THE GREEK AUSTRALIAN The oldest circulating Greek newspaper outside Greece email: VEMA
[email protected] SEPTEMBER 2004 Tel. (02) 9559 7022 Fax: (02) 9559 7033 In this issue... Our Primate’s View VANDALISM PAGE 5/23 TRAVEL: Scaling Corinth’s mythical peaks PAGE 16/34 ‘Dream Games’ The Athens 2004 Games, the 28th Olympiad of the modern effort, it provided security in the air, the sea and on land. But era, ended on August 28 with a closing ceremony that cele- in the end, it was the athletes who were at the heart of the brated 16 days of competition and the nation that had played Games, setting as they did several new world and Olympic host to the world. Athens presented the Games with state-of- records. the art venues, and, through an unprecedented multinational FULL REPORT PAGE 20-38 SEPTEMBER 2004 2/20 TO BHMA The Greek Australian VEMA Your Say Who was the Founder of the Modern Olympics? Dear Editor ancient, but not classic games, tive of establishing the modern renovation of the Panathenian I must take umbrage at your and two modern. Prizes were Olympic Games. After becoming Stadium asked him to contribute, journalist K I Angelopoulos, who both monetary and symbolical. a member of the Panhellenic Averoff stated that he would dared to repeat that pathetic non- There was a band playing an Gymnastic Society in Athens, he undertake the renovation of the sense which accords Pierre de Olympic Hymn, specially com- represented the Society in the ancient Panathenian Stadium, at Coubertain as the Founder of the posed for the occasion.