I I '' • ! I I I' "- - .LI! - -•- .._ Marie Knig/,t in Britain I Asks EDGAR JACKSOW· • • •# t iSTEREOPW,NIC or 3-D-clllCI .. heral Lest 111011d1 ther ca,MCI a NIIICltlon ef 11w Audio ,-1,. lut you ,stilt canrw:,t 1H,y then, In- the' shops. Why? . So far, -the Pr., organllCltlon It the. oat, flan to olitilt It 11 react, to enter the· >-D ff'll'J. ~ Pr• Mp ~ 0 11 ho 'WIii be on ICN nut ...,111. tt~il'n1,oftl'7/- ~ •~"': • w "'.JfJ.t1ord 7'0lfflHa.Uon Monda: But the other bf1 corrroanlea ate bold.llll' ·c•·rn ·•·y LEAVE !_vri,.cto.,, f.o'H~..!~-,,."::1 p tor on-~~>- JI~,,. back. 'fbe nearest date t!}eY' will halUd .,._., · II -""'• m.. .... - s .. 011 Ila,,1 M au • at ..Bcmic. for 3-D day la the Ra4Jo Show at Barta -~-h_ena_«._J!_.;;,_·;...~;..._._0 _;~_1c__;,,._l~__":..;.~_~_fn.....:• ___ •.:.."4..:Frld_.,_c:_i..;.0 ·h....::"".:..1..;.u..;.'':f.:..n..."J....: '~.;__;_tam:.:.:..·cwrou__ ..;._Co_11_r _t._w_h_l_ch__,opens on Wednesday, DAIIKWORTH ORI Zl. WlU? Lonnie Donegan disa:· is ~~io~t~i!~ ~~::~ IEXTRAI b d b BBC ln~~tt=~e:m~tr:~ a1~~§.€~~ . anne · y i=t,;,;i;:;~1.t~ ~~~~'r/~"'tl,;r,:,-..::, will give tho beat reproduction. lo'°tho West En<S (,ee 1'Jllle 11). RICKY IIELSOII ONNIE DONIGAN'$ l■telt hlt disc ha1 Nett IKanned .• we don't e:cpect tJu.a to bo After the Dlay'a nm OleO m.-, Mobbed by lh'ls CJ,. Z) L ltr the IIC.
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