PROCEEDING INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions August 15, 2017 Organized by PROGRAM STUDY OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION FISIP RIAU UNIVERSITY and IAPA THE MIDDLE OF SUMATERA REGION Proceeding INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions ISBN: 978-602 -50161-0-3 Editors Team: Sujianto Zulkarnaini Febri Yuliani Dadang Mashur Mayarni Abdul Sadad Nur Laila Meilani Mimin Sundari Nasution Layout : [email protected] Desain cover: Syamsul Witra Publisher: Program Study of Public Administration FISIP Riau University and IAPA The Middle of Sumatera Region Address of publisher and editor: Kampus Binawidaya Simpang Baru, Pekanbaru 28293 Telp (0761) 63267; Fax (0761) 65804 E-mail: [email protected] First Publish, August 2017 All rights reserved Do not reproduce this paper in the form and In any way without the written permission of the publisher PREFACE Praise the presence of Allah SWT for the blessing and grace of this proceeding can be arranged well and on time. This Proceeding are ideas and results of research from various circles who become participants in international seminar entitled “Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions” organized by IAPA Central Sumatra region in collaboration with Department of Public Administration FISIP Universitas Riau. Those ideas are basically a contribution from various components of society ranging from academics, practitioners, bureaucrats and others in order to address contextual and contemporary issues related to the development of public administration science, especially in the context of local institutions. Overall this proceeding contains 39 articles which are divided into 3 sub themes: administration and public policy, good governance and bureaucratic reform, and innovative government and development. This proceeding can not be separated thanks to the help of various parties. Acknowledgments are sent to: 1. The Rector of the University of Riau who has given full support for the international seminar “Strengthening Bureaucratic Capacity of Public Administration in The Context of Local Institutions” 2. IAPA leaders and central IAPA Central Sumatera region who have been actively contributing to this international seminar. 3. All keynote speakers and presenters or speakers who have taken the time to present the research and innovative ideas in this international seminar. In the preparation of this proceeding is certainly not free from sharing the shortcomings, therefore all forms of advice, corrections and inserts will be accepted openly. Finally, hopefully this international conference and proceedings can provide benefits as much as possible for the province of Riau in particular and for Indonesia in general. Pekanbaru, August 2017 Editor Team iii TABLE OF CONTENT PREFACE iii TABLE OF CONTENT iv KEYNOTE SPEAKER NATIONAL LANGUAGE POLICY IN MALAYSIA 1 Zainal Abidin Burhan (Malaysia) INVITED SPEAKERS PUBLIC POLICY SINGAPORE STYLE 5 Nola Fibriyani (Singapore) BUREAUCRACY REFORM IN BRUNEI DARUSSALAM: AN INTRODUCTION TO GOVERNMENT 14 Gamal Zakaria (Brunei Darussalam) ADMINISTRATION REFORM, NATIONAL POWER, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONS 18 Eko Prasojo (Indonesia) STRENGTHENING INFORMAL INSTITUTION OF RUBBER FARMING COMMUNITIES IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL CAPITAL 26 Sujianto, Nur Laila Meilani & Syofian (Indonesia) END USER’ PERCEPTION TOWARD USABILITY OF SMARTPHONE BASED DATA COLLECTION SYSTEM DURING PEFORMANCE MONITORING ACCOUNTABILITY 2020 (PMA2020) SURVEY IN INDONESIA 34 Sukarno, Linnea A Zimmerman, & Nur Laila Meilani (United States of America & Indonesia) Chapter 1 ADMINISTRATION AND PUBLIC POLICY 1 LOCAL WISDOM OF KEPENGHULUAN MAMUGO IN LAND AND FOREST FIRE PREVENTION 47 Febri Yuliani 2 REGIONAL GOVERNMENT POLICY ON LAND PROBLEMS IN THE PROPERTY RIGHTS OF PLANTATION ENTERPRISES 51 Kusbianto 3 POLITICAL DYNAMICS INSTITUTIONAL OF FARMERS IN RIAU 60 Khairul Anwar 4 THE SOCIETY PERCEPTION TOWARD THE PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) 67 Swis Tantoro 5 EVALUATION OF VILLAGE FUND ALLOCATION PROGRAM (ADD) ON VILLAGE EMPOWERMENT 80 Zaili Rusli & Mayarni iv 6 SYNERGIES OF PROGRAM THE COOPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 88 Aprizal 7 STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING AND RESOLVING SOCIAL CONFLICT 93 Abdul Sadad 8 INEQUALITY OF RUBBER FARMER INCOME IN RAMBAI ISLAND KAMPAR DISTRICT OF RIAU 99 Shorea Khaswarina & Eliza 9 IMPLEMENTATION MODEL OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) PROGRAM 104 Meyzi Heriyanto, Adianto, & Hasim Asari 10 IMPLEMENTATION OF LOCAL REGULATION KAMPAR REGENCY NO. 1 YEAR 2013 ABOUT US READING AL-QUR'AN 115 Mashuri 11 IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW NUMBER 18 YEAR 2008 REGARDING WASTE MANAGEMENT 119 Ernawati Chapter 2 GOOD GOVERNANCE AND BUREAUCRATIC REFORM 1 THE INFLUENCE OF COORDINATION TOWARD SERVICE QUALITY AT THE TIRTA BUMI WIBAWA REGIONAL WATER UTILITY COMPANY 125 Ike Rachmawati & Farhana 2 NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT IN A GOVERNMENT REFORM FOR GOOD GOVERNANCE 130 Andin Niantima Primasari 3 RELATIONSHIP BUILDING REFORMATION WITH MALADMINISTRATION BEHAVIOR IN PEKANBARU CITY 138 Rodi Wahyudi & Muammar Alkadafi 4 CIVIL SERVANT BUREAUATION IN REGIONAL GOVERNMENT TO COMPETE GLOBAL COMPETITION 146 Jhon Simon & Kariaman Sinaga 5 DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES 154 Mimin Sundari Nasution 6 QUALITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES 160 Latip 7 EFFECTIVENESS OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM PT. ARARA ABADI 169 Sofia Achnes 8 ROLE OF GOVERNMENT AS A STRATEGIC PARTNER IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 174 Geovani Meiwanda & Frini Karina Andini 9 THE ROLE OF DEPARTMENT OF DEPARTMENT IN PROVINCY ROADS 181 Afrinaldy Rustam 10 WATER SUPPLY SERVICE FOR POOR SOCIETY BY WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION WITH COMMUNITY BASED PROGRAM 187 Dwi Herlinda 11 ETHNOECOLOGY APPROACH IN TOURISM DESTINATION GOVERNANCE 192 Andri Sulistyani v Chapter 3 INNOVATIVE GOVERNMENT AND DEVELOPMENT 1 THE POWER RELATION AT THE VIOLENCE RITUAL IN THE URBAN AFFAIRS 206 Yoserizal & Yesi 2 EXISTENCE OF TIONGHOA COMMUNITY BAGANSIAPIAPI IN BUILDING SOCIAL AND POWER ECONOMICS BASED ON CONFUSIONISM 216 Nyoto & Rahmadani 3 THE ANSOFF MODEL AS A STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPING PRODUCTS IN TOURIST VILLAGE 222 Musadad 4 RATTAN CRAFT BUSSINES RELOCATION PLAN IN PEKANBARU 226 Indrawati 5 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT FISHERMEN 234 Nahar Effendi 6 POTENCY OF SOCIAL CONFLICT IN THE KEPULAUAN MERANTI REGENCY 251 Rd. Siti Sofro Sidiq 7 THE ROLE OF THE GOVERNMENT IN TOURISM MARKETING PROMOTION 259 Mariaty Ibrahim 8 DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF AGRICULTURAL SUPPLY COMPETENCY IN SUPPORTING FOOD PRIVATE 266 Dadang Mashur & Zulkarnaini 9 DEVELOPMENT OF VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLANS IN MUSYAWARAH VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 277 Sulaiman Zuhdi, Aguswan, & Abdul Mirad 10 MIX MARKETING AND SALES ACHIEVEMENT 284 Sopyan 11 RIVER FUNCTIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY RIVER FLAG SUBAYANG OF KAMPAR REGENCY 291 Yesi & Yoskar Kadarisman vi NATIONAL LANGUAGE POLICY IN MALAYSIA Zainal Abidin bin Borhan Chairman of the National Association of Writers Association of Malaysia (GAPENA) Abstract: What will be disclosed in this paper is one of the public policy or the Malaysian public p olicy which is the National Language Policy. A policy to ensure that all citizens can speak Malay p roperly; Widely used in all areas such as education, used at all court levels, is well used in Parliame nt and the State Assembly, the language of unity, the identity of the Nation of Malaysia, the langua ge of administration, and so forth. Keywords: public policy, education, identity nations The Federal Constitution of Malaysia, Clause 152, establishes that Bahasa Melayu is the National Language of the Federation of Malaysia. Malaysian Federal Constitution Clause 16 requires any citizen born in Malaysia before Merdeka to have adequate BM knowledge; Clause 19 also stipulates that non-citizens applying for a citizen need to also have adequate BM knowledge. The BM position was also enacted in the National Language Act 1963/1967. BM is also promoted through the Education Act 1960/1996, as well as through the Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka Act 1956/1995. Before the Federation of Malaya achieved independence, on August 5, 1957, the Malay Rulers Council had placed the position of the BM as enshrined in the Malay Rites, the 6th Will, "We set the national language to be Malay." The BM that began as a native language developed into lingua franca in the Malay Archipelago in the historical space, became a vehicle for the development of Malay civilization especially in most of the Malay royal palaces and cities. BM is also developing through Malay literature, literacy or historiography, religious books, statutory and legal, medical and health, business languages and administration and governance. It is also a language that has been set up in Brunei, Indonesia, and Malaysia; being one of the official languages in Singapore despite being enacted in the Singapore Constitution that BM is the national language for Singapore. During British colonization of Malaya, as well as North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak, administrative language, business language and education language were BI, judging BM was one of the vernacular languages of that time. Razak Education Report was presented in 1956 to develop the education system of an independent nation. This statement confirms BM as the language of introductory schooling to speed up the process of presenting and uniting the nation. In 1956 only a Malay Secondary
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