. -

.A fUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1966 Average Dally Net Press Run PAGE EIGHTEEN Far the Week Ended The Weather iKanr};0Btrr Sufttittfl iitralii Jaauuy 28, 1966 FerecMt ef U. B. Wenthur Waim

A dance conunittee of the FOR RENT 14,148 Olew>, eoM tonight, tow le-lS; Newcomer’s Club of the Man­ Camp Kennedy Counselors g f S 18 mm. Movte Piujau lianrijpatpr lEuptittm Mmay nod eeU tomurruw, M fli hi Capital Works^ Audit Study Church Taps MMBber of Uie Audit About Town chester YWCA Will meet to­ tore—eoimd or alleat, alao Bqrenu of drculnttoa night at 8 at the home of Mrs. 88 mm. elide projectore. Manche$ter~~~A City o f Village Charm LliKoln School Association George Felsthamel, 446 W. Mid­ On Agenda for Board Today Thomas for Take Part in UConn Parley will inset tronorrow at 8 p.m. dle l^ke. The club will sponsor WELDON DRUO CO. ■t the school. Dr. Tanash H. a dance Feb. 20 at the Man­ Atoynotan. co-director of the A group vt *0 Manchester^ weight boxing champion Joey 901 Main Sfc—® bL •tt-B Ill (CIUMlfled AdveiilBlng on Page 22) chester Country Club. A capital Improvement pro-<^ Wat«r and wwer insUtUatlons Warden Post VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 99 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1965 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Manchester Child Guidance High Schofd and East Catholic Olardella. gram to guide major towm ex­ are financed from Mparate Oiardella wiU apeak of hla CItnic, will speak. RefreshmenU The Ladies Aid Society of penditures for the current fiscal budget account, paid either High School teen-agers, all of wUI ba sen ed. Atty. Allan D. ’Thomas was experiences, as the father of a Zion Lutheran Church Will have year will be discussed tonight from use revenue, or assess­ whom were volunteer coim- retarded child, and Mrs. Shriver by the IBwn's board of direc­ elected warden of St. Mary’s an executive board meeting ments, not from tax money. selora at Camp Kennedy last wtfl describe the work of the Broadcasts Conrpelled Memorial Temple, Pythian Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the tors. The towm audit will be re­ Episcopal Church last night at Bisters, will meet tonight at 8 A lso, on the agenda are re- summer, will participate in an Kennedy Foundation, of which home of Mrs Irvin Secor, 144 viewed tonight with a repre­ Its annual meeting r at the Institute on Recreation for the she Is executive vice president. at Odd Fellows Hall. A new viewrs of the 1963-64 town audit sentative of Barry, Macrl A Co., High St. The program for the urch. He succeeds Warren E. Mentally Retarded, scheduled The partiolpating town teen- ^ t e of officers will preside. coming year will be discussed. and of the proposed Keeney S(. the firm appointed u towm Khanh Seated Again, for Wednesday through Friday, Itsfreshments will be served. sewer trunk project. auclitor. by the board of direc­ Tennant and wrill serve wrlth ageia are Jeanne Baldt, Diana Gordon Fogg; who was re­ at the University of Connecti­ Bottum, Mary ftw m , William St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ The session is set for 8 at tors. Temple Chapter, OBS, will the Municipal Building hearing elected warden. Vestrymen cut. C h a a e, Chris Christensen, FCC Aim Hit ters of Isabella, will meet to­ The audit found the towm's elected were John J. Blckley, ’The teen-agers will present James Oovlll, Shirley Dunn, Su­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the night at 8 at the K of C Home. room. financial records to be "well Masonic Temple. There will be The capital Improvements Dr. Frederick Spaulding, Louis an aquatic demonstration san Grant, John Haney, Lynn Refreshments will be served. maintained in a satisfactory Wednesday afternoon at 1:16, a birthday party with entertain­ program has been on the di­ manner,” said that the ’’general Heard, George Evans and Bruce Heller ment by the ‘Temple Stars,” rectors’ agenda off and on since Noble. and will, later that day, take Also, Sue Knight, Cindy Ln- Sunday school workers of conduct of offices. . . appeared pert In a pcmel discussion on after the business meeting. November, when General Man­ to be satisfactory.” The Rev. George F. Nostrand, MhgUo, Judith Plsch, Marianne On Religion South Methodist Church will rector, praised A e faithfulness "UtlilMtion of Volunteers in a Viet Buddhists Cheer ager Richard Martin formally Borne members will celebrate have a workers conference It recommends four improve­ Community Recreational Pro­ Smith, Wayne Tedford, Royann the anniversary of their initia­ presented it for the boards’ ap­ and service of retiring vestry­ Thursday at 7:45 p.m. in the ments in accounting procedures, gram.” Thompson, Jane Wagner, Nan­ tion. Officers will wear colored proval. however. men Ludwig Hansen, Atty. W. Reception Hall of the church. David Keith, Omer A. Gingras, Harry F. Smith, director of cy Weibuat, Douglas Wllk and gowns. Refreshments will be The program as presented ap­ One of them, an overhaul of David Wilcox. WASHINGTON (A P)— A member of the Federal SAIGON, South V iet'f’rally the populace behind the^mler Huong began eating late'?> Khanh oallad in Daputy U.S, ’The Rev. Richard W. Dupee will James Wickwlre and Frederick Camp Kennedy, will be one of t war effort. this afternoon Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson parently does not meet some of aerved. the present payroll schedule, the panelists, and haa arranged Communications Commission accused the FCC today of Nam (AP) — South Viet speak on “Frundations.” Teach­ the directors’ expectations —al­ H. Burr Jr. Dr. W. Howard RENTALS The U.S. embasey said in a An e.stimated 4,000 supporters to tell him of the military taka- ers will plan their curriculum could involve considerable com­ Baldwin’s resignation from the for the volunteers’ appearance. Trinity Covenant Church will though none have stated pub­ plications. , intruding unconstitutionally into the field of religion. Nam’s generals returned statement: "Until we can assess flocked Into the Buddhist head­ over. with their counseling teacher. vestry was accepted. Winslow On Thursday, Walter Fortin, By virtually requiring broad-<^------quarters, which previously had By the time Taylor returned have its midweek service to­ licly w’hat their objections are. The audit explains that the program director of Manches­ Police Arrests or LEASIN8 Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh to more clearly the nature and Man


off along wflh the check. I was tor; Miss Sarah Flaharty, Miss Lorraine Gooley, Judith RANGE back t o the gam e. Youth Panelists M ist hour with the meeting to fol­ Btaoms oonunemoraUng the No Victory Wyman and DaVid Mangun. W I i Both aimlversary of the Battle Cubans Oaim Last month I waa really sure Brewster Circle will provide ;Gyy«atry low the dinnsr In the vestry. I had ’em. My balance showed Speak to WSCS FUEL OIL The North Oovmtry Coopm - of the Falkland Ulenda, an Im­ hoZtessea , portant naval victory for the Exiles Confess Brighter Side In Games $7.60 more than theirs. I went ttve Kindergarten la accepting oyer the figures on my stubs A youth panel entitled 'Youth GASOLINE registratlona for the oomlng B ri^ to World War L 71m Ittsf Income Related [State Ranks Town 106th F lrat Lord of the Admiralty To Base Source four times. Eadii time it came Speaks Out” will,be presented senool year on a first ecsne, at that time was Winston Of the News W ith Bank out the tame. For once the sim­ first served basis. These may ple human brain had triumphed at a meeting of the Womans’ WASHINGTON — Paralysis, Churctam. The 3% pence shows Society of Christian Service of BANTLV OIL In Money for Each Pupil be made with Mrs. Wilson L. HMS Glasgow, 8 pence HMS MIAMI, Fla. (AP). — AnU- over the electronic one. Before blindness, and orthopedic, visu­ Tilley of Merrow Rd. member­ Kent, 1 Millltag HMS Invinc­ Castro guerrilla leader Bloy ^ObOplMd By JOY 811LLEY writing a gloating letter, how­ North Methodist Church on al, hearing, and speech defects ( O.VH’ANY, ISt . ship chairman, whose telephone d o u b l e t b o u b l e ever, I asked my daughter to account tor a larger proport.on ible, 3 sMlltag Falkland Is­ Gutieirea Menoyo and three *steak, 41 pounds oC tnxfesy, K NEW YORK (AP) — The Monday at 8 p.m. at the church. .::n M.MN .- meeth^ at 7:30 p.m. Monday due to illnesses of children. Liberia haa lasued two new overturned beside a rural road. cheese. _____ one. Ite Mboola. *nie town spent na radio said today. The driver, Don Henry tai the high school. 'Die physical fitness program To honor the "International Mcolored atafiipa to Ma Gov- So far the bank has won ev4ry $tSM, aooordinff to atatisUca for women of town sponsored Quiet Sun Tear" Togo has Is­ The broadcast, quoting an Brown, 31, of the Whltehouse c h a r g e DISM I88ED Foresters to Meet ernment Bulldtom series. Hie Armed Forces Mlnls&y copimu- time. oompUed tay the Oonneoticut by Coventry Recreation Com­ sued an tatensttog new set of stanqw are of Identloal design, community, told Miller another m o b i l e , Ala. (AP) — A MMIe llqtenditure Oounell. Hie Coventry 4-H Foresters nlque, said the three admitted car had pulled into his pam It doesn’t teem quite fair, mittee is csnceled because of six stam n fentiurtog npnen sa­ both deplcttog the new execu county judge fKemM a though. 'Diere are sf many of 71m rapijrt Shawn the total Club wlH meet at 7:30 pm . Sat­ insufficient attendance, Mrs. tellites. ^ e 10 franc purpis, that toey had close contact with from one side, he swerved to urday at the home of Robert five inaiMion In Monrovia. Hie chaise to which the dofandant them and only one of me. 'ITiey to operate C o v e n tr y Everett Thompson of the com' blue and yellow depicts satel­ the Dominican government ml— It and his vehicle upset. had pleaded guilty Alter he achohla waa $833,301 for Oobum in Bolton. Leaders are denominations are 1 cent iuid Menoyo’s three eompanlons have all those adding machines TsMim mittee has re^rted. lites OGO an. Coventry oorrespondent, F. from walking or talking. The Pacemaker stimulates her h ^ rt to normal spieed, tried to liven up the game. They MASTER BEDROOM Saturday at tha site by the ship of the First CongrsfaUon- of the late President "All I remember Is the shock botage and infiltration operation that he had noticed the admis­ board o f I PnnUne Little, telepkene of hitting,” he said. ‘7t took a that Menoyo bed aald he would sion date cited on a calendar at Blagnifioeat Entertaiamant allowing her to live normally. It’s good for life but batteries must be _ replaced started giving out the checks al Cluirch will serve a public 743-8331. free. The 10 cents waa charged spaghetti supper from 6 p.m. Norway has Issued two new few seconds to reaUxe I could Initiate to Communist Cuba, “ is home. every five years. She’s the youngest person to have the heart device installed. attaena for Coventry stamps to its regular series, re­ m ov e." a mllltaxy plan well organised ”I better get wie of those cal­ Richard Bortoa after the check cleared. I had to to 7 pm. Saturday In the ves- dig out the old family abiunis to OonuMMae wtt hoU an open tay. 'Tickets are available from 28 Days* Work Lost ports the Norwelglan Poet Of­ Dr. C. B. Anagnostie of La and well conceived,” Godoy endars,” said Hare. "Don’t tell Peter (PTooIe iiieitlin at 8 pjn. Friday In fice Dqiartment to Oslo. The Marque, president of the Gal' said. anybody I forgot.” will be Leonard E Seader and come to terms with that system members or by contacting Mr. ••■ECKET’ Indian Student but I finally m astered It. Oovaatiy H gh School to which and Mrs. W Bryce Honeywell, TOKYO —The avenge Jnpa' 30 ore green depicts fish and veston Skydlvers, ran to Lowe, Menoyo, who left LUaml last Forum Tonight, Robert L. Brock. aB OBwentsy lenidenls am In­ Mr. and Mrs. Hiumon C. Coch­ nese becomes ill or si&en to an ear of com. 'Ihe 60 ore red checked and found no bones year, may have established a W HERE’ S THE P A R TY? In color — 8i$8 All three men are versed to Whereupon the gleeful bank' broken — only severe bruises. guerrilla force to Cuba, the Gets New Hosts srs devised a new scheme. The vited. rane or Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Juries requiring 14 days' ab­ shows a boatswain's knot. The MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — O ffi­ Plus "RING OF TREASON" Myleg Speaker the world of economics or de­ T he avanda w « taMhids a dto- sence from work twice each designer was Prof. Ame E. Lowe walked to a friend’s car qnkesman added. cials of Armour k Co. want to statement showed that the fsice K. Roee, advisors. 7:00 velopment. Seader Is vice pres­ ■uaslon « tha draft at tha p ro­ The church will have . Its an­ year, according to a Ministry of Hobn. and rode to a hoepital. He know who phoned in a large or­ Tils third town planning tor- John T. Eagleshield, a Sioux value of cleared checks had hoped to be dismissed today and The first dgarette-maktog ma ident of the Green Manor Con­ Indian from Standing Rock been subtracted. But for some posed obartsr for Coventry and nual meeting Sunday after­ W elfare survey o f 41,000 people der, representing himself as an ■m will foatur* an address by struction Co., and Brock la ex­ nppoladment or a meenher oi the noon. A potluok dinner will be in 10,900 nouR bolds throughout Falkland Islands to get back to parachuting to a chins was Invented by James employe of a real estate compa­ D oors open 8146 Sioux Indiain Reservation, Ft. reason the dime charges a special set o f few weeks. Bonsaok to 1893. Dr. Jaric C. Myles tonight at ecutive vice president of the Tates, N. D., has completed six weren’t taken off until the next g ro up $0 a^preaent It on the held after the 11 am. worship the country. ny and saying the food was One performance stnrto Manchester Chamber of Com­ needed for a large country chib S to room A-7 of Manchester months of living and learning month. That did It! From then 1 e ’elock m erce. party. H igh School. Dr. M yles Is a in Manchester. He made his on their figures and mine disa' Completing the penel will be home with Mr. and Mrs. William greed violently — alw ays In A m an picked up the $148 or­ professor sit the University of der from the packing company Starts Satarday innttnss> Dr. James R. Brown, UofH’s J. Minnlck of 250 Wetherell St. m ultiples o f 10. Tuesday and drove off without Hartford and chairman of Ha head of the regional Af­ He has given many talks at Apparently they had a few TW O NAMES signing for It Inquiries deter Son. - Mon. - Thee. department of economics snd fairs Center and the coordina­ meetings in the area about com­ other outraged patrons who mined that no one knew any' The biggeet swtngar evnrt finance. tor of the Manchester series. munity life on his reservation. didn’t have master's degress in thing about the order or the par­ T . A.3LL The subject of the forum to­ Coffee will be served by the For the second semester of higher mathematics. Just as YOU CAN g o o d ; < ^ e a r ty. night Is ‘’E conom ic Develop­ Community College between his Junior year at Manchester was about to hide my money Detectives said the order In­ ment snd Capital Improve­ the lecture and the panel die High SchooL he will live with under the mattress a new ukase cluded X pounds of ham, 20 ment.” Joining Dr. Myles to the cusslon. The public is invited Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. O’Neill came through. The 10-cent BIGGEST... TRUST pounds of chitterlings, 6 pounds poet-speech, panel discussion to attend. Jr. of 464 Spring St charge henceforth would oome of spiced ham, 8 pounds of Read Herald Ads. "The Marvel Of Main Sfreef J It h a p p e n e d in U ru oK , N e v w J a f -fwtlBt any UmI wtw Ak blM iUW H ? rtiW chansuns badrooni offws Modoa* iiwagw oM i a praeiical___ ^ 50" ______O'drawar dI« df j», m inoi^d wodtoma m m I b«d. ChMt'and drwwr have •apMollto| Mrtan. A Winn htnd mblMd Buckwheit Brown finuh ^ g i ort * • beauty of tbe choice Solid Maple oabioet wooda. Now ia ^ CLEARANCE SALE lime to itart your Kling collection. Add pioM mj

B ALE R e f. IN OUR HISTORY!! n m s i t n i b s iw m i m — i s s 908 MAIN STREET 60” Six-Drawer Double Dresser, Mirror, Twin or Full Size Panel Bed . -$ 1 9 9 4 0 $284.96 643-2478 ------LAST TWO DAYS! CHECK OUR “ RED TAG” SPECIALS! BURNSIDE Five-Drawer Chest ...... $99s50 4109.96 STILL SEHING ALL-TIME SALES RECORDS GIVEN WITH EVERY DIME YOU SPEND G-E DRYER G-E WASHER G-E 23" CONSOLE CHARTER OAK RESTAURANT ’ WHEN^YOU SHOP KEITH'S FURNITURE! 130 CHARTED OAK ST.—MANCHESTER 10 l euuHful NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR KUNG SOUD'MAPLE DINING ROCMS Ml Display Picture A Start Control PIZZU OR RRINDERS MAKE EVERY MEAL A PLEASURE We CoH Take Cabinet SALE Up To 140 Core of Any A l CiKHinui DELIVERED For family meak or fesilve octtaslonf, KKng Colonial speala Minutes Need UHF/VHF WITHIN 6 M n.r RADIUS well for you. Warm, relaxing and cheerful, every piece is Drying Time ON ORDERS OF $3 OR MORE SUITS... TOPCOATS painsrtkingly hand-finished and auAentically styled to show-* 1964's & 65's BuilNln TEL 643-1492 o ff the choice sofid maple and solid cherry cabinet woods to Huff Cycle AntMina best advantage. You’ll love tlie ample at-hand storage these 12 b. A 14 b. OF COURSE YOU CAN PICK THEM UP AS USUAL SHOES...HATS pieces provide for china, silver, linens and glassware. There ( rTOWT IflOVfflTvQ Models Ddsy nuiii lots more fornittire in the open stock Kling collection for Lint Trap •veqr foon to y o v boose. in soon to see k afl. 24 A 24-liich Controls and SWEATERS SfANLEY WHEN YOU 8UY ONE A T REOULAR PRICE SO LOWl NEVER SO LOW! NEVER SO LOWl WARNER S T A T E I H 5 OOBIPANION FEATURE * THE HAPPIEST SHOW EVER FlUKED A DRESS SHIRTS AND SPORT SHIRTS O FD I T IU MOU-wASiMlCiraiMnaucm ^ i 9 P.M. Dave Clark Five The Animals 3 f „ n o THURSDAY 169 189 Jimmy Smith T rio V The StandeDs C otuetO im ^ G-E REFRIGERATORS • PLU S e G-E STEREOS T/ms Safe Is Shown '7Uri"at8KM 4 Speaker* Froet-Free "Coaslns” at Including Availabl* 6>30 • DtSO AM-FM/FM Stereo B - l - G ! White or Copperton* Starta Sonday-^HIoodbye Charlie" A "Apache BtBse" Radio NEXT TlfBS. — "AMERICANIZATION OF EMlf.Y" ^ 9 8 EVERYTHING 4 2 9 9

MUST MOVE! S A L E R e f. < Speaker* Manual Defroat THE LITTLE THEATRE Indndiiur Available Table and Four Chairs ...... $17G aS0 $$09.80 AM-FM/FMSterw> White or prosMils Plastic Top Table and Four Chairs...... $ 1 9 9 « S G $$$8.80 D O N T BE Coppertime Radio ONE OF IROADWArS lEST ... 44” Buffet and Hutch Top ...... ■ $ 1 S 9 J M $333.00 SORRY YO U ^ 2 4 5 Ti e ^ 2 1 9 MISSED m so LOW! s o LOW! iTlOKHlOiS Kieiih JFurnitui^t* PARKING CliElV Froat aad Hds DBJVERYi NO DOYUN FAYM0IT! I O f O ar Btora... mm NO PAYMENT TILL BlARCHt I I ! "> M AIN ST. MANCHESTER K INSTALLATION! TAKl UF TO S YiARS! If jou are o r HELCO Unca yon win get a fl6.00 FACTORY SIRVICffl 90 DAYS IS CASH wiring aUowanee on dryer* and rangee! You Hov* A CKoie* off 4 Crodlt Flans OPEN f DAYS! (1) M -Dof Regular C3iarf« (S) $0-a*.aa-Day i-PayniMitOkarfePlaa Thun. 9 A Jf. to 9 PJf. |RD I (S I U p V i m Yean Tta Par Maii.4Sat. f l E i (4) TtMOf ■euenMhBan lAT*Awar 9 AM. to i:M PJL | G O O D / Y E A R SERVICE STORE ILUNG SCHOOL 111 19i 20 Tkkutf $145 m AIAM fIMn. RAANCHHnR # FHONI 649-9821 • PMi MAIN SmiT AND RIAR OF STOM FAMCMG C d i 648-9086 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER, CONN

some of the Texas dust. More and Mra. Peter A. Thorne, than 2,000 homes were Without Ernest Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. caused ^ tojurlss whidi re­ electricity at one time. Patron List George Marlow. m Stocks in Brief Extreme Cold Hits u Harrower Selected sulted In Q womaa’e death. Viet Nam Cdup Tennessee got enough Texas Also, Mr. and Mrs. George Events She died to Stamford Roi^tal dust to turn the sky orange In Willard, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron ot a fractured riniU. NBW YO R K (A P ) — A Stock some areas. Stil| Grows Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Testimony presented by the V As GOP Committeewoman markat advanoa today aucceed- Returns K h a nil to Power A 21 m.p.h. Wind raced Tybur, Mrs. Robert W. Ruseell, In State stats todioatsd that tbs pair had Battered Midwest through Ssattls, Wash., knock­ Additional patrons for the Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Keeney, bean drinking heavily cnnrlng a ad In pushing (hs Dow Jones in­ ing over a plywood barricade : 1966 Little Theater of Manches­ Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mack, KBWWOTOW (AP)—ICn ,^hack on these years with* pride party at a BrotAs Stosst apart­ dustrial avsrage abovs tha 900 ( treae Page Oas) and injuring two persons. Joseph Skinner, Mrs. Arline ment to Stamford. with tbs supremely im] ter season, which begins Feb. 18 tiM tlM BHTowar, a In a party growing aver atrong- (OoBthmad from Paga Oaa) leve l tor the firs t time but the present emergency alf By THE ASSOCIATED PRESSf Many families without lights, Snow continued to pile up in Kenyon, Atty. and Mrs. William Dr. Rudolf A Oolmsra, Stam­ average drifted below it early fO ib a n l BOMtr ratlva” and wUt ar. when he pulled a partis) eoup —: The oonimunlque, hroadoast Extreme cold stung the Mid­ heat and water rented hotel the Cascade Mountains and in to 20 with "The Best Man,” have Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "This has not been tha ease,” room, thay wera unabla to find ford medical examiner, testified thla afternoon. Trading was that Huong was stoylng to office by the oMoial Viet Nam press, west today, adding more bur­ rooms and others stayed with parts of eastern Oregon. Rstn been announced by Marilyn Frank. Miss Janette Fraser, Mr. f t a Tala Uktvanity offioU, aha said, “and I hope the yaais him Immediately. that the Injury which waa re- fairly actlvs. drenched parts of western Ore­ only on his eutferance. did not msks dsar ths status of H^t FAIRWAY dens to the thousands of fam i­ friends. The American Red Mann, patron chairman for and Mrs. B. James Harvey, Mr. to tlw aair Rapablleaa Nattonal ahead will show better results.” aponslble tor the women’s death Tbs rlss was Irregular, with Huong and Suu, but they svl- Cross, Salvation Arm y and (Tivll gon. and Mrs. Ermano Garaventa. OonuaHtaaiwiwtoi firom OWmaot* In other action, the commlt- was tofllctsd by a "blunt force,” alrlinaa, eteels and rails gsnsr- to Waehlngton, Mate Depart­ for lies in northern Illinois driven LTM. Against Rail Cut denUy wore dspossd. toformsd from their homes by power fail­ Defense set up public shelter Also, Mr. and Mrs. Richard tout. taa gave Chairman A. Seaila which, hs said, could have h e « alto lower. ment officials concerned with sources said Khanh Hksly would and mobile units. These Include Mr. and Mrs. WASHINGTON (AP)—"ThU a fis t v a u n u n i ures. F. Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. J. K n . Wuv ornm, M, t t Ham- Plnney a unanimous vote of ap­ 'Iha list was at Its peak In the eituaUaa to Vlst Nam hur­ reappoint Suu as flgurshsad The Illinois Department of Charles DeiTatto, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Lemelln, Mr. and Mrs. 4an,. was alaetas Tuawlay niglit proval for Ills work in drafting Is certalnlv not the time to Cobbs admitted In statements the first half hour when the Dow D ^ O R A T IO N S .The cold also swept into the allow any torge-scale reduction ried to their offices to the mid­ ch l« ef state. Health issued a power generator Open Forum Rogers Crafts. Mrs. Nancy Raymond G. Halsted Jr., Mr. lo succaad l& a . Baibatta Ilanao- the bipartisan reapportionment given to police that be struck industrials rsacbsd 900.66. Northeast, accompanied by Dixon, Dr. and Mrs. Gerard M il­ of services” by the bankrupt dle of tiM niatit to aseeea the iChanh said his gensral staff Strong winds. and 200 cols with blankets and and Mrs. Anthony Sherlock, Dr. hott of Stamfbrd. ICn. Ranso- measure i^iproved last week by Miss Ruffin during an argu­ By noon the average read reports from Saigon. ler, Mr. and Mrs. E. John New Haven Railroad, Sen. ment over her drinking. would nams a 39-msmber min- Texas ‘ dust was blown by sheets for an emergency com­ ‘Competent, Compaaelonate’ and Mrs. W. H. Baldwin, Mr. matt paraonally favored Barry the General Assembly. 8M.43, keeping a gate m 1.88. Khanh snd Taylor becams munity housing center. KJellson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ckildwater for the prasidanUal Thomas J. Dodd, D-Oonn., said Otis, asroepace issues, oig .6 in the capital. lines felled by ice which had again to avoid the posslbliity extremely competent and com­ the Interstate Commerce Com- Fire marshal Thomaa Scadden er to the civilian leaden and It waa the seventh major gov­ Cervinl, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson, two years left in her eurrent ated to study the feasibility of at 838.1. toduatrlals rose 1.0, 3 formed Saturday. that sonic booms would disturb passionate in th elM are of him, mlsakm for elimination of all released politicians arrested in tour-year term on the National said defective wiring apparently ernment upheaval since the as- The temperature dipped to Dormer, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs James S. LeSure, financing local elections throu^to passenger service. caused the blaze, which did rails were off .7 and utiUtlea the purge. But several of the ice-heavy trees and sagging but they understooff the anxiety Heavisides, Dr, and Mrs. Ray­ Oommlttaa. But she had given a special fund raising campaign gained .4. sassinatlon of President Ngo FUEL OIL sero in Chicago and lower in the power lines. Dr. and Mra. Henry B. C. Low, "N ow that we have the hope heavy damage to two apart­ young generals behind Khanh Dlnh Dlsm on Nov. 1, 1968. With of a worried wife and daughter mond R. Mozzer, Dr. and Mrs. n u ly leaders notice last Spring by the state organisation. Bolstering the averages, Unit­ suburbs. Five store display windows Mr. ami Mrs. Robert M. Johns, of substantial assistance for the ments. Scadden estimated the continued to favor establleh- each change has come more and did their utmost to lessen Francis W. Helfrick, Mr. and that she did not intend to com­ Named to the committee were ed Aircraft gained more than Winds measured at 70 miles were smashed by the strong our fears. Miss Charlotte M. Hutchins, New Haven from more than financial loss at $5,000 to $6,000. ment of a military dictatorship, chaos and a deterioration In the Mrs. Louts Apter, Mi.ss Almeda Mrs. Loretta LeLacheur, Miss Mow, Phfleo pots plete her term. Charles Allen of Watertown, one state," Dodd said, "this Is a point while General Motors, and It was no sserst that 111 feel­ an hour moved across western winds in Buffalo, N.Y. Power Manchester should be proud Mrs. Ranaohoff told toe OOP war against ths Oommunlste. New York, toppliqg trees, dis­ A. Stechholz, Mr. and Mrs. Marjorie Leidholdt, Mrs. Helen more action in Iht Prescott Bush Jr. of Greenwich certainly not the time to allow Bastman Kodak, American ing remained between Khanh was disrupted in northern Chau­ of this fine institution and of lt.s Robert Peck, Mr. and Mrs. rupting electrical'' service and Hudson, and Mr. and Mrs. State Central Commlttaa Tues­ and Bugene Guilbert of Water- any large - scale reduction of Airmail in 1785 Smelting, Du Pont, General and Tavlor. tauqua County by downed lines. doctors, nurses and aides. We William Zimmermann, Fred wash wrier, does a day night, 'T wish I eaald look bury. Handling Automated causing minor damage. Alexander J.arvis. services. Blectrlc, Westlnghouse Electric, Khanhr’s selsure of power was ]W\ Ice falling from antennas atop shall always be grateful to Werner, Mr. and Mrs. Donald more thorough wash- Frigid air crossed the Canadi­ "A nd since this proposed Joint DOVBR, Bngland — Dr. John Texaco und Standard Oil (New no surprise, to conferences over G A LLO N g the 102-story Empire State them. Willis, Miss Martha White, Mr. an border into the north central teg job and ts easter Connecticut-New York effort Is Jeffries, a Bostonian, was the Jersey) gained fractions. the weekend, he and his gener­ HOUSTON — A new Gulf building in New York City Sincerely, and Mrs. Raymond J. Tierney, Hymn Dates to 1739 so important to many thousands first Intemational air passenger. D o^ about a Mint were als reportedly decided that eliiqier has an sleotronic sh4>- states, sending temperatures forced the closing of 34th street. Dorothy Sanson Hall on the doOMS. well below zero. Dr. and Mrs. Barry D. Trabitz, of people, I think that credit He carried the first airmail let­ American Airlines, New York Huong must go and the only handling aitstem that enables COOPERATIVE The Texas dust blew into the (Mrs. Andrew Hall) Mr. and Mrs. John Telgener, I Traffic Cops of Sky In northern Illinois, 3,600 pow­ NEW YORK — The (Jhrl.stmas toc_tf>ls achievement should be ter while riding a French bal­ Ontral, Zenith and Pennsylvan­ question was one of timing. tha hridgs offlear to control Pittsburgh vicinity, mixing with Lavina B. San.son Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Sheridan, dll ( d^’l’ w 'l er line repair workers - includ­ hymn, “ Hark! The Herald ^ven'fb whom it Is chiefly due— loon from Dover to Calais Jan­ ia Railroad. Khanh Issued a CH>mmunlque ship spe^ and direction di­ rain for a muddy downpour. (Mrs. Jack Sanson). Mr. and Mrs. William Rush. Angels Sing,” was written in \ IHv isicift of ing some from Denver, Minne­ John Dempsey,” he said. uary 7, 1788. Prices cm the American Stock sa}rliig he waa taking charge "to rectly rather than through A thunderstorm drenched the Miss Catherine Shea, Mr. and apolis, St. Louie, northern Ohio England in 1739 by Charles Exchange advanced in moder­ resolve the political situation at signals IHM \ M » <>!' ( (). Cleveland area, accompanied Over 56 per cent of the Mrs. Raymond T. Quish, Dr. and Wesley. Many years later the i Are Halting Deaths and Philadelphia — were ham­ About 4.8 million men’s elec­ ate tramng. the present time.” He charged by winds measured at 52 mlle.s world’s people, or 1.8 billion, Mra. Chester Obuchowski, Dr. words were fitted to music by Not Delegate ^ i\ : I I'l.i.'i pered by Tuesday's heavy snow. tric shaven are sold each year, Corporate bonds were mixed. that the civilian government of Oregon and North Carolina per hour. The rain also carried live in Asia. and Mrs. H. John Malone, Mr. composer Felix Mendelssohn. HARTFORD (A P )- G o v . John compared with 1.8 mllUon wom- \ HyTOMNOliAN ^00 a month, roughly two a day. U.S. government bonds were Huong and chief of state Phan are the only states wMch do not ;;i.. iti;o M> >'i i;i i i N. Dempsey ruled out today the an’a toavan. mostly unchanged. Khac Suu "Is not able to eope levy a tax on elgarettee. t i I, I'.t I I Newapaper Bntospitos Their actual number could be possibility that ha might be a FEWER i WlAHHXNGrrOtf — (MiBA) — eonsideraMy higher. FAA offl- delegate to tiie forthcoming • T h e ehanaea ot toe plaxM in ctols note that many pilots, l^ te Oonstitutional Oonvention. PARTS, i whhdi yoB are flying actually fasrlng ponlalhment which oouM Noting that Former Govs. ! hitting another to mid-air have ground tom s peemsmenUy, wlH Raymond B. Baldwin and Wil­ FEWER i been oat drastically to recent not ffis a neaivmtos r^ x w t nn bert Snow are being mentioned TROUBLES * yean. StUI, however, toera will dar any otooumatanoes. as likely delegates, a newsman Add a new look to every room and SAVE! • be sbout 16 ooUlslooB to toe Row many of theas potential asked Dempsey If he might also Nov, KMtoo •■■■ I aUes this year—moM^ to- run as a delegate. (liviiWIod Om . eolvtog private ptaaea not pro- ooglalane go unreported to mochorisw of toe year to anytiody’s guess. In The Governor conceded that automeMc veeNi r, > tooted by asw trafCle control R would be a "stimulating and reduced Vructerel A Bystenaa. 1086 study conducted anony- challenging assignment,’’ but brantGrant wrestCrest end mow i Publie attention mouaiy among Us own n em pbasizM that the heavy du­ IW29ri. ' cn the potentially deadly na- bars, the A ir Transport -Associ­ ties of his office would make i ta n of air trafiflc by ihs ool- ation reported an average of him unavailable. * Hsian four yean ago at tw o over four per day to the Uhltad He repeated that he hopes tbs « alrUnen over BroAIyii, N.T. States. eonventlon “ would be made up It rsmatiia toe worid’a In another anonymous study, of the best possibls people the and DRAPERY SALE ‘ plane disaater, wlto IM deatos, tile Flight Safety Foundation re parties can get.” No I including she persona kfltod oa ported that over 3,600 near m l» OutGiieaiks^ • the ground. ea occurred between July 1961, TryonI rye Diet or boiigt Since toe Brooklyn wash, the and June 1962. This averages out to seven per day. WBTHBRSFIBLD (AP) — T. • Federal Aviatioa A gen cy Seymour Tryon, founder of a Aetoma6eahy adjeats Hi aqii ' (PAA) has made more than a to both eases, these statistics speed to handle any oM- were gleaned from confidential downtown Hartford ciottilng • doaen obanges to Ita A ir Traffic rtore and grandfather of actor balanet, even wasim heavy ‘ Control'(ATC) regulations ds- pilots’ reports which were not shag rugs wiihori bangiii|. submitted to FAA for investlga- Tom Tryon, died at the age of signed to reduce the danger of 101 at hia home in Wethersfield • overcrowded air lanes tion, evaluation and corrective • Bit toed f amity action. Tuesday. • The laUet change, oompleUon Of the 3,660 or ao near misses to 1909, he and two partners, • Two Ariomehc Wate CylOH $ I ef toe Area Poettive Control reported to FAA in the last four Joseph Stackpole and Itorty • totemahe Soak Cycti • (-APC) separation center net- years, about 12 per cent have Moore, founded the store. Stack ’ work, la I the most spectacular pole, Moore and Tryon. • 2-Speed Washinc and been classified as '‘Critical; I ptenim • and far-reaching of theae. avoided by chance only,” -An­ Re remained active In the • 'mth tile addition of the Boe- other 40 per cent are classed as business until his 90s and • hriomriic M RMo, ‘ ton and Great Fells, Mont., “Potential; averted by prompt rtayed on as chairman of the Dilirienl I 198MNLCO JMBt • ATC esnters ;late in 1964, vlr- evasive action." The remainder board. ‘ tually all alrtpace to the eon- are Judged "N o C(mial(m has- Trywi’s survivors. In addition ; tlnwital United Statos between ard.” to his grandson, include a son, ' M,000 (mlnlmnin Jet erulBlng The best means of avwting a dau^ter and a sister. Fu­ I altitude) and 60,0d0 feet la now neral services will bo private. near misses luider normal con­ f t ‘ controlled by -APG, ditions are a pilot's eyes, says P H ILCO J Only property etinlpped slr- one F A A official. "But at aonlc Cohhs Acquitted , craft operating In accordance and supersonic speeds,” he COlOnUl CARI-RH COnON TIERS • with an approved tostnanbnt BRIDGEPORT (AP) — A su­ adds grimly, "you run out of perior court Jury has acquitted ! flight ndo (IFR ) flight plan are eyeball.” James L. Qibhe, 17, of Stam­ All bm (quality cottons that wadi wiOi I pe^ttod In APC airipaoe. Only io per cent ‘of the c<^- ford, of a manslaughter charge I Theee plane# are under oon- slons at these high speeds are in the death of Shirley Ruffin, ease, airy m a jiffy. Little inming. Choice 0 • atant radar aorveUlanoe. due to pilot errors. The rest are 88, also of Stamford, last Aug. A. Floral motif on ruffled broaddoth. ■ Most other oosnmerdal flight caused by controller end altitude 10. Ths Jury deliberated three I. Raffled cape oodderawiUi tie badcL a t leaser ailUtude is governed by errors, mainly the latter. hours before returning Its ver­ ^ ZFH, but not under constant Present radar scopes have no dict Tuesday. C. Everglaze* finikh; wbite and pastaU. Sale 8 8 k radar surveillance except to the way of estimating a plane’s al­ H 4.! The state charged Cobbs In. M atching Valwweae ■ ACe • heavily traveled air routes. titude. But a new system, called flicted a blow with his fist that 30",34"laiia In good weather, coHlaloo radar beacon, now being in­ • avoldanee is on a "see and be stalled in an advanced test facil­ WASH-AND-HAH6 TIERS ! seen” baakK In had weather, ity at Atlanta, may be able to. • planea not on IFR are ground- The radar beacon screen, a I ed. M ore than 96 per cent o f the simple Instrument which looks IH TWO CRISP-LOOKING FABRICS • — prlvato ptanea to tola like a horlsontal bar, sends category fly under 18,000 feet, beams from the ground to the A. Pert and pretty, rayon challis ruffled • and 90 per cent of them fly un- aircraft Instead of bouncing off style with Schiffli embroidered eyelet the plane as normal radar I der 10,000 fe e t trim. Little or no ironing. Gay colors. Sale • The n APC centers aee a to- beams, they are received by a ' tal of 76 tong-range radar aeto. device called a transp(»ider I. Flocked dot white Dacron* polymter- • This near-solid coverage per- which turns them Into coded ninon with loae print motif on flodc-dot symbols, passes them through ' mlts two aircraft to be safely By: Walt Lamoureux ruffle. Save work and tim e-no ironing! • separated by as little as three the plane’s altimeter, and re­ turns them to the ground with Private eyes have long been 1.64 • mUsB, thus apeedtog up traffic. Mcrtchins Valaneea______1.19 height information. big favorites on TV and one of 30",36'Mana Y e t deep4te preoeutions, of- the premier practitioners of the Swag Vninneee 1.00 • flciale atS eapeot tlwt mid-air trade is Perry Mason's aide, 1.99 i nolHslfaie will continue to sver- William Hopper. Prematurely • age ahoot 18 a year to toe near white-haired Hopper, son of the I future. Skating celebrated Hedda, is SUd to In 1084, there wera IT mid tor have the least temperameitt of NO-KON aiSF COTTON T « AND VAUUKISH reaultina to eersa ta- anyone in the Tense TV trade. to 16 theae both Says Hopper of his role as SAVE 35( planes were private craft Bach Perry Mason’s snooper: "It’s Natnral-eolor Osnaburg nf the remain tog two famdved a tbs best in television.” cotton. Nutmeg, melon, > . | AN H u m SHAR DOTTED THIS WEEK'S artlllary plane and a petvate While you’re watching Hop­ ysUow or turquoise trim. SNIO 1 *0 4 plane. per .bop from one situation to DACROrRUmEDdRIJUnS iACROrcURTAinS SPECIAL There baa been ao mid-air No skating or aiding is Ustod another.. .remember your own 12.5 Cu. Ft eoUiwon Involving airline traffic today or tonight at any of the private eyes. Are they bring Waah-and-hang Deeron* No-iron Dacron* poly- ainoe the Brooklyn crash. park department malnUlned well-troated? For ths finest TV ijraster needs no iraaing. Sok . ester. White with white Sale PHILCO Mato reason for toe beHsf service . . . and the fin est In new, styM. W hite. dote, t r bottom hems. thst these sccidents wlH oon- Coasting la permitted dally wonderful television sets, see 4»M4*'l.,«IO. 2.49_2A7 Refrigerator to Center Spring Park, 8:30 to MODERN TV SERVICE, 388 tlnue to average roughly IS a l i Pinch PleatsperPalrl 3.33, M”,72”.s i”, iMf msm1 . 7 M7 .pt, year to that the number of dark. Center St., Manchester. Phone: 643-2205 or 289-3223. You w ill •SM iM l-lraf "near mlaeee” — those mld-alr ■ » . 2.9*------JJ7 24^, 30", 86-This OLD STO R Y profit In many ways. COLOR-OUARANTIED RS0.6M Veleess , ,| .i» R I0 .1.99 coUlstons avoided only by pure NEW YORK — (NBA) — Thinking of color TV for the chance or evasive action iy a Evansville College has won the family? pome into our new pilot—reported to FAA has re­ moat NCAA college division toowroom — 386 Center St — ANTIQUE SATIN mained oonstaat over the last diampionahipa (three) since and let us show you the BEST lo u r yean . the post-season tournament be­ In color TV reception. Don’t DRAW DRAKRIES They average between 80 and gan in 1987. bargain with qualltyl 5 Y EA R S \ MANCHESTIR'S Sale SERVICE Or ONLY FUEL OIL DEALER PROTECTION CONTRACT 3.33, FREE OF EXTRA COST OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY! 68", 72” long Beg. 8.79 and 8.99 nnRTpOKTHRIDRAYOIMIIK MniA2iWASHAIU MORIARTY BROTHERS Rayon aeatata with FWdlWATpSliORTHD ^ MANCHESTBB Mtin»weava back to 94X rayoa-6X silk MDfFRIAbf,IIAnYmill SERVING YOU WITH ■arva as lining. 4" blend. Bate, whiteL Sal# 24 24 budoram topa Colota meloa, gold, graaal QnlHadpolidMdeottoaaiid M o b ilh a a f 68* IssgJU. 4.94-8.97 irldsoaant rayon taffeta. Sri. 66” long. Rag. SJO. 7.9T ^*Ut. twin.' Solids, prints. HOUR HOUR 73” long. 3.37^ Mifiehlai drwarias, sofas r. 0 je . TELBVISION APPLIANCE FUEL OH. lU R N ER aadplWsw ihaasi avallaMs. 497 D i u m Y FUEL OILS SERVICE . XHAMtfiT NO MONIY DOWN ..10 BAVI W.T. G R A N T C O . 06 inONIH110 MT NEXT TO STOP and SHOP 643-S13S •4 m M A N C H ItlY R .T' MAIN ST. ipRNON CIRCLE MANCHESTER MANCHESTER 'VERNON MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD^ MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1M5 PAG E S E V E N m . MANCHESTER EVENING 5ERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 19tt family residences. It ia on busy propelled parUy by Williams’ rsprasantlng 21 par cent 4t our American Panorama — U.S. 17, on the marsh side ot private InveaUgatlon. Baker fee, to Tucker and Baker, the the highway o n ^ t a a large Celler Explains Fee became a millionaire while on forwarding attorneys. Bolton Ladies of Bethany VeepHaiU ' shopping center. The soning law the government payroll and the ” We made no other pajrment Clear Your Walks Is the major weapon of residents Senate is charged with trying to of any kind at any Ume to Rob­ Snakes, Hard Seats who have fought for years to determine if his private busi­ ert Baker or Tucker and Bak­ Success of keep buildings from blocking Divided with Baker ness pursuits constituted a con­ er.” Budget Curb Sought Are Hahitless Nuns their view. Public hearings are flict of Interest. WilUanui told newsmen that and Driveways Wilh EDITOR’S NOTE — Coldf ‘"nie green leaves here re­ planned this summer. In a Senate speech Tuesday he was going to let the record Peace Corps tongue in MaaaachusatU, warm mind me of Mlraiesota in tbe Real astata developer John WASHINGTON (AP) — Housefcompany’i government con­ about Sweetwater’s two cost- stand as he had made It, despite By BBiNNET M. BOLTON <^Oinneken thought what a pity it Over School Board benchaa In Arizona, a znaky summer. I almost think I ’m Baldwin said the prppoaed new Judiciary, Oommlttaa (Chairman tracts. plus, fixed-fee desalinlsaUon Celler'a statement that tht legal ROME (AP) — The Sisters of would be if we drew apart again WA8HINOTON (AP) — Vice •porting event in Texaa, and an back home. building would block only about He told a reporter that in 1961, contracts with the Interior De­ fee had nothing to do with Uie with the return of peace. Emanuel CeHer says his law Charity have lost their famous Presidant Hubert H. Humphrey R O C K SALT •pidamlo of courttay on (3tlcago "And when a man gats up in 20 per cent of the view at the as he recalled. Baker asked him partment, Williams placed in desalinisation contracts. "His Idea of our order was to firm shared a $10,000 legal fee the record excerpts from a Dec. Tht boftrd of finance ia aeek- f>of enormous stone walls, built puaaa art among this week's years a stone bench is harder building sita. It his New York firm would rep­ The Senate Rules Committee white gcril-wlng headpieces. The stimulate informal meeting to­ said today the United States is gUmptea of tbe varied U.S. on the place that bears the bur­ This doesn’t mollify the So­ from a Dallas company with 15, 1964, letter from the New reportedly is probing the desali- WANTED by townspeople some years ago. Ursullne nuns are experiment­ resent a client of Baker’s and )Bf a ineaaun of control orer gether ot Catholics and non- beginning to get a return on its zeene. den of the sitting.” ciety for Preservation of the Bobby Baker’s firm. York law firm of Welsman, nisation contracts as part of its CLEAN LATE MODEL The board of finance gave Catholics, without persuasion • SNOW SHOVELS his law partner, Ernest C. Tuck­ board of oducatlon budget tentative approval to the pro- ing with a new dress-like habit overseas investment in the Marshes. It promises a tight to But the New York Democrat er, in the real estate matter. O iler, Allan, Spett A Sheinberg. investigation. and at convenient places." MILTON, Mass. (AP) — Ever CHICAGO (AP) — Chicago’s says Sen. John J. Williams, R- He said the letter was sd- transfera. pect, but was dubious over of black skirt and white blouses. Peace Corps. the finish. Celler said his firm took the USED C A R S A t lU meatlnc laat nlcht the One Roman Catholic order of The purpose of the order it publicity owned maje transpor­ Del., "got all balled up” Tues­ dres.sed to the Internal Revenue whether it should approve at still the same, in Miss LoefTs Humphrey said It was impor­ lines tbe invention ot metal case and later sent Tucker and fPel/are $200 Each finance board voted to requeat all before the project is re­ nuns, however, is determined to • WILD BIRD SEED tation aystem in finding its day in linking the fee from the Service and quoted it as saying; TOP PRICES PAID words, "to enable non-Catholics tant to get returning volunteers signs, mall bQxea and other out­ 6.8% Paper, Pulp Sweetwater Development Oorp. Baker $2,6(W, or 25 per cent of Rep. Eugene Oagllardone to In­ ferred to the public building remain as it is — habitless. drive for employe courtesy 'We were retained by Swdet- to meet the Catholic Church in active in society "not just as side metallic objects, boys have to work on its government con­ the fee, as the forwarding attorjw ater Development of 2808 SIGCXHOLM — In Sweden’s FOR ALL MAKES troduce a bill In the coming see- oommlssion, where the first They are the Ladles ot Betha­ paying off. In 1964 the riding as unofficial a way as possible, Interested citizens but as lead­ been intrigued by what would public took time to phone or VIENNA — P a ^ r and wood tracts tor development of a neya. (^Iler said he himself toolc Southland Center, Didlaa, Tex., budget about 7,6(X),(X)0,(X)0 kron­ aion of the legialature which selectman will next take tbe ny, and they go about in ordi­ ers. The difference between suc­ no part in representing the nary street clothes — skirts and giving them answers at their write 2,700 metsages ot com­ pulp make up 6.8 pe: cent of water detallnlzatlon process. to render it legal services. This or ($1,600,000,0(X» is set aside would "require all local boarda proposal. own level to any questions about cess and failure is leadership." LARSEN’S HARDWARE, IN(L happen if you stuck your tongue Sweetwater company. Garter Ghevrolat o f education to secure approval sweaters, dresses, makeup, jew­ mendation. Austria's exports. The principal Celler said the fee was for client was referred to us by each year for aocisl • welfare Morra suggested that the religion in general, about God, He took over as ch aln ti^ of on tbe cold metal. customers are Weet (lermany, services in connection with su- Baker, former secretary to Tucker and Baker. Upon receipt programs. This is about twice of local boards of finance or money for the renovations could elry, loafers or high heels, to the Peace (Corps National Advis­ 34 DEPOT SQUARE MANCHESTW This was a 185 per cent in­ Go., Iro. suit the occasion. about the meaning of life it­ Paul Daly Jr., ll, found out crease over commendations for Italy, Hungary, Egypt, Argen irmarket leaseholds in New the Senate Democrats, is the of payment from the client for the Outlay for national defense other financial authority before eventually be taken out o f the self." ory Council after being intro­ and amounts to about $200 per tranaf ering Items within a budg­ The Bethany nuns — who soon during a recant cold spall. 1968 and 22 per cent of all oper­ Una, Bulgaria, Greece, Yugo ?ork and New Jersey and had subject of an investigation by I legal services rendered, we sent 1229 Mail! St.—649-5288 fund for capiteal and non-re­ Today the Ladles of Bethany duced at a council meeting by Hie tongue got stuck to the slavia and Bwitserland. nothing to do with the Dallas | the Senate Rules (Committee, our check in the sum ot $2,500, peraon. et which haa been approved by a curring expenses, for which a will open their first U.S. house Director Sargent Shriver as ating personnel now are card — are so modem in their rules number 130 Dutch, Austrian, metal, really stuck. carrying members of the Couf' town meeting or other approv­ mill is set aside each year. German and Spanish nuns. They "the genuine, thoroughbred, one ing agency. ITie financial au­ and work that they are not Paul’s tongue came In contact tesy Caravan (Tlub. Finance Chairman Norman operate centers for young peo­ hundred per cent father of the with a road sign post while he thority shall be required to hold Preuss said that his board had known lndi\’tdually by such Peace Corps.” FOR A DAY, WEEK...OR LONOER (Tlub membership is granted names as "Sl.ster Mary Denise” ple to meet and mix in Holland, and Jarry Sheehan, 7, were publicized hearings on such re­ been eyeing that fund for help­ Austria and Rome. Shriver noted that Humphrey all workers commended. “ Moat or "Sister Placlda.” Instead meandaring to the store. How it commendations were for ordi­ quests.” ing in the coming change to a Bishop John J. Wright of introduced legislation to create happened, neither Paul nor Jer­ Shop Dayidson & Levenfhal in Manchester till 9 tonight, Thurs, and Fri. Nights! The motion was drawn up by uniform fiscal year. each keeps her family name, Pittsburgh has invited them to a peace corps-type organization A 1965 Car from nary acts of service or the pleas board member Raymond Cooper, plus the title of "Miss.” ry tattled. ant or helpful attitude maln< Morra disagreed with this expand to the United States, and bwfore the late President John Morlorfy Rrofhort But, with Paul gesturing wild­ who, with other members of the idea, saying it would be better Yet this order was founded in >vork will start this year in a F. Kennedy announced the plan talned by the empldye,” said RENT ly and uttaring strange sounds, Georae L. DeMent, chairman of boaid, has exhibited concern to borrow a little more money 1019 when religious orders still suburb of the Pennsylvania city In the I960 campaign. over the lack of control over were following an unspectacular Jsrry ran for help. the (Silcago Transit Board. for the fiscal year change. He on a novitiate for training President Johnson was the Firemen and policemen hus­ the board of education’s fi­ said the fund had been set up way of life barely changed in American women candidates to first chairman ot the National Theae, he said, are some of nances once the budget Is voted several centuries. tled to the scene and hot com- the ways the members qusi' for "something Just like this,” become Bethany nuns. Advisory (Council, while he was preasea were applied to free by the towm. Cooper said that it and that the bridge at the Many communities of nuns The mother house of the order vice president. ifled; was "ridiculous” for the board Notch, the town offices, the have begun thinking recently Paul's tongue. Greeting a rider in a pleasant is at Bloemendaal, Netherlands, Johnson handed over the job Paul’s mother, commented of education to go through the fire truck had all been paid Likes Pancakes about changes in clothing styles and the mother superior is Miss manner and cautioning him to to Humphrey Tuesday and di­ after the crisis: process of'drawing up an Item for out of the fund, rather than An empty syrup glass in — styles that may have started Caroline Vsui Voorst Tot Voorst. rected the council to study watch his step vriien boarding or by Item budget when, by law, by borrowing. more than 500 years ago. The The nuns spend six to nine "I don’t know what made him alighting. front of him, ’Thomas Pade- means of Interesting volunteers do it. But I’m sure he won’t do It can make transfers within' Its 'Befora the board of finance Impulse has come from the years in intensive preparation in public service. ★ Brand new, fully equipped ready to go. gimaa of Crystal Lake Rd., it again.” Helping blind or other handl' budget on its own authority. sets the ~TnlII rate, two mills Ellington, displays win­ mere existence of the Vatican and study for their work. ’They "We are now at a point where capped riders up and down bus In an effort to have a little Ecumenical Council and its take perpetual vows just as oth ■k Reasonable rates. must be added Which were left ning pancake-eating form we can talk about and plan for SWEETWATER, Tex. (AP)— s t ^ . more control before the budget drive for updating of Catholi­ er nuns do. off the budget voted in the fall. at a recent contest in the volunteer that hks come The foxy people of Nolan County (falling streets and stations cism. Once they are out In he world back — enriched and ready for ■k Full insurance coverage. is drawn up, the board of fi­ Because the teown will not go in .Jtqi^ville. Padeg^imas ate plan to puli another smart one distinctly. nance will send a letter to the a uniform fiscal year this com­ 60' pancakes (small-sixe), ’The council has enacted no they are. allowed great freedom new service,” Humphrey said. Stopping buses close to curbs legislation on nuns. It is up to Large discount if your car is in our shop (or next month. school board asking for a re­ ing year, one mill each for the 22 more than his nearest to pursue ideas and new He said it was a bit like a k Slid away from puddles or brok­ view of all proposed contracts uniform fiscal year fund and competitor. (He asked lat­ each order of nuns — there are projects in keeping with their businessman investing money repairs. The residents of the we>t-cen en sidewalk. more than 300 ot them — to set goal of applying religious priU' tral Texas county, for a couple DAYS before they are signed. This the capital and non-recurring overseas and getting a return, Giving a break to persona try' D&L er if he could eat the sau­ expense fund will be added. By its own rules and disciplines, ciples to modern life and trying except that the Peace Corps had of hundred bucks In prizes, will Ing to catch a bus. would Include teachers’ salary sages, too.) The youth won beyond basic Church-required agreements, which come iq> in law, the finance board can add $10 from the sponsors, the to be a soft-toned ' catalyst for invested young men and wom­ get people from all over to come vows. MORIARTY BROTHERS in and do a job for them that March, administrative salaries anything omitted. Rockville Rotary Club. good. en. BRUN8WK3K, Ga. (AP)—The 4-day Sale—starts tonight thru Saturday .. . D&Us annual store-wide It was learned that the town "We were founded just espe- The Ladies of Bethany oper Humphrey said that, as John­ they couldn’t hire most people battle of the marshes being and anything else to which the (Herald photo by Freeman) daily not to wear habits, be-; ate their centers as places 301 CENTER STREET — T E L 64S-61S5 board commits itself during this audit has been completed by son had suggested, a conference to do. waged along Georgia’s coast is Doherty and Co., which succeed­ cause of the work we do,” ex-1 where young men and women of returned Peace (Corps volun­ They call it a sporting event, slowing the march ot progress year for the next fiscal year, month jail sentence, suspended, plains Miss Deresita Loeff of with factory, office and shop LEASING PLANS FOR ALL 1965 MAKES A MODELS and at that it may be more winter clearance ... save 50% and more! Limited quantities! No mail, phone or C,0,D. In the same letter, the fi­ ed HJ4. Alexander. The report teers will be held March 1, the real estate developers say. But has not come back from the and placed on probation to the The Hague, one of the small' jobs can meet one another, re­ fourth anniversary of the estab­ sporting than some other con residents of Brunswick don’t nance board will ask that the band of Bethany nuns who live company. family relations office. He is lax and find interests.* lishment of the corps. tests. For the hunted can bite want buildings blocking their school board send it a copy of charged with non-support in Rome in a bright, cheery res­ "So many young people are back. view of the marshes. its quarterly trial balances. Briefs idence furnished in Scandinavi­ Cub Scout Pack 73 will hold O ^ r dispositions: Bruce up to here,” Miss Loeff ran a It’s the Rattlesnake Roundup. Under separate cover, the an modem dtyle and overlook­ The row is different from the its monthly meeting tonight at Hancock, 19, Tolland, speed­ finger across her throat, "with Top winner l.s the person or famous battle of Bloody Marsh, board of finance will protest ing, $25; Barry L Mark, 19, ing the broad Piazza Navona. problems, and especially today team that can bring in’the most 7 at the Community Hall. Chibs A Dutch Jesuit priest, the when Gen. James Oglethorpe action taken by the board of ed should be accompanied by at BroOkl3rn, N. Y., operating a when family complications are pounds of snake. Dates are Feb. drove invading Spaniards from ucation at Its last meeting motor vehicle without a license, Rev. James Ginneken of the greater and more widespread. 12-14. least one parent. University of Nijmegen faculty, the marshes in 1742. The latest when it voted to spend gfOO for Girl Scout leaders will meet $10; Everett Clevelsind, 14 N. ” We look for where there is a The snakes must be alive established the order with an proposal to stir the Ire of the an adult education survey, the at the home of the troop or- Park St., intoxication, $10; need for Catholics and non- when they arrive for the weigh- ae.sthetic is a plan to build a 10- money to be taken out of next Peter W. Allen, 16, 13 ‘West eye to the contributions such Catholics to meet on a natural S K jg in. No firearms are allowed the g^anizer, Mrs. Robert Dixon, nuns might make toward heal­ in story office building. Other sim­ year’s budget. Hebron Rd., at 8:30. St., operating a motor vehicle level. It is a goal of trying to be hunters. ilar plans have bogged down. without a license, $10; Krishna ing divided (Christianity through an influence, yet on letting Insured savings here earn O F F The letter states that knowl­ The town planning commis­ Persons from about half the The area involved is zoned by 1 / 2 unity efforts. edge of the action taken came sion will meet tonight at 8 in Mather, 24, 1 Ellington Ave., things develop sind grow accord­ dividends from day of states in'the Union, the majori­ the City Ck>mmlssion for single from press reports. It contin­ the town office conference failure to yield the right of way, The ecumenical or Christian ing to their own inclination and ty of them from Texas, take direction.” INSTANT EARNINGS deposit. ues, "As we understand the ac­ $25; and Frederick Wuschner, Unity movement was virtually part. Guides are furnished. room. While the Bethany order is tion It is your intention to make The conservation commission South St., failure to yield the unknown then, the word "dial­ DIVIDENBS 'PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR. MARCH, JUNE, SEPTEMBER, DECEMBER At this time of year, the rat­ the expenditure during the this will meet tomorrow at8 p.m. in right of way, $20. ogue” was still almost half a unique in the Roman Catholic tlers xare In hibernation. Best (Church, sometimes individual fiscal year and charge it to the conference room. The following cases were century from finding its way technique Is to spray gasoline nolled (not prosecuted); Har­ nuns from the older monastic- selected group of 1B65-6S. As the financial auth into the vocabulary of religion, -Ct 'Ct i k Into the den with a common sole of nylon tricot men's driving gloves Muiebester Evening Herald old Prescott, 51, Manchester, in­ and nuns without habits were type orders get permission to garden sprayer. ority of Bolton wo believe this toxication; Roland Ripley, 27, undreamed of. Father Glrmek- forego their order's habit for a v z action to be improper under the Bolton oorreapondent, Cleme- The fumes drive the snakes misses' and juniors' ' Warm, rugged, good-looking glovee have wool w d l Young, teL 648-8981. Ellington, breach of peace, and en's nuns speak of him as a vi­ special reason. SAVIMGS out. Experts say that lor a lew statutes. In our opinion expen­ Lloyd Woodbury, 26, 2 Ward sionary. Such is the case of Mother back and mnuine leather palm. In gray, black or ditures made during the current moments the snakes are a lit­ slips and p«tticoats St., breach of peace. The Ladles of Bethany were Dominic Ramazzotti. Pope Plus c / ? / f/ Iv O A. IV tle confused and do not coil to tan, sizes S, M, L. Reg. 8.98, J year should be approved during so unique that they had to have XII gave her a dispensation 10 •\ s s « * L I \ T I o s; this year. strike. better dresses 12th Circuit a special Vatican indult — a years ago so she could work The live snakes are taken to "W e believe,” the letter con­ Public Records canon law now no longer needed apart from the Dominican nuns v fM m s reg. $4 values V2 o ft as director of "Girls’ Town” in a pit in the Noland (^unty cludes, "the method you have — to exist as a fullfledged com- nanawaaTafa atnizT riwzwciat iwzTiTMTiea 1 .9 9 Rome. ’The late pontiff thought Coliseum, where various use.s adopW to defray this expense G>urt Cases Warrantee Deeds mimity of nuns who wore no On Insured Savlnga are made of them, largely a V2 off is highly Irregular and would William C. Anderson, Don­ standard habit. that, because she must work Chinent Annual Dividend BRANCH OFFICE, ROUTE 81, COVENTRY witli girls from broken homes, proceaa of extracting the ven­ regularly $15 to $35 children's gloves ond mittens !1^ suggest you reconsider it.” ald K. Anderson and Alan Miss Loeff recalls that om tor anakebite aerum, and re­ The b^rd of education vot­ r o c k v u x e s e s s io n Turkington, to Edmond C. Gi­ strained relations in those days she could approach the troubled All first quality nylon lingerie from our own stocks Casual, dressy, afternoon and cocktail youngsters better if she ap­ search. Our entire stock of girls’ and boys’ winter gloves ed Jan. 11 to hire a part-time A Rockville man, unable to rard and Cathryn C. Girard, between Dutch Catholics and Said one Sweetwater resident, plus specially purchased buys! You’ll find semi- the Protestant Dutch Reformed peared as a woman instead of dresses drastically reduced from regular an(i mittens now reduced. Assorted styles and director of adult education to pay fines of $220, was sent yes­ property on Burnham St. Fxf ra HmirQ OWEN T ill 4 ?M. Monday thru Friday shuddering a little; "The sight Boots tailored and lacy styles, lovely embroidery and as a nun in flowing robes. Moth­ investignite an adult education Building Permits (Church had eased somewhat InIkU U 11VIII O THURSDAY NIGHT 6 to 8 O’CLOCK stock! One and two piece styles including colors, all warm woolens. * terday to Tolland State»Jail to because of World War I. er Ramazzotti .goes about in of some four tons of live rat­ applique trime, some with shadow panels. Whites program and . report to the To Albert Kellogg for al­ tlesnakes in one pile is, to say OYER THE SOGK wools, wool knits, jerseys, brocades, vel­ board in June. As originally ser\'e out his fines. terations to a dwelling at 42 "The war drew our fashionable black dresses, com- and colors in the group, sizes 32 to 40, S, M, L. vets, cottons, blends. Donald J. Roy, 28, of 12 together,” she said. ather plete with earrings and makeup. the least. Interesting.” proposed by Supt. Philip Id- Teresa Rd., $780. An exclusive prize is award­ Vi o ft guori, the director would not Grove St., was fined $200 for ed whenever won. It la "the Or­ BOOTS have been paid for the survey, operating a motor vehicle while der of the While Fang." Only but would have been assured a his license is under suspension, kSM MAMCHtSnR CBHT9K four persona in six years have Formerly $14.95 salary (of around $800 a year) and $20 in a charge of intoxica­ ^ Catalog Store, P A R K IN e . ^ won It at the roundup. Winners NOW once the progriam was in ef­ tion. Charges of breach of peace are those who have l^en bitten. fect in the fall. and following too closely were famous maker jewelry As amended by board mem­ nolled by the prosecutor in PHOENIX, Aril. (AP) — The ber Walter Wad^ll, the direc­ court yesterday. bench-warming mystery has SLM tor should be paid for his sur­ S E T S A L E n , special group of Dazzling costume jewelry treasures from a well- our famous brands df Roy was also given a 90-day been solved. vey Because conceivably the i known maker! Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, pins suspended sentence and placed MotielieftteA LUMBER" Folks in the new Hl-mllllon adult education program will on 1 year’s probation for the governmental complex here . . . some matching eets. Reg. to $4. not get under -way this fall, license suspenrion charge. were a bit puzzled over why the either from lack of interest or Charles M. Weston. 25, of fancy stone benches surrounding OVER THE SHOE misses' sweaters men's sweaters lack of funds. Somers, was bound over to Tol­ Choose from our complete stock— the outside patio were drawing 79c* * for 1.5 0* Because the board claims to land C^nty Superior Court by iBUY2 such a cool reception from gents BOOTS be operating under a tight Judge Simon S. Cohen. Weston who like to sit around such budget this year, it was sug­ is charged with breaking and laces spinning yarns and aet- Infants’ and Children’s V2 off gested to take the $400 out of 1 AND SAVE! Stng the issues of the day. V2 off entering and larceny of goods Formerly $4.50 next year’s budget. The only under $250. The low-alung benches look better costume jewelry regularly to 22.50 member voting against this was Weston waived a hearing on mighty Inviting. They are in the values to $15 George Banks. probable cause, pleaded inno­ naked desert sunshine — a nice Candidate.^ for the position Now S199 Brilliant jewelry creations master-crafted by a You’ve never seen such remarkable sweat­ cent and bond of $1,000 was spot to warm the old bones in from the high school staff are Oak Flooring wintertime at least. Most wanted sweater styles from the lead­ top couturier name. Mostly one-of-a-kind pins, er values! All top maker styles in orlons, continued. to be presented at the Febru­ Whether you are building a new A reporter stopped by the old ing sportswear makers! Classics And nov­ necklaces, earrings, bracelets. Reg. $3-$15. wools, mohairs . . . solid colors and fancies ary board meeting. Elmer J. Weirs, 34, Ellington, Chty Hall where the high-backed, was fined $120 for operating a elties, slipons and cardigans, wools, orlons, . . . button-front coat sweaters and pull- While stating that it was home or remodeling a room or well-worn wooden benches, sur­ Women’s none of their business, mem­ motor vehicle while his license iBUY4 rounded by cabob and orange mohairs, bulkies. Broken sizes 34-40. tw o, make sure* the floora are bers o f the board of finimce dis­ is under suspension. trees, continue to draw a Formerly $4.99 cussed the proposed adult edu­ Richard Lottier, . 20, of S A V E MORE! tigh a Select the proven material capacity crowd most daya. cation program at their meet­ Bridgeport, was given a six- of timeleae charm, oak flooring, "I like wooden lienches better *plu8 tax ing last nigbC thgn atone," says Gerard Alex­ Now $179 C ooper said that even though fo r: ander, 67, a p«n.sioner from be himself rvas a ’’product of RIVERSIDE NYLON 64 North Dakota. "They’re easier adult education,” he did not to warm. Besides, it gets pretty sportsweor coordinates solt of boys' wear think that Bolton was ready. 6 . 7 0 - 1 5 STRENGTH danged cold in North Dakota in He said that the drop-out rata h the winter and when a body You’ll find wonderful values in this odds and ends A special group of boys’ wear taken from stock! even .

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1966 PAGE N IN B Ibttr^pstpr their Mds,” said Wjreth, *T feel aorry ftor ua." Wyeth got a lot of unsolicited mall, confirming President Johnson's topititiQ Seralh nomination o t McConnell in the from all aeroas the country. Most of NewTarzan G>le Career top Air Force Job for a fiyo- these letter writers condemned him for Events in Nation yaar term starting Fsb. J, In­ hia soft line and urged him to punish Has It Made Isn’t Over,' cluded putting LeMay on the the vandals aa aeverely aa possible, in a WASHINGTON (AP) —The^be military veterans'ellglbU for retired list with tha rank of full Johnson administration's plan many special benefits. general. way they would understand. By BOB THOMAS to rehabilitate eome of the thou- Democratic Leader Mike That advice from strangers waa per­ a y Mevle-Televisloto Writer Doctor Says sandr of young men rejected WASHINGTON (AP) — The Mansfield of Montana said he hapa aa predictable as the indifference HOLLTW(X)D (A P) — Memo each year for the draft because Federal Trade Commission haa regretted LoMay’s retirement and added: "He has represent­ of many of the particular parents actu­ to Messrs. Johnny Weissmuller, SANTA MONICA, Oallf. (AP) they cannot pass physical or charged U.8. Steel and three — Singer Nat King Cole haa lost mental testa received a cool other large companies with vio­ ed the Air Force with great vi­ 1 ally involved. Buster Crsbbe, Oleim Morris, reception from ecnatore Tues­ lating the antlmerger law by gor and determination." ■intCBXPnoM a lung to cancer, but his doctor nymbM la AtAtfraae* Somewhere between the two Artist Lex Barker, Gordon Scott, Jock day. acquiring various cement and Assistant Rspublican Loader XERO- LOD Wyeth undertook an experiment which Midioney and other movie Tar- ys that doesn’t mean his Secretary of the Army Ste­ concrete producing companies. Thomas H. Kucbel of California GRAPHIC U.( career has snded. phen Ailes appeared before the The complalnta Tuesday said of LeMay: "The American •••••••••••••••• obviously confused the young hoodlums Mns: COPY SERVICE. INC Such was the medical opinion Defense Appropriations sub­ against U.S. Steel, Texas Indus­ people owe Uds great airman a and which still left him confused him­ Remember how you had to committee to ask approval of tries Inc., National Portland never-ending debt of gratituds." self, but which at least had some hope sadm In brackiah studio tanka, offered Tuesday by the physi- the plan to use |3.1 million of Cement Co. and Mississippi Riv­ nuzsls slobbering chimps, mut­ REED'S TBM iSooZn O PB«H and adventuring mixed ^ to dts uncer­ cism, who said Cole's condition unspent Army funds to start the er E\iel Corp. followed an an­ 17 TO 31 n * Aaaodatad P rw to •mualT«l7 «bUU«^ ter monosyllabic nonaense to is "very, very gxxxl," and add­ Maaclisstor Shopping Parkada to Ik* UM o( rMtobilewiM ol *11 d*w* di» tainty, which at least tried to move off experimental program at Ft. nouncement of a consent order HARTFORD (AP)— The patch** eraditod to It «r bm ethcrwto* er*dtl- Jane and sit on bristle-topped ed: "There is no reason why he Leonard Wood, Mo. requiring Lone Star Cement Motor Vehtoles Department re­ 368 MMdlo TUmpIlM Wsst •d to Utto papar and ala* Um too*] a*w* aa»- dead end. elephants In those skimpy rain won't be able to sing again.” Chairman Richard B. Russell, (Jorp. to sell 36 plants It had ac­ Mahed bar*. ported today the following com­ Phono 648-7167 clothsT The doctor requested anonym­ D-Ga., said he would ask the quired by purchasing other parison of traffic fatalities from AU riabto at rapubUoatioa at You fallows came along too patcfaaa b ^ ln ara alao raaarra l ity, and declined to go beyond full Appropriations Committee companies. Jan. 1 through midnight; aarly in tbs game. Look what's his brief statement in specula­ to study the rsquest. The FTC said U.S. Steel, the lh a Baiald Prtottap Ootanaair, lae.. a » happening to Tarsan No. 14, 1964 1965 anmaa ao ftnanrtai raapOBamOitr tor tjrpe- A President Has A Cold tion upon the entertainer’s Allea and other Army spokes­ nation's largest steel producer, 17 31 graplitcat arror* appaartoc la adrarltoenianto Mike Henry, linebacker for the chances for a full recovery. men said correction of minor is also one of the four largest Munson's ■tod olbar raadua mattar to Iba Maaebaatar The circumstance and timing of Los Angelea Rams pro football medical defects and up to 14 cement producers. It carries out Iraatod Barald.______team. Cole is in St. John's Hospital President Johnson's bad cold, plus here, where attendants likewise weeks of intensive educational cement operations through its FdU *arTtoa cuaat ot M, ll A Parnea, lac. realisation of some of his past habits Hs gets to wear silk suits In refrained from any predictions training could bring some of Universal Atlas Cement Divi­ Pubitoher* RapraaeataUTaa — Tte JuUm his new picture, "Tarzan '66 ' those rejected up to standards sion. CANDY Matbaar* Bpaetaf Agaecy — Naw Tatk CW- with the presp, forced all this country's as to how long he will be con­ GAR RENTALS aaco. Oetroli aad Boataa. ______Not only that, he will film much fined. for enlistment. He estimated the The FTC said U.S. Steel vlo, HBOailR AUDIT BURSAD OP cmCOLJk- information services into a difficult of it In Acapulco and aboard a plan could provide an additional lated the antimerger law by ac­ TIONB______They did say that his mental quandary. peril yacht iSa leading la^ ? A attitude is quick and clear, and 8,000 men for the Army each quiring Certified Industries Inc., or LEASING KITCHEN Otoplay adrantous atoatoa baaras aleak blonde named year. Hlcksville^ N.Y., producer and >br Moaday — i p A Pliday. When a President leaves the White that he showed other signs of Tata. favorable reaction to the sur­ Ailes denied the plan was an seller of ready-mixed concrete, • A N Mokts Makers of Fine Oandloa 1 ^ Tuaaday — 1 p.a>. Xqpday. House at 8 o’clock in the morning for a Whatever happened to JanaT effort to push military forces sand and gravel in the New Wtr Wadaaiitoy — 1 p.m. Tnaaday. gery. • AU Models Soo us for yonr Wot Tburaday — 1 p.m. WcWadaaaday._____ . hospital, and when he 1s an individual She's back in the Jungle cooking into "social training" or was York City area. Wot WrUta — 1 BJB. Tburaday. banana stew. Cole, 45, was admitted to the part ol President Johnson's •AH Timos Fund-Ralalng Projects Pbr Batnrtay — 1 pja. Friday. who haa a past record of a heart at­ hospital Dec. 9, after cutting Ctaaaiflad daadllaa: 10:10 Am. aaek dap f t The new, new Tarzan. was un­ antipoverty program. WASHINGTON (AP) — The 2 Stores to Serve Yon pabltoaitoB aeoaptiatnrday — t Am. tack, does any news reporter or news short a Las Vegas, Nev., en­ Democratic Leader Mike Senate has confirmed Gen. John I MANCHESTER veiled by producer Sy Weln- gagement because of a respira­ Paul Dodqoaqo handler dare treat the incident aa cas­ . traub —sl^ fican tly at hia Sun­ Mansfield of Montana said the P. McConnell as the new Air INC. SHOPPING PARKADE Wedncaday, January 37 ually and lightly aa he would if he could tory complaint. Thereafter he plan should have a full airing Force chief of staff, while pay­ ROUTE 6, BOLTON set Strip ofllce, a lOth-floor aer­ received a series of cobalt treat­ 878 MAIN STREET be absolutely sure there was nothing ie crammed with impressionist before CJongress. He said thou­ ing tribute to retiring Chief of Phono 649-2S81 OPEN EVERY SUNDAY ments, and on Monday his left sands of rejects who did not fi­ Staff Gen. Curtis E. LeMay. Telephone 649-4832 mote than a bad cold involved? palnUngs. The well-dressed lung was removed. ^ Henry, 28, haa a dark, wide nally qualify would technically Action Tuesday, In addition to The Twain The answer was—as the answer al­ Not until after the operation Jawed handsomeness and Tar- did a spokesman concede that most had to be — that the informa­ aanic build — 6-feet-S, 212 Tliera waa anothar of thoa* walrd and the tumor on Cole's lung was ■WWMHWe tion services of the naticm would han­ pounds, down 16 from his nor­ caheerous. bati>arie human Immolationa yaaterday. mal playing weight. dle it aa if it were a bad cold but as if Only his wife, Maris, is per> 935 MAIN ST. - 643-5171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M.— CLOSED MONDAYS lh a human bainK who bumad to death After playing for the Unlversl H were, for imstated reasons, the most mitted to see the singer. But he ' voluntarily waa named Siva Lingam. ty of Southern California, Heniy also has had the comfort of Important bad cold in history. The location a t thia lateat human aelf> landed 'with the Pittsburgh thousands of telegrams. These Stealers. He distlnguiahed him­ aacrifica waa in a provinoe called Xfad- In this situation. Information serv­ have poured Into the hospital ices simply could not accept, totally, the aelf on the gridiron, then the Richard Robles bows his head in New York police since he was admitted. One he taa, which maana to moat of ua a kind acting intervened. Warners prizes particularly came from o f cloth. assurances conveyed by the information wanted him for a contract. Hen­ station as he was booked on homicide charge in con­ actor John Wayne. It said: *1 And the raaaon for tMa lateat human given through official channels. They ry bad to decide whether to play nection with murders of two young career girls 17 licked it. So can you.” ball or play act. The latter won. aalf-aacrifiea waa that Siva Lingam felt had to calculate that, if the situation months ago. Man at left was not identified. (AP Wayne announced recently He told the Stealers he himaalf paaaionatwly eotnmitted to tlm were really more serious than anybody Courtesy Wadsworth Atheneum. Hartford Photofax.) that the surgery he underwent going to stay In Hollywood. some months ago was for re­ death a^ainat the atevation o f tha lan- admittod, they would still be getting a Than tha Rams called to ask NEW ENGLAND ARTIST’S NEW ENGLAND WINTER moval of a maliginant lung tu­ guaga knowna aa Hindi over Blngliah aa soothing, reassuring story. Consequently, if Mike would play for them, mor. there had to be news stories longer and provided a trade with the Steel tha raoogniaad offldal language o f the •THE OLD GRIST MILL" by era could be arranged and the talented Negro showed a nation of IndiA headlines bigger than a common cold the 49th century New Haven Second Suspect Held penchant for music at an early whole thing would mesh with age. When he was 4 he managed Thia auidda by tordi prafarrad Bng* would normally merit, and. aa for cov­ artist, George H. Durrie, was Mike's acting career. So he has Sheinwold on Bridge been backing the Rams' be­ to play, with one finger, the Bah only bacauaa it la not Hindi. He hini> erage by television and radio, with its painted in 1853, ten years be­ tune of “ Yes, We Have No Ban­ Inside Report fore the artist's death at the leaguered line for several sea- aelf belonged to a political party whioh tedmlcal ability to feature some new anas" on the piano in the Chica­ age of 48. He to most famous ASSURE YOUR CONTRACT Best dealer aons, meanwhile playing such In Double Murders eonaidara It ahnoat aacradly Important minor detail or development every few BY TE8TINO LONG SUIT memorable rolee as Henry Fon­ go Baptist church where his fa­ for his snow scones of New Both tide* vuhwralili ther was minister. to maintain tha pooitton o f Ita own apa- minutes, it had to expand Hself to a de­ By ALFRED SHEINWOLD da’s brother in "Spencer'e England, mostly painted after NORTH NEW YORK (AP) — The in the first month after the mur­ gree which might have been question­ Rowland Ewans Jr. and Robert D. Novak National Men’s Team Champion A 10972 Mountain" and a doorman In His first professional engage­ dal language In ttM life of bdiA It waa 1844. The straight forward New slayings of Manhattan career ders. Some 100 detectives were ment was playing with a 14- able even had the emergency been guar­ CHICAGO, ni.—The future The Old Guard controls the Englandism of Durrie’s works A 7-point hand is so weak that ^ A 7 5 •'Palm Spring* Weekend.” the advice of Oandhi to tha nation ho 0 QJ7 How did Wrintraub pick him girls Janice Wylie and Emily thrown into the manhunt In one plece orchestra — for 11.60 a helped free and found that it maintain a anteed real. course of the Illinois Republi­ party organization in most gives them a charm and you are almost tempted to drop of the largest investigations the night. Since then he has confid­ partner at his first bid. If he ‘ 1072 for tbe erstwhile ape man? Hoffert in their fashionable East can party may well depend on counties. Moreover, it i» now warmth which make them pop>- WEST city's police ever conducted. ed many times that he never whole aaaortmont of languagea in uaa The first main thing we wish to point makes the right kind of rebid, EA9T •-'Because he haa the physical the outcome of Charles Percy's plotting abolition of the Cook ular favorites even today. "The A AI54 « Q I 9 side apartment shocked New Robles had an alibi, furnished really Intended to become a and in honor and not try to impoaa uni« out, however, is that the past history of ■howqver, you are glad to ac­ qualitiaa, being rugged and vir- Yorkers 17 months ago. fight for .survival thesfe next Count3^ (C h k » g o ) Republican Old Grist Mill" is from the per­ 6432 Q JM ' lie,” said the producer, "But by his girl friend, one police singer. veraal use of any one o f them. White House illnesses, together with the four years. Exetxm'^ Committee headed by manent collection of the IVads- cept his invitation to game. 0 K984 O 3 3 2 Police claimed they cracked source said. He agreed to t^ke a In the yearn that followed he East dealer also because he Is artlcutote the case last April with the ar­ But then M waa never in Gandhi’a past medical history of this particular As defeated candidate for Tom Hauser, Percy’s youthful worth Atheneum. ♦ 4 _*JI 6 S and literate, fitting the n^w \m lie detector test. has captivated millions with his Governor in 1964 (while run­ campaign manager. That move Both sides 'vulnerable •ODIH rest of a slightly built 22-year- Police said they found a book intimate, slightly husky song dream that even Moalem India abould incumbent, plus the almost perpetual Opening lead—Two of Hearts age I want to project for ning a half million votes ahead would give full control over the * K 6 old Brooklyn drifter. on lie detectors in his flat. One delivery. His friends are confi­ have a aeparate political and cultural disposition of this present administra­ Swth's Jump to two notrump V K 9 8 on the screen. of Bariy Goldwater), ex-boy Cook County organization to Now they have accused a sec­ section told how such machines dent that he will again. axiatence. And, ironically, an India which tion to play a game of tag with the wonder businessman Percy is is merely invitational, but North 0 A 106 ond man. could be beaten by taking a county chairman Timothy Shee­ A A K Q 9S la apllt ia aubjact to more tntanaivo press, all more or less compelled radio, the state party's titular leader. should accept the invitation. Richard (Ricky) Robles, also combined dose of a certain han, a ridUed Old Guardsman. South shows 19 or 20 points by EM SmA Weto Nw« 22, a dope addict and convicted drivea and daairea for natlonallatic-atylo television and newspapers to handle the Returning to only part-time In addition, Percy sometimes JsM 14^ PSM 1 A U.N. Aide Dies, stimulant and tranquillizer. Now Many Wear duty In the camera business at A Thought for Today opening with one of a suit and burglar, waa charged with the Police said Robles apparently oonformitieA So a man wr^ia hiraaelf in President's cold aa if they weren't quite lacks political flnesse. For ex­ then Jumping to two notrump. ^ 2 ^ fmm 3 l5r Bell A Howell, Percy will be Sponsored by the Maneheater All PSM Ex-State Man double slaying Tuesday night. took an overdose, collapsed and flamea and dlea bacauaa he would rather sure it waa Juat a cold. completely free for political ac­ ample, a meeting scheduled for North adds his own 7 points Robes lived eight blocks from Friday (Jan. 29) between Percy CouBcU of Churches king of hearts and leading out spent two weeks in a Manhattan FALSE TEETH tivity. and sees that the partnership the girls' apartment. He had die than be required to learn a language The second main thing to say about the ace and king of clubc. We.st NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP)— The hospital. When he came out, he with LIHIt Worry But his leadership is only and Sen. Everett Dirksen will total is 26 or 27 points. Since 26 been freed from prison where refused to submit to further which to him repreaanta aomethlag un* thia incident is that the only sure curs be the flret contact between the O Eternal God, who hast points is tisually enough for shows out. and South abandons American chief administrative he had been serving a sentence Ksv. talk, Isugb or ineeze without titular. The Old Guard, which clubs in order to lead a low dia­ questioning. fear of Ineecun falae taeth dropplns, apeakable. for it—the danger of undue news em­ has dominated Illinois Repub­ two in months. Although friend­ created me to do the work of game. North goes to three no- officer for the U.N. operations for 100 East Side robberies only Shortly toereafter, police said, illpplng or wobbUng. P A S 'n n T H ship with the prestigious Dirk­ trump. mond. a month before the Aug. 28, holdi plataa firmer and more com­ Perhapa thia demonatratea more hero- phasis, not the cold—waa the cure the lican politics from time imme­ God after the manner of men, on Qyprus—Frank Begley, 58, a Robles went to his parole offi­ sen would aid Percy immeas- give me Thy grace that I may West can take the king of dia­ 1968, crime. fortably. Tbla pleaaant powder hae no lam, more feeling, than we of the Weat President himself applied as soon as he morial, con.siders Percy a lib­ When this hand waa played monds or refuse the trick as he cer, told him he was back on tummy, sooty, paaty taata or feeUnt. ureably, he has made no con­ be a prudent q>ender of my native of Holyoke, Mass.—died Police apparenUy now believe find it comfortable to watch. Perhapa it began to realize the proportions the eral reformer and wants no in the 1964 Team Trials, all de­ pleases. South can surely get to narcotics and asked to be sent Doain't rauae nauaea. It’a alkalint more of him. spicuous effort to woo him. tbne, so that I may be profit­ clarers reached game but three Tuesday after suffering a tbe first accused youth, George , back to prison. He served anoth­ (non-acid). Obecka "plate odor" UU 3 p.m . merely reflecta an entirely different at­ story waa reaching. This was to call in dtimmy with the ace of hearts (denture bieatb). Oet FA8T11TH at The Illinois situation Ulua- But Percy has one invaluable able to the Christian common­ of the nine players went sour stroke. Whitmore Jr., had no part in the er nine months. any drug counter. to lead a club through East for knife murders. titude toM^^rd the preciouaneaa of hu- some representatives of the press and trates the vital fact that the aaset. Aa of today, he can wal­ wealth; and by discharging all in the play of the cards. These Begley, who arrived on the a finesse. Declarer thus makes Miss Wylie, 21, a Newsweek THURSDAYS p u n life, which we find it difficult to let them talk to him personally in his Chuck Percys have not auto­ ler any other Ulinols Republi­ my duty, may glorify Thee. three declarers took the open­ sure of five clubs, two dia­ toland last July, was responsi­ matically succeeded to Repub- can—including John Henry Al­ Jeremy Taylor ing heart lead in dummy and ble for administration of civil­ magazine researcher, was the tmderatand. In any caae, we are not ac- hospital room. After he had done this monds and two hearta. niece of author Philip Wylie and FRIDAYS licain leadership around the torfer—in a primary. The big Taken from Uncommon led the queen of diamonds for ian U.N. operations here. euatomed, in our own dvlllaation, *10 tha for a second time, everybody could re­ Dally Qitoatinn daughter of writer and televi­ country in the wake of the question: Can he maintain thta Prayers a finesse. When West innocent­ He was the first civilian of nae of auidda aa a weapon in political lax and the cold dwindle down to a Goldwater debacle. In Illinois, mass popularity during four ly played a low diamond, de­ You have opened the bidding the United Natlona to die on the sion producer Max Wylie. Miss Sumbitted by The Rev. with one club, and partner Hoffert, 23, a schoolteacher, CLOSED battle, or in aoma atrife o f prindplaa. rather special cold, being in a presiden­ as elsewhere, the Percys are long years of feuding with the clarer continued with the Jack Island since the Peace Force Edward W. Johnsem, raises to two clubs. It Is up to was the daughter of Minneapolis But there it waa, over in Madraa yaa­ tial head and throat, but still a cold. contested by Old Guard con­ Old Guard regular organiza­ St. George's Episcopal of diamonds for another finesse. operation started last March. MONDAYS servatives who never really Finesee Loses you again (tiie opponento are si­ Begley became the chief se- physician Henry Hoffert. terday—a fine young man wrtq>piitg There is not, and there is not likely tion? Church, Bolton 'Die two young women were The second diamond finesse lent), holding: Spades, K-4; curl^ officer of the newly were in the vanguard of the If he can pull this off and go stabbed and beaten to death in himaelf in flamea becauae be didn’t want to be developed, any ' set formula for Goldwater movement. lost, of course, and West led Hearts, K-9-8; Dianiooda, A-10- formed world organization in on to the Oovemor’a mansion, • ; Clubs. A-K-q-9-5. the t260-a-month apartment DRAPERY SHOP - 11 OAK STREET to have to learn to apeak or write in handling illnesses in the White House. What makes this more than he can then sot about remaking Five Tears Ago another heart. When the clubs 1946. failed to break. South had no What do you say? they shared with Patricia Hindi language. The President's cold illustrated the diffi­ Just a clash of prairie person­ the face of the Illinois Republi­ Beglay spent meet of his child­ ToUes, 21, at 57 E. 88th St. PHONE 643-5171 Thirty-one persons were tram­ way to get to dummy for a fi­ hood In New Haven, Conn. He On the aame day, in South Vietnam, culties of choice and emphasis which alities is the striking disagree­ can party — exactly four years pled to death in a rush to board Answer: Bid three notrump, Elich bad been slaahed repe­ ment between Percy and the off schedule. nesse through East's Jack of ■you should have a reasonable was graduated from New Haven M waa a young 17 year old girl who lit can never really be escaped. This time, a train in Seoul, Korea. chibe. South was down one or High School in 1929 and went atedly. Miss Wylie was nude. Old Guard in interpreting the play for game no matter what Miss Hoffert was fully clothed. her own gaaoline aoaked garmenta and nobody did too much more than had to election returns. two tricks, depending on how partner has for his raise. Don't on to study at Trinity College well he ■ scrambled from this Although the apartment waa died, Juat to demand a change in her be done, and the cure, which allowed the Of course both sides recog­ be satisfied writh an Invitation In Hartford, Conn. In a shambles, nothing was nize the Republican plight. point on. when you can afford to bid game Begley Joined the Connecticut eoimtry’a government Thia morning the national thermometer to descend to nor­ South should make sure of the missing. THURSDAYS Democrats control the state an by yourself. State Police in 1987. In 1940 he Police said Robles committed government ia ehanged, even though the mal, appeared in reasonable time. contract by winning the first took the post of police chief of House of Representatives and Copyright IMS the crime in panic over his ina­ FRIDAYS Now in progress whole weight and power and wealth of will get an option on the Sen­ trick in his own hand with the General Features Oorporalloto Farmington, Conn., leaving the Today in History post soon after Pearl Harbor bility to obtain drugs to feed his the United Statea h^ipened to want it ate once legislative reappor­ admitted $30-a-day heroin habit. tionment is finished. Worse yet. to Join the Army Air Corps. ' As Robles was arrested the toot ehanged. We beUev* Kipling aald it A Topsy-Turvy World By The Associated Press tive order of President Wood- He is survived by his widow, Democrats last November cap­ story was revealed of how de- with an erroneoua concluaion. They do Today is Wednesday, Jan. 27, row Wilson. Ann, of Douglaaton’ N. Y.; t'wo There is a world out in space which Is tured courthouse after court­ the 27tti day of 1945. ’Ibere are In 1943, heavy bombers made tecUves wortced from a tip from have to meet and underatand each other, house in traditionally Republi­ sons, Michael, 20, and Thomas, one of Robles’ fellow addicts, an exact duplicate of our own. It is 338 days left in the year. the first all-American assault on Herald Yesterdays 18; two daughters, Mrs. Susan Btoat and Weat enough to accompliah can countifis. Nathan Delaney, 86, now being populated with men sind women like our­ Today’s Highlight in History Germany. Bottomley, 24, and Patricia Ann, their mutual aurvival. selves. They live in countries like our Percy views this as the bitter held Incommunicado as a ma­ fruit of failure to expand the On this date in 1926, the Sen­ In 1945, Gen. George Patton 25 Years Ago 22; his mother, Mrs. Ellen Beg­ own. They conduct business and raise drove the Germans in Belgium terial witness. Republican base beyond the - ate voted to give consent to ad­ ley of New Haven; and a broth- Delaney reportedly told police families. 'They live under various econo­ herence to the permanent Court and Luxembourg to within one The 29th annual ball of Local 991 of State. County, ar and a slater. Encis February 27 dwindling core of white middle- Robles came to him shortly aft­ mies and governments, and are divided of International Justice of the mile of the Sie^ried Line. Mancheeter Lodge of Masons and Municipal Employes Un­ The Artist And The Hoodlams Into different national, religious, and class Protectants. He sees as held In main lodge room of er the slayings. catastrophic the Democratic League of Nations. Also in 1946, a federal Dis­ ion issues blistering statement "I Just Iced two dames," racial groups. They differ in only one trict Court ruled the seizure of Temple. denouncing both Chief Herman Kenya*! Ties Old Andrew Wyeth, the noted artiat Uvea respect. In each country there is a landslide .among Negroes (Gold- On This Date police said Delaney quoted Rob­ water got 2.? per cent and Per­ In 1880, inventor 'Thomas A. Montgomery Ward was Illegal. O. Sohendel and newly reac- to a place called Chadda Ford, , Pa. Laat pathological obsession with human wel­ Ten topnotcb vaudeville acts tivated Police Club, claiming NAIROBI — Kenya has had les as saying. cy 11 per cent of the Illinois Edison was granted a patent for Ten Yeara Ago The investigation covered Halloween, while he and hia family were fare. As a result, over 60 per cent of the signed by Police C«q>tain Her­ members of department who eontacts (vUh Europe ever since national budgets are devoted to a com­ Negro vote). He believes the , his Incadescent lamp. Russian - bom financier and man O. ScheRdel and Manager it was visited by ancient Greek court-ordered wiretapping of out playing goblin aomewhere elae, a In 1914, permanent civil gov­ had signed up for union mem­ pulsive and hysterical desire toward shel­ party is :n crisis and must convicted draft - dodger Serge Jack Sanson of State Theater bership were denied rlgW to mariners. After the Greeks Robles' home, his unidentified ernment In the Panama Canal gang of between 20 and 50 young bood- tering life from the normal ravages of build a more progressive rec­ Rubenstein was foimd strangled for annual Pc^ce Benefit pro­ vote on questloo of ra-eeUb- came Arab caravans and slave girlfriend's apartment and De­ hima entered hia unlocked atudio and human existence which we accept more ord. Zone waa established execu­ in his New Yoric City homo. gram. Ushlng olub. traders. Even now a sizable laney's apartment. By this lime you should have received through the mails In contrast, the Old Guard Police had questioned Roble^ had themaelvea a party, wrecking the stoically. Billions of dollars are spent by Arab community lives In Kenya: governments on the conquest of disease. analyzes the 1964 disaster aa furniture, alaahlng and amearing every­ Over the years, nations have poured their strictly the product of an inept ouf 8-page Semi-Annual Sale Tabloid listing a few high­ thing they could. resources into medical research, and to­ Presidential candidate. They When, aubaequently, police apprehend­ day no cancef, no vascular disease, no expect the Republican vote to F i s c h e t t i ed. aome of the young people involved, kidney ailments, no degenerative disease come back once things return lights of this month - bng sale. But there are thousands to nonnal. T h e ^^Sprihg Look" in and were about to bring them to trial, exists. Unheard of sums are spent by governments on housing. They have so And retiuTiing to noimal def­ Wyeth intervened .He would rather not tortured their fiscal policies that slums initely means returning Chuck of more values w e just can't begin to list. proeecute, he aaid. He would rather and blight are unheard of. T hey are so Percy to camera-making once talk to theae young people, and, if poa- overprotective of their children that and for all. Old Guard profea- United States Slipcovers at Semi- aionals always have resented aible, their parenta. they overpay their teachers, and train­ ing schools for teachers have to turn Percy and hU politically ama­ Although the illustrated Tabloid items- will in most cases> In the time aince then. Artist Wyeth candidates awray. The perverseness of teur staff as gate-crashers in Rubber Company baa had a number of converaationa. these conditions reaches its greatest their closed political world. Annual Sale savings Maybe a dosen of the youtha accepted height in their legislation agpainst all pri­ Consequently, Old OtmrdMnen continue be available month, many of the hia invitation to come talk to him and vate charities in behalf of human wel­ are praying Percy will TOunt hia fare. The outlawdng of private charity spear by running against the Ouf research department has ra> take advantage of hia promiae not to •Rag. S135.00 \ has of course, stifled the philanthropic politically Indestructible Demo­ cantly completed an interesting and thousands of unadvertised will not be reordered proaecute if he could talk inatead. From instincts of the people. cratic Sen. Paul Douglas. Per­ Sofa and club chair 9 9 “ thia experience, Artiat Wyeth haa en- There is only one exception to this re­ cy’s humiliating defeat by Informative report on this company. riched hia acquaintance with modem striction agtonst private benevolence. Douglas in 1966 would clear the So, the early bird gets the bargains. Come Since the national budgets are so swol­ If you ara interested in investing in Give your living room the new Spring Look youth and recalled aome of hia own decks for the Old Guard to put len with welfare appropriation, there is Up Ha own man for Governor ia with slipcovers! Choose from the largest youth, but atlll not come very close little left for national defense. It there­ 1968. a company whose outlook for the collection of vat-dyed, pre-shrunk, Scotch- >n as you can for the biggest choice * . the So an understanding. He’s Just aa wall fore becomes neoaasary for private citi­ Almost oertainly Percy won’t future appears to be thei best in gard-treated fabrics ever. Slipcovers are satisfied he played the situation the way zens to raise money for armaments. 'walk into that trap. Rather, h* Thousands of organizations exist for thia years, why not stop in at the .near* cat and, fitted in your home; t^lored with savings . . in Watkins Fine Flome Furnishings . . lu did. He regards it aa aomething o f a purpose alona There are clubs to buy is likely to run for Governor self welts, kick or box pleats, and zippered again in 1968. If he does, the vindication that one of the boya haa de- guns through raffles. People stand with ast PCB office for a copy of this cushions. INSTALLED WHEN COM­ tin cups on street comers to collect coins Old Guard plans to oppose Chi­ Skled to visit psychiatrist But ha cagoan Percy With some whits report. No obligation of cottrsal PLETED. For Shop-at-Home Service call furniture for living and family rooms, dining rooms,, dinettes, Winds up his experiment not too sure for the purduuw o f hand grenadea Drives are conducted to acquire tanka tio ^ from downstate Blinoia 648-5171 now! just what It is that makes such mod- Thera are tag dayk for military air­ (on the questionable theory that halls and bedrooms . . bedding . . rugs and carpets « . lamps. am youth tick. craft Cousin clubs sponsor dances to downstate Ulinols always beats Chicago in a R epublics pri­ Reg. 1179.50 (. 187.00 Sofaa* Hs came out o f the axpariment with buy uniforms. The national governments simply neglect the problem of defense and mary). 8 Pc. Seta* a somewhat clearer impr ^ on of what let the burden fall on private agencies. The most likely white hope: adult America is likA But the Inadequacy of this syatem is John Henry Altorfer, a young d i L ' 2 72“ Come tomorrowl We're open from 9 A. AA to 9 P. AA Moat o f tbs parenta o f tbase Uds in apparent to all. People are grumbling Paoria mklionaire who was in' 1 3 9 5 0 ho mia^t have viaitod him and that under such a poUcy there will never Percy’s running mate in 1964. PUTNAM. COFFIN & B U ^ stayed away. be a war. — RABBI DAVID POLISH, Wgniaoahtly, AAltorfer haa •Standard 767 Spfaa, l-cu8hion w a n a r v i a r r t e m p l e , e v a n s t o n . i tagr gogt^la o lto i; 71 tAST CBOTBR 8X^-648-2161 chairs. Slightly more for wing and r .|iir.linli'l|T» f # ,^***^. ** BA a ’ MMSas MW vaSM. flMiT*— *o*'i*b^ channal'dMick ^oces.

y TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1966 MANC3IESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1966 PAGE ELdsVEa Extra Problems LBJ Cites South Windsor Driver Arrested U.S. Defector Left Note lOH Council Meridian Murder Probe Capital Works Plan R. L W m MI [ Obituary Just Not Fair In 2-Car Crash Slates Talk Was Qosely-Timed Move U.S. Strides ^ Apologizing to Mother Building Town direotors, who taks Slated for Approval Annual Student Cktin Reported at 12.5% A 28-year-old Vernon motor- — M n. VtU a lot of Mams for town (OoBtfaraed from Page One) Station were harassed in any Into Space tet was arrested yesterday af­ SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ■^reported 111 for the last three Confraefor • iM k l4WtlMc)t«r, 82, formarly problems within their Juris­ OnNikeSite manner. 9u|>t-_Ohfrtee Warner toldamlght either take remedial ord>Legkm Poet 'wUl hold a regular<&tlon a t avollsble fund surplua ter he allegedly caused a near The U.S. Army said today that weeks, declined sny comment Rcsidential-Commcrdal - Laurel Weir, a PhUadelphia a t M a HIU Rd., m a ow of WU- diction, are somewhat per­ defendants wera unlawfully de­ the beard of education last developments] reading In the meeting tonight at ths Main wlll be discussed. head-on collision on Vernon St. Sgt. Charles R. Jenkins of Rich about her inn. A neighbor ssdd B. XMUwdMr, ««i5 Tuea- defense attorney, claimed the (OortIwM* Cr«n Pac* Onn) AltcratioiHFReniodalino^ plexed when they are cuss­ The adult advisory eouncll tained after their arrest Dec. 4. night that ‘‘South Wlndror for place of French. St. Legion Hall at 8. near 'laylor SL Square, N.C., left a note apolo­ Mrs. Casper had expresMd the dMT irfUmoot^ »t RockvUle Oen- ed out for problems belong­ detention amounted to ‘‘prejudi­ the laat four yeera has main­ The board of education ap­ Manchester Evening HeraM gizing to his mother ‘‘for the opinion her son had been to lOH (Instructors of the Judge W. Harold Cox said he cial treatment" which in «Wect paaca and we both Invite and at their Feb. 2 meeting. It m^y well ^ substanttally al­ Beiveral First District officers Jame.s R. Conley waa "Basinefls Built On «ml HoaptUl. ing to somebody else. tered from the form in which General Manager Richard tained' an average percentage proved the preUminsry plans Sooth Windsor Correspondent, trouble I will cause you” before hired. She w u bom tn BlVinston on Director Harlan Taylof* Handicapped) will meet some­ would hear evidence. He added resulted in a public trial. welcome all men to Join with ue a t Increase of 12.5 per cent in under the leadership of Com­ charged with failure to grant he defected to Communist North Customer Satisfaction” in this greet opporiunity,” he for the Eli Terry addition. The Brownie Joseph, telephone 644- the right of way and was or­ A a iil 8, 1888, K dauchter o t the noted during a dlsouMlon of time next weekend to discuss that the Judicial conference Two surprises came Tuesday Martin recommended it in Octo-^ thk number of studenta added addition as presented Includes mands- Jack Beebe will attend. Korea three weeks ago. when Judge Cox disclosed that •aid. 0148. dered to appear in Manchester’s tew O eor^ and Mary Dudley town road Improvements the group’s position in rela­ composed of federal Judges had her. In order to meet needs •red under this proposed al- to the system.” eight olassroonu and three A discussion will be held on the "I know what I’ll have to do,” Full Insurance Coverage She Mved hi Kllinston last night that he had been James Edward Jordan, 38, Johnson added titat advance! which have become apparent looatkm. He promised he would He addM, "A t this rate of announced closing of several Circuit Court 12 session on Feb. o< her Hfe. She was a tion to the Nike launcher site expressed Interest in the exten­ formerly of Meridian, sought during 19M were "gratlfytng kindergarten rooms. 16. said the note Jenkins left In his approached with com­ sive news coverage allowed of ■inoe. provide the directors a list by 12.6 per cent, our total school With the addition the achool veteran’s hospitals and district quarters. " I ’m going to North Tel. 644-0450 ___ jber c t SMii«to*i Oongrega- on Line St. at the Glaston­ arraignment in Atlanta, Ga. end heartening omene of tha Foremoat among the new ex- their Feb. 2 meeting. population will double by 1970, offices." Authors Speak According to police, Conley, Church, mUnffton Oranfe plaints about the esndi ion the arrests. will become rectangular in Korea. Tell the family I love After 5:00 P.M. bury town Mne. Ju(^c Cox said that he Under­ gaine and good to oome from pendUuree la an eatimated $M,- Unleas the list la penMaMve, or the next five-and-one-half All South Windsor veterans southbound on Vernon St., In Reflections Wid a former member of the of Main S t Burrage la on# of the 16 in­ stood Jordan had agreed to en­ our determined national under­ shape. There will be an open cutting a curve, drove In the them very nuch. Love The government, through 000 that the directora plan to till* item may well be cut. years.” as well as Legion members are At DAR Event Once very proud snd tall you Amerioaa Lesion Auxiliary. But isn’t Main St. a state dicted In connection with the ter his plea in Atlanta, either taking tn eiqrtorlng the Irontieni Mentioned once last night grassed area in the center of opposite lane and met an on­ (Charles.” 82 BAM>WIN ROAD highway, he asked public Us General Services Adminis­ ap|>n|)riate to a town toiduttiial "Under these conditions, we the school. Before the addition Urged to attend the meeting. Jenkins was leading a patrol stood Swrvlroni Include two eons, tration Utilixation and Dis­ slayings of Michael Schwemer guilty or no contest. of apace.” but litUe discussed was the coming vehicle) operated by works director Writer Fuaa and Andrew Goodman, both of deivetopment foundation to help shall need approximately 29 the school was U shaped. Scrapbooks For Hospital Four authors of best sellers early on the morning of Jan. 6 Upon the 'Village Green. ^ KoeweUi:. Abom of Manches­ posal Service, has again adver­ The second surprise came ‘‘While tiiia great enterpriae la prcmoeed access Improvement classrooms a year, following Thomas D. Buccino, 41, of 123 ter aiidNetoon W. Loethscher of last night? New York, and James Chaney, Pioneer Paraohute 6o. relocate The addition will cost approx­ through B wooded area In the Your steeple towering heaven­ tised for sealed bids for pur­ when defense attorneys said still young, we began during the to Manchester Memoriai Hoe- 1970,” hs said. The United Church Women of will speak Wednesday, Feb. 10 EHizabcth Dr. Buccino reported­ Tolland; three sisters, Mrs. Yes, Fuss answered—and Meridian Negro. on a new site a it the Wilbur imately 8265,000, according to demilitarized zone dl'vidlng ward chase of the site, and bids will they had an affidavit from Hor­ year past to realise Ita potential pit&l. Supt. Warner indicated the the First Congregational at 12:30 p.m. at a book-author ly braked his car and swerved For miles around was seen. Barry O. Abom o t Blliwrton, listed the rest of the state ace Doyle Barnette, a meat Crtxn Mgttway In the Buoldand architect Robert VonlDohlen, North and South Korea. He told be opened In its Boston office In a daylong hearing before in our life on earth,” he eald. H je directors InformaHy fh- elementary portion of the Church, Main St., will meet to­ luncheon at Centinel Hill Hall, sharply to the right in an at­ Mr*. Charles Hdmea of weet- roads. They include; Judge Cox Tuesday, attorneys truck driver from Cullen, La., GTGG. vor constructing an extension and 'wUl be 14,000 square feet. night at 8 In the church hall. his men to wait (or him, then Your lovely carillon rang out Friday. Feb. 28. The newest ad­ "Aa this report notes, practi­ Such a single, large expendi­ ec^ool syMem hae averaged tempt to avoid the crash. walked off In the dark. When he aOA, Maes., end Mrs. Anna The entire length of Main argued on motions ranging from repudiating an alleged confes­ of Alpine St to bring traffic The three kindergarten rooms Scrapbooks 'will be made for Hartford. The Abigail Wolcott With tones so sweet and clear. vertisement appears elsewhere cal uses of the benefits of apace ture would knock a conaider- 15.1 per cent continuous have exits on the playgroimd Both vehicles suffered severe (ailed to return, a search was OoUUeb o f Jersey Otty, K. J.; St„ W. Center, Center and pleas for separate trials to dis­ sion the Justice Department to and from the hospital by Mansfield State Hospital. Those Ellsworth Chapter, DAR, la damage to tbeir left front ends And aa people paused to listen In today’s Herald. technology were almost com­ able hole In axlsUng plana for growth over the last four which would be fenc^ in with a ordered, but Jenkins could not and eight grandohUdm. K. Center Sts., the eastern lOH embarked on long-range missal of charges on grounds said it had obtained from him. monplace around the globe — way of W. Middle Tpke. Such attending are asked to bring sponsoring the event. Proceeds and had to be towed from the They felt that God was near. Funeral eervices were held use a t the available |200,000 In years. four-foot chain link fence, Von- be located. and western ends of W. plans sometime ago to build the federal government lacked The Justice Department re- warning ua of gathering storms, a project would cost 840,000- He said, “ Should this rate con­ magazines and scissors for the scene. Neither driver, however, Little children’s voices rang SUs afternoon at the Ladd Fh- irtedly used the statements of the general fund resMve. Dohlen said. will go toward the upkeep of The Army confirmed his dis­ Middle Tpke. that double as for Its year-round use a pool Jurisdiction. guiding our ahipe at aea, aaaist- presumably from the capital tinue. our elementary popula­ proJecL the Oliver Ellsworth Home­ was injured. In praise of God abo've. noral Home, 1» BJUlngton Ave„ Bts. 6 and 44A, Oakland Judge C^x said the court was arnette and Jordan as corner­ The board a t directors dle- improvement fund. Supt. Warner reported to the appearance and told of the note where It can conduct Its pro­ g Ing our maptniakers and serv- ouaeed the capital Improvement tion in Grades 1 through 6 will A t 7 tonight there wiU be sen­ stead, Windsor, which is state And countless lessons there RocKviUe. The Rev. Wayne St„ Charter Oak St., and gram. When the government intereapted in determining if the stones to fashion indictments ing, most valuably of all, to ‘The hoiqiital’s trustees are board that a problem existed Eifter North Korea’s Pyongyang Sandau, pastor of IJUlngt^ plan at an Informal meeting double in four-and-one-half ior choir rehearsal. Anyone In­ DAR owned. radio reported the defection. were taught Camp Meeting Rd. announced it would dispose of men held at the Meridian Air from a federal grand Jury. bring tha peofrias of many np- not ready to proceed with an years demanding 22 to 23 cltes- at the Pleasant Valley School Oongregatlonal Church, offici­ last night. terested In Joining the choir is Authors are J. Bard McNulty, The broaace leadership during state aid funds snd a small put into effect the same agree reason for the presentation is is actually from the tank. purchased from Mrs. Maurice Kiecolt, Richard Ames and ton E. Bromley, 93, of Stough­ report to HEW. Later, lOH j aniyone wishing to do so may Willey, vice regent of Orford Robert McNeill. Worship lead­ him to defect. He did not have "Kerman W. Freeman of WUll- standards and assessed Puerto 1964, its chief competitor did not storm sSWer project fund ment on presidential disability to attempt, more forcefully, to SupL Warner informed the Praise God from whom all ton, Mass., pastor of the Wap- i^thdre^i;^t^applic;;«on ■befor^ board the year’s guarantee on send a donation to the March Chapter, DAR, or from Miss ers will be Peter Godin, Miss acces.s to classified information. mantic and Bdward V. Freeman Rico a demerit in spite of the stand still,” the summary mid. would allow the town about which their predecessors have call attentlcn to the need of ble.ssings flow, ping Methodist Church from GSA, indicatlM the action was tom, the National Science of Dimes, Mrs. Jewell Bumhaan, Grace Loomis, Mrs. Arthur Har-1 Cynthia Barnes, Miss Linda His mother is PatUe Casper of CHESTER of Aneonia; two daughters, law. That decision, he added, "The Soviet Union successful­ 849,000 for highway resurfacing had since the Dwight D. Elsen­ using every means possible to the Orchard HIU School was up In Him our faith ramains. 1919 to 1922, died Sunday at his temporary and that the ap- Foundation announced today. in a month. chairman, 418 Pleasant Valley ris and Mrs. Ben D. Sasportas, Cox " ' and ^ Arthur ‘ BJork. Rich Square. *Mre. Albert Jodoin and M l* "appears to be a clear and fla­ ly orbited a three-man space­ or reconstruction during the hower administration, ths White Blow down the growth to a pace With His help—and yours and home after a short lllnees. , plication would probably ^be re-1 Drilling is expected to begin craft, also sent a spacecraft on He said he and the principal Rd. all members of the Windsor Tlie Youth Choir will sing j The last defection occurred FURRIERS Betty Lou Freeman, both of grant \doIation of First Amend­ rest of this fiscal year. House said today. which the town can absorb. Homeowners to Meet mine. He was bom in Jewett City ! filed through other federal in 1968 at the earliest, the foun­ its way toward Mars, and In­ had gone through the school chapter. Those wishing to send “ Immortal Invisible” by Thi- ' Dec. 6, 1963, when Jerry Par­ Our Church shall rise again. O F ROCKVILLE Wlllimantic: fifteen grandchU- ment limitations on federal ac-’ Stone, who opened the ses­ Nothing has been signed, no He Slid this would demand rish, 20, of Henderson, Ky., and attended schooU In Nor- channels. dation said. creased the number of satellites letters have been exchanged, and made a check list of some The Pine Knob Homeowners for tickets by mall may contact man and "There is a Balm in 246-2478 “ dren and five great-grardctoS- tlon.” sion asking how far along on the close cooperation of all walked away from a unit on Ruth Lee, Parishioner, wlch. A graxhiate of Drew The l7-memtoer lOH advisory But preliminary, shallower placed Into orbit over the pre­ but the agreement was worked 60 Items that needed correction. Association wUl meet tonight at Mrs. Florence Mills, P. O. Box Gilead” , arranged by Dawson, er call collect "The FOC rushes In where its master highway plan the agencies and commissions. patrol. First Congregational dren. Theological Seminary, he serv- group met earlier this month drilling with scientific import of vious year 112 per cent. town has progressed, seemed out before the Jan. 20 inaugura­ He said the items had been 8 at the Wapping Branch of the 398, Windsor. at the 9:15 and 11 a.m. services. 876-6929 ^ Private funeral servlcea wlH government agents are forbid­ He noted that It was an In­ Members of the Junior Fel­ MORE Church, Vernon ed churches in Maine, Connecti­ and named Herbert E. Johnson its own is expected to begin ear­ "Their efforts re-emphasised inclined to leave this item in tion. This was the report from broken up into major, minor East Hartford Federal Savings Reservations will close be held tomorrow at Id am . at cut and Massachusetts. He den to tread," Loevinger said, teresting statistical fact that if and Loon Association. Distribu- Wednesday, Feb. 3. lowship will serve as ushers. At Rich Square, Mrs. Casper, Burned January 28, 1966 of 307 Spring St. as its chair­ ly in 1967 at six other sites in the Soviet intention to be the the improvement program. White House preea secreUry a consLint percentage of In­ and poor de.sign. Ibe Potter IXmeral' Home, 468 made his home in Stoughton "when it requires religious pro-’ leading space power, and re­ men. the Pacific. Drilling of the ma­ gramming and determines that The master highway plan George E. Reedy. crease Is maintained at 10 per One major item mentioned Jaokson St., WfBimantic. The after hla retirement. He waa stressed the point that the was about 20 wall-to-wall lOH is the oMapririf' of a rec­ jor hole is expected to take up a certain amount of religious was prepared in 1963 as a Reedy said the pact is Identi-' cent, any bass figure will dou­ Rev. W iliam R. Behiry, raotor the oldest living member of the reation department program to three years. United States cannot afford the cal with those between Eisen­ cracks in the floor tiles of the New England Southern Omfer- broadcasting is or is not ade­ guide to a comprehensive high­ ble Itself In less than 8 years. ef St. Paul’s Kpisoopsl Onireti, originaJly started in 1954 by It's all a part of a venture luxury of complecency.” hower and his vice presldenl, Orchard Hill School WUlimantic, will officiate. ence. Last year at the confer­ quate or excessive, or that the way improvement plan In town. In line with the school ex­ former Rec Superintendent known as "Project Mohole” — public interest is or is not Richard M. Nixon, between the SupL Warner said it waa only There will be no ence eeesion in Chatham, Mass., During the 1954 calendar year pansion in town the board dis­ fair that the pubUb building open mondoy through Saturday 9:30 to 5:30 . . . THURSDAY NIGHT tiH 9 James Herdic. Miss Alice Mad­ an attempt to gain knowledge of served by the' broadcasting of about 8190,000 was spent on late President John F. Kennedy cussed the possible site for the hours. he waa praaented the confer­ and Johnson when the latter commission should be notified ence eane which is given to tha den became Its advisor and has the earth's origin, structure, particular iriews on religion, or Prospects Mount highway improvements recom­ proposed middle school and the directed its work since 1958. minerals-making and earth­ of the views of particular waa vice president, and between that these things were not sat oldest member. mended in the plan. Stone noted special teachers which would isfactory to encourage effective Mrs. 1. Nslaon Platt Until last Monday, K>H has quake-brewing. The operation Is churches or sects." Johnson and Speaker of the COVENTRY — Mr*. Eunice Burvivon include two daugh- For Showdown that during the 1956 calendar be needed next year. supervision. bean under technicri sponsor­ expected to cost $70 million in Loevinger called on the com­ year the town could spend House John W. McCormack. ■ltuV> A.uger Platt, 79, wife of tera, Mian Winifred Bromley of It was noted that at this time SupL Warner said, *Ths bid Somenrille, Maas., and Mrs. ship of the recreation depart­ the first three years, including mission "to analyze and re­ about 8126,000 if the 1965-66 The agreement provides that tbe town owns two sites. The J. Nelson Platt W Abington the cost of major equipment, consider its practices and doc­ Over UN Debts in the event 6he president is price was for perfect condition and mother of Richard Platt of Perry Oetroff with whom he ment; it now is backed by tbe state aid contribution is added Rye St.' property and the Or- and Initiation should be taken save made hla home; a aon. Ernest board of education. and $8 million a year thereafter trines in the light of the First to the 849,000 the town may unable to perform his duties, he ehard Hill property. Coventry, died Sunday at the until the job is done. Amendment, and to extend the (Contlmied from Page One) would inform the vice president, before the deadline Is up." Brooklyn (Conn.) Convalescent B. Bromley of Cincinnati, Ohio; have available. Jane Romeyn observed that Copies of the Items in need two sisters, Mrs. Raymond Von Dr. Leland Haworth, founda­ constitutional principle and the The total of town highway if he were capable of doing this, the ideal site should be deter­ at least and more Hospital. tion director, said the founda­ great spirit of religious liberty will help break the deadlock and the vice president would of correction will be sent to the Other survivom include two Tobel and Mrs. Leslie A. Whit­ reconstruction needs in the re­ mined based on needs and in re­ town sttorney and the public ing of Cranston, R L ; and six Hospital Notes tion's "initial" decision to select to American broadcasting.” that has defied the negotiating become acting president until sons, two sisters, eig^t grand- port is mor* than 8900,000, lation to the number o f pupils building commission. grandchildren. the Hawaiian site was made on The First Amendment to the talents of Secretary-General U the Inability to perform bis du­ phildren and several nieces and however. and transportation. Funeral services were held TM tl^g boars are 8 to 8 p.m. the basis of scientific informa­ constitution forbids the making Thant, Assembly President Alex ties ended. It was noted by board mem­ ■ephews. 2. For storm sswsr construc­ D. P. Cavanaugh suggested this morning at the Stoughton in all areas excepting mater- tion presently available. of any law "respecting an es­ Quaison- Sackey and the 06-na­ tion. 8X00,000. Should the president be una­ bers that a jxirtlon of school Funeral serrices wwe held tion Asian-African bloc. bringing the item before the Methodist Oiurch. Burial waa Ity arhere they are 2 to 4 pun. He said this decision could be tablishment of religion.” It is Martin said this amount ble to communicate with the next bitsr-agsncy meeting for payment is usually withheld Clearance thia afternoon at tha Abington changed "should new informa­ Stevenson told the assembly vice president, the latter would SALE! In Packervilla, Maas. and 6:30 to 8 p.m. and private the basis of the doctrine of sepa­ would be applied to three or until the year’s guarantee Is up J ploratlon. Congreg:a*ional Church. The roooM where ttiey are 10 a.m. tion indicate that some as yet ration of church and state. that Article 19 must be ob­ enter such consultations as he and corrections made. Full pay­ Rev. Leroy Bchrump, pastor, served. To ignore the charter, four major projects for which ShotUUpt. Warner pointed out to to 8 pjn. Visitor* are requested unidentified site would better a need has long existed. He considered appropriate to was ment has already been made on officiated. Burial waa In Abing- fulfill our scientific objectives.” he said, would be "a step in the decide, and become acting pres­ board members that time group of boys' famous moke superb group of Bot to m ok e In pattenta’ rooms. cited Dover Rd., Seaman Circle already getting short for the the Orchard Hill School. ton C«metery. FaiM rah No more than two vtaltora at But other spokesmen for the dark down an unfamiHar path." ident If he determined this to be In other action, Supt. War­ The Smith and Walker Fu­ Rights Workers He declared that if members and Hackmatack St, aa three 900-pupil achool to be ready by girls' 7 to 14 ons time per patteot. foundation told a reporter it is possible locations. necessary. ner has 'Written a letter to May­ junior-petite-pre-teen neral Home. 148 Grove St., Put- highly unlikely a better spot will were allowed to decide individ­ In either event, the president 1967^ winter jackets Maurice E. Olarke Republican Harlan Taylor Councilman Umberto Del or John Egan requesting stu­ Ham, was in chsuge of arrange­ PaUeuta Today: 255 be uncovered before drilling Held in Selma ually what U.N. activities they would decide when his inability dents be allowed to take part nyon quilt ments. COLUMBIA — Largely at­ considered legal and worthy of asked Uw priority liat he re­ Mastro told the board the con­ in wool or corduroy begins. lieved to see If it might now to perform hi* duties had ended. in a town government day. If tended memorial services for Spokesmen said a proposed financial support, the UiUted tract for leasing the Orchard reversible ADMITTED YESTEatDAY: SELMA, Ala. (AP) — Three Include an allocation to sn- Bill property expires shortly. the matter is approved by the casual coats Maurice E. Clarke of Erdoni Nations would become an or­ Mrs. Helen GlemboskI John Ashton, 88 High St.; site in the CDaribbean, ea.st of cloae a oontroveraial section of town council, Supt. Warner will Mrs. Helen Kokofsky Glem- Rd. were held yesterday af­ white civil rights workers were ganization beset with uncertain­ Ths town manager Is in the George Fox, 116 Walker St.; Antigua in the West Indies had Bigelow Brook where flooding work out the procedures. 6 to 12 feoski, 85, of Suffield, mother ternoon at Columbia Oongre- been definitely roled out. arrested today after they re­ ties, deteys, fruatrations and process of preparing bids for Mrs. Wanda Boehm, 577 Adams was frequent last summer. the leasing of ths property for The public building commis­ 17.98-19.98 parkas orig. to -a t Mrs. Rose Witkowski of ational Church. TTie Rev. S t; Mrs. Madekm Bradley, 47 The Hawaii site is about 100 fused to get away from a line failure. 1 2 .9 0 eorge Evans, pastor, of­ The Soviet Union and France The town engineering depart­ a period of two yeera sion will hold a public hearing ^Manchester and Mrs. Helen S Teresa Dr.; Donald Carignan, miles north-northeast of Maui in of Negroes seeking to register ment has identified storm I W ont on the Ell Terry School addi­ 40.00 Palorie of Broad Brook, died ficiated. Mrs. Allan Robinson j 266 Lyman Rd., Bolton; Miss the Hawaiian islands. as voters. claim aseesementa they have Del Mastro also told the board was organist. refused to pay for peacekeeping sewer needs amounting to sev­ the park and recreation commit­ tion Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at jresterday at her home. Cheryl Clark, 43 Arcellla Dr.; The six other sites for the pre­ Sheriff's deputies took the eral hundred thousand dollars, Your Deal! the high school. 14 to 20 orig. Other survivors Include three A large delegation from Robert Craig, Hebron; Kath­ liminary drilling range from as three in custody after a U.8. operations are illegal because tee has requested funds for the Howell Cheney Technical many of them of long stand- 1967-68 fiscal year to Improve Discussion on kindergartens 24.98 15.00 Chesterfields, A-lines, ■ons, seven daughters, a sister, leen Delaney, South Windsor; far south as Panama to the marshal ordered them away they were voted by the assem­ BUY NOW & 5AYB 22.98 1 4 .9 0 and a citizens committee re­ .twenty-three grandchildren and School, Manchester, attended Scott Gillispie, Storra; Miss waters off the State of WaMiing- from the prospective voters. bly instead of the Security ths prtq>erty for recreational 8.90 Bardleys, Norfolk appeara that this Hem will garding fiscal independence for twelve great-grandchildren. the serrices. Alice Lawson, 30 Foster Dr„ ton. Two of those arrested were Council. purposes. styles, tweeds, mel­ The Holmes Funeral Home, A* showdown la expected to necessarily be pruned if the It was pointed out that if the board of education was ta­ ‘The funeral will be held to­ Vernon; Catherine Pitz, 460 Officials told a reporter Tues­ identified as Frank Soracco of program is to fit the available bled until the next meeting. nationally famous maker, tons or camel hair morrow at 8:15 a. m. from the 400 Main St. Manchester, was Vernon St.; Mrs. Shirley Tal­ day there's an "even-Stephen" San Francisco and Roger Daley come next Monday when Qual- there waa a decision made to in charge of arrangements. 8200,000. Veterans Set Dlsoassloo the guardsmen look! colorful print reverses to Merwin, Leek and Sheehan Fu­ ley, 41 Waddell Rd.; Mrs. chance the big hole — repre­ of Dartmouth College, field son- Sackey plans to call for build the middle school on ths blends. election at committee chairmen 8. For revisions to heating Orchard Hill property, there Itis Abe E. Miller American solid nylon. neral Home, 85 Poquonock Ave., Oatherine Crowley, 74 Diane senting man's deepest penetra­ workers for tbe Student Nonvi­ systems at the municipal build­ Mrs. EnMI E. WersUer tion of his planet —can be com­ and vice {Hesidenta so the as­ waa room for the school and boys' nylon quilted Windsor, with a solemn high Funeral serrices for Mrs. Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Victoria olent Coordinating Committee. ing and Bentley School, a total pleted by the end of 1970. sembly, i^ c h has been floun­ rscreatlonal facilities. Lkla DiCeooo Werstler, 64 Ward. Wapping; Mrs. Dorothy The third waa not immediate­ of about 860,000. groop of Legal Nonee Pierce, SO Fairfield St.; Mrs. The project will entail lower­ ly identified. dering aimlessly for more than Asst. Supt William Perry Greenwood Dr., will be held eight weeks, can get down to Btone suggested the town girls' 3 to 6x Janet Pettlngill, O ven try; Har­ ing equipment through water at All three were planning to consider allocating only enough outlined the needs for special AT A COURT OF PROBATE held , tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. at the business. A record vote would teachers for next year. He said ski parkas nylon ... hooded cor coots at Manchester, within and for the Watkins-'West Funeral Home, ry Case. Wapping; Louis Ga- least two miles deep before talk with Negroes waiting in the to engineer the projects — a Jkstrict of Manchester, on the aist mache, Columbia; Michael Pa- drilling is begun in the ocean voter registration line and were automatically bring up the the teachers were needed be­ 142 E. Center St. The Rev.. question of applying Article 19. total of about 86.500. He said day of January. 1966. tulak, Storrs; Mrs. Rose Cie- floor. ordered to get off the sidewalk they could probably not be un­ cause of the expansion of the 3 Day Sale Present, Hon. John J. WaJlett. Felix M. Davis, pastor of Sec- Steve Marten, Pres. school system. famous maker orig. 30.00 to 40.00 Judge. I chowski, 43 West St., Rock­ The foundation announcement and leave the Negroes akme. dertaken until summer any­

< M • -T •'.t. •« 4- ’Kt-’i T ■.„. X-..% ^■m

Section Two WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1965 6 f AGE TWELVE MAN^CHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1968 inanrI;rBtrr lEttrning l|mtUi WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1966 Pages 13 to 24

murder victims ware found out­ came so engrossed with Boston Police side the city, and the FBI Romance Over rancher’s domestic flock that the rancher was able to herd pledged its complete coera- F o r Visiting, him — along with his own - Directors Talk Over Town Author Equipment^ Maintenance Strike Again Uon to the renewed efforts of into a bani. At Gangsters city police. Amorous Rams The rancher didn’t turn him 4j Boston Police Commissioner loose. Instead, Chief Game War­ Rang Jargon School Budget Topics Today den Virgil Johnson and two men Payroll, Use of DP Edmund L. McNamara termed PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — The BOmON (AP) — Borton »Je- had to jm m ey to Harding Coun­ his new orders part of an "open wild and the woolly are going to Oipltal outlay, section 1200^iquests for two guidance offices tecUvM coiKlucted a second warfare.” He said, "W e’re go­ ty and plead for the miscreant’s Of Teachers part company in the Slim Buttes release. to’o ’n'M X «'5 A plan to revise the town employes* pay period, a re­ of the proposed education ($1,000) land office air-condU ing to take their guns away roundup of known hoodlums area of northwestern South Da­ Then they took the Beau budget, will be the major item Uonlng ($1,260) in the high from them. . .this is the begin­ kota. view of the town’s use of computers and a restatement By ROBERT KILPATRICK covered In tonight’s last finance school; copper tubing in the T^Uesday night in another blow ning of jk war on crime. This is Brummel of the bighorns to It's the amorous inclinations of the need for a larger Municipal Building—all were An amusing and frank book, committee workshop. Green School ($1,600); electri­ of a Aswly declared war on the not a flash in the pan.” Custer State Park in the south­ of some bighorn sheep that ern Black Hilla discussed at an informal directors meeting* last night. molding educational jargon in­ Members of the Iward o f ed­ cal rewiring in the or^nal Rob­ oity’s sqiMd>bling gangland fac* The increased police activity ucation and 'the public are In­ caused the problem. The commission has author­ 445 HARTrORD ROAD. N e a r McKEE All three aubjecte were$> to an underatandahie form, haa ertson School ($8,000); and the Hons. came after the death of Joseph brought up during a review vited to hear the subcommit­ installaclon of electronic con­ R. Francione, 36. who was shot It started in IMO when South ized Park Supt. Les Price to go recently been published in PoUos hoped hy ^ ck up some Dakota's Game, Fish A Parks with auditors Richard Bury payroll computing on toe board tee’s deliberations at 7:30 in trols on boilers in eight ele­ in the back of the head in his into the Slim Buttes, round up tiues about the slaying of 18 Department traded 16 wild tur­ and Robert Macrl of the 1968- of education’s equipment. New York. The author la the board room of Bennet Jun­ mentary schools ($7,875). Revere apartment. the rest of the species aitd also men in Greater Boston in the keys for a dozen bighorn sheep 64 town audit. According to BHIIs, such a Jamea 8. LeSure of 274 Parker ior High School. His death was the fourth in take them to the park. In addition, the 15,000 out­ A fireproof safe ($2,000) is last 11 months by picking iq> from Alberta, Canada. Ih e revised pay period plan oonsoUdation effort will prob­ St. included am(>ng the requests for friends and associates of the 16 days as well as the 18th in ably have to be aocomplltoed going transfer account will be the lengthy chsdn that started The sheep were taken to the WHERE SERVICE IS would allow town offidale time The book Is called "Guide covered. ITils is money spent new administrative equipment. gangland slaying yictims. over a number of yean, since last March. Slim Buttes, and almost every­ between'the end of the pay pe­ to Pedagueee. A Handbook for for Mrvlces rendered to Man­ It is a recommendation of the Sweeping raids Monday night body thought that is where they riod and pay day to formally It would require subetantlally Puzzled Parenta.” In It, Le­ school auditor. more personnel than are now chester residents — pupils or resulted In the detention of 2S would live happily ever after. tbe pay ron.“ Sure, a teacher certification of­ adults by other area school In addition to this, there are men for Boston police to ques­ Households Up 51% But some rams became infa­ Aa the pay roll la now ad­ assigned to toe school board’s ficer in the State Department requests for new school equip­ data proceaslng center. systems. tion and learn more about. Two tuated with domestic sheep ministered, salaried employee of Education, attempts to un­ Capital outlay is defined as ment, representing an increase of those picked up for question- WASHINGTON — The Amer­ owned by Harding County OUR BEST PRODUCT and some hourly-rated workers H ie poasibillty of building ravel the tangle of terms that expenditures for the acquisition of al>out $14,0(W over this taig were eharged with illegal ican's desire for his own house­ ranchers. are paid on Friday for the two- either a new municipal build­ educators have been throw­ of fixed assets or additions to year’s iMotment of $8,500. possesaian of firearms and a hold is shown clearly by Cen­ The offspring were like the week work period that ends ing or addli^ to the existing ing at parents for years. the school plant. For 1966-66, Many of these requests are third was eharged with non- sus Bureau statistics. Between bighorn species in one respect that Friday. Thla means that structure came up during a dis­ He succeeds well. His guide a total of $62,000, or 1.1 per for rfeientifle equipment desig­ support IMO and I960 the number of — frisky and agile — but they UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY the payroli must be certified cussion of vault storage facili­ through the Ifibyrinthian cor­ cent o f the $6.6 milliMi budget, nated under the National De­ Massachusetts State Police persons 14 and older increased didn’t have a wool coat; it was as many as five days before ties—or the lack of It in cur­ ridors of educational jargon is is requested. This year, $11,- fense Education Act as eligible Bssiuned a broader role in the 24 per cent, but occupied dwell­ more like hair. the end of the pay period in rent town offices. comprehensive, cogent, and un- 800, or .2 per cent o f a $5.07 for a 50 per cent federal rebate. Recently, one of the rams be­ order to allow time for com­ con^plicated. investigation, since many of the ing units increased 61 per cent. Macri pointed out that cur­ million budget, was alloted. Under new equipment for FAMOUS — NAnONAUY AOVERUSED pletion of the necessary paper Ltoted alphabetically, the In the area of site improve­ the maintenance of the school work. rent records—those In use up to guilty terms unroll page after two yea n oW— are not secured ments of this 1200 section, $6,- plant is .a $400 item for snow This, scoording to Maori, page in an enlightening, hu­ 500 is ibeing asked for the re­ -PORTABLE against fire during the night blowers for Illlng and Nathan •*ls poor payroll policy pure morous, and spoofing parade. surfacing and installation of Hale, He suggested fireproof oaUneta Quite a few of them, such as and simple.” precurbing on the high school The next step of the budget’s Under an approved system, would provide sufficient protec­ interscholastic athletics, need track. BUY ON tion. no clarification, but are simply Journey is approval by the the town would pay Hs employee One of the major Increases whole boart’. of education on Marlow’s Furniture Dep’L FINAL JANUARY But General Manager Martin Included by LeSure as "an ex­ EASY one week after the end of in this lection is $23,000 for Feb. 8. At this date, the finance each pay period. Some hourly- said that "We heed more room cuse for a brief diatribe.” building alterations or im­ TERMS! A witty and humorous in­ committee will make its recom- rsAed workers are already be­ for municipal operationa ao all provements. Included are re­ mendat’ons. CLEARANCE SALE — 3 Days — Thurs^ Fri. and SaL ing paid on this basis, accord­ the town departments will have troduction e}g>lains book’s DISHWASHER ing to General Miuiager Rich­ a place to put their records.” raison d’etre. In it. Dr. Le­ ard Martm. There la little apace for any Sure says that part of the rea­ ★ Com* hi and SAVE on THESE SUPER V— A— U-41— 6 -S ! ★ additional cabineta in the pres­ son for the obfuscation springs Churchill Visit The complioation, Martin from the "deep-seated desire of Keith Asks says, oomes m the disnge- ent municipal building, he said. over. ' public educators to be recog­ To Area Recalled .Maori concurred. "Because of nized as ‘professional.’ ” FORMICA TOP 3-PIECE 9 X 12 RUGS The simple^ way to switoh tl^e lack of faclHties, It is diffi­ There exists a tendency Dempsey to the pay day would be to sim­ In 1933, the late Sir Win­ STUDENT DESK KITCHEN SET Values to $79JiO B-l-G BUYS cult to put your linger on what among them to adopt a profes­ Watant or Maple ply delay the payroll one you want.” sional jargon much as doctors ston Churchill was on a lec­ Table and 2 Chairs ON POPULAR MAKE week. ture tour of the United Radoced to $1 9.9 9 Reduced to $49.99 Itortin aald the vaults now and lawyers do, LeGure ob­ Back Rt. 6 Reduced to $29.99 But this would work an un­ available In the building have serves. States. One of his stops TELEVISION a fire reaiatlng life of less than was Hartford’s Bushnell reasonable hardship upon the "But educators, far more “The completion of Rt. 6 is employes who must live an ex­ a half hour. than doctors or lawyers, must Memorial. THAYEB BABY Thayer "Wet-Proof” Hearing of his -visit, some an integral part of the central SWIVEL ROCKERS 12" PORTABLE tra week on their regular sal­ And, besidea the municipal communicate with the general Nice Seieotloa CARRIAGE CRIB MATTRESS ary or wage. building, there is no other rea- public,” he says. members of the Manchester business district urban renewal $99.99 Mons Ypres Post of the CS9.95 Yaloea CLEARANCE Martin suggested a number aonably accessible place to The average taxpayer, he plan,” according to Everett T. Redaced to $8.88 British War Veterans who Redaced to S2SJH9 $19JM»-$29.50 of altem-itives for the change­ store records, he said. M. Sgt. Lynn and his wife begin packing at their Gtfflse AFB home prior to leaving for says, is not going to give up a Keith, chairman of the Man­ Remarked Stone: "I have the third TV for something he can­ had served under the then $34418 U " PORTABLE over, Including one that would new aaalgioment. Foremost among the mom^toir 5lduty at Grifflss that will receive a place Col. Churchill in the First chester Redevelopment Agency USE IT AS A be coordinated with a switch to Impression that you’re Imply­ of honor in the Lynns’ new home are plaques presented Lynn respectively by the Boy not understand. In writing this (MRA). DELUXE BEDDING $119.99 ing that we need a new town guide for parents, LeSure has World War suggested that weekly instead of the present Scouts of America, the Air Force Recruiting Service, and the Strategic Air Command. All are a guard of honor be ar­ Keith said this in a letter Reg. $39.50 each bi-weekly payrolls. hall.” challeneged the authors of a Room Sets Rednced! Convertible in recognition of his many speeches on SAC survival equipment presented to civilian audi­ ranged to greet the then addressed to Gov. John Demp­ BOXSPRING and PORTABLE NOW, Republican director Harlan To which ZDutin replied: ences throughout Central New York. Sons David, 3, and Jerry, 4, are on hand to make sure confused public to present their sey, in urgring the state’s chief SOFA-BEDS 19" PORTABLE “Then I’m meeting with some concepts in simpler terms. Le­ 59-year-old parliamentari­ Sofia and Chair Sharply Bedooed! MATTRESS Taylor asked Martin to report that their ^ane model and leprechaun doll are packed, too. (Air Force photo.) an. executive to support the proj­ degree of euccese.” He pro­ Sure believes it can be done. In From $54419 Both fdr $59415 $139.99 bis reconunendations for a pay The suggestion was ect when it comes up again From$99JM» BUILT-IN LATER day changeover to the board ceeded to describe crowded con­ fact, he implies that it must be before the Legrislature, when it ditions in various town offices. M. Sgt. Lynn — Soldier, Amhassador done if education is to make the brought to Miss Jessie Rey­ within two months. nolds, former town welfare convenes. Taylor said he thought the No specific course of action progress It needs. The letter also says MRA Reading the book is like fol­ director, who is now de­ DELUXE TWIN SIZE present system might lead to waa proposed by the directors. A soldier by day—( g o o d ftiy Mohawk Valley Community^years ceased, but then was com­ consultants "have made vari­ FREE PARKINO AT OUB BEAR IK X»! ^----- military service, having lowing a guide hacking his way MAPLE BED OUTFITS abuses; rather than go through A fourth recommendation will ambassador and public College. enlisted in 1946 at Manchester. mander of the post. She ous studies on traffic circula­ from the audit— that the town through a jungle of entangle­ tion, land use, market analysis e 4-Poeter Bed, e Boxsprliig the complicated procedure of speaker at night. Lynn estimates that, between He proudly calls Manchester heartily agreed to the sug­ correcting a payroll already ap­ transfer the remains of the ment. Terms like block schedul­ and environmental deficiencies • Mattress That's how hie fellow serv­ talks and static displays, he has his home town, although he is ing, mentally retarded curric­ gestion, according to the proved, an employe might sim­ parking meter fund to the Gen­ appeared personally before a a native of Ireland' who came post’s past chaplain. Cecil in connection with our Renew­ icemen describe M. Sgt. Wil­ ulum development, language S694M> ply be allowed p^d time off. eral Fund account—was briefly combined civilian audience of to this country with his par­ Kittle, and “ promptly in­ al Project No. 2. All o f these pasaed oxer. liam B. Ljrnn, son of Mr. and arts, teacher aides, and quartlle studies emphasize the need for **I don’t see that we need to 100,000 persons throughout the ents when he was 18. fall by the wayside as LeSure vited a few boys from the soft pedal this anymore than Martin said he would prefer Mrs. William C. Lynn of 47 state. In addition, he has ap­ In fact port o f ^Is popularity 26th Yankee Division to the preposed relocaticm of Rt. to keep the approximately 89,- pares them to sUte -with accu­ 6. The present Rt. 6 in Man­ DELUXE S-WAT MAYTAG we did the (recreation depart­ Hartford Rd. peared on television shows orig­ aa a speaker results from his share the honor.” 000 hi the fund available for rate. swipes. chester is extremely inadequate J FLOOR LAMPS ment) problems of a year ago,” S gt Lynn, who is noncom­ rapid fire delivery which con­ Chaplain Kittle 'describes FUBNITUBE DEPARTMENT (Lower Store Level) some future off-street parking inating from Utica and Syra­ His definition of "unions” Is to handle the existing traffic ha said. missioned officer in ohai-ge cuse, N.Y., adding thousands of tains a very distinct brogue. the occMion; "On the stage $29.95 Values purchase or lease. of the Personal Equipment ironically humorous and percep­ volume and Is the cause of A r^ew of the town’s use of TV fans to his total. Although looking forward to tive: In the eyes of the public of the Bushnell, we lined up Macrl suggeated It be trans­ Branch at the 416th Bom­ more time with his wife Kit for Inspection. Mr. Church­ much congestion that is detri­ Reduced to S19.99 somputers that was recom- A recent talk at the Coming unions are for tradesmen, not DOWNTOWN MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER e 649-6221 ferred to the General Fund — bardment Wing (SAC), Grif- and their five childi'en during ill returned our salute, mental to the business and resi­ mendfd In the audit 1s already Glass Works Auditorium, Com­ profeesionale, regardless of the underway, according to Demo- rather than ^>ent by toe town fiss AFB, R o m t, N.Y. has his next assignment, Sgt. Lynn congratulated Miss Rey­ dential areas in our project and stumped the cientral New ing, N.Y., ended Lynn’s speak­ philosophical views of aome nolds, and then braced him­ also other sections of town.” aratlc director Rgymond Rills. parking autoortty In the down­ says he will mUs dem­ modern thinkers. WRINGER town area — ra ce the funde York area for 3H years, ex­ ing engagements for the time self before us. He raised his The development of a sound onstrations. Bills said that ‘'Then is a plaining the items he works being, becauM be departs next He describes parsnrt oonfsr- economic renewal plan Is de­ •ommlttee working cn such were collected On parking met­ "You get more than you fist and said, ‘You’re the with during toe day. month for a new assignment enoes as "things that result in boys— you’re the boys. Keep pendent upon a relocated Rt. 6, questions as where tha town- ers) from all town residents In­ give,’’ he explains. "I have met a book like this,” and defines stead of from downtown proper­ Parachutes, ejection Mats, with the 441st Supply Squadron the g o^ will of America.’ ” Keith said. owned computer emiipment many wonderful peisons and guidance as "whiat most of us should be, In whose JiuMlction ty owners. life rafts, helmets, survival kits at Yokota Air Base, Japan. been given royal welcomes on "Your support . . . will al­ and other life-saving gear are When he returns to this country need and don’t get much of low the (MRA) . . . to develop it should be, and what future Parking meters were remonr- most of my talks. And, of that’s any good.” ed from on-etreet parking areas among the units handled by he will be eligible for retire­ gree from Tufts University, a renewal plan for our . . . uses will be nmde of It.” course, I enjoyed the chance to LeSure was bom in New WASHER Rllis says he Is sitting In In 1966. Ib e Inctme from the Lynn, and, in late 1961, he ment, and It may have been the let our neighbors know a little and a doctor of philosophy de- project . . . which will be a meters has not )>een entirely worked up a. demonstration of last such speech of his career. Rochelle, N. Y., attended Dart­ groe from the University of tremendous asset not only to LARGE FAMILY CAPACITY with the committee as a repre­ more about how the Air Force mouth, and served two years appropriated, however. this paraphernalia for presen­ Sgt. Lynn haq over* 18 works.” 0>nnecticut. He has been with Manchester, but also to the en­ sentative of the policy-making with the Na'vy In Australia. He board of dlreotors. A repre­ Aside from the four recom­ tation to civilian audiences. the department of education tire Capitol Region," the letter sentative has also been Invited mendations It contains, the After his first few shows, holds a mastw in education de- since 1961. concludes. from the board o f education. 1963-64 town audit la generally the word spread, and there soon Tea Will Honor alcohol, which she felt had 30” DELUXE According to BUis, the basic approving of town fiscal and was a steady demand from brought so much sorrow to so question Is "whether the equip­ accounting procedures. scout, church, social and civic many and blighted so many ment belongs rlg^Rfully in the It also obMrves that the rec­ groups for hlls survival show. WCTU Organizer young lives. He has now spoken before more Ihe Shurflne label Is your domain of the board of educa­ reation department books— the Three times she has been the subject of a special audit In than So civilian groups. Members of Manchester’s guarantss that tha products you buy ara only of tha tion, or whether 'it should be honored by the Congress o f the incesporated under a separate 1963 following the uncovering In addition to these off-base highast quality. You tava planty of monty, too, during tha Women’s ChrLsUan Temperance United States. Her statue Is in municipal unit, which would in of “bookkeeping Irregularities” appearances, Lynn and his air­ Statuary Hall in the Capitol at Shuiflna Month of Magic Salt. Buy aoms Shurfitw.products today. Union will honor Frances Wil­ ELECTRIC turn do Jobs for the board of t h e r e—are substantially im­ men assistants have also pro­ Washington, the first woman to lard, master organizer of education on the same basis as proved over last year. vided lectures In their shop be so honored. She also agitated other tasks undertaken for the The audit la available in the for scout, Civil Air Patrol, and WCTU, at a tea Tuesday, Feb. for school savings banka, free town.” town clerk’s office of the mu­ college ROTC groups being 9 at 2:30 p.m. In Susannah kindergartens, physical ouHure, Sensational Offer!! Macrl said the audit recom­ nicipal building. given tours of the SAC area at Wesley Hall, South Methodist mercy service, scientific and mended such a review commit­ the base. <3hurch. Miss Willard died Feb.' economioal cookery homes for tee because the town "seems MUk Plant Planned Occasional static displays of 17, 1898. A film, "The Spirit of now to be using computers on homelesB children, adequate RANGE survival gear for fains, air 74,” will be shown on the activi­ housing, alum clearance, work­ OSROW NEWPORT SCALE Brushed Chrome Top— Automatic Meat Minder a hit or miss basis." TAIPBI—A |2.4-mUlion plant shows, and other special events ties of the organization since its men’s compensation, co(^>era- SLASHED He noted that the town as­ will be built In Formosa soon to were also set up by Lynn, and founding In 1874. The public is tion in capitol and labor, social sessor’s office has contracted process the milk of 10,000 cows. he usually m anag^ to be on invited. REFRIGERATOR by DETECTO with a commercial firm to have security, old age assistance, I(a 1966 production goal Is 1,- hand to answer any questions Dedicated and consecrated postal savings banks and ethi­ Even bigger savings on family shoes the Grand List figured on data viewers had about this equip­ women have been carrying on processing equipment — but 6M,000 pounds of powdered cal culture In public schools. DEFROSTER milk, of which 10 per cent will ment. Mise Willard’s work throughout at our Spectacular Sale I that the information comes Lynn’s insistence on adding back In a form that Is not ne- be exported. the ■world. She was known for Ihe first state to impose a tax oessarily suitable for use by sparkle to his speeches even led never compromising principle Ml cigarettes and tobacco prod­ other town departments. '' REPEATERS to his taking a night course or bowing to the social custom ucts was Iowa which did so in NEW YORK — (NBA) — In Effective Speech from near- of using or serving beverage 1921. 4 SLICE He suggested that "the whole Four college teams have re­ situation ehouAd be approached peated aa national c o lle c t s from the overall viewpoint in­ championa since the NCAA stead of in answer to each de­ tournament began In 1939. partment’s Inthvidual needs.” They were Oklahoma A&M He proposed consolidation of (1946-46, Kentucky (1948-49), TOASTER the assessors computing tasks San Franciaco (1956-66) and 2 Separate Controls (For Every 2 Slices). Reheat along with other bUUng and OinotonaU ^1961-62). Valued at $4.95 Valued Position Also. at $4.95 • FAST • EFFICIENT LARGE 14 CU. FT. MANCHESTER COMMUNITY OOLLEOE • EASY ACCURATE • ATTRACTIVE SPRINO SmeSTfR IMS p r : • EASY TO READ Now aeccptkig implications for single coorsee. or ONLY $2.49 degree programs in the following currietda: REFRIGERATOR- • Accounting • Executive Secretarial TRY AN AND 5 LABELS FROM ANY S h u tfin e ^ • Basic Technical •Liberal Arts and Sciences RCA WHIRLPOOL • Business Administration • Pre-Engineering PRODUCTS FOR EACH ITEM • Gmieral Studies • Special QA8 DRYER FREE- FREEZER and SHURFINE CLING PEACHES, Sliced or Continuing Educatimi Courses: FOR 3 MONTHS Shurfme Frozen Food Halves...... 3 No. 2|/i cans 89c SIT T H I M C R I I OF DRYNKS YOU WANT! Specials 100 Specials Scotties Facial...... 4 for $1.00 • PrlnomiM •< InsnnuHe Th« new RCA Whirlpool Super Supreme Gas MIX OR MATCH 5 pkgs. Campbell Meat S ou ps...... 6 for $1.00 FILL YOUR FREEZER Includes Chix and Mushroom. Dryer lets you determine how dry you want CUT GREEN BEANS Development FRENCH GR. BEANS Canada Dry Gingerale your clothes to be. Simply set the Automatic o r W a t e r ...... 5 Ig. bots. $1.00 Dryness Selector at setting^ from "Lass Dry" BROCCOLI SPEARS - • Introdnotloa to CUT CORN 79 Calo Dog or Cat F ood ...... 8 for $1.00 Programming to "V ary Dry" — and choose the right MIXED VEGETABLES MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE (Dato PweeaNag lOf) Save 31c to 51c jar SI-89 drying heat for your load. LUX LIQUID, Save 20c ...... Urge 660 • Mcsdtotaie-Worlnlwp SHURFINE GRAPE JAM OR JELLY TIDE, Save 13c ...... b o x 38o A U SHOES rnOM nEOULAR srctctc Large 24 oz. Jar 35c 140 Lb. BOTTOM NO MPROST m a m , NO DimOST miSH POOD SKTION •iCtontaer 4w B O n O M ROUND, Solid center cut lb. 99c ______■' ______TWO D R YIN t^llO Si 5#t at "Cantla" for fra- ULTRA.VIOUT LAMPi Givaa fiaah. glla thinii or "Supar Spaqd" to hurry up a load. air fraranca to avary toad you dry. SHURFINE INSTANT COFFEE 6 oz. jar 69e EYE OF THE ROUND ...... lb. $1.29 ENDICOTT JOHNSON SHURFINE TEA BAGS ...... 64 for 49e FLOUNDER and HADDOCK FILLETS NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH'65 I RtBlitnjfloM ■ JoM. 25-29 ■ ID ■ 9 l»Jy|. SHOE STORES SHURFINE WHITE TUNA .... 3 cans 89c SWORDFISH. . . OYSTERS SEE YOUR RCA WHIRLPOOL DEALER OR [F(Nr Fortlisr laf^apRtisn Call At Offics FAMILY SHOE STOMS ' V 124 t/)OddM Tunii^s or. PhoM 649>5877. THE HARTFORD RAS COMPANY Corner Main and OPEN DAILY » *e » H i PmtI StrtNC^.HHtM 249-1111 M 7 Main Stia^ Manehaalar $49- 4S0| SNOmNI PiRUIE. JW W. MiHla p^lwiirsl Grocery, Inc. Middle Turnpike ' liVieaiuia Mn ., IAm. t e . 14 AAL4 PM| W*a,1hs«.RL-YrAi|i«iftL MANCHESTER' EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1966 PAGE FIFTEiy MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, !^ a g e f o u r t e e n

ter than they think they a re ," Pearl Buck, she remarked. "In every human New York May Soon Solve High Profits rslatlonahlp there must be a TV-Radio Tonight COMING! iwqpect for the other person —- not as you would want him to Teen-age Drink Problem Reported by A Great Lady be, but as ha is.” TUs U hsr philosophy: NEW YORK (AP)—^Thla could^caUMd by minora returning to. By BAL BOYLE "There are many klnda of Television New Jersey after drinking In lova, but there must be somk be Uie year of solution tor a Many Firms MBW.-YORK (AP) — New and MEATOWN New York tolled 24 persons and 8:00 ____^18-23) Movie > ■ (23) Mass. HlshltghU kind of love before there can be teen-age drinking problem that 8) Rifleman 7:30 (3-13) Mr. M then a man meets a lady he tulfilbnent — before there can lllSVa SILVWt LANE, EAST HARTFORD Injured 38 others. :30) Memory Lane (10-22-30) Virxlnian (C) By BAM DAWBOn has irritated New York’* neigh­ New York’s poslUon, Hughea (34) Kindercarten ( 8-30-40) Oxzle and Harriet really feels honored to take Us ha any progreaa, any fruit, or (24) Preview AP Bm Im m Nmtb Ammlyvt bor states tor 20 years. (30) Superman hat off to — avan In a orowds3 any content" said, la similar to that of a (40) Admiral and iwabby 8:00 (34) Intertel VKW YORK (AP) — A goldai ______«*AI.T. MEATS FRESH CUT— NONE PRE-PACKAGED I” These states have urged New "man who would permit a dan­ 8.30 (18) Movie ( 3-12) My Uvinr Doll Bood o t pnrfMa la daBgtaUiiA ptibllc alavator. Through aU her literary la­ gerous dog to get away from (M) Wliat'e New? (8-20-40) Patty Duke bors, her heart’s ear has been Yoik time after time to raise (30) Cheyenne 8:30 ( 8-20^ ) "Shlndlz" BMMt t t

» aL \l. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. T^DNESDAY, JA N tA R Y 27, 1966 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY S7, 1966 High a t; Danisl Bouchard, Tol­ materials allowing pupils to de­ for oomprehensloa, sklinming Ssdrick Rawlins, chairman a t Rockville-Vernon land; JossphZansttl, East Han­ PTA Hears Talk velop at their own nfto o€ for main idsss, tolling lecture tha Bohy. Mra one year. After the mambera of Pariia- Evaatag Herald election of tnulteea are plan­ Mrs. Wilson wiumed. Army Pvt. Dwight E. Weg­ Read Herald Adi. Membera of Near Turk Fab. 9. Fiva vartatiaa o f eooMaa asant cama mambera of the roy­ Stock Bxchaiige Andover oomapoadeat. Law- ned. Tiuepayere who pay town ner Jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. al bouaehoM and the diplomatic win be offered. Delivery will be raaee Moa, taL 74S-67M. taxes , in two installments and Dwight B. Wegnsr of 7 Tal- Seymour Lavltt, Vernon’s cott Avs., has completed an Bank Stoeka made in early Maroh. represonUtive to the Capitol whose July payment was late a luifs crowd Thia annual aala enabiaa tha MART must pay interest on the lunount eight-week construction ma­ Bid Asked Region Planning Agency a<%od forward — pa^e from Connectieut Tialla Council to Oifford^g Victim R oun (3, MANCHESTR tTMT VIniMr't TIL. 3434033 due. Any taxpayer wishing a chine c^erator course at Fort alt aru r Britain, tte Oommon- Conn. Bank and (CRPA), will be the main Leonard Wood, Mo. He re­ T ru stee...... 6»H 78H offar more opportunltiaa for tha speaker. He will discuea re­ recipt must submit a self-ad­ w te M and foratgn landa. girls. Part o f the profit goes to Of Break Again dressed, stamped envelope with ceived instruction in the op­ King’s jahen the great oaken doom Hartford Naticaal gional planning uid open space. eration and maintenance of Bank Go...... S»H ort ooats. during kind for a 120-bed general Poncealed apotlighta illumi- Pnbiic UtmtleB has been active in Scouting for Rockville; Wlnthrop Porter, PINE STREET cH C oomt *f Hartford Rood, MANCHESTER the Gothic, hammer- Conn. Light Power 37H 39)4 cookie sale is Mrs. Francis * ‘" c * ’- in which both the front CHUCK STEAK Hebron: Raymond Daley, West hospital In the United States, In the more than 36 years and attain­ nad roof. Hfd. Elec. Light .. 53)4 68)4 Haines of Wales Rd. Ainyone door window and the north side Wllllngton; Mrs. John Hutchin­ and will be composed of 24 high Inventory ed the rank of E;ag'le Scout as a . few women arapt ailently. Hartford Oaa Co. 45H seeking information about the ahowceae window were broken. son. Andover; William Nie­ school students In the Warsaw Three mllaa away at Liver- So. New England boy. He has held countless lead­ mann, Ellington; Franklin area. The membere will be News pohl Street railway atation. Telephone Co. . 56)4 69)4 ership positions in Scouting and Welles, Taicottvllle, and Daniel youngsters who have expressed Quean Bliaabeth H, her hua- Manufacturing Oompanlea was greatly responsible for de­ interest in pursuing a career in Avery, West Willlngton. 8EN. KENNEDY s e : , • b a ^ Prlnoe Philip, and two of Allied Thermal ..51 55 veloping and heading an annual Mrs. August Loehr Jr., and the hospital or in related fields. Arrow, Hart, Heg. 57)4 60)4 inxlependent area finance cam­ McManus, who was active in WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. their four children — Prince Mrs. R<^er Beaulieu of the Tol­ Eldward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., Aiyrwr, 4, and Infant Prince Barden ...... 13)4 14)4 paign. He holds many Scouting land Hilltoppers Homemakers Rockville scouting, is a member Bristol Brass...... 8% 10^ awards including the Silver of the District Committee of got a warm welcome back to Xmaard — arrived at noon from Club will serve refreshments. the Senate, but majority leader Myal family'a eountry Coleco ...... 7)4 8)4 Beaver, the Council’a highest DOUBLE the Genesee Boy Scout Council Church Officers Named Mike Mansfield of Montana sug Sandringham. Colonial Board award for distinguished service A new moderator of the and the Finance Committee of the Tonnewonta Girl Scout gested he should be in Florida Charles, 16, and Prin- Common ...... 8)4 6)4 to boyhood. Union Congregational Church instead of the capital. Before Dunham-Bush . . . 4% 5)4 Council. a ^ Anne, 14, are at school, but He is a member of the Hart­ has been elected to a three- Mansfield said Tuesday the ClHUlea la axpected to attend Raman Aircraft . 9)4 11 ford Rotary Qub, former presi­ STAMPS year term. Elections were held He was business administra­ Florida sunshine would speed the fUnefai. N. B. Machine .. 31)4 33)4 dent of East Hartford Rotary, at the church recently. tor at the Rockville hoq;>ital for 12 years. He moved to New Kennedy’s recovery from a bro­ The queen wore a mink coat North and Judd .. 18)4 20 president of the Volunteer Bu­ Edward C. J. WllUams was ken back, suffered in a plane with a . cherry. red hat. Prtece Peter Paul ...... 33)4 35)4 reau and director of East Hart­ named to succeed Walter C. York state in April. DAILY! crash last year. .«*- * ' PSUip was in a daric business Plastic Wire Cable 13)4 75 ford Chamber of Commerce. He Dietzel. Benefit Dance Set Kennedy, who won a second suit . The royal party drove to Standard Screw .. 38)4 40)4 r a e c f One (1) Olaes of Your Choice With Each A number of officers were Jqseph Gill, president of the is also a member of Wyllys ■ n iiF e Porohase of 8 Gallons or More of Oaaollne... term In November while con Bdfeldngfaain Palace. Stanley Worka . . . 23)4 24% Lodge of Masons, West Hart­ selected to serve with present Polish American Citizens Club, fined to hoimital, sat silently as The Boon Grange of watch at Veeder-Root ...... 28)4 31 ford, and St. John's Episcopal officers whose terms have not has announced that the benefit Sen. Birch Bayh, D-Ind., led off the dUalalque brought in the The above quotatlona are not Church, West Hartford. STATE SERVICE STATION yet 'expired. dinner-dance in honor of Bill a series of tributes to Kennedy’s Hmiaehould Cavalry, dazaling in to be construed as actual mar­ lb. Named were; Deacons Rob­ Goltok will be held Saturday as courage and patience. Bayh also plgmed behneta and colored kets. He and his wife live in West ert W. Blake, Charles W. Hol­ planned. Hartford, Cole’s home town. was injured in the crash. tu^ea. lister, Burton R. Lisk, Raymond The event was scheduled bC' Tliey have two sons, both 1 p.m., the line stretched J. Monroe, all for three-year fore GoUck’s death Friday. CAROL BURNETT Eagle Scouts, the e l ^ of from Weatminater for a “Your Flying “A” CALIFORNIA terms, and George N. Brigham, Music wUl be furnished by NEW YORK (AP) — Carol m^e and a half, across Lambeth Ruth MiUett whom has four sons. one-year term. Larry Chesky’s band. A buffet Burnett will return to the and 'along the opposite John E. Hoskins, a member Dealer!” Auditor, C. Frederick Dean, will be served at 9:30 p.m. Broadway stage next month in : of the Thames. of the executive board of Char­ 770 Main Street, two years; Herman W. Usher, Reservations are being ac­ the musical “ Fade Out — Fade oUce said 4,000 people were ter Oak Council, reported that treasurer; Ralph A. Wilcox, as­ AVOn> ’EM LIKE Manchester. . . cepted by the club stewards, In." the bier hourly, sistant treasurer; William E. THE PLAGUE an alMime high In boy mem­ and a large crowd is expected The play closed last Novem­ its the cold east wind off bership and tmits had been Opposite State Loos, treasurer of benevo­ If you let these women take to support the benefit. ber. a month after Miss Burnett some ' mourners achieved last year in the 50 ^ Theater lences; Mrs. Lucille L. Carl­ up any of your time, you could Drh'er Arrested withdrew from the cast because down all night in aleep- communities comprising the son, acoountimt; Mra Edmund of a neck Onjury. She was hospi' : bags on the sidewalk outside be in for a lot of trouble: CHUCK ROAST Richard G. Johndrow, 17 of Phone 643-6860 A. Magdefrau, registrar; Rob­ council service area. There are, Ellington, waa summoned into talized for three weeks. > • Houses of Parliament, of The woman who thinks men he said, a total of 19,096 boys ert W. Blake, school superin­ Mias Burnett and producer Circuit Court 12, Rockville on Sefa Westminster Hall la part, have all the best of it and that and leaden reglatered In the tendent, and Allen L Di^aer, Lester Osterman announced nrpt In line ama a student, women nevpr get a square deal. council. historian. All terms are for one Feb. 23. on a charge of failure jointly Tuesday that the show Nftk Hutchings, 17. Conversation with such a wom­ year. to drive right on a curve. will reopen Feb. 16 with Miss »Twelva hemn is not too long an can make a fairly content­ Deaconeseea, Mrs. Paul J. The arrest followed a one-car Burnett again playing the lead tojwalt,” he said. ed woman unhappy and resent­ Bowman, Mrs. Alice M. Car­ accident on Clwurter Rd. No In role. {text were two ItalianB, a ful of her busbtmd. penter, Mrs. Walter C. Dletzel juries were reported and minor and a student. “ We The gossip. Nothing you hear and Mrs. Glenn H. Stephenson, damage resulted. Patrolman Dr. KELIORER t to come,” they said, from her '^11 make you feel all three-year terms: imd Mrs. Ahnert made the arrest. ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. (AP) the night Big Ben happier. Aftir you have left her, Lydia B. Ashland for a two- Hospital Notes — Dr. Alice Kellher, a visiting hours and the quar- you will wonder unhappily if year term. Admitted yesterday: Bltta professor of education at Whee- Saturday, it will be. si- you aald anything you don’t want Lewis E. Miner, chairman of Little, Elmwood: Steven Wrobel, lock College In Boston and a pi­ leat from the moment the funer- repeated. ushers and Robert J. Bernier, Tolland; Jonathan Michaels. oneer In using films for teach' allatarta. The woman who puts a mon­ assistant chsJrman of ushers, Tolland; Ronald. Hayward, 24 ing, warns s ^ n s t the ibereaS' Wtniam Turner, 60, a former ey value on eveiything. Let such one-year terms; Edward N. Grant St.; Blanche James, El­ ing use of mechanical teaching tental sergeant major in a woman come Into your home Cormier, Robert C. Qottler, lington; George Steele, Man­ devices. egiment, stood and suddenly thinge look shabby Walton B. Schlechtweg, Ber­ chester; Gall Polland, 52 VB “ I go into school and see chil­ _ i the night in the line, —because you are seeing them trand D. Sutherland and Joseph lags St.; Robert Worm, 52 dren getting spelling lessans tr came because I had to,” he through her apprsiialng eyes. ■ Toth, two-year terms. Olenstone Dr.; Alfred Moulin from tope recorders and ear' “J l it hadn’t been for Sir The wet blanket. TUa type of Taxes Due Tolland; Victoria Kolodzlej, 27 phones,” she said during i during the war I am woman can find a flaw In any­ Vernon Tax Collector Mrs. Snlpsic St,: Rose Scheuy, 10 workshop sponsored by the (faia eou^ry would never thing you are happy with. Nev­ Sylvia Wilson hiui issued a re­ Fianklln Park; Raymond Gates, State Department of Education. . >puUed ttamgh." er make the mistake of telling lb. minder to taxpayers that any 54 Prospect SI. “ You see parents use flash (MatthDrs body waa brought her your plans or Stowing her money due her office must be Births yesterday: A son to cards to teach lO-mcmth-old bab to*th(|.}ihB Ttieaday night from any thing you are proud cf. submitted on or before Feb. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Pucheu, 144 iee to read. You put a 3-year-oId I bqiha at 38 Hyda Park Gate, The boaey managar. Unlaaa The tax collector's office in Skinner Rd. la front of a talking typewriter. k A * died with his family you are a very strong otaanMt^ town hall will be open Saturday Discharged yesterday: Mrs. “ The machine can’t give you bba. 10 days after a ter, you will get help and .Ad­ SHOULDER from 9 a.m. to noon and on Mary Casati, 20 Liberty St.; a wink or a nod or a grin when vice you never asked ta r and Monday from 7 to 8 p.m. for Charlotte Schumacher, West you get the right answer. It just . Churchill, beairBy. .vailed will have plans made for you the convenience of residents. Hartford; Adeline Yanks, clicks ahd you go on to the next oetai in bar grlaf, rode With that you never wiuited made. Mall payments^ will be ac- Kingsbury Ave.; Arm Hunt, 120 question.’’ Odds and Ends, Broken Sizes,Some Counter Randolph and . bther ''Tlia....CompIainer. The coqir ^------of the mmily In sight plainer soAtfere gloom wherever koaataies behind the . she goes—and the only way to CLOD V R hey stood by a canopy at the dodge the gkxmi is td ' d o ^ e Soiled! Everything Goes to Make Room . nee of -the hall as eight her. .r-r4***>*B lifted the coffin to These women are unhappy MAALOX thatr shoulders and took it to the and they would like to have ev­ lb. yt for New Spring Mdse at Fantastic eatejhtlHue. eryone else share their lot. Be TAKi A riAR TO ROAST Infide the hall tbs family forewarned. Stay away from B 8 c '' fqi^t 18 minutes in prayer with them. You will be a good deal PAY ON THESE FINE thi AxchbMiop of Oauterbury, happier if you do. Reg. 1.49 “ALWAYS SAVING YOU MONEY!’’ Ii* 4# Savings - But Hurry! , ; All rights reserved QUALITY DIAMOND OIFTS EXTRA LEAN. TOP QUALITY Dr. lOebael Rams^. Then the 942 MAIN STREET A t Comer of ST. JAMES lonely vigil of the guards b ^ ^ . Newspaper Enterprise Assn. GILLETTE 6’s GALL 643-1505 for FREE PROMPT DELIVERY! I U topia? It’ s H ere! Waste Only Grated STAINLESS FASHION DOLL CLOTHES LADIES^ DRESSES eiRLS’ WINTER COATS km W YORK — utopia? R’s CHICAGO — Kitchen waste BLADES Fits ll Marshmallow BABY PANTS BOYS' Broken Sizes. > C ^ hOO Baspberry, Coffee Mocha, Choc. Marehmallow, BOX ekMik wWi sloiMi W(»nen’s and Girls’ S s 5 5 'femioto. Broken sizes. Lim iM Quantities. ^B In jCnlars. Plostk. 3Dc Is Asserted Celeri. LvaiUble at your nearest Roj^al Ice Cream Dealer’s Bog. 75o ARTHURS [Store or at tbe plant, 27 W arren Street. . . COUGH SYRUP SAVES for Ohildroa rOU MONEY! BOYS’ SNOW SUITS BOYS’ i URLS’ SHOES 1-Alff. BATTERY GHARRERS

lb. 1 5 0 » b r J “i P , 0 0 ICE CREAM AGENTS FOR AMERICAN EXPRESS MONEY ORDERS! Assorted ^lors. ^ m A m M S ^ r lN . % .9 7 COMPANY Brriien Sizes. ^ WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT |QUANTITIE8 REMBMIER w -C A U TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY—9 AJR.-6 PJR. ALL n u ts asA FLASHBULBS A43-IS0B MANEFACrUBED la MANCHESTER 4INCE UMt • FOR PROMPT . «f OHnTHUJrS “BANQUET SPUMONT AjSSSTiir BATUROAYw.«Q A ^ -6 PJM. a t l o w D ISO O U N T f r i u e s i FREE Daim Yi King’s Has Everything in 127 Depts! You Save on Everything You Boy! 27 WARREN 8TREET-~PHONE 649-5358 ' ' ' 917 MAIN STBEBT-MANCHBSm ^ ■ y J'


CordpUt* It Quickly Store* Around Totm BY RUUSON OUR liUARDlNU HOUSE witil MAJOR UUUPUC d a u a c r o s s w o r d P U Z Z IJJ A num r >» ~ Bast VnlsnltaM E vw < Are T t M fb Cots ond Dogs Year Bsrttatt LENOX PHARMACT, 389 A __ This year sebd him a bdkuQfuI East Canter Street, boa manjr'' Bargains photograph taken and oil col­ thoughtful ways to express your ACMM M UadhiM ored at the FALLOT STUDIO, ssnUments on Valentins's Day. Endear yourself when y o u select- lOwrt — ecMiiiniiiNY 70 East Center Street. It’i the ■ F ^ « inliMl 98 Bird Listed by Valentine he will treasure more gaily packaged GISTS OF • Coanr - BtlncUoM uirer than sny other, because It's the BEAUTY AND FRAGRANCS ; UTMinMiMr by “ Max Factor", ’'Cbty’ ’,riF UBmflUn personal gift that says and dSHiwtilu msons so mueh more. Make "Dana”, "Tabu", "Yordlsy"..'* nbbtr tiM • id UVtcM your appointment now, before LENOX PHARMACY has 4li "BRBCK” LADY BRILLIANT, UHu|« ddlUnowa the rush season begins. 843-S80S. irOoMtrnliif 47ExewttlM ths hair conditlener and dress­ (UUa) BSATOudi Milady well knows bow east ing, 93.20. that odds luster sn4 ttBWlop'lJMt BdScottilii — softness. It brightens and bene­ UPOMMMt STW iam tlir Main Street Stores Valsntine S|)ecial! Tri City Vernon Circle Area ly UUle lines form around the aiSntU txplom •Tact eyes. A good way to help pre fits your hair. Add luscious new B4Lrr*l BViM StKatbatlaiBi BrlgfatMi Housa-Bound Days < An Invttlag Combination shades to your LIPSTICK ward­ MRMOda 86StltBud«r j t u t What the Doctor Ordered* Back from the Show vent these is to do any rubbing Stiupt 10DMi«t griBlIr MMiiM TOE CAROUSEL, Tri City NUTMEG PHARMACY, Ver­ robe now that DOROTHY GRAY 86 Writing flnld U Tivtn 38 Wmow When corrective work for MAR-SAL DRAPERY SHOP, In that area (using a woMi S6YetiBg ttlmoii Shoppmg Plaaa, knows that non Circle, is "big enough to cloth, lotion pods or ersam) has a two for 91.00 offer on her a7Y«Uo» i y SriOUiteM put hermit dOWtIeWd glioee 1> preocrlbed for your* 997 Main Street, waa repre­ DOWN MSalne dlNttthar ■elf or for your child, remem- being snowbound and house­ serve you, yet small and neigh­ with ths ring finger. Reason for Uj^rticks at LENOX PHARMA- sented in New York City, at borly enough to know you.’’ ICulM SOTamatUk Idt 43 Search fa r W that HOUSE St HALE the Trade Building where the bound these January days esm this: thsrs is lass power to this grrtond (Fr.) trM MflWhe tot SHOE SERVICE la qualified be satisfying, if you add even Your patronage is invited. For flngsr. StbMtroMbhtki ^ww) DRAPERY SHOW was staged. yourself and for ValenUne’s 3 Small boTM and equipped to follow the doc­ The newest fa>rics and designs one bright new wall hanging to Keep your doily supply o t dChalk n m m t t aSPnih your home from the delightful­ Day gifts, you’ll find famous bread in a clean dry breodbox SDalntlli^ SlUktoaatat 48 Cafe o r tor's proscription exactly. are available at MAR-SAL If Am Dofe Has Bsen Set 48Corend etUOi O rth o ^ lo work is a specialty ly interesting LINEN MU­ "Fabei-ge" cosmetics (plus It’s time to plan the Wedding in a bandy spot In the kitchen. ■tinctiTt SllanaU DRAPERY SHOP for Keep It, too, in Us own wrap­ diaraeUr 49CUmMa| flaat here, oy "Nick” who wins your your Spring redecorating plans. RALS AND PRINTS here: many others) also "Alo” line of RecMtlon. PIANO’S RESTAU­ SSCoflad complete confidence in the Americ.'in Blaglea, Siamese moisturizing creams that give RANT merits your t tM * ibsf M - s w W * (X)MPANY, 913 Main Street, seem dingy, the slipcovers drab regarding MUTUAL FUNDS ness. It will be soft, manage­ drug stores. CASIONAL CHAIRS (uphol­ '65 Spring-Summer Album! mMJ MsSrd Ms m Ih' members of the New York and your party dress Is limp. and how they con best meet able and becomingly set for you. stered also wooden) plus Regular features; Custom Col­ Invite TOUT guests and then let your Investment needs. Stop in in8|U8H H mi •» I Stock Exchange and 18 other Treat yourself to a beauty story Peas, used os a food since im Am mi TWy f TABLES for mailing your liv­ lection; items to crochet, knit, "MAR’nNIZING" the ONE or coU 848-1106. Exchanges, is equipped to han­ that begins with s sUmulating the days of the lake dwellers, ing room more comfortable and sUtch! HOUR DRY (3LEANINO plants kms 8 f Atlifii. yet sre ’'p e i*r | dle all forms of investments. shampoo, flattering style set, have a )iigh protein content $tetty.” MJeolo* yem >mJ| convenient. Enjoy even more When cooking spaghetti, mac­ M ereAew. Tipy 64m Jm'*! They invite your inqi^ries for at MAIN AND BIRCH sparkling rinse, glamorous and are notably nutritious. •ffict wear as apyasiina. %m' the cosy winter evenings at STREETS, also 299 West Mid­ aroni or other forms of psusta, spray, all for 910.65 at SCHULTZ eed ffdm tieet. S«ra«cli <•••. home. If your living room has Board Stocks. Insuran^Btocks, Stretch Your Travel Budget dle Tpke. go to work for you. a few drops of oil in the boil­ BEAUTY SALON. 648-8961. Fatal Beita or § • / / Raea thadaa. been treated to even one eye­ Over-the-counter, Tax-free Mu­ Visit BERMUDA while SPB- The minute, your back is turned, ing, water will help prevent the i C ^ CaB ■iiipriMiai tdtea arderti^ catching addition from WAT­ nicipal Bonds also Mutual CTAL HOTEL RATES are in ef­ Funds. (M9-2821. fect. For reservations and tlck- efficient, willing hands begin species of pasta from gumming Aim for the Heart! KINS. the cleaning and treating that up and sticking together. Both FAIRWAYS have a com eU. let GLOBE TRAVEL *"Helmnea Is the registered SERVICE, 906 Main Street, breathes new life into your gar­ plete selection of VALENTINES George N. ments and household accesso­ PosHtone No Longer plus harmonising paper table TM ot the Heberlein make the arrangements. BER­ Patent Corp.” MUDA, the deli^tful, enchant­ ries. ALL WORK IS DONE ON Now is the time to trap your ware, cut-outs and heart-shaped Converse ONLY AT MICHAELS CAN YOU PURCHASE FAMOUS ing playground, "Where It Is al­ THE PREMISES which ac­ share of savings during the candies. Whatever the occasion ways spring” is the place for counts for the FAST SERVICE. BALANCE - OF - ROLL SALE both FAIRWAYS come through PAINHNG AND tourists to relax In an atmos­ The additional services ot a full­ at MANCHESTER CARPET with the most appropriate selec DECORATING TREASURE CHEST phere of semi-tropical beauty. time tailor at the Main Street CENTER, 311 Main Street, also tlons. (O sd d o rL store will attend to your on sale are REMNANTS of PHONE 848-2804 BERMUDA la vacation magic. DRUG COMPANY DIAMONDS The entire exciting island is for MINOR REAIRS AND AL­ heavy quality commercial car­ C^auliflower Is a variety of Coll Evenings — 8 to 9 901 Main St.—643-5321 your pleasure. 643-2188. TERATIONS. "MARTINIZ- peting. All fine broadIoom.s in a cabbage. The stem and flower! Your diamond purchase la forever. ING" keeps its customers hap­ diversified range of textures, ore eSble. Confide in an esUbliehed Jeweler. Use old pillow cases to make py and satisfied, becau.se a colors, patterns, you can save Because his reputation is at wire clothes hanger covers. Cut genuine effort is made to please substantially now. What a glow stake, you can trust his a hole in the center of the bot­ in every way. Your acquain­ of pleasure will steal up inside Judgment and honor tom of the case large enough tance and patronage Is invited. you, when you provide your his price. to let the end of the hanger family the comfort and lushness pass through. Then cut off case Try dipping a small, clean of new carpeting. You owe it to to the d e ^ desired and bind yourself to march Into MAN­ watercolor brush In cake frost­ -J J As Illustrated the edges. The covers protect ing to letter cookies and cakes CHESTER CARPET CENTER, ATTENTION garments from rust or soil li you do not have a cake dec­ before January Is over. $400 marks. orator. If/ you are having trouble Ask For Easy Payments Roll dates in flour before If you dip the roasting fork with the way your clothes fit you cut them. The slices will in butter before sliding the you, it may Just be a matter not stick together, and will not marshmallow on it and hold of posture. Try standing and MOTHERS Downtown Manchester cling to the knife or scissors. the fork' level while toasting, sitting straight. A habitual MICHAELS JEWELERS At 958 Main Street Let the flour used be part Of the marshmallows will sHp eas­ slump can throw any dress out SENSATIONAL PORTRAIT OFFER! that called for In the recipe. ily off fork. of line. 9EMAMD ROGOZINSKI’S

Sl’AKS CSlild and Baby H iotographer Hurryi Hurry! Hurry! , K‘il HC K ,\M’ Storewicie W in ter Tri Oit][ Shopping Pinza - Yornon One Beautiful Silvertone a PRICE i i X i 4 Clearance 5; ' '' / " - Vi,< PORTRAIT Semi'Life Siae

O f Children’s MTS' • Dresses Winter Wear A Suits A Coots Aged ^ Week! to 14 Yewri par 20 - 50% A Blouses cUM No AppoiAtmenU NecOeiary Fbu96 50e Packlaf t Mailiog, InanraBca • Skirts Savings • Slacks t Full SelectioA o f Po*ot • Groups up to 4 Children • Sweoters t All Work Gukranteod • Limit 1 Portrait Per Child • PbMOfrapW avdlabk refdar SUM boon... at • Cor.Coots O abia siete efM laai-l* jH C *e IPJL. Semrdeys to 4t98 M L • R O B E S SEE PHOTOS NOW ON DISPLAY! • Evening Gowns I • » "•i


•» JVo Easy Job Coventry Tops East tiamptonf E A R L Y O ST Game Reset Waiekowski Stars Sfiorta Editor Left Hand Mathews Off Block, UNOOLN, JUL (AP) — WItk the New England Slated 4»rtglBally for Frt­ raolng season due to open at Set for Showdown on Friday Pays Tribute to Press Paces Way day, Muioheeter Hlgh’e bas­ linooln Downs Saturday, aa “ W ithout the press, I wouI(i never have been recog­ ketball eontest with Conard Listed Untradeable As Reserves Play has been re-echednied for anny of workmen have been ♦ ing. holding a 81-34 edge from nized as a football player,” a well tanned Andy Robustel- put to work to clear the Gaining some momentum^ ^the floor and 30-8 from the To Victory Saturday night In West track of (ho weekend snow­ for the big one Friday night charity strip. 11 told the 800, plus, diners at the 24th annual (Sold Key Hartford. Bxnin perio4te nt MILWAUKEE (AP)—A couple of months ago Mil­ both echooli nffeoted the Jfy JOHN GOLDEN storm. Coach Joe Degregorio used Dinner of the Connecticut Sports Writers’ Alliance Mon­ HOUSTON (AP)—Man- waukee third-baseman Eddie Mathews and many base­ in Rocky Hill, Coventry ck. Marichal Hit valuable.’’ home. The Patriots have now all-important battle for the con­ enough to attend. Keane, to fact, tag th«lr own record untamMi- rout for the final 06-40 score. fell In Um area and forced lege. champion Emile Griffith of Mathews, a 8S-year-o)d slug­ •d the Eaatiea dro]q>ed the transfer of^ workouts to won their last three. ference top spot was slated to be the guest of WiHett soared all 10 o f his Now retired after 13, years to ger who ranks ninth In base- Black Xnigtits to a M mark. LInooIn’s new Indoor train­ honor at toe St. Louis Bueball New York Tuesday night in Hard by Foe points in the closing minutw the National Football League, ball’s all-time home-run derby B ud Waickowsld bad a field ing ring. OOG Standings Goventrr (It) Robustellt was ptoch-hltting for Writers’ Association Dlnnef In a non-title over-the-weight and Joe Lacy came up with six with 446 distant clouts, batted day ta the time he played (the W. L. Prt. Hudak ...... * • ® Dick Stuart, late of the Boston S t Louis the same night. In­ bout. only .238 last season. His 23 as Boh Martens got four and D. S to m ...... * * 5 And Shelled starters playod leas than Qiree- Rocky H U I...... 7 .875 Red Sox and now of toe Phila­ stead he selected Connecticut, Gonzalez, ranked third among homers equaled his personal quartera) scoring IT points to Daly and Pats Cipolla two Coventry ...... 6 .750 delphia Phillies who struck out. marking toe first time toe little toe welterweights, weathered a low and he drove In 74 runs. lead all comers. Walckowskl a p iM . Portland ...... 6 .625 baPolnte ...... 1 » man ever Invaded toe state. To be frank, Herman Franks, KolodalaJ ...... 6 } *3 Stuart didn’t show and as it furious stretch drive by Griffith "Ed appears to be In excellent dropped in five ct seven field Tha final score waa a new Cromwell ...... 5 .625 Tomorrow toe Yankees will and earned the verdict which new manager of Son Francis­ shape,” Brogan said after UG>nns Test Avon ...... 6 .500 Tilton ...... - ...... * 1 , 5 turned out, he wasn't missed, REPUBUCAN WOMEN — goals for 72 per cent accuracy vanity record for the Eagles R. Papanoa ...... I; f >» Robustellt’s remarks adding be back, with Keane, in Con­ could have gone either way. Clara Wallett 182, Eleanor co’s baseball Giants, hasn’t seeing Mathe'w* at a baseball and OpoBa made it possible by Bacon ...... S .375 Roar ...... 0 0 0 necticut for toe annual winter while scoring on seven of nine much to what this writer felt Griffith weighed 149 and Gon­ Crafts 173, Dot Newell 170, Pat much to worry about yet. writers' dinner Sunday. "I look tytaig the old mark of 02 with East Hampton ...... 1 .125 Davp Storra ...... 1 2 * caravan with toe press. y Bee throws. Frank Klnel fol­ Temple Five T Papanoa ...... 0 0 ” was toe beet in a long series of zalez 150H. Forstrom 453, Pat Turklngton Then....maybe, there te some for him to stage a great come­ lowed doae suit with a tour for less than two minutes to go. RHAM ...... 1 .125 * • * cause for concern. back. I’ll say thte — he's the crack programs. Referee Jimmy Webb had 168-474. seven performance from the Martens shoved in a layup to IVHaJa ...... 11 30 82 The big guy, who packs 240 Jets Absent The distress signal eminates best .233 hitter I ever saw.” Ron Hudak threw in 22 points Eaal Hampton (M) Gonzalez ahead 97-94, judge from Santo Domingo where floor and a two for two exhibi­ Set a new record and with half In Top Tilt pounds on s six-foot frame, now Where were the New York EARLY BIRDS— June Row- Mathews' troubles actually tion on the charity stripe for 10 a minute left Lacy popped in to lead the Patriots to their Maxie Ross saw it 97-94 in favor Juan Marichal, the Giants’ ace began In 1962 when he popped a ninth win in 13 starts. Rick Baiar in business for himself, told me Jets at toe Gold Key Dinner? ett 176—474 Marion Rosclo 189 points. Captein Tom IBaUn and a juRq>er. of Griffith and Judge Earl Kee' pitcher, has developed groin r t^ t shoulder muscle wMle Connecticut, possibly rusty Papanos (12) and Tom Ko- RON HUDAK Sloan he. would listen to any and all Or representatives of the Bos­ voted for Gonzalez. 96-95. The — 508, Rose LaPolt 186— 475, sophomore Oreg WlHett added Tha Jayveea set the school Donnehy offers to coach, but at the mo­ Jo DeMaio 177. trouble and a troublesome boil foiiling off a pitch. He waa after a 10-day mid-season lay­ lodsiej (13) also hit double Vlalnaky ton Patriots? Both American Associated Press card had Grif­ under his right arm. 10 each in the tree-scoring wto. record to the prelim with a hu- ment he waa up to his ears to Itothered by toe shoulder and aa figures as Coventry la now 6-2 Coventry Jumped right into Purple . Football League teams are in fith the victor, 97-96. What’s more he was ineffec­ Bteve Fawdier and Ron R ^bala mUiaUng 103-C2 rout of their off, faces a tough Temple team In conference play. Tom Bazar the lead, running up a 39-17 ad­ Wall ... work. Robustelli has at least toe area of potential customers ST. JAMES’ LADIES—Joan assortment of other ailments for 7 led the lasers wMh 10 tmBtee Pminey counterparts. Paul Foo- at Storrs tonight in what may Hay ... Griffith's downfall apparently Scheibeapflug 343, Sally Phil­ tive professionally Tuesday periods lost season and was pla-. was high for Blast Hampton vantage by intermission. They several lucrative Interests to toe but both failed miserably in was a result of a cautious start while working in toe Dominican sq>iece. hey led the scoring feat with an be a battle of big men under with 26 points. completely dominated the scor- .M 8 66 busineas field. lips 141— 369. tooned on occasions. He finally Ooitch Don Bums of the Totala seeing to It that they were rep­ during which Gonzalez scored championships. The big right- regained hla regular Job in Au­ al0tt for nine shooting perform­ the boards. ”I know tost when I went resented. Perhaps they were Xagles commended the team in with left jabs. SNOW WHITE—Rita Miller handr- wa.s tagged for seven gust. ance and 16 points. Frank Ver- The Huskies’ 6-foot-8 Toby West with the Los Angeles snowbound. runs and eight hits in less than . generai and IQnel in parUeular nfie added Ifi, Willett 13, Pete Rams, and made the club, I was The world champion, losing 137. "Eddie played the best third for a spectaedhr ening min- Klmban will have to be at his How about toe New York five innings. Dkninioo 13, and Lltwln 10 the lowest paid football player Giants? only his sixth fight in 49 outings, base of anyb^y in the National ■te m- Michigan Fears Purdue, “Xt’e more sensltiv^” he said. Cardinal third baseman, took No one Is more pleased about akiUed Job. Electric Boat, in. cooparmUo* Baylor 86 for the Laken, who fought victory over the Hobby "Instead o t two writers, you Scholaetic Basketball with the Connecticut State Employment' have beaUn New York eight two-thirds of an inning at 15'm e out of Cincinnati, pletod 11 of my 16 starts for pity on the kid and lent him the transacUen than Frank Shoppe. Big Mark Lautenbach and he spent one year out ot "I won five games for Kansas Don, winning nine and loolng might have 16 to 90 and aU one of his uniforms. He also (Pop) Ivy, former Oiler head Service and Department Of'Eduoatloh, te straight times this season. The (12) and Jim Harrison (4) led have dUferent ideas. I pull no Htllhouse 83, Hartford 66 providing free training for U.S.'dtisens to pair hit 30 of the Lakers’ 84 baseball and seven more to the City to 1981 but they released two. I ftoishWl 1962 with Cin­ Friars Top Rhode Island provided a new cap. coach and now Southwest scout Joe’s with Harrison’s two- cinnati and won all my deci­ punobee, except for what’s det­ Fitch 77, Pulaski 70 become Electricians, Machinists, Shlpflttera points in a third-period burst , , *1, , . , . , minors before he won his first foe. I signed for 1962 writh "Ehrery ball player that came for the Giants. “Stoner” Smith pointer to the last folnute of „,ajor league game to 1952 at Rochester and that spring sions, five. rimental to the chib. Like If In when I went up to the Car­ "Pcqi handte'd It,’’ said Wel­ Platt 75, Windham 88 Pipefitttrs or Sheet Metal Mechanics. If that opened a 17-point bulge. you succesefully complete training and can play tying toe score and setting ! age 23. , worked out with Baltimore. “I never loot confidence to Michigan Fears Purdue mlghteposlUon as the natloin’s only un Mantle had a bad ann and the dinals,” aald Johnny, “ he got a lington T. Mara, Giant vice Windsor Locks 102, Suffleld The teams’ next meeting is the stage for Gauruder’s shot. myself. In the spring o f 1963 meet Electric Boat’s normal hiring re­ Treasurer, Says— Feb. 17 and it’ll be too soon for Now 36. the Hamilton Ohio B*Uy Hitchcock, the manager, be u .apt headline to college Maten nutjor team, other team might run on him new cap.” president, Tuesday. "I came 75 Randy Magnwan (17) was high native will enter toe 1065 sea -! had two young left handers, I worked real haA on my V they knew It. Or a guy has a Presumably It’ll he the same down to be blamed K we lost quirements, you will start working im­ the Knicks. basketball today. Tech defefited Southern Newington 09, Plainville 63 mediately at $2.11 per hour. Inveetigata for the Hobby. son with 118 victories, and af- A.rt (^ irk and Billy Short, curveball. It was good but I Methodist 107-80 to their batUe bod Iqg ao their lnftel(l o ^ d lay In New York. Ernie.’ ’ “Always A CHOICE SMtern Mvisloa Schedule— Wednesday: 8:10, ter his nine wins of last year n»ere was a difference of 10 might throw one out o f 16 the The eecond-ranked Wolverine! Termii of the one-year con- Glastonbury 60, Windsor 48 this opportunity now! SelecUon of Fine Auto­ W. L. Pot. OB tor first place to the Southwest book on him and get the long iJ BTre A Police vs. Pagani’s; 7, — four of them shutouts — he or H y « s « hi age. ’That was way It should be thrown. Harry meet the unranked Boilermak­ ou t bwet were not announced, but New Britain 90, Goodwin mobiles — , Soston ...... 48 8 ;S43 — ers on Saturday. And off their ^nfereuM . In other games. Joe’s vs. Herald; Thursday, is looking forward to a better the reason I went, I couldn’t Brecheen helped me with a slip West Virginia edged Pitt 76-76, gueeaes went oa hl|^ as $86,000. Tech 48 Oldsmobiles, C h e v r o- ClnclnnaU .. 36 16 .694 8 close call a ^ n s t Michigan “Too oaa get anyhting out of Purdue’ s Fuoss Apply or W rite to E . H . Maraden* 6:10, Hobby Shoppe vs. Nor­ season. In 1963 he won 15 blame Hitchcock. pitch when I was trying to Boston Unlv. nipped Dartmouth me, eoDoept you oon’t get it In a Koy said the terms of the of­ Middletown 78, Stonlngton 06 lets, Fords (You Name PhUaxMiihia 26 24 JilO 17 man’s; 7, BTre A Police vs. Her­ games. It was hia best effort "Then I went to the Los An­ catch on with Baltimore, but State Tussday night, the w ol­ fers by the two teams were Rocky HUI 78, B. Windsor 67 / Electric Boat Employinent Office It) at DISCOUNT K-M, St. Bonaventure whipped oolorfta way. Pm truthful." New York ..16 33 .813 36H ald. aince 1955. geles Angels. I didn't pitch but the real big thing was guld work property like Heffner. It was there that I vasion of similarly unranked LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP)—Don Purdue. took South Carolina 81-66. manager, Keane will not go or St. Louis ...34 24 .800 8 Old Time Rival* worked with three American that Three o f the Innings were got everything back in order.” Michigan State, paced bv Bill Into training camp with a Car­ Fuo«s of Purdue is among thoie Baltimors ..24 26 .490 8% League teams after Cincinnati to one game. They released me. The Reds finished fifth in Michigan had to oome from 10 ^ rU e ’ 36 potote. led M lc^JlS interested In the head football Apidy to yqiir local CMUecticat AUTO Three times released to less dinal team. He’s not worried. Detroit ...... 19 M .886 10 LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP)— let him go at toe start o f 1961. 1968 when Nuxhall came back olnte down to beat Michigan feU 12 potote “I've given some toought to coaching Job at Yale. S. Fnoctooo .11 89 .220 17 Kentucky ^ basketball ach They all released him. than one year. People thought with 16 wins. Hla nine last tete 108-96 to overtime at Bast behind at 70418 then ralUed to tie "I have talked with tha atfi- State Em ^ynent Service Office I wea fintohed at 88 but I knew g (he Tonkees,” he said oareful- Annual Meeting DISCOUNT Adol()h Rupp and Harry Lan- “Li 1960 I won only one year helped them tie for sec­ Lsuiaing. It took a 40-potot per­ 88-88 on “Mantis looked great when latto director at Yale and aub- caater, his asaistant for tfie last game, loet eight,” says Nuxhall. better. I still knew I could win ond. formance by Oassle Russsll to John Schick’s basket with 14 X saw him the other diQr. Rte mltted a rtoume of my ba6k- C o ll^ Badketball 16 years, once were opponents. “ I asked to be traded. The fans to the big leagues. So I went Future high bcIkxS graduates keep ttis Wolverines unbeaten in seconds left. weight wae down. Be flayed ground,” F uom aaid Tuesday, got on me. There is only one to Phil Seghi of the Reds and MANCHESTER MINET M R PONY Lancaster captained George­ will bedraftedl^ the big Big Ten play at 4-0 and 13-3 The Spartans twice tied the 86 of gblf tba day X saw *1 did thte with the ftiU ap- HOUSE, IncL way to shut them up when that told him if Cincinnati gave me GiiiiiniD town (Ky.) College, toe first leagues starting to Juna. If a over-all. •core In the extra period, but him. Well have to eea where peoval of Pordua' offiolala. Providence 78, Rde. Island 60 happens and I couldn’t tell another riiance Td go to their Joe Nuxhall eon ever gets T h e tourth-ranked Providence never caught up after George be {days. Center field, you "But I tove not talked dlreot' FOOTIUl MSOOUTION 4T8 Owfor nt, M8-M81 opponent faced ^ a Rupp- them where to go. So I worked San Diego team, provided I drafted the bigs may have to Friars, the only other team to IBIMHItAL. D YN AM ICS West Va. 78, Plttdbu>«h 76 the ■mow, te the eaaleet poaltton in ly with toe Yale people einqe coached Ksntucky team, llia t harder, and the harder I threw could start. wait four yoars. Papa Joe to- the Aeaoclatod Preee top ten to A m B -R T snM - Op m NHm S t Bona’ture 8B, Fhirfletd 68 was to 1980. ZiSneaeter opened ^ 2 ? for good. (ha (ibtfield. them my taaokfrouad TAKING SRAPB— With jtiis MuiouiUMd intentioo to ■U lCTN IC S0AlT''^ ' the wilder I g o t I asked John­ “Bvary fifth day I started slate thqy go to ooUage, sonM- see action, oruabed Rhode Is- ‘Tm opUmlatlo fibout ifhltey - ” Fuoee aald. 3 TONNHff AT t ira tflo k Boabim U.. 67, Dactmoutb 66 the BOCMtag with a gosO. Olte ny Murdoui^ BUI DeWUt’a for XXm HtttM r, now ooschfatg tfaing ha pai a d up. to ptteb to tend 7846 for ftMlr ISIb stinalglit nritch to ihMifitop. Ron Santo of L e a S e #1, Latojnetta 78 tea ste ^ but soon stormed Into IVird'a ana. Bkfore bkt opera- W M oa u weti, though 87-lfi. right-hand man, to aend ma out for Cba ICota. Z got hfude a y tba vietory and mahjtsined tnw •la laad ovar Rhoda Z d i^ ^ (fob heta « t i t IsUtFey It the Chicago Cubs whip# twpugb a haiulball work­ ANpeY I NAVY OLUg out to eonditiTO him iidf zor the spring trainipf ■ ' ...I i . l.i-v I - grind jufit lihMU.'’ ' ■ nN) II w NlliiiiMimpi ¥ m \ I j

"TAOB TWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCBESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY *7, 1M8 C . x ’' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, BtANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1966 PAGE TWBNTT-1 BoiMlnt— CoBtnctliic 14 THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW By FAGALY sml SHORl'BN Diamonds— Watchc Apartments—Flais— Apartments—P lst^ ' Tenements 88 Busiiicse Prupei'ty Houses For Ssle 72 Hooses For Sak 72 Honsee For «leie 72 Sobarban For Sale 75 A. A. OiON. me Roofliw Jawclry 48 Tenemento 65 For Sole 70 Edlng, palnUng. Catpontry. Al« o a rr put anv oougm in MANCHESTER — Luxurious 8 i^SUMABLE MORTGAGE on COZY 6 ROOM Ciq>e, bay VERNON—Immaeulate 6 room TEN TEARS AGO ME W a t c h a n d j b w b u i t ra- CENTRALLY LOCATED 8 MODBRNXZBD 8 ROOM, aec- Rio Plans Big Party! CLASSIFIED torattona aad addlUoaa. Ceil* airlimi V room, second floor aportmeol;. BUSINESS ZONE m — Eight room ranch, 2 fun baths, main­ 6H room Ranch, 3 bedrooms, window, stalxUese steel bullt- Ranch, on 100x190 lot, 3 gen­ tlECTROHlCe OR palrtng. Prohvt aervlce. Up to tap. ”fo(kinan8tilj> guaraa TOUTED MC Olto MV ond floor fla t eunporch, Vene­ rooms with two offices, sep­ tenance free redwood exterior, baths, built-Uu, flreplaice, 1ns, screened rear porch , ga- erous bedrooms, family aised trOCMt, CRtNGILV.' OtT |20 on your old watdi in completely moderniaed aha tian blinds, new baseboard toed. Ml Autumn 841-MK. TlltVlSlON 810CR- very clean. $116 month. J. D, arate entrance, suitable for famUy room with fireplace, large lot near school, shop­ ragA close to s BROWER SAYC fTB Main Stroet, heat, hot water, MANCHESTER Six - room DIRECT f«Hn owner — Owner Agency, Realtora, 649-2818. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS modeling of All typos Excel- SMALL 8 ROOM heated apart­ apartment two atoree and transferred. Six year old 6 M anchester AP TetovWoa-Rodio Wilier < Portaguese morliian t b o o t e OONNA GO Gardea— FEmi— Dairy stove refrigerator, $100. 649> ment near bue line, lady pre­ they hod touad the moutli 8 A. M. to 5 P.M. •ant woikmanahlp. MMtM. 6329! 9-6. commercial building 111 in one M anchester room, L-shaped ranch with at­ VERNON — 3 new hornet on By EDGAR MDAjai to SWy-HiOH! . Prodacto 50 ferred. CaH 648-7802 or 649- package. Hlgk traffle count tached garage, excellent loca­ $1,000 REDUCTION Phoenix Street. 6H rooms, RIO DE JANEIRO, Brasil great river when on Jan.:1. t o * . MON OONSTRUCTION-Roof- MANCHESTER—H room 7064.______A wise Investment for only tion, over one acre corner lot they dlacovered the site Well-kept 6 H-room colon­ full walk-out baaement, large (AP) — Bustling Rio la dreaebig COPY CIXISING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. Ing, aiding, alterationa, coil- APPLES—Maes and OorUandi, iqMurtment located on C enter J26jp00. Hayes Agency, 648- ■ INVESTMENTS very well landscaped, 2 min­ wooded Iota,' convenient to occupied by Rtfi. The city fifine lap, pttera and aluminum No. 1 and No. 2. Bunco Farm, FIVE ROOM iq>artment, com­ ial, offers lots of livability up in its holiday best tor a 400th Street Heat and hot water v803. utes from school, plus 16x32 Manchester and Vernon shop- birthday party on March 1 that became known-ae loo Sebastko MONDAY Thin n i D A T lOtSO A.M . — SATU RDAY t A JR windows 848-4882. 8U-0886. 14 Spencor Bt. bination windows, front and for prudent buyer. Bed­ do Rio de Janeiro — St. SebOa- and off street parking. Rental Ehcceptional return with swimming pool, pool includes p j^ centers. Price $15,200. profnisea to be a lavish specta­ rear porch, centrally located. CORNER 1/yr on busy Route 2 ladders, diving board, 16’ rooms large, closets plenti­ tian of the River of Jaanary] — CARPENTRY—32 yoara expe­ $80 par month. Call Mr. Wert>- 649-4^ days, 643-7267 evee. only $700. down or live Phone 643-0185; after 5 p.m., cle. PLEASE READ YOUR AD ner, Jarvla Realty Co., Manag­ 6, East Windaor, adjoining en­ slide, underwater light patio ful, fireplace, Uving room A X 5-9691. but the Sao Sebastiao waa rience. Celllnp and floor tiled, HoiiNlHdd Goodf 51 trance to new golf course. rent free in your own cheerful. Asking $17,990. The fun will go on all year, dropped through the yoara Al­ porches, rec rooms, garages, ing Agents, 643-1121. MANCHESTER — Beautiful 3-room apeu-Unent. aroimd entire pool, complete­ •r *^aat Ada” »n taken aver the phone aa a Excellent location for office Act now, caU Dick Beach, VERNON — Choice area. Spa­ but an Inaugural highlight though It -still rematoe part e* additions, attics finished, re­ EVBRTTHma to stariilaad ra- new 2 family homes, 4 room ly fenced in for privacy and comes on amtlversary day when eonvenlenoe. Ttie adverttaer ahonld read hla ad the FIRST FOUR AND THREE room building, drtve-ln, gaa atation, many other conveniences too 649-5306. cious 5H room ranch, large iha offlcla] name. modeled, concrete work. No condltlanad used farailiira and flata and duplexes, stove, re­ a birthday cake IS feet high and DAY IT APPRARS aad REPORT ERRORS la Ume (or the lUanoas, U i^ quality—low apartments, including ^haat, uaed car lot, etc. Tongren numerous to mention. Well living room, ,/ireplace. panel­ Ironically, the French rather Job too small. Immediate ea- frigerator, extras. Bus, shop­ Agency, 643-6321. L. C. GREENOUGH ing, 2 baths, jalousied porch, weighing 2,640 pounds will be aoKt tnawrflea. n o Herald la reaponalUe ter only ONE iacer- timates. 843-2829. oaa Ldllanc Fumltura, 196 hot water, and gas for book­ ping neariay. Hayes Agency, worth the asking price of $26,- Barrows Wallace than the Portuguese were the raet or omitted iaaertlon for aajr advortlaemeat aad tbea only ing. Electric refr^rator and COMPANY (KX). For more information call garage. Hayea Agency, 643- cut before thousands. Wxaet, R oekvllla 678- 843-4803. The fourth centennial celebra­ first to establish a colony at to the OKteat of a “make good” laaertloa. Brroro whieh do not stove furnished. Oul 649-7834 643-1589, 649-S33L Manchester Parkade, Man. 4803. 2174. Open 6 A Land For Sale 71 Berkeley Estate 389-1658 tion also win provide a shot In Guanabara B m under a naval leaaen tka vaino of the advortiaoment wU not ba eorrectod ky or 649-6779. between 5-7 pjn. FOUR ROOMS, first floor, 649-5306 officer called Nkolas Durand de Roofuif sna CMnBeys IS-A SIX ROOM RANCH. Direct VERNON—New listing. 4 bed­ the arm to the famed Rio carni­ ”amlM good” ' AUTOMATIC waahlng ma­ middleage couple. CaH 643- ELLINGTON—60 acres, excel­ VlUegognon. chine, good condition, |26. NEW FOUR ROOM apart­ from owner. Includes storm room Colonial, 2(4 baths, val Feb. 27-March 2. It is being ROOTDfO — SpeciaUaUig re­ ment, Including heat, hot wa­ 6015. lent for development $21,000. MANCHESTER — Excellent maity extras, new carpeting But tlM Portuguese eetUera in TOUR 00(»ERATf0N W llX pairing roofs of all kinds, new Call 649^704. CAPE for $16,000 with an at­ windows and doors. Washer, billed as the biggest and most ter, air-conditioning, a lli­ 876-7456. dryer, stove, refrigerator. Car­ 5 room Cape, nice location, throughout, garage, l>eautlful colorful in the city’s history. Brazil, unhappy with the n APPRECIATED DIAL 643-2711 roofs, pttar worit, chimneys FOUR OR FIVE room apart­ tached garage. 6 finished exclusive Able Realty, 289- L istening td tne MUST SELL—Hkve oonverted ances and parking. $186 ment centrally located, alu­ roontis, new heat, fireplace, ex­ peting, miscellaneous built-ins. lot, only $23,000. T. J. Crock­ Officially, the celebration be­ French, decided to form their cleaned, repaired. Aluminum 4192. ett, Realtor, 643-1577. own colony at Rio de Janeiro. aiding. 80 yea rs’ experience. OPPICE aUNGER to elaolTlelty. Oaa atova, good monthly. J. D. Realty, 648- minum windowa. Inquire 60 Rousen For ^ ir 72 cellent residential location. Va­ Only $16,000. Call Manchester gan New Year’s Eve when Pope oondHIon. $80. 848-1801. 6129. 649-9592. Paul VI pushed a button in Vati­ They did on March 1, 1565, at Free esUmatea. Can Rowley, mawing With the Birch Street cant. T. J. Crockett Realtor, MANCHESTER — Two-family, BOLTON — 4-room ranch, MANCHESTER ~ New 7 romn 643-1571. can City that turned on new the foot of Sugar Loaf Mountain, 848-8881, 844-8SSI. 80” WESTINGHOUSE elaotrie THREE ROOMS, newly daeo- 5-4, bus line, city utilities, Im­ very attractive, oversize ga­ MARWET t ip s - raised ranch, 3-oar garage, mediate oocupemey In owner's lights for the 128-foot statue of TreibU lUathiRg Oir AdvtrliMr? stove wHh window in door, rated, heat, hot water, stove MANCHESTER — Exception­ rage, $12,500. M arion Eldlund SHORTEN F IV E R(X>M 8 tor r e n t CaH buUt-ine, 1% baths, acre iot, 5 rooms. Assumable FHA Christ the Redeemer atop Oor- J-U. 4- !••. O f .—A l ^ very good oonditlon. Call 649- and refrigerator, clooa to 649-3166. al 7 room Garrison Cofonial, IT’S NEVER TOO Real Estate, 644-0414, '289- HcstiiiE and Ptnmbinf; 17 tremendous valuei Bayes Agen­ mortgage, owner will carry 4519. covado Mountain. Gish in *Romeo* 24-Htir AiswfriRg Stnrict 4878. churches, topping and buoea. cy , 64S-4$0$. built-in kitchen and wall-to- But the feStivlUes won’t come Call 643-4385. COLD TO second mortgage. Asking $19,- PLUMBING AND heating re- FOUR ROOM apartment 66 wall carpeting, beamed cell­ 500. Lawrence F. Flano, Real­ VERNON — 5(4 room ranch, alive until thousands of tourists STRATFORD (AP) — Lillian Frtt k Htrali Rtadtri pain and new installations, Wells Street, no furnace, $60 MANCHESTER — New 8 room ing, paneled rec room, garage, tor, 643-2766. Dolores L. Mer­ built-ins, aluminum combina­ swarm Into the city from Gish, veteran actreae. ie sched­ speeial attention to emer­ Help Wanted— Pensale 35 Help Wanted— Female 35 Waated— Ta Hay 58 FIVE LARGE ROOMS second monthly. 649-6987. Garrison Colonial, 12x34 living and manicured fenced yard. MOVE WHEN 'THE i Waat tafomatloB on one af oar i No Help Wanuo— Male 36 second floor apartment, in­ ritt, 646-0424, Charles Nichol­ tions, excellent condition, $14,- abroad. Some 8,000 of them will uled to play the role ot the gencies. Tel. 640-2923. room, family room, bullt-ln Only $21,900. Hayes Agency, IT Shaidy oaB the TRANSCRIPTIONIST. short­ WAIfTBD TO B U T -A a tto ^ cludes heat, hot water, stove, BIX ROOM duplex, complete­ PROPERTY IS RIGHT! son, 742-6364. 400. Owner 875-3471. be aboard seven luxury liners nurse in "Romeo and JuUet" PBX OPEaiATOR for part- m e a t c u t t e r wanted for ' kitchen, master bedroom with 643-4803. moored in the harbor as floating hand helpful, 8:30-5. Will con­ time work in local firm, must i and good esed fUmMura. VU- rafrigerator, garage, near cen­ ly redecorateo, gas furnace, at the American Shakespeare service meat department Five •aga Paddler Aoetlon House, dressing room, low twenties. W IL L B U Y clean, 8. 4, or 5 hotels. Festival Theatre this season, RaAo-TT Repair sider part - time afternoons have knowledge of typing,' ter ot town, convenient to hoa- conveniently located. Oall 649- Hayes A gency, 648-4808. LAKEWOOD CmCLE — Colo­ And this gorgeous ranch family homes. Immediate ac­ day, 44 hour week. Usual va­ Roots a . ■Utagtan. im « n i. tal.t Call 649-2396 between Resort Property For Sale 74 Rio’s 4.6 million Inhabitants K was announced today. 8 e r y k r Cov­ $26,400. Phllbrlek Agency, 649- family room, fully equipped Wanted— Real Estate 77 lUB. If you’ve never sold ANT- giasi, sCvar, plctura tramee garden apartment, heat, hot TOWN 8464. gpreen parks adorn Gitanabara tray Romeo and Marla Tucct laavo yoBi Toni] to Jto entry concern, excellent sal­ and old oQtats, old dolls and w ater, range, refrigerator, kitchen, attached garage. a w ftkoat THING national advertis­ ary, vacation pay, hospitaliaa- Saburban For Sale 75 SPOT C a s h paid for homes, Bay. Tall buildings, most of win make her debut in Stratllord at the tBiaphaai. guns, hobby ooUsetions, attle parking. Iderily locate. $120 BIX ROOM duplex. Walker NKW 2 FAMILY, 6-4, under Call Barbara Babin, Jar­ 08 Jidlet. ing and ^ beautiful packag­ tlcn benefits. Write Box D, AND TELL ’THE PEOPLE vis Realty Co., Realtors, farms and acreage. 24-hour them new hotels, are rising over MuTtag— ^m eidBf— ing make H eaay to tell oontents or wbols sstatea Fur- monthly. Availabia February St, can 649-3930. construction, two heattog sys­ TOLLAND — $2,500 assumes service. Hayes Agency, 643- the city. Allen Fletcher, artistic dlree- Herald, In your own hand­ nlturs Repair Barvloa Thloott- 1st. 643-0973. about thla marvelous buy tems, large lot, central loca­ MLS. 643-1121, Eves., 643- S E lt 4 Storag* 20 SECRETARY w riting. mortgage, save closing costa. 4803. Officials estimate that an in­ tor of the entire repertory grotq>, vine, Oonn. TsL 648-7446. v SIX ROOM apartment second in a 1,300 square foot ranch tion. Call Builder, Leon Cies- 1686. Spotless 6(4 room Colonial floor, $110 monthly, one year home with 3 bedrooms, 1% ternational film festival alone will direct the production which LOST—Wradcar doEtea, ravrard MANCHESTER DollTOry. LIgM Interesting and diversified FOUR ROOM tenement , 76 zynskl, 649-4291. Ranch, built-ins, (4 acre wood­ WANTED—As soon as possible IMW C8IEVROLBIT Im pala 8- AVON SHEE7T METAL men wanted WANTED — Kiatting machine Wells Street Available Febru­ lease. Call 643-9691 from 8 baths, enclosed carport and win cost m ora than $250,000. bows tor the student audience effarad. K foon d tele|ih<*ie M t- door I&rdtop, MIy equipped, trucUag and package delivery. assignment for qualified ed lot. Hurry! Hayes Agency, 3 bedroom home not over $18,- season on Marxfii 8 and has its for la ^ t and fabrication on reaaonaUy priced. Phone 649- ary 1st, $75. 649-6229, 6-B. a.m.-6 pjn. fuU basement Reduced to RANCH—7 rooms, 3 or 4 bed­ Other events include art exposi­ 5821. near padnt, aanr engine, body RofHgeraton, wajAera and high school or junior col­ dose tolerance work. Apply FOUR BEDROOM ranch 643-4803. 500. Client with large cash. tions, concerts, sporta and con­ official aeojon premiere on June 6367. $18,400 by anxious owner. rooms, modern kitchen, dining homes; we have three of them Hutchins Agency, 646-0103, aaid hitarior Ake aaav. Can atova moving sptclalty. Foldiiw Cosmetics in spare time lege graduate, shorthand Ward Machine Company, 259 CENTRALLY located 8 large ferences. 19. LOOT: PtNB R ook Mo. T«M , c h a in fo r iv w t 649-8782. near home. Generous com­ HOSPITAL AREA — Deluxe Call Barbara Babin, Jarvis room, 1% baths, 2-car garage, for sale. In the low 20's, a 7 MANCHESTER VICINITY—A Multiple Listing. 848-M44 between 5-10 a.m. essential. Well known Adams Street 649-5119. 6H room apartment, built-ins, rooma, heat, tile bath, stove Many nations. Including Savlap Daparimant af tha Aak Asr Jim Baker. missions, no experience re­ Realty Co.. Realtors, MLS, large private lot, $22,900. Phil- roomer with 1% baths, rec 3 bedroom ranch on a country- Hartford concern, 5-day Roonw Wlthaat Board 59 dinette, appliances, tiled bath, and refrigerator, parking, 643-1121, Evee., 643-1686 brick Agency, 649-8464. France. Spain, Italy, Japan and . Obnneetknit Bank A Truat quired. Opening now! week, complete benefit MECHANICS, all benefits, hoe- room, two fireplaces, needs size well shrubbed lot, huge Pstntmg— ^Papering 21 yard, garage, basement, $125 adults only, $93. 648-6396. living room with fireplace, Portugal, plan to contribute Ocaapany. AppEeaMan (phone 289-4022) program, ft-ee parking. pttAlisation, vacation pay. THE THOMPSON House, Oot- complete redecoration; an­ Tunnels Suggested less OLDS. HOrStep monthly. Hayes Agency, 643- COLONIAL—Huge family sized other in the mid 18’s, needs famUy size kitchen, full cellar, elaborate pavlUona, statues and OORTADt MONZA Ooimo, Send resume to Moving Into new location. Ap­ tage atrest, centrally located, 4% ROOM GARDEN iqjart- kitchen, dining room, living IMO, owner M9-0872. PAINTINO and paparhaaglng, 4803. SEVEN ROOM older home, 4 re-doing, but has garage, 1(4 spotless condition, $16,500. expositions. Portu^I, the na­ Take Over Paymeata. good work, raasonabla rates, ply Fltagerald Ford, Rock­ bugs ^aaaantly furnished ment, 2 bedrooms, heat, hot room with fireplace, 3 bed­ LONDON—A British urban- tion’s mother coirntry, has ville, Service Manager, Wal­ room i, p a r ld i«. 0 6 1 646-2868 bedrooms, 2 baths, lot 72x151. baths, dining rcJbm, etc.; in Wolverton Agency, Realtors, No Money Required. Id pnpan, ] 30 y e a n In M anchester, your 4% ROOM apartment heat and vrater, stove, refrigerator and rooms, 1% baths, screened 649-2813. planning report sugrgesta un­ promised an impressive statue lOBd M EROURT Statkm W ag Box G, Herald ter Viklinetz. . for ovaniight and parmaneiit parking, $120 per month. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor. Bolton on four beautiful vtoiatty. Raaraad. power Roaring, power neighbor Is my reconunenda- hot water, stove and refrinr- porch, $20,900. PhUbrlck derground throughwajrs be­ of King Joao VI, the Portuguese LPN or RN, full or part-time, guest rates. ator, washer and dryer fur- Availabia February 1st Of­ 643-5953. acres is the other home, load­ CALL MR. HARKINS Stetna,^ S « » ^ 0 . bnakaa, |100. 648.«8e5. tkm. Raymond Flake, 846- 11-7. 876-2077. Agency, 649-8464. ed with extras Uke a three XTV - BOLTON — 3-bedroom neath cities, with secondary ruler who moved the capital of 6987. NICE ROOM itaxt to bath for nlahed. Nice location. $140 per fice 15 Forest Street. 643- CONCORD RD. — BeauUful split level on 2 acre wooded roads at ground level. Pedes­ his empire to Rio de Janeiro Salesmen Wanteif 36-A month. 649-0308. 0000 or 646-0090. MANCHESTER—Rolling Park. car garage, out-building, the S43.2411 'v o t e r — Pnaa Bool toOT M M IG AN Sportacar (irius raitleman with references. ranch, large living room, for­ blueberry patch, under thirty. lot. Kitchen built-lns include trians would use tiers above after Napoleon invaded Portu­ s n o t l , S a v t i^ D 4), moenent eondltioB. Call EXTERIOR and interior paint­ Six room Cape with 3 bed­ refrigerator, freezer, stove, Help Wanted— Male 36 NATIONAL concern with AAA Ibccellent location. 21 Church FOUR ROOM apartment, sec­ THREE ROOMS, first floor, mal dining room, o^lnet T. J. Crockett, Realtor, 643- ground leveL gal- • o f T he O nm odttent 689-7876 after 6 p.m. ing. Wallpaper booka. Paper- rating has opening for cour­ rooms, kitchen with built-ins, oven, dishwasher, fireplace. kangiiv. Cellinga. Floora. P ^ y Street. 649-4966. ond floor, near Main Street range, refrigerator, heater, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ formal dining room, living 1577. Yknat Oompany. OPENINGS for two experi­ teous, ambitious man with ear tion room, landscape yard. Trout stream on property. 1666 MMROURT limdtop, ma- insured. Workmanship guar­ WORK WITH ROOM FOR RENT, gentleman 643-6862 or 649-0658. eantral, $65. J. D. Realty, room with fireplace, full shed Selling for $18,900. For fur­ anteed. Lao Pelletier, 649-0326. enced painters, steady work, to contact estaUlahed cus­ •4SJS139. Marion E Robertaon, Realtor, dormer, finished rec room, Miaiifoany souad, |M0. Can good pay for right men. 649- tomers. High starting guar­ only, referencea required, free ther information call the R F, I/)O T — B m b Bock Nunbar K no answer, 643-9048. TH REE ROOM apartment, gas, 648-5953. beautiful irard, $16,900. Wol­ 648.0W7 altar 6 pja. 9658. antee plus expenaea. Advance parking. Call after 8, 643- MANCHESTER Dimock Co., 649-5245. Whaf Did 1964 Mean to You? 201348, Savtnp DepartmaMt electricity, hot water, hrat, SIX ROOM duplex, excellent verton Agency, Realtor, 649- to five-figure bracket rapidly. 2693.193. MANCHESTER GRHaiN AREA of The Oonneotleat Baidc and IN TE R IO R and extertcHr p ain t­ HGURES no pets. 648-8921, 17 Locust. location , ava iUrnle February 2813. NO. COVENTRY — Custom ing, wallpaper removed, fully DRAFTSMEN—First and aec- Further information supplied 1st $100. Call Glaatonbury A 6 room Ranch with 8 gener­ Cape-styled ranch, 5 rooms, Tnwt Oompany. AppMoaticn AEtoM rlBg 1 T-A Mid shift for die layout and COMFORTABLE ROOM, cen­ ATTRACTIVE. NEWLY decor- ous bedrooms, tuning room, built oversize 6 room ranch, arado for paymaet. insured. Rrae Belanger, 643- at interview. Call Manchester 8S8-7982 after 6. TWO FAMILY, built 1964, high 2-car basement garage, Good OK»rtunlty for qual­ guide electronic tracer ma­ 644-0202 after 6 p.m. tra], eontinuoua hot water, 4ted, 4-room apartment, sec­ spaciotiB living room with fli^ double garage, 2 fireplaces, UUniV TO DRIVB -T - Itekolal 0812 or 644-0804. assumable mortg;age, ^umi- $500. down, $120. per ified high school graduate chine, all fringe benefits. Ap- parking, gentleman preferred. ond floor, basement and attic, FOUR ROOM apartment heat place, large kitchen with for­ built-ins, rec romn, complete­ attaatioa to aarv 80 Garden S t, 6494)628. num storms, nice yard, excel­ month, to qualified buyer. ly carpeted, wooded acre ^^th erty. OtoamtMm A OfBnm aad ootaide painting. intereeted in clerical posi­ •ly Gunver Mfg., 234 Hartford steam heat, opposite Center hot water, modem kitchen, mica counters, oil hot water lent residential neighborhood. Cape, 4 down, 2 unfinished, AM Help Waatod— heat plaster walls, attached view. Pasek Realty, 289-7176, PWkim aarvlea. Day or You name your own price. tion involving figuring, LARGE ATTRACTIVE room Park, close to buses, shopping central looattan. adults only. A buy at $24,900. Owner 646- one-car garage, St. Barthol­ 640-7868, 878-8401. well known Hartfort con­ and churches, no pets, adults Cea 649-7136. garage. Owner transferring. 74Y-8243. MLSIC/l'ROLiUX aaiaa aad sarv- niiig faaaoaa. RaoaoaaMa rataa. TURRET LATHE machinlata. Male or Female 37 for lady, second floor kitch­ 0103. omew area, $450. down, foe, bonded representative. Al- cern, 5-day week, com­ preferred. 640-7529 $15,900 Wolverton Agency, $115. m onthly. BOLTON - COVENTRY line — PAXNTmo, EXTERIOR and Good variety of work. Over­ FULL-’ITME SALES Assocl- en privilegee, parking, cloee SIX ROOM apeutment, oil fur­ Realtora, 649-281$. tred Amen, 110 Biyaa Dr., plete benefit program. to bus line. 649-2761. NEW RAISED RANCH — 8 6(4 room split level, garage, Interior, paperhanging, waU- time. Mlco Mfg. Co., 648-1571. atea wanted for expanding THREE ROOM heated apart­ nace, very reasonable. Inquire rooms, one full and two half Manchaater 644-Sl^ PORTER STREET Area — 6 tool shed, fireplace, paneled p ^ r removed, dry wall work. Real Estate Firm. WUl train FRONT ROOM, centrally lo­ ment, stove and refrigerator, 146 School Street or oaU 649- baths, 3 or 4 bedrooms, dining EVERETT AGENCY Raaamiable rates. Fully in­ MACHINISTS for Bridgeporta. parking available. 649-6561. 868$ anytena. room Cape, fireplace, 3-car den, extra large bath with lEDKRAL moOMB ta x e s Must be able to set up and but must be licensed and cated, parking. 56 Birch room, family room, one car 649-8538 vanity, $15,700. CaU Owner, prepared wHh year aavtaip in sured. PYee estimates. 649- Write Box E, Herald ready to go to work. Excel­ arage, large tree shaded lot garage, $28,900. Phllbrlek Stm ig* 10 9698, Joseph P. Lewis. work to blueprints. Apply in Street. 649-71M. f17,900> P hllbrlek A gency, 643-4885. mind. Roaaomimblo rateo. Ed­ person GTK Corporation, 678 lent management potential. Agency, 649-8464. ward J. Bayieo, 646-6246. Libera] comnodaaloB arranga- FURNISHED room for rent FOUR ROOM tenement, $60. 649-8464. OARAOE tor oar, boat, stor­ Tolland Street. 132 Bissell St. 649-5229, 9-5. Fnralshed ApansMais S3-A MANCHESTER Vicinity—$18,- COVENTRY—6(4 room Cape, menta and draw can be ar­ near Main Street 649-2170. 9 SIX ROOM ranch. 2 y^rs old., 990. 3 bedroom ran ch,^t-lii plus 4 room ran<^ Own both XNCOHE TAXES prepared by age, Cooper m u Street, Man- Klertrieal Services 22 ^ w a i t r e s s e s for part-time ranged. Call Mr, Werbner. MANCHESTER — Uke new chetoar, |7- CUl CHaatoidNiry HARDINGE HAND SCREW Hasel Street 8^ ROOMS, ground floor, THREE ROOM fum lahad 8% room ranch, 22 foot living attached garage, built - ins,' stove, fireplace, 150’ frontasre. homes for only $106.56 a retired Intetnal revenue oCD- work, must be over 21. Call Jarvis Realty (3o., 64S-U21 w^l-to-wall carpeting, l^e^ Hutchins Agency. Realms, 688-6067, 6 p.m. f r e e e s t i m a t e s . Prom pt 643-0458 and chucker aet-up operator, completely renovated, new re­ apartment, heated. Ideal for room, 1% baths; beautifully month, $2,000 down. Pasek aw.^Marvia Baker. Call 648- experienced with A ircra ft for an appointment to dlscusi 238 dHAR'TER OAK ST.— lot, tool shed, amesite drive- 646-0103. Realty, 289-7476,^742-8243. 6117 aervlca on all typea of elec­ frigerator and stove furnished, working couple or newlyweds, finished famfly room, large trical wiring. Licoiaed and in- parts. All benefits. Dean Ma­ thla fine opportunity. Small room suitable for work­ way. Must sacrifice. $16,900. j ------^______------ing gentleman. Private en­ private driveway and yard, $90 per month. CaU 643-9353 wooded lot Hayes Agency. For arppointment to see call aured. WUsoa Electrical Co. chine Producta, 165 Adams St convenient to bus line, stores, ______Ta x rgtanw. boal- trance. $10 weekly. 649-1746. or ^ ly 4 Pearl St, Apt 8. 648-4808. Owner, Manchester 644-1364. Maa aad ladlvldnal, pnparad Offered Maneheater, 649-4817, 643 SitnstloiiB Wanted— etc. $05. 649-7810. U 1388. WE LINOTYPE OPERATOR TWO ROOM furnished imart- MANCHESTER — 160 g 200, W fdB-thna laeoaM tax ae- Female 38 EIGHT ROOM Cape, interior | eoMtaat Maar lawa aOhetliw SHOW PIXIWINO — You name Apart mcfit^—Flato— THREE ROOM apartment with ment Heated. Kitchen aet, re­ large trees, clean 6 room ^ lo - Immaculate, '3 or 4 bedrooms, { Over scale position, 37^4 all Improvements. 136 Bisaell frigerator, bedroom set gaa nial, double grange, only aMirrmaBl kieoma. Baymond your own price. SMewalka also Floor Finishing 24 hours, day and n l^ t job open­ MOTHER with diUd aged 8 Tenemento 83 2 f(ill baths, family room, wall i OUR VERY BEST Ofanard. CaO eoOeet 876-7862. dm aeA Triaphoaa 649-7868, NEED would like to care for child S tre e t range. Free electricity, gaa. 000. Hutchlna Agency, tb wall carpet In living room; ing, book and job work. BC. — ■ - ...... _L. Adult Apply 10 Depot Square, 0103. 8TB-84Q1. 5TOMI SANDING and refin. CMS, H A A. sam e age, days. In m y home. FOUR ROOM ^>artment, heat-1 I and dining room, fireplace, i IMOCHM t a x RMTURNS pre- SM ALL 4 ROOM modem A p t A ishlng (specialising in older 643-75W. ed, with garage, recently re­ MANCHESTER—Splc N Span dishwasher, disi>osaI, alumi­ USED C A R S paiad. Samuel J. TurUngtoa typewriters — standard' YOU apartment suitable for yoimg floors). Waxing floors. Paint­ RO-MARK TYPE modeled. Cedar St., Manches­ MANCHESTER — 8 room 6 room Cape, 8 bedrooms, spa- num awning;8 over patio, 2-car * „ eil-TTSl. and rieetilc. Rapairad, ovar-l ter, $125 per month. Call W. or middle-aged eouple, $75. ing. Ceilings. Paperhanging. NEW HAVEN '777-3477 apartment at Oak Lodge,, pri­ olouB klUmen with formica garage, aluminum storms and kauled. rented. AdA^ ma- . . . and will pay you WILL DO IRONINO in my Harry England, 649-6201, after Call 649-8055. screens. One block from WOOMB TAXES prepared la No job too small. John Ver well if you can qualify vate entrance, parking, 15 counter and atainleaa sink, fuU ’64 LINCOLN to M A dto ^ ohines ranted and repaired. faiUe. 649-5750. WELDER for general. mainte­ home. Call 643-7028. 6 call 742-7888. schools, buses and shopping. 4-Door Sedan. Turquoise with w l l l ^ jjo r homa or by appointmaat Ptekup and drilvery service. for one of the many SIX ROOM duplex. Inquire at minutes to Hartford. Adults. lengrth living room-dining room Mapailauued tax work. M- nance work. Vacation pay. Bbc- No pete. $125. 643-9171. oomblnation, oil steam heat, A good value at $19,900. Call matching interior. Has all Lincoln Yale Typewriter Servioa, 649- attractive openings LOOKING tor anjrthing In raal 68 Maple Street or call 643- Owner at 649-4438. equipm ent. A # W tow hoar aervloa. Can #61-4728. 4M 6. fo r : cellent pay for right man. 649- WOMAN would like to babysit aluminum atorma and screens, Bonds— Stodm— 3666. •rtate rentala — apartmsnta, 6615 after 4 p.m. days. CaH 649-0643 a fter 5. homas. multipla dwellinga, call $16,600. Wolverton Agency, MANCHESTER — Good multi­ Mortgnsres 27 Realtora, 649-2813. ’64 GRAND PRIX LkW IfieoW ER abarpenkig; r»- STENOGRAPHERS J. O. Realty. 6468120. BosUiese Locattons ple dwelling. A three family pefra, aaiaa, rotor bladas (3-3-5) with one vacancy. Cen­ Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardtop. Midnight SECiOND MORTGAGE - Un­ Dogs—BIras— Pete 41 For Rent blue, R&H, hydramatic, power M arpenad; b iey d a aaiaa, aarv- lim itedfunds available (or sec­ CLERK TYPISTS THREE ROOM haated apart tral heat. Owner anxious. T. J. OTATE U0EN8BD mat toe. M ancbaatar C ycle Sfaop, mant, 456 Main Street. CaO 1940 PLYMOUTH steering and brakes, whitewalls. aaatraSr located. raaaoaaMe ond mortgages, payments to THREE! ROOM office or busi­ Crockett, Realtor, 643-1577. ’ 3095 A high school diploma AUTO BODY MAN SMALL MINIATURE poodle, 649-5229. 9-8, Fury Convertible ■atea, McmBy 146 W. MddM Tarnpikar649 Mdt year budget. E x i g e n t MANCHESTER 9096. is a must, and addi­ close to being a Toy, AKC reg­ Take 0%’er Payments. ness, ground floor, 470 Main WEST SIDE — ExcellMJt 6 TW. STB-lOlL ••nriee. J. D. Realty. 648-6129. Due to our expanding fa­ istered, 6 weeks old, paper WE HAVE custoraen wail Street plenty of parking. 649- ’63 CHEVROLET tional education or No Money Required. VICINITY room Garrison Colonial, fire­ Impala Convertible. Blue, white SHARPENINO training will be well cilities we have an opening trained. 644-8966. for Sie rental at your apa: 6329, 9-6. > WAWTHD — Piesaat address A FRESH START v/111 lump for an experienced combi­ place, dining room, cabinet top. V-8, Radio, Heater, Power- knivaa, axes, ataeart, akatea' your debts into one easy pay­ rewarded. W orking moit or home. J. D. Realty, CAU MR. MADER kitchen, 1(4 baths, oversized and pliana number of Rudolph notary blades. Quick service. nation man. Good working GERMAN Wetonaraner, 6 64341120. FOR LEASE—Bxcallant looa- glide, PS, PB. ’ 2295 conditions and fringe New homes 10 minutes garage. Hayes Agency, 643- Yomig. LaR known addreae, O^itol Equ^ment Oo„ 86 ment. If you have equity in conditions with all employe months, best offer. CaO 648- 443-2411 ttoo tor dootor'a office or C868 Chartar Oak Tar., Hart- property, call Frank Burke to benefits are excellent. benefits. 8746. boiuity parlor. 416 Main Street. from Mancheeter. Ranches, 4803. MUn St, ifaneiieater. Hours These openings offer a THREE ROOM unfumlahed ’62 VOLKSWAGEN iotd. Ooaa. He worked as a diacuaa ways and means. Coti- apartment, second floor. Por­ Oompletaly renovated and am- Cape Coda, Raised dally 7-6. niuraday 7-6, Satur­ necticut Mortgage IBxchange variety of interesting Apply to Paul White, Body Ranches. $14,600 to $18,500 MANCHESTER — 7(4 room Deluxe Station Wagon. Radio, Toller BrnMi Saiiaman aboat day T-4. 648-7668. ter Street area, $80 monthly g ^ p aatlHg. J. D. Realty, 848- heater, excellent condition. Beauti­ 15 Lewis S t , H artford, 246- duties and many op­ Shop Manager, Manchester Artleles For Sale 45 range. One acre wooded ranch, 4 bedrooms, dining 1949 then want to week 8or includes heat, hot water, elec­ room, 2 hatha, 2-zone heat, ga­ McC2ure's Ante Salaa. "Im ti 8867. portunities for ad­ Motor Sales, 512 West Cen­ lota. ful red and white. ’ 1595 l a w n MOWERS-Shaipenod IT'S TERRIPTC the way tricity and gas, no appliances write to P.O. Box X TaieoM- vancem ent. ter St., Manchester, Conn. CORN ER OFFICE SUTTB, rage, only $18,500. Hutchins and rspatrsd, wtnfer otorage. we’re selling Blue Lustre for furnished. Call 648-6W for Agency, Realtors, 646-0103. ville, Coan., with tadormathm. House 8c Hale Building. 953 ’63 LINCOLN todtoAdtol" CAN YOU STHX RBMEBCBBR lioiir b «M ? Noor OUak dmodi hoir OHUli o f k Salas aad servlee — Arlene, Schoole and Claaees 33 cleaning rugs and upholstery. appointment. Automatic Snowbirds, riao rental equip- Come in and talk with Rent electric shampooer $1. Main Street Phone 643^1848. U & R REALTY CO. INC. MANCHESTER — 4 bedrooms, 4-Door Sedan. Beige with all- ^ ^ tot R b S u W a n t e d r i d e te HraMoed, FOUR ROOM flat, second floor, leather interior. Full Lincoln equip- ^ ^ ^ w ill yoe lecalllO er 20 yea# £rom noari And w ill yoet ohlldm p o o id f le olio “ «»t- l a m Equipment OMp., EXCLUSIVE AT us. We are open for Olcott Variety Store. large treed lot, 7 years old. vicinity Asylum, Steoaraey, AUTO MECHANIC central location, heat, hot FOR RENT — Beautiful rtore, R. D. MURDOCK m visaalltt fc? IV y w iU ...if yoa hare on your booUM lf IB IW O B CD B l 1066 Route 88, Vernon, 875-7600 M.T.I. SCHOOLS your convenience: large and dean, approximate­ Hutchins Agency, 646-0103. Monday - Friday, 8:16-1:80. Manduater 1 LOST bright carpet colon water, one year lease. Call Can 648-4901 after 6. E xperienced, to w ork In Transmission ly 1,270 aq. ft $86 monthly priae 1666. THE ONLY Monday thru Friday . . . restore them with Blue 649-5048 after 6 pjn. 648-3696 643-6472 CAPE COD—Five finished. 2 ’61 CADBLLAC 1USOUT-S12Z VOLUME kndtani ' 8 a.m.-5 p.m. our modem shop. We have with heat Plenty of paiking an opening foi; you today. Lsiatre. Rent electric aham- unfinished, garage, cellar, Coupe DeVllle. White with black just past. It helpryon re-live, today and tomosroir, i l a r d aUARDfa, tree ra- pooer $1. Paul’s Paint A Wall­ THREE ROOM apartment, apace. Suitable for dance stu- iTirl IBM'Keypunch Mon., Tues., Wed. evenings Good working conditions heat, hot water, etove, refrig­ Dark art Dcngiaa. kaqufre IBM CORP. ter St., Manchester, Conn. sics, bookcase, ten yean up-' bullt-lna, 3-car nuroge. Sacri- RCXIKLEDOE — 4 - bedroewn this handsome 300-page volume -do k fall jostke. There ; MS-2m S.. Tram ano Iriio k in r dating. Worth $1,160, asking $66. 649-5329, 9-6. fleo at $19,900. Hayea Agenej. blue with matching interior. 1295 •at doaa, aanllaat PRATT A Cape, 1(4 baths, mahogany Senric#. A lso T raining In $400. 649-3320. aooounts—Stone the meet complete yet w ritn n *^ whet E anywban. No amaB lioan or S- WHITNEY THREE ROOM, third floor, flooses Fn* Rent 65 643-4808. fireplace wall and trim, heat­ ★ AR TypM »63 PONTIAC in dbe worid, month by month. Them am 1 — Day PBX-SWITCHBOARD heated, eentrally located. Can ed rec room, 2-car attached Motora, Learn on Mve boarda AIRCRAFT PARTS COUNTER MAN IF CARPETS Ioedla, plus bookoass. Oall 443-2411 Ehom 444-0022 The property may be ixuneoted on Tuesdays and Thursdays be­ 12,000 MHm ! westerly boundary of property Help W uted— FtMAle 36 era and axperlenced plumbws' 640-7576 attar 6 p.m . MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD ? N/F Patten and preeent In- tween 9:00 A.M. and A:0(5 PM. by contacting the GSA Building QUALITY GARPENTRY- W ell eatabHahed HartfcMrd helpers. Atmly Warren J, Got- Boborimn For Rent 66 "Buy with Confidence from Hartford Ooonty'e Mdeet DOX 66, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. T. Suairlal aone, the Hn* runs (Rooms, daemon, j^boo, Uer Plumbing A Heating, 171 Manager, at 460 Main Street Hartford, Connecticut Telephone concern has fine oppor­ 944-3540, twenty-four houra in advance of the desired inspection Lincoln Contlneatal, , Comet A waateriy 816’, more or leae' P boaamanU rafliiMviX oab- Union Street Rockville, 876- BOLTON CENTER Al _ tunity tor experienced Jevreiry 4 « ^ WlUys 4-WheeI Drive Vehicles Dealer" ; then northerity 910’, more or inots, buUteBs, lonnloa, tOo. tranacriptlonist, 6 day 8281, 848-9488. Ooener Brandy 8t- and Bolton date. _____ ' ' __ _ |aae; dun northeasterly 687’, No jo b too a n a ll. WUUam CLERK-TYPIST HOW, WHEN AND WHERE TO BUT Enclosed is $ ...... Please send ...... e o | d e i week, complete benefit imo- PLATTNUK diamond engage­ Center Rd;. new 8 ronns, beat Biora or ions, to prosent Indtio- Robliiaa oarpsntiy oervteo. Wa hava interesting permanent tmn> free pariclng. WANTED—-Part-time Instmc- hot water, stove, 'refrigarator» All Mds must be submitted on “Invitation, Bid and Acceptance of 'THE WORLD IN 1964. . trial aone; than aouthsasterly ment ring, center dismop^ Toinn No. lUR-841.'' This form describes the property, states the fuU-tlme poritlona with diver- tor,' must have drivK* sduoa- 99A00 carat, flawless, with WANTED 8130. 6494218. 848-4812. 4S0’, BiacB or laoo; thonoe riOed duties in our ealee depart­ tion esrtificats to tsaoh tsen- terms aad conditions o t sale and proYldee. bidding instructions. Moriarty Brothers sou th acly MB', more or leas, CARPENTRY — IMthropme two side jMguettee. CaH 644- ROC«miA--SM ^ room Mwrt- Elds will be reoelved at Room 904, Geaeral Services Admtnlstra- RESERVE YOUR tiled, reqreatlon rooms, remdd- ment to be filled by good typfata Write Box H, Herald ags class. Call 848-8602, aftar 1096 after 7. SOI CENTER ST„3T.— BIANCHBSTER along preeent kkhietrial aone, to 4 p jn . COUNTER MAN um iR, stove, refrigerator, tten, Post Qffioe and Oourtkouse, Boston, Massachusetts, 09109, ------|tl I NAME ...... a ...... Ming, garages, addHIona, ea- who are high ach ^ graduataa. 643-513S—OPEN EVENINGS MWIW mmmj - WouaaoS Street and point of One w«ek paid vaoatlan it h in d beat, IM roohUity. AdOIta xS 3i 9:00 PM ., EOT, Frtmiaqr 96, 1096, at odiloh time they will ten laM ax. ment wotk. OaU Laon Oleaays- Ogity. 649-4884, 8 7 ^ 8 6 . akl. 648-426L bafbra April 1. Excellent wnefc- tW R A V lO TIO nV E PAET8 STORE be enened and nubllcly read. ADDRESS n o MOVO SM» M a a g i w ll ^ i Ing ooiuUtione and llbsral em­ or 1968 H-tea Plekop jnroek iMs phaaa, lUpplag, a a i Meehrlag. AH Bhr teeroqutoed “Itavitatlan; Bid and AoceptoaoeForm Na lUR- s n a m e b r a n d O o o « i M oatm ry ASHFORDb LAKE CHAFFEE 1965 Ruqlol Cora overikMo by fb* SooosM Bfteedvo aa of Fabru titeRPBNTRT—Roe rooms, io r - ploye beneOta. For appoliit- High School aqulvalsnt A M y Yhks Over Pajotonto. 941," and further Information, write er call: •wpee «d maRinii it wM SI7 L 1M6. s h o p __ __ Iona Manutooturing Oompany, APPLT IN PBRUKIN AT —4 room famished house with Doiy, W ttk or Momh. m ie». oriiliBM olossta, lemod- 0^ Mn. Petsrnm. MS Ne Mopegr Beqolrad. yew fMdnoiKe to oddriit e • o e e < I o • • e e « o < » % • » E A to E 1 Town Ttaantaiv ------— aI qI. ----- Xou get ttoinga : RsgwR Strsst, Mandsestat firmlaoe, Feb. 1, adults only. •wNMrol SGrvicGi AtlinInIftratioR oUb e hatehwaye, attlos fln- C alf 884-888L LEASIlitB PLANS FOR Jokn B. Lamasso, raieiraiM tohA eoocrato stsM, floon, WHU tor detoila u d ft^ 476 UtWpMtoe end! W ip«w l Servke I ' - I .. Powdur a JaoohacB, UBERTY MUTUAL Popular Cfiub WANTED—Onttar ptaysr that CAU MIt ROSfmO SCHIBELBRQS. BOUrON—8 room partly fur* A U 1965 MAKES A MODELS I^ITY AND STATE ...... s a t i f a r ^ 1400, Xdntonek, tong; aiMb a dnamiMr. P eel Oee aad OeartheoMb B okoo, MamanbaesH 99100 IN8UBANGB CO. N.T. 4 4 1 ^ 2 4 1 1 sMtod housA referanosA two XW. Ne. 990-9 lablA $110 per n l ' wm

S - • I,., w 1


% n C B TWENTT-POTJR WEDNESDAY, JANUAKY 27, 1965 i99murl|ifst8r So^nfng HfntUi A vinife Deiljr Net Preee Rm W at «M Week IMsd Tbe Westher Mr. and Mra. Club of Tampla Bath Sholom will aponsor a gaaaaiy 28, 1886 About Town Oama Night Satumy at 0 Keeney Sewer Hearing Oif^ pjn. at the temple. RefTaab- Mbart Patulak. m b of M n. ments will be aervad. 14,148 ICehaal PatmUak a t 98 Acad- Board to Study Alternates LAST 3 DAYS OF OUR a t the Aadit mB9 8t; aad Rdbert J. Mae- Mother Cahiini Mothers sf Oircnlatta» l>gaaM, aon a t U r . and Mra. HOUSE dfole will meet tomorrow at 8 Rdbart J. MacDonald Sr. at 98 Hie second half of ilia public^Puss has prepared a six-page Maneheater^A City of Village Charm . p.m. at the h<»ne of Mrs. John hsarlngtaring on theths propoeedproposed Keeney report on aaseasment methods. Wadf«wood Rd.. racantly enlkat- nemey, 219 W. Center St. rei>ort on aaseasment methods. a i U tt« U £. Air Foroa. Tliey St. trunk aewer will be post­ Including eatlmatea of the cost o f JANUARY VOL. LXXXIV. NO. 100 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) iKO aooa laanr# for aix weeka Mrs. Harry Mahoney, VFW poned from Feb. 1 ao the town that ownem average Individ­ MANCHESTER, CONN,, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1905 aa Page 28) PRICE SEVEN CBNTt a t tm Uti tratailncr at LaolUand dlrectom may study alternate ual properties would have to patriotic Instructor, and Mrs. pay. A i r Force 8aae, San Antonio, Raymond Hagenow, prcaident propoeata for financing the Hbk. Both are fradUatee of presented a 50-star flag to Girl project. Keeney St. area msidenta who Miatchaater High School. Patu­ The hearing will be reconven­ go to the keeney S t School on HAUE WHITE SALE Scout Troop 638 yesterday at lak ndU af)f>ly for Air Force Nathan Hale School. Jo Ann ed aometime later in February; Feb. 1 expecting to find the di­ Main Street— Manchester ladiguage Intelligence School Savinio, Kathy Field and Tatl- the date has not yet been set. rectors there will find, instead, while MacDonald enliated in the anna Brackley accepted the •Hie dlrectom will meet in­ only chairman Mahoney and aieetoonloa field. flag. Mm. Ehno Sanchini la stead Monday to diecuaa a se­ Martin. ENDS SATURDAY troop leader, ^ e la assisted by ries of alternate plans for the The reason for their being Continued Prosperity Mrs. Frank Savlnlo. them is this: MuMhSatar Oommuntty Play- project that have been outlined When the fimt half of the ara wUI aieet Saturday at 8 by the town* public wprks de­ Infant of Pragua Mothem hearing was adjourned on Jan. 2IPPERED p.m. at (be home of Mr. and partment. 11, the dlrectom formally an­ Mra. Bdwin W. Lamb, Man- Clrcla will meet tomorrow at 8 The town directors—tniffe of p.m. at the home of Mm. James nounced they would reconvene cbaatar Rd., Olaatonbury, to them absent—got their first on Feb. 1. PILLOW TICKS aak a plana for the apring Blancbfield, 81 White St. Mrs. LADY look at the alternates at an Now, however, they plan in­ nrodactSon. Thoae interested in. James Mulreedy will be oo- Informal meeting last night. Foreeast by President fotaaing may contact Roger M. boateas. stead to meet Informally on Reg. 59c each. Fine qual­ Missing were Ixwrd chairman that date. Negro, 906 Oak St.; Rick Oen- Francis Mahoney, Atty. David ity cotton, washable in (iloore. 67 Oak SL; or Maty Since the formal meeting has PEPPERELL WASHINGTON (AP) ^plan our defenses against futureAIaat of the major White HouseAto snoot quidily hte Oraat Soete*^ Barry and Francis DellaFem. been announced, however, it pretty prints. Oaudet, 49 Oerard S t They also heard a sugges­ President Johnson, fore­ dips in business activity. messages to Oxigmss, dwelt on ty building bloeka. AH wars oul^ Alien’s Repent must be officially put off to an­ " I do not believe raceaaiona no ouch possibility. Rather, it tion from General Manager casting a fifth consecutive lined in earlier measagaa. Richard Martin that "You may other date. are inevitable.’’ predicted for 1966 a record na­ Thay includad; M as MaijorU A. KobUnaky, So Mahoney will go to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas­ Is Confidential want to curtail the project SHEETS year of rising prosperity, In exchange, Johnson gave tional output of around $660 bil­ An increase in Social Saauilty drastically.” school at 8 p.m. on Feb. 1 only For assured Congress today Congress a pledge of his own — lion, along with unprecedented cskto benafite, hoapital cam for ter Koblinaky of 40 Earl St., to formally readjoum the ses­ has accepted a atudrat govern­ Information fumlahed by an He proposed building only that recessions can become if economic growth unexpected­ personal Income and profits, the aged, doubled antipoverty the ■ fimt section of the five sion for lack of a quorum. ly falters in 1966 despite the 1964 some further drop in unemploy­ appro^atkma, a bllbon dollars ment appointment as chairman alien In making his annual ad­ Then he will join the rest of obsolete in the “Great So­ of the 1866 Spring Spree at section sewer—it would serve tax cut and this year's proposed ment and continued price stabil­ to revive Appalachia, axtanoloa dress report to the government the Wetherell St. area east of the dlrectom at 8:30 p.m. at AND , , ciety” era. excise reductions: ity. of tbe minimum wage to twa Slmmona College, Boston. A the Municipal Building for their llMlS graduate of Manchester is confidential. Bidwell St. and cost about TEFLON 54" For long-range slump insur­ “I shall be prepared to con­ "Wa have come to our present mtllton mom workam, mora aid According to James E. Smith, $34,000. informal discussion of the ance, he asked Congress to sider additional fiscal action." state of prosperity without prea- to education, steiq)ad-iq> werkor EUgh School, Mie la a eophomore project. ait tfaa soUege. district director of the Hartford All the property ownem In streamline Ks tax-writing ma­ Johnson thus indicated that ■urea or imbalances that would training, and Improvad housing the eventual sewer service area IRONING BOARD the taxpayers may get sUII an­ foretell an early end to our ex­ and urtian davaloptnant pro­ Immigration and Naturalisa­ CASES chinery to permit "rapid ac­ tion Service Office, the infor­ would be assessed for a share other shot of tax-r^ef tonic this pansion,” Johnson said. grams under a new osibtaiat de­ i Mr. aaal Mrs. Raymond COVER tion” on temporary income tax year —possiJjkE^^ore income Longtin of 149 Biaoell S t are mation furnished by aliens in of the project—about $37.30 Ministers Led "Instead, we look forward to partment. on a cruise to Bermuda aboemd reporting their addressee has per acre of land. Their as­ Long wearing for lux­ cuts if recession threatens. tax rate red(!^on, or broader another year of sustained and But hte No. 9 request — to sessments would not fall due The President explained, in excise cuts — If last year’s heaKhy growth. The unfinished tba Ooean Monarch. been declared oonfidentlal by Reg. 49c. Heavy cloth ury comfort. 100% order of amphaate to tola maw statute. until the sewers were avail­ By Rev. Ransom his annual economic message: $11.6-biilion tax reduction, be­ task of prosperous Americans is aaga — was that A able to their property, how­ treated to resist scorching American cotton, "A time of prosperity with no gins t wear off. to build a Great Society.” These reports must be sub­ ever. The Rev. Jamee L. Ransom, and bums. bleached to a snowy recession in sight is the time to The 290-page report, third and Johnson asked the leglalatom (flea Page Ntos) mitted during January each Neither additional sections of pastor of the Preabyterlan white! Sizes to fit year by im aliens in the United trunk line nor any sub-trunks Church last night was elected States, with few exceptions. or street lines would be in-, president of Greater Hartford most any style bed. Forms on which to submit the stalled until petitions for thdr j Evangelical Mlnistcm Fellow- Mystery Deepens reports are available at any construction had been received. | ship • for the coming year at a Post Office or office of the Im­ The fimt section at sewer meeting at Calvary Temple. TYPE 180 PERCALE TYPE 131 MUSLIN migration and Naturalization trunk would bring the sewer Hartford. The Rev. Stanley Al- Grand List Reaches Service. Persons who are un­ lines beyond the area that is baneslus of East Hartland was Twin fitted bottom, 72x108 ..2.59 Twin fitted bottom, 72x108 .,1.77 LBJ Resting, able to pick up a form because likely to be taken by the state elected secretary and the Rev. of illness, or other reaaons, may for the construction o f relocated Werner Berge of West Hart­ SANFORIZED Double fitted bottom, 81x108 2.99 Double fitted bottom, 81x108 1.97 have a ralative or friend obtain Rt. 6. Martin has said that con- ford, treasurer. Won’t Make a card for them. Senior, Junior and stniction of the sewer trunk The organization includes 32 MAHRESS COVER 42x36 Cases ...... 2 for 1.58 42x86 C a s e s ...... 2 for 87c The card should be returned would be considerably hindered minlstem from 17 communities, High of $172,192,454 Baby Citizens— to one these offices. if the highway is built fimt. including Manchester. It w u London Trip Everyone Saves At Parents or guardians of The directors expressed no formed at the conclusion of Reg. 2.79. Bleached snowy aliens under 14 yearn of age (pinion of' Martin's suggesti this tax tab?” \ writh crisp hobs. Bor­ Bach had been shot In the ‘Welc omes’ Investigation rockets to their launching pads. will also be included In next T h e "tab” oould be aa high dered with a self-tone ton with cellular con' ett. Titular Bishop of Heleno- foreign relations. Vice President year’s Grand L ist $3.88 struction for all year; $8.99 back of the bead aa were their Richard M. Nixon traveled Union steel workers make the aa $600,000 loaally. shag. Handsome dec­ polte and Auxiliary to the 1 $7.99 sleeping comfort aompanione, who were found widely for President Dwight D. crawler parts in Ohio. The parts orator oolom and white. Sunday Iw a stream near Qul ArchbialKm of Hartford, and BALTIMORE, Md. (.kP) —^Labor Jamee J. Reynolds Jr. the Moat Rev. Vincent J. Hines, Eisenhower. Johnson, as vice ara brought to the Cape for as­ GOLDEN CROWN Mbon, 270 miles northeast of An officer of the striking Inter­ that he would ask the FBI to sembly. One is nearing comple­ Regular $10.99 ...... '$9.99 Bishop of Norwich. national Longshoremen's AssO' Inveattgate. president under toe late Presi­ Saigon. dent John F. Kennedy, under­ tion and aaeembly of a second is SKI PANTS A 'U.8. military spokaaman In a ceremony aa old as St. elation sold today he would wel­ Raynolde, who was meeting expected to start soon. Royalty^ Vets Join Paul and as nsw as the Second come an FBI investlg;ation of took some Important missions Heavy guage knit nylon said preliminary Information in­ today with negoUatora in Gal­ abroad. The builcHng trades unions dicated Viet Cong guerrillas VaUcan Council, Bishop Don- possible Communist Infiltration stretch type. Zip pockets. naUy joined Auxiliary Bishop veston, Tex., said Wednesday When Johnson said hte doctors feel their members should han­ IWed the group. He aald there of the union. night after Baltimore dock WATERPROOF. Sizes. 8-16. Hackett and Archbishop WilMam Halle, an internation­ had advised him against going dle the Cape Kennedy end of the Churchill Mourners was no Information available In workere rejected a proposed to the funeral of Sir Winston crawler project and If steel Saigon whether the mutilation CTBrian aa spiritual leaders of al vice president of the ILA, REG. 10.99 760,000 CathoUca In Litchfield, contract that he had evidence Churchill, he announced the workers are brought In to do it, was caused by torture before was aakto to comment on the and reason to believe pemons Hertford and New Haven ooun- statement by Asst. Secretary of U.S. official delegation without the latter should be paid build­ LONDON (A P )— ^Royalty JmiMd blind orippled v ei. SALE! SKI JACKETS A "D T T h V LU XO R TO W EL (he men were killed or carried allied with communism pur­ any reference to Humphrey. ers’ wages — about $1 more per aut after their deaths. posely prolonged the waterfront He named Secretary of State hour. erans from World War II today m paying homage at 1 nA ENSEMBLES The two found today were strike to damage the nation’s Dean Rusk, Chief Justice Elarl An official of the President’s the bier of the Great Commoner, Sir Winston Gharehil), Car Coats - Goal Coats l. Harold E. Strong, husband economy. Warren, and AmbassEulor to Missile Sites Labor Commission In thethat wakeWfolcfo ofn/ a• snowstorm,pten/iitartetr^Mn ______H Rita Strong of 903 Dartmouth ‘My Boy Not ,a Stool Pigeon’ Add a bubble of color to your bath with these towels of extra-soft y “I propose to request the FBI Great Britain David K.B. asked the Building Trades three members of Britain's roy­ side during tea teat mnaas, vfo. cotton terry. Exciting hues to mix and match. Yours in whits, Drive, Alexandria, Va., and son to look into both the New York Bruce. Council and the National Aero­ al family drove to Westminster Regular to $16 Regular to $25 of Diana Hollenbrand of 1190 E. Mad her tether’s bier in toa FLANNEL PAJAMAS celestial blue, aqua, green, dawn pink and da^odll yellow. and Baltimore situations and The President was asked by nautics and Space Administra­ Hall where Sir Winston’s body aftensoon. She waa aceoite S4th St., Cleveland, Ohio; and tion Wednesday night to do all is lying in state. $ . flpec. 4 William E. Swaykos, Cadets’ Parents Bitter panied by Mra. Antoooy MontiU 11 $16.90 Reg. 1.99. Sanforized flannel (See Page Twenty-Seven) (See Page Twenty-Sevea) possible to avert a walkout. They were the Duchess of at Son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Qloucaeter, Queen Elisabeth II’s gue-Broraa, wits Mr Wim in coat or middy styles. •mykos of 817 Berkley St toon’s prlvute ssoretaiy. Prints or solids. Sizes 6-16. BATH HAND Cfver Scandal at Academy aunt; Princess Marina, another FAMOUS NAME FACE Koomfleid. N.J. aunt of the queen; .jid tbe duch- 8ir Robert Menates, Austtm FAMOUS NAME ’the hodlee recovered Sunday ers of Kent, married to the lie's prime minister, psM h|| reepeote st toe Mar. SPORT SOCKS tra ra those of Sgt. Jamee Oor' AIR FOR(3E ACADEMY,,^said a mother on the West queen’s first cousin, the Duke of T-SHIRTS - BRIEFS dova of (31en Bujmle, Md., and Colo. (AP) — "My boy didn’t Coast, choking back the tears. Kent. The queue stretched up ttfo IMPERFECT tee. 4 Roger Btiies of Cottage cheat — he >ut refused to be a " I don't think the investiga­ Entering through a side door, banks of toe Thames and bach mRBGULARS $2.99 $1.69 rove, WU. stool pigeon.” they stood in rilence for six over Lambeth Bridge. (Would Be $1.) tion should end with the termi­ 8The epokeemaa also sifid That was tha Uttar reaction minutes befora the catafalque ^ WttMn toe great ban toeia (If Perfect 89c) nation date (now set for Feb. (hree Americans were wounded today of a parent of one of the 10). Something is basically which is aurrounded by six giant were many tears. Borne wero FAMOUS NAME 'to fighting today. Ha aald a more than 100 U.S. Air Force wrong with a school or a system candles and towered over by a brtuhed rougUy away. OtooM SOCKS w.S. Army en lm d man was Academy cadeU caught in the which permits this. These are golden cross. wounded by mortar fire 70 web of a cIsMroom cheating the finest youths in the land. Close behind the royal party aailes eouthweet of Saigon, a scandal. Congress should look into this.” came former Prime Minister Reg. to 69c. Stock^up now at OUR OWN BRAND fwcond Army enlisted man wma these great savings. Cotton, " I taught my boy since he The father of a football player Harold Macmillan and his wife. blends, assorted colom. LADY ALMY ■it by a buUet about 160 mllea was big snough to walk that he living in the Middle West was Lady Dorothy; and former This Weeks Fabric Specials west o f ' Saigon, and a U.8. shouldn’t snitch on tha other shaken by news that his son was Prime Minister Lord Attlee, Army ofSoer was wounded In kldsi” the parent, a Midwestern coming home under a cloud. whose Labor party defeated Sir KNITTING 8M leg during an engajtonant school teacher, added. “I'm not mad at him — I'm Winston’s Conservatives near Bulletins Regular 89c yard. la Ptau Tea novlnee, 140 miles “He didn’t do amythlng wrong. proud of him,” the father said. the end of World War H, CNM free* AP Wine WORSTED ABC COnON PRINT FUNNEL ... 3/97c ■orth ef Salgan. Another boy offer^ him an ex­ " I know iM is a good boy. He The blind, many with medals, 3 For $1. Preliminary reports of the amination paper. He turned it has been under severe pressure. clutched the shoulders of friends SanforiBsd, charming prints. Pha Tan engagement aald 12 as thay filed past toe flag- Regular 1.29 Value. 4 ply down. This was a friend. My He haa dona nothing wrong. We KATZHNHACB Ni 4 oz. Just no lower price any­ Viet Cong were killad and two boy couldn’t turn him In r- and will welcome him with open draped coffin of Sir Winston. Many stood In silence before WAfiHINGEON (AP)-i' BOYS' GLOVES where for the finest knitting Regular 1.99 yard. MBtured, while two government now he must pay for it.’’ arms.” ■rasn mt IshBisw dhaos womtsd. Over 80 odors and ■oldlera were killed and 12 Reactions fn m other parents Another father In the South­ the catafalque. Reg. to 1.29. Simulated leath­ wounded. Others were pushed peat In Ategr. Gem WtehDtes blends to choose from. In 100 % COnO N' VELVETEEN...... * 1 W wers marfctd with similar sad- west said Ms son had told him ' i today (a be " ern, vinyls and knits in our complete yam depart­ Handsome for children's dressy clothss. SAIGON, South n e t Nam nsss and Mttemess. ha had been offered the exam wheel chain. Others hobbled by popular styles. ment Mothproofed. 1 ^ ) — Strongman Lt. Gen. Thirty more cadets reslgnsd papers but had refused. How­ on crutches or with canes. flguyen Xhanh made Ni from the Academy Wednes^y, ever, the boy said he refused to Friends leading .the blind Regular 2.89 yard. Xiuh Oanh prantler of Ibuth making a total of 66 who quit through tha vast hall whispered Clark, new aa 1.29 VALUE tell on his classmates. barney general la 4B"MILLIKEN ABBEY FUNNEL... $1«7 ▼let Nlaiq onoa again today and rather than face a court-mar­ “I (jan’t justify the boy on that descriptions of the catafalque, MORLANA ' said he would soon satupa20- tial. Thirty of the cadets in­ score,” toe father said. "He the six gleaming candles, the of­ ORLON TWEED W M iaUs. BoUda aiM matebing ohsoks,. < member military-civilian volved are reported to be mem­ kew when he entered toe acad- ficers standing guard and toe 100% Orloa tweed, knits up Uks aouncil to “advlM” tha gov- bers of the varsity football eirv there was an honor code." gleaming insignia of Sir Win­ mohair, 2 oz. pull skein. W H C T ROSE Dilp dry aoRd odor. arnmant. team. The code stipulates that a ston’s membenMp la tbe Prasanea of Khanbqiiekad Many of the rasignlng eadate oadat must tx>t lie, steal or ancient knightly Order of toe ORLON SAYELLE BROADCLOTH AND PRINTS ... 3 /1 1 .2 5 Militery men on the council were rttuniinf home today. oheat and must not tolerate Garter atop the coffin. would flea him a ehannal to Moat at Omn found loving and anyona who does. If be sees A few women in elegant furs Itotcad ejmnaiva bouquni at NANTUCK ST'17" wide.Wide. Axerotea aontrol of the govem- sympatbatle rather than angry cheating «nd says JwtMng, un­ MoUiproofed, 4-ply worsted weight mont. and punltiva parants, a tels- der (ha code ha la as guilty as the Her. Girts placa y aimpla 2 oe. pull skein. . Khanh •howad sootlnuad an- ^Aoaa Mirrey by The Asaodatsd tof offender. posies alongakte. f 9UALITY UNBLUCHED SHEETING . 59c togonlsm to U.S. Ambaoaador Praas raveslsd. With mow falling J and toa ^TTu boys Uve, sat, work and tamparature huvaring around MiKweU Du Taylor, who oMhly No namea of Involvad oad- jte y together,” oite pezent s i ^ DOMESTICS. YARNS—Lower Level ■ppeeid ti^ rfo r^ o by lOiaiin atg rtteaaad eCQe trowing, toe Una ftuKuated in end Idi Moerala In Viet Nam's Mrs, Kennedyy Humphrje^M ^tJ^ndiNehru Esfhihit laiHto. ' ' sfiBln, urn_ M n Jolm F. Kennedy ef ^ e laid ooiBtiy : to g| h rtcT 'JNehru Indie, ere flenked IL ^Gey et the opening at the Nhh^ llie ecdiihlt depiite Nit Bte>r
