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Student union beyond capacity Part I of III

Limited space stifl es space. Event and meeting reservations for the Fall Russell House director Kim McMahon said organizations, activities 2012 semester will be distributed via a series of four that the lottery system has managed to grant at lottery sessions. Each session yields the possibility of least one reservation to each student organization Kathryn Kranjc one small and one large event slot per organization. that has requested space. Forty-two organizations [email protected] Last spring, the Russell House granted requests for participated in the lottery, but with over 300 student 17 ballroom events, 15 theater events and 20 weekly organizations on campus, McMahon knows that meeting slots to different student organizations that many groups don’t stand a chance. EDITOR’S NOTE requested space for Fall 2011. These bookings are “We’re already not meeting needs ... but meeting The following article is the first part of a given out after priority university events, such as needs and making it work are two separate things,” three-day series that will detail the many orientation and Homecoming festivities, and pre- problems USC faces with its current student submitted Carolina Productions events. RUSSELL ● 2 union. Today’s story focuses on the space constraints in the Russell House and how they affect student organizations and the student body as a whole. Tomorrow’s story will look at the deterioration of the building since its construction 57 years ago and its many deferred maintenance needs. The fi nal installment will be a look into the administration’s plans to remedy these issues.

Student organizations and university offi cials are attempting to budget their events into the Russell House’s 218,000 square feet as USC’s population continues to outgrow the 57-year-old building. USC-Columbia’s Master Plan calls for an additional 80,000 square feet of student union space, according to Vice President of Facilities Tom Quasney, which the Russell House currently does not provide. Today student organizations are lining up for their Jeremy Aaron / THE DAILY GAMECOCK shot at a reservation in the university union’s limited A swell in the size of the student body since the Russell House was built has left the building over capacity. A ‘Gateway’ for transfer students Moore School Fee would allow for easier according to a document presented at to Vice President for Student Affairs program aims transition from Midlands Tech USC’s board meeting last week. Dennis Pruitt, this was done so that “Students will pursue transfer- students could offi cially be admitted to Cassie Cope compliant coursework at Midlands, while the program before the rest of next year’s to teach taxes [email protected] benefitting from a variety of support fees are decided in June. programs and student services offered by Gamecock Gateway students would Accounting professor USC’s board of trustees approved each institution,” the proposal said. pay the new fee to Midlands Tech, hopes students will a new deposit fee that would allow An estimated 175 students could according to Leslie Brunelli, USC’s Midlands Technical College students to participate in the program in the 2012- associate vice president for fi nance and learn life lessons reserve their place at USC. 2013 school year, according to the planning. Chelsea Amodio The “Gamecock Gateway” program, proposal. “Midlands Tech will provide set [email protected] a proposed residential bridge program, While the fee increase was approved funding back to USC for program would give Midlands students access to Friday, “Gamecock Gateway” still expenses and for the dormitory space,” Although that dreaded mid- USC student services for one year while needs approval from both USC’s and April day is still months away, tax taking classes at the Airport Campus, Midlands’s boards of trustees. According GATEWAY ● 3 season is in full swing. Mariah Lynch, a Darla Moore School of Business accounting professor, says knowing how to Students chop ponytails for charity properly fi le taxes will save college students, many of whom are new week. Carolina Beautiful Week to the process, from making “It’s all about celebrating celebrates individuality mistakes on their tax returns. ourselves and our “Many new graduates will Priyanka Juneja individuality,” campus dietitian have fairly simple returns that [email protected] Kristen Tice said. “Our they could do themselves if they overarching goal is to help understood the basics,” Lynch Students and faculty people celebrate their bodies said. gathered in the Russell House and their differences.” One issue that might prohibit Ballroom on Monday evening, Tice said the program students from learning how to fi le took their seats and sectioned was implemented last year to taxes is a seeming lack of necessity. their hair into ponytails. The promote a positive self-image. Many students are still supported nervous and excited chatter “There are so many students by their parents, and see no need died down as the song “Good who have eating disorders,” to fi le their own taxes. Life” by OneRepublic began she said. “The best line of “I think there are some college playing, the signal for family defense is prevention. We want students that do know how to fi le members and friends to begin to prevent body image issues taxes,” Amy Foote, a fourth-year carefully cutting off the from spiraling into an eating journalism and English student, ponytails of the participants. disorder.” said. “However, the majority of Instead of littering the Student Health Services was college students either don’t have grounds, as in any salon parlor, excited to incorporate Beautiful jobs or have parents that do their the ponytails were gathered Lengths into Carolina taxes for them.” and placed in zip-close bags Beautiful week this year. As soon as students graduate to be given to Beautiful “It’s a great way to give and enter into the job market, Lengths, a program that turns back to women who are less however, filing taxes becomes donated hair into wigs for fortunate and lose their hair to an annual responsibility. Hiring cancer patients. It is the first cancer,” Trice said. “The fact an outside source to assist in the organization to benefit from that people are willing to give process is common, but being this year’s Carolina Beautiful: up something that they hold able to understand and effectively Celebrate Your Body Week. dear to themselves for others is communicate information about USC is hosting Carolina inspirational.” taxes is a necessity. Beautiful week from Feb. Christina Galardi, a fourth- “Students need to at least be able 20-24 as part of the National year public relations student, to have an intelligent conversation Nicole DeBartolo / THE DAILY GAMECOCK Eating Disorders Association’s approached Student Health Students cut their hair to be made into wigs for cancer patients. (NEDA) annual awareness HAIR ● 2 TAXES ● 3

Tuesday Upcoming Albums Nuclear stockpile Elder shows leadership 67° 45° Six of 2012’s most Columnist Molly Mc- The defensive back anticipated records Carthy supports a signee has proven bring hype to the decrease in America’s himself in high school Wednesday industry’s biggest costly and unneces- and developed a fan- names. sary nuclear arsenal. base with his Twitter. 75° 54° See page 5 See page 4 See page 8 2 Tuesday, February 21, 2012

HAIR ● Continued from 1 RUSSELL ● Cont. from 1 Services with the idea in November. McMahon said. “That’s “I have donated my hair fi ve times,” she said. “The the point of the lottery fi rst time was in fi fth grade, and after that it started to system. We’re trying to be a cycle. When I was ready to donate my hair for the help students understand sixth time I decided I wanted to make it bigger. I had that because of limited no idea it would be this successful.” space they have to plan Beautiful Lengths partnered with Pantene and the well in advance.” American Cancer Society to offer cancer patients However, few student wigs for free. Janie Smith, mission manager of the organizations actually American Cancer Society, explained the effects of hair plan all their events a full loss on cancer patients. semester ahead, meaning “I see patients with cancer who have lost their hair they are left with the every day, and I see how devastated they are,” she said. option of submitting last- “In fact, 60 percent of women say that the hair loss is minute online requests the most devastating part of cancer.” for leftover slots or Smith has seen how much donated hair impacts a finding other spaces in cancer patient. academic departments. “I have women who sit in the chair and when I put This presents the wig on their head they cry and say they feel normal a challenge to again,” she said. “You never know how much your hair Jeremy Aaron / THE DAILY GAMECOCK organizations such as the defi nes you until it’s gone.” According to USC, the Russell House is 80,000 square feet short of what it needs to be. Association of African- Participants shared their feelings about donating American Students events. campus events. of the other crowding hair for the fi rst time. (AAAS), which this year “We try to cover “We’ve had to turn issues, especially “It makes you feel good about yourself knowing grew to an unprecedented controversial topics in people away because mealtime traffi c jams. that you’re helping someone,” said fi rst-year exercise 120 official members. our meetings, but it’s events are too big for the “A busy Russell House science student Janice Huynh. The group had trouble sometimes difficult to ballroom but too small is a successful one, yet Participants as young as eleven wanted to make a retaining members make sure that fits our to move into the Koger if you come by here difference in someone’s life. before fi nally landing its allotted time span,” Center,” Linsberg said. during certain hours it’s “When I was in fourth grade I donated hair,” weekly slot in the theater, Gomez said. “We “It’s too bad, because just packed,” McMahon fi fth-grader Kiara Clark said. “My friend had cancer according to AAAS definitely worry about everyone’s fees are going said. “Around 9:30 (a.m.) and now maybe she’ll be happy that someone donated president and third-year compromising, but we’re to the show, but not the line at Einstein’s is hair.” psychology student so used to meeting in the everyone who wants to at least 20 people deep. While cameras flashed, participants reached Anthony Gomez. Russell House theater, come can get in. There There’s defi nitely a need up toward their newly shorn hair and shared their “My freshman year we and we don’t want to have really does need to be to expand food service sentiments towards Carolina Beautiful Week. had to move meetings to make people move to a bigger, in-between areas.” “I think it’s a really good idea,” Galardi said. “I from the Russell House another location.” space.” McMahon said the think it’s great that we’re talking about body image for to the B.A. to Gambrell,” The ballroom and Despite only having ideal solution would women, and hair is linked to body image. No matter Gomez said. “We lost the theater are the only two large event areas, the be to eventually build how long their hair is, people should be proud of who members because people rooms in the student Russell House remains a new student union. they are.” didn’t know where to go. union large enough for the central hub of student While the university is Since the focus of the week is building self-image, At least with the lottery groups over 100, like activity. McMahon currently drafting plans students shared their concepts of beauty. we got a regular spot.” AAAS, with capacities of estimates that the for a self-assessment for “Beauty is about feeling good about you as a person,” In order to keep their 650 and 300, respectively. building receives between need and feasibility for Huynh said. “If you feel good about yourself then prime spot, organizations Carolina Productions 6,000 and 8,000 visitors a new building, such a other people will think you’re beautiful.” such as AAAS have had President Kallie Linsberg every day and is the most plan could take nearly to renegotiate the size, says a newer, larger space highly traffi cked building a decade and anywhere Comments on this story? dates and lengths of their would allow for more on campus — though by from $4 million to $100 Visit no means the largest or million. In the meantime, most up-to-date. The McMahon is more than it’s positively here. Russell House hasn’t willing to hear what seen any size additions changes students want for since 1976, according the Russell House. to Quasney. Since then, “Complaints help us concessions to maximize understand what we need space have included to fi x so we can fi gure out Flu.get a ŇƵƐŚŽƚ @ the adding office spaces, what we can start to make dŚŽŵƐŽŶ^ƚƵĚĞŶƚ,ĞĂůƚŚĞŶƚĞƌ 8-5 M-F & 4-8 pm Sundays rearranging seating and happen,” McMahon said. no appointment needed turning empty spaces ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐΨϭϱĨĂĐƵůƚLJͬƐƚĂīΨϮϱ into student lounges. Comments on this story? Carolina Card/cash/check/credit/debit ǁǁǁ͘ƐĂ͘ƐĐ͘ĞĚƵͬƐŚƐͬŇƵ However, these attempts Visit have not addressed some news Tuesday, February 21, 2012 3

TAXES ● Continued from 1 which should begin with the first paycheck students receive,” Lynch about what is the most advantageous said. Whitney Thompson tax treatment,” Lynch said. “That can There are many resources that can only happen if they have been given a help with the filing process, on and America’s Next tax foundation,” off campus. Lynch suggests using According to Lynch, there are a as well as Turbo Tax. Winner few key tax-related processes that Along with these options, students can college students need to know about use a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance tuesday, feb. 21 @ 8 pm before graduating college. She says Service (VITA), offered by USC’s russell house ballroom students need to understand when chapter of the accounting fraternity to file a return themselves, if their Beta Alpha Psi. parents claim them or not, how to treat While it’s by no means the most a ĨƌĞĞ͕ĨƌĂŶŬΘŝŶƐƉŝƌĂƟŽŶĂů scholarship money, what tax incentives enjoyable part of growing up, filing discussion about body image, are available for higher education and taxes is something everyone has to do how to use a 529 plan effectively. in his or her lifetime, Lynch said, so being a “plus” sized model in a Whichever career a student may understanding how the system works size 0 industry, and loving who pursue, being knowledgeable about better prepares students for the world different tax options will be necessary after graduation. you are later in life. “Students must understand the tax Comments on this story? ŽƉĞŶƚŽƚŚĞĞŶƟƌĞ consequences of retirement planning, Visit ĐĂŵƉƵƐĐŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJ

GATEWAY ● Cont. from 1 CarolinaCard; however, to an agreement that is these students would not benefi cial to the students the main event for Brunelli said in an email pay the athletics fee or be in the state of South response. “The $750 ĂƌŽůŝŶĂĞĂƵƟĨƵů͗ĞůĞďƌĂƚĞzŽƵƌŽĚLJtĞĞŬ included in the lottery for Carolina to help more deposit will be reduced ticketed athletics events. students get the college from the fi rst semester fee At the end of the experience [and] get for each student.” program, students will be college degrees,” Pruitt The document eligible to transfer to USC said. “We still have to presented to the board of or remain at Midlands. work through the process trustees outlined details If students remain at of putting the program of the program. Midlands, they will not together, coming up with Gamecock Gateway be allowed to remain in how it will work and students would be the residential program. getting formal approval.” housed on the USC The program is in campus and pay to the planning stages , access services like the Comments on this story? according to Pruitt. wellness center, student Visit “We hope we can come health services and the news Follow us thegamecock Tuesday, February 21, 2012 4 EDITORIAL BOARD Common Core COLIN CAMPBELL Editor-in-Chief

KRISTYN SANITO SYDNEY PATTERSON resistance hurts Managing Editor Copy Desk Chief

MICHAEL LAMBERT JEREMY AARON state education Viewpoints Editor Asst. Photo Editor

AUSTIN PRICE CHLOE GOULD Conservatives trade Asst. Design Director The Mix Editor standards for politics In 2010, South Carolina Lack of space renders accepted a program called Common Core, a collection of national education standards Russell inadequate meant to take effect in 2014. Forty-five states have chosen The Russell House stands, for many of to participate in this program us, at the center of our daily lives at USC. alongside our state, which Our cross-campus treks from Swearingen means that students can to the Humanities building, from Bates be measured against other House to McMaster all somehow wind their Cost of nukes outweighs possible benefi t students in the same age way past our aging student union. But the or greater magnitude. range throughout the United years haven’t U.S. can no longer justify That being said, dictators and violent States. The been kind to high warhead count heads of state, not stockpiled bombs, new standards “The years haven’t Russell, and kill people. If an irrational leader of focus more on the strain of a President Barack Obama’s been kind to the a country is not deterred by 1,000 building skills growing student administration is considering tentative nuclear warheads, is it logical to think for students who Russell House, population has plans to drastically decrease the United that 5,000 would do the trick? More are interested pushed it past States’ number of active nuclear and the strain of a than 200,000 people were killed when in college and limits. weapons, the Associated Press reported growing student just two bombs were dropped on Japan careers, rather That’s last week. Leia Cain in August of 1945 . Educational than solely population has why we’ll Though reports vary on the In fact, three Air Force researchers research looking at the be spending number that would graduate student pushed it past its argued in a military journal that the acquisition of three days remain active, it has U.S. should alter its nuclear strategy more traditional limits.” highlighting the been suggested that the to focus on “proportional deterrence.” knowledge. key issues facing current number of 5,113 The theory claims that the U.S. only Educators are already being our student union — the problems that need could drop to anywhere needs enough bombs stockpiled to trained on the new standards solid answers as quickly as possible. from 1,100 to 300. engage what should be considered and many support of the system. The fi rst and most obvious one is space Despite the fact that the most dangerous and the most Conservatives, however, are restraints. The purpose of a student union is the plan coincides with Molly considerable targets. stepping out against them. to offer an area for student organizations and Obama’s 2009 pledge to McCarthy Hans Kristensen and Robert Norris They are willing to throw away their events. Yet organizations are fi nding First-year pursue the elimination of the Federation of American Scientists the time, money and resources it increasingly diffi cult to make use of the public relations of nuclear weapons, agree, recently writing a piece for The spent already on the transition. space in Russell. Instead, they are relegated student any number under Arms Control Association, stating that I have a feeling that to academic buildings and off-campus consideration would be U.S. nuclear levels have “been in excess Republicans are less worried locations. a historic and politically risky move in of national security needs for some about our children and more And it’s not just organizations that see the a presidential election year. time.” concerned with preserving the need for more space. For the regular student, Conservatives, not surprisingly, Our excess of nuclear warheads is old glory of states’ rights . Many the problems speak for themselves. Walk have already jumped at the chance to not only militarily superfluous; it is of them are supporters of the through Russell around noon on any given criticize this proposal, with Rep. Trent also draining our economy. Several “vote with your feet” system — weekday, and you’ll discover that “walking” Franks of Arizona deeming it “reckless billions of tax dollars continue to be namely, if you don’t like the way isn’t really what you’re doing. Given the lunacy.” spent on creating and maintaining a state handles something, then cramped spaces and endless lines, walking “There are many of us that are these weapons of mass destruction. you should leave. turns into wading — or more like drowning. going to do everything we possibly can With the opportunity to save so This antiquated school Our union is bursting at the seams. to make sure that this preposterous much money and still keep America of thought is nothing if not The solutions are many and require serious notion does not gain any real traction,” safe, why would the government destructive. They are willing thought. Renovations and additions demand he said. hesitate to begin decreasing the nuclear to put what is better for our a serious commitment of both money and But just how preposterous is it? stockpile? children aside for a set of ideals time. However, whether the resources come Nuclear stockpiles as large as the one The answer lies in how willing the they want to hold on to. from reallocations or from an increase in here in the U.S. exist as a deterrent president is to leverage his executive Our current system is failing. the student fee, the centrality of Russell to other countries, making a nuclear power in a substantial way on national It’s time to step up and worry justifies some kind of action. That action attack on the U.S. an endgame for security in the midst of a re-election about bettering education, not will inevitably require a monetary sacrifi ce, any country who wishes to attack. campaign. Hopefully Obama will politicizing the environment but current trends are enough proof to tell us This atmosphere creates a worldwide defy his right-wing critics and work further. that the sacrifi ce of doing nothing could be stalemate that stops nations from using toward reducing our nuclear arsenal We need to do what is best much greater in the years to come. nuclear force on one another through a — a decision that would be in the best for the children; keep politics guarantee of swift retaliation of equal interest of the nation and world safety. out of the classroom. Religion negatively impacts policy decisions and many other conservatives, believe that anyone policy justifi cation, or claim that adherence to its Debate over “true Christian values” who does not share the same narrow-minded requirements qualifi es them for public offi ce? has no place in candidates’ platforms interpretation of the Bible is not a true Christian Santorum and many Republicans think that and, therefore, not worthy to govern. gays should be denied the right to marry because Santorum points to specific Old they claim it violates God’s law. But those same The recent emergence of Rick Santorum as Testament passages to justify certain evangelicals would call for the death penalty the front-runner for the Republican nomination beliefs. For example, he claims that against a parent who killed their children for has rejuvenated the hopes of conservatives that a true Christian should oppose misbehaving, even though the parent could their particular brand of religion will once again homosexuality and justifies this cite Deuteronomy 21 as justification. Do these dominate the political sphere. Candidates like opposition with Leviticus 20:13 . He politicians really want us to follow God’s law, or do Rick Perry and Santorum make their religious ignores other Old Testament passages they just pick and choose based on what satisfi es views centerpieces of their platform in an effort which, among many other things, their personal beliefs? to galvanize the evangelical vote while diverting Carl call on parents to kill disobedient The beauty of the Bible is that even though it is attention from their inadequacies in areas of public Brzorad children (Deuteronomy 21:18-21), interpreted differently by different people, it serves policy. Many conservatives would rather vote for a Second-year to marry the spouse of a deceased as a strong moral guide to millions of believers. I man who goes to church (and loudly proclaims that psychology student sibling (Genesis 38:8-10), to cut off am a devout Christian and adhere to Jesus’ message fact) than one who views religion as a personal, not the hand of a woman who defends her of tolerance as best I can, but I realize that it was political, element and takes logical stances on the husband in a physical confrontation (Deuteronomy not meant to be used as a political tool. What I issues without invoking the Bible for legitimacy. 25:11-12) , and to slaughter women who engage look for in a candidate is someone who keeps their Rick Santorum made comments earlier this week in bestiality (Leviticus 20:16). How is it that religion separate from their politics. The Bible about President Barack Obama’s “secular values,” anyone — after seeing so many ludicrous mandates should never be used to court votes. claiming Obama follows “not a theology based on within its pages — can cite the Old Testament as a the Bible, [but] a different theology.” Santorum,

IT’S YOUR RIGHT About The Daily Gamecock CONTACTCONTACT INFORMATIONINFORMATION The Daily Gamecock is the editorially independent student newspaper Offi ces located on the third fl oor of Russell House The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s in length and include the author’s name, of the University of South Carolina. It is published daily during the fall EDITOR THE MIX Viewpoints page is to stimulate year in school and area of study. and spring semesters and nine times during the summer with the exception [email protected] [email protected] The discussion in the University of South We also invite student leaders and of university holidays and exam periods. Opinions expressed in NEWS SPORTS Daily Gamecock are those of the editors or author and not those of the [email protected] [email protected] Carolina community. USC faculty members to submit guest University of South Carolina. VIEWPOINTS ONLINE [email protected] All published authors are expected columns. Columnists should keep Th e Board of Student Publications and Communications is the publisher The Daily Gamecock of . Th e Department of Student Media is the Newsroom: Editor’s offi ce: to provide logical arguments to back submissions to about 500 words in The Daily Gamecock newspaper’s parent organization. is supported in 777-7726 777-3914 their views. length and include the author’s name part by student-activity fees. One free copy per reader. Additional copies Sports: Fax: may be purchased for $1 each from the Department of Student Media. 777-7182 777-6482 The Daily Gamecock encourages and position. Editor-in-Chief Viewpoints Editor Staff Writers Creative Director readers to voice opinions and offers The editor reserves the right to edit COLIN CAMPBELL MICHAEL LAMBERT MARY CATHRYN ARMSTRONG, TYLER EDGAR SANTANA three methods of expression: letters to and condense submissions for length Managing Editor Assistant Viewpoints Editor SIMPSON, KYLE HECK, CHRISTIAN Business Manager KRISTYN SANITO KEVIN BURKE ALDRIDGE KRISTINE CAPPS the editor, guest columns and feedback and clarity, or not publish at all. Copy Desk Chief The Mix Editor Copy Editors Advertising Manager on All submissions become the property SYDNEY PATTERSON CHLOE GOULD SARAH GENAY, KIANTÉ CHAPMAN, SARAH SCARBOROUGH Letters and guest columns should be of The Daily Gamecock and must Assistant Copy Desk Chiefs Assistant Mix Editor MAX BAUMAN, ASHLEY CHONKA, Production Manager SAMANTHA CRUMPLER KRISTYN WINCH JENNIE RISCHBIETER C. NEIL SCOTT submitted via email to gamecockeditor@ conform to the legal standards of USC ANDERSEN COOK Sports Editor Designers Creative Services Letters must be 200 to 300 words Student Media. Design Directors ISABELLE KHURSHUDYAN ANNIE DROWNE, SAMANTHA EDWARDS, JEREMY AARON, JEMIMAH EKEH, GEORGE HINCHLIFFE Photo Editor KRISTMAR MULDROW, COURTNEY MADDIE MCDOWELL, TUCKER PAULINA OLIVARES PARKER JENNETTE CHARROUX PRESCOTT, AMBER SOWELL, GABE WILL CORRECTIONS Assistant Design Director Assistant Photo Editor Photographers Student Advertising Manager AUSTIN PRICE JEREMY AARON ANDREW ASKINS, SPENCER SCOTT, PHIL KISELICK In Friday’s paper, we reported that Kenny Tracy’s student News Editor Senior Photographer NICOLE DEBARTOLO Advertising Representatives CASSIE COPE BRIAN ALMOND Graduate Assistant LAUREN BAILEY, CHRISTOPHER government presidential campaign faced two violation allegations, Assistant News Editors Webmaster BYRON WELLMAN BEAUREGARD, one from Mitchell Hammonds and a second from Trenton Smith . KATHRYN KRANJC MATT BROWN Student Media Director ADAM HARMS, CHAD HUGHES, DANA Smith did not fi le an allegation; he testifi ed on behalf of Tracy’s AMANDA COYNE Assistant Webmaster SCOTT LINDENBERG JENNINGS, FRANK PISCO, CASEY THAD MOORE SYDNEY PATTERSON Faculty Adviser MCCLARY, HALEY POPE, CLAIRE POTTS, campaign. The Daily Gamecock regrets this error. CAROLINE BAITY ERIK COLLINS QUINCY ROBINSON “I wanna rock-n-roll, I wanna give my soul, I’m wanting to believe I’m not too old.” — Matthew Perryman Jones

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 5 Six albums to rock 2012’s top charts

Amanda Coyne [email protected] Almost two months have passed in 2012 and the music world has yet to be rocked by a ground-breaking release. The most highly-hyped album to drop thus far has been Lana Del Rey’s Born to Die , which begs the question: What do we have to look forward to? The answer will bring music lovers a sigh of relief. From seasoned veterans like Vampire Weekend Bruce Springsteen and Madonna and more recent cultural 3UnknownUnknown – SummerSummer 2012 phenoms like Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj to indie favorites Vampire Weekend and MGMT, this year’s upcoming albums The quirky quartet of Columbia University grads hasn’t said much about its are something that everyone can get excited about. third release, which it’s referred to as LP3, but it is known that the band has been recording in Brooklyn since November. With lead singer and guitarist Ezra Koenig most recently collaborating with Major Lazer and multi-instrumentalist Rostam Batmanglij and also working with artists ranging from Das Racist to Best Coast’s Bethany Constantino — as well as releasing his own solo material with heavy infl uences from his Iranian background — LP3 is sure to be as refreshingly unique as 2010’s “Contra” and their widely-acclaimed 2008 eponymous debut , listed among the best albums of the aughts by Pitchfork Media . Information is anticipated to be released soon, as Koenig has tweeted that he may divulge details about LP3 in a Ustream chat. Until then, Vampire Weekend fans must wait with bated breath to hear the sounds of the Ivy League indie group.

Bruce Springsteen 1“Wrecking“Wrecking Ball” – March 6

The Boss’ 17th — yes, 17th — studio album has been called his “angriest yet,” by the Hollywood Reporter, and is reported to be focused heavily on the current American economic climate . In addition to the album’s serious theme, fans are anxious to hear what Springsteen will do without longtime saxophonist Clarence Clemons, who died this past June. While Clemons contributed some of his last work to two of “Wrecking Ball’s” tracks, the album’s fi rst single, “We Take Care of Our Own” ominously lacks the signature, full-bodied sax track that is a defi ning feature of some MGMT of Springsteen’s greatest hits. Nevertheless, “We Take Care of Our Own” “MGMT” – FallFall 2012 is no disappointment; it has the same unmistakable rollicking, American 4 sound that is a distinguishing trait of Springsteen’s music. The Boss is also said to have incorporated decidedly uncharacteristic sounds into the album, Like Vampire Weekend, MGMT has revealed little about its self-titled notably, infl uences from hip-hop and Irish folk, according to the Hollywood third album. After 2010’s “Congratulations” lacked the powerful singles of the Reporter. A blend of the old and the new looks to be the next in a long line psychedelic rock band’s 2008 debut, “Oracular Spectacular,” some fans were left of Springsteen’s successes. wanting a return to anthem “Kids”-like tracks. While comparisons to earlier work haven’t been made by band members, frontman Andrew VanWyngarden did reveal to Intercourse Magazine in January that R.E.M. has served as an inspiration for the band’s new material. Never ones to conform to the norm, VanWyngarden and company’s release is sure to stand out.

Nicki Minaj 5 “Pink“Pink Friday:Friday: Roman Reloaded”Reloaded” – Madonna AprilApril 3 “MDNA”“MDNA” – MMarcharch 2266 2 Originally planned for a Valentine’s Day release, the oft-outrageous Trinidadian rapper’s follow-up to her 2010 debut “Pink Friday” will come out guns blazing this spring, if the trio of already-released singles is any indication. The Queen of Pop is at it again. With her fi rst release of her three-record While the aggressive, percussive duo of “Roman in Moscow” and “Stupid deal with Live Nation, Madonna is hoping to retain her crown. Following Hoe” has divided critics, Minaj’s most recent single, “Starships,” while a bit of 2008’s Hard Candy, which earned a lukewarm reception, MDNA has run a departure from her typical fare, has received largely positive reviews. The out of the gate strong with “Give Me All Your Luvin’,” a peppy bubblegum borderline bubblegum tune will surely be the summer anthem of many and single that incorporates dubstep infl uences, a cheer refrain and raps from has the potential to shoot the star further into the musical stratosphere — if Nicki Minaj and M.I.A. Though she’s an old-school star, Madonna is Minaj can fl y any further. The album’s success may rest on whether it follows defi nitely keeping up with current trends, featuring Minaj on two songs , the pattern of “Starships” or that of “Roman in Moscow” and “Stupid Hoe.” But including “Give Me All Your Luvin,” and collaborating with LMFAO on a it isn’t a question of if it will be a success, just how much of a success it will be. remix of the single. Fans can hope that this quinquagenarian will continue keeping up with the times, lest she return to handing out four-year-old Hard Candy. ALBUMS ● 6

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Justin Bieber 6 “Believe”“Believe” – SummerSummer 20120122 After the Canadian kid wonder skyrocketed to success with his 2009 EP “My World,” he seemed unstoppable; a pair of number-one albums, “My World 2.0” and “Under the Mistletoe,” released in under two years; and hordes of crazed fans reinforced this supposition. But will “Believe” live up to the monumental hype surrounding it? With Bieber in the fi nal stages of puberty and without his trademark fl ippable hair, there are no guarantees. “Believe” could be an album of growth for Bieber; he’s been seen freestyling and is collaborating with hip-hop heavyweights and Kanye West . Slated for release after the Biebs’ 18th birthday, “Believe” has the potential to mark Bieber’s transition from an adorable Donny Osmond to a suave Usher.

Whitney Thompson to visit USC

wednesday, feb. 22 She was the bubbly brunette-gone-blonde from Atlantic 7:30 pm Beach, Fla. Loved and hated for her pageant girl personality, University of Florida grad Whitney Thompson took the title russell house of “America’s Top Model” in the on-screen competition’s ballroom c 10th cycle. But the Alpha Chi Omega sister’s win on the modeling show took on a special title: Thompson FREE movie screening was “America Next Top Model’s” fi rst “plus-sized” winner. And Thompson will be hosted by Carolina followed by a Productions tonight at 8 p.m. in the Russell House discussion with Ballroom. Dr. Eric Williams, With Thompson’s “Top Model” win, she was featured as a CoverGirl of the Week and took the ĮƚŶĞƐƐŐƵƌƵĂŶĚ cover and six-page featured spread in Seventeen campus psychiatrist, Magazine. She has gone on to model for many big-name companies such as Saks Fifth about the quest for Avenue, as well as campaigns geared more ƉŚLJƐŝĐĂůƉĞƌĨĞĐƟŽŶ towards the 24-year-old crowd, like Faith 21, Forever 21’s plus-sized line . This December, Thompson also open to the campus launched a dating site, “The Big and the community Beautiful,” for plus-sized women . Thompson’s Carolina Productions appearance is free to students and faculty A part of with a CarolinaCard. ĂƌŽůŝŶĂĞĂƵƟĨƵů͗ĞůĞďƌĂƚĞzŽƵƌŽĚLJtĞĞŬ — Compiled by Chloe Gould, The Mix Editor Tuesday, February 21, 2012 7

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TODAY DRAKE: CLUB PARADISE TOUR 02/21/12 7 p.m. doors / 8 p.m. show, $69.75 , 801 Lincoln St. TOMORROW CAROLINA PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS WHITNEY THOMPSON, WINNER OF NBT’S NEW MUSIC NIGHT, DOUBLE “AMERICA’S NEXT TOP MODEL” TONGUE, OLD NORTH STATE ACROSS 8 p.m., free with Carolina Card 6 p.m., $5 over 21 / $8 under 21 1 Baby bovine Russell House Ballroom New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St. 5 At the drop of __ 9 Ice cream brand VERSUS THE ROBOT, I ANTHEM, KINGS that’s “Grand” “SHAME” LAST SHOT, CITY ALIVE 13 Ice cream-and- 3 p.m. / 5:30 p.m. / 8 p.m., $6.50 7:30 p.m., $5 over 21 / $8 under 21 cookies students / $7.50 general brand New Brookland Tavern, 122 State St. Nickelodeon Theatre, 937 Main St. 14 “The Thinker” sculptor 16 Fat unit 17 Tailless cat 18 Steak option 19 Hereditary code carrier Doing it 20 Ted Williams had a .344 lifetime one 23 Stat start 24 Fishing pole 25 Agreeable to doing 28 Site of many a shady DAILY transaction 34 More or less 36 Cacophony 37 __ Linda, California 71 Chip enhancers Solutions from 02/20/12 38 Chef’s recipe DOWN words 1 Dot-__ Columbia Charlotte Shuttle 39 Boo-boo 2 Man from Oman, protector often Hey The Charlotte Airport Just Got Closer 42 “Bad Moon 3 Actress Olin Rising” pop gp. 4 Dance that Students! $49 each way • Pick up/drop off at USC 43 Go ape precedes “golf” in • (803) 783-5123 45 Go bad the NATO 46 Attached to the phonetic bulletin board alphabet 02/21/12 48 Bullet-proof vest, 5 Wheelchair guy e.g. on “Glee” 51 Pries (into) 6 Schmooze, as 1234 52 P&L column with the A-list 53 Visibility impairer 7 Work like __ 55 Common 8 Fey of “30 Rock” college degree, 9 Asian menu whose appetizer abbreviation is a 10 Rasta’s hairdo hint to 20-, 28-, 11 Yin’s counterpart 32 Game show host 56 “The Thin Man” 39- and 48- 12 Hook’s sidekick 33 36-inch units canine Across 15 St. for gamblers 35 Jamie of 57 Fall behind for 02/20/12 62 Japanese golfer 21 Go pitapat “M*A*S*H” 58 Roundish shape Aoki 22 Disco __ 40 __ de plume 59 Steak order 63 With 67-Across, 25 Vandenberg or 41 Tony of 60-Down 60 Sitcom set in a innovative or Edwards: Abbr. 44 Constricting garage experimental 26 Chico’s chicken snakes 61 Not attend artists’ group 27 Chickens, to 47 Compelled via 65 “Men in Black” 64 Birthday serving kids force baddies, briefl y 66 Envelope abbr. 29 Build up, as a 49 Suffi x with lemon 67 See 63-Across collection 50 “Help Me, __”: 68 Way out 30 Hush-hush fed. Beach Boys hit 69 Give guff to org. 54 “... happily ever 70 Shakespearean 31 Make booties, __” king e.g. 55 Skewed view Tuesday, February 21, 2012 8 USC signee shows leadership Defensive back Chaz Elder “Excited to be going to SC and not only following Swearinger and other players. the path set by other DBs but to make a name for “He said he really enjoyed it a lot,” Slaton said of interacts with fans on Twitter myself and win multiple SEC championships,” Elder Elder’s USC visit. “It was everything he expected Isabelle Khurshudyan tweeted on Signing Day. it to be. We have some former players that also [email protected] For Slaton, Elder’s Twitter adventures aren’t attended South Carolina. They kind of gave him surprising. some insight and the heads-up on certain things. He South Carolina signee Chaz Elder didn’t know “He’s a well-grounded kid,” Slaton said. “He was excited when he went up there and it was pretty at fi rst why his high school coach thought he was a understands what commitments are all about. much everything they told him about South Carolina leader on the football team. He understands what loyalty is — the campus, the entire community — it was “I motivated some of the younger players to work all about. That’s something that exactly what they said, and he was very impressed.” harder,” Elder said after a second thought. we instilled in our program at Slaton said that Elder, who was rated a four-star When asked if he wanted to bring that leadership Banneker High School. With his recruit by, most reminds him of Carlos to USC, Elder answered with an emphatic yes. commitment and staying true to Thomas, who played for the Gamecocks from 2005 “He did everything we asked him to do in terms his commitment through all of the through the 2008 season. Like Thomas, Elder is a of raising the bar and living up to the expectations,” coaching changes, I think it spoke two-way player who can play both wide receiver and said Banneker High football coach Marquis Slaton. volumes of him and his character. defensive back, though the Gamecocks will likely “There were guys before Chaz that sort of laid He will speak all the time about just utilize him most in the defensive back role, especially the foundation and he pretty much hit the ground ELDER going to South Carolina and being with the departure of Gilmore to the NFL draft. running with it. He challenged himself every day to a big contributor and helping the “I think he’ll make an immediate impact,” Slaton get better. He motivated the players around him to team get better as best he could.” said. “Just with his competitiveness, he’s going to go get better as well and also the coaches — just made Slaton has also seen Elder’s commitment and and fi t right in with the scheme that the coaches have the whole program step up its game to another level. leadership outside of football. set forth for their program.” For that, we’re very proud of Chaz for what he did.” “In the classroom, he’s just like he is on the fi eld,” And while Elder said he has gotten some comments The defensive back from College Park, Ga. has Slaton said. “He’s a leader in the classroom. He about his tweeting, he said he doesn’t care because he shown the public his leadership skills by way of the participates daily, sits in the front of the class, he knows he’s going to South Carolina. As a Gamecock, Internet, as he is a politician on Twitter, engaging challenges his classmates to get better and learn the Elder will have to give up the tweeting, as head coach the fans of “Gamecock Nation.” His tweets range content of the lesson and overall, (he’s) just a fun Steve Spurrier banned Twitter for players during the from his excitement about joining the Gamecocks loving kid.” regular season. to reassurance of his commitment when USC was Elder, who has wanted to play football But just as Elder did anything that was asked of undergoing multiple coaching changes. He’s used professionally since he was five, said he decided him at Banneker, he’ll happily do what his coaches the social media site to voice his opinion that South to go to USC sometime after his visit, though he ask of him at South Carolina. Carolina is underrated in the SEC and to answer didn’t announce until the third quarter of the Under questions from fans for 30 to 45 minutes on Signing Armour All-American Game. On his visit, Elder Comments on this story? Day. met former cornerback Stephon Gilmore, safety D.J. Visit

Men’s Basketball SEC Power Rankings Compiled by the Sports staff

Kentucky Florida 126-1 12-0 221-6 9-3

Vanderbilt Mississippi 319-8 8-4 4State 19-6 6-6 Lee Walker / THE DAILY GAMECOCK Women’s tennis to play No. 17 CU Gamecocks adapt lineup Clemson counters with a top single player to Stojic’s injury, absence of its own, senior Keri Wong, one of the better singles players in the nation. Matthew Maccaro likely go up against Morgina at fi rst singles. [email protected] Elkins said it was unclear as of now how the Gamecocks would change their lineup The No. 26-ranked South Carolina without Stojic, particularly at doubles, where Alabama LSU women’s tennis team will return home after her absence will leave players in the doubles 17-9 6-6 a trip out west to take on rival Clemson at 2 lineup with a different partner, most notably 16-10 6-6 p.m. Wednesday at Carolina Tennis Center. Alawi. 5 6 Clemson (7-2), ranked No. 17, will be “That’s something that we’ll decide after coming to Columbia hungry for a win after practice tomorrow,” Elkins said. We’ll have a loss to No. 13 Texas last Sunday, and then a to play around a little bit and see if we can 10-day layoff. The Tigers’ only other loss this put together a doubles team. We don’t really season was to a top-10 Michigan team at the know yet.” ITA Team National Indoor Championships Elkins had a great deal of praise for Alawi, at the University of Virginia earlier this who came in this season as a transfer from month. The Gamecocks (4-1) return home Long Beach State in California. after a successful trip to California, defeating “She got out [to Long Beach State] and both schools they played. If the Gamecocks didn’t like it, so she transferred here,” he said. are going to take down their rival, they’ll We’re really glad she got here. She jumped ArkansasArA k have to do so without the presence of third into the No. 2 spot, and she’s done really well Ten ne s see 717-10171 10 5-7 14-13 6-6 singles and fi rst doubles player Dijana Stojic, for us. We hope she can continue at the same 8 who will undergo back surgery Wednesday pace she’s at now.” morning and will be expected to miss a Key injury aside, the Gamecocks will be month of action, according to coach Arlo looking to build off their performance out in Elkins. California, where they defeated No. 35 San “We’re going to have to have a huge effort, Diego 5-2 and shut out another West Coast and the other players are going to have to Conference opponent, Loyola Marymount. step up,” Elkins said on playing the match Elkins seemed pleased with his group’s hard without Stojic . “We’ll defi nitely be fi red up, work in winning both matches. but (her injury) forces us to change the lineup “We talk to our girls about outworking for both singles and doubles.” our opponents all the time,” Elkins said. Auburn Stojic and her partner, transfer Jaklin “That’s what we do, we try and work a little Ole Miss 15-11 5-7 1014-12 4-8 Alawi, had been unbeaten at the fi rst doubles bit harder than our opponents, and that’s 9 position this season, a potential loss being what they did out there in California ... If suspended against Georgia Tech when they you get outworked in a match, you’re going were behind 5-7 in a pro set to eight. Elkins to lose it.” had praise for Clemson’s program and knows Wednesday afternoon, the Gamecock the Tigers will be a tough squad to beat, women will try and build off their recent especially after fi nding out he has to shuffl e success and defeat rival Clemson. Beating a his lineup on such short notice. top-20 team with an altered lineup might not “They’ve been really good the last few be easy, but the Gamecocks will look to take years, and they’re really good again this their coach’s advice and outwork the Tigers year,” Elkins said. “We just have to go out for a win. there, do our best and try to outwork them.” Georgia South Carolina In addition to Alawi , who is the No. 59 1112-14 3-9 1210-16 2-9 singles player in the country, South Carolina Comments on this story? is led by No. 29 -ranked senior Anya Morgina. Visit