UR$ ar! i ltnuAroaAL PRoFtssroH4L 5aFvrc{s oncafilzrTl{)N URS E]IGIHEERS 35oO NOATTI CAIISIWAY EOULEVAn.) MeTATAtE tCUIStANA 70002 !: lIL: {soa) Bs7-6326 Decem ber 7, | 9&+ i Mr. Eorl J. Mogner, Jr., Chief Engineer Boord of Leree Cornmissioners i Orleons Levee Disirict Suite 202, Adrninistroti on Eluildi ng New Orleons Lokefront Airoort t New O rlecrs, Lo:isiono 70126 Deor Mr. Mogner: Subject: Bohemio Spillwoy Hydroulic Study Engineering Evol uotion i: URS No. 565{l-21 We ore pleosed to suhnit the updoted Bohemio Spillwoy Hydroulic Study, in occordonce with the provisions of OLB Controcl No. 1062. This updoted englneering report contoi16 finol strnmcies ond concltrsiors bqsed on fwther inrestigotive efforts into lhe impoct of floodwoters diverted lhrough the Ebhemic Spillwoy on river sloges from fhe Bonnet Cqre Spillwoy to Venice. Also included in the oppendix of this report i. ore copl es of letters from the Corps of Engi rreers reflecting the importonce of ihe Bohemio Spillwoy on flood control ond confirming ow opplicotion of the HEC-2 hydrologic model to compute floodwqler diversiors t hrough the Spillwoy. t. In order to glonfify ihe effecf of lhe Bohemio Spillwoy, the Corpsr hydrologic model FEC-Z wos utilized. In order to obtoin reqsonoble estimotec, fhis model hod to be colibroted to refleci oclwl conditiors in lhe River, To ihis end, fotr historicol l. periods of steody st cte dischcge oM stoge datq were tsed to obtoin Monningfs n volr.res, which provide on irdicstion of fhe chonnel ond oraarbonk roughness. The verticol voriolion in Monningfs n wos estimoiedr ond odjusted lhrough successive : progror iferstions urtil the computed woter surfoce profiles corresponded fo the stoge ond flow conditiors ocluolly meosured in lhe River' Once the model wos colibroted, the impoct of diversion of wster thor.lgh the Bohemio t Spillwoy wos evoluoted for vorlorc flood events, ronging from 110501000 to 115001000 cfs. While the project flood flow of 112501000 cfs ot Ccnrollton is.of the greotest irferest, floods of other mognitudes were olso tsed to develop stoge dischorge t, relotiorships. Assr-rn ing no tidol influences ond lhe projeci flood of l'250,000 cfs, opproxlmolely 108,000 cfs of flood wqters ore conrreyed in the Bohemio Spillwoy witn ihe lewes intocf. A tolol of 1731000 cfs moy be direrted if owrlopped portions of the f use plug levee ore eroded I fool. The diversion of this quontity of wqfer will lower flood stoge ci Bohemio by l.l2 tt, ond lower flood stoge ot the Ccrrolllon goge in New Orleors by opproximotely 0.48 fr. Depending on wind ond lide conditiors, it is estimqted the Spillwoy con conley f rorn 108,000 to 290,@0 cf s. Mr. Eorl J. Mogner, Jr, -r- Decernber 7' | 984 Although the Corps of Engineers hos nol defined ony precise relotionship between fhe Bonnel Corre ond Bohemio Spillwoys, it is likely the operol:on of the Bohemio Spillwoy hos reduced both the durotion ond frequency of operotion of the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy. Witlrout the Bohemio Spillwoy, the Bonnet Corre Spillwoy mighf hcve remoined fully open on odditionol 3 doys durlng the flood of 19731 4 doys in the flood of 1979 ond 3 doys in fhe flood of 1983. We trust this informotion is responsive to your needs. lf you hove ony questions or commenls, pleose feel free lo coll rne. Sincerely, URS COMPANY RF/mn ll Toble of Ccrtcnts Lelter of Tronsmittol Toble of Conlents l List of Figures ond Tobles L ist of Plotes a l. lnlroducfion Purpose of Study Authorizotion Scope of Services : Prior Reporfs 2 Acknowledgements 3 :. Pertinenl Doto 3 il. Descripf ion of the Str.rdy Areo Levees 6 : a Chonnel lmprovemenls 6 Spillwoys I 1il. Bohemio Spillwoy - Hisf oricol Perspective tl i Creofion of the Spillwoy It Use md Mointenonce of lhe Spillwoy t2 ,-r Previous Attempfs ot Closwe t5 I' Upstreom lmpocls of Crevosses l9 Upslreom lmpocts of Spillwoys 2l l\/ t,,.1 Mothemoliccl lvlodeling of fhe Mississippi River 25 Cornputol ionol Procedr:res 25 Inpuf Dolo Reqli rements 26 Progrom Limitotions 28 Applicoble Progrcm Options 29 Model Colibrolion 29 Model Applicotion to Project 3l :,; Operotionol Runs of Moth Model 4l Determi notion of Downstreom Control 4t I Division of Flow 4l Roling of the Bohemio Spillwoy 44 Bockwoler Colculotions 46 tl vl. Relotionship Between Bonnet Corre ond Botremio Spillwoys 49 Operot ion of lhe Bonnet Corre Spillwoy 49 tl 1979 Flon,d Exomole 50 l Ewluolion of Three Recent Flood Events 5l Bonnet Corre Spillwoy Operolion Wilhou? Bohemio Spillwoy 5l Vll. Discussion ond Conclusions JI Upstreom lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwoy 57 Stoge-Dischorge Relotionships 58 l Tidol lnfluences 6J Physicol Demonstrof ion Model 63 lmpocf of Bohemio Spillwoy on Operotion of Bonnet Corre Spillwoy 63 Conclusions ob ;.., I Mothernotigol Modeling Doto APpendrx{ppen(ix z Lorresponoence List of Ftgucr Figure ll- | Locofion Mop l, Figure lll-l ltoge Rglgliglship Between Donoldsonville ond Boton Rouge 23 During 1979 Flood I Figure lll-2 Sloge Relotiorship Belween Donoldsonville ord Boton Rouge 24 During 1983 Flood l Figure qt t. lV-l Roting Curve Venice 27 Figure lV-2 32 Figure lV-3 33 I Figure lVJt 34 I Figurre lV-S 35 Flgure lV-6 36 tit' Figure lV-7 37 i, Figure lV-8 38 Figure lV-9 39 f-1 i' Figure Vl- | Stoge ot Corollton During Periods in 1973 52 Figwe Vl-2 Stoge ot Corrollfon During Periods in 1979 53 Figure Vl-3 Stoge ot Cqrollton During Periods in I 983 [' 54 .:,... Figure Vll-l 59 Figure Vll-2 60 I i: Figure Vll-3 6l Figure Vll-4 lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwoy on Sfoges ot Corrollton ond Venice 62 I Figure Vll-5 Tidol Inflwnces on River Stoge ot Corrollion with 64 Bohemio Spil lwoy Operotionol Figure Vll-6 Tidol lnf h.rences on Rirrcr Stoge ol Corroltion Without 65 Bohemlo Spil lwoy Operotionoi ;.'t; l : Lirt of T6ler : Toble Vl- | Bonnet Core Spillwoy Operolion 56 l Toble Vll-l lmpoct of Bohemio Spillwof ol Selected Locotions 5t Along the Rlver During the Project Flood i. ., ,i1 :: Llrl of Plotca Plote I Marh Model Colibrotion Rms a' Plote 2 Codensed Proflle Project Flod Wlth ond Without Bohemio Spillwq ,] :: Plqte 3 Condensed Proflle: Flow ot Ccrollton - lr375,q)0 cfs Wllh ond Wifhout Bolremlo Spillwoy Plole 4 Condensed Profile: Flow ot Ccrollton - 115001000 cfs Wifh ond :.l Without Bohemio Spillwoy Plote 5 Plonr/Prof ile - Project Flood ; Plqte 6 Plon/Profile - Projccr Flood Plote 7 Plon/Proflle - Project Flood Plote I Plon/Profile - Project Flood Plote 9 Plcrl.lPrcfile - Project Flood J 1, il I :.... ] ....: ,,: i L lntrodrctlqr a The Bohemio Spillwoy wos construcfed in 1925-1926 by the Orleors Levee I District os ouihorized by Act 99 of the Louisiono Legisloiure. The purpose of the , Spillwoy is to relieve flood florvs. ln the Mississlppi R iver by diverting the woler directly to the Gulf, lhereby reducing lhe bockwoter between the noturol outlet, ; primcrily tlrorgh Soutlwesl Poss, ond the Ciiy of New Orleons. r-l Purpce of Sfudy At the time of construction it wos recognized tfiot s diversion of this type would resulf in o reduced woter surfqce profile both dowrslreom of lhe point of diversion, by virtue of reduced flow ln fhe downstreom chornel, ond obove the poinf of diversion, by t virtue of redrced stortlng elevqtion ot the point of diversion ond the csocioted I bockwoler effecl up lo New Orleors ond beyond. The effecliveness of o diversion of this iype hos been quesfioned by cerloin interesls who feel thot the Bohemiq Spillway i, is m longer serviryg iis intended tr rpose of reducing flod stoges ot New Orleons. Accordingly, this study hos been outhorized for the purpose of quontifying the current i impoct of the Bohemlo Spillwoy on flood stoges ot New Orleons. Auitnrizolian ;, This study hos been oulhorized in keeping with the lerms of on Agreement For i Professionol Engineering Services entered into Februory 23, l9W befween the Boord of Levee Commissioners of lhe Orleors Le\€e Disttict, ond URS Compony (OLB t Confroct No. 1062l. The scope of servlces os specified in this contrct wos subsequently exponded in keeping wilh o controcl modificction proposol submltted by l URS Compony b), letfer of Morch 20, lg8{., ond opproved by lhe Boord of Levee I Commissioners by leller of Morch zlt l?&+'. I SsDc of Scrvie : t": The bosic services colled for rnder the c iroct include fhe preporolion of o molhemoticol model of the Mississippi River from the Gulf of Mexico to the Bonnet :, Ccnre Spillwoy obove New Orleqru. The comp;ter model ulillzed ls the Corps of Engineersr HEC-2 Bockwoter Progrcn os developed by the Hydrologic Engineering i- : Cenfer in Dovis, Colifornio. Bosic input for fhe computer model in the form of cross i sectim doto wos obtdined from the Corps of Engineerg New Orleons Disirlci. ;,..1 Specif ic elemenls of fhe modeling included olibroticr utilizing obser\red f lod profiles of known dischorge lo colculote oppiopriofe Monning n coefficienfs, compuler onolysis : of flood flows wlth <rtd w|fb.t the Bolsnio Spillnq in order to delermine prof lles under both conditions, ond evoluofion of the impoct of storting elevationr for bockwoter computotions os influenced by lunor ond wind tides. The resulis of these ; investigotions ore stmmorized in f his engineering reporl documenting f he methodology J utilized ond the conclusions drown relolive to the impoct of the Bohemio Spillwoy on flood stoges ot New Orleonsl ond on executive surmory designed for lhe non-technicol t. reoder. oddition to oborre, URS physicol : In fhe constructed o model demonslroting lhe l_.., hydroulic principle involved, wherein o downslreom diversion will result in reduction of I upstreom stoges.
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