Revolution Pensioners By The Jonesborough Genealogical Society April 3, 1991 Through persistent work of Mr. Selden Nelson of Knoxville, TN, Secretary-Treasurer of the Society, Sons of the Revolution, a list of the pensioners of the Revolutionary War for Washington County has been made. The list is given under two separate acts, this being explained by Mr. Nelson as follows: “The acts of 1818 only allowed pensions to disabled soldiers and those who had no means of support and were to old to make a living by manual labor. The act of 1832 gave pensions to all the soldiers of the Revolution, who served three months or more during the war.” This list is published in this Historical Edition of the Johnson City Staff due to the face that it may prove of value to Daughters or Sons in tracing the records of their relatives of the great struggle. Below the name of the soldier is given first, then the rank, next the description of service, and last date of entering on the pension roll. They are as follows: Act of 1818 Jacob Acor, private, Connecticut Continental, May 19, 1819. Edward Brus or Banks, private, Virginia Continental, Feb. 5, 1819. Higgins Coppinger or Corringer, private, Virginia Continental Line, Dec. 28, 1824. Perry Floyd, private, VA Continental Line, Dec. 28, 1824. George Fitzgerald, private, VA Cont. Line, June 2, 1820. Samuel-Greer, private, VA Cont. Line, May 24, 1820. Hugh Harris, corporal, North Carolina Continental Line, April 10, 1824. John Ingle or Engle, private, VA Cont. Line, June 21, 1819. Jonathan Jackson, private, VA Cont.
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