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Select Bibliography Select Bibliography Journals Acta Astronautica: Journal of the International Academy of Astronautics, 1974–. Astropolitics: The International Journal of Space Politics and Policy, 2003–. Flying Saucer Review, 1955–. Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, 1934–. Quest: The History of Spaceflight, 1995–. Die Rakete: Offizielles Organ des Vereins für Raumschiffahrt e.V. in Deutschland, 1927–29. Science Fiction Studies, 1973–. Space Policy: An International Journal, 1985–. The Space Review: Essays and Commentary about the Final Frontier, 2003–. Spaceflight, 1956–. Weltraumfahrt: Beiträge zur Weltraumforschung und Astronautik, 1950–66. Bibliographies Andersen, Per, Bibliografi over dansk ufo-litteratur 1950–1985, Vanløse: Andersen Bogservice, 1986. Beard, Robert Brookes, Flying Saucers, U.F.O.’s and Extraterrestrial Life: A Bibliography of British Books, 1950–1970, Swindon: R. Beard, 1971. Bibliothèque nationale de France, direction des collections, département sciences et tech- niques, Une Histoire des représentations de l’espace: Bibliographie, Paris: BN, 2007. Bloch, Robert N., Bibliographie der Utopie und Phantastik 1650–1950 im deutschen Sprachraum, Hamburg: Achilla, 2002. Buike, Bruno, UFOs: Geschichte und Naturwissenschaft. Bibliographie mit deutsch-englischen Anmerkungen und Adressen, Marburg: Tectum, 1996. Caillens, Pierre and Alain Mauret, L’Argus de la science-fiction, 6th edn, 2 vols, Libourne: L’Annonce-Bouquins, 2004. Catoe, Lynn E. and Kay Rodgers, eds, UFOs and Related Subjects: An Annotated Bibliography, Detroit, MI: Gale/Book Tower, 1978. Ciancone, Michael L., ed., The Literary Legacy of the Space Age: An Annotated Bibliography of Pre-1958 Books on Rocketry and Space Travel, Houston, TX: Amorea, 1998. Dag Hammarskjold Library/Bibliothèque Dag Hammarskjold, ed., Outer Space: A Selective Bibliography/L’espace extra-atmosphérique: Bibliographie sélective, New York: United Nations, 1982. Delmas, Henri and Alain Julian, Le Rayon SF: Catalogue bibliographique de science-fiction. Utopies, voyages extraordinaires, Toulouse: Milan, 1985. Dotzler, Bernhard J., Peter Gendolla and Jörgen Schäfer, eds, MaschinenMenschen: Eine Bibliographie, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1992. Eberhart, George M., ed., UFOs and the Extraterrestrial Contact Movement: A Bibliography,2 vols, Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1986. Emme, Eugene M., ‘An Eclectic Bibliography on the History of Space Futures,’ in Eugene M. Emme, ed., Science Fiction and Space Futures: Past and Present, San Diego, CA: American Astronautical Society, 1982, 213–45. Hall, Halbert Weldon, ed., Science Fiction and Fantasy Reference Index, 1992–1995: An Interna- tional Subject and Author Index to History and Criticism, Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1997. 342 Select Bibliography 343 Hübner, Thomas, ed., Raumfahrt-Bibliographie: Ein Verzeichnis nichttechnischer deutschsprachiger Literatur von 1923 bis 1997, Hörstel: Raumfahrt-Info-Dienst, 1998. Illmer,Horst,ed.,Bibliographie Science Fiction & Fantasy: Buch-Erstausgaben 1945–1995. 50 Jahre alternative Weltentwürfe in Deutschland, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1998. Koelle, H. H. and H. J. Kaeppeler, eds, Literaturverzeichnis der Astronautik, Tittmoning: Walter Pustet, 1954. Kok, G. J., Ufo’s: Een geannoteerde bibliografie met registers, Uithuizermeeden: Nobovo, 1980. Landrum, Larry N., ‘A Checklist of Materials about Science Fiction Films of the 1950’s,’ Journal of Popular Film 1.1 (Winter 1972), 61–3. ——, ‘Science Fiction Film Criticism in the Seventies: A Selected Bibliography,’ Journal of Popular Film and Television 6.3 (1978), 287–9. Locke, George, ed., Voyages in Space: A Bibliography of Interplanetary Fiction 1801–1914, London: Ferret Fantasy, 1975. Looney, John J., Bibliography of Space Books and Articles from Non-Aerospace Journals, 1957– 1977, Washington, DC: NASA, 1980. Lundwall, Sam J., Illustrerad bibliografi över Science fiction & fantasy 1741–1973, Stockholm: Lindqvist, 1974. ——, Bibliografi över Science fiction & fantasy 1974–1983, Bromma: Delta, 1985. Mallove, Eugene F., Robert L. Forward, Zbigniew Paprotny and Jürgen Lehmann, ‘Interstellar Travel and Communication: A Bibliography,’ Journal of the British Interplanetary Society 33.6 (June 1980), 201–48. Marotta, Michael E., Space Colonization: An Annotated Bibliography, Mason, MI: Loompanics, 1979. Neumann, Hans-Peter, Ivo Gloss and Erik Simon, Die große illustrierte Bibliographie der Science Fiction in der DDR, Berlin: Shayol, 2002. Phillips, Mark and Frank Garcia, Science Fiction Television Series: Episode Guides, Histories, and Casts and Credits for 62 Prime Time Shows, 1959 through 1989, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1996. Pisano, Dominick A. and Cathleen S. Lewis, eds, Air and Space History: An Annotated Bibliography, London: Garland, 1988. Rasmussen, Richard Michael, ed., The UFO Literature: A Comprehensive Annotated Bibliography of Works in English, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1985. Reeken, Dieter von, ed., Bibliographie der selbständigen deutschsprachigen Literatur über Außerirdisches Leben, UFOs und Prä-Astronautik, Zeitraum 1703–1995, 4th edn, Lüdenscheid: Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des UFO-Phänomens, 1996. Smith, Marcia S., ed., Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Unidentified Flying Objects: A Selected, Annotated Bibliography, Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1976. Spehner, Norbert, Ecrits sur la science-fiction: Bibliographie analytique des études et essais sur la science-fiction publiés entre 1900 et 1987, Longueuil: Préambule, 1988. Tobias, Russell R., ed., America in Space: An Annotated Bibliography, Pasadena, CA: Salem, 1991. Wegner, Willy, Dansk Ufo-litteratur: En bibliografi,Volume1:1946–1970,Volume2:1971– 1979, Copenhagen: Københavns Universite, 1972–1981. ——, Skandinavisk UFO-litteratur, 1950–1982: En bibliografi, 2nd edn, Hjallerup: Skeptica, 1982. Wimmer, Heinrich, ed., Bibliographisches Lexikon der utopisch-phantastischen Literatur: Verlags- und Reihenbibliographien, Meitingen: Corian, 1987. Dictionaries and encyclopedias Bali, Mrinal, Space Exploration: A Reference Handbook, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 1990. Clark, Jerome, ed., The UFO Encyclopedia: The Phenomenon from the Beginning,Detroit,MI: Omnigraphics, 1998. 344 Select Bibliography ——, ed., Extraordinary Encounters: An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherworldly Beings, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2000. Clute, John and Peter Nichols, eds, The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, London: Orbit, 1999. Dasch, E. Julius, ed., A Dictionary of Space Exploration, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. Dickson, Paul, A Dictionary of the Space Age, Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. Engelhardt, Wolfgang, Enzyklopädie Raumfahrt, Frankfurt am Main: Harri Deutsch, 2001. Gatland, Kenneth, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Space Technology: A Comprehensive History of Space Exploration, New York: Harmony, 1981. Gerhards, Winfried, Handbuch der phantastischen Fernsehserien, Hamburg: Gryphon, 2001. Henderson, C. J., The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction Movies, New York: Facts on File, 2001. Herbert, A. P., ed., Watch this Space (Six Years of It): An Anthology of Space (Fact), 4 October 1957 – 4 October 1963, London: Methuen, 1964. Johnson, Stephen B., ed., Space Exploration and Humanity: A Historical Encyclopedia, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2010. Koebner, Thomas, ed., Science Fiction, Stuttgart: Reclam, 2007. Lewis, James R., ed., UFOs and Popular Culture: An Encyclopedia of Contemporary Myth, Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 2000. McLaughlin, Charles, ed., Space Age Dictionary, Princeton, NJ: Van Nostrand, 1959. Plant, Malcolm, Dictionary of Space, Harlow: Longman, 1986. Rabkin, Eric S., ed., Science Fiction: A Historical Anthology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983. Roberts, Adam, The History of Science Fiction, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. Rovin, Jeff, Aliens, Robots, and Spaceships, New York: Facts on File, 1995. Story, Ronald D. and J. Richard Greenwell, eds, The Encyclopedia of UFOs, London: New English Library, 1980. Verger, Fernand, Isabelle Sourbès-Verger and Raymond Ghirardi, eds, The Cambridge Ency- clopedia of Space: Missions, Applications and Exploration, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. Versins, Pierre, Encyclopédie de l’utopie, des voyages extraordinaires et de la science fiction,2nd edn, Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, 1984. Walsh, Patrick J., Spaceflight: A Historical Encyclopedia, 3 vols, Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Press, 2010. Warren, Bill, Keep Watching the Skies! American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties, 2nd edn, Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2009. Willis, Donald C., ed., Variety’s Complete Science Fiction Reviews, New York: Garland, 1985. Wright, Gene, The Science Fiction Image: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Science Fiction in Film, Television, Radio and the Theatre, London: Columbus Books, 1983. Zimmerman, Robert, ed., The Chronological Encyclopedia of Discoveries in Space,Phoenix,AZ: Oryx, 2000. Literature Abret, Helga, ‘Literatur und Technik: Von Brauns Marsprojekt und Nehers Menschen zwischen den Planeten,’ in Hans Esselborn, ed., Utopie, Antiutopie und Science Fiction im deutschsprachi- gen Roman des 20. Jahrhunderts, Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003, 118–32. Abret, Helga and Lucian Boia, Das Jahrhundert der Marsianer: Der Planet Mars in der Science Fiction bis zur Landung der Viking-Sonden 1976, Munich: Heyne, 1984. Adams, John, ‘Outer Space and the New World in the Imagination of Eighteenth-Century Europeans,’ Eighteenth-Century Life 19.1 (February 1995), 70–83. Adamski, George, Inside the Space Ships, New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1955.
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  • The German Rocket Jet and the Nuclear Programs of World War II Max Lutze Union College - Schenectady, NY
    Union College Union | Digital Works Honors Theses Student Work 6-2016 The German Rocket Jet and the Nuclear Programs of World War II Max Lutze Union College - Schenectady, NY Follow this and additional works at: Part of the European History Commons, German Language and Literature Commons, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons, Military History Commons, and the Military, War, and Peace Commons Recommended Citation Lutze, Max, "The German Rocket Jet and the Nuclear Programs of World War II" (2016). Honors Theses. 179. This Open Access is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Work at Union | Digital Works. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of Union | Digital Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The German Rocket, Jet, and Nuclear Programs of World War II By Max Lutze * * * * * * * * * Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Honors in the Department of History UNION COLLEGE March, 2016 2 Abstract German military technology in World War II was among the best of the major warring powers and in many cases it was the groundwork for postwar innovations that permanently changed global warfare. Three of the most important projects undertaken, which were not only German initiatives and therefore perhaps among the most valuable programs for both the major Axis and Allied nations, include the rocket, jet, and nuclear programs. In Germany, each of these technologies was given different levels of attention and met with varying degrees of success in their development and application.
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