Prediction of Enthalpy of Formation in the Solid State (At ) Using Second- Order Group Contributions

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Prediction of Enthalpy of Formation in the Solid State (At ) Using Second- Order Group Contributions Prediction of Enthalpy of Formation in the Solid State (at ) using Second- Order Group Contributions. Part 1. Carbon- Hydrogen and Carbon-Hydrogen-Oxygen Compounds Cite as: J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 35, 1443 (2006); Submitted: 01 October 2005 . Accepted: 21 March 2006 . Published Online: 06 September 2006 Anna Salmon, and Didier Dalmazzone ARTICLES YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN Prediction of Enthalpy of Formation in the Solid State (at ) Using Second-Order Group Contributions—Part 2: Carbon-Hydrogen, Carbon-Hydrogen-Oxygen, and Carbon-Hydrogen- Nitrogen-Oxygen Compounds Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 36, 19 (2007); https:// Revised Group Additivity Values for Enthalpies of Formation (at 298 K) of Carbon–Hydrogen and Carbon–Hydrogen–Oxygen Compounds Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data 25, 1411 (1996); https:// Additivity Rules for the Estimation of Molecular Properties. Thermodynamic Properties The Journal of Chemical Physics 29, 546 (1958); J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 35, 1443 (2006); 35, 1443 © 2006 American Institute of Physics. Prediction of Enthalpy of Formation in the Solid State „at 298.15 K… using Second-Order Group Contributions. Part 1. Carbon-Hydrogen and Carbon-Hydrogen-Oxygen Compounds Anna Salmon and Didier Dalmazzonea… Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, Laboratoire Chimie et Procédés, 32 Boulevard Victor, 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France ͑Received 1 October 2005; revised manuscript received 20 March 2006; accepted 21 March 2006; published online 6 September 2006͒ A predictive method, based on Benson’s group additivity technique, is developed for calculating the enthalpy of formation in the solid phase, at 298.15 K, of carbon-hydrogen compounds and carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compounds. A complete database compiles 398 experimental enthalpies of formation. The whole group contribution values, ring strain corrections, and nonnearest neighbor interactions evaluated are listed. Finally a compari- son with Cohen’s method indicates that this new estimation method leads to higher precision and reliability. © 2006 American Institute of Physics. ͓DOI: 10.1063/1.2203111͔ Key words: enthalpy of formation; group additivity; organic compounds; prediction; thermochemical properties. CONTENTS 6. Enthalpy of formation in the solid phase of carbon-hydrogen compounds—comparison of results observed between this work and the 1. Introduction.............................. 1443 method of Cohen4......................... 1448 2. Procedure................................ 1444 7. Enthalpy of formation in the solid phase of 3. Results and Discussion..................... 1445 carbon-hydrogen-oxygen compounds— 3.1. Results.............................. 1445 comparison of results observed between this 3.2. Discussion........................... 1447 work and the method of Cohen4............. 1451 3.2.1. Existing Methods................ 1447 8. Comparison of the residuals observed for C-H 3.2.2. Hydrocarbon Compounds.......... 1447 compounds between this work and the method 3.2.3. Oxygen Compounds.............. 1450 of Cohen4................................ 1455 3.2.4. Uncertain Points................. 1456 9. Comparison of the mean residuals obtained for 4. Summary and Conclusions.................. 1456 C-H compounds between this work and the 5. Acknowledgments......................... 1457 method of Cohen4......................... 1455 6. References............................... 1457 10. Comparison of the residuals observed for C-H -O compounds between this work and the 4 List of Tables method of Cohen ......................... 1456 11. Comparison of the mean residuals obtained for 1. C-H group additivity values for enthalpy of C-H-O compounds between this work and the 4 formation in the solid phase, at 298.15 K. ..... 1445 method of Cohen ......................... 1456 2. Values of ring strain corrections for enthalpy 12. Comparison of the residuals observed for C-H of formation in the solid phase, at 298.15 K ͑ and C-H-O compounds between this work and 4 C-H groups͒............................. 1446 the method of Cohen ...................... 1456 3. C-H-O group additivity values for enthalpy of 13. Comparison of the mean residuals obtained for formation in the solid phase, at 298.15 K. ..... 1446 C-H and C-H-O compounds between this 4 4. Values of ring strain corrections for enthalpy work and the method of Cohen ............. 1456 of formation in the solid phase, at 298.15 K ͑ 14. Summary of the best results obtained with this 4 C-H-O groups͒........................... 1447 work and with the method of Cohen ......... 1456 5. Values of nonnearest neighbor interactions for enthalpy of formation in the solid phase, at 1. Introduction 298.15 K ͑C-H and C-H-O groups͒........... 1447 In the study of chemical, biochemical, or environmental ͒ systems, knowledge of reliable physical and chemical prop- a Author to whom corresponding should be addressed. Electronic mail: [email protected] erties of pure compounds, such as enthalpies of formation, © 2006 American Institute of Physics. heat capacities, and entropies, is required. However, it is of- 0047-2689/2006/35„3…/1443/15/$40.001443 J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, Vol. 35, No. 3, 2006 1444 A. SALMON AND D. DALMAZZONE ten difficult to find in the literature trustworthy experimental method of Cohen appears more efficient and more precise, it values of these thermochemical figures for molecules of in- was never extended to nitrogen-containing compounds. terest. Indeed, it is clearly hopeless to expect to have tabu- Moreover, some new values of experimental solid phase en- lated experimental thermochemical data on all polyatomic thalpies of formation were published since 1996 and it ap- species or even on restricted subclasses of these. pears that a great majority of them do not fit with the Domal- Therefore, it would be worth obtaining these data from ski and Hearing predictions or with the Cohen predictions. alternative sources. In recent years there has been a consid- The aim of our work is to develop new sets of contribu- erable effort in developing methods which can result in the tions of Benson’s groups based on updated experimental most precise estimation. Even though several techniques data, to predict the solid phase enthalpy of formation at have emerged, both scientists and engineers agree that one of 298.15 K and 101 325 Pa, for C-H, C-H-O, C-H-N, and the best methods is that of group additivity, especially as C-H-O-N compounds. This article presents the first part de- imagined by Benson and co-workers1 ͑a method which was voted to C-H and C-H-O compounds; the second part, for originally developed for the gas phase͒. Not only is it an nitrogen-containing compounds, will be published in another approach easy to apply, but it can usually predict thermo- article. A comparison between the results calculated thanks chemical data with an uncertainty similar to that obtained by to the present work and the Cohen group additivity values is experiments as well. discussed. The Cohen approach is preferred compared to In the group contribution approach molecules are assumed Domalski and Hearing since the former employed a more to be formed by segments chosen from a previously estab- thorough and updated database than the latter. lished set. In 1958, Benson and Buss2 set up a hierarchical system of additivity laws. The simplest or “zeroth-”order law 2. Procedure is the additivity of atom properties; its use is limited. The next higher, or first-order, approximation is based on the ad- First, a database was established in order to compile all of ditivity of bonds, or undifferentiated groups of atoms. Such the most reliable values of enthalpy of formation in the solid groups are assumed to share the same contribution, whatever state of pure organic compounds. The most useful and con- ͑ the atom to which they are bonded i.e., all -CH3 groups are sistent source of interesting data was published by Pedley equivalent͒. First-order methods are subject to large errors in et al.5 Indeed, values stored in this database are derived from heavily branched molecules, and cannot distinguish differ- experimental thermochemical data. The two other sources ences of properties of isomers. In the second-order approxi- used were the NIST Chemistry WebBook6 and the ICT Da- mation, the groups are differentiated so that the nature of tabase of Thermochemical Values.7 Both of them were con- each next nearest ligand may be taken into account. Benson’s sulted in order to confirm whether a more recent or a more groups are thus defined as “a polyvalent atom ͑ligancyՆ2͒ precise value of enthalpy of formation was stored in them in together with all of its ligands”.1 The additivity schemes are comparison to the Pedley’s compilation. based on the assumption that the local property of a group Once the database was set up, each molecule was decom- remains unchanged in a series of homologous compounds. posed into groups. As all of the group contribution values This is true as long as no structural features are introduced remain unknown, an arbitrary value was assigned to each into a molecule. In order to take into account such spatial group. The calculation of group values was computer- interactions some corrections are required. Benson et al.1 assisted thanks to the solving capability of a modern spread- introduced many corrections such as the gauche interaction, sheet. An enthalpy of formation was then computed by ring strains in nonplanar cyclic molecules, or electronic in- means of the group contributions calculated in order to mini- teractions between substituents through a benzene ring. mize the residual value ͑defined as the experimental value The present work is part of a broader program, the aim of minus the calculated one͒ for each compound considered. which is to predict the enthalpy of formation in the solid Molecules for which a large residual resulted were particu- state of energetic materials, especially nitrogen-containing larly studied.
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