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Bbm:978-1-349-26582-4/1.Pdf Notes Place of publication is London unless otherwise cited. Introduction I. See for example, Lee Ho\combe, Wives and Property. Reform of the Mar­ ried Women's Property Law in Nineteenth Century England (Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1983); Philippa Levine, Victorian Feminism 1850- 1900 (Hutchinson, 1987); Diana Mary Chase Worzala, 'The Langharn Place Circle: The Beginnings of the Organized Women's Movement in England 1854-1870', (PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1982). 2. The principle studies which mention the existence of these early feminists include Olive Banks, Faces of Feminism. A Study of Feminism as a Social Movement (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1981), pp. 30-1; Francis E. Mineka, The Dissidence of Dissent. The Monthly Repository 1806-1838 (Chapei Hill: University of North Carolina, 1944), pp. 284-96; Joan Perkin, Women and Marriage in Nineteenth Century England (Routledge, 1989), pp. 212-13; Jane Rendall, The Origins of Modem Feminism: Women in Britain, France and the United States 1780-1860 (Chicago: Lyceum, 1985), pp. 114-16,247, 309-10. 3. Carl Ray Woodring, Victorian Sampiers: William and Mary Howitt (Law­ rence: University of Kansas Press, 1952), p. 115; Richard Garnett, The Life of W. J. Fox. Pub/ic Teacher and Social Reformer, 1786-1864 (lohn Lane, 1909), pp. 118-19, 158-70; F. B. Smith, Radical Artisan. William James Linton 1812-1897 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1973), pp. 11-17. See also Ann Blainey, The Farthing Poet: a Biography of Rich­ ard Hengist Horne 1802-1884. A Lesser Literary Lion (Longman, 1968), pp. 58-68 in particular. J. F. C. Harrison has examined the work of some of these radicals in Learning and Living 1790-1960. A Study in the His­ tory of the English Adult Education Movement (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961). 4. Rendall, Origins uf Modem Feminism, passim; Banks, Faces of Feminism, passim. 5. E. K. Helsinger, R. L. Sheets and W. Veeder, The Woman Question. Society and Litera.ure in Britain and America 1837-1883 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989), p. 9. For discussions of the early feminist literary milieu see Ho\combe, Wives and Property, Chapter 4; Sally MitchelI, The Fallen Angel. Chastity, Class and Women's Reading, 1835-1880 (Bowling Green: University Popular Press, 1981). 6. See, for example, Leonore Davidoff and Catherine Hall, Family Fortunes. Men and Women of the English Middle-Class 1780-1930 (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1978), p. 454; Sheila R. Herstein, A Mid- Victorian Feminist, Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985), pp. 44-7; Worzala, 'The Langham Place Circle', Chapter 1. 7. Gail Malmgreen, Neither Bread Nor Roses: Utopian Feminists and the 190 Notes 191 English Working Class, 1800-1850 (Brighton: John L. Noyce, 1978); Barbara Taylor, Eve and the New Jerusalem. Socialism and Feminism in the Nine­ teenth Century (Virago, 1983); R. K. P. Pankhurst, William Thompson, 1775- 1833, Britain' s Pioneer Socialist, Feminist, and Co-operator (Watts and Co., 1954). 8. Carol Smith-Rosenberg, 'The Female World of Love and Ritual: Relations Between Women in Nineteenth Century America', Signs 1 (1975), pp. 1- 29; Lilian Faderman, Surpassing the Love of Men. Friendship and Love Between Womenfrom the Renaissance to the Present (Women's Press, 1985). 9. Jane Rendall, 'Friendship and Politics: Barbara Leigh Smith Bodichon (1827- 1891) and Bessie Raynor Parkes (1825-1925)', in Jane Rendall and Susan Mendus (eds), Sexuality and Subordination. Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender in the Nineteenth Century (Routledge, 1989), pp. 136-70. 10. Bertha Mason, The Story ofthe Women's Suffrage Movement (Sheratt and Hughes, 1912); Florence Balgamie, 'The Women's Suffrage Movement in the Nineteenth Century', in B. Villiers (ed.), The Case for Women 's Suffrage (T. Fisher Unwin, 1907), p. 12. However, Ray Strachey, The Cause, A Short History ofthe Women's Movement in Great Britain (Virago: 1988, first published 1928) does take a more balanced approach. 11. MS letter from Elisa Bardouneau-Narcy [nt!e Ashurst] to Elizabeth Neall Gay, 6 March 1846, Sydney Howard Gay Papers, The Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Columbia University. Levine, Victorian Feminism, p. 21. Eliza (occasionally known as 'Elisa') Bardouneau-Narcy is referred to as Eliza Ashurst throughout, although her married name is used, when appropriate in the notes. 12. Kenneth Corfield, 'Elizabeth Heyrick: Radical Quaker' , in Gail Malmgreen (ed.), Religion in the Lives of English Women 1760-1930 (Croom Helm, 1986), pp. 41-67; F. B. Tolles (ed.), Slavery and the 'Woman Question " Lucretia Mott's Diary of Her Visit to Great Britain to Attend the Wor/d's Anti-Slavery Convention of 1840 (Friends' Historical Society, 1952), p. 49. 13. Lee Virginia Chambers-Schiller, 'The CAB: A Trans-Atlantic Community, Aspects of Nineteenth Century Reform', (PhD thesis, University of Michi­ gan, 1977), passim. 14. In addition to the standard works on the women's rights movement, as cited above, the following works, among others, also point to this relationship: Margaret Bryant, The Unexpected Revolution. A Study in the History of the Education of Women and Girls in the Nineteenth Century (University of London Institute of Education, 1979), pp. 65-6; J. A. Banks, Victorian Values. Secularism and the Size of Families (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981), p. 35. 15. Olive Banks, Becoming a Feminist. The Social Origins of 'First Wave' Feminism (Brighton: Wheatsheaf, 1986), p. 15; Levine, Feminist Lives, pp. 30-1. 16. Herstein, Mid-Victorian Feminist, pp. 8-16. 17. Ruth Watts, 'Knowledge is Power - Unitarians, Gender and Education in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries', in Gender and Education, Vol. I, no. 1, 1989, pp. 42-4; John Seed, 'Theologies of Power: Unitari­ anism and the Social Relations of Religious Discourse, 1800-1850', in R. J. Morris (ed.), Class, Power and Social Structure in British Nineteenth Century Towns (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1986), pp. 137-9. 192 Notes 18. See above, n.2. 19. Edward Royle, Radical Politics 1790-1900. Religion and Unbelief(Longman, 1971), pp. 51-3, considers the Reasoner, R. G. Garnett, Co-operation and the Owenite Socialist Communities in Britain, 1825-1845 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1972), p. 219, refers to the Spirit of the Age; David Jones, Chartism and the Chartists (Allen Lane, 1975), p. 97, men­ tions the Republican. 20. The word 'feminism' does not appear to have entered into the Eng­ lish language until the 1890s. Richard J. Evans, The Feminists. Women's Emancipation Movements in Europe, America and Australasia 1840-1920 (Croom Helm, 1977), p. 39n. 21. Banks, Faces of Feminism, pp. 30-1. 22. MLG, 'Sketches of Domestic Life', Monthly Repository (hereafter cited as MR), Vol. IX, 1835, p. 560. Mary Leman Grimstone married William Gillies in the late 1830s or early 1840s, thus becoming Mary Leman Gillies. She often wrote for the same publications as William Gillies's daughter, Mary Gillies. Therefore, to avoid confusion, Mary Leman Gillies will be known as Mary Leman Grimstone throughout, although her correct name will be dted in the notes. 23. 'Female Education', MR, Vol. VII, 1833, p. 489; 'Industrial Schools for Young Women', Eliza Cook's Journal, Vol. I, no. 6, 9 June 1849, pp. 81- 2. 24. Helen Blackbum, Women 's Suffrage. ARecord of the Women 's Suffrage Movement in the British lsles (Williams and Norgate, 1902), pp. 12-13; Mason, The Story of the Women 's Suffrage Movement, pp. 18-22. 25. MS letter from Bessie Raynor Parkes to Barbara Leigh Smith, 20 November 1847, Girton College, Cambridge, Parkes Papers, BRP V 15. See also Tait's Edinburgh Magazine, Vol. XI, July 1844, p. 423; Douglas Jerrold's Weekly Newspaper, no. 28, 23 January 1847, p. 85. 1 Freedom and Patriarchy - The Unitarian Background 1. Henry Gow, The Unitarians (Methuen, 1928); H. L. Short, 'Presbyterians Under a New Name', in C. G. Bolam, et al., The English Presbyterians, From Elizabethan Puritanism to Modem Unitarianism (George Allen and Unwin, 1968), Chapter 6; H. McLachlan, The Unitarian Movement in the Religious Life of England. 1ts Contribution to Thought and Learning 1700-1900 (George Allen and Unwin, 1934). 2. Raymond V. Holt, The Unitarian Contribution to Social Progress in Eng­ land (Butler and Tanner, 1938). 3. See, for example, R. K. Webb, 'Flying Missionaries: Unitarian Journalists in Victorian England' , in J. M. W. Bean (ed.), The Political Culture of Mod­ em Britain, Studies in Memory of Stephen Koss (Hamish Harnilton, 1987), pp. 10-31; D. C. Stange, British Unitarians Against Slavery, 1833-1865 (Cranbury, New Jersey: Associated University Presses, 1984); Ruth Watts, 'The Unitarian Contribution to Education in England from the Late Eight­ eenth Century to 1853', (PhD thesis, University of Leicester, 1987). 4. John Seed, 'Theologies of Power: Unitarianism and the Sodal Relations of Religious Discourse, 1800-1850', in R. J. Morris (ed.), Class, Power and Notes 193 Social Structure in British Nineteenth Century Towns (Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1986), pp. 108-56. 5. Ibid., p. 113. 6. Watts, 'Unitarian Contribution', p. 41. 7. Russell Lant Carpenter, Memoirs 01 the Life and Work 01 Philip Pearsall Carpenter (e. Kegan Paul, 1850), p. 155; John Thomas Barker (ed.), The Life 01 loseph Barker. Written by Himself (Hodder and Stoughton, 1880), p. 281. 8. For a survey of the historiography, see Russell E. Richey, 'Did the English Presbyterians Become UnitariansT, Church History, Vol. 42, 1973, pp. 58- 72. 9. Dennis G. Wigmore-Beddoes, Yesterday's Radicals. A Study 01 the Affinity Between Unitarians and Braad Church Anglicanism in the Nineteenth Cen­ tury (James Clarke, 1971), p. 21. 10. Francis E. Mineka, The Dissidence 01 Dissent, The 'Monthly Repository', 1806-1838 (Chapel Hili: University of North Carolina Press, 1944), pp. 9- 17; R. K. Webb, 'The Unitarian Background', in Barbara Smith (ed.), Truth, Liberty, Religion: Essays Celebrating Two Hundred Years 01 Manchester College (Oxford: Manchester College, 1986), pp.
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