. - .A fUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1966 Average Dally Net Press Run PAGE EIGHTEEN Far the Week Ended The Weather iKanr};0Btrr Sufttittfl iitralii Jaauuy 28, 1966 FerecMt ef U. B. Wenthur Waim A dance conunittee of the FOR RENT 14,148 Olew>, eoM tonight, tow le-lS; Newcomer’s Club of the Man­ Camp Kennedy Counselors g f S 18 mm. Movte Piujau lianrijpatpr lEuptittm Mmay nod eeU tomurruw, M fli hi Capital Works^ Audit Study Church Taps MMBber of Uie Audit About Town chester YWCA Will meet to­ tore—eoimd or alleat, alao Bqrenu of drculnttoa night at 8 at the home of Mrs. LliKoln School Association 88 mm. elide projectore. Manche$ter~~~A City o f Village Charm George Felsthamel, 446 W. Mid­ On Agenda for Board Today Thomas for Take Part in UConn Parley will inset tronorrow at 8 p.m. dle l^ke. The club will sponsor WELDON DRUO CO. ■t the school. Dr. Tanash H. a dance Feb. 20 at the Man­ Atoynotan. co-director of the A group vt *0 Manchester^ weight boxing champion Joey 901 Main Sfc—® bL •tt-B Ill (CIUMlfled AdveiilBlng on Page 22) chester Country Club. A capital Improvement pro-<^ Wat«r and wwer insUtUatlons Warden Post VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 99 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1965 PRICE SEVEN CENTS Manchester Child Guidance High Schofd and East Catholic Olardella. gram to guide major towm ex­ are financed from Mparate Oiardella wiU apeak of hla CItnic, will speak. RefreshmenU The Ladies Aid Society of penditures for the current fiscal budget account, paid either High School teen-agers, all of wUI ba sen ed. Atty. Allan D. ’Thomas was experiences, as the father of a Zion Lutheran Church Will have year will be discussed tonight from use revenue, or assess­ whom were volunteer coim- retarded child, and Mrs. Shriver by the IBwn's board of direc­ elected warden of St. Mary’s an executive board meeting ments, not from tax money. selora at Camp Kennedy last wtfl describe the work of the Broadcasts Conrpelled Memorial Temple, Pythian Thursday at 7:30 p.m. at the tors. The towm audit will be re­ Episcopal Church last night at Bisters, will meet tonight at 8 A lso, on the agenda are re- summer, will participate in an Kennedy Foundation, of which home of Mrs Irvin Secor, 144 viewed tonight with a repre­ Its annual meeting r at the Institute on Recreation for the she Is executive vice president. at Odd Fellows Hall. A new viewrs of the 1963-64 town audit sentative of Barry, Macrl A Co., High St. The program for the urch. He succeeds Warren E. Mentally Retarded, scheduled The partiolpating town teen- ^ t e of officers will preside. coming year will be discussed. and of the proposed Keeney S(. the firm appointed u towm Khanh Seated Again, for Wednesday through Friday, Itsfreshments will be served. sewer trunk project. auclitor. by the board of direc­ Tennant and wrill serve wrlth ageia are Jeanne Baldt, Diana Gordon Fogg; who was re­ at the University of Connecti­ Bottum, Mary ftw m , William St. Margaret’s Circle, Daugh­ The session is set for 8 at tors. Temple Chapter, OBS, will the Municipal Building hearing elected warden. Vestrymen cut. C h a a e, Chris Christensen, FCC Aim Hit ters of Isabella, will meet to­ The audit found the towm's elected were John J. Blckley, ’The teen-agers will present James Oovlll, Shirley Dunn, Su­ meet tomorrow at 8 p.m, at the night at 8 at the K of C Home. room. financial records to be "well Masonic Temple. There will be The capital Improvements Dr. Frederick Spaulding, Louis an aquatic demonstration san Grant, John Haney, Lynn Refreshments will be served. maintained in a satisfactory Wednesday afternoon at 1:16, a birthday party with entertain­ program has been on the di­ manner,” said that the ’’general Heard, George Evans and Bruce Heller ment by the ‘Temple Stars,” rectors’ agenda off and on since Noble. and will, later that day, take Also, Sue Knight, Cindy Ln- Sunday school workers of conduct of offices. appeared pert In a pcmel discussion on after the business meeting. November, when General Man­ to be satisfactory.” The Rev. George F. Nostrand, MhgUo, Judith Plsch, Marianne On Religion South Methodist Church will rector, praised A e faithfulness "UtlilMtion of Volunteers in a Viet Buddhists Cheer ager Richard Martin formally Borne members will celebrate have a workers conference It recommends four improve­ Community Recreational Pro­ Smith, Wayne Tedford, Royann the anniversary of their initia­ presented it for the boards’ ap­ and service of retiring vestry­ Thursday at 7:45 p.m. in the ments in accounting procedures, gram.” Thompson, Jane Wagner, Nan­ tion. Officers will wear colored proval. however. men Ludwig Hansen, Atty. W. Reception Hall of the church. David Keith, Omer A. Gingras, Harry F. Smith, director of cy Weibuat, Douglas Wllk and gowns. Refreshments will be The program as presented ap­ One of them, an overhaul of David Wilcox. WASHINGTON (A P)— A member of the Federal SAIGON, South V iet'f’rally the populace behind the^mler Huong began eating late'?> Khanh oallad in Daputy U.S, ’The Rev. Richard W. Dupee will James Wickwlre and Frederick Camp Kennedy, will be one of t war effort. this afternoon Ambassador U. Alexis Johnson parently does not meet some of aerved. the present payroll schedule, the panelists, and haa arranged Communications Commission accused the FCC today of Nam (AP) — South Viet speak on “Frundations.” Teach­ the directors’ expectations —al­ H. Burr Jr. Dr. W. Howard CAR RENTALS The U.S. embasey said in a An e.stimated 4,000 supporters to tell him of the military taka- ers will plan their curriculum could involve considerable com­ Baldwin’s resignation from the for the volunteers’ appearance. Trinity Covenant Church will though none have stated pub­ plications. , intruding unconstitutionally into the field of religion. Nam’s generals returned statement: "Until we can assess flocked Into the Buddhist head­ over. with their counseling teacher. vestry was accepted. Winslow On Thursday, Walter Fortin, By virtually requiring broad-<^----------------------------------------------- quarters, which previously had By the time Taylor returned have its midweek service to­ licly w’hat their objections are. The audit explains that the program director of Manches­ Police Arrests or LEASIN8 Lt. Gen. Nguyen Khanh to more clearly the nature and Man<mester was elected to fill casters to Include religious pro been barred to them by para­ to Saigon, Khanh had left tha morrow at 7:30 p.m. at the Members of both parties have towm now pays its employes at ter’s Recreation Department, to be in the public interest. Reli­ power in a bloodless mili­ extent of the important events Storey Circle of South Meth­ the vacancy. grams in their schedules. Com­ set In motion this morning, it troopers, and dragged the beds capital for his seaside head­ Aurch. asked that approval of the pro­ the end of each two-week pay Reports were read by the will serve on a panel discussing •A B M okM gious programs are included. tary coup today, and the odist Church will meet tomor­ period for work performed dur Harold A. Fyler, 47, of 02 N. missioner Lee Loevlnger said, "In so doing," Loevlnger said, would be premature for the U.S. on which the monks had been quarters at Vung Tau. row at 10:30 a.m. at the gram be delayed until the bwrd Rev. John D. Hughes, the Rev. ’’The Reaction by Recreatlemal • AR M oM Buddhist opposition to the has what they consider to be ing that work period. School St., waa riiarged with the POC "rushes In where gov­ “ it plainly exerts official au-' mission to comment or render a re.sting into the streets. "Now it's Taylor or Khanh,” church. James W. Bottoms and Ronald Administrators on the use of failin'e to obey a traffic signal ernment agents are forbidden to civilian government began judgpaeuL’ ’ a Vietnamese officer said. "One sufficient time to discuss it. In order that the towm can Haldeman, and by Sydney W. Volunteers.” • AH TiniM thoiity and influence in favor of The Buddhist hierarchy complete a 11 the necessary light €Uid summoned to appear tread.” Reliable sources said Khanh or the other has to go.” ■When the capital improve­ MacAIpine, organist and choir­ The Institute, co-sponsored the types of programs speci­ jubilant celebrations. b“oadcast an appeal "to all St. Joseph's Mothers Circle paperwork upon which the pay­ in Circuit Court 12 in Maiuiiee- Loevlnger told a national rell- fied." and the military council he will meet tomorrow at 8:15 ment program is adopted it will master. by the University of Connect! Foul Dodo* PentiM Khanh charged Premier Tran chapters throughout the coun­ Khanh is understood to hava serve only as a timetable for roll depends, howmver, the heads The 1965 budget of 888.268, cut, Mansfield State Training ter on Feb. 8. INC. ous broadcasters convention Loevlnger said the commia- Van Huong's three-month-old heads had planned the coup foritj.y” m cease the antlgovem- made the recall of the ambassa­ p.m. at the home of Mrs. James of town departments must ap­ Patrolman Raymond Maa- at past FOC decislona and Sion "has gone far beyond the Feb. 2 but decided to pull it off jnent campaign, Sagan, 34 Woodhlll Rd. major projects. The directors adopted recently at the reg­ Schoerf, the Joseph P. Kennedy ST8 MAIN BTBBliK g government had failed to stabil­ dor one of his prime objectives.
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