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. D 7 U 5 R 5 v. I

U.S.. Federal Reserve Bank Organization Cocmittee. and letters, submitted at hearings. . . (Hi chmond)

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J. Leroy Speight, City Electrical Inspector, E. W. Trafford, ~ Coneulting City Electrical Engineer, John T. G ill, - Board of Health Inspector, Wm. H. Thompson, City Electrician, P. P. Winston, - Clerk Law & Equity Court, Luther Libby, * Deputy Clerk Law & Equity Court, Beverly T. Cruipp, Judge of Law & Equity Court, Geo. S. Crenshaw* City Accountant, Edwin J. Blake, ~ Special Assessment Clerk, W. W. Dunford,,. Clerk to Administrative Board, Fra,nk T. Bates, Chief Clerk to City Engineer,,. Wm. Breeden, Deputy Clerk of Hustings Court, Walter Christian, Clerk of Hustings Court, Wm. A. Honoure, - Judge of Chancery Court# E. H. R ow elle,- Clerk of Circuit Court Qf Richmond, Garland B. Taylor, Deputy Clerk of C ircu it Court of Richmond George A in slie , Mayor of C ity of Richmond, E. E. Davi s , Superintendent of Water Works, J. E. Dickerson, Chief Clerk City Water Works, „ J. B. Pace, Treasurer of City of Richmond, Isaac Held* Deputy Treasurer of C it3»- of Richmond, Joseph B. Welsh, Clerk to City Treasurer, T. C. Waiford, - Collector of Delinquent-Taxes, H. L. Hulce, „ Collector of Revenues, C. H. Lester, Deputy C ollector of Revenues, H. E. Tresnon, Commissioner of Revenues, Geo. B. Davis, J r ., Gas Inspector, W. C. Booth, Gas Inspector* A* L. Barfoot, Gas Inspector, Jos* L. Shelton, Gas Inspector* W. J. Griggs, „ Justice of Peace, Wm. H. Wyatt, J r ., High Constable, _ Hamilton White, Clerk City Hall, J. W. Whealton* Pr obati on O ff! c e r, Ben, P. Owen, Jr. Secretary to Governor Mann, R. T. Wilson, Clerk State Corporation Commission, D. H. Drum, A sst. Clerk State Corporation Commission, Jas. M. Hayes, Jr., Chief Clerk to Secretary of Commonwealth* B. 0 . James, Secretary of Commonwealth, G. W, Koiner, Commissioner of Agriculture, Jno. W. W illiam s, Clerk of House of Delegates* Jno. B. D oherty,- Commissioner of Labor, Davis Bottoms, ~ Superintendent of Public Printing, H. E. Atkinson, Asst* Supt. of Public Printing, F. K. Smyth, - State Accountant, H. A. Marshall, Book-keeper Va. State Penitentiary, J, 3* Dunn, Assistant City Electrician, D. A. C hristian, Clerk State Board of Education, Jno. W. Richardson, Register of Land Office and Superintendent - of Public Grounds and Buildings, A* W. Harman, J r ., Treasurer of the Commonwealth, W. Charies Morton, Chief Clerk Second State Auditor and Secy. Board of Sinking Fund Comm, of V irgin ia.

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Page 2*



C. Lee Moore, Auditor of Public Accounts of Virginia, W m , D. Saunders, State Dairy & Food Commissioner, Pe3rton Rowe, Deputy State Dairy & Pood Commissioner, Dudley McDonald, Assistant Engineer o f State Highway Commission, H* R. Mcllwaine, State Librarian, W. W. Scott, State Law Librarian, James Keith, President Supreme Court of Appeals, E. C*Cartert Tipstaff of Supreme Court of Appeals, Chas* 0. Sa-srille, Cleric of Chancery Court, H. R. Pollard, . City Attorney, Minitree Fowlkes, Commonwealth Attorney, John J. Crutchfield, Police Court Presiding Justice*

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CITY. FIRMS & CORPORATIONS. NAME. Alexandria Wholesale Grocers Edw. E Lawler CO. Abingdon® Pres. Peoples National Bank. J. E.Legard. n Auditor of V.C. By. CO. F.C. Lavinder. S Abingdon Grocery CO. Inc. it Jewelers. H. B. Sullivan, t’r H Asst. Cash, peoples Hat. Bk. T.F. Davis. n Mgr. Abingdon Column CO. T. M. Clapp. n Pres. Martha Washington College. S. D. Long. Alb«rene. Parmer • W.D. Waters. Amelia. Implements & Farming® Cephas IT. Stacy. n Depy Clerk Amelia Circuit Ct. N.W. M. Kraffto N Mereht. & Pres. F.&.M. Bank. R. A. Marshall. «t Attorney at Lair. Jas, K, Irving. Nil Clerk of Court. S. L. Farrar. ffri Physician. Craig Eggleston. #*? Merchant. H. 0. Marshall. l»(l Merchant. N. D, Robertson, ftn Beal Estate & Ins. H. F. Green. N Real Estate. W. J. Townes. N Mgr. A } . l e n Tobacco CO. 0. S. Allen. Hm Cash. Farm. & Mchts Bank. R. J. Barlow, ft Lawyer. Thos. R. Hardaway ft Asst. Cash. Farm. & Mchts BK. R. D. Hardy. n Atto me y - at-Law. Geo. Keith Taylor n Arhart Drug CO, Geo. A. Arhart. n Tobacco Buyer. J n o . G. Jefferson

edford City# Prin. R* M. Academy E . S . Smi th , « Minister. J. H. Grey. Mo Attorney-at-Law, 0. C. Rucker. •»!' Farmer, J. 1 . Wood. Hi Fraveling Salesman* J. W. Hopkins. m Tobacco Manufacturer. W. W. Berry. n Attorney-at Law. S. S. Lambeth. ft Acting Postmaster. E. S. Burks. Local Mgr, C. & . P. Tel.CO, J. J. Giles. H Bedford Can CO. Inc. Geo. W. Johnson. ft Dentist. P. P. Yates. Mm Principal High School. J. R. Guy. Buffalo June tion General Mdse. W. M. Watkins Blacksburg. Newspaper Cors. &. Agent E. R. Price. Buchanan. Banking. F. Z. Hyde. «c Banking. W. H. Hyde. Mv Prop, of Hotel. J. A. Jackson. ft» Insurance D. D. Booze. ft Buchanan Hews. 0. E. Obenshain. (f Banking. WM. R. Davis. II Banking. J. C. Dill. Hi Physician. R. H. Latane. Buena Vista. Merchants Millers. Buena Vista Mills Boykins Farming. Miss. G. 1. Sebren Eallsville. Generel Merchants. Powhatan Trd. CO. Bristol. Mitchell Powers Hdw. CO. Boone Mill. Fanners & Stock Dealers. L. M. Bussey. if Farmers. J * L . Si nk • N Lumber Manufacturer. Jack Gurst. ft M er c h a n t . M. T. Sink.

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# 2- Va.


Boones M ill Bark & Lumber Dealer. J . M. Emswiler. " Cash. Farm. &. Mchts. Bank. T. C. Bussey. Biaooe. Merchandise. Mims Jester & CO. Bock. Merchant. C. F. Richardson. Blackstone Fertilizer Manufacturers. Blackstone Guano Farmer & Merchant. G.E. Robertson. * Who1 . &. R etail Hardware. Seay-Dillard Hdw. M Wholesale Grocers. Barrow Gro. CO. * Hardware. H. L. W illiam s. * Wholesale Grocer. Bawn Gro. CO. M Hardware* Stokes Williams C o n Black9tone Lumber & Mfg. CO. * Dry Goods. Seay-Bagley CO. ** Merchant D. M. S tith . w Shooks. Nottoway Shook CO H Funeral D irector. B. E. Draper &Son M Merchant. R. E. Jones. **' Banking. Citizens Bank, H Lumber. Blackstone Mfg. Co "" Merchant. G. A. Johnson. ** Banking A sst. Cashier. H. H. Irby. nh Banking Cashier. S. L. Barrow. * Pres. F irst Nat. Bank* H. C. Barrow. " Merchant. J. S. Robertson. " Physician. Dr. J. W. Roberts H Merchant. D. T. Upaur. n Excelsior. Irby Moneue. n Mfgrs. Excelsior. So. Excel. 00. " Postmaster. J. 0. Jackson. " Atty.-at- Law, W. G. Gravatt. w Dry Goods. 5 W. P. Bagwell. H Merchant. T. M. Dillard. M Merchant. R. F. Dillard. H Hardware. Seay-Dillard Hdw. * Sec. & Tres. Blackstone F. Inst. Geo. P. Adams. " Druggist. L. B. Spencer. Brookneal Merchant-. B. B. Cox. * Merchant N. W althall & Son w Minister. J. W. Marsh. M Dry goods. Myers Bros. * Tobacconist;. J* T. Bass. w Brookneal Feed L Seed CO. n Tobacconist# T. 0. Bates. Furniture. Jene-White & CO. « Tobacconist. S. 3§. Crofton. w Gen. Merchant. W. R. Walker. " Sales Warehouse. Scott & Foster. * Hardware. Webb Adams Hdw. " Farmer. L. C. Asher. n Lumber & Feed. G. E. L ittle « Editor Campbell C itizen. A. B. Clement. " Hotel Harvey. L. D, Harvey. " ,f Gen. Contractor. W. L. Maddox. * Merchant. E.L. Ridgeway CO. * Postmaster. J• R. Williams. Blox6m. Merchant. J . J. Bloxom. w Physician. W. W. Kenis, w Medical Doctor. J. W, Bowdoin. Brookneal Genl Mdse. Mays n„,gh

H Va.

CITY. Firms & Corporations. NA10S.

Bloxom Merchant• W. P. Goodwin. H Hdw. Merchant A. W. Shork. m Asst. Cashier. 1. M. Johnson. i i Cashier H. A. Eittleton. ff General Merchandise. J. M. Bloxom. Bacons Castle Parmer & Merchant. A. W. Warren. Bracy Geimral Merchandise. J. H. Ridout.

Crewe Train Master N.&.W. Ry. Semi Nicholson. H'.i Merchant T. B. Oliver. M*. At ty-at-Law Henry E. Lee. n GeneraJ. Mdse. Crewe V arsity CO. Un Druggist P. N. Crittendon ft; Hardware & Groceries Lockett-J inkins No Dry Goods & Notions. W,E. Newby & CO. ff Newspaper Nottoway Review ff Mayor J . K. Ord. If Jeweler W. L. W illis. ft li Automobiles H. A. McLavish n Crewe Pharmacy ff Gen. Mdse. J. H. Young. ft Insurance Oliver & Sowers. ft Merchant & P res. R* M. Assn. T. J . Sawers. if General Mdse. Kinchiloe Bros. H M illing Burton & Guy. Carsflnville Parmer & Stock Baiser. J. R. Carseon. Charlotte Court Hs. Parmer R. B. Moore. Casco Merchant R. L. Atkinson. Crockett Merchant, Dix & Clark. tf Fruit Growing Dixie P rt. Parm. * Merchant Jno. S. Dix & CO. ti Merchants Huddle Copenhaver Cliasg City Furniture Mfgr. H. Nicholson « Merchant K.M.Garland CO. N Chase City Drug CO. J.L. Price. n Tobacconi st R.M. Hester. N Prea. First Nat. Sank W. H. W illiams. «t Grain

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# 4- Va,

City Firms & Corporations Hame. Chase CJlty Physician H. L. Burwell. * Farmer F. B. Roberts. *" Dry Goods R. S. Brooks. Merchant Hester & CO* Cashier First StateBank. J.T. Goode Jr. General Hardware Roberts Hdw. CO. "" Perdue & Hutchison. " Bditor The Progress Geo. B. Craven. w Grocery Store Wesley H. Eubank. * Druggist. S. P. Reams. " Dealer in Leaf Tobacco J.A. Roberts. Mercantile. The Gregory CO. *'■ Gen. Merchandise Hardy & CO. * Grocer T. W. Greer. * Postmaster W. A. Broocks. *u Cash. First Hat. Bank A. H. Robertson. Castlewood. Cashier J. R. Gray. Cape Charles Farmers & Merchts Bank. Cashier. CohaSset. Farmer & Com. Rev. W. H. Snead. Chilhowie Lumber & Gen. Mdse. J.H. Heminger & CO. * Furniture & Undertaker J. S. Morris. ** Druggist B. P. Saunders. M Dealer in Farm Supplies J. L. Vance & CO. * Implements Cole Brothers. ** Merchant J . W. Christian. * Milling Chilhowie Milling CO " Hardware Merchants W. H. Copenhaver & CO * Gen, Mdse. R.B. Greever & Sons Charlottesville Mcht. & Photographer R. W. Holsinger. * Dry Goods & Notions J.D.&.J.T. Tilman. M Merchant R. C. T re v illia n . n Merchant J.C . Matthews. ** Dry Goods P.B. Obendorf. " Agt. C. &. 0 . R.R. W. 0 . Watson. * Salesman J. W. M arshall. * Furniture Gilmore Furniture CO. " Colthier W. H. Wood. M Jeweler. Keller & George. * Clothier M. Kaufmans Sons. * Merchant H. M. Gleason. * Booksellers & Pub. Anderson Bros. " Merhants Bngenbright & Sadler. * Milling Lovegrove Fedd CO. * C h arlottesville Lumber CO, ** Merchant G. F. Spitzer. * Shoes J. N. Waddell * Shoes W. J . K eller & CO. * Harness & Buggies Goodyear & Robertson. * Civil Engineer C.M.Bolton. » C. R. Thomas. " Electrical Dnginerr W. D. Weaver. w ^erchant & City Tres. C.H. Walker. w Atty- at Law L. T. Hanckelys. » Merchant A. W. Brechin " Merchant A. G. Carter. * M illinery L. C. Zimmerman. w Pres. Charlottesville Wollen Mills.

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#5- City FirmB & Corporations Name*

Clifton Forge Wholesale Grocers Clifton Forge Gro. CO. Christiansburg Grocery. Graham Grocery CO. " Grocer R. E. Hickok. * Merchants Mosby Johnston CO. " Merchants Spindle & Surface. * Drfcggist Thompson & Hagner. * Merchants W. C. Hogg. 11 Printer & Publ. M. H. Soft. " Atty.-at-Law Guy F. Kllett. M Druggist J. L. Morgan* * Hardware EvaJia Flanagan & CO, Coebum Coebum Grocery CO. ** Merchants Addington Mer. CO. * Merchants Southern Supply CO. **" Merchant J , F. Ford. * Mercantile M. &. M. Hardware CO. * Merchant M iller C lin ch field M illing CO *n Merchants Woheford Carico CO. " R etail Druggist Coebum Drug CO. n Dentistry W. A. Banner. " Druggist W. V. Wohiford & CO. * Jeweler Alonzo Blevins. 9 Hdw. &. Furniture Coeburn Hdw. CO. " Tres. Wise CO. R. V. Wohford. * Merchants Model Store. Capron Farmer W. P. G ille tte , Jr. Merchant W. S. B ell Sc Bro. .over Clover Real Hatate CO. * General Mdse. C. B. Coleman w Genl. Hdw. Clover Hdw. CO. M Farmers W. W. Throckmorton. H Merchants Leigh & CO. Merchant S . C. Hunt. * Merchant B. T. Foster. * A. V. Womack. w Fire & Life Ins. G. B. Gibson. " Jewelers & Optician Reed Jewelry CO. H Merchant N. A. Chrsh^iin. n Tobacconist J. G. Nichols n Gen. Merchants Gregory & Martin. * Physician B. H. Fuller, ft 1 cvft Tobacconist C. H. Osborne. Capron Merchant Clever. J. E. Drewry * Merchants Rawlings & Reese CO " Merchant & Farmer J .T . Barham & CO. * Lumber Manufacturer W. H. Vincent. Capevilie Merchant W. B. Bruce. Covington Alleghaney M illing CO. Inc. **' Real Bststfce R. J Dickey. " Lawyer B. T. McPeas. n Druggist J. W. Bowie. ** Lumber 1 . M. Wet tie ton. * Farmer & Contractor J. R. Piekey * Wholesale Grocery Win. D.HcMister. * Pres. Covington Machine CO. Jno. S. Ham, n Pres. Oriskany Ore & Iron. R. L. Parrish " Milling Jno. W. Bell. * County Clerk J.J. Hobbs.

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#6 Va. City Firra & Corp Same.

Covington Newspaper M. G. R ussell. « Covington Virginian Publishing House. Chatham Leaf Tob. Sales House Tudway & Heal. ft Merchant J. H. Boland n Merchant J. W. Whitehead & Son ft Merchant J. M. Jones it n J. J. Overby » Jno. P. Hunt. »» Leaf Tob. Dealer « T. D. Martin. Merchant J. W. Yeatts. n Implement Asa V ic c e llio ft ii H Henry V ic ce llio Merchant Whitehead & Y eatts. ff Merchant Hugh D. Shepherd. ft Insurance & Heal Estate J. W. Collie. ft Bookkeeper W. B. Shepherd. ft Merchant W. M. Whitehead. ft Salesman fl Chas. W. Hoel. Mgr. Chatham Lum. &. Wood CO. D. A. Jefferson. ft Ches. & Pot. Tel. CO. R .l. Price, Local Mgr. ft Civil Enginerr A. F. Brown. ft Me rchant s W. T. Shelton & Son. ft Editor C. H. Warren. ftp Buyer Export Leaf Tobacco Henry Wood. Jr. ft Dentist L. C. Womock. ft Harness B. S. White & Son. ft Merchant Yates & Stutz. ft! N A. D. Bennett. ft Drtlgs. Thojopson Drug CO. ft Merchant J. W. Marks & CO. Clarksville Leaf Tobacco G. B. Daniel. Cumnor Gen. Merchant C. C. Vaughan.

Drakes Branch Mayor Howman L. Shaw. Merchants Paulett Bros. CO. ft Tobacconist J.L.&.W.K. Payne. « Physician C. W. Tucker. n Druggist J.C . Booth & CO* m Tobaconist H. Payne. f» Cash Bank & Insurance. W. H. Pettus, Jr. n Tobacco Warehou sm an Geo. B. B ussell. ii Merchants L. B. Jackson & Son. it Manufacturers & Millers Payne & Spindier. it Gen. Mdse. Gregory & Haskins. » Tres. Charlotte County J.C. Russell. R Tobacconist W. L. Crofton. i i Clerk Stonewall Jackson i i Postmaster D. W. Bergus. w Merchants F. T. Milton it Merchant F. C. Dickeron. H Merchants Chappell & CO. ft! Mercantile I. L. Haskins. Dolphin Lumber & Mercantile C. H. Perkinson DermiBton Farming D. B. Owen. Dunnsvi11a Atty- At- Law Dean Hundley Danville Dry Goods J. Rosenstock « Grocery Booth Bros. N « Street Railway Traction & Power CO. Pres. Big Ax Coal, Coke & Iron GO.

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#7 Va, City Firm & Corporation Name.

Danville Danville Water Power CO. J.T. Hi asm, V. Pres. * Leaf Tobacco Penn & Hison. * Sale Leaf Tobacco Babell Warehouse. * Real Estate E. B. Meade & CO.Inc. * Leaf Tobacco Dealers Pemberton & Penn, Inc. * Danville Boole & Stat. CO. C. B. Guerrant, Mgr. H Baker & Confectioner L. D. Moorefield. w Jewelers 1. P. Sangston. H Fumitare Hodnett-Chiam Furn CO m" Hardliarint^H&ftiesSGMfgrs. Va. Hardware Mfg. CO. * Shoe Dealer Tobins Shoe Store * Revenue Service De Witt L. Forlines " Funeral Director F. W. Townes. " Real Estate & Ins. Patton, Temple & Willi n Contractor Graham Bldg. CO. H Jewelers P.P.Booth CO. Inc. * Real Estate & Ins. Waddill Holland CO. Tailors David Jones & CO. M Shoe Mereh&nt Thompson Shoe CO. Drewryville Merchandising R. A. Tanny. Dublin Newspaper Correspondent J. M. Weiser. Epes Merchant J.T. Dickerson. Esiiont Mfg. Slate Roofing Standard Slate Corp * Farmer W. H. Hooker "" * 1 . E a r l e . n Mercantile The Esmont Cojrp. * Gen Mdse. J.C. Snead. Pres.Es. C East Radford Wholesale Grocer Radford Gro. CO. * Gen. Mercnant L.D. Keodle. * Merchant E. L. Bibb. " * J. H. Epperly. * Hotel East Radford Inn. * Merchant W. R. Robert. * Druggist R. S. Carson. *” Hardware & Supplies J. C. Peters, Tres. H IBfcnl Mdse. Jones Mercantile CO Eastville County Treas. E. V. Downes. * Farmer H. S. Knight. * Sheriff Sami A. Jones w Atty-at law Other F. Mears. * Merchant A. W. Bradford. ** Retired Farmer Wm. E. Waddey Sr. M Farmer Robinson Nottingham Sr * Tailor C.T. Cobb * Merchant Wm. Nottingham * County Cleric Geo. T. Tyson. H Druggist R. T.Ailworth * Board of Supervisors(Member) J. A.Jarvis. ** Manufacturing U.L. Holland & Son n Sale & Exchange Stable R. W. Kelly n Deputy Clerk of Court H. H. Adams. * Stenographer Stratton Nottingham n Atty-at law T. H. Nottingham. ** Gen Mdse. Milson & Wescott

Emporia Merchant C. F. Johnson * Contractor L. M. Lee Pres « Emporia Drug CO. J. D. Peobles, Pres.

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#8 Va. CTity Firm & Corp. Name.

Bmporia Merchant D. T. Prince. Planter & Real Estate J. T. Harris. H First National Bank Jesse Lee, Cashier M Mayor of Emporia J. E. JSverette. North Emporia Postmaster R. G. Dysen. Emporia Pres. City Council W. R. Cato n Emporia Sash & Door CO. n Public Accountant Mamie S. P rice. N Dentist J. S. Epes n H. Schwartz. H Atty- at Law W. Saflil Goodyear. N Lumberman G. L. Vincent. W Cashier Greensville Bank W. T. Harding, M Asst. Cash * * Elko Merchandise M. P. Newman Eagle Hock Cashier Eagle Book Bank M. R. Morgan N Moore Lime CO, R. E . Jackson, Gen Mgr H Eagle Bock Lime CO. James H, McNamara. » Mechanic G. B, Honts. tl Merchant Myers Bros. It Planning Mill& Justice of Peace F. A. Ranch tt Merchant Jno. D . Myers. Fort Mitchell Gen Mdse. H.G . Fore. Fries Farmer Jno. C. Dickerson « Hotel Prop ffiicM. Baker ft PreB. W. B. & Trust CO T . C . V aughan, N Textile Manufacturer G. F. Roberts. H Cotton Mfg. Jno S. Rapp. If Wholesale Grocer Nem River Grovery CO Fork Union Cashier Fluvanna CO. Bank B. B. Whitesmith tt Pres M it « P. A. Burgess. M Undertaker J. A. Snead. tt Merchant E. B. WeevSr. H Jeweler F. B. Wood. H Farmer C. G. Snead. n Lumber Dealer F . F . Whi te tl Merchants D. R. N 0rvell & B r o . n Teacher & Minister F. G. Lavender. tt Po stmaster E. P. Burgees. ft Merchants B. A. Burgess & Bro. H Cattle Broker S. P. Toney. tt Farmer Geo, M. Boshaa. tl Physician F. J. Wright. It R. R. Contractor J. M.Thomas. Farmvilie Merchant Chas Bugg & Son tt it R.W. Gamine 1 & CO. tt Druggist Farmville ?>,armacy tt Dry Goods L. J. Verser Son tt Merchants R. A. Baldwin & Son ti it Richardson & Cralle tt Hardware Canlett & Bugg. « Druggist White Drug CO. N Mayor H. E. Barrow It Atty-at Law J. Taylor Humfrey tt Merchants D. Wall Son & CO. ft Editor Farmville Herold J. L. Harl Harness & Baddies H. D. Genther Fredericksburg j. P. Rowe. Mayor Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

#9 Va.

City Fiim & Corp Hame. Fredericksburg Hardware M. H. Willis, it Dry Goods A. P. Denfrey * Hewsp&per A . P . Rowe ft Grain Boulware & Son II Merchant A. Wooding N Si ty Se rg e an t & I n sfc ran c e J. C. Chichester Franklin Hdw. Store & Crockery G. H. Steinhardt & CO Franktown Depty Sheriff C. M. Langford a Farmer A. B. Dunnton FailsiChurch Cashier Bank Geo. V. Hurnxhurst ft Druggist G. T. Mankin & CO If Asst. Cashier Falls Church Bk. Ethel M. Payne It Merchant H. B. Brown ft * W. W. Lynch ft Mayor H. A. Fellows. ff Steam Heating C . V . Shreve. ff Physician Reginald Munson ft Govt. Employ V. D. West. Col.

Greenville Agt. B. &.O.RY* I . E. Baker ft Flour Mill W. A. Shaver. ft Mercantile J.H. Clark & CO «f Mercantile E.M.Chultz & CO H it Roy Hanger ft Cashier Bank of Rivex’heads Jas. H, Fall ft Retail Grocer E. G. Vines ff Mercantile J. S. Spitler ff Hay & Grain Shultz & Clark It Postmaster J. A. McKay Guide Mercantile Robt. D. Freeman Gig Lumber Mfg. C. J. Hitchens. Guinea Mills Merchant & Farmer H. J. Meador Gate City Editor Gate City Herald Sami Haynes Gee Genl Mdse* F. H. Britton Gal ax Farmer & Stockman A. C. Painter.

Houston Atty at Law Jas Easley it Postmaster D. F. Hankins h Civil Enginerr G. C. Carrington w Merchant W. W. Hankins « Cashier Peoples Bank Chas H. Stebbins it Fanner L. J. Hardie w Grocer C.R. Martin & CO it Merchant II. Poindexter m w Gates & Lovelace ft J. H. Hankins N Druggi st Dorsey Drug Store « Hardware Lacy Hdw. CO n h Dickens Hdw. CO it Grocer Henderson & CO n Merchant G. D. Wilburn N Sheriff Halifax CO W. P. Shepard. ft Dentist W. S, Lovelace If Atty at Law H.B.M* Walters ft Clerk of Circuit Court Gran Craddock ff Lawyer Jno. Martin ft Tres Of Halifax CO. ®ho s A . Webb. R. Holt Easley ff Real Bstate Digitized for FRASERft Livery Stable Draper Livery & IceCO Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

#10 Va City Pirn & Corporation Name.

Hot Springs Merchant H. P. Watson f« Merchant W.H. McClintic Druggi st David C. Rice Howardsvilie farmer Henry Gibbs ■^artwood Merchant J.R. M nroe Hillsville Merchant E. W. fiasley

Ivanhoe Jeweler O.K. Armbrister tt Parmer R.E.L.Htlddle t» Genl Mdse Ivanhoe Mercantile CO tt Fanner L.E. Painter tt Parmer W.D.S. Huddle tt Parmer S.D. Gjiy. it ^ aimer Tho s K. Simme rnisn tt N G. S. Brallery h Mdse Pulaski Iron CO tt Hotel Prop C .L.Price tt Physician M.W. Jewett tt Druggi st J. H. Puckett tt Merchant J.C. Lawson H tt J.M. Dean tt Parmer J.H. Huddle tt Liveryman Jno. Hocking ft Merchant M.M. Price tt Merchant J . S . Si sk & B r o . Irvington Gen. Mdse. Bernard Willis tt Merchant B. D. Kirkmeyer Independence Atty-at Law J. S. Bourne.

Jarratt Merchant Batte & Jarratt tt Mchts & Hotel Prop. J.W. Grizzard & CO tt Manufacturers Virginia Veneer CO tt * of Pine Timber Batte & Bro.

Keysville Genl. Mdse J.W. Rutledge Kingsford Me rchants Pord & Prudy Kenbridge Cashier Bank of Lunenburg W. S. Inley Merchant C. M. Harris *f M ninster J. W. Hethson it Tob. Buyers A. D. Hobgood ft Physician w. d. Kendig U farmers J. J. Almond # Resi Estate D. T. Kennedy ft Manufacturer W. M. Harris tt Merchant S. L. Graham n Fanning Geo. B . Brldgfo rth. tt Parmer E. G. Stokes H Druggist Kenbridge Drug CO tt Insurance R. G. Webb tt Merchant T. B. Manson H Hardware J. J. Peatherston tt Dealer in Leaf Tobacco T. W. Webb. n K e n b r -dge Hdw. CO. G. W. Walthall.

Lightfoot Genl Mdse. L. T. Hankins Lexington Dis. Agt. Mutual Life W. E. Q^uisenbery L o m e Merchant W. 35. Young

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U l - Va, City Firm & Copr Name. Luray Physician W. L. Henderson Lynchburg RY. Contractor J.R. Adams & CO ft Reporter 6c Correspondent Herbert F. Miley tf Atty at Law Randolph Harrison ff Druggist Craighill & J nes, Inc ff Liquor Dealers L. Lazarus & Son ff Dry Goods C.H. Almond CO tf Clothier S. H. Franklin ft tt Cheatham Clothing CO ff Hardware Ainslie Martin CO ff Shore G. A. Colemsn CO N Wholesale Drugs Strother Drug OO. tt Wholesale Hats W. W. Bfcuch & CO. ft Wholesale Botefcs & Shoes Geo. D. Witt Shoe CO tf w Dry Goods & Notions Q,uinn~ Marshall CO ff Capitalist Y. P. Marshall tf Wholesale Grocer C. H. Beasley & Bro. N Retires Capitalist P. A. Krise It Real Estate Sc Insurance A. R. Carrington ff Brokers MeKenny Peters CO, tf Lawyer Geo. G. Haythe.

Meherrin Gen. Mdse M. 5. Gee. Madfson Orchard!at Alex K. Cave n Lawyers W. A. Cook tt Lawyer W. G. Payn<* ft farmer W.M. Pattie it f L. S. Blantenbaker tt Hotel & Livery Jno. T. Hall* tt Gen. Mdse Banks & CO. ft Capitali st D. M. Pattie ft Clerk of Court G. H. Taylor f Parmer W. H. Goodall Genl Mdse. E. T. Kinder & CO. Tres. Of Madison CO. F . P . Smi th Marflhant Gen. Mdse. 35. R. Temple Marion Attorney B. F.Budwesen. tt Hardware Stanley Graves Hdw. CO ft Wholesale Gro. Perry (tQto . CO, Marion Manufacturer Look & Lincoln, Inc, ft farmer G. G. K i H i n g e r . tt Druggist W. M. Scenter, tt Tanning Extracts Marion Extract CO tt Manufacturer Va. Table CO. tt Merchant s Hawkins Copenhaver CO h Editor R. A. Anderson. tt Photographer A. P , Snider tt Millers W. S. Stone & CO tt Merchant Banker Itc• H. B. Stanley tt Lumber U.S. Spruce Lumber CO MaxMeadows Merchant Miller Kobinson Bros, Miller s Tavern ^erchant Eubank Bros.

Newport News ^eal Estate & Ins. Reynolds Bros. ft O.D. Land CO* >:. W. Harwood tt Ga,rage & Farm Supplies J. P. Gayle Supply CO it Supt of City Schools E.W, Huffman. tt Painter J. W. Ballentine. tt*, L. A. Meyers. tin Merchant Theatrical 35. T* Crall.

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#12- Va.

City Firm & Corporation Name.

Newport News Gen. Mgr. N.N.SB&D.D.CO. H. L. Ferguson « Funeral Director & Mgr. W. E. Rouse. « Shipwright V. D. Doughtj'. ttl; Vice Pres. First Nat. Bank J. R, Sumerton. ff Steamship Agent W. H. Landon. ft Contracting Enginerrs Alsop &Brice. ft Contractor J. C. Curtis. ft Minister E. T. Wellford. ft Clothing Games & CO. ff Physician S. W. Hobson. ft Shoe Merchant J. Eisemunds. ft Real Estate & Insurance J. E. Warren. ff Wholesale Hay, Grain etc. R. D. Halloway. ft Engineer Jno. F. Nichols. tt Pres. 0. D. Land CO. W. B. Eivezey ff Genl Mercantile G.G.&.J.W. Robinson tt Hardware Rosenbaum Hdw. CO. tt Transfer & Storage CO W. R. Scull. 0 Secy & Tree. Powell Trust. J. S. T. Hunter. ft Druggist S. S. Pennybacker tt Merchant W. H. Hddge. fl M.N.S.&T.T.CO W. F. Norten. Naff s. Parmer E. E. Bowman. Overton Merchant Geo. R. Moncr Omega Farmer M. King. Ontario;' Merchant R. A. Carey Portsmoutn Cleric & Farmer Geo. W. Brandon Petersburg Wholesale Gro. & Confections C. C. Alley, Inc. it Wholesale Fancy Gro. Binford Gro. CO. Pocahontas Books & Stationery Black Diamons Book CO tt Atty-at-Law Minter & Minter ft Drugs Flat Top Drug CO. ft Genl Hospital Stump-Alexander Sa.nitaJu^-— ti Druggi st Citizens Drug CO. tt Lawyers Sexton & Roberts. tt Whole & Retail Grocers Ellett k Frazier. tt Dentist L. E. Ward. ffi: Physician M. J. Alexander ff r. Liqudnrs H. Miliner CO. ff Genl Merchandise The Biosii CO. Peatross Merchant & Farmer S. C. Peatross. , Pendleton Merchant H. H. Walton. Pauls Cross Roads Merchant J. P. Blanton Son Preston General Store S. R. Hill P^mplin Leaf Tobacco Charles Hindley. Rural Retreat Merchant J. T. Prickell w Merchant E. C. Tarter. Dentist W. G . Deep. u Postmaster J. Henjry Wilson »*« Merchant & Farmer A. B. Hendricks. fit! Wholesale Produce Nelms & Etter. flH ff ft W. S. Lindsey. ff Merchant & Farming P. Snavely

ff » » W . F . &. C .E. Gajnmon

ff M & Produce .T. K. Buck & CO. ti Wm. F. Cosmurry. Assistant P<

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Ci t y . Pi mas & Corporations. Name,

Rushmere, Mer c h a n t , W. P. Wilson,

Rocky Mount, Druggist, Pranklin Drug Co. N tt Merchant, Peake & Angle, M I* Prop. The New Hotel, Bedford & Robertson, n ff Dealer in Leaf Tobacco, R. J. Reynolds Co* « ft Leaf Tobacco Warehouse* Garrett Co., tt ff Tobacco Warehouse, Perdue & Co. ,,- ft If Merchants, Angle & Co.,; n Manuf ac turers, Bald Knob Purru Co. n ff Leaf Tobacco,-. N* P. Angle,

Roanoke, Plumbing & Heating, A. J. K e n m r d , if City Bergeant, T. R. Tillett* H Real Estate, ~ M. C. Pranklin, ff N. & W. Ry. „ W. B. Bevill, ft Wholesale Grocer, B. P. Huff, ff Lumber Ilanuf ae turer, R. H. Angle, ff Real Estate & Investments, J. T. Bandy, ft City Treasurer, Lawrence Davis, ff Attorney at Law, E. W. Poindexter, ff J. T. Kirkland, , ff Banker, E. W. Tinsley, ~ ff Merchant, J. H. Marsteller, Agent N. W. Ry. H. D. Guy, ft Contractor, W. W. Boxley, ff Real Estate, H. G. Bates, „ ft Clothing, ¥. Vile, ft Real Estate Broker, H. G. Bates, ff Real Estate, D. L. Miller, ff Clothier, I. J. Meals,. ff Real Estate & Banking, S. B. Pace,. f f Attorney-at-Law, A. L. Hughson, ft Wholesale Grocer, B. P. Barrow, „Jr., If: Real Estate, ff J. W. Bernard, Wholesale Pruit & Produce, Jno. E. Easter, « Earner & Packer, ff W. M. Cook, Attorney- at-Law r R. T. Mosby, ff Railway & Electric Co*, T. J. Carter, ft Merchant, C. C. Blankinship, ff Bank President, ff M. W. Turner, General Merchandise, M. L. Parker* ff Physician, ff Prank S. Cooper, Real Estate Broker, C. C* Thomas.

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#14-Va. Cl ty Firm & Corporation Name.

Roanoke Oecy & Tres. Union Invest .Co i, .C. ®. Holcomb Farmer W. I. Calvert. ft Judge Corp. Court R.L. Gardner. Rexb\irg Heal Swtate B. C. Rennolds. Ridgeway E an king T. C. Coleman. t» Merchant Geo. Jones & Son. tt Banking F. B. Stanley. Remington Piling Ties & Lumber H. C. Bowen & Son. Sedley Cheap Grocery Co. W. D. Lowe, Mgr. h Contractor 0. J . Hi gh . H Surry Lumber CO G.W. Winfield. M Physician R. L. Roiford. ft Sedley Home Bldg. Corp. Jethro Butler. ft Sedley Milling CO. J. H. Boyd. ft Genl Mdse Philip Sogers, Agt. ft Merchandi se Gardner & CO. Spring Vallay Merchants T. C. Vaughan

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City Frim & Colorations H e m e . Scottsville Hotel Proprietress Fannie 15. Horsley Scottsville V.B. Jeffries CO. D r uggist . ft Merchant J. R. Haliady. w Mens & Boys Furnishings C .B . Harris Jr. & CO. ft m erchant C.R. Dorrier & CO. ff Genl Merchandise The Harris Mdse. CO. ff Farmer G. T. GpM\vin. ff H Dentist las. P. Blair. fl If Hardware Merchants Sclate 'uadrware CO. «*• Postmaster S. R. Gault. Mayor Jackson Beal. ff Farmer J n o . S. Martin/ Smithfield Bank of Smithflield(Cash) J n o . I. Cofew. ft Gwaltney-Bunkley Peanut CO. P. D. Gwaltney, Pres. if Merchants B. P. Chapman & Son if Pres. Home Ins. CO. J. W. Calloway ft fer Britton Hdw. CO. Andrew Cofer, Mgr. ft** Smithfield Light & Power 0. D. Gwaltney, Jr. ff Wholesale & Retail G«n£ Mdse. 0. D. Gwaltney Jr. & ( it Plumbing & Heating J. F. Minton tf Druggi sts Parish & Simpson ft Denti st W. C. Ames. Stony Creek Genl Merchandise J. M. Lyus fft i K «f ft R. E . Bass & Son. Stanardsville ■harness W. H. Brill & Son Sydnorsville Merchant D. W. Ramsey Suffolk Graders of Peanuts Suffolk Peanut CO. ff Feed & FuellCO. G. Y. Bell. ff Haasemond Gro. CO V.P. & Gan Mgr. ff The Holland & Lee CO. Inc. tf The King Peanut CO. ff Mfg. Hosiery Jas. L. Bell , Mgr. ff Bain Peanut CO. Branch H. L. Land. Mgr. ff Cleaners & Graders Peanuts Lummis & CO. ff Attorney L. P. Holland. n Peanut Storage T.M. Atkins ^ecy tf Grain Feed Etc. Wholesale Holland & Beamon CO H Hardware ¥hole& Betnil Lyman R.Brothers CO. ff Horse Exchange N. G.Norfleet ff Gen. Mgr. Dixie Guano CO, J. W. Womack ff Pres.Busine S3 Men’s Assn. M . W. Joyner. It Druggi sts Jas. P. Hall. *» Hardware & Bldg. Material R. R. Allen. tf Insurance^ Woodward & Ellen Salem Catawba Silica CO. E, F. Barnitz. Stuartsville Farmer W. H. Burnett.

Troutville Physician U. T . McCuiloch fft! Merchant W. G . Hoffsinger ff Genl Mdse. Paynter-Layman CO. fl Frui# Grower T . D. Kinzie Mdse Broker C. E. Layman. Farmer

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#16 Va. C it y Prim & Corporations Name.

Tappahannock Fanner B. B. Brockenbrugh. N In s u r a n c e G. W. Daingerfield. M M erch an t Geo. H. Derieux If D e n t i s t C. A. Warner. N D r u g g is t J. T. Hurley Townsend M erch an t H. W. M ister. «f M Wti Cash. Townsend Bkg. CO H. C. Dunton M erch an t E. E. Hamilton. »• n Townsend Banking CO P r e s i d e n t . M erch an t T. D. Smith T a z v w e ll Cash. Tazewell Nat. Bank W. T. Gillespie. ft Asst. Cashier w n Grat M. Mullin T ree Genl Merchandise R. B. Barrow.

Tamptft-opico M erch an t L. A. Hornsby. Vrbanna Merchant R. S. Bristow m M erch an t Wf J. T. Marston D r u g g is t S. E. Richardson f t t i M erch an t T. M. Bonner f it ! Lumber B. A. Davis If P h y s i c i a n Alfred 0. Paftmer. II Farm er L. M. Parlton Insurance H. S. Chewning N Traveling Salesman H.J. Handon nu I c e P la n t Chas H. Palmer n M erch an t G. F. Taylor w Asst. Cash Bank 6f Middlesex. Thos. G. Jones fi Farm er W. C. Fitzhugh Vernon Hill Farmer J. P. McDawsee Virgilina Mining J. D. Battershill ti M e r c h a n t. J. W. Wright ft M in in g Geo. E. Morong n M in m g H . B . McComb n S alesm an W. S . D a n i& l ii Merchant Max Horn N L i v e r y & Sales Stable J. W. Pleasants ff Bank Bookkeeper Henry L. Ford. II Bealer in Leaf Tobacco Alfred Haynes. it P ro m o te r W. H. Crowell m Virgilina High School P r i n c i p l e . n P h y s i c i a n F. D. Drewry, ft M erch an t Jno. C. Daniel ti Agt. SO. Express CO R . C . Tuck it D e n t i s t R. F. Koller ti Cashier Bank of Virgilina T . G . P o o l n Mfg. Corn Whiskey L. V. Shoemaker n Lumber Mfg. V irgilina Ltnbr. & M fg H Farm er & D i s t i l l e r A. L. Jones n M e r c a n t ile J. R. Hubba,rd tt p h a r m a c is t J . W. S te p h e n so n ft Farm er p. T. Wilburn ft Hardware B . B . Loyd ft Farm er T. H. Elliott ti Tobacconist J. M. Hobgood ft Ballard Horwood. R. p. Wright V in to n Cash Peoples Bank N M erch an t E. T. Tuggle tl Asst Cash Peoples Bank F. L. Mitchell

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#17 Va. City Frims & Corporations Name.

Vinton Merchant G. W. Oman. n Merchant J . T . Lemon n Merchant J . H . Up s on n Merchant J. H. Scott n Merchant J. R. Frazier m Druggi st J. E. Fi1tzgatrick ii Genl Mdse. E. J. Lankford Iff! Merchant J. Wm. McCue It Contractor & Builder C. N. Howell Venter Merchant C, B, Adams Windsro Banking P. S. Leathers Kit Telegraph Z. S. Johnson If County Treas. W. E. Saine Williamsburg Merchant H. W. Mahone m Bank Cashier S. L. Graham i» Druggi st Jas. H. Stone hh Pres. Peninsula Bank R. L. SPencer i#t Clerk Circuit Court F. H. Geddy Mh Physician J. M. Henderson Mi Mercantile R. T. Casey & Son H Attorney 13. L. Hun ley N Furniture York Fum. CO* M Ice Mfgr. G. Vaiden fftt Livery J. T. Timberlake H Lumber Dealer W. A. Bozarth M Postmaster W. C. Johnston Mf> Dentist C. H. Davis tf Lawyer Frank Armistead Warsaw Editors Northern Neck News W. Z. Morgan Mu Banker E. D. turner, Jr. M CashierrBank M t: K . Carter Welldor Mm Lawyer Jas. W. Chime. M Lawyer A. M. Wellford West Point Druggist A. F. Hargrave & Hardware M Denti st L. S. Folkes D.D. ft Genl Mdse. R.&.J.L. Bland & ! tt Wholesale Groceries Sami Bland tf Harness & Saddlery I . U . Fogg. H Fancy Sc Staple Groceries Chandler & Bance. tf Oyster Planter P. B. Hughes If Attorney W. A. Willery tf Hardware W. C. Davis ft Contractor A. J. Walcott ft Merchant P.. B. She then & C1 ff Department Store Hat nan Hess & CO. M Druggist F. E. Steere ff • Jewelers Jas. L. Lawry CO. M Jewelers G. E. Trice & CO ff .1 Department Store Moritz & Babe

Waverly Genl Mdse IT. H. Ford. it Attorney Arnold & Arnold. h Lumber Gray Lumber CO. tt Waverly Feed CO. tt Furni ture Waverly Furniture

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#18 Va. City li m & Corp. N a m e . Wave rly Genl Merchandise Israel Shapiro Wholesale & Retail Hdw. Moss Hdw. CO. i» Physician Jno. F . May. & Treasurer Sussex CO, R. A. Brown fit; Insurance J. F. West & Bro* ff Genl. Mdse II P. Fleetwood CO. Hawley Land CO E* J. Mace* Nil Lumber H. F. Sheffield If Retail Drugs J.T. Mays Pharmacy « GeftI Mdse H. J. Drewry & CO N Peanut Waverly Peanut CO* ff Pres, Bank of Waverly P. H.eetwood Waynesboro Milling Waynesboro Milling CO # Druggist * Drug Store IV Dry Goods White Bros. n Druggist Fishburne & Son N Hardware Hamilton Cook Hdw. CO tt Attorney W. W* Glass, Jr. H Hay & Grain etc, Lovell & Gaw. If Fishbume Military Academy Principal N Wholesale Hay & Grain J. W. Ellison Son & CO H II Manufacturer Lambeth Mfg. CO II Furniture Mfg. Bosic Furniture CO Wytheville Mgr. W.U.Tel CO J . Fred Ewald* M Act* Postmaster J. G* Sexton « Observer Weather Bureau J . I , Widmeyer n Mining Engineer Chas M. Hicks. H Me reliant I. J. Hatcher II Tinner H. C. Pattison II Farmer T.J.B. Sharitz. II Farmer M. J. Swecjtes. ft Lumber Wytheville M£g * CO II Merchants G. S. Bruce & CO ft Treasurer of Wytheville J. S. Lawson ff Attorney W. C. Thomas II Automobile Dealer Chris M. Otey ll Farmer W. B. Cassell II Traveling Salesman J. W, Budwell If Mercfefe&t Morehead & Fisher Wise* Farm Demonstratio n Agt. J. C. Stiles West STiew Genl Store Sttibbs & Haden Watkins Merchant E. Preston Snead. Ware Neck Retired W. Ashby Jones, Jr*

Yanceyville Druggist H. W. Perry.

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#19 Va.

City Finn & Corporations Name*

Aylett Farmer T. D. Moncure. Covington Wholesale Grocers Covington Gro. CO, Chilhowie Druggi st Benj P. Saunders, Danville Wholesale Grocery Jno. W. Carter & CO. Danville Wholesale Fruit & Pro* Bennett Bros. Elkton Harness Dealer J. R. Early

Frederi cksburg Farming Henry Warden. Ga lax Merchant J. W. Pool. Galax Chief Police C. T. Higgins. Galax Commissioner of Revenue A. S. Lawson Galax Wholesale Grocers Blair Grocery CO. Galax Postmaster S. C. Cox Galax Farmer & Dealer in Machinery V. S. Waikir & CO. Galax Pres. Galax Furn & Lumber CO. S. E. Wilkinson. Galax Retail Groceries B. D. Beamer. Galax Fanner D. R. Cox Galax Building Material & Hdw* W. K. Early & Son. Galax Traveling Salesman R. P Caldwell ffalax Wholesale Produce Carico Osborne & CO. Galax Wholesale Produce M. S. Bluing. Galax Attorney J. H. Rhudy. Gal ex Merchant C. H. Martin. Galax Merchant W. Dalton. Galax Manufacturers Galax Furniture CO. Lynchburg Wholesale Grocery Bibee Grocery CO. Lawrencevilie 5-10-& 25ct. Store T. W, Apt. «f Real Estate L. H. Raney. M Jeweler James Reuben tt Merchant L. S. Purdy. II Merchant Peebles & Purdy CO. U Attorney-at-Law E. P. Buford tt tt tt B. A. Lewis A H ft W. R. Peterson tt tt ft Buford, Lewis & Peters' LaCrosse Merchant J. D. Winc&fcer & Son. Lawrenceville The Bank of Brunswick H W. A. Trotter, Cashier Traveling Salesman T. M. Elmore ft Merchant N . T. Prudy. It Merchant R. H. Hall, tt Merchant & Farmer N. J . Bostick Pipers Gap Farmer C. L. Hanks Petersburg Traveling Salesman T. Ketherland Roanoke Mech. Engineer & Farmer Robt. K. Temple South Hill Merchant H. P. Bugg N Merchant W. H. Crowder ft Merchant J . S. Dortch & CO. II Hardware Daniles Hardware CO. n Merchant Walls & Camer ft Merchant B. W.Oghu. It Merchant J. M. Gee. Woodlawn Deputy Sheriff & Farmer B.C. Gillaspie. Warrenton Paiting & Paper Hanging N. H. Risdon

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Supplementary List#


C i t y . N a m e . Business. Abingdon, R. S* Withers, Hardware, Claremont, W* H. Haney, - tt Crewe, E. A. Blake, Supt. N.& W. Ry. Dillwyn, W. A, Moss & C o . , Merchants, Eagle Rook, J. D. Myers & Co., Hdw*, Machinery; etc. Per rum, Hurt $ Co., Merchants, Finchley, S. 0. Barnett, -« Ford, J* H. Duafte, . tt Graham, Chicago House P u m Co. Furniture, etc# Norfolk, Mayes & Jenkins, Furniture, Port Haywood, C. H. HudginS^ . Merchant,- Raphine, R. M. Montgomery, General Furniture, Richmond, J. S. Dalton & Co., Contractors & Plumbers, Rock Castle, B. A. Anatole, Belmead Mills, Belmead Store Co# Rpcky Mount, Pranklin Edw. Co., Hardware, South Boston, T. B. Johnson, Tobacconist, tt tt W. H. Childress, Agt. So. Ry* tt it R* D. Merritt, . Contractor & Builder, tt ft A. H. V aughan, Mayor, « ft I. Keith Briggs, Physician, tt « W. T. Reeves & Co., Druggist,- tt tt Oates <£; Lea, Insurance, tt tt E. J. Hunt & Son, Clothiers_& Tailors, • ft Vaughan Coal Co., Coal, etc* Suffolk, Crocker-Brinkley.Co., Mnfgr. Lumber, Victoria, Jk R. Morgan, M e rchan t#' Norton, - Allen Brokerage Co., Mdse. Brokers, Lovingston, Lea B r o s . , General Merchants, * L. Grafton Tucke Attorney at Law, . tt B. T. Grover, Judge 29th judicial District of Virginia. tt E. L. Kidd, Clerk Circuit Court of Nelson County# ft E. N. Whitless, Attorney at Law, ft J. 0 . Loving, Deputy Sheriff,.. « M. K. Estes & Co General Merchants, it R. R. Bradshaw, « R. L. Cannon, - Cashier Bank of Nelson, « K. D. May, Asst. Cashier Bank of . Nelson, tt W. P. Bibb, Grocer, tt J. A. fctevensm n n w. V. Dawson, Mail Carrier, « Pi erce Loving, Parmer, « C. M. Kemper, County-Treasurer*

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03. ty Name Business

Boykins R. M. Knight & Bro. Merchant Bowling Green Jno. L. White Farmer & Ins. Agt. ft X. R. Coghill County Clerk. Be lap ring F. L. Harris Genfl Merchandise* Buchanan W. H. Hyde Banking. Charlottesville W. S. Gooch Publishing. Chr i s t i an sbu rg W. J . Pierce Gen’l Insurance. Clintwood Tallie Davis Davis Mercantile CO, ft G. F, Kiser Sheriff of Dickenson C o ft Emery B. Chase Clsrk of Circuit Court l» Jonah M u l l i n s ,Mgr. Light & Power Co. Hit W. H. Smith Stenographer. ft J. E. French Supt. of Schools. f in G& luabUerphipp s Att-at-Law. ft- W. D Bunn & CO. Contractors. f lu J. C. Sutherland Physician. ft W. H. Reed Physician. lt«i J. C. Smith Atty-at**Law. ft R. L. Phipps Physician. «tf W. W. Pressley Cash. Dickenson CO.Bk. Ilf Mw Grein Friend Mgr. Yellow Poplar Lm'fcr. S. J. C©lley, Jr. Asst. Cash Dickenson Bk. II N. B. French Dentist. n»* Isabelle R. Damron Post Master it Chas. C . Chase Liveryman fi A. A. Skeen Lawyer. Bast Radford G. F. Reaver G. F. Weaver, it J. D. Bird Wholesale Grocery. ii W, H. Harris Me reliant. ii Central Merc. CO. Merchants. i i E. L. Bibb Merchant. it W. H. Galway,Cash Farmers & Mchts Bank. N Radford Roller Grills Flour:& Feed Mill. ii G. S. Williamson Meat Market. ii Radford Grocery CO Wholesale Grocery. ii J. C. Peters, Tres. Radford Hdw. & Supply A F. M. Jones Gen* 1 Mdse. i i Jo&nsons Pharmacy Druggist. « L. D. Kemble & CO. Me rchant. i i Jno, Tinsley Merchant. n J, K. Martin Merchant. ft J. H. Epperly, Jr. M e r c h a n t . Floyd B. B. Morgan, Cash. Peoples Bank of Floyd H J. M, Boyd Merchant. n B. G. Howard Atty-at-Law. « S. R. Brann Mayor. M W. A. Somers Ed. & . Prop of Floyd P re3s it P. G. Lester Pres. Peoples Bank H. W. Simmons AttJr-at-Law. lit ! R. F. Tompkins At t£-at-Law. Grayson J. H. Withrow Druggist . G alax G. F. Carr Supt. of Schools. H A. L. Williams, Mgr, Blue Rfidge Ptg. CO. it Galax Produce CO. Wholesale Produce.

ti J. C. Matthews & CO. M & Retail Hdw.

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Virginia Endorsations.

CITY NAME BUSINESS. Galax Lambeth Rector ISlec. CO Electrical Contractor. " W. F. Gentry farmer.

Holland I. A. Luck Merchant.

Irvington H. A. Rock, Cash Lancaster Nat. Bank,

Norfolk Wm. Sloane Pres. Peoples Bk & Tr. CO " Bafcnest Christian Gen. Mgr.NorfolkSaddelery " W. G.Brumley Mgr. Ins Dept Peoples BK. Rushmere Geo. H. Warren Farm Owner. * W. P. Wilson Merchant & Farm Owner. South Norfolk J. W. Jerus Contractor etc. Suffolk Standard Furniture CO. Furniture & Stoves. * Bell Bson Shoe CO. Wholesale Boots & Shoes. Somerset J. H. Price Produce. Stanley Y. W. Shryock Merchant **" D. M. Modesett Merchant. * Stanley Milling CO. Milling. " C. C. Landerback Banker. T. M. Keyeer. Merchant. ■* F, S. Kibber Commissioner of Revenue. * W. M. Graves & CO. Produce. * E. L. Keyser Ice Dealer. ttH W. H. Shulerr Bark Grinder & Shipper. " Chas. N. Graves Postmaster. w J . B. Cofferman Contractor. w C. H. Modesitt Merchant H W. V. Petefish Undertaker. H C. B. Foote Hardware. Smithfield Gofer Brellon Hdw. CO. Hardware. " Parish & Si$pson Drug Store. n Sykes Grocery CO. Grocer. * E.H. Coper Merchants & Farmers Bank# " J. E. Warren Merchant. " Jas. R. Rowell, Jr. Cash. H Paul D. Cofer With The Merchants & Fmrs*Bank. w Geo. G. Wilson Merchant. n V. W. Joyn er Merchant. " H . B. Folk Agt. O.D.S.S.CO. M J.T. Hearn Furniture Dealer. w J. M. Chapman Clothier. " D..E. CHapman & CO. Hardware. n Geo. H. Jordan Hotel. * Leslis C. Broch, Mayor Physician. tt Wilson & Warren Merchants. n Smithfield Live Stock CO.Horse Dealers. w Walter C. Ames Dentist. « C. T. Betts Merchant. Whaleyville B. H. Doughty Merchant.

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C i t y . Name* Business*

Richmond, Ik* Hodges Mann, Governor of Virginia* ff George Ainslie,- Mayor of Richmond, Courtland, William Shands, Attorney at Law, .. Ta-opahannock, A. A. Cralle, „ Bank Cashier, Suffolk, H* L. Cross, .Secy*, Post "P", T.-P* A. Earmville, J. A. Davidson, Pres*, Post "M", T* P. A* Charlottesville, J. Bogan Belk, Seey.,- Post "T", T. P. A. Martinsville, T. H* Self., Secy*, - Post "I", T. P. A* Alexandria, - A. D. Brockett, Post "F**, T. P. A* South Boston, J. B* Wilbom,^ Blackstone, W* L. Barrow ,. Post "H", T. P. A* Richmond, Wm. C* Noland, Architect, Warm Springs, Wm. M. McAllister, Attorney at Law, South Hill, - Yancey’s Dept* Store, General Merchants, Richmond, - R. B. Chaffin & Co*,_ Real Estate & Brokers, n Dr. Geo* W. McDaniel, Pastor First Baptist ~ Church, Emory, R. K* Sutherland, Secy. Bnory & Henry College* Richmond, W* S* McNeill, Attorney at Law, „ ft James N* B o y d f Pres. Bank, tt Miller Mnfg. Go*, Lumber Mnfgr* tt Kaufman & Co*, M i l l i n e r y & Merchandise, tt Langhome M. Williams, Banker, ft Thos* S. Wheelwright,. Pres. Ya. R. & P. Co. Blackstone, S. L. Barrow, Cashier First Natl* Bank, Roanoke, J. B* F i s h b u m e , Pres* Natl* Exchange' Bank, Newport.News, J. A* Willet, . Bank Cashier, Richmond, 5** Sitterding, Vice-President Va. Ry* & Power Co. tt R. W. Roberts, Secy.-Treas* Wingo, lllett & Crump Shoe Co* * ft W. S. Drewry, * Representative of Mutual Benefit Life In&* Co* n Thos* F* Jeffries, Mnfgr* & Capitalist,

Lynchburg, J. L. Nicholas, Cashier United L 0 & - T* Co. Danville,- B* V* Booth, , Bank Cashier, N o r f o l k , - Caldwell Hardy, Pres* Norfolk Natl. Bank, Hailwood, John T* Lewis,„ Bank Cashier, Buena Vista, Rev. E* E. Rowe, Southern Seminary, Lynchburg, ~ Randolph Harrison, Attorney at Law, „ Chase City, Mecklenburg Mineral Springs Co* Newport News, Chamber of Commerce, Lynchburg, Jno* W* Cr&ddock, Pres. Craddock-Terry Shoe Co* Chase City, Lucius Gregory, Pres*, Chase City Mnfg* Co* Chilesburg, Chewning & Dillard, General Merchants, Danville, - Riverside & Dan River C-ottcn Mills, Cotton Mhfgr*

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

No. 2.

City i Name* Business.

Buchanan, J. C. Dill, Bank Cashier, Petersburg, Horace L. Smith, Pres,, Post "C" T. P. A* Danville, - Wm, H. Jones, Secy., Post T. P. A. Petersburg, Chamber of Commerce, Roanoke, Retail Merchants Asst* Hlaremont, Industrial League, Waynesboro, R. G. Vance, Bank Cashier, Chase City, N. H. Williams, Bank President, Norfolk, f , S. Royster Guano Co*, Fertilizer Mhfgr* Pamplin, H. T, Terry, - Merchant, ii Franklin Bros,, * Gladstone, H. L. Fisher, - Merch ant, « W, R. Jobe, * N B. B. Stringfellow, « G. D. Akers & C o . , „ Callahan & Terry,. W. Harvey Harris, Pamplin, W, B. Ford, Gladstone, Mrs. A. E, .Wallace, Pamplin, - W. H, L igo n’s Sobs, M Richard B, Baldwin, Glade Springs, Williams & Aker, m m Creger & Sons, _ Glade Springs .Pharmac2% Druggists, Mason & Hutton, Hdw, & Mdse* Victoria, I, W. Gary, Merchant, « H. E. Jones, « Roanoke, H, S, Trout, P r e s , , First Natl, Bank, Norfolk, Mose Levy, Mngr*, Atlantic Hotel, „ Galax, Galax Furniture Co*, Buckingham, E. B. Glover, Merchant, Buckingham, W. Haskins, « Buchanan, - J. B. Thompson, Clothier & Tailor, Smithfi eld, V. W. Joyner, - Merchant, Buckingham, A. C. Garnett, |Tr*, « « F. H. Spencer, Buchanan, Clore Drug Co*, Druggists, «i 0. E, Obenshein, Real Estate, h Botetourt Hotel-Co., Buckingham, P. E. Tucker, Physician, Norton, Norton Pharmacy, Druggists, « St. Charles Hotel Co*, Bsory, Emory Mercantile Co#,~ Merchants, n Jno. W. Nye, District Agent of Mutual Pulaski, Pulaskie Foundry & Benefit Life Ins. Co* Machine Company Bassett, Bassett Furniture Co* Bristol, Dixie Foundry & Machine Co* Richmond, Va. State Horticultural Society, Norfolk, Norfolk Association of Credit Men, Richmond, VirginiagCarolina Chemical Co* ♦» Patterson Bros. Tobacco Co* Louisa, F. W. Sims, Attorney-at-Law, Isle of Wight, A. S. Johnson, ' County Clerk, Richmond, Union Securities & Realty Corporation, Smyth Bros.-McCleary-MeClellan Co* Live Stock*

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City. Name. Business.

South Boston, T. B. Johnson, Pres. Business Men1s Asst* « «f E. W. Willingham, Pres. Tobacco Board of J. D. Evans, Secy. Trade, S. F. Gilliland, Pres.' Retail Merchants Asst. W. H. Edmunds, Ch&irman Board of Supervisiors Of Halifax County,* Jno. C. Lawson, Cashier Bank of So. Boston S. M. Glenn, Mngr., South Boston Leaf Dept., R. J. Reynolds Tob. Co.- T. C. Watkins, Jr., Cashier Boston Natl. Bank, R. E. Jordan, Cashier Planters &' ' Merchants Natl. Bank, Houston, T. B. Johnson, Pres., People’s Bank, South Boston, C. E. Noell, Mngr., American Tob..Co. Coles Spragin, Secy., Stebbins, Lawson & Spragins Co.,’ Barbour Bugsy Co., ' Manufactur er 3, „ J. D. Tucker, Cashier First.Natl. Bank, W. T. Reeves.& Co., Merchants, W. T. Lea & Co., , Edmondson Tobacco Co., Barbour, V/ilbom Hdw.^Co • Hardware Dealers, C. W. Walters Tob. Co., Leaf Tobacco Slate Seed Co., * Seed Growers & 3$cporters<

Covington, J. R. McAllister & Co., Merchants, n Covington Virginian, Publishers & Printers, D. A. Williamson, At to m ey-at~Law, J. T. McAllister* Attorney-at-Law * N J. W. Par year, Mercha nt, « Chas, A. Keek* J. * J. W. McMinn & Son, If 0. A. Oliver, Physician, w J. W. Bowie, „Prop., The Hyal Store* « C* H. Rinercomb, ~ F a r m e r , ft M. M. Collins, „ * Real Estate, n R. B. Stephenson, A11 o m ey-a t-s La w , it E. G. Hirams, Real Estate, i i C. S. Drake,~ Attorney, it R. C. Stokes, M «f Chas. L. Carter, ff n D. R. Ellis, Bank Cashier, Covington~Savg. Bank, ii W. A. Taylor, « R. W. Crowder, Attorney, n E. K. Dussler Son * Dairymen, it J. H. Overholt, Clerk of ^Council & Comm, of Revenue, H Ira Dew, Merchant, II A. A. lie Allis ter & Sons, Real Eattate Dealers, II E. B. Butler, Mayor, II A. C. Sizer,- ft W. A* Rinehardt, II C. B. Cushing. ~

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City, Hame, Business* KeysVille, H* G. Spencer, M er c h a n t , N J. Coleman Priddy, County Sherifff, P., E. Pettus & Son, Merchants, Hamner Bros,, t i J. E. Karris, « Peters*Farmer Mdse Co# Merchants, Earl M. Ervin, « R. H. Wilson, „ Contractor, Wilson & Co.* Merchants,- W. A* Keiling, Druggist,„ H. Friedman, „ Mercha ntt H, A. Tuggle & C o , , « Milford, C. W, Butterworth, Railroad Agent, Petersburg, Petersburg Furn, Co*, Furniture Dealers, « Chas. Leonard Hdw. Co* Hardware Dealers,, Williamsburg, Bozarth Bros,, Implements Sc Feed, n H. D. Bozarth, Lumber Dealer, Elk Hill, Jas, B. Dunn,,. Saw Mill, Blanton, W* L. Blanton & Bro#, Mercabnt Lumber, Glen Wilton, A. J. Smith, Farmer & Merchant® R i chmon d, Atlantic Bitulithic Co , Contractors, Cantwood, P. R. Smith & Son, Merchants, _ Wakef ield, W, A. Stephenson,... N Roanoke, S. B, Pace, Secy^Treas • ; Virginia Banking Co* Warren ton, E* R* Moon & Co., Merchants, L3rn c^ burg, J. L. Sheppard, ~ Salesman,„ Holladav, Jno, M. Holladay, Pork Union, Walter C. Jones,,. Earner, Insurance, etc* Bel on a, E. A. Baugh t Co* , Merchant.

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Frederi cksburg Business Men’s Association Buchanan Stockholders of Bank of Buchanan. Nevjport News Chamber of Commerce. Richmond Real Estate Exchange. Roanoke Chamber of Commerce* Richmond Banks of Richmond. Itenvilie Tobacco Association. Newport News Banks of Newport News. Ri chmond Medical Society of Virginia. Ri chmond Academy of Medicine & Surgery. N orfolk National Banks. Portsmouth National Banks. Richmond State & City Officials. Richmond Bar Association. Bedford City Board of Trade. Lexington The Retail Merchants Association. Richmond Ministerial Union. Richmond Chapter of the Alumni of University Va Roanoke Roanoke Clearing House Association. Petersburg Board of Governors CEeiaher of Commerce Covington Merchants & Business Men. Richmond Richmond Tobacco Trade Halifax County Firms & Corporations. South Boston Banks of South Boston. Roanoke The Clearing House Association. Staunton Chamber of Commerce. West Point Chamber of Commerce. Norfolk Chamber of Commerce. Richmond Retail Grocers Association.

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City. Name. Business.

Louisa, Nathan C. Day, Hotel, Hieholsville, Jas, M. White* Hotel .Clerk, n W. H. Hughes,, Bark & Timber, Winchester, W. 0. Hodgkin, Jeweler, ft A* H. Baldwint n Steve K. Vaughan, Editor & Publisher,

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City. Hame. Business.

Bristol, B. L. Delaney, Coal & Railroad Supplies, n R. L. Osborn,. Merchant, ** King Publishing Co,, n N. D. Beclonan, Jr. , Coal, n Jno. I. Cox, * Sparger Mill Co., * The Reynolds Corporation, " Interstate Hdw. <5b Sup. Co., « Twin City Mill Co., Greenville, Geo. W. Doughty, Secy. E. Tenn. Tobacco Co., V. P. First Natl. Bank, " J. W. Howard, Pres. Board of Tr&de, " J. A. Park, - " S. H. Humphreys, Circuit Clerk, " A. N. Shovm^. . Lawyer, * W. H. Doughty, Furniture, " J. E. Biddle,- Attorney,- " D. P. Mason, . Mayor, * J. T. White, Farmer, " G. T. East,. Tobacco, Johnson City, Wofford Bros., Genera!-Insurance, Bristol, Bristol Coffin & Casket Co. * „ Board of Trade,

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C i t y . Name. Business.

Jacksonville, Rosser & Fitch, Mdse, Brokers. Tampa, Eli Witt, it 0*Berry & Hall Co., « Mdse. Brokers, Tarr-Martin Co., Furniture Dealers, M Robt. Keller, _ Treasurer, « C i t y Tampa Trunk Factory, Manufacturers,„ tt H. Giddeons Clo. Co., Clothiers, Dajrfcona, Hilyard & Holroyd, ~ Hotel, Miami, C. A. Bell, Banker, Jacksonville, Jacksonville Cracker Co. Craoker Mnfg« H Wm. Burlridge, Prop., Hotel Burlridge, « F. L. Knight, Bank Cashier,' ~ m R. L. Boyd, Dist. Mngr. So. Bell T e l .& Tel. Co. ii V. W. Shields, Jr., An stractor of Titles, tt M. W. Martin,^ Fla. E* C . R y . Co., „ « Jas. D. Burb ridge, Poster Advertising, m R. D. Jackson, Life Insurance, m M. H. Lewis, M n g r . , W. U. Telegraph Co.

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City. Hame* Business*

Athens, Hardeman & Phinizy, Cotton Factors, Augusta, Augusta & Southern Railroad Co. J. A. White, Superintendent* Columbus, Eagle & Phenix Mills.* * Vidalia,~ A. B. Cargile, Prop** Vidalia Advance Co. Hearing-, Printing & Morgan, - Merchants, Columbus, W. 0. McDonald, - * Trav eling ~ Sale smari M c L e o d , 1 . D. Rountree, Merchant, Mac on , „ S. Syman, Tailor „

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Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis RICHMOND AS THS LOCATION OP A PSpERAL R33SSRVE BANK*

Brief filed on behalf of the

North Carolina Bankers1 Association* By Geo, A. Holderness, Pres.

When "before the Committee in Washington on the ljth of January, Mr. J. W. Norwood, of Greenville, S. C., and Mr* R. G. Rhett, of Charleston, S. C*, stated that Maryland should he added to the district outlined by the Richmond Coinmittee, and from further study of the question it appears that this should be done, as well as all of West Virginia* And it is believed that this can be done without in any way interfering with the natural territory of any other district, since it appears to us that the North Atlantic States should be divided as follows: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Miassachusetts, Rhode Island, and the eastern part of Connecticutt, with Boston as the reserve city;

New York, western Connecticutt, northern New Jersey, with New York as the reserve city; Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware, with Philadelphia as the reserve city* This leaves Maryland in the nature of a "floater”* With this added territory our district would embrace the following states: Maryland, Virginia, Wewt Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, the eastern part of Eastern Tennessee, the eastern part of Eastern Kentucky, and the District of Columbia* This territory, with its diversified interests and banking capital-, would be entirely independent and amply self-sustaining under not only normal conditions, but under almost any conditions.

Now, with this territory fixed upon, the next question is which city within this territory could best serve the whole territory* On this point we respectfully submit that Richmond is unquestionably the city* Ninety-one per cent, of the banks in North Carolina, including all of the national banks except six, have already expressed themselves in favor of Richmond, and the banks so desiring Richmond represent 89/^ of the capital, surplus and profits of all of the banks of North Carolina, and 98p of their deposits* Of the said 91$ of the banks voting for Richmond, 373 of them are expressly for Richmond as first choice, and the balance of 69 (except three for Baltimore) are equivilent to a first choice as they name Charlotte or blank their first choicer

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— 2—

Hot one of the North Carolina hanks have expressed a first preference for Atlanta or Washington, and only three for Baltimore* South Carolina has expressed its preference for Richmond almost as strongly as North Carolina, and has given Atlanta only two first choice votes and Baltimore one# The states of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, with national hanking capital and surplus of #48,800,000., are^unanimous for Richmond as the same number of institutions can be for any one thing*

Richmond, though not a reserve city, has been able to take care of its southern connections under past conditions, and Richmond’s clearings for this district can be more fully seen by the fact that of the total deposits of the national banks of Richmond (not a reserve city) ^0% of them are deposits from out of town banks, whereas of the total deposits of the national banks of Washington (a reserve city) onlsr Yjfo of them are from other banks, and of the total deposits of the national banks of ‘.Baltimore (a reserve city) only 4 1 , € of them are from other banks* The above shows that Washington has done so little for this territory that this alone seems sufficient to eliminate Washington from this contest*

Atlanta must be eliminated because the trend of business being northward, it cannot make a territory for itself without taking in and doing violence to states north of it* Of the banks in Maryland, District of Columbia, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, onls^ 659 have accounts in the reserve city of Baltimore (as s3iown by Baltimore1 s evidence, page 801) whereas 726 have accounts in Richmond as shovm by the list filed by the Richmond Committee. We do not know what powers a branch bank will have, and therefore cannot say what will be the difference between the ser­ vices given from the parent bank and the branc|i bank, but as the terra implies, a branch cannot be as large as the parent, and I think it is safe to assume that whiie the directors of a branch bank will pass on paper under certain restrictions, the branch will not issue currency or keep a great amount of currency on hand* Baltimore and the territory surrounding it we submit could be more conveniently served by a branch of the Richmond bank than Richmond and the territory mapped out could be served by branches from Baltimore*

The capital and surplus of the national banks of Virginia are greater than those of Maryland, and with North Carolina and South Carolina, they esseeed that of Maryland by over $20,000,000* And of the total capital and surplus of the national banks in Maryland, Baltimore City has all but §8,000,000.

Richmond would be a thoroughly convenient place for a bank to serve Baltimore, and it is certainly more reasonable to require the few banks of Maryland outside of Baltimore with only 18,000,000, capital and surplus to come to Richmond as the parent bank 'than to require the banks of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina,, representing capital and surplus of $>48,800,000*

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis to have to go to Baltimore as the parent bank at a great inconvenience, to say nothing of the territory further south. A branch in Baltimore could better take care of the few banks in Maryland than branches of a Baltimore bank could take care of the many banks in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and the southern territory, where large amounts of currency are often needed, and needed quickly. As stated by Colonel Bruton when before you in Washington, it is important to have a sufficient amount of currency within easy reach of the tobacco, cotton and peanut sections of.North Carolina, and this may be said of South Carolina, and the more distant southern points. As shown by the time table filed with the Richmond Brief, currency wired for from Richmond in the evening can reach the greater portion of this territory by business hours the next morning.

Richmond, as stated by Mr. Norwood when before you in Washington, is practically one business day nearer the majority of this territory than Baltimore is.

Respectfully submitted



Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

March 17, 1914.

:'y dear lir. Secretary:

I have your not© of ISarch 14th# enclosing an additional

brief filed oa behalf of the iTorth Carolina Bankers Association

relative to the location of a Federal Reserve Bank at Bichraond,

which will he given careful consideration by the Committee#

Sincerely yoims*


The Honorable

r2he Secretary of the ITavy.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Richmond as rm location op a bedceral rksehvb bakk*

Additional Brief filed on behalf of the

North Carolina Bankers* Association.

By Geo* A. Holdemess, Pres*

When before the C o i r itta e in Washington on the Ijth of January, Mr* JT. W* Norwood, of Greenville, S. C*, and 3£r* R* O* Bhett j of Oti&rleston, S. 0* , stated that Maryland should also be added to the district outlined by the Richmond Committee* and frem further study of the question we are xobtiti. jdqbcc firm ly convinced that this should be done# And it is believed that this can be done without in any way interfering with the natural territory of any other district, since it appears to us that the North Atlantie States should be divided as follow s:

Maine, Hew Hampshire, Vermont, Maesachuse 11 s * Rhode Island, and the eastern part of Connsotioutt* with Boston a« the, reserve city;

Nt*w York, western Connecticutt, northern New Jersey, vrith New York as the reserve city;

Pennsylvania, southern Her; O'ersey, and Delaware, with Philadelphia as the reserve cit^r*

This leaves Maryland in the nature of a "floater* *

With the addition of Maryland, our d istrict would fcsabrooe the following states: Xforyland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, the eastern part of Eastern Tennessee, and the eastern part of Eastern Kentucky* This territory, with its diversified interests and banking capital, would be entirely independent and amply self-sustaining under not only nomaX conditions, but under almost any e&iditions*

Now, with this territory fixed itpon, the next question is which city within this territory could best serve the whole territory* On this point we respectfully submit that Richmond is unquestionably the city* Ninety-one per cent* of the banks in North Carolina, including a ll of the national, banks except six, have already expressed thenselves in favor of Richmond, and the banks so desiring Richmond r e p r e s e n t 89$ of the capital, surplus and profits of all of the banks

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis of North Carolina, and *$Sfj of their deposits* Of the said 9X$ o f the banks voting for Richmond, 375 of them are expressly foa? Richmond as first choice, and the balance of 69* leascfept ? for Baltimore} are equivilent to a. fir at oho ice a s they name Charlotte or blank t h e i r first choice*

Hot one of the Korth Carolina banks have expressed a f i r s t preference for Atlanta or Washington* and only three for Baltimore* South Carolina has expressed its preference for Richmond almost as strongly as Korth Carolina* and has given Atlanta only two first choice votes and Baltimore one*

The states of Virginia, Horth Carolina, and South Carolina, with national hanking capital and surplus of #48*800*000* are as unanimous for Richmond as the same number of institutions can he for any one thing#

Hi chmond, though not a reserve city, has been able to take c a r e o f its southern connections under past conditions, and Richmond1 s clearings for this district can be more fully seen by the fact that of the total deposit* 6f the national hanks of Richmond, (not a r e s e r v e c i t y ) 50/i of them are deposits from out of town hanks, whereas of the to tail deposits of the n a t i o n a l hanks of hashing ton* ( a r e s e r v e city) only 1 7% of them are from other banks, and of the total deposits o f the national hanks of Baltimore* (a reserve city) only 41$ of them are from other banks#

The above shows that Washington has done so little for this territory that this alone seems sufficient reason to eliminate Washington from this contest*

Atlanta must be eliminated because the trend of business being northward, it cannot make a territory for itself without taking in and doing violence to states north of it#

Of the banks in Maryland, B istrict of Columbia, Virginia* West Virginia* ITorth Carolina, and South Carolina* only o5>'9 have - accounts in the reserve city of Baltimore, (as shown b y Baltimore*s evidence, page 801) whereas 7 2 6 have accounts in Richmond as shown b y the list filed by the Hi chmond Committee#

We do not know what power a a brandh bank, w ill have, and therefore cannot say what w ill he the difference between the services given from the parent hank and the branch hank, hut as the term implies, a branch cannot be as large as the parent, and I think it is safe to assume that while the directors of^ a branch hank w ill pass on paper under certain restrictions, the branch w ill not issue currency or keep a great amount of currency on hand*

Baltimore and the territory surrounding it we submit could he more conveni

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The eapital m& surplus of the national banks of Virginia are,greater than those of llaxyland, and with North Carolina and South Carolina they esseeed that of Ifia^rland by erer #20,000*000* And of the total capital and surplus of the national hanks in Maryland, Baltimore City has a ll hut #8,000,000* ♦ Richmond would be a thoroughly convenient plao e for a bank to serve Baltimore, and it is certainly more reasonable to require th e tm banks of Maryland outside of Baltimore with only #8,000*000. capital and surplus to come to Richmond as the parent bank than - to require the banks of Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, representing capital and mrplus of #48*800*000* to hasre to go to Baltimore as the parent baric at a ^reat inconvenience, to say nothing of the territory further south. A branch In Baltimore -couId better take care of the tm banks in Maryland than branches of a Baltimore bank could take care of the felt banks in Maryland than branches of a Baltimore bank could take eare of the mmy banks in Virginia* North Carolina, South Carolina* and the southern territory* where large amoimts of currency are often needed, and needed quickly*

As stated by Colonel Bruton when before you in Washington, it is important to have a sufficient amount of currency within eaay reach of the tobacco, cotton and peanut sections of North Carolina, and this may be said,of South Carolina and the more distant sou them points* As shown by the time table filed with the Richmond Brief, currency wired for from Richmond in the evening can re^ch the greater portion of this territory by business hours the nest morning#

Richmond, as stated by Mr. Norwood vfhen before you in Washington* is practically one business day nearer the majority of this territory than Baltimore is*

Respectfully submitted*




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iv ‘m m i m w M


m a s m m


Amerio&n Tobaeoo Coaapaaiy, - telegra®,

■V C&rriactoa, T* M* t - otateoent,

Cn&mber of Cosanaro®, &reenYilie, Sontfe Carolina, resolutions,

Clearing House Association, Gre o***i lie, * resolutions,

Ccraaittee on ioaerr® Baak, - two files of letters, Q m list of myaes of firms and individuals Indorsing HichBOHd, 0 t . 6 * , Q m task postals, *T srvi A ^ V ; 4 » • * 7 i .

laqperi&l Xotaeto ooopaay, - latter

M et of persons on liclaaond i?’ 3 osen* &utic Jpeolal,

Postmaster - lette* relative to train sorviee, 1 0 *

Ucmth Boston, v: rgiala, fenslaees m b , - stataraent. 1 1 ,

Statistics of lUa&nond* liC 4

statistlas * miles of track: owned and operated 1a dif.orent 1 3 * states*

iobaooo Industry and its reliction to tim batiks of liehmoad, 1 4 .

Uj&Q Map skewing proposed district for mdsasoad, 1 6 ,

.Eag> showing proposed district for Riofaajond, Urn L vvt C4XWAMJL CUXXW& K a M w J i 7 I *r Digitized for FRASER C 73 A o A ^ R jJ a f m Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis erdcd rm h Unclassified the from Reproduced

POSTAL TELEGRAPH - COMMERCIAL CABLES Archives National the of Holdings DeclassifiedI CLARENCE H. MACKAY. Pr e s i d e n t . RECEIVED AT DELIVERY No. POSTAL TTELEGRAPH E fL E BUILDING 1345 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE WASHINGTON, D. C. TELEGRAM telephone: main eeoo The Postal Tetegraph-Cable Company (Incorporated)transmits and delivers this message subjcct to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank.




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RiehttO&d's i norease of population faro® 85*00© t o liO f0OO

in IS years* Its manufacturing increase is 71 per cant 1b tan

y e a r s , annual ©alas amounting to 1101,309,493. Its wholesale tra d e

increasing 7 3 per c e n t amounting to #78297,750. Increase b ro u g h t

abgnt by it s trade with the pro posed territory* Situated on James

B iv e r with 18 to 33 f e e t of water giving it f r e i g h t rates baaed on

water borno t r a ffic and tha aaiae ratao as if s i t u a t e d on the Atlantia

Coast. The laails to proposed territory eau r**ach 70 paflf eont of

the population within IS hours and 30 p e r c e n t of it in IS hours*

flsr capacity f o r conservative management is shown by n ot

having but ona small bank failu re in 35 years and no oom&ereiaJi

failures sufficiently large to a f f e c t general business. The agricul­

tural territory within the proposed territy has in c r e a s e d 100 p e r

cent Aft., the value o f its farm products without any increase in- the

number of acres tilled in the last t an y e a r s *

The fact outside of its tanking affiliations that the

banks of Richmond have many of the largest as wall as numerous s m a ll

&OCO ixDtsj of the corporations and business i n t e r e s t s in tha t e r r i t o r y

proposed t o b e served b y this Federal Reserve Bank* All ofw whioh

i s most respectfully s u b m itte d to prove most ©onclusivsly that

the trend of trade in -the territory p r o p o s e d has bten absolutely

bent towards Richmond and that any severance o f th ese connection#

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w i l l be very disasterous to the wuany large interct&ts in which Richmond and this torr itory ara bo UvtiMvt&ly associated. The iaanufactmring arid ./he 1 /nils. Iiouooa in Richmond have an array of 23£3 traveling mm who lor the moat part travel in th is

propcftsd district, shoeing most conclusively XXtfX&fSMI to

what extent thera is a mutuality of ae|^ncs and busineas there

io bstween this asntion of why country and tas c i ‘5y of Riahsaond.

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... 1[>|TXCEBS! ' EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: P r e s id e n t , EN V J. E. SlRRlNE. C hairma J. E. SlRRlNE J. T h o m a s A r n o l d F. F. B e a t t ie 1s t . V ic e P r e s id e n t , D. C. D u r h a m E l l is o n A. S m y t h G D. W . E b a u g h 2 n d . V ic e P r e s id e n t , SOUTH CAROLINA B. E. G eer H . J. H a y n s w o r t h H. J. H a y n s w o r t h A. L. M il l s T r e a s u r e r , c h . . T h o s . F. Pa r k e r A. L. M il l s El l is o n A. S m y t h S e c r e t a r y , HOF R o b t . I. W o o d s id e A l b e r t s . J o h n s t o n e RESOLUTIONS INDORSING RICHMOND AS A


GREENVILLE FACTS Passed by the Greenville Chamber of Commerce,

P o p u l a t i o n : 8 5 ,0 0 0 .

A l t i t u d e : Git/, 1,040 feet; Paris Moun­ Greenville, South Carolina, tain, 2,054 feet. . Mean annual tem­ perature: 59, lowest in the State.

Post O ffice Receipts, (exclusive of January 12, 1914. Money Orders): 1910. - - - $52,469.18 1911. - - - 59.filS.S7 1912. - - - 66 112.53 Whereas, the City of Richmond, Virginia, is

Public Schools: fi buildings, property worth $125,000: 51 teachers, 8 ,0 0 0 being considered by the United States Government as pupils.

C o l l e g e s : Furman University (Boys); Chicora College (Girls): Greenville a proper place for the location of a Federal Reserve* Female College (Girls); Draughon’s Business College; Perry’s Business College; Sacred Heart Academy. 4** Bank; and C h u r c h e s : White, 8 8 ; Negro, 14— 'To- tal47. 4 Y. M. C. A.and 1Y. W.C. A. buildings. Whereas, it is deemed a matter of vital W ater Supply: From mountain springs on Paris Mountain (piped about nine miles by gravity system to City). Daily consumption, 1,000,000 gallons; importance to the banking, manufacturing and daily capacity, 5,000,000 gallons. 81 miles of water mains. commercial interests of this State that South Carolina Paved Streets: 6 miles, 20 miles ce­ ment sidewalks. 28 miles sanitary sewers, 4 miles of storm sewers. When work now going on is com­ should be placed in a Federal Reserve District, the pleted Greenville will have 10 to 15 miles of paved streets, 82 to 85 miles of sanitary sewers, and 80 to 35 miles of cement sidewalks. Federal Reserve Bank of which, is located to the

E lectric Power: Saluda River Dam, 8,500 H. P. Local steam emergency station of the Southern Power Co., North of the State and near the money centers; and, 10.000 H. P. This Company has 110.000 H. P. actually developed in its whole system which extends through the Piedmont Carolinas, and Whereas, the City of Richmond, Virginia, has is developing more.

Cotton M ilis: Greenville is the cen­ ter of the Southern Textile Industry. always shown herself friendly to South Carolina in the Within 2 miles of Court House: 11 mills, $10,000,000 capital, over 600,000 spindles, 7,000 employees, annual pay roll of over $2,000,000. 48 mills matter of investments, her capitalists being familiar are controlled from Greenville.

Banks 9 banks in the City. Capital, - - - - $ 962,000 with conditions existing in this State; now, Surplus and Profits, - 600,000 Deposits, .... 4,000,000

Assessed Value of real estate in Citv Be it Resolved .by the Chamber of Commerce of for taxation purposes: $5,500,000. Actual value estimated at $80,000,000. Greenville, South Carolina, that we hereby indorse Railroads: Southern, Atlantic Coast Line, Greenville and Knoxville, Pied­ mont and Northern, Seaboard Air Line. Terminal or divisional head­ quarters for first four are located the City of Richmond as a location for a Rederal here.

Freight Receipts: Annually about $2,150,000. This is about the same as Reserve Bank and that we urge upon our Senators and Charlotte and about equal to that of Anderson and Spartanburg com­ bined. Increasing month by month over 1911 about 80 per cent. Representatives in Congress that they use every effort


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P r e s i d e n t , EN V J. E. SiRRINE. C hairm a n J. E. SiRRINE J. T h o m a s A r n o l d F. F. B ea ttie 1s t . V ic e P r e s id e n t , D. C. D u rh a m E l l is o n a. S myth Q> D. W . Eb a u g h 2 n d . V ic e P r e s id e n t , SOUTH CAROLINA B. E. G e e r H. J . H a y n s w o r t h H. J. H a y n s w o r t h A. L. M il l s T r e a s u r e r , T h o s . F. P a r k e r A. L. m i l l s El l is o n A. S myth S e c r e t a r y , OF Ro b t . I. W o o d s id e A l b e r t S . J o h n s t o n e 2 -

GREENVILLE FACTS Population: 85^000. to have South Carolina placed in a Federal A ltitu d e : City, 1,040 feet; Paris Moun­ tain, 2,054 feet. Mean annual tem­ perature: 59, lowest in the State. Reserve District, the Federal.Reserve Bank

Post Office Receipts, (exclusive of Money Orders): of which is located in the City of Richmond, 1910. - - - S52.469.18 1911. - - - 59.61S.87 1912. - - - 66 112.58 Virginia, Public Schoois: « buildings, property worth $125,000: 51 teachers, 3,000 pupils. Be it further Resolved that a copy of these C o lle g e s: Furman University (Boys); Chicora College (Girls): Greenville Female College (Girls); Draughon’s Business College; Perry’s Business Resolutions be forwarded to the Organization College; Sacred Heart Academy.

C h u rch es: White, 88; Negro, 14—To­ tal 47. 4Y.M.C. A.andlY. W.C. A. Committee, and that Ex-Governor Martin F. Ansel buildings.

WaterSupply: From mountain springs be appointed to represent this body and express on Paris Mountain (piped about nine miles by gravity system to City). Daily consumption, 1,000,000 gallons; daily capacity, 5,000,000 gallons. 81 its will to the Organization Committee, miles of water mains.

Paved Streets: 6 miles, 20 miles c e ­ ment sidewalks. 28 miles SAs&afy I hereby certify that the above sewers, 4 miles of storm sewets. When work now going on is com­ pleted Greenville will have 10 to is miles of paved streets, 82 to 85 miles Resolutions were passed at the meeting of sanitary sewers, and 80 to 85 miles of cement sidewalks.

Electric Power: Saluda River Dam, referred to. 8,500 H. P. Local steam emergency station of the Southern Power Co., 10.000 H. P. This Company has 110.000 H. P. actually developed in its whole system which extends through the Piedmont Carolinas, and GREENVILLE CHAMBER OF is developing more.

C otton Mius: Greenville is the cen­ ter of the Southern Textile Industry. Within 2 miles of Court House: 11 mills, $10,000,000 capital, over 600,000 spindles, 7,000 employees, annual pay roll of over $2,000,000. 48 mills are controlled from Greenville.

Banks 9 banks in the City. Capital, - - - - $ 962,000 Surplus and Profits, - 600,000 Deposits, - - - - 4,000,000

Assessed Value of real estate in Citv for taxation purposes: $5,500,000. Actual value estimated at $80,000,000.

Railroads: Southern, Atlantic Coast Line, Greenville and Knoxville, Pied­ mont and Northern, Seaboard Air Line. Terminal or divisional head­ quarters for first four are located here.

Freight Receipts: Annually about $2,150,000. This is about the same as Charlotte and about equal to that of Anderson and Spartanburg com­ bined. Increasing month by month over 1911 about 80 per cent.


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Whereas through many years of large and mutual­ ly profitable dealings pleasant and satisfactory business relations have become established, between the banks and manufacturers of this section and the banks of Richmond, Va. and Whereas, a number of our banks will, at an early date, make application for membership in the federal reserve association, and Whereas, we believe that it is to the best interests of the new system and to our section that a federal reserve bank serving our territory should be located in the city which has done more than any other city in the South toward the development of this section: Therefore, be it resolved: First, That the members of the Greenville Blear­ ing House Association hereby strongly urge the organization co innit tee to locate the federal reserve bank which will serve this section at Richmond, Va* Second, That we join with the Greenville Chamber of Commerce in sending Ex*Governor Martin F.Ansel and Mr. J.I.Norwood as our representatives, to voice our wishes at the hearing which will take place on January 15th in Washington, in urging the reserve bank organisation committee to locate one of the federal reserve banks in the city of Richmond. Third, That copies of these resolutions be mailed to the members of the reserve bank organization committee and to the Congressmen and Senators from this State and from North Carolina.

We hereby certify that the above is a true and correct copy of tesolutions passed at a meeting of the Greenville Clearing House Association held Jan. 13, 1914


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L.i No. 6 , (cf*c

^Cc^rv~^ic^ f


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G e n tle m e n :

In answer to your enquiry as to why my Company,

The Imperial Tobacco Company {of (Jreat Britain & Ireland)

Limited, selected Richmond as a base for directing its to­

bacco business in the TTnited States, you are aware that the

Company9 e business in the States is solely that of purchas­

ing raw material. Vs buy tobacco on all the markets, or,

at least, ftllef the principal markets in Virginia, Horth

Carolina and South Carolina, and in Kentucky and Tennessee.

We also buy some tobacco in Baltimore which is grown in

Ohio, and also some cigar leaf grown in Wisconsin, Pennsyl­

vania and Connecticut*

Richmond is the most centrally located eity, hav­

ing large banking and railroad facilities, In the tobaceo

sections in which we operate* It is the most convenient

point from which to issue orders for buying tobacco to the

various markets, and also for the issuance of Instructions

to our various factories scattered throughout the tobacco

districts. Being located in Ricnmond, we can, with the

least loss of time from our office, visit ail of the leading

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T he Im p e r ia l T o b a c c o C o ., Lt d . page___ 2 ______Date 1 ~_1 3 - 1 4 RICHMOND, VA., U. S. A.

To______Chamber o f Commerce

tobacco markets. The train service leading out of Richmond

is such that I can leave my office in the evening and visit

any tobacco market in Virginia, North or South Carolina, Bal­

timore, Lexington or Louisville, the i ollowing day. The

Yirginia North and South Carolina markets can be thus v isit­

ed in a day, and by returning to Richmond by night train, I

can accomplish my purpose without the loss of more than one

day from my office. consider this to be a very great ad­

vantage, and it was one of the reasons which influenced my

Company to locate in Richmond.

However, the great and prime factor in determin­

ing us to locate in Richmond was the ample and convenient

banking facilities. While we do not borrow from the local

Banks, our foreign b ills of exchange are drawn through thtte

Banks, and our system of distributing money from Richmond

Banks to the local markets whereon we buy tobacco is so fa cil­

itated by the Richmond Bank connections that our business is

prosecuted with the utmost safety and dispatch and with the

least expense.

You are aware that the volume of our Company1 s

business each year is quite large, necessitating a large

amount of capital to care ior same, all of wnich passes

through the Richmond Banks, including that portion of our

business which is done in Kentucky and Tennessee, which is

very considerable in itself.

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T h e Im p e r ia l T o b a c c o C o ., Lt d . Page 3 ______Date 1 - 1 3 * 1 4


To Chamber of Comoro#

The mail service from Hiehmond to the main tobacco

markets on wfiieh we operate is most satisfactory; the prin­

cipal markets being reached by one of the several trunk rail*

way lines running into and out of Richmond.

The freight rates into Richmond from the various

tobacco sarkets are also very favorable, and when once the

totecco is warehoused in Richmond, the rates to the Atlantic

seaports are much lower than from any of the inland tobacco

m a r k e ts .

The foregoing answers your questions as to why we

selected Richmond »s the base for our operations, and I may

add that we have never had reason to regret this selection.

Tours faithfully,

T he Im p e r ia l T obacco Co m p a n y , ( o - g h e a t b r it a ix _a k r L i m i t e d ,

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MigMMi jrndftral By Till 8««Qiel mu nszsjtrgif i ■■MM Jin., ■ tf?T iTirgafc

HMmt T itle

I 1 fttngg V* Keuea of &elaf||ea

©. a. K«|Hi f*reaid ant United o m e n lil T ittM lin

C Hording falker itenfeaT Vtt SnWHWIS#

6 I Oarnatt Altenty.

r i* MCtrntU Bunker President Uaneheatar National Bank

fteajaain i* &mm Jr Jieeretary Oeveraar «f Va,

liik tp 9 J a, CwiMU Biaheji Highnid Dietee

lien Mte Hedges Hen Gevemer «f U rfls ia

J&nee F Phillip* fhysioian

Hra Manry C &t*»rt o«f«rMr H m $ ef Virgin!*

Ke* XM r N Gel lab Habki ef ftiehiaend

Hen tieorg# i i a i l i t Meyer ef city ef Mah-and

Oee a. Kelderneee i#r* aidant of Nerth Orel in* Banker* Asaecietien

C c Jftaykedel# utnte Hank Kxeainer Va.

Longhorns Putney J’reeicient ntphtm ! utney fche# Ce.

Jtaoea P fiiewyer delegate rep raae* ting ae*»->ittee H C Dankars Association

@#e V &« Denial Faster first «ptist whuroh Kieinaead

« t Shepherd ;*ee*etary Treasurer Herwoid Urea wholesale > aint# and ^Ua f dinrlna Hutslaf President Central national iaak Kiohnond

Henry 1 litttaler ireeident Hanry i Hut tie r and Oe Sankara

A 1 Petteraen Lawyer Kichaend

J a muter ttoaber Hettue uelegptes fa.

B ill Montague

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M l

t % kilrUsd Hmtm ©f Virginia d«

A T tlneoln d*

w * Ainrh»rt do C D*nk«r)

a t PmMldcnt Uhur«h Hill ftwiJt

fk&m» B %m%%

Hithard H Jfedttl /ion } re»ia«ai-0 *»hi«r I lantern i«tion*l ,H*nk Kicuwmd

& H AduM r#Mid*nt B m r d 9t Alderae** City ot Hlebmmd

Cfe«trl*» % t«lth «f &*Atii«4lllX Ot Broker*.

Begby l‘r aidant ridality Hank

«f II Nafeiatoft r««id*nt 0 1 o Uominiwi Tru*t Ca* uicJwmd

0 » K*in«r C«onl»alonnr of Agricultura Va. ,

§ H t i v m m m kR«* ,nr Tr*Tl u«partn

I* J Jaffa Hiaff C9 r m * p m u n ® % Tiara

a I, ‘-etar* ^r**4 $mt city McftMMd

werran p T**ylor fraffie Kanatfur Ki.cJuoond fr^arlekeburg ««d ]r&t»*»G K R

Judga 0 «# L Oiri*ii«n . Atto .'nmy

Gtk*rl&« *■ ttolling City i£ttgi»#er Hichawid

AlvUi U S m i t h rraaidcnt ’)u»inaae m m m Club- , r aidant £»dth O w r t w y G**

feiltaa »■ ratio ant ^patina# Ca

fredk I N»Ui«*. rra*i

m r m m H *llliaat Pr«*i«ii*ai Kir&t *&t anal l>*nk &f City !*„

Ui>a J &a«y ftankar Hloh»o«ia f«

Ja»## A Oray Jr ttaohavifi unking and Trout £• i*4 fi#iois ^*1 «■»» 8 C

iitnry T tt'otr* Ji/«otar Church Mil Honk Kichwond

$- T «*r£»n r*idaat Virgin * Q&mlim ^ e»io»l Ca Kichwond f*

Jah* & r y m m Miior and . ubl iahar I M S Lkau tt Kitthaond

.and fthtimui ii#«.ru Dirac tar* T i | i « « ^ l p n t o h

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


V 0 **lo Hanoger Jo»t«m Union T«Ugnph Co. HXtikemmd Vft, .

Jno a 2»il«| trooidont h B Ohafi* do

it ytiimr Oordon Asst Caohinr rlwitrro Mitioml tionfc,

John T Hlftttt Prooidniit ;*ottk Oan»eree and Twit Mehnond

A 1 Oovor of Gov«r tmd & i t l i Menl tototo

j) h ilcadtlpli Kistasoitd Poet TtrvU h Aim,

v a Blank* uonat* fVa,

Jno % Saiiaaer* ¥a t*rooiaont Hank of Middle***,

E £ Thornton V* i-onato

4 C Harnna* ¥a oenet*

H C L fconcuro Virginia Donato

r A &*undoro Frooidn«i H A ftoundoro t>o«* Co Jobbers and taportoro

H W ftonntroo Via* Hrooidnt American Hati enal Bonk Mishi&oad

C H Wobor Diviiioa onager Oh***p*akt' nad P#t«*o« ?«l«p)ionc y#

M & Willie preeidont Fr n»ero and Merohmtto fctato Bank Kredarickeburg Vo


I i; Grady Train *»ator i* F « I*

& T A Keat Bouto of Dolegatao fa.

a P Moody lilin o ie Q m m v r *M tfcn* Association kicha&na fa

Horbort W Jaekaon : rooid«#rt Yirgi i* Truat Oo Hlolttead

J 6 I n if f iU , Prooidont i’laittero 3ank, nooky Mount W 0

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RICHMOND, VIRGINIA January 13, 1914#

E o n . H* Um S m ith , Attorney at Lawt Richmond* Virginia.

My d e a r S i r :

Referring to conversation had with you this morning in reference to the arrival of trains from the South* and the handling of bank mail in connection therewith, I have the honor to advise that between 5 A. M# and 2^P* M* we have eight trains arriving in this city from the South* Three of these trains come over the Atlantic Coast Line, three over the Southern and two over the Seaboard* These trains bring a great volume of mail and six of them arrive before 11 A* M.# It would appear that three of these trains would arrive too late for banking business in Washington and two of the trains do not go beyond Rich­ mond* The mail from these two trains is brought to the post office, properly mad© up and dispatched to the Seaboard train leaving here at 5;15 P* M* These trains bring mail from every section of the South* and arriving in Richmond about three hours ahead of the time when the trains are due in Washington, would in my judgment put Richmond in a better position than Washing* ton for handling mail for banking purposes*

Very respectfully,

E A jr~P *

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To The H o n o ra b le Wo# G. M cAdoo,

Chairman of Reserve Bank Organization Committee,

Washington, D, C.

D ea r S i r : -

Ve are aware of the reasons assigned for locating a

F e d e r a l Reserve Bank in Richmond, Virginia, and heartily

endorse the same and concur therein, "believing that it is

manifestly to the interest of the South-Atlantic States and

of the States adjacent thereto, that a Reserve Bank should

be accessibly located and under the control of those necessarily

in sympathy with the interests and conditions of the territory

to be served: Therefore the under-signed persons, firms and

corporations, located in Halifax County, Virginia, earnestly

beg that Richmond, Virginia, may be selected for the location

of the Regional Reserve Bank.

In the County of Halifax is located the town of South

Boston, the second largest loose leaf bright tobacco market in

the world, and two other towns whlfcfe are also tobacco markets

of consequence. Said County is one of the richest and most

progressive in Virginia, its interests being largely agricultural,

and it has nine prosperous banks, which are vitally interested

in the location of the Reserve Bank.


Mass Meeting of South Boston Business Men,

By Henry Easley, Chairman,

By J • 2). Ivans, Secretary,

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis T. B. Johnson, President Business Association.

South Boston Tobacco Board of Trade.

$• W. Willingham, Pres# J, 33. Brans, Secretary.

South Boston Retail Merchants Association,

By S. F. Gilliland, President.

Board of Supervisors of Halifax County,

By f , H. Edmunds, Chairman.

Bank of South Boston,

John C. Lawson, Cashier.

R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.,

flU.M. Glenn, Mgr*, South Boston LeafDept.

Boston National Bank,

T. C. Watkins, Jr. Cashier.

P la n t e r s & Merchants national Bank,

R. S. Jordan, Cashier.

People*s Bank, Houston, Va*

T. B. Johnson, President*

The American Tobacco Co.,

By C. 15. Hoell, Mgr., South Boston, Va.

Stebbins, Lawson & Spragins Co.,

By Coles Spragins, Secretary.

Barbour Buggy Co.,

By J. 0. Watkins, Secretary

First national Bank,

By J. D. Tucker, Cashier.

W. T. Reeves & Co.,

By W. T . B e e v e s .

W. T. L ea A C o .,

By W. T. Lea, President.

Edmondson Tobacco C o.,

P. R. Edmondson, President.

Barbour Wilborn Hardware Co.,

J. B. Wilborn, Secretary.

A. H. Vaughan, Mayor, Town of South Boston.

A. H. Vaughan Meat Co.,

W. 35. Terry.

C. W. Walters Tobacco Co., Inc.,

By C. W. Walters, President. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings ofthe National Archives

Slate Seed Co.,

By W-. C. Slate, ' en. M g r .,

A. !{. Vaughan Co^l Co. ,

By A. !!. Vaughan Mgr.

C opy.

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Automobiles,bicycles,locks and gunsmiths------36 180 $ 91,860 t 792 130 Bake*s,Confectioners, 209 447 436,007 1 ,409 276 Chewing gum Beer bottling, liquors, mineral waters, 10077777- 27 346 981,210 2 ,997 200 Blacksmithing and wheel- wrighting. 53 311 342,100 951 117 Boots and shoes, manufact- uring and repairing, 163 1,432 820*005 4 ,502 120 Boxes, barrels, paper, twine bags, , 31 1,947 960,250 4 ,573 800 Bricks, granite, tile, marble, stone, 34 1,223 790,100 2 ,856 450 Carpentering, contractors, builders plastering, 147 1,621 1,105,000 4 ,501 160 Carriages, wagons, cart s, 33 297 325,150 652 225 Clothing, men's merchant tailors, shirts, 76 395 387,200 937 250 Clothing, women1s dress­ making, m illinery, 175 341 281,210 677 150 Dairy products, pickles, vinegar, 24 159 247,250 659 900 Dyeing and Cleaning, 59 91 35,150 78 650 Drugs, medicine, perfumery, 87 310 770,100 2 ,990 750 Electrical, typewriters, wiremakers, 35 415 235,050 1 ,10 0 250 Fertilizers, chemicals, cement, lime, grease, t a l ­ low, roofing, florists, 37 657 5,490*000 9 ,980 100 Flour cornmeal, yeast pow­ ders, flavorings, blueing, 15 378 695,750 7 ,325 150 foundry, machine shops, agrl- /ultural implements, 38 6,190 6,615,200 10 ,860 210 Furniture, mattresses, up­ holstery, picture frames, -'wnings, cabinetmakers, 60 387 380,000 875 100 ^ewelers, hair works, photography, 45 352 376,150 871 000 ^umber, sash,doors, blinds, 23 1,625 550,000 2 ,785 250 Packers, curers, butchers 130 590 601,000 3 ,500 225 Painters, varnish, paper- hanging, mica, 59 159 48,000 415, 250 Plumbing, gas, steam f i t ­ ting, tin, coppersmith, sheet iron, 174 430 375,100 2 ,575, 150 Printing and publishing, book,job, bookbinding, blank books, lithography, engraving 63 1,628 2,975,000 4 ,450, 000

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Saddlery,harness,hides, l e a t h e r , ------23 451 638,100 2,509,140 Tohac oo,cigars, cigarettes,cheroots,— 33 4,985 2,985,000 6,975,000 Toha oop, sm o k in g , chewing,reprising,------17 3,975 3,998,000 15,950,000 Woodenware,willowware, trunks, hrooms,brushes, 14 1.255 2.461.000 2.450.000 1,919 32,577 $36,004,9^2 #101,209,493

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Groceries,confectioneries, liquors,cigars,and tobacco,?-. $3,275,000 $21,100,000 Provisions,------— 1,998,000 14,600,100 Boots and shoes,------1,700,000 8,055,450 Dry goods and notions, 1,330,000 5,350,000 Coal,wood,hay,seeds,nursery— 978,000 5,150,700 Drugs,licorice,flavorings,--- 655,000 3,100,000 Hardware,agricultural implements------575,000 3,000,250 Railway,mi 1 1 ,plumbing supplies 566,000 4,115,000 Hats,caps,clothing,millinery, straw goods,------368,000 1,925,000 Sewing machines,typewriters, electrical,bicycles,automobiles, sporting and rubber goods---- 395,000 2,975,000 Oils, paint,varnish,glass---- 338,300 1,850,000 Leather,hides,saddlery,tanbark, 280,000 2,000,100* Stoves,tin,china,earthenware, 310,000 1,465,000 Books,stationery,papers,----- 337,000 1,650,000 Furniture,carpets,upholstery- 180,000 985,250 P i ano s,organs,mus i cal instruments---- 350,000 975,800 Totals...... #13,635,306 $7e,29^','7ei0

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Population, 132,045 129,291 2.13 93,239 38.64 Taxable Values, 148,768,790 144,226,063 3.15 71,§81,855 101.48 Telephones, 16,165 14,504 11.45 2,£83 535.30 Street Railways, Miles 127.58-100 Street Railways Passengers, 55,925,442 51,324,848 8.22 Postv -Office R e ­ ceipts, 798,821 733,077 8.97 295,347 148.17 Building Opera­ tions, 6,255,711 6f018,699 3.94


Number Industries 1,919 1,871 2.57 1,369 36.67 Capital Employed 36,004,942 35,354,595 1.84 23,969,613 47.50 Number Hands Employed-...... - 32,577 ' 32,326 0.78 27,975 15.55 Annual Sales 101,209,493 95,707,640 5.75 55,958,105 71.02


Capital in Business----- 13,635,300 13,481,550 1.73 10,285,000 31.08 Annual Sales™ 78,297,760 74,458,950 5.16 41,373,000 79.97


Bank Clearings— 429,787,122 392,574,301 9.48 198,091,536 98.11 -Sank Deposits™ 47,581,800 45,858,400 3.75 20,021,740 128.90 >ank Loans and Discounts— - 47,875,100 42,919,500 11.55 18,621,954 130.47 Bank Capitol and Surplus----- 14,842,100 13,678,200 8.55 8 ,579,359 59.42

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Value of Products of 1900 1912 f In 12 Yrs.

Manuf a c t ure r s |l32,173,000 £264,000,000 100. Farms 86,549,000 157,340,000 82.

Forest© 20,228,000 '44,300,000 12 .

Mines 5,659,000 17,000,000 200.

Total Production $244,609,000 #482,600,000 97.

Value of

Farm Lands & Bldgs. 1271,578,200 £530,918,000 95.


Value of Products of 1900 1912 % in 12 Yrs.

Manufacturers # 74,838,000 #195,000,000 161.

Farms 44,769,000 99,328,000 1 2 1 . Forests 17,600,000 39,979,000 127.

Mines 47,055,000 106,000,000 125.

Total Production $184,262,900 #440,307,000 139.

Value of

Farm Lands & Bldge. #168,595,670 #S60,438,000 “>6 .

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


Value of Products of 19 00 1912 $ in 12 Yrs.

Manufacturers $ 94,920,000 $260,000,000 172.

Farms 89,310,000 188,901,000 1 1 2 .

Po rests 24,771,000 49,745,000 10 1.

Mines 1,459,000 2,600,000 78.

Total Production f210,460,000 #501j246,000 158.

Va^ue of

Faria Lands & B l d g e . 1194,655,920 #455,715,000 154.

...... Bli lIM ......


Value of Products of 1900 1912 f in 12 Yrs.

k&nuf act ure rs $ 58,749,000 $156*000,000 151.

Farms 68,267,000 165,791,000 145.

Forests 8,678,000 27,789,000 220.

Mines 2,451,000 1,900,000 22.

Total Production 1158,145,000 1351,480,000 140.

Value of

Farm Lands & Bldge. $126,761,550 #331,853,000 83.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


Valu© of Product® of 1900 1912 % In IS Yrs.

Manufacturers #106,655,000 $245,000,000 129.

Farms 104,304,000 269,220,000 158.

Forests 22,841,000 35,632,000 56.

Mines 3,448,000 6,000{000 74.

Total Production $237,248,000 $555,852,000 160,

Value of Fans: Lands & Bldge. $183,370,180 $477,603,000 180.


Value of Products of 1900 1912 fc in 12 Yrs.

Manufacturers $ 36,810,000 | 90,000,000 144.

Farms 18.309.000 43.659.000 138.

Forests 18.080.000 34.027.000 88. Mines 2,327,000 11,000,000 394.

Total Production $ 75,52,6,000 #178,686,000 143.

Value of

Farm Lands & Bldgs $ 40,799,838 $117,623,000 188.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


Value of Products 1900 1919 ^ I n c . 12

V irginia t 344,609,000 # 482,800,000 97,

West Virginia 104,069,000 440,307,000 139,

North Carolina 810,460,000 501,946,000 138

South Carolina 138,145,000 331,480,000 140

Georgia S3?,348,000 *53,852,000 160

Florida 75,526,000 178,686,000 143 4m mm mm tit# Ml •»?** Total Production #1,090#850,000 #2,490,171,000 128

Value of

Farm Lands & Bldgs. 1900 1912 fc Inc. 12 Yrs.

Virginia * 271,578,200 # 530,918,000 95 West Virginia 168,595,670 262,458,000 50

Horth Carolina 194,055,920 455,715,000 134

South Carolina 126,701,530 331,833,000 83

Georgia 183,370,120 477,603,000 160

Florida 40*799,838 117,023,000 188

Total Value Farm

Lands & Bldg. # 985,461,278 #2,176,150,060 121

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives



VIRGINIA 141 162.3 905

NORTH CAROLINA 1035 600 1467

SOUTH CAROLINA 914 420.8 1128

GEORGIA 718 735.1 1055

FLORIDA 1562 953 42

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


Tobacco since colonial days has been the chief of the diversified

vterests of Richmond, and Richmond is today* and always will b e , the JLef tobacco centre of the United States* It has been largely instru­

mental in building up the enormous banking capital which Richmond now has| and this banking capital, which is rapidly increasing, enable* Richmond each year to increase its ‘business as a tobacco oentrt.* due to the fact that it is within practically 10 to 15 hours of all important tobacco markets* The following figures will explain and demonstrate this more clearly than anything that I could says pound* Average Total Value South Carolina 37,300,000 14/ j S,2M.OOO.O» The Tobacco Horth Carolina 170* 000,000 19^ 32,300, 000.00 Crop Virginia North and Virginias 'outh Carolina. Brights 106.900.000 17/ 18,020,000.00 Darks 60, 000,000 7*1/ 2/ 4. 500.000.00 Grand Total 373.500.000 180,070,000.00

The railroads report that from Sept. 1, 1912, to Sept. 1, 1913, they actually hauled to Richmond 144,347,000 Total pounds ..pounds of leaf tobacco j add to this that portion of the of tobacco Actually crop which was hauled to Richmond in wagons, as ascer­ Brought to "ciaaond# tained from our warehouses here*. 0,441,000 pounds, we have a total of 150,788,000 pounds, or 40^ of the total crop raised in North and South Carolina and Virginia as coming directly to Richmond for rehandling and manufacturing# This does not take in the immense volume of tobaoo# that is bought by the large companies and handlers of

,-v v- . ' leaf tobacco here which is redried in their branch**' in North and south Carolina, Virginia and Kentucky, and" which is shipped direot from these points to the seaboard

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


towns for asportation* ani whieh. ia finamad through our

Riofaaoxad hank®.

Of tha abore ©antionad 180t7aat000 pounds of ta b a o a o

fu ita an amount of this coma© frm Kmtueky and w @ at

Virginia, but with tha lim itad tlna in. gattin^ thana

figura* I haw b#an tumble to gat apprextnfctaly tha amount

Tha Clearing trouaa Malta af Hiahsaond import that thay

atxppliad tha tobaaoo trad® of *&

M etm y and , tha m rioue tobacco zmftsata, and paid out in Ki«ftaaa»A in laeOhkriga Suppliad hy 1911 tha anomou® mm of $ty,W 6tOOO«O0, or of tha Banlea to Mova Tobacco total value of tha crop in north and South Oaralina and in in & * Virginia* A ll of thla amount* howavar, na# not uaad for

tha arap in thia tarriiory* as

waa aant to Kantuaky and toot Virginia.

I think tha above fi&uraa dar«aaatnata in otron&ar

tama than I aould axpraaa what tha hanking intaraist of

Rictaand staana to tha tohaoao trad# of Virginia, Forth,

and. South Caroliim* and ineidantalXy to Kaittuaky and

waat V irginia.

Tha Im perial Tohaaea Co«* of Britain and Ireland

lm adiataiy aft or thair organisation ©ant a o«w lttaa

to tha Uni tad fctataa* who aanaidaradl law Tone, tialtiiaara9

Bidhmond* awl ©no or two p o in t® in tha isaat bafora

daaidlng an tha point at itiioti it would h a m oat

T o r a ig n adtantagaaua for t h r o t o loaata haad<&aart*rs, Thay C om p en iee An&' la m i located h a r o 9 aii Ritihnand ia tha aantre of a l l of t h a i r Carparatiana V h aaa aparationa* Thay huy tohaoao in ovary tateaaa producing Haadiguartara a r a Richmond.* Stmta* and. it i a all fin & n a a d through mr Richmond b a n k a ,

a n d 1 attach harato tha fallawing lattar fro» tha.

iianaging diraatar of thia company whidi. aaqplaina thair

Digitized for FRASER reason for l o c a t i n g in Richmond* Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


The 'Export fobaooo co* and the

Tob&ooa 00, r e c e n t l y formed fr o © the dissolution of the

inerioan Tobacco C#«v and probably the lar&aftt handler*

o f l« « f to b a c c o In. tho tfnltad State®, m m built anemone

p l a n t e in Richmond, and imm hoadouartora here, and the

following letter oaplaiiss their reaoosi*

Tho OaOltthtr €£o#i X r i « l t * d f of Ireland, the largest

foreign Independent mamtffcetureri buying tobacco i n

Virginia, north Carolina and icontyoky, ha* headquarter*

i i i a plant located in Eictaaond*

tho Austrian Gowermont ha® it s chief buyer located

in Richmond.

the I t a l i a n Aimt bwyer 1 * locate# a t

Virginia, bat handle* hit bn^inee# through ottr

Hicbaoncl banks*

the Spanish Cloterwent does it# principal b**®i»e«*

through one of m r M#i»e**d rehandlers of lo a f, *hc is

located, mi, has largo factories end warehouses ir tietmond*

fho itaericait Tobacco 00, 9 «tille having their main office In York 1 have block after bXocic of bttildin^s in HioihwoxxAi I t la practically their *>0ad quarters for tho

handling of leaf,. and thoy aleo hairo largo manufacturing

planta here*

fho ?»lggett & 2Qr*r* Tobacco Co*, of St* Tidal** have

loos tad here tho largest cigarette laanxif&cturing plant

in tho United states, and h e m recently mad© Richmond one

of their three dietfllvating point* in the United States#

EiOhmond iaamfROturea more cigarettes turn any city

in tho United. States, and also is a largo manufacturer

of ohesrinfc and poking tobacco, end ha* one of the lament

cigar f&eterics in m® United State** Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


A ll of IfrQm m'miwmim con#id«r Hidhraond to be fch#

laoet aooao<ol6 point f roe vJLeh to operate, Ming praeti*

eaXXy within to la houro o f a l l th@ imrOhasinf? tob&eoo

market a, raid a ll of th * praetieally finance the handling

of the tobacco crop through our Biclm&nd batiks* In

addition to tM®, m have numerous rahanfiler© o f l o a f

tobacco i#io have larga plants here, tobacco In all

sections, and handling it hero in Tliehimmd#

The total eolieetione cf internal revenue from tob&ece

in it© various fo»e ftor t&e ^ 191$ $?6t?a9,424*?St

Internal and of thiss total /'15,75X,?99.7& *me collected .from. the Revenue tax On ?ohac<30* 4 til and Sth T'iatricts o f rorth Carolina &nd the £d and

6th ftistricta of Virginia, or na^ 8G;£ tf the t o t a l

collections ffithin a r&diue o f & hour® frmn ic'tn on d ,

fh© lar^a mnu^otaring tobacco interest in Richmond

enable® the ’hank© to have an eve*T day, ;/®ar in and year

out, bu&it oo* »itk the tobacco trade, and ivh 11© tha

business is naturally* larger when *vr crop begins to

nove, this necessarily covers a longer period than is

usual in moving an;? other crop* fhe South Carolina

crop comoneee to move in the latter part of

followed by tj*n * r*.etern Carolina crop.* ana. Old Belt

of Virginia an*: Carolina, end last the daift crop in

Virginia, c^vorinc a parlor5 of p ractically coven months*

vdiile tfc© hr inecm of tmmfaetitrinr: continues 1 ** year


Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis HAP SHOWING TIMEDY^A\LROA 0


i.!C L i On ClAKkK & HR A I / 1" C 1 V ' ! f N

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis C h ^ t s h o w i n g g ^ c n t t h o f R i c h m o n d B a n k a s .

'Sv/r*=f*~£6 (s^s U * O t V f £>£~D TOTAL- C 4 F Y 7 X L /^sroryrs fe3i>7eOOQ ♦ 1 6 , ^ 6 , 0 0 0

'6.S60.O 00

1 9,5^t,OQo



2 ^ , 3 * 7 ) 0 0 0 eQ, 33^6^000 3^60^000 ■258.3^7.00 0 r ^ 2 ? o o o ^•2^7^,000 ^ W i p o o -K,60«(q o o

£/>!/* i OOP S-'1^99)ooo

5 7 , 3 5 5 . o o o SSi^ €9,599,000 ^©rr^ooo

B o lto n , C\qixHe A fV « t t » ' n o CivU Cn^r&, F^. \ cK»r\on^, V/os.*

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis mmmrnrn

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis u *

..^Oa,n&Ata> T v v # * °— A r 0 n\

o £0UjMBl>5

O '

/J^jtHfa/, (§,■ <§k Juu


Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis •;* »• 'i#


+ KM* +X *

o oo *o ^ ».8Sji 4 > « « { _ o O o L* ° ° * 4 ? > » z i v •• ^ V . c _f • • •• <£


F i i ? s t C hoice I n d ic a t e d T h u s •

S e c o n d C hoice »* »' * T h ir d C h o i c e 1' 11

0OLTOW tftv'lt. CJ.ARKC £*

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF RICHMOND WITH RESPECT TO CENTER or PRODUCTION (fa rm , m in in g & nianufactukih in r e g io n o u t l i n e d

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis s ' i ...

••• • * : i i \ . • „ / * • < v m V i€ V

ftU A m £ R O F J & T A T £ S e r n e s &MS a c c t s M u y j b j & / D r s r 0/ £ a /. V /r q j n i a W /1//*yiax7 K a q t i Z t J y Isjja fissee

S.Catv/iJia J jf c b t t m a

F /e r u t o



£?*•*■* 80LTC& arj-t- di-/4RKE EffomcsKS a P MT T 1)*C JKiCtfMOHD VA

\ L.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 0

BCLTot* Q Lahke* PKA t t I n c . Ciwl B m tH een» RICHMOND, V/1-

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R e s e r v e B a n k O rganization C o m m it t e e .

February Ifth* 1914*

M y d#ar Georga:

I h&va your latter ef fahruar*

16th enclosing an addition* list, viich

I shall havj olucad with the aftfiibita

ha ra to fora forwarded«

Siaoaraly youra,

Itr* George C» Sregory* Ex* S « c y * # Committo on locating FadaraJt fteatjrro Bank Ri chaiond, Virginia*

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Joint Committee. PHONE! MADISON, §280

Joh n B . P u r c e l l , Chairm an G e o . C. G r e g o r y , Secretary Committee on Locating Executive Committee. C. P. W alford, Jr., Treasurer O l iv e r J. Sa n d s , Chairm an From City of Richmond: E. L . B em iss W. H. Adams Federal Reserve Bank E d m u n d Str u d w ic k R. Lee Peters Joh n L a n d str e e t From Banks: B. H . R and olph O liver J. Sands in Richmond J. K ejir B r an ch J. K err Branch R . L e e P e te r s Jas. N. Boyd C l ar en c e C olem an B. L. Bemiss A m e r ic a n N a t io n a l B a n k B u i l d i n g J. B. Purcell From Chamber of Commerce: E. C. Laird Edmund Strudwick S. Dabney Crenshaw Richmond, Va. Feb. 1 6 , 1914. From Business Men’s Club: Joh n L a n d str e e t D . G . W h ite h e a d r .> > .^ • From Travelers Protective Association: i o i Clarence Coleman B. H. Randolph From United Commercial Travelers: W. T. Shepherd 0 . C. H ope From Retail Merchants Association: 1. H . K au fm a n W . S. R ho ad s

M. C. Elliott, Esq., Secretary, Federal Reserve'Bank Organization Committee,

Washington, B. Cm Bear Milton: I enclose herewith a list which I omitted to send in the last shipment of exhibits. Please have this filed with the list of banks carrying accounts in Richmond previously sent you. . > \ .

Sincerely yours,



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i n Ri c h m o n d *

Continuation of List Previously Filed*

Town Name of Bank* No.Accounts Carried* Baltimore; Citizens National Bank, ff Commonwealth Bank, w Drovers & Mechanics Bank, ft First National Bank, M German American Bank, tt German Bank, ff Mary 1 an d Nat i onal B ank, tt Merchants-Mechanics National Bank, tt National Bank of Baltimore, it National Bank of Commerce,- N National City Bank, tt national Exchange Bank, It Old Town National Bank, ft State Bank of Maryland* ff Continental Trust Co*,. ft Equitable Mortgage & Trust Co., tt 3?idelit3'’ Trust Co*, It

Second National Bank, HWWIOHHHHroW^VNHH WVJl

DISTRICT OP COLUMBIA* Washington, American National Bank, " ~ Commercial National Bank, " District National Bank, „ * National Metropolitan Bank, n Rig^s National Bank, " Continental Trust Co*, w United States Trust C q *,

" Washington Loan & Trust-Co., pH H H f-j H

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives





Abingdon F ir s t N ational Bank, 4 . ft Peoples Natiohal Bank* 1 . Alexandria Alexandria National Bank. 1 . t» Citizens National Bank* 2. M First National Bank. 2. It Burke & Herbert 1 . Amelia Fanners & Mehta.Bank 1 . Amherst Bank of Amherst* 2. H Fanners Bank of Amherst* 1 . Appalachia F ir s t N ational Bank 3. Peoples Bank. 1 . Appomattox Bank o f App err at t ox • 1 . Arvonia State Bank of Arvonia 1 . Ashland Hanover Bank 1 .

B assetts Bank of Bassetts 1 . Bedford City Lynchburg Tr. & Sav. Bank. 2. tt Peoples Bank. 2. Berryvilie. Bank of Clarke County. 1 . tt F ir s t N ational Bank. 1 . Big Stone Gap Interstate Finance & Tr. CO* 1 . Blacksburg Bank of Blacksburg. 1 . Blackstone Citizens Bank. 2. h First National Bank. 3. Bland Bank of Bland County. 1 . Bloxoir. Accomac Banking CO. 1 . Boons Path First State Bank. 1 . Bowling Green Caroline County Bank. 1 . Boydton W illiam s & Goode. 4 . Branchvilie Bank of Branehville. I*. Bristol ^Dominion National Bank. 2. n F ir s t N ational Bank. 1 . Broadnax Bank of South H ill. 1 . Brookneal Bank of Brookneal. 1« Buchanan Bank of Buchanan. 3 • n Buchanan National Bank. 1 . Buena V ista P eoples Bank. 1 . B u rk evilie Farmers & M chts. Bank. 1 . Butterworth Fanners Bank. 1 .

Cape Charles Farmers &Merents.Bank. 2. h Cape Charles Bank* 1 . Carson Bank of Carson. 1* Cartersvilie C a r te r s v ilie Bank. 1 . Charlottesville Albemarle National Bank. 3. tt Jefferson National Bank. 2. it Peoples National Bank. 2. Chase C ity First National Bank. 4 . H First State Bank. 2. 2. Chatham Chatham Savings Bank.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

# 2 .


Chatham Planters Savings Bank, 2. Chester^ Chesterfield County Bank. 1. Chri sti ansburg Bank of Christianbburg 3. ft First National Bank® 2. Clarksville Planters Bank 5. Clifton Forge Clifton Forge National Bank. 2. *f First National Bank. 2. Clintwood Dickenson County Bank. 1. Clover Bank of Clover. 1. C e ebum First National Bank. 1. Colonial Beach Bank of Westmoreland. 1. Columbia State Bank of Columbia. 1. Courtland Peoples Bank. 1. Covington Citizens National Bank 2. ft Covington National Bank 3. C rewe Bank of Crewe* 3. ft First National Bank. 1 . Crockett Bank of Crockett. 1 . Croze/t Bank of Crozett. 1 . Culpeper Culpeper National Bank. 2. ft Second National Bank. 2.

Cumberland Cumberland Bank. 1 .

Danville American National Bank. 1 . N Commercial Bank. 4 . ft First National Bank. 5. ft National Bank of Danville. 4. ff Virginia National Bank. 1 . Dendron Bank of Dendron. 1 . ft Bank of Sussex & Surry. 3. Dill wyn Merchants & Planters Bank. 1. Drakes Branch Sts/te Bank of Charlotte CO. 1 . Dublin Bank of Dublin. 1 . Eagle Rock Eagle Hock Bank. 2. East Radford Farmers & Merchants Bank. 2. ff First National Bank. 1 . Elba. Peoples Bank of Elba. 1 . 33mporia First National Bank. 1 . N Greensville Bank 2. ff Merchants & Farmers Bank. 1 . ff Planters National Bank. 1 . Esmont Bsmont National Bank. 2. Palls Church Falls Church Bank 1 . ^armville First National Bank. 1 . ft Peoples National Bank. 1 . ff Planters Bank. 2. Fincastle Bank of Fincastle 1 . Floyd Floyd County Bank. 2 . H Peoples Bank. 3. fork Union Fluvanna County Bank. 1 . Franklin Merchants & Farmers Bank. 3. w Vaughan & CO. f -j * Fredericksburg Commercial State Bank. 1 . ff Farmers & Mchts. State Bank. 4.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives



Fredericksburg Nat. Bk. of Fredericksburg 2. H Planters National Bank 2. Front Royal Bank of Warren. 2. ti Front Royal National Bank 1 .

Gate City F ir s t N ational Bank. 2. f« P eoples N ation al Bank. 5. G lou cester Bank of Gloucester. 1 . Gloucester Point Bank of Gloucester. 1 . Gordonsville Nat. Bank of Gordonsville. 1 . Graham. Bank o f Graham. 2 • ♦♦ First National Bank. 3. G reen ville Bank of Riverheads. 1. Grundy Bank of Grundy 1.

Hampton Bank o f Hampton 3. H First National Bank. 2 . Karri sonburg First National Bank. 3. ti Peoples Bank. 1. « Rockingham National Bank. 1. Herndon National Bank of Herndon. 1 . K i l l s v i l i e C itizen s Bank. 1. Honaker First National Ba.nk 1. Hot Springs Bath County national Bank. 4. Houston Bank of Halifax. 2. if P eoples Bank. 1.

Independence Bank of Grayson 1. Ivanhoe Bank of Ivanhoe. 1. Iv o r. Bank o f Sussex Surry. 1.

Jarratts. Bank of Jarratts. 1.

Kenbridge Bank of Lunenburg. 2. K e y sv ille State Bank of Charlotte CO. 1. Kilmarnock Farmers & Mchts. Bank. 1. 1. La Crosse Bank o f La Crosse. n Lawrenaeville Bank of Brunswick. tt Bank of -^awrenceville. 2. n F ir s t N ational Bank. 1. Leesburg Loudon National Bank. 1. ff Peoples National Bank. ? Lexington Bank of Rockbridge. 2 * ft F ir s t N ational Bank. 3. tt P eoples N ational Bank. 1 . Louisa Bank of Louisa. 4. tt Farmers & Mchts, Bank. 2. Lovingston Bank of Nelson. 1. Luray Page V a lle y N ational Bank. 2. Lynchburg FiBt N ational Bank. 3 • tt Lynchburg National Bank. 1. tt Peoples national Bank 4 . a United Loan & Trust CO. 1.

Madi son State Bank o f Madi son 2.

Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives



Manassas National Bank of Manassas 1 . it Peoples National Bank. 2. Mari on Bank of Marion 3. H Marion National Bank. 2. M arshall M arshall N ational Bank. 1 . Martinsville First National Bank. 2. w P eoples N ation al Bank. 1 . McKenny Bank of Dinwiddie. 1 . M elf a. MeIfa Banking CO. 2 . M ilford Milford State Bank. 1 . M ineral Bank of Louisa. 1 . l/[oneta Fanners Savings Bank. 1 . Monterey Citizens Bank of Highland. 2. w First National Bank* 1 . Mt. Jackson M t.Jackson Nat. Bank. 1 . « Peoples Bank. 1 .

New Market C itizen s Bank. 1 . Newport News Citizens & Marine Bank 2. if Colonial State Bank 1 . ft First National Bank 2. it Schmelz Bros. Bankers 5. Nickelsville Fanners Exchange Bank. 1 . N orfolk C itize n s Bank. 3. tt Marine Bank 1 . ft N ational Bank o f Commerce. 3. h ]>i0rfolk National Bank. 5. it Savings Bank of Norfolk. 1 . ft Seaboard Nat. Bank. 2. «t V ir g in ia N ational Bank. 1 . Horton First National Bank 3. National Bank of Norton 2.

Orange Citizens National Bank 2. ft National Bank of Orange 1 .

Palmyra Bank of Fluvanna. 1 . Pejnplin City State Bank of Pamplin 1 . P arksley Accomae Banking CO. 2. Peari eburg First National Bank. 1 . Penningtun Gap Pennington Gap Bonk 1 . Petersburg American Bank & Trust CO. 1 . tt The National Bank of Petersburg 4. n Petersburg Savings & Ins. CO. 4 . tt Virginia Nat. Bank. O• Phoenix Bank o f Phoenix 1 . Phoebus Bank of Phoebus 1 . Pocahontas Bank o f Pocahontas 2. it First National Bank 4. i Portsmouth Bank of Portsmouth -*• • M Bank of Tidewater. 1 . tt First Nat. Bank 2. tf Merchants & Farmers Bank 4. Pulaski Peoples Bank 2. tt Pulaski National Bank 3 . Puree11vilie purcellville National Bank. 1 . Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives



Radford Radford State Bank 2. Raphine Bank of Raphine l. Rapi&an St^tfce Bank o f Rapidsn 1. R e e d v ille Peoples Bank 1. Hi chmondH Broad Street Bank 2. Broadway National Bank 2. ff Central National Bank 1. M Main S treet Bank 1. n Manchester National Bank 1. tt Mechanics & Merch.Bank. 2. tt Old Dominion Trust CO, 2. tt Richmond Bank & Trust CO. 1. H Richmond Tr. & Sav. CO. 3. tt tJnion Bank 1, ff Fidelity Loan & Savings Bank. 2. ff Merchants Savings Bank 2. ft Savings Bank of Richmond 1. tt S t. Luke Penny Savings Bank 1. if Virginia Trust CO. 2. Ridgeway Bank of Ridgeway 1. Ro anoke National Exchange Bank 2. it Bank o f Commerce. 1. »» City National Bank 1. h First National Bank 3. Rocky Mount Peoples National Bank 2. Rural Retrea.t First National Bank 2.

Salem Bank o f Salem 1. tt Farmers National Bank 2. tt Salem Loen & Trust CO. 1. Saluda Bank o f M iddlesex 2. Scottsburg Bank o f S cottsb u rg. 1. Scottsville Fidelity Bank 1. tt Acottsville National Bank. 1. Sedley Bank of Sedley 1. Shenandoah Bank o f Shen ando ah. 1. Smi t h fie ld Bank of Smithfield 2. n Merchants & Fanners Bank 2. South Bobton Bank of South Boston 2. ti Boston National Bank 1. tt First National Bank 2. tt P1 an t e r s & Mere han t s B a t11 Bank 4. South Hill Bank of South Hill 2. tt Citizens Bank 2. Staunton Augusta National Bank 1. it Farmers & Merchants Bank 2. »i N <=> t i o n ^ 1 V al 1 - y B ank 3. tt P la n ters Bank. 1. tt Staunton National Bank. 1. Stony Creek Bank of Stony Creek 1. Strasbourg Peoples National Bank 1* Stuart Bari of Stuart 2. 11 *5 Patrick County Bank 4. Stuarta Draft P eoples Bank 1» S u ffolk American Bank 3. tt Farmers Bank ofNansemond 4. tt National Bank of Suffolk 1*

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Sulphur Mines Bank of Louisa 1. Tazewell Bank of Clinch Valley 2. Tazewell National Bank 3. Toano Peninsula Bank 1. Trout Dale Bank of Trout Dale 1. Tr outville First National Bank 1 • Uninn Level Bank of Union Level 1. TJrfosna Bank of Middlesex 2, Victoria Bank of Victoria 3. Virgilina Bank of Virgilina 1. Wakefield Bank of Sussex & Surry 1. n Farmers Bank 1. Walkerton Southside Bank 1. Warm Springs Bank of Warm Springs 2. Warrenton Fauquier National Bank 3. Warsaw Northern Neck State Bank 1. Washington Rappahanock National Bajik 1. Waverly Bank of Waverly 2. Waynesboro First National Bank 3. n Waynesboro National Bank 2. West Point Citizens Exchange Bank 1. n State Bank 1. Willi am s burg Peninsula Bank 2. Bank of Williamsburg 2 • Winchester Fanners & Merchants Nat!l Bank 1. f» Shen an do ah V al 1 ey Na t. B ank 1. N Union Bank of Winchester 1. Woodstock Shenandoah National Bank 1. Wythevilie banners Bank of Southwest Va. 2. First National Bank 3.

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iif R i c h m o n d .


Aberdeen, Bank of Aberdeen, 2 Albemarle, Cabarrus Savings-Bank, 1 Albemarle, Stanly Co* Loan & Trust Co*, 2 Andrews, ~ Merchants & Farmers Bank, 1 Ansonville, Bank of Anson, . ' 1 kg ex., Merchants & Farmers Bank, 5 Apex, Peoples Bank, l Asheboro, Bank of Randolph, l Asheboro, First National Bank, 2 Asheville, American National»^ank, 2 Asheville, Battery Park Bank,- 1 Asheville, Central Bank & Trust Co#, 1 Bailey, Bailey Banking Co*, 1 Battleboro, Planters Bank, 1 Benson, Farmers Commercial Bank, 1 Broadway, Bank of Broadway, 1 Burlington, Alamance Loan & Trust Co., 1 Burlington, First National Bank, 2 Candor, Bank of Candor, 1 Carthage, Bank of Moore,. 1 Castalia, Bank of Castalia, 1 Chapel Hill, Bank of Chapel Hill, 1 Charlotte* - American Trust Co*,- 4 Charlotte, C h arl o 11 e Nat i onal Bank, 2 Charlotte, Commercial National Bank, 1 Charlotte, First National Bank, 2 Charlotte, Independence Trust Co., 2 Charlotte, Merchants & Farmers Bank, 5 Charlotte, Union National Bank, 2 Cher iyvilie, First National Bank, 1 Clayton, Clayton Banking Co*, 1 Cleveland, Merchants & Farmers-Bank, 1 Clinton, Bank of Clinton, 1 Concord, Cabarrus Savings Bank, 2 Concord, Citizens Bank & Trust.Co., 1 Concord, Concord National Bank, 2 Cornelius, Bank of Cornelius, 1 Danbury, Bank of Stokes County, 1 Dobson,- Surry Co. Loan & Trust Co., 1 Dunn, First National Bank, 1 Durham, Citizens National Bank, 5 Durham, Fidelity Bank, 5 Durham, First National Bank, yz Menton, Bank of Edenton, 2 Edenton, Citizens Bank, - 1

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#2 NORTH CAROLINA* TOOT NAME OF BANK HO. ACCOUNT Elizabeth City, Citizens Bank, 2 Elizabeth City, First national Bank, 4 Ellcin, Elkin National Bank, 1 Elkin, Farraefs & Merchants-Bank, 1 Ellerbe, Bank of Ellerbe, 1 Elm City, Elm Cit3r Bank, - 1 Elm City, Toisnot Banking Co., 1 Elon College, Blon Banking & Trust Co*, 1 Enfield, Bank of Enfield, 2 Enfield, Commercial & Farmers Bank, 1

Farmville, Bank of Farmville, 3 Fayetteville, Fourth National Bank, 2 Fayetteville* National Bank of Fayetteville, 5 Franklinton,. Citizens Bank, i Fuquay Springe, Bank of Fuquay, l Gastonia, Citizens National Bank, 2 Gastonia, First National Bank, 4 Goldsboro, Bank of Wayne, 5 Goldsboro, Peoples Bank,- i Goldston,. Bank of Goldston, l Granite Falls, Bank of Granite, i Greensboro, American Exchange National Bank, 4 Greensboro, Greensboro National Bank, 5 Greensboro, Greensboro Loan & Trust Co., 4 Greensboro, Textile Bank, 1 Greensboro, Bank of South Greensboro, 1 Greenville, Farmers Bank of Greenville, 1 Greenville, Greenville Banking & Trust-Co., 5 Greenville, National Bank of Greenville, 4 Grifton, Bank of Grifton, 1 Hamilton, Bank of Hamilton, 1 Henderson, Citizens Bank, 3 Henderson, Farmers & Merchants Bank, 2 Henderson, First National Bank, 2 Hickory, First National Bank* 1 Hickory, Hickory Banking & Trust Co,, 1 High Point, Bank of Commerce, 2 High Point, Commercial National Bank, 5 High Point, Home Banking Co., l High Point, Bank & Trust Co., l Holly Sx)rings, Bank of Holly Springs, i Hookerton, Bank of Hookerton, l J efferson, Bank of Ashe, i Kernersvilie, Bank of Kemersvilie, i Kinston, Fanners & Merchants Bank, 3 Kinston, First National Bank, Kinston, Fatipnal Bank of Kinston, 1 Kings Mountain, Peoples Loan & Trust Co., 1 Laur inburg, First National Bank, 2 Laur inburg, State Bank of Laurinburg, 3 Leaksville, Bank of Leaksville, 1 Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives


■ O'-'ST

Leaksvii-I Peoples Bank, 1 L en oir, Bank o f L en oir, 1 Lexington, Bank o f L exington, 1 Lexington, First National Bank, 1 Liberty, - Bank of Liberty, 1 Lillington, Bank o f Li 1 lin g ton, 1 Littleton* Bank o f L it t le t o n , - 2 Littleton, PIan t ers Bank, 1 Louisburg, Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1 Louisburg, Farmers National Bank, 2 Loui sburg, First National Bank, 1 Lumberton, Bank of Lumberton, „ 2 Lumberton, First National Bank, 4

Itac on, Bank o f Macon, 1 liar ion , Merchants & Farmers Bank, 1 M arshall, Bank o f French Broad, 1 Mat thews, Bank o f Matthews, 1 Maxton, - Bank o f Maxton, „ 1 Max to n , Bank o f Kobeson, 1 Mebane, Commercial & Fanners Bank, 1 Merry Oaks, Bank o f Merry Oaks, 1 Middlesex:, ~ Middlesex Banking Co*, 1 Monroe, Bank o f Union, 2 Monroe, Fanners & Merchants Bank, 2 Monroe, First National Bank, 1 Mooresville, F ir s t N ational Bank * 1 Mooresville, Merchants & Farmers„Bank, 1 Morganton, - First National Bank, 1 Mount A iry, Bank o f Mount Airy,~ 1 Mount ftiry, F ir s t N ational Bank, 1 Mount O liv e , Citizens Bank, 1

N a sh v ille, Bank o f N a sh v ille , 1 N ewb ern , - N ation al Bank o f Newbern, 1 N ewb ern, Newbem Banking & Trust Co* 3 Nev/bern, Peoples Bank, 1 Newton, Shuford National Bank, 1 North Wi llcesboro, Bank o f North W iik esboro# 5 North Wilkesboro, Deposit & Savings Bank, „ 1

Oxford, First National Bank, Oxford, National Bank of Granville, 2 O xford, Union Bank, 1

Pembroke, Bank of Pembroke, 1 Pink Ei.ll, Bank o f Pink H i ll, 1 P i1o t Moun t ai n, Peoples Bank, 1 P inetops, Pinetops Banking Co*, 1 P itts b o r o , Bank o f P itts b o r o , 1 Plymou th , - Washington County,.Bank, 1

Raef ord, Bank o f R aeford, Raleigh-, Anchor Trust Co*, Hal ei gh, Citizens National Bank, Hal ei gh, Commercial National Bank, 7

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Raleigh, Merchants National Bank, 6 Raleighr Raleigh Banking & Trust-Co., 3 Raleigh, Raleigh Savg. Bank & Trust Co., 5 Raleigh, Wake County Savings Bank, 2 Ramseur, Bank of Ramseur, 1 Ran diem an, Peoples Bank, 1 Red Springs, Bank of Red Springs, 1 Red Springs, Carolina Bank & Trust Co*, 1 Reidsville,- Bank of Reidsville, 4 Reidsville, Citizens Bank, 1 Roanoke Rapids, First national Bank, 1 Rockingham, Bank of Pee Bee, 5 Rockingham* Bank of Rockingham, 1 Rockingham, Farmers Bank, l Rocky Mount, Bank of Rocky Mount, 5 Rocky Mount, First National Bank, l Rocky Mount, Planters Bank, 2 Rowland, Merchants & Farmers Bank, 1 Roxboro, Bank of Roxboro, 3 Roxboro, Peoples Bank, l Roxob el, Bank of Roxobel, l Rural Hall, Commercial & Farmers Bank, 1 Salisbury, Davis & Wiley Bank, 5 Salisbury, First National Bank, l Sali sbury, Peoples national Bank, 3 Sanford, „ Bank of Sanford, 1 Sanford, Banking Loan & Trust Co., l Selma, _ Bank of Selma, 5 Selma, Peoples Bank,. 2 Sharp sburg, Sha.rpfl3bu.rg, - 1 Shelby, First National Bank, 3 Smithfield, Bank of Smi thfi eld,- 1 Southern Pinces, Citizens Bank & Trust Co. l Sparta, Bank of Sparta, 1 Spray*„ Bank of Spray,, l Spring Hope, Citizens Bank, 2 Statesville* Commercial National Bank, 1 Statesville, First National Bank, 2 Statesville, Merchants & Farmer s. Bank * 2 Stoneville, Bank of Stoneville, 1 Stony Point, Bank of Stonjr Point, 1 St. Pauls, Bank of St. Pauls, - 1 Tarboro, First national Bank, 2 Tarboro, Farmers Bkg. & Trust Co., 3 Tarboro, Pamlico Ins. & Banking Co., 1 Thomasville, Bank of Thomasville, 2 Thomasville, First National Bank, 1 Tov/nsville, Bank of Townsville,~ 1 Troy, Bank of Montgomery* 1 Yass, Bank of Vass, 1

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W a d e s b o r o , Bank of Wadesboro, 2 Wadesboro, First National Bank, 2 Wadesboro, Southern Savings Bank, 2 W a g ram, Bank of Wagram, 1 Wake Forest , B a n k of Y/ake, . 2 Wake Forest f Citizens Bank, 4 Walnut Gove, Bank of Stokes Count3r, 1 Walnut Cove, Farmers Union Bank & Trust Co#, 1 Warrenton, - Bank of Warren, 1 Warrenton, C i tiz en s B a n k ,- 2 Warsaw, Bank of Warsaw, 1 Washington, Bank of Washington, 2 Washington, First National Bank, 5 Waynesville, Bank of Waynesville, 1 Weldon, Bank of Weldon, 1 W e l d o n , Weldon Banking^ Truet Co*, 4 Wendell, Bank of Wendell, 1 Whitakers, Bank of Whitakers, 1 Wilkesboro, Bank of Wilkes, „ 1 Wilmingtonr American national Bank, 4 Wilmington, Murchison national Bank, 4 Wilmington, Peoples Savings Bank, 1 Wilmington, Wilmington Savings Trust Co., 2 Wilson, Branch Banking Co*, 5 W i l s o n , First National Bank, 5 Windsor, Bank of Windsor, * 1 Windsor, Citizens Bank, . 1 W i n s ton-* Sal em , JTerehants national Bank, 1 Wi n s t on- S al em , Peoples National Bank, _ 2 Win s ton-Salem, Wachovia Bank & Trust-Co., 6 Winton, Merchants S Farmers Bank, . l

Zebulon, Bank of Zebulon, 1

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TOW. NA1-IB OF BMK HO* ACCOUNTS ( Abbeville, Panders Bank, 1 Abbeville, National Bank of Abbeville, 1 Abbeville,. Peoples Savings Bank, 1 Aiken, Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1 Anderson, Bank of Anderson, 2 Anderson, Farmers & Merchants Bank, 2 Anderson, Peoples Bank, Bamberg, Peoples Bank, 1 Barnwell, Home Bank, 1 Bennettsville, Bank of Marlboro, 2 Bennettsville, Union Savings Bank, 2 Bishopville, . Bank of Bishopville, 1 Bishopville, First National Bank, 1 Bishopville, The Peoples Bank, 1 Bradley, Bank of Bradley, - 1 Camden, Bank of Camden, 2 Camden, First National3ank, 1 Carlisle, Bank of Carlisle, 1 Chappells, Farmers Bank, 1 Charleston , Bank of Charleston, 3 Nat*l Banking^Association, Charleston, First National Bank, 1 CharSL eston, Peoples National Bank, l Charleston, Carolina Savings Bank, 3 Cheraw, Bank of Cheraw, l Cheraw, Citizens Loan & Trust Co., l Cheraw , First National Bank, 1 Cheraw, Merchants & Farmers Bank, 3 Chester, C omme rc i al Bank , 2 Chester, Peoples Bank, 1 Clio, Bank of Clio, 1 Clio, Peoples pavings Bank, 1 Columbia, Carolina-National Bank, 2 Columbia, National Loan & Exchange Bank, 4 Columbia, National State Bank, 1 Columbia, Palmetto National Bank, 6 Columbia, Union National Ban!?, l Columbiar Peoples Bank, 1 Cowpens,- Security Bank, 1 Darlington, Carolina National Bank, 1 Darlington, Peoples Bank, 1 Dillon, Bank of Dillon, 2 Dillon, Peoples Bank, ~ 1 Due West, Bank of Due West, 2 Florence, Bank of Florence, 1 Florence,, City Savings Bank, 1 Florence, Commercial & Savings IBank, 1

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Florence, Farmers & Meclianics Bank, 2 Florence,. First National Bank, 1 Florence, Peoples Savg. Bank & Tr. Co., 1 Gaffney, Merchants & Planters Bank, 1 Gaffney, National Bank of Gaffney,. 2 Georgetown, Bank of Georgetown, 2 Georgetown, Peoples Bank, 1 Greenville* American Bank, 2 Greenville* City national -Bank, 1 Greenville, First National Bank, 2 Greenville* Fourth National Bank, 4 Greenville* The national Bank, 1 Greenville* ITorwood national Bank, 5 Greenville* Piedmont Savings Bank* l Greenwood,^ Bank of Greenwood, 2 Greenwood* Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1 Greenwood,. Peoples Bank, 1 Greer, Planters Savings Bank, 1 Hartsvilie, Peoples Bank, 1 Hodges, Bank of Eodges, 3 John8ton, Bank of Johnston, 1 Kingstree, Wee Hee Bank, 1 Lake City, Farmers & Merchants Bank, l Lancaster* Bank of Lancaster, 2 Latta, Bank of Latta, 1 Lat ta * Farmers & Merchants Bank, 2 Laurens, Enterprise Bank, 1 Laurens* Home Trust Co.,~ 1 Liberty* Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1 Liberty* Liberty Bank,' 1 Little Hock, Bank of Little Hock* 1 Loris, Bank of Loris, 1 Lowndesville, Lowndesville Banking Co., 3 Manning, Peoples Bank, 1 Marion,- Farmers & Merchants Bank, 1 Marion* Marion national Bank, 1 Marion* Planters Bank, 2 Mayesville, Bank of Mayesville, 1 MoCoil, Bank of McColl, 1 McColl* larmers & Merchants Bank, 1 McCormick, Bank of McCormick, X Mount Cartel, Bank of Mount Caxmel, 5 Mullins, - ~ Bank of Mullins, 2 Mullins* Merchants & Planters Bank, 2 Hewberry, Commercial Bank, 2 ninety Six, Bank of ninety Six, 1

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Ninety Six, Cambridge Bank, 1 Norris, Bank of Norrist 1 01a.nta, Bank of Olanta, 1 Pageland, Bank of Pageland, 1 Pages Mill, Bank of Pages Mill, 1 Pelzer, Chicora Bank, 2 Pickens, Pickens Bankf 1 Rock Hill, National Union Bank, 1 Rock Hillf Peoples National Bank, 1 Seneca, Citizens Bank, 2 Seneca, Seneca Bank, _ 1 Spartanburg, American National Bank, 1 Spartanburg, Bank of Commerce, 1 Spartanburgt Bank of Spartanburg, 2 Spartanburg* Central National Bank, 2 Spartanburg, First National Bank, . 1 St, Matthews, St* M atth ew s Savings Bank, 1 Sumter, Bank of Sumter, 2 Slant er, City National Bank, 1 Timmonsville, Bank of Timmonsville, 1 Townsville, - Bank of Townsville, - 5 Trenton, Bank of Trenton, 2 Troy, Bank of Troy, 1 Uni on, Citizens National Bank, 2 Union* Nicholson Bank & Trust-Co*, 1 Westminster, Oconee Bank, 1 Westminster* Westminster^Bank, 1 Winnsboro, . Bank of Fairfield, 1 Winnsboro, Winnsboro Bank, 1 Woodruff,* Bank of Woodruff, 1

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Albany, Citizens First National Bank, j r H Americus, Bank of Southwestern Ga., i Ashbum, ~ Ashbum Bank, -IHHCM Athens,- American State Bank, Athens, Citizens Bank & Trust Co*, Athens, Georgia National Bank, H Hrl rlHf\|(M OJH WHrlHrH Atlanta, American National Bank, ' Atlanta* Central Bank & Trust Corp., Atlanta, Fourth National Bank, A t l a n t a r Fulton National Bank* Atlanta, Security State Bank,- Atlanta, Third National Bank* Atlanta, Travelers Bank & Trust Co., Augusta* Citizens & Southern Bank, ... Augustaf Georgia Railroad Bank, Augusta* Irish American Bank, „ Augusta, Merc han ts Bank, Augusta* National Exchange Bank, Augusta, Planters Loan & Savings Bank, Augusta* Union Savings Bank, Buford, Shadbum Banking Co.,

Cedartown, Bank of C edart own, CVJ H H lH H H H HHW HHHHHH HHHHH Columbus,„ Fourth Nation Bank, Columbus* National Bank of Columbus, Columbus, Third National Bank, Commerce, Nortteastem Banking~Co., Dallas, Bank of Dallas, Dawson* Bank of Dawson* Dublin, City National Bank, Dublin, C omme rc i al Bank, Dublin, Dublin & laurens Bank, Dublin, First National Bank, . Eastman, Citizens Banking Co., Elberton, Bank of Elberton, Elberton* First National Bank, Fort Valley, Citizens Bank, Harlem, Bank of Harlem, Lavonia, Bank of Lavonia, Mac on, American National Bank, Macon, Commercial National Bank, Mac on, Fourth National 3ank, Macon, Harrold Bkg* & Savings Bank, Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

#2 GEORGIA. TOTiJ NA-EE OP BANK NO. ACCOUNTS CARRIES Milledgeville, Exclmnge Bank, 1 Milien, Bank of Mi lien, 1 Monroe, Fanners Bank, ~ 1 Ooilla, First National Bank, 1 Quitman, First national Bank, 2 Rome, Exchange national Bank, 1 Home, Reynolds I&ifg* & Trust-Co*, 1 Royston, Farriers Bank, 1 Savannah, Chatham Bank, 1 Savannah* Citizens & Southern Bank, 3 Savannah* national Bank of Savannah, 2 Savanna}i* Savannah Bank & Trust Co** 1 Soxial Circle, Bank of Social Circle, 1 Sparta, Bank of Sparta, 1 Toacoa, First national Bank, 1

Valdosta, Citizens Bank, 5 Valdosta* Merchants Bank of Valdosta, 1 Washington, national Bank of Wilkes, 1 Waycross, Waycross Savg• & Trust Co*, 1 Waynesboro, First national Bank, 1 Winder, First national Bank* 1

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T-OTO NAME OF BAW. HO. OP ACCTS. CARRIED. Alderson Alderson National Bank ti Pi rat National Bank Beckley Bank of Raleigh ti Raleigh County Bank Berwind Berwind National Bank Bluefield First National Bank Plat Top National Bank Braxnwell Bank of Bramwell Charleston Charleston National Bank tt Citizens National Bank tt Kanawha Banking & Tr. CO. tt Kanawha National Bank tt Kanawha Valley Bank « National City Bank W Union Trust CO. Charlestown Fanners & Merchants Bank Palling Springs Bank of Renick Fayetteville Fayette County Natio .al Bank G&uley Bridge Bank of Gauley Glen Jean Bank of Glen Jean Greenville Bank of Greenville Hinton Citizens National Bank « First National Bank tt National Bank of Summers Huntington First National Bank it H untington National Bank ti Union Savings Bank JO

Fd chwcrwd Richwood Banking & Trust CO* 1. Roncevertff. First National Bank 1. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified / Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

#2 West Virginia*


Roncererte Ronceverte Nations! Bank tO H W H H Rupert Bank of Rupert Thurmond National Bank of Thurmond H New River banking & Trust CO Union Bank of Monroe ri

H Farmers Banking CO.

Wayne Wayne County Bank H H H W W H H H l r Welch First National Bank w McDowell County Rational Bank Wheeling Bank of the Ohio Valley * National Bank of West Virginia H National Exchange Bank White SujkphurSpr1 gs Bank of White Sulphur Springs Williamson First National Bank M National Bank of Commerce

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TOW n m m e o f b a n k NO.ACCOUNTS CARRIED

Montgomery, Fourth National Bank, 1 Birmingham, First national Bank, 1



Jacksonville, , 2 Jacksonville, Commercial National Bank, 1 Jacksonville, Florida National Bank, 1 Jacksonville, Heard National Bank, - 1 Jacksonville, State Bank of Florida, 1 Marianna, People* Bank, 1 Miami, Bank of Bay Biscayne, 1 Ocala, The Munroe-Chambliss Bank, 1 Palatka, Putnam National Bank, 1 Pensacola, American National Bank, 1 Pensacolat Citizens & Peoples National Bank, 1 Quincy, First National Bank, 1 St. Augustine, First National Bank, 1 Tampa, American National Bank, 1

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t o w n HAMB OP BANK 110. ACCOUNTS CARRIED Louisville, Pirst National Bank, 1 Louisville, national Bank of Kentucky, 1 Louisville, Citizens National Bank, 1

TENNESSEE LIST OP BANKS CARRYING ACCOUNTS IN RICHMOND. TOW NAME OP BANK NO. ACCOUNTS CARRIED Bristol, Bank of Bristol, 1 Bristol, Dominion National Bank, 1 Bristol, Pirst National Bank, 1

Chattanooga, American Trust & Banking Co*, 2 Chat tanooga, Citizens National Bank, 1 Chattanooga, Pirst National Bank, 1

Johnston City, City National Bank, 2 Johnston City, Unaka National Bank, 1

Knoxville, Cit3f National Bank, 1 Knoxville, East Tennessee National Bank, 1 Knoxville, Holston National Bank, 1 Knoxville, Third National Bank, - 1 Meraphi s, Bank of Commerce & Trust Co*, 1 Memphis f Security Bank & Trust Co,, 1 Memphis, Union & Planters Bank & Trust Co., 1 Nashvilie, Cumberland Valley National Bank, 1 Nashville, Fourth & Pirst National Bank, 1 Nashville, Hermitage National Bank, 1

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Name* Business. Ahoskie, J. N* Vann, Implements* Auburn,~ Troy Poole, Merchant. Aurora, Dixon & Bonner, Merchants. P. F* Cherry, J. T. Wilkinson & Co*, J* B* Bryan & Son, W. H. Hooker & Bros*, Aurora Hardware Co.,~ Hardware. C. V* Knight, ; Pharmacist, B. T. Bonner, Parmer, ’ - Bayboro, J. P. Cowell & Co., Cotton buyers & ginners, tt Rawls, Tingle & Co., Commission & brokerage, Pamlico Chemical Co., Fertilizer Hnfg*. Miller & Cowell, ** Merchants, E . M. R ice, Agent N.-S. Ry.,* P. C. Brinson, Clerk Superior Court, Corapeake, E* J. Forehand, Farmer, Coleraine, V. H. Beasley & Co., Merchants, Chapel Hill, M. E* Hogan, Secy-Treas. , C. H. Telephone Co., Patterson Bros., Druggists, m W. S. Robeson, At to m ey- at-Law, m Durham Bros., „ Merchants, n Alex. H. JCoonce, At torn ey- at-Law f n Wm. Lynch, ' Dentist, n E. P. Cat®, Jeweler, « C. B. Griffin, Banker,- n S. A. Kluttz, - Merchants, « Herndon Hardware Co., Hardware, it Andrews Cash Store Co., Merchants, tt ¥m. DeB. HacNider, Physician, w Thos. J. Wilson, Jr., Registrar Univ. N. C. i Chas. T* Woollen, Pure. Agent Univ. N. C. n H. H. Patterson, Merchant, «* J. Prank Pickard, it it J. C. Pickard, Liveryman, w W. L. Tankersley, Merchant, « Algeron S. Barber, Notary Public & J. P. if W. S. Patterson, Druggist, if E. A, Brown, Pum. & Undertaker, it Stroud & Tillery, Merchants, it Eubanks Drug Co., Druggists, tt R. A. Eubanks, Merchant, tt fr. W. Webb, « ft R. S. McRee, Postmaster, Columbia, J. M. Sample, Merchant, tt L. H. Harrison, Banker, P. S. Pinner, Merchant, P. H. Woodley, Lawyer, W. 35* Liverman,

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Ho. 2. City* ITane. Business. Columbia, E. P. Cahoon, Telephone, «f A. L. Walker, Merchants, « Jos. L. Spruill, Physician, « Davis 'B ros., Merchants, *t Z. T. Sawyer, it R W. M. Bri ckhous e, Clerk Superior Court, If C. B. McKeel, Druggist, It W. L. McClees, Merchant, ff Stephen Brickhouse, Mayor, If W. S. Caravan, Agt. IT.-S. Ry., * W. J. Coffield, V.P., Tyrrell Drug Co., n H. W. MoClees, Merchant, ft P. T. W. Cahoon, Sheriff, Creedmoor, C. V. Garner, Druggist, n J. W. Bullock & Co., Merchants, it J. W. Chaijpell, Merchant, it A. S. Hobgood, Tobacco Buyer, ft A. B. Moss, Hardware, tt J. T. Chappell, Merchant,

Danbury, J. S* T a y lo r , Merchant, BuJc&i j E* P, Davis, Banker, Dunn Hill, T. T . Hayes, Merchant, Dunn, J. W. Tumage, Contractor, tt Pittman & Gentry, Publishers, tt Tilghman Lumber Co. , Lumber Mnfg., - ti Dunn Oil Mills, « Barnes & Holliday Co., Hardware, etc., ft Stephens, Howard Co., Wholesale Grocers, it The Marion-Wade Co., Merchants, ft E. J. Hudson, Agt. D .-S.BY* Co., n W. H. Adams, Insurance, tt Racket Store Co., Druggists, it J, L. Thompson Co., Merchants, It C. J. Bell & Bro., Grocers, tt J. ¥. Jordan, Jewelers, «t H. G. Taylor, Merchant, tt G. 31. Grantjiaa, Druggist, ff Lee-Dupree Hdw. Co., Hdw. & Furniture, ft Wilson & Lee, Druggists, it The Goldstein Co., Dry Goods, w Purdie-Hicks Co., Wholesale Grocers, I t H. A* Black, Merchant, m W. P. Surles, Merchant, Durham, P. P. McLendon, Lawyer, « Durham Cigar Store, Tobacco, it Pridgen-Jones Co., Retail Shoe dealers, it W. A. Stokes Co., Clothing, n Burch-Go ma n Co., « C. S. King & Sons, Druggists, «t Pollard Bros., Hardware, » Holland Bros., Furniture, tt B. P. Kincheimer, Department Store, it Perry-Horton Co., Retail shoes, it H. S. Lindsey, General mngr. Durham Traction Co., tt H. A. Baldwin & Sons, it Furnishings & Dry Goods, Pri tc hard, B ri ght & Co., Clothing & Furnishings,

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JTo* 5 .

C ity * ITame* Business*

D urham , Durham Tobacco Storage & Insurance Co., Tobacco Storage| « A. E. Lloyd 8c Co*, Hardware, m A. H. Yearby, Druggist, m Pulliam Hdw. Co*, Hardware, m Venable Tobacco Co*, Leaf Tobacco Merchants, Elizabeth City, Morgan & Parker, Wholesale Grocer*, it Louis Selig, Jeweler, « Spence & Hollowell, Commission Merchants, N Zimmerman & Co*, Millers, n J. B. Flora & Co*, Wholesale Grocers, it Jno* L. Wells, Job Printing, « Banks & Hughes, Wholesale Grocers, it F. Davis, Retail Coal, h A. F. Foxey & Co., Wholesale Grocers, n F. II. Grice, Life Insurance, « Sharber & White Hdw. Co* , Hardware, H Culpeper, Griffin, Old & Grice Co*, Insurance, «» M* P. Gallop Co*, Grocery, II The Apothcary Shop, Druggists, II City Drug Co*, Druggists, H C. W. S t e m s Co*, Wholesale Grocers, Edward, C. E. Sparrow, Potato Shippers, Fayetteville, J. F. Gilmore, Lumber & Hill work, Fairfield, J* C. Simmons, Farmer, Fremont, F. L. Peacock, Live Stock, Farmville, W. C. Askew, Merchant & Farmer, « H. L. Humphrey, Insurance, « Legopsky & Ebom, Merchants, i i W. M. Land, Merchants, « Joyner Furniture Co., Furniture, n J. H. Harris, Merchant, « D. F. Sc R. 0. Lang, Merchant , m W. A. Pollard & Co., Merchant, m Farmville Oil & Fert.Co< Mhfg* n B. S. & R. L. Smith* Horse & Mule dealers, i i Hub Hdw. Co., Hdw. & vehicles, « J. M. Wheless, Druggist, i i Rasberry & Thomas, Merchants, 11 J. W. Smith, i i J. A. Mizell & Co., i i G. C. Rowe, Publisher, tt T. L. & W. A. Tumage, Merchants, « Parker & Hew ton, Druggist, « Beamon 8c Monk Bros., Furniture, « T. R. McKee, Merchants, » R. L. Davis & Bros., « Davis Horse & Mule Ex. Corp*, it Paul E. Jones, Dentist, w Greensboro, G. A. Ricks, Insurance, Gold Rock, J. B. Carr, Merchant,

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ITo. 4. City. game* Business. Greenville, R. L. Smith, Live Stock, » W. B. Jones, Merchant, Gamer, Henry Bryan, Lumber Dealer, n N. B. Penny & Son, Merchant, n II. C. Penny. Merchant & Parmer, « G. B. Montague, Druggist, J. J. Bagwell, Parmer & Merchant, «i J% W. Paiker* Postmaster, « G. 0. Barbee, Merchantm it J. L. Broughton, Parmer, » W. G. Parker & Co., Merchants, it John P. Broughton, Parmer, « W. I. Williams, ti « John W. Massey, Agt. So. By*, n S’. M. Tomlinson, Parmer, ii J. B. Lassiter, Lumber, « L. A* Harper, Blacksmith, i i H. Biyan & Co., Merchants, m Samuel Dupree, Merchant, * " Wm. H. Britt, Parmer, Hillsboro, John T. Johnston, Lawyer, Hobbsville, L* M. Rountree & Co., Merchant, * C. 3. Hathaway, •f Ward, Hollowell & Co., i i A. Carter, Hotel, a S. B. Carter, Postmaster, n W. L. Hobbs, Parmer, W. A. Sykes, Banker, J. W. Hobbs, Paimer, Henderson, Carolina Bagging Co., Bag & Tie Mnfg. i i Parham Supply Co., Cotton & Merchandise, ti India Bagging Co., Bag Sc Tie Mnfg. tt 33. G. Watkins, Merchants, ft H. L. Perry, Lawyer, it Hudson Buggy Mnfg. Co., 2finfg. it J. A. Lewis, Broker, ft Henderson Cotton Mills, Mnfg., tt J. C. Kittrell, Attorney, « Hannah Cat ton Mils, Mnfg. it Cooper Co-Op.Warehouse, Leaf Tobacco, tt Corbett Auto Co., Manufacturers, n Corbett Buggy Co., n Jno. D. Cooper, Manufacturers, C. W. Pinch & Son, Live Stock, High Point, W. M. Thacker, Shoe dealer, « W. C. Beavans, Merchant, it Blair-Haskins Co., Shoe dealers, « H. A. Moffitt, Merchantm it I). P. Staley, Jewelers, i» J. H. Tate, Pamer, n H. A. White, Manufacturer, « J. 0. Craige, Civil Engineer, tt B. B. Ragan, Hardware, tt J. A. Clinard, « Merchant, W. J. Allen, i i it Dr. Wellborn, Physician, it Alb er t A. Hat ten, Capitalist, Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Ho* 5. Citv* Name,* Business# High Point, C* M. Hauser, Banker, * W. L* Hargett, * ■ * J. D# Mann, Druggist, * So. Live Stock & Ins* Co*, " R. L. Lofflin, Jeweler & Undertaker, " P. H* Johnson, Grocer, * H. Harris & Bro*, " Ring Drug Co*, Druggist, * C* H. Warriner, Banker, " W# J. Idol, «

Kih 3 ton, S. L# Eordhaja, Live Stock, « Mitchell Bros*, Live stock & fertilizers, * J. W. Goodson, Tobacco buyer, * T* W* M e w b o m & Co*, Merchants, « Kinston Cotton Mills, Manufacturers, • Sumrell & McCoy, Wholesale Grocers, " Chesterfield Mnfg# Co*, Mnfg# Cotton Yarfcs, " Onion Knitting Mills, Mnfg. Hosiery, 5* B* W. Canady & Son, Hardware, " E* V. Webb & Co*, Leaf Tobacco, • Kinston Ins# & Realty Co*, • Lennig Oil & Ice Co#, Manufacturers, • Caswell Cotton Mills, Mnfg* Hosiery yams, • J. E* Hood,& Co*, Wholesale Druggists, ” E# C* Dunn, Mnfg* * Copeland Bros., Farm Supplies, ** Henry Tull, Physician and Chairman Board of Countj*' Commission * W* S. LeRoque, Ins* & Real Estate, " Carolina Bricic Co*, Mnfg* " L# Harvey & Sons Co*, Merchants, * E* J. Breton, Cotton* Lee, Spring Creek Telephone Co*, Linwood, W. Lee Phoof, Merchant, Lillington, I. W# Smith, County Sheriff, Louisburg, Riverside Warehouse Co*, Tobacco, * Louisburg Mnfg* ■ Cotton Oil Mill, " E* H* Bobbitt, Physician, " The Hardin Co*, * A* E* Johnson, Publisher, " J. T* Mann, Earner* * J. 0. Beasley, * " Eastern Realty & Trust Co*, * J# A. Turner, Mayor, * R* E# Yarborough, Physician, " A. W# Person, Cotton Broker, " Thos* B* Webb, Attorney, * R. W* Hudson, Constable, * W. B* Tucker, Tobacconist, " HcKinne Bros# Co*f Merchants, " E* E* Yarborough, Asst* Postmaster, H* E# Allen, Capitalist, " K* P. Hill, Merchant, * _ W* II. Parham, Jr*, Lawyer,

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Ho* 6* City* Name* Business* Louisburg, J* L* Parham, U* S. Commissioner, * C* T* Egerton, Real Estate & Ins* ** K. G. Allen, Fanner, * E. E* Mar shall, Secy* Franklin County Fanners Union* * L* L. Joyner, Agt* Hy* & Express Co* " J* B* Fulghan, Merchant, * A* ¥* Alston, City Clerk, 8 E* I*. Best, Teacheajrf * J. H* Best, Farmer, * A. B* Griffin, Treas* Franklin County, 9 W* B* Egerton, Insurance, , *• B* G* Hicks, Merchant, ■ Hill Live Stock Co*, • * H* D* Egerton, Farmer, * R* Zm Egerton, Merchant, * Bickett, \?hite & Malone, Attorneys, w G* C* Harris, Book-keeper, * J. S. Williams, Grocer, " " P* S* & R* R. Allen, Merchants, 9 C* T* Stokes, Cotton & Fertilizers, « M* S* Clifton, Banker, » F* IT. Edgerton, • ■ W* E. TJzzell, « " A* W* Perry, Jr* & Co*, Merchants, Liberty, A* C. Lewis, Banker, * Hilliam, Patterson Co*, Hardware, " Roy R. Reitz el, Mdse* & Mnfg* " G* A* Foster, Mnfg* n hm H* Smith, Jr*, Real Estate, * C* C* Stroud, Merchant, ** A. L* McPherson, 11 « Patterson St»*e Co*, * " A* S* Pickett, « " J* 0* Overman, Millinery <& Jewel»y " Jas* F. Pickett, aoaMni, Postmaster, * C. R* Curtis, Merchant, ■ Otis P. Brown, • * J. A. Martin, Imfg* * S. J. Blackner, Merchant, " B* E. Faust, Physician, * Frazier Store Co*, Merchant, 11 Liberty Mercantile Co*, 9 9 Jno* W. Curtis, Lexington, F* R* Cross, * * Raeford-McDuff Gro* Co*, Wholesale Groceries, w Chas. Young, Mayor, 9 Pickett Bros*, Merchants, H Manning Hdw. Co*, w R* L* Leonard, Merchants, * H* H* Hedrick, Banker, 9 Dermott Shemwell, Banker, 9 I. L* Sink, Cotton & Insurance, 9 B* C. Young, Live Stock, * D* K* Cecil, Contractor & Farmer, 9 J* E* Gay, Banker,

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Ho. 7* City. Name. Business. Littleton, Willis Alston, Physician, it Cleveland Stallings, Merchant, n B. H. Browning, Banker, tt Chas* E. Poster, Civil Engineer, tt II. J. Grant, Banker, tt T. J. Miles, m it E. P. Glenn, Druggist, tt C. L. Beckham, Drug Clerk, tt Lennox & Stacy, A t t o r n e y s , Lumber ton, H. 25. Sen telle, Supt* City Schools, n W. W. Parker, Jeweler & Optometrist, « McAllister Hdw* Co., if Pope Drug Co., « P. J. Weathersbee, Life Insurance, it National Cotton Hills, « L. Pi. Townsend, Insurance, tt A. P. Ward, Planter, « M. G. McKenzie, County Treas., « R* E. Lewis, County Sheriff, i i R* A* McLean, Attorney, n J. R. Poole, County Supt. Public Inst. w M. C. lie Intyre, Planter, , it Kingsdale Lumber Co., Mnfg. tt C. B. Skipper, Clerk Superior Count, tt Thos* 11. Highley, Register of Deeds,

M a r io n , W. W. Heal, Pres., Marion Knitting Kills, Middlesex, J. W. Strickland, Merchant, tt J. B. Bridges, Teacher, tt Middlesex Supply Co*, Merchants, tt Knight & Bilbro, « tt Middlesex Hdw. & Sup* Co H * High Bros., n L. IT. Land, i» tt A* P. May, it w H. J* Morris, Real Estate Broker, if J. D. Johnson, Real Estate & Insurance, tt H. If. McClees, Merchant, * K. W. Baliantine, it tt J. R. J. Pinch & Son, « it B. Smith & Son, n » J* S. Rogerson, Blacksmith, it Middlesex Lumber Co., Maxton, R. L. McLeod, Lumberman, tt Barnes Bros* Drug Co., « R. M. Williams, Secy., Southern Exchange Co., Constr. Material, w J. C. Everett, Cotton Buyer, tt A. H. Currie, Merchant & Parmer, tt L. R. Kirkpatrick, Physician, tt Wm. M. Currie, Postmaster, N P. c. Pribstick, Ry. Agent, tt R. L. Thomason, Real Estate, tt D. A. Patterson, Parmer & Merchant, a S. B . McLean, Lawyer, tt 0. C. Spaulding, Banker,

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ITo* 8*

City* Name* Business. McDonalds, T* S* Grizzard, Cotton buyer, « C. T. Davis, Merchant & Planter, N J. L. Townsend, tt tf ff D* A* McCormick, « « N D. H. Britt & Co., Merchants, it Mouftt Olive, 1. J. Martin & Sons Co. 9 n Sandlin Furniture Co., ff it Hicks, Komegay Co., II ff Y. H. Knowles & Co., II ff Jones, Komegay Co., Wholesale Grocers, Mount Airy, National Furniture Co., Mnfg., tf Sydnor & Sparger, Insurance, n E. H. Kochtitzlsy* Furniture Mnfg* Marshall, H. IT. Ramsey, Hardware, tt J. C* Hedmon, ft M. L. Chinch, Trv&s*, Capi tal Mnfg. Co., ft ¥. F. Deaver, Lumber Dealer* tt J. Coleman Ramsey, Lawyer, tt Cppital Mnfg. Co., Mnfg. Cotton Yam, ff Frank Roberts* Physician* tt J. A. Dennisf Salesman, tt N. B. DeWitt* Clerk Superior Court tt Marhsall Pharmacy, Druggists, tf J. H* Haynes, Merchant, tf John Jarrett, it lb Gilbert & Morrow, Publishers, ff W. B. Ramsey , Banker, II Roberta Rogers, Insurance Agent, ff J. W. ITelson, Merchant, tt P. V* Rector, « tf P. P& McElroy, Attorney, tt Guy V. Roberts, i i ft C. H. Dodson & Son, Merchant, If Bailey & Jarrett, Hardware* tf R. E. Ward, Merchant* IT » Jno. R. Swann, Postmaster, It Chas. IT, James, Merchant, tf Shelton, Ebbs Co*, Wholesale Grocers, ff W. J. Ledger & Co., Merchants, ff P. D. Ebbs* Salesman, tf Ebbs & White, Insurance, If C. J. Ebbs, Banker, ff J. H. White, ft 0. e. Rector, n N W. 0 . Coleman, Merchant & Farmer* Hew Bern, J, A. Jones, n Broaddus & Ives Lumber Co., Mnfg# it West Lumber & Box Co., Mnfg. tt Newbern Cotton Oil & Fertiliser Kills* ft The Pine Lumber Co., Manufacturers, Oxford, Oxford Edw. Co*, " W. H. Fleming, Tobacconist, • S. H. Watkins, " " Breedlove & McFarland, Grocers, " L y o n , Winston & Co*, Supplies & Liir© stock,

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Ho. 9. City* Name. Business. Oxford, J. W. Maagum, Tobacconist, « P. F. I$ronf Druggist, I! R. B. Hamilton, II * Granville Real Estate & Trust Co., F. G. Stem, Lawyer 5c Mayor, n Pelham & Pelham, Tobacconist, t t Oxford Mnfg. Co., Mhfg* Lumber, Bid. Material, n H o m e r Bros. Co., Merchants, « J* Robt. Wood, Furniture & Undertaker, « D. C. Hunt, Wholesale Grocer, *r Pitchford & Co., Merchants, «i J. D. Brooks, Merchant, n E. H. Crenshaw, Banker, « Upchurch & Currin, Furniture & Undertaking, « J. P. White, Mnfg. & Jobber, n Jno. B. Booth, Tobacconist, n W. J. Overton, Merchant, n Kimball Farm, K P. Moss, Manager, w J. !*§ Meadows, Tobacconist, - ii Landis & Easton, Merchants* ii Jno. Webb* Tobacconist, « W. B. Baldwin, Parmele, S. A. Congleton, Farmer* Pembroke, A. M. Breece, Merchant, i i McCoaaaick & Paul, « t» H. H. Sampson, Gro. 8c Market, n Pembroke Merc ♦ Co., Merchants, Rosemary, Rosemary Supply Co., Merchants, Ramseur, I. P. Craven, Pres., Ramseur Millihg Co* n Ramseuf Pharmacy , Drugs, n Ramseur Furniture Co., Furniture Mnfg* it C olumbi a Buggy Co., Buggy Mhfg* it Watkins, Leonard Co., n J. 0. Forrester, Secy. Crescent Furniture Co., Ramseur Broom Works, Mnfg* Carter Mercantile Co., Merchants, Ral%igh C. C. McDonald, Stocks & Bonds* ii W. B* Grimes* Banker* « P. B. Crowder, Merchant, N Thos. E. Briggs, Hardware, n Chas. E. Johnson, Jr., Banker* i i Dobbins-Preeman Co., Dry Goods, n Herbert Rosenthal, Shoes, it H. Mahlus Sons, Jewlers, ff Cross & Linchan Co., w Norris Bros. Co., Merchants, i i Crowder & Rand, n C. B. Ray, Haamess Mhfg. i i Weathers Fumitjrre Co., Furniture, N Chas. 1. Johnson & Co., n Johnson & Johnson Co., Manufac turers, ft A. P. Bauman, Bankers, it Ernest P. Maynard, Lawyers, M Ransom Hinton, Fanner*

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Ho. xo. City, Hacie* Busjjiess*^ Rowland, Y* G. Pleasants, Merchant, If A. L* Bullock, Merchant, Farmer, Banker ft W. F. Bristow, Banker, If S. H. McKinnon, Farmer, M J. MeR. Bracy, Mayorj ft T. W. Carmichael, Physician, ft A. L. Buck, Banker, tt Jno. A* McComick, Cotton Buyer and Planter M P. M. White, Cotton Buyer, It Chas. J* McClellan, Insurance, tt T. W. Brabe, Cotton Ins. & Brokerage, It A. T. McKellor, Cotton, Rocky Mount, Jenkins & Jeffreys, Live Stock, » W. R# Fountq-in, Live Stock, it V/. S. Yaughan, Insurance, i i S. C-. Sills, Banker, n Battle & Winslow, lawyers, if Rocky Mount Mills, Cotton Mnfg# w P. C. Shore, Planter, it 1. B. Bryan, Planter, it B. H. Barr, Banker | * R. B. Davis, Jr., » * Everett Hdw. Co., Hardware, Rockingham, A. H. Corpening, Hotel, « W. E. ItolTair, Furniture, it Henry C. Wall, Farmer, i i Jake S. Hinson, Planter, it Watson-ICing Co*, Merchants, i i Palmer-Payne Co*, Wholesale Groceries, tt J* C. Dockery, Lumberman & Farmer, n Jno* J* Thrower Co*, Merchants, Red Springs, R. W. Livermore, Merchant, it W* IT* Gibson, Mhgr., Morgan Oil & Fertilizer Co*, n Red Springs Trading Co., Merchants, « J. D. Odom, « T own s end1 s Pharmac y, Druggists, » Garrett & McNeill, Merchants, H J. M* Love & Co., Lumber, It T. C. Rogers, Planter, If S. W. Vright, Merchant* it Jno. G. Brown, Postmaster, tt Red Springs Drug Co., Druggists, ft J* L. McMurran, Physician, it G. W. Howard, Manufacturer, « Lucius MoRae, Farmer, tt H. M. Dixon, Minister* « J. D* McLean, Cotton Buyer, RicR Square, Holman Bros*, Live Stock & Vehicles, it J. W. Weaver, Merchant, it M. Bolton, Physician, ft J. T. Futrell, Jeweler, n A. A. Bergan, Merchant, n S . A* Huggins, Cotton Buyer, ft J . T. Bolton, Banker & Merchant, tt J. B. Johnson, Merchant, it Willie Edward, Book-keeper,

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ITo. XX* City* Ilame* Business* Rich Square, Albert Vann* Banker, ** B. B. Lassiier, Barber, * P. S. Grant, Merchant, 9 Jno* Bingham, " * T. E* Peele, 9 *J J. P. Koleman, Horse Dealer, n Herbert P. Wade, Salesman, n A. Grant, Paimer, * C. G* Conner, Telegraph Operator, * Thompson & Chappell, Merchants, Snow Kill, D* W. Patrick, Parmer, Sharpsburg, G. T. Dunn, Merchant, 9 G. H. Pittman & Co*, 9 * J* P. Davis & Co., • 9 M. A. Batchelor, w Smithfield, 1®* L* Woollen & Son, " n Austin, Stephenson & Co*, " " S. S* Holt, Lawyer, * Stevens Furniture & Implement Co*, w Smithfield Hardware Co., 9 Skiers Bros., Merchants, * Creech Drug C o/ , Druggists, * Bvanhoe Mhfg. Co*, Cotton Ifnfg* " CottoE & Underwood Co., Merchants, * N. B. Grantham & Co., 9 9 N. M* Sanders, 9 9 Cotter Hdw. Co., Hardware, 9 Hood Bros., Druggists, 9 T. C. Jordan, Jeweler, Stokes, J. L. Perkins, Merchant, " C* F* Page, Mayor, 9 G. II* Roebuck, Merchant, i- 9 J. M. Bailey, Banker, * H. G. Stokes, Stovall, C. T. Hester, Agt. So. Ry. Co*, * L. G* Puckett, Merchant, " Stovall Broom Works, IJhfg. 9 IT. C. Daniels, Lumberman, 9 J. G. Harris, Furniture, * R. T. Gregory, Druggist, * W* F. Hicks, Postmaster, * J. M. Cottrell, Furniture Dealer, * Fred* Deese^ £?rin* Public Schools, 9 R. A. Taylor & Co., Merchant $ 9 R. C. Puckett, Merchant, * H* L. Gillis, * " C. L. Lewis, Banker, Sunbury, J. 1. Corbitt & Bro., Her (Chants, * B* IT. Sandridge, Parmer, « S. I* Harrell, Real Estate, " P* II* Cross, Dealer in Lumber, Fertilizer & Machinery, * Jos* M. Cross, Parmer, " J. V. Gordon, Hotel, " Geo. P.* Cross, Farmer, " K. C* Benton & Bro., Mnfg.

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Fo* 12# City* game* Business* Sunbury, T* A* Jordan, Salesman, « C* M* Manning, Asst* Postmaster, " W* S* MacClerry, Banker, * I* P* Pierce, Merchant, * Geo* C. Brooks, PhjHs^oian, * J* 0* Morris, Farmer-, * J* IT* Kill, Parmer, n A* E* Barnes, Parmer, * L* M. Pieroe, Undertaker, " P. R. Smith, Minister, " J* C* Ward, Merchant, * C. P* Copeland, Merchant, « M. C* Bynum, * * E* S* Lang don, Agt* & Operator, * Jno* V* Miles, Merchant, w J. E* Wiggins, Parmer* Townsville, W. P. Hamilton, Cashier, Townsville Bank, Trotville, Alfred Hobbs, Parmer, Tarboro, J* W* ¥/iggins, * * W. B. Sedberry, Chief Clerk A.C.L* Ry* « ¥. L. & J* E. Simmons, Pumiture Dealers, E* C* Winslow, Live Stock, * Edgecombe Drug Co*, Drugs, tt A* T* Walston, Clerk Superior Court, * P* Hart, Salesman, tt W. S. Clark & Sons, Merchants, * J. W* Porbes, Insurance, * C* P. Clayton, Printers, * J. K* Bell, Jeweler, w C* J. Austin, Hardware, ** The Thomas Co., Merchant, " Southern Cotton Oil Co*, » H. Cheriy, H * D. Lichtenstein Co*, Wholesale Grocers, ^ * H* L. Williams, Parmer, Thoftasville, Mo one Bros*, Merchants, * Cates 8c Boggs, Merchants, w Thomasville Bottling Co*, * Lambeth Furniture Co*, Ifnfg* , * Amazon Cotton Mills, Cotton Mnfg* * M* H* Stone, Merchant, " M* A* Bowers, Physician, " Jewel Cotton Mills, Mhfg* * Ohas* M. Hoover, Mayor, TruSt, Ebbs & Gardner, Sx x x fcy Merchants, Union Mills, w* P* Plack, Banker, * D* D* Hewitt, Pinancial Agent for H* H* Academy, * ¥* C* Tate, Merchant & Banker, ” J* B* Freeman, Postmaster, * J* N* Castle, Agent Hy* " Claude Y. Hanney, Barber, ” M. P. Plack, Lumberman, Williamston, Williamston Gro* Co*, Wholesale Groceries*

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Ho. 13* City. Harae. Business* Winston-Salem, Snoak & McHairy, Live Stock, Harness & Buggies. Wagram, W. G. Buie & Co., Merchants, ■ W. T. Crump, Banking, " Jno. A. McKay, Banker & Farmer, Washington, Frank H. Bryan, Lawyer, * C. S. Whichard, A, C. L. Conductor* " S. R. Clary, Agt. A. C. L. " H. Terrell, Farmer, " Wm* B. Earding, Books & Stationery, " J. B. Ross, Banker, * Frank H. Robins, Milling, * Jas* T. Maddox, * Mutual Machine Co., Shipbuilding & machinery, " Carolina Tel. & Tel. Co., " HaveJis Oil Co., Cotton & Oil, « B. F. Bowers, Merchant, w Bowers, Lewis Co., Merchant, w S. R. Fowle & Son, " w Worthy & Etheridge, Druggists, *» D. W. Carter, Merchant, * A* B. Whi tty, Book-keeper, ** Washington Horse Exc. Co., Live Stock, etc., * Jas. E. Clark Co., Merchants, " C. Morgan Williams, General Insurance, ” F. A. Moss, Planing Mill, * Thos. F. Robbins, Life Insurance, " McRay, Hicholson Hdw. Co., * Cherry Furniture Co., Furniture, " Wm. Bragaw & Co., Insurance & Fertilizers, " Bragaw Fertilizer Co., " E. T. Pressley, Barber, w I. S. Fleming, Farmer, n R. S. Silverthorn, Merchant, " Thos* S. Long, Lawyer, " S. Sklby Jones, Watch Maker, * 0. A* Turnage, Merchant, ** H. T. Latham, Stationery, " Lee Davenport, Druggist, " W. C. Hallison & Son, Hardware, n Spencer Bros., Dry Goods, etc. tt W. F. Clam, Agt. So. Express Co., " Chas. M. Little, Grocer, " W. Gray Willis, " ** F. E. Mayo, Battling Works, " A, J. Cox, Grain Dealer, w A. W. Thomas, Merchant, " S. B. Cozzens, Butcher, " J. F. Buchanan & SOn, Merchants, * Ward & Grimes, Attorneys, * Lewis & Colaris, Merchants, " S. R. Fowler & Son, « n Southern Furniture Co., Wholesale Furniture, ■ Walter Creadle & Co., Groceries, " Ellison Bros. Co., Wholesale Groceries, n Jefferson Furniture Co., Furniture,

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Ho. 14. City. ITame. Business. Washington, Pegram-Watson Hdw. Co., Hardware. « 1. K. Willis, Merchant, Wilson, Hackney Bros., Carriage Builders, » W. P. Anderson, Watson Tobacco W.H. ** Hackney Wagon Co., Mnfg. Wagons, w Hadley-Harris & Co., Inc., Merchants, » W. W. Simms Co., Mnfg. ** Tomlinson & Co., Inc., Merchants, " Jno. D. Eved, Publisher & Editor, n S. W. Smith, Tobacco, * U. H. Cpzart, Tobacco, ” Wilson Heal Estate Loan & Exchange Co., " Robt. E. Eulghum Co., Merchants, w Boykins-Town send 'Realty Co., * J. D. Get tinge, liefchantsm w So. Cotton Oil Co., Cotton Oil Products, 9 Earners Cotton Oil Co., " n Continential Guano Co., Fertilizers, n P. L. Woodard Co., llerchants, " Brett X&gr. & Contr. Co., Engineers and general contractors. * Dennis-Simmons Lumber Co., Hhfg. w Banner Warehouse, Leaf Tobacco, w Quinn, Mcc-owan Eum. Co.,Merchants & Undertakers, w J. L. & W. R. Bryan, Live Stock dealers, Windsor, W. L. Lyon, Banker, * T. Gilliam, w M Windsor Pharmacy Co., Druggists, w C. A. Cooke, Clothier, « P. R. Gilliam, Merchant, n S. P. Freeman, Hotel, " H. C. Bagness, Merchant, n ¥. P. King, Postmaster, w J. J. Mardre & Bro., Merchant, " P. T. Perry, w " E. L. G atlin g, * w Stokes & Tacilock, * * G. T. Davis, Jeweler, » J. P. Ereeman, Merchant, w A. L. Rascoe, ** * E. W. Gray, Clerk, WarSaw, L. P. B est, Merchant, w W. D. Thomas & Co., w " llargolis & Brooks, ” ** Henry Earrior & CO., Brokers, n " Hobbs c: Huss, Merchants, n H. D. Earrior & Co., " " 2. H. Eonnielle, * " Geo. Blackburn, " w Warsaw Hardware Co. , ** L. Slossburg & Bro., • n John Eenchrick, n * S. E. Hines, * * R£d H. Best, .. Live Stock Dealer, ,f W. D. Crocker, Ph3rsician, w Pridgen & Balling, Market & Groceries,

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N o . 15* City. ' Name. Business.

Warsaw, 0. P. Middleton, Cotton Buyer, it A. 0. Moore, Baptist Minister, Yanceyville, A. C. Lindsey, Merchant, tt S. A. Malloy,. Physician, tt J• A. Lea, Bounty Treasurer, tt N. C. Brandon, Druggist, n J. «J. Crowe, Oculist, n Jno. A* Massey, Automobiles, tt T. L.Lea, tt n S, F. Upchurch. Lawyer, n B. L. Graves, Fertilizers, « Fre& G. Harr el son, Merchant, « A, J. Hooper, tt tt Lawrence Gwynn, Contractor, n T. J. Hatchett> Stock Dealer, « R . L. Mitchell* Clerk Superior Court, tt * Robt. T. Wilson, Register of Deeds - Caswell County, T. J. Florence & Son, Merchants

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Supplementary List* HORTH CAROLINA* City. Name* Business. Burlington, Merchants Supply Co., Wholesale Grocers, Elkin, A. Chatham, Sr., Banker, <* A. Chatham, Jr., tt it P. C. Layne, Farmer, Gatesville, L* S. Smith, Attorney & Banker, Graham, W* J. Vicks, Merchant & Banker, Henderson, J. 0. Lewis, Broker, Lumberton, L. H. Caldwell, Merchant, Maxton, Neill Aeford, - tt « Currie, Patterson Co., Merchants & Dealers in Live Stock, Norlina, W* F. White, Merchant, Palmyra, Jos* Early, n Raleigh, Goodwin, Smith F u m . Co. , Furniture dealers, Rowland, Jno. W. Ward, -Merchant & Farmer,. Scotland Heck, Hardy Hdw* Co*, Hdw* & Mill Supplies, Semora, Adams & Co., Merchants, N Jno. H. MCAden, it Turkey, Hunter Bros., ~ " & Hhfgr. Wake Forest, R. W. Wilkinson, ft tt « Wake Forest Loan & Real Estate Co., Realty Agents, Waxrenton, Franks Serls, Hardware. Ashville, W. T. Bohannon, Produce, Fayetteville, S* W. Ellis, Insurance, it T. A* Bell,- « « S. M. Campbell, M ft W. J. Parker, „ Mill Superintendent, Lumberton, A. Weinstein, Merchant, « King sdale Lumb er Co., Lumber Mhfgr* tt J* D. McMillan & Son, Druggist, M Fannond Bros., Merchants. Fremont, Geo* D* Best & Son, tt Goldsboro, T. N. Waters & Bro., tt Jef f ersonr Johft Bent, Farmer, Elon College, C. A. Hughes, Merc hant, u n W* A. Harper, Pree* Elon College, tt ft J. C. McAdams, Contractor, tt tt S. A. Ware, ~ Physician 8c Druggist, w tt L. I* Cox, Treas* Elon College,- tt ft W* S. Smith, Bank Cashier, tt ft Thos* C. Amick, Teacher, tt tt W. P* Lawrence, Bank President, it ft W. 0* Wicker, . Teacher, tt ft J. P. Huffman, Miller,« Wake Forest, Wake Forest Supply Co., Merchants, Winston-Salem, J. A, Byerly, Travelirog Sale sman, Enigbtdale, 1. E. Paschail, Merchant,

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TOWN NAME BUSINESS, Lumberton, R* D. Caldwell & Son, Wholesale Merchants, Frariklinton, Sterling Cotton Mills, Mnfg* Cotton Warps, Hendersonville, C. S. Fulibright, Bank Cashier, R aleigh , Johnson & Johnson Co., Brick Mnfg* Coal, Wake Forest, Royal Cotton Mills, Cotton Mnfg* Green sbQro, ~ Jos. J. Stone & Co*,' Printers & Binders, Burlington* Jas, .N. Williamson & Sons, Cotton & Fabric Mnfg* Greensboro, Julian Price, Rep* Standard Jefferson Life Insurance Co*' Raleigh, Raleigh Cotton Mills, Hosiery Yams Mnfg* Washington, Win. Bragaw & Co*, Insurance, Edenton, W. D. Pruden, Attorney-at-Law, Concord, J. W. Cannon, Pres,, Cannon Cotton Mills, Halifax, J. H. Norman, Register of Deeds, „ Kinston, Kinston Cotton Mills, Knitting Yams Mhfgr* Washington, Havens Oil Co*, Cotton Seed Oil, Charlotte, ~ Shuman Bros®, „ Contractors, High Point, J. J. Farris s', Publisher &„Editor, High Point, Tate Furniture Co*, F u m i tur e Mnfgr * Oxford, Cannady & Alston, Grocers, M R. S. Montague* Merchant, « Breedlov e & McFarland, tt m Lyon-Winston Co., General Supplies, m J. Thomas, Merchant, n J• G. Hal1, Druggist, « E. H. Crenshaw, Garage &„Auto Supplies, if Horner Bros. Co., Merchants, «i J. Robt* Wood, . FurnitureUndertaker, it D. C. Hunt, . Wholesale Grocer, tt Perkinson-Green oo*, Merchant, n Granville Real Estate & Trust Co.,* Real Estate & Insurance tt Acme Hdw. Co* , Hardware, m Taylor Bros.,, Grocers,~ it Oxford Plumbing Co#, Plumbing & Electrical Contractors, it J. F* White Co., *" Wholesale Grocers, Belhaven, Sawyer Gro. Co., Wholesale Grocers, Stanc ell, 1. H. Clements, - Thomasville, Thomasville Hdw. Co., Hardware, Clayton, Clayton Hdw. Co., n N Luther T. Rose, . Automobile Supplies, Raleigh, Royal & Borden~Fum* Co*, Furniture, Charlotte, Charlotte Brick Co*, Brick Mnfg* Wilson, Hackney Wagon Co., : Mnfgr* Charlotte, Chadwick-Hoskins Co., Mnfg. Cottdn Goods, ♦t Williams & Shelton Co., Importers & Jobbers of Cotton Goods, Durham, Yen able Tobacco Co., Tobacco Brokers, Raleigh, Fanners Guano Co., Fertilizers Mnfg* Reidsville, Edna Cotton Mills, Cotton Mnfg. Mayodan, Washington Mi 11s,- Cotton Mnfg*

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$2 North Carolina,


Marion, Mari on Mnfg* Co*, XfUiAMnfg* • PrintJL jl mu Cloth, Gastonia, Gray Mnfg* Co*, .. Cotton Mnfg,,Mnfg. Rhodhiss, Rhodhiss Mnfg* Co*, Mnfg* Sheeting^ Drills Newton, - Newton Cotton Mills, Mnfg* Cotton Goods, Concord, Young-Hartsell Mills, Cotton Mnrgr* Newbem, Newbem Cotton Oil Cotton Seed Products fertilizers Mills, & . Fertilizers. i1 i rr. *»-»*«. Wilmington, J. V* Granger, Vice President The Murchison Natfl Bank, Henderson, Wm* A* Hunt, Bank Cashier, Statesville, D* M. Ausley, Bank Cashier, Azalea, McEw en Lumb er Co*, Mnfg* Lumber, Lumberton, H* M. McAllister,. Bank Cashier# Henderson, S. T. Peace, : Bank Cashier^ Dunn, P* S. Cooper, Pres. First Natl. Bank Asheville, Erwin Sluder, Vice-Pres. Battery Park Bank, Mount Olive, H. M* Cox, Bank Cashier, Oxford, A* G* Cooper, Vice-Pres, National Bank of Granville, Washington, A* M. Dumay, Bank Cashier, Chapel Hill, H. T. Battle, Rocky Mount, Thos* H. Battle, Pres. Bank of Rocky Mt. Louisburg, . P* N* Egerton, „ Pres* Parmers & MMachants Bank, Raleigh, Jno* A. Mills, Pres*, Anchor Trust Co., N Jos, G. Brown, Pres*, Citizens Natl* Bank, Littleton, T* J. Miles, Pres*,'. Planters Bank, ’ High Point, Sieeloff Hdw* Co*,^‘ Hardware Dealers*

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Thomasville, Chamber of Commerce* Wilson, Chamber of Commerce* Fayetteville, Chamber of Commerce* Greensboro,* , Associated Banks of^Greensboro, Concord, Mercantile Association & Banks, High Point, Manufacturers Club, Tarboro, Board of Trdde, Winston*Salem, Winston-Salem Board of Ttade, Raleigh, Chamber of Commerce, Rocky Mount, Chamber of Commerce* Gastonia, Chamber of Commerced City Banks,

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City* Hame. Business. Belton, Belton Mills, Cotton Mftfg* Clemson College, Wm* S. Morrison, Professor, Columbia, - Jefferson Hotel, Charleston, Motiltrie J. Clement, Member House of Hep* " A. W. Todd, . Architect, Member.House of Rep* » S. Hittenberg, Advertising Agency, Member House of_Repi " Senator Hugh Sinkler, La?/yer, Florence, B. A. Early, Wholesale Cotton products, * Gresham & Ivey Co*, Hotel & Restaurant, * J* W. Heape, Mngr., Hotel Florence, * Chas. E. Commander, Real Estate & Ins* « W* J. Wilkins & CO., Architects, * Florence Hdw. Co*, * Weeks, Bradley Hdw. Co*, " Stevenson Farm Co., - Farmers & Merchants, .. " 1. S. Oliver, Lawyer, " F. L. Willcox, Attorney, * Hicks & Muldron, Attorneys, * A. M. McColl, - Cotton Exporter, " R. R. Stuckey, Cotton Busier, * Lucas & Brunson, Real Estate & Ins. " Wm. R. Barringer, Mayor, “ Douglas Hapier & Co,, Merchants, " John Reeker, Broker, tt J. F. Muldron, Merchant, Greenville, Fountain Inn Mnfg* Co., Cotton Mhfg* " J. F* Mac key & Son, Funeral Directors, * Seght & Carter, Office Supplies, ~ * E. F. Griffin, Farmer, * Wm. Goldsmith, Real Estate, " Flournoy & Vaughan, Jewelers, * Smith & Bristow, ^ Clothiers, * R. H. Tannaling Co., Autos & SupTjlies, ** Southeastern Life Ins. Co. * Gordon Mercantile Co., * Carolina Mills, Cotton Goods, * Simpsonville Cotton Mills, n m * Woodside Cotton Mills, . * * * Woodville Investment Co.,Real Estate & Ins. * J. Henry Madden, Jr., Cotton Mnfg* W T. Lake Cely, ■ ■ " Claude D. Smith, Mnfg* * Greenville Dally News, Publishers, ■ Stewart & Merritt, Clothiers, * Mechanics Perpetual Bldg. oc Loan Asst* " The Daily Piedmont, Publishers, " Southern Life Ins. CO., " Edw. L. Ayers, Merchant, " Jno. B. Marshall, Mayor, * Judge Jno. T. Bramlett, Probation Court, " Jas. A. McCullough, Lawyer, * G. K. Willis, Property Agt* P*& If. Lines,

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No. 2. City.' Name, Business.

Hartsvilie, McKinnon & McNair, Merchants, " R. J. PI etcher^ Live Stock Dealer, Hemingway, Geo. B. Haselden, Physician, " J. T. Durant, - Mer

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South Carolina Supplementary.


Greenville Greenville Grocery CO Wholesale Grocery Greenwood L. Wade & Gamble. Wholesale Produce Campobello, Petty Mercantile Co*, Merchants, Chester, The Springstein Hills, Cotton Mnfgr* Fort Millj Fort Fill Mnfgr* Co* " * Kershaw, Kershaw Cotton Mills, * " Lancaster, Eureka Cotton Millsj " " « Laneaster-Chester Rwy. Co*, M Lane as ter Merc♦ Co*, Merchants, « Lancaster Cotton Hills, Cotton Mnfgr* m Palmetto Gro* Co*, Wholesale Grpcers, Greenville, Merchants Wholesale Co., Greenville,, J. I. Westervelt, Pres#, Brandon Savings Bank, * J. W. Norwood, Pres*, Norwood Natl* Bank, ~ Lancaster, Leroy Springs* Pres*~ Bank of Lancaster,- Greenville, Ansel & Harris, At t o rn ey s- a t- Law, _ Hock Hill,- Manchester Cotton Mills, Mnfg* Cotton Goods, Charleston, E# H. Pringle, Pres*, Bank of Charleston* Cheraw, W# F. Stevenson, Pres,, Merchants & Farmers Bank Rock Hill, I. T# Stone, Prop*, Carolina Hotel, Charleston, Henry Schachte, Pres*, Germania Savings Bank, Chesterfield, Mack Davis, Bank Cashier, Greenville, ... Brandon Mills, Mnfg. Cotton,-Goods, Spartanburg, Clinchfield Fuel Co., Coal, etc* Anderson, Toxaway Hills, Cotton Goods Mnfg* Pelzer, Pelzer Mftfg* Co#, Cotton Mills, Williamston, Williamston Mills, Cotton Mhfg*~ Greenville,. Woodside Cotton Mills, Cotton Mnfg* «• Fountain Inn Mnfg# Co*, Damask & Prints Mnfg* N Osceola Commission Co#r Mnfg# Cottoft Goods, « Dunean Mills, Cotton Mnfg* - * tt Carolina Hills, Cotton Mnfg* lasley, Glenwood Cotton Mills, Cotton Mnfg; Greenville, J. M# Geer, Representing lasley Cotton Mills, No# 1 Easley Cotton MillsJtfo* 2, Franklin Cotton Mills, Lots Cotton Mills, Hartwell Cotton Mills, Anderson, Orr Cotton Mills, « Cotton Goods Mnfg* it Brogon Mills* „ Cotton Goods Mnfg* Charleston, J# P* White,„ Rep* Life Ins. Go* of Virginia,' Greenville, Greenvilie Chamber of Comraerc e, Rembert, Beck-Harlee Co., Merchants, Kershaw, G. R. Cook, . « Barnesville, R. W. R. Barrow, Merchant & Fanner, Blackstook,- W* T* Raines, * * Leo, W. Postern &~Co#, *

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WEST VIRGIHIA. City* Hame. Business,

Slider son, Kirby <& Houchins, Lumber Mnfgr* Alderson Garage,- Automobiles, H, C. Hogsett, Merchant, J. P, Brabban Jb Co., w Rexall Pharmacy, Druggists, Echols, Alderson Co., Merchants, Bluefi eld, H. R. Tilley, Mngr. Pullman Company*s Office, R. M. Garrett, Jr., Druggist, Jas. S. Kahee, Lawyer, „ E. L. Bowman,-Secy. Home Ins. Agency, D* E. Bodington, Grocer, W. C. Easley, Chairman Credit Bureau, H. I. Shatt,- The Bailey Telegraph, Publishers, Henry H. Barnes, Hotel, Richard G. Cutledge, Merchant, Floyd J. Brown, Postmaster, G. M. Barger, - Real Estate. J. Frank Maynard, Lawyer, P. J. Alexander,, Flat Top Gro. Co., F. W* Udy, Wholesale Grocer,~ G. A. Matthews, Bluefield Gro. Co., Upton Fruit Co., Fruits & Products, Bluefield Fruit Co., N f Wm. McCarthy, Supt. Bluefield Water Works & Transportation Co* Virginia Realty Loan Co. , Loans & Ins. B* J. Kelly, Pres,, Chamber of Commerce, G. M. McCullough, . Insurance, L. J. Holland, Attorney,„ Georgia Lumber Co., Building .Material, etc. E. A. Leonard, Jr., Hardware"Jobber, C. B. Hancock, Wholesale Hardware, R. C. Blacks took f Secy.-Treas*, Bluefield Hdw. Co* Appalachian Power Co., Light & Power, Standard Fuel & Sup. Co. Coal, Hotel Matz, Hotel, Bowling Realtjr Co., Real Estate, E. H. Easley, Insurance Agency, Foland Printing Co., Publi shers, Bluefield Daily Times, « Eureka Hdw. Co., Hardware, H. B. Pastlethwaite, City Treas. F. M. Peters, Mayor, Bluefield Telephone Co., L. Lazarus & Co., Liquor Dealers, J. W. Ruff, Pres., Blu efi eld Hdw.~Co• Edw. Mann, Banker, Geo. S. Strader, Bluefield Coal & Coke Co* Superior Supply Co, Sup. & Machinery. Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Ho. 2. City. Name. Business. Blfcef ield, Citizens Underwriters Agency, Insurance. n Bluefield Furniture Co., « Sterling Hdw. Co., Wholesale Hdw. m Norman Crawford, ~ Hardware, m W» J. Jenks, Gen. Supt. N.& W. Ry*, w D. M. Easley, Lawyer, m Easley & West, Real Estate, m Chas* M. Scott, Physician.,* .. Beckley, L. A. Davis, Banker, tt Geo. W. Warren, M Brarawell, I m e s t W. Freeman, Coal Operator, Caldwell, Caldwell Milling Co., Merc hem ts & Millers, Charleston, J, B. Bond, Mngr., Charleston Hot41 Co* Claremont, E. B. Barry, Coal, N Geo. Lawton* n Elverton, New River Operators Association, Coal Mining, Hinton, A. E. Miller, Mngr., New River Shoe Co* it Hinton Hdw. Co., Wholesale Hdw. R R. F. Dunlap, Attorney, II S. B. Thomas, ft II Dr, 0. 0. Cooper, (Owner & Surgeon in charge The Hinton Hospital, « Wm* Phurdy, Jr., Merchant, *1 Rose’s Drug Store, Druggist, « Richard B. Baer & ACo., Wholesale Lumber, Harvey, Dr. Gory Hogg, Physician, Huntington, A. C. Feagan, Insurance* Lewi sburg, Mason Bell, „ Books & Stationery, N Cambell Hdw. Co., Hardware* m D. N. Thomas, Grocer, ^ it Thos. H. Pare, Saddlery. it W. F. Fry & Co., Hardware & Harness, « J. M. McWilkerson & Co., Jewelers, it Limestone Telephone Co*, it E. H. C rule enb erger, Druggist, « J. M. Preston, Mining, - it Agnes Milling Co., Flout & Feed, it H. C. Kackson, Meat Market,, it Greenbrier Motor Co., Garage & Repairers, it Andrews & Wissinger, Merchants, it Peoples Supply Co.,. Coal &c. _ N E. L, Bell, Merchant, « E* S. Moomaw, Druggist, II Farmers Supply Co., Heavy Farm Supplies, It Greenbrier Merc. Co., Merchants, tt H. T. Bell, n « M. Mat thews, Banker, BluSfield, E. L. Bowman, Clerk County Court, McDBnalds, J. E. Benry, - Coal, Mount Hope, W. R. Gray,- Merchant, Marlinton,- S. B. Wallace & Co., Wholesale Druggists* Princeton, R. C. Dang erf ieldji Real Estate, it P, S. Reams, City Treas., tt Virginia Hdw* Co. , Hardware, Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives

Ho* 5*

City* Hame» Business*

Princeton, Dunn & BeJcher Gro* Co. Grocers, * « Dunn & Belcher, Merchants, » H. C. Hadden &»Co«, " " Princeton Furniture Co. Furniture, Priflce, Jas. F. Prince, Merchants, Prince Bros., " M. Prince, ~ Coal, Red Star, Geo. W. Jones, " _ Rush Run, W. H* Jasper, " Rock Camp, A, H. Raines, Farmer, Roneeverte, Consolidated-Light & Power Company, * Ronceverte Motor Co*, Motor Supplies, * Ronceverte Milling Co* Milling Merchants, * Ronceverte Times, Printers & Publishers, n Ronceverte Lumber Co.; Lumber,* * Ronceverte Grodery Co* Wholesale Groceries, " Jackson, Cackley & Co*, Merchants, n Wfcu B. Blake, Jr., The W* Ya* Hews, Printer & Publisher, Sun, Wm. V. Dunlop, Physician, .Thurmond, Hew River Consolidated Coal & Coke Co*, * Mankin Drug Co., . Wholesale Druggists, * F. L* Baber, Mngr* Thumond Feed & Prod* Co. " S* F. Showalter, Agt. C.& 0. Ry. Co., " J. M. McVey, * Hotel, * T. 0. Bullock, Mngr*, Chesapeake & Pot. Tel. Co. * C. B. Collins, Pres* Colltns Cash Merc* Co* * Matt W. Powers, Agt. C.& 0* Coal Agency, ■ W* H. Hewhall,.. Coal, * P. Henderson Kelly, Druggist & Coal Broker, " G. L. Johnson, Cashier Armour & Co. Union, W. H. Copeland, Lawyer, * „ C* E. Lynch, Banker, * A. S. Johnston, The Monroe WatctaMan, Printers & Publishers, * R* Porter Boyd, - Circuit Clerk Monroe Co. * E. S. McHeer, County Clerk, * Shelton Clark, Postmaster, ~ * J. T. Miller, - Justice of . Peace, * R. L. Clark, Attorney at Law,, " Jno. L. Rowan, Attorney at Law, * H. B* Campbell, Druggist, * H* P. Tracey, Banker, * E. H* Shanklin, Undertaker, J W* M. Lafon, Attorn(%r9 „ * Jno* D* Shanklin, Asst. County Claik, Willowbone, D. C* Smith, ~ Farmer-, Bluefield - American Frurit CO. Wholesale Fruits. Macdonald The Hew River CO. Mining & Shipping Coal. Pence Springs, W. D. Rhodes, Merchant,

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wist virgihia m i m s m m m s BY LETTER.

t o o t . f a m e . b u s i n e s s . Lewi sburg, W. E. ITelson, Cashier Bank of Lewi sburg, Bluefield, Goodykoonta Drug Co., Druggists, ft White* s Pharmacy, Druggists, MacDonald , Hew River Company, Coal & Coke, Beckley Coal & Coke Co., n it Collins Colliery Co., tt tt Cranberry Fuel Co., _ ' tt M Billon Land & Coal-Co., tt tt Dunn Loop Coal & Coke Co., tt tt Great Kanawha Colliery Co., tt ff Harvey Coal & Coke Co., * _ ti tt Mabscott Coal & Coke Co., f! H MacDonald Colliery Co*, _ If It Mossy Coal & Land Co.,„ n ft Price Hill Fuel Co., : ti tt Prudence Coal Co., ,, ti tt Stuart Colliery Co., it tt White Oak Coal Co.,_ it tt White Oak Euel Co* r »t Bluefield, Jas. C. Cassell, Contractor, Charleston, Jno* L. Dickenson; Bank Cashier, Huntingtonf F. B. Enslow, At to m ey-at-Law, Beckley, G. C. Hendricks, Cashier Raleigh^Co. Bank Huntington, Miller Supply Co., General Supply Hpuse & Machinery,

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