UR$ ar! i ltnuAroaAL PRoFtssroH4L 5aFvrc{s oncafilzrTl{)N URS E]IGIHEERS 35oO NOATTI CAIISIWAY EOULEVAn.) MeTATAtE tCUIStANA 70002 !: lIL: {soa) Bs7-6326 Decem ber 7, | 9&+


Mr. Eorl J. Mogner, Jr., Chief Engineer Boord of Leree Cornmissioners i Orleons Disirict Suite 202, Adrninistroti on Eluildi ng New Orleons Lokefront Airoort t New O rlecrs, Lo:isiono 70126

Deor Mr. Mogner:

Subject: Bohemio Spillwoy Hydroulic Study Engineering Evol uotion i: URS No. 565{l-21 We ore pleosed to suhnit the updoted Bohemio Spillwoy Hydroulic Study, in occordonce with the provisions of OLB Controcl No. 1062. This updoted englneering report contoi16 finol strnmcies ond concltrsiors bqsed on fwther inrestigotive efforts into lhe impoct of floodwoters diverted lhrough the Ebhemic Spillwoy on river sloges from fhe Bonnet Cqre Spillwoy to Venice. Also included in the oppendix of this report i. ore copl es of letters from the Corps of Engi rreers reflecting the importonce of ihe Bohemio Spillwoy on control ond confirming ow opplicotion of the HEC-2 hydrologic model to compute floodwqler diversiors t hrough the Spillwoy. t. In order to glonfify ihe effecf of lhe Bohemio Spillwoy, the Corpsr hydrologic model FEC-Z wos utilized. In order to obtoin reqsonoble estimotec, fhis model hod to be colibroted to refleci oclwl conditiors in lhe River, To ihis end, fotr historicol l. periods of steody st cte dischcge oM stoge datq were tsed to obtoin Monningfs n volr.res, which provide on irdicstion of fhe chonnel ond oraarbonk roughness. The verticol voriolion in Monningfs n wos estimoiedr ond odjusted lhrough successive : progror iferstions urtil the computed woter surfoce profiles corresponded fo the stoge ond flow conditiors ocluolly meosured in lhe River'

Once the model wos colibroted, the impoct of diversion of wster thor.lgh the Bohemio t Spillwoy wos evoluoted for vorlorc flood events, ronging from 110501000 to 115001000 cfs. While the project flood flow of 112501000 cfs ot Ccnrollton is.of the greotest irferest, of other mognitudes were olso tsed to develop stoge dischorge t, relotiorships. Assr-rn ing no tidol influences ond lhe projeci flood of l'250,000 cfs, opproxlmolely 108,000 cfs of flood wqters ore conrreyed in the Bohemio Spillwoy witn ihe lewes intocf. A tolol of 1731000 cfs moy be direrted if owrlopped portions of the f use plug levee ore eroded I fool. The diversion of this quontity of wqfer will lower flood stoge ci Bohemio by l.l2 tt, ond lower flood stoge ot the Ccrrolllon goge in New Orleors by opproximotely 0.48 fr. Depending on wind ond lide conditiors, it is estimqted the Spillwoy con conley f rorn 108,000 to 290,@0 cf s. Mr. Eorl J. Mogner, Jr, -r- Decernber 7' | 984

Although the Corps of Engineers hos nol defined ony precise relotionship between fhe Bonnel Corre ond Bohemio Spillwoys, it is likely the operol:on of the Bohemio Spillwoy hos reduced both the durotion ond frequency of operotion of the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy. Witlrout the Bohemio Spillwoy, the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy mighf hcve remoined fully open on odditionol 3 doys durlng the flood of 19731 4 doys in the flood of 1979 ond 3 doys in fhe flood of 1983. We trust this informotion is responsive to your needs. lf you hove ony questions or commenls, pleose feel free lo coll rne. Sincerely,



ll Toble of Ccrtcnts

Lelter of Tronsmittol Toble of Conlents l List of Figures ond Tobles L ist of Plotes

a l. lnlroducfion Purpose of Study Authorizotion Scope of Services : Prior Reporfs 2 Acknowledgements 3 :. Pertinenl Doto 3

il. Descripf ion of the Str.rdy Areo 6 : a Chonnel lmprovemenls 6 Spillwoys I 1il. Bohemio Spillwoy - Hisf oricol Perspective tl i Creofion of the Spillwoy It Use md Mointenonce of lhe Spillwoy t2 ,-r Previous Attempfs ot Closwe t5 I' Upstreom lmpocls of Crevosses l9 Upslreom lmpocts of Spillwoys 2l l\/ t,,.1 Mothemoliccl lvlodeling of fhe 25 Cornputol ionol Procedr:res 25 Inpuf Dolo Reqli rements 26 Progrom Limitotions 28 Applicoble Progrcm Options 29 Model Colibrolion 29 Model Applicotion to Project 3l :,; Operotionol Runs of Moth Model 4l Determi notion of Downstreom Control 4t I Division of Flow 4l Roling of the Bohemio Spillwoy 44 Bockwoler Colculotions 46 tl vl. Relotionship Between Bonnet Corre ond Botremio Spillwoys 49 Operot ion of lhe Bonnet Corre Spillwoy 49 tl 1979 Flon,d Exomole 50 l Ewluolion of Three Recent Flood Events 5l Bonnet Corre Spillwoy Operolion Wilhou? Bohemio Spillwoy 5l

Vll. Discussion ond Conclusions JI Upstreom lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwoy 57 Stoge-Dischorge Relotionships 58 l Tidol lnfluences 6J Physicol Demonstrof ion Model 63 lmpocf of Bohemio Spillwoy on Operotion of Bonnet Corre Spillwoy 63 Conclusions ob ;.., I Mothernotigol Modeling Doto {ppen(ixAPpendrx z Lorresponoence List of Ftgucr

Figure ll- | Locofion Mop l, Figure lll-l ltoge Rglgliglship Between Donoldsonville ond Boton Rouge 23 During 1979 Flood I Figure lll-2 Sloge Relotiorship Belween Donoldsonville ord Boton Rouge 24 During 1983 Flood

l Figure qt t. lV-l Roting Curve Venice 27 Figure lV-2 32 Figure lV-3 33 I Figure lVJt 34 I Figurre lV-S 35 Flgure lV-6 36 tit' Figure lV-7 37 i, Figure lV-8 38 Figure lV-9 39 f-1 i' Figure Vl- | Stoge ot Corollton During Periods in 1973 52 Figwe Vl-2 Stoge ot Corrollfon During Periods in 1979 53 Figure Vl-3 Stoge ot Cqrollton During Periods in I 983 [' 54 .:,... Figure Vll-l 59 Figure Vll-2 60 I i: Figure Vll-3 6l

Figure Vll-4 lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwoy on Sfoges ot Corrollton ond Venice 62 I Figure Vll-5 Tidol Inflwnces on River Stoge ot Corrollion with 64 Bohemio Spil lwoy Operotionol Figure Vll-6 Tidol lnf h.rences on Rirrcr Stoge ol Corroltion Without 65 Bohemlo Spil lwoy Operotionoi ;.'t; l : Lirt of T6ler

: Toble Vl- | Bonnet Core Spillwoy Operolion 56 l Toble Vll-l lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwof ol Selected Locotions 5t Along the Rlver During the Project Flood i. ., ,i1

:: Llrl of Plotca

Plote I Marh Model Colibrotion Rms a' Plote 2 Codensed Proflle Project Flod Wlth ond Without Bohemio Spillwq ,] :: Plqte 3 Condensed Proflle: Flow ot Ccrollton - lr375,q)0 cfs Wllh ond Wifhout Bolremlo Spillwoy

Plole 4 Condensed Profile: Flow ot Ccrollton - 115001000 cfs Wifh ond :.l Without Bohemio Spillwoy

Plote 5 Plonr/Prof ile - Project Flood ; Plqte 6 Plon/Profile - Projccr Flood Plote 7 Plon/Proflle - Project Flood Plote I Plon/Profile - Project Flood

Plote 9 Plcrl.lPrcfile - Project Flood


1, il





,,: i L lntrodrctlqr a The Bohemio Spillwoy wos construcfed in 1925-1926 by the Orleors Levee I District os ouihorized by Act 99 of the Louisiono Legisloiure. The purpose of the

, Spillwoy is to relieve flood florvs. ln the Mississlppi R iver by diverting the woler directly to the Gulf, lhereby reducing lhe bockwoter between the noturol outlet,

; primcrily tlrorgh Soutlwesl Poss, ond the Ciiy of New Orleons. r-l Purpce of Sfudy

At the time of construction it wos recognized tfiot s diversion of this type would

resulf in o reduced woter surfqce profile both dowrslreom of lhe point of diversion, by

virtue of reduced flow ln fhe downstreom chornel, ond obove the poinf of diversion, by t virtue of redrced stortlng elevqtion ot the point of diversion ond the csocioted

I bockwoler effecl up lo New Orleors ond beyond. The effecliveness of o diversion of this iype hos been quesfioned by cerloin interesls who feel thot the Bohemiq Spillway i, is m longer serviryg iis intended tr rpose of reducing flod stoges ot New Orleons. Accordingly, this study hos been outhorized for the purpose of quontifying the current i impoct of the Bohemlo Spillwoy on flood stoges ot New Orleons. Auitnrizolian ;, This study hos been oulhorized in keeping with the lerms of on Agreement For i Professionol Engineering Services entered into Februory 23, l9W befween the Boord of Levee Commissioners of lhe Orleors Le\€e Disttict, ond URS Compony (OLB t Confroct No. 1062l. The scope of servlces os specified in this contrct wos

subsequently exponded in keeping wilh o controcl modificction proposol submltted by l URS Compony b), letfer of Morch 20, lg8{., ond opproved by lhe Boord of Levee

I Commissioners by leller of Morch zlt l?&+'. I SsDc of Scrvie : t": The bosic services colled for rnder the c iroct include fhe preporolion of o

molhemoticol model of the Mississippi River from the to the Bonnet

:, Ccnre Spillwoy obove New Orleqru. The comp;ter model ulillzed ls the Corps of

Engineersr HEC-2 Bockwoter Progrcn os developed by the Hydrologic Engineering i- : Cenfer in Dovis, Colifornio. Bosic input for fhe computer model in the form of cross i sectim doto wos obtdined from the Corps of Engineerg New Orleons Disirlci. ;,..1 Specif ic elemenls of fhe modeling included olibroticr utilizing obser\red f lod profiles

of known dischorge lo colculote oppiopriofe Monning n coefficienfs, compuler onolysis : of flood flows wlth

bockwoter computotions os influenced by lunor ond wind tides. The resulis of these ; investigotions ore stmmorized in f his engineering reporl documenting f he methodology

J utilized ond the conclusions drown relolive to the impoct of the Bohemio Spillwoy on

flood stoges ot New Orleonsl ond on executive surmory designed for lhe non-technicol t. reoder. oddition to oborre, URS physicol : In fhe constructed o model demonslroting lhe l_.., hydroulic principle involved, wherein o downslreom diversion will result in reduction of

I upstreom stoges. This model ollors o conceptuol demonstrolion only; e if wos nol t,, buill to scole, il connot oonfirm lhe occurocy of the computer onolysis. A videofope {-, of the physicol model hos been provided which shows the model in oclion, demonslroting fhe hydroulic principle. I ! Pric Reports

Prior reporls which hove been utilized in this onolysis irrclude: I l. Refined 1973 MR&T Project Flood Flowline, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, I June | 978. t., 2. MR&T Project Flood Flowline Review Reporf, December 1976, US. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleons District. I 3. Mississippi River ond Tributories Project, House Document No. 308, | 964.

4. MR&T Pot-Flood Report, 1973, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower I Mississippi River Volley Divislon. i''- Pct-Flmd Report - Flood of 1979, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleons Dislricl. Wofer Resources Development in Loulslonor U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Lower Misslsslppi Volley Divislonr | 973.

In oddilion fo lhe obove, extensive use hos olso been mode of internol

memorondo, correspondence filesr ond other source documents furnlshed by rhe U5. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleors District md the Orleons Levee Distrlctt

vorlous newspoper orticles ond publicofiors of stote ond federol ogencles. f, Adrrrrtdcdsarufic i URS wishes to ocknowledge ihe ossistonce furnished by stoff mernbers of the New Orleons District of the UJ. Army Corps of Engineers' Orleons Levee Disfrict,

I ond the Office of Public Works.

i, Pertircnl Doto Mississippi River Droinoge Bosin

l. Third lorgesl in the world Droirc 112461000 squore miles Extends 2430 miles from Minnesolo to Gulf of Mexico t: Goging Stotions in Louisiono l, Torbert Londing 306 At-p Boton Rouge 228 AHP Donoldsonville 176 AHP New Orleors (Ccnrol lfon) I03 AHP I West Pointe o lo Hoche 49 AHP Venice IIAHP i- Old Rirrer Conlrol Structures Locotion: Mississippi River of 314 AHP cfs I Design Copocity: 700'000 Low Sill Conlrol Slructure ll Goted Boysr 44 ft belween piers 3 Boys, -5 ff msl weir elevotion ; I Boys, l0 ft msl weir elwolion Overbcrrk Conlrol Slrucf ure a 73 Gqted Boys, 44 ft between plers !._ All Boys: 52 ft msl weir elevotion


i._ 1....

Control Sfruclure 191430 ft of lelee ond reinforced concrele structure Structure: | 25 goted boys, opproximol ely ?8 tl between piers Alt Boys; 37.5 fr mst weir crest elevotion Floodwoy :., 5 miles in width' lined by guide levees Upper Guide Levee: l2 miles fiom Spillwoy to Eost Atchofoloyo River Levee Lower Guide Levee: l9 miles from Spillwoy to Eost Atchofoloyo ' Bosin Proteclion Levee l Bonnel Corre Soillwoy '.'': ti Locction: Mississippi R iver from 127.3 lo 128.7 AFXI : Design Copocity: 250'000 cfs Spillwoy Needle Controlled Overflow Dom al 350 Boys' 20 ft befween piers 176 Boys: l5 ft mst weir crest elevolion 174 Boys: l8 ft msl weil cresl elevofion Floodwoy i: Guide Levees from Mlssissippi Rlver fo Loke Pontchorlroin Widrh: 7700 ft ot River to 12'400 ft ot Loke Levees: 5.7 miles in length' l9 ft In height rj Bohemio Spillwoy

:: Locotion: Mississippi River f rom 45 f o 25 AHP ..t Copocily: Belween 104000 ond 290'000 cfs (depending on wind ond tide) Con?rol: Fuse Plug Levee to elevolions 6 to 9 ft msl, degroded by erosion durirrg r1 high woter l ll :.. l:

t,.l ll



, j

1, ll. Dcrcriptldt of th. Sttdy Aruo The Mississippi River Bosin is the fhird lorgest in the world, only the Amozon ond i t. Congo Rivers &oln o lcger oreo. Bounded fo lhe west by the Rocky Mountoirs ond fo

the Bosin encomposses I squore miles j. the eosl by the Appolochion Mounloins, t246rffrD of lond, or 4l% of lhe conliguous United Stotes ond porls of fwo Conodion provlnces.

I The Mississippi River begins in northern Mlnnesoto ord flows for 2430 miles before emptying Into the Gulf of Mexico. I During o mojor flood yeorr fhe nolume of woter dischcaed from fhe lower i Mississippi River is sufficienl lo cover lhe enlire slote of Louisiono to o dePlh of obout 26 feel. Unc€nfrolled, the Mississippi River represents o iremendous liobility lo

; inhobitonts of the qlluvlol volley os well os lo cornmerciol inlerests relying on lhe River for novigplion. Federol inlerest in flood domoge reduction begon in the olluviol

; votley during the l9th century. The Mississippi River C-ommission (MRC) wos crecied

by on Acl of Congress in June of 1879 when the need for o centrolized engineering I] orgonizotlon responsible for improving river novigolion ond flood conlrol wos

recognized. However, li wos nol trrtil ofter ihe dlsostrous flood of 1927 rhot Congress odopted o comprehensive plon for through lhe possoge of the Flood

Control Act of Moy 1928.

In response to this oct ond subsequent omendments, the Mississippi River ond Tribuicries (MR&n project wos developed lo provide flood protection in lhe bosin. The ollwiol volley of fhe Mississippi River is o relotively flol ploin of obout 35,000 squore miles. The volley begins just below Cope Girordeou, ond extends lo Heod of Posses, Louisiono, irrluding porls of seven stotes!

Missouri, lllinois, Tennessee, Kenlucky, Arkonsos, Mississippl ond Louisiono. Within

this olluviol volley, fhe MR&T flood conlrol plon is designred to conlrol lhe'rproiecl

flood'. The wos developed by combining severe slorms of record l

thof hove occurred in the bosln ond ordering fhem in the time sequence likely to result i in ihe greotesl flood. This flood will resulf in o flow of obout 310001000 cfs ot Old l River, which is somewhot gredter ihon the flood of record, ond is used in the design of

flood conlrol wonks. About holf of fhls cnount is diverted to lhe Aichofoloyo bosin , i viq Old River ond the Morgonzo Flod,roy, ond onother 2501000 cfs is diverted ttuough t'- the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy to Loke Pcntchorioln, resulting in o project flood of i 112501000 cfs ol New Orleons, ond below.

I Th€ MR&T projecl includes t o voriefy of feotures, including levees olong the river moinslem ond tribulorles lo confine flood woters, reservoirs on the tributories lo I ,i. reduce peok flows, floodwoys lo dlvert exc€ss woter from the river, ond chonnel t' improvements, such os revelmenfs, dikes ond dredging, lo increose chonnel copocit),.

Within Louisiono, flood control meosures include levees, chonnel improvemenls ond l floodwoys. Mojor flood conlrol feotures of ond below Old River ore shown in Figure ll- t.


Withouf lwees, opproximotely 351000 squore miles in fhe ollwiol volley would be ,|.. flooded in lhe evenl of lhe project ftood. The moin stem levee system consists of 2203 :l miles of levees, floodwolls ond wrious control structures. Sorne 1607 miles of levees line the Mississippi River wifh onolher 596 miles of levee olong lhe south bonk of the

Arkonsos ond Red Rivers ond in the Alctofoloyo River bosin. The longest single le\re€ {- line in the MR&T project, ond probobly in the world, exfends from the high ground {. nec Pine Bluff, Arkomos clong the sotrih bonk of lhe Arkonsos River to ils mouth, ond conlinues down the Mississippi River to lerminus t ils in the vicinity of Venice, o distonce of more lhon 650 mlles.

; Chclnel lmprovurncnfr

: Siobillzotion ond protection of the river bonks serve flood control ond novigotion \ purposes. Revelmeni ond foreshore protection help prevent bonk erosion ond stop

1...i o D P ar, (, J

I f oE - l J qo G =J td il; & ;= vrl = o Hz = LJ9 <, :: J lrj !aF 'z 3< E,url= Bo ,-[t et Ol t, s lrJ ao (J

.l t'1 \I t, I{ I St I (r|{/ I l'- \ o \:. E I o F .l o Etr rt z al o 0a o @ i (J |/,t< 5l { e -tJ lrJ $s 1-' : =l 1".-,: t I I J I l' o t..

1. t_, I \ T I I \ Q\ Q $ \ s ;s i$ t E$ t\ s\ I Q $e- \ o s \ s i E €c \ 0 f o u ! - s river me€ndering, Below Bofon Rouge, obouf 134 miles of levee ore protected ogoinsf river wove wosh by limber slructures or levee slope povemenl. Dikes to direct flow, dredging lo reolign lhe ehonnel, ond o.tioffs lo shorlen the river ond reduce flood heighfs, ore olher elemenls of the chonnel improvement progrqm. ; Splllwoys

In Louisiono, fhe MR&T pro;eci includes fhree mojor supplementory flood outlets

designed to poss project flood woters from fhe Mississlppi River moin chonnel lnto lhe rl Gulf of Mexico. The Old River Canfrol Sfnrfureq locoted on the west bonk of the

Mississippi River ol mile 314 AHP, were built to prevent lhe coplure of the Mississippl

,t...1 River by the Atchofoloyo River ond lo conlrol fhe flow into the Afciofoloyo River ond

combined copocity the Low ond tt, Bosin. The of Sill Overbonk Conlrol Strucfures is 7001000 cfs during o project flood. The Low Sill Confrol Strucfure is o relnforced al a: concrete structure consisting of ll goted boys, eoch hoving o 44 ft width belween

piers. The fhree cenfer boys horre o weir crest elevotion of -5 ft msl for possing low flows. The other bop hove o weir cresl elevoiion of l0 fl msl. Generolly, the gqfes

of lhe Low Sill Control Slruclure remoin open to distribute low ond moderofe flows

from lhe Mississippi River into fhe Atchofoloyo River. The Overbonk Control

Sfructure is o reinforced concrefe structure consisting of 73 gcted boys, eoch with o

44 ft width belween piers. The weir crest elevotion for oll boys is 52 ft obove msl.

These goles ce normolly open to distribute flood flows belween the Misslsslppi ond Afchofoloyo Rivers.

The l{cAorzo Flodwq control structure is locofed on the wesl bonk of the Mississippi River opproximofely 35 miles norlhwest of Boton Rouge. The control

slructure is reinforced c'oncrefe with 125 goted concrete weirs, tied into guide levees

by cr eorlhen embonkment. The weirs ore eoch opproxlmotely 28 ft wide ond hove o cresl 37.5 I elevotion of ft msl. The Floodr'r,oy is desigrred to convey 6fi),000 cfs during 1... fhe project flood. The Morgonzo Spillwoy wos opened once since its completim in

1 i.. 1955, ond then only portiolly during the flood of 1973, when it c.onveyed o peok flow of I 142,000 cfs, a Woter diverted through the Old Rirrer Control ond Morgonzo Slructures posses

fhrough the Atchofoloyo Bosin Floodwoy, which is confined by the Eost ond Wesf Bosin

1 I, Protection Levees. lis upper port is comprised of the Atc-hofoloyo River chonnel, lhe :': West Atchofoloyo Floodwoy (which is controlled by o fuse plug levee ot its heod), ond lhe Morgonzo Flooduroy. These three segments merge io form o slngle flood ploin r below Butle LoRose, where o network of unleveed chonnels reploces the { moin river chonnel. The Wesf Atchofoloyo Floodwoy, which is designed to corr), floodwolers in

I excess of lhe combined copocity of the Mississippi ond Atchofoloyo Rivers ono

Morgonzo Floodnoy, hos o design capocity of 2501000 cfs ond is octivoted through I overtopping the West Atchofoloyo River levee. This floodwoy hds not been used since t'' its completio.r in l95Q ond ls eslimofed fo be needed on overoge of once e'tnery 100 yeors.

: The Borrret Ccre Splllwcy ls locoted neor lhe site of fhe old Bonnel Corre Crevosse, opproximofely 25 miles norfh of New Orleons. The diversion projecl l corsists of c reinforced concrete control struclure on the river bonk, guide levees belween lhe River ond Loke Ponlchorlroin, ond on ; overflow weir consisting of 350 individuof boys, eoch 20 ft wide. The weir crest ele\rotim for 176 of ihe boys is lg ft l'l t. msl, the remoining 174 boys hcve o weir crest elevotion of l5 ft msl. The spillwoy hos j o design copocity of 2501000 cfs, ond is operoled to prevent fhe river stoge on lhe corrollton goge from exceeding 20 ft. The spillwoy hos been operoled seven tlmes I since ils complefion in 1936, during the floods of lt3i, 1945, l9SO, 1973, 1975, 1979 t ond | 983. i The Bolprnio spillwoy is not o feoture of rhe MR&T proj ecl os ir wos built prior ll to lhe Flood control Act of Moy 15, 1928 ond no federol fund hove been used for

eilher constrr.etion or moir,tenonce of lhe spillwcp Although it is nol o port of fhe I

j federol project, the Corps of Engineers hos osserled thot lhe existence of the splllwoy

cnd lfs function during periods of higfrt woter were considered when the flood control I pfon for lhe Mississlppi River wos dewloped. The Splllwoy wos constructed in 1925-

1926 by degroding on ll mile section of the then existlng river ond bock levees ond l consiructing o side lewe to poss flood wolers from the Mississippi Rlver to Brelon l Sound. During the flood oI 1927, opproximofely 300'000 cfs were diverted from the

River. By 1950, siltotion in the Spillwoy hod decreosed its flood c-orrying ccpocily so t- improvements were undertoken in the mid 1950's to degrode the ridge lo increose flow

I through the Spillwoy. A fuse plug lewe wos consirtrted to reduce lhe freqr.ency ond : deloy the dole of overflow ond lhus limit sillotion' bul the levee wos designed lo erode t: owoy when overtopped. In lhis woy, the use of the Spillwoy is reserved fon periods of high woter. The currenl eslimoted corrying copocity of the Spillwoy during the i project flood is belween 108'000 ond 2901000 cfs' dependlng on wind ond tide

conditions. The Spillwoy hos conveyed o significont omount of woler from ?he I Mississippi River | 6 times since it wos cornpleledt during periods of high woler in t 1927, 1929, 1932, 1937, 1939, 1943, 1944, 194\ 1946, 1949, 1950, 1973, 1974, 1975,

1979 ond 1983. Asswning the most recent profile of the Bohemio Splllwoy, Mississippi t River woter is diverted inlo fhe Spillwoy whenever the Corrollton goge reoches or t exceeds o stoge of obout 15 feet. Bosed on this criticol river stoge, the Bohemio Spillwoy moy hove been inundoted ond conveyed River woter o tolol of 3l limes since t Its comoletion in 1926. i

I l


I l0 lll. Bdrernio Spillwoy - Hlsioriccl Pcrspcc'tive Creotion of the Bohemio Splllwoy wos outhorized by the Louislono Legislofure (Act 99 of 192Q. The Boord of Levee Commissioners of the Orleons Levee District

wos directed by legislotive oction lo reduce flood levels ond prolect the City of New

Orleors from high woter in the Mississippi River by creoting o spillwoy in Ploquemines ll Porish. The spillwoy wos lo be locoted on the eosl bonk of the river locofed ord

designed in occordonce wilh plons ord specificotions opproved by fhe Stote Boord of l Engineers ond the Mississippi River Commission. Becouse the spillwoy is under locol

I control, it is nof q feolure of the federol plon for flood control on ihe lower Mississippi ond its tributories, olthough ils funclion wos given corsiderotion in preporing the plons

for Mississippi River flood control under the Act of Moy 15, 1928. In o Mcy 13, 1935

letter frorn the New Orleors Dislrlct of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lo the I Mississippi River Commission, il ls stoted thot'Hod the relief oullet not existed at the

time, it is possible thof the plons (for flood control) would hove been differenl." Creotim of rtn Spilltrry

pr.rrc*rose t,,.1 The Orleors Levee Boord wos direcled to or expropricte ond poy for privotely owned property in the oreo of the proposed spillwoy. The slote, porish,

school, od volorem ond levee foxes hod proven io be o heovy burden for mony residenfs porficulorly tl in the oreo selecled for the spillwoy, where the bock levee lrod rot provided sufficient prolection frorn slorms from the seo. The residents hod ollowed

: much of ihe properfy to revert to the slote vio the tox sole route, olthough mony

redeemed their property when the Act of 1924 wos possed ond ihe slte of the Spillwoy t,...' fixed. Approximotely 48% of the 331000 ocr6 w(E purchosed from privote owners of

opproised foir mckel wlue. Less thon 3% of the lond hqd to be exproprioted. The

remoining 52% of the land wos deeded to the Orleons Levee Boord by the Stote of tl Louisiono.

ll tl The site selected for the Spillwoy included lqrd wiihin fhe botndories of the t. Grond Proirle Levee Dislrict ond Eost Bonk Levee Districl. The Orleons Levee Boord wos direcled lo ocquire ond concel fhe bonded ond unbonded indebtedness of lhe lwo l proportion lhe oreq offected by ihe Spillwoy ot June 17, 1924 1t' levee districts in to volues becouse these levee districts were unoble lo m6ef their obligotiors. In foct, the : :l Grond Proirie Levee Dislricl hod defoulted m lheir bon& lhe previous yeor. The i-l Orleors Lerr,ee Boord wos outhorized to rqise funds througfi on ornuol lery of loxes ond l :...1 olher revenues for property ocquisitlon ond construction cosls. ii ir The Orleors Levee Boord ocquired oll the lond between lhe lower line of the Bohemio Plontofion ond ihe Ostricc Lock for the Spillwoy. On Morch l0' 1925, ; opplicotion wos mode fo construcl the Pointe o lo Hoche Relief Outlet to relieve

f looding in New Orleqns. The permit wos isstred by ihe Secrelory of Wor on I Moy li 1925, bosed on fhe 30 April 1925 recommendotion of the Chief of Engineers. The l, Bohemio Spiltwoy wos construcied during the time period from November 1925 to April 19?6. The work corsisted of degrcding sn ll mile sect ion of the then existing

river levee from jusl below Bohernio 1o Boyou Lcnoque from obout 12 ft obove meon

1: seo level (msl) to 5-5 ft msl (or 25.5 Coiro Dotum). The lower bock levee wos ;! degnoded for opproximotely lhe some disionce to m elevalion of 24.0 Coiro Dqium. A li side levee wos olso clnstrucled olong lhe upper terminus of the Spillwoy. Actuol costs were opproximotely 57201000, of which over 60% were used for lond ocguisition.

Use crd ilolnrerse of thc Splll'rtay

The Spillwoy hos conveyed significont omounts of woter from the Mississippi i: River to Breton Sound 16 tim6 since il wc completed in 1926, 58 yeors ogo. In o 16 ,]i June 1950 letfer frorn the Corps of Engineers lo fhe President of the Orleons Levee Boord, the impdct of lhe Spillwoy is discussed: rl i. According lo the best records ovoiloble, it is irdicoled thof in excess of 300,000 cfs dlschorge wos cqrried by the Bo,tremio Spillwoy during the 1927 i: flood, the moximum flood of record md thot q flow of opproximotely 751000 cfs wos csrried by fhe Spillwoy in the 1950 flood. Bosed on stog€ records olong the Mississippi River ot ond below New Orleons it is estimoled lhol the diversion lhrough lhe Spillwoy in 1927 hod fhe effecl of lowering flood stoges obout 2 feef ot ond below Pointe-o-lo-Hoche ond q

t2 I decreosing omouni lpstreom to obout 0.5 fi. ot New Orleons. Similorly. during the 1950 flood il is estimoted thot the stoge lowering effects wei6 i obout 0.4 ff. ot ond below Poinie-o-lo-Hoche ond obout 0.1 ft. ot New Orleons. i' The decreose ln flow ond effecllveness irdicqted by comporison of the 1927 ond 1950 figures cited obove isp of corrrse, d-rc to fhe consideroble siltinq which hos occurred. Thot condition is noturol In diversion structures oi ;.. this kind which ore sublect to use ond consequenl silting wilh every high t woler ond which qre not mcintoined to origincl copocity by regulor mointenonce work.

I By 1950, il wos recognized thot periodic overflow info the Spillwoy hod resulted

in foreboy siltotlon which elevoted the generol bcrk level except for o number of wide

sholfow gullies fhrougfi which a mojor portion of the flow wqs cbnc€ntroted below

stoges of 9 ft msl. The nei result wos o diminished copocity to poss flood wolers ond

thus lower the river stoge. Alternolive corrective ociiors were discussed by the Corps

of Engineers, Misslssippi River Cornmission ond Orleons Levee Boord. i One option involved roising the Mississippi River levees below New Orleors to t,.: contqin lhe project flood necessor), to compensofe for totol closure of the Eohemio

Spillwoy. The Corpo of Engineers developed o cosl eslimote ossuming o levee grode which would hove provided freeboord over the new flood line equivolent i'l to thot i provided by the originol grode over the 1928 computed flood line. The estimote for

rolsing opproximotely I37 miles of levee in the Loke Borgne ond Borqtorio Levee l Disfricfs wos $3,763,000 to 561763,@0 (1951 dollcs) depending on wlrether rights of i: woy could be obloined or riverside enlargemehls i.-,1 or setbocks would be necessory. The Corps of Engineers outlined on olternole plon t'; of improvement in o lg ,i December l95l letler from the corpo of Engineers to lhe port Arorsos Institute of Mcrine Science: t. :.,.1 The generol plon for improvemenl is i-l msl lo increose the flow fhrough t,.: order to reduce moinlenonce by doie of overflow, o smoll levee will river bonk. The levee would vory in the- upslreom ord dowrslreom ends, respectively. The levee would tre i; designed to erode owoy when fhe woter flows over the toD. Recordi indicote thdt wster would hove exceeded lhe levee elevolion l0 times t.. L during the l9 yeor period, | 932 to 1950, inclusive. t.:

;: t3 :' The totol volume dischcrged Lnder presenl condifions ond the dischorge which would hove occurred lf lhe improvemenfs hod been in ploce for lhe il period 1940 to 1950, inclusive, ore given below:

Volume Acre-Ft Volume Acre-Fl Y eqr Present Condif ion lmproved Levee 8.5 to 7.5 Ft. 1940 negligible 0 l94l negligible 0 :: t942 negligible 0 1943 2,534,000 5,422,600 gl6,2oo I 1944 4, 9,306,400 t945 7 1447,400 25, 356, 800 1946 13 1 ,600 1,04t,000 1947 45,800 0 :-: t9t8 34,300 2,082,000 i,,: t949 846,600 12,298,000 t950 2,974,400 27,97Orfio :'l :'. 'i; ln o 25 July 1952 letter from Chcrles G. Holle, Chief Engineer of the Corps of Engineers, to lhe president of lhe Boqd of Levee Commissioners, the resulfs of lhe .]"1 Corpst invesligolion of the Spillwoyrs effecliveness ond recommended plon of 1.. . imorovement ore discussed: il t, Reslorolion ond moinlenonce of o reosonoble flow copocity in the spillwoy 1l is, lherefore, considered essentiol 'io moiniensrce of o moderoie flow line { in the lower river. The moximum flow copccity, which it is considered procticoble fo otloin ond mcinloin, is qpproximotely 2001000 c.f.s. which will reduce project flood sloges in lhe lower river obout 0.8 feet below 1950 flow lines. The most procticoble plon for effecting this copocify ..] corsisls of degroding lhe ollwiol deposits of lhe enlronce of the spillwoy to o uniformly sloping grode line wilh on elevotion of 4 6.0 feet m.s.l. ol l, th€ upper end ond -l 5.0 feet m.s.l. of fhe lower end. The oreq lo be i,.: degroded is colored in red oo the olloched mosoic. The work is nol continuous os indicofed on fhe mosoic. The unimprowd reoches hove been left to preclude developmenf of polenliol scour oreqs ond protect existing i: developments in fhe ores. In order to preclude o'rerflow ot lower sloges dtd fhereby reduce deposilion

I ond moinlenonce cosfs, it is believed desiroble lo retoin o low levee of smoll cross section olong the bonk. A grode vorying from +8 to +7 ot the upper ond lower ends, respeclively, is proposed. This will eliminote generol onerflow obout two yeors out of three ond will be overtopped generolly ot obout l7 feel on fhe Corrollfon goge. Periodic restorolion of fhe breoks in this levee will be less costly lhon removol of odditionol silt thol will be eliminoled by the exisfence of the levee.

t4 ! I

tlme period from Jonuory 1953 through November 1956, controcfs : During the I were let to degrode sections of lhe levee ond build fuse plug levees in lhe Bohemio period ; Spillwoy. Approximotely $388,311 were expendd during this time to increose Once Spillwoy wos completedt high I lhe copocity of the Bohemio Spillwoy. the work wqter in the Mississippi River did not require use of flood confrol devices (either the

: Bohernio or Bonnel Corre Spillwoys) for neorly 20 yeors, olthough domoge wos i.. sustoined during Hurricone Comille in 1969. High woter conditions in 1973 ollowed lhe

I possoge which eroded fuse plug In November onother t.., of woters the levees. of 1974r conlrocl wos let to reconstruci the fuse plug levee in the Spillwoy ol o cost of i-l t.: 52291912. The fuse plug levee wos designed to prevent sedimentotion in the Spillwoy I during periods of low flow so os lo mointdin lhe efficiency of the Spillwoy while 1.. ollowing erosion of the levee ond use of the Splllwoy when the river sloge ottoins the 1: t... desired height. lr Prwlqls Attcrnpts ol Clcrre J {.,..: House Bill 730 wos inlroduced by Represenlotive E. W. Grovolef, Jr. in 1950 to

close Bohernio Spillwoy I force fhe Orleons Levee Boord fo the by replocing the levees t_, which hod been degroded io form the Spillwoy. The purpose of ttre proposed bill wos {: t protect Spillwoy i,.. ostensibly to lhe oysfer induslry. The impoct of the on lhe oysler industry wos discussed os eorly os 1935, when Roberf S. Moestri of the Louisiono i'. i Conservollon Deporfment is quoled os soying:

!l Our oyster division, ofter moking on investigotion, sloles lhof it will be fo the inleresl of the oyster industry to hove fhe Boherni o Spillwoy closed, os {- hundreds of thousonds of borrels of oysfers in Ploquemines Porish ce l.' deslroyed b),, lhe exislence of this Spillwoy, which oppeors to be no longer of ony necessity.

{ { This oonclusion wos not shced by John H. Corruth, Mojor with the Corps of Engineers, who wrote on 3 Moy 1935 to ihe President of fhe Mississippi River L. Commission: t: i.. l5

1 Although the Federol Governmenl hos no direct inlerest in the Poinl o lo Hoche Relief Oullet, n preporing the generol plors for ocl of Moy 15, 1928. Hqd the re ossible thot fhe plons would hove nnot condrr with Mr. Moeslrirs suggeslion thof fhe relief ouflet is no longer necessory. The relief oullef funcliorB, os plonned by Stole Officiols, in lowering flood i sioges oi New Orleons ord below.

Boyou Lonoque (mile 33.2 AHP) wos closed with o brush dike in lfrt9-1940 to 1- prevent woler from the Mississippi River enlering Brefon Sound ot low wofer. The

{ dom wos flonked during 1943 high woter cnd the breoch enlorged in 1944. The Levee Eloord wos ordered lo repoir lhe structure in o 22 November 1944 le er from Colonel l George Hudson of lhe Corps of Engineers os reguired by condilion l0 of the permit.

An eorthen dorn wos consfructed ol Boyou Lcrnoque to impede flow in 1945-1946. i The levee between Boyou Lomoque ond Ostrico Conol wos domoged due to wove wosh,

1. ccving bcnks, etc. resulling in inundolion durirp periods of high wcfer ond o flow of o

consideroble omouni of fresh woter to oyster beds eost of the Spillwoy. The levee wos i. rebuilt c ordered by Legislofive Act 45 of 1946 ot equol cosl to the Orleons Levee Dislrict ond Grond Prqirie Le\€e District. This meosure wos designed to protect l oyster ond seofood resources os well qs the cotlle induslry in lhe oreo. This seclion of

; levee wos complefed by the end of 1947.

In 1948 ond 1949, represenfotives of the oysler ond fish indusfries requested : odditionol work be done to reslrict lhe flow of woter ond sllt from the Mississippi f-: River inio the Spillwoy through severol gops. As discussed in o 15 November l94g

letter from A. L. Willoz, Chief Engineer to the President of fhe Orleons Levee Boord:

: In the oreo between Cuselich Conol ond Nestor Conol lhere were severol boyous in lhe reor which were danmed off by the old reor levee. As lhe I woter fron lhe river flowed over the lond it built up o heod sufficienf fo ; top the reor levee, with the result thol the reor levee wos groduolly eroded owoy ond lhe old boyous reopened by the woler currents.

I ln the post fwenfy three yeors ihof this spillwoy hos been in operolion the Boyous hove been groduolly encrooching towords lhe river,'ond in iwo i" 1....

I 1.,.. t6 :-. ploces lhere se foirly lorge openings through whlch woler flows from the river to the reor boys during mosl of the yeor . . . These gops permil o lorge anounl of fresh woter ond silt to flow into the reor woters when lhe ll river goug€ ol Cqrrollion ottoins o height of six to eight feelr olthough the il generol oreo is not topped until the Corrollion gouge reods fifteen feet or more. Some portions require stoges on the Corrollfon gouge of eighteen feet or more fo be topped. . r..l ,': ln discusslng fhis motter with.lhe Orleors Levee Boord, Represenlotive Grovolel :,j of Ploquemines Porish wrof e in o I November | 948 letter:

... this possoge of woler ond sond in sr.ch greot omounts coused the destrucfion of milliors of borrels of oysters yeorly. Unless these'rgopd' ore closed, fhe oyster industry of this Seclion will be o thing of the post. ll is well fo nole fhot the ordinory flow of fhe Spillwoy ln no woy hurts the oysters . . . lf lhese I'gopst'ore closed, lhe greotesl problem of this section will be solved. :,I L.,.1 By September ol 1949, the Orleons Levee Boord hod c-onstrtrcted opproximoiely

2200 feet of levee ord revetment ocross the low sections lo olleviote comploints of

the seofood induslry. Even though thls remediol work wc completed, Representotive

Grovolef introduced House Bill 730 to the Legisloture in 1950 to close the Spillwoy by '] replocing the levee belween Cuselich Conol ond Boyou Lcnogue, ostensibly for protecfion of the oysler irdustry. However, Jcnes N. McConnell, Direclor of ihe

Division of Oy3ters ond Woler Bottoms of the Louisiono Deportment of Wildlife ond

Fisheries wrole lhe President of the Orleons Levee Boord on l6 June 1950: li . . . I wish lo moke it quite cleor thot our recornmendotion for the closing :-: of the Bohemio Spillwoy wos bcsed primorily on the foct thot Boyou i,: Lomoque would be opened ond would remoin open dt oll limes with its entronce to the River controlled so lhot erosion could not form on enlorged new poss through this ouflel. I lf Boyou Lomoque is nof opened, os stqted in my letter to Mr. Dugos, lhe closing of lhe Bohemio Spillwoy would be exceedingly detrimentol to the noturol reefs in thot oreq. i,j

However, Boyou Lornoque hod been ordered closed by the Corps of Engineers ll with the concurrqrce of the Mississippi River Commission. Colonel Chorles Holle, :-:

:l t7 Disfricf Engineer with the Corps of Engineers wrole the President of the Orleons

Levee Boord on l6 June 1950 sfotingr l

. . . the exlslence of the Spillwoy ond ils functioning during iime of high woter wos given considerollon in formuloling the generol plon for :.i Mississippi River f lood confrol mder the Act of Moy 15, 192& In considerolion of the cbove, from lhe viewpoint of flood conlrol, ihe ;l Spillwoy should not be closed ot this time. : t: Joseph P. Dovid, President of fhe Orleors Lerree Boord is quoled in o 17 June l | 950 orticle in the Times Picoyune newspoper os soying:

1, Severol yeors ogo, sfmrlly ofler I become president of the levee boord, Grovolet ond Perez ond sorne olher Ploquemines Porish officiols osked thal lhe levee boord fill in sorne gops in ttre spillwoy becouse woter wos i entering in lorge quonlities. They soid it wos endongering the oyster beds. I went down there ond mode on irspection ond five gops were filled . .. Filling these gops noturolly slowed ihe flow of water. At times lhere wos I no flow at oll. Represenfotive Grorolef wrole to me lhol he wos sciisfied the problems were solved - Gravolet's tune is differenf now since the oil leoses were mode . . . Before we mode oil leoses on lhe lond, they werentt very much inleresled. Whot wonder is, t I whether lhey're interesied in oyslers os much os lhev ore in oil?

L The bill wos defeoted, only to be introduced in similor form in 1952, o yeor in

which oil ond gc royolties rose fo 57 64,592 from Sl37,9Ol in 1951. House Bill 594 t would hove required closure of fhe Spillwoy, principolly for protection of the oyster

industry. However, the posilion of the Direcior of fhe Division of Oysfers ond Woter

Botfoms, Louisisn Deporimenf of Wildlife ond Fisheries wos discussed in o l0 June

| 952 letter fo fhe Orleors Levee Bocrd:

You hove osked my opinion os to whot effect the complete closing of the Bohemio Spillwoy would hove on fhe oysiers in lhof seclion.

For your informotion, let me siote thof our posilion hos olwoys been thot the closing of the Eohemio Spillwoy would be highly detrimental to the d.evelgprnenf of lhe noturol oysfer reefs in thol oreo unless Boyou LoMoque should be opened. lt is essenfiol for fhe propogotion of oysfers in this oieo thot o lorge omotni of fresh woier be obioined from the Mississippi River. This opinion of mine hos been concurred in by our former blologists, fhe lote Dr. Jomes Nelson Gowonloctr, ond Dr. H. Molcolm Owen, ond olso by our presenf biologisi, Mr. Lester Wollers.

t8 A l9 June 1952 ediforiol in the Times Picoyune opposed closing of the Splllwoy:

i: This spillwoy, 60 miles downstreom from New Orleons, is the oldest flood control oid of ils kind in the lower Misslssippi Volley. lr wos cut in 1925, '': ond ifs effecl in lowerlng fhe river level wos o foctor ln the plonning of the Bonnel Corre spillwo)., upstreom from New Orleons, lhree yeors loler. . . r'l

No ser ious _obj ecl ion to-use.of the splllwoy wos mode unlil comporotively recently. Then, the. objecfions followed discorrery of oil in fhe spillwoy right-of-woy. Royolti€s from this oil qe now o substonliol pot of ihi: levee boords receipfs.

In olher words, for more thon 20 yeors nobody seemed to object seriorsty to fhe Orleons Levee Boord owning the spillwoy ond using i..: it, buf oft€r oil wos forxrd ol Bohemio fhe boord wos sued io lest ifs title to the spillwoy lond ond cries for the closing of lhe spillwoy becqne loud qnd frequent. i ld remoin open. First, Bohemio spiltwoy still t urd conrinue # :t:flffi rl!*"*J purpose for which it wos bought. To do olherwise might"ff lend comfort fo inlerests seeking lo foke from the boord i its rololties on oil produced in the spi llwoy. tl This bill wos defeoted by the Louisiono Legislcture. L$etrecn lrnpcfs of Crevcses i t,, As o result of flood control efforls olong the Mississippi River, fhe number of

Il crevosses were reduced from 284 during fhe flood of 1882 to 13 during the flood of I 1927. ln o 1928 study of flods in the Lower Mississippi Volley by the U.S. Weorher { Bureou, it is stoled: t ii Any crevosse below Old River chonges the grnge relotionships moteriolly. { d-epending on the locolion of the crevqsse os relqted to the goging stqtions. The splllwoy effect is shown on the Ccrrollton goge df New Orleons in the curve ot 2l ft coused by the Poydros crevosse in 1922 ond Coernorvon : spillwoy in 1927. Chonges of I foof or more show qr the qoq€. t, Ccrrollton rising when fresh eost to southeost winds prevoil for o few doys ond fo-ttinj when northwest to north winG prevoil.

i ...1 The Corps of Engineers hqs evoluoted the impoct of crevosses on stoge in lhe l Mississippi River. In 1922, o nofurol crevosse wos creoled on the eost bonk of the

l9 ',

1: River ol Poydros (River Mite 82 Al-.P). The colculcfed impoct on river stoge is sfpwn below:

1l lmpoct of 1922 Poydros Crevosse al On River Stoge :: Locofion Relotive Stoge Locotion River Mile To Crevosse Lowerinq t_: Forl Joc{

wos fowered on eslimoted 2.7 ft ot New Orleors os o result of this crevosse.

The Coernorvon crevosse wos creoled in 1927 os ordered by the Governor of t Louisiono to reduce the height of the impending flood in ihe Mississippi River, I porticulcrly in the New Orleors oreo. A secfion of the levee wos rernoved by

dynomifing ot o sile 22 miles downstrean frorn the corrollton goge. The purpose of I lhe crevosse wos to dinert 240,000 cfs lo effecl o locol lowering of 3 ft, which would resuft in lowering of upsfreom I flood stoge olong lhe New orleors woterfront by ? to 2.5 I t.-. ft. fn o 5 Moy |.927 orticle in Engineering News-Record the preliminory indicotions of !, fhe impocf of breoching the levee below New Orleons ore discussed: l,

The river hos been slofionory ot the Corrollton goge since lhe work wcs I begun, but os oll upstrecn goges os for os Vicksburg ihow rises it is certoin fhot fhe dischorge ot Corrollton is being groduolly increosed without i' corresponding increose to stoge. The Coernorvon crevosse is now. Sundoy a forenoon, obouf 800 ft. wide ond is scouring ropidly. The results bbtoinei lhus for ore exoclly cs desired. The Corroilton goge reods 20.9 ond lfnrough preporotion hos been mode in New Orfeons lJprovide for hioher il sloges. Forecosts of the Weother Bureou ore the i,rtilt 1..: to effect thot levees be onertopped ot procficolly oll stotiors on the lower river if ihe levees hofd. The forecosl for Corrollton is for o moximum .-.: sioge ol 24 ft. ond it is :: the expeciofion ond infenfion to moke the Coernorvon crevosse of such copocity os io hold fhe Corrollton goge below 22 ft.

The botlure in front of lhe crevosse is being progressively eroded ond will L.:, doubtless be scoured down lo or below fhe surioce elevofion of ihe oround

:l 20 ;i a: :.: ii bock of the levee. No difficulty is expecied in moking the crevosse toke i,,. lhe required qnount of woter os it con be given ony required length. The qoge reodings for Moy I ot 7 o.m., jusf received, ore: Vicksburg' 57.Q up i-: 0.6 ft.; Boton Rouge, 45.8, up 0.4 ft.; Ploquemlnes, 4l.l' up 0.3 ft.; ii Donoldsonville, 35.9, up 0.2 ft.; ond Corrolllonr 20.7, down 0.1 ft.r showing results expecled ond desired. The river is rising of lhe severol stoiions obove Corollton while o f olt of 0.1 ft. is recorded ot Csrollton.


1..... The combined impoct of fhe Coernsvon crevosse ond Bohemio Spillwoy wos

r esfimoted by the Stote of Boord of Engineers lo hove lowered river sloge by 3.2 ft of Ccrrollton (59 mites obove fhe Bohemiq Spillwoyr 2l miles obow the Crevosse) ond 1.3 ::ll ft ot Donoldsonville (l3l mlles obove the Spillwoy ond 93 miles obove the Crevosse). r-i Inpocfr of SPll lvrqr i.l Up.trc

impoct the Poydros ond Coernorron Crevosses ond Bohernio Spillwoy hove hod on river 1r stoge in ihe New Orleons oreo. This phenomenon occurs becouse lhe diversion of t: woter results in o lowering of river stoge ot thot point. This locol lowering of river tl stoge resulls in o steepening of the hydroulic grodienl or woter level surfoce in lhe riwr, which couses on increose in the velocily of woter corried in fhe moin river !i chonnel. As o result, flood woters ore corried into the Gulf more quickly, ond flood

': stog€s de reduced. I The Bohemio Spillwoy is not o federol projectr so the Corps of Engineers does not

,1 regulorly monitor its operotion. However, fhe Bonnet Corre Spillwoy is operoted ond r,. l mointoined by the Corps, so o comprehensive dofo bose is ovoiloble' ln order to

demonstrote the upstreom effecl of spillwoy operotiors, the impoct of flow diversion

ot the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy on river stoge ot Donoldsonville hos been exomined. The il Donaldsonville goge is roughly fhe some distonce from lhe Bonnef Corre Spillwoy os the Corrollton goge is from lhe Bohemio Spillwoy.

: 2l I

I Over the post 15 yeors, the Bonnef Corre spillwoy hos been opened four times os

a result of high woters in the Mississippi River. During 1973 flood, both the Morgonzo t" ond Bonnet core spillwoys were open rc on independent onolysis of the impoct of the

Bonnef corre spillwoy operotion ot Donoldsonville is not possible. The 1975 flood wos I relcfively smoll, so the pqrtiol opening of the Bonnet ccrre spillwoy did not produce o

I drornolic chonge in river sloge.

During the 1979 ond 1983 floods, however, the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy diverted o i substontiol cnount of woter from the Mississippi River. The estoblished relotionship f, belween Donoldsonville ond Bofon Rouge River stoges is sfnwn in Figures lll-l ond lll- 2. The solid line on these figures shows lhe meqsured river sfoge during these flood l : periods. The doshed line provides on indicotion of whol fhe river stoge would hove beenr hod the Bonnef corre spillwoy remoined closed. In bolh coses o drop in sloge ol t: Donoldsonville is observed for the sorne stcge ct Boton Rouge ofter opening of the Bonnet corre spillwoy. As seen, L con be operorion of the Bonnef corre spillwoy resulied in o reducfion in river sloge of Donoldsonville on lhe order of 0.5 to 1.0 ft. f, i, l t f !l l i l''







I F t., l! t; J J z o,n i: o J 29 z. ;l o l-l F za lrJ :l .' t.. F an







I i: ll ",l,Oft, F E i. Ulr ) z; i o (,1, 6 J t:

I lV. MarlErnoticol }lodeling of fhc Misslscippi Rivtr

I The prlncipol objec-tive of thls project wcs to quonlify the impoct of the Botremio

I Spillwoy on woter surfoce elevotions in the Mississippi River ol New Orleons. To ochiwe thls objectlw, URS utillzed the computer progrom HEC-2 os o computolionol

I oid lo prepore profiles of lhe water surfcce of the River from Venice to fhe Bonnet Corre Spillwoy. The HEC-2 program wos developed by the Hydrologic Englneering I Cenfer of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ond is intended for colculoling woler I surfoce profiles for sleody grduolly voried flow in nolurol or mon-mode ctronnels. The compulotionol procedure is bosed on the solulion of lhe on*dimensionol energy l. equofion wifh energy loss due lo friction evolrrcted with Monning's equotion. This mothemoticol model wos used to predicl woter surfoce elevolions ol specified t locotions olong lhe River mder o voriety of circumslonces dewloped to represent il vorious flood conditions, tidol influences ond corresponding spillwoy dischorges. Comprtof imol Pltccdrre ll The HEC-2 progron, ufilizing o computdtionol procedure generolly known os the

Slondqrd Step Method, colculqtes unknown woter surfoce elevolions ot defined cross : secliors by iterotive solulion of the energy equofion. The precise computotionol r procedure used by the progran to colculote o volue for lhe woter surfoce elevoiion ot o cross seclion is os follows;

I l. A water surfoce elevotion is ossumed ot the upstreom cross seclion.

2. Bosed on fhis ossumed wlue, lhe lotol conveyonce ond raelocity heod ore rl defermined.

I Using these volues for conveyonce ord rlelocify heod, the friction slope ond the energy heod loss ore computed. i, With these computed volues lhe energy eq;otion is solved for lhe upslreom woler surfoce elevolion. i

l l


; 5. The compufed volue is compored with the ossurmed wlr.re ond the

computotionol procedure is repeoted until the volues ogree fo wilhln 0.01 I ,, ft. i, lnnrf ho Reqrircrncr r The HEC-2 progrom requires o minimum ornounf of inpuf doto to perform rouline l' progrdn executions to compute wqfer surfoce profiles. The bosic input doto must specif y lhe following: flow regime, slcling elewtion, dischorge, loss coeff icients,

I cross secfion geomefry ond reoch lengfhs. For oll progrom opplicotions r.red in this project, o st-bcrilicol flo* regimc wos specified dse lo the river cross sectiqls, i. velocities ond projecled wofer depths ossocialed with fhe modeled dischorges. For l, profile comgrtotiqs performed in o sr.bcriticol flow regime, fhe progrom begi rs computotion ot the downsfreom end of the proflle (i.e., ot Venice) qvC proceeds

i, upstreom towords New Orleons.

The roting curw ot Venice wos voried lo reflecf ttre differeni condifions of tide I. ond wind which offecf woter levels in the River. For lhe proiect flowline, the roting ll curve shown in Figure lV-l wos lred to obtoin slorling woler surfoce elevolions represenlotive of the Rlver dischorge ol Venice. The curve wc developed by monuolly ll compuling bockwoter elevotions olong Southwest Poss from the Gulf of Mexico to Venice ossuming an elevotion ot the Gulf of 0.0 ff. Cross sectionol informolion of :. represenlolive reoches wqs obtqined from ihe Hydroorophic Survey of the Mississippi ,. Ej5!: prepored by lhe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tor 1973 through 1975. '1 Bockwoler elevotions were compuied for 5 seporote reoch lengths from lhe Gulf of 1; Mexico to Venice in fhe preporolion of the roling curve which correlotes dischorge with obcolute Ri\rcr stoge ol Venice (i.e., the wofer le\rels witfput \@riofions in tide

ond wind), .i :: The disctrcgEs used in the str.dy included both recorded historicol flows ond the

project flood developed the a:irl by U.5. Army Corps of Engineers. Historicol flows were

i, zo ()lr, z vo ut -oo 9

F tll u.l ^9 xzlri G = :f P o 4 - o Jo z O|! F o E

q q ID c r33J - 33rN3A rv lovls


selected os described further below, lo reflecl conditions ronging from low lo high l dischorge.

t, Three distinct lcs cocfflcients musl be specified in the inpul doto for oll

progrcn opplicotions. Conlrocfion ond exporsion coefficienfs were selecled os 0.1 ond i 0.3, respeclively, whic*r oe generolly occepted os oppropriote volues for groduol lronsiiiors between cross sectlons. Represeniolive Monning's n coefficienls for I modeled reoches were delermined ftroqh the collbrotion procedure described below.

I Surveyed dofo describing lenglhs ond cross seclion gEometr), for the River were

obtoined from lhe New Orleors Dislrict of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in o f: formot compolible with the FEC-Z progran. The cross sectionol chorocieristics of f. the River ore described ot opproximotely lwo mile intervols fhroughout the reoch from Bonnef Corre to Venice. The enfire set of cross secliorrcl doto wos used in oll progrom i. opplicotions olthough odditionol interpoloted cross sections were included in the computotiors so thot obrupl chonges in the velocily heod could be minimized ond the t oszumplion of grodwlly voried flow preserved. l Progrcn Limitotiong The HEC-2 progrom represenls stote-of-fhe-ori technology for predicling woter tl surfoce profiles in open chonnels. The progrom is bosed on stondord hydroulic principles ond therefore, o number of ossrmpficrs ce implicit in lhe onol)'ticol :: expressiors used in the progrom. These ossumptions ore trs follows:

| Flow is I . steody 1,..i 2. Flow is groduolly voried :i 3. Flow is one'dimersionol (i.e., velocity components other ihon in the direction of flow ore not occounfed for)

River chonnels hove smoll slopes (i.e., less l._i 4. thon l:10) Flow is ossumed lo be steody becouse iime dependent terms ore not included in t; the energy equotion. Flow is osswned fo be groduolly voried becouse lhe energy

28 l'l I

I equotion is bosed on lhe premlse thot o hydrostotic pressure distribution exisls ot eoch cross seclion. Flow is ossumed to be on+dimersionol becouse the conveyonce I equotion is bosed oo the premise thot the lotql energy heod is the ssne for oll points

in o cross secfion. Smoll chonnel slopes ore ossumed becouse the pressure heodr which L is o componenl in the energy equotion, is represented by the w

I obserrrcd dischorge ore inpul info the progrom so fhol representolive Monningrs n

volues ore compuled for these conditions. A second option wos used lo predici the t' dischcge over fhe Bohernio Spillwoy ol periods of high flow. This option requires o descrlption of the spillwoy in lerms of reoch lenglhs ord corresponding ground I elevotiors to predict o weir-type dischcrge olong the spillwoy reoch. t: Modcl Cclibrction Prior to conducting on onolysis of the impo.cts of the Bohemio Spillwoy on River I levels ot New Orleors, URS colibrofed the HEC-Z model fo ossure thot the computed i woter surfoce profiles occurolely represent observed profiles within lhe reoch from Bonnet Corre to Venice. The colibrotian process involves the selection of Monningls n I 29 I I I

volrrs whic$ provide o meosure of the chonnel ond over bonk roughness. The objeclive i of this process is lo specify n volues which correspond to the friclion losses ossocloted

I wlth wrious flows ond wofer surfoce elevolions. The resutt of o successful collbrotim

is fhe specificotion of n volues which occurolely represent the ror.ghness of ony reoch li for ony given sloge. Collbrotion of the HEC-Z progqm for this opplicction wos o four step process I whlch wos conducted for vorlous flows ond corresponding River stoges. The first step tl in the colibroiion process involved the selectlon of R irrer flows ond correspording downstrecn sloges for sleody stcte conditions. Criterio for selecling steody stote l' conditiors were defined os o prolonged period (5 lo l0 doys) of sleody flow (within 5% vorionce), stoble river stoge (wifhin 0.3 ft vorionce) fhroughout the reoch ond :, groduolly voryirg flow (neither ropidly rising nor folling sloge). Eleven yeors of i: dischorge ond stoge doto' from 1973 to 1983r were reviewed for steody slofe conditiors to describe Rirrer condiliors under o wide ronge of circumstonces. After

I] comprehensive doto onolysis, four historicol periods of sleody slote flow ond stoge

were selecled for use in fhe colibrotisr proc€ss. These ce shown os fhe observed I. profiles plotted in Plote l. The profiles were developed by ploffirg the ronge of I sloge volues for eoch goge stofion olong the reoch from New Orleons to Venice. Stroighi lines were fitted from gcAe stotion to goge stotion ond sloge volues for t, . inlermediote locotions were obtoined from the plotted lines.

The next slep in the colibrotion process w

I volues. Using this input doto' the l-lEC-2 progrcn wos dlrecfed to compute fhe roughness coefficient for eoch cross seclion within the reoch which would produce fhe I observed wqter sutfoce profile for eoch specified flow. The l-lEC-2 progrorn computed n volues for eoch described cross section within the reoch between New Orleons crd I Venice. The computed n volues were overoged between goge stotions for eoch flow so t


L 1i

!: the chonges in n volues could be specifled ot the goge stotions rolher lhon ot eoch cross section. The selecfion of the goge stotlons e conlrol polnls wos determined lo be qpropriote for n volw odjuslment since no stoge doio wos ovoilcble al

intermediote stotions.

The third stoge of colibrotion involved entering the n volues weroged from gcge ' I stoflon lo goge stofion for eoch flow ond using HEC-2 fo compute the ossocioled woJer surfoce profi les. These computed profiles were plotted ogoi rrst the observed profiles

I for comporison ond lhe n volues were subsequenlly odjusted, if necessory. The n volues reodjrsted until o sotisfocfoty opproximofion of itre observed profile wos l. were ochieved.

{ The final slep of progrom colib'r ot ion wos lo toke the results of these preliminory colibrolion runs ond specify fhe chonge in n with sloge. The preliminory dcto were

I used to plot n ver$us sloge os shown ln Figures lV-2 through lV-9. Frqn these curves the verticol voriotion in Monningfs n wos obloined. The l-€C-2 progr(m is copoble of {, predictlng wster surfoce profiles if the vertlcol voriotion in n is specified. Using thls :i opfion, woter surfoce profiles were computed by HEC-2 ond fhese compufed profiles were compored with ihe observed profiles. Ttre verlicol voriotion in n wos then il odjusfed so thdt the specified voriolion would produce proflles corresponding lo ihe

profiles qll conditions of flow ond stoge used in the colibrqlio.l. !l observed for historicol For further substontiotion of the model colibrotion, odditionol hislorlcol flows were i: run in the colibrqted model ond compored with the observed wqter surfce profiles. The resulls of lhe finol colibrotion runs ore presenied in Plote l.

:: 66as1 fuplicof icr to Prolccl The colibrated HEC-2 model wos used to comtrJle woter surfoce profiles 1: reflecling the impocl of the Bohemio Spillwoy on River levels between Venice ord the ti Bonnel Corre Spillwoy. The profiles nec€sscy fo perfdm this evoluotion were those which represent high ftows (i.e., flood conditions) ond which show River levels os o i-'i


I i t t ll ll J -U' l - 7,O F

I otu I e.o atI

G lr, e 5.o t: t: t: t: t, t_

l|ANNlt{GS n t


I FIGURE IV-2 VERTICAL vARlATlOl{ lN llANillt{GS n FOR tllLE 32.5 TO 38.5

J at, t- E I lr,(,

G l! : E

oot6 0.018

l|Aillrl INCS n

F16URE IV-3 !3 i VERTICAL vARlATlOl.l 11{ MANNIilGS n FOR lrlLE 40.5 TO 47.3 I il.o

I t-

I l LO J t: U' 2 r. Z.O il lrJ .9 I irt- 6'0 G i, lrl E s.o t:

}. t. 3.0



o.olo o.or2 o.or4 0.016 0.or8 o.020 o.o22 o.o24 i MA NNII{GS n

I I FtouRE lv-4 I l.t r VERTICAL VARIATIQN ltl ilANNl}|cS n FOR tttLE 49.3T0 6t.6 r 20.o i

I i

{ ll J o =- ta.o F i, lr I !4 ro.o t, F< v, E lrJ ll s.o gf I I t, l, I t, t,

o.ot4 o.ot6 o.or8 0.020 o.o22 o.o2 4 0.026 L. AN INGS n l, l' FIGURE IV-5 I 55 I vERTICAL VARIATION lN MANNTNGS n FOR M]LE 63.2 rO Z6.0

l 20.o

I t, l,

f r4.o l, oJ - tz.o I t- olrJ i ro.o lt,F

e, l ltJ 8.O E- ll

t. l,


o.ot8 I o.o20 o.o?2

MANfrlll{GS n l I


fl r8 .O

L t6.o i

r4.O J i U' -- F L r2.O t, ( (,UJ F l, ul ro.o t tJ ll z E 8.O t: ll 6.O

I 4.O l

2.O I t o.020 o.o22 o.o2a o.o26 o,o2s o.032




22.O I

t 20.o

I t8.o t

t6.o t' J v, = t4.o L F E I olrj F r2.o al, l G Ll ro.o =G i


6.O ll a.o I'

2.O t

It. o.o22 o.024 o.o26 0.020 o.olo o.o32 o.ol4 0.036 I ilA Nl NGS n



r4,o J tn = F E r2.o I td o a F at I to.o a E td I =G, I a I a I t

o.ol4 o.or6 o.or8 0,020 0.022 o.o24 0.026

l{A l{ ll I l{GS n

Fl0uRE r.v- 9 39 1

resull of Spillwoy operotion in ils present confignrrotion, os o result of spillwoy i operofion in an eroded st6te, ond os o result of no spiltwoy operotion. To predicf lhe effect of Spillwoy operotion, the spillwoy chorocleristics were eniered in the HEC-2 I progrom so lhol the Spillwoy would function os o weir without returning flow lo the l'l chonnel. Surveyed doto of fhe Bohemio Spillwoy, obtqined frorn the Orleons Levee

Boord, wos entered inlo the progrom to describe fhe Spillwoy elevotions in 1000 ft i sections olong its reoch frorn River Mile 24.6 1o 45.3. The progrom wos lhen rul ol vorious flows representing flood conditions with the voriotts storling woter surfoce i elevotion af Venice being determined from lhe roting curve (Figure lV-l). For the I eroded Spillwoy, one foot of uniform erosion ocross for only those portions of the Spillwoy reoch which were overtopped for o given flow wos modeled ol lhe vorious ll flow conditions ond the corresponding woler surfoce profiles computed. An ortificiolly model the Spillwoy reoch to predicl the effects of L high levee wos inpuf into lhe olong flood flows on River levels ot New Orleons without the benefit of Spillwoy operofion. rl l,

[, l' ll

I l: i,l i'r

40 ll I V. OpGrqlidEl Rrnr of Mofh Mod.l i As disclssed In Seclion lV, mcthemolicol modeling utilizing the HEC-2 progrom

wos conducf ed f or the Mississippi River befween Venice (Mile 10.7 AHP) ond f he ll Bonnet Corre Spillwoy (Mile 128.7 Al-f), o l18 mile sectlon of the River trqn 92

miles below New Orleons to 26 mlles obove New Orleons. Colibrotion runs were mode tl stcting ot obser\red woter surfoce elevotions dt Venice for selected hlstoric flows.

I DetcrmirEtlon of Do*rrlrecn Control The storting elevotion ol Venice is o function of severol foctors, including both fl lunor tide effecls ond wind lides, ond these mo), result in o wide voriolion in possible

rlver elevofions for ony given dischcge. Accordingly, observed wo er surfoce I elevotions moy eosily vory by two feel or more from o medion stoge dischorge curve L drown thror.gh widely scoftered observolion poinfs. In order to moke wlid comporisons of bockwoter profiles for flood conditions with ond without the Bohemio i, Spillwoy being operotive, il is importonl to stort ihe colculstions ot comporoble

elevofions ol Venice, corresponding to o meon Gulf level of 0.00 msl, uninfluenced by {: wind or lidol effecls, ond dependent only on dischorge. To occomplish this, o stoge- ll dischorge cur\r'e wos developed for the Mississippi River ot Venice (Figure lV-l) bosed on monuol bqckwoler computctions, slcling ot the Gulf of Mexico ot the downsfreom t, end of Soulhwesl Poss, the principol outlel, 20.0 miles below Heod of Posses. These

compulotions gove full considerqtion to the division of flow through the voniws posses, i os defermined by the Corps of Engineers, ond lo losses lhrough breoks in lhe lower l levee system. Divisisr of Flow t According to the Corps of Engineers, the divisim of flow through the vorious

posses is os f ollows: il

1l 4t l il Division of Flow Oullet Percent of Flow tl Bopiiste Collette 5% Grqnd Poss 6% Moin Poss (Cubits Gop) | l% ,l Poss-AJ-oulre 30% :l South Poss 13% Southwest Poss 35% t Toiol t00% tl Monuol bockwoter computotlons were performed sf@ting ot fhe downstreom limlt of Soulhwest Poss where il dischorges into lhe Gulf of Mexico. The Gulf wos

I considered lo be ot elevotion 0.00 msl os the controlling elevotion for fhe stort of oll

bockwoler runs. The flow down Southwesl Poss wos token os 35% of lhe tolol flow t, obove lhe Posses, buf recognifion wos olso given lo losses through breoks in the t: Southwest Poss levees which were idenlified by reference to the Hydrogrcphic Survey, t973-1975, by the Corps of Engineers. Bosed qt estimcles of losses fhrough lhe i, breoks, the flows in the moin chonnel for successlve bockwofer reoches were token os

the following percenioges of flow ol Venice: t: Moin Chonnel Flow Eockwoler Reoch Percenf of Flow ol Venice I Mile -20.0 fo -17.0 30.5% Mile - 17.0 to -9.5 3t.0% t, Mile -9.5 to 0.7 35.0% Mile 0.7 to 3.7 8t.9% Mile 3.7 to 10.7 93.5% t Mile 10.7 to 25.5 t00.0% i The Bopfiste Colletfe oullet is ocfuolly oboul 0.7 miles obove Venice, bui the impocl on upstreom bockwoter profiles of o 5% cfnnge in flow for such o limiled reoch

I is negligible. Accordingly, this loss wos ignored in computer rms obove Venice.

Cognizonce wos olso token of levee breqks ossociofed originolly wilh Hr,rrricone l Comille (1969) ond widened by the floods of 1973 ond subsequent yeors. These breoks, I

42 I I l locoied in the Eost Bonk levee belween Miles 16 ond 23 AHP' ond centered primcily in the Fort St. Phlllip oreo' were identified on oeriol photogrophy flown on Moy 26,

I 1g83, close io the peok of fhe 1983 flood. The outflow fhrough these breoks is cleorly visible in the photogrophs, which offord o reosonoble bosis for estlmoting depfh of t onerflow, which is quite shollow, since lhe overtopped levees ore cleorly visible I lhrough the overflowing noppe. The Corps of Engineers, in on inlernol memorqndum doted 15 December 1976, hod estimoted lhe overoge onnuql flow through lhese levee l' breoks oi 3,500 cfs. ln orriving ol this eslimote, they hod recognized levee breoks i oggregoling obout 41000 feet in tolol lengrth with overoge elevotions ronging from 3 to 5 feet msl. Since then, however, these breqks hove increosed in length to obout 101300 {; feet, bul the elevolions ore essenliolly lhe some. This is consistent with normol expectolions, since even with high flood flowsr the river in this reoch only ronges from i: 4 to 5 feel (See Figure lV-l)' only slightly higher fhon the morsh oreo lo the eosl' ond

under lhese circumstonces, the opporlunity for further degrodofion of existing breoks il is very limited. t. ln order to evolt ote the possible impocl of lhese breoks on upsfreom stogesr o sensitivily onolysis wos done in which fhe river stoge of Venice wos ossumed, bosed on

I recognriiion of the breoks; the oufflow through the breoks colculoled bosed on ihe

ossumed storling elevctioni ond bockwoter compufofions done using the HEC-2 moth t, model cbove Venice, in on itersfive process. The conclusion from fhis sensitivily r onolysis wos lhot lhe impoct of these breoks in the Forl St. Phillip oreo (Miles 16.0 to 23.0 Al-P), wos lo lower lhe stoge oi fhe Cqrolllon goge in New Orleons by less fhon l 0.05 feet during lhe project flood. This is well within the occurocy of ofher sludy pororneters, occordingly, no further odjustmenf wos mode fo cornpuler runs ond i colculoted wofer surfoce profiles done wiihout recognilion of lhese breoks. Once : ogcin, the limited impoct on stoges ot New Orleons is noi surprising, since the colculoted outflow lhrough these breoks is only in lhe ronge of 5 io l0 percent of lhe 1....1

l l 43 I

I ouiflow through rhe Bohemio Splllwoy' ond the dlstonce from New Orleons is obout 8Il

mlles, vs. 59 miles from New Orleons to the Bohemio Spillwoy. Rorirp of fhe Bohemlo SpillwuY ', The surveyed profile of the Bohemio Spillwoy ls 971910 feel long, or obout l&5 t miles. In lerms of bockwofer reoches, il extends from oboul Mile 24.6 AHP ot fhe t downsfreom end, to obout Mile 45.3 AHP of the upstreom end.

For computer modeling purposes, lhe Spillwoy hos been divided into 100 reoches, I mosf of which ore 1000 feet long. Eoch reoch hos been identified with the overoge I, surveyed elevolion over thot porliculc section. Survey doto used wos from surneys initioted in October 1983, ond compleled in Februcy 1984r subsequent to regroding of

I the Spillwoy following the 1983 owrflow. Accordinglyr Spillwoy definilion represenls initiol conditiors, before stort of overflow, ond not the ultimole conditions occurring i, ofler erosion of the fuse plug levee system. No informotion is ovoiloble concerning profile, greoter {, the eroded Spillwoy which would obviously offord diversion copocity, ond hence il is impossible fo get o historicol check on colculofed diversions more d' :, precise thon fhe post estimoles by fhe Corps of Engineers. For the purposes of this invesligofion, ultimote copocity is bosed on lhe corsiderolion of initiol condifions, t, ossumed to be represenfed by lhe obove referenced surveyr followed by reosonoble ossumplias relotive lo proboble degroding of fhe Spillwoy by erosion during o mojor

flood evenl, such os occurred in 1973.

{ In utilizing the HEC-2 Spillwoy option, lhe o\reroge elevolion for eoch 1000 foot

section wos entered info lhe compuler, which then treoted eocfi such section os on : Li overflow weir, with discfiorge compuled in occordonce with the weir formulo Q = ra ii CLH3|Z, where G is the dischorge in cfs, C is o dimensionless coefficient, L is fhe reoch lengfh in ft, ond H is the dischorge heod in ft. The coefficient C wos ossigned o t; vofue of 2.6, ond H wos delermined by comporing the elevotion of eoch 1000 fool section with the compufed river surfoce elevolion. The finol outpul from fhe i' li i !

t comDuler rt'1s irdicoled ihot, given o flood of ttg 1973 mognilude, fhe Bohemio

spillwoy would dischorge 1081000 cfs with its presenl configurolion os defined by the t: qbove referenced surveys, ond would dischorge obout 1731000 cfs ossuming uniform

below present grode ol overtopped reoches of the Spillwoy' ll erosion of one foot These resulls compore reosonobly well with the corps' meosured wlues during from which fhe following I the 1927 flood, os referenced in on internol memorondum porogrophs hove been excerPted: r Direct meosuremenf of woter disc*rorge through the spillwoy being sfoblished obout 4.1 miles obove the I oy. During the Period JonuorY I to chorg€ observotions were mode of the i JilT;^ii# i5ifr',illfli liE tl minimum wos 851,058 second-feel, July 9. At the lower ronge tln moximum dischorge wos 11096,567 second-feet, April 27; ond the minimum l: wos 764,887' JulY 9. The moximum dischorge through the spillwoy wos 30lr8l+5 c.f.s.. on April 29. The goge ot Poinll o lo Hoche recd 9.7 feet (its moximum) on I this dot", whit,e the Corrollton goge reod 20.8 feet. The moximum dischorge through the spillwoy would doubfless hove been considerobly oreotei hod the crevosse ot Junior not occurred ond hod the ctificiol ir",ross" ol Coernorvon (982.2) not been creofed. On April 29, moximum I combined dischorge of Coerncrvon ond Junlor wos 171835 c.f.s. while their moximum combined dischorge wos oboui 347'000 c.f.s. on Moy 18. On the lolier dote lhe dischorge thiough lhe Poinle o lo Hoche spillwoy wos oboul I 230,500 c.fs. with thtPointe o lo Hoche goge 9.3 feet ond the Corrollfon goge 20.5 feet. i This indicotes o moximum meosured dischorge over the Bohemio Spillwoy of

over 300,000 cfs during ihe | 927 tl6'd. Direct comporison with current i sfighify conditions is, unfortunotely, not possible, since there is no informolion os to the i-i 1,..r spif lwoy configurolion os il wos in 1927. ll is known fhot consideroble siltotion in the

:-, Spilfwoy oreo took ploce between 1927 ond 1950 (see Seclion lll)' which reduced the il outflow to 75,000 cfs during the 1950 flood. However, restorotion work involving further degrodoiion of levees, ond clnstruclion of low "fuse plugf' levees lo prevent 1: continued siltotion dr.rring non-flood yeors, wos occomplished by the Orleons Levee

: t,.-

qJ t, tit..l

t- District between 1953 ond 1956. The copocity obiective, estimoted to be ochievoble : ond mointoinoble ot thof timer wos nominolly 20O000 cfs. ll The copocity of the currenl spillwoy, ond the noture of the hydroulic control, hos been bosed on current surveys, ond detoiled field inspecfion by both helicopter ond

boot reconnoissonce. The hydroulic control is very obviously ot the degroded fuse plug one foot of uniform erosion. with :: levee, ond would remoin there even ofler :.. i progressive erosion fo two feel or more, it is proboble thot ihe control would shifl to overflow oreo, but the poinf of which the control would shift is { th€ downstreom difficult to oscertoin since the configurofion ond condition of the bock levees is nol

I known, ond the conveyonce copoc:ty of the complex interwoven syslem of chonnels

ond conols lhrough the morsh oreo is elusive. However, current observotionsr surveyst i ond computer onolyses, oll indicate dischcge copobilities in lhe ronge of llQ000 to tl 175,@0 cfs, depending on river sloge ond neglecling wind ond fide effects' Bochsoter Colcrrlotlorrc t: Bockwoter profiles oe o functiOn of chonnel chorocteristics (cross sectionol oreos, hydroulic rodius, ond Monningfs n volues), dischorger ond lhe noture of the i, downstreom hydroulic confrol-which delermines the woter surfoce elevotion from

which computotions must begin. The primory downstreom control for the Mississippi I River is the Gulf of Mexico. For comporolive prjrposes, computer runs were mode

; bosed on the culf being ot 0.00 msl. The ocluol storting poinl for computer modeling

wos Venice, but the impoct of the Gulf conlrol on stoges ot Venice wos developed by j monuol bockwoter compufotions os previously discussed. For colibroiion purposest modeling wos storted with obser\red elevotions ol Venice, which would a cornputer 1...1 include tidol influences ol the time of observotion. Finolly, river stoges reflected in the stdrling roling cur\€ ol Venice were increosed in one fool incremenfs up to four feef to simulote iidol effects ond lo identify lhe impocl of lidol influences (including ll wind tides), which con hove o significont impocf on river sloges ol New Orleons. r.lr.l

:. 46 :' Comporison of these runs provides the bosis for evoluotion of tidol inflr.pnces on upstreom stoges. The project flood wos olso modeled for the condilion of on eroded

spillwoy, ossuming o one foot uniform erosion of the surveyed cresl olong only those

reoches of the Spillwoy overfopped by flood wolers. A summory computer printout of i.i lhe resulls of eoch of fhese rtns hos been included in Appendix I to lhis report. River ll flows (ot New Orleons) utilized in the vorious runsr were os follows: Colibrotion Runs. Flows of 40O,000 cfs, 544'000 cfsr 684'000 cfs' ond 878'000 cfs I were uiilized. These correspond wilh observed flows for Moy 1977, Oclober 1979,

April 1977 ond Jr.ne 1979, respeciively. Storting elevofions, for compuler modeling I purposes, were observed elevolions ol Venice.

Comporotive Runs with Bohemio Spillwoy Operotionol. Flows of 1,0501000 cfs, I 1,150,000 cfs, 1,250,000 cfs, 1,375'000 cfs, ond l'500'000 cfs were utilized in order to

I develop relolive stoge-dischorge relotionships over o ronge of flood flows. The proiect flood (1,250,000 cfs) is of greotest inlerestr bul greoter ond lesser flood flows ore t, needed to develop sloge-dischorge relotionships. The flow of t13751000 cfs represenfs

in excess of the project flood by l0%, which wos specified in the controcl. The {, o flood flow of 115001000 cfs wos selected os on upper limit, for study grrposes, which in oll t: probobility will never be experienced. However, if should be noted thot o flood of this mognitude would be well within reosonoble expeclolion if, lor ony reoson, the I controlled diversions ot the Morgonzo or Bonnet Corre Spillwoys should be I unooerotionol. Cornporctive Runs Without Bohemio Spillwoy. Flows of 110501000 cfs, I,150,000 ti cfs, 1,250,000 cfs, 1,375,000 cfs ond 1,500,000 cfs were utilized in order lo provide o ;' bosis of comporison wiih runs in which ihe Bohemio Spillwoy wos considered operotionol. The siorting elevoiions ot Venice were bosed on lhe flow ot Venice l: (Figure lV-l) bolh with ond without Bohemio Spillwoy operolionol, in order fo ossure resulls. Since lhe flows ot Venice ore greoter when lhe Bohemio Spillwoy "o-potobl" li

47 fr is ossumed to be nonoperolionol ond there is no diversim of river woter, sldting elevolions ore olso hlgher. i Tidol Sensitivity Runs with Bohemio Spillwoy. Computer runs were mode for i' flood flows of 11050,000 cfs, 1,150,000 cfs, 1r250,fi)0 cfs, 1,3751000 cfs, ond l'5001000 i, cfs, with wrying river stoges dt Venice io oscertoin sensilivity of upsfreom stoges ot

I New Orleors to tidol voriofions, with lhe Spillwoy operotionol. (Only those runs ossocioted with the projeci flood flow of l'250'000 cfs hove been reproduced in

{ Appendix l, br.f copies of other runs ore ovoiloble in the work file.) The woler surfoce elevotions in fhe storling roling curve ct Venice were irrcreosed up to 4 feet in one f' foot increments, represenfing the normol ronge of expecled tidol influences ot Venice. It is, of course, recognized lhol hurricone induced tides could ochieve subsfontiolly I higher slorling elevotions ot Venice, but the probobility of the simultoneous t; occurrenc€ of srrch extreme fides ond o flow of project flood mognifude musl be viewed os remote, ond the considerotion of such o remote possibility is oulside of lhe

{l scope of this study. Tidol Sensitivity Runs Without Bohemio Spillway. Similor runs were olso mode I for the condition of no Bohemio Spillwoy, ond once ogoin, only those runs ossocioted t with the project flood hove been reprodrced in Appendix l. Eroded. Spillwoy Configurotion. The project flood flow of 112501000 cfs wos

1., ossu'med for the Spillwoy in the eroded condition. The eroded confiErrolion wos

delermined bosed on o comporison of computed woter surfoce profile for the projecl t, flood ond survey doto used to define fhe Spillwoy cresl. Only those porfions of the i- Spillwoy which were lower lhon the compufed woter surfoce elevolion were ollowed to erode. [n oll coses, o rniform erosion of I foot wos ossumed. The slorting woler ll surfoce elevolion ol Venice wos delermined frorn lhe slorting roting curve on Figure il tv-t.

1.. :;

48 r t- Vl. Rclotlcthip Bctwtsn Bcmct Ccru cd Bohcmlo Splllurys f- The Bonnet Corre Spillwoy, locofed qbout 25 miles obove New Orleons, is I designed fo lower River stoges by dischorging excess flooduroters into Loke

I Ponlchorfroin ond lhence into the Gulf of Mexico. The decision to open the Spillwoy rests with the Division Office of lhe U.S. Corps of Engineers bosed upon the

I recommendollors of the New Orleons Dislricl Of f ice.

Operorion of ftE Bornet Ccre Spilluoy

In generol, two foctors ore considered in deciding whelher fhe Spillwoy should be il' opened to relieve flood conditions. A predicted River stoge of 20 tt ol lhe Corrolllon gqe will trigger opening of the Splllwoy. Flowever, this decision moy be modified by 1'l foclors srrch c deficiencies in fhe lerree system, condition of the levees, durotion of

high woler, elc. The prediction of o 20 ft sfoge ls r.rsed only os o guideline. There {: hove been instonces when lhe Spillwoy wos opened with o lesser predicfed stoge ol

Corrolllon. The second crilerion is the river dischorge. When o dischorge of obout

l'250,OOO cfs is predicted, the Spillwoy moy be opened.

I With eilher criterion, humon judgement ond other f octors plqy importont pqts.

The Corps'primory concern is the preservotion of the infegrity of the levee system. {. Some seclions of lhe levee system below New Orleons moy be below design grode ot

ony given time os o resull of selllement, erosion or domoge from wove wosh, storms, or occidenls. Recenl surveys by fhe Corps indlcote fhol levee mointenonce is q l conlinuing problem. Coreful considerofion is given to the current condilion of

downslreom levees prior to orriving ol ony decisim relqlive to opening of fhe Bonnel : Corre Spillwoy. In view of lhis, it is quite possible thot the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy ll would be opened, for ony given flood, ot predicted stoges on lhe Corrollton goge substonliolly below the 20 fooi stoge referenced obove. An excnple of o siluotion l. which would olmost certoinly result in eorlier opening would be o lh,reotened levee cove-in. f-

49 i :l

is subiecl t Once Bonnel Corre hos been opened, the decision lo close the Spillwoy

?o considerolions other lhon sloge ond dischorge predicfions. After opening, the Corps

I does noi odhere to o slrict predetermined stoge-dischorge reloted policy. Mony ottcr i subjective considerolions ore involved. There is o desire lo ovoid whot mighl prove lo be premoture ilosing, once opening hos been occomplished. There is on opposing

I desire to limit the ornount of woier diverted in order io limit lhe omount of silt occumulolion in the floodwoy ond in Loke Pontchortroin, to ovoid roising the level of I the Loke loo much ond to ovoid introducing loo much fresh woier to lhe Loke.

Excessive diversion moy hove o negotive impoct on shrimp production. Oysters ore I olso impocted by diversions which serve to freshen the woter in Loke Borgne ond

Sournd, ond the effects moy be either posilive or negofive. Woter thol is I Mississippi too soline fovors predotors (the Conch or Oyster Drill) while woler fhol is too fresh

{ kills oysters.

1979 Flod ErornPle {, Although il is obvious thot lhe Bohemio Spillwcy hos on effecl on the stoges dt

is not cleor whot ils effecl hos been on lhe decision to open or close the I Corrollfon, it Bonnet Core Spillwoy. In view of the lotitude involved in moking such declsions, the

I] impoct of Bohemio Spillwoy connot be ossessed in o quontitotive foshion. lf, however,

ihe simplifying ossumption is mode thol stoge is the primory criterion for opening ond i closing operotions, the possible impoct of fhe Bohemio Spillwoy on Bonnei Corre

con be inferred. In evolr.nfing response oclions to lle 1979 flood, the i operoiions following observotions moy be mode. The Bonnet Corre Spillwoy wos opetred storting I 17 April 1979 when fhe goge ot Corrollton wos ot 17,3 fi. The Spillwoy wos

completely opened by 23 April. From Figure Vll-l it moy be seen thot lhe effect of

the Bohemio Spillwoy ol lhis stoge is to lower the level ot Corrollton by obout 0.3

I feet. This indicoles thot on l7 April, the Corrolllon goge would hove registered obout ! 17.6 fi hod the Bohemio Spillwoy nol been operolionol. Exomining the stoge dcto, it is t

I ;, f'' estimoted lhot without lhe diversion of woter lhrough the Bohemio spillwoy, o 17.3 fl

would hove been reoched on l5 April ond thus conceivobly could hove lriggered .rl stoge tt...l the opening of Bonnet Corre Spillwoy sorne 2 doys ecrlier. Closure of the Bonnel Ccrre begon on 5 Moy ond wos complelely closed by 3l Moy 1979. On.the dote closure of the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy begon, the Corrollton

goge wcs ot 16.5 fl. Withoul diversion of woter through fhe Bohemio Spillwoyt fhe River stoge moy noi hove dropped to this level until 7 Moy' The Bonnet Corre I Spillwoy might thts hove remoined open on odditionol 4 doys. While the Corps hos defined no cleor relolionship befween lhe Bohemio ond Bonnet Corre Spillwoyst l operolion of fhe Bohemio Spillwoy does oppeor lo hove on effect on the lenqth of time i: the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy remoins open. t.l Evolrrtion of Tlree Recent Flood Ev?nlt ,1, To further illustrote this poinl' lhe reoder is referred to Figures Vl-lr Vl-2 ond

Vl-3 in which the recorded stoges ot Corrolllon for Portions ol 1973, 1979 ond 1983 ore

shown logether with hypotheticol sloges colculoted for conditions withouf ihe Bohemio

Spillwoy. ll should be pointed out thot the lotter curve sfrows whot the stoge would hove been in fhe obsence of the Bohemio Spillwoy but neglecls lhe effecl of ony

chonges in stoge coused by operotion of fhe Bonnet Ccrre Spillwoy. The figures indicote thot in the obsence of the Bohemio Spillwoyr opening of the Bonnet Corre :-.: Spillwoy probobly would hove begun 2 doys eorlier in 1973, 2 doys eorlier in 1979 ond I

doy eorfier in 1983. Closure octivilies would hove been deloyed I doy in 19731 2 doys

in 1979 ond ldoy in 1983. As o result, lhe Bonnet Corre Spillwoy would hove been fully opened on oddifimol 3 doys in 1973, 4 dcys in 1979 ond 2 doys in 1983 if rhe

:-: Bohemio Spillwoy wos not in operolion. ll Bonnel Corre Spillmy Operotiqr Withouf Bohemio Spi ll*uy :i The relofionship between dischorge ond stoge ot lhe Corrollton goge' both with

ond rvithoul the Bohemio Spillwoy is shown in Figure Vll-1. lt illusirotes thot tor the I

I 51 !.... il .^ 7a F.E Zoa I l €E; .!- - is*=9 trJE o C> EpiHs- .f Ct (, ,. Ft Ei€ L :o.c- lDtt o iio 0 IrBl"' ) an .9e 9 r Olr,Oo-@c#tili 'a l 2 3.e GO@(/)

I I e C' r E rr - f gvJ.s I I N I I

,9 CD I E {, UJ t E iE ,48 oo .E Et go -) O:- lrJ 9, o iG aa l! o! EEf @ i q, 9xE 3,9 .E o :Ei -o z< , z-Jz=) fl frl s C| E€e oo-t sl c :a t.s! 6(,ttr. Jlo 'E EE; !22za o (r o ttt; o-- q.= }L __ vt =< *EH lrJ o i, @= VCJ> -T -- (r =J rto' I zi o og{ |JJul o zi.r]} (, I lrl h> F E t E =< lrj o


1J - 3 gVlS i ll g, to 9- t, EEr a tl 5 t lrl :...- i ce I {, t- t or! ooor,ts:€E J i-i .== @ - ECl' 9 9 ;ij )ut 0 l! o cE;g = z E.=6 f,E J lrl -- = 3I C €EEe ,: lr, b3= J q(Ds;6 < FE sE 9Fturd vt Ld .r fEEs EtnEt! i;l 39 FI =zi.-a, o Ftl: F ot qJE ur> n 4 9 ZJ g@ d*'" H o32J agEz @B 1.: tr, 8ds= = E o 9 bfi ff 1.... E Eh3'j I lr, 2 oc o- trJ t !'? (9 F oosl()F; J: LL z lr.l -I -3 => E ol i} I 6g .-2 :l J = 6J F J o r.! t qJ os ul z o- z rt t z v> o f o -r13 lr, |r} F o @ E 6 1..., J t lrj G (t 3 |! E o J O. < lrJ I g) o O(J@=p2 t o 3SH o E t I (9 \ F trJ t., E z IJ F o 2 o == z o> 0 I F o< ---o-o 7 trl EJ _ _l_-l UJ I 1' (9 .- o-- I----_------I F >,n ah =l! ea 7P ,, E EE o l-, Ho o F o U lr.l JZ (JlrJ e6 z r) l. ,r')tn lrl = v) Olr 6


54 ronge of stoges shown, o higher dischorge con be corried by the River with the I Bohemio Spillwoy operotionol fhon wilhoul if. For exomple, if the Bonnet Corre I Spillwoy is ?o be opened of o stoge ot Corrollton of l8 ftr lhe figure shows thot this

corresponds to o flow of 1,1951000 cfs withoui the Bohemio Spillwoy. With the

: Bohemio Spillwoy in operofion, the figure indicotes thot o dischorge of l'210,000 cfs j- moy be corried wilhoul having to open the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy.

Since 1927, when Bohemia Spillwoy wos cotnplefed, the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy i hos been opened 7 limes. Toble Vl-l shows the stoge existing ot Corrollton ol the time of eoch event. lt moy be seen thot the Spillwoy wos opened ot Corrollton stoges I t ronging from l4.l fo 20.0 ft. Recently, the opening hos been lriggered by o stoge of i' oboul l7 ft, which corresponds to o dischorge of l'140,000 cfs. Wilhout the Bohemio t Spillwoy, fhis sloge would occur ot o flow of I,120,000 cfs, which corresponds to o {. present stage of obout 16,25 ff. Since 1927, the Corrollton goge hos exceeded the l6 ft stoge 25 times, yet the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy wos opened only 7 times. lt ls likely I tlnt the Bonnet Corre structure would hove been opened more often if the Bohemio Spillwoy hod not been in operotion, Under current conditions, dischorge over the {, Bohemio Spillwoy ststs when the slog€ is opproximotely l5 fl ot Corrollton. lf one

ossumes pqsl dischorges begon when the Corrollfon goge reoched the l5 fool level, { il would oppeor thot the Bohemiq Spillwoy wos utilized in 3l yeors out of its 58 yeor

history. From this onolysis it is cleor thot the exislence of the Bohemio Spillwoy hos o

definite impocl on the operolion of the Bonnet Ccre Spillwoy some 84 miles upriver.

.j r-i

:: t.l

,'l 55 TdleYl-l Borruf Ccrc Spilhuy Opcroticr

Ccrrollton Stoge Yeor Dote Operoted When Spillwoy Ooened t937 28 Jonuory - 16 Morch 14. I t945 23 Morch - 18 Moy 18.5 t950 l0 Febrr.rcry - 19 Mcch 20.0 t973 I April - 2l Jme 18.3 t975 f4 April - 26 Aprll 17.8

1979 17 April - 3 I Moy l7 .2 t98i! 20 Mqy - 23 Jme 17. I

56 I

I Vll. Disdrscion crd Cqrclusidrs As discussed in Seclions lV ond V of fhis reporf' o mothematicol model of fhe

:tvlississippi River wos developed using the Corps of Engineers' HEC'? computer i..... progrom, which ollows predictions of river stoges throughout ltre enlire reoch from ri Venice (river mile I I AHP) to the Bonnel Corre Spillwoy (river mile 128 AHP). Prediclions of surfoce woler elevolions were mode for the projecl flood flow of

1,250,000 cfs, bolh wilh ond without the Bohemio Spillwoy operofionol.

Upslrecn lmpoct of Botremio Spillwoy t The predicted woler surfoce profiles ore shown on Plote 2, in condensed form, srd in more deloil on lhe Plon/Profile Sheets shown in Plotes 5 througfi 9. Predicted t, stoges of vorious locolions throughout the reoch modeled ore os follows: :' i. Toble Vll- | lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwoy At Selected Locofions A long The River tl During the Project Flood

River Stoqe (feef) ] --DeEreose Town River Mile wif h Wilhoul Attributoble (AHP) Spil lwoy Spil lwoy To Spillwoy L" q(o Bohemio 45.7 8.45 l.l2

Myrtle C rove

Algiers 94.0 1 7.08 17.62 0.54 l'lew Orleons I02. 7 18.49 to a7 0.48 (Corrolllon) Metoiric t05.0 18.85 19.32 0.47 (Cousewoy Blvd.) l-lorohcn t08.7 19.67 20.12 0.45 Kenner il 4.0 20.26 20,70 0.44

Destrehon r2t.0 2t.28 21 .69 0.4 r Hohnvil le t25.0 2t.84 22.?-4 0.40 Bonnel Ccr re | 28.0 22.41 22. 80 0.39 Spil lwoy {

l profile Predictions al other f lows hove olso been mode, ond plotted in condensed f i form on Plote 3, for o flow of 1,375,000 cfs, ond on Plote 4, for o flow of 1,500t000 {* cfs. with these flows, the stoge reduction ot fhe corrolllon goge in New orleons, { oftributoble to the Bohemio spillwoy would be 0.82 fl, cnd l.l4 ft, respectively. In on o Gulf level of 0.00 msl, unoffecfed by tides i eoch instonce, stoges hove been bosed or winds. I Sroge.Ditdtage RelolictshiPs f', Figure Vll-l shows the stoge-dischorge relolionships ot the Corrollton goger os ] modeled for vorious f lows, both with ond without the Bohemio Spillwoy. As con be redtrction ot i: seen from o comporison of these sfoge-dischorge relotionships, the stoge corrolllon aftributoble to the Bohemio Spillwoy increoses with dischorge, ronging from i 0,05 feef ot o flow of 1,050,000 cfs lo l.l4 feet of o flow of 1,500,000 cfs. This some informotion is reflected on Figure t/ll-2 in o different form wherein t: the decrease in stoge of Corrollton oltribufoble to the Bohemio Spillwoy is plot?ed directly ogcinst flow ol lhe Corrollton goge. Figure Vll-3 shows the decreose in sloge L ot Venice ottributoble to the Bohemio Spillwoy ploited direcfly ogsinst flow ot the i Corrollton goge. The reduced stoge ot Venice is the result of reduced dischorge in the lower river ossocioted with losses over the Bohemio Spillwoy. The reduced stoge ot I Ccrrollton is the result of both o reduced slorling elevolion ot Venice' ond o reduced

dischorge between the Bohernio Spillwoy ond Venice. Figure Vll-4 is o grcphicol

reDresenlotion of ihe decreose in sloge ol Corrolllon os o function of the decreose in sfoge ot Venice. The decreose in stoge oi Corrollton is reloted directly to ihe

decreose in stoge ot Venice ottributoble lo oPerotion of the Bohemio Spillwoy.






[]I J r 6 t F l! I zoo lr F3 J oJ I E 1l E (-) f- F r9.o t.., (,t! I F 1...1 o


I t. i j

:'' t: t...: i

: l.l i I too t2 00 t- FLow AT CARROLLTON (|OOOcfs) I FIGURE VII.I i....i a $J I

I lrl E :t (t i,l u- t": :l a: :..., a-i !-: o o to

:_.. r pr J,Z oiF=o 6S s5 i : oz 'Hi F i :3=

t .., il t.: .' ;,

ii l.-l

/.:-: __jOc)O

: 'IJ-NOI'l'lOHUV3 LV 3gVlS Nl 3SV3Uf,30 I



I L o o to f, 2a i: :EI ooo

I i


I i

t f* ! 'rJ- 33rNtA lv 39VJ.S Nt 3Sv3u330

; i rf I t- tr, n6^E tr q N I q o ol I o q o (\l o() i' N oozu o Ai I >z o 9 I o @z -i l! E=. ro |.' F s5 j @ f .j =J ll i;o+E o { :tn 83 z 5t o oll.!J i o -a (Jl- u, u,l ot UJ f€ 1 qE t_ ll c! =F o -o (D o o ll o ta, @ .: ci o L o q () o o i tl N o o


l r 'rl - No.t'l'louuvc rv 39vrs Nt 3sv3u330

I t. I

1 Tidol lnf h.pnccs i Tidol impocts hove olso been modeled over o ronge of flows ond the results hove I been plof ted on Figure Vll-S, which ossumes woler diversion thror.rgh lhe Bohemio Spillwoy, ond on Figure Vll-5, which ossumes no wot€r diversion through the Bohemio l Spillwoy. The giophs ore bosed on o tidol ronge of 3 ft ot Venice. As shown in lhese I figures, operolion of lhe Bohemio Spillwoy tends to rninimize tidol impocts of the I Corrolllon goge. At o flow of l'050'0O0 cfs ot Corrollton' o 3 ft tide ol Venice would I Droduce o modeled tide of 1.33 ft ol Corrollton without water diversion lhrough the Spillwoy. W;th the Spillwoy operqtion, the tidol influence would be redr.rced to 0.53 fl I ot ihis flow. At grealer flows, the obsolute mogniiude of the tidol influence ot the goge less, olthough relolive difference of the sioge predicled for lhe I Corrollion is the Corollton gqge with ond wilhoul fhe Spillwoy is comporoble. At o flow of 1,500,000 i: cfs ol Corrolllon, o difference in iide of 3 ff ot Venice would resull in o 1.09 ft chonge ot Corrollton withoul diversion of floodwoters lhrough the Bohemio Spillwoy, but o t chonge of only 0,l9 ft if the Spillwoy is operolionol.

Physlcol Dctndstrof ion Model I A ohysicsl demonstrolion model hos been prepored ond delivered to ihe Orleons

hqs olso prepored, the { Levee Boord, A videotope been showing demonstrofion model in operotion. Both the physicol model, ond the video lope ore ovoiloble for viewing by

I interested porties.

hpoct of Botemio Splllmy on Operoticr of Ehrret C

suggest eorlier opening. Since the Bohemio Spillwoy results in reduced stoges ot ij Corrolllon, if is proboble thot, to lhe exlent thal river stoge triggers opening,

op€rofion of the Spillwoy would be eorlier, ond tiE durotion of operolion would be I

63 il t'. {t E. ,n a, It= - I i: e s*;! 5> -E I ESle 9s1 SebeE E i: 9= u-

1-: i.: oz :t @ F t: p E F: J lrl23 E eo J Jc' EEa co t' l! f: OE t.: E.e'ff o< -(J =Er- 35; F f 36 e r-5 J Jo I' E E, o I :l i: ii lt:. l: !t 1. ,' tst{ ''lJ - No|l"rouuvJ Lv 39vts l I a0 : I i:s; 6ERur 9 li lr f: !: i: J z ir o .F -E=< ll UJ lrl t- a) fr->-; Qoo ;t cd xe 2o, c oz o F ro=I J ill EE J 9r= o 85 co =|.|J1+ rn (J E PO p tl j@ o 5E o(J ID o-rrt 9r- lt! og) =! -o Eci = ii =t-- |') 9e o) J l! op<2 -|-FJ I J o oI E il E () I


,l il:i? t_: or@l-9Ct tsn'tJ-Not'r'louuvc J.v 3gvrs I i longer, wifhout the diverslon of flood wolers fhrough the Bohemio Splllwcy. It is olso posslble thot there hove been posl occosiors whcn sfoges ot Ncw Orleons hove i opprooched, but not quite reoched, levels thc? would trigger opening. On such

occosions, the firnctloning of lhe Bohemlo Spillwoy moy well hove mode the difference I belween opening ond noi opening lhe Bonnet Ccre Spillwoy. i CocluConr Bosed on ?he compu?er rtns mode ufilizing the moth model, os discr,rssed obovc,

{ ihe following sludy conclusions ore summorized: r l. The Botremio Spillwoy does hove o positive effect on reducing flood sioges ol New Orleors. With the project flood of 1125O000 cfs ond neglecling fl iidol influences, th€ stoge reduclion ot the Corrollton goge is 0.48 feet. At higher flows, the stoge reduction is even greofer, omounting to l.l4 feet

I wl?h a flow of 1,500,000 cfs.

2. Ti&l effects ce reflecled ot the Ccrollion goge in New Orleans. These t.: Influences ore dompened by the Bohemio Splllwoy, ond ihe hlgher the flow

in fhe River, the gredter the dompening effecl. At o flow of 11050,000 cfs, { o 3.0 foot tide difference ol Venice oroduces o 0.53 foot difference ol New t: Orleons. At o flow of lr500r([0 cfs, o 3.0 foot tide dlfference ot Venice

prodrrces o 0.|9 foot difference o? New Orleons. Wifhout the Bohernlo L, Spillwoy, the corresponding iidol lmpocls al New Orlesrs would be 1.33 I feet

I of the fuse plug levee by obout 1.0 ft, the copoclly would be increGed to

1721500 cfs. The meosured outflo$/ in 1927 wos obout 300,000 cfs. I Depcnding on lhe wind ond tide, the esfimoted flood corrying copoclty r ronges from l08r0o0 to 290,000 cfs ot the project flood.

I 66 f i'

While if connot be stoted with obsolute certointy, it is possible thol the ; exislence of the Bohemio Spillwoy hos reduced both the durotion ond f. frequency of operotion of the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy since withoul the diversion of woter fhrough lhe Eohemio Spillwoy, fhe Bonnel Corre

Spillwoy moy hove been opened more frequenlly ond for longer periods of ti time. In generol, diversions through the Bohemio Spillwoy reduce downstreom ll stoge, by virtve of reduced river flows, ond reduce upstreom sfoges by virttrc of reduced river stoges ot the Spillwoy which result in o slowly t converging bockwofer profile oll the woy to New Orleons, ond obove. A

stoge reduction of l. | 2 feet ot Bohemio reflects os o 0.48 foot reduclion ot { Corrollfon, indicoting on overoge convergence rote of lhe bockwofer t: profiles of obout 0.01 | feet per mile. Should the Bohemio Spillwoy be closed, the resulting higher flood profile t. for the projecl flood would necessitsle roislng hundreds of miles of exisfing

levee grodes obove ond below the Spillwoy in order to provide the {, con gressionolly mondaf ed minimum f reeboord.

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Mcthemof ic-ol Modeling Doto

Model Colibrotion Results

River Profiles During Flood Conditions l3 Progrom Input Doto t3 With Spil lwoy Operotionol t3 Wif hourt Spillwoy Operotionol 25

Progrom Outpul Doto -)b Prof iles With Spillwoy Operolioncl Jb Prof iles Withouf Spillwoy Operotionol 53

River Profiles ol Project Flood 68 Progrom Oufput Doto bo Tidol lnfluences on River trO Profiles Wif h Spillwoy Operolionol bd Prof iles Wilhout Spillwoy Operoiionol 85

Influence of Spillwoy Erosion on River 100 Progrom Input Dotc 100 Profile With I ft of Erosion |2 REStfl.TS OF MOTL CALIBR.ATION

For lhe Following Hisioricol Flows:

Q = 400,000 cfs Q = 51t4,000 cfs Q = 6841000 cfs G = 8781000 cfs

Specified the Verticol Voriofion in Monninq,s n between Goge Sfofiors l, Predicf Profiles Cor?elo- live with fhe Observed Profiles. c TL

ooooorlooo auoooo

000 -J a.r E O.ZlJrHooo lcr- CI

.OO*O EE*5 O..* oolo lL ClE* H* ooEo tn (r'oooato 0glJO HOEO0=Oz-o..E >JZ

(f2"i,.,8888 H O I O lrJ O HJ E 0 . . A F lrt F . o o o g 0 tl-OEOOlrlo* C O a t t EO F O (J . . e, * t CJO ll O lrJ O O I O I ix - l- E * O li .!)* cJ > o i\?a rl l- E r i O iNON* IJ= HZ E IE * .Dlt ro -l n,H O *2.!)rtOOif H O O ItrOOn >!r c) |r c' tuJ.|il* J \ *lreot *tultr I

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gooo ocoo 0ooo o ooo oo90 0o0o o090 oooo oooo oooo srtE 8r88 t888 t888 88t8 tttt 8888 t888 8888 tEgt !g gooo oooo 9999 9a9Q 0oooO0oO 9o900oOO oOOooe oo oooOo000 oaod09oe aooaoqoo o6oooooo 666ooo0o o 9994 9rr!(D 9999 (,raralD 9oe9 ooao oooo Ooo6 Oa6o aoo6 oaao oooo 9=!!E a!Q\ orQa\ oa@N0alo ol@N0

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@ q?qq q€q€ qeiE qqiq qqqE q€€E se i€qq €€qq E€qq eqqq + gE€g;egg gFgg g€Fg o+oNsiEF siEF or.@N oE€gF !cN orE$€g Egig oi6N Sidn oidFsggg

. g.rrc.,J6 rro c{a1 iiF\o rr?o.tl o

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@ EqEE qqEq qEqq qqe€ qqqE qqtq

^ qg9o oooo oooo oooo q9QO 0OO9 OOOO QOOO OOOO OOOO .az |r)ur|r1u.r... ${{{ {{.o.o !)l])!1u) !o99! Ftr\f\t\ irii Ft ril F F, !.t !t !1 !t Nf.NN ,)- I {.09{ @@@q0 eOOO a.r ai C,rr\r atri! 9r099 NNl\N NF\NN NNt\|\\ f\NNN _u i ii: atral cl a{ c,tc{NN C,lN a{C,l C,/N11|N OJa,lNCl NC,la'tN NClattct N a.rc{ N ; gggg gggg 9999 oQeO0000 999A 004 o O0 00 ooo0 0ooa s EEg€ 3g3g oooo9000 oooo oooo oooaoooo o000 oooo 0466 o600 s oooo oooo oooo PI 99OO OOOO OOOO o666oo00 9O9e 0000O OO0 0000OOOO O0oO 0O0o oooo vvv vvuo oooo 9A99C9 09 C00O OOO O 0aooo O<'O OOOOoooo OOOOoooo I' o?qo Ora@ orrl@ o+aG 9afo ortrao o


9!Dq9 \l:.9r ao@im cDo\tr? 6o

z tsEtsB 3838 338ff 3888 RRRR 1. @o@(0 @co@@ o@o@ crc/r{c/1.tr| a{oratN eeq@ NNNa,t .t|c/a{N NG|Na,l 0.

@ o9oo o0o0 oooo 33rrQ999 88r8 9S99 888r 8888 t8t8 ?ct o 99e9 90Q9 0000 0000 0000 6 E88E ErES rtrto?rl@ 88t8 8tt8 q!q\9?a!D oqQ\ 9rr3@ o.cN oroAo

Computotion of River Profiles With The Spillwoy Operotionol ot the Following Flows:

G= 1,050,000 cfs

G= l, | 50,000 cfs

G= 1,250,000 cfs

o= 1,375,000 cfs

a= 1,500,000 cfs to

:c: ai !) 6N !_i cr :l c,r iJ)o\ 'u: (od.* Nr\ \o \0 .oN N$ ro..c al

ac: oa oa cu) oo coir-, co oc ati t.o rrc< i:c 9c .@ Fro € so

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???9?????9: ??9?9q9?:?9 COOaOOOOCO(, OCOA(JOcOaCC ciliOL-Oli C !:O!-O a. tr-, O !-, O!1 C tr.taFa r !_, @ o ir !'j .0 o rl ur tr r, !-, a( o 19 !r @ o F, it 6, i: id c{ cr 11 ol i *- i a.r ol ar a; t::q::q:?Tcj 1 .o i 6 O!: O >-i.: 6 >-6 I rr rirrrr r rr rirrt I

Compulolion of River Profiles Withoui the Spillwoy Operolionol ol lhe Following Flows:

o= 1,050,000 cfs o= l,150,000 cfs

G= 1,250,000 cfs

o= 1,375,000 cfs

G= 1,500,000 cfs ro AJ


OO liOl NO NiO li1 O N{ OO li.O Olt^ ia; u;q m.c. . | !)i

O@!-rc o < N@O o o irJj o.cr a lJD i| o F. N.r :tocr :N r f.\ :!t I i | - i | | i =o n tl FO g o !-,9 9 9|4q qolJr a e 9 o a oQ o a oao.o9oo ooo oocooooc,oo |].i C Cr !-r ai 9 Or Q 9 9 ai !r O O I'r C N A g !f QCOiOlji|J) OOO a!r!rOO!:CFrCr Oll .6 i Q r!*Ni0Clo:oc.l oirno!o!lo. 6Fj

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o ci a rrt o o 9 !-, r.. rr: a,lc cr N !r FJo q o \c Q n(r a. ot oo o !i o. ltj Q tJ:, N ri tc o... o.9.i,-a ... .o o. <).,F)*<]oc ..o. -. !) 6...o !iiqj JlLlql. -Oa..|liiF !_, q.i €aii t: !-i O tt, I -.r.i .rc)-C f.o q6 tC.co. o o.ci FrorF r | 6 o'o i I i c r.r 6r * + i<1 ad in t.{,i * | _ ir F ,l

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. c)c.cr -c oc|ct3cr y\||irc16d creo:)o

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Roling Curve Voriolion ot Venice Representinq Vorious Conditions of Tide ond Wind Wifh the Spillwoy OpJrotionor. @ @

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Roting Curve Voriotion ot Venice Representinq Vorious Conditions of Wind cnd Tide Wiihout Spillwoy Op6rotionol. (, @

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Computotion of River Profiles ot the Project Flood With the Spillwoy in on Eroded Condition. o o

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Correspondence OEPARTHENT OF THE ARHY l{tt or|'taxt ota!rE". cortt 07 rxo|l|atra P.O. rtr ao:at r:r or|.:axa Lourtr/rfal 70r @

R€PLY TO October L2, L984 AITENNO OF' Englneering Dlvlslon U,qS COi/ipANy Hydtaullcs aud Eydrologlc Braoch

It. Roanell Finlay IRS Eaglneers 3500 North Caueenay Boulevard lfttatrle, Iaulslana 7OOO2 Dear !t. FLnlay: This ls ltr reply to your telephoEe requee! on SepteEber 25, 1984, for comeata on the revleed data to be lacluded lD your report oE Bohenla SpLlhay, whl ch had been furnlshed to ua earller.

lte revtsed data generally coDslsc of flowllae cooputatlons made by you uelng the BEC -2 nodel. IJe have rerun your flosllnes lndepeo- deutly, aad conclude that the nodel nas correctly applled, ard that for the flovl1nes ctrich you contrrted, dlverslooe vle the BoheEl.a Spllluay co uld be easencLalLy ss aet forth lE )'out revlged data.

SlDcereIy, GsSs-A{--- FREDER,IC M. CHAR,Y Ctief , EDglueerlng lI.visloo DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY NEW OFLEANS DISAI|€:T. CORFS OT ENGIXEER3 PI'. GO267 'OX i'El oRLEAlls' Lt'ulslaNA TOtGO June 18, 1984 REA-Y TO ATTENTION OF Chief, Engineering Division

Mr. Emile Schneider, President Board of Levee Comissions Orleans Levee District Suite 202, Administration Building Nev Orleans Lakefront AirPort New Orleans, 70726 Dear Mr. Schneider: This is in response to a request by your-l'lr ' Magner on June 14th that wL prorride co""uents on the Bohemia Spi11way. The Bohemia Spil-lway currently diverts flow fron the l,tississippi whenevir the- stage -at CarTollton exceeds about 15 ?eet NGVD. The flov diverted increases with increasing stages. The diversion of flow does result in some reduftion-in stages uPstream, the reduction increasing with increasing stage-at Clrro11ton- In effect, the spill- way acts as a iafety vaLve, reducing stress on the levee svltem durins sreat floods. And the largen the flood, the gieatet the itltity of the spillway in this regard' The Federal Governuent has no direct interest the Boheaia Spillway, but becauie of the above f actor s believe that its continued oPeration as a s p i1lway desirable in Ehe rely,

Lee JUN 1 s 1984 Col one 1 , Corps of Engineers District Eng ine e r