Churchill, a Life
Index Compiled by the author A History of the English-Speaking Peoples (1924),465; Churchill's conflict with (Winston S. Churchill): work on, 509, (1925), 468; Churchill not to go to 593,605,607,616,619,916,918,944, (1931), 503; Churchill's possible 949,950 return to (1935), 547; no chance of Aachen: Churchill's speech in (1956), Churchill's return to (1936), 549; 947 Churchill's return to, advocated Abbeville: Churchill warns of danger to (1939),613; rumours of Churchill's (1918), 390; German forces reach return to Ouly 1939),616; Churchill's (1940),648 return to (September 1939), 623; Abbey Division (Westminster): Churchill caution of (1940), 674; Churchill stands at (1924), 460 recalls (1944),794 Abdication crisis (of 1936), 568, 569, 570 Adriatic: Churchill sails through (1913}, Abdullah, Emir: and Palestine, 432; and 249; proposed landingon(1915),294, Transjordan, 434, 435 295, 296; strategy for (1943-44),751; Aboukir Bay (Egypt): Churchill visits, and British strategy (1944-45), 780, 434 789,806 Abyssinia: Churchill seeks action in Aegean Sea: Churchill's search for action (1897), 81; threatened, 544 invaded, in (1943), 755; Stalin wants a naval 546; and the Hoare-Laval 'pact', 548; base on (1945), 853 and sanctions, 553 afforestation: the State to take a lead in, Acheson, Dean: Churchill's question to 184 (1951),901 Afghanistan, 421 Adams, Vyvyan: 'I wish you could talk to Africa: 'always claims its forfeits', 190; an us every night', 630 'entirely new chapter for (1938),587 Adana (Turkey): Churchill's journey to Afridis: to be
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