HANSARD) Published Under the Authority of the Hon
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THIRD SESSION - TWENTY-SEVENTH LEGISLATURE of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan ____________ DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS ____________ (HANSARD) Published under the authority of The Hon. Dan D’Autremont Speaker N.S. VOL. 56 NO. 18A MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2013, 13:30 MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEWAN Speaker — Hon. Dan D’Autremont Premier — Hon. Brad Wall Leader of the Opposition — Cam Broten Name of Member Political Affiliation Constituency Belanger, Buckley NDP Athabasca Bjornerud, Bob SP Melville-Saltcoats Boyd, Hon. Bill SP Kindersley Bradshaw, Fred SP Carrot River Valley Brkich, Greg SP Arm River-Watrous Broten, Cam NDP Saskatoon Massey Place Campeau, Jennifer SP Saskatoon Fairview Chartier, Danielle NDP Saskatoon Riversdale Cheveldayoff, Hon. Ken SP Saskatoon Silver Springs Cox, Herb SP The Battlefords D’Autremont, Hon. Dan SP Cannington Docherty, Mark SP Regina Coronation Park Doherty, Hon. Kevin SP Regina Northeast Doke, Larry SP Cut Knife-Turtleford Draude, Hon. June SP Kelvington-Wadena Duncan, Hon. Dustin SP Weyburn-Big Muddy Eagles, Doreen SP Estevan Elhard, Hon. Wayne SP Cypress Hills Forbes, David NDP Saskatoon Centre Harpauer, Hon. Donna SP Humboldt Harrison, Hon. Jeremy SP Meadow Lake Hart, Glen SP Last Mountain-Touchwood Heppner, Hon. Nancy SP Martensville Hickie, Darryl SP Prince Albert Carlton Hutchinson, Bill SP Regina South Huyghebaert, D.F. (Yogi) SP Wood River Jurgens, Victoria SP Prince Albert Northcote Kirsch, Delbert SP Batoche Krawetz, Hon. Ken SP Canora-Pelly Lawrence, Greg SP Moose Jaw Wakamow Makowsky, Gene SP Regina Dewdney Marchuk, Russ SP Regina Douglas Park McCall, Warren NDP Regina Elphinstone-Centre McMillan, Hon. Tim SP Lloydminster McMorris, Hon. Don SP Indian Head-Milestone Merriman, Paul SP Saskatoon Sutherland Michelson, Warren SP Moose Jaw North Moe, Scott SP Rosthern-Shellbrook Morgan, Hon. Don SP Saskatoon Southeast Nilson, John NDP Regina Lakeview Norris, Hon. Rob SP Saskatoon Greystone Ottenbreit, Greg SP Yorkton Parent, Roger SP Saskatoon Meewasin Phillips, Kevin SP Melfort Reiter, Hon. Jim SP Rosetown-Elrose Ross, Laura SP Regina Qu’Appelle Valley Sproule, Cathy NDP Saskatoon Nutana Steinley, Warren SP Regina Walsh Acres Stewart, Hon. Lyle SP Thunder Creek Tell, Hon. Christine SP Regina Wascana Plains Tochor, Corey SP Saskatoon Eastview Toth, Don SP Moosomin Vermette, Doyle NDP Cumberland Wall, Hon. Brad SP Swift Current Weekes, Hon. Randy SP Biggar Wilson, Nadine SP Saskatchewan Rivers Wotherspoon, Trent NDP Regina Rosemont Wyant, Hon. Gordon SP Saskatoon Northwest LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF SASKATCHEWAN 4165 November 25, 2013 [The Assembly met at 13:30.] And, Mr. Speaker, also to welcome Stephanie and the Evers family to the Assembly. I’m sure you’ve had a wonderful trip [Prayers] and have a safe return. Thank you, Mr. Speaker. ROUTINE PROCEEDINGS The Speaker: — I recognize the Minister of the Environment. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Hon. Mr. Cheveldayoff: — Thank you very much. I hope everybody enjoyed their environment, Mr. Speaker, over the The Speaker: — I recognize the Premier. last couple of days. Mr. Speaker, to you and through you to all members of the legislature, I want to introduce a guest that’s in Hon. Mr. Wall: — Thanks very much, Mr. Speaker. Two your gallery today, a good friend of mine, Orlanda Drebit. introductions today of guests that we have in your gallery. First, Orlanda if you want to stand and give us a wave. Mr. Speaker, it’s a real pleasure to be able to welcome one of Canada’s premiers to the Legislative Assembly today. Bob Orlanda is a former resident of Saskatchewan. Her career took McLeod is the Premier of the Northwest Territories. her to Charlottetown, PEI [Prince Edward Island] where she works for Veterans Affairs Canada. She’s a graduate of the And, Mr. Speaker, I can tell you this: Premier McLeod is a University of Saskatchewan. I know she’s a political, I don’t clarion voice for the importance of sustainable development in know if I’d say nerd like the Premier said earlier, but yes, sure Canada, especially around the energy piece. He’s led, frankly, she is. The Premier and Orlanda and I were involved in youth the country here and also been a force for good in the United politics quite some time ago. States in terms of the whole pipeline discussion and debate we’ve had in terms of his support for things like Keystone. But, But it’s a pleasure to have her back in her home province. I Mr. Speaker, he’s always focused on the sustainability of understand she attended the Grey Cup. I see her wearing the energy development and also the involvement and the Tourism Saskatchewan scarf. I know that that will be a popular engagement of Canada’s First Nations and Aboriginal peoples item when she goes back to Prince Edward Island. So, Orlanda, in those economic activities. thank you for coming to the legislature today, and I ask all members to help me welcome her here today. And he’s become a good friend, Mr. Speaker. He was here for the Grey Cup. Came, I think in on Friday and leaves later today. PRESENTING PETITIONS And I just want to welcome him here to Saskatchewan, thank him for coming to Grey Cup but also to thank him for his The Speaker: — I recognize the member for Saskatoon Centre. leadership at the table of Canada’s premiers. Mr. Forbes: — Thank you very much, Mr. Speaker. I rise Mr. Speaker, while I’m on my feet, very quickly, we had other, today to present a petition in support of anti-bullying. And we many, many guests of course this weekend. We can’t introduce know that bullying causes serious harm, and the consequences them all. But in your gallery as well, joining us from Ontario of bullying include depression, self-harm, addictions, and but formerly of the city of Regina are the Evers: father, John suicide. And we know that bullying can occur within schools and daughter, Stephanie. Stephanie is associate producer of but also through social media, cellphones, or through the Power Play, the political . The show we political nerds might Internet, also known as cyberbullying. I’d like to read the watch in the afternoon on CTV Newsnet. And later today, we’ll prayer: see Don Martin in a Rider jersey because he made the mistake I think of betting with Stephanie about the outcome of the game. We, in the prayer that reads as follows, respectfully request that the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan take the They lived here from ’77 to ’88. She told me when we were following action: recently in Ottawa and doing an appearance on or guesting on the show, and she said she’d be coming with her dad if they Wherefore your petitioners humbly pray that your made it to the Grey Cup. They are huge Rider fans and, Mr. honourable Legislative Assembly call on the government Speaker, she was able to be here with her father for a quick to take immediate and meaningful action to protect tour. And I just want to welcome her and introduce these guests Saskatchewan’s children from bullying because the lives of to this Legislative Assembly as well today. young people are at stake and this government must do more to protect our youth. The Speaker: — I recognize the Leader of the Opposition. And as in duty bound, your petitioners will ever pray. Mr. Broten: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. On behalf of the official opposition I’d like to join with the Premier in I do so present. Thank you. welcoming Premier McLeod to the Assembly. I’m sure he had a great time over the last few days here in our capital city, but I The Speaker: — I recognize the member for Regina Rosemont. also hope that he’s had some good meetings and interactions over the course of the time as well. Of course we do share a lot Mr. Wotherspoon: — Mr. Speaker, I rise to present petitions of common interests and concerns between Saskatchewan and on behalf of very concerned residents in southern Saskatchewan the Northwest Territories. So thank you so much for being here as it relates to the unacceptable closure of the Pasqua Hospital’s today, and I’d also like to welcome you to the Assembly. emergency room. The petition reads as follows: 4166 Saskatchewan Hansard November 25, 2013 We, in the prayer that reads as follows, respectfully request STATEMENTS BY MEMBERS that the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan take the following action: to cause the provincial government to The Speaker: — I recognize the Deputy Government House ensure our capital city has two 24-hour emergency rooms. Leader. And your petitioners humbly pray. Riders Bring Home the Grey Cup And these petitions are signed by concerned residents from Mr. Makowsky: — Well thank you, Mr. Speaker. What a Regina, Strasbourg, Wolseley, and Dilke. I so submit. historic night in Saskatchewan last night. Our beloved green and white brought home the Grey Cup, brought it home by The Speaker: — I recognize the Opposition Whip. crushing the Hamilton Tiger-Cats 45 to 23. The sellout crowd of 44,710 would have qualified as the third-largest city in Mr. Vermette: — Mr. Speaker, I rise today to present a Saskatchewan, I think collectively the loudest last night. petition. Many northern residents benefited from the rental purchase option program also known as RPO. These families Mr. Speaker, we know this was Grey Cup 101. And it was are very proud homeowners in their communities. fitting as the Riders gave the Ticats a few lessons in football 101, I think. Kory Sheets earned MVP [most valuable player] And the prayer reads: honours after running 20 times for a Grey Cup record 197 yards and two touchdowns.