Maps and Exploration in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries Felipe Fernández-Armesto
30 • Maps and Exploration in the Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Centuries Felipe Fernández-Armesto A cabinful: instruments, computations, maps, from at least some of these categories. The categories do guesswork and lies and credibility gaps, not, in any case, occupy watertight compartments; route travel-tales, half-dreamed, half-achieved, perhaps.1 finders often had scientific, prospecting, evangelizing, military, surveying, legal, or political motives in mind, or Introduction missions of those kinds to execute along the way. Never- theless, in order to keep the present undertaking within The scenes are easily—too easily—imagined. Explorers manageable proportions—and in the belief that distinc- plan their missions hunched over maps made by their pre- tions, if made and kept as sharp as possible, tend to clar- decessors. As they cross seas, they mark their progress on ify any inquiry—it seems best to define exploration charts. When they see land, they sketch its outlines and strictly and to confine inquiry to the links between map- transfer them to maps. When ashore, they do as much ping and route finding. Judged by breadth of relevance, surveying as circumstances permit and make at least a this is by no means a narrow remit: routes are the arter- rudimentary cartographic record of their penetrations in- ies of world history, along which, in this period, long- land. When they reach home, they pass on their newly range, thorough-going transmissions of culture took won knowledge, in map form, for the guidance of their place that transformed the world. The problems of how contemporaries and successors. Events like these, pic- new routes came to be sought and how, once explored, tured in abundance by modern book illustrators, film- news of them was recorded, communicated, and incor- makers, and romantic history painters, rarely happened.
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