Telephone Directory. Christchurch. 1922

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Telephone Directory. Christchurch. 1922 , Akaroa 138 OFFIOIAL TELEl'HONE DIRECTORY. ------------------ ------------------- OYFlOIA'L TEL"El'HONE DIRECTORY. 139 Akaroa AKAROA--Contlnued. 34D Henning, B. W., Coal Merchant, Jolie St. 34K Henning, B. W. (res.), William St. SUB-EXCHANGES 79 Hennln., G. H., Launoh Proprietor 12 Henning, W.l'I., LlIovaud St. 1008 Hewitt, Archibald, Robinson's Bay Akaroa (45 miles). 10- Holdanga, AInlrla, The Kaik, Akaro. 23 Hospital, Bruce Terrace Hours of Attendance: 7 a .m. to 11 p.m. Sundays: 9 to 10 a.m. and 5 to 6 p.m. 57 Houghton, Miss Jane, Boardinghouse Keeper, Bruce Terraoe Departmental Holidays : 9 to 10 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. 47 urracombe Boardinghouse (Robinson, W., Propr.), Beach Rd. 23 Hospital, Bruce Terrace Registered Medical Practitioner-- 13S Jacobson, Mrs. H. £., 'Mt. .Leinster,' BaIgueri St. Cowan, Dr. A. F., Lavaud St. 13111 Jacobson, W. E. M., Balgueri St. 4 93 Johnson M. A. (res.), GrehlloD VlIolley 49 K Judd, Arnold W., Jolia St. 1 Akaroa Borough Council Chambers, Balgueri st. 36 Akaroa Borough Council Electric Power Station, Lavaud St. 51 Jullus, A. H., The Vicarage, Beach Rd. 49D Akaroa Co-operative Butter Factory Co. (Ltd.), Balgueri St. 13D Akaroa Mall (E. M. Jacobson, Manager), Balgueri St. 11- Kearn&y, Gordon M., Gough's Bay 101 Akaroa Motor Supply Co. (E. O. Kotlowski, Propr.) 70R Keefe, Henare, The Raik 102 Allom, A. J., 'Jollity ' Tea Rooms, L'aube Hill 1001> KIngston, W. D., Robinson'iiI Ba.y 42K Armstrong, F. G., Mt. Vernon 67111 KOllowski, A., Takamatullo 25 Armstrong, G., Mayor, Balgueri St. 42R Armstrong, J. E., Mt. Clair 14 Leete, C. W., • Cranford.' Jolie St. 42W Armstrong, Jos., Stony Bay Le Llevre, A. V., Butcher Armstrong, Jos. (res.), (lId Long Bay Rd. 71 94K 18» Le L1ene, A. F .. PIIoIl8o B~y SO Bank of New Zealand (P. Lynskey, Manager), Lavaud St. 10 Le L1evre, E. E., Belloch Rd. Bank, P.O. Savings \8- LeLlene, G. C., Paua Bay 24 LeLievre, H. F., Long Bay Rd. 35D Barnham, H. J., Draper, Lavaud St. 86D Barnham, H. J. (res.), Jolie St. 42111 Lelievre, Mrs. M. J., Mt. Desmond, Balgueri St. 35K 16K Leonardo, W • .E., Waikerikikel'i 91 Barrett, E., W oodills Rd. Lewftt, T., Benoit St. 86K Barrett, W. C., Long Bay Rd. J7D 110 Barritt, E. A., Gough's Bay 70D Brocherle, F., 'Onuku,' The Kaik Rd. 610 McCullough, E. C., Takamatua 85 Broeherle, L. (ros.), Jolie St. South 21 McFarlane, Archie (res.), Jolie St. 40D Brocherie, P. L., Purple Peak 99 McGuire, M. A., Lavaud St. 14 Bruce Hotel (C. W . Burland, Lessee), Beach RII. 18K MeIniosh, L. G., Gough's Bay 8 Bruce, John D., Percy St. 9 bladelra Hotel (J. Nt'e, Leasee), Lavaud St. 55 Buckland, Mrs. Caroline, 'The Glen' 38 Mann, C., Butcher, Beach Rd. 18 BUDDY, Mrs. H. (res.), Grehan Valley 1711 Masefleld, T., Gough's Bay 89 Masefleld, T .• Jolie St. 22 Q!)rbett, W., ' Ravenshoe ' 115 Meares & Williams, solicitors (C. W. Leete, Agent), Lav8ud St. 4 Cowan, Dr. A. r., Lavaud St. 20 Metropole Hotel (T. R. Hughes, Lessee), Lava·ud St. 401 Curry, fJ. H. W., Grehan Valley Rd. 54 Moore, A. M., Balgueri St. 86M Curry, S. D., Long Bay Rd. 160 Moore, ·A. M., Waikerikikeri 16M Moore, H. 'J., Hickory 11 DaviS, J. L., Lavaud St. 16K Moore, W. Henry, Waikerikikeri 29 Davis, r., Bakers and Confectioners, Beach Rd. lOOK Mould, Jane H., Robinson!e Bay 2 Dodds, J. 5., Chemist, Lavaud St. 60 Munro, A. R., Beach Rd. 96 Donnell, Edward, Plumber 595 Duxbury, Alex., Robinson's Bay 46K Narbey, Archibald Andrew, Long Bay looW Duxbury, Geo. Moore, Robinson's Bay 46D Narbey, Charles C., Long Bay 68 Narbey, Rose A., Jolie St. 75 Falthfull, A. J., Carter and Carrier, Grehan Valley 72 1I.wion, F. C., Aylmers Valley 94» Ferguson, Mrs. C. R. (res.), 'Sea View' 91 'If.wton, J. R., William s.t. 92 Fredericksen, C. (res.), Percy St. 115 Newton, W. A., Gough's Bay 13 Fyle, David Andrew, Aylmers Valley 3 N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Assn. (Ltd.), (A. J . Clements. Mltr.). Lavaud 8\. 63 North Canterbury Sheep ~rmers' Co-op. Freezing, Export & Apn., 83 Gallagher, Revd. O. A., Catholic Presbytery Co. (Ltd.), (C. S. Parnham, Agent), LIIov.ud St. 48 ' Garth Owen' Boardinghouse (Miss F. Jenkins), Beach Rd. 81 Goodwin, Colln, Fruiterer and Confectioner, Beach Rd. K Orme, A. J., Robinson's Bay II Grand Hotel (Thomas Wilson, Lessee), Lavaud St. 100 59 K Orme, A. W., Robinson'S Bay 11K Haley, W. J., Gough's Bay Hall, Chas., Balgueri St. 66 Parris, A. J., Saddler, LlIovaud St. 4GR 103 Pettersen, C., Morgan's Rd. 64- Hammond, G. A., Takamatu80 Haylock, A. R., Lighthouse Rd. 64D PhUllps, Geo., Takamatua 58 5 PUldngton, Gower, Motor Car Proprietor, Jolie St.. 56 Helps, A., Lighthouse Rd. 30 Pollee (W. McLennan,, Lavaud S,. OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DmEOTORY. 141 Amberley Akaroa 140 OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY. Amberley AMBERLEY-Contlnued. AKAROA-Contlnued. lIolld.,. and Nlgbtl{08. naY NO.. 45s Boardinghouse (Private), !Gdd and Denton, Proprs. 39 Pool, Charles GUbert, Motor Car and Launch Proprietor, 39 Borlhwlok & Sons (W. Parsons, Agent) Jolie St. 56w Bowker, J. B., • Claremont' 33 Pool, Wm. C., Motor Launch Proprietor, William St. 25 Boyoe, William, Butcher 10 • Braekenfleld ' 28 Postmaster's Office 260 Briggs, Wm., Broomfield 8M 26 Postmaster's resldenoe Brlltow, Mrs. E. M. (res.) 24 Post Office Counter 42- 6 Read, Alfred J., Motor Car Proprietor and Royal Mail Con- 421) Coleman, F. P., • Riverside' tractor, William St. 42 K Coleman, Miss M. (res.) 42D Rhodes A., Balgueri St. 52 Cook, J. E., Fruiterer 84 Riches, P. (}., Beach Rd. 30 Courage. F. H ... Seadown ' 100M Richfield, Emily, Robinson's Bay 23w Crolt, I. F., • Mt. Brown' 3 • Crown' Hotel (J. J. Hendron) 98 Shepherd, T. M., Butcher 78 Smith & Truman, Motor Garage and Engineers, Lavaud S•. 1 Dal,ety & Co. (Ltd.), Auotioneers I K stevenson, Stewart & Co., Shipping Agents 35B Donald, W. F., • Ellerbeck' 261 Douglas, F. E., • Broomfield' 61 Takamatua Co-op. Cheese Factory (Ltd.), Takamatua 19K Taylor, T. E. (res.), Lava.ud and Benoit Ste. 19D Taylor, T. E. & Co. (Ltd.), Merchants, Beaoh Rd. 26 K Fairweather, J. A., • The Poplars' 37 K Taylor, T. E. & Co. (Ltd.), Dra.pery Dept., Beach Rd. 23 K Forrester, M., Karetu Downs, Woodgrove 53 K Thaoker, Chris. B., Okain's Bay 18 Fraw Bros., Motor Experts and Saddlera 42s Thacker, J. E., Flea. Bay 38 Frew, Samuel (res.) 531> Thacker, John Robert, Okain's Bay 240 Fulton, Gordon 59W Tlzzard, David C., Robinson's Bay 59M Tlzzard, Samuel, Robinson's Bay 23D Gardiner, S. H., • Pinegrove ' 42 s GarreU, G. 62 Vanglonl, Joseph, Balgueri St. 26 lit Grant, M., • Berriedale' 45M Gray, A. M., Amberley Garage 76 Walker, J. J. & 'Sod" Builder~ anrt UonprtRokerl', Jolie ~t. 9 Greenwood, G. D., Teviotdale 45 Walker, Mrs. A. F., • Naumai,' Boardinghouse, Jolie St. 46 Grierson, I. G., Rep. Canterbury Frozen Meat Co. 43K Westenra, A. H., Balgueri St. 64 K Whitehead, R. D., Takamatua 24M Hadler, H. H. (res.) 95 Whitehead, R. D. (res.), Grehan Valley Rd. 47 Hadley, C. J., Coal and Timber Merohant .. 27 Wilkins, H. W., Balgueri St. 41 Hale, W. H. ID Wilkins, W. D. & Sons, Auctioneers and Produce MerohBllM 33 Harold, Rev. G. L., The Vioarage Beach Rd. 560 Harrison, E. 0., • The Deans ' 59B Williams, F. W., Robinson's Bay Holton, G. R., North Rd. 59D WIlliams, W. W., Robinson's Bay 36 32K Williamson, A. F. C., Jolie St. 32D Williamson, A. F. C., Dentist, Lavaud Si. 26w Ingle, W., • Greyburn' 65 Wright, John, Grand View BoardinghoU!le, Beaoh Rd. 16 James, J. H. 56K Johnston, F. W., Limestone Hills FORIINFORMATION IN REFERENCE TO EXCHANGES AND TOLL STATIONS WITH WHICH COMMUNICATION MAY BE OBTAINED, ASK EXCHANGE ATTENDANT. 50 Kershaw, R. P. (res.) . 48 Kowai County Council (J. Fitzpatrick. Clerk) (For Charges see page 3.) 17 Lawrence, A. J., • Bramdea.n' 1M Lewis, R. J. (AmberIey Stores Propr.), 7D Lewis, R. J. (res.) Alnberley (30 miles). 16A McLean, G. A., • Estate of Mountain Meadows' HoUl'l of Aitendanoe I 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Closed on Sunda,. and Depart. 151 McLean, G. N., • Glasnevin ' mental Holiday-. 56M McMaster, Alex. A., Mt. Ellen 28 Maxwell, J. R. (res.), Solid., an4 Mookett, H. W., Storekeeper Nllbt NOl. na,. )f01. 19M Registered Medloal Practltloner- 195 }lockett, H. W. (res.) 6SM 51 Thompson, Dr. T. T. 159 Morris, G. L. (res.) 18 Motor Garage (Frew Bros., Proprs.) 44 Allison, W. 34 Munro, J., Government Stook Inspeotor 45M Amberley Garage, (A. M. Gray, Propr.) 27 Amberley, House Girls' Collegiate Sehool Co. (Ltd.) 8 National Mortgage Agency Co. (Ltd.), Grain and Produoe Dept. (J. Mayo, Agent) 26B Baln, James, • Eskvale ' 2 New Zealand Farmers' CO-Oil. Assn. (J. V. Oxley, Agent) 29 Bank New South Wales 13 North Canterbury Freczlng Co., The (A. Douglas res.) 40 Bank, P.O. Savings Amberley 142 Ashburton Ring 1. ARGYLE Ashburton AMBERLEY -Contiuued. COAL and WOOD Hollda:rand PHONE Night Nos. DII)' Nos. PROMPT DELIVERIES. SATISFACTION ASSURED. 8-3 4 Parsons, R. J. (res.) 35 _ "Payne, E. A., Grays Rd. 143 14 Police Station ASBBURTON-Contlnued. 40 Postmaster Registered Medical PractitionerS-Continued. 20 Poetmaster (res.) 71 Hunter, Dr. H. 5 BaU'''Y Hotel (W. H. Newey) 155 Medical Superintendent, County Hospital, 48 Cox d. "". 21 Rallway Station 126 Mullin, Dr. W. J. 37 Bedmayne, Wm. L. 269 Wells, Dr. J. Russell, cr. Cass and Burnetts Sts. 6- Bhodes Bros., Merchantll . 49 Rhodel, V. J. (res.) Hospitals, Registered Nurses, etc.- 65 Rhodes, W.
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