PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions

August 15, 2017


Proceeding INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions

ISBN: 978-602 -50161-0-3

Editors Team: Sujianto Zulkarnaini Febri Yuliani Dadang Mashur Mayarni Abdul Sadad Nur Laila Meilani Mimin Sundari Nasution

Layout : [email protected]

Desain cover: Syamsul Witra

Publisher: Program Study of Public Administration FISIP Riau University and IAPA The Middle of Sumatera Region

Address of publisher and editor: Kampus Binawidaya Simpang Baru, 28293 Telp (0761) 63267; Fax (0761) 65804 E-mail: [email protected]

First Publish, August 2017

All rights reserved Do not reproduce this paper in the form and In any way without the written permission of the publisher


Praise the presence of Allah SWT for the blessing and grace of this proceeding can be arranged well and on time. This Proceeding are ideas and results of research from various circles who become participants in international seminar entitled “Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions” organized by IAPA Central region in collaboration with Department of Public Administration FISIP Universitas Riau. Those ideas are basically a contribution from various components of society ranging from academics, practitioners, bureaucrats and others in order to address contextual and contemporary issues related to the development of public administration science, especially in the context of local institutions. Overall this proceeding contains 39 articles which are divided into 3 sub themes: administration and public policy, good governance and bureaucratic reform, and innovative government and development. This proceeding can not be separated thanks to the help of various parties. Acknowledgments are sent to: 1. The Rector of the University of Riau who has given full support for the international seminar “Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions” 2. IAPA leaders and central IAPA Central Sumatera region who have been actively contributing to this international seminar. 3. All keynote speakers and presenters or speakers who have taken the time to present the research and innovative ideas in this international seminar. In the preparation of this proceeding is certainly not free from sharing the shortcomings, therefore all forms of advice, corrections and inserts will be accepted openly. Finally, hopefully this international conference and proceedings can provide benefits as much as possible for the province of Riau in particular and for in general.

Pekanbaru, August 2017

Editor Team














Zainal Abidin bin Borhan Chairman of the National Association of Writers Association of Malaysia (GAPENA)

Abstract: What will be disclosed in this paper is one of the public policy or the Malaysian public p olicy which is the National Language Policy. A policy to ensure that all citizens can speak Malay p roperly; Widely used in all areas such as education, used at all court levels, is well used in Parliame nt and the State Assembly, the language of unity, the identity of the Nation of Malaysia, the langua ge of administration, and so forth.

Keywords: public policy, education, identity nations

The Federal Constitution of Malaysia, Clause 152, establishes that Bahasa Melayu is the National Language of the Federation of Malaysia. Malaysian Federal Constitution Clause 16 requires any citizen born in Malaysia before Merdeka to have adequate BM knowledge; Clause 19 also stipulates that non-citizens applying for a citizen need to also have adequate BM knowledge. The BM position was also enacted in the National Language Act 1963/1967. BM is also promoted through the Education Act 1960/1996, as well as through the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Act 1956/1995. Before the Federation of Malaya achieved independence, on August 5, 1957, the Malay Rulers Council had placed the position of the BM as enshrined in the Malay Rites, the 6th Will, "We set the national language to be Malay." The BM that began as a native language developed into lingua franca in the Malay Archipelago in the historical space, became a vehicle for the development of Malay civilization especially in most of the Malay royal palaces and cities. BM is also developing through Malay literature, literacy or historiography, religious books, statutory and legal, medical and health, business languages and administration and governance. It is also a language that has been set up in Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia; being one of the official languages in Singapore despite being enacted in the Singapore Constitution that BM is the national language for Singapore. During British colonization of Malaya, as well as North Borneo () and , administrative language, business language and education language were BI, judging BM was one of the vernacular languages of that time. Razak Education Report was presented in 1956 to develop the education system of an independent nation. This statement confirms BM as the language of introductory schooling to speed up the process of presenting and uniting the nation. In 1956 only a Malay Secondary School was held. Prior to that, if the Malay primary school children want to pursue secondary schooling, they need to go to English secondary school, ready to study BI in the remove class. Although the Federation of Malaya achieved independence on August 31, 1957, BI and BM bilingual practice continued. In 1970 began the efforts to strengthen the position of BM in governance and education when the National Language Policy was emphasized and complemented with the National Education Policy, the National Culture Policy and the New Economic Policy. Beginning in 1970 BM was established in the Malaysian education system and in 1983 was first and foremost to doctoral degree. In 1970 the National University of Malaysia (UKM) was set up to make BM a language of knowledge, and to provide higher education to all Malaysian citizens in BM. At the University of Malaya (UM) and

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 1 Universiti Sains Malaysia, efforts to arbitrate all fields of science were done gradually until 1983. Through bold action to fund the BM, the education democratization process has taken place. More village children enjoy the benefits of education that enable them to climb social stairs to a better life path within the social hierarchy of society. Equipped with socio-economic engineering through the New Economic Policy has brought new Malay middle classes in towns and villages, while in the middle class occupation is dominated by non-Malays and English colonists. For the past 30 years (1970-2000) through the National Language Policy and National Education Policy have successfully produced a Malaysian citizen who is fluent in BM. Although BM is a national language, ethnic and ethnic languages are not prevented from being used and learned as noted in the Federal Constitution of Malaysia. Tamil and Mandarin are the medium of instruction for Tamil National Primary Schools and Chinese National Primary Schools as well as Chinese National Type Secondary Schools, which receive the full assistance of the Federal government. Provided within the Education Act if 15 or more students studying at the National School (who are fully BMs) who apply for their native language, the school should provide it. After the 60th anniversary of the Federation of Malaysia to achieve independence, BM has been implemented as a national language, the language of instruction of education at school to university, court language, language in Parliament and State Assembly, language of unity and communication language, administrative language; But the BM is still at the crossroads. BM is faced with government efforts to improve English. BM has not been widely used in the private sector. In 2003 the then Prime Minister Dr.Mahathir announced a policy known as the Math ematical and Mathematical Teaching and Learning in English (PPSMI). This policy is not discussed at parliamentary level. Dr. Mohahir directed to be implemented with the excuse t o master the knowledge in the BI, so that the country is faster and "industrialized". All mat hematics and science subjects in primary schools are taught in BI. Mathematics, accountin g, biology, chemistry, secondary school physics are taught in BI. At the university level als o changed, all faculty of Science, Engineering, Medicine, Dentistry, Economics, Accountin g, Business and so on have changed to BI. The greatness of 30 years continues to be destro yed. BM fighters such as Gapena and non-governmental organizations (NG) partners such as the Malaysian Linguistic Association, Malaysian Society of Translators, Academy of Sc ience Malaysia, ABIM, PKPIM, PPSMI Pipeline Movement (GMP) and others across the nation are up against PPSMI. The GMP led by BM fighters and the National Librarian has mobilized massive protests in . PPSMI gives benefits to some of the urban c hildren who are already familiar with the BI, but not to the village children who are in rural villages. Many of the village children failed in the PPSMI test at the primary level. At the end of 2002, the DBP had provided math and science textbooks in BM for primary and secondary schools. When PPSMI was implemented in 2003, all the books were not used, and even RM900 million was spent on translating to BI. Teachers who teach BI and PPSMI subjects are incentive allowances compared to teachers teaching BM and History, Geography, Islamic Studies, and Drawings. The government also spends large amounts of digital and computing facilities to facilitate PPSMI. The insistence of BM fighters with researchers from several local universities has proven that the failure rate of PPSMI subjects is very high especially for rural students, has opened the eyes of government leaders to gradually eliminate PPSMI from 2012 and gradually expire in 2020. PPSMI was also replaced with the Duplication of BM and Empowering BI (MBMMBI). In 2016, the Ministry of Education announced a new policy

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 2 to upgrade BI. Only this time parents through the Association of Parents and Teachers (PIBGs) are asked to make choices for their children to be placed in the Dual Language Programe (DLP) school or mono lingual school (BM). The urban fathers want their children to be placed in DLP schools. Through DLP science and mathematics and engineering, computing (STEM), BM subjects, Malay literature, Islamic studies, taught in BM. So we are the DLP language fighters = PPSMI. The purpose of DLP's implementation is the same as PPSMI, BI is the site leading to industrialized countries. Indirectly BM has been denied and denied by many. The language fighters are not anti or against the BI, but we expect the BM to not be ruled out. BM is said to have no competitiveness against BI. Actually lowering the BM's competitiveness is PPSMI because it turns off all efforts to make the language of science. We argue that Japan, South Korea, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, China, Russia and Taiwan so advanced not through English. The irony of DLP and the former PPSMI was not implemented at the Chinese National Type School. Mandarin warriors succeeded in obtaining exemptions, but not in national schools (Malays). The same argument is used that UNESCO has determined that every knowledge will be easy to understand if taught in a language that is easy to understand by children, which is their native language. We from Gapena together with other non-governmental organizations have held three demonstrations in Kuala Lumpur to protest the DLP. The social media have helped us spread our protests across the country. The PAS-led opposition political party has helped us together to demonstrate. To us the main issue is the weakness of English. So the government should strive to improve the BI learning and teaching, rather than taking other subjects to be taught in BI. Analogy that we use "other diseases, other drugs". We have argued from the point of view of the Constitution and legislation but they have rhinoceros. On the other hand, education in Malaysia has become an industry that provides income and employment opportunities. Hence some new laws such as the Private Higher Education Act, the Private School Act was created. Also a Ministry of Higher Education was created by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and also in the time of Prime Minister Muhammad Najib. Currently, about 250,000 foreign students are studying in public and private universities. A large campus of the Xiamen University branch of China was built in Sepang near KLIA, accommodating over 2000 students from China and Malaysia, speaking Mandarin and BI. Public universities are also involved in rediscovering BI and reducing the development and sustainability of BM as the language of science, the language of science, the technology language, the digital language and the computing and so on. The university administrator ensures that every academic professor from the professor to postgraduate lecturers and students write a paper in the BI to be published in an ISI-grade international journal or not Scorpus. University leaders want to pursue ranking, not just within the country but also in world ranking. Academicians who write in BM are less rewarded. BM at the local government level (city government) also faces problems. Not all local government authorities and district councils implement BM policies, as there is no clear provision in the Local Government Act of the implementation of BM for street names, building names, signboards and billboards, and housing areas. Although there are guidelines provided by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government, it is less compliant. There are local authorities and private parties applying for DBP's assistance to translate and help in terms of spelling and grammar for billboards, signboards so as not to misunderstand the language.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 3 BM as the national language, the language of the country, as the language of unity and the communication language, the education language of a sovereign state is likely to change status into the market language. Or BM remains the language of the village people. A policy that begins as an effort to create a nation-nation that has the identity and identity of BM, and is united with the BM, now nation-state conception is taken over by developmentism.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 4 PUBLIC POLICY SINGAPORE STYLE

Nola Fibriyani Head Muamalat School-MIC (Muhammadiyah Islamic College) Singapore

Abstract: All government need to make policy choice to tax or borrow, what to spend on, whom to spen on and how to spend it. In Singapore and consistently explicitly considering the economic principle and logic involved. Politic it has been said, is conserned who get what, when and how. Public policy can be similarly described without losing much of its essence. Every day policy makers around the world are confronted by the question of how to allocate and distribute scarce resources. In higly globalised world governments are faces with increasingly complex and cross cutting issues. Good government is one of the key challenges of our times for both developing and developed countries.

Keywords: public policy, good government, developed countries

INTRODUCTION Singapore (the official name: Republic of Singapore) is an island country off the southern tip of the Malayan Peninsula, a total area of Singapore 716 km. North of the equator in Southeast Asia. The country is separate from Malaysia by the Strait in the north, and from the Riau Islands, Indonesia by the Singapore Strait to the south. Singapore is the fourth-largest financial center in the world and a cosmopolitan city that plays an important role in international trade and finance. Singapore Port is one of the five busiest ports in the world.1 Singapore has a long history of immigration. Its diverse population amounts to 5,535,000 last year's population data 2015.2 Comprised of Chinese, Malay, Indian, Asian, and Caucasian. 42% of Singaporeans are foreigners working and studying there. Foreign workers make up 50% of the services sector. The country is the second most populous in the world after Monaco. A.T. Kearney called Singapore as the world's most globalized country in the 2006 Globalization Index.3 The official languages are English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Currency Singapore Dollar S $ (SGD). Standard time zone Singapore (SST) (UTC + 8) with +65 phone code4 Public Policy Singapore style among others are: 1. Macho-Meritocracy British Colonial introducing meritocracy to Singapore on January 1951. In Singapore, the small group of leaders who won power in 1959- Lee Kuan Yew, Goh Keng Swee, and Toh Chin Chye- had all distinguished themselves in Singapore or the Peninsula and won competitive scholarships to study in England. They were regarded as among the brightest of their generation, and they believed in meritocracy not only for bureaucrats but also for politicians. ,,, in Singapore, meritocracy is more than a procedure for selecting talent. It creates an aura of special awe for the top leaders by provides a basic for discrediting less meritocratic opposition almost regardless of the content of its arguments. This special awe enabled the first generation of meritocratic, impeccably honest heroes to establish what might be called a ‗macho-meritocracy‘. (Vogel, 1989, p.1053).5

1 2 3 "Measuring Globalization", Foreign Policy, no date. 4 5 Public Administration Singapore Style. Jon S.T. Quah. By Talisman Publishin Pte Ltd. 2010, p. 5

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 5 2. Competiting with the Private sector for the best talent. Singapore has no natural resources, but human resources are more important where Singaporeans have to compete with the private sector for "The Best and Brighters". Singapore has three considerations: First is the PSC (Public Service Commission) under graduate scholarships to the best student in each cohort of school-leavers in Singapore. After they graduate from the 'schoolars' study is required to be wise or work in the SCS in accordance with the annual contract, depending on the length of the scholarships taken. Secondly to avoid the 'Brain Drain' of the private sector, high paying of lard started in 1972 by introducing 13th bonus lard to increase in 1979, 1982, 1989, 1994. And the gross income of government and ministry employees achieved the highest income in 6 private sectors from 1995. Third is to add to the highest payment competition in the SCS (Singapore Civil Service) introducing rapid administration servicing in 1989 along with revising the way of paying laj because 'promotion is a much more selective and discriminating method to reward good officers than pay alone'. (Lee, 1989b, p 12). After most government officials are not promoted or promoted, they choose to stop working in the office field, employees who get promotional rank of 45 years old under the age of 50. 3. Low Level of Corruption Discussing Singapore's unforeseen corruption is a lack of coverage of corrupt people. Corruption itself is a very serious matter. Singapore during the British colonial period, especially after the Japanese government (1942-1945). PAP (Peoples Action Party) as a government seeking solutions to corruption issues after estimating June 1959. Enacting a Prevention of Corruption Act (POCA) in 1960. Strengthening the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB) to strengthen (POCA). With the enactment of CPIB's and very successful in eradicating corruption so that the State of Singapore became one of the non-corrupt countries in Asia from 1995 to 2009. According to ‗Transparency International‘ Coruption Perceptions Index. 4. Reliance on institutional and attitudinal administrative reforms. When the PAP as a government holder declared that in 1959 the PAP established two new ministries, namely the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of National Development and Housing and Development Board (HDB) in 1960 to solve the housing shortage problem. Singapore has succeeded in implementing administrative reforms because the PAP is a government that has strong support for a change and focuses on institutional reform and attitude. 5. Reliance on statutory board for implementing sosio-economic development programs. As the Singapore Civil Service is devoted to performing "housekeeping" functions and maintenance of law and order, tax collection. The provision of services during the British occupation did not contribute to national development in Singapore. The PAP established two councils to address the problems (SCS) of the Singapore Civil Service. (HDB) House and Development Board and (EDB) Economic Development Board. For HDB managed to solve the housing shortage problem of Singapore residents while EDB managed to attract foreign investment coming to Singapore.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 6 6. Effective policy implementation Singapore is supported by political leadership so that policies can be effectively implicated.. Keberhasilan tersebut tidak lepas daripada SCS dan Statutory board. 7. Improving service to the public As an SCS that provides services quickly without discrimination to anyone, the government PAP has introduced measures to improve the services provided to the public at large. In the British colonial period discrimination occurred to people who do not know English. To find a way of settlement (CCB) the central Complaints Bureau stood in 1960 to allow the public, especially those who do not have English education. To voice complaints against rude and incompetent government employees. In 1991 the Service Improvement Unit (SIU) was established to reduce and improve the SCS's sevice and statutory boards through quality service agreements that are public servants. 8. Using Policy Diffusion to solve problems. When SCS and Statutory Board encounter new problems they are not "reinvent the wheel" because this is an expensive process. rather than choosing to rely on policy defussion. Example: find out how other countries agree on the same issues to identify the right one in solving the problems in Singapore. In accordance with the context of Singapore State. Like designing Changi Airport. Even if other countries do not deal with the problems of the Singapore Civil Servant will find a way out. Example of traffic problems then held (ERP) Electronic road pricing. To reduce traffic congestion in urban areas during peak periods. The (SCS) Singapore Civil Service Prime Minister‘s Office  Ministry of Comumnity Development, Youth and Sports  Ministry of Defense  Ministry Of Education  Ministry Of Finance  Ministry of Foreign Affairs  Ministry of Health  Ministry of Home Affairs  Ministry of Imformation, Communication and art  Ministry of Law.  Ministry of Menpower  Ministry of National Development  Ministry of Trade and Industry  Ministry of Transport.

MICROECONOMIC CONCEP Before independence in 1965, Singapore was a diverse trading port with a GDP per capita of $ 511, the third highest in East Asia at the time. After independence, foreign direct investment and government efforts for industrialization were based on former Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Ir. Goh Keng Swee established Singapore's current economy.6

6Murphy, Craig (2006). The United Nations Development Programme: A Better Way?. Cambridge University Press. p. 101. ISBN 9780521864695

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 7 The Economist Intelligence Unit in the "Quality of Life Index" places Singapore on the ranking of one of the best quality of life in Asia and the eleventh in the world.7 Singapore has the ninth largest foreign exchange reserve in the world. The country also has an advanced armed forces.8 After its GDP decreased by -6.8% in the 4th quarter of 2009. Singapore earned the title of the fastest growing economy in the world, with a 17.9% GDP growth in the first half of 2010. Market Bases Policies. In Singapore, governments tend to take a market-based approach to public policymakers. This means that the government designs incentives or desinsentives to private samples of producers and consumers, will choose to find a way out. Such as taxation and subsidies and each get internal and external favorable prices for every economic activity by aligning private incentives with social virtues. Command and control policies. The government also uses a more direct means to be followed to correct market failures. This can be in the form of rules and regulations such as age restrictions on alcoholic and cigarette liquor, or roads that buses can only travel through during the day as people go to work and in the afternoon when people come home from work. Besides, also the arrangement of cities such as street lights and health also education. By alternative methods, the allocation of resources by the price mechanism is the best way to achieve an efficient economy. With the planned economic experience centered on various aspects is key to the economy. But that does not mean there has never been a case of market failure. In such a situation of failure, the government makes good intervention designs to be designed to improve market outcomes. Singapore government interference does not necessarily require direct participation from the market although this can happen anytime. To fix the fall of market prices the Singapore government only needs to create a pricing mechanism condition.

MULTY-RACIAL SOCIETY June 2008 SIngapura has a total population of 4,839,400. The Singapore population is heterogeneous in terms of ethnic, linguistic and religious groups. Chinese people 74.7% Malay 13.6% and India 8.9% others 2.8%. There are four languages recognized by Singaporean countries such as: English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil. And the division of religion is; Buddhist or Daoist 51%, Muslim 14.9%, no religion 14.8%, Christian 14.6%, Hindu 4% 0.6% other religions. In a tribal, PAP language and religion as a government implements two obligations to each of its citizens. The first PAP promotes nation building by formulating and implementing policies to ensure Racial Harmony'. Secondly to prevent and minimize discrimination of minority groups, and to ensure both policies are fair and equitable for every Singaporean. This means that anyone who is guilty then there is a fine or punished no matter ethnic groups, language or religion.

EDUCATION Education has a very important role in the Lion State of this fish tails that is Singapore. The smallness of a country is not a reason for not being able to become a successful country in the best education, for example: the State of New Zealand, Switzerland, Netherland, Scotland, good in math, computer and science. Singapore itself

7 "The Economist Intelligence Unit's quality-of-life index", 2005. 8 Moss, Trefor (18 January 2010). "Buying an advantage". Jane's Defence Review.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 8 already has a system to be above average in education. And can not be denied also about the system of leadership and skill in stewardship in various fields and business competitiveness. For sustainability in terms of education there is a sense of how the above system remains stable and of course it all depends on the success of the Singapore government to implement in the harmonization policy towards multy ethnic and culture believe and continue until whenever. 1. Ministry of Education (MOE) Sebagai Lembaga Central. In formulation and implementation of education related policies in Singapore. In administration and development of primary school, secondary school, and junior colleges both government-owned and government-aided school. In addition, the Ministry of Education also oversees private schools. The organizational structure within the ministry has three wings, ie: 1. Professional. 2. Policy . 3. Services. The Directorate General Professional Wing oversees several deputies and directors, namely: Deputy Curriculum who takes care of curriculum planning and development. Deputy Schools, served as director of the schools. Deputy Professional Development in charge of Academy of Singapore Teachers, Director of Educational Technology, and Director of Education Services. On the policy wing (Policy Wing) there are:: 1. divisi Communications and Engagement Group. 2. Higher Education, dan Planning. While service wing (Services Wing) has several divisions, that is: 1. Finance & Development, 2. Human Resource, Legal Services. 3. School Planning & Placement, dan Internal Audit. In addition, there are institutions that are governed by statutes and are under the Ministry of Education, namely: 1. Council for Private Education 2. Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 3. Institute of Technical Education (ITE) 4. Science Centre Singapore 5. Singapore Examinations 6. Assessment Board 7. 5 politeknik. 8. Council for Private Education (CPE) Duty to organize education organized by private. 9. In addition to acting as a Private Education Institutions regulator, CPE also facilitates capacity building efforts to improve the standards of the private education industry. The Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) is an institution established on 1 April 2014 to develop and organize national examinations in Singapore and provide other exam and assessment products and services. In general, educational institutions in Singapore can be divided into three namely:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 9 1. Public institutions (public). From Elementary School to University 2. Private institutions (private). From the pre-primary to university level is set by the Council for Private Education (CPE). These private educational institutions can be international schools with foreign systems, Islamic Religious Schools, Privately Funded Schools, and Specialized Independent Schools. In addition, at the Post-Secondary or university level there are also several private institutions, including foreign universities setting up campuses in Singapore. Private schools can provide exam passing certificates or internal assessments as well as study completeness certificates. These certificates are generally seen as the students' initial performance before taking external examinations such as the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education (GCE), the London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI), the National Computing Center (NCC), the City & Guilds (C & G), and others. 3. Special Schools. Schools dedicated to special needs students can also submit assistive technology needs for their students in the form of visual and hearing aids, as well as visual and physical aids to the Ministry of Education (MOE). Students with special needs are facilitated by Special School with curriculum, either in the form of curriculum in general with special programs according to the needs of students and special education curriculum. Learners also receive support from professional paramedics, such as psychologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, as well as social workers. The education system in Singapore is organized systematically by the Ministry of Education (MOE), in which the MOE monitors and regulates in various aspects of education, including institutions, school curricula, and teacher recruitment. In general, educational institutions in Singapore can be categorized into three, namely public institutions (private), private institutions (private), and special schools for students with special needs. To ensure Singapore's citizens' right to affordable and quality education, the government relieves primary school fees and imposes low-cost education schemes for its citizens at the secondary to university levels. In general, the level of education in Singapore can be divided into 5 stages, namely pre-school (4-6 years), primary (7-12 years), secondary (13-16 years), post- secondary (17- 19 years) and university (20-23 years). Primary education Primary 1 to Primary 6 aims to equip students with knowledge and skills in science, mathematics, English, mother tongue and art. At the end of Primary 6, students will undergo a final exam called Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). After completing primary education, students continue their education to a secondary level where based on PSLE results, students will be placed in one path between Express, Normal (Academic), and Normal (Technical). The three pathways are both Secondary 1 to Secondary 4 but with different advanced and final examinations. Students on the Express course continue their education through Integrated Program (IP) which is an integrated program between Secondary School and Junior College (JC) with the ultimate goal of GCE Advanced Level ('A' Level) or Diploma degree. Expressway students who do not follow the Integrated Program can take the GCE Ordinary Level ('O' Level) and continue their studies to Junior College (JC). The Normal Track (Academic) leads students to take the GCE Normal Level ('N' Level) exam and then proceed to the polytechnic or continue one year before taking the GCE 'O' Level exam. The Normal Path (Technical) leads students to take the GCE Normal Level ('N' Level) and then proceeds to the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 10 POLITICAL STABILITY AND CONTINUITY PAP PAP as the government that governed Singapore for 4 decades ie 58 years until today. The most dominant government PAPs currently have 4 factors; 1. Convinced Singapore to survive after separation from Malaysia in August 1965 by minimizing the impact of the economic impact of the withdrawal of British military power, by encouraging foreign investment and reinforcing the armed forces through the 1967 National Service (NS) army service. 2. PAP The government gained legitimacy among Singaporean citizens through an effective response to communist and communal threats and corruption issues. The PAP uses the Internal Security Act (ISA) as well as newspapers and the Printing Press Act to detain those involved in pro-communist and pro-komonis activitas that threaten Singapore's security and survival. To deal with the corruption issue of PAP the government introduced the (PCA) Prevention of Corruption Act of 1960 which was enforced by (CPIB) to combat corruption effectively. 3. A substantial increase in the standard of living of the PAP as a government for 58 years shows clearly that it has given economic goodness. Singapore changed from a poor country in 1959 to the first prosperous Country in 2000. And in the end the PAP as a government dominates Singapore's politics because many opposition parties are weak and ineffective and not credible. Apart from the PAP, there are 24 other registered political parties in Singapore (Ministry of Imformation, Communications and Art, 2007. P 38), however only a few of the opposition political parties participate in general elections in Singapore. For example, in the 1991 and 1997 general election only 5 oppositions parties took apart. There were 14 oppositions Members of Parliament (MPs) after the September 1963 general election. However, this record figure of opposition MPs has not been surpassed during the past 46 years because of the severe limitations facing the opposition political parties. According Hussin Mutalib, the internal weaknesses of opposition political parties are ―gaps in leadership, ideology and programs, how their lack of funds made for weak party machinery, and how they all, without exeption, have at one time or other been wracked with intra- party and inter-party dissensions and cleavages.9 Singapore's political stability and sustainability is an important asset for government PAPs as it is conducive to attracting foreign investment and for improving the effectiveness of public policy implementation. There are four weaknesses of opposition parties in Singapore including: 1. Weak organization 2. Less stringent selection system and has no means and can not recruit a good candidate. 3. The opposition party has not been able to provide an accountable alternative program to compete with the PAP. The number of parties currently in Singapore is: 1. (PAP) People‘s Action Party The current ruling party for 4 decades from 1959 by Lee Kuan Yew. Conservativism, Economic liberalism, meritocracy, Third Way, Multyracialism, Secularism. 2. (SDP) Singapore Democratic Party The dissident party or the opposition party of 1980 by Mr. Chiam See Tong who

9 (Mutalib, 2000, p 314 ) PASS Jon S.T.Quah, p 23

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 11 has ideology Sosial Liberalism. 3. (SDA) Singapore Democratic Aliance The opposition party or the opposition party in 2001 was chaired by Mr. Desmon Lim. And this party has a liberal ideology of democracy. 4. (PKMS) Pertumbuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Singapura. Party of dissidents or opposition party in 1967 by Md Eunos Bin Abdullah in 1926. Current Chairman Mr, Abu Muhamed, this party has the ideology of Unity, Bersetia and Berhkhidmat. 5. (SPP) Singapore People‘s Party The dissident party or opposition party in 1994 had ideology Liberalism, Sosial Liberalism, Liberal Democracy. Mr. Chiam See Tong. 6. (WP) Worker‘s Party Party of dissent or opposition party in 1957. Having ideology Sosial democracy dan liberal democracy.

CONCLUSION Today's world is becoming more complex day by day to analyze and help policy makers, design and make decisions in changing the world in a country that was poor to a prosperous State. The economic progress and prosperity of this republic has provided Singaporeans with benefits from substantive and major aspects such as the development of the State and the integration of citizens. Singapore itself is no exception in getting the pressures and tensions that often apply in a heterogeneous and ethnically diverse country in the world. Nevertheless disebalik glorious Singapore as a global city and prosperous mission to raise itself from the country to the State and expect the implementation The dream of being a brilliant city in the days ahead is an unfinished task. Singapore must try harder and deeper for the 'Singaporean spirit' as in a nation-wide understanding and meritocracy of loyalty and commitment to Singapore should be shared.

REFERENCE Jon S.T, Quah Public Admiraltion Singapore Style. Emeral Group Publishing. 2010. structure. "Measuring Globalization", Foreign Policy, no date. Murphy, Craig (2006). The United Nations Development Programme: A Better Way?. Cambridge University Press. p. 101. ISBN 9780521864695 "The Economist Intelligence Unit's quality-of-life index", 2005. Moss, Trefor (18 January 2010). "Buying an advantage". Jane's Defence Review. Hussin Mutalib. Melayu Singapura (Sebagai kaum minority dan muslim dalam sebuah Negara global) cet. Vinlin Press Sdn Bhd. Malaysia. 2015. Gouglas M. Jhonston. Public Policy Option in the Third Millenium. Print by B & Jo Enterprise Pte Ltd, Singapore 2001 Tan Say Tin and friends Economics in Public Policies The Singapore Story. Prin by Times Printers, Singapore 2009 Saxena N.C The Singapore Public Sevice and National Development‖ Singapore 2011

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 12 Saw Swee-Hock The Population Of Singapore‖Third Edition. Singapore 2012 Public Service Devision Heart Of Public Service : our people. Print by KHL Singapore 2015 Nirma Srirekam Purushotam ―Negotiating Multiculturalism (disciplining Difference in Singapore). Mouton de Gruyter. Berlin. New York 2000 Heart of Public Service (Our Institutions). Print by KHL Printing Co. Pte Ltd 2015 Ismunandar dan kawan-kawan Sistem Pendidikan di Singapura. Cet. 1 Penerbit Nuansa Cendekian 2014 http://en.m.wikipedia. org/wiki/list_of_ political_in_Singapore

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 13 PUBLIC SECTOR REFORM IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM: AN INTRODUCTION TO E-GOVERNMENT

Gamal Zakaria University of Brunei Darussalam

Abstract: Administrative and bureaucratic reform has become a very important theme since digital society began to spread in all countries in the world. In addition, it is also very reasonable given the high demand for good governance. The order of the former Brunei Darussalam bureaucracy we know that bureaucracy is more political and not based on the spirit of service. The implementation of public services is still faced with the government system that has not been effective and efficient and the quality of human resources apparatus that has not been adequate. Complaints arise, ranging from convoluted service procedures to the unpleasant attitude of the authorities. Such conditions resulted in the emergence of red tape from the public over the bureaucracy itself. That bureaucracy is lacking in initiative, procrastination (sluggish in various affairs), breeding forms (too many formalities), duplication of business and departmentalism. When all complaints and possibly also the saturation of the community will decrease the quality of bureaucracy administration services accumulated into one, making waves demands improving the quality of bureaucratic services getting bigger.

Keywords: public sector, bureaucratic reform, good governance

INTRODUCTION Tuntutan Such a massive public demand must of course be responded positively by the government as a form of fulfillment of citizens' rights. Furthermore, begin to be intensified bureaucracy reform policy or public administration reform. Administrative reform in the public sector is needed to adapt the changes needed by society. Samonte (1999) mentions that administrative reform is an instrument that will bring political justice, social justice, and economic growth. Therefore, Nasucha (2004) continued, administrative reform should be seen as part of a wider social transformation and administrative reform movements must exhibit similar characteristics to other social reform movements. Talking about social reform and administrative reform, of course we will not be separated from the problems of movement and changes in information systems and technology that goes so fast. This technological change is often a point that is underestimated and taken into account to be juxtaposed with the concept of administrative reform and social reform. In the opinion of the author, between these three things have a very close relationship. Such rapid technological change is also a form of social reform which is also dynamically dynamic. As said by Gil-Garcia & Pardo (2006) that ― recognizes that there is a dynamic interaction between information technologies and the social structures around them. These more holistic approaches have been called the ensemble view of technology (Orlikowski & Iacono, 2001). The ensemble view establishes that information technologies are not only the physical artifacts, but also the social relations around those artifacts. The technology is only one component of a more complex sociotechnical system (Kling & Lamb, 2000; Kraemer et al., 1980; Mumford, 2000; Pasmore, 1988). So as part of social reform, it is appropriate and reasonable that the process of public administration reform should not and can not turn a blind eye to the development of information technology. The dynamics of the community in the form of mushrooming hotspot area, the increase of internet network users, etc. should be balanced with the role of government in encouraging creativity and public productivity through the utilization of technology and

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 14 digital communication system. Internally, it is necessary first to facilitate the ranks of government with information systems to facilitate coordination and cooperation in handling their official duties. Utilization of information technology, especially internet network in the process of organizing public services and government affairs like this is called as electronic government concept (e-Government). In an international journal mentioned about the importance of utilizing the Internet network in government administration (e-Government). The Internet has the possibility of liberating citizens from traveling to government offices and waiting in lines while processing licenses, taxes, fines, passports, and conducting other forms of official business. It makes it possible to disseminate information at extremely low cost—avoiding printing, shipping and handling. (Cohen & Eimicke, 2002) Some literature on public administration reform, there are still few who examine the specific and in-depth collaboration of public administration reform with the concept of e- Government. Nevertheless, Purbokusumo et al (2006: 88) mentions that: ...... e-government is a response to the problems of public administration and government management that has not been responsive to the demand and speed of the dynamics of citizens; the basic data held can not always be renewable so it is weak to make a decision; communication and documentation full of administrative expenses, slow public services, accountability can not be real time. While the development of informatics and communication technology that can support the governance has not been utilized. From the above statement, it appears that e-Government is able to support the successful implementation of a comprehensive public administration reform. In Brunei Darussalam the implementation of e-Government as part of public administration reform was able to provide various positive impacts as well as able to spur local governments to develop e-Government as an integral part of public administration reform that has long been a crucial issue in the country.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION In the year 2000, His Majesty, Sultan of Brunei expressed his view for establishing e-Brunei, aimed at a paperless society by guiding Brunei into the mainstream of global Information Technology. Developing Brunei‘s services beyond its reliance on oil and gas reserves by reinforcing ICT as an element to diversify the economy away from its traditional dependence on oil and gas. Modernization of the Brunei‘s Government‘s provision of public service. To promote efficiency in the work force, better or quicker delivery of services. Open up new opportunities, contribute to growth, employment and innovation. To advance the nation into a state of global cOmpetitiveness in a Global Digital Economy. Excerpts from the Titah of His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu‘izzaddin Waddaulah (Titah made in conjunction to the 10th Civil Service Day, 4 October 2003): "Layman's Service is the driving force. If he is weak and not dynamic, he may cause the State to lag behind all progress. That is why, the era of ICT also stirred the desire of the kingdom of beta to commit in the implementation of e-Kingdom, in which members of Laymanhood should accept the challenge of changing the way of work and realize a new work culture that emphasizes knowledge and skills in the field of infocommunication technology‖ Developing Integrated Government e-Services would prevent duplication of information and processes within the Government. This would be more efficient and cost effective.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 15

The Strategic Plan addresses the needs of THREE major stakeholders namely : Citizen , Industry & Government. The Strategic Plan is also aligned with the National Vision of Wawasan 2035. Wawasan 2035 goals to become the TOP 10 nation in world ranking to be recognized as a highly educated society. The e-Government initiative will support the Civil Service 21st Century Vision towards national development and improving public well-being. Being Citizen- centric means that the fundamental focus is the business process. Although ICT can improve the efficiency of a service, it is the business process improvement that has the greatest impact. Most important factor in the e-Government Strategic Plan is the need to develop the civil service capabilities in ICT and prepare them for the changes of reforms in delivery better government services. The government will identify services that are of public value through surveys. The services delivered must be easy to use, navigate and most importantly intuitive – be it information, interactive or transactional services. Online submission of applications. Citizens will only need to remember one government website to access the online good services for their personal or business requirements. One of the flagship program of e- Government is the enabling of online payments for good services via internet or mobile, including payment of utility bills. Frequent citizen surveys, polls or other means is conducted to determine the effectiveness of the e-services. This way, government can learn and further refine the services to ultimately satisfy the citizen‘s needs. To achieve the mission, FIVE strategic Priorities were formed, namely : 1. STRATEGIC PRIORITY 1 : Developing capabilities & Capacity a. provide good employees with relevant ICT skills. b. ‗Career opportunities‘ and retain trained quality ICT professionals to the public sector. c. To develop guidelines for ICT professionals. 2. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 2 : Enhancing Governance Improve ICT governance policies and management to ensure government achieve its e-government objectives. 3. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 3 : Strengthening Security & Trust Ensure all government facilities, systems and applications are safe, secure and protected. 4. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 4 : Integrating & Government To establish and improve ways for agencies to work together to produce integrated Government e-services. 5. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES 5 : Delivering Integrated, Accessive & Convenient E-Services

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 16 To develop and provide online services for the citizens that are efficient, secure and easy to access and use Outcomes can be follows : 1. More accurate, reliable information will be available online 2. More online services will be used by the public 3. Seminars & discussion forums will be organized to share e-government experiences and also obtain feedback from civil service 4. To encourage public to use the government online e-services Every ministries have their own initiatives using e-government as their platform in order to expedite the flow of certain processes/ matters, such as : 1. Ministry of health with ―bru-hims‖ (brunei healthcare information management system) and started in 2015. 2. Housing, land & environment with ―laris‖ (land application and registration information system) and started in 2017. 3. Transportation with ―sikap‖ ( driver safety practice system), it like a demerit points system and it started in 2013. Brunei Darussalam public service has also introduced an initiative as part of the continuous efforts towards improving and monitoring the performance level of government agencies : client‘s charter or known as tekad pemedulian orang ramai, tpor). Why need client‘s charter ?. First, the public sector enhance its capacity in order for the nation to be competitive and have a leading edge. Second, Public sector should create an enabling business environment that would attract more investment in order to sustain the living standard of people now and in the future. Third, The public sector should be ready to respond to a public that is increasingly vocal, demand a higher standards of service and an economy that is increasingly outward oriented. Bureaucracy reform in the form of institutionalization of the concept of e- Government as undertaken by Brunei Darussalam shows how all the process of change towards a better direction needs to get strong support from all elements and components. The actual institutionalization of e-Government is a policy in order to facilitate the flow of information and communication at all levels of government as well as with other stakeholders. In addition, also to membnagun government bureaucracy transparency system as well as increased efficiency and effectiveness of its performance. What needs to be underlined from the success of Brunei Darussalam run bureaucracy reform in the form of e-Government is about the importance of changing mindset and mentality in the body of bureaucratic organization itself. In bureaucracy reform is the most important is the change of mindset and new mentality in the body of bureaucracy. Because as good and sophisticated as any concept and system offered, if the spirit and mentality of government organizer still use conventional old paradigm, then the new system and concept will only be a mere discourse without bringing positive change in any form. In this regard, Brunei Darussalam has noted some positive things from the implementation of e- Government as a form of bureaucratic reform, namely increasing public trust, empowerment of all layers, the reduction of work, the existence of a system that is very conducive and progressive, and the creation of political will Strong from the top leadership.

CONCLUSION In the end, the development of politics, social culture and technology become an important matter in order to make bureaucracy reform to be more adaptive and responsive. Therefore, bureaucratic reform is very important in realizing in every government structure

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 17 in order to realize a more efficient bureaucracy, quality and easy to access. However, the preconditions such as the availability of qualified human resources, good systems, good coordination between bureaucratic sections, and an open and innovative working culture must first be met.

REFERENCE Cohen, Steven and Eimicke, William. The Future of E-Government: A Project of Potential Trends and Issues. Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs. 2002. Gil-Garcia , J. Ramon and Pardo, Theresa A. Multi-Method Approaches to Understanding The Complexity of e-Government. International Journal of Computers, Systems and Signals, Vol.7, No.2, 2006. Löfstedt, Ulrica. E-Government Assessment of Current Research and Some Proposals for Future Directions. International Journal of Public Information Systems, Vol. 2005.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 18 ADMINISTRATION REFORM, NATIONAL POWER, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONS

Eko Prasojo Dean of Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) University of Indonesia

Abstract: Administrative reform/public sector has long been seen as an important leverage factor in the development of a nation. Even for developed countries, administrative reform is a never ending process. This is because the demands of the strategic environment, such as the development of information and communication technology, globalization, and public expectation on the performance of the government continue to grow, in line with the development and dynamics of society. The government can not remain silent on the conditions of state administration which is slow, tortuous, highly inefficient, ineffective, unaccountable and not transparent. Similarly, external demands in the form of globalization led to increasingly tight state competition. Only countries with efficient and effective state administrative systems can compete with other countries. Therefore, public sector reform or public management reform that is the transformation of administrative reform (Caiden: 1991) has become a global movement across the country. This movement is referred to as Global New Public Management (Ingraham: 2001; Pollit: 2000). It can be said that the progress made by the three giants in Asia, Japan, China and Korea is actually the result of a long process of administrative reform or also often called public sector reform.

Keywords: Administrative reform, good government, developed countries

INTRODUCTION In various studies conducted by international agencies, Indonesia and several countries in Asia have been upheld having tremendous economic growth and growth potential in the future. The Asian Development Bank (ADB) in its 2011 publication entitled "ASIA 2050: Realizing the Asian Century" states that Asian countries namely China, India, Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are heading for prosperity with a per capita GDP equivalent to a European country and America. ADB estimates that by 2050, the country's Gross Domestic Products (GDP) reach USD $ 174 trillion or 90 percent of Asia's GDP. Even since the severe economic crisis of 1997-1998, Indonesia succeeded in achieving a sustained high rate of sustainable economic growth, so that 2012 becomes the world's 16th country with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 1.139 billion US Dollars (CIA, World Factbook, 2013 ). Indonesia is even estimated to be the seventh largest country in economic development by 2030 as it appears in the report entitled The Archipelago Economy: Unleashing Indonesian's Potential. (McKinsey Global Institute, 2012). In addition to these economic growth, Indonesia also has demographic growth factor (demographic bonus) which is profitable. In 2010 Indonesia's productive age population (15-64 years) reached 67 percent. It is estimated that by 2030 the productive population will even reach 192.1 million or 70 percent with the dependency of the lowest dependent population of 46 dependents for 100 people working. Various predictions are true like a piece of money that has two sides. This is certainly an opportunity that should be utilized by Indonesia. Otherwise, Indonesia will be caught in the trap of middle income trap or may return low income. If the quality of education, health and development we do not we increase then the demographic bonus that we have will even turn into a catastrophe for this country and nation. Where large numbers of productive populations will be burdensome to the state because of their low level of education and health, and unable to compete with productive populations from other countries.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 19 Some of these trends have also been indicated by several studies of international institutions. Global Bank Competitiveness Index survey by the World Bank shows the performance of governance that does not tend to improve since 2008 until 2012. Even the effectiveness of government effectiveness has decreased from the year 2008 to 2012. Similarly, control and eradication of corruption did not improve Which is significant. Even in the last five years the three main factors as a barrier to investment in Indonesia are inefficient bureaucracy, rampant corruption and inadequate infrastructure development (The Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum, 2013). Indeed, the ranking of doing bussiness Indonesia has increased compared to last year rank 50 to rank 38 in 2014, but the various factors that influence it has not changed. The effectiveness of governance and control over corruption is a critical and strategic factor that will determine the predictions of various institutions on Indonesia's economic growth by 2030. Economic development without the development of administrative / bureaucratic institutions is very difficult to achieve. The key to success and the importance of committing to administrative reform is based on the facts: (1) that development success in some countries, such as Korea and China lies in systematic and earnest efforts to improve systems, structures and cultures within the bureaucracy, and (2) That institutional bureaucracy is a dynamic factor that is very strategic in all aspects of public service and governance. In Korea, administrative / public sector reforms are an important pillar of economic development. Pan Suk Kim, one of the experts of the Korean Public Administration, stated, "Many modern acceptors of modern Japan and modern Korea are bureaucracy-led and such a model has worked pretty well in the past" (Kim: 2002). Various things have been done in Korea to establish an efficient, effective and professional administrative system. This change covers everything from organizational structure, business process, human resource competence, culture and integrity, to the utilization of information and communication technology. South Korea's seriousness in carrying out this public sector reform began since the time of President Roh Tae Woo (1988-1993) to the present day. Some important things that President Woo did at that time were the deregulation and simplification of the 172 laws, the restructuring of the central government and the reform of various administrative procedures. At the same time, ethics is strengthened against the state apparatus in Korea by establishing several supervisory institutions such as the civil service property commission that oversees the assets of government officials and officials, the civil service gift commission that oversees the awarding of employees and government officials and supervises ethics employees and government officials. During the reign of Roh Tae Woo was also formed Civil Service Commission which served to oversee a number of personnel reform. In the time of Kim Dae Jung introduced an aggressive plan to reduce the structure of the public sector and reduce the number of civil servants by 19% between 1998-2000. At the same time the structural positioning system is openly applied to 140 positions, including 20% of the director-level positions. Meanwhile, during the reign of Roh Moo-Hyun (2003-2008), public sector reforms were conducted by filling up high positions in ministries for competition and inter-ministerial exchanges to promote transparency in the administrative system. In 2004 South Korea opened a charging competition for 30.6% of structural positions. The change of office filling from being closed to being open is a radical change in the administrative system, as is the case in some other countries running administrative reform. The payroll system also changes by rewarding the top 10% of top officials in the Ministry with annual bonus equal to maximum 200% of monthly income, and penalize those at the bottom 10%.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 20 In China, the Government made radical changes to the basic values and how all state operators worked. This cultural change was accomplished by the very leadership of the state of the country. . This may be easier in China because of a single party system, as well as a commando in politics, economics and bureaucracy. China's revival is done by Deng Xiao-Ping who is concerned with overall administrative / public sector reform. Deng's commitment to change of administration was expressed in his speech at the very famous Chinese People's Congress session. ―Streamlining organization is a matter of great importance. In fact, it constitutes a revolution. If we fail to carry out this revolution, if we let the present over-staffed and overlapping party and state organization stay as they are – without clearly defined duties and with many incompetent, irresponsible, lethargic, undereducated, and ineffiecient staff member, we ourselves will not be satisfied and we will not have the support of lower cadre, much less of the people‖. Deng juga menyatakan bahwa ―Saya tidak peduli apakah kucing hitam atau kucing putih, asalkan kucing itu bisa menangkap tikus, dia kucing yang baik dan berguna.‖ Some of the steps taken by Deng Xiao-Ping were cutting government agencies from 100 to 61, restructuring the administration more responsive to economic development, retiring 30,000 communist cadres from bureaucratic disruptive performance, administrative depoliticization, strengthening the independence of state enterprises, sending young people to the best schools and universities abroad on government plans and costs, strengthen government functions through job responsibilities clarity for each unit and individual, selecting the best, talented and competent candidates, fixing the pension system, and strengthening the training system and school cadres. In 1998 China again downsized central government organizations by reducing ministries from 40 to 29 in order to reduce the burden of civil servants and change the functioning of the central government, and incorporate 15 industry ministries into one ministry. The common characteristic of Korea and China in administrative reform is the filling of office positions in the bureaucracy by the University's best graduates by using transparent, open and objective selection. Even some literature says that "if you deal with Korean and Chinesse bureaucracy, you deal with 1% of the best people in China and Korea". In Indonesia, this is the other way around. Even since 2005 the Indonesian government has raised more than 896,000 civil servants without tests entering into various bureaucratic positions. In addition, administrative reforms in Korea and in China are also characterized by efforts to streamline organizational structures and bureaucratic spending, as well as strengthening and strengthening the values of integrity, heroism, nationalism and patriotism of state apparatus in the performance of government tasks, development and public services. A Korean friend states that Indonesia and Korea have some similarities in development issues, one thing that might distinguish between the two countries, is that Korea builds a culture and mental model to uphold integrity and national interests above personal interests. Moreover, the success of Korea and China in reforming the administration / public sector is also influenced by the high collective commitment and awareness of political officials that administrative / public sector reform is a must in various development sectors. Administrative Reform became a topic of discussion and development agenda throughout the world. Even since 1883, the United States has realized the importance of building a state apparatus based on principles and merit systems with the issuance of the Pendelton Act, which regulates the selection of state employees on competitive tests and prohibits the appointment and dismissal of state employees based on political affiliation and proximity. Nearly 125 years later, this condition is still happening in Indonesia. Global

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 21 and massive administrative reform movements have taken place since the 1980s when President Ronald Reagan of the United States and Prime Minister Margareth Tatcher of Britain launched a revitalization program of state administration and a reduction of the state's role through the method of privatization. The policy that was originally triggered by the state financial crisis for government finance and public services continued until finally gave birth to Gobal New Public Management, a fundamental change in the state administration system that prioritizes the efficiency and use of private methods in managing the state. The issue of administrative reform is that Indonesia can be said to be one of the slowest countries in the movement of change, even compared to the ASEAN countries.

RESULT AND DISCUSSION Problem of Indonesia State Administration Present In Indonesia, the State Administration System which is the pillar of public services faces a very fundamental problem. First, as a historical fact of the nation the present administrative system is a legacy of the colonial government which also has the foundations of law and colonial interests. The current bureaucratic structure, norms, values and regulations are still oriented towards the fulfillment of the interests of the authorities rather than the fulfillment of Civil Rights of citizens (see Thoha: 2003). It is not surprising that the structures and processes built are instrumental in regulating and overseeing the behavior of the community as servants, not the other way around to organize the government in the task of providing services to the community. The main mission of state administration with colonialism is to preserve power and control individual behavior. The inability of the government since the independence of Indonesia to change these colonial-oriented structures, norms, values and regulations has led to the failure of efforts to respond to changes in the strategic environment, needs and expectations of society. The quality and performance of the bureaucracy in providing public services is still far from expectations. Still not created a culture of public service oriented to customer needs (service delivery culture). Instead, what is formed is the obsession of the bureaucrats and politicians to make the bureaucracy a land of fulfillment of passion and power (power culture). This is compounded by a culture incorruptability that has not yet been established among our bureaucrats. Hence, the public's disappointment with the bureaucracy has continued for a long time since we became independent. This condition will certainly cause a decline in public trust to the government. The bureaucratic problem in Indonesia also concerns the competence and capability of human resources. This is caused by the process of recruitment and promotion of positions that are not based on meritocracy, but on relationships of friendship, family, and politics. Such a system of recruitment and promotion has led to the flourishing of highly corrupt culture, collusion and nepotism (KKN) in the bureaucracy. In addition, the poor quality of recruitment has led to massive overstaff and understaff symptoms. The large number of available civil servants was not followed by the required qualifications, competencies and capabilities. For example, Indonesia needs approximately 48,000 Certified Auditors, but currently only 6000 Auditors are available. Similarly we need 42,000 certified Planners, but we only have 1,200 Planners. We also face the problem of redistribution and the quality of lecturers and teachers, especially in eastern Indonesia. In terms of organizational structure, the Indonesian state administration appears to be experiencing continuous enlargement. The decentralized system of government that we have run since 2001 (based on Law 22/1999 on Regional Government) by granting

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 22 substantial authority to local governments, is not accompanied by downsizing of structures at the central government level. On the contrary, what happens is the continuous swelling of the ministry's internal structure and the number of non-ministerial institutions (LPNKs) as well as non-structural institutions (LNS). The overwhelming structure-with 34 Ministries, 28 LPNKs, and 88 LNS-at the center is not only incompatible with the spirit of decentralized governance, but has led to very high inefficiencies. The preparation of work programs and activities is often not based on outcome performance and impact performance. Various programs also overlap. Too many ministries and agencies are responsible for a development program, but minus accountability. Although a number of laws (Law No. 17 of 2013 on State Finance and Act No. 1 of 2004 on State Treasury) have established performance-based budgeting, but in practice it is still very difficult to realize the alignment of performance-based planning and budgeting. The fat structure of this organization led to high personnel spending of 241.1 trillion in 2013, up nearly 90 percent for 5 years at 127.7 trillion in 2009. Not only the absolute numbers are increasing every year, but also the percentage versus with total expenditure in APBN. Total personnel expenditure in 2013 is 21.2% of total APBN expenditure. The employee expenditure figure is increasing in 2014 to 276.7 trillion or up by 18.8%. It should be noted that this increase in personnel spending is not followed by increased government productivity and services. In the statutory sector, our public administration system is also faced with various disharmony horizontally between one law and another, as well as vertically between the law and the implementing regulations up to the local regulations. Regional autonomy has led to the birth of various local regulations that are inconsistent with the laws and regulations at the central level. Of the total 13,500 local regulations already evaluated by the Ministry of Home Affairs, 3,000 of them have been canceled. In 2013, as many as 824 local regulations have been canceled. On the other hand, many laws and regulations have not been changed in accordance with the spirit of decentralization. Even the speed with which we make the Law is always faster than our pardon. Learning from the case of decentralization in Japan, the Omnibus decentralization law ordered the government and the Japanese parliament to harmonize 355 legislation for ten years (1999-2010). These problems lead to the nation's big problem, the low quality of public policy. Public policy as the spirit of the realization of the goals of the state is often taken not based on evidence (knowledge), very partial and sectoral, sometimes very short-term, not paying attention and meet the expectations and needs of society, contradict with other policies, very difficult to implement, and costly. The poor quality of public policy is one of the root causes of Indonesia's low competitiveness.

Future Change Direction Economic, social, and political development requires strong state institutions. In the context of this development, Francis Fukuyama for example divides the power of the state in two ways: (1) the extent of the functional scope run by the state and (2) the ability of the state to formulate, execute and enforce the policies made (Fukuyama, 2004). Within the scope of functions, the basic question posed is whether the state should exercise itself all the complex state functions, ranging from preparing public order, to industrial regulation and the redistribution of wealth. Whereas in the dimension of the state's strength / capacity, the basic question posed is whether the state has the capacity to formulate and enforce policies consistently, administers efficient and effective state administration with minimal bureaucracy, controls corruption, collusion and nepotism, maintains transparency and accountability state and government institutions, and the most important thing is to enforce

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 23 the law. In country practice in Indonesia, if we use Fukuyama dimension glasses, Indonesia is characterized as a country with a wide range of functions, albeit with limited state capability / power. Inefficient bureaucracy, ineffective and often infected with KKN disease is the root cause of the weakness of the state controlling the goals of the state. Therefore, the demands of administrative reform are inevitable. Moreover, in the near future Indonesia will become part of the ASEAN Free Economic Community in 2015. The ability of Indonesia to compete with ASEAN countries will be largely determined by the readiness of administrative systems that have the able people, but also agile process. If not, then Indonesia will become a spectator and possibly a victim in the free competition. Indeed compared to ASEAN countries and even countries in other ASIA, Indonesia has some comparative and competitive advantage. Demographic Bonus that we have, a wealth of natural resources is still enough, the domestic market is relatively large, and the fabric of cooperation with various international organizations such as APEC and Group G-20. Moreover, compared to Singapore, Malaysia, China and Vietnam Indonesia has laid out and has a superior experience in modern and open democratic life. Even compared to India, Indonesia has no social caste problem and we have a good experience of pluralism life. Indonesia also has experience for 32 years of Suharto's (New Order) government in carrying out national development in a planned and gradual manner and succeeded in laying the foundations of a strong open market economic development. In short, Indonesia has enough experience in implementing the developmentalist state which is the main condition to succeed in the Asian Century. The challenge of Indonesia to become the seventh strongest country in economic development in 2030 as predicted by the McKinsey Global Institute is how to create clean and strong governance to accelerate our various comparative and competive advantages. Not only democratic and dynamic governance for development (Neo and Chen, 2011). A governmental order that has visionary capabilities, is able to compare and examine existing challenges and opportunities, as well as continuous thinking to improve the nation's progress. The governance order is based on strong values and culture to not corrupt, growth-oriented, and has a spirit of nationalism and patriotism for the nation and state. The targets of such a system of government administration change must be achieved through various stages. Five years into the future (2018) Indonesia must move from a rule- based bureaucracy to performance-based bureaucracy. In the second stage (2025) Indonesia must be able to achieve a dynamic bureaucracy. To arrive at these two stages, various plans and policies have been established to build people, agile processes, positive cultures and adaptive policies. The new State Civil Apparatus Act (Act No. 5 of 2014) established on January 15, 2014 forms the legal basis for Human Resources changes. Indonesia will enter a new phase of HR policy and management apparatus from Closed Career System to Open Career System. Filling the office in the bureaucracy will be conducted openly and competitively among the people based on competence and performance. With the approval of the President, ASN high office can be filled by non-civil servants. The new staffing system will be filled through two lines namely the PNS line and the Government Employee line with the Work Agreement (PPPK). High leadership positions (equivalent echelon 1 and 2) can only be occupied for a maximum of five years and may only be extended based on recall and performance review. Even in this ASN Act, civil servants may be dismissed for not meeting the agreed performance. These changes are intended not only to improve the structure and process, but also to change the culture, mental attitude and mindset of the civil state apparatus.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 24 Improving the quality of bureaucracy in Indonesia will also occur if the organizational structure of central government and local government is built on the performance of the national program set out in the RPJMN 2015-2019. The preparation of national development programs should be carried out simultaneously and form the basis of the establishment of ministerial / institutional organizational structures at the central level. The challenge of the President and the new government in the future is to simplify and merge ministries / non-ministerial institutions. As we know that with the number of political parties participating in this 2014 election, the reduction of the number of ministries is a difficult thing to do. But the neglect of these fragmented and partial organizational structures of government in addition to causing the inefficiency of state financial expenditure will also lead to the difficulty of achieving the goals of constitutional objectives. The fragmentation of this organizational structure of government will be more difficult because after decentralization and regional autonomy in 2001 based on Law 22/1999, the relationship between central and regional has developed into a complex government network consisting of central government (34 Ministries, 28 Institutions and 88 Non-Institutions -Struktural), 34 provinces, and 512 districts / cities with different working periods, with strong regional egos, cumbersome civil apparatus, and with various development goals.

CONCLUSION Indonesia's future government is a government that must be based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Government total ICT spending per year in 2013 is approximately 14 trillion Rupiah. However, its impact on e-government development is still very insignificant. Collaboration between ministries / agencies and local governments in the use of data together (integrated data center) in the process of decision-making and implementation is still very difficult to be realized. Even the use of shared ICT facilities / infrastructures is not yet a necessity. Therefore, another challenge to be done in the framework of administrative reform is to encourage real e-government applications in service, development and governance. The Ministry of PANRB and the Ministry of Communications and Informatics have prepared Master Plan and Roadmap of electronic-Government development (e-Govt), preparation of academic draft and draft of e-Govt bill, and acceleration of 6 Flagship ICT systems and applications in government bureaucracy. The growing use of the Internet, personal computing, cloud computing and massive social media applications, has forced the bureaucracy to adjust to the needs and expectations of society. On the other hand, the magnitude of public demand for the quality of public services must be responded with various innovations. The government must rapidly make changes in various sectors of public services. Deregulation and debureaucratization of public services should be done with the use of ICTs. A knowledge based bureaucracy program that provides the opportunity for every central and local agency to exchange experiences and good practices should be further strengthened.

REFERENCE Asian Development Bank. 2012. Asia 2050: Realizing The Asian Century. Caiden, Gerald. 1991. Administrative Reform Comes of Age. New York. CIA, World Factbook, /geos/id.html

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 25 Fukuyama, Francis. 2004. State in Building. Governance and World Order in the 21st Century. Kim, Pan Suk. 2002. Civil Service Reform in Japan and Korea. Toward competitiveness and competency in: International of Administrative Science, Volume 68 McKinsey Global Institute. 2012. The Archipelago Economy: Unleashing Indonesia‘s Potential. Neo Boon Siong and Geraldine Chen. 2011. Dynamic Governance: Embedding Culture, Capabilities, and Change in Singapore. New York. Westview. Pollitt, Christopher and Geert Bouckaert. 2000. Public Management Reform: A Comparative Analysis, Oxford: Oxford University Press Thoha, Miftah, Birokrasi dan Politik di Indonesia, 2003, Jakarta. World Economic Forum. Global Competitiveness Report 2013.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 26 STRENGTHENING INFORMAL INSTITUTION OF RUBBER FARMING COMMUNITIES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL CAPITAL

Sujianto & Syofian Faculty of Social Sciences Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: This research aims to analyze the existing condition and efforts to strengthen the informal institution of the rubber farmers community in order to accelerate the development of the institute in general. This research is descriptive qualitative research. Its research setting is in rubber plantations in Kuantan Singingi District, especially in Gunung Toar District and Hulu . Technique of collecting data in this study is done with indepth interview, Foccus Group Discussion (FGD), field observation, and document review. Then the data were analyzed by interactive analysis model. The results of the informal institutional identification of rubber plantation communities in are government, youth, religion, customs and economic. Critical problems that are inhibiting the development of the informal institutional community of rubber farmers are in the aspect of trust of rubber farmers towards existing social institutions. Field findings show that in terms of trust, rubber plantation communities in Kuantan Singingi have been degraded after a rubber cooperative manager fleeing members' capital. Therefore, the strengthening of the informal institutions of the rubber farmers community of Kuantan Singingi can be initiated by restoring the beliefs of rubber farmers to the existence of existing informal institutions from a long time ago. When trust has been restored, it is hoped that the public's concern and optimism for various efforts in developing rubber commodities can be parallel with the intensive efforts undertaken by the formal institutions of rubber plantations in Kuantan Singingi District.

Keywords: Informal institutions, social capital, rubber farmers

PENDAHULUAN Rubber production in Riau Province is one of the largest on the island of Sumatra. However, in the period of 2008 to 2016, rubber production in Riau Province tended to stagnate in the range of 325,000 tons to 396,000 tons with the amount of land used to reach 500,949 hectares until 2016 rubber production decreased. When viewed from the area of land used, the largest rubber commodity development potential is located in Kuantan Singingi Regency with 146,215 hectares of land used. The second largest is Kampar Regency with 101.597 hectares and the third is with 61,372 hectares of land. Quantitatively, the problems related to the development and management of rubber in Kuantan Singingi Regency emerged in the form of unstable-and fluctuate-the amount of rubber production from 2008 to 2016. Rubber production in Kuantan Singingi Regency experienced a very drastic decline, especially in the period 2009 to 2010. On The next period is indeed an increase in the amount of production, but not in significant amounts. This condition eventually continues until 2012 until now. The productivity of rubber commodities in Kuantan Singingi Regency has stagnated, both quantitatively and qualitatively. In addition, people who have been concerned about managing rubber plantations eventually move to palm oil management that is considered more profitable in the short / medium term and other livelihoods such as PETI and vegetables. The declining interest and attractiveness of the people to manage the rubber indicates a decrease in the pull and push factors level of rubber commodity development in Kuantan Singingi Regency, so it is necessary to find the solution soon.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 27 Furthermore, the stagnant rubber plantation productivity is counterproductive with the macro development scenario that has been prepared both at central and regional levels. In the policy of the Masterplan for Acceleration of Economic Development of Indonesia (MP3EI) explicitly mentioned that the need for acceleration of economic development in Sumatra through the development of rubber industry. The output is a downstream industry for rubber commodities which will eventually bring multiplier effects in other areas, especially the economy of society. This study comprehensively is about to solve problems in rubber commodity management in Kuantan Singingi Regency by making human resource aspect as entry point. Because there are about 62,975 rubber farmers who "survive" on rubber commodities. The amount is divided according to the existing rubber management pattern in Kuantan Singingi Regency, namely: 1. Self-supporting Pattern, consisting of 32,320 peasants. 2. Self-Helped Pattern / PKTR, as many as 14,701 people. 3. Pattern UPP / PEK / SRDP, as many as 15,192 people. 4. Pattern PIR / KKPA, as many as 762 people. 5. Pattern of PD (no / no farmers manage). As a basic capital, human resources aspects in rubber commodity management in Kuantan Singingi Regency are concentrated in self-managed management pattern. Self- help patterns tend to position farmers as subordinate, for example in terms of rubber selling price. While the other four patterns have more bargain and bargainig power in the context of rubber commodity management, as they move their business in more managerial and systematic ways when compared with self-help patterns. For example, with the awareness to establish an institutional. The latest data shows that out of 62,975 existing farmers, only 35 rubber plantation institutions have been formed with a total membership of about 1,012 people, by 2016 there has been a decrease in the number of institutions and members from 32 to 12 institutions, so there are still many farmers rubber that until now has not been developed and / or empowered according to their strength. The lack of survival of this rubber farming institution is allegedly caused by the fact that existing social institutions lack the ability to rebuild social and cultural capital which is already available and contained in the system of values, cultural systems and norms system that continue to live but not of special concern so that there is a dilemma in rubber farmers today.

METHOD This research is descriptive qualitative research. The research setting is in rubber plantation in Kuantan Singingi Regency, especially in Gunung Toar Subdistrict and Hulu Kuantan Subdistrict because it has the largest rubber plantation area in Riau Province with the highest productivity in Riau Province. This research makes human resources (both individual and group / community) as its entry point. Therefore, it is applied purposive sampling in order to retrieve the research subject which is appropriate and relevant to the purpose of this research. The subjects of this research are the people around the rubber plantations in Kuantan Singingi Regency, the local government and the local social institutions (traditional figures, kepenghuluan, religious figures, NGOs, etc.). Data collection techniques in this study were conducted with in-depth interviews, Foccus Group Discussion (FGD), field observation, and document review. Further data were analyzed by interactive analysis model (Miles & Huberman, 1992) consisting of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. This process takes place continuously during

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 28 the research, even before data is actually collected. Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, classifies and discards unnecessary data as well as organizing data in such a way. Further data are presented. The presentation of this data is a collection of information that is prepared, thus providing the possibility of conclusion and taking action. Attempts to draw conclusions are carried out by researchers continuously while in the field. From the beginning of data collection, the researcher recorded, recording and comparing existing patterns to then compare with the researcher's notes (other research teams) and also with theories and possible explanations.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Institutional Development Rubber Farmers in the implementation of social capital there are several paths of formation of collective action so that it can be understood elements of social capital formed in collective action. The elements visible in forming collective action are: (1) trust relationships, which include the existence of honesty and tolerance by the temporary committee or by rubber farmers whose rubber products will be auctioned, (2) institutions, Values shared by rubber farmers, norms and sanctions and rules of institutional "auctions"; and (3) social networks, including participation, mutual exchange by rubber farmers and toke, solidarity and cooperation among rubber farmers who want a better life. The existence of a network of social capital elements that have been described, provide benefits in the context of the formation of collective cooperation in the management of rubber commodity sales. However, in early 2016, several touched auction institutions were formed which resulted in KUB members who resigned in their group due to the offer of toke in a flexible auction system. The problem of low bargaining position of farmers towards traders in terms of price fixing. One of them is a rubber farmer. Rubber farmers can only surrender with prices set unilaterally by rubber traders. This issue has opened up the insights of rubber farming communities in Kuantan Simgingi Regency to organize themselves in the form of collective cooperation in selling rubber commodities they produce with a "auction" system. The sales system has been followed by 35 Joint Business Groups (KUB) consisting of a combination of farmer groups in Kuantan Siingingi Regency and in 2016 there has been a competition of business institutions formed by toke that mimics the sales system undertaken by KUB. So the ability of the community to organize itself in collective activities such as the case of rubber sales collectively menunujukan that the community has been built pillars of elements of social capital that will strengthen the bargaining power of the community against external forces that try to exploit them. Prior to the establishment of collective bargaining system, there was a collective cooperation system in the management of resources, namely by the people located in five sub-districts with an average of 10 people in the sub-district conducting the auction system. This collective cooperation is known as the "business group". Then in 2013 rubber farmers have the idea to try to collect villagers who own rubber plantation to sell it together with the auctioning of some rubber traders. There are problems in collective selling of rubber, namely: (1) confidence that some residents are worried that the board can not perform their duties properly and honestly; (2) the relationship between rubber farmers and rubber traders (toke) due to the debt relation between rubber farmers With toke, (3) a relative's relationship with toke, either because the regional relationship or marital relationship makes it difficult for the rubber farmer to sell the produce to another toke. The head of the Plantation Office conducted a deliberation with a group of rubber plantation farmers, in which deliberations were discussed on the matter and agreed by the interim committee to manage the auction system. Then the re-election of the committee after conducting several

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 29 auction systems, the assessment actually belongs to the element of social capital. The formation of collective cooperation requires a process long enough to be realized. Rubber sales of the auction system resulted in rubber farmers having a stronger bargaining position against prices. Rubber farmers will be more likely to get the highest price, because the toke will also try to bid at the maximum price according to his calculations. In the research results mentioned that 100% of respondents considered rubber sales with auction system can increase their income when compared with individual rubber sales.

Existing Condition of Informal Society of Rubber Farmers Based on the results of identification conducted by researchers, there is a social capital that is still attached to the rubber plantation community, this is evident from the institutional development of the rubber plantation community in Kuantan Singingi District. The type and number of institutions in the following table: Table 1 Informal Institution of Rubber Farmers Society of Kuantan Singingi Regency No Institution Name Institution Type Description 1. PKK Informal Helping Village Governments / Gender 2. Indigenous Peoples/ Informal Customs Paguyuban 3. Karang Taruna/ Pemuda Informal Youth 4. Social Death Informal Social / Religious Functions 5. Recitation Informal Religion 6. Farmers Informal Economics 7. Arisan Informal Economic and Social

Based on the results of the identification of rubber plantation community institutions in Kuantan Singingi Regency in the form of government, youth, religion, there are mores and economics. Institutional government is a ranks of village government in Kuantan Singingi district. Religious institutions are accepted by the community through the existing lineage of Kuantan Singingi district. For the institutional customs of the tribe that adheres matrilinear (maternal lineage) and paguyuban for the transmigration villages are dominated by tribal Java. Meanwhile, the economic activities related to the rubber plantation business of Kuantan Singingi district have the power and social trust to the toke, individuals and business groups. Of the three systems of rubber plantation business activities are dominated by people who believe in toke. The results of observation in the field of Kuantan Singingi Regency there is a group or social organization of neighbors or social groups in the village or district of Kuantan Singingi as follows: a. Most members of the community are members of a community organization. Their involvement in community groups or organizations is voluntary. b. Homogeneity of membership of neighboring organizations (citizens), religion (pengajian, Majelis Ta'lim, Teens Mosque), gender (PKK). c. The number of group members or social organsasi at least between 5 to 20 people. d. They belong to the group for various reasons. The most important reason is that they are not separated or excluded from their group such as; Socialize, foster kinship and add knowledge. e. They always follow group activities such as competitions held by Kuantan Singingi regency government.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 30 f. They are consciously aware that group activities are very profitable as gotong royong (Batobo). Based on field observations and interviews with group leaders, the involvement of community members is very active in various ways. This is consistent with their statement that it is always actively organizing, the intensity of organizing. The frequency of their meetings in a year at least three months. The results of the perception obtained by respondents in the sample villages are almost the same about the organizational function. They answered openly that members or group leaders in performing organizational functions have not been maximally done. This is caused by several factors, among others: a. The goals of social institutions or social organizations are still simple, for example to preserve the conservation of group existence, to protect group members from socio-economic pressures and transient economic difficulties. b. The influence of group leaders in activities to achieve the goals of the institution is very dominant. c. The institutional social control of institutional activities is very low. The involvement and contribution of members of the institution is voluntary (the principle of kinship). d. No or no evaluation on the success of the institution in carrying out the activities. As a result there is no appeal of organizational life or organization for the citizens, especially for citizens who come from indigenous communities and not yet have a forward orientation.depan.

Penguatan Strengthening Informal Society of Rubber Farmers In general, the institutional strengthening of rubber plantation communities in the study areas is still experiencing some obstacles such as: a. Lack of support from the village administration for institutionality still exist, it is seen that many of the company's accomplices who set up rubber auctions resemble farmer institutions in Kuantan Singingi district villages. b. Institutional activities of rubber farmers directly facilitated by the Department of agriculture, without involving the Department of Trade and Village Government. c. In the process of rubber sales institutions are strongly influenced by extension workers in determining the winning bidder. More specifically on efforts to strengthen informal institutions, as mentioned above that in fact informal institutions become one of the trigger that is considered potential to be a motor and lubricant in order to develop community institutional rubber farmers in general. This is of course still in the framework of acceleration of rubber industry development in Kuantan Singingi. But unfortunately the crucial problem that hampers the development of rubber farming community institutions is in the belief (trust) of rubber farmers to the existing social institutions. The findings on the ground show that in terms of trust, rubber plantation communities in Kuantan Singingi are degraded after a rubber cooperative management who runs some of the members' capital. This incident makes rubber farmers no longer believe in the presence of socio-economic institutions, tersabih based cooperative system. While on the other hand, when trying to do institutional development based on social capital, trust factor holds vital role. Therefore, efforts should be made in order to restore the trust of the rubber plantation community to the social institutions that have been and / or will be established.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 31 This step is certainly not easy, but still must be done. Some things that can be done in order to restore the trust of the rubber plantation community in Kuantan Singingi are (1) to identify who are the respected and respected figures in the community. These influential and respected figures should not be leaders who have formal status or authority, or adat or religious figures. Of course, that has a commitment and a linear understanding with the development of the rubber plantation community in khsuusnya and the development of Kuantan Singingi rubber plantations in general; (2) Intensification and optimization of the quality of communication between influential figures through informal meetings; and (3) formal stakeholders (eg Plantation Office and facilitator) should position themselves in a hidden position, so that the process of returning public trust is smooth and not impressed imposing the will and point of view of the Plantation Office and / or facilitator of the rubber plantation development of Kuantan Singingi . When the trust aspect has been restored to a better level, the next step is to build a joint commitment that the rubber sector in Kuantan Singingi must be maintained and enhanced both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, strengthening the awareness and ownership of the rubber plantation community on the existence of Kuantan Singingi rubber. This is important, because the trend is happening now is the community began to ignore and leave the rubber sector only because of the lack of innovation that they create. This means that even though rubber prices have plummeted at certain times, rubber still has to and can still be a mainstay of the community because the big name Kuantan Singingi rubber has been popular and surfaced everywhere. And this is actually a positive capital that is not easy to build in the national and international markets. Just how the "human" or rubber processing community itself, whether or not to maintain the big name Kuantan Singingi rubber. CONCLUSION Institutional strengthening is identified from the development of social capital from cultural capital, human capital and supported by economic capital. Demanding participa- tion from the community, institutional coordination with stakeholders and provision of right of declination, transparency activities, applicable to all parties, including the community and government. Experience from the past makes one think only of the importance of physical and financial capital, and is the social capital owned by society. Social capital of society should be reliable, as a social force in the form of scattered energy, and never runs out. However, seen from the development of the organization has not run the organization function optimally. The strengthening of the informal community of rubber farmers Kuantan Singingi can be initiated by restoring the trust of rubber farmers to the existence of existing informal institutions from a long time ago. When confidence is restored, it is hoped that the community's awareness and optimism towards various efforts in developing rubber commodity can be parallel with the intensive efforts made by formal institution of rubber plantation in Kuantan Singingi Regency. The point to emphasize in this study is that institutional development of rubber farmers should be an intersection between formal and informal institutions themselves, so that they can not be treated as a partial structure.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 32 A.Supardi, 1987. Dakwah Islam Dengan Pengembangan Masyarakat Desa. Bandung: Mandar Maju. Biro Pusat Statistik Provinsi Riau. Riau Dalam Angka 2013. Brannen, Julia. 2005. Memadu Metode Penelitian; Kualitatif & Kuantitatif. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Buku Saku Perkebunan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Tahun 2013. Dinas Perkebunan Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Coleman, J.S. 1988. Foundations of Social Theory. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Nasdian, Fredian Tonny. 2014. Pengembangan Masyarakat. Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor. Nurhadi, 2008. Peranan Modal Sosial Dalam Pembangunan Ekonomi. Laporan penelitian (tidak dipublikasikan) Hikmat, Harry, 2006. Strategi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat. Bandung: Humaniora. Hasbullah J. 2004. Social Capital (Menuju Keunggulan Budaya Manusia Indonesia). Jakarta: MR-United Press. Lickona, Thomas. 1992. Educating for Character. How Our Schools Can Teach Respect and Responsibility. New York: A Bantam Book Miles & Huberman. 1992. Analisis Data Kualitatif. Jakarta: UI-Press. Sujianto. 1995. Implementasi Proyek Pembangunan Perkebunan Daerah Transmigrasi (P3DT). Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Riau. ______. 1997. Teknik Kelembagaan Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat di Lahan Gambut. Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Riau. ______. 1998. Social Development; Strategi Pengembangan Komunitas Marjinal di Kawasan Pesisir. Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Riau. ______. 2001. Penyusunan Program Pendampingan Kelembagaan dan Pemberdayaan Petani-Nelayan. Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Riau. ______. 2002. Pengembangan Kelembagaan Masyarakat Pesisir dan Kepulauan (Perspektif Budaya Lokal Pesisir dan Kepulauan). BAPPEDA Provinsi Riau. ______. 2008. Pengembangan Modal Sosial Untuk Daerah Tertinggal. Pekanbaru: Alaf Riau. ______. 2010. Kemiskinan dan Pemberdayaan; Studi Evaluasi Program Penanggulangan Kemiskinan Perkotaan di Kabupaten Pelalawan. Pekanbaru : Alaf Riau. ______. 2010. Kelembagaan Lokal; Konsep dan Realitas. Pekanbaru : Alaf Riau. ______. 2012. Pengembangan Model Organisasi Publik di Masyarakat Lokal.Pekanbaru: Alaf Riau. ______. 2014. Model Kebijakan Pengembangan dan Pemberdayaan Kawasan Perbatasan Rawan Konflik Untuk Menuju Masyarakat Mandiri. Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Riau

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 33 END USER’ PERCEPTION TOWARD USABILITY OF SMARTPHONE-BASED-DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM DURING PERFORMANCE MONITORING ACCOUNTABILITY 2020 (PMA2020) SURVEY IN INDONESIA

Sukarno1, Linnea A. Zimmerman2, & Nur Laila Meilani3 1National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN), Indonesia 2Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, USA 3University of Riau, Indonesia

Abstract: Changes in data collection systems in paper-based surveys into smartphone-based systems (Open Data Kit / ODK system) caused some shock effects, especially for surveyors at the grassroots level. This study attempts to measure the perceptions of new technology systems in data collection PMA2020 Survey. Perceptions in this study is the attitude of end users in perceiving the ease and usefulness of smartphone-based data collection system in PMA2020 survey. The aspect of ease and usability in a system is part of the usability concept. The population in this study included the whole enumerators and supervisors engaged in the PMA2020 Survey. The samples were determined through proportional sampling technique. The loci of this study spread across the three regions, including Sumatra (Universitas Sumatera Utara/USU), Java (Universitas Gadjah Mada/UGM), and Sulawesi (Universitas Hasanuddin/UNHAS). Data analysis was performed using the SEM (Structural equation Modelling) with AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) software.. The results showed that perceived ease of use has a positive relationship of 8.146 with Perceived usefulness in the use of ODK system, which means that perceptions about easy or not the system used to be related or positively impacted by the high and low advantage of ODK system.

Keywords: Open data kit, perception, population survey, smartphone

BACKGROUND On July 11, 2012 the London Summit brought back the issue of family planning (FP) as a health and global development issue, especially in countries with low resources. The participating countries agreed to make the family planning program a success by providing access modern contraceptives to 120 million women of reproductive age in 69 low-income countries by 2020. Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) as a global partnership supports the human rights of women and adolescent girls to determine freely and for themselves whether they want, where, and how many children they want to have. FP2020 was signed on July 11, 2012 at the London Summit, and works with governments, civil society, multilateral organizations, donors, the private sector, and the research community. To achieve this goal, requires an effective monitoring system to identify progress made each year on key indicators around demand, supply and use of contraceptives. The "Performance Monitoring and Accountability 2020" Project, Performance Monitoring Accountability 2020 (PMA2020) will contribute to a global family planning monitoring and evaluation system by providing useful information for reporting, planning, decision-making and advocacy at the district / city level , Provincial, national and global society. Currently, the system of monitoring and evaluation of family planning data through routine recording and reporting of the National Population and Family Planning Board (BKKBN) has not been able to monitor the indicator of FP2020 Family Planning that has been agreed. Large-scale surveys, such as the Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS), are costly and are implemented every five years. Funds needed for the 2012 IDHS

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 34 Survey of approximately 40 Billion Rupiah comes from the State Budget (APBN) and the reporting is completed in the following year. To overcome these limitations, a survey will be conducted with a fast data collection system, using mobile devices and technology, capable of regular updating of family planning indicator. To achieve these objectives BKKBN collaborated with Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health through the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health as a funder to change data collection systems using Open Data Kit (ODK) technology that has been used in ten countries guarantor of Family Planning 2020 (FP2020) since 2013. ODK originates as a initiative where research efforts are focused on applying technology in developing countries to assist in the health and environmental field. The University of Washington's Department of Computer Science and Engineering has pioneered this project over the past four years that they have established a set of open source tools to help underserved communities collect and manage critical datasets for strategic initiatives. Through the use of Google App cloud service, ODK is great for collecting and managing data from android-based smart phone devices. Remember the growing use of smartphone devices continues to skyrocket, in Indonesia in 2018 will reach 100 million ( A number of organizations are embracing rapid change with the positive through the use of smartphones, especially in the field of data collection. The purpose of BKKBN to make changes to the data collection system is to build rapid data collection to generate annual contraceptive usage estimates, making feedback for rapid program action. ODK provides convenience for researchers to be able to produce fast and quality data collection. With this ODK system the data will be centered on a centrally prepared server. Implementation of data collection using ODK in BKKBN aims to cut the cost of data editing and data entry and improve data quality. This research is important because the change of Paper Form to the Open Data Kit system system requires a transition process, which for some interviewers / enumerators creates conflicts in the adaptation process. This condition is in accordance with the statement of Compeau and Higgins (1995) which states that the critical stage in the application of an information technology system is a condition where the presence of the system is accepted or rejected by the prospective user. This inhibition of adaptation process occurs because of the tendency of different perceptions about the benefits and ease of new systems to operate. This is evident from the tendency of some interviewers to adapt to the new system. Phenomena regarding the perception of benefits and perceptions of ease of system operation also occur in some organizations such as disclosures in Ndubisi research, (2005), Ozag and Duguma, (2007) and Eikebrokk (2007). Overall, the study concludes that perceived benefits and perceptions of ease of operation of the system affect the willingness of users to use the new system. This study attempts to measure the perceptions of new technology systems in data collection PMA2020 Survey. The intended users are the enumerators and supervisors involved in the PMA2020 survey and are end-users of the ODK system applied in the PMA2020 survey. In relation to the application of a technology system, McLeod (1996) defines end users as end users who are unable to create their own software but can communicate with prewritten software using menus as shown by software based Windows and Mac.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 35 Furthermore, perceptions in this study is the attitude of end users in perceiving the ease and usefulness of data collection system based on the smartphone dalma survey PMA2020. The aspect of ease and usability in a system is part of the usability concept. Departing from these issues, it is interesting to measure how far the end user's perception towards usability of smartphone-based data collection system in PMA2020 survey in Indonesia, so the purpose of this research is (a) how end user perception towards easiness of smartphone based data collection system in PMA2020 survey at Indonesia ? And (b) how is the end user's perception of the usefulness of smartphone-based data collection system in PMA2020 survey in Indonesia?.

METHODS Through a quantitative approach, this study is a kind of census research, defined as a process of research that takes a number of samples from the population and uses a structured questionnaire used as the major instrument for collecting data in order to obtain specific information (Usman & Akbar, 2008). The population in this study were all data collectors (supervisors and enumerators) in the PMA2020 survey in Indonesia. The population in this study spread across all provinces in Indonesia, which was conducted by three universities, i.e. USU (University of North Sumatra), UNHAS (Hasanuddin University) and UGM (Gadjah Mada University). The total population is as follows. Table 1 Supervisors and Enumerators

University Supervisor Enumerator Total USU 11 66 77 UNHAS 25 94 119 UGM 30 212 242 66 372 438 Source: Primary Data, 2015

The data in this study was analyzed using two techniques as follows: a. Descriptive Analysis This analysis was done by detailing the respondents‘ responses which were grouped according to the questions and presented in Table. b. Statistic Inferential Analysis This type of data analysis technique was used to test the designated research hypotheses. The hypotheses testing in this study was conducted using SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) with AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) software. SEM is a set of statistical techniques that enable the simultaneous testing of a relatively complex set of relationships. A complex model means simultaneous models formed by more than one dependent variable which is explained by one or more independent variables and where a dependent variable at the same time acts as an independent variable for other hierarchical relationships, such as multiple regression analysis in which the factors analysis still has the disadvantage, i.e. its limitation in analyzing one relationship at a time (Ferdinand, 2000).

RESULTS This Research aims to test the Technology Acceptance Model on the change of paper system to ODK system on enumerator PMA2020 project in Indonesia. The sample of this study are 411 supervisors and enumerator PMA2020 project in Indonesia covering three

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 36 areas: Regional University of North Sumatra (USU) for Aceh Province, North Sumatera, West Sumatera, Jambi, Palembang, Bengkulu, Lampung, Riau, Riau Islands, Regional University of Gajah Mada For the Province of West Kalimantan, Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Regional Hasanuddin University for Central Kalimantan Province, East Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Sulawesi South, Southeast Sulawesi, Gorontalo, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua and West Papua. Determination of sample is by proportional sampling that is method of sampling proportionally based on sub population. However, based on the distribution of questionnaires conducted as many as 438 consisting of enumerator/interviewer 372 and supervisor 66 obtained questionnaires returned/not filled as much as 27. Questionnaires are designed using ODK sytem also so they are more familiar and easy to reach even if spread across three regions (USU , UGM and UNHAS). Spread the number of questionnaires larger than the filled amount to avoid the level of participation that is less than the specified number of samples.

A. Perceptions of Respondents Toward Smartphone-Based Data Collection System Descriptive analysis in this study aims to find out how the responses of respondents to research variables. The analysis is done by interpreting the tendency of respondents in answering the questions on each indicator. 1. Respondents Response Toward Perceived Variable Ease of Use

Table 2 Response to Perceived Variables Ease of Use TOTAL Respondent Total Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Strongly 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 Disagree Disagree 5 8 7 14 22 19 7 16 80 8 5 10 11 9 Neutral (in 43 49 72 74 63 55 70 85 93 65 60 87 73 58 doubt) Agree 272 297 263 278 234 247 281 250 202 286 283 274 272 286

Strongly agree 91 57 69 45 90 89 53 59 33 51 62 40 54 57

Total 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 Data source: primary data processed, 2015

As in other frequency tables, fourteen numbers from the left of the left-hand column indicate the number of indicators in the instrument or perceived easy of use variable. As in the table explanation of other variable frequencies the numbers in the answer line strongly disagree, disagree, neutral, agree and strongly agree indicates the number of respondents who provide answers on each answer option. Based on survey results it is known that the majority of respondents both at Regional USU, Regional UGM and Regional UNHAS provide answers agree on perceived ease of use variables. This indicates that PMA2020 enumerators have high confidence that by using ODK technology they make it easy to collect data in completing the work.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 37 2. Respondents Response Toward Perceived Usefulness Variables

Table 3 Response to Perceived Perceived Usefulness Regional TOTAL Respondent Total Response 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Strongly 3 4 13 9 11 0 17 0 2 10 1 0 0 2 Disagree Disagree 142 128 231 126 199 16 186 25 93 237 7 13 7 12 Neutral (in 134 122 85 128 72 100 110 130 96 107 116 113 84 62 doubt) Agree 117 148 70 134 115 261 89 240 179 54 270 267 283 302 Strongly 15 9 12 14 14 34 9 16 41 3 17 18 37 33 agree Total 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 411 Data source: primary data processed, 2015

Table 3 shown the respondent's answer of 14 questions in perceived usefulness instruments. While the numbers on the line of the answer scale strongly disagree agree, neutral, agree and strongly agree shows the number of respondents who provide answers on the indicator in question. Based on the result of tabulation, it is known that the majority of respondents in all regions are responding to the perceived usefulness variable. From these results it can be interpreted that the PMA2020 enumerator has a high level of confidence that using ODK technology can help improve performance in doing their tasks.

B. Confirmatory Factor Analysis This stage will explain explain the measurement of the dimensions that make up the latent variable in the research model. The purpose of the confirmatory analysis is to test the unidimensionality of the constituent dimensions of each latent variable. At this stage, the model will confirm whether the observed variable can reflect the factors it analyzes. 1. Variabel Percieved Ease of Use (PEOU) Based on the confirmatory analysis, the following results were obtained :

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 38

Chi-Square= 390.243 Probability=.000 Df=77 GFI=.878 AGFI=.833 CFI=.89 TLI=.87 RMSEA=.1


Picture 1. Measurement Model Confimatory Factor Analysis Percieved Ease of Use

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 39 Table 4. Result of CFA Percieved Ease of Use

Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

PE14 <--- PEOU 1.000

PE13 <--- PEOU 1.113 .074 15.057 *** par_1 PE12 <--- PEOU .963 .070 13.709 *** par_2 PE11 <--- PEOU .936 .069 13.596 *** par_3 PE10 <--- PEOU 1.033 .070 14.838 *** par_4 PE9 <--- PEOU .712 .105 6.770 *** par_5 PE8 <--- PEOU 1.076 .081 13.266 *** par_6 PE7 <--- PEOU .953 .068 13.971 *** par_7 PE6 <--- PEOU 1.261 .086 14.744 *** par_8 PE5 <--- PEOU 1.261 .091 13.839 *** par_9 PE4 <--- PEOU .880 .073 12.078 *** par_10 PE3 <--- PEOU .947 .073 12.893 *** par_11 PE2 <--- PEOU .810 .066 12.233 *** par_12 PE1 <--- PEOU .909 .069 13.111 *** par_13 Data source: primary data processed, 2015

Table 4 shown that Percieved Ease of Use variables consist of 14 indicator variables ie PE1 through PE14, estimate value indicates strength of correlation between indicator concerned with Percieved Ease of Use instrument as a whole, whereas CR value indicates critical ratios as parameter whether indicator is valid. In general, CR can be used to find out how strong the dimensions of latent factor formers can be seen from the value of CR where the value of CR indicators worth more than 2.0 indicates that these variables are significantly the dimensions of the latent factors formed ( Ferdinand, 2002). The above results show good results, ie CR values above 2.0 with a probability value of 0 or <0.05. Thus it is concluded that the indicators forming Percieved Ease of Use variable is the exact dimension of latent factor of Percieved Ease of Use.

2. Variabel Percieved Usefullness (PU) Based on the confirmatory analysis, the following results were obtained :

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 40

Chi-Square= 534.064 Probability=.000 Df=77 GFI=.783






Picture 2. Measurement Model Confimatory Factor Analysis Percieved Usefullness

Table 5. Result of CFA Percieved Usefullness

Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

PU28 <--- P_U 1.000

PU27 <--- P_U .610 .090 6.753 *** par_1 PU26 <--- P_U .780 .096 8.151 *** par_2 PU25 <--- P_U .965 .097 9.937 *** par_3 PU24 <--- P_U -1.629 .142 -11.452 *** par_4 PU23 <--- P_U -.952 .153 -6.215 *** par_5 PU22 <--- P_U .527 .101 5.202 *** par_6 PU21 <--- P_U -1.392 .154 -9.032 *** par_7 PU20 <--- P_U .431 .098 4.389 *** par_8 PU19 <--- P_U -1.767 .180 -9.812 *** par_9 PU18 <--- P_U -1.338 .158 -8.468 *** par_10 PU17 <--- P_U -1.661 .168 -9.908 *** par_11 PU16 <--- P_U -1.231 .152 -8.112 *** par_12 PU15 <--- P_U -1.666 .164 -10.140 *** par_13 Data source: primary data processed, 2015

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 41 Table 5 shown that Percieved Usefullness variables consist of 14 indicator variables ie PU15 to PU28, estimate value indicates strength of correlation between indicator concerned with Percieved Usefullness instrument as a whole, whereas CR value indicates critical ratios as parameter whether indicator is valid.

Table 6 Results of Regression Analysis Model Full SEM Analysis

Regression Weights: (Group number 1 - Default model) Estimate S.E. C.R. P Label

PU <--- PE -.627 .077 -8.146 *** par_42 PE14 <--- PE 1.000

PE13 <--- PE 1.094 .073 15.015 *** par_16 PE12 <--- PE .942 .069 13.595 *** par_17 PE11 <--- PE .927 .068 13.645 *** par_18 PE10 <--- PE 1.014 .069 14.792 *** par_19 PE9 <--- PE .693 .104 6.645 *** par_20 PE8 <--- PE 1.062 .080 13.282 *** par_21 PE7 <--- PE .938 .067 13.942 *** par_22 PE6 <--- PE 1.230 .084 14.618 *** par_23 PE5 <--- PE 1.253 .090 13.972 *** par_24 PE4 <--- PE .880 .072 12.236 *** par_25 PE3 <--- PE .941 .072 12.993 *** par_26 PE2 <--- PE .814 .065 12.445 *** par_27 PE1 <--- PE .915 .068 13.388 *** par_28 PU15 <--- PU 1.000

PU16 <--- PU .683 .096 7.132 *** par_29 PU17 <--- PU .948 .103 9.186 *** par_30 PU18 <--- PU .741 .101 7.337 *** par_31 PU19 <--- PU 1.007 .112 8.975 *** par_32 PU20 <--- PU -.418 .075 -5.571 *** par_33 PU21 <--- PU .960 .108 8.870 *** par_34 PU22 <--- PU -.493 .079 -6.258 *** par_35 PU23 <--- PU .558 .101 5.511 *** par_36 PU24 <--- PU 1.113 .100 11.087 *** par_37 PU25 <--- PU -.744 .076 -9.726 *** par_38 PU26 <--- PU -.632 .076 -8.301 *** par_39 PU27 <--- PU -.573 .076 -7.536 *** par_40 PU28 <--- PU -.796 .082 -9.699 *** par_41 Description: *** shows a value smaller than 0.001 Data source: primary data processed, 2015

In general, CR can be used to find out how strong the dimensions of latent factor formers can be seen from the value of CR where the value of CR indicators worth more than 2.0 indicates that these variables are significantly the dimensions of the latent factors formed ( Ferdinand, 2002). The above results show good results, ie CR values above 2.0 with probability values that are either 0 or <0.05 even below 0.001. Thus it is concluded that the indicators forming Percieved Usefullness variable is the exact dimension of latent factor of Percieved Usefullness.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 42 This study states that Perceived ease of use has a positive relationship with Perceived usefullness in the use of ODK systems. From the analysis of Table 6 it is known that CR value on perceived ease of use effect on perceived usefulness is -8,146 with P <0,05 or even <0,001 marked with ***. Both of these values show eligible results, ie CR below - 1.96 and probability (P) below 0.05. Thus the hypothesis that "Perceived ease of use has a positive relationship with Perceived usefulness in the use of ODK systems" in the study accepted. Thus it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between perceived usefullness with perceived ease of use. Acceptance of this hypothesis indicates that an increase or decrease in perceptions about the ease of ODK systems is used to have an impact on the increase or decrease in perceptions about the benefits of the ODK system. The results of this study support the results of Pedersen's (2003) research and Sun and Zhang's (2006) statement that perceived usefullness is significantly affected by perceived ease of use. The acceptance of this hypothesis reinforces the recommendation of PMA2020 projects in Indonesia that consideration of ease of use and utility system capability is important, as perceived easy of use is found to affect perceived usefullness and assist in the transition process of adopting new systems when system changes are required. Descriptively also known that perception of respondent to variable perceived usefullnes and perceived ease of use is being, but answer at that variable tend to be heterogen. The heterogeneity of the responses in both variables had an impact on the rejection of the alleged perceived usefullnes that affected perceived ease of use. A relatively heterogeneous answer also indicates that the enumerator has a relatively different belief whether ODK is easy to use and useful for them in completing their work.

CONCLUSION The purpose of this paper is to analyze the acceptance process in terms of technology that is completely new to use. This research acceptance of ODK system using TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) at enumerator of PMA2020 project in Indonesia even the first time for continent of Asia. The model used in this research is model Technology Accpetance Model (TAM) on ODK system. However, the variables studied in this paper only include perceived usefullness and perceived ease of use. Based on the analysis and the results of the study, this study concludes that: Perceived ease of use has a positive relationship of 8.146 with Perceived usefulness in the use of ODK system which means that perceptions about whether or not the system used to be related or positively impact the high low benefits of ODK system. This fact can be implied that the application of a new system can be done by considering whether the enumerator has feelings of likes or dislikes, attitudes and perceptions about how the benefits of the system. This fact may be related to the enumerators' desire to be willing or unwilling to use the system. PMA2020 projects need to prioritize important things in applying the new system is cost and benefit from the use of new system. However, the new system should also be designed in a user friendly manner so that it is easy to use by enumerators, so system application only needs to be considered in factual rather than perception, because perceptions about difficult or easy new systems can be overcome with training and socialization.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 46 LOCAL WISDOM OF KEPENGHULUAN MAMUGO IN LAND AND FOREST FIRE PREVENTION

Febri Yuliani Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: The main factor causing forest fires is human. Forest fires caused by humans occur because of community activities inside and outside the forest area. Community activities outside forest areas during the dry season are burning for land clearing or for clearing new land for agricultural and plantation activities. This research uses qualitative method, the result of research indicates that local wisdom on the preliminary in forest fire prevention is needed to minimize the risk of forest and land fire so that it can become a reference that need to be developed for wider area.

Keywords: Local wisdom, prevention, land and forest fire

I. INTRODUCTION In Riau Province every year there are also forest and land fires especially in the dry season. Forest and land fires occurring in Riau in the period of 2005 to 2011 covering 53,494.14 ha, with losses estimated at Rp. 139.893.566.264.30, - excludes ecological and public health losses. There are several reasons for an activity to include communities in the mana- gement of the environment and resources, including the control of forest and land fires, it is possible to: (1) formulate the problem more effectively; (2) obtaining information and understanding beyond the reach of the scientific world; (3) for- mulating socially acceptable solutions to the problem, and (4) establishing ownership of plans and solutions, enabling easy application. Obstacles that are deeply experienced by the Rokan Hilir District Government, and the components of society, are the limited skills and knowledge in the field of environmental conservation, the weakness of law enforcement and the lack of skilled workers in the control of forest and land fires (Karhutla). Local wisdom plays an important role in achieving the goals and objectives of a development program. Local wisdom is the mental and emotional unity of people in a group situation that encourages them to contribute to group goals and the various responsibilities for achieving that goal. There are 3 (three) positive ideas in local wisdom definition that is involvement, distribution and responsibility. Local wisdom in the control of forest and land fires starting from the planning stage of forest and land fire control, fire prevention phase, fire suppression phase and post-fire handling stage. The implementation of local wisdom in forest and land fire control means reducing the impact of fires on communities around the region, such as the smoke that disrupts their health and daily activities and the loss of their livelihoods within the region. Furthermore, the community can monitor and supervise the area in the village and in forest areas prone to fire in an effort to prevent forest and land fire in the future.

II. METHOD The research location is in , Riau Province. As the object of this research is the local wisdom in the forest and land fire control in Rokan Hilir Regency. The approach used in this research is qualitative approach, with descriptive analysis method. The informants to be interviewed are: community leaders, adat leaders, and communities living around the forest and land fire control areas.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 47 III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION The Development Policy in Rokan Hilir District as outlined in the Regional Development Program (Propeda) does not explicitly put the issue of forest and land fires into a priority scale that must be addressed immediately. This can be seen in the formulas contained in the Propeda. The Government seriously nurtures and facilitates the Satlakdalkarhutla, Village Satgasdamututla and the Fire Concerned Society that have been established with sufficient means, be it fire extinguishers and operational funds. This thinking is based on a consideration that it is the community that first knows the occurrence of land fires, so that they can extinguish it early before the fire gets bigger. The relief efforts undertaken by the community around the site of forest and land fires, such as the Fire Concerned Community Unit, are inadequate, with make shift equipment having to extinguish fires with areas not matching the equipment they own. Assistance from companies engaged in forestry also came at the site of the fire, but they only came to the scene some time when the incident occurred, this is due to the far location of the company's warehouse that has standard equipment of forest and land fire fighting with the scene of forest and land fires. Local wisdom that exist in the community kepenghuluan mamugo include: a. Fire Extinguishment Technique on Dry Land To assess the current fire situation one of the leaders appointed must approach and surround the fire site quickly or by looking and supervising from higher ground so that all areas of fire are clearly visible. Never cross the head of a fire if the fire head moves fast. After that the team leader quickly decides whether the blackout is done with existing resources or not.

Method of Extinction Method 1. Direct Method - Direct Methods of Head Section In the direct extinguishing of the head, all efforts are directed directly at the tongue of the head so that the flame head stops forward. The direct method of the head is done by spraying d put out with the bat. The intensity and speed of fire should not be high so that blackouts can be carried out safely. The direct method of the head is usually easier and safer if the fire team is well coordinated. At the time of the blackout and suddenly the fire is extinguished to be large, the firefighters must save themselves as soon as possible. - Direct Methods Side Side This method is usually applied when the fire is very rapid, the intensity of heat and smoke begin to rise, it is too dangerous to use the direct method of the head. If the side-by-side method can be successful, the blackout from the left and right sides will make the head's width smaller, so the flame head stops forward.

2. Indirect Methods - Indirect Method with Fuel Sieve The indirect fire-fighting method shall be the act of extinguishing which is done at the time of great fire and danger and does not have sufficient personnel and equipment. This method is less effective than direct outage. But indirect methods are safer and easier, because delam execution of firefighters is protected from the heat of fire and smoke. This firebreak method is a hereditary knowledge owned by the community Kepenghuluan Mamugo Rokan Hilir District and is a local wisdom Rokan Hilir

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 48 community in maintaining their forests and land. Sekat burn means, to give the insulation or limits for the fire does not increase the spread. The manufacture of fire breaks using machete, hoe, rake and fire harrow is the most common way of preventing fires. Cleaning of grass, shrubs and trees in areas considered vulnerable aims to stop the spread of fire and reduce fuel. Before making the flow of fire need diperhatiken bulkhead that already exists, so in the manufacture of fire separation does not take too long. In determining the location of the flow, the fire team must know the position of the fire that is running. Before the fire until, the illusion must have been done. This is influenced also by wind speed and direction as well as fuel conditions. People also need to check the firebreaks to ensure that the fire does not cross the bulkhead. Burned fuel should not be stacked, if the illumination has been completed the fire team must check the image continuously. This method is done by burning back so that the fire is going to stop and does not cause the spread of fire to be widespread because the fuel has been burned so that the fire will be extinguished with more easily and safely. The indirect method of burning back is usually carried out in the event of a major fire, where the fire moves very quickly and can not be directly or indirectly encountered by the fuel barrier. Reverse Fuel can be very dangerous and risky because: a) Fire is difficult to be directed and follow the direction of the wind in the combustion chamber so that high risk of fire lobotan, b) A burnback of sacrificing fuel and assets that exist between artificial fires and existing fires. b. Fire Fighting Technique in Peat Area The extinguishing method used is for fire extinguishment on the surface as well as fire fighting in dry land. As for the blackout of the subsurface fire is extinguished by making a hole as far as 3 meters around the fire place appears, which then fire the peat fire is supervised. The subsurface fire can be detected easily through the smoke coming out onto the surface. With the theory that there is smoke there must be fire, then smoke is an indication of a fire below it. Based on the results of interviews with customary leaders, the stage of land clearing by means of combustion include: a) Selection of field candidates. b) Exemption c) Combustion d) Re-burning e) Planting Kasepuhan Ciptagelar community has a habit to prevent the occurrence of land and forest fires by clearing the land done in the dry season. Thus, the fuel is in a completely dry state that leads to effective and efficient combustion. This is related to the pattern of farming those who work the land once a year. In addition, people do not clear land near national parks because of the community's trust in the forests, which are old forests, forest deposits, and natural forests, where only splinter forests are allowed to be utilized by the community for shifting cultivation.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 49 IV. CONCLUSIONS Conclusion 1. The community knows that mamugo already has local wisdom about ecosystem and forest and land fire prevention, the local wisdom has been maintained for generations. 2. The fire usage technique used by Ciptegelar kasepuhan community for land clearing is a pile burning technique in the direction of wind which is a tradition that has been practiced for generations since the days of kasepuhan. 3. Stages of field opening activities conducted by burning include selection of field candidates, exemptions, arson, re-burning, and planting. 4. The values of indigenous knowledge of indigenous peoples Kasepuhan Cipta- gelar related to the prevention of forest and land fires, including clearing land in the dry season and not open the fields near the national park area.

Recommendations Further research is needed on indigenous peoples' local wisdom in preventing forest and land fires in other areas to track and search for effective and controlled combustion techniques and the need for consistent government support to maintain local wisdom so that it can become a reference for combustion techniques in prepa- ration land.

REFERENCE Ikhramsyah J. 2004. Kearifan Tradisional Dalam Penyiapan Ladang (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Tradisional Baduy Desa Kenekes, Kecamatan Leuwidamar, Kabupaten Lebak Propinsi Banten) [Skripsi]. Bogor: Fakultas Kehutanan. Institut Pertanian Bogor. Kuswandi, A. 2006. Teknik Pembakaran Dalam Penyiapan Ladang Berpindah di Kawasan HTI PT. Finnantara Intiga Resor Entanjan Kabupaten Sanggau Provinsi Kalimantan Barat [Skripsi]. Bogor: Fakultas Kehutanan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Otsuka, M. Sumantri, D. Hariri dan T.H. Santoso. 1997. Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan melalui Peningkatan Peran Serta Masyakarat Sekitar Kawasan Penyangga. Dirjen PHPA Departemen Kehutanan dan JICA. Bogor. Saharjo, B. H. 1999. Panduan Pengendalian Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Gambut. Proyek Climete Change Forest and Peatland in Indonesia. Wetland International – Indonesia Programme and Wildlife Habitat Canada. Bogor. Indonesia Suhartini. 2009. Kajian kearifan lokal masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan. Di dalam : Prosiding Seminar Nasiona Penelitian, Pendidikan dan Penerapan MIPA; Yogyakarta, 16 Mei 2009. Yogyakarta: Fakultas MIPA, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Syaufina L. 2008. Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan di Indonesia Perilaku Api, Penyebab dan Dampak Kebakaran. Malang: Bayumedia Publishing. Syumanda, R. 2003. Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan Riau: Kebijakan dan Dampaknya bagi Kehidupan Manusia. (1) hutan/kebkr_hut_riau_mak_230403/ [30 Mei 2012]

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 50 REGIONAL GOVERNMENT POLICY ON LAND PROBLEMS IN THE PROPERTY RIGHTS OF PLANTATION ENTERPRISES

Kusbianto Faculty of Law University of Dharmawangsa Medan

Abstract: Government policy in settlement of plantation land disputes using dispute settlement form by Mediation. Land disputes in North Sumatra between plantation companies and the cultivators have not been completed yet. The settlement of plantation land disputes either through litigation or non-litigation does not get the expected results from the plantation or the community. There are several reasons, namely: first; The settlement through the courts is felt to lack the sense of justice, the judgment of the court tillers in favor of the plantation. Second; The settlement of disputes by non-litigation approach is done by means of security approach impacts casualties of loss of life and property, causing a sense of hostility on both sides increasingly sharp. Local governments take steps to resolve by forming a Mediation Team. This policy uses the legal basis of Presidential Decree No. 34 of 2003 challenging the National Policy on Land Affairs.

Keywords: Government policy, plantation companies, mediation team

A. LATAR BELAKANG Dalam upaya meningkatkan keberdayaan masyarakat, Gubernur Sumatera Utara pada tahun 2007 mengeluarkan Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 36 Tahun 2007 tentang Strategi Daerah dalam Percepatan Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal. Peraturan Gubernur tersebut kemudian disusul dengan dikeluarkannya Peraturan Gubernur Nomor 37 tahun 2007 tentang Rencana Aksi Daerah dalam Percepatan Pembangunan Daerah Tertinggal. Sementara itu, persoalan tanah yang melibatkan masyarakat dengan perkebunan terus terjadi. Pada tahun 2007 dilaksanakan pengukuran untuk memperpanjang hak guna usaha (HGU) PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III Kebun Sei Silau, luasnya 5360 Ha, Pengukuran menjadi 6575,99 Ha, karena termasuk didalamnya ada 5 (lima) kampung, sekolah, kantor Polisi dan Puskesmas. Dampak dari pengukuran yang dilakukan pihak PTPN III Kebun Seui Silau mendatangkan kemarahan masyarakat disekitar perkebunan.karena mereka telah menguasai tanahnya secara turun-temurun sejak tahun 1941. Permasalahan tanah ini sudah diadukan masyarakat dan unjuk rasa ke DPRD Asahan, Badan Pertanahan (BPN) dan Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan. Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan pada Desember 2008 menyurati Kepala BPN RI di Jakarta, dan Kantor Wilayah BPN Sumatera Utara di Medan untuk meminta ketegasan status kepemilikan dan patok batas HGU Kebun Sei Silau PTPN III.(YPMP Medan, 2015). Sengketa Tanah antara PTPN (Persero) dengan masyarakat sekitar perkebunan, sampai saat ini masih banyak yang belum dapat diselesaikan. Belum ada menemukan titik terang untuk bisa menyelesaikan sengketa baik dari PTPN, masyarakat dan bahkan Pemerintah selaku pemilik saham mayoritas di PTPN. Pemerintah sebagai Pemilik Saham terkesan menutup mata dan menyerahkan sepenuhnya kepada PTPN untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dengan masyarakat. Akibat ketidakpedulian Pemerintah membuat perma- salahan baru yang ditanggung oleh Karyawan PTPN Persero, yakni terjadi benturan secara fisik antara karyawan dengan masyarakat yang mengakibatkan korban jiwa dan tekanan mental yang dihadapi Karyawan dalam melakukan aktifitasnya. Anarkisme disamping menimbulkan korban jiwa dan materi, juga mengakibatkan dendam yang tidak berkesudahan dan sangat sulit untuk di resolusi. Belum lagi, masuknya berbagai kepentingan yang terus berupaya memanfaatkan situasi dengan alasan kepentingan masyarakat, namun sebenarnya hanya untuk kepentingan pribadi berupa

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 51 materi dan popularitas. Menghadapi pemasalahan tanah perkebunan ini maka Pemerintah Daerah mengambil tindakan sesuai dengan Keputusan Presiden N0. 34 Tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan Nasional Dibidang Pertanahan. Pemerintah Daerah memiliki kewenangan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa tanah didaerah Kabupaten dan Kota tempat sengketa tanah tersebut terjadi. Apabila sengketa tanah perkebunan berada di wilayah lintas Kabupaten/ Kota maka Gubernur yang dapat menyelesaikannya.

B. PERUMUSAN MASALAH Berdasarkan dari paparan di atas, maka dirumuskan permasalahan yang dapat mem- bantu penulisan ini agar lebih fokus, yaitu: Bagaimana Kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah dalam menyelesaikan sengketa tanah di areal hak guna usaha (HGU) Perkebunan ?

C. PEMBAHASAN Indonesia sebagai negara yang bercorak agraris memandang bumi, air dan kekayaan alam yang terkandung di dalammnya adalah merupakan anugrah dan karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa berpotensi besar untuk mengembangkan usaha perkebunan dalam rangka me- wujudkan kemakmuran dan kesejahteraan rakyat. Perkebunan harus diselenggarakan secara berkelanjutan, keterpaduan, kebersamaan, keterbukaan, berkeadilan berkepastian hukum, karena perkebunan haruslah diakui eksis- tensinya sebagai pemegang peranan penting dan strategis dalam menunjang pembangunan nasional, paling tidak ada beberapa yang dapat dicatat pertama, dalam peningkatan per- ekonomian, kesejahteraan, kemakmuran, kedua, perkebunan atau usaha perkebunan mem- berikan kontribusi yang tidak sedikit pada devisa negara, ketiga, menampung tenaga kerja yang tidak sedikit, keempat memperoleh nilai tambah dan peningkatan daya saing usaha terutama dalam era globalisasi, kelima, berkemampuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan kon- sumsi dalam negeri, keenam, mendapatkan dan menghasilkan bahan baku industri dalam negeri dan ketujuh, mampu melakukan optimalisasi pengelolaan sumber daya alam secara berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan. Kesemuanya ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap men- dapatkan modal, informasi, teknologi dan manajemen. Dengan demikian diperlukan hubungan harmonis dan saling menguntungkan antara pelaku uasaha perkebunan, masyarakat sekitar dan pemangku kepentingan (stake holder) lainnya serta terciptanya integritas pengelola sisi hulu dan sisi hilir, yang pada gilirannya harus dapat terpayungi oleh adanya jaminan keamanan pada iklim usaha perkebunan yang dilakukan serta mendapatkan kepastian hukum. Ternyata realita konseptual sebagaimana di atas, masih belum dapat dicapai sesuai dengan harapan semua pihak, karena terdapat ba- nyak kendala yang mengganggu iklim usaha perkebunan dewasa ini, terutama pasca refo- rmasi di Negara Indonesia. Salah satu perusahaan yang mengelola usaha perkebunan adalah PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero), yang mempunyai luas areal tanaman 143.519.83 Ha dengan 34 Unit Kebun, 11 pabrik Kelapa Sawit dan 8 Pabrik Pengolahan Karet yang dipimpin oleh Manajer, memiliki 28.993 pekerja, wilayah kerja meliputi Kabupaten Deli Serdang, Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai, Kabupaten Asahan, Kabupaten Batubara, Kabupaten La- buhan Batu, dan Kabupaten Tapanuli Selatan. Dalam menjalankan usahanya kerap kali terjadi penyerobotan terhadap areal tanah perkebun, akibatnya kerugian yang diderita tidak saja dalam bentuk materil tetapi sangat berpengaruh pada semangat dan gairah para karyawan kebun disebabkan terjadi konfik horizontal antara buruh kebun dengaan penggarap dan meluas menjadi persoalan hukum pidana seperti karyawan korban penganiayaan, kekerasaan, pengancaman bahkan ada yang

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 52 korban jiwa. Penyerobotan dan penggarapan tanah perkebunan pelaku-pelakunya, pertama masyarakat sekitar perkebunan, kedua pensiunan atau bekas pekerja perkebunan (buruh kebun) dan ada juga karyawan kebun yang ikut-ikutan menggarap. BUMN adalah badan usaha yang seluruh atau sebagian besar modalnya dimiliki oleh negara melalui penyertaan secara langsung yang berasal dari kekayaan negara yang dipisahkan, yang berbentuk perseroan terbatas yang modalnya terbagi dalam saham yang seluruh atau paling sedikit 51 % (lima puluh satu persen) sahamnya dimiliki oleh Negara Republik Indonesia yang tujuan utamanya mengejar keuntungan, bahwa untuk meng- optimalkan peran Badan Usaha Milik Negara, pengurusan dan pengawasannya harus di- lakukan secara professional. Teori Penyelesaian Sengketa secara filosofis, penyelesaian sengketa merupakan upaya untuk mengembalikan hubungan para pihak yang bersengketa dalam keadaan seperti semula. Dengan pengembalian hubungan tersebut, maka mereka dapat mengadakan hubu- ngan, baik hubungan social maupun hubungan hukum antara satu dengan lainnya. Teori penyelesaian sengketa yang dikembangkan oleh Ralf Dahrendorf berorientasi kepada struktur dan institusi sosial. Dahrendorf berpendapat bahwa masyarakat mem- punyai dua wajah, yaitu: 1. Sengketa dan 2. Konsensus (Salim dan Nurbani, 2013). Secara empiris hampir setiap daerah (provinsi dan kabupaten) di Indonesia, dapat ditemukan masyarakat hukum adat. Mereka dicirikan dengan sekelompok orang yang terikat oleh tatanan hukum adatnya sebagai warga bersama suatu persekutuan hukum karena kesamaan tempat tinggal ataupun dasar keturunan. Secara empiris mereka men- diami daerah yang secara geografis terpencil dan sulit dijangkau, tidak terjangkau oleh pelayanan sosial dasar, dan sumber penghidupannya sangat bergantung pada alam. Mereka hidup dalam berbagai keterbatasan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sosial dasar, seperti sandang, pangan, tempat tinggal, kesehatan dan pendidikan. Mereka mengkonsumsi makanan jauh dari strandar gizi yang diajurkan, memakai pakaian yang tidak pantas, menempati rumah yang tidak layak huni, kesehatan yang memburuk dan tidak bisa berpartisipasi dalam pendidikan. Oleh karena keterbatasannya dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sosial dasar tersebut, maka mereka mengalami hambatan untuk dapat menjaga kelang- sungan hidupnya atau angka kematian pada mereka relatif cukup tinggi (Manurung, 2006). Dalam kondisi yang senantiasa diliputi keterbatasan tersebut, masyarakat hukum adat dihadapkan dengan berbagai permasalahan, seperti semakin berkurangnya ruang gerak mereka disebabkan menyempitnya tanah yang pindah ke tangan inverstor. Di Provinsi Sumatera Utara, masyarakat banyak kehilangan tanahnya karena diolah untuk perkebunan karet dan kelapa sawit. Kemudian sebagian hutan masyarakat hukum adat berubah fungsi menjadi hutan lindung, dimana dengan penetapan sebagai hutan lindung berarti siapapun dilarang untuk memasuki hutan tersebut. Kondisi tersebut ditambah lagi dengan semakin kuatnya pengaruh dari luar yang merusak nilai-nilai dan kearifan lokal yang selama ini dipelihara secara turun temurun. Lemahnya peraturan pemerintah yang mengatur eksistensi dan hak-hak masyarakat hukum adat, menyebabkan aturan-aturan adat tidak dihormati dan dihargai oleh orang-orang dari luar. Dari sisi kemanusiaan, kondisi yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat hukum adat yang tersebar di 30 Provinsi di Indonesia, benar-benar sangat memprihatinkan. Mereka sangat membutuhkan dukungan, perlindungan dan pemberdayaan dari pemeritnah untuk dapat meningkatkan harkat dan martabatnya. Sebagai warga bangsa, mereka merindukan hak- haknya atas hidup, kesejahteraan dan hak ulayat atas tanah (LAM Jambi, 2005). Pemerintah dimasa reformasi ini berupaya untuk menggiatkan kembali landreform

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 53 dengan mengeluarkan KepresNo.48 tahun 1999 tentang Tim Pengkajian Kebijaksanaan dan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan Dalam Rangka Pelaksanaan landreform. Tim Land- reform ini mempunyai tugas yaitu : a) melakukan pengkajian terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan dibidang per- tanahan; b) melakukan pengkajian dan penelahan terhadap pelaksanaan kebijakan dan pe- raturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan dengan landreform; c) menyusun dan merumuskan kebijaksanaan dan rancangan peraturan perundang- undangan yang diperlukan untuk terlaksananya landreform. Namun belum kita lihat adanya hasil dari pembentukan tim tersebut. Bertitik tolak dari Keputusan Presiden Nomor 34 Tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan Nasional di Bidang Pertanahan, tegas disebut pada Pasal 2 (dua), bahwa: sebagian kewe- nangan Pemerintah dibidang pertanahan dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota. Kewenangan yang dimaksud antara lain : 1. Pemberian izin lokasi 2. Penyelenggaraan pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan pembangunan 3. Penyelesaian sengketa tanah garapan 4. Penyelesaian masalah ganti kerugian dan santunan tanah untuk pembangunan 5. Penetapan Subjek dan objek redistribusi tanah, serta ganti kerugian tanah ke- lebihan maksimum dan tanah absentee 6. Penetapan dan penyelesaian tanah ulayat 7. Pemanfaatan dan penyelesaian masalah tanah kosong 8. Pemberian ijin membuka tanah 9. Perencanaan penggunaan tanah wilayah kabupaten/kota Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah dalam menyelesaikan persoalan tanah sudah cukup kuat seharusnya tidak ada alasan lagi tidak dapat diselesaikan, (Lubis, M.Y, 2012). 1. Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan Dalam Permasalahan Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (PTPN III) Kebun Sei Silau. Data, fakta dan informasi yang disampaikan dalam permasalahan tanah garapan Kebun Sei Silau adalah sebagai berikut: a. PTPN III Kebun Sei Siau adalah penggabungan dari Perseroan Terbatas Perke- bunan (PTP) V, tanggal 14 Pebruari 1996. Usaha perkebunan berada di Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Kabupaten Asahan, Sumatera Utara. b. Bahwa sesuai dengan Surat Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Nomor: SK6/ HGU/DA/81, tanggal 5 Januari 1981, PTP V (sekarang PTPN III) telah diberikan Hak Guna Usaha (HGU) atas bidang tanah seluas ± 6.450 Ha yang terletak pada beberapa Desa dalam wilayah Kecamatan Buntu Pane, antara lain Desa Sei Silau Barat dan Desa Sei Silau Timur; c. Bahwa PTPN III mendaftarkan HGU atas bidang tanah seluas 5.360 Ha sebagai- mana disebutkan dalam Sertifikat HGU Nomor: 1/Desa Sei Silau, tanggal 20 Pebruari 1984, yang jangka waktunya berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2005. d. Bahwa dalam rangka pengurusan perpanjangan HGU yang telah berakhir jangka waktunya tersebut, maka pada tanggal 5 Maret sampai 5 Mei 2007, petugas ukur pada Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional (Kanwil BPN) PropinsiSumatera Utara telah melakukan pengukuran keliling atas bidang tanah dengan batas-batas yang ditunjukan oleh PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau. e. Bahwa hasil pengukuran keliling atas bidang tanah yang dilakukan tersebut berupa surat Peta Bidang Tanah, Nomor : 20/07/2007, tanggal 27 Juni 2007;dinyatakan bahwa bidang tanah HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau luasnya 6.575,99 Ha;

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 54 f. Bahwa dari bidang tanah seluas 6.575,99 Ha yang dinyatakan sebagai HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau tersebut, terdapat : 1. Tanah garapan masyarakat seluas 793,5 Ha, termasuk tanah garapan anggota Kelompok Tani Damai Jaya dan anggota Kelompok Tani Karya Tani. 2. Perkampungan kompak seluas 117,41 Ha yang terdiri dari Kampung Sukadamai, Kampung Purwodadi, Kampung Sidodadi, Kampung Sidorame, dan Kampung Lama. 3. Fasilitas publik seluas 20,88 Ha, antara lain : Kantor Kepolisian Prapat Janji, Kantor Camat Buntu Pane, badan jalan Pemerintah, bangunan mesjid dan bangunan sekolah. 4. Bangunan rumah penduduk seluas 5,35 Ha. g. Bahwa tanah garapan masyarakat sebagaimana dimaksud di atas, seluruhnya berada pada areal yang berkontur cekung (berlembah); h. Bahwa tanah-tanah yang digarap masyarakat tersebut diperoleh secara turun menurun, dan sebagian sudah ada Surat Keterangan Tanah yang diterbitkan oleh Kepala Desa. i. Bahwa PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau telah menyusun rencana untuk melakukan ganti rugi atau “suguh hati” kepada masyarakat penggarap, sehingga tanah-tanah yang telah digarap masyarakat akan dimasukkan ke dalam bidang tanah yang akan diperpanjang jangka waktu HGU-nya. j. Bahwa telah terjadi perbedaan pendapat yaitu menurut PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau, tanah-tanah yang digarap masyarakat merupakan bidang tanah HGU-nya yang sah menurut hukum, sedangkan masyarakat yang diwakili dua Kelompok Tani menyatakan bahwa tanah-tanah yang digarap oleh mereka maupun oleh masyarakat lainnya bukan merupankan bidang tanah HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau, karena pada saat didaftarkan pada Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Asahan sebagaimana termuat dalam Sertifikat HGU, Nomor: 1/Desa Sei Silau, tanggal 20 Pebruari 1984 berikut dengan Peta Lampirannya, seluruh HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau hanya atas bidang tanah yang ada tanamannya yang berada pada areal daratan kering seluas 5.360 Ha, tanpa ada tanah garapan masyarakat. 2. Identifikasi Permasalahan Hukum Kebun Sei Silau Berapa sebenarnya luas bidang tanah HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau yang sah menurut hukum, ini digunakan sebagai landasan ketetapan wilayah HGU yang sebenarnya. Apakah tanah garapan masyarakat, perkampungan kompak, rumah penduduk maupun fasilitas publik yang termasuk ke dalam Peta Bidang Tanah, Nomor : 20/07/2007, tanggal 27 Juni 2007, merupakan bagian bidang tanah HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau. Peta Bidang Tanah, Nomor: 20/07/2007, tanggal 27 Juni 2007, merupakan surat tanda bukti hak yang sah atau tidak perlu dilakukan pemeriksaan lebih dalam. Apakah perpanjangan HGU yang akan diberikan kepada PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau dapat diberikan atas bidang tanah yang luasnya lebih atau diluar dari bidang tanah 5.360 Ha. Bagaimana eksistensi dan keabsahan Peta Bidang Tanah, Nomor: 20/07/2007, tanggal 27 Juni 2007. Apakah PTPN III secara hukum berhak untuk melakukan pembebasan dan/atau menerima perlepasan atas tanah-tanah garapan masyarakat untuk menambah luas bidang tanah HGU-nya untuk kemudian dimasukan ke dalam bidang tanah yang dimohonkan perpanjangan jangka waktu haknya? Yayasan Pembangunan Masyarakat Pancasila (YPMP) yang selama ini mendampingi masyarakat penggarap, berpendapat bahwa kondisi tanah garapan luasnya 224 Ha. Posisinya diluar HGU Kebun Sei Silau PTPN III digarap masyarakat sejak tahun 1941. Tanah Garapan berada di Desa Sei Silau, sudah berhasil menjadi sawah dan mendapat

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 55 bantuan dari pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan dan pencetakan sawah, sebagai desa percontohan. Sikap masyarakat penggarap jangan diambil PTPN III areal yang digarap kelompok tani. Kalu menghaki yang 6000-an Ha silahkan ambil perjuangkan, tetapi yang sudah digarap rakyat tani jangan diganggu PTPN III, (YPMP Medan, 2015).. 3. Fakta-Fakta Hukum Kebun Sei Silau Fakta-fakta hukum yang ditemukan dalam permasalahan ini diperoleh dari keterangan-keterangan maupun fotocopy dokumen yang diberikan pengurus dan/atau anggota Kelompok Tani Damai Jaya dan Kelompok Tani Karya Tani, serta peninjauan ke lokasi bidang tanah yang dipersengketakan, yaitu: 1. Surat Perusahaan Negara Perkebunan V, Nomor: 05.7/X/238/1971, tanggal 5 Juni 1971, perihal: Permohonan Wensareal PNP V Perkebunan Sungai Silau, yang ditujukan kepada Gubernur Kepala Daerah selaku Ketua PLR Tk. I Propinsi Sumatera Utara d/p Kepala Inspeksi Agraria Tk. I Propinsi Sumatera Utara, berikut dengan lampirannya berupa Peta Ichtisar Perkebuna Sungai Silau (Dokumen I); 2. Surat Kepala Direktorat Agraria Propinsi Suamatera Utara atas nama Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Nomor: DA-II/245-78/72, tanggal 11 Agustus 1972, perihal: Pendudukan Rakyat di Atas Tanah Perkebunan yang ditujukan kepada Direksi- direksi Perusahaan Negara Perkebunan (PNP) yang ada di Sumatera Utara, termasuk Direksi PNP V, dan tembusannya disampaikan kepada Bupati Asahan (Dokumen II); 3. Sertifikat (Tanda Bukti Hak) Hak Guna Usaha Nomor: 1/Desa Sei Silau, tanggal 20 Pebruari 1984, berikut dengan potongan Peta Lampirannya, (Dokumen III); 4. Surat Gubernur Sumatera Utara, Nomor: 593/8960, tanggal 26 Juni 2001, perihal: Perpanjangan HGU PTPN III dan IV, yang ditujukan kepada Kakanwil BPN Propinsi Sumatera Utara, (Dokumen IV); 5. Surat Kakanwil BPN Propinsi Sumatera Utara, Nomor: 540.2159, tanggal 29 Desember 2005, perihal: Surat Keterangan yang ditujukan kepada Direksi PTPN III, (Dokumen V); 6. Berita Acara Penyelesaian Pekerjaan Pengukuran Pengembalian Batas HGU Nomor: 1/Sei Silau di Desa Sei Silau Barat, Sei Silau Timur, Silau Tua, Prapat Janji, Urung Pane, Tinggi Raja, Silau Raja Kecamatan Buntu Pane, Meranti Kabupaten Asahan Propinsi Sumatera Utara, tanggal 5 Mei 2007, yang dibuat oleh Tarbarita Simorangkir S, Si.T. dan Adrew Ginting, keduanya selaku petugas ukur dari Kanwil BPN Propinsi Sumatera Utara, serta oleh Manager PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau berikut dengan jajaran stafnya, (Dokumen VI); 7. Peta Bidang Tanah, Nomor: 20/07/2007, tanggal 27 Juni 2007 yang ditandatangani oleh Kepala Bidang Survey, Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Kanwil BPN Sumatera Utara, (Dokumen VII); 8. Penjelasan tertulis PTPN III mengenai Permasalahan Areal Kebun Sei Silau, yang disampaikan pada pertemuan di Komisi A DPRD Propinsi Sumatera Utara, tanggal 13 Mei 2008, (Dokumen VIII); 9. Surat-surat Keterangan Tanah, antara lain atas nama Iskandar, Tukijo, Sukimin, Sutarmin, Paimin, Tugimin, Gito, dan Wartiman (Dokumen IX); Berdasarkan keterangan dan fotokopi dokumen yang diberikan, serta peninjauan ke lokasi bidang tanah yang dipersengketakan, maka ditemukan fakta-fakta hukum, berikut ini: 1. Bahwa bidang-bidang tanah garapan yang menjadi objek sengketa, seluruhnya berada pada areal yang berkontur cekung/lembah (sesuai dengan Dokumen I

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 56 beserta peta yang menjadi lampirannya, Dokumen III berikut dengan Peta Lampirannya, dan Dokumen VII); 2. Bahwa sebelum diterbitkannya Surat Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri, Nomor: SK.6/HGU/DA/81, tanggal 5 Januari 1981, bidang-bidang tanah yang menjadi objek sengketa tersebut telah dikuasai dan diusahai masyarakat (sesuai dengan Dokumen I, Dokumen II, dan Dokumen III); 3. Bahwa pada saat PTPN III mendaftarkan HGU atas bidang tanah seluas 5.360 Ha ke Kantor Pertanahan Kabupaten Asahan sehingga diterbitkannya Sertifikat HGU Nomor: 1/Desa Sei Silau, tanggal 20 Februari 1984, bidang-bidang tanah garapan yang menjadi objek sengketa sama sekali tidak dikuasai dan ditanami dengan tanaman perkebunan oleh PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau; 4. Bahwa hingga saat ini, bidang-bidang tanah garapan yang menjadi objek sengketa sama sekali tidak pernah dikusai dan diusahai oleh PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau, kecuali terhadap bidang tanah yang terletak setempat dikenal dengan areal Titi Gambang- Desa Sei Silau Timur yang pada tahun 1989 baru dikuasai oleh PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau menanamnya dengan tanaman Kelapa Sawit pada tahun 1991, tetapi pada tahun 2002 bidang tanah diareal Titi Gambang ini kembali diusahai oleh pengurus dan anggota Kelompok Tani Damai Jaya; 5. Bahwa di atas bidang-bidang tanah garapan yang menjadi objek sengketa telah terdapat tanaman Kakao, Kelapa Sawit, Karet dan jenis tanaman lainnya yang ditanam oleh masyarakat; 6. Bidang tanah HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau telah berakhir jangka waktunya, dan sedang dalam proses perpanjangan hak (sesuai dengan Dokumen III, Dokumen V, dan Dokumen VIII); 7. Bahwa Gubernur Sumatera Utara telah meminta kepada Kanwil BPN Sumatera Utara agar perpanjangan jangka waktu HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau ditunda untuk smentara waktu sampai adanya penyelesaian atas permasalahan dengan masyarakat (sesuai dengan Dokumen IV); 8. Bahwa pengukuran yang dilakukan mulai tanggal 5 Maret sampai dengan 5 Mei 2007 oleh petugas ukur Kanwil BPN Propinsi Sumatera Utara merupakan pengukuran pengembalian batas bidang tanah HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau (sesuai dengan dokumen VI dan Dokumen VII). 4. Tindakan Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Asahan Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan mel;akuklan Mediasi melalui Kepala Tata Peme- rintahan Kabupaten Asahan, pada 27 Nopember 2014, bertempat di Kantor Bupati Asahan di Kisaran, yang hadir dalam acara ini adalah : 1. PTPN III diwakilkan dari Kantor Direksi dan Kebun Sei Siau 2. Kelompok Tani Sei Silau (Damai Jaya Titi Gambang Sei Silau Timur, Karya Tani, Sei Silau Barat) didampingi oleh Pengacara/Kuasa Hukum 3. Camat Kecamatan Buntu Pane, 4. Dinas Kehutanan dan Perkebunan 5. Koramil/Danramil 6. BPN Asahan (tidak hadir). Hasil mediasi adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Kelompok Tani harus menjaga asset PTPN III agar jangan ada penyerobotan, menunggu proses selanjutnya. 2. PTPN III harus cepat segera proses ke BPN pengajuan hak guna usahanya (HGU), jangan sampai kepunyaan masyarakat dimasukkan ke dalam HGU

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 57 3. Mediator akan melihat lokasi yang menjadi tuntutan kelompok Tani dan dikuasai masyarakat penggarapan di Kebun Sei Silau. 4. Perpanjangan HGU PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau yang diproses BPN berdasarkan sertifikat No. 1/Desa Sei Silau tanggal 20 Februari 1984 disegerakan, kemudian untuk areal garapan yang dituntut penggarap dari selisih luas surat bukti HGU No. 1 tahun 1984dengan SK Hak Menteri Dalam Negeri No. SK.6/HGU/DA/81 tahun 1981tersebut ditunda dahulu, dengan syarat diselesaiakan berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang dimiliki para pihak yaitu Penggarap dan PTPN-III. Sebagai pertimbangan hukum untuk menyikapi penyelesaian dapat dipedomani Kepres No. 34 Tahun 2003 Tentang Kebijakan Nasional Dibidang Pertanahan, Pasal 2 menyatakan bahwa wewenang penyelesaian sengketa tanah garapan dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten/Kota. Selanjutnya dalam perpanjangan HGU dapat dipakai pedo- man Surat Edaran Menteri Agraria Dan Tata Ruang Kepala BPN No. 11/SE/VIII/2015 Tentang Percepatan Proses Pemberian Atau Perpanjangan Hak Atas Tanah Jo. SE Menteri Agraria Dan Tata Ruang Kepala BPN No. 31/SE/I/2015 Perihal: Percepatan Proses Penyelesaian Permohonan Hak Atas Tanah Pemerintah/BUMN/BUMD asset tanah; bahwa terhadap tanah yang masih ada permasalahan baik obyek/fisik maupun data yuridisnya dapat diproses melalui dua tahap yaitu : 1. Areal yang tidak bermasalah diproses permohonannya, 2. Areal yang masih ada masalah agar diselesaikan para pihak. Kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan ini memiliki wewenang, pemerintah ber- tindak sebagai eksekutif berkuasa di tingkat daerah. Pemerintah sebagai lembaga negara yang diberi mandat menjalankan kebijakan publik dan kebijakan sosial, maka Pemerintah dapat mendorong aktor lain untuk mengimplementasikan, (Riant Nugroho, 2014).

D. KESIMPULAN Penyelesaian sengketa tanah perkebunan melalui kebijakan Pemerintah Daerah sebagai tindakan dari pengaduan masyarakat yang menuntut agar tanah yang digarap dapat dimiliki. Berdasarkan Kepres No. 34 Tahun 2003 tentang Kebijakan Nasional Dibidang Pertanahan, Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan mempunyai wewenang untuk menyelesaiakan masalah tanah garapan. Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Asahan dalam upaya menyelesaikan sengketa tanah perkebunan dengan cara membentuk Tim Mediasi. Dalam menyelesaiakan tanah garapan di PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau Tim Mediasi menganjurkan agar tanah yang tidak bermasalah diproses permohonan perpanjangannya oleh PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau, dan tanah yang masih bermasalah agar diselesaikan para pihak masyarakat dengan PTPN III Kebun Sei Silau. Mediasi yang dilakukan Pemerintah Kabupaten Asahan belum dapat menyelesaikan sengketa tanah garapan di Kebun Sei Silau PTPN III.

REFERENSI Akbar, Rizal (dkk), 2005. Tanah Ulayat dan Keberadaan Masyarakat Adat, Pekanbaru: LPNU Press. Bahar, Syafroedin, 2006. “Upaya Perlindungan terhadap Eksistensi Hak-hak Tradisional Masyarakat Adat dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia”, dalam Suwarto (dkk), mengangkat Keberadan Hak-hak Tradisonal: Masyarakat Adat Rumpun Melayu Se- Sumatera. Pekanbaru: Unri Press. Dahrendorf, Ralf, 1986. Konflik dan Konflik Dalam Masyarakat Industri: Sebuah Analisa Kritik. Jakarta: CV.Rajawali Kusbianto, 2016. Penyelesaian Sengketa Tanah Perkebunan Pada Areal Perusahaan

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 58 Perkebunan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Perkebunan di Sumatera Utara, Disertasi, Program Studi Doktor Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Sumatera Utara. LAM Jambi, 2005. “Fakta dan Pengalaman Lembaga Adat Propinsi Jambi dalam Memperjuangkan Hak Tanah Ulayat Masyarkat Adat Jambi”, dalam Rizal Akbar (dkk), Tanah Ulayat dan Keberadaan Masyarakat Adat, Pekanbaru: LPNU Press. Lubis Muhammad Yamin, 2012. Pandangan Teoritis Menuntaskan Persoalan Tanah, Seminar Hukum Pertanahan Mengurai dan Mengurangi Konflik Pertanahan, Medan. Manurung, Butet, 2006. Sokolah Rimba: Pengalaman Belajar Bersama Orang Rimba, Yogyakarta: INSIST Press. Parsons, Talcott, 1951. The Social System: The Major Exposition of the Author & Conceptual Schema or the Analysis of Dynamics of the Social System. Canada: Collier Macmillan, Ltd. Parsudi Suparlan (Peny), 1993. Pembangunan yang Terpadu dan Berkesinambungan: Keterpaduan Pemanfaatan Sumber-Sumber dan Potensi Masyarakat Untuk Peningkatan dan Pengembangan Pembangunan Masyarakat Pedesaan Yang Berkesinambungan. Jakarta: Balitbangsos Depsos RI Radcliffe-Brown, 1980. Struktur dan Fungsi Dalam Masyarakat Primitif. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Kementerian Pelajaran. Riant Nugroho, 2014. Kebijakan Sosial Untuk Negara Berkembang. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Rostow, W.W. 1962 The Process of Economic Growth. New York: W.W. Norton and Company Inc. Salim HS, Erlies Septiana Nurbaini, 2013. Penerapan Teori Hukum Pada Penelitian Tesis dan Disertasi, Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Simarmata, Rikarda, 2006. Pengakuan Hukum Terhadap Masyarakat Adat di Indonesia, Regional Initiative on Indigenous Peoples Rights and Development (RIPP) UNDP Redional Center in Bangkok. Suwardi (dkk), 2006, Pemetaan Adat Masyarakat Melayu Riau Kabupten/Kota se-Provinsi Riau. Pekanbaru: Unri Press. Suwarto (dkk), 2006. Mengangkat Keberadaan Hak-hak Tradisional Masyarakat Adat Rumpun Melayu Se-Sumatera. Pekanbaru: Unri Press. Widjaja , A.W. (Ed.) 1986. Manusia Indonesia: Individu, Keluarga dan Masyarakat. Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo. Wallerstein, Immanuel, 1997 Lintas Batas Ilmu Sosial. Yogyakarta: LKiS Yayasan Pembangunan Masyarakat Pancasila (YPMP), 2015, Pendamping Masyarakat Kelompok Tani Desa Sei Silau.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 59 POLITICAL DYNAMICS INSTITUTIONAL FARMERS IN RIAU

Khairul Anwar & Meizy Heriyanto Governance Major and Postgraduate Work Politic Science Program University of Riau

Abstract: This research is aimed to develop model and strategy of acceleration of sustainable economic development based on community through self organizing farmer organization by taking example of system of cow-palm oil (SISKA) integration system in Riau. The methods used in achieving that goal are: identifying: (1) the actors related to the implementation of SISKA in Riau; (2) The aims and interests of the actor; (3) The social and institutional basis of farmers; (4) socio- economic network of farmers self-help pattern. Specific target of this first year research result are: institutional model and strategy of empowering of oil palm farmer. The results showed that the institutional structuring of peasant reform era started from farmers and involved many actors. The strategy of structuring focuses on empowering farmers based on ideology and technology. Researchers hope the results of this research have meaning in filling the void of local political.

Keywords: Political dynamics, institutional, farmers

1. INTRODUCTION Implementation of decentralization and regional autonomy (OTDA) policies imple- mented in 2001 has led to strategic problems of rapid growth of oil palm plantations, but is not balanced with optimal land use patterns, inefficient distribution of fertilizer to farmers, and institutionalization of social conflict management. This is evident from the fact that so far products that have value only on fresh fruit bunches (TBS), while the optimization of land and the follow-up of grass, lumber and waste have not been utilized. The phenomenon of social conflict, land conversion and peat forest fire intensity is higher in Riau. These conditions have an impact on the economies of local, regional and international communities. The study of Almasdi (2013), Khairul (20014), Isril (2015), CIFOR (2015), and WALHI-Riau indicate that conflict of institutional interests between farmers, business and government (Local) intensity is higher and the impact weakens the economic com- munity, especially self-help farmers. Under these conditions, the Government's discourse to meet 90% of the food of livestock origin through SISKA program and plantation replanting program. These programs are both challenges and opportunities for local com- munities, especially self-help farmers. Initial observations have led to allegations that efforts to improve sustainable palm oil productivity and conflict of interest management of actors relate to public policy pro- cesses regarding institutional and farmer empowerment. This year's research proposal aims to find a breakthrough model and institutional arrangement strategy based on farmer empowerment. This model and strategy is in response to the challenge of disharmonization of decision-making at the local level that will impact academically and socially related to the acceleration of the nation's economic development in the future. To examine the insti- tutional system, it is reviewed the implementation of SISKA program policies imple- mented in self-help gardens in Riau. These institutional issues and empowering farmers have led to an interesting local political-economic phenomenon to be examined more deeply and this is what drives re- searchers to study institutional strategies and empower farmers in the context of ace- lerating economic development in Riau. With the guidance of economic-political literature Jeffry A. Frieden, researchers seek to identify the institutions, interests, preferences of actors, empowerment, and the interaction of actors with other informal institutions.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 60 Until now the researcher's knowledge has no political research using SISKA policy issue and oil palm plantation as entrance to obtain scientific information related to institutional and empowerment at least Riau context. The authors hope that the results of this study will have meaning in filling the void of local political studies. The above studies basically focus on political issues of economic development and plantation policy. The proposed research focuses on institutional models and empowerment strategies at local level using SISKA policy issues that are implemented in self-help gardens as entry points. The study of institutional and empowerment of farmers has not been linked to local political issues. The conceptualization proposed by the above pluralists has been qualified by the theory of "politic politics" and "local politics" and can be used to formulate institutional theoretical framework and empowering self-help farmers in SISKA pattern in Riau.

II. METHOD The method used in this research is through analytical techniques of Modern Political Economy to identify: (1) Goals and preferences of actors related to the implementation of SISKA policy in Riau; (2) socio-characteristics of farmer groups in Riau; (3) Facility and infrastructure of SISKA farmer group; (4) Bases of institutions and policies related to the SISKA program. a. Data collection technique In order to meet the needs of the above research analysis, data obtained from secondary and primary data sources. Secondary data sources are; Research reports, scientific journals, books, Regulations, Riau Pos newspaper, Riau Tribune, Kompas, location map, brochures, leaflets, minutes of meetings, directory data of plantation companies related to SISKA, and websites in-ternet materials. The primary data source in this first year research focused on the results of in-depth interviews, FGDs, observations and documentation in order to capture the potential and identification of internal and external factors of the region and institutions in Riau. Observations were made by making field visits to events related to oil palm policy issues and the SISKA program. These observations include, cooperatives, farmer groups, farm households, visits to plantation sites. The purpose of this observation is to photograph the conditions of the relevant political environment and contain institutional characteristics and empowerment of farmers. In the observation in data obtained in the form of: photos, leaflets, field notes, meeting minutes / meetings, and banner messages b. In-depth interviews were conducted on informants at the provincial and district Levels who knew the linkages of the palm oil policy and SISKA program in Riau. The informants are located in three districts that are considered to have the widest area of oil palm and self-help group of SISKA pattern in Riau, that is; Rokan Hulu, Kampar, Kuantan Singingi, and Siak. The purpose of the interview is: First, to dig deeper empirical basis terakait institutional and farmer empowerment pattern SISKA in Riau; Second, to collect more complete data on the condition and situation of internal and external determinants of oil palm plantation potential and SISKA; And Third, to gain an understanding of how farmers and institutes organize themselves and coalesce with social and financial institutions. Before selecting the first informant, it is necessary to arrange the map while the SISKA farmer group and program area. In general, this research divides two categories of local institutions, namely government and non-government actors. Government actors at the provincial and district levels such as: the governor (Bappeda), the Regent, the regional secretary, the head of the plantation office, the head of the forestry office, the head of the

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 61 Livestock Service, the national Land Agency (BPN), the Chairman or members of the DPRD. Non-government actors for example, Cooperatives, Non-Governmental Organiza- tions (NGOs), banks, private and state plantation companies, SISKA farmer groups, nucleus farmers, self-help or SISKA plasma. These informants were selected based on their position or reputation at the local level as estate cultivators. c. Data Analysis Technique The data collected is then analyzed by using the Modern Political Economy approach which contains four steps as described by Frieden (1991), namely: Firstly, identifying the actors in the context of the implementation of SISKA pattern policy in Riau, and deter- mining what the objectives and interests are. The actors are from the bureaucracy and the farmers. Second, describes the preference process of each actor regarding the policy of oil palm plantation and SISKA implemented in Riau. As it is known that there are at least three patterns of oil palm development policy namely Patterns; Large Private Plantations, Large State Plantations, Smallholder Plantations, Nucleus Corporations (PIRs). Of the three patterns, there are three main issues related to plantation policy and SISKA, namely; Land, productivity, and environment. In determining the options for handling these issues the actors are portrayed as those who like patterns that maximize their profits. Third, describe how actors organize themselves in achieving productivity goals. This organizing is conducted in order to strengthen bargaining power against other groups and LGs in the framework of SISKA pattern policy formulation in self-help gardens. The actors, including farmers, promote their interests with other groups. The move is aimed at gaining support in strengthening the coalition. In the case of SISKA pattern development in Riau. Fourth, analyze the factors that influence the actors and farmers related to SISKA program in interacting with other social institutions in order to fight for the interest to achieve productivity goals.

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION As stated in chapter I, the objective of this first year study is to develop models and strategies for accelerating sustainable community-based economic development through institutional arrangement and empowerment by taking the example of a system of cattle- palm oil (SISKA) integration in Riau. In the short term this research aims to find institutional breakthrough models and strategies for empowering farmers in the context of managing oil palm conflicts. Analysis of models and strategies for accelerating sustainable community-based economic development through institutional arrangements and empo- werment will apply four steps namely, describing the actors involved and the objectives; Lays out the preferences of each actor; Describes the formation of coalitions by actors; And describes the interaction between actors in fighting for the interest to achieve the goal. The analysis will focus on social, economic and political issues related to the integration of cattle and oil palm in Riau which contains various groups. These policy issues are the social, economic and political problems faced by farmer groups in interacting with groups and bureaucracies of local government, parliament and companies. This group is the actors involved in promoting institutional breakthroughs and strategies for empowering farmers in the context of managing oil palm conflicts.To organize the discussion, the following sections will be divided into institutional discussions and the empowerment of farmers in self-help patterns of the district administrations. 3.1. The Actors To identify the actors in the institutional arrangement of the cow-palm oil integer program in Riau it is necessary to group the competing parties, ie the elites who are supportive, rejecting, and accepting on condition of policy. The dynamics of the policy

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 62 actors' responses largely determine the regulatory characteristics, institutions and resources of accelerating local economic development in Riau. First, the support groups are represented by the Bupati, the Livestock Service Office, the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPEDA), the District Government, the Village Government and the Field Farmers (PPL). These reforming actors, for control of the cow-oil palm integration policy and individually or institutionalized, for example, not only rely on assumptions to pursue foreign exchange, but also motivate to pursue the Land Tax (PBB), Land Use Rights (HGU), voice support In the election of the Direct Regional Head (Pilkada-L) as revealed by one of the informants. In this era of reform, the means, support base, and competing actors are increasingly complex and overlapping According to the provincial or district government that oil palm plantations are potential areas that must be managed. However, the potential of this oil palm plantation has not been fully optimized either by the community or the government itself. So far, products that have value only on fruit bunches, while grass, midrib, and leaves are still a waste. Therefore the District Government implements the Integration System of Cow - Palm Oil to optimize the potential of oil palm plantation. Informants again that the Integrated Cow-Palm Oil System is a blend of palm oil plantation management with cattle. The swit coconut plantation is managed so that crop side-yields especially midrib can be available throughout the day for cattle feed which is used as controlling grass / weeds around oil palm plantations, palm fruit carrier and producer of manure as organic fertilizer and biogas. For the District Government, the SISKA program is one of the efforts to accelerate self-sufficiency in beef as well as to increase local own revenue (PAD). Efforts to prosper the community are the main focus of the government utilizing local potential. Secondly, the group accepts on condition that it is represented by the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in Riau. The DPRD actually has enormous political power as a representation of all the people who are elected through legislative elections (Pileg). Local people's sovereignty strengthened after the implementation of decentra- lization for actors who accepted with the terms of the cow-palm integration policy argued that in implementing this program required supervision by the DPRD. According to this informant that the DPRD supervises the stage of budgeting and distribution of cattle, while for redistribution by the government is no longer our domain. Because of these sorts of livestock are sustainable or relayed, the Fisheries and Animal Husbandry Office should increase the field supervisory team to monitor the livestock at the lowest level so that the cattle will not be distributed Third, the group refused to be represented by local leaders. After the reform of the local elites it was more open and emphatic in voicing their demands to the public. The pre- reform figures were unable to convey their asipirasinya. After the reform of these elites became open and loud to convey their demands. The direct interest of these local leaders is not as clear as one of the informants expressed. While indirect interests are only normative, ie, forming public opinion about the rights of local communities owned by hereditary. Nevertheless, the groups that reject the policy of cow-palm integration have a very high commitment to the region such as fighting for local communal rights not to be violated in plantation establishment. The number of actors influencing the policy process of Siska-palm oil in Riau varies widely on the institutional basis, the interests and political resources that belong to each group. Each group of actors strives for their political goals and preferences to be achieved. Therefore, the competition among actors not only occurs between groups such as supportive groups by refusing but also in groups that support or reject the policy of oil

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 63 palm plantations. To that end, this figure follows carefully every issue of plantation development from the beginning in the open until today

3.2. Actor Interests In the implementation of the system of cow-palm oil integration system to the self- help farmers, local actors have a number of economic and political considerations. According to informants, the bureaucrats in the Riau provincial government in this case are ambivalent especially after the reform era and the implementation of regional autonomy and decentralization policies. Institutionally in the ORBA period, more pursuit of foreign exchange and livestock productivity.In the reform era shifted in addition to foreign exchange and productivity also trying to pursue how SISKA program can improve the welfare of the community, especially the farmers-breeder self-help pattern. According to informants bureaucrats that SISKA program is one of the efforts of acceleration of self- sufficiency of beef as well as the increase of Original Regional Income (PAD). Efforts to prosper the community is the main focus of government that utilizes local potential and organize institutions and empower farmers, especially self-help patterns. In addition, self-help farmers have "input-market" and "consumption market" interests, while the "output market" is so open. Input farmers market is cow and plantation seeds. Because through livestock germs and (broad) land will be expected to increase the income of farmers' families either incorporated or not incorporated in farmer groups .. According to the farmers that SISKA program has increased the income of the farmer's family although on certain limits limited.As an illustration of the contribution of integration Cow-palm oil to the average income of farm households is Rp.20.000.000 / per year. Before applying this program only an average of Rp.10.000.000 / per tahun.Contribute amount of income is certainly determined by the number of cattle and the prevailing prices. According to informants, before attempting livestock integrated with oil palm his opinion depends only on the production of oil palm plantations. The farmers of the average self-help pattern have an area of approximately 2 to 3 hectares of oil palm plantation / KK with widest 8 hectares with income Rp.2.000.000 / bulan. In the economic conditions of this family, it is possible for farmers to save. In meeting urgent family needs such as school children's needs, the need for treatment is usually the farmers are indebted to the "haves". However, with the SISKA program, farmers can meet the urgent need by selling livestock or saving the proceeds from the sale of cattle in such a way, especially during the holidays. Then, respondents from the farmer group stated that raising cattle was able to open employment opportunities, 90% of respondents said less than 5 people / ha can accommodate the workforce he commitment of the local government to improve the welfare of the community, especially the self-help pattern is evident from the budget allocation provided. Budget for the distribution of cattle to the community in 2012 with a target of 921 head of budget is Rp. 6,822,509,000.00 with an estimated unit price is approximately Rp. 7.407.718,00 in 2013 with target of 600 head of budget Rp. 4.508.502.000,00 estimate the unit price is Rp.7.514.170,00 in 2014 target 700 head with budget Rp. 5.410.562.000,00 with unit price Rp. 7,729,374.00 and in 2015 with a target of 800 head of budget Rp.6.492.674.000,00 unit price is estimated around Rp.8.115.842,00. However, only realized in 2012 and 2013 alone while the budget for 2014, 2015, and even 2016 no budget. The management of "livestock breeding" program in Rokan Hulu District is the authority of the Department of Fisheries and Livestock. The process begins with the formation of Regulation of Rokan Hulu Regent No. 21 of 2012 on the pattern of cattle

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 64 returns. In the application of Fisheries and Husbandry Office of as a leading sector. In order to implement the decree of Rokan Hulu, Fisheries and Livestock Rokan Hulu create SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) of gaduhan cattle by issuing Decree of the Head of Department of Fisheries and Livestock Rokan Hulu District Number: Kpts 524.1 / Diskannak / Year 2012 on Pattern Returns Gaduhan Cow in Rokan Hulu, which is derived from the Regent of Rokan Hulu Regulation No. 21 2012Tentang Pattern Returns Gaduhan Livestock in Rokan Hulu.Menurut informant that the process began by compiling a data group of farmers who will receive assistance with meyesuaikan cattle farmer groups with the number of seeds Cattle that will be distributed into the activities or programs SKPD Dinas Fisheries and Livestock, because our guidelines exist on the strategic plan. It will then be submitted to BAPPEDA for budget creation and authorized in APBD. So on the planning of this rowdy in the following years.

3.3. Farmers Resources Implementation of cow-palm oil integration policy in the reform era and OTDA, besides characterized by policy actors, farmers' resources have an important role in policy environment variables. Farmers have diverse interests, various educational backgrounds. In the pre-reform era, the diversity of social settings is buried. After the reform, this condition was revealed by the farmers more open and dynamic. So the government (Daerah) should be responsive to be considered in the policy process. The potential for diversity of this social base if not organized within certain limits can be a source of social tension. Therefore, efforts to democratize local politics are a common imperative in the policy of cattle-palm integration in Riau. Farmers are a rational party, this actor seeks to maximize his interests in raising cattle In order to achieve these goals, these farmers compete to instill influence in the process of policy and social life everyday society. Success in achieving the goal is determined by among others by the resources it has for example the level of education, experience in farming, land, production facilities, family consumption and marketing. This primary condition affects the low awareness of farmers in supporting the system of cow- palm oil integration system The next question is why farmers within certain limits still survive in support of the cow-palm integration program, although the level of education and skills and experience are incorporated into limited farmer groups. This fact occurs because informants assess production facilities such as seeds, livestock feed and plantation land is still available. In addition, the number of family members borne by the farmers turned out to be a rational reason as respondents answered in the interview. According to informants (whether incorporated in the farmer group or not joining) that in meeting urgent family needs, farmers often depend on existing livestock production. This is possible because of open marketing access support. Institutionally, as long as it can be observed that the analysis of support for the above mentioned cow palm-oil integration policy will be viable if the farmers' social conditions are handled by the intervention of the government (Daerah) in the form of institutional guidance means that there is regulatory support (not just budgeting) The division of labor and coordination among related institutions and the focus of activities to empower farmers in the context of the program. Until 2017, the coaching program has been relatively run but only done by PPL with frequency 2 times a year through farmer group approach Still according to the respondents that the pattern of utilization of agricultural waste and oil palm plantations already running in accordance with the potential that exists. Agricultural waste is used to meet cattle feeds.The types of agricultural waste that farmers

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 65 use, especially those incorporated in farmer groups in the form of rice straw, corn straw, sweet potato and sweet potato straw. Furthermore, when viewed from the system of feeding cattle by grazing on oil palm plantations. This means that farmers self-help patterns utilize oil palm leaves, grasses, weeds that are available on oil palm plantations. Farmers release cattle during the day and at night at livestock. From the respondents' information in this research, it appears that the policy of cow-palm integration has been running by utilizing the available feed in oil palm plantations. But the fact of this research has not explained the respondent's answer will utilization of technology in the utilization of waste for animal feed. According to the respondents the pattern of utilization of agricultural waste above have not utilize technology. Therefore the power and yield of agricultural waste available not yet optimal. This condition explains why the policy of coaching applied by the government (Daerah) can be said not yet optimal. Optimization of coaching is largely determined by the institutional and strategy used in the implementation of cow palm-oil integration systems.

IV. CONCLUSION At the superstructure level, the big issue in establishing farmer institutions lies in how to democratize local political actors in the regional autonomy era collectively presents farmers' issues in local policy processes. Prior to reform in Indonesia, including in Riau, the pattern of institutional arrangement of farmers centered on farmer institutions in the village. After the Reformation, the direction of farmers' institutional arrangement has shifted to the interests of farmers in rural areas. Organizational strategy of farmer self-help pattern centered on the ability of local government to convince central and local actors in establishing beef cattle industry and animal feed optimization. This regional government effort requires a support structure in the form of institutional arrangement of farmers that is government regulation that can guarantee the implementation of empowerment program. The farmer institution is directed to three things: local rules of play, social institutions of farmers and capacity building of farmers, science and technology resources in a sustainable way. Some of these steps are expected to open wider farmers' access to decision-making processes at the household and public levels. At the infrastructure level, farmer group leaders play a major role in encouraging shared awareness of farmers to be willing to utilize plantation and livestock resources to improve farmers' processing efficiency and household income.

REFERENCES Anwar, Khairul, 2014. The Formulation Synergi of Policy Cross Ministry: The Case of Palm K2-I in Riau Bates, H. Robert, 1981. Markets and States in Tropical Africa, The political Basis Agricultural Policies, California: University of California Press Casson, Anne. 2000. The Hesitant Boom: Indonesia's Oil Palm Subsector in an Era of Economic Crisis and Political Change, http://www.Occasional paper no.29. Frieden, Jeffry ( 2000. Modern Political Economy Theory and Latin and America Policy. (Published USA Westview Press) MacIntyre, Andrew. 1991. Business and Politics in Indonesia. Asian Stdies Association of Australia in Association with Allen&Unwin.Sidney. Walhi dan KAU, 2004. Water Politics, Foreign Control Through Debt Water Politics, Foreign Control Through Debt.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 66 THE SOCIETY PERCEPTION TOWARD THE PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) OF PT. MEDCO E&P INDONESIA OF KAMPAR AREA

Swis Tantoro Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: The company and society that live surroundings are two components that influence each other. The social responsibility or is more known with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of company’s effort to found good relation with the society. Some uses that can be felt by the company through the activity of CSR as the development effort of society. The perception of society toward PT. Medco is reflected from the implementation of its CSR, so the good relation with the stakeholder (in this case the society) can be made and found good relation with the society so the conflict will never happen. This research is analyzed in descriptive quantitative. The location of this study is the area that is around the operational of PT. Medco. The study result is a big part of helps through CSR program of the company that is given to the society is felt useful in the development or solving the social problem around the operational area of PT. Medco. The perception of the society toward the help of PT. Medco through CSR program is positive and useful. Among others the physic helps for the public facility, such as the help for the mosque, school. And the technical help such as the development of village organic garden, Bio-gas making for the stove and manure, so it saves family’s outcome.

Keywords: Implementation, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

I. INTRODUCTION The company and society that live surroundings are two components that influence each other. The company’s activity can be denied to have the impact toward the society surroundings. The impact can be such as positive impact (such as the job vacancy and economy increasing), and negative impact (such as decrease of environment quality and society’s health). The society has own two opinions about the company. The way of the society around considers the company can be meant as the perception. Leavitt (1978) reveals that the perception is the opinion or meaning, namely how someone consider or mean a thing. According to Ambadar (2008), the company’s paradigm that is just oriented to get the profit as much as has started to move and have effort to give the positive impact of its existence for the prosperity of the society around. The social responsibility of company or is more known with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is one of company’s effort to found good relation with the society. Some uses that can be felt by the company through CSR activity as development effort of society based on the research result of Herlin (2008) is for publicating its existence so the good relation with the stakeholder (in this case is the society) can be made and found the good relation with the society so the conflict will never happen. The application of CSR in Indonesia has been arranged in some legislation regulations and ministerial regulations, namely UU Nr.25 Year 2007 about Capital Investment LNNr.67 TLN Nr.4274, UU Nr.40 Year 2007 About Limited liability Company and Ministerial regulation of State-Owned Corporation Number: Reg-236/MBU/2003 about The Partnership Program of State-Owned Corporation with the small enterprise and Environment Cultivate Program. Obligating CSR is one of government’s effort and equalizing the economy growth and economy even distribution. The application of CSR, the company will involve the society’s participation, both as

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 67 object and as subject of CSR program. This thing is caused the society is one of the side that enough influences in keeping the existence of a company. The society is the side that feel most the impact from the production activity of a company, both positive impact and negative impact. This impact can happen in the sector of social, economy, politic and environment. The existence of PT Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area in the middle of the society of Riau province has grown the hope of the society to be able to participate in the activity of the company. Besides that, as company that processes natural resource (oil and gas) is given the mandate by UU Nr. 40 Year 2007 about Limited liability Company to have commitment to implement responsibility of social and environment. The implementation of society empowerment and social activity of operation supporting, accurate and sophisticated social map are really needed, especially in the villages around the work area of PT Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area in order to be able to follow the development of society’s dynamics that is day by day faster, so the company can catch every aspiration and hope of the society, included the urgent problems that are needed the solving by each segment of society. Based on the above background, the writer wants to know and analyze the perception of society around the industry area toward the implementation of CSR program of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area. Based on the explanation that has been revealed above, so the problem formula in this research is, namely: How the society’s perception toward Corporate Social Responsibility program (CSR) of PT Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area?

II. METHOD The research location is the worrk area of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area, Regency of Indragiri Hulu. This research is implemented in six places namely five villages, one regency, four subdistricts, 4 in four subdistricts that are in the Regency of Indragiri Hulu of Riau Province, namely: Subdistrict of Pematang Reba Subdistrict of barat, Village of Paya Rumbai Subdistrict of Siberida, Village of Talang Sei and Talang Sei Limau Subdistrict of Rakit kulim and Village of Lambangsari I, II, III and Village of Sukajadi Subdistrict of Lirik. The population in this research is the head of household that is around the operational area of PT. Medco E&P of Kampar area that numbers in 203 heads of household. The determination of sample is done in random, namely the head of household in the area that has border with the company and areas of company operational that feels the impact that is caused by the company. The sample is taken 10percents from the population, so the total is 20 respondents. The analyze of this research is descriptive quantitative analyze by using quetioner then all obtained answers are noted, processed, and analyzed (Prasetyo dan Jannah, 2005).

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area according to the opinion of society is a big company that moves in the sector of oil and gas production operation. As far as PT. Medco E&P grows with the society and environment by doing empowerment to the society, so opening access in the economy properity increasing, living space perpetuation and human resource capacity increasing. PT. Medco E&P has given many helps, both such as moril and material and unlimited not only around the operational area of PT. Medco E&P, but also outside operational area included region government. The activity that is implemented by PT. Medco E&P generally is evaluated positive

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 68 and useful by the society. How the opinion or perception of the society toward the program of help and founding that has been done by PT. Medco E&P, for the society around operational area of PT. Medco E&P both such as material and non material will be provided as followings: The Subdistrict of Rengat Barat The location of social study for the Subdistrict of Rengat Barat is The Political District of Pematang Reba, Next, the interview result will be provided with some society figures and society in the study area about society’s perception toward PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area in the thing of help, empowerment or Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that has been given to the society.

The Political District of Pematang Reba The activity of PT. Medco E&P in the political district of Pematang Reba such as the well and oil collecting station. This political district is area of ring I of CSR program implementation of PT. Medco. Next about society’s perception toward the help that is given by PT. Medco E&P of Kampar area: Table 1 The Society’s Perception of Pematang Reba Toward the Help from PT. Medco E&P a b c Total Nr Activity (%) 1 The help of nine staple supplies to the 2 2

Ramadhan safari and the help of orphan (10%) (10%) 2 The help of public means repair such as road repairs in the vehicle mobilization 2 2 4

traffic lane and company’s heavy (10%) (10%) (20%) equipment 3 The help of material and praying house 2 2

fixing (mosque and small building) (10%) (10%) 4 The development of biogas energy 4 2 6

20%) (10%) (30%) 5 The founding of organic agriculture and 4 2 6

making of organic manure (20%) (10%) (30%) 10 10 20 - Total (50%) (50%) (100%) Source: Interview Result, 2016 Information: a) Very useful, b) Useful, c) Less useful

The printed data on the above table is seen that the help that is felt very useful is the development of biogas energy and organic agriculture extension. For the biogas, the main raw material is livestock feces sucha as cow, so before this program is implemented, before the identification has been applicated toward the potency of political district and villages that is able to produce cow feces. After that, the extension and socialization will be implemented to see the interest and readiness from the society in accepting this program. The political district of Pematang Rebah is one of chosen area in this activity before implemented in the village of Sukajadi.

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Picture 1 The Potency of raw material (Cow and Cow’s feces) for the biogas in the political district of Pematang Reba

The Biogas can be as alternative source of substitute fuel of liquid propane gas, for one time of biogas production can be used for two households and for the stock of raw material (cow feces) is available very good.

Picture 2 The Production result of Biogas that is used for two households

Besides it’s cheap, the kind of this fuel is also friendly environment. Besides that, the left from this biogas production can be processed to be compost or organic manure. Then PT.Medco E&P also gives the founding in processing household waste to be Mol/Micro Organisme Local (liquid manure) that can be used for the yard plant.

Picture 3 Organic Plantation and Mol Production (liquid manure)

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 70 The giving of mol or liquid manure is done for the additional of nutrition into compost and the process of speeding up of organic material smashing, such as compost, mol can be used for all kinds of plants such as rice plant, vegetable, fruit, and flower. Then, the packet of nine staple supplies that is given once a year in the month of Ramadhan. This help of nine staple supplies should be given continously in the shape of cheap market stock/charity fair in each village/political district so all societies can feel the use.

The Subdistrict of Siberida The subdistrict of Seberida is subdistrict that is in the traffic lane of eastpass that is main traffic lane of land transportation in Sumatera Island. The strategic position makes wriggle development of this subdistrict is seen so quick in some last years. The plantation, trade and mining become the main means of livelihood of the society who lives in this subdistrict. The inhabitant of subdistrict of Seberida generally is occupied by the tribe of Malay. From 10 villages and one political district, the political subdistrict of Pangkalan kasai has the most inhabitant total and followed by the village of Paya Rumbai. Meanwhile the village of Baligan has the least inhabitant total than other villages. The location of social study for the the subdistrict of Seberida is namely the village of Paya Rumbai (Parum).

The Village of Paya Rumbai The village of Paya Rumbai is the village that accepts many helps from PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area namely such as the help of means and infrastructure of elementary building repairs, the help of village office completion, road repairs help, nine staple supplies, scholarship of uncapable kid. The activity of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area in the village of Paya Rumbai namely only the oil reservoir place. As followings, the table will be provided about opinion and perception of the society toward the help that is given by PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area. Table 2 The Perception of society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area No Activity a b c Total Help of nine staple supplies in the 4 2 6 1 month of Ramadhan for the orphan - (20%) (10%) (30%) and widow 2 2 4 2 Material Help for mosque building - (10%) (10%) (20%) 2 2 4 3 Help of Village office completion - (10%) (10%) (20%) 6 6 Help in MTQ activity - 4 (30%) (30%) 14 6 20 Total - (70%) (30%) (100%) Source: interview Result, 2016 Information: a) Very useful, b) Useful, c) Less Useful

We can know the above table that the help that is felt by the society very useful, because as we know that the village of Paya Rumbai for this time still needs the help especially in ths thing of means and infrastructure development. Such as village’s activities

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 71 implementation like the activity of MTQ where Paya Rumbai is family head or organizer that is pointed by the side of subdistrict. The suppport from the region government and company follows to donate the success of this activity.

The political district of Rakit Kulim The inhabitant of political district of Rakit Kulim in general is accupied by the tribe of Malay and Talang Mamak. From the side of religion, the inhabitant in the political district of Rakit Kulim professes Islam, Catholic, and Protestant. But, besides that, many inhabitants also still have own trust spiritualism. This thing is seen with the manners of observance of religious duties, funeral, wedding, and other rules that they do are different with the other religion teachings. 1) The village of Talang Sei. Parit The village of Talang Sei Parit the political district of Rakit Kulim in administrative consists of six administrative units and twelve neighborhood associations and has the inhabitant total of 985 souls that consist of men gender 504 souls and women gender 481 souls with the total of head of household 251 heads of household. The inhabitant has various ethnics among others ethnics of Talang Mamak, Malay, Java, Minangkabau and Batak. The activity of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area in the village of Talang Sei Parit is not being, but the influence is big enough, so this village is included in the activity scope of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area. This village also gets the help such as other villages, such as nine staple supplies in the month of Ramadhan, the proposal that is suggested usually will be helped, although it’s not fully. Connected with the perception of the society with PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kmapar Area, so the next is the society’s perception toward the help from PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area. Table 3 The Perception of Society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area Nr. Activity a b c Total Help of nine staple supplies in the 4 4 8 1 - Ramadhan safari and orphan’s help (20%) (20%) (40%) Road means help 2 2 2 - - (10%) (10%) Means Help for Islamic School 4 4 8 3 - (20%) (20%) (40%) Mosque Help 2 2 4 - - (10%) (10%) 12 8 20 Total - (60%) (40%) (100%) Source: Interview Result, 2016 Information: a) Very useful, b) Useful, c) Less Useful

The interview result with the society in the village of Talang Sei Parit about the society’s perception toward PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area in the thing of help, empowerment or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program that has been given to the society. Ingeneral, the society of the village of Talang Sei Parit has good perception toward PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area. It’s seen from the help that has been given to the society. Any kind of the help, the most important is sustainable every year.

2) The village of Talang Sei. Limau The village of Talang Sei Limau in adminstrative consists of five administrative

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 72 units and seven neighborhood associations and has the inhabitant total of 1.179 souls that consist of men gender 586 souls and women gender 593 souls with the total of head of household 290 heads of household. The inhabitant has various ethnics among others ethnics of Talang Mamak, Malay, Java, Minangkabau and Batak. There is also activity of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area is the oil well and oil reservoir place. Next, the perception of society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area. Table 4 The Perception of Society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area Nr. Activity a b c Total 1 Help of nine staple supplies in 2 - 6 (30%) 8 (40%) Ramadhan safari and orphan’s help (10%) 2 Road means help 2 - 2 (10%) 4 (20%) (10%) 3 Mosque help 2 - 6 (30%) 8 (40%) (10%) Total 6 20 - 14 (70%) (30%) (100%) Source: Interview Result, 2015 Information: a) very useful, b) useful, c) less useful

The above table is visible that basicly, all helps that have been given are useful, less useful for the society of the village of Talang Sei Limau. From all helps that are felt useful are the help of nine staple supplies for the society every month of Ramadhan.

The political District of Lirik The political district of Lirik that is one of young political district in the regency of Indragiri Hulu has wide area 220,4 km or 22.040 Ha, The wide area consists of 17 villages, where the furthest village distance from the capital of political district around 15 Km. The political district of Lirik is one of political district in regency of Indragiri Hulu that is passed by the the traffic lane across province. Generally, the topography condition is such as the land although there are some hilly areas. From the side of government of political district of Lirik consists of all 17 villages with the law status has been definitive and classified into the village with self-supporting classification. The location of social study for the political district of Lirik is the village of Lambang Sari I II III and village of Sukajadi. Next, the interview result will be provided with some society figures and society in the village of Studi about society’s perception toward PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area in the thing of help, empowerment or CSR program that has been given to the society. 1) The village of Lambang Sari I, II, III The inhabitant of the village of Lambang Sari I,II,III at this time numbers in 963 souls consists of 481 souls of men and 482 souls of women with the total of 229 heads of household with the average 4 souls pre family. This village consists of 3 villages far from urban areas, 3 administratives units and neighborhood associations. A big part of inhabitants professes moslem with the praying means of 1 mosque unit and 2 prayer house/ small building. Most of means of livelihood of inhabitant is farmer, worker and seller. The kind of agricultural is plantation business and annual plant such as cacao (5 households), rubber (10 households), palm oil (10 households), areca nut (5 households), coffee (1 household), coconut (10 households). Then, there are also the group of household with the horticultura

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 73 plant both seasonal and annual such as banana, mango, dragon fruit, turmeric,chili, eggplant, etc. The sector of agricultural, animal husbandry and fishery also grow in the village of Lambang Sari I,II,II. There is also kind of livestock that is made is beef cattle (11 households), goat (2 households) and local chicken (4 households). Menawhile for the fishery, there are some the pond of fresh water fish among others freshwater catfish, nila, and gurami. Meanwhile the activity of businessman that develops among others, the business of motor repair shop, motor washing shop, stall/food and drinking shop, medicine and cosmetic shop, salon etc. This village lso has economy supporting means such as 1 market fruit with the permanent building that exactly will support and facilitate various activities of people’s business. Lambang Sari I, II, III are the village that have border direct with the activity of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area. There is no operation activity of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area this time, but this village of Lambang sari is the village that is in area (ring I) of company operation. The help that has been accepted by the society of the village of Lambang Sari I,II,III from PT.Medco E&P such as: (1). Biogas Help of 1 household, and the processing organic manure/compost (2). Founding of farmer group of organic plant (3). Help of nine staple supplies in the month of Ramadhan, such as the packet of lebaran and help of orphan and the widow (4). Training of human corpse bathing, mass circumsion (5). Help such as material for mosque development (6). Budget help for the ceremony activity of Independence day of Indonesia Republic August 17th and other activities through proposal submission As followings, the society’s perception toward the help that is given by PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar area to the society of the village of Lambang SariI, I, II, III: Table 5 The Perception of Society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area a b c Total Nr. Activity (%) 1 Help of nine staple supplies in Ramadhan 2 2

safari and orphan’s help (10%) (10%) 2 Skill training of human corpse bathing 2 2

(10%) (10%) 3 Material help and praying house repairs 2 2

(mosque and praying small building) (10%) (10%) 4 Biogas energy development 2 2 4

(20%) (10%) (20%) 5 Organic agricultural founding and organic 4 2 6

manure making (20%) (10%) (30%) 6 Budget help for the ceremony activity of Independence day of Indonesia Republic 4 4

August 17th and other activities through (20%) (20%) proposal submission 6 14 20 - Total (30%) (70%) (100%) Source: Interview Result, 2015 Information: a) very useful, b) useful, c) less useful

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 74 The above table shows that the help that is given by PT. Medco E&P Indonesia Kampar area is useful for the local society. Especially the help of organic agricultural founding and organic manure making. The program of organic plantation in the village of Lambang Sari I,II,III just begins. This plantation is built and founded directly by PT. Medco E&P. By giving insight and knowledge involved organic plantation and organic manure processing. Besides the founding and observation that are done once a week by PT. Medco, the company also gives direct help such as seed, and polybed or plastic to cover the land in order to prevent from the germ.

Picture 4 Interview with the member of famer group of ‘Muda Karya in Organic Plantation of village of Lambang Sari I,II,III

This organic plantation is processed by the farmer group “Muda Karya” that is shaded by the group of neighborhood youth association of village. Although it’s new, this organic plantation has obtained many harvest results, among others the kinds of plant that have produced are corn, chili, eggplant and lettuce. The harvest result is sold to the citizen that domiciles around the organic plantation in the village of Lambang sari I,II,III. Meanwhile, the money of this selling result is collected and processed by the neighborhood youth association to fulfill all needs of plant and garden.

Picture 5 Some kinds of plants of Organic Plantation of farmer group of ‘Muda Karya’ that is ready to be harvested (Chili, eggplant and lettuce)

The organic plantation, the help of PT. Medco E&P that is also felt very useful is biogas. This biogas program is given for one household because the limitation of raw material production namely a cow feces that is not suffice for producing biogas for the needs of 2 households.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 75

Picture 6 Program of biogas energy development sample by PT.Medco E&P in the village of Lambang Sari I,II,III

The implementation of biogas program in the village of Lambang sari I,II,II runs well, there is no obstacle for the use receiver directly. The processing of organic manure also runs well although the production is not many, but the result can be used for the plant of garden and yard. Various helps that have been given to the village of Lambang Sari I, II, III, have been used and felt the use for the society.

2) The village of Sukajadi The village of sukajadi with wide village 48 Km with the total of inhabitant as much as 940 souls or 236 heads of household. This village consists of two villages far from urban areas with the total of four administrative units and the total of eight neighborhood associations. The majority of inhabitant has ethnic of Java, then Minangkabau and the left is batak and Nias. A big part of people professes Islam with the praying means of 3 mosque units and 4 small building units. The means of livelihood of big part of inhabitant is the employee of private company especially worker, trader, breeder, farmer, civil servant, small and middle employer and household industry. For the health means that is available in the village of Sukajadi namely 1 place of Doctor practice, 1 unit village health post, 3 units of posyandu, midwife (1 person) and village traditional midwife (3 people). The electricity access that currents in the village have reached 90%, only 10% that has not yet got the electricity lighting access. The help that has been given by PT. medco among others the material of mosque building and school building. This help is usually accidental, with the help submission procedural through the activity proposal to PT.Medco E&P, through the process then the help will be distributed both in the form of budget and material according to the budget and the interest of the company side. With the support from PT. Medco, so the praying activity and learning process of villagers to be fluent, as long as the development or renovation is often left in an unfinished state. As followings, some help lists that have been accepted by the villagers of the village of Sukajadi: (1). the help of nine staple supplies in the month of Ramadhan, such as the packet of lebaran and help to the orphan and the widows. (2). the help of budget and material for the public facility construction such as mosque and school (3). Budget help for the ceremony activity of Independence Day of Indonesia Republic August 17th and other activities through proposal submission

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 76 (4). the help of biogas of two households, and the processing of organic manure/compost Perception of Society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area: Table 6 The Perception of Society toward the help of PT. Medco E&P Indonesia of Kampar Area a b c Total NR Activity (%) 1 Help of nine staple supplies in Ramadhan 6 6 - safari and orphan’s help - (30%) (30%) 2 Material help and praying house repairs 2 2 4 (mosque and praying small building), - (10%) (10%) (20%) school 3 Biogas energy development 4 4 - - (20%) (30%) 4 Organic agricultural founding and 2 2 4 - organic/compost manure making (10%) (10%) (30%) 5 Budget help for the ceremony activity of Independence day of Indonesia Republic 2 2 - - August 17th and other activities through (10%) (10%) proposal submission 8 12 20 - Total (40%) (60%) (100%) Source: Interview Result, 2015 Information: a) very useful, b) useful, c) less useful

The above table can be seen that a big part of the society has assumption that the help that has been given by PT. Medco E&P as a whole is useful for the society especially the help of nine staple supllies packet and help for the orphan in every month of Ramadhan. The help of material and tools for the mosque construction such as cement, zinc, fan and other materials are also felt very useful. Meanwhile, the biogas energy development in the village of Sukajadi can be told succeed and felt very useful for the help receiver namely the household of Mr. Ali and Mr. Liar.

Picture 7 Program of biogas energy development sample by PT.Medco E&P in the village of Sukajadi

The capital of resource of cow feces that is suffice until 10 cows pro household of biogas result that is obtained enough for the need of two households pro day. Besides it’s cheap and safe, the kind of this fuel is also friendly environment because the left from this biogas production can be processed to be organic manure or compost that can be used for the yard plant and follows to support organic agricultural system that is healthy and friendly environment.

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Picture 8 Processing of Left Biogas Production to be organic manure/Compost

The result from the using of compost amnure/organic manure can maintain the land and make land ecosystem to be good, the plant grows fertile, the production increases, the production is healthy and doesn’t contain chemical residue and environment becomes beautiful and is not polluted both by the garbage and chemical materials that have negative impact to the health of human.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 78 Muhammad, Arni. 2004. Komunikasi Organisasi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Prasetyo, Bambang dan Lina Miftahul Jannah. 2006. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif: Teori dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Rakhmat, Jalaludin. 2005. Psikologi Komunikasi. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya. Suharto, Edi. 2005. Membangun Masyarakat Memberdayakan Masyarakat; Kajian Strategis Pembangunan Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Pekerjaan Sosial. Bandung: Refika Aditama. Untung, Budi Hendrik. 2008. Corporate Social Responsibility. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika Wibisono, Yusuf. 2007. Membedah Konsep dan Aplikasi CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Gresik: Fascho Publishing.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 79 EVALUATION OF VILLAGE FUND ALLOCATION PROGRAM (ADD) ON VILLAGE EMPOWERMENT

Zaili Rusli & Mayarni Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: The phenomenon in this research is ADD funds allocated more at the cost of administration of village government and BPD than from the use of funds to the implementation of community empowerment on average versus 60:40, the level of village government ability in utilizing ADD is not considered maximal. This is seen from the level of use of funds assessed not appropriate in accordance with the needs of the people who considered more needed. It is seen that the more dominant need is used for the operational needs of the village such as Procurement Uniform Service, Transportation costs of BPD activities, MFIs. RT / RW, LINMAS, KDP, Youth, Posyandu and other transport activities. The achievement of ADDs has not been achieved which is not yet able to be assessed either on government service, and development, and not yet in the implementation process of development planning and control and still not increase of prosperity and public participation in development. Furthermore, Pangkalan Batang and Penebal Village has not compiled SPJ using the fund allocation fund allocation well, the letter of accountability that has not yet fulfill the stipulated requirement, SPJ supporting data is still not complete. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the process of implementing the use of Village Fund Allocation in Districtof . Data collection techniques include interviews, observation and documentation. After the data collected then the data then analyzed by using qualitative methods. The results of this study explain that the implementation of Village Fund Allocation Program (ADD) in Pangkalan Batang Village and Penebal Village in Bengkalis Districtof Bengkalis Regency Based on Bengkalis Regent Regulation Number 10 Year 2012 as referred to in the second part of Article 3 that community empowerment is 70% The village (ADD) received and the cost of administering village and BPD administrations by 30% of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) received in Pangkalan Batang Village and Penebal Village are not good because they are not supported by the village government's ability to manage and utilize ADD funds, Resulting in technical problems and procedures that are errors in allocating funding sources for community empowerment activities and the cost of implementing the village administration and BPD, because in fact Pangkalan Batang Village and Penebal Village have implemented the ADD program with 60:40 distribution percentage ie 60% for p Empowerment of the community and 40% for the cost of running the village administration and BPD

Keywords: Evaluation, village fund allocation and empowerment

I. INTRODUCTION Implementation of the equitable distribution of village development to the inde- pendence of the village and the increase of the welfare of the village community, the participation of all villagers through the village scale is needed, and to support this it is necessary to allocate funds for the village in the form of Village Fund Allocation (Dana) Local governments and is expected to be the main buffer in the implementation of development and empowerment of village communities, so as to improve the welfare of village communities. So that can improve the welfare of the village community located in District Bengkalis consisting of 17 (seventeen) Villages: Wonosari Village, Senggoro Village, Air Putih Village, Kelapapati Village, Sungai Alam Village, Pedekik Village, Pangkalan Batang Village, Sebauk Village, Village Teluk Latak, Meskom Village, Penampi Village, Tameran Village, Penebal Village, Pematang Duku Village, Ketam Putih Village, Kelemantan Village, Sekodi Village. The basis for granting the Village Fund Allocation is the mandate of Article 212

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 80 paragraph (3) of Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government which has been followed up by Government Regulation no. 72 of 2005 on the Village, especially article 68 father (1). While the calculation of ADD is based on Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs dated March 22, 2005 Number 140/640 / SJ concerning Guidance of Village Fund Allocation from Regency / City Government to Village Government As the perpetrators of the Allocation of Village Funds in this case the village government is the main actors starting from the planning, implementation and preservation phases to be based on the principles of sparing, directional and controlled. While other actors function as facilitators, mentors and coaches so that the objectives, principles, policies, procedures and mechanisms of Village Fund Allocation can be achieved and implemented correctly and consistently. The Village Fund Allocation, hereinafter abbreviated as ADD is the percentage of funds from APBD sourced from the central and regional finance fiscal transfers received by the local government for villages with allocations based on the minimum funds added by the allocation of funds based on the variables and indicators, while the amount of ADD received Each region adapted to the ability of local government. In Bengkalis Regent's Regulation Number 10 About 2012 on Guidelines for the Implementation of Village Fund Allocation (ADD) in 2012 in Chapter II Part One of Article 2 said: ADD is intended to finance the implementation of governance and empowerment of village communities. Then in Article 3 Part Two of Bengkalis Regent Regulation No. 10 of 2012 it says: the purpose of the implementation of ADD, among others: 1. Improve the implementation of Village Government in implementing government services, development and kemasyrakatan according to their authority; 2. Improving the ability of village social institutions to dissolve the plan, implement, control, utilize, maintain and develop development in a participatory manner according to village potential; 3. Increasing income equality, work balance and opportunities for village communities; 4. To develop the dynamics of society in the framework of community empowerment; and 5. Mobilize and develop participation, mutual cooperation and community self-help

ADD is the acquisition of the village finance portion of the district that channeled through the Village Cash. ADD is sourced from Regional Income except Swadana Income, Balancing Funds except Special Allocation Funds and Other Legal Revenue Except Grants. Bengkalis Regent's Regulation Number 10 Year 2012 About Village Fund Allocation in article 2 explains that ADD is used for: 1. Community empowerment of 70% of ADD received. 2. The cost of administering the village government and BPD is 30% of the received ADD.

However, the problems in Bengkalis Districtcan be seen that the use of ADD funds is not in accordance with the use regulated in Bengkalis Regent Regulation No. 10 Year 2012 About Village Fund Allocation. This can be seen as follows: 1. ADD funds are allocated more to the cost of administering the village government and BPD than from the use of funds to the average community empowerment proportion of 60: 40, this can be seen in the table of funds usage in APBDes

Table 1

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 81 The amount of funds used in the Village Fund Allocation Year 2015 Amount of Funds amount NO Vilage Name Activities Used (Rp) Total % 1 2 3 4 5 Pangkalan 1 Batang Total Operational Fund 654,325,100 of Village Government 973,468,377 60

Total Operational Fund of BPD 319,143,815 Empowerment Fund 648,979,277 648,979,277 40

2 Penebal Total Operational Fund 406,977,615 of Village Government 741,628,915 60 Total Operational Fund of BPD 334,651,300

Empowerment Fund 494,419,277 494,419,277 40 Source: Data from BMP-PD Bengkalis Regency, 2015

2. The level of village government's ability in utilizing ADD is not considered maximal. This is seen from the level of use of funds assessed not appropriate in accordance with the needs of the people who considered more needed. It is seen that more dominant needs are used for village operational needs such as: a) Procurement of Service Uniforms. b) Transportation costs of BPD activities, MFIs. RT / RW, LINMAS, KDP, Youth, Posyandu and other transport activities. 3. The achievement of ADDs is considered to be unachievable, which can not be assessed either on government service, and development, and the creation of development planning and control process and the lack of welfare and community participation in development. 4. Pangkalan Batang Village has not prepared SPJ the use of fund allocation fund well, letter of accountability made not yet fulfill provision which have been determined, SPJ supporting data still not complete.

There are still other deviation impediments such as in Thickeners, they are not coordinated with BPD, whereas in the ADD rules, BPD is the Village Head's partner in establishing APBDes.

II. METHODS This research was conducted in Pangkalan Batang Village and Penebal Village Bengkalis district of Bengkalis Regency. The writer took the two villages in Bengkalis district as the research location because Pangkalan Batang Village and Penebal Village are the Village that used the Village Fund Allocation outside the standardization of actual usage. This research uses qualitative method. Informants in this study are Kabid Pemdes BPM-PD Bengkalis District, Head of PMD, Village Head, Village Device, Management Group and Group Users. As key informant is Head of Community Empowerment and Village Government in Bengkalis Regency. Data collection techniques include interviews,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 82 observation and documentation. After the data field tekumpul then tesebut data then analyzed by using qualitative methods with descriptions that are supportive in explaining the results of research, to then analyzed descriptively, so that can be drawn a conclusion.

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Community Empowerment of 70% (Seventy Percent) of Allocated Village Funds Received Bengkalis District Government through the Community Empowerment and Village Governance Agency (BPM-PD) has facilitated the program from the socialization stage of the program until the implementation stage. The village government in this case as the target of the ADD program has implemented the program on the basis of the Bengkalis Regent's Regulation on the guidelines for the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation. The village of Pangkalan Batang and Desa Penebal is a village located in Bengkalis Subdistrict with Village Fund Allocation and has implemented it. In the implementation of these problems found in the grouping of resources to fund the needs of empowerment and the cost of the administrators of the village government and BPD. The percentage used by Bangkalan Batang Village and Thick Village is 60% for village empowerment and 40% for the cost of the village government and BPD. While in the guidance of the implementation of Village Fund Allocation program in Bengkalis Regent Regulation No. 10 of 2012 as referred to in the second part of Article 3 is, the empowerment of the community by 70% and the cost of running the village administration and BPD by 30%. For more details can be seen in the table below: Table 4. Report on the Use of ADD in Batang and Bengkalis Village Bengkalis District NO Village Number of Use of ADD Use of ADD Percentage Received (Community (Operational of Use of ADDs (Rp) Empowerment) Village) (Rp) ADD (Rp) 1 Pangkalan 1.622.448.193 973.468.915 648.979.277 60 : 40 Batang (60 %) (40 %) 2 Penebal 741.628.915 494.419.277 60 : 40 (60 %) (40 %) Source: District Office of Bengkalis district, 2014

Based on the data in the table above can be seen that the use of ADD is not relevant to the guidelines of the implementation of the existing Village Fund Allocation. This is also confirmed by the Head of Bengkalis Regency BPM-PD. Here's the interview: “Of the 20 existing villages and villages, Pangkalan Batang and Desa Penebal do have problems in administering ADD management. It is known after inspection from Inspectorate of Bengkalis Regency that Batang and Penebal base villages have allocated for community empowerment from ADD by 60% and for village administration and BPD administration by 40%. This is clearly a violation of the rules as previously stated in the implementation guidelines is 70% for community empowerment and 30% for the administrators of village government and BPD, and this is clearly beyond the standard”. Further statements from the results of interviews with Subdistrict Camat Bengkalis. “The policy of division of the village fund allocation with the 60:40 percentage has clearly violated the existing rules, because it is clear in the regent bengkalis regulation regarding the implementation guidelines of ADD has been set everything, ranging from the allocation of funds for community empowerment with baiaya

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 83 government organizers and BPD , There also describes the objective of standard activities in the use of ADD funding. This problem is obviously out of the ordinary and obviously far from the goal of the program's success, but it can still be done with the upcoming coaching process” Aside from the percentage issue of the distribution of the Village Fund Allocation for Community Empowerment, there are also other utilities such as facilities and infrastructure of public facilities in the field of health and education, physical construction of basic infrastructure is also not maximal. The problem is indicated by the weakness of the village government's ability to utilize and manage the Village Fund Allocation. This is confirmed by the Head of Village Administration BPM-PD Bengkalis Regency. Here's the interview: “Yesterday the bengkalis district government through BPM-PD has provided technical guidance on ADD management through training for all villages and its equipment to be more effective in implementing ADD program especially in rural infrastructure management through ADD fund. But apparently there are some villages that make technical errors and procedures especially dikecamatan bengkalis this. The village of Pangkalan Batang and Desa Penebal is not maximal in the management of ADD fund for community empowerment, because yesterday I have seen directly many environmental roads are badly damaged, public water supply is minimal and the education facilities of madrasah level are also minimal”. Further a direct statement by the Head of Pangkalan Batang Village: “Increasing infrastructure and community empowerment through our village's ADD fund is indeed impressed slow and less than the maximum. It can not we deny that indeed the ability of officials in this village is still minimal, ranging from planning, until the implementation has not been maximized. All this is basically lack of knowledge and experience in managerial and weak ability of village officials in managing ADD fund resources”. The same thing was also conveyed directly by the Head of the Village of Thickness, along with the interview: “Actually, we have been experiencing difficulties in the first time since the implementation of ADD program, perhaps because of the lack of knowledge and experience in the field of community empowerment so that we do not have the ability to position the existing funds to the target. This weakness is also accompanied by the village and other village elements that are in our village”. From the above statement of interviews it is clear that the weakness of village government ability in utilizing and managing ADD so that the problem happened technically and procedurally. Implementation of a program or policy that is beyond its standard will result in not achieving the success of the program or policy.

B. The Cost of Implementation of Village Government and BPD of 30% (Thirty Percent) of Allocated Village Funds Received. In the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation program as set forth in the regent's regulation bengkalis number 10 of 2012 on guidelines for the implementation of the allocation of village funds (ADD) in 2012 in Chapter II of the first part of Article 2 said ADD intended to finance the implementation of village governance and community empowerment. In this case the cost of running the village administration and BPD by 30% of the received ADDs is used for the village government's operational budget of 70% (Seventy Percent) and the operational activity of the Village Consultative Board of 30% (Thirty Percent). The implementation of ADD program conducted by Pangkalan Batang and Desa

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 84 Penebal Village is currently also beyond the provisions set by Bengkalis buapti regulation No. 10 of 2012 in article 2. That Pangkalan Batang Village and Thick Village have allocated the cost of running the village administration and BPD as big as 40% of receiving ADD. It is clear that the violation of the rules has been established previously. For more details see the table below: Table. 5 Report on the Use of ADD in Batang and Penebal Village ADD Receipt Year Use of ADD Percentage of NO Villages 2012 (Rp) (Operational Village) Use of ADD (Rp) 1 Pangkalan 1.622.448.193 648.979.277 40% Batang 2 Penebal 494.419.277 40% Source: District Office of Bengkalis district, 2014

Based on the data in the table above can be seen that the use of ADD is not relevant to the guidelines of the implementation of the existing Village Fund Allocation. This is also confirmed by the Head of Bengkalis Regency BPM-PD. Here's the interview: “The problem in the implementation of ADD is my lack of coordination to the top level of government and the lack of understanding and seriousness of implementing the program so that what they have done without prioritizing the basic rules. After the occurrence of such problems and the results were in the audit by inspection from the inspectorate of bengkalis it turns out this problem is procedural and can still be repaired through coaching by the relevant agencies but still given warning sanctions, unless the implementation indicated misappropriation of funds or corruption, yes Still being processed with legal channels”. Furthermore, the result of interview with Head of PMD Districtof Bengkalis: “What I know based on reports of the use of ADD that goes to the districtlevel is currently only Pangkalan Batang Village and Village Penebal only problematic in the use of ADD in the allocation of allocations for community empowerment and village government operations. And this impressed disproportionately to his execution. And these Villages will be subject to strict sanctions and in further questioning in order to correct mistakes”. Based on the results of the above interviews it is clear concluded that there is a lack of seriousness of the village government in implementing this bengkalis district government program that is ADD so as to affect the quality or their ability in the utilization and management of ADD funds for the implementation of village administration. Viewed from the technical side of the implementation of the allocation for the Cost of Implementation of Village Government and BPD of 30% of ADD received, also seem ineffective because there are many lack of implementation of the implementation of village administration and BPD in Pangakalan Batang Village and Village Penebalas padahalnya in RKA APB-Des There are many items of implementation of village government activities but in reality this field is not in accordance with the work plan and budget. The above analysis is based on the information from the interview with the districtchief of Bengkalis District: “Based on the inspection report of ADD by Inspectorate in April 2013, we have found problems in management of ADD fund resources for the cost of implementing the Village Government and BPD. From the report stated that many of his activities were not done, as I have read in the inspection report”.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 85 From the description of the above interviews, it is clear that the village government has weak ability to manage ADD sources for priority activities in village administration. Lack of coordination level with related parties is also one of the deadlocks in the implementation of a program or policy until finally cause problems, as experienced by the village government Penebal, the village government does not coordinate with the Village Consultative Agency, whereas in the rules of the implementation of Village Fund Allocation, BPD is the Village Head's partner in the discussion and determination of APB- Des. This is reinforced by the statement Chairman of BPD Penampi Village through interview researchers as follows: “From the implementation of ADD program in 2012 until 2013 the village government, especially the village head as the head of government did not coordinate the BPD as the government overseer. In the discussion of APB-Des from 2012 and 2013 the village head does not undertake discussion and determination of APB-Dec for this village with BPD”. From the results of the above interviews clearly indicate the level of coordination is very influential in the making or decision policy, because with the level of policy coordination made will be accommodated clearly and safely either coordinated horizontally or even with the vertical level. Coordination in the implementation of government programs is a reflection of good communication between agencies or levels of government that exist within a regional government or state. If the lack of coordination levels then arise the problems in the policy made. It also impressed the existence of elements of disharmony between governments. Furthermore, the researcher identifies the level of coordination in Pangkalan Batang Village, especially in the implementation of village government, whether good or not coordination done either with colleagues of one government or with higher level of government. Here are the results of interviews with researchers Chairman of BPD Pangkalan Batang Village “Coordination conducted by the village government is currently quite good, especially in terms of discussion and determination of APB-Des Village Head always coordinate to the BPD to jointly conduct discussion and determination of APB-Des”. Furthermore, the researcher asked directly to Bengkalis Sub-district, that is Bengkalis Camat, how is Coordination level conducted by Village Government of Batang Pangkalan and Desa Penebal which currently experiencing problems in Implementation of Village Fund Allocation Program: “The coordination done by the village of Pangkalan Batang and Desa Pengebal is very poor, because before we accept the problems in those villages we did not receive confirmation of the difficulties they experienced during the initial implementation of the ADD program”. The coordination of the bengkalis districtworking unit to BPM-PD Bengkalis Regency is also the most important thing in the smooth implementation of the ADD program, where the coordination level becomes the core communication in the implementation of the activity so that it will determine the success of a policy. Here are the results of interviews with Head of BPM-PD Bengkalis: “The level of coordination conducted by the sub-district, especially Bengkalis Districtup to now is good, as for the ADD program, when the submission of reports or the progress of the program implementation is always appropriate even though it is not perfect due to the imperfection due to the poor coordination level of the Village Government with the kecamatan. And it is also often reported by the district because it is difficult to coordinate with the village administration”. From some of the above statement through interview result of researcher to related

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 86 party in the implementation of Village Fund Allocation program in Bengkalis Subdistrict especially in Pangkalan Batang Village and Penebal Village concluded weak coordination level done by village government to upper level government. Managerial abilities are not owned by village governance in the management and utilization of the Village Fund Allocation program. So overall, starting from the implementation of the allocation for community empowerment of 70%, from the ADD received, the cost of running the village administration and BPD 30% of the received ADD, and the level of coordination conducted by the village government to the districtis not considered good Due to the weak ability of the village government managerial.

CONCLUSION Based on the results of research and discussion conducted in the implementation of Village Fund Allocation Program (ADD) in the Village of Pangkalan Batang and Desa Penebal in Bengkalis Subdistrict, Bengkalis District, the implementation of Village Fund Allocation Program (ADD) based on Bengkalis Regent Regulation No. 10 of 2012 in Pangkalan Batang Village And the Village of Penebal is not good enough because it is not supported by the ability of village government to manage and utilize the fund of ADD, so that the problem of technically and procedure is mistake in allocating fund source for community empowerment activity and cost of administration of village administration and BPD, because in reality Village Batang and Desa Penebal has implemented the ADD program with 60:40 distribution percentage of 60% for community empowerment and 40% for the cost of running the village administration and BPD. Based on Bengkalis Regent Regulation No. 10/2012 as referred to in the second part of Article 3 that community empowerment is 70% of the allocation of village funds (ADD) received and the cost of administering village and BPD administration by 30% of the allocated Village Funds (ADD) received. Besides, it is seen from the aspect of the village government's ability to be very weak in positioning the ADD fund resources to the things that are needed both in terms of community empowerment and in financing the implementation of village government and other mandatory based on the guidelines of the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 87 SYNERGIES OF PROGRAM THE COOPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SIAK

Aprizal Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: Program Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau Corporate Social Responsibility/CSR adalah program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup mitra binaan serta masyarakat dilingkungan perusahaan, menciptakan lapangan kerja dan mengurangi kesenjangan sosial di lingkungan atau masyarakat sekitar perusahaan. Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Riau Nomor 6 tahun 2012 tentang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Provinsi Riau menjadi salah satu acuan hukum dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan agar sinergi dengan program pembangunan didaerah, begitu juga hal di Kabupaten Siak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggambarkan seluruh fenomena-fenomena masalah penelitian secara empiris. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan studi lapangan dan telaah pustaka. Studi lapangan dilaku- kan dengan melakukan wawancara kepada informan penelitian yang mengetahui langsung terhadap masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa sinergisitas program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak itu dengan melakukan tanggung jawab sosial di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, infrastruktur, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pariwisata dan kebudayaan serta di bidang lingkungan hidup yang sinergi dengan pembangunan daerah.

Keywords: Sinergisistas, tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan, Siak.

I. PENDAHULUAN Artikel ini menganalisis tentang sinergisitas program tanggung jawab sosial peru- sahaan di Kabupaten Siak. Tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau Corporate Social Res- ponsibility/CSR merupakan sebuah gagasan yang menjadikan perusahaan tidak lagi di- hadapkan pada tanggung jawab yang berpijak pada aspek keuntungan secara semata, yaitu nilai perusahaan yang direflesikan dalam kondisi keuangan, namun juga harus memper- hatikan aspek sosial dan lingkungannya. Perkembangan CSR tidak terlepas dari konsep pembangunan berkelanjutan (sustai- nability development). Konsep CSR menyatakan bahwa tanggung jawab perusahaan tidak hanya terhadap pemiliknya atau pemegang saham saja tetapi juga terhadap para stake- holders yang terkait dan/atau terkena dampak dari keberadaan perusahaan. Perusahaan yang menjalankan CSR akan memperlihatkan dampaknya terhadap kondisi sosial dan lingkungan dan berupaya agar dampaknya positif. Perkembangan CSR juga terkait dengan semakin parahnya kerusakan lingkungan yang terjadi Indonesia maupun dunia, mulai dari pengundulan hutan, polusi udara, dan air, hingga perubahan iklim. Pengungkapan tang- gung jawab sosial merupakan salah satu media yang dipilih untuk memperlihatkan kepedulian perusahaan terhadap masyarakat disekitarnya.1 Perkembangan praktek dan pengungkapan CSR di Indonesia juga dilatar belakangi oleh dukungan pemerintah, yaitu dengan dikeluarkannya regulasi terhadap kewajiban praktek dan pengungkapn CSR melalui Undang-Undang perseroan Terbatas Nomor 40 tahun 2007, pasal 66 dan 74. Pada Pasal 66 ayat (2) bagian c disebutkan bahwa selain menyampaikan laporan keuangan, perusahaan juga diwajibkan melaporkan pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan.2 Sedangkan dalam pasal 74 menjelaskan kewajiban

1 Reza, Rahman, 2009. Corporate Social Responsibility: Antara Teori dan Kenyataan. Media Pressindo. Yogyakarta. 2 Undang-Undang Nomor 40 tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 88 untuk melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial dan lingkungan bagi perusahaan yang kegiatan usahanya berkaitan dengan sumber daya alam. Selain itu kewajiban pelaksanaan CSR juga diatur dalam Undang-Undang Penanaman modal No. 25 tahun 2007 pasal 15 bagian b, pasal 17, dan pasal 34 yang mengatur setiap penanaman modal diwajibkan untuk ikut serta dalam tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan. Salah satu wilayah di Indonesia yang memiliki jumlah perusahaan yang cukup banyak adalah di wilayah Provinsi Riau, begitu juga Kabupaten Siak. Perkembangan peru- sahaan di Kabupaten Siak khususnya meningkat pada bidang perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang perkebunan, kehutanan dan pertambangan. Disatu sisi perkembangan perusahaan meningkatkan perekonomian dan menambah pendapatan daerah, akan tetapi disisi lain perusahaan juga memiliki tanggung jawab sosial kepada masyarakat khususnya masya- rakat tempatan yang berada di dekat lokasi perusahaan beroperasi. Pemerintah Provinsi Riau melakukan kegiatan pembinaan agar perusahaan me- lakukan kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan yang didasarkan pada Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Riau Nomor 6 tahun 2012 tentang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Provinsi Riau. Peraturan daerah ini tentu saja menjadi salah satu acuan hukum dalam pelaksanaan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak agar sinergi dengan program pembangunan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak. Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan adalah community development, program kemitraan dan bina lingkungan, kemitraan usaha perkebunan, pemberdayaan masyarakat desa hutan dan sejenisnya adalah program yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup mitra binaan serta masyarakat dilingkungan perusahaan, menciptakan lapangan kerja dan mengurangi kesenjangan sosial dilingkungan mitra binaan dan masyarakat sekitar perusahaan.3 Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak memberikan kepastian dan perlindungan hukum atas penyelenggaraan program tanggung jawab sosial di Kabupaten Siak dan memberi arahan kepada semua perusahaan dan semua pemangku kepentingan atas penyelenggaraan prog- ram tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak agar dapat bersinergi dengan program pembangunan Pemerintah Daerah di Kabupaten Siak. Oleh karena itu tujuan umum dari tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Provinsi Riau Nomor 6 tahun 2012 tentang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Provinsi Riau, maka program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan kelestarian lingkungan yang bermanfaat bagi perusahaan sendiri, komunitas setempat maupun pada masyarakat umum secara efektif dan efisien. Salah satu kabupaten yang cukup berhasil di Provinsi Riau dalam melaksanakan kegiatan program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan adalah Kabupaten Siak. Sampai de- ngan saat ini Kabupaten Siak memiliki forum komunikasi program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan yang beroperasi di Kabupaten Siak.

III. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Defenisi Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Menurut John Elkington dan Edi Suharto, tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau juga yang disebut Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) merupakan aktivitas yang mengoptimalkan Triple bottom line5, atau 3 P: mengejar keuntungan (profit) untuk kepentingan shareholders, memperhatikan kepentingan stakeholders, dan memenuhi kesejahteraan masyarakat (people), serta berpartisipasi aktif dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan (planet). Keberlanjutan (sustainablity) usaha dapat dicapai dari keseimbangan aktivitas yang tercakup dalam 3 P tersebut.

3 Perda Provinsi Riau Nomor 6 tahun 2012 tentang tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Provinsi Riau

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 89 Menurut World Business Council for Suistainable Development (WBCSD) definisi CSR adalah suatu komitmen berkelanjutan oleh dunia usaha untuk bertindak etis dan memberi kontribusi kepada pengembangan ekonomi komunitas setempat ataupun masyarakat luas, bersamaan dengan peningkatan taraf hidup pekerja beserta seluruh keluarganya. Menurut Gunawan Widjaja dan Ismail Solihin, CSR adalah suatu komitmen bersama dari seluruh stakeholder perusahaan (para pihak) untuk bertanggung jawab terhadap masalah-masalah sosial dan lingkungan atau bentuk tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders. CSR bukan merupakan kegiatan sumba- ngan (charity-philanthropy) dari salah satu atau lebih stakeholder perusahaan, justru keterlibatan langsung dan kontinuitas kegiatan inilah yang menjadi ciri khas dari CSR.

Sinergisitas Program Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Penerapan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak diharapkan selain memiliki komitmen finansial kepada pemilik atau pemegang saham perusahaan, tetapi juga memiliki komitmen sosial terhadap para pihak lain yang berkepentingan contohnya pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat dalam arti kata bersinergi, karena CSR merupakan salah satu bagian dari strategi bisnis perusahaan dalam jangka panjang atau berkelanjutan. Berikut ini merupakan pelaksanaan program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak yang bersinergi dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Siak melalui keanggotaan forum tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak, yaitu sebagai berikut: Tabel 1.1 Keanggotaan Forum Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Kabupaten Siak NO Bidang/Divisi Keanggotaan Forum CSR Nama Perusahaan 1 Minyak dan Gas PT. Chevron PT. EMP Strait PT. Petro Selat PT. Pertamina Lirik PT. BSP 2 Pulp & Paper PT. RAPP PT. IKPP PT. Panca Eka P PT. Siak Raya Timber PT. Rimba Rokan PT. Riau Abadi Lestari PT. Bina Daya L PT. National Timber 3 Perkebunan PT. Graha Mas PT. Surya Plantation dan 28 PT lainnya 4 BUMN PT. PLN PT Telkom PT. Pelindo PT. POS dan ASDP 5 BUMD PT. BSP PT. Permodalan Siak PT. Siak Pertambangan PT. Siak Prima PT. Pembangunan Siak 6 Perbankan Bank Riau Kepri, BRI, BNI, Mandiri, Muamalat dan BSM Sumber: Laporan Forum CSR Bappeda Kabupaten Siak. Tahun 2015.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 90 Berdasarkan data tabel diatas, maka penyelenggaran program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak setiap tahunnya dilakukan di setiap bidang usaha perusahaan. Target program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dalam prioritas pemba- ngunan di Kabupaten Siak adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Kepedulian bidang pendidikan Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak dilakukan dengan pembangunan ruang kelas sekolah, pengadaan meubeler dan laboratorium, beasiswa belajar siswa miskin, pengiriman siswa berprestasi ke PT dan mendukung program sekolah Adiwiyata di Kabupaten Siak. Beberapa perusahaan yang melakukan program CSR dalam pembangunan ruang kelas adalah PT Siak Prima Sakti, PT Ivomas, PT. Dian Anggara Persada, PT. Kimia Tirta Utama dan PT. BOB (BSP/PHE). 2. Kepedulian bidang kesehatan Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dibidang kesehatan dilakukan dengan bantuan pembangunan Pustu, Poskesdes, Puskesmas, Posyandu, Alat kesehatan, pengadaan ambulance, program kesehatan ibu dan anak serta penyediaan posko tanggap darurat bencana, Seperti pada tahun 2014 dan 2015 PT. BNI memberikan bantuan Ambulance dan PT. BSM mengadakan kegiatan Sunatan Massal untuk 100 anak di Kecamatan Siak, Kecamatan Koto Gasib dan Kecamatan Siak Kabupaten Siak. 3. Pemenuhan infrastruktur dasar daerah Program tanggung jawab sosial dibidang infrastruktur dilakukan dengan bantuan pembangunan jalan di Kabupaten Siak seperti bantuan dari PT. Medco untuk ruas jalan Simpang Buatan, PT. Pertamina Lirik ruas jalan Buatan II, PT. BSP ruas jalan Simpang Pusako teluk Mesjid, PT. RAPP ruas jalan Simpang Lago serta PT. Arara Abadi ruas jalan Simpang Meredan-Ferry Meredan dengan total volume jalan 25,42 KM. 4. Pengembangan dan pemberdayaan ekonomi masyarakat Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dilakukan dengan bantuan dana CSR untuk pembibitan sapi oleh PT. BSP sebanyak 60 ekor di Kecamatan Dayun, PT. Chevron 50 ekor di Kecamatan Minas dan Kandis, PT. Pertamina Hulu Rp.500. 000.000 di Kecamatan Pusako, PT. RAPP 40 ekor di Kecamatan Siak, PT. BSP 44 ekor di Kabupaten Siak serta PT. BSP 60 ekor dan kandang di wilayah operasi. Selain itu juga ada bantuan bibit ikan kepada kelompok tani yang dibentuk oleh PT. BSP, PT. Chevron dan PT. Pertamina Hulu dan bantuan alat sistem pertanian kepada kelompk tani. 5. Pengembangan pariwisata dan kebudayaan Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dilakukan oleh PT. Bumi Siak Pusako dengan melakukan pembangunan Venues Sepatu Roda di Kecamatan Dayun, Partisipasi perusahaan dalam acara tour de Siak, free style BMX oleh Bank BRI, pemeliharaan ekowisata lahan Mangrove di Mengkapan serta bantuan 1 unit bangunan dilokasi Bumi Perkemahan Pramuka oleh Bank Riau Kepri. 6. Kepedulian terhadap lingkungan hidup Program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan dilakukan dengan aksi penanaman pohon, gerakan bersihkan Sungai Siak, Bantuan sarana dan prasarana kebersihan, aksi peduli lingkungan serta bantuan tanggap darurat bencana.

III. KESIMPULAN Tanggungjawab sosial perusahaan atau CSR adalah merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari aktivitas perusahaan sebagai bentuk komitmen dan tanggung jawab

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 91 terhadap stakeholders (yang berhubungan langsung maupun tidak langsung) serta mesti bersinergisitas dengan pemerintah dan masyarakat di lingkungan perusahaan. Kegiatan tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan tersebut dilakukan dengan keterlibatan langsung dan berkelanjutan sehingga keseimbangan aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan dapat dilakukan. Adapun sinergisitas program tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan di Kabupaten Siak itu dengan melakukan tanggung jawab sosial di bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, infrastruktur, pemberdayaan masyarakat, pariwisata dan kebudayaan serta di bidang lingkungan hidup.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Moleong, Lexi J. 2000. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Remaja Rosdakarya: Bandung. Nawawi, Hadari. 1990, Metode Penelitian Bidang Sosial, Gadjah Mada University Press: Jogjakarta. Reza, Rahman, 2009. Corporate Social Responsibility: Antara Teori dan Kenyataan. Media Pressindo. Yogyakarta Suharsimi Arikunto, 1996. Prosedur Penelitian : Suatu Pendekatan Praktek, PT. Rineka Cipta: Jakarta. Tahajuddin, Ujud. 2007. Program CommunityDevelopment Perusahaan Industri &Dampaknya Terhadap Masyarakat Sekitar. Jakarta: Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia Wibisono, Y.,2007. Membedah Konsep & Aplikasi CSR : Corporate Social Responsibility. Jakarta : Fascho Publishing.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 92 STRATEGY OF MANAGEMENT AND SOCIAL CONFLICT RESOLUTION

Abdul Sadad Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: Social conflicts in this regency are high, especially conflicts related to plantation land. The existence of irregularities in the land system in Riau such as overlapping of land permit that triggered social conflict then followed by other conflicts such as religion, natural resources and others. With the vastness of plantations in Pelalawan District, and the high population growth in this area did not rule out the possibility of many social conflicts. The purpose of this study is to analyze how to overcome social conflict, who are involved in the handling of social conflict, and how to solve the conflict. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method with research instrument in the form of in-depth interview, observation (observation) and documentation. The results showed that the dominant social conflict occurred in Pelalawan district is a conflict of natural resources. This is due to the Government's policy of arbitrarily granting licenses and concessions to companies engaged in the field of plantations and large-scale mining. Opening new oil palm plantations, both on lands claimed by communities as their ulayat lands, or by converting forests.

Keywords: strategy, management and resolution, social conflict

I. INTRODUCTION The process of globalization is continuing and unavoidable which will be a challenge to the unity and unity of the nation. Public security and order issues commonly referred to as social orders also become a challenge for Indonesia in the midst of the current era of reform and democratization. In the field of security requires a strong commitment to all components of the nation to manage it. Added again with the existence of other problems such as separatism that always threatens the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation. The resolution of social conflicts and its restoration requires a genuine socio-political recon- ciliation process among the various groups involved in the conflict, class and ethnic issues, differences in socio-political views, and differences in religious beliefs. According to Simon Fisher et al (2004: 4) defines conflict as an unsuitable rela- tionship between two or more parties (individuals and groups), including in the way of achieving their goals, while violence is defined as an action, speech, attitude, various struc- tures or Systems that cause physical, mental, environmental, and / or detrimental damage to a person or group of people to achieve their full potential. From the above opinion, we can understand that there is a difference between con- flict and violence. When further explored the difference between the two lies in the form and how to solve it. Conflict will produce a harmonious condition after the achievement of an agreement. Some of the causes of conflict are unequal prosperity, unequal access and power, and social inequalities. In general Riau Province has potential conflict points that if left unchecked will be open conflict. As for the observations that have been done, it has been found that the root of social conflict in Riau Province is land and boundary conflict, ethnic conflict and con- flict of control or natural resources, thus giving influence to social and economic dynamics of society in Riau Province in general. No exception in Pelalawan District, social conflict in this regency is high, especially conflict related to plantation land. This regency has an area of 13,924.94 Km2 and in the beginning it consists of 4 subdistricts, namely Langgam Subdistrict, Pangkalan Kuras,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 93 Bunut and Kuala Kampar. In the development of administrative districts there are 12 districts, covering 106 villages and 12 sub-districts. Subdistricts that do not have kelurahan are Bandar Seikijang and Bandar Petalangan districts. Plantation sectors, especially oil palm and rubber, contributed significantly to the Pelalawan economy. Oil palm plantations are cultivated in almost all sub districts in Pelalawan. Then the rate of population growth up to 2012 is quite high at 6.71 percent due to the birth rate and the high number of migrants associated with employment. With sex ratio in 2012 is 111 which indicates the male population is more dominant in the appeal of women. Population density in is 26 people per km2. With the vastness of plantations in the district of Pelalawan, and the high population growth in this area did not rule out the possibility of many social conflicts. As a dispute that occurred in the area of expansion of Teso Nilo National Park covering approximately 83 ha in Sei Medang Village Kesuma Village Pangkalan Kuras District between the community with TNTN Hall. The root of the problem is the issuance of the Decree of the Minister of Forestry with SK 663 / menhut / II / 2009 concerning the expansion of Teso Nilo National Park (TNTN) where the Sei Medang village Kesuma Village Pangkalan Kuras Sub-district formerly not included in TNTN area so that the people around who have lived permanently And gardening becomes disturbed by the expansion of TNTN's expansion area. Disputes in the community's jungle land in Seikijang Village between the community, Bathin Kerinci, Datuk Suku Monti with PT. Bumi Riau Kencana. Land dispute between Citra Masyarakat farmer group and PT. Raja Garuda Mas Sejati (RGMS) Bandar Seikijang Subdistrict. The establishment of GPDI Church which was rejected by the community RT 02 RW 05 Dusun Timur I Makmur Village Pangkalan Kerinci Sub-district Pelalawan Regency. The root of the problem is the rejection of the local community in connection with the existence of a residence which is used as a place of worship that is reinforced by a letter of rejection from the community to the chairman of FKUB Kabupaten Pelalawan. The community again sent a letter of rejection to the Bupati. Then the construction of the house of worship is not in accordance with the regulations of the two ministers of the ministerial decree on the construction of houses of worship and many more social conflicts that occurred in the district pelalawan. The handling of social conflicts by the local government has not been maximized since the handling done so far is still extinguishing the fire alone, on the one hand the root of the problem of social conflict is getting little attention from local government. The lack of attention to the roots of the conflict could be due to a lack of resources in both human resources and funding sources and even in the absence of a clear Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the Government as a guide to action. Thus the authors are interested to study with the title: Strategy of Management and Social Conflict Resolution in Pelalawan District.

II. METHOD Geographical and practical limitations such as time, cost and energy should also be taken into consideration in determining the location of the research. For that reason, the location that the researcher chooses is the location where the researcher can capture the actual state of the object to be studied. The location that researchers took in this study is Pelalawan District on the basis of the above considerations. The main data source in this study is primary data, ie data obtained by researchers directly from the source in the form of words from informants interviewed and events or activities observed. Informants as the main data source is deliberately chosen from the subject who master the problem, knowing

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 94 many things about the information needed and have data and are willing to provide data. Secondary data, data obtained in the form of a written script or other documents relevant to this research, such as reports on the implementation of activities. The process of collecting data in the study includes three activities (Moleong, 2005), namely in-depth interviews, observation (Observation), and documentation. Data analysis techniques by means of data collection and interpretation.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Social conflicts occurring in the pelalawan district vary greatly, ranging from SARA conflicts, political conflicts to natural resource conflicts (SDA) and boundaries. Religious- religious conflicts have occurred in the form of community resistance to the establishment of churches in Islamic communities. This conflict was caused by the community's refusal to establish a church which at that time did not have permission and had not received approval from the community. Violent conflicts are rare in the district of Pelalawan, in the sense that the intensity of the conflict is still low. However, it is possible to become an open conflict. Other social conflicts are political conflicts, these conflicts usually arise during the election of heads of regions that lead to the direction of the masses to bring down political opponents and which result in the loss of life and the destruction of public facilities. Conflict with political nuance causes terkotaknya community into several support groups in accordance with the figures that they stretcher in the election. Political conflicts that occur in the pelalawan only limited the mobilization of the period of the losers in the election. In addition to the SARA and political conflicts that occur in the district of Pelalawan there are also conflicts of natural resources and agrarian conflicts that until now still a prolonged polemic. This is due to the chaotic licensing and obscurity of the land boundaries that resulted in overlapping ownership of land titles as well as the abuses committed by the company. Based on data obtained from Kesbangpol Pelalawan District, conflicts occur in almost all districts in the district of Pelalawan. The economic factor of the community is the trigger for the conflict, the rise of oil palm plantation as the economic income of the community besides rubber and other natural products can be the reason why the intensity of plantation conflict in this regency is very high. In response to this, there is a need for commitment from all components, especially the government and its staff that act as policy makers, security officers such as police, prosecutors and TNI who serve as mediators in order to build peace in the midst of conflicting communities. Conflicting parties such as companies (private) and communities have been able to understand the rights / obligations and responsibilities of each in the settlement of the conflict that occurred. Based on Law no. 7 of 2012 on the handling of social conflicts mentioned that the settlement of conflicts implemented by the government and local governments by promoting the existing Custom and / or Social Institutions that exist and recognized its existence. Conflict resolution through this mechanism is facilitated by the district / municipal Government by involving the subdistrict and village / village apparatus. The Government and the Regional Government acknowledge the outcome of the Conflict through the mechanism of the Customary Institution and / or Social Institution. The outcome of the settlement agreement The conflict through this mechanism has a binding force for the groups of people involved in the Conflict.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 95 a. Parties involved in social conflicts Conflicting parties are basically some groups, such as political groups, government apparatus, business actors and village communities. This means that the conflict is multi- conflict and its handling involves various parties, both government and security forces such as Polri and TNI. The following conflicting parties can be seen in the table below: Table. 1 Parties To The Conflict No Parties Action Actions Interests Power Power sources 1. Political group Incitement, mobilization Political interests, Money and Supporting of the period especially in Period gathering support for certain candidates 2. Government / Recognition of territorial Political interests Position and power Apart Village boundaries 3. Specific Channeling aspirations Economic Kinship system and villagers / to the House of interests and values adopted regions Representatives in the necessities of form of demands for daily living rights 4. Company • Community land grabs The interests of Funds owned and • Giving unfit wages to the company are corporate license from laborers mainly for profit the government Source: processed data 2017 b. Government efforts in peace and social conflict resolution For the resolution of conflicts that occur there are efforts made by government officials and the public. The settlement of social conflict in pelalawan prioritizes deliberation and mufakat mediated by the elements of regional leadership, DPRD, police, prosecutors, community leaders and religious leaders, Komnas HAM and others. Can be seen in the following table: Table. 2 Peace Building Efforts Peace-building Stages of peace- The agreed No efforts Peace actors building outcome undertaken 1. Negotiations Meet between the Problem solving Komnas HAM, police, between conflicting parties in decision local government and conflicting the DPRD community parties 2. The legal path The legal path The guilty ones Police, courts, the conflict are rewarded and the community with prison inmates 3. Deliberation and Bring together the Violation of the Adat leaders, clever consensus conflicting party. results of people, religious leaders, Looking for the best deliberation will village officials, and the solution to terminate get punishment community it or sanctions that have been agreed upon Source: processed data 2017

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 96 When analyzed in depth to the conflict that occurred in Pelalawan District can be categorized to latent conflict, in the sense that the conflict has occurred repeatedly but there is no solution is like a fire in the husk. The surface is not very visible but it can cause a great conflict of conflicts even if left unchecked will be an open conflict. It is necessary for the handling of conflicts that exist in Pelalawan to give understanding to the community nor the parties involved in the conflict that peace is very important and a strong commitment from the local government to maintain harmony among communities and religious groups, tribal, and seek Solutions by way of deliberation and consensus. That's where the important role of government in this case Kesbangpolinmas, Police and TNI in maintaining peace in Pelalawan District. In the mandate of Law no. 7 of 2012 states that the government and local governments must reduce the potential for social conflict in the community, then the Government and Local Government must build an early warning system. In this regard, the Government through the Ministry of Home Affairs has made a regulation in order to reduce the existing conflict to maintain the stability of security in the regions, among others: Joint Regulation of Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Home Affairs. 9 Year 2006 - No. 8 of 2006 on Guidance of Implementation of Duties of Head of Region in Maintaining Religious Harmony, Empowerment Forum of Religious Harmony and Establishment of House of Worship. The exit of the above policy was motivated by the turmoil that occurred in the society in Indonesia. Since the organizational structure and the district government Pelalawan new one has been executed in 2013, the one that changed is the program alertness area into a field on the National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol), this field is tasked with facilitating the intelligence community of Regions (Kominda) also to facilitate the monitoring team Foreigner (POA). The spearhead of this field conducts guidance to the community's early awareness forum (FKDM). In addition Permendagri No. 11 of 2006 on Regional Intelligence Community (KOMINDA) as already amended into Permendagri no. 16 in 2011. In the first chapter the general provisions of Article 1 point 1 is the intelligence is all the effort, the activities and actions organized in a certain way to produce products of the issues facing all aspects of life to be submitted to the leaders for consideration in taking decision. The regional intelligence community hereinafter referred to as Kominda is the communication and coordination forum of the intelligence elements and elements of provincial and district / municipal leaders.

IV. CONCLUSION 1. Conflict Resolution is implemented by the Government and Local Government by promoting the existing Customary and / or Social Institutions already implemented by Pelalawan Regency government but not yet maximal. Conflict resolution through this mechanism is facilitated by the district / municipal Government by involving the subdistrict and village / village apparatus. 2. The dominant conflict in Pelalawan District is the Conflict of natural resources of plantation area, boundary, and followed by other social conflict. Plantation conflicts, for example, occur due to the government's overarching and arbitrary policies in the form of licensing and concession to companies engaged in plantation and mining activities. This conflict would become widespread as the government continues to encourage high economic growth, either by opening new plantations of palm oil, either on land which is claimed to society as communal land, or by converting forest.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 97 3. There are several factors influencing conflict management efforts conducted by the Pelalawan District Government which is a legal factor in which until now there is no clear SOP regarding a management of social conflicts occurring in the region. Second, the lack of budget factor. Some activities that will be pursued by the Government of Pelalawan district in conflict management have been faced with the lack of budget so that the Regional Government tends to make incidental efforts. Third, the lack of human resources owned by local government as practitioners of conflict management.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 98 INEQUALITY OF RUBBER FARMER INCOME IN RAMBAI ISLAND KAMPAR DISTRICT OF RIAU

Shorea Khaswarina & Eliza Agribusiness Faculty of Agriculture University of Riau

Abstract: This research is to analyze the structure and distribution or income inequality of rubber farmer in Rambai island Kampar district of Riau. The research was conducted for 3 months using survey method and sampling method by purposive sampling. The result of this research is the income structure of farmer of rubber sample in Rambai island, Kampar district of Riau is rubber farming, oil palm business, employees, drivers, laborers, and traders. While the condition of distribution / income inequality of sample farmers according to World Bank, Low inequality, the result of number Gini ratio analysis is 0.23 means the distribution of income is rather evenly distributed and according to H.T Oshimain Widodo (1990) the gini coefficient number less than 0.3 means low income inequality.

Keywords: Structure and income distribution, rubber farmer.

I. INTRODUCTION Kampar regency is one of rubber production centers in Riau Province.In 2013 the area of smallholder rubber plantation in Kampar Regency is 92.509 ha with production of 60.714 tons/year.Area of smallholder rubber plantationPlants have not yet produced which 15.201ha, Plants have produced is56.729ha, and Broken/old plantsis 50.579 ha. People's livelihoods in Kampar district are mostly rubber and oil palm farmers. The number of smallholder rubber farmers in Kampar district is52.289head family(Statistic Center of Kampar district, 2014). The villageof Pulau Rambai is one of the rubber production centers in Kampar sub- district Kampar district. Meanwhile, the high level of income of rubber farmers has not been able to describe and determine the level of income distribution/income inequality level of rubber farmers in Pulau Rambai Village. The level of income distribution is often measured by the size of the gini ratio coefficient. Income inequalityis a complexsocial problem that becomes a multi-dimensional problem, because it involves various aspects. So it needs an intensivean dintegrated response through human resource development through individual so group stotackle the problem. Such counter measures require the par- ticipation of communities and governments to joint lycreate established human resources. The purpose of this study is to determine the income structure and income inequality of rubber farmers in the village of PulauRambai Kampar sub-district district of Kampar. The benefits of this research are as information about the structure and distribution of income of rubber farmers in PulauRambai village Kampar district and can be used as discourse of regional development in rubber plantation sub sector.

II. METHOD This research was conducted in PulauRambai Village Kampar sub-district Kampar District. Selection of this location is based on consideration is one of rubber production centers in Kampar sub-district Kampar District. This research was conducted for 3 (three) months. The sample selection of respondents in this research was conducted through two stages: the selection of the district was done purposively (purposive sampling) with consideration as rubber production center in Kampar district, that is Kampar sub district. Subsequently selected sub-districts and villages. So that the respondent farmers can

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 99 represent the area of land tenure, then in this research respondents have been distributed proportionally to the control of the land. N n =------(1) 1 + Ne²

Information: n = Amount of respondents N= Amount of population(Head of the farm family). e= Acceptable error (10 %). Population in the research area at two villages in each sub-district consisted of 174 families. With a precision level of 10% then the number of samples in this research as many as 40 respondents. This research requires primary and secondary data. To obtain the primary data is done by interviewing farmers based on questionnaires that have been made. Interviews conducted include land ownership, family income capital from all sources of family members, main job and side by-side of the family. Secondary data obtained through literature research, reports from provincial plantation offices and other papers and data from relevant agencies useful for research. Distribution of household income is analyzed using Gini index calculation tool (Gini Index Ratio) (G.Tomita in Widodo, 1990). Generally Gini index calculation is formulated as follows: 푛 GC = 1- ∑1 ( Xi-1 – Xi) (Yi + Yi-1) (1) 푛 GC = 1- ∑1. 푓i (Yi + Yi-1) (2) Which are: GC = Number of Gini Coefficient Xi = The proportion of cumulative household numbers in class of i fi = Proportion of the number of households in the class of i Yi = Proportion of cumulative household income in class of i. The calculation of the Gini index is performed for (a) total household income, (b) income derived from agriculture and non-agriculture. The amount of each income is structured in Rp/capita and calculated during the research location. Referring to the limit formulated by Oshima (1976) in Widodo (1990), the Gini index is classified as (a) light if G <0.4, (b) medium if 0.4 0.5. The income distribution can also be explained by using the Lorenz Curve. The Lorenz curve will show the quantitative relationship between the percentage of income recipients and the percentage of total revenue earned. The further the Lorenz Curve from the diagonal line (which is the perfect line of equity), the more uneven distribution of income.

III. FINDING AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Income Structure of Rubber Farmer Farm household income from various sources of income. The income is the income received by farmers every month. Sources of income come from agriculture and non- agriculture. Agriculture is the largest source of income for farmers in PulauRambai village. 84% of all farmers are rubber, while 16% of the total revenue comes from outside the rubber farming business. Nonetheless, non-farm income can increase income although not significant. For more details can be seen in table 1 on the structure of household income of sample farmers.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 100 Table 1. Household Income Farmer Sample Structure No Sumber Pendapatan Amount (Rp.) Percentage (%) A. Agriculture 1. Rubber 125.772.000 96,47 2. Oil Palm 4.600.000 3,53 Sub Total 130.372.000 100,00 B. Non-Agriculture 1. Employees 4.100.000 2,692550173 2, Trader 9.200.000 6,041819901 3. Laborers 3.900.000 2,561206262 4. Driver 4.700.000 3,086581906 Sub Total 21.900.000 14,38215824 Total 152.272.000 100,00 Source : Primary Data

Table 1 above shows that sample rubber farmers rely heavily on income on rubber farming. The amount of dependence can be seen from the percentage rate that is 96.47% of the total revenue source. A total of 3.53% is a revenue contribution from outside the rubber farming business. From various sources of income outside the rubber farming business, trade ranks the highest at 6.04%. Although it does not give a real effect but the income from outside rubber farming is very contributing and affect the decrease in income inequality later. Revenue outside the main sector will lead to a decrease in inequality of sources of income, in other words the addition of income outside the main sector under other factors in constant circumstances will reduce the level of income inequality. The source of income for rubber farmers is the rubber farm itself, employees, drivers, laborers and trade. A total of 40 sample farmers have main employment as rubber farmers and other sources of income as side jobs. The rest is as much as 13 farmers sample (32.5%) in addition to having a main job as a rubber sample farmers also have other sources of income as a side job.

3.2. Income Distribution Distribution of income is a measure of evenness of society's prosperity in the event of economic growth of a region. There is usually a trade-off between economic growth and income distribution (Soekartawi, 1995). The income distribution in this research was measured in two ways by calculating Gini coefficient and using Lorenz curve. The use of the Lorenz Curve will be more informative in explaining the relationship between the proportion of income distributed to the existing population and with the help of the Lorenz Curve can be obtained the value of the gini coefficient. Distribution of income in this research is used to see income inequality that occurs between families of sample farmers. The average income of rubber farmers/samples each month is the income of all working samples. Table 2. Income Distribution Received by Sample Farmers No Group Amount of Sample Total Income(Rp) Percentage(%) Average (Person) Income (Rp) 1 40 % lowest 16 29.402.000 23,37722228 1.837.625 2 40% 16 50.170.000 39,88964157 3.135.625 intermediate 3 20% Highest 8 46.200.000 36,73313615 5.775.000 Amount 40 125.772.000 100,00 10.748.250 Source : Primary Data

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 101 One of way to measure poverty relative by using the gini coefficient, which is the method to know the distribution of income or called the distribution of income among people in a community. Based on table 2 it can be seen that 40% of the sample farming families in the lowest income group earned Rp. 29.402.000 (23.38%) of the total income of the sample farmers. Then 40% of the sample farming families in the middle income group earned Rp.50.170.000 (39.89%) of the total income of sample farmers and the rest of 36.7% of the sample farmers' families in the highest income group received Rp.46,2 million of the total income of sample farmers. According to the World Bank criteria by looking at the share of income enjoyed by 40% of the population in the lowest income group, it is possible to know the level of income distribution conditions of the sample farmers. High level of inequality if 40% of the population (sample farmers) in the lowest income group received less than 12% of total income, moderate imbalances if 40% of the lowest income group received 12% - 17% of total income, and said low inequity when 40 % of the lowest income group received more than 17% of the total income of sample farmers. Table 2 also shows that as many as 16 sample farmers are included in the 40% lowest income group with average farmer income of Rp.1.837.625. Rubber farmer/sample of 16 people belonging to 40% middle income group with average income of farmer equal to Rp.3.135.625, and 8 farmers are included in the group of 20% highest income with average income of rubber farmers of Rp.5.775.000. From the explanation of table 2 we can see that 40% of the lowest income earners earn 23.38% of total income, so it can be concluded according to World Bank criteria, the distribution of farmers' incomes is in low inequality. Table 3. Gini Ratio Index of Sample Farmer Cumulative (Yi+Yi fi (Yi- No Farmer Group Income (Rp) Income (%) fi Income -1) 1+Yi) 1 40% lowest 29.402.000 23,377 23,37 0,4 23,37 0,09348 2 40% intermediate 50.170.000 39,889 63,27 0,4 86,64 0,34656 3 20% highest 46.200.000 36,733 100,00 0,2 163,27 0,32654 Amount 125.772.000 100,00 1,0 0,76658 Gini Ratio Index 0,23342 Source : Primary Data

According Gunarto (2001), the gini ratio between 0.20 to 0.39 illustrates the unequal distribution of income is rather evenly distributed. From table 3, it is known that the gini ratio on the income distribution of the rubber farmers is 0.23, so it can be concluded that the inequality of income distribution of the sample farmers according to the gini ratio index is in a rather even distribution. The low level of inequality means that even the income of the sample farmers is good enough even though some farmers have large or far different income with other farmers. Low inequality is caused by several factors such as the area of land owned does not have significant differences and the opportunity to obtain or get a job outside the rubber farming business is relatively the same proportion. According to H. Oshima in widodo (1990) the smaller gini coefficient of 0.3 means low income inequality. From the analysis, the gini rate is 0.23 so the income distribution is evenly low.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 102



80 60 (63,27)


Percentage Income 20 (23,37

0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Population Percentage

Picture1. Lorenz Curve of Rubber Farmers Income in Pulau Rambai village Kampar District.

Figure 1 explains the income distribution of the oil palm sample farmers is uneven/low inequality. This can be seen from the Lorenz curve where the cumulative line of income is not far from line 45o that is the uniform revenue distribution.

IV. CONCLUSION Factors that influence sample farmers in conducting rubber farming activities are age, education level, farm experience, land area and number of family dependents. The income structure of rubber farmers in Kabun sub-district is rubber farming, rubber farming, employees, drivers, laborers, and trade. Distribution/inequality income of sample farmers according to World Bank, low inequality, the result of gini ratio ratio analysis is 0,20 meaning the distribution of income is quite evenly and according to H.T Oshima in Widodo (1990) gini coefficient value less than 0.3 means low of income inequality.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 103 IMPLEMENTATION MODEL OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) PROGRAM IN RIAU PROVINCE

Meyzi Heriyanto, Adianto & Hasim As’ari Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: Law Number 40 Year 2007 concerning limited liability company Article 74 states that a company that carries out its business activities in the field and / or related to natural resources is obliged to carry out social and environmental responsibility. Where the social and environmental responsibility is the obligation of the company budgeted and calculated as the cost of the company whose implementation is done with due attention to decency and fairness. Then if a company that does not fulfill its social and environmental responsibility obligations, it will be subject to sanctions in accordance with the provisions of legislation. This policy was drafted by the Riau Provincial Government through Regional Regulation No. 6/2012 on corporate social responsibility in Riau Province, which mandated among others: First, to provide certainty and legal protection for the implementation of corporate social responsibility program in Riau Province. Second, give direction to all companies and all stakeholders on the implementation of corporate social responsibility program can synergize with the development program of Local Government in Riau Province. The purpose of this study is to formulate a model of implementation of appropriate corporate social responsibility (CSR) program for PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II and PT. Cevron Pasific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai in Riau Province. The results of this study found that the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program implemented by PT. PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in Riau Province based on George Edward III's model in implementing the policy is still not running well. Because policy implementation based on communication variables, resource variables, disposition variables and bureaucratic structure variables universally still improperly implemented. As a result corporate social responsibility (CSR) program is channeled by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in Riau Province still has not touched the needs of the people who are in the company's operational area.

Keywords: Policy implementation, policy implementation model and CSR

I. INTRODUCTION Riau Province is one of the regions in Indonesia that is given regional autonomy to manage all the potential of the region. The potential management made Riau province become one of the richest province in Indonesia, where the wealth of Riau Province comes from various sources, such as natural wealth, oil and gas, industry, trade and so on. The regional autonomy handed over to Riau Province also provides an opportunity for local governments to get closer and faster to handle community affairs directly with their policies. In addition, in the long term regional autonomy creates a climate of development growth competition with attention to transparency, accountability in natural and human resource management. Implementation of regional autonomy and regional development in Riau Province requires the participation of all stakeholders, including one of them is the private sector. Because the existence of the private sector can not be separated from the dependence on other parties (stakeholders) who can directly or indirectly be affected by private sector activities or other parties who actually have an interest or influence on corporat. In this case, cooperation to achieve the goals of each stakeholders becomes an important thing of a social system in addition to meeting the interests of stakeholders. This fact ultimately wants there is a shared commitment between Local Government and the private sector in realizing social responsibility to stakeholders.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 104 In an effort to respond to this matter, the Government of Riau Province issued Local Regulation No. 6 of 2012 on corporate social responsibility. The overall objective of this corporate social responsibility program is to improve the quality of life and environmental sustainability that benefit the company itself, the local community, and the general public in an effective and efficient manner. While the specific objectives of corporate social responsibility programs are: First, the realization of clear restrictions on social respon- sibility including the corporate environment and the parties who became the perpetrators. Second, the fulfillment of the implementation of corporate social responsibility in accordance with legislation in a coordination. Third, the realization of legal certainty and protection for business actors in the implementation of CSR in an integrated and efficient manner. Fourth, protect the company to avoid illegal levies by unauthorized parties. Fifth, minimize the negative impact of the existence of the company and optimize the positive impact of the existence of the company. Sixth, the realization of local government programs to make an appreciation to the business world that has done corporate social responsibility by giving awards and providing convenience in administrative services Among the many companies operating in Riau Province is PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province. In an effort to carry out its corporate social responsibility, PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province provides corporate social responsibility (CSR) program as follows: Table 1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program at PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 105 Table 1 explains that PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province has set up corporate social responsibility (CSR) program in an effort to show concern and sense of responsibility to the community surrounding the operational area. This form of awareness and sense of responsibility is a manifestation of his social responsibility to the community around the company area. But in order to avoid overlapping program implementation to the community, it is necessary to synergize the local government program with corporate social responsibility (CSR) program implemented by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province. This is done so that corporate social responsibility (CSR) program PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province with local government programs can really touch all the needs of the community. But the reality is found that corporate social responsibility (CSR) program implemented by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province as a form of social responsibility to the surrounding community, sometimes often clashing with local government programs, especially local government programs related to the empowerment of the poor through capital assistance or Finance, such as PNPM program, ADD program, PPD program, UEK / D program and so on. Therefore required kesinjalanan between local government and PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province which has social responsibility in determining programs related to community empowerment. So it takes a model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation program for PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province in accordance with the needs and priorities of the public.

II. METHOD This research is carried out with qualitative approach, where the qualitative approach according to Burhan Bungin (2011) has research stages that goes beyond the various stages of scientific critical thinking, in which a researcher starts to think inductively ie capturing various facts or social phenomena through observation in the field, then Analyze it and attempt to do theorizing based on what is observed. Where researchers are directed by inductive thinking products to find a logical answer to what is at the center of attention in research and ultimately the product of inductive thinking becomes a temporary answer to what is questioned in the study and that concern. Then Cresswell (2014) describes a qualitative approach as a research that always examines knowledge based primarily on constructive perspectives (ie, multiple meanings of individual experiments, social and historical meanings constructed, with a view to developing theory or patterns) or participatory advocacy or perspectives (ie, Political, issue-oriented, collaborative, or change-oriented) or both. Qualitative also uses inquiry strategies such as narrative, physiology, ethnography, grounded theory research, or case studies. Researchers collect openly, the data appear with the main purpose of developing the theme of the data obtained. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted by qualitative methods. Qualitative approach is done through indepth interview and FGD to informant taken by purposive sampling. As well as to sharpen the results of research conducted also observations / observations directly at the location of the study. After the required data and information are collected, it will be analyzed qualitatively, the problem solving procedure is investigated by using data obtained from library observation and field observation, then analyzed and interpreted by giving conclusion. Qualitative research is a cyclical process,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 106 which means the activity of data collection and direct data analysis simultaneously. For that very necessary theoretical sensitivity in the process of data collection and data analysis in the field, therefore researchers themselves who act as the main instrument. By using qualitative approach, it is expected that the researcher can present the description and the result of the analysis which is not only in the form of figures, but the deeper picture ssuai with the focus of the research that has been determined. Matthew B. Miles and A. Michael Huberman (1992) describes in the qualitative analysis consisting of three simultaneous activity flows: First, data reduction is defined as the selection process, focusing on simplification, abstraction and transformation of "rough" data Emerged from written notes on the ground. During the data collection process, the reduction stage is done by making a summary, encoding, tracking themes, creating clusters, creating partitions and writing memos. This data reduction or transformation process continues throughout the fieldwork, until a complete final report is prepared. Second, the presentation of data is a set of arranged information that gives the possibility of drawing conclusions and taking action. So by looking at the presentation of data, we can understand what is going on and what to do. In order to further determine the steps to analyze or take action based on the understanding gained from the data presentations. Third, the conclusion or verification is a review of field notes or may be so thorough and energy- consuming by reviewing and brainstorming among peers to develop an "intersubjective agreement" or as well as extensive efforts to place copies of a finding In another set of data. In short, the meanings emerging from the data must be tested for its truth, its robustness and its compatibility or often called validity.

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Application of George Edward III Model in Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program George Edward III developed the model by identifying the factors that influence the success of policy implementation, namely: Figure 1. The Implementation Model of George Edward III

Communication is the process of delivering messages or information to the recipients, where in the implementation of policy is the process of delivering policies to the implementor and target groups as the recipients of the policy. In the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program conducted by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province, communication becomes one variable that is important to convey information to the target group program. From the results of research found that the

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 107 communication made by the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai in implementing CSR program to the society already running. Communication conducted by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai in an effort to provide information, socialization and delivery of CSR program has reached the community as a potential beneficiary of the program. Communication strategy undertaken by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai by involving community leaders, youth leaders, women leaders and all stakeholders who can play a role in disseminating information, socializing programs and program delivery to potential beneficiaries of the program. While communication of CSR program conducted by PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province has been running, although not yet maximal. Because the communication model is done through the socialization of the program, the provision of program information and program penyampain only done through the village government / village only. This makes the public does not receive direct communication from the PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province about the CSR program implemented. Because sometimes the communication received by the village / village is not entirely conveyed to the community, because not all people can also visit the village to find information about the CSR program PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province. Resources are strengths owned by implementing organizations in the form of human resources, budget, facilities, technology, strategy, tupoksi and so forth. In the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program conducted by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province, resources are an important variable in facilitating the implementation of the program has been set. From the research results found that the resources owned by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai in implementing the CSR program is not adequate, either from human resources or other facilities. Limited resources in terms of human resources make the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai has difficulties to be able to communicate CSR program optimally. This condition is also a special concern of the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai, due to limited human resources owned by CSR program manager PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai, consequently the company utilizes the community, community leaders and village government in an effort to help communicate the existence of CSR programs to the community. While the resources owned by PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province in implementing CSR program is still not maximal. Therefore if the PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) wishes to implement the right target CSR program, so its management personnel must communicate the program to the community. So that the socialized programs can be utilized by the community according to their needs. Disposition is the attitude shown by the policy implementor in executing the established policy. In the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program conducted by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Tapung Operational Area, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province, disposition is an important variable to see the responsiveness of the implementation of the target group's need for the implemented program. From the result of the research, it is found that the disposition owned by PT CSR program implementor. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai still not running maximally. This means that the response of PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai in an effort to provide assistance CSR programs to the community basically been running but not maximized. Where the response of CSR program implementor is shown to each target group who apply for help only to the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai. While

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 108 those who did not apply for assistance received less attention by the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai, whereas sometimes the target group is the people who need the help of CSR program. While the disposition is implemented by the implementation of CSR program PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province is still not maximal or low. This fact indicates that the ability of CSR implementors in implementing disposition in the form of response or responsiveness of the implementor, program delivery from the implementor and the introduction of direct needs of the implementor is still low. Because during this time the PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province has never directly respond to community needs or recognize the needs of the community directly. So that people do not know if there is disposition activities undertaken by PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province. The bureaucratic structure is a container or policy implementing body that has been established. In the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program conducted by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province, the bureaucracy structure is an important variable in the form of institution implementing CSR program which is given the authority and responsibility by the company to implement it. From the results of the study found that the bureaucratic structure run by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai in implementing CSR program is still not good and maximal. The bureaucratic structure implemented by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai in implementing CSR program still not involving stakeholders in CSR activities conducted by the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai. Even the management of CSR programs from the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai has also not directly provide explanations to the public about the existence of CSR programs. Because all this information CSR program obtained only from the community who have never received a program or kelurahan that did get information from the PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai. While the bureaucratic structure implemented by PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province in implementing its CSR program is still not running well and maximum. Application of bureaucratic structure conducted by the PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province involving stakeholders in implementing the program, making the program affordable by the community and work units implementing programs recognized by the community has not been implemented at all. This means that the community has never been involved by the work unit of PT CSR program implementers. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) Operational Area Tapung, Minas and Rumbai Riau Province in an effort to provide its program to the people who are in operational areas of work.

B. Implementation Model Ideal in Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the concept of corporate involvement in maintaining and or improving the quality of society and the environment around the company. So corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an act done by the company, whether in terms of ethics, law, commercial, and public interest, to meet and exceed the expectations of stakeholders of the company concerned. Therefore, in an effort to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, every company must know and understand what is the needs of stakeholders around the company. The process of knowing the needs of stakeholders residing in the corporate environment can be done through communication activities with the stakeholders directly or with the local government. But

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 109 the reality that occurred in the field in the implementation process of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, there are still many programs that have not been in accordance with the wishes of stakeholders who are around the company environment. The proof is still a lot of demands that go into the companies to implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) program owned in accordance with the wishes of stakeholders. This phenomenon implies that in implementing the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, the company needs the right and ideal model so that the implementation of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program can be right and effective. Model is a reference to the basis or reference of a particular thing or in other words the model is a simple picture that can explain the object, system or a concept. So that with the model prepared, will help individuals, groups or organizations to be able to carry out its activities more structured. Because the model is prepared will be a reference and guidance for the executor to complete the task of the activities charged. Therefore, the importance of the existence of a model in implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) program becomes very necessary, so that the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program implemented can meet the needs of stakeholders around the company environment. This reality also occurs in PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pasific Indonesia (CPI) operational Tapung, Minas and Rumbai in Riau Province, where in implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) program that has not yet have model which become reference and guidance in its implementation. As a result, many corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation programs have not yet fulfilled the public needs that exist around the company's environment or have not met the existing public satisfaction index. This fact must of course be immediately found the right solution, so that later the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program conducted by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pasific Indonesia (CPI) operational Tapung, Minas and Rumbai in Riau Province can meet the public satisfaction index. Based on the results of interviews and observations that have been done, the proposed model of corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation program for PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pasific Indonesia (CPI) operational Tapung, Minas and Rumbai in Riau Province, as follows: Figure 2. Implementation Model of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program At PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pasific Indonesia (CPI) operational Tapung, Minas and Rumbai in Riau Province

Source: Research Results, 2016

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 110 According to the results of research analysis conducted, the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program includes eight stages, namely: 1. Program strategy Program strategy is a stage or series of activities that will be performed by individuals, groups and organizations in determining something that will be the decision to implement the program. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, the position of the program strategy becomes an important early stage in implementing the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Because the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program of a company is very dependent of the company's program strategy. Therefore the stages of program strategy in implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) program of a company, include: first, the determination of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program budget. Second, the division of the budget for each cluster or ring that is around the company 2. Set the program standard Setting the standard program is an ideal basic determination process for the achievement of a predetermined program. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, setting the standard of the program is important to know the achievement and utilization of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program. Therefore, the steps taken in establishing the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) standard are: First, plan corporate social responsibility (CSR) program for each cluster or ring of company. Second, establish a corporate social responsibility (CSR) program for each cluster or corporate ring. 3. Set program goals Setting program goals is the process of determining candidates for recipients of policy programs that have been published. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, setting program goals is important. Due to the company's ability to set target corporate social responsibility (CSR) program beneficiaries will have a positive impact for the company and raise the company's image in the surrounding environment. Therefore, in an effort to determine and set appropriate program targets, the steps that must be done by the company are: a). Doing social mapping and b). Synergize stakeholders. 4. Setting up program resources Preparing the resources of the program is the process of providing all the needs that will be used in implementing the program, such as human resources, facilities, facilities and infrastructure and so forth. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, preparing program resources is the main responsibility for the company. Because if the program resources have been determined by the company, then there will be personal- person responsible in the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program established by the company. In preparing the company's corporate social responsibility (CSR) resources, what is needed is: a). HR implementor, b). Escort personnel and c). Implementor organizations. 5. Develop SOP program Develop SOP program is a process of preparation of procedures or procedures in proposing to obtain the policy program that has been set. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, preparing program SOPs is an important step to determine criteria and requirements for prospective beneficiaries. Because in the SOP the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program prepared by the company will

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 111 establish criteria that must be met by the target group if they want to obtain corporate social responsibility (CSR) program owned by the company. SOP program that has been prepared at least has the following criteria: a). Submit proposal of program proposal, b). There is approval from the local government, c). List the region or cluster of the company and d). Lists required CSR programs. 6. Program communication Program communication is the process of delivering a policy program to all target groups or target groups included in the policy program area. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, program communication becomes important to smooth the program. Because the communication delivered is the first step to provide information to the target group or target groups that have been determined. For that in communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) program the company required steps as follows: a). Socializing the program, b). Inform the program and c). Expose the program. 7. Output program Output program is a process of achieving the results of program implementation that has been done by implementing organizations and program implementors. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, a good, targeted and satisfactory program output is desirable. Due to the successful implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program to achieve the right output will give a positive image for the company in the eyes of society or public in the area around the company. Therefore, in order to achieve maximum program output, there are several steps taken by the company in implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) program that is: a). Program monitoring, b). Attitude of program implementer c). The programmer's knowledge of the program environment and d). Accountability of program implementation 8. Outcome of the program Outcome program is the impact generated from the implementation of policy programs undertaken. In the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, the program outcomes are needed to foster positive value of the community towards companies that have channeled corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. So if the emergence of the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program that was done was a negative value of the community, then the company will be as soon as possible to overcome them. This is done so as not to appear negative corporate image in the eyes of the public or the public, which in turn can hamper the company's operational routine. For that in the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program, there are at least some program outcomes that want to be generated are: a). Impact on the company and b). Impact on society or the public.

IV. CONCLUSION The conclusions obtained from the results of research in this second year are as follows: First, the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program implemented by PT. PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in Riau Province based on George Edward III's model in implementing the policy is still not running well. Because policy implementation based on communication variables, resource variables, disposition variables and bureaucratic structure variables universally still improperly implemented. As a result corporate social responsibility (CSR) program is channeled by PT. Pertamina (Persero) RU II Dumai and PT. Cevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in Riau Province still has not touched the needs of the people who are in the company's operational area. Second, the construction of the ideal corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation model generated in this study includes program

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 112 strategy variables, set program variable variables, target programming variables, program resource variables, program SOP variables, programming communication variables, program output variables And program outcome variables.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 113 and Natural Resource Policy., BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna. Vol. 43 Issue 1. Tauginiene Loretta., 2010., Corporate Social Responsibility in the Research Management., 16th EDAMBA Summer Academy. Thiel Monica., 2010., Innovation in Corporate Social Responsibility from Global Business Leaders at Panasonic., Thomson Reuters and Nanyang Business School., American Journal of Economics and Business Administration 2(2) : 194-200. Winarno Budi., 2012., Kebijakan Publik : Teori, Proses dan Studi Kasus., Pustaka Pelajar., Jakarta. Zulfian., 2014., Implementasi Kebijakan Program Pendataan Keluarga Sejahtera dalam Pendistribusian Alat Kontrasepsi Di Kabupaten Sintang., Jurnal Administrasi Publik dan Birokrasi., Volume 1 Nomor 2., ISSN : 2356-3885., Pascasarjana Universitas Terbuka.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 114 IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL REGULATION KAMPAR REGENCY NO. 1 YEAR 2013 ABOUT US READING AL-QUR'AN

Mashuri State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Abstract: Kampar regency is one of the regencies in Riau Province which has the nickname of Serambi Mecca, in accordance with the function of the Legislature and Executive, it was born in Kampar Regency Regulation No. 1 of 2013 on the program of Clever Reading Al-Qur'an in Kampar District. Therefore, there are obstacles that occur in the Implementation of Government Policy In Program Clever Reading Al-Qur'an in Kampar district. Where the personnel involved in this Implementation are the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Kampar District, the Education and Culture Service of Kampar Regency and the Majelis Ulama Indonesia of Kampar Regency. Based on the above, it can be seen that regarding the Implementation of Government Policy in the Clever Program of Reading Al-Qur'an in Kampar District there are still many problems in terms of Socialization, Coordination, Resources and Evaluation so that the number of Kampar residents can not read Al-Qur ' as many as 2996 people from 5209 people in total dikecamatan . Obstacles can be found Implementation Government Policy In Program Clever Reading Al-Qur'an, namely in various problems socialization programs, facilities, human resources, coordination between personnel teams and the ability of the team personnel themselves.

Kata Kunci: Implementation, policy, reading al-qur'an

I. LATAR BELAKANG Dampak krisis globalisasi terhadap moral masyarakat, sangat berdampak dikalangan remaja atau peserta didik dan mengalami kondisi yang buruk. Dari berbagai media, banyak menginformasikan moral yang berkenaan dengan remaja seperti banyaknya remaja atau masyarakat yang menggunakan narkoba, hubungan seksual yang berakibatkan hamil pra- nikah, aborsi, tawuran, membunuh orang tua sendiri dll. Hal tersebut sangat meresahkan masyarakat, semakin zaman semakin meningkatnya kenakalan yang dilakukan remaja. Globalisasi yang terus berkembang pesat sangat mempengaruhi segala aspek kehidupan manusia. Mulai dari ekonomi, politik, ideologi, teknologi sampai pendidikan. Pada dasanya memang pasti terjadi, karena manusia di tuntut untuk saling berhubungan dan menciptakan hal-hal yang baru, sehingga manusia mampu bertahan hidup. Sangat mustahil globalisasi akan dihentikan, karena sama saja membunuh hasrat kreatifitas manusia dan kodrat manusia untuk menciptakan hal baru. Namun tidak berarti kita harus mengikuti arus globalisasi secara mentah, tetapi mampu untuk memilih dampak positif dan negatif dari globalisasi yang mau tidak mau akan kita lalui. Globalisasi tersebut juga akan terjadi dikalangan masyarakat Kabupaten Kampar. Kampar merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang terletak di Provinsi Riau. Provinsi yang menjunjung tinggi nilai moral. sedangkan kabupaten Kampar memiliki visi Terwujudnya Masyarakat Kabupaten Kampar Yang Madani, Berakhlak, Dan Bermoral Menuju Kehidu- pan yang Sehat, Sejahtera, Serta Berdaya Saing Pada Tahun 2016. Kabupaten Kampar yang terkenal dengan sebutan Negeri Serambi Mekah dan telah melahirkan sebuah pilar pembangunan, sebagai pondasi untuk meningkatkan tingkat pembangunan masyarakat yaitu Meningkatkan Akhlak dan Moral bagi masyarakta yang bertempat tinggal di Kabupaten Kampar. Kebijakan yang telah dibuat oleh pemerintah daerah kabupten Kampar mendapat dukungan dari masyarakat Kabupaten Kampar, karna hal ini merupakan aspek utama dalam menjalannya program pandai membaca Al-Qur’an, dan penduduk Kabupaten

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 115 Kampar yang memiliki penduduk beragama Islam terbesar. Ini dapat dilihat dari data kependudukan dan catatan sipil kabupaten Kampar yang beragama islam berjumlah 819.566 orang. Jika keseluruhan penduduk dapat mendukung program pandai membaca Al-Qur’an ini apalagi penduduk yang beragama Islam, maka akan terlaksana dengan baik dan pemerintah kabupaten Kampar dapat mewujudkan visi serta misi dan juga Lima Pilar pembangunan sebagai pondasi dalam meningkatkan Pembangunan Kabupaten Kampar. Selain itu, dengan keperihatinan pemerintah terhadap permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat Kabupaten Kampar, maka pada tanggal 17 Juni 2013 pemerintah Kabupaten Kampar melahirkan sebuah Peraturan Daerah yaitu Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 Tahun 2013 Tentang Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an. Adapun peraturan ini dibuat agar dapat menghambat dampak globalisasi yang mempengaruhi masyarakat kabupaten Kampar, dimana salah satu masyarakat yang dimaksud didalam Peraturan Daerah Nomor 1 tahun 2013 tentang Pandai Membaca Al- Qur’an adalah agar masyarakat (kecua non muslim), terlebih kepada peserta didik yang dimulai berumur 6-18 tahun mampu memahami isi kandungan Al-Qur’an dan mengamalkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari agar terlahirlah generasi yang berakhlak dan bermoral dan bahwasanya Al-Qur’an merupakan kitab pedoman hidup manusia dan merupakan aspek utama dalam kehidupan manusia. Data yang diperoleh dari Kantor Kementerian Agama Kabupaten Kampar dan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Kampar, ternyata masih banyak peserta didik yang beragama Islam yang tidak bisa membaca Al-Qur’an, oleh karna itu perlu disosialisikan perihal program pandai membaca Al-Qur’an sehingga dengan lahirnya peraturan daerah ini bisa mengurangi buta aksara baca al-quran di Kabupaten Kampar. Jika implementasi peraturan daerah ini terus terjadi dapat diperkirakan 2 sampai 3 tahun lagi tidak ada lagi generasi penerus yang tidak berakhlak dan bermoral. Apalagi dengan julukan Kabupaten Kampar merupakan serambi Makkah propinsi Riau, dan sangat disayangkan jika generasi muda Islam saat ini tidak mengetahui membaca Al-Qur’an, padahal Al-Qur’an adalah kitab pedoman setiap umat muslim didunia.

II. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN a. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan Kegiatan atau aktivitas adalah suatu pekerjaan yang mendukung suatu target yang ingin dicapai dan merupakan suatu pembuktian dari kegiatan itu sendiri. Sehingga untuk mencapai Implementasi dari kebijakan pemerintah dalam program pandai membaca Al- Qur’an ini, maka harus dilakukan suatu kegiatan yang disebut dengan sosialisasi, dengan harapan sosialisasi mampu membantu personil kegiatan untuk mempublikasikan peraturan daerah kepada seluruh target sasaran dan masyarakat. Untuk mendukung agar terlaksananya suatu program itu, maka bagaimana caranya pemerintah agar target sasaran yang dituju mampu benar-benar mengetahui bahwa benar adanya pemerintah melahirkan sebuah program untuk mensejahterakan rakyatnya , maka MUI dilibatkan penyuluhan di mesjid-mesjid melalui para Da’i b. Target sasaran Target sasaran dari sosialisasi program menjadikan suatu tolak ukur dalam pelaksanaan program pandai membaca Al-Qur’an, dengan mengetahui target sasaran dalam pelaksanaan suatu tujuan, akan mampu memberikan gambaran dan penyebaran pelaksanaan suatu program, termasuk pelaksanaan program pandai membaca Al-Qur’an ini. target sasaran sosialisasi program pandai membaca Al-Qur’an ini adalah seluruh komponen yang ada di seluruh kecamatan, misalnya seluruh kepala desa dan perangkatnya, guru-guru agama dan penyuluh-penyuluh agama.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 116 Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Kampar No 1 Tahun 2013 tentang pandai membaca Al- qur’an tidak akan terealisasi dengan baik disemua komponen dan juga stekholder apabila tingkat kesadaran dan konsisten dalam pelaksanaan suatu kebijakan adalah suatu pendukung dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan, agar suatu kebijaka mampu terlaksana dengan baik. Seperti kita ketahui, bahwasanya kebijakan program pandai memebca Al-Qur’an ini adalah salah satu kebijakan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dalam meningkatkan akhlak dan moral masyarakat. Di tengah-tengah masyarakat dalam rangka utuk mendapatkan dan juga mengetahui tingkat kesadaran dan komitmen personil dalam implementasi peraturan daerah ini, hal ini Sesuai dengan teori Edward III bahwasanya konsistensi adalah perintah yang diberikan dalam pelaksanaan suatu komunikasi haruslah konsisten dan jelas. Sedangkan implemen- tasi peraturan daerah yang utama adalah Sosialisasi, dan dikabuapten kampar masih kurang terlaksananya sosialisasi terhadap seluruh kecamatan dikabupaten Kampar. Di- karenakan ada beberapa subindikator yang tidak terlaksana, diantaranya kegiatan yang diselenggarakan belum maksimal, hanya sebatas sosialisasi terhadap beberapa kecamatan. Salah satu fasilitas yang diperlukan berupa kendaraan (mobil) juga masih belum memadai, hal ini dikarenakan anggaran yang diperlukan belum dipenuhi secara maksimal. Bentuk- bentuk sosialisasi pun hanya sebatas presentase, ceramah dan tanya jawab, hal ini juga masih berhubungan dengan anggaran yang belum memadai. Kemudian sudah sosialisai, maka yang kedua adalah sumberdaya, dimana sumber- daya yang digunakan untuk Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar masih belum memadai, Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di kabupaten Kampar ini dapat dilihat dari tingkat kesadaran dan konstitensi dari tim personil, dimana dalam melaksanakan Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al- Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar hanya beberapa personil tim dalam sosialisasi peraturan daerah keagamaan Kabupaten Kampar, sehingga sedikit menyulitkan tim personil yang lain dalam mensosialisasikan peraturan daerah ini. selain itu, kualitas dan kuantitas pegawai sendiri yang terlibat didalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di kabupaten Kampar ini pun masih kurangnya pemahaman mereka terhadap Peraturan daerah ini, baik itu terhadap pegawai dari Kementerian Agama, Dinas pendidikan dan kebudayaan serta dari Majelis Ulama Indonesia sendiri. Hal yang penting lagi yaitu Evaluasi, dalam hal evaluasi masing-masing personil yang terlibat didalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar ini masih belum memiliki persiapan yang efektif dan efisien, sehingga tolak ukur yang akan dijadikan oleh penilaian bagi masing- masing pihak belum terlihat, apakah Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar berhasil atau tidak secara penilaian masing-masing pihak. Hal ini dikarenakan dukungan dari pemerintah dalam sumberdaya keuangan serta manusia atau personil belum memadai, sehingga langkah kaki personil menjadi terbatas. Namun demikian dapat dipaparkan bahwasanya Kabupaten Kampar merupakan satu-satunya kabupaten yang memiliki empat peraturan keagamaan, hal ini merupakan salah satu kebanggaan dari Pemerintah dan masyarakat Kabupaten Kampar sendiri serta merupakan Kabupaten yang dijadikan contoh bagi semua Kabupaten khususnya Kabupaten di Provinsi Riau.

III. SIMPULAN Berdasarkan analisa yang telah dipaparkan maka dapat ditarik suatu kesimpulan sebagai bentuk harapan agar dapat menjadikan suatu manfaat bagi Pemerintah Daerah,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 117 khususnya personil-peraonil yang terlibat didalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar. Bahwa dalam implementasi program pandai membaca Al-qur’an perlu dilakukan sosialisasi, karena masih ada instansi yang belum mengetahui atau berlakunya program Pandai Membaca Al- Qur’an Perda No 1 Tahun 2013 di Kabupaten Kampar. Selanjutnya evaluasi dari Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar belum maksimal, dikarenakan tujuan utama dilahirkannya program ini belum tercapai, masih banyak masyarakat belum tau tentang adanya peraturan daerah tentang pandai membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar. Hal tersebut menjadi suatu faktor penghambat dalam Implementasi Kebijakan Pemerintah Dalam Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar, yaitu berupa kurang maksimalnya tim personil dalam mensosialisasikan Program Pandai Membaca Al-Qur’an di Kabupaten Kampar.

DAFTAR PUSTAKA Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahannya. 2013. PT. Insan Media Pustaka, Jakarta Ade Jamarudin. 2011. Epistimologi Ilmu-Ilmu Al-Qur’an. Hakim, Jawa Barat Budi Winarno. 2007. Kebijakan Publik/Teori dan Proses. Media Pressindo, Yogyakarta Edi Suharto. 2010. Analisa Kebijakan Publik Panduan Praktis Mengkaji Masalah dan Kebijakan Publik. CV Alfabeta, Bandung Guntur Setiawan. 2004. Implementasi Dalam Birokrasi Pembangunan. CV. Alfabeta, Bandung Kencana Inu Syafiie. 2006. Ilmu Administrasi Publik. PT Rineka Cipta, Jakarta Kristian Widya Wicaksono, 2006. Administrasi dan Birokrasi Pemerintah. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta Leo Agustino. 2014. Dasar-dasar Kebijakan Publik. CV Alfabeta, Bandung Miftah Thoha. 2002. Dimensi-dimensi Prima Ilmu Administrasi Negara. PT RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta Miftah Thoha. 2008. Ilmu Administrasi Publik Kontemporer. Kencana, Jakarta Riant Nugroho. 2009. Public Policy, Dinamika Kebijakan, Analisis Kebijakan, Manajeman Kebijakan. Gramedia, Jakarta Riant Nugroho. 2013. Metode Penelitian Kebijakan. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta Samodra Wibawa, 2011. Politik Perumusan Kebijakan Publik. Graham Ilmu. Yogyakarta Subarsono. 2005. Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta Solichin Abdul Wahab. 2004. Analisis Imlementasi Kebijaksanaan Negara. Bumi Aksara. Jakarta Solichin Abdul Wahab. 2005. Analisis Kebijaksanaan: Dari Formulasi Ke Implementasi Kebijaksanaan Negara. PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta Solichin Abdul Wahab. 2012. Analisis Kebijakan : Dari Formulasi Ke Penyusunan Model- Model Implementasi Kebijakan Publik. PT Bumi Aksara, Jakarta Syafaruddin. 2008. Efektifitas Kebijakan. PT. Rineka Cipta, Jakarta Widodo. 2006. Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Bayu Media Publishing, Malang Zaid Zainal Abidin. 2004. Kebijakan Publik (Edisi Revisi). Yayasan Pancur Siwah, Jakarta

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 118 IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW NUMBER 18 YEAR 2008 REGARDING WASTE MANAGEMENT

Ernawaty Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abtract: The consumtion patterns of high society will impact on the amount of production waste generated, no exception to that occurring in the District North Pekanbaru. The District Pekanbaru as one of the Distict in the Pekanbaru City lot of rubbish both derived from household waste and non-household. The trashy are not managed properly will lead to a variety of diseases that can be contracted in the community and reduce the beaty of the city. Therefore, Pekanbaru municipality passed a law number 18 0f 2008 on waste management. Purpose of this research is to investigate the implementation of regional regulation number 18 0f 2008 on waste management in the district of the Pekanbaru City. Used theoretical consepts using theoris Edwards that covers aspects of communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. This study uses qualitative researches methods to study, descriptive information. In the information collection reseacers use interviewing technique, observation and documentation. By using purposive sampling. The result of this research showed that the implementation of legislation waste is still not running optimally because there are still some obstacles. Factor inhibiting factor in the implementation of Regional Regulation No. 18 of 2008 on waste management in the district of Pekanbaru is policy Implementor of Garbage Worker Performance remains low, Fasilities and infrastructure that is trash, Motor Tricycles that is still not enough and Public Participation is still low.

Keywords: Communication, resource, disposition, bureaucratic structure.

I. PENDAHULUAN Persoalan sampah merupakan isu penting disetiap perkotaan yang memerlukan penanganan serius dan propesional, salah satunya di Kota Pekanbaru. Dengan dikeluar- kannya Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah, diharapkan sampah dapat terkelola dengan baik, namun kenyataannya volume timbunan sampah semakin tinggi di Kota Pekanbaru. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui imple- mentasi Undang-Undang RI Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah dan mengetahui faktor-faktor prnghambat dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang RI Nomor 18 Tahun 2008. Konsep teori yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teori Edwards, yang mencanckup aspek komunikasi, sumber daya, disposisi dan struktur birokrasi.

II. METODE Desain penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi, wawancara, pengisian kuisioner oleh responden, dan studi literature. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Pekanbaru dan stockholder yang terlibat pada penelitian ini adalah dinas kebersihan dan pertamanan Kota Pekanbaru, beserta staf bagian pengelolaan sampah. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik purposite sampling, indikator variable komunikasi yang dimaksudkan disini adalah komunikasi pengelola dengan masyarakat mengenai pengelolaan sampah yang baik, tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, sumber daya yang dimaksudkan disini adalah sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh implementor atau pembuat kebijakan, disposisi adalah sikap para implementor atau pembuat kebujakan dalam menginformasikan kebijakan yang telah dibuat, struktur birokrasi disini adalah para pengelola sampah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008, adanya

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 119 pembagian tugas yang jelas dari orang-orang yang terdapat dalam struktur birokrasi tersebut.

III. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Republik Indinesia Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah, dijelaskan bahwa Dinas Kebersihan dan Pertamanan diberi we- wenang sebagai pengelola sampah karena samapah sudah menjadi permasalahan yang serius, jika sampah tidak dikelola dengan baik akan menimbulkan pencemaran lingkungan, terganggunya kesehatan masyarakat, menimbulkan bau yang tidak sedap. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk mengakibatkan bertambahnya timbunan sampah. Pola konsumsi mas- yarakat memberikan kontribusi volume timbunan sampah semakin tinggi. Untuk mengetahui implementasi Undang-Undang Republik Indinesia Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah, diukur melalui indikator-indikator sebagai berikut : 1. Komunikasi Komunikasi adalah proses penyampaian informasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 Mengenai Pengelolaan Samapah kepada Instansi terkait, petugas operasional samapah dan masyarakat. Komunikasi ini dilakukan melalui pertemuan atau rapat-rapat anatara implementor/para pembuat kebijakan, dan mengadakan sosialisasi kepada mas- yarakat. Tanggapan responden mengenai komunikasi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengolaan Sampah dapat dijelaskan pada tabel V.I sebagai berikut : Tabel.1 Distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai komunkasi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru

No Katagori Jawaban Frekuensi Presentase

1. Ada dilakukan 20 25,31

2. Kurang dilakukan 32 40,51 3. Tidak dilakukan 27 34,17

Jumlah 79 100,00

Dari distribusi tanggapan responden pada tabel 1 diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa tanggapan responden mengenai komunikasi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru ternyata kurang dilakukan dalam pelaksanaannya yaitu sebanyak 32 orang responden (40,51%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dan tanggapan responden yang mengatakan tidak melakukannya komunikasi dalam mengimplementasi- kan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008, ada 27 orang responden (34,17%) yang memberikan tanggapannya, selanjutnya tanggapan responden mengenai komunikasi dalam mengimplementasikan Undanga -Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 ada dilakukan hanya 20 orang (25,31%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dengan demikian tanggapan responden mengenai komunikasi dalam mengimple- mentasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru kurang dilakukan yakni sebanyak 32 orang (40,51%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dari hasil penelitian hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya komunikasi antar implementor/ pembuat kebijakan dengan instansi terkait maupun dengan masyarakat.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 120 2. Sumber Daya Sumber daya pada penelitian ini adalah sumber daya para implementor/ pembuat kebijakan ditinajau dari kemampuan dalam membuat kebijakan, mulai dari perencanaan dalam menyusun kebijakan, sarana dan prasarana angkutan samapah, sanksi-sanksi yang diterapkan bagi pelanggaran terhadap sampah yang dibuang dengan sembarangan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai sumber daya dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru sebagai berikut : Tabel. 2 Distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai sumber daya dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru

No Katagori Jawaban Frekuensi Presentase

1. Memilik Sdm 23 29,11 2. Kurang memiliki Sdm 30 37,98

3. Tidak memiliki Sdm 26 32,91 Jumlah 79 100,00

Dari distribusi tanggapan responden pada tabel 2 diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa tanggapan responden mengenai sumber daya dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru ternyata kurang memiliki sumber daya manusia para implementor/ pembuat kebijakan yaitu sebanyak 30 orang responden (37,98%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dan tanggapan responden yang mengatakan tidak memiliki sumber daya manusia dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008, ada 26 orang responden (32,91%) yang memberikan tanggapannya, selanjutnya tanggapan responden mengenai implementor tidak memiliki sumber daya dalam mengimplementasikan Undanga -Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 ada 23 orang responden (29,11%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dengan demikian tanggapan responden mengenai sumber daya implementor/ penbuat kebijakan dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru kurang kurang memiliki sumber daya yakni sebanyak 30 orang (37,98%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dari hasil penelitian hal ini dikarenakan kurangnya sum- ber daya implementor/ pembuat kebijakan, para implementor kurang membuat perenca- naan terlebih dahulu sebelum kebijakan dibuat.

3. Disposisi Disposisi pada penelitian ini adalah sikap yang dimiliki oleh para implementor/ pembuat kebijakan, artinya apakah kebijakan yang dibuat mendapat respon dari masya- rakat, sehingga masyarakat berpartisipasi dalam pengelolaan sampah. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai disposisi dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru sebagai berikut :

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 121 Tabel. 3 Distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai disposisi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru

No Katagori Jawaban Frekuensi Presentase 1. Adanya respon 19 24,25

2. Kurang adanya respon 40 50,63 3. Tidak adamya respon 20 25,31

Jumlah 79 100,00

Dari distribusi tanggapan responden pada tabel V.3 diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa tanggapan responden mengenai disposisi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru ternyata kurang memiliki respon dari masyarakat dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan yaitu sebanyak 40 orang responden (50,63%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dan tanggapan responden yang mengatakan tidak memiliki respon dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008, ada 20 orang responden (25,31%) yang memberikan tanggapannya, selanjutnya tanggapan responden mengenai implementor adanya respon masyarakat dalam mengimplementasikan Undanga - Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 ada 19 orang responden (24,05%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dengan demikian tanggapan responden mengenai disposisi dalam mengimple- mentasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru kurang memiliki respon dari masyarakat yakni sebanyak 40 orang (50,63%) yang memberikan tanggapan- nya. Dari hasil penelitian hal ini dikarenakan kurang seriusnya para implementor/ pembuat kebijakan, dalam mengadakan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat di Kota Pekanbaru mengenai arti pentingnya pengelolaan sampah yang baik, dan dapat menambah pendapatan keluarga.

4. Struktur Birokrasi Birokrasi yang dimaksudkan pada penelitian ini adalah para pengelola kebijakan tentang pengelolaan sampah sesuai dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008. Pengelola disini adalah Dinas Kebersihan dan Peratamanan Kota Pekanbaru, mulai dari perencanaan, sarana dan prasarana, armada angkutan sampah, jumlah petugas oprasional pengangkutan sampah, dan jadwal pengakutan sampah. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai struktu birokrasi dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru sebagai berikut :

Tabel. 4 Distribusi tanggapan responden mengenai struktur birokrasi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru

No Katagori Jawaban Frekuensi Presentase

1. Sesuai 18 22,78

2. Kurang sesuai 38 48,10

3. Tidak sesuai 23 29,11 Jumlah 79 100,00

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 122 Dari distribusi tanggapan responden pada tabel 4 diatas dapat dijelaskan bahwa tanggapan responden mengenai struktur birokrasi dalam implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru ternyata kurang sesuai dalam mengimple- mentasikan kebijakan yaitu sebanyak 38 orang responden (48,10%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dan tanggapan responden yang mengatakan tidak sesuai dalam mengim- plementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008, ada 23 orang responden (29,11%) yang memberikan tanggapannya, selanjutnya tanggapan responden mengenai sesuainya para implementor dalam mengimplementasikan Undanga -Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 ada 18 orang responden (22,78%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dengan demikian tanggapan responden mengenai struktur birokrasi para imple- mentor dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru kurang sesuaidalam pelaksanaannya yakni sebanyak 38 orang (48,10%) yang memberkan tanggapannya. Dari hasil penelitian hal ini dikarenakan para implementor/ pembuat kebijakan, kurang memiliki komitmen, kurangnya koordinasi dengan Instansi terkait dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 Tentang Pengelolaan Sampah. Dari distribusi tanggapan responden dapat disimpulkan rekapitulasi tanggapan responden mengenai implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru dapat dijelaska pada tabel sebagai berikut : Tabel. 5 Rekapitulasi tanggapan responden mengenai implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 di Kota Pekanbaru No Indikator baik Kurang baik Tidak baik jumlah 1. Komunikasi 20 (25,31%) 32 (40,51%) 27 (19,23%) 79 (100,00)

2. Sumber daya 23 (29,11%) 30 (37,98%) 26 (32,91%) 79 (100,00) manusia 3. Disposisi 19 (24,05%) 40 (50,63%) 20 (25,31%) 79 (100,00)

4. Struktur birokrasi 18 (22,78%) 38 (48,10%) 23 (29,11%) 79 (100,00)

Jumlah 80 140 96 316

Rata-rata 20 (25,31%) 35 (44,30%) 24 (30,38%) 79 (100,00)

Dari tabel tanggapan responden mengenai implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru dapat dijelaskan bahwa dari indikator komunikasi ternyata kurang baik yakni sebnyak 32 orang responden (40,51%) responden memberikan tanggapannya, selanjutnya pada indicator sumber daya manusia juga termasuk pada kategori kurang baik yakni sebanyak 30 orang responden (37,98%) reponden yang memberikan tanggapannya, untuk indicator disposisi tanggapan responden juga kurang baik yaitu sebnayak 40 orang responden (50,63%) yang memberikan tanggapannya, selanjutnya pada indikator struktur birokrasi tanggapan responden juga termasuk pada kategori kurang baik yaitu sebanyak 38 orang (48,10%) yang memberikan tanggapannya. Dengan demikian dari hasil rekapitulasi tanggapan responden mengenai implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008, tentang pengelolaan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru melalui indicator-indikator yang digunakan pada penelitian ini ternyata dari hasil penelitian termasuk pada kategori “kurang baik” yakni sebanyak 35 orang responden (44,30%) yang memeberikan tanggapannya dari 79 orang responden secara keseluruhan.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 123 IV. SIMPULAN Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan mengenai implementasi Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah ternyata dalam pelaksanaannya kurang baik atau kurang optimal. Adapun faktor-faktor penghambat dalam implementasi Undang- Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 dikarenakan implementor kebijakan yaitu kurangnya perencanaan dalam pembuatan kebijakan, kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki oleh para implementor, kurang seriusnya para implementor dalam membuat kebijakan, hal ini mengakibatkan pengelolaan sampah kurang sesuai dengan Peraturan yang telah ditetapkan. Kurangnya sarana dan prasarana dalam pengelolaan sampah seperti kurangnya ar- mada pengangukutan sampah, kurangnya tenaga operasional sampah, kurangnya TPS maupun TPA tempat pembuangan sampah, kurangnya peralatan dalam pengankutan sampah, dari hasil penelitian banyaknya timbunan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru kurang sesuai dengan jumlah armada angkutan sampah, sempitnya lahan TPA dan TPS untuk pembuangan sampah, termasuk peralatan untuk para petugas operasional sampah. Partisipasi masyarakat juga merupakan salah satu faktor penghambat dalam pe- ngelolaan sampah, hal ini dikarenakan Kurangnya sosialisasi para implementor pembuat kebijakan kepada masyarakat tentang pengelolaan sampah adalah merupakan salah satu faktor penghambat dalam mengimplementasikan Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 2008 tentang pengelolaan sampah. Hal ini megakibatkan banyaknya timbunan sampah baik dirumah pemukiman penduduk, pasar, rumah makan, ruko-ruko dan sebagainya.

REFERENSI Agustino, Leo. 2012. Dasar-Dasar Kebijakan Public. Bandung, cv. Alfabeta. Islami, irfan. 2000. Pengambilan Kebijakan, Jakarta, Ghalia Indonesia. Kartikawan, 2007. Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup Yang Sehat. Pustaka Pelajar Yogyakarta Neolaka, Amos. 2008. Kesehatan Lingkungan. Rineka Cipta Jakarta Nugroho, Riant, 2011. Public Policy, Jakarta, PT. Elex Media Komputindo Nugroho, Riant, 2006. Kebijakan Publik Untuk Negara Berkembang. PT. Gramedia Jakarta Nugroho, Riant, 2003. Kebijakan Publik, Formulasi, Implementasi dan Evaluasi, Jakarta: PT. Elex Media Komputindo Pitoyo. C, 2012, Studi Komposisi Sampah Perkotaan Pada Tingkat Rumah Tangga, Jakarta. Subarsono, AG, 2008. Analisa Kebijakan Publik, Konsep dan Teori Aplikasinya, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta Sunggono, Bambang. 2004. Hukum dan Kebijakan Publik. Sinar Grafika Jakarta Tachjan, 2006. Implementasi Kebijakan Publik, Lemlit UNPAD. Bandung.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 124 THE POWER RELATION AT THE VIOLENCE RITUAL IN THE URBAN AFFAIRS

Yoserizal & Yesi Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: This research wants to know what kind of power relation pushes Pekanbaru citizen recently who does violence action towards crime agent that is caught in the act, meanwhile the soft and cultured malay culture never accommodates that hot-tempered action. By knowing the power relation, so it will be able to be eliminated the citizzen‟s violence action through socialization from various stakeholders, especially local police party. The Method of Focus Group Disccusion (FGD) is hoped to be able to help in the field research.

Keywords: Power relation, citizen‟s response

I. INTRODUCTION The violence that is showed off is not something strange in the violence history in Indonesian, under those in front of the public, the most in plain view and monumental is mass genocide tragedy after September 30th 1965 (one version mentions by term of Gestapu, another version mentions it Gestok). That mass genocide occured for less than a year (1965-1966), in some regions, especially in Java and bali. The estimation of victim sum of that violence action nationally is enough various. The data from Ben Anderson and Mac Vey mentions the victim as many around 500.000 until 1.000.000 people. Meanwhile Brackman mentions around 70.000 people. Especially for the genocide in Bali, Geoffry Robinson estimated the sum of victim as many 40.000 until 100.000. in Middle Java, the data of Hughes shows 70.000 people. And East Java as many 100.000 people (Dwipayana, 2001:25) Not only on the roads with various variants, rite or ritual of citizen‟s violence also happened in bulding of Region Indonesian Legislative Assembly of North Sumatera, where the students and citizen that claimed the formation of a new province, set their annoyance free to the head of region Indonesian Legislative Assembly, and finally the head was died because of that action. The quarrel of Koja Tanjung Priok‟s citizen with oficials of civil service police and the polices that happened in last April 14th 2012 used up three victims from civi service, only because of misunderstanding, where the citizen considered that the condemnation from the grave of Mbah Priok that they considered sacred, whereas province government of DKI would renovate the grave and made it culture pledge. This event showed how the violence rite still became choice when various problems couldn‟t be solved by discussion. The city of Pekanbaru that is one of relative big city with the sum of enough densely populated with the inhabitant growth level around 3.45 % in 1990-2005 (BPS, 2006). The increase of inhabitant sum in the city of Pekanbaru is in proportion to the high crime level. Based on the temporary data that the writer got inthe field, the sum of criminal act experienced the increase where in 2008 as many 610 criminal acts that were reported by police party. In 2009, this sum got increasing into 847 criminal acts that were reported to the police (the Police of Big city of Pekanbaru, 2009). This increase also happened in some regions in Pekanbaru city that can be looked in the tabel as follows:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 206 Tabel 1.1 The Comparation of Criminal Act Sum 2010 with 2011 that was based on the Police of Big City of Pekanbaru (2012)

Nr The Unit The Criminal Act Sum Trend Yr.2008 Yr.2009 (%) 1. Poltabes of Pekanbaru 610 847 38.88 2. Polsek of Pekanbaru 102 151 48.04 City 3. Polsek of Senapelan 92 133 44.56 4. Polsek of Lima Puluh 98 219 123.46 5. Polsek of Rumbai 77 169 119.48 Pesisir 6. Polsek of Tampan 277 313 12.99 7. Polsek of Bukit Raya 248 258 4.032 8. Polsek of Sukajadi 158 286 81.01 9. Polsek of Tenayan 132 121 8.33 Raya 10. Polsekta of Rumbai 48 75 56.25 11 KPPP 9 7 22.22 Total 1851 2379 28.52

The criminal act that happens in this city shows different responses from the citizens, the local daily report of Riau Pos January 25th 2012, showed a snatcher of woman‟s bag in Sudirman street was caught by mass and overwhelmed until at death‟s door, then the body was thrown out to the moat. Several days, the same newspaper reported a youth that was lost in dead-end alley also overwhelmed by the citizzen because he didn‟‟t want to show his identity and was not able to convince the citizen about his destination until in the alley. Various efforts and responses of society towards crime act like taking the law into someone‟s own hands until making special organization to increase security in their region, the writer was interesting to analyze this problem deeper. Of course, the society‟s response is not only for the doers of crime act but also to involved institution that has the duty of guarding , society‟s orderliness especially the police party. This study wants to know how the society‟s response is towards crime act that happens in Pekanbaru city?

II. THE OBSERVATION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY 2.1 The deviated Behaviour Although, in the fact, we can mention various forms of deviated behaviour, but defining the meaning of the deviated behaviouris difficult thing because general agreement about that is different under the various society groups. Thus, the definition about deviated behaviour is relative, it depends on the society that defines it, the culture values from a society, and era, period, and certain period of time. According to Clinard and Meier (1989), te deviated behaviour can be defined differently based on four point of views, namely: a. According to statistics: all behaviours that are opposite from an action that is unmoral or behaviour that is seldom or often done. b. Absolutely: the infraction against the basic rules from a community, where the community has understood clearly what kind of action that is grouped deviated and not.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 207 c. Reactively: the behaviour that is labeled to him or other people have given label to him. d. Normatively: the deviated action or behaviour from the norms, where the actions are not agreed or considered disgracefull and will get negative sanction from the society. Generally, the deviated behaviour can be grouped to be four actions, namely (Narwoko,2006) : 1. The nonconformed action is unsuitable behaviour with values or norms. example: smoking in the forbidden area, cutting class, etc. 2. The antisocial or asocial action is action that breaks society habit or public interest, like: withdrawing from intercourse, using drugs or alcoholic drink, etc. 3. The crime actions are real action that forbide written law rules and threat soul or other people‟s safe like: stealing, killing, corruption, rape, etc. Moreover, narwoko explains in his book of Sosiologi (2006), the point of deviated behaviour if looked from the process, divided into two steps, namely: a. Primary deviance This deviance is experinced by someone where he/she has not had yet concept as deviance or doesn‟t realize if his/her behaviour is deviated. The form of primary deviance is usually experienced by someone that doesn‟t realize that his behaviour can point into heavier deviance direction. b. Secondary deviance An deviated action that develops when the doer from the deviance gets reinforcement through his involvement with people or group that also are deviated. According to Robert M.Z Lawang in Doyle (2007) the deviated behaviour can be grouped to be four types namely criminal act or crime, sexual deviance, deviance in the form of using or over consumption and deviance in the life style. The understanding about how someone or group of people can behave deviated, like doing violence act, can be learnt from various teoritical prespectives, one of is through perspective of Robert K Merton with his theory namely Theory of Anomie or Theory of Strain. According to Merton (Santoso,2001), the crime doesn‟t happen because of sudden social change but because of social structure that makes ineffective the same goal for every society but it doesn‟t provide and give smooth means to reach it. The coming of Anomie situation, by Merton (Clinard & Meier, 1989) is illustrated as follows: 1. Modern indutry society, like United States, more emphasizes material success achievement that is created in the form of wealth or riches and high education. 2. If that thign is reached so they are considered as person that has reached the goals of status or cultural that is wanted by the society. For achieving the status goal, exactly it must be through access or institutionalized means, eample school, formal work, etc. 3. Hence in the fact, the legal institution access has sum that can not be enjoyed by all stratums of society, especially low society stratum. 4. The impact of the access limitation, so the anomie situation comes, namely: a situation where there is no meeting point between the goals of status/cultural and legal ways that are availabel to reach that goal. 5. Herewith the anomie is a situation or name from situation where social situation or society‟s condition more emphasizes the important goals of status, but the sum of legal ways for reaching the status goal are less.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 208 According to Merton (1967) there are some different ways forthe member of society to solve strain that is made from disability to reach success. To conceptualize the responses that can happen, Merton develops tipology or adaptation modes. This thing can be seen from tabel as follows: Tabel 1.2 A Typology of Modes of Individual Adaptation

Modes of Adaptation Culture Goals Institutionalized Means Conformity + + Innovation + - Ritualism - + Retrealism - - Rebellion + + Source : Merton (1967).Ket : + : Acceptance- : Rejection± : Rejection and Subtitution

The first adaptation model is comformity, where most of people, although they have limited means, they don‟t do deviance. They adjust, continue to reach goal such as success, and believe in conventional means legitimation or institutionalized means where the success can be reached. According to Merton, most of crime act can be categorized as innovation, because this adaptation includes them that still convince success that is considered worthy but changing to use illegitimate means or illegal means if they meet walls or hindrance towards legal means to get the economy success. On tne opposite side, the people that adapt by ritualism seem terlihat conformity with norms that arrange institutionalized means. Hence, they calm strain or pressure by decreasing their aspirations scale until in the point that they can reach easily. Than pursuing cultur goal about success, they tend to avoid the risk and live in daily life routinity limits. Retreatism, in the other side making more dramatic response. Pressured by social hopes that are showed by conventional life style, they set loyalty free both in cultural success goal and to legitimate means. They are people that “are in society but not of it”. They escape from society principles with various deviated way, example: becoming alcohol addict, drug user, psychosis, or becoming vagrant and the form of most top withdrawaling from an activity is suicide. Finally, Merton names last adaptation with rebellion namely adaptation of people that don‟t only refuse but also want to change the system. Isolated from valid goal and normative measures, they propose the change with one set of equipment of goals and new means. In American, example from rebelion may be mentioned socialist group that more choose group success than indivdual success with a norm that directs wealth distribution smoothly and suitable with needs than unsmooth distribution and suitable with result from cruel competition. According to statistics,, the crime is a human being‟s behaviour that is created by society. Although, the society has various different behaviours, but there is certain parts inside that have same pattern. This condition might be because of norm system in the society. The symptom that is called crime basically happens in social interaction process under the parts in society that have authority to do the formulation about crime with the parties that indeed do the crime.

III. METHOD This research will be implemented in Pekanbaru city. This research location, the writer chooses (by purposived) with the judgement that based on the redorded data in the

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 209 police, the number or total of criminal act report in the other subdistricts in Pekanbaru city. For getting result or data that support this research, the writer decides and groups the sum of informants that will be researched, namely: a) The main informant: consists of 5 people of Pekanbaru city‟s societies that have experienced criminal act in the region of Pekanbaru city and 5 people of Pekanbaru city‟s societies that don‟t experience criminal act. b) The additional informant: consists of 5 doers of criminal act in Pekanbaru city and 5 police officials from Kapolsek sector of Tampan that have as duty to handle case or criminal act that happens in Pekanbaru City.

IV. RESULT DAN DISCUSSION 4.1.The Society’s Response Towards The Kind of Crime The criminal act is not a disease that can spread, not only congenital disease ot somnething that can be inherited. The meaning of crime is a relative meaning, a conotation that depends on values and social scale (I Nyoman Nurjaya (1985). According to Richard Quiney (Muhadar, 2006) the crime is a formulation about human being‟‟s behaviour that is created by the means that has authority in a community that is politically organized, even so the crime is something that is created. A part of Indonesian society interprets the crime as violation on criminal law both in criminal regulation and in admnistration regulation that has criminal sanction. The perception means the crime does it ahead the law so it means an activity that really inflicts a loss the society, then the criminal law comes to protect the society (Mardjono Reksodiputro, 1993 : 1-2) In the perspective of sociology, the crime comes because there are violation and misuse that are done by a group of society both in group and personal against the norm and value that are followed by society. Based on the law object that is broken, the crime can be divided into 4 parts like as told by Kartono (2001) namely the sector of politic economy, morality and the crime against the soul of people and things. The economy crime is used to be called as the high level crime like corruption. Because the sum of financial loss that is born by big enough country and can influence stability and orderliness and supervision of country. The doer‟s goal of this kind of criminal act is to scoop up the profit as great as possible and arrange the plan with done and details specified. Muladi (1992) identifies some economy criminal acts as follows: 1. The crime that is done in frame of the individual interest. The example is credit card 2. The crime that is done in framework of trade, government or other institutions, in framework of working but by breaking the faith. 3. The crime that is connected or trade operational continuation, but it‟s not main goal of the trade. 4. The crime of socio-economy as business effort or as main activity. According to the one of informant whose name T. Hanafiah that is one of citizen that lives in Pekanbaru City, exactly in Jl. Budi Daya tells : "...the high rate of crime especially robbing and mistreatment, because the local citizen that is careless in keeping their property, besides that the Pekanbaru City is also densely populated, it should have environment supervision system or security guard is placed in every housing so the security can be more guaranteed in every housing..." (March 10th 2012). The different response is revealed by Suharto (March 7th 2012) that has become victim of criminal act namely the robbing in 2009 tells:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 210 "...the robbing (snatching) that i experienced was really outside estimate, whereas i have been very accurate and careful in bringing that money. The doer was indeed very shrewd and fast..i felt i have been spied on a dream everything was fast and sudden... " The cases like snatching, looting, robbing until two wheeled vehicle looting if it is researched deeper, the cause is not only because of unvigilance of society or citizen. The doer of crime has been used to and expert in implementing their action, moreover if the crime action is often done by them. According to one of police official that has as duty as member of Rickshaw of criminal investigation bureau of the district police of Tampan namely JD Siregar, reveals : " general for the cases of snatching, looting, and robbing, the doer has had skill and often done it. The doer usually will spy on or watch the victim candidate for long until they can estimate the time to act..." (March 7th 2012). In implementing the action, the doers generally are hepled by some friends even most of them that have syndicate that indeed specialize to do the snatching action or 2 wwheeled vehicle looting. Every action, the doers have divided their each task until to handle and examine this case, the police official experiences the difficulty. The doers in implementing the action have arranged the plan and estimated the posiibilities included overwhelmed or caught by police official. Like as told by Lando Yumiko the suspected of looting criminal act doer: " implementing the action, i was helped by two friends that had different tasks. One who has as duty to watch and spy on the victim, one who steals the victim‟s attention. And i more often have as duty to do looting action. Usually if we are known by the mass, we will disperse and run to the streets that were not known by the society generally (tiny path) and meet again in the place that had been agreed before..." (March 7th 2012). From previous analysis can be looked that the case of looting, robbing or 2-wheeled vehicle looting are criminal act that are planed and generally the doer also consists of some people. In this case, the society of Pekanbaru City does assumption that their region is indeed less safe so it makes easy the doer to do the action. Like as revealed by Zarlita Dewita a student in one of university in Riau in March 8th 2012: "...although it‟s crowded, but it‟s not sure safe...the eample in my college, the loss of vehicle, laptop, the piercing of car etc have often happened, the college is so crowded but it can be stolen whereas the just board is usually deserted if the students go to the college, there is no guarantee. The doer has been indeed reliable..." The same expression is also revealed by Suryono one of citizen that lives in Pekanbaru City that has eperienced criminal act namely looting in the beginning of 2009: "...because the Pekanbaru city is densely populated, it is indeed affected on the criminal act, especially for the case of robbing and looting. The society must be more careful. I have been very accurate and wary to keep the supervision of house, it can be still robbed.." (March 18th 2012). Besides the case of looting, robbing and two wheeled vehicle, the another case that often happens in Pekanbaru city is the case of immoral act and mistreatment. Recorded in 2012 there were 11 cases of mistreatment and cses of immoral act. One of citizen of Pekanbaru city that has been victim of immoral act was Yohanda Sandi Siahaan. The man that has status as student in one of Junior High School in Pekanbaru city revealed himself has got an act that made big enough traumathic for him. " theat time, i sat in near Jl. Tuanku Tambusai exactly near the statue of the horses, then there is a man who revealed his name Steven and he asked an acquaintanc. I was offered cigarate and we talked, and then i was invited behind the house and store near

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 211 bushes.. there he made immoral to me..." (March 15th 2012) Based on the further information from the victim (Yohanda), after experiencing the immoral act, the victim direct ran and screamed until inviting the society‟s attention that was around that location. Then the society gathered and chased the doer and took laws into their own hands by hitting and kicking the victim. Then the police official came and pacified the location, the victim and the doer. From the previous story analysis, can be watched that the immoral act recently can happen and befall whoever. Both in the noise place and in the deserted place. Not only befalling to the girl but also to the boy like those cases. The doer of criminal act of immoral act also can‟t be predicted like snatching case because the doer can come from closer people or stranger that is new known. Like as told by Ms. Asih (March 21st 2012) : "...we really must be wary against this kind of crime, the child or closer people can be victim. This era, it‟s difficult to believe in someone, we keep from environment and stranger ehh..the doer is our closest people...not only girl, boy also becomes victim..." Based on the result of interview, the writer with one of police official that handles report of immoral act namely Mr. Manulang (March 7th 2012) : "...for the case of immoral act, we usually suspect closest people as the doer. Because from many cases that are handled, most of the doer is the closest people of victim. It can be brother, friend, teacher, boy/girlfriend or even the parents...meanwhile the stranger as suspected is only little part...usually to handle this case, the victim will be given medical report first and pacified the doer..." Besides those previous casses, another case that enough often happens and is reported by society of Pekanbaru city is the case of blackout. According to Adrianto one of member of Unit IV of criminal investigation bureau of the district police of Tampan tells : "...most of society report the case of balckout of valuable goods like letter of land, vehicle, handphone, etc.. most of them can be solved peacefully but there is also that comes into the court..." (March 3rd 2012). Based on the result of interview and writer‟s analysis, can be looked that the society of Pekanbaru city against the kind of crime that happens in their region is different than the others. For the society that has become victim of criminal act, they in general balme region condition and the weak supervision guard in their environment. Meanwhile for the society that has never experienced criminal act more emphasizes the weak guard and supervision from each individual in keeping their property and the safe of themselves.

4.2. The Response of Society Towards The Doer of Criminal Act The criminal act is one of kind from deviated behaviour of a part of society generally happens in the developing cities like Pekanbaru city. According to Clinard & Meier (1989) someone or a group of people can be told to have deviated behaviour if looked from some perspectives namely statistically, absolutely, reactively and normatively. The behaviour according to Steven, told deviated because the action of doer in filling biological needs is not suitable with norm and value that are valid in society. First, because the action is done in public place. Second, the doer is evaluated to experience psychology deviance because of interesting in same gender and generally that becomes victim is underage children. This thing is suitable with the confession of the doer to the writer in March 18th 2012: “...i just did this behaviour as many three times and indeed that becomes the victim is the addolescent like students, but i never force them...”. Based on the result of interview that the writer did with Lando Yumiko a doer of looting criminal act told ;“...eactly i didn‟t mean to be a thief, but at the first time i did it,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 212 once the society has labeled me as thief until i was not accepted by society and always insulted, so it was better for me to be a thief, it was too late so i did it again...” (March 7th 2012). The criminal act happens because of ability and courage of the doer in implementing the action. The question is whether they don‟t know that their action is action that breaks the law? Or because of economy pressure, they forget and ignore the impact that is maybe born (caught or overwhelmed)? Based on the interview that the writer did with some societies in Pekanbaru city. Almost a part of them revealed that they don‟t believe in the reason of the doer in implementing their action. Next, some analysis of interview between the writer and society of Pekanbaru city.. The opinion that is revealed by Mr. Samsul Bahri (March 21st 2012) : "... we have been bored to listen to their reason (the doers), becausse of economy needs.. erroneous.. aked by friend... those are just reason. Because eactly that is their job and livelihood...sometimes they ask friend to be habit..." If looked from some incidents or casses, a part of the doers indeed confess that action because of economy pressure. But however, the act of the doers that breaks the law, of course, must be taken action like as told by Andrianto one of member of Unit IV of criminal investigation bureau of the district police of Tampan that the writer asked in March 20th 2012: "...whatever the reasons that are revealed by the doers to defense, we will receive, but the decision to be guilty or not, of course, looked from the result of the place of case incident and material evidence and the result of interview...if the condition of the doer has been balck and blue because of overwhelming, so we will give aid or treat him and then the case is taken action...". In some cases, many doers of criminal act that are overwhelmed when doing the action until the society are angry to give the different response. Those are angry and beats the doer, taunting with vile language, trying to pacify the doer, those are silent and just watch. Because of the action of many societies that taking laws into their hands, some societies give the reason, namely: "...i am infuriated to look the doer (the case of immoral act). In the crowded place like that, he did immoral‟s not a human being, but he has been an animal..i and some people that were there directly hit him so that he did not do it again... " (T. Hanafiah, March 10th 2012). Based on the result of interview, in general the society will take the lwas into their hands to the doers of crime that they catch success. A part of them has goal to give undaunted effect to the doers, a part of them fill their annoyance to see the action of the doers. From the result of research, the writer formulates the society‟‟s response against the doers of criminal act, looked from the cause of the doer to do the crime. A part of society gives assumption that the main cause of the doer to do the criminal act is the impact of influence of environment and wrong intercourse, this thing can be looked in the cases of criminal act that are done by the teenage. Besides that, the society also considers that the economy pressure and less control from society give a chance to the doers to more free to implement their action.

4.3. The Society’s Response Towards The Police Official The society of Pekanbaru city in general has good enough relation with the police official in Kapolsek of Tampan. According to Sarjono Soekanto in Anton (1991) the police is a social group that

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 213 becomes part of society that has function as actor and keeper of peace that is oart from function of supervision and orderliness of society. In the fact, the relation under police, law and society is indeed very tight. Achmad ali (1988) explains about relation under police and law efectivity, quality and existence of police in handling crime are one of factor that really decide efective or not the valid certainty, especially in crime sector that becomes main duty of police to take action. It‟s still connected with the existence of police Satjipto Raharjo (2009) tells that the biggest frequence in connecting directly with society is the police than with the other holders of the law. In accordance with relation between law and society, Montesqieu in Soekanto (1985) tells that the law is one of integral part from the certain society‟s culture. From the interview result that the writer did both from the party of society and from the party of police, they give positive response towards work and relation between the both sides like the quotation of interview as follows: " far, the relation of society with the police in local police of Tampan has never problem. Maybe it‟s because everytime the incident happens, the police directly handles efficiently and adroitly so the society feels very satisfied with their work ..." (Rini Meiza Amelia, March 26th 2012). Besides the positive response from the society, there are also some negative responses from society against police official, as follows: "in the solving of every problem, the police party is less transparant so we as society sometimes ask how far and how the growth of problem that we confess?..." (Antoni, March 26th 2012). Besides that, some societies also don‟t want to connect with police party if they experience criminal act, moreover if the financial loss that they guarantee is not so much. Like as told by Tenek (March 12th 2012) : "... i‟ve been snatched, when i brought the bag and it was had a counter for clothes and bundles that were not very important, yes.. i was lazy to report to the police..the matter was complicated and my financial loss was not i kept silent...if i reported to the police it was long...the procedure was long..." However, the society‟s response towards the work of police official, in the opinion of society, the police official is the party that is really needed to be able to keep supervision and orderliness of society in the society and even so with the police official hopes understanding and cooperation from society to be able to make supervision and orderliness in the region of Pekanbaru city.

V. CONCLUSION Based on the result of research and analyze that the writer did, some conclusions can be concluded as folloew: The society‟s response towards criminal act that happens if looked from kind of criminal act and the doers are negative, looked from society‟s response that tends to balme the doer against criminal act that happens in their areaand society‟‟s behaviour that more chooses the action of taking law on someone‟s own hand against the doer that is caught by mass. Meanwhile, the society‟s response towards police official that has as duty to handle case of crimnal act is positive, it‟s proven with the good connection of relation and cooperation between the both sides and some efforts of police official in handling society‟s complaint through the program of Quick Wins. Some factors that influenced society‟s response against criminal act that happens consist of internal factor that includes genetic relationship pattern, the environment and

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 214 level of society‟s income in general. Meanwhile, the external factor is the attraction of this area in the eye of the doer and the role of mass media in spreading information both to the society and to the doer.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 215 EXISTENCE OF TIONGHOA COMMUNITY BAGANSIAPIAPI IN BUILDING SOCIAL AND POWER ECONOMICS BASED ON CONFUSIONISM

Nyoto & Rahmadani Institute of Economic Science Pelita Indonesia

Abstract: The Tionghoa Indonesia community Bagansiapiapai had a bitter experience in dealing with situations of social unrest. By itself a bitter experience shaping the Tionghoa Indonesia people's thinking character. The tendency of Tionghoa community thought Bagansiapiapai can not be separated from the mystical life and based on the teachings of Confucianism. The impact of social unrest was paid handsomely by not only the Tionghoa community, but the non-Tionghoa community. Post reform many emerging social organizations are struggling to maintain the existence of Tionghoa community through cultural identity. The family is considered the most important asset. The bitter political experience caused ethnic Tionghoa to rise up in maintaining their existence through the cultural identity of Confucianism. This study used qualitative descriptive method with situational case study analysis model. Limited observation data collection techniques and in-depth interviews. preliminary

Keywords: Tionghoa community, unrest, socia – economic power, confusionism

I. INTRODUCTION The Tionghoa ethnic battles have begun since the Dutch colonial era until now (Lohanda, 1994). As time goes by Tionghoa ethnic existence always occurs social conflict among Tionghoa ethnic with other ethnics in Nusantara (Setiono, 2008, Groeneveldt, 2009). Many material and non-material losses are invaluable, and psychologically have a long-term impact on Tionghoa ethnic. The social conflict between Tionghoa ethnic and Malays has occured several times around the city of Bagansiapiapi Rokan Hilir district of Riau province (Nurhadianto, 2004). The impact of the May 1998 social unrest clearly had a negative effect on the economic development of Bagansiapiapi society which dominated the maritime services sector, swallow farms, property, trade and plantation or agriculture (Mahyudin, 2006). Bagansiapiapi city was the main objective of the arrival of the Tionghoa people who was marked by the history of barge burning go guek cap lacquers. At this level, the social identity of each group was established, the Tionghoa built in the structure of society formed the majority group, on the contrary the non- Tionghoa community formed a small group in the suburbs initially, living with their own ethnic identity. A culture coincided with the history of the arrival of a group of Tionghoa people considered to be the inventors and founders of Bagansiapiapi. The tradition in question is the Bakar Tongkang tradition called “Go Gue Cap Lak”. The 1998 reformation brought its own consequences for the ethnic Tionghoa existence. During the reign of Megawati Soekarnoputri, the celebration of Imlek is still facultative (holiday for those who celebrate). During the reign of President Gus Dur, Tionghoa ethnic got prize Presidential Decree No. 6/2000 on the revocation of Presidential Instruction No 14/1967 on Tionghoa religion, belief, and customs, so that Tionghoa ethnic can do Imlek celebration, perform their faith according to their belief and cultural expression such as lion dance and barongsai.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 216 II. METHOD This research is descriptive qualitative, defined as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of speech or writing or behavior that can be observed from the subject itself (Bogdan & Taylor, 1993). The purpose of qualitative research explains the phenomenon as deeply through the collection of data as deep as it is (Kriyantono, 2009). The research strategy used is case study approach. The case study is a comprehensive, intense, detailed, and in-depth study and is more directed towards examining contemporary issues or phenomena (Bungin, 2003). This study uses situational case study approach. Bogdan and Biklen, situational case studies are studies that focus on dynamic social life that always undergoes changes as a condition of social eruption in the form of social events or social phenomenon (Bungin, 2003). The social problems of ethnic conflict are never timeless, always a current issue for the socio-political dynamics of people's lives.

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION According to BPS Rohil data, 2010, ethical Tionghoa Buddhist concentrated in Bagansiapiapi and Bagan Batu (sub-district of Kubu). But the largest number is in the capital Rokan Hilir, which is about 27,070 inhabitants (7.05%). The majority community is Islam. Since Buddhists still find it difficult to distinguish their own religious philosophy, most of them are believers of Khonfusianism. The doctrine of Confucianism is the doctrine of virtue by referring to the prophet of Khong Hu Cu. From the first, the Tionghoa business was very interesting. From their ancestors this way of trade is mentradisi and inherited until now. Such business supplies are exchanged for their children and grandchildren. Even the Tionghoa are notoriously peit with people outside of their race (Ryan Sugiarto, 2012). Forever the long-term reliability of maintaining the existence of building social and economic resilience is not immediately available. Tionghoa ethnic of Bagansiapiapi live and believe in many profane things that are difficult to measure by scientific reasoning. At a glance it appears that the Tionghoa were born to trade. They are not only talented, but also skilled at controlling every affair. The Tionghoa get it through a long time and have to face difficulties in trading (Ann, WS., 2013: 11). History records, Bagansiapiapi city was originally discovered by the Tionghoa community, but after the city access was open, the existence of Tionghoa society does not necessarily become dominant. Social friction occurred preceding the lack of understanding about the ideology of the nation that resulted in a lot of bloodshed (Sudarno Mahyudin, 2006).

Ethnicity Approach as Efforts to Reduce Conflict The establishment of social existence in the community is indicated by the ability of all government components, local associations, entrepreneurs, community self-financing institutions, educational institutions, economic institutions and religious institutions to conduct peace keeping, conflict anticipation and social recovery in the process of social life (Drajat, 2005). The existence of Tionghoa ethnic organizations as part of the Bagansiapiapi community network is a systematic, planned effort in building, restoring, maintaining and building elements related to social and economic cohesion so that people have high social and economic resilience and are able to overcome various impacts of change including the conflict that always impacts on economic losses. The impact of social unrest has an upward intensity on economic impact, can be illustrated in the following figure.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 217 Figure 1: Graph of Relationship of Social Interaction with Level of Economic Growth

Social change (x) Economic Growth (y) Social unrest

0 Social interaction (a)

The degree of ups and downs of social unrest that has occurred so far has had an effect on the impact of economic losses. How big is the rise of function f (x, y), depending on the quantity caused by one of the existing lines with the influence of the constant line is the ability to do social interaction. In social life, the conflict can be the cause or interests of the group, organization, unity, and so on. Conflict has a positive function as a tool to overcome the tensions between the opposite to create social and economic cohesion. This phenomenon appears in minority groups within a society, due to the rejection of other wider groups, the minority group develops a compact internal structure to achieve social cohesion (Johnson, 2015). Here the conflict is not always considered a destroyer of the social system, but it can also be seen as the glue and builder of the integration of the social system itself. The natural feeling in man is the source of the conflict. The conflict can be one of the integration media, a fertile nursery for social change and strengthening the identity of a social group. Certain social groups will become stronger and stronger when they have and face opponents or enemies from other social groups. Still according to Croser, conflicts can be a means for the balance of maintaining community's livelihood (Poloma, 1994). Bagansiapiapi city includes a temperamental city that has a history of high social unrest. The various social unrest resulted in the Tionghoa community group Bagansiapiapi bound in a community of high-class solidarity. There is a set of Himpunan Perantau Tionghoa (HPT) Riau, which is an effort to embrace the strength of solidarity of all members who are members of the homogeneous community. The main strength is in the financial position as the supporting factor of the driving wheel of the economy. Tionghoa people tend to think pragmatically; if there is a gap earning some income, then it becomes a necessity that is considered as homoeconomicus. The ability to adapt as an economic being is a powerful social interaction, but it will bring new problems to the conflict loophole when the Tionghoa homogeneous group is unable to transform it into a part of social management processing.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 218 Figure 2: Relationship Model of Social and Environmental Interaction on Tionghoa Ethnic




Source: Developed from John D. Brewer's Theory; tradition, identity and unslter loyalism.

The philosophy of Confucianism The trading system created by Tionghoa ethnic is generally conventional management based on Confucian philosophy. The Tionghoa believe that business should be run by philosophy. The Tionghoa start from the Khonghucu's philosophy of virtue, greed, ethics, and behavior (Ann, WS., 2013). Business was also developed by laying down the philosophy of "dragons" on the families of Tionghoa people (Sugiarto, 2012). The indication is that there is a tendency for Tionghoa community to trust people who have an emotional or kinship relationship with them, and instead do not trust people outside their families (Fukuyama, 2006). Social capital can be a norm, rule or social net working or any social trust that can encourage collective action in order to achieve mutual benefits in society. The values built within the Tionghoa ethnic trading system are capable of providing a form of social existence so that they can sustain the economic, social and cultural life of the onslaught of the issue of social conflict that constantly haunts the Tionghoa group psychologically.

Social and economic resilience The existence of a social gap creates a time bomb that triggers local community anger against Tionghoa ethnic so that social unrest becomes unrest which has no clear conflict basis. From the impact of social unrest, the level of Tionghoa ethnic social belief in non Tionghoa society is increasingly depleted. On the other hand, the root cause of anti Tionghoa riots. The weakening of economic resilience is radical, while the impact of a weakening belief creep continues to roll like a snowball with a multiplier effect. Social impact or as a social cost for social unrest occurred paid not only by the Tionghoa community, but the local non- Tionghoa community. The economy wheel became the domain of Tionghoa society controlling more than 50% market share (empirical observation), price fluctuation so that non Tionghoa people feel the consequences indirectly. Once the reform fauces are opened, many public spaces provide opportunities for the strengthening of long-buried cultural identities. Although it was realized that the initial purpose of this organization was to facilitate communication between them and to take care of various problems caused by misunderstandings, and the interests of the

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 219 Tionghoa themselves in Bagansiapiapi. The target of the great ethnic conflict in Bagnsiapaiapi has provided a commitment for Tionghoa ethnic to participate in creating social and economic security of the people of Bagansiapiapi as they survive and live in the city of Bagansiapiapi.

IV. CONCLUSION 1. Tionghoa community of Bagansiapiapi in building social and economic strength in the perspective of Confucianism is to lay the foundation of magical belief as a symbol of motivation. Believing in the ancestors is a must and not good to be corrupted, believing in a particular religion based on Confucianism. 2. Family members as the most important asset value. They make efforts to form a protection against social unrest that often happens that is harmful. Experience teach Tionghoa community of Bagansiapiapi that during this time always happened social unrest tends to harm society of Tionghoa. Anticipation step is to protect the family to avoid social unrest resulting in economic losses. One strategy is to follow by buying or adding assets abroad, opening bank accounts, diverting some assets abroad and sending their children studying abroad. 3. Economically management, the Tionghoa community understands how to make social and economic investments. What the Tionghoa groups do is to turn the micro and medium economic sectors (UMKM), because the economy in this current is very solid. 4. Conflict management is done by establishing communication communities between cultures, cross-ethnic and multi-clan to impress mingled throughout the community.

REFERENCES Abdullah, Taufik dan A.C. Van Der Ledeen., 1986., Durkheim dan pengantar sosiologis moralitas., Yayasan obor indonesia. Jakarta. Albrow, Martin. ,2003., Sociology: The basics., Routledge., New york. Ann, WS., 2013., Rahasia bisnis orang china., Kunci sukses menguasai perdagangan., Naoura books., Jakarta. Bogdan, Robert dan Steven J. Taylor.,1993., Kualitatif; Dasar-dasar penelitian., Usaha Nasional., Surabaya. Burhan Bungin., 2003., Analisis data penelitian kualitatif., Rajawali Grafinda., Jakarta. Coser, Lewis A. 1956. The Fuction of Social Conflict. New York : The Free Press. Denzin, Norman K & Lincoln, Yvonna S. Lincoln. 2011. Handbook of qualitative research, Thousand oaks. California. SAGE publications Fukuyama, Francis., 2006., Kebajikan sosial dan penciptaan kemakmuran., Qalam, Jakarta. Giddens, Anthony. ,1986., Kapitalisme dan teori sosial modern. UI Press., Jakarta. Green, John O and Brant R. Burleson., 2003., Handbook of communication and social interaction skill., Lawrence erlbaum associaties., London. Groeneveldt, W.P. (2009). Nusantara dalam catatan tionghoa. Komunitas Bambu. Jakarta. Kriyantono, Rachmat., 2009., Teknik praktis riset komunikasi., Kencana., Jakarta. Lohanda, Mona,. 1994. The kapitan cina of batavia 1837-1942. Penerbit Djambatan. Jakarta. Mahyudin, Sudarno., 2006., Gema proklamasi kemerdekaan RI dalam peristiwa bagansiapiapi., Adicipta karya nusa., Yogyakarta. Mulyana, Deddy dan Jalaluddin Rakhmat., Editor., 2005., Komunikasi antar budaya., Panduan berkomunikasi dengan orang berbeda agama., Remaja Rosdakarya., Bandung.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 220 Moleong, Lexy J., 1996., Metodologi penelitian kualitatif., Rosdakarya. Bandung. Nurhadianto., 2004., Konflik-konflik sosial pri non pri dan hukum keadilan sosial., Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta., Surakarta. Piliang, Yasraf Amir., 2005., Hipersemiotika: Tafsir cultural studies atas matinya makna, Penerbit Jalasutra, Yogyakarta. Polom, Margaret M., 1994., Sosiologi kontemporer., Rajawali Pers., Jakarta. Ritzer, Geoge dan Barry Smart., 2011., Handbook teori sosial., Nusa Media., Jakarta. Setiadi, Elly M dan Usman Kholip., 2011., Ilmu sosial dan budaya dasar., Kencana., Jakarta. Simmel, Geog., 1955., Conflict & Web of group-affiliation., The free press., Illionis. Patton, Michael Quinn., 2002., Qualitative reasearch & evaluation methods. 3 Edition.,Thaousand Oaks. , SAGE publications., California. Setiono, Benny G., 2008. Tionghoa dalam pusaran politik. Transmedia. Jakarta. Sugiarto, Ryan., 2012., Rahasia sukses bisnia orang cina., Jenius Publisher, Jakartra. Sugiyono., 2011., Metode penelitian pendidikan., Pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan R & D., Alfabeta., Bandung. Soekanto, Soetrjono. ,2002. , Aturan-aturan metode sosiologis (Seri pengenalan sosiologi 2, Rajawali press., Jakarta. Thung, JL., 1999. Konflik cina – Non cina. Etnisitas dan kekuasaan. Proceedings lkakarya etnisitas dan konflik sosial di indonesia. Pusat penelitian dan pengembangan kemasyarakatan dan kebudayaan. PMB LIPI., Jakarta. Groeneveldt, W.P. (2009). Nusantara dalam catatan tionghoa. Komunitas Bambu. Jakarta.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 221 THE ANSOFF MODEL AS A STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING PRODUCTS IN TOURIST VILLAGE

Musadad Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract. The phenomenon of the rampant establishment of tourist villages in Indonesia have created threats; one of which is the harsh competition with others (Dharmawan, 2014). Such a situation is worsened by the fact that the attractions offered by the tourist villages are almost similar, i.e. rural nature and culture. This requires the managers to work hard to find the best formula employed to compete with other tourist villages in attracting the visitors. Various models of tourism product development have been widely studied and applied for tourist villages, such as sustainable tourism, ecotourism, and community-based tourism. Nevertheless, one model that is not popular to be employed to develop the products of rural tourism in Indonesia is the Ansoff model. Therefore, this paper presents tourism product development strategy by applying the Ansoff matrix (Slaběňáková, 2008) which may be applied in tourist villages in Indonesia.

Keywords: Ansoff model, tourism product, tourist village

I. INTRODUCTION Today, there is a phenomenon of the massive establishment of tourist villages in Indonesia. Villages which feel they have the uniqueness are eager to get the status of a tourist village. The establishment of this tourist village may be on the basis of the initiative of the villagers themselves as well as at the instigation of the Government. The number of tourist villages in Indonesia can be seen, for example, in Yogyakarta Special Region where there are about 112 tourist villages in 2015. The massive emergence of tourist villages is not without consequence. With the increasing number of tourist villages, of course, the competition becomes increasingly tight. The problem becomes increasingly complicated considering what is offered by the tourist villages are almost similar (natural attractions and rural culture). Consequently, the tourist village managers are forced to work hard to find the best formula to be able to compete with others in attracting tourist to visit. Dharmawan et al (2014) even said that one of the threats to the preservation of a tourist village is the competition with other tourist villages. Various models of business development have been widely studied and applied to tourist villages, such as the concepts of sustainable tourism, ecotourism, community-based tourism, and others. However, the business development strategy in the tourist village by applying the Ansoff model has not been popular in Indonesia. Therefore, this paper will present an analysis of how the Ansoff model may be applied in improving tourism products in the context of tourist villages.

II. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Product A product is often defined as something that can be offered to the market to be noticed, owned, used or consumed and that can satisfy the customers‟ wants or needs. The product includes more than just tangible goods. When broadly defined, the product includes physical objects, services, events, persons, places, organizations, ideas, or a mixture of such entities. Armstrong and Kotler (2005) claim that a service is a product form consisting of activities, benefits, or satisfaction offered for sale, which is essentially intangible and does not result in any ownership. Examples are banks, hotels, airlines, retail, taxes, and home improvement services.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 222 Products and services seem to continue to experience developments and modifications to attract customers as much as possible. Armstrong and Kotler (2005) say, “Today, as products and services are increasingly commoditized, many companies move to a new level of creating value for their customers”. To differentiate their offerings, which are more than only making products and services, companies eventually make phases, market their products, and deliver impressive experiences to their customers when the products and services are tangible and experience is an unforgettable thing. When a product/service is to be produced as a business, including a tourism business, the producer certainly has goals and always wants to improve its products including the product usage/consumption. The background of the production is certainly related to the production objectives. Therefore, the product/service must be marketed to the consumers, so it can be known, liked, and bought/used. When a business has collected and analyzed market information about the external environment and conducted a marketing audit including internal strengths and weaknesses, it must be able to identify the best strategy to achieve its business growth. One strategy that can be used to improve the business is to use a strategy model named the Ansoff Matrix.

2.2. The Ansoff Model Below is the Ansoff matrix proposed by Igor Ansoff, an applied mathematician, a business manager, and also known as the father of strategic management.

Figure 1 The Ansoff Matrix

Source: Ansoff (1987) The horizontal lines show existing and new products. The vertical lines show new and existing markets. There are four classifications of a business growth strategy according to Ansoff Matrix, namely: 1. Market Penetration Market penetration is a strategy where companies focus on services/products that already exist in the pre-existing market. Here, a company seeks to strengthen and improve the use of services by the existing customers in order to compete with its competitors. 2. Market Development Market development is a strategy whereby a company seeks to reach new markets/expand market share with its existing products/services. For example,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 223 companies are trying to export to new areas and new distribution channels to create new market segments. 3. Product development Product development is a growth strategy whereby a company develops and introduces new products/services to the existing market. 4. Diversification Diversification is a growth strategy whereby a company develops and introduces new products/services and also develops new and wider markets than the existing ones. This strategy is riskier than others and requires a mature vision to succeed.

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION In relation to the improvement of tourism business in a tourist village, the application of the Ansoff model can be described in the following strategies with reference to business strategy by Slaběňáková (2008): 1. Market Penetration = Expanding market share in existing markets by using existing products.  Convincing/persuading current customers to further use the existing recreational/leisure facilities. This can be done by:  Offer reduced entry fees  Publish member cards  Promote mobile bus services (which allow visitors not to use cars/motorcycles to reach attractions and encourage them to use a more environmentally friendly public transport)  Converting non-customers into customers (visitors) + Hunting customers from competitors. This can be done by:  Promote a tourist attraction in such a way as to attract more market segments  Try to convince the visitors that the tourist village is perfect for taking a rest/refreshing for a moment and has been offering as many tour packages as competitor's attractions. To attract MORE visitors, this strategy is safe - no need to invest too much in advertising, new product/service launches, etc. 2. Market Development = Use the existing products to increase market share by moving to new markets.  Meet different market segments / Search for new customers. Although a tourist village has been well known, for instance, as the main destination of school students (major segment), it is okay to also attract young people and families. Therefore, the branding of the tourist villages should be directed to these groups as well. This package can offer discounted entry fees for adults and children and family pricing.  Entering new geographic market Here, it is necessary to research the quality of service (new market research - as mentioned above - young people and people with young families), no need to spend a lot of money on market research as this can be done through simple primary and secondary research. 3. Product Development = Product Development = new product development = expand/change/adjust the product (tourist attractions) that exist so it can be sold to more people in the existing market.  Find new usage of the existing products: this is related to strategy number 2 (market development).

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 224 In addition to core products (which are rural areas, cultural centers, and relaxation), other products (such as nightlife tours, entertainment, activities, events, and festivals) need to be shown/promoted to younger age groups and family groups.  Innovation in the package tour Both strategy 2 and 3 are the most useful ideas for selling tourist village attractions as packages because they reflect exactly what it is trying to achieve. It is aimed at attracting more visitors (new market segments) and expanding/developing existing offerings by introducing the same attractions but as a package under one package called tourist village.  Customization/adaptation of existing products The linkage between each matrix is one of the disadvantages of this marketing strategy because it tries to put everything in a box. However, this strategy (the Ansoff matrix) can be considered appropriate to analyze a tourist village as it appears that there is still a space to expand the strategy: for example, in the future, a tourist village might generate a new product idea (new attraction), which could be introduced to new markets: potential and unique attractions are expected to attract local people, domestic visitors as well as foreign tourists. This will then emerge into the second matrix (expansion of new products will attract not only the existing markets but also, possibly, new markets) as well as into the fourth strategy (diversification). 4. Diversification = Developing new products into new markets. It is the most expensive and risky strategy because it requires an intensive investigation of both new product ideas and new market opportunities.  When having a new family segment, for example, the managers of tourist village can create packages, such as “overnight with beloved family”  For new segments of young people, they can be offered a camping package in a tourist village. This 4th strategy is very risky compared to the other three strategies. Therefore, running the strategy needs preparation, plan, and research before launching.

IV. CONCLUSIONS The Ansoff model can be applied to develop and grow a tourism including tourist villages. Various ways can be done by referring to the Ansoff matrix. However, one thing that must be considered or determined before making an analysis using this model is whether the model is used for market interest or product interest. The usage must be distinguished to make a more in-depth analysis and be able to produce an optimal output. When being oriented towards the market, then strategies to be emphasized are market expansion and market development. Conversely, when being oriented towards the product, then the strategies to be emphasized are product development and diversification.

REFERENCES Armstrong, G. & Kotler, P. 2005. Marketing: An Introduction. 7th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education Ansoff, H. I. 1987. Corporate Strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill Dharmawan, et al. 2014. Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Di Desa Belimbing, E- Jurnal Agribisnis dan Agrowisata, Vol. 3, No. 1 Slaběňáková, R. 2008. Marketing Strategy for a New Product: A Day Out at The Wells, Promotion of Tourism In Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Tomas Bata University

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 225 RATTAN CRAFT BUSSINES RELOCATION PLAN IN PEKANBARU

Indrawati Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: Pekanbaru is one of the urban areas that shows a fairly rapid development. The population growth of the city brings the consequences of the economic development for the community as an effort to meet the needs of daily needs, one of rattan handicraft business is located in Yos Sudarso Street, Rumbai Pesisir, Pekanbaru. In order to implement the development and structuring of the city, Pekanbaru Municipal Government plans to relocate the rattan craft business to rented flats that is so called rusunawa which is opposite to the current business location, but the relocation has not been able to be realized until currently. This study aims to find out the profile of rattan craftsmen in Rumbai Pesisir District and to know the response of rattan craftsmen to the relocation plan of rattan handicraft to rusunawa in Rumbai Pesisir District. This type of research is qualitative research. By using purposive sampling technique, the writer determine some potential business owner to be an informant in this research. After data and information obtained through guided interviews, then analyzed by qualitative descriptive. The results will show that the perception of rattan handicraft business owners to the relocation of business premises to rusunawa is more likely to be negative because in general they regard the condition of Rusunawa in general is still not feasible to serve as a place for business. Suggestions in this research include: Given the rattan craft is one of the business activities that have been done for a long time by craftsmen and can be categorized as a creative industry that has become one of the icons of Pekanbaru, the development of the business should get attention both by the craftsmen and by the government. Arrangement of cities that affect the occurrence of relocation in certain areas of which places rattan handicraft business, it is needed preparation and good planning, so that rusunawa used as an alternative relocation area equipped with facilities in accordance with the needs of rattan craftsmen and consumers.

Keywords: creative industry, rattan handicraft, relocation.

I. INTRODUCTION The rapid growth population in urban area generates the increasingly tough competition in the struggle for the existing space available. Spatial change is a immediate consequence of various activities in the society, therefore the space becomes the physical product of a series changes and developments that occur in urban area. The development of urban area must to be well planned in order to accommodate the growth of city dwellers as well as to indicate the face of interesting city. The need for urban land is increasingly increasing in line with the increasing number of urban occupations. Urban land is not only used as a residential area, but also as a place of business. So the people will compete to get the land in accordance with the needs of each. Over time, the limitation of land to increase the value of land in urban areas is a reality that can not be denied, therefore the government needs to re-arrange certain areas in order to obtain more adequate value added in accordance with the potential and economic value of the region (urban renewal). The requisite for the land in urban is rapidly increasing in line with the population growth. The land in urban area is not only for residence but also business place, so that it becomes undeniable fact that people shall struggle for the ownership of land. As a result of it, the price for land in urban area is increased therefore the restructuring government policy pertaining to the area is needed to reach the objective of gaining more value added with potential and economic value in the area (urban renewal).

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 226 To overcome the problem for housing, the government has attempted to structure urban areas which is realizing through the Regulation of the Minister of Public Housing No.4 of 2006 which states that, the development of large-scale low-rise flats or rusunawa in urban areas also aims to streamline the utilization of land that is a part of urban settlement and rejuvenation. This is supported by the program policy of one million houses for the people in 2015 for urban areas in Indonesia (Presidential Decree No. 112 of 2015). Pekanbaru is 632.26 km2 urban area, according to Population Data in 2015 that the number of city dwellers is 1.038.198. and estimated to reach 1.5 million people during work hours. In 2003, there is an administrative change for area expantion from 8 to 12 districts and shall consider to be 15 districts. The administrative change will take effect to spatial policy that has been regulated by the government to be implemented in accordance with the spatial layout design of the city of Pekanbaru. The growing population of Pekanbaru will bring the consequences of the economic activities for the community as an effort to meet the needs of life, so the struggle for land use will increase. For that Pekanbaru Municipal Government seeks to solve various development problems that must be synergized with the Spatial Plan (RTRW). The arrangement is not impossible to cause certain areas that have been a place by the community need to be relocated because it is considered inconsistent with the existing regional arrangement plan. One of the planned areas for relocation is Rattan Industrial Center located at Yos Sudarso Street, Rumbai Pesisir, Pekanbaru. In 2015, The Municipal Government of Pekanbaru has planned the transfer of rattan industrial center to a rusunawa which is located at the opposite of the existing business center. It has been socialized since 2014 for the owners of the rattan business industry. Rattan craft business located in Rumbai Pesisir has become one of the icon of Pekanbaru. It has been known to other cities in Indonesia. However, Rumbai Pesisir rattan crat business has not shown some suitable conditions and facilities at glance. According to Pekanbaru Industrial Government Agency in 2016, there are 37 rattan craftsmen who have been running their business in Rumbai Pesisir area, while the author observed that only 25 craftsmen are still actively running their business. Until now, the plan of relocation or redeployment of rattan industrial center to rusunawa seems to be experiencing obstacles, ranging from government socialization, unclear management while the condition of the building shows a gradual damage from time to time.

II. METHOD This type of research is qualitative research. In obtaining the information of the researcher using purposive sampling, by determining some potential business owners to be informants in this research. Based on the below criteria found as many as 5 rattan craftsmen who can be used as informants. The criteria used as the basis for the selection of research informants are: 1. Business owner or person responsible for rattan handicraft business, location at Jl. Yos Sudarso Pekanbaru. 2. Has run for at least 10 years. 3. Engage directly in the rattan business. Types and Sources of Research Data Application of scientific method in practice of research, hence required a research design according to condition, balance with in shallow research to be done. This research type of data needed is broadly divided into 2 two types, namely:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 227 1. Primary data, is data obtained from interviews conducted by researchers, primary data used in this study is informants, by way of direct interviews, observations of rattan handicraft business owners and data on the type and amount of work The one that was opened. 2. Secondary Data, is data that has been processed further and presented either by the data collector or other interested parties. Data collection is done through related institutions in the form of rules of establishment of rusunawa, the development of rattan industry in Pekanbaru City, and so on. Data Collection Technique In this research data collection techniques that researchers use are as follows: 1. Interview, is a way of collecting data conducted by conversation technique with informant with purpose to find and explore information relating to study of this research that is about business owner of rattan industrial center of tassel and relocation plan to rusunawa. 2. Observation, is the activity of observation and recording direct phenomenon. Using observational techniques, this researcher is able to see and observe the actual behavior or events in accordance with the actual situation. 3. Documentation, which is a technique of data collection by recording archives, letters and other documents that can support research. Data analysis technique Meleong defines that qualitative research is a scientific research, which aims to understand a phenomenon in a natural social context by emphasizing the process of deep communication interaction between researchers with the phenomenon studied (Herdiansyah, 2010: 9). In this study, the authors conducted a descriptive analysis of the results of interviews with research subjects and supported by the results of field observations in the form of photographs, so that it can give a clear picture of the purpose of research.

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Profile of Rattan Craftsmen in Pekanbaru City Informant 1 (Sugianto / SG) SG is a rattan business owner named "DONA", 55 years old and has been keenly on rattan weaving craft since he was 20 years old. After a long time seeking experience and lesson, he decided to establish a rattan business in 1994. SG comes from Padang City and graduated from senior high school in 1980. SG has been in Pekanbaru City for 25 years old and owning house and business that is very sufficient to support his family."DONA" rattan handicraft business that has been established by the father of SG has been around since 1994 and now rattan handicraft business has been run almost 23 years. The rattan material is obtained from the padang, while to develop its business capital, Mr. SG borrowed capital for his business from Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) or government financial loan.In carrying out its business, the father of SG is assisted by 13 workers, while the wage system is based on wholesale and skill of each worker. The number of handicrafts that appear not rattan-based, in no way weaken his courage and spirit.

Informant 2 (Erni / ER) ER (35 years), derives from Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Erni's rattan craft business is named "FAREL". ER lives with his husband and two children in the place of business. The business produced from this rattan in the form of household interiors, offices and

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 228 children's toys. For a set of corner seats, usually Mrs. Erni sells for Rp 4.5-5 million, terrace chair Rp 1.5 million, flower vase Rp 50 thousand. The "FAREL" rattan handicraft distribution system is operated in various ways, both on-site direct sales, contract system and orders. While the raw materials used for handicraft production are obtained from Mentawai and Riau. For ordering of raw materials from Mentawai ER usually buys from a company with price Rp 28.000, - per kg. And if they want to sell it to other traders, it will come back at Rp 32.000, - per kg. Informant 3 (Mila / ML) ML is one of the rattan craftsmen named "USAHA SEMOGA MAJU", and the business has been standing for about 10 years. His home base is from Pariaman West Sumatra. In running the business, ML does not use the employee but only with her husband take care of a large enough outlets in the area. She initiates the business using her private capital, but to expand his business she also lends from the bank and KUR. According to ML‟s statement as follows. The turnover obtained depends on the circumstances, usually per day obtained onset average Rp.800.000, - to Rp. 10.000.000, -. Her expertise in making rattan craft is obtained by self-taught. However, she also receives training from the government through DESPERINDAG, Pekanbaru. The booth opens at 07.30 and will be closed at 21.00 is not used as a place to live, but only as a workshop and a place to sell it. For certain products like baskets, ML already has regular customers. As for other products customers come from various regions, both from within and outside the city. The raw materials for her business comes from Padang at a price of 8,500 per stem. Informant 4 (Irvan Saputra (IS) Nabil Rattan Furniture business owned by IS 23 years old. He is from Padang, West Sumatra. This business have established for about 10 years by his uncle, and he have been running this business since 2 years ago. In carrying out his activities he has 6 employees, four are from Padang and two are from Medan. In carrying out the work each worker is given different tasks, so a product is produced in a group. In addtion, for market consumers is not only around Riau, but also other areas such as Palembang. The turnover reaches Rp 30 million per month. With a net income about Rp 15 million per month. Rattan raw materials is obtained from companies in Pekanbaru and which is originated from the province of Bengkulu and Riau. The price of 1 kg of rattan is Rp 28.000, daily needs 50 kg per month. Informant 5 (Dewi / Dw) Mrs. Dewi is now 49 years old. Dw only holds junior high school title, in Pasaman (West Sumatera) then moves to Mentawai Islands where she inspired to know Rattan. DW is married with Mentawai man and from that moment working as a rattan craftsman, and after moving to Bukittinggi to Pekanbaru then they start developing rattan handicraft business. The turnover is about Rp 20-25 million per month and considered sufficient to maintain the continuity of its business.

2. Perceptions of Rattan Craft Business Relocation Plan to Rusunawa A relocation target has been completely decided by 2014-2015, but the realization of it has not come of way untill currently in 2017. The point of view from five informants shows differently. Perception Against Rusunawa Location According to Pekanbaru Municipal Regulation No.7 of 2012 on the permit levy of the building permits that explains for buildings around the main road which should be 10-

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 229 20 meters depth. The location of rattan handicraft industry centers is not in accordance with the above regulations. According to Informant 1 (SG), the location of rusunawa is considered quite good and close from where he runs business today. According to SG: "I really do not mind the location prepared by the government of Pekanbaru, we have discussed with the government precisely the Department of Industry and Trade Pekanbaru City and other related agencies come to us in order to socialize the relocation of our current business to rusunanwa across the street , Only we see the location is somewhat further into ". (Interview, On May 6th of 2017). Erni as Informant 2 (ER) has different opinion about rusunawa, where she and her husband consider that their current business place is very strategic and feel up to reluctant to move to rusunawa which has been provided by the government. "If our business moved to rusunawa who will come there to purchase because the location is not suitable of and far from it". (Interview, On May 7th of 2017). The problem of rusunawa where is planned to be the center of rattan industry responded by Informant 3 (ML) as follows: “ The location of rusunawa is not strategic because it is not off the beaten path, while in here by passingthrough the street our buyer can see our products directly from the roadside.” (Interview, On May 8th of 2017). Informant 4 (IS), states that the current business place is very strategic and now willingly to move to rusunawa. The reason for the construction of rusunawa has not been completed and the location is also not feasible to be used as a place to run a business. IS suggests that: "Rusunawa unfinished cook used as a place of business, how buyers will come there far because of its location, while that is now on the roadside so buyers easy to reach" (Interview, On May 9th of 2017). Informant 5 (Mrs. DW), deliver her objetion to move to rusunawa, as DW states, "I think the location is the same as the location of our booth, the flood potential for rusunawa location is also happening present, it is no different from the location we sell at this time plus the building itself has long been unkept and as if neglected by the government." (Interview, On May 10th of 2017). From the above interviews, it is known that rusunawa location is currently considered unsuitable or not feasible to be the center of rattan craft industry.

Perceptions of Road Access In terms of the distance of rusunawa to the road responded differently by the owners of rattan business. As the perception of Informant 1 (SG) states that: "If I think the distance between the rusunawa to the road can be said yes,not too far in my opinion. This is because there are entrances and exits that have been prepared for us to enter and also out of the towers by vehicle, ". (Interview, On May 6th of 2017). The distance currently does not interfere with the main road traffic because the vehicle will be able to enter rusunawa area and also can park in the near area behind the rental. As for the perception of informant 2 (ER) said: "Rusunawa's distance to the main road is already adjusted by the government regulations, but an access to the highways is not supported by the construction of circular axle roads and road conditions that have not been prepared well. (Interview, On May 7th of 2017). Informant 3 (ML) assumes that the distance to rusunawa away from the road will make it inefficient. Based on the results of the interview The informant says:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 230 "If the distance like the deck I judge inefficient because it must be parked in rusunawa. Check out our current outlets, visible when consumers or people crossing Yos sudarso street can see the products that we sell and the customers do not need parking anymore. "(Interview, On May 8th of 2017). There are insecurity about the decline in turnover due to consumer unwillingness to deliberately come to the booth to buy their products. Next informant 4 (IS) says States that: "I think the distance towers are not on the roadside possibly make buyers hesitate to stop by because it appears that the selling price is more expensive because of the permanent and multilevel buildings." (Interview, On May 9th of 2017). For Informant 5 has another point of view related to distance issues. According to Informant 5 that: "The distance from rusunawa to the main road in my opinion far enough to the handicraft products that we make is not visible. For us, the buyer is king. If the distance from rusunawa to the street as it is today who would deliberately see our sales ". (Interview, On May 10th of 2017) Informants 5 assume with the distance of the existing from rusunawa to the main road to make the rattan items they sell will be hard to sell and certainly the purchasing will be declining.

Perception of Rusunawa Rental Price According to information received by the craftsmen, the rental price set by the government of Pekanbaru with ranges between Rp.175.000 - Rp.250.000 per month distinguished by floor rental and presumably there is a revision that will be informed. In terms of rental price, the informant 1 says that, " If the rent is as big as it is our deck we can afford to rent rusunawa. The problem of the City Government commitment to us must be clear first we just want to move. The government is ready with the facilities for the rattan industry if we will move us to rusunawa ". (Interview, On May 6th of 2017). Informant 1 in this case gives a positive response related to the rental price rate made by the city government, in this case is managed by UPT Rusun Dinas Cipta Karya Housing and Settlements Pekanbaru. According to Informant 1 the price is quite cheap compared to their current rental rates which monthly ranges from Rp 1 Million. In addition, They demand the government's commitment to develop the rattan industry center of Pekanbaru to bring buyers by making it as one of Pekanbaru's tourism destinations after the market down. The same insights is also given by Informant 2 says that, "The rental price for me is not the most important problem at this time. Is the continuity of our rattan business after we rent the land or rusunawa area to be a place of business. Will the city government guarantee our move, the deck of buyers persists ". (Interview, On May 2nd of 2017). Informant 2 in this case does not question the price of rent that is not expensive but the continuity of their rattan business that they are worried about. Furthermore, Informant 3 provides a response that is not much different from the previous informants, "The problem of rental, rental, rental price of less than 300 thousand per month is actually not a problem. Very cheap, what is the Pekanbaru City government bid compared to the rental price in our current outlets ". (Interview, On May 8th of 2017). Informant 3 has perceptions of the rental price offered by the government. In his view, Informant 3 emphasizes that the rental price of less than 300 thousand is cheap but

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 231 the building area is only 24 m2, it is considered too small to be a suitable place to run the business. Another point of view is also mentioned by informant 4 in the interview that says, "For rental price that will be made rattan industry center with a price range under Rp 300 thousand for me is not a problem. Our rental price here is even more expensive than the price offered by the government to rusunawa. I am in doubt about the condition of the security building, whether it is suitable to be occupied or not. It looks like the building is less sturdy ". (Interview, On May 9th of 2017). According to informant 4 rental price of rusunawa is not a problem, but IS only rejects the condition of rusunawa building. Rusunawa building is offered by the current government is not feasible so that the doubt arises from the informant to move to it. According to the IS, "will the rental price not be easy to change ? at least, at the time we have moved and our old place has been dismantled but just some time rental price rates to rise". (Interview, On May 10th of 2017). The craftsmen stated that there should be agreement or regulation that regulate the rental price of rusunawa. There is clarity between the manager and tenant of rusunawa so that no parties will be aggrieved later by not only the location of rusunawa, but also the access and building rea, supporting facilities. Based on interviews, the researchers also has observed rusunawa location. For the information generally obtained that is not availability of supporting facilities for rattan craftsmen. Rusunawa is only a single building that has not been equipped with other facilities such as workshops where a rattan production is produced. Furthermore, the access road to rusunawa is not considered good, the surroundings is filled with puddles, the unavailability of warehouses as a strorage of raw materials.

IV. CONCLUSION The research informants are the owner of the rattan craft business who have been running business activities for approximately 10 years. They include productive age. The initial capital of rattan handicraft business is around Rp 5 million which is its own initial capital, while for the business development the craftsmen lend the capital from Jawa Kreta and Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR). Perception of rattan handicraft business owners pertaining to relocation plan to rusunawa is more inclined not to support the location of rusunawa. By five informants, only informant 1 gives a more positive view of relocation plan, while other 4 informants reveal that relocation is not feasible due to unpreparedness of rusunawa to accommodate them. The location is quite far from the main road body, the area of the building is not in accordance with their needs, access road from to the location is also not suitable for running rattan craft business, worsenly by the unavailability of supporting facilities that will accomodate their activities.

REFERENCES Adi, Isbandi Rukminto.1994.Psikologi, Pekerjaan Sosial dan Ilmu Kesejahteraan, Dasar- dasar Pemikiran.Jakarta : Raja Grafindo Persada. Ahmadi,Abu .1991. Psikologi Sosial.Jakarta :Rineka Cipta ______.2003. Psikologi Sosial.Jakarta :Rineka Cipta Ambadar,Jacky dkk.2010. Rencan Usaha. Bandung : PT. Kaifa Mizan Utama Arlina,Azti.2010.Belajar Bisnis Kepada Khadijah Menyelami Kiat-kiat Entrepreneurship dari istri Rasulullah SAW. Bandung : PT. Mizan Pustaka Bellah, Robert N.1992.Religi Tokugawa (Akar –akar Budaya Jepang).Jakarta : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 232 Budihardjo, E.1998. Sejumlah Masalah Pemukiman Kota. Bandung : P.T.Alumni. Charisma,Juwita.2014.Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhi Preferensi Masyarakat Dalam Pemanfaatan Taman Kota Sebagai Sarana Rekreasi di Kota Pekanbaru (Tesis) Program Pasca Sarjana. Pekanbaru : Univeritas Riau Coleman, Sindung Haryanto.2011. Teori Pilihan Rasional . Yogyakarta : AR –Ruzz Media Hasibuan,Malayu.S.P 2009.Managemen: Dasar, Pengertian dan Masalah. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 233 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT FISHERMEN

Nahar Effendi Institute of Administrative Sciences Lancang Kuning Dumai

Abstract: The research objective was to determine the application of the principles of community empowerment fishermen by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Dumai. The study population was all employees of the Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Dumai least 21 people and all the population sampled. Samples were 60 fishermen were taken randomly from the 200 population. Data were collected by questionnaires, interviews and observation. Data analysis using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the application of the principles of community development of new fishermen reached the unfavorable category. This was mainly due to weaknesses in the application of the principles of community empowerment fishermen by the Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Dumai.

Keywords: the principles of empowerment, fishing communities, fish processing business, coaching

I. PENDAHULUAN Pemerintah telah berupaya dengan berbagai kegiatan meningkatkan tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat nelayan, baik melalui pemberian bantuan peralatan tangkap, kemudahan akses permodalan, maupun melalui program pemberdayaan masyarakat pesisir. Dimana semua program tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesejehteraan masyarakat pesisir, termasuk nelayan. Akan tetapi tidak semua program tersebut tepat sasaran atau dapat digunakan semestinya dan hasil yang diperoleh belum sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Dari masa ke masa Sejak orde baru sampai orde reformasi program pemberdayaan nelayan dan masyarakat pesisir belum terkelola secara proporsional. Pemanfaatan sumber daya alam kelautan masih dilakukan secara parsial dan kurang didukung oleh teknologi yang tepat guna sehingga hasil yang diperoleh kurang maksimal. Kenyataan tersebut berdampak pada kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat pesisir yang tergolong rendah bahkan sebagian hidup dalam garis kemiskinan. Sebagai suatu proses, maka pemberdayaan merupakan langkah awal bagi masyarakat yang tidak berdaya menjadi berdaya dimana masyarakat bisa memiliki kekuatan, kemampuan serta menguasai sesuatu yang mampu berdayakan kehidupan mereka, baik secara pribadi, keluarga maupun dalam masyarakat. Pendekatan pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam pembangunan mengandung arti bahwa manusia ditempatkan pada posisi pelaku dan penerima manfaat dari proses mencari solusi dan meraih hasil pembangunan. Pembentukan dan perubahan perilaku tersebut, baik dalam dimensi sektoral, yakni dalam dimensi kemasyarakatan, dimensi waktu jangka pendek hingga jangka panjang dan peningkatan kemampuan dan kualitas untuk pelayanannya, serta dimensi sasaran yakni dapat menjangkau dari seluruh strata masyarakat. Pemberdayaan masyarakat tidak lain adalah memberikan motivasi dan dorongan kepada masyarakat agar mampu menggali potensi dirinya dan berani bertindak memperbaiki kualitas hidupnya, melalui cara antara lain dengan pendidikan untuk penyadaran dan kemampuan diri mereka. Nelayan merupakan sebuah sebutan diberikan kepada kelompok masyarakat yang bermukim di wilayah pesisir dengan aktivitas mengeksploitasi, mengolah, dan memanfaatkan sumber daya pesisir dan perairan yang bersifat milik semua orang. Sebagai poros tumpu kehidupan sangat ditentukan oleh musim, rentan terhadap ekosistem dan gejolak sosial ekonomi. Secara normatif seharusnya nelayan lebih sejahtera karena

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 234 mengelola potensi sumber daya alam dengan jumlah besar. Namun pada kenyataannya merupakan masyarakat nelayan tertinggal dibandingkan dengan kelompok masyarakat lainnya. Ketertinggalan masyarakat nelayan sebagai bagian dari komunitas pesisir terlihat jelas dari kondisi rendahnya tingkat pendidikan dan keterampilan sebagai bekal untuk mengelola sumber mata pencaharian guna menghidupi diri pribadi maupun keluarga. Pada kondisi lain diperlihatkan oleh sumber pendapatan sangat tergantung pada kemurahan alam. Dengan demikian, dapat dikatakan bahwa komunitas nelayan hanya memiliki aset waktu dan tenaga sebagai modal yang sangat terbatas untuk mengakses segala kemajuan. Adapun persoalan nelayan yang ada pada saat ini yaitu: pendapatan yang bersifat harian dan sulit diperkirakan, tingkat pendidikan rendah, produksi bukan sebagai bahan makanan pokok dan cepat rusak, usaha membutuhkan investasi dalam jumlah besar, dan kerentanan sumber pendapatan terhadap gejolak ekonomi, sosial dan fisik. Mencermati lebih dalam akan karakter umum persoalan tersebut, diperoleh sebuah kondisi bahwa nelayan hidup dalam perangkap kemiskinan sebagai konsekuensi dari ketimpangan pemilikan aset produksi dan keterbatasan penguasaan terhadap faktor yang sangat diperlukan untuk menjadikan hidup lebih bermartabat. Pada akhirnya keadaan ini menjadikan komunitas ini sebagai kelompok masyarakat marjinal dengan posisi tawar menawar sangat lemah baik sebagai subjek maupun objek dari sebuah keputusan. Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan adalah unsur pelaksana Pemerintah Kota Dumai yang menyelenggarakan urusan pemerintahan dalam bidang peternakan, perikanan dan kelautan. Dalam upaya pembinaan masyarakat nelayan pesisir yang ada di Kota Dumai, Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai melakukan tugas pokok dan fungsinya dalam mengupayakan peningkatan taraf hidup nelayan dengan memberikan bantuan. Untuk melihat perkembangan jumlah nelayan serta armada penangkapan ikan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Tabel 1. Perkembangan Nelayan dan Armada Penangkapan Ikan Pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai

No Uraian Jumlah Satuan 1. Nelayan 200 Kepala Keluarga (KK) 2. Armada penangkapan ikan 200 Unit 3. Alat tangkap

- Gill net 1.355 Unit

- Rawai 40 Unit

- Sondong 5 Unit

- Gombang/Pengerih 192 Unit

Sumber Data: Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, Tahun 2016

Tabel 1 menunjukkan perkembangan nelayan serta armada penangkapan ikan yang ada di wilayah Kota Dumai. Dari jumlah tersebut di atas, maka perlu pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan yang lebih baik sesuai dengan program kerja Pemerintah Kota Dumai yang diwakili oleh pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam memberdayakan masyarakat nelayan dilakukan dengan membentuk Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB). Adapun tujuan dibentuknya KUB tersebut agar seluruh masyarakat

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 235 nelayan memiliki kelompok tersendiri sesuai dengan daerah masing-masing. Adapun prosedur pembentukan Kelompok Usaha Bersama (KUB) sebagai berikut : 1) 1 (satu) kelompok minimal terdiri dari 10 (sepuluh) orang anggota 2) Mata pencaharian sehari-sehari sebagai nelayan 3) Pendataan dan pengecekan kelapangan oleh petugas Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dan Lurah setempat 4) Penerbitan SIUP / TDPN (Tanda Daftar Pencatatan Nelayan) 5) Penerbitan kartu nelayan 6) Penerbitan surat pendaftaran kelompok nelayan oleh Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Dengan membentuk KUB tersebut, pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai memberikan pembinaan kepada masyarakat nelayan berupa bantuan kepada masing-masing KUB mendapatkan bantuan uang tunai Rp. 100.000.000,- per KUB dari Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Republik Indonesia yang dalam hal ini diwakilkan oleh Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Masing-masing anggota KUB mendapatkan uang Rp. 10.000.000,- per orang. Adapun dana tersebut dipergunakan untuk membeli keperluan seperti keperluan alat tangkap dan armada penangkapan anggota masing-masing KUB. Adapun proses pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan yang dilakukan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan cara sebagai berikut: a) Memberikan informasi kepada tiap kelompok nelayan agar dapat memanfaatkan program pemerintah untuk mensejahterakan kehidupan nelayan. b) Mendampingi nelayan dalam pembelian alat tangkap agar tidak terjadi penyalahgunaan alat tangkap. c) Memberikan sosialisasi pembinaan d) Memberikan pelatihan mengenai penggunaan alat tangkap yang baik. Setelah membentuk KUB maka hasil tangkapan ikan di olah KUB bukan hanya berbentuk ikan tapi dalam bentuk makanan yang sudah diolah. Untuk melihat usaha beserta jenis produksinya dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut :

Tabel 2. Nama Usaha Pengolahan Perikanan Pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai

No Nama Usaha Jenis Produksi Hasil Perbulan 1. Mawar Kerupuk ikan dan udang 40 kg 2. Nilam Sari Bakso ikan dan Stik udang 100 kg 3. Teratai Presto Bandeng presto 1.500 kg 4. Duyung Mas Ikan kering 500 kg 5. Bunga Tanjung Ikan kering 600 kg 6. Bunga Raya Kerupuk ikan 10 kg Sumber Data: Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, Tahun 2015

Berdasarkan tabel 2 dapat dilihat hasil olahan ikan oleh kelompok usaha bersama (KUB) yang terdapat di Kota Dumai. Dengan melihat hasil olahan tersebut, maka secara tidak langsung menambah pendapatan masyarakat khususnya dari kalangan masyarakat nelayan. Persoalan kondisi sosial ekonomi nelayan di wilayah Kota Dumai tidak jauh berbeda dengan persoalan yang dihadapi oleh nelayan pesisir lainnya di nusantara. Hal mana terpaut pada persoalan kemiskinan yang disebabkan oleh rendahnya kemampuan,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 236 dan kepemilikan terhadap berbagai faktor antara lain: pendidikan, kesehatan, partisipasi, lingkungan permukiman, tanggungan keluarga, pendapatan, kemajuan teknologi, informasi serta sumber daya manusia nelayan itu sendiri.

Berdasarkan observasi yang penulis lakukan ditemukan bahwa: 1. Masih kurangnya pembinaan yang dilakukan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam memberdayakan masyarakat nelayan. 2. Masih kurangnya sosialisasi tentang bagaimana meningkatkan taraf hidup dengan bekerja sebagai nelayan yang diberikan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Dengan melihat gejala masalah yang ditemukan di atas, maka penulis merumuskan masalah pokok penelitian ini yaitu: ”Bagaimana prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat Nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai”. Pengertian tentang pemberdayaan diungkapkan oleh Mubyarto dalam Irianto (2007), pemberdayaan sebagai upaya memperbesar kemampuan dan kemandirian masyarakat dalam melepaskan diri dari kesulitan hidup. Pemberdayaan adalah sebuah proses dan tujuan. Sebagai proses, pemberdayaan adalah serangkaian kegiatan untuk memperkuat kekuasaan atau keberdayaan kelompok lemah dalam masyarakat, termasuk individu- individu yang mengalami masalah kemiskinan. Sebagai tujuan, maka pemberdayaan menunjuk pada keadaan atau hasil yang ingin dicapai oleh sebuah perubahan sosial, yaitu masyarakat miskin yang berdaya, memiliki kekuasaan atau mempunyai pengetahuan dan kemampuan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya baik yang bersifat fisik, ekonomi, maupun sosial seperti memiliki kepercayaan diri, mampu menyampaikan aspirasi, mempunyai mata pencaharian, berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan sosial, dan mandiri dalam melaksanakan tugas-tugas kehidupannya. Menurut Mardikanto dan Soebiato (2013), pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat lapisan masyarakat yang dalam kondisi sekarang tidak mampu untuk melepaskan diri dari perangkap kemiskinan dan keterbelakangan. Dengan kata lain, pemberdayaan adalah memampukan dan memandirikan masyarakat. Selanjutnya menurut Aziz, dkk (2005), pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan suatu proses di mana masyarakat, khususnya mereka yang kurang memiliki akses ke sumber daya pembangunan, didorong untuk meningkatkan kemandiriannya di dalam mengembangkan perikehidupan mereka. Pemberdayaan masyarakat pada dasarnya bertujuan untuk meningkatkan potensi masyarakat agar mampu meningkatkan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik bagi seluruh warga masyarakat melalui kegiatan-kegiatan swadaya. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari pemberdayaan masyarakat menurut Sulistiyani (2004), adalah untuk membentuk individu dan masyarakat menjadi mandiri. Kemandirian tersebut meliputi kemandirian berfikir, bertindak, dan mengendalikan apa yang mereka lakukan tersebut. Untuk mencapai kemandirian masyarakat diperlukan sebuah proses. Melalui proses belajar maka secara bertahap masyarakat akan memperoleh kemampuan atau daya dari waktu ke waktu. Untuk mencapai tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat menurut Soedijanto dalam Mardikanto dan Soebiato (2013), telah muncul pemikiran tentang prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat: 1. Kesukarelaan 2. Otonom 3. Keswadayaan 4. Partisipatif

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 237 5. Egaliter 6. Demokrasi 7. Keterbukaan 8. Kebersamaan 9. Akuntabilitas 10. Desentralisasi. Pada hakikatnya, kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat bukan merupakan hal baru. Usaha pengembangan masyarakat dimasa lalu berkaitan dengan konteks memperjuangkan kemerdekaan sedangkan pada masa sekarang kegiatan pemberdayaan masyarakat berorientasi pada partisipasi pembengunan dalam konteks transformasi sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan oleh Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai.

II. METODE Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuatitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yakni Kepala Dinas, Sekretariat dan pegawai bidang Perikanan Tangkap dan Pengelolaan Pesisir yang berhubungan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai yang berjumlah 21 orang dan masyarakat kelompok nelayan terdiri dari 20 kelompok sebanyak 200 orang dengan total keseluruhan populasi sebanyak 221 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam untuk pegawai, menggunakan metode sensus, adalah pegawai yang berhubungan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan yaitu Perikanan Tangkap dan Pengelolaan Pesisir serta pegawai sekretariat termasuk Kepala Dinas. Sedangkan untuk masyarakat kelompok nelayan menggunakan metode simple random sampling yakni pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak tanpa memperhatikan strata populasi itu yakni sekitar 30% dari 200 orang nelayan dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 60 orang. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang dipergunakan dalam penelitian ini, wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner. Kuesioner adalah daftar pertanyaan tertulis yang telah disusun atas 3 alternatif jawaban mulai dari baik dengan skor 3, kurang baik dengan skor 2, dan tidak baik dengan skor 1. Dari hasil jawaban responden diperoleh nilai total: Nilai total skor tertinggi : 3 x 3 x 81 = 729 Nilai total skor terendah : 1 x 3 x 81 = 243 Penentuan skala interval indikatornya adalah selisih antara nilai total skor tertinggi dengan nilai total skor terendah dibagi jumlah tiga kategori. maka interval skor (skala interval) adalah 729 – 243 = 162 3 dengan skala intervalnya (interval skor) 163, maka kategori indikator variabel adalah: Baik apabila total skor antara 576 – 729 Kurang baik total skor antara 405 – 575 Tidak baik total skor antara 243 – 404 Interval skor untuk variabel penelitian adalah selisih nilai total skor tertinggi dengan nilai total skor terendah yaitu 7290 – 2430 = 1620 3 Penentuan kategori penilaian seluruh indikator, dengan skala intervalnya 1620, maka total masing-masing kategori adalah: Baik apabila total skor antara : 5760 – 7290 Kurang Baik apabila total skor antara : 4050 – 5759 Tidak Baik apabila total skor antara : 2430 – 4049

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 238 Teknik analisa data yang digunakan yaitu statistik deskriptif merupakan sebuah teknik menganalisis data dengan cara mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan data dalam bentuk tabel frekuensi dengan angka persentase kemudian ditafsirkan dalam pengertian.

III. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Prinsip-prinsip Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan Kesukarelaan Merupakan suatu keterlibatan masyarakat nelayan dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai yang dilandasi atas dasar kesadaran sendiri atau sukarela dan motivasinya untuk memperbaiki dan memecahkan masalah kehidupannya. Adapun sub indikator kesukarelaan dapat dilihat dari : a. Terdapatnya keterlibatan masyarakat nelayan dalam kegiatan dengan kesadaran sendiri. b. Terdapatnya keinginan masyarakat untuk aktif mengikuti kegiatan pemberdayaan. c. Terdapatnya motivasi masyarakat meningkatkan taraf kehidupannya. Ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya indikator kesukarelaan dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut :

Tabel 3. Tanggapan Responden tentang Kesukarelaan

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Keterlibatan masyarakat nelayan dalam 46 111 157 kegiatan dengan kesadaran sendiri 2. Keinginan masyarakat untuk aktif 46 105 151 mengikuti kegiatan pemberdayaan 3. Motivasi masyarakat meningkatkan taraf 54 108 162 kehidupannya Total Skor 146 324 470

Berdasarkan tabel 3 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator kesukarelaan dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya keterlibatan masyarakat nelayan dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan atas kesadaran sendiri diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 157, terdapatnya keinginan masyarakat untuk selalu aktif mengikuti kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 151, dan terdapatnya motivasi masyarakat meningkatkan taraf kehidupannya diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 162, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 470 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut: 470 (64,47%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 239 kesukarelaan berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 470, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 64,47%.

Otonom Merupakan suatu kemampuan masyarakat nelayan untuk mandiri atau ketergantungan dari lembaga lainnya dalam rangka meningkatkan kehidupannya pada masa yang akan datang. Adapun sub indikator otonom dapat dilihat dari : a. Terdapatnya kemampuan masyarakat nelayan untuk selalu hidup mandiri b. Terdapatnya keinginan masyarakat nelayan untuk tidak bergantung kepada lembaga lainnya c. Terdapatnya kemampuan masyarakat nelayan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan secara ekonomis dan mandiri Dimana ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pember- dayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai indikator otonom dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut ini :

Tabel 4. Tanggapan Responden tentang Otonom

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Kemampuan masyarakat nelayan untuk 45 109 154 selalu hidup mandiri 2. Keinginan masyarakat nelayan untuk tidak 44 108 152 bergantung kepada lembaga lainnya 3. Kemampuan masyarakat nelayan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan secara ekonomis dan 46 112 158 mandiri Total Skor 135 329 464

Berdasarkan tabel 4 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator otonom dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya kemampuan masyarakat nelayan untuk selalu hidup mandiri diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 154, terdapatnya keinginan masyarakat nelayan untuk tidak bergantung kepada lembaga lainnya diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 152, dan terdapatnya kemampuan masyarakat nelayan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan secara ekonomis dan mandiri diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 158, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 464 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum berikut:

464 (63,67%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 240 otonom berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 464, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 63,65%.

Keswadayaan Merupakan suatu kemampuan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan masyarakat nelayan dalam merumuskan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan pemberdayaan dengan penuh tanggungjawab tanpa mengharapkan dukungan dari pihak lain. Adapun sub indikator keswadayaan dapat dilihat dari : a. Terdapatnya kemampuan pegawai dan masyarakat dalam merumuskan kegiatan pemberdayaan b. Terdapatnya tanggungjawab dari kedua belah pihak dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan c. Terdapatnya pola kerja yang terarah dengan musyawarah bersama Dalam pelaksanaan proses pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan dilaksanakan dengan musyawarah bersama. Dimana ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya indikator keswadayaan dapat dilihat pada tabel berukut :

Tabel 5. Tanggapan Responden tentang Keswadayaan

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Kemampuan pegawai dan masyarakat 44 106 150 dalam merumuskan kegiatan pemberdayaan 2. Tanggungjawab dari kedua belah pihak 57 104 161 dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan 3. Pola kerja yang terarah dengan musyawarah bersama 57 99 156

Total Skor 158 309 467

Berdasarkan tabel 5 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator keswadayaan dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya kemampuan pegawai dan masyarakat dalam merumuskan kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 150, terdapatnya tanggungjawab dari kedua belah pihak dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 161, dan terdapatnya pola kerja yang terarah dengan musyawarah bersama diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 156, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 467 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut: 467 (64,06%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 241 Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang keswadayaan berada pada kategori kurang baik, total skor jawaban sebanyak 467, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 64,06%.

Partisipatif Merupakan suatu keterlibatan semua stakeholder seperti pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dan masyarakat nelayan dalam pelaksanaan pemberdayaan mulai dari pengambilan keputusan, perencanaan, evaluasi sampai dengan pemanfaatan hasil kegiatan yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku. Adapun sub indikator partisipatif dapat dilihat dari : a. Terdapatnya keterlibatan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dan masyarakat b. Terdapatnya pengambilan keputusan dari kedua belah pihak c. Terdapatnya kerjasama antar pegawai dan masyarakat nelayan Ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya indikator partisipatif dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut :

Tabel 6. Tanggapan Responden tentang Partisipatif

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Keterlibatan pihak Dinas dan masyarakat 59 97 156 dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan 2. Pengambilan keputusan dari kedua belah 54 103 157 pihak dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan 3. Kerjasama antar pegawai dan masyarakat 56 99 155 nelayan dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan Total Skor 169 299 468

Berdasarkan tabel 6 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator partisipatif dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya keterlibatan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dan masyarakat dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 156, terdapatnya pengambilan keputusan dari kedua belah pihak dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 157, dan terdapatnya kerjasama antar pegawai dan masyarakat nelayan dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 155, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 468 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut:

468 (64,20%)

TB KB B 243 404 575 729 Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang partisipatif berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 468,

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 242 diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 64,20%.

Egaliter Merupakan suatu tindakan yang menempatkan semua pihak yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan pemberdayaan pada kedudukan yang setara, sama, sejajar dan tidak ada yang ditinggikan ataupun yang merasa direndahkan. Adapun sub indikator egaliter dapat dilihat dari : a. Terdapatnya kedudukan yang sama semua pihak dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan b. Terdapatnya persamaan hak dan kewajiban dari semua pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pelaksanaan pemberdayaan c. Terdapatnya rasa saling menghormati antar semua pihak yang berkepentingan Dimana ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai indikator egaliter dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Tabel 7. Tanggapan Responden tentang Egaliter

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Kedudukan yang sama semua pihak dalam 55 115 170 kegiatan pemberdayaan 2. Persamaan hak dan kewajiban dari semua pihak yang berkepentingan dalam 53 113 166 pelaksanaan pemberdayaan 3. Rasa saling menghormati antar semua pihak 61 121 182 yang berkepentingan Total Skor 169 349 518

Berdasarkan tabel 7 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator egaliter dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya kedudukan yang sama semua pihak dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 170, terdapatnya persamaan hak dan kewajiban dari semua pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pelaksanaan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 166, dan terdapatnya rasa saling menghormati antar semua pihak yang berkepentingan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 182, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 518 berada pada kategori baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut: 518 (71,06%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang egaliter berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 518, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 71,06%.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 243 Demokrasi Merupakan suatu hak kepada semua pihak yang berkepentingan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan dalam mengeluarkan pendapat dan saling menghargai pendapat atau perbedaan di antara sesama pihak yang ada. Adapun sub indikator demokrasi dapat dilihat dari : a. Adanya kebebasan dalam mengeluarkan pendapat dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan b. Adanya kesempatan dalam menyampaikan saran atau masukan untuk kemajuan kegiatan pemberdayaan c. Adanya saling menghargai pendapat atau perbedaan satu sama lainnya Dimana ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai indikator demokrasi dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut

Tabel 8. Tanggapan Responden tentang Demokrasi

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Kebebasan dalam mengeluarkan pendapat 57 110 167 dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan 2. Kesempatan dalam menyampaikan saran atau masukan untuk kemajuan kegiatan 58 112 170 pemberdayaan 3. Saling menghargai pendapat atau perbedaan 56 113 169 satu sama lainnya Total Skor 171 335 506

Berdasarkan tabel 8 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator demokrasi dapat dikategorikan baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu adanya kebebasan dalam mengeluarkan pendapat mengenai kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 167, adanya kesempatan dalam menyampaikan saran atau masukan untuk kemajuan kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 170, dan adanya saling menghargai pendapat atau perbedaan satu sama lainnya diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 169, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 506 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut: 506 (69,41%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang demokrasi berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 506, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase pada garis kontinum 69,41%.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 244 Keterbukaan Merupakan suatu pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan dari pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai secara terbuka yang dilandasi dengan kejujuran, saling percaya dan saling mempedulikan nasib atau kehidupan masyarakat nelayan dengan memberikan sosialisasi atau pengarahan. Adapun sub indikator keterbukaan dapat dilihat dari : a. Adanya keterbukaan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan b. Adanya rasa saling percaya antar pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan masyarakat nelayan c. Adanya sosialisasi dalam penggunaan alat tangkap dan jalur batas yang dapat dipahami oleh masyarakat nelayan Ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk jelasnya mengenai indikator keterbukaan dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Tabel 9. Tanggapan Responden tentang Keterbukaan

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Keterbukaan pihak Dinas dalam kegiatan 55 100 155 pemberdayaan 2. Rasa saling percaya antar pihak masyarakat 54 103 157 nelayan 3. Sosialisasi dalam penggunaan alat tangkap dan jalur batas yang dapat dipahami oleh 53 94 147 masyarakat nelayan Total Skor 162 297 459

Berdasarkan tabel 9 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator keterbukaan dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu adanya keterbukaan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 155, adanya rasa saling percaya antar pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan masyarakat nelayan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 157, dan adanya sosialisasi dalam penggunaan alat tangkap dan jalur batas yang dapat dipahami oleh masyarakat nelayan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 147, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 459 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut :

459 (62,96%)

TB KB B 243 404 575 729 Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang keterbukaan berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 459, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase pada garis kontinum 62,96%.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 245 Kebersamaan Merupakan suatu bentuk sikap Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai terhadap masyarakat nelayan dengan saling berbagi rasa, memberikan bantuan dan mengembangkan komunikasi yang baik dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan. Adapun sub indikator kebersamaan dapat dilihat dari : a. Kegiatan gotong royong yang dilaksanakan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai bersama masyarakat nelayan b. Bantuan dana dan alat-alat penangkapan oleh Dinas untuk masyarakat nelayan c. Komunikasi antar pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan masyarakat nelayan Ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai indikator kebersamaan dapat dilihat pada tabel 10.

Tabel 10. Tanggapan Responden tentang Kebersamaan

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Kegiatan gotong royong yang dilaksanakan 48 122 170 pihak Dinas bersama masyarakat nelayan 2. Bantuan dana dan alat-alat penangkapan oleh Dinas untuk masyarakat nelayan 60 116 176

3. Komunikasi antar pihak Dinas dengan 62 109 171 masyarakat nelayan Total Skor 170 347 517

Berdasarkan tabel 10 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator kebersamaan dapat dikategorikan baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya kegiatan gotong royong yang dilaksanakan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai bersama masyarakat nelayan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 170, terdapatnya bantuan dana dan alat-alat penangkapan untuk masyarakat nelayan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 176, dan terdapatnya komunikasi antar pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan masyarakat nelayan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 171, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 517 berada pada kategori baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut:

517 (70,92%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang kebersamaan berada pada kategori baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 517, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 70,92%.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 246 Akuntabilitas Merupakan pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai yang dapat dipertanggungjawabkan hasilnya dan terbuka untuk mendapatkan pengawasan dari pihak yang berwenang. Adapun sub indikator akuntabilitas dapat dilihat dari : a. Tanggungjawab pegawai dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan b. Pengawasan dari Dinas dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan c. Kerjasama pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan instansi terkait lainnya Dimana ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk jelasnya mengenai indikator akuntabilitas dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Tabel 11. Tanggapan Responden tentang Akuntabilitas

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Tanggungjawab pegawai dalam pelaksanaan 56 111 167 kegiatan pemberdayaan 2. Pengawasan dari Dinas dalam kegiatan 58 108 166 pemberdayaan 3. Kerjasama pihak Dinas dengan instansi 59 112 171 terkait lainnya Total Skor 173 331 504

Berdasarkan tabel 11 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator akuntabilitas dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu terdapatnya tanggungjawab pegawai dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 167, terdapatnya pengawasan dari pihak yang berwenang dalam kegiatan pemberdayaan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 166, dan terdapatnya kerjasama Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dengan instansi terkait lainnya diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 171, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 504 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut: 504 (69,14%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum di atas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang akuntabilitas berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 504, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase pada garis kontinum 69,14%.

Desentralisasi Merupakan suatu kewenangan yang diberikan pemerintah Kota Dumai kepada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam melaksanakan pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan dalam rangka mengoptimalkan sumber daya nelayan agar menjadi

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 247 makmur, maju dan kesinambungan pembangunan. Adapun sub indikator desentralisasi dapat dilihat dari : a. Pembinaan yang berkelanjutan dari pihak Dinas dalam memberdayakan masyarakat nelayan b. Merubah pola pikir masyarakat nelayan untuk selalu lebih maju dan berkembang c. Kegiatan pemberdayaan yang memberikan dampak positif terhadap kelanjutan pembangunan Ketiga sub indikator tersebut akan mempengaruhi prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai. Untuk lebih jelasnya mengenai indikator desentralisasi dapat dilihat pada tabel berikut:

Tabel 12. Tanggapan Responden tentang Desentralisasi

No Sub Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor 1. Pembinaan yang berkelanjutan dari pihak Dinas dalam memberdayakan masyarakat 54 95 149 nelayan 2. Merubah pola pikir masyarakat nelayan 52 99 151 untuk selalu lebih maju dan berkembang 3. Kegiatan pemberdayaan yang memberikan dampak positif terhadap kelanjutan 54 102 156 pembangunan Total Skor 160 296 456

Berdasarkan tabel 12 dapat dikatakan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dilihat dari indikator desentralisasi dapat dikategorikan kurang baik, dilihat dari tiga sub indikator yaitu adanya pembinaan yang berkelanjutan dari pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam memberdayakan masyarakat nelayan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 149, adanya peningkatan pola pikir masyarakat nelayan untuk selalu lebih maju dan berkembang diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 151, dan adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan yang memberikan dampak positif terhadap kelanjutan pembangunan diperoleh skor jawaban sebanyak 156, yang secara keseluruhan total skor jawaban sebanyak 456 berada pada kategori kurang baik. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat dari kontinum sebagai berikut:

456 (62,55%)

243 TB 404 KB 575 B 729

Berdasarkan kontinum dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang desentralisasi berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 456, diantara rentang skor 404-575, dan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada garis kontinum 62,55%. Selanjutnya dari 10 (sepuluh) indikator, yang secara keseluruhan dapat dikategorikan

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 248 kurang baik, dapat dilihat dari tabel rekapitulasi berikut ini:

Tabel 13. Rekapitulasi Prinsip-prinsip Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan Pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai

No Indikator Pegawai Masyarakat Skor

1. Kesukarelaan 146 324 470 2. Otonom 135 329 464 3. Keswadayaan 158 309 467 4. Partisipatif 169 299 468 5. Egaliter 169 349 518 6. Demokrasi 171 336 506 7. Keterbukaan 162 297 459 8. Kebersamaan 170 347 517 9. Akuntabilitas 173 331 504 10. Desentralisasi 160 296 456 Total Skor 1.613 3.216 4.829

Sumber Data: Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, Tahun 2016

Berdasarkan tabel rekapitulasi dapat disimpulkan bahwa prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, dapat dikategorikan kurang baik. Kenyataan ini terbukti dalam penelitian yang dilakukan terhadap 10 (sepuluh) indikator yaitu dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 4.829. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada kontinum sebagai berikut:

4829 (66,24%)

TB KB B 2430 4040 5750 7290

Dari kontinum di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tanggapan responden secara keseluruhan dari 10 (sepuluh) indikator berada pada kategori kurang baik, dengan total skor jawaban sebanyak 4.829, diantara rentang skor 4040-5750, dengan nilai persentase yang terdapat pada kontinum sebesar 66,24%.

Faktor Pendukung dan Faktor Penghambat Prinsip-prinsip Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Nelayan Berdasarkan hasil penelitian mengenai prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, penulis menemukan faktor pendukung serta faktor penghambat yang dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut : 1) Faktor Pendukung

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 249 Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, memiliki beberapa faktor pendukung antara lain : a. Adanya egaliter dalam prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan, dilihat dari terdapatnya rasa saling menghormati antar semua pihak yang berkepentingan b. Adanya kebersamaan dalam prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat, nelayan dilihat dari terdapatnya bantuan dana dan alat-alat penangkapan untuk masyarakat nelayan 2) Faktor Penghambat Selanjutnya faktor yang menjadi penghambat terhadap prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan pada Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai, antara lain: a. Masih kurangnya keterbukaan dalam prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan, dilihat dari kurangnya sosialisasi dalam penggunaan alat tangkap dan jalur batas yang dapat dipahami oleh masyarakat nelayan b. Masih kurangnya desentralisasi dalam prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan, dilihat dari kurangnya pembinaan yang berkelanjutan dari pihak Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai dalam memberdayakan masyarakat nelayan

IV. SIMPULAN Pembinaan kelompok usaha bersama (KUB) nelayan oleh Dinas Peternakan, Perikanan dan Kelautan Kota Dumai melalui penerapan prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat baru tercapai pada kategori kurang baik. Dari 10 prinsip-prinsip pemberdayaan masyarakat, ternyata 2 (dua) prinsip yang terlaksana pada kategori baik yaitu prinsip egaliter dan kebersamaan. Sedangkan prinsip-prinsip yang paling lemah dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan adalah prinsip kurangnya keterbukaan dan desentralisasi atau keotonomian nelayan dalam usaha pengolahan penangkapan ikan.

REFERENSI Aziz, Moh. Ali, dkk. 2005. Dakwah Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Paradigma Aksi Metodologi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pesantren. Irianto, Surya. 2007. Nelayan di Mata Kita Sebuah Perpektif Berpikir Sistem. Dumai. Mardikanto, Totok dan Poerwoko Soebiato. 2013. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dalam Perspektif Kebijakan Publik. Bandung: Alfabeta. Sulistiyani, Ambar Teguh. 2004. Kemitraan dan Model-Model Pemberdayaan. Yogyakarta: Gava Media.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 250 POTENCY OF SOCIAL CONFLICT IN THE KEPULAUAN MERANTI REGENCY

Rd. Siti Sofro Sidiq Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Riau

Abstract: Riau Province has a diverse community composition both religiously, racially, and ethnically. Plurality is like two sides of a coin that can not be separated. On the one hand, diversity is capable of making a force for progress, but on the other hand can be a trigger for conflict. If not managed properly, then that power will turn into a potential unexpected social conflict. Kepulauan Meranti District is part of Riau Province, the area is directly adjacent to neighboring Malaysia. Under these conditions, the vulnerability to the destructive social conflicts increases. The high potential of social conflicts occur considering the unevenness of the community, although the natural wealth and the plantation products are abundant. Welfare can only be enjoyed by people living in urban or central government, while indigenous peoples generally living in districts near the border live under decent lifestyles, are unfamiliar with modern models and lifestyles, minimal education and limited means of supporting infrastructure social life. This disparity certainly raises different social conflicts but has the same potential in breaking the unity of ethnic groups. Case studies are used as an approach in this study to identify the sources, motives, and issues of social conflict, to explore the causes of the occurrence and to map potential social conflicts that occur in the district of Pulau Mera, as representations of areas near the border. The district collection aims to obtain the character of social conflict, so that the data obtained from the mapping can be the main reference in determining the prevention or handling, until the mechanism of social conflict resolution based on the conditions and needs of various parties. The result of the research shows that 1) The social conflict happened from the struggle of natural resources in the form of land or forest struggle with the issue of Forest Planting Industry (HTI) of 41,205 ha on . This conflict is not only motivated by the economy but also contains social motives, 2) Kepulauan Meranti District has two potential social conflicts, namely economic-motivated conflict, high prices of food and politically motivated, the existence of a border that does not exist so the potential for multiple voters.

Keywords: Potential of social conflict, border area, Kepulauan Meranti regency

I. INTRODUCTION Social conflict as part of the dynamics of society can never be eliminated, especially in the life of the Indonesian nation that has a diversity both from cultural, religious, racial, and ethnic aspects. This condition can be seen from the first quarter report of 2015 by the National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) on the number of social conflicts over the last three years. Throughout the year of 2013 there have been reported 92 cases of social conflict throughout Indonesia, whereas in 2014 the number of cases has decreased to 82 cases. While in mid-2015 it was recorded that the number of conflicts that occurred was as many as 26 conflicts. Based on the data released, it is known that the source of the conflicts that occurred during those 3 years is the issue of Ideology, Politics, Economy, Social, and Culture (IPOLEKSOSBUD), Land Disputes or Natural Resources (SDA), and SARA issues. According to Fahmi & Akbar (2015: 111) the occurrence of social conflict caused by the lack of mutual understanding and accept the middle of the community (sharing of understanding and acceptance) which is closely related to aspects of space, power, economy, and culture. Meanwhile, when viewed from the grouping of regions during the mid-2015 quarter, social conflicts occurred only in some parts such as in urban areas of DKI Jakarta, and

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 251 border areas with different scale and type of cases. However, each region basically has potential for social conflicts, especially in areas of pemekaran or areas near the border. The social conflicts that are prone to occur in border areas are generally caused by the isolation of community life due to lack of access to the area. Conditions that are difficult to reach make slow economic growth and the lives of its citizens differ greatly from the people in urban areas. This social imbalance is easy to cause friction so that social conflicts are easy (Sutaryo, et al, 2015: 131). Referring to the report Kesbangpol, Riau Province is one of the provinces close to the border and has a record of social conflict. Riau Province has a diverse community composition both religiously, racially, and ethnically. Plurality is like two sides of a coin that can not be separated. On the one hand, diversity is capable of making a force for progress, but on the other hand can be a trigger for conflict. If not managed properly, then that power will turn into a potential unexpected social conflict. Kepulauan MerantiDistrict is part of Riau Province, the area is directly adjacent to neighboring Malaysia. Its strategic location in the border area makes this youngest district very potential to be developed. However, the effects of remoteness and long distances from the central provincial government often hampered regional progress. Under these conditions, the vulnerability to the destructive social conflicts increases. The high potential for social conflicts occur considering the lack of wellbeing for the community, although the natural wealth and plantation products are abundant. Welfare can only be enjoyed by people living in urban or central government, while indigenous peoples generally living in districts near the border live under decent lifestyles, are unfamiliar with modern models and lifestyles, minimal education and limited means of supporting infrastructure social life. This disparity certainly raises different social conflicts but has the same potential in breaking the unity of ethnic groups. Referring to the facts in the field with the support of data from the report kesbangpol which shows that each region has the potential for social conflict, the research on the potential for social conflict in the District of Kepulauan Merantiimportant to do in order to prevent the occurrence of social conflict that is destruktif causing material and non material damage For many.

II. METHOD The method used in this study is a case study with the consideration that the case study is holistic and systemic, and able to present the description in depth and complete so that information about the patterns of action can be described naturally and candidly (Suparlan: 1994). Complete, detailed, and in-depth descriptions can be obtained by digging information from various sources during the data acquisition process. As Creswell (1998: 37) points out, one of the characteristics of case studies is to use various sources of information in its data collection to give a detailed and in-depth description of the response of an event. The data in this research is obtained by collecting primary data and secondary data. Primary data is data obtained or collected directly from the source in the form of interviews and field notes. Primary data is usually referred to as original data or new data that is up to date. To obtain primary data, the researcher must collect it directly. While secondary data is data obtained from the second party in the form of information materials obtained from previously recorded and published sources. Secondary data can be obtained from various sources such as statistical bureaus which are usually abbreviated as BPS, journal books, reports and so on The data collection techniques used are 1) Rapid-Appraisal Interviews, rapid

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 252 assessment is done as a follow-up to take a closer look at the focus of the study, including taking data from conflict participants. Interviews used in the rapid assessment are semi- structured ie there are interview guides used as a guide for interviews with resource persons, but the question can be developed outside the list that has been compiled as long as the question is still relevant to the problems studied (Sugiyono, 2013: 233) . Semi- structured interviews were conducted to key informants either on site visits or in the documentation review process. In addition, interviews were also conducted with community members, local government representatives, law enforcers, and facilitators. The next data collection techniques are 2) Field observation in the form of activities observing the real condition of the locus of the occurrence of social vulnerability, characteristics of the perpetrator, and the environment around his residence. Then the last technique is 3) Document Study. Document studies are conducted by reviewing written sources, digital media, and print media on the issue of social vulnerability discussed in this study. Each document is sorted, then assessed for compliance with the topic of discussion for any social vulnerability problems found. This documentation also serves as a supporter of information when data mining in the field is incomplete. In accordance with the rules of qualitative interpretive analysis, data consisting of observations, interviews, and document studies are analyzed continuously during the process of data collection in the field (Moleong 2000: 103, Yuswandi in Bungin (Ed.), 2004: 100). Stages of analysis of each form of data is carried out together to find the results of research. The first step is to do data reduction is by reading data and information that has been collected from various sources to know the relevance of the data with the formulation of the problem to be answered. Relevant data is coded and grouped by relevance to research issues. Second, the whole data is processed and studied using social conflict theories. The results of the specified studies are further abstracted and interpreted to find better explanatory conclusions (Singarimbun and Effendi, 1989: 62). The conclusion at this stage is an interpretation of a mixture of facts and field data, and still transient. Thirdly, various interim interpretations are subsequently dialogued with each other to discover the reconstruction of the object of study and can finally be drawn a valid and strong conclusion

III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Regency of Kepulauan Merantiis an expansion of Bengkalis district based on Law number 12 of 2009, dated January 16, 2009. This area is located near the border of Malaysia State with total area of 3. 714.19 km, which is consist of four main islands and some islands small. Kepulauan MerantiDistrict is a potential area to grow with abundant natural resources such as rice and palawija, plantations of sago, coconut, rubber, coffee and areca nut. Besides, this area also has forest consisting of conversion forest of 159,777 Ha, limited production forest of 152,888 Ha, mangrove forest area of 25,619 Ha, PPA 5,173 Ha and protected forest with the widest area of 1,996 Ha. Demographic data is the population of 179,894 people with the ratio of male population as much as 51.37 percent and the female population as much as 48.63 percent. Judging from the age level, the majority of the population of Kepulauan Merantiexist in productive age. Meanwhile, in the political and social aspects, the people who live near the border are channeling their political aspirations to several political parties with different ideological styles. The categories of social organizations that are owned by non- governmental organizations (NGOs), community organizations, and paguyuban. Related research on potential conflict in the District of Kepulauan Merantis, found one social conflict and two potential conflicts as follows :

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 253 Table 1.1 Potential Conflict of Kepulauan Meranti Regency

NO VARIABLE MERBAU DISTRICT 1 Source The source of conflicts that occurred in the District of Merbau is Land and Forest 2 Issue Land conflicts between PT RAPP and the public are caused by the issuance of Decree No. 327 of 2009 concerning Permit of Timber Forest Product Utilization Business Utilization (IUPHHK-HT) of Industrial Plantation Forest (HTI) of 41,205 ha in pualau padang. Areas included in the land map are merbau sub-district covering Bagan Melibur Village, Mekar Sari Village, Mengkirau Village, Teluk Belitung Village, resulting in overlap between village administrative boundaries and PT RAPP permit areas. The latest information in 2015 obtained from the field that there was hostageage of three employees of PT RAPP that do bordering the territory of PT RAPP and the land area of citizens, this happens because it does not go after the determination of the boundary of the land in the District Merbau. 3 Parties (pihak The parties to the conflict are the groups that participate in it, both the yang main parties directly involved as well as the third parties involved in the berkonflik) conflict. In this case the conflicting parties are residents of Kec Merbau with PT Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP) 4 Attitudes The rejection of the residents began to protest to the DPRD Riau to physical violence such as blood stamp action in front of the House of Representatives Meranti, Action Sew Mouth on November 1, 2011, to the burning of eskafator owned by PT RAPP on May 31, 2011. 5 Behavior Residents began to fight with blood stamp action, sewing mouth to act anarchist that is with burning RAPP's excavator 6 Intervention Menhut formed a mediation team based on SK.736 / MenhutII / 2011II / 2011 on the Establishment of Mediation Team for Settlement of Local Community Demands Against Business Permit for Utilization of Wood Forest Products in Plantation Forest (IUPHHK-HT) in Pulau Padang. While the DPRD of Kepulauan MerantiDistrict held a joint meeting of hearings to find solutions to solving the village boundary problem. 7 Outcome Exit letter from Village Chief Bagan Melibur no. 445 / SPT / IX / 2015/463 on the assignment of a team of nine to determine the land boundary of citizens and IUPHHK-HT PT RAPP. Follow up letter from Ministry of Environment and Forestry NO. S.356 / BPKH-XIX-3/2015. Source: Field data exercise 2015

The above table is the result of mapping the social conflicts by using SIPABIO conflict (source-of-the-views-behavior-behavior-intervention-outcomes) model as proposed by Amr Abdalla, a sociologist from the United Nations -University for Peace, that there are two Conflict mapping model, SIPABIO and SPITCEROW (source-parties- issue-tactics-chnges-enlargement-resources-outcome-winner / looser). From the table can also be known some things. First is Source (Source). Conflict is caused by different sources, resulting in different types of conflict. Source of conflicts that occurred in the District of Kepulauan Merantiis the issue of land grabs or forests owned by residents of Merbau District include Bagan Melibur Village, Mekar Sari Village, Mengkirau Village and Teluk Belitung Village by PT RAPP, this happened because the Minister of Forestry Decree No. 327/2009 Addition of HTI area of RAPP paper company. The impact of the release of this letter is the entry of yards, houses and gardens owned by

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 254 residents within the area of PT RAPP. Second is the issue of conflict. Issues show interconnected objectives that are not aligned between the conflicting parties. This issue was developed by all conflicting parties and other unidentified parties regarding the source of the conflict. The interconnectedness of objectives that are not aligned among the conflicting parties. This issue was developed by all conflicting parties and other unidentified parties on the source of the conflict. The Conflict Issues in the District of Kepulauan Merantiare the land acquisition of residents and forests in Merbau sub-district by PT RAPP. The initial issue that arises is the issuance of Decree no. 327 on the addition of land concessions, resulting in prolonged conflict and violence. The third is Parties (Party Involved). The parties to the conflict are the groups that participate in it, both the main parties directly involved as well as the third parties involved in the conflict. Conflict that occurred in Kepulauan MerantiDistrict is Merbau District residents include Bagan Melibur Village, Mekar Sari Village, Mengkirau Village and Teluk Belitung Village and PT RAPP. PT RAPP claimed that the land area of 41.205 Ha was the legalized HTI area under management under Minister of Forestry Decree No. 327 of 2009, but residents also insisted on maintaining their village into the additional area of HTI on the grounds that they have occupied the island of Padang since childhood. Fourth is attitudes (Attitudes) are feelings and perceptions that affect the behavior patterns of conflict actors. Attitudes can appear in both positive and negative forms. The residents of Merbau sub-district rejected the protests to DPRD Riau until physical violence such as blood stamp action in front of Meranti Parliament building, Mouth Sewing Action on November 1, 2011, to the burning of escapator owned by PT RAPP on May 31, 2011. In fact, there were three employees of PT RAPP By residents due to the land pegging in Bagan Melibur on 1 November 2015. Fifth is Behavior (behavior) Behavior is aspect of social action from party in conflict, either in the form of coercive or non-coercive. Social conflicts in the District of Kepulauan Merantioccur conservatively and non conservatively. The non-conservative action of PT RAPP is to secretly tap into silent plantations and install stakes in their plantations without the knowledge of local people and government so that villagers arrest and hold hostage employees of PT RAPP. The taps were made on the pegging of the pegs, claiming they were from RAPP and working on Marhadi's orders from RAPP. They set up the boundary with a map of forestry. After the incident PT RAPP take conservative action in the form of socialization of land mapping at Grand Meranti hotel in October 2015. Sixth, Intervention or interference is the action of a third party which is neutral means not side with any party. The intervening parties are the Ministry of Forestry and the Regency of Kepulauan Meranti. The Ministry of Forestry has established a Community Settlement Mediation Settlement Mediation Team on Timber Forest Product Utilization Permits in Plantation Forest (IUPHHK-HT) in Padang Island, Kepulauan Meranti Province, Riau Province. SK.736 / Menhut-II / 2011 dated December 27, 2011. While the DPRD of Kepulauan MerantiDistrict held a joint meeting of hearings to find solutions to the solution of the village Bagar Melibur-Desa Lukit Village problem which resulted in conflict over the excavation work of PT RAPP Canal in Pulau Padang on the day Tuesday, May 20, 2014 took place in the parliament building of the Kepulauan Merantis. Seventh is the output of the final result is the impact of various actions made by conflict parties in the form of the situation. The latest data obtained in November is ongoing determination of the boundary by the team of nine. This is in accordance with the order of Village Chief Bagan Melibur no. 445 / SPT / IX / 2015/463 on the assignment of a team of nine to determine the land boundary of citizens and IUPHHK-HT PT RAPP.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 255 Follow up letter from Ministry of Environment and Forestry NO. S.356 / BPKH-XIX- 3/2015. In addition to social conflicts due to problems of seizure of natural resources that occurred in the district. Merbau, Kepulauan MerantiDistrict also has two potential social conflicts as summarized in the following table :

Table 1.2 Potential Conflict of Kepulauan Meranti District

NO Varible First Potential Conflict Second Potential Conflict 1 Source Staple goods (Sembako) Regional Head Elections 2015 2 Issue - The price of basic food is - The boundaries in some expensive because it comes from areas of Kepulauan outside the district such as from MerantiRegency are not Riau, West Sumatra and even clear considering the from the island of Java. age of the establishment - Many illegal goods imported of a young district refers from Malaysia to Decree Number 100 / PH / 58.32 dated December 18, 2008. - Adjudicating population records that may result in multiple Voters List (DPT). 3 Parties Society, businessman / trader Among Supporters of candidates for the regent and vice regent Source: Field data exercise 2015

Conflict is an inevitable phenomenon in life because it is an inherent part of human existence meaning the potential for social conflict can not be avoided, ranging from intra- personal, interpersonal, to the level of groups, organizations, communities and countries May conflict. The reason for the occurrence can be varied, ranging from social problems, economy, power, and so forth, and manifested in the development and change of human life itself. Conflict always arises from imbalances in relationships, such as the struggle for social status, power struggles, wealth, power imbalances, discrimination, oppression of property rights and crime. Table 1.2 shows that two potential conflicts in the Kepulauan MerantiDistrict have different sources and issues. The potential for conflict first stems from the existence of basic necessities (sembako) with the issue of the high price of daily needs of the community. If viewed from the motive is the economic motive that there is a situation where people in the district of Kepulauan Merantihave different capabilities to meet their daily needs. This happens because the goods are imported from outside the Kepulauan Merantiarea, such as Pekanbaru, Java and West Sumatra . The close proximity to neighboring countries is Malaysia causing many illegal imports done either by businessmen or individuals. This happens because the cost of freight expedition from Malaysia is cheaper. Disperindag-UKM also does not have data related to import export in meranti archipelagic districts. Yet import export activities have long occurred in this area. Head of Meranti Trade and Industry Cooperative Industry (Disperindagkopukm) Meranti, has long proposed to the Ministry of Trade that Kepulauan Merantican supply goods from the port in Tanjungbalai Karimun and Batam, but until now has not received

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 256 permission despite repeatedly delivered. This condition occurs because he thinks this is outside the authority of the region and the minister who has the authority. Thus, in this case the parties involved are the people, and the entrepreneurs or traders. In addition, it is seen from the form of this conflict is included in the social class conflict that is between the general public with traders or entrepreneurs who have the power to regulate the price by considering the difficult conditions in obtaining staple goods. The second is the potential for political conflict that stems from the holding of elections simultaneously. Politically motivated conflict is the existence of different political interests that exist in the community and has the potential to generate conflicts in the process of power struggle which then can lead to social conflict. In accordance with Law Number 1 Year 2015 on the Stipulation of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2014 on the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors into Law and also Law number 8 of 2015 on Serilak Election in Riau Province, the implementation of Serentak Election in 2015 will be implemented in 8 districts And 1 Kota, there are four districts / municipalities whose term of office ends in 2015. One of the regions that will implement the elections is Kepulauan MerantiDistrict, which will end its term on July 30, 2015. A vulnerable conflict arose due to the young age of the newly formed Kepulauan MerantiRegency in 2010 in accordance with the decision of Riau Province Governor No. 100 / PH / 58.32 dated December 18, 2008 concerning Approval of Riau Provincial Government to Formation of Kepulauan Meranti Regency. His relatively young age has not only had an impact on the experience of simultaneous elections, but also about the related administrative aspects of unclear areas. The unclear boundary not only has the potential to generate territorial seizures but also the recording of the population who can make the plot number of voters list (DPT) or the possibility of doubling the number of DPT.

IV. CONCLUSIONS Based on the presentation and discussion of research results, it can be concluded that 1) the social conflicts that occur sourced from the seizure of natural resources in the form of seizure of land or forest with forest management issues Plant Industry (HTI) covering an area of 41 205 ha on the island of Padang. This conflict is not only motivated by economy but also contains social motives, 2) Kepulauan MerantiRegency has potential of social conflict that is politically motivated and politically motivated conflict. Economically motivated conflict comes from the existence of daily necessities to the issue of expensive groceries for supplies coming from outside the region, 3) the potential for a political conflict was also found to the problems of their simultaneous election in 2015. The issue is the lack of a poultice Boundaries in some areas as well as aspects of recording of the population that have the potential to create multiple voters. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of social conflicts from potential conflicts that have been identified, it is necessary to take the following steps: 1) For the Central Government, Level 1 and Second Level Regions immediately establish the boundaries of PT RAPP and the community land, 2) To anticipate Ethical, religious and poliyic conflicts hence customary institutions should play a more important role, 3) permanent borderline between HTI managed by PT RAPP and community land, 4) Provided assistance for communication forums between ethnic and religious groups.

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Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 257 Metodologis ke Arah Penguasaan Model Aplikasi. Jakarta: Raja Grasindo Persada. Creswell, John. (1998). Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design : Choosing among Five Traditions. USA : Sage Publications. Fisher, S., et.all. 2000. Working with Conflict, Skill and Strategies for Action. London: Mac Millan. Lawang, Robert. 1994. Buku Materi Pokok Pengantar Sosiologi. Jakarta: Universitas terbuka. Mitchell, C. 1981. The Structure of International Conflict. London: Mac Millan. Moleong, L. J. 2000. Metodologi PenelitianKualitatif. Bandung: RemajaRosdakarya. Soekanto, Soerjono. 1992. Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.. Sugiyono. 2013. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung : Alfa Beta. Sutaryo, dkk. 2015. Membangun Kedaulatan Bangsa Berdasarkan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Kawasan Terluar, Terdepan, dan Tertinggal (3T). Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajahmada. Zeitlin, Irving.1998. Memahami Kembali Sosiologi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 258 THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT IN TOURISM MARKETING PROMOTION

Mariaty Ibrahim Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science University of Riau

Abstract: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Promosi Pariwisata di Kabupaten Kampar, serta mengetahui tantangan dalam promosi pariwisata di Kabupaten Kampar. Analisis penelitian menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian 2 (dua) orang yakni Kepala Bidang Pemasaran dan Kepala Seksi Promosi, teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara yang merupakan data primer penelitian ini dan dokumentasi yang dikumpulkan dari Dinas Pariwisata dan berbagai literature yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini yang merupakan data skunder. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan, promosi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar meliputi Media Lini atas dan Media Lini Bawah hal yang penting diperhatikan yakni perlu peningkatan dalam promosi media lini atas dengan media luar ruang hendaknya menggunakan teknologi digital sehingga informasi yang dipeoleh masyarakat, investor dan wisatawan akan lebih cepat dan lebih luas cakupannya. Sangat diperlukan website sendiri atau yang dikelola oleh Dinas Pariwisata tidak bergabung dengan website Kabupaten Kampar.

Kata Kunci: Promosi, pemasaran, pariwisata.

I. PENDAHULUAN Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 10 tahun 2009 tentang kepariwisataan pada pasal 4 menjelaskan bahwa kepariwisataan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pertumbuhan daerah, a. Meningkatkan kesejahteraan Rakyat; b. Menghapus kemiskinan; c. Mengatasi pengangguran; d. Melestarikan alam, lingkungan dan sumber daya; e. Memajukan kebudayaan; f. Mengangkat citra bangsa; g. Memupuk rasa cinta tanah air; h. Memperkukuh jati diri dan kesatuan bangsa; i. dan mempererat persahabatan antar bangsa.

Di Indonesia, pariwisata merupakan penunjang ekonomi masyarakat, bagi Indonesia adalah peluang besar dan sangat menjanjikan. Berdasarkan WTO yakni, 1.046 milyar orang pada tahun 2010 dan 1.602 milyar pada tahun 2020. Untuk meningkatkan peran kepari-wisataan, sangat terkait antara barang berupa obyek wisata sendiri yang dapat dijual dengan sarana dan prasarana yang mendukungnya yang terkait dalam industri pariwisata. Usaha mengembangkan suatu daerah tujuan wisata harus memperhatikan berbagai faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap keberadaan suatu daerah tujuan wisata. Faktor-faktor itu terkait lima unsur pokok yang harus ada dalam suatu daerah tujuan wisata, yang meliputi obyek dan daya tarik wisata, prasarana wisata, tata laksana, atau infrastruktur serta kondisi dari masyarakat atau lingkungan. Provinsi Riau juga memiliki Daya Tarik Wisata Unggulan dan Even Pariwisata Utama Provinsi Riau, daftar daya tarik wisata di Provinsi Riau adalah sebagai berikut:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 259 Tabel 1 Daftar Daya Tarik Wisata di Riau No Daya Tarik Wisata Unggulan Asal Daerah

1 Air Panas Hapasan Pasir Pangarayan 2 Bono Pelelawan 3 Candi Muara Takus Bangkinang 4 Danau Bandar Kayangan Rumbai 5 Danau Raja Rengat 6 Istana Siak Siak Sri Indrapura 7 Pantai Solop Kepulauan Riau 8 Pulau Jemur Bagan Siapiapi 9 Pulau Rupat 10 Taman Nasional Bukit Tigapuluh Pelelawan Sumber : Dinas Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Provinsi Riau, 2015

Dalam suatu daerah pasti memiliki identitas yang membuat orang–orang mengingat dan jika mendengar ataupun melihat logo dari identitas tersebut, orang–orang akan langsung tertuju pada daerah itu. Riau adalah daerah yang sudah memiliki identitas atau branding yang baru–baru ini diresmikan yaitu Branding Riau the Homeland of Melayu. Adapun Filosofi Warna Logo ini, yaitu: 1. Hijau, warna kesuburan, pertumbuhan, pembaharuan dan persahabatan 2. Merah, warna melambangkan energi, kekuatan dan keberanian 3. Kuning, warna melambangkan kegembiraan, loyalitas, dan kebijaksanaan 4. Biru, warna melambangkan ketenangan, kelembutan,dan kedamaian. Kabupaten Kampar merupakan kabupaten tertua di provinsi Riau dengan daya tarik wisata yakni Candi Muara Takus, Pada awal 1991, di Kabupaten Kampar terjadi pemekaran empat kecamatannya. Kecamatan Kampar dimekarkan menjadi kecamatan Kampar dan Perwakilan Kecamatan Tambang. Kecamatan lain yang ikut dimekarkan adalah kecamatan Siak Hulu dimekarkan menjadi Siak Hulu dimekarkan dan perwakilan kecamatan Tapung.kecamatan Rambah dimekarkan menjadi kecamatan Rambah dan perwakilan kecamatan Rambah Samo dan kecamatan Bangkinang menjadi kecamatan Bangkinang dan perwakilan kecamatan Bangkinang Barat. Kabupaten Kampar pada tahun 2017 dengan usia 67 yang seharusnya sudah menjadi daerah yang maju dan berkembang namun perlu dipacu terus agar mampu mengejar ketertinggalan dibandingkan dengan daerah lainnya. Kampar negeri yang kaya akan sumber daya alam, seharusnya kekayaan yang potensial itu dimanfaatkan semaksimal mungkin untuk membangun. Kampar harus memiliki Sumber Daya Manusia yang berkualitas untuk mengantisipasi perkembangan ke depan yang semakin pesat seiring dengan berlakunya Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) yang menuntut Sumber Daya Manusia yang kuat dan kompetitif. Kabupaten Kampar memiliki objek-objek wisata yang sangat menarik dan mempunyai prosepek yang baik serta masih dapat dikembangkan secara optimal. Kabupaten Kampar memiliki objek wisata yang beragam, juga memiliki potensi budaya

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 260 yang tak kalah menariknya dengan daerah tujuan lain di Indonesia. Kekuatan wisata Kabupaten Kampar terdiri dari wisata alam, wisata sejarah, wisata budaya, wisata religious, wisata buatan, wisata minat khusus, serta wisata keluarga yang merupakan andalan daerah wisata Kabupaten Kampar. Dalam upaya meningkatkan wisatawan, Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar me- miliki strategi promosi dengan harapan mampu menjadikan sektor pariwisata sebagai andalan dan strategi dalam upaya pemulihan dan peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat. Promosi merupakan hal yang penting dalam memasarkan obyek wisata di suatu daerah untuk itu peneliti tertarik nnmelakukan penelitian dengan judul “Promosi Pariwisata di Kabupaten Kampar”. Sesuai dengan kemajuan zaman dan kebutuhan masyarakat yang makin banyak mengadakan perjalanan, dengan bermacam-macam motif sesuai dengan keperluan masing- masing, hal ini memberikan konstribusi terhadap kehidupan ekonmi, sosial dan budaya bangsa. Kesempatan kerja, penambahan devisa, keadaan sosial masyarakat makin baik dan kebudayaan bangsa makin memperkokoh apresiasi. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka perlu pengembangan kepariwisataan dengan cara melakukan promosi, hal ini dilakukan bukan hanya lembaga-lembaga yang bertanggung jawab dalam kepariwisataan juga perusahaan-perusahaan yang langsung menyadari pentingnya peranan promosi. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui promosi pariwisata dan mengetahui tantangan dalam promosi pariwisata di Kabupaten Kampar.

II. METODE Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan Subjek penelitian yang dengan sengaja dipilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian, yang menjadi subjek penelitian atau informan adalah Kepala Bidang Pemasaran dan Kepala Seksi Promosi Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar. Jenis data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data skunder. Data Primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara yang dilakukan secara langsung kepada informan penelitian dengan berdasarkan daftar pertanyaan yang telah dipersiapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan penelitian, Data skunder dikumpulkan langsung dari Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar, berupa dokumen-dokumen sesuai kebutuhan penelitian. Adapun tekhnik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan tekni wawancara, melakukan tanya jawab secara langsung dengan informan penelitian yaitu Kepala Bidang Pemasaran dan Kepala Seksi Promosi Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar, sesuai dengan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian. Data dan informasi yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan teknik deskriptif kualitatif.

III. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar dalam mempromosikan pariwisata menggunakan beberapa media. a. Media Lini Atas yang terdiri dari : 1) Media Cetak yakni Sebuah media yang menyampaikan informasi secara detail dan rinci, untuk media ini Dinas Pariwisata menerbitkan berupa majalah Jelajah Kampar yang diterbitkan 1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun memuat profil dan informasi tentang objek wisata yang dimilki oleh Kabupaten Kampar, Kalender yang berisikan gambar dari objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar yang dicetak 1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun, Lukisan dari berbagai objek wisata kabupaten Kampar, dan Asesoris dalam bentuk kipas dan tas. Sasaran dari promosi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata tersebut adalah masyarakat, wisatawan, investor yang berpotensi

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 261 melakukan perjalanan wisata sehingga jumlah pengunjung dari masing-masing objek wisata semakin meningkat. Berikut kutipan jawaban dari hasil wawancara penulis dengan kepala seksi promosi pariwisata Bapak. Iskandar, SE: “Media cetak yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata berupa majalah, leaflet, kalender, lukisan, tas, dan kipas, yang semuanya itu menjelaskan atau menerangkan tentang potensi objek wsata kabupaten Kampar, baik itu wisata budaya, wisata sejarah, wisata alam, wisata religius, wisata buatan, wisata minat khusus, dan wisata keluarga, serta berisikan kuliner khas daerah kabupaten Kampar. Harapan kami wisatawan yang datang akan merasa puas berada disana dan akan berkunjung kembali dengan membawa kerabat yang lainnya.”. 2) Media Elektronik media yang menggunakan elektronik atau energi elektro mekanis, yang dalam hal ini Dinas Pariwisata Kampar juga menggunakan media ini dalam penayangan informasi objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar melalui Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), Riau Televisi, Radio Pemerintah Daerah Kampar (RPDK), yang semua informasi tersebut merupakan iklan advertorial pemberitaan yang berisikan objek wisata, visualisasi Bupati dan Kepala Dinas serta semboyan- semboyan yang ditujukan memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat, dan pihak- pihak yang berkepentingan sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan untuk mengunjungi objek-objek wisata tersebut. Kutipan wawancara mengenai promosi dengan media elektronik dari Bapak Ismail, S.Sos, kepala bidang pemasaran: “Untuk media elektronik bersifat kontenporer, dengan menggunakan radio Suara Pemda Kampar yang tayangannya rutin pada awal tahun. Hm.... kalau untuk televisi tahun ini ada di tanggal 3 Juni dari hari Senin sampai hari Rabu pada siaran TVRI atau Riau Televisi dan juga memiliki web organisasi melalui website dengan tujuan agar informasi objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar akan lebih cepat diketahui oleh masyarakat, wisatawan lokal maupun manca negara karena penggunaannya yang mudah dan penyebaran maupun jangkauan atau cakupannya sangat luas, website yang digunakan masih menggunakan website Kampar saja belum website dari Dinas Pariwisatanya, sehingga tidak sepenuhnya dikelola oleh Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar. Website ini sangat berperan dalam mempromosikan pariwisata di Kabupaten Kampar”. 3) Media Luar ruang merupakan jenis media yang dapat menghantarkan pesan, dan berada diluar ruangan, Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar juga menggunakan media luar ruang seperti papan iklan, baliho, spanduk, poster, dan juga menggunakan media luar ruang dengan teknologi digital yakni berupa videotron. Kutipan wawancara mengenai promosi dengan media luar ruang dari Bapak Ismail, S.Sos, kepala bidang pemasaran: “Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar dalam mempromosikan pariwisatanya dengan cara membuat Baliho yang dipasang pada tempat-tempat keramaian pada tiap-tiap objek wisata pemsangan baleho di persimpangan setiap objek wisata, yang bentuknya sederhana dengan ukuran 2 x 3 meter dan tingginya 2,5 meter, kemudian juga menggunakan videotron yang ditayangkan di bandara Sutan Syarif Qasyim II Pekanbaru dan di Kantor Bupati Kampar, itu semua dengan tujuannya supaya orang-orang yang lewat disekitar objek wisata bisa mengetahui dimana objek wisata yang bisa dikunjungi dalam mengisi liburan mereka Dampak yang ditimbulkan tentunya akan bertambahnya kunjungan wisatawan yang datang ke

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 262 Kabupaten Kampar yang tentunya akan meningkatkan pendapatan daerah dan masyarakatt”. b. Media lini bawah, Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar menggunakan beberapa media yakni sebagai berikut: 1) Melakukan Expo atau pameran yakni kegiatan atau penyajian untuk dikomunikasikan sehingga dapat diapresiasi oleh masyarakat luas, cara ini merupakan salah satu cara untuk lebih efektif terjalinnya komunikasi secara langsung dengan masyarakat dalam rangka menyebarkan informasi melalui brosur, booklet, leaflet yang dilakukan baik tingkat kota dan kabupaten maupun provinsi yang dilakukan .... dalam 1 (satu) tahun baik lokal maupun nasional dengan melibatkan staf-staf Dinas Pariwisata, Bujang dan Dara, serta kelompok Sadar Wisata dari masing-masing objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Kampar. Tujuannya untuk memberikan informasi kepada seluruh masyarakat tentang keberadaan objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar. Berikut kutipan jawaban dari hasil wawancara penulis dengan kepala seksi promosi pariwisata Bapak. Iskandar, SE: “Kami selalu melakukan expo atau pameran baik yang diadakan di dalam ataupun lokal juga expo yang bersifat nasional untuk memperkenalkan potensi dari objek wisata serta kuliner-kuliner tradisional, industri-industri kerajinan dari masyarakat Kabupaten Kampar, wisata sejarah seperti Candi Muara Takus inilah satu-satunya candi Budha yang pernah didirikan di Sumatera yang tapak-tapaknya masih bisa dinapaktilasi hingga kini, melalui pameran kami akan dapat langsung berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat tentang keberadaan objek wisata tersebut dan juga dapat memperkenalkan hasil-hasil industri dengan motif tenun khas Kabupaten Kampar ”. c. Promosi Mulut ke mulut merupakan salah satu bentuk promosi yang dilakukan dengan tidak banyak menghabiskan biaya atau bahkan tidak mengeluarkan biaya sama sekali, dalam hal ini Dinas Pariwisata juga menggunakan promosi jenis ini yang disampaikan oleh Kepala Dinas ataupun pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dalam acara atau even- even daerah, dan juga disampaikan oleh Kelompok Sadar Wisata, Bujang dan Dara yang ada pada objek wisata masing-masing di Kabupaten Kampar dengan harapan kunjungan objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar meningkat. Kutipan jawaban dari hasil wawancara penulis dengan kepala bidang pemasaran Bapak. Ismail S Sos mengenai promosi dari mulut ke mulut: “Promosi melalui mulut ke mulut dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dengan bantuan komunitas-komunitas seperti mancing mania, komunitas Kijang Tua dan komunitas Fajero Sport selain itu juga komunitas-komunitas itu kan mempunyai anggota sekitar 300 orang masing-masing orang memiliki objek yang berbeda, dan juga Kabupaten Kampar memiliki Bujang dan Dara sebagai Duta Pariwisata serta memiliki Kelompok Sadar Wisata Kabupaten Kampar yang akan mempromosikan secara langsung kepada pengunjung ataupun wisatawan yang datang ke objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Kampar”. Kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar adalah dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan Pariwisata ke masyarakat luas, kegiatan promosi yang dilaksanakan merupakan suatu program pemerintah guna mengembangkan sektor pariwisata khususnya Kabupaten Kampar, karena potensi wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Kampar patut dijadikan sebagai tujuan wisata. Pariwisata juga merupakan sektor ekonmi untuk dijadikan penghasilan di suatu daerah.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 263 Untuk mengembangkan sebuah pariwisata di suatu Wilayah tertentu harus dikelola oleh sebuah instansi pemerintah yang khusus menangani tentang pariwisata. Dinas Pariwisata melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan prioritasnya untuk kepentingan pariwisata sesuai dengan misinya sebagai berikut: a) Meningkatkan Sumbert Daya Manusia yang professional dalam bidang pariwisata, pemuda dan olahraga. b) Meningkatkan sarana dan prasarana serta peran serta stakeholder dalam pengembangan pariwisata, pemuda dan olahraga. c) Meningkatkan peran serta Stakeholder dalam pengembanngan industri pariwisata dan Kebudayaan Daerah d) Meningkatkan daya tarik wisata melalui penataan objek wisata dan budaya secara profesional dan proporsional Namun dalam melaksanakan promosi tersebut Kabupaten Kampar mendapat tantangan antara lain sebagai berikut : a) Minimnya anggaran dana yang diberikan oleh pemerintah provinsi, sehingga menyebabkan terbatasnya kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh Kabupaten Kampar.terutama apabila menggunakann media elektronik yang tentunya membutuhkan dana yang sangat besar. b) Kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang profesional di bidang pariwisata dan teknologi, dalam menggunakan media elektronik tentunnya akan menemui hambatan dari segi teknis. c) Tidak memiliki website organisasi sendiri, sehingga tidak dapat leluasa dalam melakukan kegiatan promosi.

IV. KESIMPULAN Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut: 1. Promosi Pariwisata yang dilakukan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar meliputi beberapa media: a. Media Lini Atas yang terdiri dari:  Media Cetak, Dinas Pariwisata menerbitkan berupa majalah Jelajah Kampar yang diterbitkan 1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun, Kalender yang dicetak 1 (satu) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun, Lukisan dan Asesoris dalam bentuk kipas dan tas. Sasaran dari promosi yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata tersebut adalah masyarakat, wisatawan, investor yang berpotensi melakukan perjalanan wisata sehingga jumlah pengunjung dari masing-masing objek wisata semakin meningkat.  Media Elektronik media yang menggunakan elektronik melalui Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), Riau Televisi, Radio Pemerintah Daerah Kampar (RPDK), yang semua informasi tersebut merupakan iklan advertorial pemberitaan yang berisikan objek wisata, visualisasi Bupati dan Kepala Dinas serta semboyan-semboyan yang ditujukan memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat, dan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan sehingga dapat menarik wisatawan untuk mengunjungi objek-objek wisata tersebut.  Media Luar ruang Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar juga menggunakan media luar ruang seperti papan iklan, baliho, spanduk, poster, dan juga menggunakan media luar ruang dengan teknologi digital yakni berupa videotron.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 264 b. Media lini bawah, Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar menggunakan beberapa media yakni sebagai berikut:  Melakukan Expo atau pameran yakni kegiatan atau penyajian untuk dikomunikasikan sehingga dapat diapresiasi oleh masyarakat luas yang dilakukan 6 (enam) kali dalam 1 (satu) tahun baik lokal maupun nasional dengan melibatkan staf-staf Dinas Pariwisata, Bujang dan Dara, serta kelompok Sadar Wisata dari masing-masing objek wisata yang ada di Kabupaten Kampar. Tujuannya untuk memberikan informasi kepada seluruh masyarakat tentang keberadaan objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar. 2. Promosi Mulut ke mulut merupakan salah satu bentuk promosi yang dilakukan dengan tidak banyak menghabiskan biaya atau bahkan tidak mengeluarkan biaya sama sekali, dalam hal ini Dinas Pariwisata juga menggunakan promosi jenis ini yang disampaikan oleh Kepala Dinas ataupun pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dalam acara atau even-even daerah, dan juga disampaikan oleh Kelompok Sadar Wisata, Bujang dan Dara yang ada pada objek wisata masing-masing di Kabupaten Kampar dengan harapan kunjungan objek wisata Kabupaten Kampar meningkat.

2. Tantangan Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Kampar dalam Promosi Pariwisata antara lain sebagai berikut : Minimnya anggaran dana yang diberikan oleh pemerintah provinsi, sehingga menyebabkan terbatasnya kegiatan promosi yang dilakukan oleh Kabupaten Kampar. Terutama apabila menggunakann media elektronik yang tentunya membutuhkan dana yang sangat besar. Kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang profesional di bidang pariwisata dan teknologi, dalam menggunakan media elektronik tentunnya akan menemui hambatan dari segi teknis. Tidak memiliki website organisasi sendiri, sehingga tidak dapat leluasa dalam melakukan kegiatan promosi.

REFERENSI Djalim, Saladin, 1996. Unsur-unsur Inti dan Manajemen Pemasaran. Bandung CV. Mandar Maju Kotler, Philip dan Gary Armstrong. 2003. Dasar-Dasar Pemasaran. Edisi Kesembilan. Jilid 1. Jakarta: Indeks Pendit, Nyoman. 2002. Ilmu Pariwiata. Jakarta. Pradnya Paramita Salah Wahab. LJ. Crampton LM, Roth Field. 1997. Tourism Management. Jakarta. Pradnya Paramita Simamora, Henry, 2001. Akuntansi Basis Pengambilan Keputusan Bisnis, Jilid Dua, Cetakan Pertama, Penerbit Salemba Empat, Jakarta. Spillane. 1987. Pariwisata Indonesia Sejarah dan Prospeknya. Yogyakarta. Kanisius Swantono, Gamal. 2004. Dasar-dasar Pariwisata. Jakarta. Andi Publisher. Swastha, Basu dan Irawan. 2008. Manajemen Pemasaran Modern. Cetakan Ketiga belas. Yogyakarta: Liberty Yogyakarta

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 265 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY COMPETENCY IN SUPPORTING FOOD PRIVATE

Dadang Mashur & Zulkarnaini Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Riau

Abstract: The phenomenon in this study is the low quality and quantity of extension workers who master the knowledge and skills in their respective fields. So in conducting the extension program that has been set still has not contributed significantly to the community in an effort to improve the management of agriculture, lack of extension ability to develop innovations in improving agricultural management that has been found. As a result many extension workers still apply agricultural management through traditional methods, thus less support for the realization of self- sufficiency in agriculture, lack of extension ability to develop access to agriculture based IT development. This fact is due to the low ability of extension workers to develop IT-based extension programs for each of the areas in Riau Province and the low participation of agricultural development actors ie the community to cooperate with extension workers in developing the agricultural sector in Riau Province. This fact is evident from the low public complaints of the problems faced in the development of agriculture.The purpose of this research is to identify the competence of Agricultural Extension in supporting food self-sufficiency, to identify the factors that influence the improvement of Agricultural Extension competence in supporting food self- sufficiency, and recommend the strategy to increase the competence of Agricultural Extension in supporting food self-sufficiency.The results of this study explain that the competence of agricultural extension in view from the aspect of working knowledge, communication, teamwork and initiative are in good category while the skill aspect is in the less good category. For factors affecting the extension's competence are fund, policy, human resources and infrastructure. From the SWOT analysis it was found that agricultural extension workers have strengths and opportunities that are more prominent than weaknesses and threats. Therefore, the strategy to increase the extension of the extension agent to be done is to try to use the strength that is owned by exploiting the opportunities that exist

Keywords: Strategy and competency

I. INTRODUCTION The natural resource strengths of Riau Province in agriculture, plantation, fishery, forestry and oil and gas have to be managed well by the government. One area that needs special attention is the management of agriculture which is a renewable natural resource to increase its consistency in contributing to the region as a self-sufficient granary. Agricultural management is inseparable from the important role of extension workers in increasing food self-sufficiency in Riau Province after the enactment of autonomy. Because to maximize the management of agriculture, extension agents are the vanguard to achieve success. Effective and efficient development counseling programs can be developed by professionals in the field of development counseling, This can be possible if the extension program is covered by a clear institutional counseling system and everything is supported by competent personnel in the field of counseling. Increased competence of extension workers in agricultural development can be conditioned through efforts such as: (1) increasing the effectiveness of training for extension workers, (2) enhancing self-development of extension workers through increased learning independence and career extension development; (3) increasing support for extension activities such as government policy support (4) motivate the extension personnel to always improve work performance (extension performance) and follow changes in the existing strategic environment.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 266 The function and role of extensionist in making the area for self-sufficiency is very important, therefore based on the Minister of Manpower and Trasmigration Decree explained the function and role of agricultural extension is one of the essential components in an Agricultural Extension system. Function and role of Agricultural Extension in agricultural extension system, that is: 1. Facilitating the process of empowering key actors and business actors. 2. Ensure easy access of key actors and business actors to sources of information, technology, and other resources so that they can develop their business. 3. Improving leadership, managerial, and entrepreneurial capabilities of the main actors and business actors. 4. Assisting principal actors and business actors in developing their organizations to be highly competitive, productive, implementing good and sustainable business governance organizations. 5. Help analyze and solve problems and respond to the opportunities and challenges faced by the main actors and business actors in managing the business. 6. Growing awareness of the main actors and business actors towards the preservation of environmental functions. 7. Institutionalize the cultural values of advanced and modern agricultural development for the main perpetrators and perpetrators of business continuously. To carry out such functions and roles, it requires an increase in the competence of Agricultural Extension to create professional Agricultural Extension. In an effort to increase the extension of the extension staff in Riau Province, responsibility and authority are submitted to the Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province. Where in carrying out the responsibilities and authority of the Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province has a vision that is: "Achieve professional, sustainable and integrated counseling to achieve prosperity of the community Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry". So in an effort to realize the vision, the Coordinating Agency of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province has the following missions: 1. Achieve professional and characterized counseling. 2. Realizing model of farmer group / prosperous prosperous, role model and achievement. 3. Realizing quality and up-to-date quality information science and technology extension facilities and infrastructure. 4. Realizing an effective and efficient counseling system Therefore, in supporting the implementation of the vision and mission set by the Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province, the Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province has a task based on Local Regulation No. 8 of 2008 that is decentralization and can be assigned to organize authority delegated by the Government To the Governor as the representative of the Government in the context of deconcentration. This fact is in accordance with Riau Governor Regulation No. 25 of 2009 The Coordinating Agency for Counseling (Bakorluh) of Riau Province has the duty to carry out decentralization, deconcentration, assistance tasks, carry out planning, implementation activities, monitoring and evaluation in the field of coordination of agricultural extension, fishery and forestry and implement Tasks assigned by the Governor. In an effort to support the implementation of tasks that have been charged the Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province has the following functions: 1. Coordination, integration, cross-sectoral counseling synchronization. 2. Optimizing public participation in counseling.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 267 3. Advocacy involves the community in counseling by involving experts, universities, related institutions and key players and business actors. 4. Formulating provincial extension programs that are in line with national extension policies and programs. 5. Implementation of the basic administrative unit (Satminkal) of agricultural extension, fishery and forestry of civil servants on duty at the provincial level. 6. Organizing counseling in agriculture, fisheries and forestry. 7. Management of agricultural extension, fishery and forestry extension. 8. Monitoring and evaluation of agricultural extension, fisheries and forestry. 9. Facilitate the development of institutional and community forums for the main actors and business actors to develop their business and provide feedback to the Regional Government. 10. Increased capacity of civil servant, self-help and private. 11. Implementation of secretarial administration. 12. Implementation of other tasks assigned by Governor To fulfill the vision, mission, tasks and functions that have been delegated, the Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province needs to have professional and competent extension workers in their respective fields. Based on data obtained from the Coordinating Agency of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province about the number of extension is owned as follows Table. 1.1 Number of Extension Officers PNS District se Riau Province Based Sub Sector No. Regency / City Extension Worker Total Agriculture Farms Fishery Forestry THL- TB* 1 Pekanbaru 18 2 3 - 15 38 2 Kampar 176 - 2 8 23 209 3 Rokan Hulu 37 - - - 77 114 4 Indragiri Hulu 51 - - 3 45 99 5 Siak 36 - 3 - 28 67 6 Bengkalis 38 - 2 32 72 7 Indragiri Hilir 103 15 8 1 21 148 8 Pelalawan 44 - - 1 31 76 9 Kuantan Singingi 74 - 15 16 73 178 10 Rokan Hilir 20 - - - 22 42 11 Dumai 15 - - - 5 20 12 Kepulauan 5 - - - 1 6 Meranti 13 Setbakorluh 23 - 5 3 - 31 Total 640 17 36 34 373 1100 Source: Coordinating Board of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province, 2015

From table I.1 it is seen that the number of extension most is agricultural extension is 640 counselor spread all over Regency / City and Secretariat of Coordinating Agency of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province. While the number of extension of fisheries and forestry the number is still very minimal, whereas Riau Province is currently promoting development in agriculture. Lack of number of extension workers in the field of agriculture would need to get attention in an effort to maintain the commitment of the Government of Riau Province to support self-sufficiency. In addition, the Riau Provincial Government through the Coordinating Agency of Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province continues to

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 268 improve the competence of the counselors to meet the public needs in floating and developing Riau Province self-supporting agriculture, fishery and forestry. Riau Province development priority policy related to self-supporting program that is implementing revitalization of agriculture through regional cooperation between provinces and districts / cities in Riau Province with the main target of developing integrated system agribusiness, the use of appropriate technology, and reinventing capital management implemented in Food Operation program Riau Makmur (OPRM) to achieve food self- sufficiency and or reduce food dependence from outside Riau Province. In supporting the achievement of Riau Province's development priority policy as stated in Riau Province Work Plan (RKPD) Year 2015, special strategies are needed in order to have a positive impact for the perpetrators in the Agriculture sector. In addition, the performance of extension workers can be influenced by internal factors and external factors extension. Internal factors that allegedly affect the performance of extension workers is the competence of the extension workers. External factors that are suspected to have an effect on extension performance are the characteristics of the social system. Based on surveys and observations on the competence of agricultural extension workers in supporting food self-sufficiency in Riau Province, the following phenomena are found: a. The low quality and quantity of the extension workers who have knowledge and skills in their respective fields. So in conducting the extension program that has been set still has not contributed significantly to the community in an effort to improve agricultural management. b. Lack of extension ability to develop innovation in improving agricultural management that has been found. As a result many extension workers are still implementing agricultural management through traditional methods, so less support for the realization of self-sufficiency in agriculture. c. Lack of extension ability to develop access to agricultural development based on IT. This fact is due to the low ability of extension workers to develop IT-based extension programs for each field in Riau Province. d. The low participation of the perpetrators of agricultural development is the community to cooperate with extension workers in developing the agricultural sector in Riau Province. This fact is evident from the low public complaints of the problems faced in the development of agriculture

II. METHOD This study uses qualitative and quantitative methods with informants in this study is the leadership organization of extension is the Head of the Agency, the Board Secretary, Head of the Implementation Guidance, Head of Development of Information and Kasubid Monitoring Extension Coordinating Board Extension (Bakorluh) Riau Province, Head of Extension Centers Rokan Downstream. Selection of the research informants using purposive sampling technique, the choice of informants intentionally or point directly to the people who are supposed to represent the characteristics of extension. Then to obtain accurate data of course it is also necessary that the proper data collection techniques, quickly, efficiently and economically, including: interviews, Deployment Questionnaire and observation. Data were analyzed using qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques and SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). SWOT analysis is a way of systematically identifying various factors to formulate a strategy. This analysis is based on logic that can maximize strength and opportunity.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 269 III. RESULT AND DISCUSSION A. Strategy Analysis of Increasing Competence of Extension Workers 1. Working Knowledge Work knowledge means the level of understanding that is owned in carrying out the work, both understanding the procedures, systems, processes and techniques within the organization. To obtain information about the work knowledge of the extension agent in carrying out his duties in Rokan Hilir District, the questionnaire or questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents. Where the results of these questionnaires can be seen in the table below. Table. 2 Respondents Response Against Extension Workers Knowledge

No Sub Indicator SB B KB TB A Total 1 Scholarship 12 8 20 0 0 0 (60) (40) (100) 2 Technical 0 14 6 20 0 0 (70) (30) (100) 3 System 0 14 6 20 0 0 (70) (30) (100)

From the table above it can be seen that from 20 respondents taken as sample, as many as 12 people or 60% said the extension of competence of the scientific side is in good category, while 8 people or 40% say less good. In general this illustrates that the extension competence of the scientific aspect in Rokan Hilir District. already well. This explains that the competence of extension workers from the aspect of science is in accordance with the field of duty. For now the extension of competence that is expected by the government is people who have the appropriate educational background. In addition, when viewed from the table above on sub technical indicators. It is known that from 20 respondents taken as sample, as many as 14 people or 70% said the competence of extension workers from the scientific side is in good category, while 6 people or 30% say less good. In general this illustrates that the extension competence of the scientific aspect in Rokan Hilir District. already well. This explains that the extension competence from the technical aspect is better than the scientific aspect. Because the current extension of the extension of the expected by the government is people who have educational background in accordance with the extension of the extension. In the table above can be seen the extension of the competence of sub indicators of the system when viewed from 20 respondents extension in Rokan Hilir regency as many as 14 people or 70% said the knowledge system is good work, while 6 people or 30% said the system ignorance work is still not good. However, the overall competence of extension workers is seen from the knowledge based on the system to support food self-sufficiency is good because the counselor already has the competency based on the existing system.

B. Communication Communication extension here means the delivery of information, thoughts and ideas both from the government and the idea of the idea of extension to the public or people who are subject to policy or who receive assistance in the field of agricultural assistance. To obtain information about the communication knowledge of the extension agent in carrying out his duties in Rokan Hilir District, then the questionnaire or questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents. Where the results of these questionnaires can be seen in the table below:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 270 Table. 3 Respondents Response Against Extension Communications

No Sub Indikator SB B KB TB A Total 1 tools 10 10 20 0 0 0 (50) (50) (100) 2 Ability 0 16 4 20 0 0 (80) (20) (100) 3 Manage 0 18 2 20 0 0 (90) (10) (100)

From the table above can be seen the competence of extension of 20 respondents sampled in this study, as many as 10 people or 50% said the availability of information facilities either access or equipment is good. While 10 people or 50% more stated means of information seen from access and equipment is still not good. When viewed as a whole the means of information used by extension Rokan Hilir District is still not good because of 20 respondents only 50% which states access and good equipment. Then from the same table seen from the sub indicators of communication ability of the extension of 20 respondents, as many as 16 people or 80% have the ability to communicate with the public good, while 4 people or 20% of respondents said the communication competence extension in Rokan Hilir District is still not good. Based on information about the ability of communicating extension with the public can be seen in general communication skills of extension is good because each counselor has assistance to farmer groups. The extension competence seen from the extension ability to manage the communication can be known from 20 respondents taken as sample, as many as 18 people or 90% stated the extension competence from communication management side is in good category, while 2 people or 10% stated less good. In general this illustrates that the extension competence of the scientific aspect in Rokan Hilir District. already well. This explains that the extension competent from the aspect of managing the information is in accordance with the field of duty. For now the extension of competence that is expected by the government is people who have the appropriate educational background.

C. Expertise The expertise in this research is the capacity possessed by a person to be able to contribute to a satisfactory performance. Extension expertise is a capacity extension worker in the field of extension both numerically, verbally, thinking and physical. To obtain information about the expertise of knowledge of the extension workers in carrying out their duties to support self-sufficiency in Rokan Hilir District, the questionnaire or questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents. Where the results of these questionnaires can be seen in the table below: Table. 4 Respondents Response Against Expertise Extension No Sub Indicator SB B KB TB A Total 1 Using Work 8 12 20 0 0 0 Technology (40) (60) (100) 2 Understanding the 0 14 6 20 0 0 Works (70) (30) (100) 3 Carry out the 0 12 8 20 0 0 work (60) (40) (100)

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 271 From the table above it can be seen that from 20 respondents taken as sample, as many as 12 people or 60% said the extension of expertise in the field of expertise using working technology is in the less good category, while 8 people or 40% stated good. In general this illustrates that the extension of the competence of extension expertise using technology work in Rokan Hilir Regency is still not good. This explains that the competence of extension workers from the aspect of expertise using work technology is still not good because of age factors that influence extension in Rokan Hilir District. Because at this time many counselors aged over 50 years. In addition, when viewed from the table above on sub-indiaktor understand the work. It is known that from 20 respondents taken as a sample, as many as 14 people or 70% said the extension of the extension expert's skills to understand the work is in good category, while 6 people or 30% say less good. In general this illustrates that the extension of the extension of understanding aspects of work in Rokan Hilir Regency is good. This explains that the extension's competence from the aspect of understanding the work is good. Because the current extension of the extension of the expected by the government is people who have educational background in accordance with the extension of the extension. In the table above can be seen the extension of the extension of the sub-indicator performing the work seen from 20 respondents extension in Rokan Hilir regency as many as 12 people or 60% said the working knowledge system is good, while 8 people or 30% said the system of ignorance work is still not good. But overall the extension's competence seen from the expertise of carrying out work to support Self-Sufficiency in Riau Province is good.

D. Teamwork Teamwork is a capacity owned by a person to be able to contribute to a performance desired by the group. Where teamwork will succeed if each team member contributes thinking in accordance with the capabilities it has. To obtain information about the team cooperation practiced by extension workers in carrying out their duties to support self- sufficiency in Rokan Hilir District, the questionnaire or questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents. Where the results of these questionnaires can be seen in the table below: Table. 5 Respondents Response Against Cooperation of Extension Team

No Sub Indicator SB B KB TB A Total 1 Giving Ideas / 2 18 20 0 0 0 Work Ideas (10) (90) (100) 2 Ability to 0 19 1 20 0 0 Cooperate (95) (5) (100) 3 Motivation 0 14 6 20 0 0 (70) (30) (100)

From the table above can be seen that from 20 respondents taken as a sample, as many as 18 people or 90% said the competence of extension in giving ideas or work ideas are in the less good category, while 2 people or 10% stated very well. In general this illustrates that the extension of the extension of the aspect of ideas in teamwork in Rokan Hilir Regency has been very good. This explains that the extension's competence from giving ideas or work ideas is very good because no respondents said in teamwork is not good.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 272 In addition, when viewed from the table above on the sub-cooperation ability factor can be seen that from 20 respondents taken as a sample, as many as 19 people or 95% said the competence of extension workers in terms of ability to work in good category, while 1 person or 5% . In general this illustrates that the extension of the competence of extension co-operators in Rokan Hilir is good. This explains that the extension's competence from the aspect of understanding the work is good. Because the current extension of the extension of the expected by the government is people who have educational background in accordance with the extension of the extension. In the table above can be seen the extension of the competence of sub-indicators of motivation in teamwork seen from 20 respondents extension in Rokan Hilir regency as many as 14 people or 70% said the motivation of the extension is good, while 6 people or 30% said motivation team cooperation is still not good. But overall the extension's competence seen from teamwork seen from the motivation to carry out work to support Self-Sufficiency in Riau Province is good.

E. Initiative The initiative is meant here is a trait that is owned by a person in completing the work with the desire and creativity. Where initiative, ability and creativity can be augmented by providing education and training to every member of the organization. To obtain information about the initiator's knowledge of initiatives in carrying out their duties to support self-sufficiency in Rokan Hilir District, a questionnaire or questionnaire was distributed to the selected respondents. Where the results of these questionnaires can be seen in the table below: Table. 6 Respondents Response Against Initiative Extension

No Sub Indicator SB B KB TB A Total 1 Work Innovation 20 20 0 0 0 0 (100) (100) 2 Work Creativity 18 2 20 0 0 0 (90) (10) (100) 3 Solve the problem 20 20 0 0 0 0 (100) (100)

From the table above can be seen that from 20 respondents taken as sample, as many as 20 people or 100% have innovation work on good category, while viewed from the creativity of work as many as 18 people or 90% stated good while that says less only 2 people 10% . In general this illustrates that the extensionist's competence from the initiative aspect in Rokan Hilir District. already well. This explains that the competence of extension workers from the aspect of science is in accordance with the field of duty. In addition, when viewed from the table above on the sub-indicators solve the problem. It is known that from 20 respondents taken as a sample, as many as 20 people or 100% stated the extension competence from the problem solving side is in good category.all the initiative of extension agent in Rokan Hilir Regency already have initiative in supporting Self-Sufficiency in Riau Province.

B. Factors Affecting Increased Extension of Competence The factors that influence in improving the competence of extension workers in supporting food self-sufficiency in Rokan Hilir Regency are:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 273 1. Fund The availability of budget / fund in improving the extension's competence is very small indeed, thus affecting the performance and the program to be implemented by the relevant agencies. For example, the Office of Agriculture and Husbandry Rokan Hilir District which only has a budget allocation of no more than Rp 5 billion in one year. One of the activities is premises training for extension workers can only be done once a year and sometimes not even at all because of inadequate budget available. 2. Policy Less serious commitment of central, provincial and district government to pay attention to the extension of extension of extension of the extension of policies issued to the extension agent. Such a policy is very minimal budget. Then the recruitment and placement policies that are less attention to the social conditions of extension workers. 3. Human resources (HR) From the aspect of the quality and quantity of human resources extension workers still have much to improve, for example the quality aspect of the extension itself, due to the many extension agents who are old and very difficult to socialize new methods because they still strongly believe in the old method. The solution to the aging farmers is that it is difficult to accept the new method is to give a direct example through the extension workers who usually planted directly in the farmers' lands as in the Demplotnya, so that after the results have been seen with this new method then the farmers have started to believe that the method Which is taught from the government through these extension workers can be accepted and emulated by other farmers. 4. Facilities and Infrastructure The necessary facilities and infrastructure of extension workers are still inadequate, such as transportation facilities and equipment extension equipment that is still lacking and many existing tools are damaged so that extension workers can not work optimally because they have to interchange among other extension agents in the use of tools.

C. SWOT Analysis In Strategy Increasing Competence of Agricultural Extension In Supporting Self-Sufficiency In Riau Province SWOT analysis is used to determine the strategy of increasing the competence of agricultural extension, fishery and forestry in support of Self-Sufficiency in Riau Province. SWOT analysis is performed on the basis of logic that can maximize strength (S) and Opportunity (O), but simultaneously can minimize the weakness (W) and threats (T). This means that the extensionists possess more powerful forces and opportunities than weaknesses and threats. Therefore, the strategy of increasing extension counselor to be done is to try to use the strength that is owned by exploiting the opportunities that exist for more details can be seen in the SWOT matrix below:

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 274 Tabel .7 SWOT MATRIX Strength (S) Weakness (W) 1. Have a clear extension 1. Lack of extension staff program. 2. Lack of extension funds Internal 2. Every PPL has a farmer. 3. Lack of facilities and factors 3. The existence of Law No. infrastructure extension 16 of 2006 on the Main 4. Lack of functional Duty of Extension Workers extension staff 4. Extensionists possess 5. Lack of coordination with External Factors knowledge, skills and skills related units 5. Extension workers have a 6. Existence of organization clear Auth of extension agents with empowerment 7. Less harmonious with the internal work unit Peluang (O) S-O Strategy W-O Strategy 1. The existence of 1. Improving the quality of 1. Cooperation with related cooperation with related human resources extension institutions both in funding, institutions workers by following the infrastructure, and human 2. the opportunity to follow training from other agencies resources to optimize the the training in other to increase knowledge and role of existing extension agencies to add insight skills workers 3. the marketing of 2. Optimizing agricultural 2. Improving coordination agricultural products development with between internal work units 4. the existence of guarantees of legislation so that the role of extension technological 3. Utilization of technologies agent is more optimal in developments in that support and facilitate doing counseling agriculture the implementation of 3. Revitalization of extension 5. the existence of adequate extension programs institutes to be more in line rice fields 4. Marketing of competitive with the development of the agricultural products by situation and problems that maximizing the role of exist in the farming farmer groups community 5. The quality of improving counseling and synergy between agencies related Threat (T) S-T Strategy W-T Strategy 1. The existence of regional 1. Synchronization of Law 1. Enhance the role of autonomy policy No. 16/2006 with local extension self-help and 2. Distribution of uneven government policy and innovator farmers fertilizer from the Government Regulation no. 2. Encourage local government 41 in 2004 government to be more 3. The farm workers move 2. Optimizing the role of proportional in supporting to the production sector extension workers the performance of 4. Lack of cooperation according to their main apparatus especially between related tasks and functions in agricultural extension in institutions providing counseling to order to perform its role 5. The existence of climate farmers optimally change is less than erratic 6. 3. Increasing the guidance 3. Creating harmonization 6. The existence of wereng to farmers, especially in between organizational hawish disease overcoming various units especially counseling 5. The existence of local problems of agricultural and empowerment in order product competition engineering

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 275 IV. CONCLUSION (1) The level of agricultural extension competence in supporting food self-sufficiency in Rokan Hilir regency of Riau Province has been relatively good. Of the five extension competencies examined in this study, there are two competencies that need to be improved: the communication competence and the competence of the initiative. (2) There are four factors that need to be considered for the strategy to increase the extension of the extension agent in supporting food self-sufficiency in Rokan Hilir Regency of Riau Province: (1) Funds (2) Policy (3) Human Resources (HR), and (4) (3) In order to prepare professional apparatus of professional extensionists, there should be support in the form of direct and indirect support, such as clarity of description and standard of extension agent, provision of facilities and infrastructure needed by extension worker, improvement of technical and communication support, and improvement of information and management system Counseling.

REFERENCES Alan Barker., 2003., Managing People “Mengelola Sumber Daya Manusia”., Alex Media Komputindo., Jakarta. Eddy Irsan Siregar., 2014., Manajemen Stratejik., UMJ., Jakarta. Freddy Rangkuti., 2009., Analisis SWOT teknik membedah Kasus Bisnis., Cetakan ke Enam belas., PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama., Jakarta...... , 2011., Analisis SWOT Teknik Pembedah Kasus Bisnis, Penerbit PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama., Jakarta. Gerry Johnson, Kevan Scholes dan Richard Whittington., 2009., Fundamental soft Strategi., Cambridge University Press., New York. Harbani Pasalong., 2012., Metode Penelitian Administrasi Publik., Penerbit Alfabeta., Bandung. Lesley Kydd ddk., 2004., Profesional Development for Educational Management., Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia., Jakarta. Maleong Lexy., 2004., Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif., PT. Remaja Rosdakarya., Bandung. Michael Amstrong., 2004., Performance Management., Penerbit Tugu Publisher., Yogyakarta. Peraturan Gubernur Riau nomor 25 tahun 2009 tentang Sekretariat Badan Koordinasi Penyuluhan Provinsi Riau. Sugiyono., 2006., Metodologi Penelitian Administratif., Alfabeta., Bandung. Surya Dharma., 2005., Manajemen Kinerja, Falsafah Teori dan Penerapannya., Pustaka Pelajar., Yogyakarta. Suryana.. 2003., Kewirausahaan : Pedoman Praktis, Kiat dan Proses Menuju sukses., Penerbit Salemba Empat., Jakarta. Syaiful Prihadi., 2004., Assessment Centre Indentifikasi Pengukuran dan Pengembangan Kompetensi., Gramedia Pustaka Utama., Jakarta. Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2006 tentang Sistem Penyuluhan Pertanian, Perikanan dan Kehutanan (SP3K). Wheelen L Thomas and Hunger, J. David., 2005., Strategic Management (10th edition)., Prentice Hall., New Jersey. Wibowo., 2006., Manajemen Kinerja., Penerbit Raja Grafindo Persada., Jakarta.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 276 DEVELOPMENT OF VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLANS IN MUSYAWARAH VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (MUSREMBANG DES) DESA KUAPAN TAMBANG DISTRICT KAMPAR

Sulaiman Zuhdi, Aguswan & Abdul Mirad Faculty of Administrative Science Lancang Kuning University

Abstract: The purpose of the village development plan is to accommodate and determine the priorities of the community needs derived from the lower-level planning consultation, establishing the priority of village activities to be funded by the allocation of village funds from district APBD and other sources. This research uses qualitative method with the number of samples as many as 50 people and Camat as key information. The result of the research shows that the planning of village development is not perfect yet. This is evident from the unavailability of data on the five- year village mid-term development plan and the one-year village development plan that is still incomplete so that the documents in the planning and implementation of village development have not been properly structured. The inhibiting factor is that the planning process is only open to the community when Musrembang Des only and the strong paternalistic culture in the village community.

Keywords: Preparation, planning, development, village.

I. INTRODUCTION Regional development is basically aligned with national development objectives. The purpose of national development is explicitly stated in the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is to protect the entire nation of Indonesia and the entire blood of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, to educate the life of the nation, and to carry out the world order based on freedom, eternal peace and social justice. To achieve these objectives, a measurable and integrated planning activity between local development planning and national development planning is required. Law number 25 of 2004 on the national development planning system is the legal basis in the field of development planning. This regulation constitutes a unity of development planning procedures to produce long-term, medium-term and annual development plans implemented by the central and local government elements of government involvement. Regional development planning consists of provincial development planning, district and city development planning. Support to regional development planning is strengthened in the activities of Deliberation of Development Plan (Musrembang) starting from the village / kelurahan area, subdistrict and finalization in regency / city musrembang. The role of the Provincial government as a coordination of the regional development plan produced by the district / municipal government receives approval from the Provincial Government. In the framework of the Organization of the Government of the village then drafted village development planning as a single entity in the system planning of regional development district/city. Village development planning drawn up in a participatory involving all elements of the village community, consisting of the Chairman of the RT/RW, community leaders, and also the custom, the Chairman of the civic organization, Chairman of women's organizations, NGO and others. The purpose of the village development plan is to meet the needs of public services at the village level, both in administrative services, development services, and empowerment of village communities. Preparation of village development plans requires good cooperation between village government and institutional institutions at the village

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 277 level, as well as the support or participation of the community in preparing the desired village development plans. The village of Kuapan is one of the villages within the subdistrict of Tambang Kabupaten Kampar. In Kabupaten Kampar there are 245 villages spread over 21 districts. Village Administration is led by the village head along with the village government apparatus. The improvement of village development is the responsibility of the village head to advance his territory and improve the welfare of all rural communities. However, seen from the condition of the government of Kuapan village in the planning activities of village development planning is still far from the desired expectations. This is evident from the unavailability of data on the five-year village mid- term development plan (RPJM-Desa) and village work plan (RKP Desa) which is still incomplete, so that the documents in the planning and implementation of village development have not been well This happens because the data and information for the preparation of village development plans that are still not complete and accurate, so that data and information can not be used as material / recommendations for the preparation of better village development planning. The lack of such data and information is incomplete picture or village profile, as well as less effective village governance and organization in carrying out governmental tasks, development and service to the community in the village of kuapan. The task of the village administration in planning the village development is to carry out the deliberation of Village Development Planning (Musrembang Desa) by actively involving all villagers correctly. The purpose of Musrembang Village, among others: a. Accommodate aspirations and prioritize community needs derived from deliberative planning at the level below. b. Establish priorities of village activities that will be funded through the allocation of village funds originating from district / city APBD and other funding sources. c. Setting priority activities that will be proposed to be discussed in the musrembang district. Next input Musrembang Village prepared by the Secretary of the village include: a. List of village problems, such as maps of poverty and unemployment. b. Document of medium term development plan (RPJM) of village. c. Evaluation result of development of village the previous year. d. List of priority issues under villages / kelurahan and community groups, such as farmer groups, fishermen and others. The livelihoods or results of Musrembang Desa are documents containing: a. Priority of development activities at the village / kelurahan scale to be funded by the allocation of village funds or self-help. b. Priority of development activities to be implemented through SKPD which is equipped with the village code and sub-district and will still be discussed in the forum of musrembang kecamatan. c. News of the village musrembang event . (Hanif Nurkholis, 2008: 97) Village development planning consists of: a. The village mid-term development plan (RPJM Desa) is a planning document for a period of 5 (five) years which contains the direction and policy of village development, the direction of village finance policy, public policy, village apparatus program, regional priority program, accompanied by work plan.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 278 b. The village development work plan (RKP Desa) is a planning document for a period of 1 (one) year is an elaboration of the RPJM Desa which contains the village economic framework design, taking into account the updated funding framework, the village development priority program, the work plan and the funding as well as the forward forecasting, Implemented directly by the Village Government and pursued by encouraging community participation by referring to the work plans of local government and RPJM Desa and stipulated in village decisions by referring to regional regulations. The preparation of village development planning should be based on accurate and reliable data and information. Data and information required in the preparation of village development planning include: a. Implementation of village government. b. Organization and governance of village government. c. Village Finance d. Village profile e. Other information related to the implementation of village governance and community empowerment. (Nurcholis, 2011: 108). The purpose of this research is to know and explain the preparation of the development of Village Planning Village Kampar Regency Mining and its inhibiting factors.

II. METHOD To obtain more in-depth information about the process of formulation and determination of village development plans, the approach used is a qualitative approach by bringing respondents to tofik problems tersebut.Populasi in this research is Aparaur Pemerintahan Village kuapan, head of Hamlet, Chairman of RT / RW, Chairman Community Empowerment Institution (LPM), BUMDES management board, head of women's organization (PKK), and community leaders of Kuapan Village, Tambang Kampar Sub-District, Kampar District, which totals 50 people and all of them are sampled. To obtain information and in-depth information, the Camat is made the key information. The data collection technique is by observation, interview and distributing questionnaires to the respondents.

III. FINDING AND DISCUSSION Preparation of village development planning in village development planning meetings require complete data and information. The data and information can be described as follows: 1.1. Implementation of Village Government. The results showed that the implementation of village governance is still not good, this is obtained from the responses of respondents as much as 22 (44.00) respondents gave a less good response. This is seen from the asfek administrative services that are conventional and have not used administrative procedures properly. The main duties and functions of employees who still can not perform their duties properly because of the knowledge and skills of employees who are still low. The incomplete implementation of Village Government which is seen from the aspect of administrative service is conventional and has not used the correct administrative procedure. The implementation of village government is the implementation of the main tasks and functions of village government in the areas of governance, development and

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 279 community service. Implementation of the duties of Village Governance embodied in the program and service activities to the community. Village Development Plans that have been prepared and established from the musrembang result serve as the foundation for the village government to organize various activities and fulfill the needs of the village community. Therefore, the data and information needed in the preparation of Village Development planning is closely related to the activities of Village Government Implementation. Thus it can be concluded that the implementation of Village Governance is not complete in understanding the main duties and functions of the Employee and the low level of knowledge of employees in the work and this impact on the planning activities of village development less effective implemented by the Village Government Kuapan District Tambang Kampar regency.

1.2. Organization and governance of the Village Government. The results showed that the organization and governance of the Village Administration has not gone well. This is obtained from the responses of respondents as much as 21 (42,00) respondents gave a complete lack of response to the organization and governance arrangement of the Village Government in the village of Kuapan Kampur District Mine. This can be seen from the effectiveness of the organization that does not pour the vision and mission of the Village Head clearly, so that the vision and mission can not be elaborated by the Village Government apparatus into the plan and strategy of Village Development in the medium and short term. The manifestation of organization with the management of employees who understand the structure and function of the village government that basically can help the Village in institutionalizing the organization effectively and efficiently and has clear goals and objectives in planning and implement pembnagunan Desa, especially in the village district of Kampur mine, This organizational effectiveness and the management of employees is still less able to implement the duties and responsibilities and less able to understand the work attached to the main tasks and functions that are mandated to each employee. Organization is a place (place) for a group of people to organize various activities activities to achieve the desired goals. The functioning of the organization in Government, especially in the Village Government of Kuapan lies in the arrangement of integrated system and working mechanism that is in accordance with Government guidelines or regulations that have been set. Village Government Organizations will be stronger, if the implementers (apparatus) have a good quality of human resources. Quality of human resources supported by education, skills and expertise possessed by the apparatus in carrying out the duties of village Government. Organizations and management of managed Village Government and have adequate human resources can lead the government in providing maximum service to Rural communities. The foundation of a strong village organization is complemented by clear Vision and Mission of village governance, village development plans and strategies, and well - structured Village Programs and Activities from the Village Development Meeting that has been set up in the village of Kuapan. The organizational conditions and management of the Kuapan Village Government are complemented by the elements of village head, village secretary, head of government affairs, head of development affairs, head of social affairs, head of finance and some staff who can carry out government affairs and services to the community. This is less complete organizational structure and management of Village Government Didesa Kuapan Sub District Tambang Kampar District. This can be seen from the effectiveness of the organization that does not pour the vision and mission of the

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 280 Village Head clearly, so that the vision and mission can not be explained by the Village Government apparatus into the plan and strategy of the Village Development either in the medium term or short term

1.3. Financial Village. The results showed that the village financial management obtained from the village income can not be managed properly. This is obtained based on the responses of respondents who stated that the condition of village keungan that made into data and information in making or preparation of village development planning in the village of Quapan Kampar Subdistrict, where the results showed as many as 23, (46,00) respondents gave less complete response. This means that village financial management obtained from village income is less able to be managed because the original income source of the village has not been maximally explored by the Kuapan Village Government such as unavailability of potential of village gardens, natural potency (river) and so on. In smping the other sources are obtained from the APBD and APBN where the village finance officers are less skilled in managing finance with better accounting. Village finance is all rights and obligations in the framework of the implementation of Village Governance that can be in value with money, including all forms of wealth associated with the rights and obligations of desa.Penyelenggaraan Village Government affairs that become the village authority in the danai of APB Desa, the aid of the Central Government, And the assistance of the Regional Government. Village Government is obliged to make APB Desa. Through village village budget APB described in various programs and activities have been determined budgetnya.Sengan Village Government activities in the form of pelayaanan, development, and protection to citizens in the current year has been in budget design, so it is certainly can be implemented. Without APB Desa, the village government can not implement public service programs and activities at the Rural level.

1.4. Village Profile. The result of the research shows that the respondent's response to the village profile does not yet describe the village as a whole. This is obtained from the responses of respondents about the village profile in the village of Kuapan is still incomplete, where as many as 24 (48,00) explained that the existing profile has not depicted the village as a whole village character such as the description of village potential that has not been clearly described, Economically, socially and culturally, and other general features that are still not yet presented in full by the Kuapan Village Government. Village characteristics such as the description of the potential of the Village that has not been clearly described, the picture of the village development both economically, socially and culturally and other general features that have not yet been presented in full by the Village Government of Kuapan. In order to provide accurate, objective and accountable information of development planning, it is necessary to have relevant information and data in accordance with real conditions in the field. Provision of information for the development plan is carried out through the preparation of Village Profiles and Kelurahans conducted every year. Village and Kelurahan Profile is a comprehensive description of the character of the Village and Sub-districts covering basic family data, data on village potential and village level of development

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 281 1.5. Information on the implementation of village governance and community empowerment The results of the research indicate that the Village office has not provided extensive service information that can be accessed by the community. This is obtained from the responses of respondents who stated that the information of village administration and the empowerment of the people of the village of Kuapan Kampung Subdistrict, Kampar District which used as data information in the preparation of village development planning, that as many as 23 (46,00) respondents gave incomplete response. In this case the completeness of information provided by the Village office has not provided extensive information services that can be accessed by the community. The use of information technology that is still limited and can not be accessed by the public and the information boards are also not provided by the Village office, making an obstacle for the community in obtaining maximum service from the government office of Kuapan Village. In order to meet the needs of services at the village level required a variety of media information. The information in question can be on-line media, bulletin boards that can be used by the public to get news and information that facilitate the community to deal and fulfill the services provided by the village government to the community. Information and information as a form of Government service to the Village Community can integrate the program and activities of village pemilint which will be implemented to the community. Furthermore, the inhibiting factors in the preparation of Village Development planning that led to less effective implementation of Village Development Planning Meeting is as follows: 1. Village profile is not yet complete. 2. Potential villages can not be developed properly. 3. The level of knowledge and skills of rural apparatus is still low. 4. Village financial management has not yet described the source of village PAD 5. Community participation is still low 6. The planning process is only open to the community at the time of Musrembang sDes only, whereas in the higher process the planning is only done by the relevant government officials. 7. Strong paternalistic culture often causes the development agenda to be more influenced by suggestions and suggestions from the Bupati / mayor or the central government.

IV. CONCLUSIONS Research on the preparation of Village Development planning in Deliberation Village Development Plans (MusrembangDes) in the Village District of Kampung Tambang Quapan, can be concluded research results as follows: 1. Preparation of village development planning in the village of Kuapan less equipped with data and information. Where as many as 20 (40,00) respondents gave their response. The results show that village financial management has not been integrated with the original source of income of the village, so the preparation of village development planning has not yet described the original condition of village original income. And still depend on help from local government / center. 2. The planning process is only open to the community at the time of MusrembangDes only, whereas in the higher process the planning is only done by the relevant government officials.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 282 3. Strong partenalistic culture often causes development agendas to be more influenced by suggestions and suggestions from the Bupati / mayor or the central government.

REFERENCES Hanif Nurcholis, 2011, Growth and Implementation of Village Government, Air langga Jakarta. ______, 2008, Participatory Planning of the Local Government, Grasindo, Jakarta. Jhon Creswel, 2010, Reserach Design, Pustaka Pelajar Yogyakarta. K.Suhendra, 2011, The role of bureaucracy in Community empowerment, Alphabeta Bandung. Riant Nugroho, 2011, Development Planning Management, Gramedia Jakarta. UU.No.6 year 2014 on Village, Rona Publishing, Surabaya. Regulation of Local Government Executor, 2006, Eko Jaya Jakarta. Association Set of Village / kelurahan, 2008, focusindo, Bandung. Initial Draft RPJMD Riau Province 2014 - 2019, Pekanbaru, Bappeda Riau Province, Pekanbaru Strategic Plan 2014 - 2019, Regional Development Planning Board (BAPPEDA) Province Riau, Pekanbaru

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 283 MIX MARKETING AND SALES ACHIEVEMENT

Sopyan Institute of Administrative Sciences Lancang Kuning Dumai

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the marketing mix to the achievement of sales objectives in AJB Branch Dumai. The study population was 1912 Branch employees Dumai as many as 67 people and all the population sampled. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed by product moment correlation. The results show that there is a positive and significant impact on the achievement of the objectives of the marketing mix of sales with r = 0.434. Contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the marketing mix in sales of 18.84% and the remaining 81.16% is determined by other variables.

Keywords: marketing mix, sales goals, assuransi soul together

I. PENDAHULUAN Perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi saat ini, Manusia tidak hanya ingin memenuhi tiga kebutuhan dasar saja seperti sandang, pangan, papan. Namun kini manusia juga ingin memenuhi semua kebutuhan lainnya, seperti halnya untuk kebutuhan akan rasa aman dan kebutuhan yang belum pasti dimasa mendatang sebagai contoh kebutuhan dihari tua maka manusia sudah menyiapkan dana pensiun untuk kelak dimasa yang akan datang, anak-anak yang belum sekolah sudah disiapkan dananya mulai tingkat dasar hingga perguruan tinggi, hal tersebut menjadikan semakin kompleksnya kebutuhan manusia sehingga semua kebutuhan ingin tercukupi. Dalam kehidupan modern banyak orang yang ingin meminimalkan resiko yang akan dihadapi dimasa mendatang, maka dewasa ini kebutuhan akan jasa perasuransian makin dirasakan baik oleh perorangan maupun dunia usaha di Indonesia. Asuransi merupakan sarana finansial dalam tata kehidupan rumah tangga, baik dalam menghadapi risiko atas harta benda yang dimiliki. Asuransi jiwa sudah merupakan kebutuhan dalam setiap kehidupan manusia. Di Indonesia permintaan asuransi jiwa semakin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan pendapatan dan kepeduliaan masyarakat akan antisipasi risiko yang belum jelas dimasa mendatang. Dengan peningkatan permintaan tersebut jumlah perusahaan asuransi semakin banyak dan meningkatkan produk-produk yang ditawarkan pada konsumen. Perusahaan asuransi di Indonesia tidak hanya menghadapi persaingan dengan sesama perusahaan asuransi di indonesia saja. Tapi juga menghadapi persaingan dengan perusahaan asuransi asing yang turut merebut konsumen dengan pasar yang sama serta dengan pilihan produk yang lebih inovatif. Selain itu perbankan sekarang juga menyediakan fasilitas asuransi yang berkembang cukup pesat dan menjadi pesaing perusahaan asuransi. AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 1970an ini merupakan salah satu perusahaan asuransi yang terletak di jalan Sukajadi No. 90 A. Yang memiliki visi sebagai perusahaan asuransi jiwa nasional yang kuat, modern dan menguntungkan, serta memiliki beberapa karyawan penjualan atau sering disebut agen- agen pemasaran yang akan selalu memperhatikan keinginan konsumen. Untuk tetap bertahan dan menjadi perusahaan yang unggul maka AJB Bumiputera 1912 harus terus berpikir kembali tentang cara mereka melakukan bisnis, dengan mencari cara inovatif untuk melayani pelanggan lebih baik, dengan mengambil keuntungan dari perkembangan teknologi terbaru, dan dengan menerapkan pendekatan yang disiplin dan tersusun dengan

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 284 baik untuk mengembangkan dan mengimplementasikan strategi pemasaran jasa untuk pencapaian tujuan penjualan perusahaan. AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai merupakan salah satu perusahaan asuransi yang termasuk dalam perusahaan yang terlibat dalam persaingan industri asuransi di kota Dumai. Secara operasional diharapkan AJB Bumiputera Cabang Dumai dapat memiliki dan menerapkan bauran pemasaran yang meliputi, produk, harga, promosi, distribusi, orang, proses dan bukti fisik dengan baik dan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan. Agar pencapaian tujuan penjualan dapat meningkat dan memenangkan persaingan. Dari uraian yang dikemukakan diatas, gejala masalah yang ditemui adalah: 1 Masih kurang terlaksananya bauran pemasaran dalam kegiatan promosi, perekrutan karyawan dan proses penyelesaian klaim pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai 2 Masih kurang terealisasinya target produksi polis pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai Berdasarkan gejala-gejala masalah yang telah diuraikan maka di rumusan masalah pokok penelitian adalah “Bagaimana pengaruh pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran terhadap pencapaian tujuan penjualan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai”. Mursid (2008) mengatakan pemasaran adalah semua kegiatan usaha yang bertalian dengan arus penyerahan barang dan jasa-jasa dari produsen ke konsumen dalam arti luas pemasaran meliputi hal-hal yang bersifat abstrak seperti asuransi, surat-surat saham dan surat-surat obligasi. Ruang lingkup yang luas dapat disederhanakan menjadi 4 kegiatan utama yang lazim disebut 4P dalam pemasaran yaitu: 1) product (produk) yang menyangkut pemilihan barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan secara tepat. 2) Price (harga) menyangkut penetapan harga jual barang yang sesuai dengan kualitas barang dan dapat dijangkau oleh konsumen. 3) Place (tempat) menyangkut pemilihan cara pendistribusian barang dan jasa sehingga sampai ketangan konsumen. 4) Promotion (promosi) menyangkut pemilihan kebijaksanaan promosi yang tepat sesuai dengan barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Setiap perusahaan selalu berusaha untuk dapat tetap hidup, berkembang, dan mampu bersaing. Dalam rangka inilah, maka setiap perusahaan selalu menetapkan dan menerapkan strategi dan cara pelaksanaan kegiatan pemasarannya. Kegiatan pemasaran yang dilakukan, diarahkan untuk dapat mencapai sasaran perusahaan yang dapat berupa tingkat laba yang diperoleh perusahaan dalam jangka panjang dan share pasar tertentu serta toptal unit dan total volume penjualan tertentu dalam suatu jangka waktu tertentu. Pengarahan kegiatan pemasaran tersebut hanya mungkin dapat dilakukan dengan menetapkan garis-garis besar pedonam atau patokan/paduan umum perusahaan dalam bidang pemasaran, yang sering dikenal dengan kebijakan pemasaran. Kebijakan pemasaran tentunya sejalan dengan konsep pemasaran, yang menekankan pemberian pelayanan yang memuaskan kepada konsumen, melalui kegiatan dan strategi pemasaran yang terpadu dan memungkinkan diperolehnya keuntungan/laba dalam jangka panjang. Salah satu unsur dalam strategi pemasaran terpadu adalah strategi acuan/bauran pemasaran, yang merupakan strategi yang dijalankan perusahaan, yang berkaitan dengan penentuan bagaimana perusahaan menyajikan penawaran produk pada segmen pasar tertentu, yang merupakan sasaran pasarnya. Menurut Lovelock (2012) bauran pemasaran mengacu pada 7p dari pemasaran jasa yaitu product (produk), price (harga), place (lokasi atau distribusi), promosi (promotion), people (manusia), physical environment (Bukti fisik) , process (proses).

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 285 Swastha (2001) mengatakan penjualan adalah ilmu dan seni mempengaruhi pribadi yang dilakukan oleh penjual untuk mengajak orang lain agar bersedia untuk memberi barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. Sedangkan penjualan merupakan kegiatan yang berinteraksi langsung dengan konsumen untuk memperoleh pesanan atau penjualan langsung, termasuk kegiatan telemarketing, e-commerce, direct mail, dan on line. Menurut Swastha dan Irawan (2008) bagi perusahaan, pada umumnya mempunyai tiga tujuan umum dalam penjualannya, yaitu: a) Mencapai volume penjualan tertentu b) Mendapatkan laba tertentu c) Penunjang pertumbuhan perusahaan Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran terhadap pencapaian tujuan penjualan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai.

METODE Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh kayawan AJB Bumiputera 1912 Dumai yang berjumlah 67 orang dan semua populasi dijadikan sampel (metode sampel). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Angket disebarkan pada responden dengan 5 (lima) alternatif jawaban dengan 5 kategori jawaban sangat baik skor 5, baik skor 4, cukup baik skor 3, kurang baik skor 2 dan tidak baik skor 1. Untuk mengetahui jawaban responden terhadap pertanyaan penelitian, maka digunakan interval skor yaitu total nilai tertinggi dikurangi nilai terendah, dibagi sebanyak kategori (5) berdasarkan perhitungan tersebut maka interval skor untuk variabel bauran pemasaran adalah:

7035-1407 = 1125 5 Sangat baik total skor antara 5910-7075 Baik total skor antara 4775-5909 Cukup baik total skor antara 3650-4774 Kurang baik total skor antara 2425-3649 Tidak baik total skor antara 1407-2424 Kategori untuk variabel capaian tujuan penjualan dengan interval skor 482, maka hasilnya adalah: Sangat baik total skor antara 2533-3015 Baik total skor antara 2051-2532 Cukup baik total skor antara 1569-2050 Kurang baik total skor antara 1087-1568 Tidak baik total skor antara 603-1086 Analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan korelasi product moment.

HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Bauran Pemasaran Pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai, dapat dilihat pada tabel 1.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 286 Tabel 1. Tanggapan Responden Terhadap Bauran Pemasaran

No Indikator Jumlah Skor 1 Product (produk) 847 2 Price (harga) 788 3 Place (tempat/distribusi) 780 4 Promotion (promosi) 708 5 People (orang) 715 6 Physical Evidence (Bukti fisik) 776 7 Process (proses) 786 Total Skor 5400 Persentase 76,76 % Sumber data: Hasil Penelitian Data Primer 2015

Dari tabel 1 data rekapitulasi tanggapan responden terhadap bauran pemasaran dengan tujuh (7) indikator yaitu: product (produk), price (Harga), place (tempat/distribusi), promotion (promosi), people (orang), Physical Evidence (Bukti fisik), dan process (proses) pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai. Adapun tanggapan responden tentang indikator product (produk) dengan skor 847. Tanggapan responden tentang indikator price (harga) mendapatkan skor 788. Tanggapan responden tentang indikator place (tempat/distribusi) dengan skor 780. Tanggapan responden tentang indikator promotion (promosi) mendapatkan skor 708. Tanggapan responden tentang indikator people (orang) mendapatkan skor 715. Sedangkan tanggapan responden tentang Physical Evidence (Bukti fisik) dengan skor 776. Dan tanggapan responden tentang indikator process (proses) mendapatkan skor 786. Dilihat dari total skor diatas dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang bauran pemasaran pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai dari tujuh (7) indikator dengan total skor 5400 dan dengan persentase 76,76% berada pada kategori baik, yang akan dijelaskan pada kontinum dibawah ini:

5400 (76,76%)

1407 TB 2424 KB 3649 CB 4774 B 5910 SB 7035

Berdasarkan kontinum diatas dapat dikatakan bahwa untuk pengaruh pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai dikategorikan baik berada pada rentang skor 4774-5910 dengan persentase 76,76%.

Pencapaian Tujuan Penjualan Hasil perhitungan dalam penelitian tentang pencapaian tujuan penjualan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai, dapat dilihat pada tabel 2.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 287 Tabel 2. Tanggapan Responden Tentang Pencapaian Tujuan Penjualan

No Indikator Jumlah Skor 1 Mencapai volume penjualan tertentu 761 2 Mendapat laba tertentu 746 3 Penunjang pertumbuhan perusahaan 757 Total Skor 2264 Persentase 75,09% Sumber data: Hasil Penelitian Data Primer 2015

Dari tabel 2 tanggapan responden terhadap bauran pemasaran dengan tiga indikator yaitu: mencapai volume penjualan tertentu, mendapat laba tertentu, penunjang pertumbuhan perusahaan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai. Adapun tanggapan responden tentang sub indikator mencapai volume penjualan tertentu dengan skor 761. Sedangkan tanggapan responden tentang sub indikator mendapat laba tertentu mendapatkan skor 746 dari total skor 2264. Dan tanggapan responden tentang sub indikator penunjang pertumbuhan perusahaan dengan skor 757 dari total skor 2264. Dilihat dari total skor diatas dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa tanggapan responden tentang pencapaian tujuan perusahaan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai dari tiga indikator dengan total skor 2264 dan dengan persentase 75,09% berada pada kategori baik, yang akan dijelaskan pada kontinum dibawah ini:

2264 (75,09%)

603 TB 1086 KB 1569 CB 2050 B 2533 SB 3015

Berdasarkan kontinum diatas, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanggapan responden terhadap pencapaian tujuan perusahaan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai berada pada kategoti baik dengan total skor 2264 dengan persentase 75,09%.

Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Pencapaian Tujuan Penjualan Keberhasilan suatu perusahaan dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan khususnya tujuan penjualan pada pelaksanaanya tidak terlepas dari bagaimana pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran yang dilakukan perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan penjualan perusahaan. Menurut Kotler dalam Herlambang (2014) bahwa strategi marketing mix atau bauran pemasaran, dapat diartikan sebagai sekumpulan dari variabel-variabel yang dapat dikendalikan yang digunakan oleh perusahaan dalam mengejar tingkat penjualan yng diinginkan dalam pasar sasaran. Untuk melihat pengaruh pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran terhadap pencapaian tujuan penjualan pada AJB Bumiputera 1912 Cabang Dumai yaitu dengan mencari r hitung dengan Korelasi pearson produk moment. Umar (2013) mengatakan bahwa analisis korelasi berguna untuk menentukan suatu besaran yang menyatakan bagaimana kuat hubungan suatu variabel dangan variabel lain. Dengan rumus korelasi pearson product moment sebagai berikut:

= n }

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 288 Dimana : r = angka indeks korelasi n = banyaknya pasangan data X dan Y jumlah total dari variabel X = jumlah total dari variabel Y kuadrat dari total jumlah variabel X = kuadrat dari total variabel Y hasil perkalian dari total jumlah variabel X dan variabel Y

Korelasi pearson product moment dilambangkan ( r ) dengan ketentuan nilai r tidak lebih dari harga (-1 ≤ r ≤ +1). Apabila nilai r = -1 yang artinya korelasinya negatif sempurna, r = 0 artinya tidak ada korelasi dan r = 1 berarti korelasinya sangat kuat. Berdasarkan korelasi pearson product moment dan hasil angket yang sudah di isi responden maka diketahui: n = 67 ∑x = 5400 ∑y = 2264 ∑xy = 183177 = 437978 = 77458 = r = r = r = r = r = r = 0,434

Dari hasil perhitungan r (nilai koefisien korelasi) diketahui bahwa nilai akhir r = 0,434. Yang dapat dilihat dari tabel interpretasi koefisien korelasi nilai r berada pada interval koefisien 0,40 – 0,599 yang menunjukkan hubungan diantara kedua variabel cukup kuat. Sesuai dengan ketentuan interpretasi koefisien korelasi nilai r seperti tabel 3.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 289 Tabel 3. Interpretasi Koefosien Korelasi Nilai r

Interval Koefisien Tingkat Hubungan 0,80 – 1,000 Sangat Kuat 0,60 – 0,799 Kuat 0,40 – 0,599 Cukup Kuat 0,20 – 0,399 Rendah 0,00 – 0,199 Sangat Rendah Sumber data: Riduwan (2003)

Setelah dilakukan pengujian korelasi person product moment maka langkah selanjutnya dilakukan pengujian koefisien determinan untuk menyatakan besar kecilnya sumbangan (kontribusi) variabel X terhadap varibel Y dapat ditentukan dengan rumus koefisien determinan sebagai berikut: Dimana: KD = Nilai Koefisien Determinasi r = Nilai Koefisien Korelasi Diketahui: r = 0,434 KD = ( x 100% KD = 0,188356 x 100% KD = 18,84% Dilihat dari hasil perhitungan KP (nilai koefisien determinasi) diatas dapat diketahui bahwa bauran pemasaran memberikan kontribusi terhadap pencapaian tujuan penjualan sebesar 18,84% dan sisanya 81,16% ditentukan oleh variabel lain.

SIMPULAN Pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran pada AJB Bumiputera Cabang Dumai berjalan dengan baik, walaupun belum mencapai pada kategori sangat baik. Dari indikator bauran pemasaran ternyata indikator yang kuat mempengaruhi adalah kualitas produknya. Sedangkan yang paling lemah adalah kurangnya kemampuan mempromosikan produk perusahaan. Target tujuan pencapaian tujuan penjualan perusahaan hamper sama dengan pelaksanaan bauran pemasaran yaitu termasuk kategori baik. Pencapaian tujuan penjualan didukung oleh pencapaian volume penjualan tertentu dan dapat menunjang pertumbuhan perusahaan. Hasil korelasi product moment menunjukkan bahwa bauran pemasaran dapat mempengaruhi secara signifikan terhadap pencapaian tujuan penjualan.

DAFTAR RUJUKAN Herlambang Susatyo. 2014. Basic marketing, Yogyakarta: Gosyen Publishing. Lovelock Christopher dkk. 2010. Pemasaran Jasa. Jakarta: Erlangga. Lovelock Christopher & lauren k. Wright. 2007. Manajemen Pemasaran jasa, cetakan 2. Jakarta: Penerbit Indeks. Mursid M. 2008. Manajemen Pemasaran, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Riduwan. 2003. Dasar-Dasar Statistika, Bandung: Alfabeta. Swastha, Basu & Irawan. 2003. Manajemen Pemasaran Modern, Yogyakarta: Lyberti ofsett. Umam Khaerul. 2012. Manajemen Organisasi, Bandung: cv pustaka setia. Umar Husein. 2008. Metode Penelitian untuk Skripsi dan Tesis Bisnis, Jakarta: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 290 RIVER FUNCTIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY RIVER FLAG SUBAYANG OF KAMPAR REGENCY

Yesi & Yoskar Kadarisman Faculty of Social and Political Sciences University of Riau

Abstract: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan fungsi sungai bagi masyarakat pada Daerah Aliran Sungai Subayang. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan hasil wawancara dan observasi dalam bentuk narasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat sangat bergantung pada keberadaan sungai dalam aktivitas kesehariannya. Sungai Subayang yang merupakan salah satu jalur transportasi bagi masya- rakat yang berada di desa-desa yang terletak di pinggiran sungai. Selain mengaliri 13 desa, sungai ini juga berfungsi sebagai sumber kehidupan masyarakat dan sebagai habitat flora serta fauna. Sungai mempunyai fungsi ganda bagi masyarakat Sekitar Daerah Aliran Sungai Subayang yaitu fungsi transportasi, ekonomi, dan sosial. Mempunyai fungsi sosial dapat menjadi penghubung antara masyarakat (sebagai transportasi dan interaksi), serta kegiatan budaya.

Keywords: Sungai Subayang, fungsi sungai, daerah aliran sungai

I. PENDAHULUAN Sungai mempunyai peranan yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan peradaban manusia, ketersediaan air, dan kesuburan tanah disekitarnya, sungai telah memberikan sumber kehidupan bagi manusia. Sungai juga dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana transportasi guna meningkatkan mobilitas serta komunikasi antar manusia. Pada perkembangannya sungai juga dapat dikelola sebagai tempat pariwisata, pengembangan budidaya perikanan, sarana lalu lintas sungai, dan pemenuhan berbagai kebutuhan hidup lainnya. Dalam banyak hal sungai dapat dikelola dan dimanfaatkan bagi kehidupan manusia, ketersediaan air yang terdapat disungai maupun kesuburan tanah disekitarnya, memiliki keterkaitan yang sangat erat dengan kehidupan manusia. Kawasan tepian sungai adalah termasuk kawasan tepian air yang memiliki beberapa kelebihan, terutama berkaitan dengan fungsi dan aksessibilitas yang lebih strategis. Dengan memanfaatkan sungai manusia dapat berpindah-pindah, mendapatkan permukiman baru untuk selanjutnya menetap dan berkembang menjadi permukiman yang lebih ramai, menjadi desa, lalu berkemban menjadi kota. Kondisi geografis negara Indonesia yang memiliki banyak sungai sebagai orientasi kehidupan menjadikan tepian sungai sebagai tempat bermukim dan mendapatkan mata pencaharian. Hal ini terjadi pada kawasan perkotaan maupun perdesaan yang mulai terbentuk sejak manusia mulai dapat memanfaatkan sungai sebagai sarana transportasi dan sumber daya alam yang dibutuhkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Daerah aliran Sungai (DAS) (catchment, basin, watershed) merupakan hamparan wilayah yang dibatasi oleh pembatas topografi (punggung bukit) yang menerima, mengumpulkan air hujan, sedimen, dan unsur hara serta mengalirkannya melalui anak-anak sungai dan keluar pada satu titik (outlet) (Dunne dan Leopold, 1978). DAS terdiri dari tiga bagian yaitu daerah hulu, tengah dan hilir. Daerah hulu pada umumnya didominasi oleh jenis tegakan hutan yang berfungsi sebagai daerah tangkapan air, sedangkan daerah hilir merupakan daerah pemanfaatan. Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah nomor 42 tahun 2008 tentang sumberdaya air, daerah aliran sungai adalah suatu wilayah daratan yang merupakan satu kesatuan dengan sungai dan anak-anak sungai, yang berfungsi menampung, menyimpan, dan mengalirkan air yang berasal

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 291 dari curah hujan ke danau atau ke laut secara alamiah yang batas di darat merupakan pemisah topografis dan batas di laut sampai dengan daerah perairan yang masih terpengaruh aktivitas daratan. Dalam pemanfaatan air sungai, dilakukan usaha-usaha untuk meningkatkan kapasitas sungai dalam menyediakan air, terutama penyediaan air di musim kering. Pemanfaatan air sungai yang baik bukan saja dapat memaksimalkan fungsi sungai dalam penyediaan air tetapi juga dapat mengurangi resiko banjir.Pengembangan wilayah sungai pada dasarnya adalah usaha-usaha untuk mengembangkan fungsi sungai dan sumber-sumber air lainnya untuk mendukung sektor-sektor ekonomi, industri, pertanian, perikanan dan lain-lain yang berada di dalam daerah pengaliran sungai yang bersangkutan. Prosedur dan skala pengembangan wilayah sungai biasanya mempunyai beberapa batasan-batasan (constrain) yang harus dikelola seperti kondisi geografis, teknis, sosial, dan pembiayaan. Pengembangan wilayah sungai tidak dapat terlepas dari perbaikan lingkungan sungai. Pada umumnya masyarakat memanfaatkan sungai untuk memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan sehari-hari, antara lain untuk air minum, kebutuhan industri, dan ada juga yang memanfaatkan untuk tempat aktivitas mandi, cuci dan kakus (MCK). Selain kegiatan MCK, masyarakat yang bermukim di sepanjang aliran sungai juga menggunakan sungai sebagai aktivitas perekonomian. Kegiatan semacam ini merupakan gejala umum yang terjadi di berbagai tempat, terutama masyarakat yang tinggal disekitar sungai Subayang di Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu Kabupaten Kampar.

II. METODE Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu Kabupaten Kampar. Untuk menentukan subjek atau informan dalam penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling yaitu penentuan informan dilakukan sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian. dengan kriteria: merupakan masyarakat asli yang berdomisili di Desa Tanjung Belit, memiliki pengaruh atau ketokohan dalam masyarakat. Wawancara tidak terstruktur, yaitu cara untuk mendapatkan data dengan mengadakan serangkaian tanya jawab langsung dengan informan dengan mengarahkan pada fokus yang telah ditentukan. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan hasil wawancara dan observasi dalam bentuk narasi.

III. HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Kawasan desa Tanjung belit merupakan kawasan konservasi yang memiliki kekuatan hokum berdasarkan SK Gubernur Kepala Daerah Tingkat I Riau No.KPTS.149/V/1982 tanggal 12 Juni 1982 dengan luas 136.000 Ha. Berdasarkan letak geografis desa Tanjung Belit terletak pada Lintang Sealatan dan Bujur Timur. Kawasan tersebut berdasarkan administrasi pemerintahan terletak di kabupaten Kampar dan kabupaten kuantan Singingi. Dalam adminisrasi kehutanan, saat ini kawasan tersebut termasuk kedalam wilayah pemangkuan RPH Muara Lembu, Bagian Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan (BKPH) Taluk Kuantan, Cabang Dinas Kehutanan / Kesatuan Pemangkuan Hutan Singingi dan pada saat ini termasuk Dinas wilayah Kehutanan Tingkat II kuantan Singingi. Disebalah barat, kawasan desa Tanjung belit berbatasan langsung dengan profinsi Sumatera barat yaitu dengan kecamatan Luhay Kabupate Lima Puluh koto, Kecamatan Lintau Buo Kabupaten Tanah Datar dan Kecamatan Sumput Kudus Kabupaten Sawah Lunto/Sijunjung.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 292 Desa Tanjung Belit merupakan daerah hulu dari dua sub Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), yaitu Subayang dan sungai Singingi, yang merupakan sub DAS dari DAS Kampar. Sungai Subayang dan sungai Singingi memiliki lebar 10-30 meter dengan kedalaman saat surut lebih dari 1 meter. Sungai Subayang mengalir ditengah kawasan dengan daerah tangkapan air berada didaerah perbukitan sebelah barat (rangkaian perbukitan yang menjadi batas antara Riau dengan sumatera Barat) dan utara kawasan (Bukit Rimbang dan sekitarnya), anak sungai dari sungai Subayang diantaranya yaitu Batang Bio-Bio yang sekaligus menjadi batas alam kawasan Suaka Marga Satwa Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling disebelah utara dan sungai Subangi disebelah timur. Sungai Subayang dan Singingi berair sepanjang tahun dan merupakan denyut nadi bagi hampir semua perkampungan di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu dan Singingi.

Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Belit berdasarkan administrasi pemerintah meliputi kecamatan Kampar Hulu yang termasuk dalam Kabupaten Kampar. Mata pencaharian utama penduduk di sekitar Desa Tanjung Belit Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu adalah berkebun karet. Selain itu terdapat mata pecaharian lain yaitu petani, buruh, wiraswasta, berkayu, memanfaatkan hasil hutan non kayu, dan pegawai negri sipil. Beberapa jenis bahan hutan non kayu yang menjadi primadona adalah rotan manau dan gaharu. Rotan manau biasanya di jual oleh masyarakat dengan harga Rp 1000,- permeternya. Dan gaharu dengan kualitas terbaik dihargai sampai dengan Rp 25.000.000,- Sistem pertanian yang di pakai adalah perladangan berpindah dengan luas garapan rata-rata antara 0,5 Ha -2 Ha perkeluarga tiap siklus usaha. Rata-rata penghasilan dari berkebun karet dengan luasan sekitar antara 1,5- 2 Ha perkepala keluarga bisa menghasilkan sekitar 20 kg perhari dengan kisaran harga Rp.6000,- per kg. Jadi perhari mereka bisa mendapatkan Rp. 120.000,- perhari dari berkebun karet. Tetapi bila di dukung dengan cuaca yang cerah , karena bila hari hujan mereka tidak bisa memotong karet atau menakik getah karet. Biaya hidup kecamatan kampar kiri hulu ini juga cukup besar, mulai dari biaya transportasi air yang mengunakan perahu motor yang biasa mereka sebut dengan joson dan robin yang memerlukan bensin. Bensin yang dijual harganya cukup mahal bisa mencapai Rp.9000,- sampai Rp.10.000,- perliternya dengan harga normal Rp 6.500,- perliter dari Pertamina. Bila mereka menjual hasil karet mereka. Mereka di potong Rp. 1000,- per kg nya untuk biaya taranportasi ke gema. Dan kebutuhan pokok akan meningkat Rp. 1000,- bila di jual ke desa mereka dari harga beli di desa gema. Tingkat pendidikan dan minat masyarakat terhadap pendidikan cukup rendah, Terkait dengan persepsi orang tua terhadap pendidikan dimana mereka beranggapan bahwa memotong karet lebih bernilai secara ekonomis dapat membantu perekonomian keluarga dari pada bersekolah. Selain itu, yang menyebab kurangnya minat masyarakat terhadap pendidikan di karenakan akses terhadap sarana pendidikan yang sangat sulit. Hingga saat ini sarana pendidikan yang tersedia di desa Tanjung Belit hanya sampai Sekolah Dasar, sedangkan untuk melanjutkan ke jenjang SLTP atau Sekolah Menengah atas harus keluar dari Desa dengan jarak yang cukup jauh dan transportasi terbatas. Masyarakat di Kampar kiri hulu mayoritas berasal dari suku melayu riau yang memiliki adat istiadat yang masih kental yang bersumber dari Sumatra barat. Dalam adat dan istiadat Kampar kiri kekuasaan tertingi pada raja yang berada di gunung sahilan. Rajadi bantu 5 orang khalifah. Setiap khalifah mewakili beberapa desa di tambah pula beberapa penghulu adat.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 293 Pemegang teranjau adat ini memiliki tugas dan fungsi masing-masing: 1. Sri Paduka Raja, berfungsi sebagai pucuk pimpinan kerajaan yang menguasai adat dan istiadat serta menagtur penghulu-penghulu adat dalam rantau Kampar kiri. 2. Lima orang khalifah yang bertugas sebagai petugas pembantu raja, yakni: a. Datuk besar gunung sahilan yang berkedudukan di gunung sahilan yang berkedudukan di gunung sahilan yang juga sebagai orang besar raja, kombuik undang kauntung pisoke. Yang memiliki wilayah subarak koto tuo lipat kain, sungai pagar dan mentulik. b. Dtuk bendaharo khalifah kuntu yang berkedudukan di kuntu, padang sawah dan domo. c. Datuk bendaharo khalifah ujung bukit yang berkedudukandi ujung bukit. Yang terdiri dari 3 nagori. Yakni ujung bukit, pasir ramo, dan tanjung belit. d. Datuk godang khalifah batu songgan berkedudukan di batu songgan. Yang terdiri dri tujuh nagori yakni batu sanggan, tanjung beringin, gajah bertalut, aur kuning, terusan, salo, dan pangkalan serai. e. Datuk Marajo besar khalifah ludai berkedudukan di ludai. Yang terdiri dari tigo nagori, yakni ludai, kota lama dan pangkalan kapas. 3. Penghulu pucuk, yaitu pimpinan yang mengepalai semua penghulu tiap-tiap nagori. 4. Penghulu nagori yaitu pemimpin suku setiap nagori. 5. Ninik mamak, bertugas untuk mengurus sanak kemenakan dalam pasukannya masing-masing dalam hal adat dan istiadat. 6. Malin, bertugas untuk mengurus soal-soal yang berkenaan dengan syarak atau agama islam. 7. Hulu baling, bertugas sebagai badan keamanan dalam kampong. 8. Saudagar, bertugas untuk membantu penghulu dalam bidang ekonomi. Dalam hal ini sesuai dengan pepatah ; „‟Penghulu seandiko, malin sekitabullah, dukun sejampimdubalang sekudaroat, mulut manis kucindan murah, tahu lahir batin, tahu lereng dan gendeng, ikan dalam airtentu jantan dan betinanya,mberkata tidak cukup sepatah, berjalan tak cukup selangkah, pantai landai, pasirnya putih, airnya jernih, ikannya jinak‟‟. Begitulah susunan dan pembagian tugas yang telah di atur dalam adat istiadat Kampar kiri dalam rangka menyusun kehidupan sosial masyarakat Kampar kiri untuk terciptanya kehidupan yang baik-baik di tengah masyarakat. Tetapi dalam masa sekarang, peran dari sebuah lembaga adat terjadi perubahan kedudukan pemangku adat dari setiap nagori. Pemangku adat dari jajaran datuk sampai lapisan penghulu tidak lagi menjadi pimpinan formal dalam arti memegang teranju kehidupan dalam system kenegaraan. Sekarang ada camat mengatur dan mengantikan kedudukan datuk dan kepala desa mengantikan ninik mamak. Masyarakat Kampar kiri hulu selalu berpedoman kepada adat istiadat dan juga perpedoman dengan agama islam. Dan sangat di kenal dengan,‟‟ adat bersendikan syara‟, dan syarak bersendikan kitabullah‟‟. Sistem kekerabatan dalam masyarakat Kampar kiri hulu bersifat matrilineal. Kebudayaan lokal masyarakat Kampar kiri hulu masih sangat melekat dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Ini terlihat pada setiap acara-acara adat, acara besar agama, ataupun pernikahan setiap pemangku adat selalu memakai pakaian yang menjadi soko, dan melambangkan jabatan dan fungsinya dalam masyarakat. Kebudayaan Kampar kiri hulu di setiap desa atau nagori juga memiliki budaya yang dinamakan dengan „‟ lubuk larangan „‟. Yang dimaksud dengan lubuk larangan ini adalah tanda yang diberikan di sungai atau lubuk yang menandakan bahwa diantara tanda sungai

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 294 tersebut tidak boleh diambil ikannya. Dan siapa yang mengambil ikannya akan di kenai sangsi adat. Lubuk larangn hanya boleh diambil pada saat tertentu saja, dan masyarakat secara bersama-sama menjaga lubuk larangan tersebut. Desa Tanjung Belit adalah desa yang memiliki banyak potensi keindahan karena terletak di bagian Hulu yang diiringi sungai serta hutan-hutan tropis yang masih indah dan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu potensi desa yaitu air terjun batu dinding yang setiap minggunya ramai di kunjungi wisatawan, keindahan alam di air terjun membuat banyak wisatawan pergi ke desa Tanjung Belit. Desa Tanjung Belit adalah desa yang memiliki banyak potensi keindahan karena terletak di bagian Hulu yang diiringi sungai serta hutan-hutan tropis yang masih indah dan ramah lingkungan. Salah satu potensi desa yaitu air terjun batu dinding yang setiap minggunya ramai di kunjungi wisatawan, keindahan alam di air terjun membuat banyak wisatawan pergi ke desa Tanjung Belit. Pengembangan obyek wisata di Desa Tanjung Belit di sambut hangat oleh masyarakat-masyarakatnya, hampir semua masyarakat menyukai dan setuju dalam pengembangan desa sebagai desa wisata. Keuntungan bagi masyarakat seperti banyak masyarakat yang menjual makanan dan minuman, masyarakat juga mengoperasikan perahu robin dan jonson yang berpengaruh bagi pendapatan masyarakat desa tanjung Belit. Salah satu langkah dari pemerintah setempat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat desa yaitu mengembangkan potensi-potensi keindahan alam yang ada di desa mereka. Aktivitas masyarakat yang dapat membantu perekonomian masyarakat di desa Tanjung Belit diantaranya : berdagang di lokasi obyek wisata, mengoperasikan perahu mesin robin/jonson, menyewakan pelampung, dan lainnya.

Fungsi Sungai Bagi Masyarakat Sungai merupakan kebutuhan yang belum bisa dipisahkan dengan kehidupan masyarakat yang berada dalam suatu sistem daerah aliran sungai, sehingga kondisi sungai tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kondisi daerah aliran sungai tersebut, kualitas air sungai dipengaruhi oleh kualitas pasokan air yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitarnya. Sungai merupakan lintas sektoral yang mempunyai fungsi ganda yaitu fungsi ekonomi, ekologis, dan sosial. Mempunyai fungsi sosial dapat menjadi penghubung antara masyarakat (sebagai transportasi), kegiatan dan interaksi. 1. Fungsi Sungai sebagai Jalur Transportasi Sejak dulu sungai memegang peranan penting sebagai jalur transportasi di wilayah peraiaran atau Daerah Aliran Sungai. Sebagaimana masyarakat yang bermukim Di Desa Tanjung Belit yang hidup dilingkungan perairan dan menggunakan perairan sebagai Prasarana penghubung didalam maupun antar desa. Transportasi sungai (ksampan, boat dan pompong) memiliki keefektifan yang sangat tinggi, karena kapal memiliki kapasitas angkut barang paling efektif serta efisiesi dalam segi waktu. Fungsi sungai sebagai transportasi didukung oleh kepemilikan perahu bermotor ataupun sampan yang rata-rata dimiliki oleh hampir seluruh masyarakat disana Sampan atau perahu motor ini digunakan sebagai alat transpotasi dan mencari nafkah. 2. Fungsi sungai dalam aktivitas ekonomi Sungai mempunyai fungsi ekonomi, sebagai konsumsi dan kebutuhan berbagai aktivitas seperti industri, perdagangan dan jasa, pertanian dan wisata yang dapat menghasilkan nilai ekonomi (Robert Kodoatie, 2002)

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 295 Sungai juga sering dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber nafkah dari berbagai kalangan masyarakat. Dengan kandungan dan keanekaragaman hayati yang banyak, sungai dapat menjadi sumber rezeki. Katakanlah nelayan, yang memanfaatkan sungai sebagai tambak dan juga lokasi untuk memanen ikan untuk kemudian dijual lagi. Selain sebagai salah satu sumber mata pencaharian, beberapa keanekaragaman hayati yang ada di sungai dapat menjadi bahan konsumsi, baik bagi manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya. Banyak sekali manusia dan hewan yang menggantungkan konsumsi sehari – hari dengan menggunakan sungai. Biasanya bahan konsumsi yang paling umum ditemukan pada sungai ialah berbagai jenis ikan. Selain itu, terkait dengan fungsi sungai di Desa Tanjung Belit sebagai jalur transportasi, maka mengembangkan jasa transportasi sungai dapat menjadi alternatif mata pencaharian lain di Sekitar aliran Sungai Subayang. Mengingat bahwa terdapat ekowisata Air Terjun Di Desa Tanjung Belit yang cukup ramai dikunjungi oleh wisatawan yang dalam hal ini membutuhkan transportasi alternatif disamping daratan yaitu jalur sungai yang banyak diminati oleh pengunjung karena lebih efisien dibandingkan harus berjalankaki waktu tempuh juga menjadi lebih singkat atau pendek. Sehingga pemanfaatan jasa transportasi sungai ini berkembang sebagai matapencaharian alternatif masyarakat sekitar aliran sungai Subayang. 3. Fungsi Sungai dalam aktivitas sosial budaya Aliran sungai subayang telah lama dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat setempat guna pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari, sebagai sarana untuk mandi, mencuci,dan kakus atau keperluan MCK. Selain itu, Diambil airnya untuk keperluan air minum dan keperluan rumah tangga sehari – hari. Berbagai aktivitas sosial budaya juga didukung oleh keberadaan sungai Subayang yaitu yang paling terkenal adalah Pemanfaatan sungai sebagai suatu bentuk pelestarian local wisdom atau kearifan lokal dalam bentuk lubuk larangan. Di Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Hulu terdapat beberapa desa yang mempunyai kearifan lokal seperti lubuk larangan. Menurut keterangan pemuka masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Belit lubuk larangan dimulai pada tahun 1980 yang dibentuk atas kesekapatan bersama. Pengelolaan lubuk larangan ini dilakukan secara bersama-sama oleh masyarakat, ninik mamak dan seperangkat desa. Dalam pengelolaan tidak ada pembagian tugas seperti ketua, bendahara dan sekretaris. Namum saat panen mereka membagi tugas yang kepanitiannya meliputi ninik mamak, aparat desa, pemuda dan masyarakat yang disusun dan diputuskan secara bersama-sama.Susunan kepanitianaan hanyalah anggota yang mengatur dan mengontrol ketika dilakukannya panen pada lubuk laranagan. Namun pelaku panen dilakukan oleh semua masyarakat desa yang mau membantu dan para peserta yang akan membeli hasil panen lubuk larangan, baik itu diri masyarakat desa, ataupun dari luar desa.

IV. KESIMPULAN Masyarakat sangat bergantung pada keberadaan sungai. Dalam aktivitas keseharian masyarakat desa Tanjung Belit tidak bisa dipisahkan dari sungai. Sungai Subayang yang merupakan salah satu jalur transportasi bagi masyarakat yang berada di desa - desa yang terletak di pinggiran sungai Subayang. Selain mengaliri 13 desa, sungai ini juga berfungsi sebagai sumber kehidupan masyarakat dan sebagai habitat flora serta fauna. Sungai mempunyai fungsi ganda bagi masyarakat Sekitar Daerah Aliran Sungai Subayang yaitu fungsi transportasi, ekonomi, dan sosial. Mempunyai fungsi sosial dapat menjadi penghubung antara masyarakat (sebagai transportasi dan interaksi), serta kegiatan budaya.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 296 REFERENSI Bale, Djanen, 1996, “Analisis Pola Pemukiman Perairan Di Indonesia, Dinas Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan” Jakarta. Eddy Sontang Manik, Karden. 2007. Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, Jakarta : Djambatan. Kodoatie, J Robert, 2002, “Banjir”. Pustaka Pelajar Yogyakarta. Koentjaraningrat, Metode-metode Penelitian Sosial Masyarakat, PT. Gramedia Moleong, Lexy. J. 1993. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif, Bandung : PT. Remaja rosdakarya. Hlm 135. Maryono, Aagus, 2005, “Eko-Hindraulik Pembangunan Sungai”. Ugm Yogyakarta. Meliono Budianto dan Irmayanti, Ideologi Budaya, Yayasan Kota Kita, Jakarta; 2004. Ranjabar, Jacobus. 2013. Sistem Sosial Budaya Indonesia, Bandung : CV. Alfabeta. Sugiyono. 2010. “Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif Dan R&D”. Bandung: Alfabeta Soekanto Soejono, Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar, CV. Rajawali Press, Jakarta; 1990. Sunarto Kamanto, Pengantar Sosiologi, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta; 2000. Syani, Abdul. 1987. “Sosiologi Skematika, Teori Dan Terapan “. Jakarta : PT Bumi Aksara. Suparlan, Supardi. 1996. Manusia, Kebudayaan, dan Lingkungan, Jakarta : PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. hlm 83. Sumaatmadja, Nursid. 2000. Manusia dalam Konteks Sosial Budaya, dan Lingkungan Hidup, Bandung : Alfabeta. hlm 73.

Proceeding International Seminar: Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions 297