPTS OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS. I THE MAORI. Price Is. Postage, 2d.

NEW ZEALAND BOARD OF SCIENCE AND ART. I No. 3.-ASTRONOMICAL, KNOWLEDGE OF THE I MAORI. Price, Is. 6d. Postage, 3d. HE following are obtainable from the Government No.4. - MAORI DIVISION OF TIME. Price, Is. T Printer, Wellington. Postage, 2d. All orders must be accompanied by remittance. To No. 5.-POtYNESIAN VOYAGES. Price, Is. Post· country cheques add exchange (6d.). age,2d. Bulletin No. I.-NEW ZEALAND BROWN COALS, No. 6.-THE MAORI SCHOOL OF LEARNING. Price, with Special Referenceto their Use in Gas-prod~cer8. Is. Postage, 2d. By H. RAND, M.A., B.Sc., and W. O. R. GILLDfG, _ M.A., B.Sc., National Research Scholars, Education No. 7.-BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PRINTED MAORI to Department. Price, 2s. Postage, 2d. 1900. By HERBERT W. WILLIAMS, M.A. Price, 68. Bulletin No. 2.-HISTORY OF THE PORTOBELLO Postage, 4d. MARINE FISH-HATCHERY. By the Hon. GEO. M. THOMSON, M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. lllustrated. Price, 7s. 6d. Paper cover. Postage extra (inland, 4ld.; abroad, 3d.). JUST PUBLISHED. PRESS OPINIONS. One of the most comprehensive efforts in local observation THE and original research yet published.-Otago Daily Time8, Dun· BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS OF edina NEW ZEALAND. A work of exceeding interest.-Evening Star, Dunedin. Manual No. I.-NEW ZEALAND PLANTS AND THEIR By G. V. HUDSON, F.E.S., F.N.Z. INST. STORY. By L. COOKAYNE, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Second· edition, out of print; third edition, available shortly, lOs. 6d. Postage, 6d. extra. Comprising 450 pages, including letterpress, index, and 62 Manual No. 2.-WILD LIFE IN NEW ZEALAND, plates. Bound in half-morocco. Part I: Mammalia. By the Hon. GEO. M. THOMSON, Price, £10 lOs. per volume. Postage, Is. Sd. extra. M.L.C., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. lllustrated. Price, paper only, 3s. Postage extra (inland, 3d.; abroad, 2d.). Apply- Parts I and II, in one volume, paper, 7s. 6d.; cloth, lOs. 6d. Postage, 5d. extra. GOVERNMENT PRINTER, WELLINGTON. 498 THE NEW ~EALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12

NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. Copies. 1 Weights and Measures, 1919 (Leather Measurement), Ch. 29. Price, 1d. TROUT-FISHING AND SPORT IN MAORILA...~D. 2 Statement of Rates, 1919, Ch. 31. Price, Id. By Captain G. D. HAMILTON. Demy Svo. 450 pp., I Finance, 1919, Ch. 32 .. Price, 3d. with illustrations. Cloth boards, lOs. 6d.; postage, IOd. 2 Restoration of Pre-war Practices, 1919, Ch. 42. Price, Id. 3 Police, 1919, Ch. 46. Price, 2d. EQUIVALENTS IN SHILLINGS AND PENCE OF 2 Coal-mines, Ch. 4S. Price, 1d. . DECIMALS OF £1. Rising by one-thousandths from 4 Ministry of Transport, 1919, Ch. 50. Price, 4d. £0·001 to £1. Neatly' mounted on covered board, 3 Checkweighing in Various Industries, 1919, Ch. 51. Price, folding in centre. Useful in every office. Price Is.; 2d. postage 1d. 1 Forestry, 1919, Ch. 5S. Price,2d. 2 Land Settlement (Facilities), 1919, Ch. 59. Price, 3d. TABLES showing Amounts payable under the Land and 2 Agricultural Land Sales (Restriction of Notices to Quit), Income Tax Act, 1927; GRADUATED INCOME - TAX Ch.63. Price,ld. ' TABLES, 2s. 6d. Postage 3d. extra. 3 Courts (Emergency Powers), 1919, Ch. 64. Price, Id. RULES UNDER THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, lS92. PUBLICATIONS. L. cloth. Price 2s. 6d. per copy; postage 2d. extra.. 2 Airships: Notes on, for Commercial Purposes. Price, 3d. A WARDS, RECOMMENDATIONS, AGREEMENT~, 6 Adhesive Research Committee, First Report. Price, 4s. ETC., MADE UNDER THE INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ANU 1 Bacteriology of Canned Meat and Fish, No. II. Price, ARBITRATION ACT, NEW ZEALAND. Vols. i, ii, iii, iv, 2s~ 6d. v, vi, vii, xi, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxi, xxii, xxiii, and 6 Civil Service Recruitment· after War Report. Price,2d. . xxiv are out of print. Vol. viii, year 1907, quarter 2 rhe Physics and Chemistry of Colloid':!, &c. Price, 3s. 6d. cloth, 3s. 6d. Vols. ix, x, xii, xiii, and xv, years I Deterioration of Structures in Sea-water. Price, 2s. 6d. 1905, 1909, 1911, 1912. 1913, and 1914, cloth boards, 4 Deterioration of Structures in Sea-water: Third Report~ 7s. 6d.; quarter cloth, 5s. Vols, xix and xx, years Price,3s. 4 Defectives and Lunatics in Poor Law Institutions. 1915 and 1919, cloth boards, £1. Vols. xxv, ~xva, and XXVI, years 1924, 1925, and 1926, cloth boards, Price, 2d. £1 12s. 6d. Postage Is. 6 Discussion of Practical System of Direction-finding by Reception. Price, 9d. CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF DECISIONS AND 3 Economic Survey of certain Countries specially affected ,INTERPRETATIONS OF THE COURT OF by the War Year 1919. Price,3s. . ARBITRATION, under the Industrial. Conciliation 9 Electro-deposition of Iron, with an Appendix containing and Arbitration Acts. Compiled by JOHN H. a Bibliography of the Subject. Price, 6s. 6d. ' SALMON. This digest deals with all the cases from 3 Fire Test with Floors (No.. 231). Price,2s. 6d. the inception of the Act till the 31st December, 1914, 2 Food Investigation Board, Special Report No. I: On the and thus embraces Vols. i to xv (inclusive) of the Design of Railway Wagons for the Carriage of Perish­ Book of Awards. Price: Cloth boards, 5s.; quarter able Goods. Price, 3d. cloth, 3s. 6d.; paper covers, 3s.; postage 6d. Further I Food Investigation Board, Special Report No.3: The Supplementary Digests are issued annually, bound in Methods used for the Inspection of Canned Foods and paper covers, 6d. each;. postage 2d. Supplements their Reliability for this Purpose. Price,9d. Nos. 2 and 6, years 1917 and 1921, are out of print. 8 Fuel Research Board: Physical and Chemical Survey of the National Coal Resources. Price,2s. CONSOLIDATED DIGEST OF WORKERS' COM­ 2 British Empire Forest.ry Conference: Proceedings, Reso­ PENSATION CASES. Compiled by JOHN H. lutions, and Summary of Statements. Price, 7s. 6d. SALMON. This digest deals with all cases under 1 The Graves of the Fallen. Price,6d. the Act up till the 31st December, 1914. Price:' 5 Gas Cylinders Research Committee: First Report. Paper covers, Is. 6d.; postage 6d. Supplementary *' Price, 7s. 6d. digests for 1915 and 1916, bound in paper covers, I Heat Transmission thrQugh Walls, Concrete, and Plaster. 6d. each; postage 2d. No later supplementary Price, Is. 6d. digests have been published. 3 Imperial Education Conference. Price, 6d. MINING AND ENGINEERING AND MINERS 6 Manchester Association of Engineers: Report of the GUIDE. By H. A. GORDON, Assoc.M.I.C.E., In­ Lathe Tools Research Committee. Price, 5s. specting Engineer. Copiously illustrated. Royal Svo. 2 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.2, 1919. Price,9d. Cloth, lOs.; postage Is. 3 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.3, 1919. Price,9d. 5 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.4, 1919. Price,9d. MINING HANDBOOK OF NEW ZEALAND. 5 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.5, 1919. Price,9d. With Maps and Illustrations. Demy Svo. Paper 4 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.7, 1920. Price, Is. . covers, 2s. 6d.; cloth boards, 5s.; postage Is. 5 Monthly Bulletin, of Statistics, No. S, 1920. Price, Is. THE.. FIRST GOLD - DISCOVERIES IN NEW 4 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.9, 1920. Price, Is. ZEALAND. 6d. Postage 3d. 5 Monthly Bulletin of Statjstics, No. 10, 1920. Price, Is. 5 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No. 11, 1920. Price, Is. NEW ZEALAND WORKERS' COMPENSATION 5 Monthly Bulletin of Statistics, No.3, 1920-21. Price, Is. CASES.-DIGEST AND REPORTS OF DECISIONS OF THE 3 National Health Insurance, 1919, Ch. 36. Price, Id. COURT OF ARBITRATION, under the Workers' Compensa­ 4 Retired Officers (Civil Employment), Ch. 40. Price,ld. tion Act, 1922. Year 1925: Paper covers, 5s. each. 2. Preventive Medicine, Public Opinion on. Price, 4d. Year 1926: Paper covers, 2s. 6d. each. Postage 2d. Food Investigation Board, Special Report: No.9: The The Digest and Reports for Year 1927 will be 'Transmission of Heat by Ra.diation and Convection. incorporated with those for Year 1925. Price, Is. 6d. Apply- 2 Food Investigation Board, Special Report No. 17: Mould Growths upon Cold-store Meat. Price, Is 6d. GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 6 Production of Air-dried Peat, 1922-23. Price, 5s. 1 Red Discolouration (So-called Pink or Pink Eye) on Dried Salted Fish. Price, Is. 6 Report of Advisory Council Committee 0 f Local Recon­ THE FOLLOWING ARE ON SALE­ struction Organizations. Price, Id. <> Report of the Oxygen Research Committee. Price, Ss. 6d. POSTAGE EXTRA. 1 Report for Scientific and Industrial Research for 1920-21. Price, Is. ACTS. 1 Museum Exhibits: The Cleaning and Restoration of. Copies. Price, 2s. 2 Coal Industry Commission, No.1. Price,ld. 6 Navy Pay Allowances and Pensions Recommendations. I Wages (Temporary Regulation Extension), 1919, No. IS. Price, 3d. Price,ld. 5 Naval and Military Operations and Expenditure arising 4: Ministry of Health, No. 21. Price,2d. out of the War: Vote of Credit. Price, 4d. 2 Disabled Meil (Facilities for Employment), 1919, Oh. 22. 6 Notes on the Grants to Researeh Workers and Students. Price,ld. Price, 2d. 3 Anthrax Prevention, Ch. 23. Price, 1d. Apply- 3 Matrimonial Causes (Dominions Troops), 1919, Ch. 2S. I Price, 1d. GOVERNMENT PRINTER. FEB. 28.J THE N·EW ZEALAND GAZETTE. 499 SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS.

THE {oHowmg Scientific Works, published under tht " GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 32. Minerals and authority of the Government, are now on obtainablt Mineral Substances of New Zealand. By the late P. G. MOliGAN. Paper, 12s.; i-cloth, 14s.6d. Postage,6d. from the Government Printer, Wellington, to whom all /. ordeI8 should be addressed:- GEOLOGICAL MEMOIR No. 1. The Geology of the Malvern Hills. 4s. 6d. Postage, 6d. GEOGRAPHICAL REPORT ON THE FRANZ JOSEF GLACIER. By J. M. BET,L. Is. Postage, 5d. GEOLOGICA1~ SURVEY OF NEW ZEALAND. Reports for lSSl, lSS2, 1SS7-SS, lS8S-S9, and 1892-93. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.1: The Geology of Royal Svo. 2i3. 6d. each. Later reports are con­ the Hokitika Sheet, North Westland Quadrangle. tained in Mining Reportlil each year.. Postage, 3d_ By DR. BELL. 26. 6d. Postage, Sd. ART ALBUM OF NEW ZEALAND FLORA: A GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.2:. The Geology of the SYHtpmatic and Popular Description of the Native Area covered by the Alexandra Sheet, Central Otago Flowering Plants of New Zealand and the Adjoining, Division. By JAMES PARK. 2s. 6d. Postage, Sd. I Islands. By ¥r. and Mrs. E. H F"EATOll1 Vol. i., £3. Postage h. 2d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. S: The Geology of the Whangaroa Subdivision, Hokianga Division. By BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE LITERATURE RE_ J. M. BELL and E. DE C. CLARKE. 'ls. 6d. Post­ LATING TO NEW ZEALAND. By the late T. M. age, Sd. HOCKEN, M.R.C.S., &c. Cloth boards, lOs. Post. age,10d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 11: The Geology of the Mount Radiant Subdivision, Westport Division. BIOLOGICAL EXERCISES. (1 and 2 out of print.) By ERNEST .TOHN HERBERT WEBB. 2s. 6d. Post­ 3. The Anatomy of the Common Mussels. 4. The age,6d. Skeleton of the New Zealand Crayfishes. Is. each. Postage, 10d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No 12: The Geology of the Dun Mountain Subdivision, Motupiko Division, ECONOMIC MINERALS IN NEW ZEALAND, and Nelson. By J. ]\f. BELL, E. DE C. CLARKE, and other Papers. By FRANK REID, M.lnst.M.E. 6d. P. MARSHALL. ~s. 6d. Postage,8d. Postage, 2d.

GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 16: The Geology of ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE NEW ZEALAND the Aroha Subdivision, Hauraki. By J. HENDERSON, FLORA. Edited by T. F. CHEESEMAN, F.L.S., assisted by J. A. BARTRUM. 28. 6d. Postage 8d. F.Z.S. Full.page illustrations. Vola. i and ii. Cloth . boards, £2. Postage, 2s 6d. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 18: Reefton Subdivi­ sion, Westport and North Wpstland. By J HENDER­ INTRODUCTORY CLASS~BOOK OP BOTANY ElON. 5s. Postage, lOd. FOR USE IN NEW ZEALAND SCHOOLS. By G. M. THOMSON, F.R.S. Demv SV() Cloth, 28. 6d. ; GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 19: Tllapeka District. paper, Is, ad. Postage, 6d. Central Otago Division. By P. MARSHALL. 2s. 6d. Postage, lOd, MANUAL OF GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS USEFUL TO NEW ZEALAND. Part I. By GEOLOGIC\L PULLETIN No. 20: Oamaru District, THOMAS MACKAY. Numeroul Plates. 5s. Postage. Sd. North Otago ann Eastern Otago Division. By JAMES PARK. 2s. 6d. Postage, Sd. MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND FLORA. CHEESMAN. JEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 21: The Geology of New edition, 25s. Postage: inland, Is. ad.; abroad, the Gisborne and Whatatutu Subdivision, Raukumara 2s.6d. Division. By J. HENDEitSON and M. ONGLEY. 5s. Postage, Sd. MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND MOLLUSCA. :By Professor HUTTON. Royal 8vo. 3.. Postage, Sd. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 22: The Limestone and Phosphate Relources of New Zealand (considered MANUAL OF NEW ZEALAND MOLLUSCA. 13y principally in relation to Agriculture). Part I. Lime­ "HENRY SUTER. Cloth boards, lOs. Postage, Is. stone, by P. G. :\IoROAN and Others. i-cloth, 7s. 6d. ! MANUAL OF THE NEW ZEALAND MOLLUSCA, Gfi:OLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 24: The Geology of ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE. Edited by HENRY the Mokau Subdivisioll. By J. HENDERSON aud ~1 SUTER. Cloth board!:;, lOs. Postage, 10d. ONGLE\ . lOs. Postage. 6d. NEW ZEALAND COLEOPTERA. Parts I to IV. Bv (1EOLOGICAL BULLETI.~· ~o. 25 The GeoluO"\ and Mineral Resources of the Collingwood Subdivisio"'ri, Captain T. BROUN. Royal Svo. 7s. 6d. P09tage, Is. Karamea. Div;sion. By M. ONOI.EY and E. B. MAC'­ PH"ERl'(YN. 6. Postage. :ld. NEW ZEALAND DIPTERA, HYMENOPTERA, AND ORTHOP'l'ERA. By Professor HUTTON. Royal Svo. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN, No. 26: Geology and Mines 2s. Postage, Sd. of the Waihi District, Hauraki Goldfield. By P. G. MORGAN. lOs. Postage Sd. NEW ZEALAND FORESTRY (Part I): Kauri Forests and Forests of .the North, and Forest Mar agement. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN, No. 27: Geology of the By D. E. HUTCHINS, LF.S. Cloth boards, 28. 6d Whangarei - Bay of Islands Subdivision, North Auck· Postage, sd. land. By H. T. FERRAR. 158. Postage, Sd. ROCKS OF -CAPE COLVILLE PENINSULA By fJEOLOGICAL BULLETIN, No. 28: Geology of Huntly­ Professor SOLLAS, F.R.S. Crown 4to. Vols. i and ii, Kawhia Subdivision, Pirongia Division. ISs. Post­ lOs. 6d. each. Postage, Is. 6d. ages no. STUDENTS' FLORA OF NEW ZEALAND AND GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 29: Geology of the THE OUTLYING ISLANDS. By THoB. KIRK Egmont Subdivision, Taranaki. By P. G. MORGAN F.L.S. Crown 4to. Clot,h, lOs. Postage, lOd. and W. QIBSON. Paper, 12s. 6d.; 1- - cloth, 15s. Postage; 6d. SPECIAL REPORT ON EDUCATIONAL SUBJECTS. GEOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 31. The Geology of t,he OATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS OF NEW ZEALAND; Tongaporutu-Ohura Subdivision, Taranaki. By L. 1. Indigenous and Naturalized Species. By T. F. Grange. Paper, 128.; i-cloth, 148. 6d. Postage, 6d. i CHEESKllU]\;, F.L.S., F.Z S. Price, Is.; postage,2d. 500 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 12


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OLL OF HONOUR just 'published by the DEFENOE R DEPARTMENT, giving- Cloth covers, 13s. 6d. Postage,6d. (1) A list of members of the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces killed in action, died of wounds inflicted, or accidents occurring, or disease contracted while CONTENTS. on active service. . (2) Those who died after discharge from the New Zealand Expeditionary. Force from wounds intlicted or PAGE disease contracted while on active service. ADVERTISEMENTS 493 (~) Those who died from accident occurring or disease ApPOINTMENTS, ETC. 478 contracted while training with or attached. to the New Zealand Expeditionary Forces of New Zealand. BANKRUPTCY NOTICES 492 Price 5s.; postage 8d. extra. CROWN LANDS NOTICES 490

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