A3 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2017 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.50 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM >> SUNDAY + PLUS In today’s Reporter: FROSTY Look at all n Big names vie for LSHA post FUN options for new admin n Bitterness follows airport suit Snow Day 1D building, festivities n FEASTING Opinion/4A City manager’s ouster sought set, 1C IN FARGO STORIES BELOW Teen safe, as story takes a dark turn Explicit texts surface; Caitlyn ‘didn’t know how to get out of it’ By CARL MCKINNEY Caitlyn appeared to have left
[email protected] the house through her bedroom window, the parents told investi- A school resource officer pre- gators. viously dismissed rumors of a There were footprints lead- sexual relation- ing from the property to nearby ship between Markham 17-year-old Fort MORE Road, White student INSIDE according to Caitlyn Frisina n What lies the warrant. and 27-year-old ahead for Caitlyn’s soccer coach Rodriguez, 3A. mother, Caitlyn Rian Rodriguez, Scarlet the pair at the Frisina, said she and other family center of the five-day nation- members called all of her daugh- wide search that ended Friday in ter’s known friends. upstate New York. One of the contacts, Brason The officer may or may not Caley, sent a message say- have been right at the time, ing Caitlyn “hooked up” with COURTESY SYRACUSE POST-STANDARD but explicit messages found by Rodriguez and he “worked his Caitlyn’s par- way into her ents suggest life,” the war- ABOVE: Rian Rodriguez is such a relation- According to an rant states.