Algoma Anglican
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ALGOMA ANGLICAN THEMay NEWSPAPER 2017 OFOfficial THE DIOCESE Voice of OF the ALGOMA Diocese • The of Official Algoma Voice – ofA the section Diocese of Algoma the Anglican • A SECTION Journal OF THE - ANGLICANCelebrating JOURNAL 60 years • SEPTEMBERVol. 60 – No. 2020 5 Feed My Sheep Article by Dale Sparkes, St.The Brice’s, North first Bay. issue ... CHURCH FOOD CUP- The Algoma Anglican enters your home for the first time today BOARD is an expression and we hope you will invite it back again, every month, for a long of a church community’s time to come. Amissional culture. What does that The idea of a monthly paper for Anglicans in the Diocese of Al- mean? A missional church is in a goma originated with His Grace Archbishop W. L. Wright, who felt sense fictional, it does not exist such a publication would do much to unite the common interests of as a building nor as an unchang- all the people in our far-flung diocese. ing community. Being a missional Algoma covers such a wide territory that to date many of us in one part of the diocese have had little or no opportunity to learn church is to participate in the tran- about the activities and progress of our fellow churchmen in other scending nature of God which is sections. the process of becoming: “I will It is hoped, therefore, that the Algoma Anglican will rectify this be what I will be” (Ex. 3:14). A situation, that it will keep us all informed of what is going on in function of church is to become a all parts of the diocese, and, perhaps more importantly, help us to funcion of Gathering Table’s Food know each other better and more deeply understand each other’s Cupboard ministry; it is to facili- problems and hopes. tate becoming a Christian. The success of the Algoma Anglican will depend, of course, on At some level of its existence, the support it receives from our people throughout the diocese. Circulation will develop if the paper has readership value, and church serves three functions in readership value will develop if every parish in the diocese reports the world. It ought to be a visible fully on its activities. In this connection we would like to suggest sign giving direction to a worldly that each parish appoint a correspondent who would be respon- future of reconciled relations; peo- sible for reporting to the Singer,Algoma Shy-Anne Anglican everyBartlett, month. Nipigon This duty song writer and artist, sang “Only the ple coming to church should expe- Lyne Génier, a volunteer worker, helped to prepare St. Brice’sshould Take not Home be left to the clergymen though, of course, we hope they River Knows” with Elder, Ester Diablo rience a foretaste of love bringing meals which are provided to people who are shut-in etc. Thewill meals make are liberal now beuse- of our columns. The Algoma Anglican can- at the Spirit Garden in Marina Park. diverse people together in commu- ing delivered to people in the community. not possibly survive unless a steady flow of copy reaches the editor nity; and church activity is to be a every month. means through which God’s love, COVID-19 has been a challenge ing is to follow WeGod also (Rm. hope 8:28) the Algoma CLAY Anglican will serve 2020/21 as clearing house justice, freedom, and inclusion are for church that required new ways through new experiencesfor opinions (Is. and 43:19) views. By Articlethat we by mean Pastor it addNancy to theRingham, value of St. our paper considerably if Anglicans in Algoma would make a habit of of continuing. Internet worship, that renew our minds (Rm.12:2) Michael’s and All Angels, Thunder Bay. expressed by pushing boundaries writing to the editor on those occasions when they feel they have to unsettle comfortable compla- food cupboard within health guide- to higher thingssomething (Col.3:1). to say Food which would be of Einterest ARE to ALLthe diocese ON asA a cency. lines, and Zoom discipleship stud- cupboard bringswhole. together An interesting diverse “letters to the editor”JOURNEY column ... whenwould thebe a At Gathering Table, Food Cup- ies are some of Gathering Table’s lives in a settinggreat that asset provides to the pos paper.- Only you readerstheme can for make CLAY this possible. 2020 board is held bimonthly on Sunday responses. For the food cupboard sibilities for the Advertisingestablishment will ofstart toWwas appear created, in an earlyno oneissue. knew It will then,be of a following worship and it overlaps it has meant that there is no more relations, the developmentquality in keeping of faith, with principlesjust how of such this a paperstatement as this andwould it will the community’s fellowship time. ‘shopping’. Foods are pre-bagged and conversationsbe of opening considerable higher assistance come in to helping life in usMarch, to defray 2020, publishing when The food cupboard table welcomes for singles and families. Distribu- theological-ethical-relationalcosts. We trust ourin readers- we will were show living their appreciationwith the COVto these- advertisers in a tangible way. all and the ambience extends an in- tion remains on Sunday but the sights. Not everyone attending ID-19 pandemic. Life has been al- The four members of the committee now turning out the paper- vitation to share in fellowship and hours of operation are extended Food Cupboard - guests or staff two clergymen and two oftered the laity-readily in many ways, agreed and to including assume the worship (neither are mandatory). from three-quarters of an hour to - will bring thesetask possibilitiesuntil such time to as a thepermanent, planning salaried for CLAY manager-editor (Canadian is Some guests come early to attend two and a half hours to reduce line- fruition, at leastappointed. not instantly. They Buthave offeredLutheran to act Anglican as an advisory Youth) board gather after- worship and some engage in fel- up congestion. Guests cannot enter the engagementsuch with an existence appointment that is madeing ifplanned their services for August are desired. 20 -23 in lowshipLOOKING before BACK: going The to foodfirst issuecup- of the church,Algoma soAnglican distribution was publishedis from 60is years‘other’ ago opens one to God who, Calgary, Alberta. Very soon after May Food of 1957. cupboard The aboveis a dignified photograph the of open Archbishop church hallway William doors L. Wright to appearedaccording on to St. Augustine,The above was is originallyEx- the published pandemic in the Mayeffects 1957 editionimpacted of the Algoma Anglican shoppingthe front page.experience, guests pick the guests in the driveway. It can istence. Gathering Table’s Food Canadians, the CLAY National what they need from the selection be breezy and cool. The driveway Cupboard more than being merely Planning Committee announced available within the mandated lim- is marked for social distancing. a feeding program, is by design, that CLAY “En Route” would be its of the cupboard. Twice a month Health screening of staff and guests prayerfully a window to God in the postponed until August 19-22, theDiocese cupboard aims to provide Needstwo is according toNewspaper Health Department world. It is the Archbishop openness to God in 2021. En Route States is still scheduled daysMy food Dear supplyfriends: per person, The guidelines. DistributionBay Nuggett, tostaff assist is in theactivities new venture. that Rev.defines J. E. the includes church manyas facetsto take of ourplace church in the life. same city at interaction A new era of opens people in the generated diocese with by the minimizedpublication (4)Jordan to ensure and Rev. distancing B. G. Gosse missional. have planned Gathering wisely in Table’s Clergy ac -and laitySAIT have (Southern responsibility Alberta to send Institute the Al- theof thefood Algoma cupboard Anglican. erodes It follows stereo the- Algomaand are Mis masked- consulting and gloved. with these These two outstandingtivities, ofrepresentatives which Food Cupboardgoma Anglican ofnews Technology). that will not only be of interest typicalsionary prejudices News, which (i.e. served churchgoers the diocese faithfullyrestrictions for doin notproducing curtail The brief Algoma fel- but one, brings life to butinscribed the added stimulus which comes from a progres- many years. Naturally, it will take time to ‘iron out” the many sive church. The Manitoba Northwestern as exclusionary With the changing and street industrial people conditions, as lowship, and the courteous difficulties, interaction, but you and can assistvalues. in two ways: In proclaimingOntario the good Synod news of our ELCIC Algoma and Angli the- undesirable).unfolding of nature’sNew relations resources and in an fresh sharedfindings experience. of 1. Publicize In fact, Thethe newAlgoma Anglican.Moving Itbeyond is your COVID-19 di- can can will be a definiteDiocese medium. of Algoma Send hostedthe news CLAY to the expandeduranium, ironcommunity ore and otherresult. metals, Half not operationto mention is ocesansymbolic newspaper. of a reality Make it requireknown Gatheringto your friends. Table toeditor do what constantly. “Threads” This is practical in 2018 Evangelism. at Lakehead ofthe the development food cupboard in the pulpvolunteers and paper industry,of church; the thereChurch is wardensa community in many parisheswe value have most, already our sub church- Itculture is my earnestUniversity hope and in prayerThunder that Bay, all willOntar re- arechurch or were is on guests the even at the of similarcupboard. tremendous to which expan church- scribed is orientedto the paper that isby procuringmust be sufficient presented copies with operationalspond whole heartedly. sion. to cover all the families in the parish, the cost be- May the Blessingsio. There of the were Risen several Christ inspireyouth usand to Some It has guests been volunteerfelt necessary, to assist therefore, in to haveoutside a pub the- borne by the parochial budget.excellence Whatever and with means some newness humility of life adultand deeds leaders of heroic and action.volunteers par- otherlication ways which at “their will notchurch.” only serve as an Thehistorical Christian are processemployed, of Ibecom ask all- our readers to give the paper record but will constantly present to our readers the widespread publicity.