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Jewelers to Notre Dame V J> ^ T ^^ / ?£?^_ vi/'L \ %C*-. ^gi^SS^JSifeitSsW-i^aKs^iag^'iataiK^^ mM!jm*'jaiBm'.»ujL.««.ii.m»-j..ijij«n«iiiM]mL»ji.'i.MjM»inii,wj»M '-^^ PHILIP MORRIS challenges any other leading brand to suggest this test ^ PHiUP MORR.S. Just take a puff- ^ Light up a ''"'^''J' ..^.^.l.y let the smoke • DON'T INHAlE-ands-lowy c* through your nose. Eosy. .so t. , u„,.J Do exactly ihe Y;. 2ugh. up yoor P-«"''';:^ Noto .1^. We. Ihot swg' """e ,P„,UPMOI.WS Chet brands merely "»"'''""",; Lik ISt yaaM>- fnt^es you .o .o„,p« •°^«^^;° ^„c, wUl agree l€ PHIWP MORRIS »» ^. &. V't- k^5:«l==»„„, NO CIGARETTE HANGOVER means MORE SMOKING PLEASURE! PHILIP MORRIS The Scholastic Recognition for Infirmary Nurse Editor: It's BRITISHR for Spring! I would like to see a certa"n person, here on the campus, receive a well-de­ served pat on the back for the wonder­ ful \vork she has done. Her name is Mrs. Norma Peterson and she works from 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. as a nurse on the second floor of the Student In­ firmary. She is one of the most wonderful women you would ever want to meet. It is almost a pleasure to get sick just so you can be around her. All the troops eagerly look forward to 3 p. m. when she comes on duty. There are two other fine nurses. Miss May Carrol and Miss Ann Marron, but Mrs. Peterson is everybody's favorite. Sincerely yours, 55 Sorin Lss Halsema. Aid Requested (See page 11) Dave Yerex: In your comprehensive article—Tou- che (SCHOLASTIC, Feb. 23)—you gave a well defined presentation of a de­ spairing problem—student lethargy in the extra-curi-icular sphere (the prac­ tice field of academic know-how). This same problem prompted the American Catholic Hierarchy to estab­ lish the National Federation of Catholic Students a few years back. The ultimate aim of this expanding organization is to get an ever increasing number of TAILORED BY GRAMERCY-PARK Catholic students "into the extra-cur­ ricular act." Suits that make headline news on Too many of us seem to forget that the object of Catholic education is the the campus — perfect for development of the "whole man." We tend to concentrate on one or two business too! requis.ites, instead of striving for the desired balance. $ Many horse and buggy educators act­ ually advise their students to steer clear of extra-curricular activities— 55 let's call them co-curricular—"which," they say, "sei-ve only to distract the col­ EW Checks, Sharkskins, Nailheads, All-Wool Worsteds, legiate from his academic pursuits." N Gabardines beautifully tailored by Gramercy-Park. Many students regard the co-curricular Presented for Spring and Easter in rich Tans, Browns, activity as a waste of time and talent. Greens, Grays and Blues. There is an evident need then for a vig­ orous wising-up program. Of course there will be opposition, but don't worry Open Evenings about it—it's lethargic. So, Mr. Yerex, since you stated the problem, it is half solved. Now what about the other half? How can we dis­ solve the lethargy? Do you, or does any­ one, have any constmctive criticism to oifer? The National Federation of Cath­ olic College Students Campus Council is GILBERT'S ready, able, and eager to put all con­ 813-817 S. Michigan crete plans into action. Jim Gai-vin, Senior Delegate, N.F. C.C. S. Mar. 9, 1951 Acuue JHumJt at ^^Rodieiff Choice of two delicious meals Daily from 11 to 1:30 No waiting Free parking on North side of building SUNNY ITALY CAFE 601 North Niles The Scholastic versation that went something like this: "Hi stranger," we yelped. "Came back early this year, eh?" "Whatcha' mean early?" Roberto snapped. "We'd have been back two weeks earlier if it hadn't been for those strong head winds from the North." This goes to prove that the early- by JA€^JMM^W^^i robin will always get something depend­ ing on his taste and the worms he knows. Top of the Week Hall over the weekend. A gi-oup of How Now Brown Quadruped trained dogs without an audience will Begorrah, its Saint Patty's Day next A moving spirit overwhelmed the edi­ probably need it. week . tors of the Chicago Daily Neivs last —A— .•. ••- week and they began publishing "Pogo/* V Bunny Time Minor Miracle our nominee for Time's "Possum of the Year" award, in color in their expanded Since this is the last issue of the Turning from old dogs to old hat, wo Saturday comfc section. SCHOLASTIC until after Easter, we would bring up the subject of Northern Indi­ All the gang from the Okefenokee like to scatter a few brightly-coloi-ed ana weather. The past week has been swamp were on hand arid it was delight­ eggs on the Main Quadrangle before unbelievable even to veterans of this ful. Of particular interest in last week's everyone goes home or on Glee Club and clime and it deserves more than .just strip was a disgusted rabbit, who was Band tours. Everyone who finds a passing comment. going to Australia because Americans "gold" one can turn it in to this office On Wednesday we strolled around the had lost sight of the real meaning of and receive an autogxaphed copy of the campus, without books or jacket, snif­ Easter, Peace, and had substituted eggs Student Council Constitution. fing deeply and keeping a weather-eye in its place—artificial eggs at that. open for Roberto, ND's traditional first The history departnientals this term Would any anti-Pogo ingrates like to robin of Spring. We found him strug­ are being well-received by history stu­ criticize that obsei-vation? gling with a stubborn worm near the dents as usual, and we look for a new A. ruling to do away with "pinkies." Library. The worm was getting the best of the battle and as Eoberto released Bottom of the Week If you're a member of either of the his hold and pulled his head out of the . classes as usual on the glorious University's two travelling musical or­ ground we struck up a robin-type con­ feast, even for the Notre Dame "Irish." ganizations, have fun and don't let the busses get you down. If you have to travel home for Easter to family, girl­ friend, etc., hurry back and don't for­ get to bring back your roommate's tie you left there at Christmas. Sports and Hobbies Everybody who has even partaken in any sort of sport or been addicted to any sort of hobby will be interested in what is going to happen in the Univer­ New Shipments of SportshirtS sity Drill Hall tonight, tomorrow night, and Sunday night. From 1 p. m. till 11 p.m. all three nights, the South Bend Jaycees are presenting their first an­ nual Sports, Hobby, and Travel Show. by Arrow and Puritan On tap is everything from bait cast­ ing demonstrations to beautiful trained dogs. Of particular interest to all red- blooded American youth will be the per­ sonal appearance of Miss America of 4.95 to 8.95 1951. Her name slips our mind at the moment, but listen to this ad in the South Bend Tribune: "See Miss Ameri­ ca of 1951. This glamorous and youth­ Plaids ful exponent of American womanhood will be with us all three days!" Solid Colors We usually don't engage in betting, but we're going along with the smart Checks money that says the beautiful trained dogs won't stand a chance at the Jaycee show, especially if Miss America can do stunts. Men's Shop . Main Floor The local chapter of the SPCA could do well to pay a visit to the ND Drill Mar. 9, 1951 f/^y»^ fl»^ Vol. 92 March 9, 1951 No. 19 MARCH 9 LAW AUDITORIUM—The fifth session of the annual Marriage Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Institute features Dr. Sherman Egan who will give a talk on The Vive Quasi Cras Moriturus Medical Aspects of Marriage. COLFAX (through March 14)—Call Me Mister (Legion of Decency Founded 1867 Rating B) was the first post-war musical to hit Broadway. In its original form it was a fast, sprightly revue. Padded Avith plot and Entered as second class matter at Notre Dame, Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of some routine performances by Betty Grable and Dan Dailey, it turns postage. Section 1101, October 3, 1917. Authorized up as mediocre fare in the filmization. June 23, 1918. AVON (indefinite run)—Susan Hayward and William Lundigan are the stars of I'd Climb the Highest Mountain (A-2), an episodic Editor tale of a preacher in the Blue Ridge mountains of Georgia. Techni­ KENNETH A. THOREN '51 color and some beautiful and realistic settings help the movie a lot. Following the run of this will be The Mating Seaso7i (B). This is a Associate Editors wacky, but adult, comedy and although Gene Tierney and John Lund WALTON R. COLLINS '51 are listed as the stars, it is really Thelma Ritter's picture. She's the JOHN H. JANOWSKI '51 actress who played Bette Davis' maid in All About Eve and all but stole the show from the veterans. In this comedy she even tops her JOHN I. POWERS •52_ _News previous performances. ROBERT G. FINNEY '53 „.Assistant News PALACE (through March 15)—Jane Wyman puts aside her heavy, ALPHONSE A.
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    : ® The Notre Dame September 23, 1949 HOME OF DISNEY HATS WELCOME MEN OF NOTRE DAME We say hello to you fellows who are new at Notre Dame. We ex­ tend to you the same courteous service that all Notre Dame stu­ dents enjoy at South Bend's Best Men's Shop. Come m, look around any time. UNIVERSITY CLUB CLOTHES $45 up TIMELY CLOTHES $55 up RASMUSSEN MEN'S SHOP 106-108 So. Main St. 130-132 W- Washington 2 The Scholastic * TQuc Q TIP PRom one UJMO unoujs ono G£T / / / I l\ 5e/»/. 23, 1949 GILBERT'S usually easier to read. If necessary, For the second straight year this we will cut the letter to fit, doing our streamlined, simplified procedure has letters best to keep the original meaning. All been a boon to the matriculating stu­ cuts will be designated by three dots. dent, consuming a minimum of time and effort and enabling him to finish quickly Dear Readers: 3. Sign your name to your letter. If one of the most distasteful aspects of re­ you have a reason for not exposing Although this column is supposed to entering school. This system shows plan­ yourself, tell us and we'll withhold your ning and foresight. It shows an attempt be composed of letters from you to THE name. But it better be a good reason SCHOLASTIC, we have a few things ws to help the student. An attempt for especially if the gripe treads on some­ which most of us are extremely grateful. want to tell you, so you'll be able to body's toes.
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