ALGOMA ANGLICAN April 2017 Official Voice of the - A section of the Anglican Journal - Celebrating 60 Years Vol. 60 – No. 4 Inside Anne Germond consecrated Algoma the 11th Bishop of the Diocese

St. Luke’s, Thunder Bay supports ministry Once a month a group of volunteers prepares a meal at Grace Place, where those in need can come, have a meal and receive other forms of support. See p. 4

Appreciation dinner held in Wawa On Friday, February 17, 2017 A JOYOUS CELEBRATION: Rt. Rev. Anne Germond is pictured following her service of Ordination to the Sacred the ladies of St. Paul’s, Wawa Order of Bishops held at St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie on Saturday, February 11, 2017. Bishop Germond is cooked dinner for those who the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of Algoma. (Photo by Holly Drew) assisted in making approxi- mately 400 pies. By The Rev. Peter Simmons low Me. After members of the procession had en from The Book of Isaiah, chapter 53, verses See p. 8 On Saturday, February 11, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. taken their respective places, Archbishop John- seven to ten. The Psalm chosen for the day was in the Cathedral Church of St. Luke the Evan- son welcomed those present in the overflowing 148, Praise the Lord, Sing Hallelujah. Bishop Next deadline gelist, Ven. Anne Germond was Ordained and sacred space. He then made the Acknowledge- Lydia Mamakwa, the first bishop of Indigenous The deadline for the next Installed as the 11th Bishop of the Diocese of ment of Indigenous Territory, a statement rec- Spiritual Ministry of Mishamikoweesh, read issue of The Algoma Anglican is Algoma. Bishop Germond becomes the first ognising the cathedral is situated upon tradi- the Epistle in OJI Cree. The reading was taken Saturday, April 1. female bishop of the diocese. The Presider for tional territories. The church is on land which from Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, Send items to: the service was Archbishop , is the traditional territory of the Anishinabek chapter 4, verses four to ten. Mail or courier: Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of and Métis people. Before the reading of the Holy Gospel by P.O. Box 221 1148 Hwy 141 Ontario and Bishop of Toronto. Following the Greeting, the Collect For Puri- Rev. Derek Neal, Deacon, Temiskaming Dean- Rosseau P0C 1J0 The procession, composed of clergy and ty and the Collect of the Day, Megan Trimmer ery, the Gospel Acclamation, a Celtic Alleluia, E-mail: church officials, entered the cathedral to the from the Sudbury/Manitoulin Deanery read the was sung. The Holy Gospel was taken from [email protected] singing of the hymn Will You Come and Fol- first passage of Scripture. The reading was tak- the Gospel See Cathedral – p. 5 Discernment is a vital priority in the Church be a priority for the church to- characteristics of vital and healthy be the last. implications of the Lordship of Engaging together day. Discernment allows us to congregations. Likewise, we are The Bible and subsequent the risen and ascended Christ and engage difficult questions, large well aware that recent discus- Christian history indicate that the new reality brought to birth allows for various and small, of individual or com- sions in the Anglican Church of God often prompts tough and as a result. Often this necessitat- munal concern, in order to better Canada about proposed changes seemingly unresolvable questions ed reconsidering what scripture issues to be addressed determine and act faithfully upon to the marriage canon have been for the church to deal with, for seemed to outlaw or sanction, hu- By the Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle God’s will at all levels of our life riddled with antagonism and hurt. its sake and that of the world. For mility in listening, and trust that Developing our capacity to together. Along with hospitality, Yet, this issue is not the first dif- example, the whole first section the Spirit was greater than the let- engage together in the Christian an intentional and robust practice ficult and contentious question to of The Acts of the Apostles shows ter, or certainly our understanding practice of discernment needs to of discernment is one of the key confront the church and it won’t a church coming to terms with the See Synod – p. 4 (2) Algoma Anglican, April 2017 Let’s feast for fifty days! By The Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle batteries drained by the time the diet requires feasting upon the It is time for us to uncover sanctuary lights are switched off fruits of joy and hope as much as one of the Church’s great buried at the end of the day. No doubt, it does fasting in self-discipline. treasures: the fifty-day Season of our culture’s tendency to antici- Easter is the time when we can Easter. pate holidays through commercial know in our bones and muscles, Year after year, most of our campaigns, concerts, and TV spe- not just our minds, that we are churches devote significant ef- cials plays no small part as well. new creatures in Christ, set free to fort to observing the forty days Yet, this is all the more reason for live the new life that is his. Easter of Lent. Penitential rites, music us to attend to the church year and is the time when, with the newly programs, and special attention its capacity to form us in the life baptized and those reconciled to the worship space are care- of the gospel. through baptismal renewal, we fully orchestrated as part of the In their wisdom, our ances- can discover and celebrate in new season’s score. Extra study groups tors in faith followed a forty-day and profound ways what it means and featured guest speakers add period of penitence and baptismal to be joined to Christ and his their voice to the polyphonic tex- preparation with a fifty-day party, Body as baptized people of God. ture of parish activities. All of this a time of joyful exultation that So, Sunday by Sunday through- crescendos to the packed pews out the Season, feast upon Easter of Easter Sunday and its grand hymns and “Alleluia’s” to excess. chorus of celebration. Table Talk Each week, use the Gathering of Yet, one week later, little the Community provided on our more than an echo of this refrain diocesan website and remember remains. The birth pangs of new they regarded as one ongoing your baptism. Take time to gather life seem more like false labour. feast, one ‘great Sunday.’ These outside of worship and reflect As one liturgist observed, “…the days were shaped by the Luke- upon the symbols and sacra- Easter lilies in the sanctuary seem Acts narrative of the Resurrection, ments central to our celebration of left carrying the entire load of ex- Ascension, and Pentecost. They Resurrection life: water, bread and alting in the Risen Christ. As they were flavoured by John’s notion wine, Chrism oil, cross, biblical wilt, so does the season.” Why do that the Spirit is breathed upon us stories, paschal candle, and the parishes give little more than a whenever we encounter the Risen gathered people. Be sure to enjoy passing nod to Easter as a season, Christ. The observance of these meals and party together, too. perhaps snub it altogether? days fostered a sense of vibrancy I don’t know about you, but I INVITATION TO TRAVEL: Rev. Nancy Ringham invites amongst the Faithful that was Perhaps we have simply fallen have no intention of setting the those interested to travel with her and others from Hill- contagious. out of the habit. It may be that Table only to wander off just as dale Lutheran Church “On the Trail of Martin Luther” clergy and musicians, lay readers I am utterly convinced that ob- the main course gets underway. from October 11 to 21, 2017. In the 500th Anniversary Year and other liturgical leaders chan- serving Easter as a season would There is food enough for fifty of Reformation, Lutherans and their Full Communion prove at least as vital to our spiri- days, and I’m ready for a feast! nel so much energy preparing for partners are welcoming this year as a special time to learn the great feasts that they find their tual wellbeing as does our faithful embrace of Lent. Our ecclesial more about Martin Luther, whose actions began the Prot- estant Reformation. For more information on this tour itinerary check out or contact Tina Cara- Unexpected guest visits the stathis at Maritime Travel at 1-800.623.8353, tcarastathis@ Bookings through Tina. You are always welcome to contact Rev Nancy at [email protected] Deanery of Muskoka or 807.627.5667. By The Rev. GailMarie Henderson idence, a papal order in Kingston who is returning to Editor’s note: In the following Rev. Henderson her motherhouse and with a Muskoka birth artist. I writes of the unexpected visit to Muskoka of Dr. Me- spent five full days with Megory immersed in rich and A book for quiet gory Anderson, an Anglican theologian who ministers meaningful conversations on the human experience in the discipline of palliative care and sacred dying of death and dying; it was life–giving conversation. Guess Who Came for Dinner Megory’s surprise visit was about scattering seeds as I’m borrowing from the 1967’s movie with Sydney far as I was able, even Bishop Anne Germond had an reflection and Poitier to catch your attention; I hope it worked. God’s e-note introduction, and a signed copy of Megory’s capacity to send unexpected surprises our way never ground-breaking book Sacred Dying: Creating Ritu- ceases to amaze me. A simple e-note from a spiritual als for Embracing the End of Life awaits delivery to director friend living in Vancouver pops into my e-box our Bishop. contemplation and asks: “Any chance you could introduce a friend The foundation for Megory’s life work, it takes a of mine around Muskoka; she’s in North Bay for a village, so no one dies alone, found its academic foun- By The Rt. Rev. Anne Germond marks, “Christ says, ‘Give me All. conference. Her name is Megory Anderson.” Without dation in the ancient liturgies of the church, but these As I was preparing for my con- .....I want You....I will give you even a thought I reply: “Sure, no problem.” ancient practices were not received in a theoretical secration I’ve found myself quite a new self instead. In fact, I will Little did I know I would be introducing Dr. Me- vacuum but in the crucible of lived experience with naturally wanting to spend much give you Myself: My own will gory Anderson PhD, one of the few theologians and the full-blown Aids crisis in San Francisco during the more time in quiet reflection and shall become yours.’” perhaps the only Anglican theologian in the world 1980’s. It all started with a call from a friend whose contemplation, even in the midst I’ve been working through it working in the discipline of palliative care and sa- brother was nearing death. He was the last in his circle of a very busy transition period. day by day, the readings from well cred dying. Her 400-page dissertation was the sev- to die and there was no one to walk with him during I came across a book, Devotional known and much loved fathers enth to be accepted at Canterbury without revision; his final days; Megory was called. Then she kept get- Classics, selected readings for and mothers of our faith, followed these little facts impress me greatly and give her work ting calls and more calls; it was a person to person individuals and groups, which by a Bible selection, reflection heightened credibility. She is the founder and CEO of connecting system during those years. Now she works is edited by Richard Foster and questions and then suggested Sacred Dying, a foundation that is able to boast Rev- with establishing systems of care for the dying and in James Bryan Smith. It is a book exercises. One small chapter has erend Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape training how to vigil the last days. that its editors describe as seeking enough substance in it to reflect Town, South Africa as their patron. Dr. Megory Anderson PhD is a simple, beautiful to “form the soul before God”. It and ponder on for many days. It’s While in Muskoka she met representatives from the woman giving dignity and a voice to dying people, grabbed my attention when I read easy enough for beginners in these Muskoka world of chaplaincy, hospice and palliative advocating for them to have a say in their own dying. it from cover to cover many years kinds of writings to manage, and care in a public Meet and Greet welcome at Knox Her books are readily available from Amazon; she is ago, and caught it again when I challenging enough for those who Presbyterian church in Bracebridge, thanks to Janet just a Goggle away. I know Megory’s work is situated read the opening section by C.S. are already well on their way. I Barnes, oblate of SSJD, and shared an evening meal under a pastoral umbrella, but for me I see her work as Lewis that asks, “How much of highly recommend it. hosted at the rectory, Elsie’s Place, in Milford Bay bring forth a justice issue, putting the right to be heard myself must I give?” Lewis re- under our capable chef and treasurer Rob Gibbs. The and the gifts of the dying to us and in front of us just as guests around the table were those who laid the early Jean Vanier has done with the mentally challenged. groundwork for hospice and chaplaincy in Muskoka, So, you never know who the Spirit will blow our carrying the hospital beeper and responding to the way here in Muskoka and into our diocese. I just know Letters to the Editor middle of the night calls with little or no recognition I want to keep following that incredible Wind. The nor thanks. Megory was our thank you to them. Sunday ended singing Draw the Circle Wide at Port & Submissions Policy On Transfiguration Sunday Megory preached a Carling and with an unexpected solo of the Lord’s Letter writers and authors of unsolicited submissions moving sermon at St. James the Apostle, Port Car- Prayer in the sanctuary at St. James, Gravenhurst. It are reminded to include a signature and phone num- ling and in the afternoon we moved down the road was an appropriate ending to a good and sacred day. ber for verification purposes. Letters will be reviewed to speak to St. James, Gravenhurst as they celebrated Monday, we put Megory on a plane to San Francisco; and may be edited for length and content. While letters their 150th anniversary with a special focus on their I hope she comes back to us. expressing opinion are welcome, all letters and other pastoral care ministry. Megory also had one-on-one submissions are subject to approval before publication. conversations with Sister Margo of the Sisters of Prov- Algoma Anglican, April 2017 (3)

The Algoma Anglican is the Official Voice of the Diocese of Algoma. Address: P.O. Box 1168, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. P6A 5N7 The Rt. Rev. Anne Germond, Bishop EDITORIAL Peter Simmons, Editor Letter from the Bishop The crusade that never happened Remember you are dust Dear friends in Christ, nection with Christ’s death on Good Friday and “Remember, O human that you are dust, and also His resurrection from the dead on Easter unto dust you shall return.” Sunday. These words and an ash cross smudged On the day of our baptism we were signed onto our foreheads began the Lenten journey with a cross on our foreheads and marked by on March 1 for Christians around the world. the Holy Spirit as “Christ’s own forever”. In Whenever I hear them repeated in the Ash baptism, God claims us as God’s own children Wednesday liturgy I find them jarring, certain- and tells us that we are beloved. It’s a reminder ly not words one wants to hear or be reminded of the promise of. But they are words of truth that cannot be that, as we have avoided, ignored or denied: we are all mortal. risen from dust In the end not even our death defying culture to this mortal can get us out alive. life, so, with By the Rev. Richard White Suleiman’s forces were almost There’s more bad news. The sad reality is that Christ, we will The two monarchs had a com- unstoppable. His navy was led by mon nightmare. The news of Admiral Barbarossa, a seafaring everything we own, the ‘stuff’ we spend years rise from the a foreign, blue-coated invader legend who handed Suleiman a accumulating also ends up as dust and ashes. dust of death to with plumed helmets marching string of victories in the Aegean. In the last few months as I have been sorting eternal life. Yes, into Europe unsettled them both. Suleiman’s army was un- through cupboards and drawers in preparation to dust we shall Henry VIII, the King of England, like anything seen on European for a move to the Sault, I have taken trunk loads return, but with and Charles V, “Holy Roman soil before. At its core were the of our family’s earthly treasures to the dump. I Christ. Emperor” and ruler of most of Janissaries. The Janissaries were ought to have taken heed of Jesus’s words not Dust and southern and Eastern Europe may a slave contingent made up to, “Lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, ashes are Good have had their spats in the past, where moth and rust consume.” (Matt. 6.19). News: They but the blue-coated invaders were History A former parishioner of mine who was moving point us toward about to bring them together. from her home of decades into a nursing home the power and The monarchies of 16th century Byte Europe were dominated by young, ended up doing a similar thing. As loads of stuff love of God, both at the beginning and at the charismatic, and competitive lead- of young captured Christians, were carted out to her curb she said, “Look at end of our lives. And they remind us that, be- ers who carried on their business converted to Islam, and trained the final return on virtually every investment I cause of this Good News, we are called, as we like a bunch of schoolyard bullies. in the arts of war. The Janissar- have made in my life.” Dust and ashes. These live between dust and dust, to repent and return The most notable were Henry ies had taken Belgrade, the Isle are what we see if we look ahead far enough to our risen Lord. VIII, Charles V, and then there of Rhodes, and mowed down and honestly enough into the future. So, remember that you are dust, and rejoice. was France’s François I. François the Hungarian cavalry with their There is another word for us to be reminded For God is with us, in the beginning, at the end, was young and annoying and fire power. Although slaves, the of this Lenten season as we consider our mor- and even now as we live in this in between picked fights with them like an blue-robed Janissaries with the tality, the word “Remember.” This a word that time. angry terrier. But the real enemy feathered helmets were treated is about our beginning and is a word that holds In the peace of Christ, our life and our hope, the two faced came from Turkey, like princes and paid very well. as much conviction for us as how we will end not Europe. He didn’t look like With them and Barbarossa, Sulei- them, speak like them, or even man the Invader had a well-oiled up. pray like them. His religion was war machine. “Remember that you are dust,” is a reminder mysterious. His reputation was of Meanwhile, one of Europe’s of the dust of our beginnings, the dust from a battlefield tactician. He didn’t kings was in trouble. In late which we came. That dust is not just a matter of fight like the rest and when he February 1525, France’s king, chance and it is not without meaning. Our lives won, he was a generous con- François’ I, led a failed attack into are gifts from God and the dust from which we queror. The Europeans called him northern Italy to seize Naples and came was moulded by the very hands of God, Suleiman the Magnificent. His Milan. Charles imprisoned him the potter and God the weaver. We were God Middle Eastern subjects called in Milan. François’ signed over breathed into existence; gazed upon by lov- Anne Germond him, Suleiman the Lawgiver. He part of his kingdom and Charles was in fact, Suleiman the Invader. released him in March the fol- ing eyes at the moment of our creation, before Bishop of Algoma there was anything to see. Suleiman I, 1494 – 1566, was lowing year. The French king was the tenth monarch in the Islamic disgraced. He had had plenty of The Psalmist writes, “For it was you who Ottoman Empire which had con- time to plot his revenge. Over the formed my inward parts; you knit me together Bishop Anne would like to thank everyone trolled the Middle East out of next decade he continued a series in my mother’s womb. I praise you for I am for their prayerful support and encourage- Istanbul for almost three hundred of failed campaigns against Italy. fearfully and wonderfully made….your eyes ment over the last several months. Through all years. Whether on sea or land beheld my unformed substance. In your book the change and upheaval of a house sale and See François – p. 4 were written all the days that were formed for packing up, a move to a new city, beginning me, when none of them as yet existed.” (Psalm a new role, and saying farewell to a beloved 139. 13, 14, 16). parish and deanery, she received many e-mails, LGOMA NGLICAN The dust which we come from is holy dust, calls, and cards from her diocesan family. She A A God given, God breathed, God cherished. The would also like to thank Dean McShane and Official Publication of the Diocese of Algoma dust we shall return to is the same holy dust, the Cathedral staff, Liz, Jane, Harry, Jay and The Rt. Rev. Anne Germond, Bishop God given, God breathed, God cherished. the Synod office staff for the tremendous work Peter Simmons, Editor Jane Mesich, Treasurer By the time this letter is printed in the Al- in planning the consecration service. In a card Produced Monthly by Peter Simmons Send articles for publication to: goma Anglican, we will be midway through of thanks to Bishop Anne, Mrs. Ellen Johnson, P.O. Box 221, 1148 Hwy 141, Rosseau P0C 1J0 Lent, and you might have forgotten about the Archbishop Colin’s wife wrote this of their Phone (705) 732-4608 Fax (705) 732-4608 holy dust on your forehead. As you read these time in Algoma; “We had a wonderful time in E-mail: [email protected] words, remember the ashes of Wednesday and Sault Ste. Marie last weekend and have a long Please send subscription renewals and changes of address to: that the dust was placed there is the form of list of reasons to say ‘thank you’. From the The Algoma Anglican, Anglican Journal, a cross. When Jesus died on it, the cross was moment we arrived it was evident that a whole Circulation Department a symbol of shame, the electric chair or the lot of work had been done to make sure that the 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2 hangman’s rope of execution. But that cross weekend festivities went smoothly.” Postmaster: Please send all returns and changes of address to: has become the world’s most powerful symbol The Algoma Anglican, Anglican Journal, Circulation Department, of love. On the cross Christ showed what God 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 3G2 is really like, loving and compassionate. The Synod Address cross of ashes reminds us that we have a con- P.O. Box 1168, Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5N7 (4) Algoma Anglican, April 2017 Thunder Bay church reaches out to the community in need By Sharon Corston through our “Compassion Cup- of the building, I couldn’t help but Editor’s note: In the following, board”; a Sunday non-denomina- feel the compassion and commit- Sharon Corston tells the reader of tional church service at 2:00 p.m. ment from Pastors Gary and Mel- Grace Place, a ministry dedicated with a time of worship, teaching ody Macsemchuk, and the army to supporting those in need in the and ministry; a Children’s church of volunteers. Heather took me city of Thunder Bay for ages 2-12; youth meetings each through the basement, where they Once a month, a team from St. Friday evening at 7:00 p.m.; an an- keep a stock of seasonal outwear, Luke’s, Thunder Bay including nual youth camp/retreat at a local furniture and items for persons Rev. Canon Dr. George Porter, vol- bible camp; they perform baptism, needing startup items for a new unteer to prepare a meal at Grace marriage and funeral services for living space, and other items. In Place. Operated by Grace Minis- their congregation and their fami- the spirit of sharing and like mind- tries. Grace Place, which opened lies. They also provide spiritual edness, there was an area where on June 17, 2008, is located on support and pastoral care to many they stored equipment for Shelter Simpson Street, one of the poorest individuals struggling with addic- Houses’ SOS, Street Outreach Ser- areas of Thunder Bay. tions, prostitution and poverty. vices, Program. Grace Place ministers to people Grace Place expanded last year This is another story altogether living on the streets, drinking hair- and were able to increase their but simply said, Shelter House is spray and mouthwash, those suf- kitchen space and add some much one of the leading organisations fering from addiction who prosti- needed equipment in addition to in our community responding to tuting themselves to support their increasing their warehouse capac- the current and future needs of drug habits and the spiritually and ity. This year, through the Coldest the homeless in our city. The SOS financially “poor” people. Their Night of the Year walk, they pray Team, is a highly trained, skilled goal is to provide a safe haven off to receive enough donations to re- team of compassionate people, of the streets for their clients to pair the roof on the building. This who hit the road every day in teams visit, relax and to connect with the is all possible with God’s grace and of two from 2 p.m. to 2 a.m. daily, much needed services, so many in through the donations they receive offering their services to homeless, A WARM DRINK: Pat Mark, one of the volunteers from the area are in need of. They serve from local grocery stores, busi- intoxicated and high risk people in 250-300 meals each day. nesses, other ministries, and from our community. St. Luke’s, Thunder Bay who prepared a meal on Monday, They provide the following oth- private individuals. Grace Place May God bless everyone for February 13, 2017 at Grace Place, is pictured on coffee er services to their clients: drop-in runs solely on donations, whether their missional outreach at Grace duty. Grace Place ministries provides a safe haven and and lunch three days a week, Mon- it is food or finances, as they are Place, Shelter House and all the other services to those in need in one of the poorest areas day Tuesday and Wednesday from not funded by any other source. other organisations who work with in the city of Thunder Bay. Ruth Merkley looks on in the 1-4 p.m.; free clothing to those in As Heather, the volunteer super- our city’s homeless and poor. need; emergency food hampers visor for the day, led me on a tour background. Synod will engage in process of discernment Continued from Front solving or shutting down an issue. of it. We must learn to engage contro- In the fifteenth chapter of Acts versial questions with the aim of we see the church doing just that: furthering community life, and listening to the witness of Gen- better serving as a sign, foretaste, tiles, opinions from experts in the and instrument of God’s Kingdom. Law of Moses, the account of Pe- In this way, conflict can serve rath- ter’s vision, and the testimony of er than sever Christian unity. We Paul and Barnabas. Finally, James must, however, be prepared to go draws connections between what to a place personally where we are has been heard and the words of willing to accept whatever course the prophets recorded in scrip- God indicates. ture, interpreting their immediate At the upcoming gathering of situation within the larger story Diocesan Synod, delegates will en- of God’s purposes and promises gage in a process designed to help in ways they had not considered the people of Algoma strengthen previously. our capacity for the work of dis- This pattern carries a wisdom cernment in all aspects of our life from which we can learn in our and ministry together. The process own time and context. Thus, we will include table discussions, pre- need to become more seasoned sentations, and various exercises in the difficult work of discern- to yield helpful insights and strat- ment. Digging in on our positions egies. The exercise will not only FREEZIN FOR A REASON: Rev. Canon Dr. George Porter, incumbent of St. Luke’ and as we caricature the viewpoints of help us to hold discussions about St. John the Evangelist, Thunder Bay, is pictured, far right, leading a team from St. all who differ from us as either le- the marriage canon, as requested Luke’s at the Coldest Night of the Year walk that raises money for the hungry, homeless galistic or bigoted on one hand, or by the Primate after the last Gen- and hurting in 100 plus communities across Canada. The walk was held on Saturday, as unbiblical or “selling out to the eral Synod. It will also be of great world” on the other, is a failure to benefit to all the discernment we February 25, 2017. Participants were provided the opportunity to walk two, five, or ten respond faithfully to God and to need to do as individuals, congre- kilometres. Money raised will stay in Thunder Bay and over the past two years paid for “respect the dignity of every hu- gations, and diocese that is part roof repairs for Grace Place. Fifty Teams and 311 walkers raised $57,336.75 as of March man being.” of the regular course of faithful 6th. Donations will be accepted until March 31st. Amongst the various church groups Our engagement with difficult Christian living. and businesses, three Thunder Bay-North Shore Anglican churches participated. matters can never be about just

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JOYOUS FAMILY: Rt. Rev. Anne Germond is pictured, COME HOLY GHOST: Bishop Anne Germond is pictured kneeling before Archbishop from left, with husband Dr. Colin Germond, son Richard Colin Johnson, who is surrounded by those assisting him, moments before the Prayer of Germond and daughter Caitlin Germond following her Consecration and the laying on of hands at the service of her Ordination to the Sacred ordination to the Sacred Order of Bishops on Saturday, Order of Bishops on Saturday, February 11, 2017. (Photo by Holly Drew) February 11, 2017 in St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie. Continued from Front Bishop and their desire to uphold As Bishop Germond was be- (Photo by Holly Drew) according to St. John, chapter 21, her in this office. This was fol- ing vested according to the Order verses fifteen to nineteen. In this lowed by the Examination. of Bishops, her husband Dr. Co- passage, Jesus asks Simon Peter The Examination consists of lin Germond and her son Richard three times: “Simon son of John, a series of questions which were Germond presented her with a Henry Gaines to be do you love me?”. Peter, having asked by a number of Bishops from chausible, and episcopal ring and expressed his deep love for Jesus, all parts of the Canadian Church. a pectoral cross. Other symbols is told to ‘Feed my lambs’, ‘Tend Bishop-Elect Germond accepted of the episcopal office were pre- my sheep’ and ‘Feed my sheep’. her call as Bishop and stated her sented by Helen Rankine and Rt. installed as a canon The preacher was the brother-in- intention to fulfill the trust placed Rev. Rod Andrews. Bishop Anne law of Bishop Anne Germond, Rt. in her with obedience to Christ. Germond was then installed as the Rev. Brian Germond, retired Bish- The Bishop-Elect declared her in- Bishop of the Diocese of Algoma op of the Diocese of Johannesburg, tention to remain faithful in prayer, by the Dean of the cathedral Very at diocesan Synod South Africa. and in the study of holy scripture, Rev. James McShane. This was In his sermon, Bishop Brian as to have the mind of Christ. In followed by the adminstering of By The Rev. Canon Bob Elkin involved under the leadership of Germond stated: “Jesus gives Peter the power of the Spirit, Anne Ger- the Oath to incoming Diocesan Editor’s note: In the following Ven. Bill Stadnyk with an outreach the keys of the kingdom of heaven mond stated her intent to boldly Chancellor Garth O’Neill. Mr. Canon Elkin gives an overview of ministry to Heyden. With Archdea- and calls him to be the Good Shep- proclaim and interpret the Gospel O’Neill replaces Micahel Bennett the life of faith and service of Mr. con Stadnyk’s encouragement and herd. Jesus says to him, “I am the of Christ to enlighten the minds who retired from the office. Henry Gaines. Mr. Gaines will be enthusiasm, and a strong sense of Good Shepherd, but now you must and to stir up the conscience of the Bishop Anne Germond was installed as a Canon in St. Luke’s call from God, Henry eventually go and feed my sheep, and care for people. She promised, “as a chief presented with a number of gifts. Cathedral, Sault Ste. Marie at the became Lay Minister at St. Mark’s them and nurture them. Make me priest and pastor to encourage and Darell Boissoneau presented a gift opening service at the upcoming Heyden. He speaks with awe and visible in everything you are and support all baptized people in their on behalf of the Shingwauk Edu- Synod in May humility of the opportunity God everything you do. Go and do ev- gifts and ministries, nourish them cation Trust. The diocese is one Brother Lawrence, a 17th cen- gave him at St. Mark’s. erything you have seen me doing. from the riches of God‘s grace, of four partners in this Trust. The tury Lay Member of a monastery St. Mark’s under Henry's leader- When the disciples think they pray for them without ceasing, and Trust has oversight of the land and in France has always attracted me. ship exercises a ministry of pres- are going fishing, God says, “Oh celebrate with them the sacraments assets of the former Shingwauk He worked in the kitchen, cleaning ence in Heyden. It doesn’t drag no you aren’t, at least not in the of our redemption”. Residential School which looks to vegetables and washing pots and you in but rather opens its doors, way you think you are going Archdeacon Germond prom- further the education of Indigeous served God through his service to extends a welcome to all and qui- fishing.” Over and over and over ised to “guard the faith, unity, and culture and post-secondary educa- others which he did with great rev- etly loves you if you come and it again, God breaks into our world discipline of the Church” and to tion. Steve Gjos and Kim Powley erence and humility. I feel our dio- isn’t just people from Heyden that and calls Peter and Anne and you “share with her fellow bishops presented Bishop Germond with a cese has its own Brother Lawrence come. It’s buildings and acreage and me to know him and to make in the government of the whole gift on behalf of the Métis Nation in Henry Gaines, the Lay Pastor of and beautiful natural location have him known in the world. But it is Church, to sustain her fellow pres- of Ontario. This is a symbol of the St. Mark’s Heyden and he attracts attracted Early Ministry Confer- only out of encounter that we can byters and take counsel with them developing relationship between me too. ences, youth events and church know God. We must make prayer a and to guide and strengthen the the Métis Nation and the Diocese Henry Gaines a life-long An- related meetings and the hospital- priority in our lives.....recognition deacons and all others who min- of Algoma. glican. As the youngest child he ity of its leaders and parishioners comes with spending time in the ister in the Church”. For the sake The gifts were presented and an often accompanied his mother to keeps bringing them back. Henry presence of God.” of Christ, Anne Germond declared offering received during the sing- St. Luke’s Cathedral, Sault Ste. leads from the pulpit but he also After a period of silence for re- her intent to “be merciful to all, ing of the hymn Praise the One Marie where she did cleaning for leads from the handle of a mop, flection, Ven. Anne Germond was show compassion to the poor and Who Breaks. During Communion, Dean Craig. He made the natu- or a sinkful of dishes or the laying presented to the Archbishop and strangers, and defend those who the music of Taizé was sung includ- ral transition to Sunday School, of plates on the table strengthened the congregation by Rt. Rev. Dr. have no helper”. Archbishop John- ing Bless the Lord My Soul, Come Boy’s League, Teen Choir and all by wife Beverly beside him with Stephen Andrews, Rt. Rev. Tom son then asked the Bishop-Elect to and Fill our hearts with Your Love, the things the church offered to the rest of the parishioners pitch- Corston, Ven. Deborah Kraft, Rev. lead those present in the saying of Live in Charity and Steadfast Love a young boy back then. Henry’s ing in too. His skill, his devotion Dr. Robert Derrenbacker, Mrs. the Nicene Creed. and Nothing Can Trouble. The post mother died when he was eleven to God and his humility shine into Fawna Andrews and Ms. Caitlin The Consecration of Anne Ger- Communion anthem Christ Has No so the church family, his Christian the world from that little corner of Germond. Archbishop Johnson mond began with The Litany sung Body But Yours by David Ogden, family sort of “adopted” him and Heyden. then directed Garth O’Neill to and led by Rev. Dr. Jay Koyle. was sung by St. Luke’s Cathedral gave themselves over to his up- When I heard Henry was to be read the Diocesan Certificate of With all we who able to kneel, Choir and the Deanery of Sudbury/ bringing. He was included in all made a Canon I was tremendously Election. The Co-Registrar of the the hymn Come, Holy Ghost, Our Manitoulin Choir. The Prayer after the church events, the Women’s pleased and I wrote Diocesan Of- Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario, Souls Inspire, was sung. Bishop- Communion was followed by the Group altered his choir robe as he fice to ask if it was unusual that a Susan DeGruchy, read the Pro- Elect Germond, knelt before the singing of Lord, Dismiss Us with grew, he had many a meal at parish Lay Pastor become a Canon. This vincial Certificate of Election and Archbishop, with the other Bish- Your Blessing, and an Episcopal family homes as they loved him is the answer I received: “It is not Concurrence. Ven. Anne Germond ops who were in attendance stand- Blessing by Bishop Germond and and kept him close as a son of the usual that lay people are made can- declared her belief in the “holy ing over her. Archbishop Johnson the Recessional Hymn You Call parish. ons. Our diocese has fifteen canons scriptures of the Old and New Tes- stretched out his hands toward Us, Lord, to Be. He had ability but didn’t like at the present time and only one is a tament to be the word of God, and Anne Germond and began the Following the service a reception school and left it to take on two lay person. In the Anglican Church to contain all things necessary to Prayer of Consecration. Central to was held at The Grand Gardens in careers: Algoma Steel and even- and the Anglican Communion the salvation” and promised “to con- this prayer are the words: “Send Sault Ste. Marie to which everyone tually a new family business, the honour of being made a lay canon form to the doctrine, discipline and down your Holy Spirit upon your was invited. The day was a moving Party Palace. He’d always felt does occur and is bestowed upon worship of the Anglican Church of servant Anne, whom we conse- demonstration of the Spirit of God drawn to work in the church but individuals who have made a re- Canada”. The Bishop-Elect made a crate in your name to the office and at work in Algoma as the diocese considered his lack of higher edu- markable contribution in the life pledge of obedience to the “Metro- work of a bishop in the Church”. moves forward with it’s collective cation a drawback which could of the church. Henry is one such politan of Ontario and his succes- The hymn Come Down, O Love mission in His name. not be overcome. Eventually he individual.” sors”. The congregation professed Divine was sung during the vest- migrated from St. Luke’s to Holy I couldn’t agree more! their will to have Anne ordained as ing of the new Bishop. Trinity and it was there that he got (6) Algoma Anglican, April 2017 Now is this winter’s Diocesan priest travels to discontent Rome and Assisi By The Rev. Canon Elkin such thing and had me on the Give my wife a book, feed her ropes. The next game I accidently coffee and the occasional beer, put him into check-mate and we sit her in a comfortable chair and stopped there and just concentrat- she’s set for the winter, happy ed on the beer. It was an enjoyable and enjoying life. Not me! By afternoon. Fearing for my liver March I’m fed up, read out and though I figured I should find bored, bored, bored with winter other things to occupy my time and itching for change. I want the also and you can imagine my de- sun to shine and the temperature light and ready acceptance when to rise. I want to be outside not Connie and I were invited to join inside. I want the rivers to be open a book-club that meets monthly to for canoeing, the highway to be discuss the latest publications of beckoning for motorcycling, the interest. world to be ready for adventure This club had formed from the and in March it isn’t and I’m fed congregation of a local United up. I want a change! Church and I was a bit surprised I suffer every way but silently to find I was the only man there so I began to work on Connie to when we attended that first meet- get me out of my rut. “Want to go for a hike?” ‘Ah, no thanks.’ Letter “Want to walk the dog with me?” ‘Not right now thanks.’ “Want from Bob to go cross-country skiing for the afternoon?” That one did it. ing. “We hope you don’t mind ‘For heaven’s sake will you leave being in a room full of women” me alone and find something to they said apologetically. So I tried do!’ I sighed pitifully and stared to put them at ease saying: “Not glumly out the window and like at all! Why I have fantasies about HISTORIC STRUCTURE: Pictured is the Roman Colosseum located in the centre of the I knew she would, Connie shook just such situations.” I’m not sure city of Rome. It is constructed of concrete and sand and is the largest amphitheatre ever her head, put down her book and that it reassured them as they all built. attempted to move me along so moved down to the other end of she could get back to her story in the table, but we got right into the By The Rev. Beth Hewson the Center as a house of prayer, study and hospital- peace and quiet. “Bob”she said, book which was called Nomad by Editor’s note: Rev. Beth Hewson recently travelled ity to foster ecumenical relations between Anglicans “I read that the stuff you had fun Ayaan Hirsi Ali an Islamic woman to Rome and the ancient town of Assisi in Italy. The and Roman Catholics. It was here that our course was doing when you were younger who “denounces Islam with a following article chronicles her experience based. We discussed and debated how and why Pope will still probably bring you ferocity that this reviewer finds Here we were standing in the apartment where St. Francis shapes the world; what we can learn from St. enjoyment. What did you like to strident” according to a review Paul probably had spent his last two years under house Francis and how we can integrate the learnings and do when you were a teenager, on the internet. It affected me the arrest with his friend Luke. At the entrance was a solid truths into our lives? for example? What made you same way and I was glad when altar flanked by a low relief stone image of Paul, Pe- In Rome for the first part of the course we heard happy then?” I gave it a moment’s we got off that book and on to the ter and Luke. Close by was a tall pillar and etched in from many thoughtful and learned Jesuit brothers and thought and then recalled: “Well I next the following month, Gretta Latin was: “The Word of God is not chained”. Susan the Georgian ambassador to the Holy See. We had an used to enjoy going to dances and Vosper’s With or Without God. Robineau and I quietly looked at each other, overcome audience with the Pope, along with thousands of oth- trying to pick up girls. That made Vosper is an ordained United by the magnitude of witnessing, the words of Acts 28 ers! Before coming to the podium near where we sat, me happy.” She gave me ‘the Church minister who has declared unfolding before us. the Pope travelled through the crowd of 60,000 stand- look’, adding: “I don't want you herself to be an atheist and has We climbed a staircase and entered a large room that ing tall in a white jeep with his security detail running that happy! What else did you like just had a go round with United easily held between twenty to thirty people. Here Paul alongside. When we could not see the Pope we only to do?” I pondered that one some Church officials about whether an and the Jewish leaders probably debated the validity had to watch the wave of joyous singing, clapping and more and then remembered chess. ordained minister and an athe- of Jesus’s teachings and Paul’s innocence or guilt. shouting to know where he was. The Pope’s homily on I liked to play chess! “That's great ist are mutually exclusive posi- The house apartment looked out onto the broad street, patience was eloquently delivered in eight languages Bob” she said, picking up her tions. This book was not exactly Via Lata. It was the parade route to the city center. by selected Cardinals. book and finding her place.“ Go a bundle of laughs either, but We could imagine Paul during his long imprisonment After three busy days of intellectual and stimulating find someone to play chess with.” when I mentioned this to my wife writing at his rough table and looking up through the talks, tours of Christian sites and spirit–filled worship There I was cured in three minutes I got short shrift followed up barred windows, where he could watch the gladiators with the local Anglicans, we headed to Assisi. Catch- flat! The woman’s a miracle with the challenge that I come up and Roman soldiers march down the street to receive ing a train in Rome was an experience. The gate for worker! I went to find someone with a book to read that would their victory laurels. We began to appreciate Paul’s our train changed location seemly on a whim! Our who played chess. explore new and cutting edge references to athletic races and crowns. From his com- group of nine would quickly change direction and in There’s an old confirmed bach- thought and practices and be an fortable place, albeit a prison, he writes to Timothy: “I a single file, weave snake like through the crowds of elor who lives around the corner enjoyable read. My suggestion have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I unruffled Italians to our newest gate. who plays chess. So I went to of Fifty Shades of Gray received have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the Assisi was the place for us to settle and catch our his house and we settled in for a a counter suggestion of Fifty crown of righteousness, which the Lord…. will award breath. We learned about St. Francis at a more con- game. I like going to his house as Shades of Black and Blue which I to me on that day….”(2 Timothy 4:7-8) templatively and quiet pace. We visited the sites: it’s a manly man’s kind of place. was informed was the condition I It had been a few months before that while washing where he was born, where he is buried, the statues Dogs asleep on the couch, guns was going to be in if I mentioned dishes, at the Open Arms Cafe at St. John the Divine, of his parents and the San Damiano church. It is at and swords and knives stacked Fifty Shades of Gray to the book North Bay, that Susan Susan Robineau and I decid- this church that Francis prayed before the cross and up on every flat surface, cold club! The next book chosen was ed to take a course on “The Francis Effect Then and received his commission from God: “Rebuild My beer in the back porch and you Orwell’s 1984 which should be an Now” at the Anglican Center of Rome in November church”. It is this cross that is on Bishop Anne Ger- never have to take your boots off easy read as we can see it unfold- 2016. As we dried the plates, we planned our trip. We mond’s chasuble and mitre. The thirty three figures because they keep your socks ing in real life just over the border. would bookend the course with touring the sites. and a rooster on the cross tell the story of the passion from sticking to the floor. A very It’s obviously time to get back to We saw many sites. The Colosseum, a precursor to of Christ. Assisi gave us time for meditative worship comfortable place. more chess and beer! And so the modern day sports stadiums would host 100 days of and reflection. We hunched over the chess winter passes and to finish with a gladiator combat contests and wild animal fights. The For months after Susan Robineau and I returned, board and I soon remembered famous quote: “Like sands though Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s we would process the trip. Pictures would bring why I’d given up chess: I suck an hourglass, these are the days of Basilica left us speechless. The Vatican guide pointed back memories of the friends we met, the things we at it! In a short while he’d pulled our lives.” out highlights that gave us insight to the grandeur and learned, and the places we visited. We learned parts of off the Russian gambit or some beauty of the many masterpieces. In the country, out- the historical journey of Christianity and how know- side of Rome, we walked on the large stones of the ing history creates a richer biblical story. There was Appian Way and wondered how donkeys, carts and much churning and stirring of the Holy Spirit. We pilgrims traversed the bumpy road, bringing their had a new appreciation for the profound phrase “to Contact goods to sell in the city. Under the verdant rich green know and understand the mystery of God” in us! We fields alongside the Way were the underground Chris- learned from Francis that leading with our hearts, that The Algoma Anglican tian catacombs. We walked up and down the Span- is God’s heart, keeps us connected in our messy and ish steps, threw our coins into the Trevi Fountain, complicated lives to each other and to God. at our E-mail address: marvelled at the Pantheon and ate just the best pasta Take a look at the Anglican Center of Rome’s web ever! site, ( and consider [email protected] The Anglican Centre of Rome was our anchor. In taking a course. You will be surprised at how the a historic visit in 1966, Archbishop of Canterbury Spirit moves and leads you deeper into the mystery Michael Ramsey met with Pope Paul VI to establish of our faith. Algoma Anglican, April 2017 (7)

François and Suleiman entered into an alliance

Continued from p. 3 Then in 1536 François to winter in port of Toulon, a neighbouring port. The citi- way to becoming the first English Monarch to rule as King dared to do the unthink- zens of Toulon were ordered to leave the city, turning it into of Ireland. His forces were busy elsewhere. For his part, able. He made an alliance with Christendom’s enemy, a Turkish port town. The Toulon Cathedral was refurbished Charles was caught up in battles against the Protestant Suleiman, and the Franco-Ottoman alliance was born. The as a mosque and the Muslim call to prayer was heard five princes of central Europe every bit as much as Muslims Franco-Ottoman alliance would stand as one of the longest times a day. Christian slaves were bought and sold. This invaders. His enemies were too numerous. Besides, he was alliances in Europe’s history. strategic foothold meant the Turks could raid the Spanish looking westward and had sanctioned the exploration and From Suleiman’s point of view, such an alliance was stra- and Italian coastlines. Plus, it could be a landing site into conquest of a new territory – South and Central America. tegically vital. With France as his ally and access to French central Europe for Ottoman troops. At the same time, the war machine of Suleiman seemed ports it would be only a matter of time before Ottoman The German reformer Martin Luther declared “the Turk to be slowing down. Bad weather hampered them. Al- troops were marching through the streets of Europe’s great- is the rod of God’s anger against the apostate church,” though his war drums had echoed across Hungary on the est cities. This all seemed like a gift from God. Suleiman which might have seemed true. Henry had broken with march towards Vienna, his troops couldn’t take it. He need- was a devout Muslim, and as such he loathed Roman Cath- Rome by then, but siding with Catholic Charles was a bet- ed Vienna in order to open a path to the north. It remained olic Europe. The Catholics were “kafaar,” the derisive term ter option than siding with a Muslim Suleiman. In 1543 the an elusive dream to the end of Suleiman’s life. for infidels, unbelievers, and idolaters. His Faith taught him two decided to launch a crusade to oust him from Europe. François died March 31, 1547, but the Franco-Ottoman that Catholics worshipped images, burned incense to stat- Henry VIII’s goal was to raise 10,000 pounds through alliance lived on well into the 19th century. The alliance ues of Mary as though she was a god, and bowed to a Jesus voluntary offerings to fund an army. On July 19, 1543, might have been the first step towards establishing any on a Cross. The Qur’an clearly said that Jesus, a Prophet of Archbishop Cranmer sent a letter to all diocesan bishops form of Protestant-Muslim dialogue. In the 16th century God, had not been crucified. François’ might not have been to implement the king's policy. Every Sunday and holy day and following, Protestants were given access to trade a solid Protestant, but his conflicts with the Pope and with clergy were to preach about the danger of a full-out Muslim and commerce in the Middle East, and new cultural and the Catholic Charles made him an ideal ally. The 1536 alli- invasion of Europe and the need to collect funds to resist scientific exchanges began as well. Protestants of all stripes ance was perfect for both. it. The church wardens’ job was to collect and count the were given the right to reside and worship in the Ottoman By that time Suleiman held much of Eastern Europe in money. Cranmer’s deadline was the end of September. Empire. his grip and his navy was badgering Mediterranean ship- The collections of 1543 were the first time in England England of course would go through its own Reforma- ping. With access to French ports, he was able to execute that money was raised for a Christian crusade form over tion, and became one of the most Protestant nations in a decisive naval victory in the Aegean in September 1538 200 years. The people didn’t respond well. Clergy were told Europe. To this day, the Church of England is universally against a Catholic alliance headed by Pope Paul III. Sulei- to try again. Wardens were instructed to hand over monies respected across the Middle East, and is identified as man won numerous Venetian islands and ports in the Ae- directly to the sheriffs of their counties. The deadline was “Protestant.” The respect Protestant Christians are shown gean, Ionian and Adriatic Seas and 300,000 ducats in gold. moved to the end of the year. Less than 2,000 of the needed might never have come about had it not been for a long- Europe’s Catholics were shaken. 10,000 pounds was raised. standing alliance forged by two of England’s old enemies Then came 1543. In August combined French and Otto- The crusade never occurred. And why? There were both in 1536, France and the Ottoman Empire, and had Henry man navies successfully attacked the Mediterranean port insufficient funds and insufficient hunger for financing a and Charles not failed to launch a crusade aimed at driving city of Nice, territory held by Charles. As the year drew to a war with an uncertain outcome. By then, an ailing Henry Islam from Europe’s shores. close, François’ invited 30,000 Ottoman troops and sailors was solidifying his reign over Wales, and negotiating his Anglicanism will return in the May edition Algoma Anglican, April 2017 (7)

François and Suleiman entered into an alliance

Continued from p. 3 Then in 1536 François to winter in port of Toulon, a neighbouring port. The citi- way to becoming the first English Monarch to rule as King dared to do the unthink- zens of Toulon were ordered to leave the city, turning it into of Ireland. His forces were busy elsewhere. For his part, able. He made an alliance with Christendom’s enemy, a Turkish port town. The Toulon Cathedral was refurbished Charles was caught up in battles against the Protestant Suleiman, and the Franco-Ottoman alliance was born. The as a mosque and the Muslim call to prayer was heard five princes of central Europe every bit as much as Muslims Franco-Ottoman alliance would stand as one of the longest times a day. Christian slaves were bought and sold. This invaders. His enemies were too numerous. Besides, he was alliances in Europe’s history. strategic foothold meant the Turks could raid the Spanish looking westward and had sanctioned the exploration and From Suleiman’s point of view, such an alliance was stra- and Italian coastlines. Plus, it could be a landing site into conquest of a new territory – South and Central America. tegically vital. With France as his ally and access to French central Europe for Ottoman troops. At the same time, the war machine of Suleiman seemed ports it would be only a matter of time before Ottoman The German reformer Martin Luther declared “the Turk to be slowing down. Bad weather hampered them. Al- troops were marching through the streets of Europe’s great- is the rod of God’s anger against the apostate church,” though his war drums had echoed across Hungary on the est cities. This all seemed like a gift from God. Suleiman which might have seemed true. Henry had broken with march towards Vienna, his troops couldn’t take it. He need- was a devout Muslim, and as such he loathed Roman Cath- Rome by then, but siding with Catholic Charles was a bet- ed Vienna in order to open a path to the north. It remained olic Europe. The Catholics were “kafaar,” the derisive term ter option than siding with a Muslim Suleiman. In 1543 the an elusive dream to the end of Suleiman’s life. for infidels, unbelievers, and idolaters. His Faith taught him two decided to launch a crusade to oust him from Europe. François died March 31, 1547, but the Franco-Ottoman that Catholics worshipped images, burned incense to stat- Henry VIII’s goal was to raise 10,000 pounds through alliance lived on well into the 19th century. The alliance ues of Mary as though she was a god, and bowed to a Jesus voluntary offerings to fund an army. On July 19, 1543, might have been the first step towards establishing any on a Cross. The Qur’an clearly said that Jesus, a Prophet of Archbishop Cranmer sent a letter to all diocesan bishops form of Protestant-Muslim dialogue. In the 16th century God, had not been crucified. François’ might not have been to implement the king's policy. Every Sunday and holy day and following, Protestants were given access to trade a solid Protestant, but his conflicts with the Pope and with clergy were to preach about the danger of a full-out Muslim and commerce in the Middle East, and new cultural and the Catholic Charles made him an ideal ally. The 1536 alli- invasion of Europe and the need to collect funds to resist scientific exchanges began as well. Protestants of all stripes ance was perfect for both. it. The church wardens’ job was to collect and count the were given the right to reside and worship in the Ottoman By that time Suleiman held much of Eastern Europe in money. Cranmer’s deadline was the end of September. Empire. his grip and his navy was badgering Mediterranean ship- The collections of 1543 were the first time in England England of course would go through its own Reforma- ping. With access to French ports, he was able to execute that money was raised for a Christian crusade form over tion, and became one of the most Protestant nations in a decisive naval victory in the Aegean in September 1538 200 years. The people didn’t respond well. Clergy were told Europe. To this day, the Church of England is universally against a Catholic alliance headed by Pope Paul III. Sulei- to try again. Wardens were instructed to hand over monies respected across the Middle East, and is identified as man won numerous Venetian islands and ports in the Ae- directly to the sheriffs of their counties. The deadline was “Protestant.” The respect Protestant Christians are shown gean, Ionian and Adriatic Seas and 300,000 ducats in gold. moved to the end of the year. Less than 2,000 of the needed might never have come about had it not been for a long- Europe’s Catholics were shaken. 10,000 pounds was raised. standing alliance forged by two of England’s old enemies Then came 1543. In August combined French and Otto- The crusade never occurred. And why? There were both in 1536, France and the Ottoman Empire, and had Henry man navies successfully attacked the Mediterranean port insufficient funds and insufficient hunger for financing a and Charles not failed to launch a crusade aimed at driving city of Nice, territory held by Charles. As the year drew to a war with an uncertain outcome. By then, an ailing Henry Islam from Europe’s shores. close, François’ invited 30,000 Ottoman troops and sailors was solidifying his reign over Wales, and negotiating his Anglicanism will return in the May edition (8) Algoma Anglican, April 2017 St. Paul’s, Wawa hosts special dinner By Beverly Boyd and hard work of many friends St. Paul’s, Wawa held their Ap- from around the community. ple Pie Appreciation Dinner on Each table setting had a pink or the evening of February 16, 2017. purple tulip and a small card with The dinner is a show of apprecia- various bible sayings concerning tion to all of the women who as- love: “Love one another as I have sist the parishioners of St. Paul’s loved you” or something similar. in the making of the pies in spite The dinner began with a short of the fact that many of them are grace and ended with the Anglican members of the Baptist, Roman Church women serenading guests Catholic and United Churches in with Sister, Let Me be Your Servant Wawa. The ladies at St. Paul’s hold at which time each of the guests a special dinner, turkey, ham, and were given a ‘thank you’ card de- all the fixings, and invite the ladies scribing some of the hard work who have helped out to come out each of them had done. The grand and have a delicious dinner with finale was the reading of I Wish for plenty of fellowship and perhaps a You . . . glass of wine. It is St. Paul’s turn Tonight I wish for you a day of IN APPRECIATION: Pictured are the ladies of St. Paul’s, Wawa who prepared a din- to show appreciation for all of the ordinary miracles, a fresh pot of ner for all who helped in the making of approximately 400 pies. In the front row are work they do to support the church coffee you didn’t make yourself . Luanne Buckell, Beverly Boyd, Mitch Hatfield, Barbara Laing, Patricia LaLonde, Betty in mission. . . An unexpected phone call from Valois, Pat Lavoie and Brenda Babcock. In the back row are Ann Carruthers, Ann Owen, This past year approximately 400 an old friend . . . Green stoplights pies were made. That means there on your way to work (Wawa does Gail Smith, Kathy Leclair, Sharon Boucher, Gizzy Torkos, Barbara Thorne, and Nancy was a lot of peeling, slicing, spice not have stoplights) . . . The fast- Donald. and sugar mixing, dough making est line at the grocery store . . . A and rolling, and filling of pies go- good sing-along song on the radio ing on. The smell of apples and . . . Your keys found right where cinnamon permeates the church you left them . . . Share this with basement and wafts up the stairs people you will never forget . . . I to the church proper throughout just did. the month of October. It would be It’s not what you gather, but impossible for the members of St. what you scatter that tells what Paul’s to do all of this on their own. kind of life you have lived. Amen. Parishioners rely on the friendship

Contact The Algoma Anglican at our E-mail address: RENOVATIONS UNDERWAY: The construction of a new entrance for All Saints’, Huntsville is moving along. There will also be space for an accessible washroom and [email protected] a meeting and gathering area. The above photo was taken on Saturday, February 11, 2017. Making good decisions to preserve God’s creation By Charlotte Haldenby nesting birds, who are now near attention for his cause. She has I’ve been picking up short articles Last week, the third full week Looking extinction. With that issue, what biology students on fieldwork on endangered species and I have in February, the Syrian refugee would you do? with her, but he has students with enough so everyone can have one lady I am tutoring in English was at the World You’d probably be right there him in his demonstrations too. to read aloud. But I think I’ll also SO happy! She could come out of with Alma, whose grandmother Both Alma and Dave are con- bring in a short story from Felix the house, baby in arms, with- This month I totally prepare Beverley, was once stranded cerned about animals and their Leclerc’s French Canadian classic out a coat, and see me off. The “my” book for my women’s there when her husband’s boat he survival just as the real Nature Allegro, where plants and animals sidewalk was clear; the road was book club, and as you read this, rebuilt after returning from WWII Conservancy and PETA are, but discuss their views of the purpose clear. “Spring?” And I had to say, the other members will be just and was wrecked in the Channel. who will win out in this battle for of life. These quiet stories give “No, not yet. This is just to let us starting to read. “Oh, no! She’s Alma’s with the National Parks the small island of Anacapa? us another way of seeing the big know it’s coming”. This week, picked another novel based on an Authority. She wants to get rid of That fight’s only the first third picture, even as a pigeon roosting we’re going to work on telling issue! And we may have people the rats so the birds can thrive. of the book. Wait till you see in the church steeple, listening to time and I’ve found a great chil- taking sides again!” The what happens on the the bells. dren’s book she can share with book is by T. Coraghessan neighbouring island of Yes, it’s Earth Day this month. her kindergarten daughter, with a Boyle who often does take “They are eating the eggs from the Santa Cruz, where feral Will we be “green, growing dial and hands that you can move. up an issue. But he is SO pigs are loose. When things”, my sister Esther’s phrase How will I explain about Day- good at getting us inside ground nesting birds, who are near you see one calm person brought home from elementary light Savings Time and “Spring characters on both sides, and one on the rant, it school? Will we be like my Syr- ahead and Fall back”. I am who also have real lives extinction.” might be easy to pick ian lady, wanting to get a garden disturbed by just getting used to with parents, partners, whom you’ll support. growing? Will we be reading sunlight when I wake up and then and children. He makes And hopefully you, and all the labels in the products we it’s back to dark. I’m not the only you THINK and FEEL alongside There are groups who will say my fellow book club members, put on our gardens and lawns to human who feels that, and just them. This time, how appropriate all life is sacred, even the rats’ will start thinking about the big make sure all life is safe? Will imagine the poor animals, pets for Earth Day, my book is When and nature must be allowed to issues and what you can do for we delight in the squirrels as they in houses or animals on farms the Killing’s Done. It sounds like take its course, even if it means our own environment. Maybe run and jump from tree to tree to trying to adjust to getting fed at a serial killer on the loose, right? the birds die out. The leader of we’ll start thinking about the First tree, and oh! such gymnastics! the “wrong”time. Then there are It’s really about the issue of this group is Dave, a man with Nations idea of saving the world Or will we just see them as pests, the seniors at my nearby retire- animal rights. Set on the Channel enough money from his busi- for seven generations to come. like those raccoons in my book ment home, asking, “How do I Islands in California, it concerns ness that he doesn’t have to work Let’s go back to Genesis and try who tore up Dave’s freshly sod- get this new watch to change the the wildlife of the National Parks any more. Just as he has taken in to figure out where Adam fit as ded lawn? And could we plan to time?” Do we really save enough there. There are birds and animals rescue dogs, this is his cause, and ruler of the world, or temporary visit a Canadian National Park power by Daylight Savings Time who have lived there forever, he’s great at getting people to ral- supervisor, or the steward caring sometime this summer? It’s free to keep on with this? Don’t say and also the rats, invading from ly round and protest. When Alma for his Master’s whole creation. for our 150th anniversary. we have to mesh with American shipwrecks in the Channel over makes her reasoned statements to You can tell we’re going to The Earth is the Lord’s, and time, because the same question the past hundred years. They are the press about why the rats must have a good discussion. Over the may he help us make the best applies there too. eating the eggs from the ground- die, he’s there to heckle and get year since we set the schedule decisions. Amen.