44 THE .S:A.- ORNITHOLOGIST June, 1900 MOLLUSCA EATEN 'BY BIRDS By BERNARD C. COTTON, F.R.Z.S. Molluscs, listed here, have been found in PELECANIFORMES. stomach and crop contents of birds or are k b b Black Cormorant mown, y 0 servation, to be eaten by birds Phalacrooorax carbo ~n South Australia. Where specifically found Port River, 1934,. 27, 29, 49, 82. m the crop the record is so indicated. The shell contents are usually fragmentary. Cor- Pied Cormorant responding numbers against the specific Phalacrocorax uarius names. of molloscs .l~sted are used as a key, Port River, 1936. 27, 29, 41. following the specific names of the _birds. Australian Pelican TIle molluscs have been noted from various Pelecanus conspicillatus sources over many years. Among those Coorong-Tailem Bend, etc. 1, 2,. 5, 8, who provided material are the late Sir Joseph 10, 16. Attached to feathers, 2, 3, 4, 6. Verco, Dr. Morgan, J. Sutton, Edwin Ashby, LAR~FORMES. Prof. T. H. Johnson and A. M. Lea. Lea and Gray (6) provided an extensive. Crested Ter~ . list of general stomach contents, but not Sterna bergii specific identifications were mentioned" in"- .Encounter Bay, December, 1950. 91. connection with the shells. Silver Gull Lea also published a series of papers (1) Larus novaehollandiae (2) (4) (6), mentioning insects, seeds, ete., Semaphore. 23; 24:26, 27, '31,32; 33, from birds. 34, 36, 37, 38, "39. Silver Gull paddles Hie A few records of molluscs attached to birds' sand and picks up the small cockle 29 as it feathers, legs and feet are also noted.
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