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'Not Warmly Welcomed the Fighting

'Not Warmly Welcomed the Fighting

f- __•• THE ; SEPTUS* ^' . I'ltOTlNCIAL LIBRARY VOL. 3 NELSON, B. C„ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER .'13, 1904 NO. 12. instance, officially calls attention to th* 's presence In San Francisco harbor, "The Japanese, who had been accused of liar Harbor, Maine, Sept. 12—Count Ca-s- moving northward slowly, are now' ad­ fiinl, the Russian ambassador'to the United vancing very rapldlyf'bf little avail will 'NOT WARMLY States in a statement today says he be­ THE FIGHTING HAS SpPPEP IN the Increase of Russian troops be,- for HAVE CROSSED lieves that the right course will ,be taken the .lajwinese are receiving reinforce­ by the authorities at Washington In the matter of" the presence of the Russian ments from New Chwang, The initia­ transport Lena nl San Francisco. tive 'Will remain in Llie. hands of the Jap­ WELCOMED Washington. Sept. 12—The navy depart­ Both Sides Are Resting and Watching Each Other-It is Rumored That Kouro­ anese and their tactics'will always be| ment received a despatch today from repeated." - THEIINE reared ml nil GOodrloll commandant ••>_ thy naA'j-yard at Mare laland, stating that patkin is to be Replaced by Linevitch and That Alexieff Has Resigned- " RUSSIANS ARE CHEERFUL, .. tho-iRhflslan transport Lena had arrived there and that he commander claims tliat Multden. Sept. 12.—The Russians aro [The Russian Transport his _hlp, engines and hollers were In need Indications Are That There Will be a Winter Campaign now continuing their retirement to Tie pass. .The Japanese- advance ta slow,* Men Who Held Up C.P.R. of repairs. Tho telegram has been referred, right, and centre were shelled from two to tho naval department. *************************** arcJiesleglng the nllliiiad'. stations and though the military situation is not un­ * ,..••* sides by the Russians. The Japanese Lena Arrives at San other places but it is well nigh impos­ favorable to theni. Many Ritsssian Washington. Sept. 10-Japan .has form­ * held iheir position with difficulty. Th'e sible to g . food. • ' Train Have Escaped to BUMHI from .wounds .has oea.ed • companies now consist of only 30 men. ally protested to the against * Uapanese artillery was disadvantage". allowing the Russian auxiliary cruiser to (low In Manchuria. Tlie Ban- • Notwithstanding.the Russian defeat tlie Francisco * ously placed. The artillery men were I*ena, to remain In port longer than 24 gulnary Bide of the Mnss. Japan- • LOSSES WERE LARGE. retreaUngltroops are cheerful. Washington hours. Through her consul at San Fran- * one _iilli.i i« nof nowifn evidence • exposed 'and sustained severe losses. Cisco, the complaint waa liled with the * and with the practical suspension • During the evening of the 4th three Japanese Lost 17,fi00 and Russians collector of the port, who, late today, * of news from tlie front the In- • Russian brigades, attacked tlie -Japan­ 20,000 at Liao Yang. KEEPING IN TOUCH. lis in Need of Repairs and Wants to Re­ wired for instructions. * • ten .t. for tlie'iime being,.centres • ese right and center column and tlie at­ Oyster Bay, Sept. 12.—President Roos­ Tokio, Sept. 12,—Flejd marshal Oyama Large Reward Offered for Word Leading main-Causes Ui; Authorities 9 Few * in rumors that'viceroy Alexieff • tackers were repulsed only by the timely evelt today received through the state reports that a large body, of Russian UNSEEMLY SCBNK * has resigned, as reported Sunday; • arrival of the left wing of the cohinin. department a cablegram from United cavalry has appeared at Pihtaitzu, east­ to Their Arrest-Many Officers on Bad Half Hours * ttii*t general Kourojiatkiu is to-be • Stales minister Griscom at Tokio, giv­ ward' of the railroad between' Slontsa Their TracKs .*• Men Glinched In Fight at Execution of * replaced by lieutenant general • ORLOFFA FAILED HIM. ing official figures of the losses at the and Mukden. He adds that the Rus­ RoblhBon * Linevitch, now iu command of • battle of Liao Yang. As reported by sians are merely keeping in touch with Halifax, Sept. 12— W. S. Robinson, waa * the forces at-'Vladivostock. atid • Russian Correspondent Tells Why Kour­ field marshal Oyama the Japanese losses the-Japanese; hanged at 1U;;_. this morning fur' tiie mur­ ijsco. Sept, 12—The Chronicle * other, statements which cannot. • opatkln Lost Rattle. during tbo several days of the battle Vancouver, 13. C. Sept; 12.—Tlie gen­ lornl'ng that the sailing ordera der of his wife, lie made no confeasjon. * were 17,500 while the Russian losses TOWN WIPJ.-1) OUT. i-.k'un squadron, now in thla be traced, to authentic sources, • St. Petersburg. Sept. 12.—A, Russian eral impression here is that tin. train' •_• tin- When asked to do so, he said: '1 have no * been cancelled by a despatch confession to make. I committed the crime; but all of which, if true, would • correspondent says Kouropafwrn's stra­ were 20.000. robliers, who held up the C. P. R. west * "fr&iii tin- navy, department to the rear ad­ 1 am also, so help mo God, an ImiQcent * have a' most, important bearing on • tegy was upset by the failure of major Ida.o Falls Destroyed by ii Conflagra­ bound train a few miles from Mission miral r. i*. Goodrich? Instructing him to man." When Radcllfte, the hangman, * the situation. • general Orloffa to hoid general Kurokl!s MANY RUMORS AFLOAT. tion—l_ss {300.000. on Saturday night and secured $'!.t. iU await further orders. The squadron, which brought Robinson to the scaJtold," ihere * —6ne ^Russian correspondent • extreme right.. According to.this corees- Idaho Falls, Ida., Sept. 12.—Almost from the express safe besides' robbing-rr i-onslsis <>i the cruisers New York, BOMIOU was a disgraceful scene. Two men were * points out that when the Japanese '• pondetit Kouropatkin's plan was to every business block In this city was the regtst .r.ed mail, have escaped tu the , ami Marblehead and the gunboat Ben- Said That Kouropatkin May Be Removed. clinched in a! light and others were trying * withdraw from the Russian • catch Knroki,after he had crossed ti_ From Command. wiped out by a flre that started in the other side .of the International boundary ,._: imi ilu- destroyer I -lid Jones, were lo part them. Even the scaffold Wff_ * front it is usually the preenrsor • Taitse river by a quick and clever move­ Butte Cafe and which burned several line. Late this afternoon it was reported I, i-s to sail today for Magdalen St. Petersburg, Sept 13.—(2 a.ni,l— under crowded and Radcllfte waa obliged to ur- * of their appcar.'*hee on the flanks • ment. Orloffa's mission was to attack hours. The loss will reach $300,000 they were surrounded In the woods he- practice. The change, It is said, der the people away to give liim room to With the lull in military operations and j Ua- tar * and he thinks indications point. • desperately on the rear of Kuroki's army an almost entire suspension of des­ with small insurance. hind ML Lehman, but a long distance Is -Ju- ihi- arrival of tlio Russian war- carry out his .work. The unseemly con­ * 1 ;t ju this port. Local shipping to a winter campaign. Interest • which had marched' northwest, to hold patches from, the front, St. Petersburg telephone message from Abbotsforcf duct was due -to- tuo'mawy people being * hint and. if possible, todrl ve him back ve that the Lena has been from admitted to the Jail. * again turns to Port Arthur and •• has again fallen back upon rumors. declares that, the- men. broke through* nek HO long In search of Japanese * to the effect which.the Russian . • towards Kouropatkln. while the latter Countless stories-are afloat regarding tho police cordon and are expected to and other vessels can-ying con- defeat at I_ia_ ."ang is likely to • was severing Kurok,i's communications. the Russian defeat at Llao Yang, some AN AFFRAY IN FLORIDA reach.the state of Washington In safety. that tihe was forced to put In * He struck with all his might at his flank of _iicb are absolutely absurd, while However, the police Here are oh .the renovating. Another surmise is * have on the garrison, and the • 'hero THE FIRST OF A SERIES fear" is expressed that the siege • and rear, but Orloffa was 'not equal to others have apparently enough basis In TWO MEN ARE KILLED AND ONE lookout for them and they will have the Leniv, was BO long out without * the- task assigned to him. His division greatest difficulty In eluding eventual • that ,.iize slilj>s that she put iu here * will'soon end in disaster for the • fart to give them (i color of possibility. . SEVERELY WOUNDED. /or, Inforniatioii concerning the movements AflSS AMY MILLER AND- J. W. RUDDY Russian arms. * had just, arrived from and Its While none of these stories can be, capture. * ._ * fighting efficiency was not known. confirmed, it. would not be surprising If The C. P. R. has offered a reward of of itn- enemy's vessels and for further In- MARRIED AT YMIR * MEN ACCUSED OF SHOOTING ARE BtruL-tivns.. This. 1_ la claimed, she was When lie engaged Kuroki. Orloffa wns some of them should turn out to bc true.. $1,001) for information leading to their clwirly entitled to do under thc neutrality wounded in the fight and he was.com­ GUARDED BY FRIENDS. arrest.' • AN* IMMENSE LODE UNCOVERED ON Of firsl importance Is the revival of the lawn, according to her 24 hour sjuys. KOUROPATKIN WITHDRAWING pelled to hand over his command. To rumor of viceroy Alexieff's resignation Manager Godfrey, of the Bank of Brit-. ii u • conceded in shipping circles that JUBILEE MOUNTAIN , . • make the matter worse the horse of his based probably upon differences said, to ishl.orth America, says that the $6,000" tin iiniii quest, of thc Lenu was the sleam- Chief of staff bolted. The division could Jacksonville. Flo.., Sept 12.--During Evident That He Will Not Make a exist between him and general Kouro­ a row on an excursion train*yesterday of guld dust, stolen belonged to thnt • shlj. A;n. rif-a, which. (Ilea , the Japanese [Special to Tlie Dally News] not resist the onslaught of tbe Japan­ Ann aiid which would be open to capture Stand at Mukden. patkin and others in authority in the far on tlie Georgia Southern & Florida rail­ bank, it. having heen bought from the _*_*». j ui, ..ii the high . Tile Amert- Ymir, Sept. 12—The first of a series *>f St. Petersburg. Sept. 12.—No' fresh ese. Troops gave way, and retreated. east. • Of next importance is the r_niof Cariboo mines. The police claim tonight wuddings that will take place in Ymir In the meanwhile Kouropatkin was just way ^between while men. Jackson Dun- c_ w.'. Hong Kong three days ago for light has been thrown on tlie situatliH. that general Kouropatkln is suspended, ran was killed and his brother, marshal to have traced the ttqbbera to Lynden, Ban l'i IIH'WO, richly laden. It Is a iiuo..- this month occurred this afternoon at the launching his attack, but when he found residence of Mr.'and Mrs. Samuel Miller, at the front.v' Unofficial information lieutenant general Linevitch being Duncan, dangerously wounded. Jim Wash. Pinkerton detectives are on li.n'ju'w win .her the Amerleu will croeK tends to confirm the reports that general the Japanese were turning his' left he named as the. most probable successor. their trail. the Pacing ax .she will pn__ably call at when Miss Amy Miller and J. W. Ruddy "was compelled to abandon the offensive, Riley, a negro outsider, was killed by a were united f_i_lh_ bonds of holy matri­ Kouropatkin is withdrawing the bulk of ThiB is supposed to nest upon the em­ stray bullet. Today W. D. Duncan,, Tor cable, instructions and be In- his army north and from Mukden. The .withdrew and ordered a retreat. As it As the west bound train, _C. P. R. formed of the danger awaiting her. Hono­ mony. Miss Miller wore a handsome, trav­ perors displeasure with Kouropatkin's father of Jackson and marshal Duncan, elling dress of blue and was supported by rain continues at the front. The three turnd out however. Rtalitenlierg had generalship at Llao Yang and general No. 1, was traveling from Mission to lulu is another port of call Where tbe come to Orloffa's rescure. checked the was shot four times In the side as a re­ Vancouver on Saturday night at tl Amer i could find shelter. The Pacific Miss Kate Nickerman, while the groom armies of Held marshal Oyama are re­ dissatisfaction with the course of events was assisted by David Rogers, The cere­ .lapanese flanking movement just before sult of the row on the train. o'clock, and going fast to make up Inst Btt-amshiii Company's steamer* . ported to have united north of the .Taitse at lhe front. Many rumors are probably Contele, Ga., Sept. 12.—A parly of .mm Hong Kong and Yokohama Is due mony was iierfurmed by Rev Henry Young. river, but there is nothing yet to indi­ they reached Yentai. Had Kouropatkin the outcome of jealousy and Irrespon­ time, a masked man presetted the point" Monday and possibly escaped search by The bride Is a niece of Mr Miller and came held on a Utile longer tb,. fate of the about ;.0 friends are standing guard with of a gun at effgineer Scott and ordered .. from Carleton, Ont. Mr. Ruddy Js a well- cate that they are sufficiently recovered sible criticism of the defeat at Liao loaded Winchesters around a house'In Un- earlier arrival of the Lena. The pres­ to resume tlie advance. The beat un­ daymighT have been different, as this Yang, but none is traceable to an authen­ him to stop the train. 'Tfio'".iigincer ence of ilie Lena will,have an effect for a known Ymir man and both of them arc Baxtq.-- Fla,. In which are Charles Alt- made a motion to seize the mask of yery popular In local social circles. Their official opinion is that Kouroftatktn^daj|fi .was the critical moment, for Kuroki re­ tic source.' Nevertheless in a country Urn-- un the character Of- the cargoes sent ferred to it in the despatches from the man and HUla'ry Altman. who are ac­ his assailant but was grimly admonish­ ironi here to Japanese porta. Admiral honeymoon will be spent in the North­ not cbnfehiplattrhiakirig"a'_"r'_i_ sTand where the will of one man is supreme cused of killin-g Jackson Duncan, a white west, where Mr. Ruddy has a large cattle Japanese, side. ed that there was no joke In the proceed­ .VhittfiK h.is notified the Washington au- at Mukden. law, sudden changes of the most grave man, and Jim Riley, a negro. ranch. importance arc always possible. Neither ing. Seeing two others, also masked thoritlt-H of the arrival of the Lena and Tlie friends of the All mans say that and armed, he stopped the train. has aske_ for Instructions. The Ore II111 claim on Sheep creek, TALK OF 1NT1-.I-VENT10X. Alexieff's nor Kouropatkin's friends. the sheriff or militia will-take the men At ih--1. ._*lii_ion-o_ a conference between JAPANESE DISAPPOINTED. The robbers were very buslnc_slike in . Owned by Godfrey Blrtsch. tjhipped one Jlowever, seem to attach great import­ only over iheir dead bodies.' collectij. Ktratton and the Jajwineae amsul. and one half tons of ore to Trail, which ance to the stories involving.theni. tneir movements; one stayed guarding* ton gave out a statement in netted 5_7_, or p per sack. Regrel Felt Because Russian Army Was Ru?sla Would Prefer Thnt Germany the engineer, the other two compelled George Bell of Sulmo has taken a lease Not, Destroyed. Undertake Tnsk. WORLD AUTOMOBILE PARTY. lhe fireman to cut off the mail and ex­ St. Petersburg, Sept. 12.—Reports of -hich I aid: on the property owned by William Ben­ Llao Yang, Sept. 11.—(Delayed in NEWS FROM OYAMA. press car. Meanwhile conductor Ward have decided not to allow tho Jap- nett and Mrs. Agnes Billings. The pro­ .transmission.)—The Japanese are great­ Impendm'^-intervention by the powers It. is Making Good Progress, Having was threatened with death If he left his | am .. tn go aha&fd the Lena to make 'an perty consists of a group of claims ou ly disappointed at the failure of their to end the war are considered today by Gives the Disposition of Russians at Arrived at. Calgary. car. Appreciating the position, the con­ examination. This is a matter between the Sheep creek upon which Is a remarkably titans to Impose a final cohfliet upon the the Novoe Vremya wliich says there Is Yentai and Mukden. Calgary. Sept, 12.—The (Hidden auto­ ductor sent a warning to passengers to rich mineral showing.. Mr. Bell's Inten­ I t*nl\ed Hi,ites and the Russian government. Russians at Liao Yang In 'the hope of no prospect of such action by France, Tokio, Sept. 12:—A telegram received mobile world tourjng party driving In hide valuables and sent word to the op­ [and tho t'ultcd States will.attend to It tion Is to take out ore and ship this win­ which country would sincerely like to ter when the sleighing Is good. tanking up' the present Russian army here from field marshal Oyama at mid- thoir motor car upon tbe tracks ofthe erator at Mission to notify Vancouver I without iLsklng a_ststance fron* anv. edy. in Manchuria. The.y are now pushing see peace. The paper says It would nighl last nigh, gives the disposition of "Sou" Pacific and the Canadian Pacific of what had happened. II know tlie law thoroughly and I wll! en­ The Canadian King property _t Erie, gather that Germany should undertake under lease to William Connelly, shipped reinforcements and supplies northward tho Russ'ian trjiops about Yentai and railway, from Minneapolis to .Vancouver, Meanwhile the engineer and firemen force it. The neutrality of l_h_ United the task of separating the contestants, ,Mukden. He says that a large force of reached here Saturday night from had been forced to proceed to the o_- . 8Utw will be maintained with'lit regard u tar~of ore to Trail, which will net- in in every possible way, using boots on ; •Bs-ftermany has not the same material Russian cavalry is posted at Ping Tal prss car, where the messenger. Mitchell, I to any niiuest or act )f the J_i_ine e the neighborhood of $30 per ton. the Llao river and Its tributaries while Maple Creek, ar distance of 210 miles. Dougal Cameron left yesterday morning i_!l the native roads leading into Llao interests to lie affected as France and Tsze and that another force of cavalry makinj- a total drive upon the tracks of was al once disarmed. The robbers took for Purtland, Ore, where he was sum­ Yang are filled wltli whe*d_t__0_s and the United States. On till' other hand occupies Helling Chai. Other bodies of 1,16] miles and in the world's tour, in $t:,00l) In gold, dust, $1.(1.0 In cash: nnd ' iral lunched with cnptaln Per- the Novoe Vremya continues. America nthor offlcers or 'ho Le:a en moned on Important business. other conveyances, carrying grain and cavalry, with artillery, are located at 18 countries upon the highways, of 19,421 the registered mall hags. They then Wnl the vessel. Lieutenant Sotoff, speak- Edward Poters, owner of the New York ammunition into the Chinese city where Is entirely too busy with the national Huang Shan Lin on the eastern road as miles, haying heen upon the road 162 made fro the Fras. r river. In. for the captain, stated that the prin- Central group of mineral claims on Jubi­ field marshal marquis Oyama, the election to undertake .such a daring well as in the neighborhood of the Yu- days. ' As soon as the train reached Vancouver lee mountain, has B number of men at task, so that Russia may as well look ci[L.l object ((f the Russian vessel In mak- Japanese commander in chief, has es­ munls. which is occupied by the Japan­ This Is the find time in the history of a special containing city, provincial ami work developing the property. In the forward to the conclusion of the war Inx tiii;. port waa to have absolutely i;ic- tablished his headquarters. There is ese. Some detachments of Russian railroading and automobjllng that the C. P. R. police started In pursuit. course of the work they have uncovered without the prospect that any world jwary re\w Urs mnde to her en*. Ms and on immense ledge which at present is 40 every Indication, therefore, that the cavalry are posted at Fan Chi. Kuahutul motor car lias ever been driven* over the It-Is generally believed that the rob­ boilers, Her bottom IB foul and will have feet wide with no walls In sight. This Japanese intend to force, if possible, a po\ver will even attempt to interfere. and Menhukutun, along the railroad be­ tracks of any railroad company, bers had heard of the clean-up of the to bo eloanod ln dry dock. may prove to be the mother lode of the decisive battle with the Russians. tween Yental and Mukden, and are ap­ __arll__* Consolidated Hydraulic Co. and Th. lieutenant said that the Lena's conl parently keeping in touch with and camp, which to date any one has failed It. the past the Japnnese have de­ A JAPANESE MOTHER. HARDING KILLED HIMSELF. expected to secure it. hunk, I-M were far from being depleted and to locate,, but which eminent mining men watching the Japanese. Another report clared Ihelr belief that the Russians T_iter.~-So far no arrests -have been He thought It would' be unnecessary for claim will be found somewhere between received from the headquarters of the jr to take conl at this port. - The United were using dum-dum liullets. basing She Adjured Her Ron lo Act Nobly For John Henry, an Old Time Lumberman made in connection with the hold-up of Wild Horse and Porcupine creeks. Manclnirfan armies tells of the pitiable «atcs Inspectors of hulls and boilers 'have their contention on the vicious wounds The Mikado. Killed By a Train. the C. P, R. train on Saturday night, A number of townspeople donated work condition of the non-combatants at Liao «*n ordered to make a thorough examina­ made by the, bullets when they struck St. Petersburg. Sept. 12.—The spirit [Special tn The Daily News) but It is though that the robbers have this afternoon In clearing off the rifle Yang. It. states that while the Russians tion i.f the Lena and on their report will and they now claim that ttiey have prov­ animating the Japanese troops is shown Blairmore, N.W.T. Sept.. 12.-E. C. •been surrounded by a posse of police range site, situated a short distance south were holding the defensive works close largely dnpend the duration of the stay" of ed their case by the fact that they hy the translation ofa letter written by Harding. . secertary-treamiroc of 'lhe just across the American side of the line of Ymir. A range 800 .yards in length was to the wails of Llao Yang, they pro­ the vessel in the bay. If it Is decided that cleared of trees and underbrush. Caplaln found dum-dum .ammunition in the field a Japanese mother to her son which Miners' Union at Lille, a new camp'two and their capture Is expected shortly. hibited the removal of non-combatants "•pairs .are required, they will be made as J. W. Ross is an enthusiastic rifle sth ot at Lino Yang. This evidence is not con­ has reached the war office. The letter miles from Frank, on the Frank and The C. P. R. and the Dominion Ex­ ftjjldly as possible from the city and consequently many and claims that he will have a team that sidered conclusive. The impression was was found on the body of her son. It Grassy Moun-Uiln railway, comn\ltr..l press company have offered a joint re­ The, Inspector has refii-fM to order the were killed or wounded. ward of $5,000 for information leading l#m will compete with other associations and held in Liao Yang Ihal the Russians adjures him to act nobly for th.g mikado suicide this evening in a house of 111 '"in the "-harbor wl thing 2-1 hours be able tu hold thoir own. and his country, and Informed him that to Ihefr capture, and the provincial gov- .- *lthoul a full investigation. had destroyed the railroad between An additional report from army head­ fame at this place. Infatuation for an there and Mukden but an examination his failure would be consideretl an ever­ quarters concerning liy? dum-dum' bul­ inmate of the house is supposed to have ernment has added $500 additional for "' levigating officer SpecknefT said: "We each conviction, ll is thought the do­ "'••res sent to Vladivostock to transfer the A VERY COLD PLACE of the line as as possible lasting disgrace upon the family ances­ lets said: "Among the Russian muni­ been the cause. Besides being secretary tr<_i,i. hurtle when tho wnr should be over. showed it to he everywhere intact. This try, but if he died on the field It would tions used at Liao Yang are (wo kinds of Lille branch of the United Mine minion government will also offer a I 'IP -Una Is not a warship. We cannot Report of Mounted Police at Fort Mac- is taken lo Indicate that Ihe Russians be an act which ihe family would cele­ of dum-dum bullets, which very much Workers of America, Harding has a coo- reward as the malls were looted. "Kfit. Needing repairs, wn were flint or- pherson propose to use the line again. They brate for a week. resemble those made for the Russian tract, for driving a tunnel on the new Pinkerton's men bave beeu called iu ™TN1 bnok to the Raltjc. Afterwards these Ottawa, Sept. 12—The mounted police de­ posted proclamations along Ihe line rifle of the 1901 type. They do not. how­ coal property being developed by C. I-V to aid In lhe search. /tiers were changed and wo have come partment ha. received a report iCrotn GARRISON PLEASED. ever, fit this rifle exactly. We made a 1 sergeant Fitzgerald, who Is ln charge of warning the Chinese not to damage It Hill. at Hill Crest, east of Frank. w" Wentme It is the nearest port In under penalty of future punishment. It search for rifles which could have fired SIR THOMAS COMING WEST. *Jieh we could get the new boIlerH made." tho detachment at Fort Mocpherson, at John Hen;-)*, an old time lumberman the Junction of the Polly and Mackenzie IR now reported on good authority thai Emperor's proclamation Cutting Down these bullets but, failed to find them. of the west, was killed Inte last night Winnipeg. Sept. 12.—President T. G. j»Ing nsked how long he would remain Shaughnessy and party arrived at noon "•.he said: "We expect orders from our rivers. The report covers the months of in some of the assaults made by Ihe Time Pleased Them. - . • "The wounds received hy some of our by being struck hy a freight train en­ nava representative at Washington, who February, March, April, May and June. Japanese upon the Russian trenches be­ St. Petersburg. Sept. 12.—In publish^ men are comparatively large and It Is tile Crow's Nest Hue. Henry was walk­ in a-special train from Fort William on "^hiHt heen advised of-our arrival. It is Tho condition of the police is good. Con­ fore Llao Yang, on September 1 and 2. ing lleulenant general Stncssel's tele­ likely that they were made by dum-dum ing through the slide east of Frank a tour to the coast. JNHwuile that wo will-ask tho American stable Walker cut his foot and was laid the attackers at. some places lost In gram replying to__al_.o. Ihe emperor hnllets. We have, however, been unable The party consists of sir Thomas up for 31 days. when hit by the train. It Is supposed '"vernmeni for permission to remove tihe killed or wounded. 90 per cent of the sent recently, reducing the Port Arthur to ascertain this definitely. he was Intoxicated. Sbaughnessy, sir G. A. Drummond, R. B. n m 0lir nccka aml fl,low thc veasel The Pelly' river was froion over for numbers engaged. garrison's term of military service, the "The presence of the bullets explains Angus, C. R. Hosmer, and E. B. Osier. ; :' " seven months. Thc river was clear of Ice It Is believed that, the Japanese forces Official Messenger snys tlie news was Rself. Photographs of the huliels and CONTAINS A SKETCH OF GALLIHER Wm. Whyte, G. J. Bury and superinten­ temalii here until tho repairs necessary on May 23rd. There was a snow storm on papers relating to this matter will he dent Dlllinger accompany them from Cft will remain stationary at Liao Yang for received hy the besieged men with cheers The Montreal Daily Herald of tho 7th " he finished." June 23rd. About the middle of Febru­ nnd tears of gratitude. No Intimation Fort William. During the distinguished ary the thermometer registered on ono one month to come. forwarded." Instant contain*, u long account of W, A. When nsked how long he thought that is given as to the method whereby the Galliher, M.P., mul a photograph. visitors' short stay at the lake port they, n m,lrp '•occasion CO below zero. The Indians re­ Zh . 1 ' . ho said: "The Lena, will reply wns sent from Porl Arthur, but it WAS DEFENDING THE REAR. Thc big. genial imTniber for Yale-Cari­ inspected the various works there of tho 1 1 hm Untl1 the Wftr lB ported moose scarce but furs are plentiful.- THE MEN FOUGHT RRAVELY. ol^r lv"'" ' '" Three American sealers wintered near Her- is dated September 6. indicating that boo has made an excellent Imprest-ion at C. P. R. Mr. Hosmer wso is president w. • Ve expect .the officers and crew schol Island and a schooner at capo Bailey. something less than a week Is necessnry Ottawa and throughput the east, by his of the Ogilvle Milling Co., also paid a M nt 1,nm Details of the Fighting Ry the Troops General Sassulltfh and 3.000 of His An_ .. ' o by way of New York." to communicate bet_eco..St. Petersburg Meft Captured. affability, ills good sentie and lilt, serious, visit of inspection to the new Ogllvie far ni c n(lded: "» 1« hard to be so of General Kurokl. and the belcagnred garrison. .' attontion to the buslntaa of tlie country. from tho war THB OENERAL ELECTIONS London, Sept. 13.—The Morning Post elevator now being completed. oniv 7 - when one can Tokio, Sept. 12,—Details of the fight­ »-.-_— HIK intimate acquaintance vClth British W'If^ ^cord by fighting." , Ottawa, Sept 12—Sir Wilfred Laurier be­ states that official Russian despatches, Columbia and its needs, iiave been of great Sept 12 ing interviewed today, as to the date of ing by the troops under command of WILL DISCOURAGE GARRISON. received In I_ndon, announce that lieu­ - HEREROS BREAK THROUGH. .eh"[' +- Aflmlrnl Goodo- general Kuroki from August 28 to Sep­ service to the ministry ond to his 'col­ sian i T° of-the presence of the Rus- the general elections, replied that It would . St. Petersburg, Sept. 12.—Oeneral tenant general Sassulitch, who com­ leagues in parliament, and he is regarded first have to bo decided whether they were tember 8, were received here today. On Berlin, Sept. 12.—A.vices, received b • 'rnnsport Lena In San Francisco har­ Knroki has fallen back to Yental. manded the portion of the Russian rear a_ a yery useful member of parliament n grpat going to come off or not. The premier here from German southwest der, 'm' "ft" 1" official circle:, September 2 nnd 3, the Japanse soldiers where Ihe -main Japanese army Is biv­ guard south of fhe Llao river, has been and gf committees, Dntry of thfl wna said that the governor general would not show that the main body of the Her-, iinexiieei i "WP entirely were without anything lo drink for 24 severely wounded and captured, with ,lml bo hero until October 1st. ouacking. Only very small Japanese eros several thousand strong, have for i, , . wns-a disagreeable event hour's and thev had no food save dried 3,000 out of his 6,000 men.' MONKS EXPELLED woul beend h(nescape being drawn Into detachments, are reported on the Rus­ broken thrortgh the ring of German Am_i____" >«l by the officials that rice. On the night of September 2' a sian flanks. The wnr offlce fully realize It. Is added by the Morning Post Hint Palis, Sept. 12—The government authori­ '"'MH'fl U._ii1hy _o f _ making____ a . clos. e decisio. . n UNION MEN RETURN TO WORK Japanese column, after repulsing a Rus­ troops, disposed for tbe purpose of en-' n the discouraging effect of the battle of generals Zaroubleff, Kondratovltch nnd ties forcibly expelled the Bainablte Com­ In r„ , ' -..i'lff'its of belligerent Vessels Chicago, Sept. 13—It la estimated that sian attack, occupied a line from a point munity from their establishment here this circling them, ami have moved towards' M porta Llao Yang upon the besieged gnrrlson at Rllderllng have checked general Kur­ navy mo , Secretary of the ahout 12.000- mon applied for work at the In the vicinity of the Yentai mines to morning. A large foree of municipal guards the south east with the loss of 50 men I,rftn Port Arthur. Willi all prospect of Im­ oki's advance. '•' Hie .»* »ptly sought the advice stock yards today. About «00 of the ap­ the rldgea west of Tayao. On the "after­ executed tho expulsion, The d,oor_ killed. This is interpreted to mean an ilnte department and then the plicants were taken back by tho packers. mediate relief from general Kouropat­ stnt noon of the 3rd the Russians were again am}, windows were barricaded and the lire- indefinite prolongation of the campaign, .,".*••• was made that after all this Many of the non-union men failed to re­ kln gone, it is feared that the length JAPANESE SOUTH'OF YENTAI. men sealed tlio walls, entered the windows Lieutenant colonel Von Esterhoff on np lot ( ep whieh at th engaged. The enemy had received nie(i th* , lB etegfl «on- port for work, but a number appeared on of the Blege will be shorlned. St. Petersburg, Sept, 12.—A despatch and exi>clied the monks and'a number of September .9 attacked chief Samuel I

We are now located In our new -hop, Aug. 22 THE LARGEST STOCK OF ALL PATTERNS OF corner of Front and Hall street-, and are We have made preparation HOUSE 1 HEATING STOVES, STEEL AND CAST RANGES, prepared to do all kinds of foundry and for school opening,by placing in : Company's FLOUR. COOK STOVES, ETC., IN THE KOOTENAYS. machine work. Sawmill, stamomlll, con­ stock a good supply of boota £nd THE 6NLY -EWSJR centrator and steamboat repairs are speci­ shoes for the boys" and j__r]s. HOTEL IN THE CI' 't CALL AND SEE THEM, OR WRITE FOR OIJR alities with us. We have, the largest stuck Just the kind that you. can CENTRALLY LOCATED } Hudson Bay Company's BAKING POWDER. j''-. CATALOGUE. of patterns in l. . C, no charge for use of romp and play tn and the prices them. Good work and .reasonable charges Is our -motto, estimates given when solicited. are exceedingly low for the ACCOMMODATION i quality of the goods. UP-TO-DATE " . Hudson Bay Company's COFFEE. BRIGHT AN.WKl.,; VFVT, I _. heen found in the foothills df the -Rocky LATED ROOMS. "' t mountains in Alberta, which ihasTbeen The moala served In th. . , . f second to none. «i. u. are' __ .._,s Kathleen M. Milligan, Gold Medalist of the School of Science Ashdown Hardware Co. purchased by P. Burns & Co., the firm of meat merchants which has branches Bar in connection will, , t choicest wines, ll.uor., ,'„| '."'M in Baking of, and for. three year, teacher at, the Technical School- of in thia and other towns in the Koote­ Fred L Irwin Bus meets all train, an. i!^ I nays, for $320,000. Coal is a great re­ BAKER STRUT Toronto, assisted'hy Miss-IL Brown will male a.'. source, and western-.- is well_ sup­ plied with it. That mountain of anthra­ Practical Demonstration ofthe . HAMILTON WINNIPEG cite will furnish household fuel to a Wood, Vallance & Co. Geo. D. Wood k Co. large section of country when it is Superior Quality of these goods. developed. LAKEVIEW Wood-Vallance Hardware Co., Ltd. CAPITAL WILL COME IN $300 at the Hudson 'a Bay Stores in Kelson, during the wkolo of next NELSON '•«•-'. ARTHUR GUNN GIVES THE RESULT down, and monthly payments for the bal­ HOTEL week. Come and taste the delicious bnns and have a cup of fragrant OP HIS INSPECTION. Corner Hall and Vernon Siren . ance, will buy a six-roomed house, with coffee. Miss Milligan's recipes' "will bo given free to all. visitors. THINKS THE KOOTENAY A GREAT Two .locks from city Wharf. _e bMt dollar a day house in Nelson. Mine and Mill Supplies MINING COUNTRY, all modern convionees, situate on Carbon­ ate street. For a real comfortable homo NO CHINESE EMPLOYED Shelf and H.avy Hardware Arthur Guun, one of the largest share­ this -(cannot bo beaten In the city. .'*••'*• SPECIAL ATTENTION.GIVEN TO MAILORDERS. holders In the Great Northern Mines, is LARGE STOCK. iu town after making a trip to Poplar: I The Canadian Bank of Commerce! PROMPT-SHIPMENT.' PRICES RIGHT. creek camp, where he examined most of August Thortias the properties. "Mr. Ounn said to The Wllh which la An__J_*amate_ Dally News' reporter: "I have mined in PROPRIETOR. The Bank of British Columbia. VANCOUVER TORONTO Nova Scotia, the Rainy river district Paid up CapltairiK't.lK!- Reserve Fund. *3,000.000. Wood, Vallance & Leggat, Ltd. 94 Bay Street. and,in various parts of tbe slates, and i can say thla, that the Burface showings Aggregate Resources Exceeding $83,000,000 R.J.5teel on the Swede group and on tbe Spyglass McLeod Hotel beat anything as far as I have ever seen i HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. or,heard of. There lias been much said CORNER HON. QUO. A. COX, President B. E. WALKER,' General Managor. on tbe subject of Poplar creek camp, not FIRBT AND SECOND AVBNUS. going ahead as fast as was expected, I RAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT-NELSON BRANCH must say that it Bitrprses me,, too, even NEW CROP YMIR. B. G. Deposits Received and Interest Allowed. BRUCE HEATHC-TE, Manager taking into consideration tlte adverse Mason h Risch conditions caused by litigation and claim Centrally located, rebuilt and ?<„__;•• isiied jumping, which.would, of course, some­ -"> » * » • ****** throughout. All modern lm._ov.e__ents. what retard the progress of any camp, Bample Rooms in connection. T„_ only but the people of the Kootenays do not first class hotel in Ymir. .realize that so fat- as anyone can tell Poplar is among the richest freo -. . ~ RATES FROM $1.50 I'l- TEAJUST RECEIVED. S Pianos milling i_iaii_ campB on the continent.. Imperial Bank of Canada "Some people,"..continue. Mr. Guun, FINLAT McLEOD, Proprietor appeal to people who desire Bar­ "have'faith; in tho camp and on the Head Office: Toronto. gains in Quality more than Bargains Lucky Jack at least J10.000 has been Fresh and Fragrant in Price. spent fn development, and $5000 has been CAPITAL PAID-UP |3,000,O00REST .12,850,000 If you pay less for a Piano than spent on the Spyglass. This latter is ROYAL HOTEL for a Mason & Risch you get less. ready to ship and is undoubtedly a good Black or Green UBS. WILLIAM ROBERTS," The extra cost of a good Piano mine. I went all over the Swede group Proprietress. T. R. MERRITT, President, D. R. WILKIE, Vice-President and Gen, Manager, is the liest part of the investment with the manager and every 20 feet or Branches In Provinces ot Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba. British Columbia, because it represents a1;,value that so he would dig out a bit of rock pound and North West Territories. insures Permanent Satisfaction. it up and wash it n a gold pan and In The best meals, that can be provided tn ,, Mason & Risch Pianos represent every case there would be a big streak AS ALWAYS this market, cooked under the Buj-eryli- Maximum Valne at Minimum Cost. Ion of the proprietress who la a tamuui of gold in the pan. Why the Poplnr ore . THE BE8T caterer- Is not on exhibition at St. LOUIB I can­ Nice airy rooms, newly furnished; bats" Savings Department not understand." ., Prices moderate hy the pound or orig­ inal packag.. • T for guestB. Deposits received and Interest at .-current rat. compounded halt year!?. The best of wines, liquors and cigars «m ,n Sli Referring to the Lardeau he.said: "I be obtained at the bar. D__**___-_inD £t*tly Used consider that district has a great future TERMS: $1 AND $1.56 4 DAY. Cranbrook Branch Trout Lake Branch in store for it. At Camborne, two mills Kootenay Coffee Co. Corner of Btanley and Bihca. eireet* J. F. M. PINKHAM, Manager would now be running but. for the trams, Phone 177., P. O. Box 182. Btreet cars pass tbe door, (Lardeau District) those of the Eva and the Goldfinch be­ B. K. BOULTBRE, Manager DargdinS Pianos - Organs ing, burned, but both these will be run­ At the following prices and terms to suit, as we wish to make'room ning 'smoothly very shortly. The Oy­ Nelson Branch for a carload of Mason-Risch Pianos. All these Pianos and Organs have J. M. LAY, Manager ster-Criterion mill Is running. I am sat­ been taken in exchange for new Pianos. isfied, personally, that thc Kootenays MARBLE ROCK OXFORD CAFE 1 Karn Piano * |2_.O0 throughout, Is the greatest mineral country in the west. .You have every­ PHONfc 20- 1 Bell Piano, sllgh.tly used, with .orchestral attachment '175.00 Meol. at all hours. o.en day and '1 Dominion Upright Piano, good condition 200.00 thing from coal nnd Iron to gold and sliver. All you want to do Is to keep nlfht. 1 New York Fisher Piano, good condition 275.00 everlastingly hammering It Into the LIME ] Rickman Upright English make Piano, good condition 160.00 people of the outBlde world that you 1 Mason-Risch Square Piano ; 250.00 havo a good thing, and by and bv in BUSINESS MENS' LUNCH 1 BelljOrgan, six octave, oak piano case 100.00 spite of everything capital is bound to Manufactured by from 12 to _.J0 p,m.-, ftc POMMERY 1 Goderieh Organ, five octave, piano case 75.00 Come ln." 1 Dohcrly Organ, high back, five octave 50.00 WARD STREET, NEXT DOOI1 TO TUB 1 Bell Organ, high back, live octave £.... 45.00 The Standard for all That is Best in WILL OPERATE PINCERS The Idaho Lime Co. • OFFICE SALOON' Any communications will be promptly answered as to terms or any ti; B. Sutherland is in town on his way SPOKANE. WASH. Champagne to the coast. Mr. Sutherland was in the information required. Lardeau country last week and visited Trout Lake. "During the week," Mr. The price ii right. Th. quality- guar­ THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Sutherland sajd, "J, B Campbell, secretary- ,.. . . ' anteed. For tale In BULK, BARRELS, NELSON. B. C. treasurer and attorney of the Spokane or BACKS by Falls Placer Company waa in Trout Lake 'E. C. CLARKE, Prtiprletil- in connection with the placer lease held Llrhted by Electricity. Heated I"' "ol Air D. McArthur St Co. by his company. The ground was visited RATES -2.00 PER DAY and somo sampling done which was aver­ W. G. GILLETT Flrat clas. Dining Room. Large and age, being between 35 and 40 cents to the NELBON, B. £ Comfortable Bedrooms. Sample Hwrnia for THE' DAILY NEWS Dealers in Furniture, Pianos. Carpets. Undertakers. pan. A dam and flume will be built at Commercial Men. What made your linens once and work will bo started aa soon as Published at Nelson every morning possible." 1_(-pt Monday, by coarse ? Common soap I P. J. DEANE TBEMONT HOUSE Sunlight Soap saves linen. United States with the assistance of the well as the mine owners anticipated. . _ AN AUSTRIAN SUICIDES peace officers and of the Pinkertons, They refused to go Into a mine recently John Sroimck, a native of Austria, com­ EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN PLAN mitted suicide at Coleman, Alberta laat YOUR SMOKE MEALS 26c. ROOMS FROM 2»c TO 11"* have been relentless In the running because two of their number bad been week. An Inquest was held and a ver­ down of,train robbers. As an Instance kllledVand this led to a riot. The police dict of suicide while ln a state of tem­ TASTE MALONE A TREOILLUS, Proprietor! of this take the celebrated Hole ln the were called in nnd forced them Into the porary despondoncy was returned. The Baker Street, Nelson. SUNLIGHT deceased leaves a wife and three children mine after arresting tbe ringleaders, Wail gang, which robbed banks and Who reside at Dhula Anvol, AuHtria. Perfectly suited here with the tinest and who were subsequently sentenced to im­ STAMP OUT TRAIN ROBBERY. REDUCES trains in several states and who always richest Imported Cigars that's made, such sought safety in their refuge called.^be prisonment. Tliis Is but the beginning Monkey Brand Soap cleans kitchen uten­ as Upmaun, Otero, Sol Newton, Bock, etc. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL of the trouble with the Chinese. Soon Tlie largest stock of .smoker's supplies The announcement that the west EXPENSE Hole in tho Wall In Montana. Tbe gang sils, steel, iron and tinw.sre. knives and Opposite Courthouse and new Poatol»» SOAP if the Chinese are forced ln In large In the city. Bc«t 26o meal In town. European •"" hound transcontinental train wa8 held were closely pursued and the approach forks, and all kinds of outlery. 'M Ash for (he Octagon liar 937 numbers South Africa with Its other American plan. Only white lalwr tunsM- np h. three masked men on Saturday to thoir lair was constantly watched. «d. First claas bar. troubles will have a-Chinese problem to night a few miles west of Mission Junc­ Sevefal of the members of the gang THOMAS ft ERICKSON, Proprietor! camp followers ln the construction contend with. It is a problem which CANADIAN PACIFIC tion in this province strikes the people have heen shot down while resisting gangs. They wero so prompt that they several countries have solved either by of Canada like a cold .douche, as train arrest, Including "Kid" Curry, their kept many undesirable characters out exclusion act or head tax. , RAILWAY robberies are so lufrequent ln this leader, and others wero captured and are BARTLETT HOUSE of the country. Then, too, in the west ' and the United States country thai when one occurs It is con­ serving long terms In -penitentiaries. THURMAN {Formerly Clarke House) it would have been difficult ,fpr holdup bave Chinese exclusion laws, while TOBACCONIBT. sidered remarkable. It is a'quarter of Only two out of more than a score, The best »1.00 per day house In NolK«. men to get away if'tbey robbed a train British Columbia has a head tax of J600 Nelson Exhibition NELSON, B. 0. None, but white help employed Tne "ar a century since a like event occurred which made up the gang, are still free as the Northwest Mounted police during which is quite as effective as an exclu­ Sept. 28 and 29. Is the best and then a robbery occurred between and they have fled to other countries. the construction' dayB patrolled t_u] sion act. The TranBvaa! will in time be Hamilton and Toronto and the robbery.] The Plftkerton agency grimly promises boundary. Since then it would 6e dif­ compelled to adopt one of these meas­ Single Fare Return 0. W..BAETLETT - Prop. secured J-00,000. It Is a wonderfully to secure these two dead or alive within ficult for train robberB to escape as the ures, or have one adopted by the English Prom all Stations Opera Glasses .good record ihat ln the history ot the Just received, Opera and Field Glasses s, e country Is unsettled only for a certain a short time. It Is possible that the parliament, which passed the bill allow­ Revelstoko.to Pernle Vallways pf Canada there should be only Including Branches. for sale low. Fine watch repairing, Madden House j_£, B c! distance north and south of the railway train robbers finding the business of ing tbe admission of Chinese laborers to Two tratn robberies of importance, apd line, and In British Columbia particu­ .holding up trains in the United States the mines there. NICKER80N Do you need a comfortable home? K " phat one should he in the east and one too risky, have transferred their sphere try the Madden Houso. Well furnished larly, there are only a few places from Baker St, The Jewelsr room, lighted by electricity; flrit clas* the west. That the west, which Is •of activity to Canada. Their pursuit which tratn robbers could make their EDITORIAL NOTES. World's Fair Rates beard. In the bar you will find all in* popularly Bupposed to be a lfttle wilder but domestic and Imported liquor, aro escape by fleeing to the north or the should be carried on till every one of Next Selling Dates. and less given to the, conventionalities JOHN McLATCHIE cigars. south; this fact' would make their cap-, the three Is either captured or killed. The commotion raised in Scotland Oct. 3, 4, 5, than Ihe east, should hold as good a THOMAS MADDEN, Proprlolor, ture almost certain. No expense should be too great to make over the recent church decision of the DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL. record as the eaBt ln this respect seems traveling by rail or in any other man­ houso of lords has hardly settled yet LAND SURVEYOR Near Mission Is one of these places, STANLEY STREET. 'NELSON, B. C. remarkable. ner safe in this country. Tbe dominion and It seems almost certain that the and the country is still stirred from Students' Rates East WALDORF HOTEL There are some good reasons, howeyer, authorities, the provincial authorities, centre to circumference. The Wee robbers came from Washington for the On Sale till Sept. 20th. F. C. -JRESBN P, B. CLEMENTS YMIR B C why the train robber has not piled his purpose of holding up the train. Mis­ and the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Klrkers are wondering what they will . . O. 8: COLEMAN,' Proprietor. desperate vocation tn . sion Is only a few miles from the Inter­ should unite In making the reward a do with the numerous churches, manses GREEN & CLEMENTS Headquarter, for Mining nnd Commer­ During the construction days of the large one and everything possible and funds which they have been given cial Men. Most comfortable hotel In in" national boundary line. It is evident Dominion and Provincial Land Surveyor. District. Sample Room. In oonnootl""- Canadian Pacific railway the Northwest from the manner In which the work should be done to stimulate Uie capture by the decision. The London Time. Low Settlers' Rates p. O. Box MS. Phono 261 Everything first das., ir. Koo Mounted police looked after the policing was done—tho cutting off of tho mall and of these ruffians. gives notice to the two parties to the WeBtbound Cor. Kootenay and Vlotorla St.. Nelaon along the line, their offlcers having the express Car, the threat ot blowing open Train robbing should never b_ allowed controversy that unless they can solve On mile dally Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, power of stipendiary magistrates. They the safe with dynamite and the cool to get a foothold In this country. the problem between themselves that Frdrtfm Crow's Nest, B. C. to. were peculiarly efficient therefore, In manner In which the thugs, acted—that parliament will step In and see that Sunnyside Hotel CHINESE CAUSE TROUBLE. Por full particulars apply to local Flathead Townslte looking after the law-breakers ln Mani­ these hold-up men are old bands at the Justice Is done, BAKER ST., NELSON, B.C. toba, Alberta, Aulnlbola and British agents. I. only a dl.tanco ol 22 mile, and there I. business. a flr.t class trail. Guide,, paokhorscs, i Columbia, who were bangers-on and. Tbe servile Chines* laborers taken Tha resources of tbe west are very 3. S. CARTER B._J. OOYL_, :, Lately the railroad companies ot tbe •to., furnished at Crow's Nut. Apply \ Board and (Upm by th. month t. Into South Africa aro not turning out ait large. _. mountain of antbracita ban D.P___, Nel«on. A.Q.P.A, Vancouvsr A. OOOD, Crow'. Nmt, •,",,. .„_ _ I Meal ticket. (_ mwli) to. THE DAILY NEWS: TUESDAY'SEPTEMBER 'it 1904

that he spent two days looking.ovor them. HOTEL DIRECTORY DISPATCHING OF TRAINS Speaking, f th_ Canadian building, Mr. Gallagher said that Canada might well be "PHOENIX footenay Engineering Works proud of her exhibit especially the mln- Sweet Potatoes 4 lbs for...... 25 HOW IT IS DONE ON THB KOOTE- erals, which he says was th« heal une of Ripe Tom. toes 20 lb box .. .. .75 KNOB HILL 1JOT1-1.— The le;.idhi£_. ho­ the, kind at" tho fair. tel In th? city. Everything ffi*in-cla_.s( - FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS . ' NAY* DIVISION.OF THE .0. P. R. Fancy large Crawford Poache Sample rowms for"commer_ial traveller* Italian Prunes ' pec box...... Choice brands of- wines, liquors and el- JAMBS DOWTHKR DI_AD gars. J, E. BELL, Proprietor. EVERY THING' IN THIS LINE IS. Green Gages per box...... Manufacturer! of tb• London, Sept. 1 .—James Lowther, con­ DONE FROM THIS .CITY. servative member of parliament, for .Uie, Large Red Plums ci-ato ...... 1.00 Thanet division of Kant, andformeriy chief GRAND FORKS secretory for Ireland, Is dead. T_<> was Crab Apples large red,40 lbs,. ,2.00 ' WINNIPEG HOTEL-Tho best dollar a l^jford ifouble Rojiie Aerial Tramway System, Ltd. Few task require more accurate burn in 1841.) Apples 4 lbs fur' ...." ..... day house la town. Under new manage­ ment --Aecommodat.oi>T up-to-dale Tlio knowledge of all detail- of a situation,, [The right honorable Jame*-. Lowther. . . Per box J1.90 best brands of wines, thjuors and ci­ more'prompt, thinking, deciding and act- P.C.M,!'.' for the Thanet division of KPut 'Bartlett Pears 3 lbs for gars the market produces. BBPAIRINO AND -JOBBING A SPECIAL-! was the soil of sir. C. H, LoWther, bint. .ing, ore greater presence of mind than • :';; , B. I_A__8EN, Proprietor. • that of train despateher at. the head­ He was unmarried, was educated at West­ Fancy. large bananas doz ... quarters of a railway .system or of a minster school and at Trinity college, Cam­ bridge He was called Lo the bar at the WHOLESALE HOUSES. ., m_ Mining and Mill Machinery, Estimates for all classes of work fur- division. •• inner Temple in-_8Uti. He was a-justice .' 'it, cketf ranis, Etc Iron and nluhcd upon application. Mall ordera .This fad may be .exemplified by an of the peace, deputy lieutenant and county receive prompt and careful attention. outline of the work that i. done daily alderman for the north riding of York­ PRODUCE. «. C„__g A complete Block of in the office of the train despateher. at shire; and -admiralty commissioner and Scrap Iron bought liy the carload. Nelson, who has under his control all M.P. for York from "18(35 to 18-0; an M.P. W. J. TOYE BTAR__J_Y A CO,, WHOL8ESALE DEAJL. era tn Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Produce and the. trains on the Columbia & Western for Lincolnshire'* from lf_l to 1885; parlia­ t mentary secretary ' to- poor law' buarii In Fruit. Houston Block, Josephine Street, hind. line and lhe new lines, all of which to­ Jt.tft.; under secretary' for the- colonies, PHONB NO. 7. NelBon, B. C. gether constitute the'Kootenay division 1_7. to 1878; chief secretary for Ireland 1878 fence and Works: B. C. TRAVIS, Manager, of the C. P. R. The system is consider­ The case of Miss Frankie lo 1880.] HARDWARB. ed as a n'iain line from Midway to Proc­ Qrser, of Boston, Mass., is in­ Foot of Park Street p o. BOX _i;.M«wm, BC. ter. Il connects'with the Crow's Nest McLACHLAN BROSJ WHOL8ESALH division ai. Kootenay landing and with teresting to all women. Hardware .Merchants. Logging and Mil) the main line at Arrowhead; the steam­ " DEAR Mns. PINKHAM : — I suffered Spokane Falls & Northern Railway B uppliea, Btovea, Tinware, AjpUeware, ers on the Arrow. Trout, Sloean and Iron, Pipes anil Mining Supplies. Prompt misery for several years. My back ached The only all rail route between points attention to mailed orders. ROUGH LUMBER DR^SBD Kootenay lakes form parts of the Koot­ and I had bearing-down pains, and fre- east, went and south to Rosslaiid, Nelson, enay division. The branches leading rjnent headaches, I would often wake Grand Forks and Republic, Lead Combinations n«._ Window.. Mouldings, Shingles, Turned Work and Bracket.. south from the main line are* those to from a restful sleep In such pain and Buffet cara run between Spokane and GROCERIES, _-- Phoenix, to Smelter Junction, aud from misery that it would be hours before I i torn', etc and up-to-date stock always on hand. Moll aiders promptly attended to N'-thport. Gold, Silver or I-eail ,..|i.OO J A. MACDONALD.* CO.-WHOLEHAl-J_ there to ROB.land and to Trail. - The- I could close my eyes again. I dreaded 'Effective June Hth, 1901. Load wilh "Gold ur Silver.$1,60 * Grocers and Provision Merchants.—Im- . branches on the north are tbe spurs tg the long- nights and weary days. I Leave Arrlvs I__d, Gold, Sliver $2.50' • porters of Teas, Coffeea, Spices, Dried A. G. LAMBERT A CO, ,the Mother Lode and Oranby mines, the could do no work. I consulted differ­ j.45 a.m Spokanb,. 6.15' p.m. Zinc' $2.30 J Fruita, Staple and Fancy Groceries, To­ brunche« from Sloean Junction to Sloean ent physicians hoping to get relief, 10.40 a.m ..Rossland 4,35 p.m. Lead, Silver, Zinc... $3.50 . baccos, Cigars, Butter Eggs, Cheese aad but, finding that their medicines did Packing House Products. Otllce qjid City; from Rosebery to Nakusp, from . ._0 a.m.. ...Nelson....; .7.20 p.m. ZtiK with Gold or SI1Y_..$3.00. • Rosebery t_j Sandon and from liu-deau not cpre me, I tried E. Pink­ Warehouse, corner of Front and Hall 10.35 a.m .Grand Forks...... 4.00 p.m. Streets. P. O. Box 1W6. Telephone a. to Gerrard on Trout lake.' ham .. Vegetable Compound, as it was highly recommended to me. I am ,8.30 a.m.. Republic..:..*. 6.16 p.m. WANTED—Specimen pieces • On each branch there are the regular glad that I did so, for I soon found SAVE TI_JE .or 'exhibition purposes , CAMP AND MINER3' FURNISHINGS. tralngtor the passenger traffic which that it was the medicine for my case. AL.L THE TIME P. BURNS is CO. are jfriown and recorded by their offi­ by using A. MACDONALD'& CO.-WHOLSESALJI Very soon I was rid of every ache and • -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. cii!. I numbers, and by the numbers of the pain and restored to perfect, health, Jobhers In Blankets, Underwear, Mitts, engines. 'Special, extra or irregular I feel splendid, have a, fine appetite, Gloves,'Boots, RUbberB, Overalls, Jump-. _V__DJ_.T a_CE__o__:_v3srTS trains are recorded only by the engine and have gained in weight a lot." — ii. raw™ ers, Mackinaw, and Oilskin Clothing, camp numbers, and the number of such trains ASSAYEIl AND CHEMIST and Miners' Sundries. Office and Ware­ HEAD OFFICE NELSON, H: C. Miss FR_.N_.IH; OBSSB, .1. Warrenton house, corner of Front and Hall Streets. depends upon the varying volume of P. O. Box liao. Telephone 28. • business. • -— ,. St., Boston, Mass. -$5000 forfeit if original • Branch Markets In Rossland, Trail, Nelson, Kaslo, Sandon, Three Forks, nl above letter proving genuineness cannot bt pro- YMIR, B.C. Every night at 12 o'clock a new sheet --.erf. ASSAYERS' SUPPLIES. New Denver and Sloean Clly. is prepared for the next day. with d.i'vi- Surely you cannot wish to re­ •sions and columns bewildering to a THE B. C. ASSAY & CHEMICAL HUl'PLI Orders hy Mall to. any Branch will have Prompt apd Careful Attention. main weak, sick and discouraged, .layman. Every branch is provided for. and exhausted with each (lay's Co.*, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C; Dire.. and every 1raln has a column to itself, work. Some d-dfanpement of the Importers of Afisayers Supplies. Sole Agents In B. C. for the celebrated Bat- headed by the engine number, the train- feminine organs is responsible SEATTLE., TACOMA, AND AI-L PACI­ number when it bas one, and the names tersea Cruolbles, etc.- • Write us befert for this exhaustion, following FIC COAST POINTS WE CLEAN AND sending your orders elsewhere. Satisfac­ of the conductor and engineer. In these any kind' of work or effort. ST. PAl'L, CHICAGO, NEW YORK AND tion guaranteed. columns are entered the times of arrival Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ALL POINTS EAST DYE and departure of each train at each sta­ Compound will help you just as tion nn its route, so that, when all wires It has thousands of other women. Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Buffet, U- All kinds of woollen and cotton SOCIETY CARDS hrary, ears, Modern Day Coaches, Dining goods. Porto Rico Lumber Go., Ltd, jar e working well, the despateher knows Cars, Meals a la Curie. exactly where: each train is at any Gloves of all Hiu -'.-'.i clecned to ABERDEEN HIVE, No. Ui, L. O. T. M.- look iike new. given lime. But orders given a I the be­ Mr. .Patenaudc stated tii.it thfere is no BEST MEALS ON WI1EBT__ Meeta 1st and 3rd .Wednesday evening! Manufacturers of and Whole-sale Dealers In ginning of each day's run are so arrang­ fleniand in Nelson for cheat. Jawelrj or TWO FAST TRAINS, EAST AND. WEST of each month In K. at P. Hall, Vernoi_ ed that even when, as sometimes hap­ watches. The people hare want the best DAILY NELSON street, next to post office. Visiting mem­ ROI.'OH AND DRES8BD LUMBER, SHINOLES AND MOULDINGS, BAND- pens, the wires are dowri for hours at. of everything, and'will pay for It. The Special excursion rates to World's Fair, bers cordlallv Invited. a time it is impossible tliat two trains Christmas stock of jowolry, sterling silver St. Louis. Your choice of route. MAKY MATTHEW, L. C. 8AWN AND TUBNBD WORK. AN UP-TO DATE DRY KILN IN CON- { and cut glass Is ordered nud will arrive. MINNIE RITCHIE. Record Keepe,. iCTION. should be on the same track at the same STEW LAUNDRY time. , . : scion: . For rates, folders apd full Information The eatahUshm.-nl. iiad to be enlarge regarding trips, call on pr address on FOR SALE The aim of the despateher Is always to, meet the demands of thejiqslnesa a, d agent of tbe S. F. & S. Hallway. MILLS AT YMIR to so arrange his trains that there Is a tht- IUW departments were added because OR there was a demand for their work. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP-If you want to minimum of delay. Tbe profits and loss­ H. A.. JACKSON, H. BRANDT. buy or sell anything go to the Old Cur­ es of the roads are really made fn the G. F. & P. A., ,. C. P. A T. A. SCHOOL FIELD DAY TRAMWAY TIMETABLE iosity Shop. Always In Btock a full line of despachers' offices. By far the largest Spokane. 701 W. Riverside, Are., Crockery, Furniture and Glassware, Porto Rico Lumber Co., Ltd. item of expense in the raiKvay accounts SpoKane, v. asn. STANLEY ST. BOGUSTOWN is tha*P_or operating expenses, and tbey Will be Similar to That I.eld.Last Year' FOH LEAB__—For such time aa may suit >••••>•«•.«•••)»»•)••*> *y *•» With Games, Etc. - 7:00, 7:40, b:_0 "7:20, 8;U0 tenant, the Hotel Keeo, Sandon, B. C. depend very largely upon the use of the »:00, 9:40, 10:20 8:.l_, 9:'.. company's available . energy. It can A meeting of the teachers, of the high Pextfectly. lighted and heated. Apply to and public schouls was held'yesterday in Atlantic S.S. Sailings BYERY 40 MINUTES J. M. Harris, Sandon, B. C. readily be seen thatJ^a train Is delayed Mi*. Sullivan's room between 12 and 12x30 C. V. R. ATLANTIC B.8. fcdNB Laat Car, 10:21) p.m. Lust C;ir, lu:40 p.m. half an hour, the wages of all the. men noun. Mr. Fraser occupied llie chair mid (From Montreal. fine Sunday aflernoutiB every _*_ min­ WHY USE your neighbors Sewing Ma­ employed on it. the cost pf fuel consum­ Mr. Waison acted as secretary. It was Lake Erie....Sept 1 L. Manitoba..Sept 8 utes, ~> chine when you can bu*. one from Ths ll HALL MINING ed, and the earning power of the cars decided lo have a Held day BOtnetlme in ALLAN LINE Park Pavilion to rent wltb plnno for Si-iger Mfg. Co. on the Installment plan; for that. tlni-Hs a dead loss. To so ar­ October, on lines similar to thc event of (From Montreal) dances. Loin for bale. Offices and rooms payments only $3.00 per month. Old ma-, range everything that no unprofitable last year,-and committees were struck t" Ionian Sept. 2 Bavarian ....Sept, 9 for rent. chines taken In exchange Liberal dis­ expenditure of that kind need be made look after the. .various departments. It DOMINION LINE) Apply count for cash. The Singer Mfg. <•#.. Purchases was decided not to bave a concert In the (From Montreal) Baker street. Is the work and the purpose of the div­ evening ai the children ai-y likely to be isional despa tellers. Canada Sept. SSouthwark ...Sept. 9 tired after the day's sports. AMERICA?. LINE A.V.MASON TENTS and Awnlngs-We ha\e a full Una Lead, Copper When everything runs smoothly, Lost year the merchants were canvassed 8t. -Pntit Sept. S Philadelphia .Sep. 10 Carbarn. Phon« 16BB of *ent and awning goods and c_n make tracks are clear, wires'working, all en­ for subscriptions to enable the committee RF,T_ STAR LINE any deslKn of tents an6 awnings on the and Dry Ores gines in god condition, both locomotive of teachers to offer prises for all events. Kroonland ..Sept. 3 Zceland Sept. Hi shortest notlee. F. J, Squire, Baker sirriet... and steamboat, an experienced des­ It was decided not to canvass this year CUNAHD LINE FOUND pateher has no troubles , his operators but to ask the trustees, the merchants and Carpathln ...Sept. GCampania ...Sept. 10 A lnt of _!L1 comfort In smoking a etiofoe FOR SALE or lease, 4(1 lots ln the olty of- parents generally to accept lhe inilma- WHITE STAR LINB are ticking off arrivals and departures, cigar or pipe of good tobacco. We sell tlio Kaslo, fronting, tht. lake. Principally tlon that prises aro a necessary accom­ Celtic Sept 21ialtic Sept. 7 Mat. used as a market.garden. Soil Hi. lit loam, all his trains are on schedule time and paniment of held day, and that unsolicit­ . . FHENCH LINE free- from stones and stumps, perfectly NELSON, B.C. lie knows exactly where each steamer, ed Subscriptions of money or small.'articles La l_rrtHgne...6ep_ lLa Savole Sept. 8 Unique Cigar Store level and in high slate of cultivation with tug. engine, and car Is at any given suitable fur prises will be very welcome. ' ALLAN STATE LINE W_d Street, Near P_to_ce . complete Irrigation and a good ready mar­ moment. Those desiring ,to offer either' are invited Laurentlan ..Sept 1 Niimidfan ...Sept. 15 ket For further particulars apply A. His trial comes when a wreck is re­ to notify any uf thc teachers. IfAMnriUl-AMICRICAN'LINE McCallum, Kaslo, B. C. Good Soil ported. First he must prevent any other Dent, .'bland .Sept. 1 Moltke' Sept. G OFFICE FOR TUB. FAIR (Mediterranean Service) FOR SALK—Strawberry Plants; Kellog*. Water Plenty train from going over the track; he Prince O.kar '. Sept. 6 F. J. PAINTON Low Prices must place trains that have to be stop­ August Luther, live year pedigree, noth­ Good Investment An Exhibition of Ang_.ro1 .Goats Promised NORTH GERMAN LLOYD TEACHEIt OF PIANO . ing* sweeter or higher flavored. Good Easy Terms ped where they will not themselves im­ From Washington Kaiser Wllhelm II Sept. 6 After Bruno Z win tocher Royal Conserva­ size and flno shippers. Raspberry plants, pede traffic; he must order the nearest toire, Lelpslc THE KOOTENAY VALLEYS Co.. Ltd., havo for sale 20,000 acres ot Secretary Annable of the Agricultural Kaiser Wilhelm der Grouse Sept. 13. jGolden Queen and Bed Cuthbert Only a available wrecking train and cre^-.-make (Mediterranean Service) Pupils wishing • to' prepare, for. exanjlna'-_ llmted quantity. Order now. C. E. Miller. land iu East Kootenay in tracts of 80 acres more or less society has secured the rooms In the Tur- preparations for forwarding delayed nor-Bo__kh block formerly occupied by Unti.nzollorn ,.,S. 10 Kolngtn Luis....S. 24 Uons lo be held here next year by the" ' Prices from »3 an acre up. Terms 1-5 down, balance In four annual passengers nnd mails as early and as the Palace Bakery and will use them us an Continental sailing., on application.' Toronto Conservatory of Musio should FOR SALE—15,000 Rhubarb mils, for sale Ineiallments at 6 per cent Interest. , ... ' fast as he can. It may be that then he office until the fair is over. The secretary Your attention Is called to tlie exception­ eminence at once. cheap. Going out o. the fruit business, The Kootenay Central Railroad IB now a sure thing, tn id wm run learned yesterday tlmi there will be an ally low outward and prepaid thlrfl class write for prices. R. L. Codd & Co., Port has to order out a crew to repair a dam­ rates ori all lines In effect nt present, Hammond, B. C. ikroiiRh most of the lands offered for sale by this company. aged track. All these things have to bo exhibit of Angora g"-Bit_lunen; waitress, J30. The despateher does all this nt top records and they havo mot once before SILVER KJJIG MIKE of land, <• ultuble for flllt growing, close to speed knowing that any blunder he may this season, tho result being a victory Tor Nelaon, fronting on lake, within 15 minutes WANTED—To rent a furnished or parti­ commit may cause destruction of life or Trail by a' narrow margin. The towns ba. returned fron. the eaat aid la mill of electric cars; can be irrigated all over. ally furnished house of six or nine rooms property; the responsibility Is all his. are baekliig their respective teams for jfr'-O doing business in tbe old sunn, [f you Finest location In tlio Kootenays. For .sale. with modem Improvements and lu good Apply O. Newllng, Box 633, Nelaon, B.C. If he needs extra men he applies to the a side, tbe exhibition management luis are leaving town there la no net.1 of locality. Address P. O. box ttoT, Nelson. only tu pay the expenses. bavin, an auction sale, I pa. the Sites for summer cottages. Also 30 or Bass' Ale Guiness' Stout train master; hut, If not, he hns no one tt acres a few miles up tbe lake,, cheap WAITRESS-Wanted, a llrst class wait. to consult When the crisis Is over and y\tt reBH, apply K_u_Lo hotel,. Kaslo, B. C. PINTS AND QUARTS. all Is flereno again, he reports to his BARNHART HAS RKSIOJHJD Highest Cash Price for Fur­ chief. YOUNG lady wlsheB situation as steno­ _We have received a straight carload direct from London of the famous Ho Is Succeeded by 8. J. 8|>eak' as Mnn- Read Bros.' Bottling of above Beers When going-off duty he leaves the niture Household (roods, etc. grapher and typewriter. Apply A. E., dally record, and a written explanation. oger of the Ymir The Dally News, offlce. Am Independent of nny trust 01 com­ Photographs His assistant is then lu full possession [Special to The Daily News] Ymir. Sept, tf~-G. H. Barnhart has re*. bine. Open to buy any bankrupt Mock WANTED— A girl for general housework. Dog's Head Brand of the state of affairs. If anything If you wanl to have your photo taken Apply Mrs. Stoddart, Silica Btreet. happens lo the despateher In the way of signed the management uf the Ymir mine tor cash. enll up thn fiueen Studio, phone 180, and and will give his personal attentions to„lho an *•* aittlng. It costs no more than Inferior Brands. It is always reliable. Cua- illness or accidence he always has his re­ operation of tbo Porto Hico mine, on WANTED-Girl for gcnoral housework. tomersfor our last car-olalm it Is the best bottling on. the Canadian port ready to the minute. whleh bo recently acquired a lease and Apply Mrs, McDermld, corner Hall and Market. SILVER KING MIKE SILVER KINO MIKE- where ho has had a force of men at work 1 Hoover streets, ' PETER DAWSON'S EXTRA SPECIAL SCOTCH.' MODAL JEWELRY STORE- for several weeks past. He Is succeeded Will pay the highest cash price tor all by S. J. Speak of tendon, England, who is kinds of second hand gu'od&T Will buy or COOPER, used to all Kinds of brewery MITCHELL'S LONDON SPECIAL SCOTCH. - . sell anything from an anchor to a needle. Patenaiirto Brothers' Bi.i_ne6S.H_u Grown a mining engineer of wide experience, Mr. The Nelson Brewing Co. work wants situation. Address E. Mur­ MITCHELL'S SPECIAL LIQUER (In Flagons). HudHon, foreman, also has resigned. B. RBISTEHER & co. Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Cooking Uten­ phy, Lethbrldgo, Alta. From Small Start sils bougnt In household quantities. Also JOHN BEQO'S ROYAL LOCHNAQAR, &c., *c. Patcnaudo Bros, jewelry store bus lately NELSON, B. C. WAJ-JTED-'-Qiri to work In new ateam^ boon enlarged and new linn tew superiors ' FOOT BRIDGE COLLAPSED cast off clothing. Call and see me or write, Brewers and Bottlers of Hlgb Qrado Addreis Stiver King Mike, "- "•' "-JI laundry, Cranbrook. Must give refer-' RENAULT'S BRANDIES. CANADIAN WHISKIES. in British Columbia. Tbe Daily News The swing foot bridge acrOBS the Elk ences. Apply box 62. ' _^ representative recently called to moke river at Morrlssey has collapsed owing I_ger Beer, and Porter. "••ruet. Nelson. B. O. - 'Nil! PHARAOH CIGAR, HAVANA REALS, &