Ttanruday, January 81,. 1884. Est Number." "Elder" Fox Alhrnis, B»7 at 0 Domlon of Lliu Iirol)Tttu Court for Haid Wni
Iklonday.eveningMhe question in Re Webb & Mead. solved, "That the principles of the Glothliig.—Webb & Mend. Legal. grange; movement,, carried out, will T?»TATK OF EI1U8 KEHn, DECBAS- result in tlie greatest good to the great Jji oii. Stato of Michigan, county of InKhAtn, : Ttanruday, JAnuary 81,. 1884. est number." "Elder" Fox alHrnis, B»7 At 0 dOMlon of lliu iirol)tttu court for Haid Wni. Johnson denies. oouiny, huiaw tho jiroUato onioo, tutUu cltyoj MttBon,o« the Hth day of January, 111 Iho year ' EAST 'ALAIEOON. oiiu thounand olfsht hundred and elghly-fonr. DANSV1I.LG. I'ranunv, Geo, V, Ulliom, Juduo of proliiito. 'John Potter Is improvliiK the looks Ill the ninttor of tho uatato of Jillis Korr, of bla farm with anew gmuary' B. P. Pettlt and family have loft ^"ou^ruai'llnR and flIlnRtlio tiotltlon.duly vorlflod, or Alcsttiiilor Korr anil Aliixaiidor Korr, Jr., oxoo- iL.-P. MituheUaiid wife spent Sun town. Clothixigl ntorn of Iho liml wlU of mild docuiwud, prftylna day with friends neiir DunsvlUe. Miss Jennie Otis is visiting friends for llcoiiBC to sell real estate, lor tlio puriiOBO of VOL. XXV1.-N0. 6. at Boscoinmon. piiylnK tho dohw of »»ld docoasod ond oxpouaoa MASON. MIGH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY T, 1884. L. YounR, of Hanover, Jackson Co., of admlniatorlUR Bald entato. WHOLE NO. 1309; has been visiting his brother, P. H. Social tills week Thursday evening, Thoiciipon It IB ordered, tlint Moiidny, the IStb Young. , at N. V. AVempIe's. S3 day of J'iubruary next, at ten o'clock In the fore- noon, ho amtlgnod for the hoarint; of said pclltlon Irving Warner and Chas.
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