Box 2647, Folder 6: #12 Vol. 1 Richmond, VA
Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives . D 7 U 5 R 5 v. I U.S.. Federal Reserve Bank Organization Cocmittee. and letters, submitted at hearings. (Hi chmond) Digitized for FRASER Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Reproduced from the Unclassified I Declassified Holdings of the National Archives Sf/tP LIST OP^STATE & CITY^OFFICIALS ENDORSING SXCEMDND. J. Leroy Speight, City Electrical Inspector, E. W. Trafford, ~ Coneulting City Electrical Engineer, John T. G ill, - Board of Health Inspector, Wm. H. Thompson, City Electrician, P. P. Winston, - Clerk Law & Equity Court, Luther Libby, * Deputy Clerk Law & Equity Court, Beverly T. Cruipp, Judge of Law & Equity Court, Geo. S. Crenshaw* City Accountant, Edwin J. Blake, ~ Special Assessment Clerk, W. W. Dunford,,. Clerk to Administrative Board, Fra,nk T. Bates, Chief Clerk to City Engineer,,. Wm. Breeden, Deputy Clerk of Hustings Court, Walter Christian, Clerk of Hustings Court, Wm. A. Honoure, - Judge of Chancery Court# E. H. R ow elle,- Clerk of Circuit Court Qf Richmond, Garland B. Taylor, Deputy Clerk of C ircu it Court of Richmond George A in slie , Mayor of C ity of Richmond, E. E. Davi s , Superintendent of Water Works, J. E. Dickerson, Chief Clerk City Water Works, „ J. B. Pace, Treasurer of City of Richmond, Isaac Held* Deputy Treasurer of C it3»- of Richmond, Joseph B. Welsh, Clerk to City Treasurer, T. C. Waiford, - Collector of Delinquent-Taxes, H. L. Hulce, „ Collector of Revenues, C. H. Lester, Deputy C ollector of Revenues, H. E. Tresnon, Commissioner of Revenues, Geo.
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