Nomination Form
UPS Form 10-WO LRI 16. tucr-uul (Oct. 1990) United States Doparbent of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES REGISTRATION FORM I. Name of Property ---. - ----I- ---. historic name Dam Number One Battlefield Site other namesfsite number -Lee's Mill Battlefield; Newport News Park; VDIiR File No. 121-60 ------ ---- -- -- ----.--. 2. Location --- -------- - ----.--. street & number- 13560 Jefferson Avenue not for publication x city or town -Newport News vicinity N/f state Virginia code OA county Newport News (independent code 700 zip code 2360. citvl -- -- - .- - - - 3. State/Federal Agency Certification - - - - - - - - - As the designated authority uder the National Historic Preservatim Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this -x- nminati request for determination of eligibility wets the doc-tatim standards for registering prowrties in the NatimaI Register -Historic Places and meets the procedural ard professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my Opinion, the Property -x - mets does mt imt the National Register Criteria. I recumem that this property be considerea significant - nationai -x - staten=- locally. ( - See cmtimation sheet for additimal camnents.) '.L- ,!-;'&,; <. ,- -/ - L : -. , . ,, flk'~- c. ' -. Sfgnature -of certifying official/Title Date , > L..fl. -, ,J , -..., ,.-.-<: ,LA- ,,,,: L ',' /.. / 2:1 L ,i.&~&.~/,/,s 0*A: i 2.74 ," - .- .-- L, ,, Virginia Department of Historic Resources State or Federal agency and bureau In my opinion, the pro~erty- meets - does not meet tne Nationai Register critsia. ( See cmtiowrim sheet for addiricnai cmrs.) signature of carmenring or omer official Dare State or FederaL agency am bureau -------- --------------- --------------- ------- ------------- --4. National Park Service-------------------- Certification ------------- ----------- I, hereby certify that this property is: entered in the Naticnal Register - See cmtirrJarion sheet.
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