October 28, 1949

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October 28, 1949 ^The Notre Dame elastic Weekend in Chicago October 28, 1949 ^^Kttyjw*4:;ti»j»titaWBBB;pg«a^ggpe5?i»¥^ mrfnxEffpmp -' i^A'^^^?'??"i''**'i'??""tWy^"-V'-''' '.' W.'"_'f^"T^J^r"^"!-.?'. J»)»MU»«JW»|>lfe..>« 1^^^^^^^^^^^^^?^ ^3.85 Value $2-65 BOLD LOOK SHIRTS ONLY "To Make New Friends and Keep Our Old Ones" COLOURS: Blue, Wine, Peach, Lavender Grey, White, Green, Pink, Tan, Canary Yellow, Bamboo. GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan Street The Scholastic letters An Explanation Editor: It is one of the fine traditions at Notre Dame to stay seated at football games until the Victory March is sung. At the Tulane game there was a drift of "Eoman collars" down the aisles during the fourth quarter. Some of the students gave voice to their disap­ proval. They did the right thing. Still some of those departing were priests who had week-end appointments to churches in nearby cities. I, for one, had to go a distance of 70 miles and be' in the Confessional at 7:00, Eastern Time. I just made it, thanks to a wild driver. I thought loyal students were en­ titled to this explanation and apology. Eev. Name Withheld YANACA Flannel sport shirts Mistaken Identity And Van Heusen's soft, smooth 100% wool Editor: Vanaca Flannels bear up under any treatment. I bet my present roommate knows A rainbow of colors and patterns come in my name is not Vernon. models that include regular California Lo-No Verne Kelley ...zipper...bib...and new Van Trix pullover^vith 159 Dillon Giving odds?—Editor knitted collar, cufis, waist. Famous Van Heusen seuTuanship ... action-tailored. §6.95 and up PHILOSOPHY AWARD The Department of Philosophy has announced that the Dockweiler Medal for Philosophy will be given ihis year to the senior in the College of Arts and Letters who submits the best essay on a philosophic subject. PHILLIPS-JONES CORP.. NEW YORK 1. N. Y The medal was not offered last year. Details may be obtained from the head of the deoartment. The P L A C E to go for names you know It's Adlers for IT'S GILBERT'S Van Heusen for VAN HEUSEN GILBERT'S MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON 813-817 S.Michigan St. I Oct. 28, 1949 Fr. Norton Named Moderator the central eastern section of Pennsyl­ Met Club Has Full Schedule vania. The members have already con­ The Rev. James E. Norton, cs.c, ducted three meetings this semester at The Metropolitan Club undertook will act as moderator of the Indian­ which time they succeeded in electing plans last week for a full schedule of apolis Club, Club President Harold Sul­ officers and drawing up a constitution. activities. More than 100 members at­ livan said at the meeting last week. The club constitution has been ratified tended the club's second meeting and Father Norton is Assistant Director of by the members and is now before the several impending plans were discussed. Studies here at the University and is a student council for approval. President Bob Murray revealed plans native of Indianapolis. The newly elected officers are Bob for a cocktail party in New York City Also at the meeting plans for a mid- O'Connell, president; Steve Oracko, following the North Carolina game. November club dinner were discussed. vice-president; Bill Longhi, secretary- Handling the details of this event is a Other business concerned the bowling treasurer; and Jim Clark, correspond­ committee that includes Jack O'Brien, team and the annual Christmas dance. ing secretary. Since the club claims its Bill Gorman, Jack Murray, and Jay Dance Chairman Jim Welch said the membership from middle-eastern Penn­ Fox. Also in conjunction •v\ith the affair this year will be held at the In­ sylvania, either Allento^\^l or Reading North Carolina tussle was the club's diana Roof in Indianapolis. "will be the center of off-campus activi­ unanimous decision to present an award An invitation was extended to all ties. to Notre Dame's outstanding player of students living w^ithin 75 miles of the The club wishes to announce that all the game. The presentation will be capital city to join the Indianapolis residents from the following counties made at a special meeting on campus. Club. are eligible for membership: Lehigh, On another football weekend, that of Officers are: Harold Sullivan, presi­ Carbon, Lebanon, Berks, Schuykill, the Southern Methodist game, the club dent; Dick McNamara, vice-president; Montgomery, Northampton, York, Dau­ will hold a Communion breakfast in one Frank Maley, secretary, and Jim "Welch, phin, and Lancaster. of the downtown hotels. treasurer. Plans for the club's Christmas dance were related by Joe Moschella, chair­ LOST AND FOUND man of the event. This year, the dance Keystone Club Convenes The official Lost and Found De­ will be held at the "Starlight Roof" of partment for the University is lo­ the Waldorf-Astoria. The need for the Another name has been added to the cated in the office of the Prefect of cooperation of every club member was long list of campus geographical clubs. Discipline, Main Building. AH lost emphasized to help make the event a It is the Keystone Club of Notre Dame. articles should be turned in to this success. This club was first or'ganized by Bob office so that they can be reclaimed After announcing the organization of Duddy and Steve Oracko who felt the bv their owners. bowling and touch football clubs, movies need for an organization to represent of the Tulane game were sho\\Ta. ~i Here^s oMie •Machet you can wear TBREE tcays MeGREGOR 'TRIPLE-THREAT 1. Wear the liner as a cardigan leisure coat. 2. Wear the jacket unlined for mild weather. 27.50 3. Wear the jacket with the pure wool liner zipped in for blustery weather. ... to take you through any kind of weather. The outer garment is wind and water repellent . the inner-jacket is 100% pure wool and can be worn as a casual coat. See the "Triple-Threat" tomorrow! THIS WEEKS BROWSER WINNER: JOHN LAMBERT — — 25 LYONS HALL MICHIGAN at WASHINGTON The Scholastic J — Approximately 200 students cut classes today in an effort to incite a strike against regulations at Bowling THE WEEK Green State University. The objectors in the student body of 4,600 want, among other things: 3.2 beer on the campus, abolition of a rule by Jack McQoldrick prohibiting co-eds from i-iding in auto­ mobiles; "complete freedom of expres­ sion for the school newspaper; and a ^P Top of the Week Joe Ftpzky, dining hall employee: "I less tough attitude by campus police." (Things are tough all over, lads.) No Bearskin last Friday. understand the JUGGLER is selling like hot-cakes. Too bad it doesn't sell like —•— Quad Quiz a magazine." Bottom of the Week Do hall watchmen really wear old Name Withheld, aero engineer: He's back again in tonight's Tribune. band uniforms? ... or does the band "What's the JUGGLER?" wear old watchmen's uniforms? . Jerry Frazel, law student: "I can what will Bob Stock say about last remember when the JUGGLER was free." week's Kentucky Club tobacco ad? . Johnny Dollar, commerce man: "I'm are the electric fans in the caf to cool going to wait till next yeai\ I hear 15 PHOTOS $!"• -^ the students or kill the flies? . has they're going to offer a 50-year sub­ for the A.A. ordered 600 kigmies from scription for 35 cents." • FRIENDSHIP Mammy Yokum, dressed as footballs? Editor's Note: This sui-vey is limited • APPLICATION ... do any students cut their o^\^l in scope by the fact that McGoldrick hair? . does anybody ever huy a and his friends read nothing but comic Size 2/2 X 3/2 book? . who knows? . who cares? books. For University students more Copied from your favorite interested in Thomas Wolfe than Dick photograph. All This for $1.20 Tracy, the new JUGGLER shouldn't be Jim Kingsley of Alumni Hall came missed. MAIL §1.00 and PHOTO to back from town the other night with —:— the following little tasty announcement News and Views From Other U's "PROcopy" Box 115-A Greenville, Ohio he found tacked onto a menu at Clark's Bowling Green, Ohio, Oct. 19 (AP) restaurant: "INDIVIDUAL CHICKEN PIE . The plump, tender hens cluck with de­ light, the fresh green peas roll with glee, the Idaho potatoes wink their eyes, and the rich, creamy gravy rip­ IF You Can Walk, We'll ples with rapture; all for the pleasure of being part of this super-flavored, deep-down satisfyin' dish whose secret Teach You to DailCe luscious yumminess is concealed under a crust that literally melts in your the GEORGE DAVIS WAY mouth." • (Those hens and peas must put on • Incomparable Low Rates quite a show. There's no cover charge, • Private Studios and Main Ballroom either!) • Friendly, Congenial Atmosphere • Now Hear This • Personally Trained Staff Last week's SCHOLASTIC carried an ad that offered ND men an opportunity they can't afford to pass up. The idea FREE Trial Lesson is, that for a mere 75c, you can sub­ Stop in or Phone scribe to three issues of the 1949-50 JUGGLER, which will be out soon! 3-8229 In an effort to check student reaction to this startling offer, the WEEK'S Northern Indiana's Largest Studio readership sui-vey staff conducted a pulse-check on several well-known stu­ dents : .Alice and George Davb "Sonny" Smith, Journalism major: "My pulse is kinda weak, and I don't know what a break-over point is, but SPECIAL COURSE t say: 'get in on the ground floor with RATES FOR NOTRE this JUGGLER deal.'" \NCE OTLDIOS DAME STUDENTS Willy Nilly, pre-basket weaving stu­ dent: "Those book marks that come 106 W.
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    ^m- ?^;'^^^^'^^^^?'V'^^''^^--i'^-^r^i-'v'^e:ri<:'^!V^^'^ r SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN X Fine Sportswear for the Discriminating Man CORDUROY r COATS I 215 0 In Brown, Tan and Olive CORDUROY PANTS $7.85 TAXI FREE to the Modem Gilbert's GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan St. J' LETTERS NAME YOUR SPORT . Sir: The dining-hall cooks do not know how to cook weiners. Somebody should SONNEBORN'S teach them. has what it takes! Robex-t T. Stock, 222 Breen-Phillips Stock kiiotvs only the half of it. Dr. Plato Aquinas Aristotle, Ph.D., 121 W. Colfax Avenue Phone 3-3702 A.M.U., says, "Them cooks can't cook nothing. What they need is tnore Prime Matter." (See story on Page 11).—Editor. January 16, 1947 uie Sir: h^^ I have pust returned to my room after the Interhall Swimming Meet, and after pl^ having watched some of the fine swim­ mers participating in this meet, it be­ came a cause of amazement that Notre / Dame, with its fine facilities, does not have an Intercollegiate Swimming Squad. 05 — and traditionally a good place I imagine the University officials must have good reasons for not sponsoring f^ to meet the sang for delicious this sport, but after much thought I Italian and American Food. fail to find any such reasons. If it would be at all possible I fii-mly believe that such an undertaking would do much to­ wards the furthering of athletic variety. It would afford ample room for more students to show their athletic prowess in something else besides the more pub­ licized sports.
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